Tejas Varganä
Bhäshä Varganä
responsible for digestion and generating body heat responsible for speech responsible for physical mind responsible for breathing
Mana Varganä
Shväso-chchhväs Varganä
Kärman Varganä
makes Karmic body or Karma
Audärika and Vaikriya Varganäs can have a visible state while other Varganäs are not visible. When these Varganäs interact with the soul, they manifest their characteristics of touch, taste, smell, sight, and color.
Extremely minute particles (smallest size of all 8 Varganäs) constitute karma. These particles are not visible, though they are considered a form of matter.
Dharma and Adharma (Medium of Motion and Rest) The medium of motion (Dharma) helps the soul and matter to migrate from one place to another in the universe. The medium of rest (Adharma) helps them to be stationary. These two substances are not the cause for motion or rest of the soul and matter, but they are the helpers in their activity of motion or rest. Äkäsha (Space) The entire space is divided into two parts; Lokäkäsh (Universe) and Alokäkäsh (empty space). Lokäkäsh The part of the space which is being occupied by the rest of the five substances is called Loka or Lokäkäsh (Universe). It is finite and limited in scope. The Lokäkäsh is divided into four sub-parts.
Moksha - the region located at the top of Lokäkäsh is the permanent abode for liberated beings.
Upper world - the region where Vaimanik devas (celestial beings) live. They have limited life and are later born as humans or other living beings.