Book Title: Samayasara
Author(s): A Chakravarti
Publisher: Bharatiya Gyanpith
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acharya Kundakunda's SAMAYASARA Edited and Translated by Prof. A. Chakravarti Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Acharya Kundakunda was the first and foremost of all the Acharyas who flourished after Bhagavan Mahavira and Gautama Ganadhara. Inscriptions and literature hold him more auspicious than the Jaina law itself. Samayasara, one of his mounting works, signifies the truth of spirituality. The philosophy interknit in it is a puritanic type with no room for tantra and mantra. Acharya Amritachandra, a great thinker and master of social science of tenth century A.D., tried to beautifully illustrate the metrical aphorisms of Samayasara. Based on the same is the commentary in English by Prof. A. Chakravarti, a leading Indologist of this century. To introduce both the text and its commentary Prof. Chakravarti has discussed in no less than one hundred pages: self in European thought, self in Indian thought, rediments of Upanishadic though in the Samhitas, the evolution of the cosmos from the primeval Prakriti, a discussion of dreams and hallucination, and self in modern science. Carrying the weight of a post-doctoral research this voluminous Introduction is an appropriate answer to the questions like: Is the mechanistic and materialistic philosophy reconcilable with spirituality which is often labelled with intellectual immaturity, primitive superstition and even psychopathy? Bharatiya Jnanpith is happy to present this third edition to the scholarly world and to these contemplating the self. And it is a timely programme during this year which is being celebrated as the 2000th anniversary of Acharya Kunda-kunda. al Use Only Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ACHARYA KUNDAKUNDA'S SAMAYASARA Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jnanpith Murtidevi Jain Granthamala : English Series 1 ACHARYA KUNDAKUNDA'S SAMAYASARA With English Translation and Commentary based upon Amrtachandra's Atmakhyati by Prof. A. Chakravarti 1 Boccoc CRETO BHARATIYA JNANPITH Third Edition 1989 Price Rs. 60/ Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BHARATIYA JNANPITH MOORTIDEVI JAIN GRANTHAMALA FOUNDED BY LATE SAHU SHANTI PRASAD JAIN IN MEMORY OF HIS LATE MOTHER SMT. MOORTIDEVI AND PROMOTED BY HIS BENEVOLENT WIFE LATE SRIMATI RAMA JAIN IN THIS GRANTHAMALA CRITICALLY EDITED JAIN AGAMIC, PHILOSOPHICAL, PURANIC, LITERARY, HISTORICAL AND OTHER ORIGINAL TEXTS AVAILABLE IN PRAKRIT, SANSKRIT, APABHRAMSHA, HINDI, KANNADA, TAMIL ETC., ARE BEING PUBLISHED IN THESE RESPECTIVE LANGUAGES WITH THEIR TRANSLATIONS IN MODERN LANGUAGES. ALSO BEING PUBLISHED ARE CATALOGUES OF JAINA-BHANDARAS, INSCRIPTIONS, STUDIES ON ART AND ARCHITECTURE BY COMPETENT SCHOLARS, AND ALSO POPULAR JAIN LITERATURE. General Editors: (First Edition) Dr. Hiralal Jain, M. A., D. Litt. Dr. A. N. Upadhye, M. A., D. Litt. Published by Bharatiya Jnanpith Head Office: 18, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 Printed at Shakun Printers, Naveen Shahdara, Delhi-110032. Founded on Phalguna Krishna 9, Vira Sam. 2470, Vikrama Sam. 2000. 18th Feb., 1944 All Rights Reserved. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Publisher's Note Acharya Kundakunda was the first and foremost of all the Acharyas who flourished after Bhagavan Mahavira and Gautama Ganad hara. Inscriptions and literature huld him more auspicious than the Jaina law itself. He wrote what he thought in a natural way. What he contemplated was the gradual annihilation of spiritual pollution. Samayasara, one of his mounting works, signifies the truth of spirituality. The philosophy interknit in it is a puritanic type with no room for tantra and mantra. Acharya Amritachandra, a great thinker and master of social science of tenth century A.D., tried to beautifully illustrate the metrical aphorisms.of Samayasara. Based on the same is the commentary in English by Prof. A. Chakravarti, a leading Indologist of this century. To introduce both the text and its commentary Prof. Chakravarti has discussed in no less than one hundred and fifty pages: self in Furopean thought, self in Indian thoughta rudiments of Upanishadic thought in the Samhitas, the evolution of the cosmos from the primeval Prakriti, a discussion of dreams and hallucination, and self in modern science. Carrying the weight of a post-doctoral research this voluminous Introduction is an appropriate answer to the questions like: Is the mechanistic and materialistic philosophy reconcilable with spirituality which is often labelled with intellectual immaturity, primitive superstition and even psychopathy? Is it true that science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind? The Murtidevi Granthamala of the Bharatiya Jnanpith published this Gita-of-the-Jainas in 1950 and is now happy to present this third edition to the scholarly world and to those contemplating the self. And it is a timely programme during this year which is being celebrated as the 2000th anniversary of Acharya Kundakunda. The Bharatiya Jnanpith is, as a matter of fact, dedicated to conduct researches so as to bring out the extinct, rare and unpublished works of knowledge and to give inpetus to the creation of original literature for the benefit of the people. Its annual Jnanpith Award of 150 thousand rupees and Murtidevi Literary Award of Rs. 21,000 have acquired a unique status at all India level, irrespective of language or faith or caste. Apart from the 475 valuable works published under the Lokodaya and Rashtra-bharati Granthamalas, the Bharatiya Jnanpith, having 45 years standing, has to its credit under the Murtidevi Granthamala* 150 works in Sanskrit, Prakrit, Pali, Apabhramsha, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi etc. besides English, which fact remarkably emphasizes how wide and varied was the ambit of Indian thinking and learning and how it was actually a part of people's life in the ancient time. It is my privilage to thank our principals who are unfailing to equip us with the basic requisites. For their enthusiasm and cooperation my colleagues, also earn my thanks. Gokul Prasad Jain Deputy Director Sruta Panchami, 1989 Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ GENERAL EDITORIAL Kundakundacarya is an unquestioned authority on Jaina dogmatics; and his position, especially among the Jaina Teachers and Authors of the South, is unique. His very name has an auspicious significance, to be enumerated next only to that of Mahavira and Gautama Ganadhara. All of his works are available in Prakrit which borders on Sauraseni and contains some traits of Ardha-magadhi, and hence called Jains Sauraseni, Three of his major works : Pafcastikayasara, Pravacanasara and Samayasara are called Nataka-traya, Prabhita-traya or Sara-traya reminding us of the term Prasthana-traya of the Vedantins. The Samayasara is studied with great zeal among the Jainas; and its exposition by Amotacandra has made it a fountain of religious inspiration, spiritual solace and universal appeal. Kundakunda is so popular in the South Indian Jaina tradition that he is mentioned under different names. Some of the details about him need further verification and clarification. In all probability Padmanandi was his name; he came to be called Kundakunda or Kondakunda possibly from the place to which he belonged; and his name reached such an eminence that a line of Teachers originated from him, Kondakundanvaya by name. Besides the Sara-traya or Prabhita-traya noted above, some more works ( all the available ones in Prakrit ) are attributed to him; The Satkhandagamatika, Parikarma by name (not available at present ); the Mulacara (Kundakunda's name is mentioned in some Mss. as its author ); Ten Bhaktis in Prakrit (Titthayara-, Siddha., Suda, Caritta-, Anagara, Ayariya-, Nivvana. and Pancaparametthi-bhatti, to which we have to add perhaps Namdisara- and Samti-Bhattis available in prose passages ); Eight Pahudas (Damsana., Caritta., Sutta-, Bodha., Bhava., Mokkha., Limga., Sila-Pahuda ); Rayana-sara (its authorship, still sub judice ); Barasa-anuvekkha; and Niyamasara. Whether all these available works are composed by one and the same Kundakunda; or there were authors more than one bearing the name Kunda kunda : this has to remain an open question so far as critical scholarship is concerned (see for instance, W. Schubring : Kundakunda echt und unecht, ZDMG, 107, 3; Dec. 1957; here the full text of the Bodha-pahuda is edited by him ). It is more or less accepted now that the Rayanasara, as the text stands today, cannot be attributed to Kundakunda, the author of the Prabhsta-traya. Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8 SAMAYASARA Generally speaking, Kundakunda's works are like small and big Prakaranas devoted to a specific topic or topics. They are a repository of inherited knowledge which the author has recorded for future generations. Their mode of treatment and discussion have a traditional stamp, and the exposition is systematic. This can be very well seen from the Bodha-pahuda, etc. Some of the verses of Kundakunda are almost Sutras, quite pregnant with meaning and presuming a great inheritance of traditional knowledge. There are traditional tales recorded in later literature to shed light on the biography of Kundakunda; but their authenticity is of uncertain nature, as long as they are not substantiated by contemporary evidence. So far as his own works one concerned, his name is found mentioned in some Mss. of the Barasa-anuvekkha; and at the end of the Bodha-pahuda it is specified that it was composed by the Sisya of Bhadrabahu. As to the age when Kundakunda flourished, different opinions are held. That is inevitable in the absence of any clear-out evidence given by the author himself. Pattavalis and traditional tales assign him to the first century of B. C. or A. D. Modern scholars have offered their opinions on the date of Kundakunda, but as yet no unanimity is reached. Taking into consideration the history of Jainism in the South, it appears that Kundakunda's age lies at the beginning of the Christian era. Now-a-days attempts are made to arrive at conclusions in chronological matters from parallel ideas and expressions. But this is not a correct and safe method, because the Indian thought-pattern is made up of much that is traditionally inherited from the past, besides there being many under-currents and cross-currents the clues of which are not necessarily detected. Secondly, we cannot lay much reliance on the so-called dates given in the Pattavalis and Prabandhas, etc., because these are not contemporary records; and further, their details are full of inconsistencies and anachronisms. Lastly, chronology needs a certain type of evidence which we must try to discover before assigning a specific date to any author. Under these circumstances it is safer to put together such data as help us to fix the relative chronology of different authors and their works. Kundakunda's age may also be fixed in this manner. (1) Pujyapada, in his Sarvarthasiddhi ( II. 10), has quoted five Gathas (25-29), in the same order, from the Barasa-Anuvekkha of Kundakunda, (2) Siddhasena Divakara, as sufficiently indicated by Haribhadra in calling him Srutakevalin, was a Yapaniya and therefore a native of South India. His Sanmati-sutra clearly shows the influence of the Pravacanasara both in its pattern and even in some expressions. He proposes Abheda-vada to indicate the relation between the Jnana and Dargana of a Kevalin which is, in fact, nearer the Yugapad-vada already put forth by Kundakunda in his Niyamasara. (3) The South Indian tradition, recorded even in some inscriptions, etc., is quite uniform in mentioning Umasvati as a successor in the ascetic line of Kundakunda, though he was Grddhrapiccha, ie., one who carried a bunch Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ GENERAL EDITORIAL of vulture-feathers as against those who carried a bunch of peacock-feathers or a bunch of wooly stuff. (4) Lastly, there are the Mercara copper-plates of Saka 388 which mention the Kundakundanvaya and enumerate six Acaryas of that lineage. While proposing any date for Kundakunda the facts noted above should not be ignored or just explained away somehow or the other. The three major works of Kundakunda have been commented upon in Sanskrit by Amotacandra (c. close of the 10th century A. D.) and by Jayasena (c. 12th century A. D.) and in Kannada by Balacandra (c. 13th century A. D. ). On the Niyamasara there is the Sanskrit commentary of Padmaprabha Maladharideva who passed away on Monday, February 24, A. D. 1185. Srutas Sagara has written Sanskrit commentary on Six Phudas, and he flourished at the beginning of the 16th century A.D. Some other Sanskrit commentaries by Prabhacandra and Malligena are reported on some or the other of the fram bhfta-traya. Among the commentators of the Prabhrta-traya, Amotacandra is concerned more with the exposition of the contents in a high-flown style. Jayasena, however, interprets the text word for word and then adds some observations here and there. Balacandra mostly follows Jayasena. Amstacandra's commentary on the Samayasara is full of religious fervour; and the verses composed by him in his commentary are replete with spiri tual appeal. They are studied, even to this day, with great zeal. Lately, Muni Sri Punyavijayaji has discovered another work of Amotacandra, namely, Sphutatattvasiddhi, in fluent Sanskrit verses. It is awaiting publication. Amstacandra, as observed by F. W. Thomas, 'is an excellent master of Jaina Sanskrit; he employs fullness of phrase which not unfrequently gives an impression of enjoyment of sonorous circumlocution and complicated sentences rather than of a simple striving for exactitude, and which renders the work of interpretation and translation extremely difficult; but no special charity is required for recognising in the remorselessness of style. the outcome of and inflexible religious faith.' The works of Kundakunda, especially the three Prabhftas, have enjoyed unsurpassed popularity. They are translated into many an Indian language; and there have been various editions from different places. The Pancastikaya was translated into English by Prof. A. Chakravarti; and the Samayasara by J.L. Jaini; and both of them appeared in the Sacred Books of the Jainas. The Pravacanasara has been translated into English by B. Faddegon and A. N. Upadhye. The late Prof. A. Chakravarti (Nayanar ), (1880-1960 ), passed his M. A. with distinction, in * 1905, from the Christian College, Madras, and took his L. T. in 1909 from the Teachers' College, Madras. For a year or two he worked as a Teacher in the Wesley Girls' School and as a Clerk in the The late Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 SAMAYABARA Accountant Genial's Otfice, Madras. In 1906, he was appointed as Assistant Professor of Philosophy in the Presidency College. Madras, and thereafter he worked as such ( having become a Professor in 1917) in the Government Colleges at Rajahmundry, Madras and Kumbakonam (of the then Madras Presidency ) from where he retired as Principal in 1938. He was conferred upon the title of Rao Bahadur in the same year. Prof. Chakravarti was well-versed in the various schools of western philosophy. He brought his wide learning and deep scholarship to bear upon his study of Jaina Philosophy. His Introduction to the Paficastikaya ( Arrah 1920 ) is a valuable exposition of Jaina metaphysics and ontology. In 1937 be delivered Principal Miller Lectures which are published under the title 'Huma. nism and Indian Thought. He was a stalwart Jaina Sravaka of his times in Tamil Nadu. He was specially interested in Jaina Tamil literature on which he has written a monograph in English (Arrah 1941). He has edited a number of Tamil works by Jaina authors with their commentaries and, in some cases, with his learned exposition in English. For instance, Neelakesi, the text and the commentary of Samaya Divakara Muni, along with his elaborate Introduction in English Madras 1936 ); Thirukkural by Thevar, along with the Tamil commentary by Kaviraja Pandithar (Bharatiya Jnanapitha Tamil Series, No. 1, with an English Introduction (Madras 1949 ); Tirukkural, with English Translation and Commentary and an exhaustive Introduction. He has also edited the Merumandarapuranam in Tamil. His exposition ( described by M. S. H. Thompson, in the J. R. A. Society, London 1955, as 'an indispensable aid to the study of Tirukkural) of the Tirukkural has been hailed both in Indian and outside as a learned and liberal exposition of the Kural, the Tamil Bible. His Religion of Ahimsa' is published by Shri Ratanchand Hirachand, Bombay (1957). It is a learned exposition in English of some aspects of Jainism. Prof. Chakravarti, as an authority on his subject, contributed a number of essays and articles on Jainism, Ahimsa and contemporary thought to various publications such as Cultural Heritage of India, Philosophy of the East and West, Jaina Gazette, Aryan Path, Tamil Academy. He wrote both in English and Tamil. Some of his papers are reprinted in the 'Yesterday and Today,' Madras 1946. He was a member of a number of Associations and Institutions in Madras. As a pious Jaina and a deep scholar of Jainism, he wrote a commentary in English on the Samayasara of Kundakunda. He mainly follows the Sanskrit commentary of Amrtacandra Still his exposition of the Samayasara and his evaluation of its contents clearly demonstrate how ably he has expounded the principles of Kundakunda to make them intelligible to the modern world. Prof. Chakravarti was a well-wisher of the literary activities of the Jhanapitha which are conducted under the patronage of Shriman Sabu Shanti Prasadji Jain and his enlightened wife Smt. Rama Jain. Both of them have encouraged with great self-sacrifice the study and publication of the neglected Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ GENERAL EDITORIAL 11 branches of Indian literature. It is through their generous patronage that the second edition of the Samayasara by the late Prof. Chakravarti is being published here in the Murtidevi Granthamala. There is no change in the contents; but care has been taken to print the Prakrit and Sanskrit texts more correctly and to add diacritical points, etc., for the Sanskrit words used in this work. The General Editors remember with gratitude the late Prof. A. Chakravarti who gave this work for publication in this Granthamala and record their sense of gratefulness to the patrons of the Granthamala who kindly financed the publication of this second edition, Mahavira Jayanti. April 8, 1971. H. L. Jain A. N. Upadhye Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PREFACE Samayasara is the most important philosophical work by Acarya Kundakunda. It deals with the nature of the self the term Samaya being used synonimously with Atman or Brahman. The translation and commentary herein published are based upon Amrtacandra's Atmakhyati but some other commentaries are also consulted. Jayasena's Tatparyavstti and Mallisena's Tamil commentary were also consulted. The extra gathas found in Tayasena's Tatparyavrtti do not give any additional information nor do they affect the general trend of Atmakhyati. Hence the present English translation confines itself to the gathas found in Atmakhyati. It may be mentioned that the Tamil commentary by Mallisena seems to be based upon Atmakhyati by Amotacandra. Since the work deals with the nature of the Self from the Jaina point of view, the introduction also deals with the nature of the self from other points of view. The introduction is divided into three main groups; the nature of the Self dealt with in Western Philosophy, the nature of the Self in Indian Philosophy and the same topic according to Modern Science. A rapid survey of Western thought beginning with the Greek philosophers is given in the first part of the introduction. The second part, Indian Philosophy begins with a concise account of the Upanisadic thought with which Kundakunda appears to be acquainted. The modern scientific approach towards the problem of self is also given in the introduction. It is not a detailed account of modern scientific thought; but here an attempt is made to present the modern scientific attitude which is quite different from that of the latter half of the 19th century. The Scientists and Philosophers of the Victorian period were not sure about the nature of the self. Orthodox Physicists and Physiologists treated consciousness as a by-product in the evolution of matter and motion. Following this domiant attitude of physical science, psychologists also tried to discuss the problem of consciousness Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA without a soul or self. All that is changed now. Scientific writers mainly influenced by the results obtained by the Psychic Research Society now openly acknowledge the existence of the conscious entity, the self or the soul, which is entirely different in nature from matter; it survives even after the dissolution of the body. Researches in Clairvoyance and Telepathy and veridical dreams clearly support the attitude of modern thinkers as to the survival of the human personality after death. Though nothing definite is established scientifically this change of attitude is itself a welcome one. This change introduces the rapprochement between Western thought and Indian thought as is evidenced in the writings of persons like Aldous Huxley. This must be considered as a good augury, because in war-worn world bankrupt of spiritual values there is a ray of hope that the Indian thought of perennial nature may feed the spiritually starved world which is in search of some genuine idea serving as a solace and hope for the spiritually famished humanity. This book is published as the first of the English series in the Bharatiya Jnanapitha publications The publication will reveal to the world what Indian thinkers 2000 years ago had to say about the problem of the Self, A. Chakravarti 133 Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONTENTS OF ENGLISH INTRODUCTION PAGE Self in European thought Greek Philosophy Christian Thought Renaissance Bacon and Scientific Method Cartesianism Mathematical Methods The English Empiricism The German Idealism 2 Self in Indian Thought The Age of the Upanisads The meaning of 'Upanisad' The Date of the Upanisads The Origin of the Upanisads The Fundamental Doctrine of Upanisads The Upanisads and the Western thinkers Deussen on the Upanisads The Chandogya Upanisad The True way to Brahma World Katha Upanisad Mundaka Upanisads Bshadaranyaka Upanisad The General Tendencies of the Upanisadic Period Rudiments of Upanisadic Thought in the Samhitas and the Brahmanas Samkhya Philosophy Samkhya Method The Sources of Samkhya The Sam khya System Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PAGE 60 63 12 79 81 Impurity Evolution of the cosmos from the Primeval Prakrti The Nature of Praksti Moksa or liberation Uttara Mimamsa or Vedanta Responsibility of the Creator A Discussion of Dreams and Hallucinations Sankara and Vedantism Sankara and the Doctrine of Maya Brahma Jainism, its Age and its Tenets The Age of Jainism Moksa Marga The Concept of Dravya Asti-Nasti-Vada Jiva or Soul Self in Modern Science Sankara and Kundakunda Sankara and his point of view The Individual and the Samsara Nature and the external world The Origin of the concrete world The Doctrine of Causation One and the Many Sankara and Amrtacandra 88 91 9% 94 99 103 105 106 108 109 110 111 113 Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONTENTS OF THE TEXT WITH TRANSLATION AND COMMENTARY PAGE CHAPTER I 1-41 42-62 63-106 Jiva --- Padartha or Category of Soul CHAPTER II Ajiva or Non-Soul CHAPTER III Karta and Karma-The Doer and the Deed CHAPTER IV Punya and Papa-Virtue and Vice CHAPTER V Asrava or Inflow of Karma 107-115 116-123 124-129 130-153 CHAPTER VI Sam vara-Blocking the inflow CHAPTER VII Nirjara-Shedding of Karmas CHAPTER VIII Bandha or Bondage of Karmas CHAPTER IX 154-178 178-188 Moksa or Liberation 189 - 236 CHAPTER X All-Pure Knowledge Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 1. Self in European Thought Man's development in all aspects may be described as an attempt to discover himself. Whether we take the development of thought in the East or the West, the same principle 'Know thyself' seems to be the underlying urge. When we turn to the West we find that the beginnings of philosophy are traced to the pre-Socratic period of Greek civilisation, GREEK PHILOSOPHY That was a period of culture where Greeks had a form of religion according to which their Gods, Athene and Apollo, were superhuman personalities trying to help their favourite Greeks by taking part in all their struggles. This naive popular form of religion very soon gave place to a flood of scepticism organised by the school of Sophists. They began to challenge some of the fundamental concepts of religion and ethics. It was, when this process of social disintegration was going on, that we find Socrates appearing on the scene. Though he was one of the Sophists himself, he was actuated by a higher ideal of salvaging what remained of the destructive analysis of Sophism. For this purpose he began to question and to find out the so-called educated individuals of the Athenian society. This process of questioning with the object of discovering whether the opponent knew anything fundamental about religion and ethics was designated as the "Socratic Dialectic". He would catch hold of a person from the market-place who ,,was eloquently haranguing about justice or goodness and questioned. what he meant by the Just or the Good. When the opponent gives an instance of what is just or what is good and defines the concept on the same principle, Socrates would confront him with an exception to that definition. This would force the apponent to modify his definition. This process of debating will go on till the opponent gets confounded in the debate and is made to confess that after all he was ignorant of the nature of the fundamental concepts. By this process of cross-examination Socrates exposed the utter vanity and hollowness of the so-called learned Sophists of Athens. Then he realised himself and made others realise how shallow was the knowledge of the socalled scholar. That was why he obtained the singular testimony from the Delphic Oracle that he was the wisest man living because he knew that he knew nothing. This process of dialectical analysis so succcessfully employed by Socrates resulted in the building up of the Athenian Academy which gathered under its roof a number of ardent youths with the desire to learn Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA more about human personality and its nature. is Plato, a disciple and friend of Socrates, was the most illustrious figure of the school. In fact all that we know about Socrates and the conditions of thought about that period are all given to us by Plato through his immortal Dialogues. He systematized the various ideas revealed by his master, Socrates. He constructed a philosophical system according to which sense-presented experience is entirely different from the world of ultimate ideas which was the world of Reals. He illustrates this duality of human knowledge by his famous parable of the cave. According to this parable, human being is but a slave confined inside a cave chained with his face towards the wall. Behind him is the opening through which all-illuminating sunshine casts shadows of moving objects on the walls of the cave. The enchained slave inside the cave privileged to see only the moving shadows which he imagines to be the real objects of the world. But once he breaks the chain and emerges out of the cave he enters into a world of brilliant light and sunshine and comes across the real objects whose shadows he was constrained to see all along. Man's entry into the realm of reality and realization of the empty shadow of the sensepresented world is considered to be the goal of human culture and civilisation by Plato. Instead of moving in the ephemeral shadows of the sense-presented world, man ought to live in the world of eternal ideas which constitute the scheme of Reality presided over by the three fundamental Ideas-Truth, Goodness and Beauty. This duality of knowledge necessarily implies the duality of human nature. Man has in himself