payovrato na dadhyatti na payo'atti dadhi-vrataḥ, agorasa-vrato nobhe tasmāt tattvam trayātmakam.
60. One who has made a vow to drink only milk, does not drink curd. One who has taken a vow to drink curd only, does not drink milk. The person who has taken a vow not to drink anything yeilded by a cow, does not drink either. So substances possess threefold qualifications.
COMMENTARY Another example is given to elucidate the Jaina view that all substances have threefold qualifications, viz., utpāda, vyaya and dhrauvya. Milk is derived from a cow, curd is prepared from milk. One who will drink only milk, disregards curd and one who will only drink curd, disregards milk, though curd is produced from milk. Again, one who will not drink either of these, disregards them both. Now though the same thing is changed by a process, it is not equally acceptable to all. So prominence is given to one aspect of substances, disregarding the other aspects, though it must be understood that by doing so, the other aspects are not at all denied.
End of Chapter III.