Gautam said, 'Monks, accept not what I say as truth because it is backed by tradition, or because it is the law of the land, or because it sounds good, or because it comes from your teacher. Accept as truth only that which is sagaciously acceptable to reason as well as sentiment.
- Anguttar Nikaya
That which is old has become so only by passing away (with passage of time). That which is new is also going to become old (with passage of time). Old does not mean stable or irrefutable, who would accept without examining what has been labeled as old.
Dvatrinshika of Siddhasen (6/5)
All that is ancient (old) is not always true; whatever is new is not always faultless. The wise accept the best after proper examination and discrimination. Only the foolish depend on interpretation by others and follow blindly.
- Malavikagnimitra of Kalidas
I do not favour Mahavir, nor am I prejudiced against Kapil etc. I would accept any one's statement provided I find it true on examination.
- Loktattva-Nirnaya of Haribhadrasuri
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