this dual aspect of partly living in the world of realities and partly in the world of senses. The senses keep him down in the world of shadows whereas his true nature of reason urges him on to regain his immortal citizenship of the ultimate world of ideas. On the basis of this conflict of reason and the senses, Plato builds up a theory of ethics according to which man should learn to restrain the tendencies created by Senses through the help of Reason and ultimately regain his lost freedom of the citizenship in the world of Ideas. The two worlds which he kept quite apart, the world of ideas and the world of sense-perception, brought into concrete relation with each other by his successor Aristotle who emphasised the fact that they are closely related to each other even in the case of concrete human life. Human personality is an organised unity of both reason and sense and hence the duality should not be emphasised too much to the discredit of the underlying unity in duality. were 2 A few centuries after Socrates, we find the same metaphysical drama to be the chosen enacted in the plains of Palestine. The Jews who believed people of Jehovah claimed the privilege of getting direct messages from Him through their sacred prophets, the leaders of the Jewish thought and religion. On account of this pride of being the chosen people they maintained a sort of cultural isolation from others whom they contemptuously called Gentiles. A tribe intoxicated with such a racial pride had the unfortunate lot of being Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION politically subjugated by more dominant races such as the Egyptians, the Babylonians, and finally the Romans. CHRISTIAN THOUGHT When Palestine was a province of the Roman Empire ruled by a Roman Governor there appeared among the Jews a religious reformer in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. As a boy he exhibited strange tendencies towards the established religion and ethics which sometimes mystified the Jewish elders congregated in their temples and places of worship. After his twelfth year we know nothing about his whereabouts till he reappears at the age of thirty in the midst of the Jews with an ardent desire to communicate his message. When he began his mission, the Jewish society was marked by an extreme type of formalism both in religion and ethics. The scholars among them who were the custodians of the religious scriptures--Pharisees and Scribes--were so much addicted to the literal interpretation of their dogmas and institutions that they pushed into the background the underlying significance and spirit of the Hebrew thought and religion. In such a society of hardened conservatives, Jesus of Nazareth first appeard as a social curiosity evoking in them an intellectual shock which ended in hatred. Here was a person whose way of life was a challenge to the established traditions of the Hebrew religion. He freely moved with all classes of people, disregarding the social etiquette. The elders of the Hebrew society therefore were shocked when they found the so-called reformer moving freely wiih the publicans and sinners. When challenged he merely replied that only the sick required the healing powers of a doctor. He was once again questioned why he openly violated the established rules of conduct according to the Hebrew religion. He answered by saying, "Sabbath is intended for man and not man for Sabbath', thereby proclaiming to the world in unmistakable terms that the various institutions, social and religious, are intended for helping man in his spiritual development and have no right to smother his growth and impede his progress. He enthroned human personality as the most valuable thing, to serve which, is the function of religious and ethical institutions. He told the Pharisees and Scribes frankly that the kingdom of God is within. Though in this conflict between the new reformer and the old order of Pharisaism the latter succeeded in putting an end to the life of the new leader, they were not able to completely crush the movement. His disciples recruited from the unsophisticated Jewish society firmly held fast to the new ideas of the Master and went about all corners of the country publicising this new message. From the Roman province of Palestine they made bold to enter into Rome, the very capital city of the empire, and ardently preached what they learnt from their Master. They were suspected to be a sub-versive organisation and persecuted by the Roman authorities. Undaunted and uncrushed by persecution the movement was carried on in the catacombs till the new idea permeated to a large section of the Roman population. The Romans Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA had hitherto a naive realistic form of religion after the pattern of the Greek Religion of the Homeric Period. The advent of Christianity resulted in the breaking down of these primitive religious institutions of the Romans. This breakdown of traditional Roman religion brought many recruits to the new faith from the upper strata of Roman society, till it was able to convert a member of the Imperial household itself. The condition of the Roman society was exter mely favourable to this wonderful success of the new faith. The Roman Empire which had the great provincial revenues pouring into the Imperial Capital converted the Roman citizens from ardent patriots of the Roman Republic into debased and demoralised citizens of the Imperial Capital sustained by the doles offered by the provincial pro-consuls. They were spending their time in witnessing demoralising entertainments and in luxuries. For example, the Roman citizens were entertained in the amphitheatre to witness the slaves being mangled and torn by hungry lions kept starving for this purpose. It is no wonder that such demoralised social organisation completely collapsed when it had the first onslaught from a more powerful idea and certainly a more soul-stirring message." ** The Roman Empire became the Holy Roman Empire in which there was a oalition of the authority of the States with that of the Church. This Holy Roman Empire which had the Church and the State combined had rendered wonderful service to the whole of Europe by taking the barbarian hoardes of various European races and converting them into chivalrous Christian knights by a strict' religious discipline imposed on them by the various self-sacrificing orders of the medieval monasteries. This education of the inferior races through strict discipline enforced by the Roman Church had in its own turn a drawback cautioned against by the founder of Cristianity. The Roman Church so jealously guarded its power influence that it did not promote any kind of free intellectual development suspected to be of a nature incompatible with the established traditions of the Church. This process of disciplinary.suppression of the development of human intellect went for several centuries which are designated as the dark ages" by the historians of Europe. But human intellect can never be permanently suppressed like that. RENAISSANCE There were murmurs and revolts within the Church itself. The unwarranted assumption of the priest-craft that it formed the intermediary between man and God was openly challenged. This movement of reform within the Church had strange co-operative forces from other sources. In the field of astronomy, Copernicus - introduced his new..and modern. conception of the constitution of the Solar system which completely displaced the old Ptolemaic astronomy. accepted by the Church. The earth which was considered to be the centre of the Universe around which the heavenly, bodies moved for the purpose of Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION shedding light on the earth's surface, was relegated to a minor planet among the several planets revolving round the sun which forms the centre of the Solar system. This astronomical revolution suddenly introduced a new angle of vision opening up immense possibilities of research revealing the wonders of an infinite Universe. Similarly the discovery of the new world by Columbus introduced a revolution in geographical knowledge revealing new routes of travel and conquest unknown to Alexander the Great, who had to turn back from the banks of the Indus because his army would not move any further, as they thought they were approaching the ends of the earth. To add to these two discoveries there was the flight of the Greek scholars towards Rome as a result of the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks. These Greek scholars carried with them rich treasures of Athenian culture, which was a revelation to the starved intellect of the medieval Europe, an intellect which had nothing but the Christian Bible and Aristotle's logic to feed upon. This wonderful Athenian culture and civilisation had produced a fervour of enthusiasm among the few thinking individuals of medieval Europe who devoted themselves to the development of the new arts such as architecture, sculpture, painting, music etc. The whole movement is called Renaissance or the rebirth, when man discovered his true nature. This movement of Renaissance incorporated with the religious Reformation ushered in the new world of Europe which was so fruitful of important results, such as the origin and growth of modern science, a new intellectual development which completely transform.ed the modern world. The growth of modern science resulted in a conflict between the established religion and the new Thought. The intellectual development just after the Renaissance took two different forms, one associated with Francis Bacon, who emphasised the importance of experimental method adopted by science, and the other associated with Descartes who emphasised the mathematical method as the necessary intellectual discipline for the reconstruction of philosophy. BACON AND SCIENTIFIC METHOD Francis Bacon who felt the inadequacy of the old Aristotelian method of intellectual discipline proposed a new method suitable for modern scientific research, in his book called 'Novum Organon'-The New Instrument. This new method suitable for scientific rescarch, Bacon describes in detail. According to him it should neither be purely imaginary as the spider's web spun out of its own body nor should it be merely mechanical collection of facts by observations like the ant. Scientific method must adopt the way of the honey-bee which collects material from various sources and transforms them into useful honey. Such an intellectual transformation of facts observed will ultimately unlock the secrets of Nature for the benefit of man. Such a discovery of Nature's secrets for the purpose of utilizing them for social reconstruction ought to be the ideal of science according to Bacon. In order to successfully apply such a scientific Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA method, Bacon prescribes certain conditions as a necessary intellectual preparation. Generally the mind of a scientist may be crammed with certain traditional beliefs and superstitions. Such preconceived notions which Bacan calls 'Idola' should be entirely got rid of and the student of science should approach Nature with an unbiassed open mind which alone will give a correct insight into the Laws of Nature. This experimental method prescribed by Bacon if adopted by a student of science will give inductive generalisations relating to the constitution of Nature and her Laws, generalisations which would be of a certain amount of high probability. Though the inductive generalisations arrived at by scientific research do not have the absolute certainty, characteristic of mathemetical propositions, they were considered by Bacon to be of great practical value for the benefit of mankind. The attitude has been perfectly justified by the development of modern scienee with the practical application of scintific generalisations which have transformed the life of man in the modern world. Such a reconstruction of human society based upon scientific achievements was foreseen by Bacon in his essay on the New Atlantis. This new experimental approach to Nature has conquered for science, realm after realm, departments of Nature as Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Geology etc. This successful conquest of the realms of Nature by science resulted in complete elimination of mind of man as a factor for interpretation of natural events. This elimination of consciousness, completely, from the field of research ultimately resulted in scientific reconstruction of Nature as a huge mechanical system in which the Law of Causation was the only principle of operation. In this mechanical system all events are guided by necessary causal conditions. There is no scope of intellectual interference either to modify or to suppress the occurrence of natural events according to the desires of man. The old thought which entertained the possibility of interference with the natural events by supernatural agencies was completly discredited as a pure mythology having no place in the realm of Nature, whose constitution is revealed to the student of Science. This inductive method adopted by modern science finally resulted in the generalisation of conservation of mass and energy as the basis of nature and in relegation of consciousness to an extremely subordinate place as a sort of a by-product in the operation of natural events. Such a generalisation suggested by the physical science was also adopted by Charles Darvin to explain the phenomena relating to the animal kingdom. He also fell in with the general trend of physical science and formulated his famous Law of Evolution, based upon natural selection and survival of the fittest. This principle of explanation of the origin of species also relegated consciousness as an unnecessary factor not required for the explanation of life phenomena which he considered to be quite intelligible on the same principle of mechanical Law of Causation. This intellectual attitude which attempted to explain both the organic and the inorganic realms of nature purely on the principle of mechanical Law of Causation was designated Naturalism as contrasted with prescientific thought which introduced supernaturalism. Such was the state of modern thought at the end of 19th century. But this Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION triumph of Naturalism was openly challanged in the beginning of the 20th century especially by Biologists and Psychologists who exposed the inadequacy of the naturalistic method of interpretation in dealing with biological and psychological phenomena. This open challenge to Naturalism which started in the beginning of the present century had led to the recognition of consciousness as an important factor in the evolution process of both biological and psychological and restored consciousness to its own status of dignity and importance. Such challenge and the consequent recognition of the importance of consciousness which is relevant to our general enquiries as to the nature of the self will be dealt with later on. CARTESIANISM : MATHEMATICAL METHODS In the meanwhile let us turn to Descartes. He was a mathematician and philosopher and he formulated another method necessary for the reconstruction of philosophy. Being a mathematician he wanted to reconstruct metaphysics on certain foundation. Just as Euclid started with certain undeniable and axiomatic propositions on the basis of which he raised the whole structure of mathematics, Descartes attempted to examine human experience and discovered some absolutely certain and undeniable propositions as the foundation for metaphysical reconstruction. Like Bacon he also prescribes certain preliminary conditions as necessary preparation for such a course. He examines the contents of human experience in order to find out whether there is anything of the nature of mathematical certainty, which cannot be challenged by anybody. All the traditions and principles accepted on the authority of a great person or of the Church, principles and beliefs on which the religious and moral aspects of human life ars based, he found to be open to challenge and denial. The very fact that every religious dogma or moral principle has a rival or opponent in another system reveals the inadequacy of such religious beliefs. Since they lack the absolute certainty of mathematical propositions they could not be taken as the basis for philosophical reconstructions. Even the sense-presented world, Descartes finds to be inadequate as the world of sense-presented experience is liable to illusions and hallucinations and hence the object of the sense-presented world cannot be taken to be of absolute certainty. Thus step by step he clears the whole of human experience as inadequate foundation for philosophy according to his mathematical principle. Is there no intellectual salvation ? Does such a sceptical analysis of our experience leave nothing to the student ? Descartes says there is one thing which is absolutely certain. Even if we doubt every item of experience the act of doubt cannot be denied. That there is thought even when in the process of challenging experience must be accepted as an undeniable fact. If we accept thinking as an undeniable fact we have necessarily to accept some entity which is responsible for such a thinking. Thus he arrived at the famous conclusion Cogito Ergo Sum-I think, therefore, I am. Such a sceptical analysis through which Descartes approached the problem of metaphysics led him to the thinking self as of absolute certainty whose reality cannot be doubted at all. This principle of Cogito Ergo Sum forms the foundation of Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA what is known as Cartesianism, a philosophical reconstruction just after the Renaissance in Europe. Because thought exists therefore the soul exists, is a proposition which emphasises the relation between a substance and its essential attribute. The principle of cogito is an inference from the reality of an essential attribute to the substance in which the attribute inheres. The metaphysical bedrock on which Descartes wanted to raise a superstructure was thus arrived at through a sceptical analysis of human experience. Having arrived at this inevitable conclusion Descartes tries to bring back all those ideas which he dismissed as improbable and unreal. When he examines the contents of thought he is able to perceive certain ideas entirely distinct in nature from the ideas acquired through senseperception. The latter are only contingents whereas the former are found to be necessary and certain. All ideas relating to mathematics are such necessary ideas. These cannot be contradicted; hence they are absolutely certain. Such necessary ideas which he calls "innate" must be traced to a different origin altogether. One of such ideas which he chooses for investigation is the idea of a perfect and infinite Being, God. Man could not have acquired this idea through sense perception. Nor is it possible for him to construct such an idea from elements supplied to him by the senses. Hence he concludes that this idea of a perfect and infinite Being must be an item of thought from the very beginning of man. Man from the very moment of his origin should have started with this idea and hence Descartes infers that this idea necessarily leads to the conclusion that there is a real being who is the origin of this idea-God. He stamped his own mark on man from the very beginning. By such an argument Descartes emphasises the reality of a perfect and infinite Being, God, besides the thinking substance, Soul, whose reality he established through the famous cogito. Given the reality of Soul and God, the rest of experience which he dismissed as unreal is brought back again. The external world which he dismissed on the supposition that it might be due to sense deception is now recognised to be real, for sense deception would be a blot on the character of the Creator-the Perfect Being. Such a being cannot indulge in deceiving his creatures. Hence the external world must be accepted to be real. The reality of the external world though admitted to be real is considered to be entirely distinct from the soul. The external world which consists of material objects is made up of a different substance altogether-matter, whose essential attribute is extension. Thus Descartes recognises two distinct substances, the thinking thing and the extended thing. These two substances constitute the whole of reality, The physical realm made of extended things is entirely based upon the mechanical principle of causation. Any event in this physical world is necessarily conditioned by appropriate physical antecedents. Human body as a part of this realm of extension is controlled by the same physical law of nature, whereas the soul and its behaviour since they are guided by a different system pf laws are not subjected to the operation of physical laws. This duality Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION consisting of thinking things and the extended things forms the main characteristic of Descartes' philosophy. Though he recognises that these two substances are present in a human being, his body a part of physical realm and his soul the thinking substance related to his body, he does not consider that the rest of the animal kingdom is of this type. The animals have no soul. The animal body being thus unrelated to the thinking substance, is considered to be purely a mechanical apparatus, unguided by a thinking thing. The animal is a soulless physical automation. The Cartesian belief persisted till the end of the second half of the 19th century when the Biologists proclaimed the fundamental unity of the animal kingdom and emphasised the kindred nature of the man and animal. Once again we have to emphasise that the thinking substance or the soul is the central doctrine of Cartesian philosophy and this is relevant to our study of the self. His successor Malebranche took up the problem relating to the nature of man. According to Descartes man has a dual nature, his body belonging to the realm of extension is associated with the soul which belongs to another realm altogether, Each is a closed system controlled by the operation of distinct laws. Inspite of this distinctness the behaviour of man illustrates the strange phenomenon that a particular change in the mind produces a corresponding change in the body and vice versa. How could there be such a relation between two things which are absolutely distinct from each other in nature and attributes. The body is subject to the laws of the external world, the mind is subject to the psychological laws and strangely these two appear to be related in the human being. This is a problem for Malebranche to explain. How could there be a correspondence between an event in the physical realm and an event in the mental realm when they belong to the isolated systems. The solution offered by him consists in his throwing the responsibility on the shoulders of God for maintaining such a correspondence between events belonging to two different and isolated systems of reality. According to Malebranche, God so arranges things that there is a parallel and harmonious correspondence between events in the physical realm and events in the psychical realm. Such a solution of a harmony secured through divine intervention was found inadequate. His successor Spinoza, the famous God-intoxicated philosopher took up the trend of thought as left by Malebranche and developed it to a wonderful pantheism. He found the dualism of substances, thinking thing and the extended thing, which was the legacy of Descartes to be an inadequate explanation of experience, necessitating the intervention of a third substance to make the relation between the two intelligible. Spinoza thought such a multiplication of substances to be purely unnecessary. According to Spinoza there is only one substance, God, endowed with a number of attributes of which the extension and thought are but two important attributtes. All physical objects in the external world are but modifications of this ultimate substance through the attribute of extension and all the living beings, the souls are again the Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 SAMAYASARA modifications of the ultimate substance through the other attribute of thought. The theory of harmony through divine intervention introduced by Malcbranche for the purpose of explaining human behaviour was considered to be quite irrelevant and unnecessary by Spinoza. Man being a modification of the ultimate substance must exhibit corresponding changes both in extension and thought, the ultimate substance being the necessary condition for corresponding changes. Thus the thinking substances with which Descartes started passed through the two natured man of Malebranche and ended with the all-absorbing pantheism of Spinoza. The Spinozistic pantheism though extremely fascinating did not last long. It reduced human personality to an entirely inadequate and unimportant position and whenever there is such a deterioration of human personality there is always the inevitable reaction. The Spinozistic pantheism which absorbed all thinking things and reduced them to non-entities was followed by Leibniz, monadism. Leibniz wanted to restore the reality of individual personality. He did not relish the theory of an all-devouring ultimate substance. Hence according to Leibniz the whole system of reality consisted of monads or individual units, some of which are thinking monads and others with a dormant thought. Thus though thought is the necessary characteristic of all monads it was explicitly present in some monads and in others it existed in a latent form. These latter monads whose thought was latent practically appeared to be unthinking substance and thus constituted the physical realm. The unity emphasised by Spinoza between the external world and the thinking souls was thus retained by Leibniz though he threw overboard the ultimate God substance which Spinoza introduced to bring about the unity. According to Leibniz the unity is the identical nature of the monads throughout the realm of reality, though some of these constituted the apparently unthinking physical objects as contrasted with the thinking monads or souls. Thus at one stroke, the ultimate God substance of Spinoza was split up into an infinite number of monads, all identical in kind though they appeared with different degrees of development. This theory which reduced the world to an infinite number of monads has introduced a problem in itself. Leibniz' monad was considered to be completely self-sufficient. Development of thought was purely an internal affair. Even in the matter of sense- presentation Leibniz does not believe that the monad has an access to the external world. The monad is windowless and completely shut up within itself. There is no external world or internal world in the case of monads. The monads being completely windowless and shut up, how could they have a common object of perception? Several individuals may perceive the same tree or stone in the external world. Monads being windowless, the common perception of single object in the external world will remain unintelligible because there is no perception at all, much less a common perception. Perception is an Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 11 inner development in the monad and hence the supposed common perception of the same thing in the external world could only be interpreted as a correspondence in the perceptive consciousness of the various windowless monads unrelated to one another. Here Leibniz introduces his theory of pre-established harmony which is merely a modified form of Malebranche's theory of divine intervention. When the monads were first created they were so arranged that each developed in its own way and maintained a correspondence with the other monads which developed in their own way. In order to illustrate this pre-established harmony, Leibniz compares Monads to several clocks which may show the same time though unconnected with one another. The different clocks may be wound up and may be set up at a particular time and they will all show the same time at subsequent periods, not because they are connected with one another, but because their mechanism is so constructed that they are bound to show an inevitable correspondence. This he calls pre-established harmony