Possessiveness and greed are the main causes creating tensions in the life of individuals and societies".
The three tenets analyzed above form an integrated whole with non-absolutism and non-possession reinforcing nonviolence. Non-violence strengthens the autonomy of life of every being, non-absolutism strengthens the autonomy of thoughts of every individual and non-possession strengthens the interdependence of all the existence. The three together go to fortify the foundation of peace and equanimity.
Earth is the only live planet endowed with marvelous variety of forms of live and with an atmosphere, soils, forests, rivers and oceans. This splendid heritage can be preserved only through global commitment to the culture of non-violence. Wanton destruction and reckless exploitation of natural resources must cease. Jain scripture "Acharanga" describes: "Non-violence is a thing for universal benefit”.
In inter-faith cooperation for better environment, common ground can and should be identified for initiating practical programmes to increase the practice of non-violence in day-to-day life of human beings at individual, collective, national and global levels. Here are some illustrative steps that need to be taken and multiplied:
1. The Millennium Peace Summit should call for the preamble of U.N. Charter to be amended to include as basic objective "Promotion of a Global Culture of Non-violence among all living species and nature". Such a commitment could also be incorporated in the constitutions/policy documents of different countries or special resolutions of their parliaments. This step would make for a stimulating start.
2. Worldwide education in the culture of non-violence and training for peace should be organized. All major Universities should include it in their syllabi. Education in non-violence in schools, and research at Universities with particular attention paid for educating
Ahimsa: The Ultimate Winner
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