destroys all his Darshanävaraniya karma within 48 minutes and attains Keval-darshan, a state of infinite perception. Antaraya karma (Obstructing Karma) This type of Karma obstructs the soul's innate ability to acquire infinite energy. It obstructs the natural quality and energy of the soul such as charity and will-power. It also prevents a living being from doing good deeds and positive actions. A person cannot enjoy his wealth and possessions.
After the attainment of Vitaraga state, a person destroys all his Antaräya karma within 48 minutes and attains Anant-Virya, a state of infinite power and energy.
In reality, a person destroys the above three karmas together within 48 minutes after the attainment of Vitaraga state. Once all four Ghäti karma are destroyed, a person is known as Kevali, Arihanta, Tirthankara, or Jina (13th Gunasthänak Spiritual Stage).
Aghäti karma (Non-destructive Karma): (Non-destructive to Soul's Virtues or Qualities): The Aghäti karma do not degrade the qualities of the soul, but they relate to the physical body, mind, social standing, and physical environment of the living being. Due to these Karma, the soul possesses physical body, life span, social status, and a favorable or unfavorable environment instead of eternal existence, formlessness, equanimity, and unobstructed happiness.
• Vedaniya karma (Feeling Pertaining Karma) • Näm karma (Body and Physique Determining Karma): • Gotra karma (Status Determining Karma):
• Äyu karma (Life Span Determining Karma): Vedaniya Karma (Creates Favorable and Unfavorable Physical Environments) Vedaniya karma is responsible for the creation of a favorable or unfavorable environment or situation mainly at a physical level such as sickness, terminal illness, hunger, fatigue, accident or good health and positive physical (body and sensual) capability. This