which he introduced for the purpose of explaining the mysterious correspondence in experience among the various windowless monads. THE ENGLISH EMPIRICISM Let us turn to the empirical philosophy of Locke, Berkeley and Hume. Here we have a complete change of attitude. Instead of trying to understand the nature of the substance, the Ego, the English empirical philosophers confined themselves to the analysis of human understanding. Technically there is a shift from the ontological point of view to the epistemological point of view. Here is an attempt to comprehend the nature of the self by trying to analyse the nature and the process of knowledge and by examining the nature of the contents of knowledge. We saw that the Cartesian philosophy was based upon what is called the innate idea, the idea of the Supreme and the infinite Being. The Cartesians recognised the importance of such necessary ideas besides sense perception. But the English empirical philosophers start with this assumption that there is nothing in the mind which was not obtained through the senses. Hence all the contents of the human understanding may be traced to sense perception. The mind itself is compared to a sort of photographic camera with the sensitive plate inside the mind on which the sense impressions are created by the stimuli from the environment. What the mind perceives is just the impression on this sensitive plate caused by the objects in the external world. The mind itself being a passive receptacle of impressions from outside and the contents of the mind must be ultimately traced to the impression caused by external objects. Starting with this assumption Locke tries to make a distinction among the impressions so created by external objects. Some of the characteristics of these sense impressions or images in the mind such as colour, taste, smell, etc., are dependent upon the nature and function of the sensory organs. These qualities are referred by the mind to the external objects. These are called secondary qualities as contrasted with the primary qualities Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA of extension etc. The spatial object perceived by the senses thus appears to be a complex constituted by the spatial properties of extension, solidity etc., and the sense-created properties of colour, taste, smell etc. According to Locke, the latter secondary qualities are purely mental and are present in the mind alone though they are referred to external objects. The object existing in space has only space qualities without these secondary qualities. Thus the external object is analysed into two groups of properties, the primary properties residing in the object in the external world and the secondary qualities as colour, taste and smell which are really present in the mind though referred to the external object by the mental habit. By this analysis Locke emphasises the importance of the stimuli from the external world and reduces the mind or the self to a tabula rasa, an inactive receptacle for impressions and converts the objects of the external world into colourless entities though endowed with spatial properties. This bifurcation of exprience partly consisting of colourless external objects and partly consisting of mental impressions inside the consciousness is taken up by his successor, Berkeley. Berkeley, being a clergyman is influenced by his religious predilections. He is not satisfied with Locke's classification of properties as primary and secondary. Even the spatial properties which Locke considers primary and which are supposed to reside in the external world are really dependent upon the nature and function of the perceiving agent. Intrinsically there is no distinction between the spatial qualities of the object and the properties of colour, taste and smell. The whole group of properties thus being taken to be mental images the only form of reality consists of a number of perceiving spirits for there is no external reality of objects. The spirit and its ideas constitute the experience of the individual self and the whole world and the nature is but the perceived body of the supreme spirit, God. Just as one individual spirit appears to another individual spirit as an embodied entity so the supreme spirit of God appears to the individuals as the world of Nature which is really the body of God. Thus according to Berkeley, the external objects cease to exist and the reality consists of individual spirits presided over by the Supreme Spirit. One spirit appears to another in the form of body whereas the body itself is really the mental image in the mind of the perceiving spirit. What we are sure about is our own self. Our knowledge of the external world is based upon an inference from the directly perceived ideas or images inside the mind and even that inference is unwarranted and erroneous. What we surely know is our own spirit and the ideas present in mind which we wrongly assume to be the objects of the external world. This empirical idealism of Berkeley is taken up by the Scottish philosopher, Hume. Hume is not influenced by religious bias. He carries the empirical ana. lysis regorously to its logical conclusion. He accepts Berkeley's analysis of the external world as sound. The contents of the mind are but ideas. Imagining them to be objects in the external world is certainly unwarranted and erroneous Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION as is maintained by Berkeley. But Berkeley's certain assertion about the nature of the spirit is but the result of religious prejudices. Berkeley must have direc. ted his attention towards this nature of spirit. If he had done so he would have obtained a different result. "For whenever I turn my attention inwards", says Hume, "I stumble upon some idea or other and what they call the Soul I am not able to perceive." Thus when experience is thrown into the crucible of philosophical analysis by Hume not only the external world disappears but also the supposed undoubted entity called the spirit or the self which could not withstand the logical analysis of experience. According to Hume therefore consciousness consists of successive ideas or images, a stream of psychic entities and nothing more. Belief in the spirit or the soul is as unwarranted as belief in the external objects. Belief in these instances is but a psychological habit which could not stand the test of rational analysis. The popular assumptions of the external world and the existence of a self are thus dismissed to be unwarranted social prejudices by Hume, social prejudices which cannot be accepted as philosophical truths. Thus Locke's empiricism ends logically in Hume's Nihilism according to which there is no reality except the stream of conscious ideas. As a result of this nihilistic conclusion Hume is bound to discard even the Law of Causation which is the bedrock of modern science. The belief that events in nature are inevitatably determined by their antecedent causal conditions is also taken to be purely a habit of the mind having no rational foundation. The fact that A precedes B on so many occasions creates in the mind the habit to expect B whenever A occurs and on account of this habit A is called the cause of B. Beyond this mental habit of expecting B whenever A occurs there is no rational connection between A and B. There is no reason why B may not occur after X or Y. There is no fundamental reason to prove that B will occur only after A and not after any other events X or Y. Therefore the Law of Causation which is made so much of by modern science is also converted by Hume's analysis to be a popular prejudice based upon the mental habit having no rational foundation. This nihilistic conclusion of Hume is exactly parallel to the Buddhistic conception of experience in Indian Thought. Buddhism also is a sort of Nihilism for which neither the external world nor the Self or Atma has any reality. What really exists is a stream of momentary and mental impressions and nothing more. Thus the English empiricism practically ends in the denial of both the self and the external world. The GERMAN IDEALISM Hume's sceptical analysis resulted in reducing the Law of Causation only to an empty mental habit but also in rejecting all propositions such as mathematical ones which are considered absolutely certian and unchallengeable. Propositions in mathematics, according to Hume, depend upon the same mental habit which is the foundation of the Law of Causation. We have been accustomed to observe for example the angles of a triangle are together equal to two right angles. Merely because of the fact that this proposition has been observed to be true in the past in all cases that we examined, it does not follow that it would Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA be true in other cases. Thus even mathematical propositions according to Hume are only highly probable statements but not necessarily binding on the human intellect to be absolutely true. This sceptical result obtained by Hume was the starting point of idealism. Immanuel Kant, the great German philosopher admits that he was roused from his dogmatic slumber by Hume. According to Kant, Hume's result though logically inevitable from the empirical assumptions shows the frustration of reason. Neither the dogmatic philosophy of Descartes nor the sceptical philosophy of Hume would be a satisfactory solution of the metaphysical problem. Kant therefore attempted to reconstruct metaphysics in such a way as to avoid both these extremes. As he himself confesses, "The starry heavens above and the moral law within always fill me with awe and reverence", his task as a philosopher therefore is to explain nature and constitution of the cosmos and understand and explain the significance of the moral Law. The former he takes up in his first book of Pure Reason and the latter he takes up in his second book of Practical Reason. His attempt to salvage metaphysics from Humean scepticism constrains him to examine first the foundations of mathematics. Are the mathematical propositions really necessary and true or are merely contingent and probable statements? He is not prepared to accept the latter alternative. Hence he concentrates his attention to find a suitable explanation for the necessary truth of mathematical proposition. According to Kant, the typical mathematical proposition is associated with geometry. Hence for him space is the foundation of mathematics. The problem therefore resolves itself into the study of the nature of space and its properties. Locke's attempt to give space an independent existance in the external world proved to be futile in the hands of his successors, Berkeley and Hume. If space therefore is assumed to be an external entity then we have to get ourselves entangled in the inevitable scepticism of Hume. Hence Kant is compelled to adopt a new method. The external world no doubt is the region of sense stimuli. But the object perceived by the sense is the result of a combination between the stimuli supplied from the external source and the shape given to it by the mind itself. The contribution which the mind makes in the process of perception is the form of space. Space and time according to Kant are the forms contributed by the mind while it is engaged in the process of perceiving external objects. The external world as seen by us thus the result of two different factors, one the sense stimuli from an external source, the other the space which the mind impresses upon these sense stimuli. Thus no object can become an object of perception for us unless it is compelled to take the form of space. Since it is the combined product of sense stimuli and space-form it necessarily follows that all objects perceived by us must necessarily have the form of space impressed on the materials by the mind itself. Spatial quality therefore becomes a necessary property with all perceived objects in our sense-presented experience. This world of experience therefore must necessarily conform to spatial form and hence the objects of experience must necessarily be in conformity with spatial properties. If spatial form is indispensable and neccessary concomitant of physical objects, the space properties are similarly inevitable and necessary in a sense-presented experience. Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION It automatically follows according to Kant that spatial properties, which are necessary and inevitable, form the fundation of mathematics. Hence mathematical propositions since they are based upon the properties of space must also share the nature of space and thus must be necessary and inevitable. Thus having secured a safe foundation for mathematical propositions, Kant next goes to further examine the implications of human understanding. Just as in the process of perceptual activity mind contributes the forms of space and time so also in the higher intellectual activity of understanding mind contributes certain other elements which he calls categories, the most important of which is Causation. Since the construction of experince is to be in conformity with the categories of human understanding they must be according to the pattern of causation which happens to be the farmework of the whole edifice, according to Kant. Hense causation is the inevitable and necessary framework of human experience and events therein must necessarily happen according to this causal sequence on which the whole structure rests. Thus after securing a foundation for the principle of causation in the very structure of human experience, Kant surveys the whole of exprience which is the result mainly of the activity of the mind in contributing the forms and categories according to which the sense-materials are shaped and arranged. The sense-material which is thus fashioned into human experience by the mind comes from beyond. What is the source from which this sense stimulus comes to the mind ? Have we any access to this? Kant frankly admits that this "Beyond' from which sense stimuli proceed is inaccessible to the mind and therefore not known. For according to him anything that is to be known by the mind must become a part of human experience and hence must already be subject to operational activity of mind and must bear its impression. Hence what is not so subjected to the intellectual operation must necessarily be unknown. This thing which is outside our experience and which is unknown and which is the source of sense stimuli, Kant calls the 'Thing-in-itself'. Similarly the mind we are aware of is the one engaged in its operational activity in the experience. What the mind is when it is not so engaged in the fabrication of human experience si unknown, since it is also outside the human experience. Therefore the Ego in itself also is beyond our knowledge as the Thing-n-itself. The Ego-in-itself and the Thing-in-itself, since both lie outside our experience must necessarily be unknown to us and hence we cannot state anything about them. Nevertheless we are certain of their existence though we are not aware of their nature. This unknown region of the Thing-in-itself and the Ego-in-itself is the region of real existance according to Kant which is the 'Noumenal' region as contrasted with the phenomenal nature of our experience. Thus our experience is confined to the phenomenal region whereas the Ultimate Reality is the region of Noumena of the thing-initself and the ego-in-itself. This result obtained by Kant is rather unsatisfactory. The ultimate region of reality remains unknown for ever and what we know is the phenomenal one which is merely an unimportant appearance resulting from the operation of the mind upon the stimuli supplied by thing-in-itself, Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 SAMAYASARA Thus we are destined to be shut up within the phenomenal experience never hoping to come out beyond this magic circle. Kant's attempt to salvage metaphysics from Humean scepticism thus results in an inevitable agnosticism aecording to which man can never know the nature of reality and must be satisfied with the unimportant illusory appearance of the phenomenal world. In spite of this unsatisfactory conclusion, Kant proceeds with an undaunted spirit to reintroduce some of the important moral concepts which got exploded in the first part of his Critique of Pure Reason. The conclusion of the critique of Pure Reason does not permit Kant to speak with any amount of certainty as to the nature of Ego, whether it is mortal or immortal, whether its ultimate destiny is to achieve the combination of virtue and happiness. He frankly says that according to pure reason we can never be certain about this. In his Critique of Practical Reason many of these concepts are admitted by the back door which were driven out by the front door. He proceeds with the assumption that virtue must necessarily be associated with happiness, If virtue is not associated with happiness ultimately there can be no moral foundation at all. But in ordinary experience, virtue is not always associated with happiness. That is why in cases of weak men they forsake virtue in pursuit of pleasure, because they find that virtue is not always rewarded with happiness. This contradiction of moral experience, Kant attempts to solve by his metaphysical suggestion, the ultimate summum bonum of life necessarily be the combination of virtue and happiness. This would happen though not now ultimately in some far off future. If this proposition is accepted, it necessarily follows that the short span of life which man enjoys in the phenomenal world persists beyond the phenomenal birth and death and hence the immortality of Self should be accepted if the moral proposition that virtue and happiness coincide somehow is to be accepted. Thus occording to Kant in order to justify moral life of our existence we are bound to accept the reality and immortality of the self which could not be guaranteed according to the pure reason of his first book. Thus in spite of the Agnosticism in his first book he attempts to restore the centre of gravity in the second book, the Practical Reason, where he tries to explain the reality and immortality of the Self and provides rational justification of his moral pursuit in search of happiness. In spite of his service to religion and morality his metaphysical system as a whole remains unbalanced since it rests upon a meaningless dualism of Noumena, the Unknown Reality and the phenomena, the unimportant illusory experience, which is the only source of knowledge for us. Kant's philosophy is taken up by his successor Fichte. Fichte directs his attention to the criticism of the Thing-in-itself. The Noumenal world which was considered to be the Ultimate Reality by Kant which was also said to be unknown and unknowable Fichte considered to be an unnecessary metaphysical encumbrance. Why speak about the thing which is unknown and unknowable ? Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 17 What is the value of your statement as to the existence of such a reality ? Since nothing is known as to its existence and its nature, (Fichte dismisses that as unworthy of metaphysical consideration and confines himself to what Kant called the phenomenal world of appearance. Therefore Fichte recognised the ego and the phenomenal world which it constructs. He does not worry himself as to the source of the sense stimuli. What we are searching about is the world of the objective reality. This world of objective reality is the result of the activity of the ego. Why should the ego or the self indulge in creating such a phenomenal world of experience ? According to Fichte this is necessary because of the full moral growth for the self. The self creates the world of experience, a sort of moral arena in which it struggles in order to gain moral strength and to grow to its full stature of moral personality. Thus with Fichte there is nothing more than the self and the phenomenal world of experience which it creates for its own purpose; there is no other reality besides this. Thus Kantian idealism in the hands of Fichte turns out to be merely the self and the phenomenal world of experience which it creates, a result more or less same as the Berkeley's idealism in English empiricism. This dismissal of the foundation of external reality and converting it into merely an appearance created by the self was considered to be extremely unsatisfactory and it was rejected by his successor Hegel. Hegel is one of the great world-thinkers. He saw how a careless analysis ted to an unsatisfactory and incomplete system of metaphysics. He was not satisfied with Fichte's moral idealism. Nor was he satisfied with Kant's bifurcation of reality into a thing-in-itself and the phenomenal world of appearance. The whole attempt of Hegel is to restore the ultimate unity of reality and to avoid the inconvenient corollary of mistaken bifurcation. He does not like to postulate the reality as unknown and unknowable, far off from the world of experience. He can't think of a reality detached from the world of experience. The reality must be in the world of experience and there must be an intimate relation between this reality and what Kant called the phenomenal appearance. The thing-in-itself dissociated from the world of appearance and appearance dissociated from the underlying reality, both are meaningless abstraction according to Hegel. The appearance is just the appearance of the reality and the reality cannot exist apart from and independent of its appearance which is but its manifestation. The contradiction between the reality and appearance is but the result of mental abstraction, and as such has no basis in a genuine metaphysics. The function of metaphysics is to understand the significance of our great experience and any conclusion that nullifies the reality of our experience must be self-condemned. Hence Hegel tries to bring back the reality which was located in a far off beyond by Kant and restore it to its legitimate place in the world of experience. According to Hegel the great world of experience consists of organic entities which are characterised by continuous growth and development. Organic development is significant and symbolic of Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 SAMAYA SARA the nature of reality itself. What do we find in the nature of org anism? What is the process of growth of a particular tree or a plant ? A seed that does not sprout out must be considered to be defunct and worthless. If it is to grow into a plant it must somehow change its nature as a seed breaking itself up so that the seedling may sprout out. The tender plant that comes out of the seed must also change its nature and put on foliage. Further growth must necessarily depend upon sprouting out of the new leaves and shedding of the old ones. Thus the growth of an organism consists in a process of dying in order to live, a combination of two opposite processes united and integrated in the life of the organism. This process of organic growth which contains within itself the process of breaking up and building up while maintaining its intrinsic identity and unity is the central idea of Hegel's thought. He calls that "dialectic". According to this dialectic we have the thesis, the antithesis and synthesis. Thesis refers to the postulation of affirmation characterising this. Antithesis is just the opposite, negation of this characteristic, and synthesis is the combination of the two processes in the same nature of organic identity. The growth of organism is the illustration of this dialectical process. If you fix your attention to a particular stage in its growth you have to postulate its nature at that moment. If what is true at that moment does not change but perpetuates itself then the plant will practically die. If it is to live it must give up its nature and change into something else. It must shed off its own leaves and put on new sprouts. It must change. It must be displaced by antithesis. Without antithesis there cannot be growth, no reality. Yet the change must be consistent with its thesis. A margosa plant all of a sudden will not put on the characteristics of a mango tree. That will be a mass self-destruction. No reality in nature behaves in this erratic fashion. Even while the old leaves are shed off and the new sprouts are springing up, the intrinsic identity of the plant is not destroyed. There is a mysterious process of sy nthesis which maintains the ultimate identify and unity throughout the process of this change. This dialectical process which we found illustrated in the life of a single organism is taken to be a symbolic process of the whole of Reality. Viewed from this point of dialectic, the whole of reality of our experience is characterised by this process of change, a change which is held together by an underlying inevitable identical unity. Identity in the midst of difference, unity in the midst of multiplicity, reality in the midst of appearance are the significant phrases used by Hegel in describing the nature of Reality. To speak of identity in isolation from the diversity or unity apart from multiplicity or of a reality apart from appearance should be said to be an empty abstraction in the place of reality and these empty abstractions can never sustain their stability long, even though they are set up in metaphysical throne by careless thinkers. They must quit the realm of abstraction and come back to the world of experience where alone they can live and have significance. This realisation of reality in its proper place in the realm of experience and the recognition of its importance in the midst of appearance and diversity must be considered to be the greatest contribution of Hegel to modern Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION philosophy. He accepts the Kantian doctrine that experience is the result of the activity of mind though he rejects Kantian abstraction of reality. When viewed from his own dialectical process this world of experience is but the appearance and the manifestation of the Ultimate Reality. The whole is an organic process of development, the underlying reality being spiritual. He calls this Ultimate Reality, the Idea. The great world of experience is the dialectical manifestation of this Ultimate Idea. This Ultimate Idea is also called the Absolute, a term which has become more popular among the philosophers. The Absolute is Ultimate Reality, the manifestation of which is experience of this great world. The great world of experience therefore, is considered by Hegel as an organic growth. Hegelianism became very popular throughout the thinking world and practically all the European thinkers have been influenced by Hegel's metaphysics. Absolutism of Hegel became dominant world concept. It immensely influenced the world in all the fortunes of life. Universities in England and in the continent of Europe and even in distant America were subject to the influence of Hegelian Absolutism, and thinkers began to introduce Hegel's point of view and the dialectical development as a necessary panacea for the intellectual troubles created by the earlier thinkers. Besides its influence directed in the face of metaphysics which completely brushed aside the other forms of thought as English Empiricism, Kantian idealism etc. 19 Hegel's influence was felt in two important directions which led to the complete transformation of the concept of State and concept of the society. When Hegel postulated that the Ultimate Reality is Absolute and the whole of our experience is the manifestation of this Absolute, every department of human activity including religion and morality is given a subsidiary place in this development of the Absolute idea. The most important manifestation of this Absolute according to Hegel is the state organisation. The state is the greatest and the highest manifestation of this absolute idea, and every other social organisation must be subordinate to this. Even the Church must be subordinate to the State and religion becomes an instance in the manifestation of the state organisation. The ultimate result of this state absolutism of Hegel reduced human personality to the status of building material for raising the edifice of a state. Man is but a brick to be utilised for constructing the state edifice and besides this function there is no justification for the existence of man. This result is unfortunately the contradiction of the noble idealism of man by Kant who declared that man is an end to himself and should not be reduced to a means for any end. Hegel's Absolutism completely changes this picture and reduces man to be merely the material for building up the state. Man derives his significance and importance only because of his services to the state. Apart from the state organisation he has no significance and no right of independe t existence. Thus from a genuine metaphysical contribution, a pervers Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA political philosophy is developed which pervaded the whole European culture and civilisation and resulted in the two destructive world wars. The other development of this Hegelian Absolutism is in the economic direction. Karl Marx, the founder of Communism claims himself to be a disciple of Hegel. His masterpiece "The Capital" is the Bible of the Communist. He postulates that the socio-political development is according to the process of the Hegelian dialectic-materialism. Tracing the growth of economic development up to 19th Century, he points out the intrinsic contradiction between capital and labour and emphasises the intrinsic identity and unity of both. The capitalist who controls the productive machinery is but the creature of labour and as such should be made subordinate to labour which is the ultimate creator of wealth. The economic organisation which allows the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few capitalists who happen to control the productive industries and who engage thousands of labourers to run the machinery according to Marx is an iniquitous economic system. Hence the restoration of the economic organisation according to Karl Marx must consist in restoring the true controlling agency to that power which creates wealth, i.e. the labour which creates wealth must necessarily be controlling agency of the capital and must run the industrial organisation. The creator of wealth must have the right to control it and to enjoy it. This economic revolution is also the result of Hegelian Absolutism in subjugating the organisation of society. Thus the modern civilisation of Europe which started with Hegelian Absolutism exhibits both the beneficial influence as well as the baneful infiuence of the Hegelian Absolutism. 