Sukha).” Mahävir's message reflects the freedom and spiritual joy of the living being. Lord Mahävir taught that the true nature of reality is timeless with no beginning or end and rejected the concept of God as a creator, a protector, and a destroyer of the universe. Absolute truth cannot be grasped from any particular viewpoint. Absolute truth is the total sum of individual (partial) truths of many different viewpoints, even though they may seem to contradict each other. Hence, all situations should be viewed with equanimity - without likes or dislikes. He revealed that human life is supreme because only in this life one can attain liberation. He stressed the importance of a positive attitude, self-effort, Ahimsa, compassion towards all living beings, and meditation to attain liberation. He indicated that the religion should be practiced without greed and fear within. Worshiping heavenly gods and goddesses as a means of material gain and personal benefits is contrary to the path of true spiritual practice. Lord Mahävir's teachings reflect the internal beauty and harmony of the soul. He made religion simple and natural, free from elaborate rituals.
Note - In recent times, some elaborate rituals have been introduced which has caused a loss of the simplicity of the ritualistic aspect of the religion.
"One should not injure, subjugate, enslave, torture or kill any living beings including animals, living organisms, and sentient beings. This doctrine of non-violence (Ahimsa Dharma) is immaculate, immutable and eternal."
Mahâvîra (Ächäräng Sutra, Ch. 4)