2. Self in Indian Thought Before we begin the systematic study of the Darsanas let us try to acquaint ourselves first with the general tendencies of Indian thought prior to the rise of Buddhism. All the available information is to be gathered from three sources. (1) The later Samhitas, the Brahmanas, and the Upanisads. (2) Jaina literature, secular and religious. (3) Buddhistic literature, secular and religious. A broad survey of the first group certainly indicates the existence of a rival school of thought side by side with what may be considered the main current of orthodox thinking. This early protestant school among the Aryans had its important influence in moulding the thought of the Aryans in general, sometimes because of its strong opposition and sometimes because of sympathetic reconciliation. Roughly speaking this school of Aryan Protestantism may be associated with the Ksatriyas of the Iksavaku line, whereas the Aryans of the Kurupancala may be identified with the orthodox school. In this connection it is better to remember that the term orthodox simply means implicit acceptance of Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION the ritualism of Vedic sacrifice whereas protestantism merely means opposition to the sacrificial ritualism either in a complete or a partial form. This Iksvaku house of Ksatriyas is associated with Ayodhya, in the country of Kosala. Puranas as well as the literature of the Jainas and the Buddhists, all vie with one another in singing the praises of the kings of the Iksvaku line. It is enough to mention the fact that one of the two great epics of India is about an Iksvaku hero. The Iksvaku heroes have so much dominated the thought of the later Vedic period that about the time of Puranas, some of the members of the Iksvaku line were elevated to the avataraship of Visnu. In describing generally the characteristics of the Raghus, Kalidasa says, "The Raghus during their youth are engaged in study, during the period of manhood are engaged in their daily household life, in old age they renounce the household life and become Munis and finally relinquished the body after performing, Yoga." In Samhitas the Self or Atman only means that Self existing in free form of Spirit. It is the Life of all lives and the moving power of all things. This idea of the Atman is further elaborated in the Brahmanas and the Upanisads until it is made to absorb all the other ideas and it means the only real existence. In the beginning the world was the Atman alone. There was nothing else near to it. It thought, "let me create the universe" and the universe was created. Here also Atman figures as the Lord and king of all. "As the spokes of a wheel in the chariot so all the souls of the world are fastened in one, that Soul the Gods adore as the light of all lights. That Divine Self is not fully grasped by tradition nor by understanding nor by all revelation. It is he whom the Self chooses. By him alone is the Self to be grasped". Spiritual immortality consists in the perceiving of the Divine Self the Atman as the only existing thing. The other conception that runs parallel to this until it finally becomes identified with it is the Brahman. In the Rg hymans Brahman signifies force or will. It means the sacred hymn or prayer invoking the aid of Gods. This hymn or Prayer is endowed with a mystic power, an occult force which inevitably binds the Gods towards men. This meaning of the word Brahman slightly changes and becomes applicable to the magic utterance at the sacrifice. Thus the term gets a new connotation, and the term itself most probably was derived from a different root Rph which means to grow or spread. Finally it came to signify the priest who uttered the sacrificial mantra. Thus the term Brahmana became identified with the sacrificial priest. Finally this term is used to designate a person of a particular community whose general occupation would be sacrifice. The term now becomes a term of masculine gender and that is the persent significance in as much as it refers to a member of a particular caste. But from the original Vedic meaning of prayer or magic power of prayer there is another line of connotation ending with Upanisadic Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 SAMAYASARA Brahman. The term Brahman in the sense of prayer is constantly used in the Vedic hymns and in the Brahmanas. This magic power denoting some thing of spiritual order behind the visible universe forms the foundation or Brahman in the sense of God, though this import is not quite prominent in the period of the g Veda until it is explicitly persent in the Brahmanas. Brahman is spoken of as a God dwelling in the highest place whose head is the sky, whose measure is the Earth and it is this significance which becomes prominent in the Upanisadic period. Throughout the Upanisadic texts we find this as the ruling conception. Towards the close of the Upanisadic period there is the Identification of Brahman with Atman. These terms are indiscriminately used to refer to the Ultimate Reality of which man and the nature are but the special manifestations. "From Him the universe springs, to Him it returnes." "Thou art the Self of all and Maker of all." In Maxmuller's words, "It was an epoch in the history of the human mind when the identity of Self with the neuter Brahman was for the first time conceived though the name of the terms, the Ultimate Reality, which is the import of both is very often referred to as Sat-Existence. Tattvamasi-That thou art. This famous Upanisadic formula represents the development and the final identification of the terms Atman and Brahman. Then it becomes a Transcendental concept thereafter. The significance of personality which was associated with Atman gets submerged in the neuter concept of Brahman. The Upanisadic Brahman is said to be beyond description. It can be described only negatively. It is not man or woman, nor is it neuter. It is without breath without mind, higher than the Highest, the Imperishable. The only adequate description we can have of this is Neti Neti-not this, not this. When we go to study the Upanisads in detail we shall see more of this. The Age of the Upanisads-The Upanisadic age has certain marked characteristics peculiar to itself and not found either in the Samhita or Brahmana period. During the Rg Vedic period the Aryans were mainly of a homogeneous society. Their Gods were magnified human beings actuated by human sympathies and sharing even human failures. The Vedic singer invoked their aid both in war and peace to fight the enemy and to promote his own prosperity. This age corresponds to the Homeric age in the Greek civilisation. All this primitive simplicity disappears when we enter into the Upanisadic period. Here we have a different order of society. We are no more with the Aryans whose life was mainly pastoral whose wealth was cattle and who spent most of their time in cffering sacrifices to Indra or Agni and drinking their favourite soma. To bring the Greek parallel once again we are quitting the world of Agamemnon and Odysseus and entering the world of Socrates and Euripides. Now we are concerned with a people already divided into different sects and we are face to face with a race highly Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 23 contemplative. Sacrifices and rituals do not retain their importance though they are still extant. These persist merely as vestigial institutions preserved by tradition and custom. They ceased to be the genuine ideals of religion. The intellectual atmosphere is surcharged with sophistical idealism. In short, we are in the centre of the world of Indian sophists who are actuated by theoretic curiosity as to the nature of man and the universe. With such a change in the body-politic of the Aryans, the old order must have elapsed. We have already noticed the internal social differentiation even during the period of the Brahmanas. The Vedic bard has somehow lost his enthusiasm for life. The joy of living present is somehow surreptitiously replaced by the ennui of life. Life in this world is nothing but a link in the endless chain of births and deaths. Link after link may come and go but the chain will go on for ever. This mysterious whirling of life, endless and aimless rotation of births and deaths is considered by the Upanisadic thinkers as an evil to be avoided. The theory of transmigration and the corollary of karma have somehow taken possession of the thought of this age. Further the social organisation has resulted in the establishment of certian religious customs as well. Besieds the differentiation into several castes the Upanisadic society recognised four distinct stages of individual development. This evidently refers to a process of spiritual probation and development to which every one irrespective of birth was entitled. The period of youth is to be spent as a Brahmacari when the young man is to be educated under the personal guidance and supervision of a master. During this period he has to live away from his home in his master's asrama. Learning and service are the only two occupations for him. Intellectual development of the highest order associated with personal humility would equip the individual to discharge his duties in the best possible manner. So equipped the Brahmacari after education returns home and enters into the second stage of grhastha life. Now he becomes a householder and looks after his personal property, gets married and lives as a husband and father. As a member of the society then he does not forget his obligations. He fulfils socioeconomic duties and thus contributes to the general welfare of society. But he is not to be here for ever. He has to enter the third stage of his life. He is to become a parivrajaka or a religious mendicant wholly devoted to the spiritual affairs. Having served society well and to the best of his ability he now depends upon society for his maintenance devoting his whole time to philosophical research. Now he spends most of his time outside the grama or nagara staying in the adjoining vana or woodland. On account of this habit of dwelling in the udyanas or vanas outside the city, the third stage is very often referred to the stage of Vanaprastha. This is to be followed by complese renunciation which is the last stage--Samnyasa which marks the close of the spiritual development. The Upanisads and their associated Aranyakas perhaps refer to the third stage, Vanaprastha. It calls to our mind a picture of life closely akin to that of St. Francis of Assissi in the medieval Europe. His associates were the beasts and the birds of the forest. He had untrammelled spiritual peace, Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24 SAMAYASARA that passeth understanding in the undisturbed solitude of forest full of charm. It is something like this that we have to imagine as the characteristic of the Upanisadic period. We are ushered into a world of congregations of preachers and disciples, the former elaborately expounding, the latter reverently listening to the theosophic rahasya otherwise known as Upanisadic secrets. The change from the world of sacrificial ritual to the world of philosophic speculation brought with it new claimants to honour and Truth. The sacrificial mantras and the sacrificial procedure were mainly cultivated and practised by the priestly class during the earlier period. But the Brahma vidya or Atman cult of the Upanisads has nothing in common with the recitation of sacrificial formulae. This new philosophic speculation seems to have had its origin in the king's courts. It is associated with the Ksatriyas on account of peace and prosperity or perhaps the fruits of life are eaten to surfeit by them. The Ksatriyas were the first to experience the emptiness of life and to turn their attention inwards in search of the underlying spiritual principle, Atman or Brahman. Whatever be the social conditions that brought about this new outlook on life this much is certain that the Ksatriyas of the Upanisadic age were mainly engaged in the speculaion about man and the universe whereas traditional sacrifices were still important to the priestly class. Perhaps this is not quite an accurate description, Even the priests could not escape the influences of this new thought. We see them therefore disturbed by this new discontent. They go about from place to place, from thinker to thinker, with the object of getting initiated into the new wisdom, the Atma vidya. This craving for the Brahma vidya becomes almost universal. The whole age is thrown into feverish activity intellectually and every one desires to participate in the new knowledge-par excellence as aginst the earlier learning associated with ritualism. Like a pillar of light this new paravidya was leading the Aryans into the promised land of wonderful philoshphical wisdom which constitutes the treasure of Aryan learning and to which all the later systems of Indian thought point out with pride as the source of authority and inspiration. The meaning of 'Upanisad'-The term as used in the Brahmanas normally denotes the secrets of some word or text. But in the Byhadaranyaka it is already used in the plural as the designation of a class of writings no doubt actually existing. Thus the term came to be used to denote the writing containing the secret doctrine. The exact primary sense of the term is doubtful. The natural interpretation of the world adopted by Max Muller makes the word mean first a session of pupils, hence the secret doctrine communicated to a select number of disciples. Secondly, it is the title of a work on such a secret doctrine. Oldenberg traces the word to the original sense of worship. According to this interpretation Upanisad primarily means a secret form of worship. Deussen combines both these interpretations when he explains the meaning of the word. For him the word originally meant a secret word or a secret text. Then it came to refer to secret import of secret doctrine. This order of meaning is improbable as is suggested by McDonald, The term is explained by Sankara Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 25 in his commentary as that which destroys ignorance or that which leads to the knowledge of Brahman. Indian writers use the term in the sense of secret doctrine or Rahasya. Upanisadic texts are generally referred to as Paravidya, the great secret. The Indian usage distinctly implies something secret. Further as Deussen points out it was an ancient custom all over the world to preserve certain important spiritual truths as a secret and to communicate them only to the initated few. Among the Pythagoreans the philosophical doctrines were confined only to the members of that order. Similar was the case during the medieval age. Numerous passages from the Upanisads point to the same reference. There is internal evidence to show that Upanisadic truths were communicated to others with great discretion and very often with great reluctance. The father would select his eldest son as his fit disciple. If the disciple is a stranger to the master the applicant has to serve several years of probation before he can be initiated into the mysteries. Even among the learned men evidently all were not acquainted with the Upanisadic truths. These facts go to support the traditional meaning of the term Upanisad that it is a secret doctrine--that it is a Rahasya, sometimes in the primary sense of secret doctrine. These differences do not matter much. When the initiated talked to one another they must indicate their meaning only by signs which would be understood only by the initiated. This fact explains why the term is used in the sense of a secret word or text. The Date of the Upanisads--1000 to 500 B.C. :-The Upanisads do not form the composition of a single author. They are many in number. Most probably even a single Upanisad is due to the co-operation of several persons. The Upanisads taken as a whole collection would cover a period of several centuries. Some of the earliest Upanisads take us to the period of Vedic thought and rituals and some of the latest exhibit distinct traces of modern thought and would even bring us to the period of Mohammedan rule in India. To ask for a chronology of the composition stretching across so many centuries would be neither scientific nor useful. Indian commentators such as Sankara recognised certain Upanisads as genuine and wrote commentaries on them. Scholars generally confine themselves to such Upanisads as are recognised by the well-known commentators. Even here there is no consensus of opinion. Tradition speaks of ten Upanisads ; whereas different commentators mention different numbers. If we confine ourselves to the most important and the recognised ones we can say this much of their period of composition. They are distinctly anterior to the rise of Buddhism. So we can safely mention that the Upanisads, the important of them at least, must be placed earlier than the 5th Century B.C. Can we say anything as to the beginning of these Upanisdas? The period generally accepted by Orientalists is about 1000 B. C. Hence the duration from 1000 to 500 B. C. would probably represent the period when the Upanisads were composed. The Origin of the Upanisads-An interesting controversy is associated with the origin of the Upanisads. We need not emphasise the fact that the Brahma Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 SAMAYASARA vidya of the Upanisads is quite opposed to Vedic ritualism based upon sacrifice. The question therefore arises, "How could this theosophic speculation be logically connected with the Vedic form of ceremonialism?" Many important passages in the earlier Upanisads supply us with a clue. Thus in the Chandogya we find five learned Brahmins requesting one Oudgalya to instruct them concerning the Atman; he confessing inability takes them to Asvapati Kaikeya to whom all the six appeal for initiation into the Atmavidya. Again in Brhadaranyaka the famous scholar Gargya offers to expound the knowledge of Brahman to the king Ajatasatru of Kasi. But his explanation is rejected by the king as erroneous whereupon the Vedic scholar presents himself as a disciple to the king to be instructed in the knowledge of Atman. The king does accordingly prefacing his exposition with the remarks that it is a reversal of the rule for a Brahmin to enter himself as a pupil under a Ksatriya in order to have Brahma knowledge expounded to him. Again in the Chandogya, a king figures as the teacher to a priest whom he addresses as follows :-"Oh Gautama! This doctrine has never upto the present time been in circulation among the Brahmins. Therefore in all the world the Government has remained with the warrior caste." From these passages scholars like Deussen and Garbe conclude with a very high degree of probability that the doctrine of the Atman standing as it did in such sharp contrast to all the principles of Vedic ritual was taken up and cultivated primarily not in the Brahmin but in the Ksatriya circle and was adopted by the former in later time. As against this view it is contended that Brahma vidya had its origin in the earlier Vedic literature itself and that the Brahmins themselves had as much to do with it as the Ksatriyas. In order to understand the full significance of this controversy we have to remember certain important and relevant facts. Even earlier than the Upanisadic period, in the period of Brahmanas we have traces of rivalry between Brahmins and Ksatriyas. We need not go back to the legendary period of Visvamitra vs. Vasistha, when the former asserted his equality of status with the latter. What is contained in the Brahmana literature is much more historical than such legendary anecdotes. We have a reference to an Aryan tribe in the countries of Kasi, Kosala, Videha and Magadha. The term Kasi is used in plural to denote the people thereof. The Kasis and the Videhas were closely related because of their proximity. Sometimes the Videhas were clubbed with the Kosalas. These were always considered by the Kurupancalas as a hostile group. It is a fair conclusion that between these two groups of people there did exist some political conflict, probably based upon some difference of culture. The Satapatha Brahmana in which occurs the story of the advance of Aryan civilisation over Kosala and Videha, preserves a clear tradition of its time and furnishes a piece of evidence that in the Kuruparcala country lay a great centre of Brahmana cult. From these it appears to have been brought to the countries of Kasi and Kosala probably by the settlers of a later date. It is probable that the Eastern Countries were less Aryan than Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 27 the Western ones as they were less completely brought under Brahmin supremacy as the rival systems of Jainism and Buddhism indicate. Among the Kosalas, Videhas and Magadhas the Ksatriyas were ranked above the Brahmins. The social supremacy of the Ksatriyas in these countries is further corroborated by the fact that the later Vedic texts display towards the people of Magadha a marked antipathy which may be reasonably explained by that people's lack of orthodoxy which may perhaps be traced as far back as Vajasaneya Samhita. In this Samhita (the earlier of the Rg Samhitas) we have a contemptuous reference to the current language used by the Magadhas which perhaps indicate the use of 'Prakrta' in those parts. Even in the Brahmana period there is reference to a prevalent unbelief which is deplored. "Then the unbelief took hold of men, those who sacrificed became more sinful and those who sacrificed naught became more righteous." "No sacrifice then came to the gods from the world." The gods thereupon said to Bshaspati Angirasa--"Verily unbelief has come upon men. Ordainst thou the sacrifice to be done." This Bihaspati Angirasa seems to have accepted and thus revived the sacrificial culture. The Ksatriyas referred to in the Upanisads as the custodians of Upanisadic Rahasya are all of the Kosala-Videha country. Ajatasatru is the king of Kasi, Janaka the king of Videha. The other important names mentioned therein also appear to be Ksatriya names. In Satapatha Brahmana there is a reference to the fact that king Janaka became a convert to Brahminism--a fact which indicates the traditional Brahminical lore reasserting itself. The founder of Buddhism was himself a Ksatriya of the Magadha country. He was a contemporary of Mahavira. This latter is claimed by the Jainas as the last of religious teachers. Orientalists generally accept this claim and suggest that his predecessor one Parsvanatha was the real founder of Jainism. Leaving open the question of the origin of Jainism we may note the interesting fact about Mahavira's predecessor. According to Jaina tradition Parsvanatha belongs to the ruling family of Kasi. His father was the ruler and his name was Visvasena. The relevant fact for us here is that one of the Ksatriya founders of Jainism belonged to Kasi. If we remember that the central doctrine of Jainism-Ahimsaoriginated as a protest against Vedic sacrifice, then we may not be far wrong if we maintain that the "Ksatriya heretics" referred to in the Brahmana literature were probably the earlier founders of Jainism. The Brahmana literature as we already saw had a sinister reference to the people of Kasi and Videha. The country of Videha also had a religious importance for the Jainas, Jaina tradition speaks of Videha as a Nityapunya bhoomi, a place where Dharma is always flourishling. The Jaina teachers who succeeded Mahavira, whenever they had any doubt on scriptural matters, went to Videhaksetra to clear these doubts. The very place which is pointed as the abode of heterodoxy is held in high esteem according to Jaina and Buddha traditions. The unbelief referred to in Satapatha Brahmana, the unbelief which manifests in opposition to the Brahmanas, must therefore refer to some sort of Ksatriya movement that must have been Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA prevalent in the countries of Videha and Magadha even prior to the rise of Buddhism. All these facts constitute strong circumsiantial evidence supporting the theory that Atma vidya--the central doctrine of Upanisadic culture first arose from the Ksatriyas as a sort of protest against the Vedic sacrficial ritualism, jealously defended by the Brahmins. Upanisadic thought is mainly influenced by the Ahimsa cult associated with Lord Rsabha, a cult prevalent in India even prior to the Arya invasion. Since the Upanisadic thinkers have accepted this Ahimsa doctrine as superior to Vedic ritualism there was a spirit of compromise at that period. Except for rival claims for social domination there was most probably no great difference between the Brahmins and the Ksatriyas of those ages. Both were Aryans and both defended their culture and civilisation from non-Aryan inroads. This is substantiated by the fact that many learned Brahmins welcomed the new movement of Atma vidya and were willing disciples under Ksatriya teachers to learn the new truth. If they had any antipathy to the new form of faith they would have exhibited it. They would not have manifested so much eagerness to assimilate it. In fact about the time of Bihadaranyaka we find the tables are completely turned. Yajnavalkya a great teacher in Brhadaranyaka figures as the towering personality. He, a Brahmin, becomes the instructor now and Janaka the king places himself as his disciple. This represents a later stage in the development of Upanisadic thought. Yajnavalkya being a master-intellect successfully incorporated the new doctrine into the old. Ksatriya protestantism in the reform of Atma-vidya was so completely assimilated that it ceased to exist as an independent movement, a phenomenon which is often repeated in the later history of Indian thoughts; for example Sankara completely assimilated Buddhism which led to its extinction. This conjecture is further supported by the nature and development of the Upanisadic thought itself. On account of reconversion of Janaka to the old orthodox ritualism which evidently implies an effected compromise between two rival schools, radical reformers of the extreme left had to recede entirely from the orthodox centre. They persisted in their protestantism and emphasised their opposition to sacrificial ritualism as a result of which we have birth of Buddhism. Reading facts in this light would agree well with the theory suggested by some oriental scholars on the evidence of the Upanisadic passages themselves that the Upanisadic doctrine of Atma vidya first started in the Upanisads as a protest against the sacrificial rites of the Vedas and thereafter assimilated and recognised by the priestly class as well. The Fundamental Doctrine of Upanisads-We have already noticed the Vedic concept of Atman or Brahman. We have to touch upon two other doctrines, Transmigration or metempsychosis and Karma. The latter is in a way the corollary of the former. The doctrine of metempsychosis is peculiar to the age of the Upanisads. There is no trace of it in the Vedic period. So much so scholars are of opinion that the Aryans must have borrowed this from the nonAryans. We know the Egyptians believed in the doctrine. It is certainly a Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION difficult question to settle whether the Upanisadic thinkers borrowed this doctrine from non-Aryans or the Egyptians. Probably the truth is that they borrowed from non-Aryans who were living in the land at the time of the Aryan invasion. They were evidently having a higher form of culture. and thus they were champions of a more satisfactory doctrine of Self. The (value of any theory depends upon its offering satisfaction to intelletual curiosity. Any theory of creation, any philosophy that retains the importance of human personality and maintains it to be an eternal principle will be forced not only to look forward to an infinite future but also to trace back to an infinite past. The human personality that is associated with the short span of the present, must somehow be related to a hoary past as well as a glorious future, making the present but a step in this spiritual evolution. It is this process of spiritual development that is the inner meaning of the doctrine of transmigration. It is because of the Truth of this principle of spiritual progress that the Indian mind persists in tenaciously clinging to that doctrine. If this is remembered then we can very well understand that the attitude of Gough and others is more guided by inborn prejudice than by an endeavour to intellectual appreciation. Upanisadic thought is not the babbling of a primitive race but it marks an important stage in the philosophic development of Indian culture. Associated with this doctrine of metempsychosis is the doctrine of Karma. Samsara, the cycle of births and deaths is supposed to be the result of Karma-as a man soweth So doth he reap. Samsara for the Upanisadic thinker meant a meaningless chain of births and deaths heralding a gloomy prospect. The summum bonum of life for the Upanisadic thinker therefore consisted in liberation from this chain. The very term Moksa implies "Deliverance", "Liberation." Pessimistic aversion may be present with an inborn optimism of the future, the inherent evil of Samsara and the implied possibility of Moksa. These constitute the correlative doctrine to that of Brahman which together form the message of Upanisadic thought. All the latter Indian systems in spite of their mutual differences are permanently based upon these ideas. This fact stands as an evidence of the unity of their origin, i.e. all the Indian systems are born of the Upanisadic speculations. 29 The Upanisads and the Western thinkers-The first knowledge of the Upanisads gained by European scholars is an interesting historical fact. A Mogul prince, one of Shah Jehan's sons, evidently influenced by Akbar's dream of universal religion attempted to bring about a union between Hinduism and Islam. With this purpose he translated the Upanisads into Persian for the benefit of his coreligionists. A copy of this Persian translation was presented to a French scholar who was interested in the study of Zoroastrianism. This French scholar translated the Upanisads from Persian to Latin. This Latin version fell into the hands of Schopenhauer, who by personal temperament and philosophic tradition was eminently fit to appreciate the philosophy of the Upanisads. It was he who first popularised its study among German students. He himself Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 30 SAMAYASARA used them as a Bible. "It has been the solace of my life and I hope it will be the same in my death." The Upanisads peculiarly appealed to the German students, because they themselves at the time of Schopenhauer were in possession of a philosophy quite analogous to this. Deus sen on the Upani sads.-Speaking of the concepts of the Upanisads in their relation to philosophy, Deussen writes : "The whole of religion and philosophy has its root in the thought that the universe is only appearance and not reality. This fact that philosophy has from the earliest times sought to determine the first principle of the universe proves that it started from a more or less clear consciousness that the entire empirical reality is not the true essence of things, that in Kant's words is only appearance and not the thing-in-itself. There have been three occasions on which philosophy has advanced in a clearer comprehension of its recurring task and of the solution demanded. First in India in the Upanisads, again in Greece in the philosophy of Parmenides and Plato and finally at a more recent times in the philosophy of Kant and Schopenhauer". Deussen adds : "All great religious teachers therefore, whether in earlier or later times, may even all those at the present day whose religion rests upon faith are unconsciously followers of Kant. The new testament and the Upanisads, the two noblest products of the religious consciousness of mankind are found, when we sound their deeper meaning, to be nowhere in irreconcilable contradiction, but in a manner the most attractive serve to elucidate and complete one another." The purport of these words of Deussen is that Kant's philosophical agnosticism is the last word in philosophy and that a religion not associated with Kantian metaphysics is far from being a genuine religion. It places the philosophy of the Upanisads on a par with that of Kant and Plato. If he wants to express his admiration of the philosophy of the Upanisads by comparing it to his own national philosophy we have nothing to quarrel about. He is at liberty to choose his own method of critical appreciation. He may quite well regard the philosophy of Kant and Plato as the only genuine philosophy. But when he says that the philosophy of the Upanisads is the same as that of Plato we have to protest. This is an unwarranted philosophical attitude with certain European scholars who started the study of Indian thought with the unwarranted assumption that the Advaita Vedanta was the one fruit to produce which the whole of Indian life and culture conspired. This bias was further strengthened by the tendencies of European thought moulded by such German thinkers like Kant and Hegel. It requires no serious argument to show how unfounded the assumption is even if we admit for the sake of argument such an interpretation of the Upanisadic philosophy. We cannot consistently explain the claims put forward by other systems of Indian philosophy that they are also resting on the Upanisadic authority. The real fact is that all the Indian systems whether orthodox or heterodox are based upon fundamental concepts of Upanisadic thought and that all have the right to claim the authority of their source. This simple fact of History cannot be denied Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION in the face of so much preponderating evidence. To maintain that the Upanisadic thought is the Indian counterpart of Plato or Kant is quite an unwarranted dogma sustained more by personal predilection than by objective evidence. Further Prof. Deussen is justified in maintaining that Plato-Kantian idealism is the best system of philosophy. In spite of the beauty of conception and grandeur of diction Plato's idealism is but a temporary aberration of Hellenic thought which was brought to its equilibrium by his friend and disciple Aristotle. Similar is the case of Kant's transcendental agnosticism. It is but an episode in the career of modern thought quite unconnected with the course of modern culture. As against Deussen's obiter dictum we take the liberty to state that the idealism of Plato or Kant is distinctly of a modern thought and marks but the refuge of the defeated intellect sustained more by personal mysticism than by logical necessity. Champions of such a philosophy of the type of Deussen always make the mistake of believing that any other form of philosophy will be incompatible with the highest aspirations of religious and moral culture. In short, they think that the only alternative to such an effective idealism is an impossible materialism. It is because of this assumption that they try to escape into some form of idealism. The birth of idealism is very often due to such intellectual confusion. In order to safeguard the eternal values of life from the alleged menace of materialism some thinkers propound the doctrine of idealistic metaphysics which ultimately results in nullifying the very eternal values. It ends in repudiating the distinction between truth and error, good and evil and beauty and ugliness. Let us go back to Deussen. He makes the astounding proposition that the true religious philosophy must have as its background something of the Kantian transcendentalism. He says in so many words that the value of a religion consists in its allegiance to a philosophy to which the concrete world is an illusion or maya and life is but a mockery. There may be some kind of religious satisfaction resting on such a metaphysics. But we doubt very much if the Upanisadic religion is of much value only because of this attitude. Again he seems to think that modern Christianity has its value because of its metaphysical idealism which he assumes to be its foundation. We are quite sceptical about this. Neither the founder of Christianity nor his followers ever believed that the concrete world of reality is but an illusion or an appearance. We rather think that the success and popularity of Christian religion are entirely due to its grasp of concrete life and its emphasis upon the value of human personality. Take away these, it would cease to have any value and with that perhaps it would cease to be a religion. We can only look with dismay when Deussen connects modern Christianity with Kantian idealism. His congratulations on Upanisadic thought because of its similarly to Kantian Idealism we are rather prone to decline because his attitude is corroborated neither by historical development nor by philosophical evidence of later thought in India. The Chandogya Upanisad.-The Upanisad belongs to the Samaveda as evidenced by "Chandas." It is one of the oldest Upanisads and is divided into Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32 SAMAYASARA eight parts of varying lengths. The first two are related to rituals which go to show that this Upanisad was once a Brahmana treatise dealing with ritualistic procedure. The really Upanisadic or philosophic portion is very interesting mainly in the form of dialogues reminding one of Platonic dialogues. This Upanisad may be taken as a typical of the Upanisads in general. Some of the important characteristics of the Upanisadic thought are found here, The fundamental concept of the Upanisad has been mentioned as Brahman. This concept is introduced in the very beginning of this Upanisad. Even in the ritualistic chapter it is not forgotten. Some of the syllables of the mantras uttered are identified with Brahman or Atman. This attitude of philosophical interpretation of even dry ritualistic formulae is a distinct mark of Upanisadic period. The spiritualistic interpretation has replaced the materialistic interpretation of the Rg Vedic Period, for example "Self transcends all magnitude. He is myself within the Heart, smaller than the canary seed or the kernal of a canary seed. He also is myself within the heart, greater than the earth, greater than the sky, greater than heaven, greater than all these worlds." There is no physical measure which is able to comprehend the non-physical. The Self is completely incommensurable with anything physical. The Upanisadic truth relating to the Brahman or Atman was considered to be a secret by the teachers and was communicated to others with great caution. This aspect is well brought out by the legend of Satyakama who goes to a teacher with the idea of becoming his disciple. "I will lead the life of a student of the sacred knowledge, I will lead the life of a student of sacred Self." Thus he addressed himself to Gautama. "Of what family art thou my dear ?" asked Gautama. In reply to this Satyakama said, "I do not know Sir, of what family I am. I asked my mother. She answered in this manner: When I went about a great deal serving as a maid I got you. So I do not know this of what family you are. However I am Jabala by name and you are Satyakama by name ! So I am Satyakama, son of Jabala, Sir." The teacher was attracted by the frankness of the boy and admitted him as a disciple "I will receive you as a disciple for you have not deviated from the truth." His discipleship consisted of tending the master's cows for a number of years and such patient service was finally rewarded and he obtained the knowledge of Brahman. In chapter V an allegorical representation of Life is given. The several senses quarrel among themselves saying "I am better-I am better." They all went to the great father-The All Creator and asked Him "Sir, who is the best of us?" He replied, he by whose departure the body seems worse than the worst, is the best of you. Then first, speech departed from the body. Returning after some time it found the person still alive though mute, Convinced of its own impotence according to the criterion proposed by the All Creator, speech returned the wiser. The eye went off : Having remained a year away it came round again and said, "How have you been able to live without me ?" "Like the blind people not seeing but breathing with the Breath, Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 33 speaking with the tongue etc. Thus have I been able to live." The eye entered in. Next was the turn of the ear. The person though deaf nevertheless lived. Then the mind tired its worth. Nevertheless the person lived mindless. Lastly it was the turn of the vital breath. Now the breath, when on the point of departing, torn up the other senses as a horse going to start might tear up the pegs to which he is tethered. Then they all came to it and said "Sir, remain, thou art the best among us. Be thou our Lord. Do not depart from us." This allegory distinctly implies that the spiritual principle on account of whose presence the senses function is the Atman or Self. It is the life-principle itself that is the foundation of existence. This vital breath is certainly more than the material conception of the Rg Vedic period. It is identical with that which makes all sense-activities possible. In the same V chapter again we have an important dialogue indicating the nature of the problems especially discussed in the Upanisad. A young man by name Svetaketu Aruneya goes to an assembly of scholars from Pancalas. The boy is subjected to severe cross-examination, when he told the assembly that he had been fully instructed. He was asked, "Young man, has your father instructed you?" "Yes Sir". "Do you know where men go to from here?" "No Sir." "Do you know the parting of the ways, one leading to the God and the other to the Fathers?" "No Sir." "Do you know how the yonder world is built up?" "No Sir." Then the teacher scolds him: "Why do you say you were instructed ?" This dialogue is instructive and points out the nature of the topics dealt with and studied in those days. The study of the traditional type was confined to the Vedas and the Vedic rituals. Besides this traditional course there was the characteristic interest of the age centering round the philosphical studies as to the nature of the Self. It was the latter which was prized and coveted by the scholars of the age. Of course the dialogue ends with the boy returning to his father to ascertain the answer to the above questions. The father also has to confess his ignorance. The lad and his father returned to the king for the information. Then Gautama went to Janaka's court when the king offered him proper respect. In the morning the king went up to the assembly and announced, "Ask of me such a boon as men desire." Gautama replied, "Such things as men possess may remain with you, Sir. Tell me the speech which yoy addressed to the boy." The king was perplexed and said "Wait a while." Then the king said "As to what you have said to me, Oh Gautama, this knowledge did never yet come to any Brahmin before you and in all the world the truth belonged to Ksatriyas only." Two points may be noticed from this interesting dialogue. (1) The new thought, the knowledge of the Atman was considered to be richer than the richest possession in all the world. (2) It originated among the Ksatriyas and was preserved as a secret doctrine for some time. The very same fact is emphasised in Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34 SAMAYASARA another section of the same chapter. Five great theologains held a great discussion as to what is Self and what is Brahman. After a few days' deliberation they go to a great scholar Uddalaka who is reputed to be in possession of the knowledge of the Self. But the great scholar promises to enlighten them on the matter and asks them to accompany him. He takes them to a king Asvapati Kaikeya. This king also offers them rich presents which they decline begging him to impart the much prized knowledge of Brahman. In the VI chapter several illustrations are given to explain the nature of Brahman. The scene is as follows: The boy is given a small seed and asked to break it open. Then the father asks the boy, "What do you see there ?" "Nothing inside it, Sir," replied the boy. Then the father said, "the central essence you do not see there. Of that central essence this great tree exists. But it is in the essence of it. In it all that exists has its self. This is the truth. It is the Self and That thou art !" Similarly the all pervading nature of this principle is taught to the boy in the following way: The boy is asked to dissolve a little salt in a cup of water. He is then asked to take a sip of it from different parts. He finds it everywhere saltish. Then the boy is instructed : "Though the thing is not perceived by the senses, still the salt is there. That which is the finest essence of the world is the soul of reality. That thou art !" The boy who wants further instruction is taught by the father that life here is one of bondage and escape from it is the forin of realisation of Self. But as one might tread his way home even if he be stranded in a foreign country, so can we individuals tread our way back to the Universal Being. Towards the close of the Upanisad the scene is pliced in Devaloka The thirst for knowledge possesses even the gods. Narada goes to Sanatkumara with this appeal : "Sir, teach me the doctrine." Narada is asked to give a list of all the sciences he learned. After enumerating the names of different sciences, such as the four Vedas, mathematics, astrology and so on, he addresses Sanatkum ara thus : "but Sir, with all this I could not know the Self. I have heard that he knows the Self who overcomes sorrow. I am in grief. Do help me to overcome the grief." Then Brahma-knowledge is iinparted to Narada by Sanatkumara and he realizes his Self. Narada is then progressively instructed by Sanatkumara as to the nature of Self. Finally, the Chapter concludes with the following words : "The soul is indeed below, the soul is above, the soul will be in this whole world. Verily he who sees this, who thinks this, who understands this, who has pleasure in the soul, who has delight in the soul, he is autonomous. He has Svarajya. He has unlimited freedoin in all the worlds. But they who know otherwise than this are without Svarajya. They have perishable worlds. In all the worlds they have no freedom.' Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION The True way to Brahma World-The way to realise the true self and to enjoy the spiritual bliss is not by following the traditional rituals but by purity of conduct. "Now what people call sacrifice, Yajna is really the chaste life of a student of sacred knowledge. For only through the chaste life of a student of sacred knowledge does he who is a knower find. that world. Now what people call what has been sacrificed is really the chaste life of a student. Now what people call the propriety of a sacrifice is also the chaste life of a student. Now what people call silent asceticism is really the chaste life of a student. Now what people call hermit life is really the chaste life of a student,' Next we have the instruction of Indra by the Lord of Creation. Indra is actuated by the desire for Brahmin-knowledge. He goes to the Lord of Creation to beg of him the same knowledge. The Self which is free from evil, ageless, deathless, sorrowless, hungerless, thirstless, whose desire is Real, whose conception is the Real. It is such a Self that Indra wants to realize. The Indra here is quite different from our old friend of the Rg Veda. Indra here seeks to obtain a knowledge of the Brahman which is the ultimate principle both of the individual and the world. He is told that even the gods in Brahmaloka reverence their selves shaking off evil, shaking off the body as the moon shakes itself from the mouth of Rahu, a perfected soul passeth off into the uncreated world of Brahman and into it, it may pass. Such is the consolation of the perfected soul which has become perfect by knowing its own Self. Thus we have a complete change of intellectual attitude. Life in the world according to ceremonies and customs is looked down as a source of misery. It is merely to sell one's birth-right of freedom, to be ruled over by anything other than our own Self. The true relief from grief is to secure the freedom from the danger of the non-self. This is the fundamental truth of the new thought. This seems to have actuated both men and gods. The reference to the Devas, the mythological personalities which we have in the Upanisadic writings is really interesting. We find in Vedic period, for example, Indra who wanted casks of wine to infuriate the strength of him in the battlefield is now met with as a docile disciple of the samite in his hand begging to be instructed in this new knowledge of the Self. Here heroes are not measured by physical prowess. Self-control and purity of thought constitute the real worth of life both for men and gods. This aspect will become more and more prominent as we go to study the other Upanisads. Katha Upanisad-This belongs to Yajurveda. It is mainly associated with a particular kind of sacrifice called Naciketas. But the Upanisad is interesting for us not because of this sacrifice but because of the important problem discussed therein-the great problem of the Hereafter. What is 35 1 Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 36 SAMAYASARA Does it survive death? If it does whither does it the nature of the soul? go? These are the questions which are discussed in this Upanisad. These questions have occupied the serious attention of thinkers all over the world. In fact these problems form the pivot of religions and philosophy. Socrates, Plato, Buddha and Christ have all had their attention to these facts and the very same problems are here discussed by the Upanisadic thinkers who were evidently the fore-runners of the above mentioned great world teachers. The Upanisad opens with a simple household scene. A Brahmana wants to obtain certain benefits by offering sacrifices. He promised to offer all his valuable possessions for sacrifice to seek his end. He He was offering his cows and sheep and other things of great value, had an intelligent boy who was watching the whole thing. His name was Naciketas. The sacrifice mentioned in this Upanisad is named after him. It means the sacrifice of Naciketas. This boy perhaps in a scoffing mood reminded his father that he did not offer his most valuable thing referring of course to himself. The boy importunately asked his father, "Whom are you going to offer me to ?" When this question was repeatedly put, the father got angry because of this disturbance during the sacrifice and he answered in a rage, "To Yama, thou shalt go; thou art offered to Death." Before his father could revoke his command the boy started on his journey to Yama's land. Having reached that place he could not meet the Lord of Death, for he was not at home. The boy had to wait three nights without being attended to. Yama returned on the fourth day, and he regretted very much for the neglect shown to the Brahmana boy waiting as a guest at his door. As a compensation Yama offered three boons to the boy and he was asked to choose any three. As his first boon the boy cleverly asked that he might rejoin his father and that his father should forgive and forget and welcome him to his household. This was granted by Yama. As his second boon the boy chose to be instructed in the well-known sacrifice Naciketas leading to heavenly bliss. Yama initiated the boy into the mysteries of the desired ritual and honoured the boy by naming the sacrifice after him. The boy had his third boon still left. When Yama asked him to choose the third, the boy said, "When a man is dead where is this doubt about him-some say that he is and other that he is not. Let me know the truth and let this be the third boon." When the boy asked Yama to lay open the door of Hereafter there was a good deal of hesitation and reluctance on the part of the teacher. Whenever the great religious teachers of the world are asked about the Hereafter they offer only an evasive reply. Yama too wanted to avoid this question and tried to turn away the boy's curiosity from awful and sublime. He says, "The gods themselves have been perplexed about this. It is no easy thing to discover." Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 37 Hence he asked the boy to choose an alternative boon. The evasive answer only whetted the curiosity of the boy. Yama himself admitted that the problem was very important and subtle and that it perplexed even the minds of the gods. Certainly such a thing is worth knowing and if knowledge is to be had at all it must be from the Lord of the Great Hereafter. The boy would not loose this golden opportunity. Hence he insisted on getting an answer. But Yami tempted his disciple's youthful imagination. Like the great te:nptation of another Personality this youth Naciketas had the sovereignty of the world, human and divine, placed at his feet. The whole aggregate wealth was at his disposal. He was pro:nised heavenly damsels. He had the chance of being feasted with their divine music. But none of these things appealed to him. He would not budge. Like Gautama Buddha this boy spurned the pleasure of the world as worthless. He must have that one priceless boon the knowledge of the hereafter from the only person who had an authority to speak on the matter. Man is not to be satisfied with wealth. Wealth we shall obtain ourselves. Tell us about that life that gods themselves do not know. Thus the boy would not have any other boon but would rent the veil which hid Yama. Thus the strength of will exhibited by the boy ultimately succeeded in eliciting the sympathy of Yami who was willing to offer the truth. Thus there is the revelation of the Upanisadic teaching as to the nature of the soul and its survival after death. The teaching begins with the good and the pleasurable. Both these engige a man though the ends are diverse. Of these it is well with him that takes the good. He that chooses the pleasurable is tied to the wheel of life dwelling in the midst of illusions infatuated by the pleasures of the world. These fools are subject to repeated births and deaths and go round and round like the blind led by the blind. He is even under the subjugation of Yami. But the path of good leads to the Self. Wonderful is he that teaches and wise is he that attains it. This goal is attained only by renouncing the other path leading to the misery of Samsara. Thus we notice in this teaching of Yama the emphasis on Self-realization as the goal of life. This goal is to be obtained only by self-renunciation, freedom from the allurement of the environinent. The cult of sacrifice is subordinated to this path of spiritual discipline. Here we notice the movements of great religious thought. Continuing this teaching, Yama describes the nature of the Atinan. The Self is not born and it dies not. It is omniscient. It is not created and it creates nothing. It has no beginning nor end. It perishes not even when death overtakes the body. If the slayer thinks that he slays and the slain thinks that he is slain neither of the:n knoweth the Self for the Self neither slayeth nor is slain. It is bodiless and yet is in all bodies unchanging and yet in all changing Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA things. The sage that knows the infinite, the all-pervading self no longer has any grief. The nature of the soul is therefore distinct from that of the body. Apprehension of this truth is the gate to wisdom. But this great self lies in the midst of different senses which lead him astray towards the worthless treasures of the world. This self is not to be obtained by mere learning or even by much sacred lore. It is obtainable only by the grace of the great self. It is by a process of minute spiritual development that spiritual freedom is to be acquired. The allegory of the chariot is introduced here. Yama continues his teaching and compares the soul to the chariot and the senses to the restive horses. Only by controlling the senses that the self gains freedom. We are reminded here of the same allegory in Plato. He compares the soul to a chariot dragged by horses. In the case of the gods the winged horses are good and controllable, and they never lead reason astray but in the case of man one of these horses is restive and is dragging the other one. Hence the ethical conflict in man's nature is due to the conflict between reason and the senses. The same analogy is obtained in Yama's teachings. The release from the chain of births and deaths is to be had only through spiritual purity. Here again we notice the subordination of the sacrificial cult to moral discipline. Then Yama comes to the point which started the discussion. "Oh Gautama, I will proclaim again this mystery: The everlasting self and his hereafter. Some souls pass to other births. Some to enter into other bodies according to their worth and knowledge." Hence we have the emphatic sanction of the doctrine of metempsychosis. Souls after death pass into another birth determined by their own Karina and Jnana. This is the basic principle on which the future Indian systems arose. The self that is still after pleasures is tied to the wheel of births and deaths; some going up and some going down; some endowed with happiness and others with misery, but all sharing the universal merry-go-round of Samsara. But only that self which realizes its true spiritual nature, only that which saves itself from the allurements of the world and imposes on itself the rigorous spiritual discipline can know the truth, can escape from the illusion and attain that never-failing bliss of true freedom. 8.8 Mundaka Upanisads-This Upanisad belongs to Atharvana Veda. It is divided into a number of Khandas. Its main purpose is to teach the knowledge of Brahman. Hence it may be taken as the farthest limit of the anti-Ritualistic culture of the age. This Upanisad starts with the distinction between the two kinds of knowledge. Lower knowledge consists of the study of the Vedas and the secular sciences such as grammar, astronomy, astrology etc. The higher is the knowledge of the indestructible It is this indestructible Brahman that is the source of all things. Brahman. 6 Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 39 - Its nature is described thus. "That which is invisible, unseizable, without family or caste, that which has no eyes, mor ears, no hands, nor feet, the Eternal, the omnipresent, Infinitesimal and imperishable. That it is which the wise regard as the source of knowledge. As the spider sends forth and draws in its thread, as plants grown on earth, as the hairs of the head shoot forth from every person, thus does everything arise from the imperishable." These two verses clearly illustrate the spiritual nature of Brahman and he is the root principle of all existence. Knowledge of this is claimed to be edge par excellence. What is the value of the lower knowledge of the traditional religion of the sacrificial Mantras and the skill in arranging sacrifices, but frail in truth are those boats (the sacrifices ). Fools are they that praise this as the highest for they are subjected again and again to old age and death. Fools who hold this Vedic scholarship or rituals wise in their own conceit and puffed up with vain knowledge go round and round staggering to and fro like blind men led by the blind. If at all it is of any use to a person who offers sacrifice, it will lead him to Svarga which is merely a kind of lower happiness since that state of existence is also included in the Sarpsaric cycle. How is the higher knowledge to be obtained ? "By truthfulness, by penance, right knowledge and abstinence must that Self be gained." The Self whom spotless anchorites gain is pure, and like a light within the body. Further the Upanisad emphasises that that Atman cannot be gained by the Veda nor by understanding nor by much learning nor is that Self to be gained by one who is destitute of strength or without earnestness or without right meditation. Having wellascertained the object of the knowledge of the Vedanta, having purified their nature by Yoga or renunciation, all anchorites enjoying the highest immortality become free at the time of the great end in the worlds of Brahma. This imperishable Brahman is the soul and the goal of all beings. He is the supreme person who is the source of human personality as well as the cosmic universe. He is in short the source of the world and the individual. Because of him the senses are active, all doubts are cut off and one's Karmas cease when He is seen. The highest golden sheaf is Brahman without stain, without parts. The sun shines not there nor the moon and the stars. There lightnings shine not, much less this fire; when He shines then everything shines after him. This whole world is illumined with His light. That immortal Brahman is before, is behind, is right and left, is below and above. Brahman indeed is this whole world; it is indeed the excellent. Not by sight is it graphed, not even by speech nor by another sense-organ, austerity or work. By the light of the knowledge of one's nature becomes purified in that way, by medicating one does not behold Him who is without parts. The cause of rebirth and Samsara is said to be Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 40 SAMAYASARA desire, those who attain to the Brahma-jnana are free from these desires and pass beyond the seed of rebirth. But he who is still in the meshes of desires is born again here. The reward of attaining this Brahma-jnana is to assume the nature of Brahman himself. He who knows that supreme Brahman becomes the very Brahma. He crosses all sorrow. He crosses all sin-liberated, he becomes immortal. This is the truth. So ends this short Upanisad. Byhadaranyka Upanisad-This perhaps represents a later stage of the Upanisadic culture. In this we have an attempted reconciliation between the traditional ritual cult and the new theosophic wisdom of Brahma-vidya. We referred to the implied rivalry on a former occasion between the Kurupancalas on one hand and Kosalas and the Videhas on the other. The latter countries were associated with heretical anti-sacrificial civilisation. In an interesting chapter in the Satapatha Brahmana there is mentioned an attempt by the Kurupancalas to reconvert the Kosalas and the Videhas to Vedic traditions. Such a successful reconversion most probably marks the period of the Bshadaranyakas. One of the champions of the old traditional culture studies the new thought successfully and finally assimilates it so completely that the theosophic Brahma-jnana once originated by the rival school dominated by the Ksatriyas ceases to have an independent existence. This personality who contributes to the complete annihilation of the rival school by the successful assimilation of the same by the old culture is Yajnavalkya. From the point of view of culture and philosophic insight he is head and shoulders above his contemporaries. He is looked upon with awe and reverence by other priests. He is welcomed and honoured by kings. Having studied the new thought and made it his own, he is able to reassert the supremacy of the traditional Vedic cult thus in this Upanisad. We have all the characteristic conflicts symptomatic of a transition period. The Upanisad begins with the conception of Asvamedha. Here it has only a symbolic meaning. The whole world is compared to one grand process of cosmic sacrifice. There is an account of the creation which starts from asat-non-being--and evolves into being. Here we have merely an echo of the Vedic hymn which describes the origin of the world sat from asat. After comparing the evolution of the world to the grand horse-sacrifice, the Upanisad goes to describe the nature of human personality. Breath or Prana is said to be superior to the other bodily functions. This leads indirectly to a glorification of chanting the Vedic hymns which is possible only because of breath. In the next section there is another account of the creation of the world. Starting with the lonely Purusa who is the beginning of all things, the narrator proceeds to describe the appearance of a mate from himself. From these primeval Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 41 pair the whole of the human race is supposed to have originated. But the primitive mother all of a sudden develops a resentment to the unconventional matrimonial alliance and tries to hide herself from her companion. Thus she becomes a cow but he became a bull and thus originates another species of animals. Then she changes herself into other animals and the primitive Purusa longing to meet his mate undergoes a corresponding transforination. Thus are created the different species of animals. In the next passage there is an interesting and novel version of the hymn of Purusasukta of the Rgvedic hymns. In the Rg Veda there was a description of the origin of the four castes. Here is a different account. Purusa exists originally as Brahman. Being lonely it was not developed. It created still further a superior form of the Ksatrahood even those who are Ksatras, rulers among Gods. This higher principle of Ksatrahood is represented by Indra, Varuna, Soma Rudra, Yama, and lsana. Therefore there is nothing higher than Ksatra. Therefore at the Rajasuya ceremony the Brahmana sits below the Ksatriya. Upon Ksatrahood alone does he confer his honour. Yet this same thing viz; Ksatrahood has as its source Brahmanahood. Therefore even if the king attains supremacy he rests finally upon Brahininhood as his source, so whoever injures Him ( that is a Brahmin ) attacks his own source. He fares worse in proportion as he injures one who is better. This passage is characteristic of the spirit of compromise. Ksatriyahood and Rajasuya sacrifice are clearly acknowledged to be super-eminent and at the same time the rank is derived because they originate from Brahmanhood. Unlike the Purusasukta of the aeg this account suggests a caste organisation even among the Gods. Brahman's manifestation was not yet complete. Then he produced the Vaisya element which is represented among the gods by the Rudras, Adityas, the Maruts, and the Visvadevas and among men by the Vaisya. Brahma was not yet developed and he created the Sudra-varna of which caste the divine representative is Pusan identified with the Earth the-all-nourisher and among men the same is represented by the fourth caste. The process of creation is not yet complete. Then Brahma created a still further form in the shape of Dharina or Law. It is the source of all. This is the power of the Ksatriya caste. Therefore there is nothing higher than Law. Verily that which is Law is truth. This law is higher than Gods as well as men. It is because of this Law and in conformity with it the world-order subsists. The Ksatriya-order on earth is but an aspect of the sovereignty of Law over all. In this interesting passage we have several instances. We are distinctly in a philosophical age when an intrinsic principle of Law or Dharma is recognised as highest to which even the traditional gods are subordinated. This reminds us of the corresponding period of the Hellenic Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA 42 civilisation represented by the age of Eurepides. Just as the conception of Law in Greek thought formed the central doctrine of the later Stoic Philosophers so the conception of Law is to be elaborated by the later Buddhistic schools in which it would occupy the central position in the shape of the doctrine of Karma. But we quit the age of an intellectual conflict and enter into an age of compromise. The old rivalry and struggle between the two rival communities are in abeyance. There is a spirit of mutual give and take. From the one point of view, the Rajasuya sacrifice associated with the Ksatriyas is the highest and from the another point of view the Vajapeya-sacrifice associated with the Brahmins is the highest. Ksatriya is taken to be superior because of his strength and Brahmin is equally powerful because of his religious inspiration. Thus we have a note of compromise indicating that both the aspects are necessary and important from the point of view of social economy. In the II Adhyaya we are introduced into the scene in Ajatasatru's court. A learned priest by name Gargya Balaki goes to Ajatasatru, King of Benares and offers to expound the doctrine of Brahman. The king was very much pleased and promised to give him a present of a thousand cows for such a speech before him, for it was a general fashion among the philosophers in those days to run to the Court of Janaka of Videha; then Balaki narrates his views about Brahman. He identified Brahman with the sun, moon, lightning, ether, air, water, fire and so on. He even suggests the identity of Braliman with the image in the mirror. All these things are rejected by Ajatasatru as inadequate. Is that all ? Asked Ajatasatru. Gargya replies "That is all". Ajatasatru: Oh ! With that much is not known. Gargya: Let me know. Ajatasatru : Verily it is contrary to course of things that a Brahmin should come to a Ksatriya with the object of gaining Brahma-knowledge ! But anyhow Gargya was willing to be instructed by Ajatasatru. Balaki was taken to a man who was asleep. But when he was touched with the hand he arose. From this object-lesson Ajatasatru drew the following conclusion, When this man was fallen asleep thus then the person who consists of intelligence having taken to himself, the intelligence of these senses rests in that place which is within the heart. When that person restrains the senses he is said to be asleep. The breath, the voice, the eye, the ear and the mind are all restrained. When he draws in his senses the worlds are all in him. Then he becomes a great Brahman as it were. Verily as a youth, as a great king, or a great Brahman when he has reached his summit of bliss so he rests now. As a spider might come out with its thread, as small spark come out from the fire, even so from this Soul come forth all vital energies all worlds, all gods. all beings. The mystic meaning thereof is the real of the real. Breathing Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION creatures are really the Real, but He is their Real. Thus accordingi to Ajatasatru the self in the movement of sleep is not only the custodian of the senses of the individual but is also indentical with the soul of the world. All breathing things are real but He is their Real. Continuing the discourse Ajatagatru speaks of the two forms of Brahman-Murta and Amurta-the formed and the formless-the mortal and the immortal, the actual and the beyond. This doctrine of duality of Brahman is interesting in this way. The ultimate reality includes both the actual concrete experience and the transcendental principle which expresses itself in this. The transcendental is described by negatives. The actual and the normal portions of reality are recognised to be real and are described by the positive designation. This section lends support to that particular school of Vedanta-Visistadvaita. The organic world consisting of breathing things is real and not Maya. It represents the Murta form of Brahman but this does not exhaust the complete Brahman because there is the Amurta, the formless aspect of that on account of which he is called the real of the real. 43 Next we find ourselves in Yajnavalkya's household. The scene is laid in his home. Yajnavalkya proposes to take leave of his wife and retire from the householder's status. Yajnavalkya wants to make a final settlement of his property but Maitreyi asked Yajnavalkya whether by possession of wealth one would obtain immortality. This interrogation perturbed the philosopher a bit and he had to answer the question in the negative. Maitreyi would not be satisfied with anything else than that which lead to the highest bliss, "What you know, Sir, that indeed tell ine." Then we have Yajnavalkya's teachings as imparted to his wife Maitreyi. The only thing in the universe which has intrinsic value is Atman or Self. It is this that is dearest to us. Everything that we desire to have obtains a derivative value from this Atman. This is the end in itself. This is associated with the unconditioned and absolute value. Domestic life, worldly possessions, social status and even religious ceremonials and national traditions have their value only so long as they serve us as means to the realization of the Atman. A Brahmin who prides on his birth without knowing this ceases to be a Brahmin and the same is the case with the Ksatriya, One may possess riches. One may carry out every commandment of his religion and all this would be of no avail if the knowledge of the self is not the guiding star of life. Conventional notions of value of social status and rank are all things that dwindle into insignificance by the side of this-One truth, the Great Purusa. Communion with this is the only safety for and the only guarantee of true life. Even the much prized Vedas and the other sciences own their origin and importance to this one. It is this one inspiring principle the unitary Purusa that lends lustre to anything that is shining. From Him comes the elements, into them also they vanish. Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44 SAMAYASARA After death there is consciousness. Thus say I, says Yajnavalkya. This doctrine that after death there is consciousness bewildered Maitrey. She demanded an explanation. Accordingly Yajnavalkya said thus: Consciousness is entirely based upon the subject-object duality "Dvaita". On account of this dualism we have an agent who has an object, presented to him who hears a sound, who speaks to another person, who thinks of another thing, but if this subject-object dualism is transcended and if we are left with one only without a second then whereby and whom one would hear and whereby and whom one would speak to, whereby and whom one would understand. Naturally all objects of thinking and consciousness would cease to be because consciousness implies duality. Unity cannot therefore accommodate consciousness. Thus we have not only the identification of subject-object into one soul but the identification of the universe with the one soul. Thus we obtain an unqualified Advaita, an uncompromising Advaitism diametrically opposed to Ajatasatru's doctrine of the two kinds of Brahman. This conflict only proves that we don't have a systematic doctrine worked out in the Upanisads but we have embodied therein the germs of all possible speculations. Next we are in Janaka's Court, and we meet there the great Yajnavalkya again. Janaka was going to perform a great sacrifice. Several learned Brahmins were assembled. Janaka had a desire to know which of these Brahmins was the most learned. He offered a tempting prize of 1000 cows with ten gold coins tied to each horn. "Oh the venerable Brahmins! Let him who is the cleverest among you drive these cows." No one came forward, Yajnavalkya said to his disciple "Drive these cattle home." This excited the other Brahmins who challenged him to a metaphysical discussion. He proved himself more than a match to these rivals. Several eminent scholars tried their strength with Yajnavalkya. But no one of them would stand his cross-examination. Finally, it was the turn of a lady philosopher-Gargi. She proposes three important questions as to the nature of the Imperishable and the Ultimate. The way in which she addresses Yajnavalkya is expressive of her real greatness. She announces that if Yajnavalkya answers all her questions then they must all recognise and acknowledge that they are vanquished and disgraced. Three questions proposed by Gargi were all about the self indestructible both in the individual and in the Universe. Yajnavalkya answered all of them to the great satisfaction of the questioner. The whole physical universe ultimately depends upon space and space itself ultimately depends upon the Atman. This is the meaning of his answers. Yajnavalkya makes out that the soul is transcending all notions of humanity and devoid of all sense-qualities. "Thou shalt not see the seer nor hear the hearer. That is the self that is within all, It is above the heavens beneath the Earth, and embracing past, present and future. Whoso Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION ever not knowing the indestructible offers oblations and performs penances even for one thousand years is a miserable slave whereas he who knows the self as imperishable is real Brahman. This indeed is the true form free from evil. This is filled with bliss and is free from sorrows. Yajnavalkya explains the different stages of consciousness a doctrine which becomes more prominent in later metaphysics. The first stage is waking-consciousnes. The second is sleep where we have dream-consciousness. Third is the dreamless stage of deep sleep, and the fourth stage beyond which we reach the inmost self. According to Yajnavalkya the true nature is identical with the fourth or the Turiya state. This may be spoken of as the "Ego in itself." Self which is distinctly metempirical and transcendent. The next scene is where we see Yajnavalkya again in the court of Janaka of Videha who asked Yajnavalkya the purpose of his visit whether it is for philosophical disputation or for rich presents. Yajnavalkya is shrewd enough to answer that his aim is both. Then begins the discussion. Janaka is asked to expound all that he learned about the doctrine of Brahman. The king narrates the different doctrines of Brahman which he learnt from various scholars. He tries to identify Braman with sight, speech, hearing, mind etc. All these doctrines are recognised by Yajnavalkya to be only partially true. He completes the teaching by supplementing Janaka's doctrine of the self. According to Yajnavalkya the Atman is the condition of the operation of the different senses as well as manas. As conditioned by Atman, these sense-activities may reveal in their own way the nature of the underlying Brahman. But to identify consciousness or any one of the senses with Brahman would be unjustifiable and erroneous. The soul is what subserves these functions though it is not identical with any one of these. Its true nature lies far beyond the strata of consciousness. We should have to dive deep into the consciousness in order to have a glimpse of this Brahman. In his teaching, Yajnavalkya exhibits a width of learning quite manifest from his discussion. We can also point out that this is corroborated by modern psychical research. What we are aware of as consciousness is but a fractional aspect of our true personality, a great portion of which lies hidden in the depths of subconsciousness. Yajnavalkya's teaching therefore rightly and justifiably repudiates this shallow intellectualism and tries to bring to the forefront of discussion the magnitude and the importance of the subconscious self which more than anything else determines the conduct of the individual and contributes to his worth. This subconsciousness of our personality is always felt by the conscious individual as something other than ourselves which makes for righteousness. It is this sublime mysticism that forms the solid contribution of Yajnavalkya's teaching in Janaka's court. No wonder that at every stage of discussion his speech is punctuated with a present of 45 Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 46 SAMAYASARA 1000 cows. This time Yagnavalkya leaves Janaka's court with his wellearned present of several thousands of cows, a good fee for a noble work. Janaka is the examiner in another occasion and Yagnavalkya the examinee, Consistent with his antecedents here also Yagnavalkya surprises Janaka with his sublimity of thought land intensity of philosophical insight. It is here that Yagnavalkya describes in suggestive verses the true nature of Brahman. This is indeed in true form free from desires, free from evil, free from fear, knows not anything within or without. This indeed is his true state. There is no wish in him left unfulfilled and hence is he free from sorrow. In that state ordinary relations of social life have no meaning, a husband is not a husband, a mother is not a mother, the candala is not a candala, saint is not a saint, it is a state beyond Good and Evil. Then we have transvaluation of all values, From Him proceedeth all that has value, Himself being beyond all valuation. Side by side with this uncompromising pantheism Yagnavalkya propounds the doctrine of Karma. A person is after all a bundle of desires. His desires determine his conduct and according as one acts so doth he become. The doer of good becomes good, the doer of evil, evil. One becomes righteous by righteous action and bad by bad action. He does not accept that desires have no connection with acts. Some say that man is judged by his desires and not by acts. Yagnavalkya rejected this erroneous notion. The springs of desires are in the action. What a man desires that he tries to achieve. Hence there is no discrepancy between desire and conduct and each person is the architect of his own. The true meaning of salvation consists in getting rid of desires which drag the soul along all points of the compass. Man free from desires has but one desire to realise his true nature or to become the released person. He verily becomes the Brahman. As the slough of a snake lies on an ant-hill, dead and cast away, even so is it with this body. But this incorporeal immortal life is Brahman indeed, is life indeed. The rest of the Upanisad is concerned with Yagnavalkya's attempts as justifying the rituals symbolically by giving them metaphorical interpretation. He tries to identify the vedic conception of diversity of Gods with the supreme concept of Brahman. This part of the Upanisad is characteristic of the attempt to reconcile the Atmavidya with the traditional Vedic culture. Yagnavalkya by embracing this new philosophical doctrine was not evidently prepared to snatch himself away from the traditional vedic rituals. We may also note here that Yagnavalkya probably did not belong to the orthodox Brahmins of Kurupancala and hence was looked with an amount of suspicion by the latter. This is quite evident from Yagnavalky's conversation with Ikalya who resents to Yagnavalky's reference to the Brahamanas of Kurupancala and retorts "Yagnavalkya ! because thou hast decried the 7 Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION Brahmanas of the Kurupancalas what Brahmana dost thou know.' We see Yagnavalkya throughout this Upanisad mustering all his resources to prove that in the various rituals there are the same tendencies, the same doctrines, embodied in the Upanisads. The General Tendencies of the Upanisadic Period--The study of these important Upanisads has revealed to us some main characteristics of this age. The most prominent idea is the Brahma, the ultimate principle in the universe as well as in the individual. This is represented in various discussions where the self is indentified with Prana or Akaga or sometimes with Vedic gods such as Surya, Soma, and Indra. Many of the Vedic terms are used synonymously to denote this new Upanisadic concept of atman. But all these synonymous terms are brushed aside as inadequate. Brahma is identified as the principle of Cetana or the ground of consciousness which manifests in various forms of activities. That is the truth revealed by Ajatasatru. That is the truth learned by Narada from Sanatkumara. That again is the teaching of the celebrated Yagnavalkya. Brahma is consciousness or Cetana plus something more than that. Hence it cannot be identified with any particular aspect of experience. He being the knower cannot be one of the known. He is within the heart of man and yet has his abode in far off Heaven. He is neither the sun nor the moon of the vedic thought but he is the Purusa. He is quite near us and yet not seen by us. He is within us and yet illuminates things outside of us. This is the message of the Upanisadic thinkers. The identity between Brahma as the cosmic principle and atman as individual personality is generally acknowledged by all the Upanisads. is the identity contemplated here of the nature of absolute identity ? Is it one or many ? Are the objects of the world real or illusory? Is there existence besides the Self? These are some of the questions for which we have no unanimous answer. Some Passages in the Upanisads emphasize the identity of the Brahma and the individual whereas many of the important passages tend towards pantheisin. Everything in the universe is maintained and sustained by the Brahma. This Upanisadic pantheism does not contemplate the unreality of the external world. The process of evolution, the birth and growth of the world from this spiritual principle according to this Pantheism is compared to the spinning of cobwebs by the spider. Besides this, pantheistic tendency there is also a clear idealistic note sounded by Yagnavalkya. His doctrine (Brhadaranyaka Upanisada) may be taken as the basis of Advaita. According to Brhadaranyaka the Brahma is shown to be the transcendental Identity beyond the knower and the known. Hence it is metempirical and beyond consciousness. He is to be described only by negatives because no category of our experience can truly explain Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 48 SAMAYASARA this transcendental Idea. Besides this advaitic attitude there are also symptoms of theistic tendency, Brahma is spoken as identical with Rudra and Vishnu. He is spoken of as the creator and sustainer of the Universe. The individuals are to look up to him for spiritual guidance and help and for final emancipation from Samsara. Besides these general tendencies there are other characteristics of the Upanisadic Age. (1) The Upanisads are mainly antiritualistic. Since they are antiritualistic they are in a sense anti-Vedic also. Internal evidence indicates that the new thought had its origin mainly among the Rajarisis, (II) Asceticism and the practice of Yoga seems to be the characteristic institution of the Upanisadic age. The practical course of realising the Brahma contemplated by the Upanisads involves an elaborate process of selfdiscipline. As against the older forms of fire sacrifice the Upanigads contemplate a new kind of sacrifice, Sacrificing one's own attractions towards the world. "These two are unending immortal oblations referring to the sacrifice of speech and other sense-qualities. Whether waking or sleeping one is sacrificing continuously uninterruptedly. Now whatever other oblations there are they are limited, for they consist of works-Karma maya, Knowing this very thing verily indeed the ancients did not sacrifice the agnihotra sacrifice" (Kausitaka Upanisada II Adhyaya ). This passage indicates that Yoga or Tapas is considered as an ancient institution and has taken the place of the traditional agnihotra about the time of the Upanisads. This is further strengthened by circumstantial evidence that the Upanisadic age must be of very long duration comprehending within itself an earlier conflict between antiritualism and ritualism and a later attempted reconciliation of some sort. Asceticism of the type of spiritual agnihotra must necessarily imply what is elsewhere called the other-worldliness. The concrete of our everyday life is associated with evil and suffering. The goal of life is emancipation from samsaric cycle. The means of attaining this goal consists in eradicating all desires by performing Tapas. All that is of the nature of evil in Life must be burned in the spiritual fire of the Atman, This is the path of self-realisation. Instead of the sacrifice of various animals to realise the aim of one's life one has to offer one's own desires as the sacrificial victim in his higher agnihotra. The Yagakunda of the Upanisadic age is in the very heart of one's own self. It is a sort of crucifying the old Adam in man for the glorification of the new one. Thus we have in this age of theosophic wisdom all the terms of a later systematic philosophy. Here we are able to trace the Vedantic idealism as well as the Samkhyan realism. Here we find the traces of all theistic tendencies in India. We have also in the same age the ground of the intellectual condition that ultimately developed into the religion of peace and Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 49 harmony which preached the glory of renunciation. Max Muller says, "The Upanisads are to iny mind the germs of Buddhism while Buddhism is in many respects the doctrine of the Upanisads carried out to its last consequences. The doctrine of the highest goal of Vedanta, the Knowledge of the true self is no more than the Budhism the common property of the Sangha fraternity open alike to the young and old, to the Brahmana and the Sudra the rich and the poor, the literate and the illiterate." In the Upanisads we have the germs of all the philosophical system not only to the Vedic and the orthodox but also those religiophilosophical systems which are non-vedic such as Jainism and Buddhism. We may repeat our statement that it was an age of general philosophical outbursts in which there were several tendencies with multifarious characteristics, Crystalisation of these tendencies and forces ultimately resulted in the rise of several systems of Philosophy which adorned the succeeding period, THE RUDIMENTS OF UPANISADIC THOUGHT IN THE SANHITAS AND THE BRAHMANAS Upanisadic literature practically forms a part of Vedic literature in general. Thus it is a part of Sruti as opposed to Smrti. When we spoke about the various Brahmanas we saw what these Brahmanas treated about. The Brahmanas are associated with different Vedic groups, i. e., we have the Brahmanas belonging to Rg, Yajur and so on. Thus we have the mantras or the sacrificial hymns constituting the Samhita 'portion of a particular Veda followed by the Brahmanas which explain the sacrificial procedure. These Brahmanas contain what are known as aranyakas or forest-treatises and Upanisads, a sort of Philosofical discourse. These Upanisads constitute the last of the sruti or Vedic literature. Hence they are sometimes known as Vedant, the last of the Vedas which name was specialised to represent a particular school of Philosophy later on. Now we have to consider this third stage of Vedic literature known as the Upanisadic literature. It is here we have the origin of genuine philosophy. There are two fundamental conceptions implicitly present throughout the early vedic literature which finally become the central ideas in the Upanisads. These are atman and Brahman. Atman is derived from a Samskrit root meaning Breath, It implies soul or spirit of the individual and indirectly of the universe as well. In a verse of the Rg Veda it is used in the sense of Life. "Increase or Bright Indra this our manifold food thou givest us like sap." This life-principle was early recognised to be inside of and different from body. The next step in the history of Vedic thought is to recognise the soul or life of the universe. Just as there is a non-material principle constituting the essence of man there is an essential principle at the centre of the universe. This spiritual principle at the core of the universe is also designated by the same term atman. Another Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA 50 verse of the Rg Samhita runs thus; where was the life, the blood; the soul of the universe who went to ask this avocations, in their old age all take to Samnyasahood or to use his own words become Munis and finally give up their bodies through the performance of yoga or tapas. Thus taking to the life of a muni and preforming tapas or yoga was considered the general career of the Ksatriyas of the Iksavaku family. Further we have to notice this fact that the Iksavaku line is traditionally traced to series of Manus who were a sort of mythic rulers and organisers of humanity. Reference to the same house is made by the Jaina writers relating to the origin. The founder of Jainism according to their own tradition was one Vrsabha, king of Ayodhya belonging to the Iksavaku line and a descendant of the Manus. After ruling the country for some time he abdicated the throne in favour of his son, Bharata and became a muni engaged in tapas or yoga. This Vnsabha is supposed to be the founder of the doctrine of ahimsa that it is wrong to inflict pain on any living thing on any account even in the name of religion or God. From this Vrsabha the tradition speaks of a succession of Jaina prophets ending with the last and the twenty-fourth Mahavira Vardhamana, an elder contemporary of Gautama Buddha. The date of His nirvana is fairly well determined to be 527 B.C. The Jaina tradition assc ciated his immediate predecessor Parswanath with Kasi. He was the son of the King of Kasi, whose name was Viswasena. The interval between Parswa and Mahavira is 250 years and this would place him about 777 B.C. This date is recognised to be fairly accurate and the personality of Parswa is accepted to be quite historical. The fact we have to notice in connection with this Jaina tradition is this. Of the 24 Jinas nearly 20 are associated with the Iksavaku house and all of them are connected with the Royal houses of Kasi, Kosala, Videha and Magadha. Throughout the sacred Jaina writings the country of Videha is referred to as a sacred land, nitya punyabhumi, where the Dharma never dies-Dharma referring to the doctrine of Ahimsa. The importance of Videha, we shall krow in another connection also, The Upanisadic thought mainly centred round Janaka of Videha and Yagoavalkya also of Videha. Perhaps we have to make a slight distinction between Eastern Videha and Western Videha. The portion bordering on Magadha, what is known as Purva Videha, evidently retained the anti-sacrificial culture whereas the north-west part of Janaka's country finally accepted a sort of compromise between these sacrificial ritualisin and the antisacrificial protestantisin, The same importance of the Iksavaku house we find in Buddhistic literature. The very first chapter of Rockhill's life of Buddha contains an account of the life of the Sakyas clan to which Gautama Buddha belongs. In this account we find the Sakya clan traced to the house of the Iksavakus. This evidently implies the general belief in those days, that to trace their Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION lineage to the Iksavaku house was considered to be a proud distinction among the Ksatriya clans. Such a distinction could be claimed by this Iksavaku house only because of the solid contribution they made towards the culture and the civilisation of the early Aryans and yet these Iksavakus are hardly known and rarely mentioned in the Rg Vedic period. Hence we have to think of the two different schools of culture even among the fold of the Aryans and we are constrained to accept Bloomfield's hypothesis that the Aryans of the Eastern countries in the Gangetic plain mainly dominated by the Ksatriyas constitute an early group of Aryans who migrated into India much earlier than the Aryans of the Kurupancala whose ritualistic culture was dominated by the priests. Rivalry between the two, not merely in culture but in political relations, there must have been; for we have constant references to expeditions of the Kurupancalas into the countries of Kosala and Vedeha which appear to be partly for the purpose of proselytisation and partly for the purpose of political aggrandisement, the spirit of the conquest being associated with the missionary spirit a frequently found phenomenon in modern history. One other thing we have to notice and that is about the sacred language of the respective clans. The Eastern Aryans mainly used a form of Prakrt as their language a corrupt and an easier form of Sanskrt, a fact very often referred to by the Kurupancalas. The Kurupancalas sneered at the Eastern Aryans because of their incapacity to pronounce accurately many of the Sanskrit names. But the language sneered at by the priests of the Kurupancalas, was not only the language of the masses among the Eastern Aryans but also the medium of this sacred literature, The Jaina and Buddhistic scriptures were all written in the form of Prakrt language, for Pali the language of the Buddhist scriptures was but a slight modification of Prakrt. We cannot have a clear history of the beginning of this protestant school among the Aryans till we are able to understand the several obscure references which are scattered in the later Samhitas as well as in the Brahmana literature. It is enough to mention only two. The institution of Yatis and Vratyas constitute extremne obscure topics of the Vedic literature. The term Yat occurs in the Samhitas literature where they are said to be destroyed by Indra by offering them to the wolves of the forest. These Yatis are described to be Samnyasin who did not accept Indra worship, who would not chant the vedic mantras and who were oppo ed to the Brahmavadins. The description is quite clear and it implies that the yatis were a group of ascetics quite opposed to sacrificial ritualism for which they were evidently punished and persecuted by the more dominant branch of the ritualistic Aryans. The school of the yatis must have been at a certain period more influential and consequently 51 Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 52 SAMAYASARA more popular a fact indicated by the Brahmana literature, which speaks of the giving up of Indra worship and the Soma sacrifice for several years. It is very significant to note that the reason giving up the Indra worship and Soma sacrifice is the series of murders committed by Indra begining with the slaughter of Vithra ending with that of the yatis. Does it not suggest that at a certain period of the later Samhitas and at the early Brahmana period the antisacrificial school was more popular than the other which led to the discarding of Indra worship and of the consequent sacrificial ritualism ? The same note of opposition is associated with the institution of the Vratyas. The Vratyas are sometiines extolled for their virtues and very often condeinned for their antisacrificial unconventionalism. In an important book of the Atharvana Veda the traditional deities of the Vedic pantheon are made subordinate to hion and they go about as his attendants. He is the greatest and the highest among the Gods and yet he is described as a wandering mendicant, an ascetic who has to occasionally visit a householder for his food, a description quite in keeping with later Jaina and Buddhistic accounts. A Jaina yati or Buddhistic bhiksu of a later period had to live mainly in the outskirts of his city and had to go in the streets of the city only during the time of meals and that too occasionally. The description of Vratya is almost identical with a wandering ascetic. He is one who has given up the traditional rituals of a Brahmin, the saraskaras of a brahmacarin. In spite of this fact they are not considered as complete alien racially because the orthodox fold devised ceremonies as a sort of prayascitta after the performance of which the Vratya could be taken back into the Brahmanical fold. This fact completely rejects the hypothesis suggested by some scholars that the Vratyas were some sort of aboriginal nomades living in the midst of the Aryans. The orthodox literature even while condemning the ways of the Vratyas never speaks of them as nonAryans. They are only corrupt Aryans speaking a corrupt language found in Magadha and the surrounding districts-Magadha was the seat of Jaina and Buddhistic cultures. Taking all these into consideration it is not an implausible hypothesis to suggest that long before the rise of Buddhism there was a liberal school of thought existing side by side with the orthodox vedic school. To stop here with the suggestion that the protestant school was dominated by the Ksatriyas just as the other was by the Brahmins would rather be inaccurate. There must have been militant proselytising on either side and also doinin int free thinking. So much so we find several schools led by Vedic ritualism and the Ksatriyas just as Janaka accepting a modified form of ritualism. Among this school of protestantism we are able to recognise through the hazy past two inner currents one indicating Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION the origin of Vaisnavism and the other Jainism. Vaisnavism to be accurate is a mixture of several currents of thought and culture with a vedic nucleous is well brought out by Dr. Bhandarkar in his monograph on the 'History of Vaisnavism'. The vedic nucleus is associated with Narada a disciple of Sanatkumara. Narada must have been one of the great opponents of the sacrificial cult involving Himsa as was Viswamitra of the Rg vedic period. This Narada school of the Upanisadic period constitutes the Vedic nucleus for later Vaisnavism characterised by the full recognition of the doctrine of Ahimsa except in the Chandogya where the qualifications of a person who reaches the Brahma world are given. After mentioning the condition of Vedic study the following is added, "He who has concentrated all his senses upon the atman. He who practises Ahimhsa all elsewhere than at Tirtha who indeed who lives thus throughout the length of life reaches the Brahma world and does not return again." This verse indicates a spirit of compromise. We see a split in the very body of the antiritualistic school the right one representing the Upanisadic thought. This thing must gone on for some centuries when there was the necessity and the occasion of a more radical school-Buddhism which threw open the gates of Dharma to all irrespective of the distinction between the Aryan and the non-Aryan Many of the schools or darganas must have been codified just after the time of Buddha, Samkhya Philosophy : Kapila-- The Samkhya system propounded by Kapila is perhaps the oldest of the traditional systems of philosophy. It is referred to both in the Jaina and Buddhistic sacred literature. Jaina work describing the origin of Jaina Dharma associates the origin of Samkhya school with one Marici who was a grandson of Vrsabha the founder of Jainism according to Jaina tradition. This grandson of Vrsabha even during his grandfather's life-time is said to have started a rival school though based upon the fundamental doctrine of Ahimsa. The difference between Marici and Vrsabha's school is in the philosophical background of each and Kapila is referred to as one of the disciples of Marici. This suggestion is borne out both from internal and other references. From internal evidence Samkhya school clearly appears to be a revolt against the Vedic sacrificial ritualism in unmistakable terms. Further Gunaratna in his commentary on Haribhadra's Sad-darsana Samuccaya refers to the Samkhya school thus. Samkhya were opposed to the Vedic doctrines of Hirhsa and were interested in Adhyatmavada. Again this Kapila, the reputed author of Sahkhya is referred to in the Buddhistic account as to the origin of the Sakya clan of Ksatriyas to which Gautama Buddha himself belonged. We referred to the fact that the Sakyas cliamed to be descendants of the Iksavaku family. Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 54 SAMAYASARA One of the kings of the Iksvakus Viruddaka declared his youngest son as his successor and exiled his four other sons by his first wife. The princes accompanied by their sister and a great many people travelled towards the Himalaya mountains and reached the hermitage of Kapila. The Rsi showed them where to build a town and they built it according to his directions. The Rsi Kapila having given the soil Vastu of the place they called the town the soil of Kapila-Kapilavastu, and this Kapilavastu is the birthplace of Gautama Sakya Muni, son of the ruling prince Suddhodana. According to this account, Kapila is an ancient rsi much earlier than the rise of Buddhism. In the puranic literature he is sometimes referred to as the son and sometimes as the avatar of Visnu. Kapila is referred to in the Mahabharata and Ramayana. The Bhagavata Gita which is a part of the Mahabharata is mainly based upon Kapila's Sankhya philosophy and distinctly mentions the name of the Philosopher as well as the philosophy. By the time the Mahabharata was composed Kapila's Samkhya system must have been prevalent and was probably very popular. Kapila again figures in the Ramayana. He is associated with King Sagara who wanted to perform an Asvamedha. The horse let loose by him to have its triumphant march was stolen by a Raksasa. It was taken to the netherworld and tied to a tree close by which Kapila was performing tapas. The persons sent out to search the animal found it by the side of the rsi. Mistaking the rsi to be the culprit they began to molest him. Enraged at this he punished them by burning them all to ashes through his mystic powers. Again Kapila is referred to in the Upanisads. Here not only the name of the author but also several characteristic doctrines of the system are also mentioned. This reference in the Upanisads indicates that Samkhya school was one of the dominant schools of revolt against Vedic ritualism. The literary references cast a good deal of mystery round the personality of Kapila the great thinker responsible for Samkhya philosophy. But he is always referred to with great awe and reverence and in Sanskrit Literature he has the unique distinction of owning the title Paramarsi. This unique title of Paramassi is a clear evidence to show his importance in the early philosophical literature of India. The followers of Samkhya school are called after the founder's second name Paramarsi. But at present this school is not represented by distinct followers. Most probably all the Samkhyas were absorbed into the fold of later Vaispavism; for it is clear from the introductory remarks of Gunaratna that they were the worshippers of Narayana. This absence of a school claiming a number of devotees is sometimes explained by the fact of the antiritualistic and antitheistic tendencies of the system. Because of these tendencies Kapila's teaching according to some European scholars never secured a good following. This view of European scholars cannot be accepted. Though at present there are no representatives of the Samkhya school still we have evidence to show that in earlier period of Indian history about the time of Gunaratna there were a Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 55 number of devotees professing the Samkhya faith. Therefore it is not quite accurate to state that Ka pila "Left no traditions and found no school." (David's "Samkhya Karikas.") In Gunaratna's commentary we find the following introductory note to the chapters on Samkhya. "In order to distinguish who the Samkhyas are I mean to describe certain of their characteristic marks and habits of dress. They carry three sticks but some of them carry only one. They all had red-coloured clothes and carried with them deerskins, as their asanas. Whenever they met each other they saluted nomo narayana which would be returned narayanaya namah. These were called Parivrajakas." From this description we have to admit that at one time there were a large number of s mkhya ascetics in the country, which belied obita dicta of the Orientalists who believe that there were no school of the Samkhyas. Most probably these Parivrajakas were absorbed into the general Hindu fold as was suggested. From the characteristic salutation referred to by Guparatna we can infer that Samkhya Parivrajakas had something to do with the growth of modern Vaispavism which is a result of several tendencies of Thought. 1. The Upanisadic doctrine of Brahman which is closely allied to the Samkhya doctrine of Purusa or Atman. (2) The Vasudeva cult and the traditions which have grown around the Yadava prince Krsoa (3) The traditions associated with the Pre-Ramanuja period represented by the alvars of the South. From Tamil literature two things are quite evident. (1) The great alvars--the religious devotees of the Dravidian country were worshippers of Narayana. (2) The earliest Tamil reference Tolka pyam speaking about the religious faiths. It is impossible for us to say with any. amount of exactitude when the Krspa cult came to the South. This much we can assert that it must be several centuries before the Christian era much earlier than the introduction of Buddhism. This suggestion is borne out by the fact that some of the founders of Vedic schools Apastamba and Katyayana are spoken of as Dravidian and the Tamil work already referred to also speaks of the prevalent Indra worship in the South. Taking all these facts we have to assign the Aryan migration somewhere about the 7th Century B.C. The migration of Aryans with their characteristic Indra worship must certainly have been associated with the Samkhya school which was mainly opposed to Indra worship and animal sacrifice, that is the two schools of thought must have come down to the south almost simultaneously. Another thing we may notice in this connection is this. The school of revolt against Brahminical ritualism must generally be more liberal in its social aspect. This is clearly borne out in the case of Jaina and Buddhistic schools. The Samkhya school was evidently at one with these two schools in removing the social barriers against religious devotees. Such an assumption well borne out by sister schools of thought would explain the fact that among the alvars of the south we find representatives from among all strata of society irrespec Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 56 SAMAYASARA cive of the distinction of Arya and Dravida. The Vaisnava tradition is confirmed even by Ramanuja's teachings though by a strange irony of fate his followers at present represent the most bigoted form of orthodoxy. Samkhya Philosophy--The term Samkhya according to European scholars is derived from Samkh ya or number, because Kapila enumerates a number of Tattvas as constituting elements of reality. The term is supposed to be related to number. But according to Indian thinker the term is synonymous with discrimination. This is the meaning in which the term is used in the Mahabharata. Vijnanabhiksu a famous writer of the Samkhya school also explains the term as discrimination or setting forth the distinction between spirit or atman on the one hand and matter or Praksti on the other. Samkara also adopts the same interpretation. Hence the traditional meaning may be accepted as more correct and the other one suggested by European scholars has to be rejected as far-fetched. Some of them even go to the length of connecting the Samkhya system with the Pythagorean school. Pythagoreanism is also connected with the mystric doctrine of numbers. Reality is some how constituted numbers according to Pythagores. It is scarcely necessary to point out how unfounded such a suggestion is. It is a sample of that method which very often builds up fantastic theories merely on the strength of verbal analogy. Samkhya Method-The philosophical method adopted by the Samkhya school is just the method of discrimination or vivekajnana. This method of discrimination is expounded as a means of salvation from Samsara. By the way, we may point out that this is the motive of all the Indian systems of thought-how to obtain liberation from the Samsaric cycle of births and deaths. Such a freedom according to Samkhya philosophy is to be obtained by "discrimination" or knowledge of the distinction between the spiritual principle or Purusa and the environmental existence or Praksti. The Sources of Samkhya-The existing works through which we can have an idea of the Samkhya system are mainly the following: Some of these are in the sutra form and the others in the form of commentaries. (1) Samkhya sutras or otherwise known as Samkhya-pravacanasutras is traditionally ascribed to Kapila himself. But this belief is quite unfounded. There is clear evidence to show that this is quite a modern work. Samkara and Vacaspati Misra the great philosophical commentators never refer to this work at all. Gunaranta, the commentator on Saddarsanasamuccaya while mentioning several other works on Samkhya does not refer to this work even by name. Hence this is considered neither important nor an authoritative work on the Samkhya school of thought. (2) Tattvasamasa: This work also is erroneously attributed to Kapila. Max Muller elaborately argues that this work is a genuine work of Kapila. His arguments are far from convincing and hence his view is not accepted by Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 57 modern scholars. (3) Samkhyasara: This is by Vijnanabhiksu who wrote a commentary on the Samkhyapravacanasutra. Hence this work is a compendium of his commentary. (4) Samkhya-Karika of Isvara Krspa: This work contains a clear exposition of the Samkhya system. It is a small work of .72 couplets and may be considered as an early authoritative work on the Samkhya system. This work is referred to by several philosophical writers, Gunaratna bases his commentary on the chapter on Samkhya mainly on this work from which he freely quotes. This may be taken as an evidence of its antiquity as well as its authoritativeness. Besides this work Gunaratna speaks of a number of other Samkhya Treatises many of which are not available. The Samkhya System-The chief purpose of philosophical study in ancient India was to get rid of the sorrows of life. This ideal is stated at the very beginning of the system. Life according to Kapila is subject to three kinds of sorrow. Moksa or liberation consists in the extinction of pain and misery originating from these three sources. The three sources of sorrow according to Samkhya are (1) adhyatmika, that which is dependent of self (2) adhibhautika, that which is dependent on the environment (3) adhidaivika, that which is dependent on supernatural and divine influences. Adhyatmika Duhkha, sorrow dependent on self may be due to two reasons (a) bodily conditions or Sariraka (b) mental conditions or Manasika. Sorrow due to bodily condition relates to suffering in pain due to diseases, etc., which pertain to the body. Sorrows due to mental conditions are the unpleasant experience associated with certain emotions such as anger, fear, etc. The second class of sorrows known as Adhibhautika is due to environmental conditions. The interference from environmental source may be from fellow human beings or animals or birds or other natu. ral conditions. The third kind, Adhidaivika, refers to sorrow originating from the influences of supernatural agencies. The wrath of the deities, adverse conjunction of planets, the mischief of the Yaksas and Raksasas would all come under this head. The summum bonum for life is to escape from these kinds of Duhkha or sorrow. This escape from suffering and pain is to be achieved by the knowledge of the several Tattvas and hence the desire to know the Tattvas. All souls long to escape from such misery and to seek liberation. The Samkhya method propounds the means of escape from sorrow and of the attainment of the consequential bliss. The Samkhya method of liberation is quite different from the traditional Vedic method which was by sacrifice. Kapila condemns the sacrificial cult. The reveal - ed Vedic method is quite useless according to Kapila because of its defects which are three. Impurity-Destruction and excess or enormity. The Vedic method of sacrifice is impure because it is caused by bloodshed due to slaughter of animals. This method of sacrifice though supposed to expiate all sins even Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 58 SAMAYASARA Brahmahatya is rejected by Kapila for all such rites according to him are impure. Further it leads to mere destruction. The method of sacrifice instead of leading to complete liberation from Samsara merely leads to another state of Samsaric existence. The end aimed at is happiness in Svarga and certainly this is not Moksa. Hence the path of sacrifice is the path of destruction and not of salvation. The traditional method is excessive or unequal. Sacrifice generally involves lot of expenditure, eg., in an Asvamedha sacrifice sometimes hundreds of horses have to be sacrificed. Hence this method is not within the reach of all. Therefore as against such an impossible way of escape Kapila proposes a method which is quite adequate and feasible to all. The path to liberation according to Samkhya philosophy consists in the progress of acquiring discriminative knowledge of the nature of the self from its environmental existence. This discrimination that the spirit or Purusa is quite different from Prakrti or matter that leads to self-realisation which is the true Moksa. The material environment which practically imprisons the spirit is called by Kapila Praksti. The whole physical universe is but a manifestation of this Praksti. Hence the discriminative knowledge also means the knowledge of the number and the nature of the several Tattvas-ultimate principles. The problem relating to the path of Moksa resolves therefore into the problem as to the nature of the Tattvas. The next question therefore is what are the Sarakhyan Tattvas ? Kapila starts with the assumption that the self or Purusa is quite distinct from Praksti or the ultimate matter. The former is the spiritual principle in man whereas the latter, the primeval basic principle of the material universe. The cosmos is evolved out of this Praksti. In the midst of this unfolding and developing. Praksti the several Purusas are situated., According to Kapila the Purusas are infinite in number. Thus in the technical language of modern metaphysics the Samkhya system may be said to be the dualistic as well as pluralistic. Dualistic because it postulates two classes of reals Cetana and Acetana, spiritual and nonspiritual and pluralistic because it postulates an infinite number of Purusas or souls. Each Purusa is encircled by Praksti or Pradhana which is another name for describing matter. In the earlier form of the Samkhya system each Purusa was supposed to have his own peculiar and individual Praksti. But later schools of Samkhya maintained that all the different Pradhanas relating to different Purusas are really one in nature since they are all evolved from one and the same Praksti. The Purusa who is encircled by an alien and extraneous matter forgets its true nature and pristine purity, identifies itself with bodily activities and conditions. This ignorance of its true heritage is the real cause of human misery. Hence the realisation of the true nature of the Purusa as distinct from the material conditions is the ideal to be aimed at. Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 59 Evolution of the cosmos from the Primeral Prakrti-This Praksti is uncreated and self-existing. It is from this Praksti all other things emanate except the Purusa. This primeval matter or Praksti is endowed with three gupas or qualities. Whenever the harmonious equilibrium of the quality in the Praksti is disturbed it begins on the career of manifestation or differentiation. This process of differentiation really constitutes the process of the building up of the Cosmos. The first thing that emanates from this unmanifested Praksti is Buddhi or Mahat-the Great. The term Buddhi is sometimes translated as intellect but we should remember this fact that it is mainly of the nature of matter since it evolves from acetana reality--Praksti. Intellect in modern psychology suggests a relation to a mind or self but Praksti in Kapila's system corresponds to Descarte's unthinking thing. Therefore Buddhi which is evolved from this Praksti subtle though it be is still a material mode. This Buddhi or Mahat must therefore mean in the Samkhya system some sort of subtle material environment quite in the proximity of the Purusa or self. It is only through the medium of this Buddhi that Purusa has knowledge of the external world. Samkhya writers compare Buddhi to a sort of mirror which reflects the knowledge of the external world for the benefit of Purusa. On the one hand, it reflects the outer world and on the other it reflects also the Purusa. Buddhi is that peculiar medium in which the Purusa and his material environments are brought into relation which is the ultimate source of Samsara. It is because of this relation of Buddhi between the self and the non-self that there is a chance for the Purusa to mistake his true nature and to identify himself with Prakrti and thus to imagine that he is responsible for all the changes in the material environments. The next step is the birth of "ahamkara" from Buddhi. Ita is the I or the Ego which is the ground of our personal identity. Here also we have to notice that ahamkara, the Samkhya ego is not quite identical with the conception of the Ego or self of modern psychology. The ego of modern psychology corresponds to Purusa whereas the Samkhyan ahamkara merely means some further modification of the subtle Buddhi which itself is a modi. fication of acetana Praksti. The Samkhyan Ego probably refers to a process of individuation, a process culminating in organic body. The self or Purusa becomes an organic individual through the means of ahamkara. Next we have the origin of the five senses known as the Tanmatras. This term is a ; technical term of the Samkhya school meaning the sense-qualities. These subtle sense-qualities emanate from that principle of individuality known as ahamkara. The Tanmatras are five in number, sound, touch, smell, taste and visibility. Even these Tanmatras we have to remember are material categories. These sense-elements or Tanmatras form the primary basis for the evolution of the grosser matter. This grosser matter which is derived from these Tanmatras is again of five kinds, the Pancabhatas. Akasa (Ether), air, earth, water and fire. Ether arises from sound, air from touch, Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA earth from smell, water from taste and fire from visibility or light. Thus the five bhutas are respectively derived from the five Tanmatras, the basic categories of the physical universe. This line of development from ahmkara to the world of physical things represents only one side of the process. There is another process of development from the same source--from ahamkara or the principle of individuality. We have the principle of building up the organic. This process of building up the organic body consists in the evolution of the five buddhindriyas or organs of sense-perception and five karmendriyas or the organs of activity and manaindriya--the organ of thought. The five organs of sense-perception are the five familiar sense organs--Eye, ear, nose, tongue and the skin. These sense-organs according to the Samkhya system are evolved out of the principle of individuality, ahamkara. So also are the five Karmendriyas which are the vocal organs for speech, the hands, the feet, the organs of excretion and the generative organs. These five Buddhindriyas and the five Karmendriyas together with the manas are the eleven Indriyas derived from Ahamkara. Thus the pri. meval cosmic principle Praksti evolving upto ahamkara branches off into two lines of development one leading upto the cosmos and the other to the building up of the body which serves as the temporal tabernacle for the Purusa. Thus the Samkhya Tattvas which are derived from Praksti are 24 in number. These together with Purusa constitute the 25 Samkhya Tattvas. The Nature of Prakyti--Praksti is otherwise called Avyakta or the unmanifest or Pradhana or the primary basis of existence. When we look to the process of evolution of the different Tativas enumerated above we find this Praksti as the fountain source of not only the elements that go to build up the physical universe but also of those that lead to the origin of organised living bodies. This primeval subtle matter Praksti may be some kind of Ether which early Samkhyas may be said to have imagined. This is the connecting link between the gross matter on the one hand and lifeactivity on the other, the fountain source of both the inorganic and the organic. Even according to modern Science Ether is the primeval source of matter. According to what is known as the electron theory of matter, the physical atom is a complex system of electrons. Thus the physical basis of matter is traced to Ether which is the basis of forces like electricity, magnetism, light, heat, etc. The process of development of physical science is interesting in this respect. Towards the close of the 19th century there was the wonderful analysis of the physical realm into a definite number of chemical elements out of which the whole cosmos was built, Science then recognised two fundamental concepts mass and energy as constitutive of matter. The speculation of Maxwell and Thompson ultimately indicated that Mass was but a derivative concept, Energy being the primary one. The next step was reached when the electrical theory of matter was propounded. This leads to the complete identity of all forms Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION of physical energy, heat, light, magnetism and electricity. The next and most important step of advance is marked by the discovery of radio-activity. On the one hand it discovered the extremely complex nature of the atom which resembles the Solar system in miniature inasmuch as it contains a nucleus around which a number of negative electrons revolve with incredible velocity. The second result of this discovery is equally important. The chemical element which were considered to be completely isolated are now shown to be merely of quantitative differences brought about by the electronic changes in the intra-atomic constitution. The dream of the alchemist that all the chemical elements had a common basis and hence transmutable is no more a matter of historic curiosity suggesting merely how men went wrong in their early scientific speculations. It becomes a matter of scientific possibility for unquestionably it is indicated that all the elements have a common source. If this theory as to the constitution of the cosmos is accepted and there is evidence enough supporting it then ether becomes the primeval fountain source of all energy constituting the physical realm. This again conversely implies that due to the intra-atomic changes the physical universe may altogether get dissolved and then disappear into the very same primeval Ether. On the side of the organic world we have had a similar development pointing towards some such source as the Ether. We are all acquainted with the Darwinian conception of biological evolution which traces the diversity of animal life to a single source of organised protoplasmic matter. No doubt modern science has not been able to bridge up the gulf between the inorganic and the organic. Nevertheless the life-activity in protoplasmic matter which is the ultimate source for the wealth and richness of animal life may be this very intra-atomic energy, probably controlled and guided by a higher category not yet fully known to modern science, and most probably indicating to the same source of Ether. Towards the side of psychology many an abnormal phenomenon such as telepathy and clairvoyance are supposed to be due to some kind of Ether which is capable of transmitting thought-waves. Thus from every direction speculation leads to the same kind of origin. When different departments of modern science agree to postulating a common entity--Ether, for the purpose of explaining their respective phenomena we may very well imagine that Kapila contemplated some such ultimate basis which would account for the evolution of the cosmos as well as the organic world. Kapila's system not only describes the building up of things living and unliving from a primeval Praksti but also contemplates the possibility of their loosing their concrete form and thus disappearing into the original Praksti. Thus as a tortoise throws it limbs backwards so also will the universe retract all its emanations and evolving things back to its own bosom. This in short is the account of the evolution of the world according to Kapila. This primeval Praksti of Pradhana is considered to be the substratum of the three gunas, Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. The Samkhya system Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 62 SAMAYASARA emphasises the importance of the three gunas of Praksti. Sattva means good or Truth; Rajas means activity or passion. Tamas means darkness or inertia. This conception of gunas is really an obscure doctrine in the Samkhya system. These three gunas are supposed to inhere in the primeval matter Praksti. These do not belong to Purusa. The uncreated and indestructible Pradhana which has the potency of life and consciousness has also this privilege of owning these three Gunas which somehow, are interested in the evolution of the Cosmos. The interplay of the three gupas in the Praksti forms the starting point in the evolutionary process. When the three gupas are harmoniously settled there is a sort of internal equilibrium and peace within the Praksti. Somehow this primeval harmony is disturbed when one of the gupas gets predominance over the rest and this starts the process of evolution, On account of this original and unexplained disturbance, the Praksti enters into a sort of creative evolution though itself is not created. Thus it carries in its bosom in a latent form the richness and multiplicity of the well ordered universe. The original disturbance of harmony which is the beginning of the process of evolution remains an ultimate metaphysical assumption on which Samkhya system rests. Why there should be a disturbance at all in the primeval peace, Kapila does not trouble to explain. But this is an assumption without which subsequent changes would remain inexplicable. By some mysterious internal disorder, Praksti is set moving and then follows change after change and at each step the progressive making of the universe. In the fully evolved universe Kapila assigns each Guna its respective region. The Sattvaguna which is associated with light, fire or flame is the symbol of purity. The spotless shining quality of Sattva is present in the ordinary fire and flame. The presence of this quality makes the flame turn skywards thereby indicating its divine origin from above. In air there is the predominance of Rajoguna. Hence it is marked by its violence. It roams about horizontally in the middle region of the universe. Solids and liquids stand for Tamoguna. Hence their opacity to light and hence their inert and impervious nature and hence their tendency to sink downwards. Thus the evolution of the denser and grosser matter is the result of the precipitating of the Tamoguna. Thus the three gunas have their part in the evolution of the inorganic world. They also have their part to play in the origin and growth of the organic world. Organisms are but the modifications of the same Praksti, and hence they are also subject to the influence of the three gupas. The living world is divided into the upper, the middle and the lower. The upper region of the cosmos traditional svarga is the abode of the devas. The lower one is associated with the animal and trees whereas the middle region is the natural havitation of man. The svarga abode of happy divine being is also the place where Brahma and Indra reside. The elemental beings like Gandharvas and Yaksas also reside there. These beings of the higher regions have in them the Sattvaguna in abundance. Hence they are marked by mutual goodwill and general happiness. Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 63 In man there is a predominance of Rajoguna. Hence arises the feverish activity of man who is destined to eat the fruits of his karmas. His life is marked by the dominant note of struggle the misery and the few cases of momentary happiness which he now and then manages to experience only go to accentuate his general unhappiness and misery. The last is the region of the animals. This has the maximum of Tamoguna or darkness. Hence all the inhabitants of this region are marked by general unconsciousness and stupor. All these there regions of the world constitute the one whole world of samsaric cycle according to Kapila. The same chain of births and deaths binds the three kinds of beings animals, men and Devas. Even the prominent residents of Svarga, Brahma and Indra who generally enjoy unalloyed happiness throughout their lives have to meet with death. Hence their life is equally subject to the visicitudes of Samsara and suffers from the bondage of births and deaths. Theirs is not the life of pure and liberated Purusa. Thus not only in the building up of the inorganic world but also in the evolution of the organic including the super and subhuman regions, the part palyed by the three gunas of Praksti is felt in no mean degree. These gupas are invoked by the Samkhya thinkers to explain the birth of world and the process of Samsara. Moksa or liberation : According to Samkhyas Moksa or liberation consists in getting rid of all the root causes of Samsara which are the three kinds of bondage, mentioned above. Kapila curiously expects the means of salvation from the very Prakrti which is the original source of the bondage. The intelligent Purusa is inactive by nature and hence is incapable of being the architect of his own destiny. Acetana-the unenlightened Praksti has all activity and force in itself and is quite blind by nature. The Purusa is intelligent but inert and Praksti is all activity but blind. The union of the two- the blind and the cripple-leads to living. It is that the soul may be able to contemplate on its own nature and entirely separate itself that the union is made as of the halt of the cripple and the blind and through that union the universe is formed. It is Prakrti that is privileged to carry the Purusa to its final goal. It is through the manifestation of Prakrti that the soul acquires discrimination and obtains moksa. Is there any conscious co-operation between Purusa and Praksti ? No, that cannot be for Praksti is Acetana and the Purusa cannot live in peace with it and yet there is this union between the two. Kapila vehemently protests against postulating a higher intelligence than Prakrti, Isvara in order to explain the union between the two. He advances arguments to show that there can be co-operation even in the region of the unconscious. Purposive adaptation according to Kapila need not necessarily imply the operation of an intelligent agent. Secretion of milk from the cow is no doubt necessary and useful for the calf. This secretion is no doubt a case of purposive adaptation, but all the same the cow is not consciously Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 64 SAMAYASARA responsible for this. Similarly the relation between Prakti and Purusa is a case of purposive adaptation without the necessity of an intelligent adjuster. Praksti unconciously itself operates for the benefit of Purusa and is a case of unconscious inner necessity to serve the purpose of the soul. The adaptation between the two is absolutaly unconscious thougt suggestive of an intelligent designer. Again through the help of Praksti Purusa is able to obtain discriminative knowledge about his true nature. The Purusa is able to realise himself to be absolutely independent of and uninfluenced by the Praksti activities. He knows he is different from the senses, Buddhi and ahamkara. This realisation of independence from the environment including his own psychophysical mechanism leads to perfect knowledge. Then the purusa is able to perceive that the activities are all due to Praksti while he himself remains in unruffled peace. Praksti ceases to affect him. Praksti retires from the stage saying "I have been seen. I can no more please the Purusa" and then the Purusa remains calm and peaceful saying "I have seen her; no more can she please me." This discriminative knowledge and the consequent retirement of the Purusa from the cosmic stage is an interesting philosophical metaphor. Praksti or nature continues to spin round on account of its own original impulse even after Purusa's liberation. But this activity can no more influence the liberated Purusa because through knowledge he obtained freedom or Moksa. The main objection is that Kapila starts his system as a panacea for the evils in this world. He thereby recognises at least to some extent the importance of ethical value. But the system as finally wrought out by him is incapable of accommodating any such moral value. Human volition and consequent human conduct as such are said to be the effects of acetana Praksti virtue and vice are alien to the Purusa. They are associated with the nonspiritual Praksti and hence they do not affect the soul and yet with a strange inconsistency it is the fate of Purusa so enjoy the fruits pleasurable and painful of the karmas directly and immediately due to the activity of Praksti. Why it is the fate of Purusa that he should vicariously suffer the consequences of an alien being is life entirely unexplained. To be consistent with his own presuppositions he ought to have made Purusa indifferent to the consequential pleasure or pains of conduct. But that would have made the Purusa an altogether unintelligible shadow of reality. It is this inherent paralysis of his system that strikes us as an important defect. In spite of the various defects we have to pay our homage to the great ancient thinker for the courageous application of the rational method for the problem of life and reality. In a remote age of Indian thought when customary dogmas played the dominant part in the explanation of philosophical problems it is really a mattar for admiration to see such a rigorous and rational thinker as Kapila. In philosophical study the method is more important than the resultsThe results may be modified but the method leaves a permanent Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 65 INTRODUCTION impression and contributes an endowing value in creating the right intellectaal attitude. If the method of analysis and explanation is admitted to be of greater philosophic value than the actual doctrine obtained thereby Kapila judged by this standard must occupy a place on a par with the world's greatest thinkers. It was stated in a previous section that the doctrine of Ahimsa was prevalent even before the time of the Rgvedic period, probably due to the influence of the Lord Vrsabha of the Iksvaku clan. This school of thought continued to have a parallel existence to the Vedic culture of the sacrificial tenets. There must have been mutual influence between these two schools, one emphasising sacrifice and the other condemning it. That there were such counter currents of thought is obvious from the conflicting passages found in the Rgvedic literature. It sometimes emphasises sacrifice, in such passage as Ajena Estavyaha, and sometimes condemns sacrificeMa-himsyat. In this struggle between the two schools of thought, we find the rival school to Vedic sacrifice becoming more dominant now and then, leading to giving up of sacrifice and Indra worship. But about the time of the rise of the Upanisadic literature the schools standing for Ahimsa championed by the succession of Ksattriya teachers became quite supreme. The sacrificial cult championed by the Priests evidently gave up the struggle as hopeless and entered into a compromise. They recognised the new thought characterised by Ahimsa and Atmavidya as distinctly superior to their own sacrificial cult which they accepted to be distinctly inferior. This compromising effect by welcoming the new thought as Para vidya and assigning an inferior place to the sacrificial cult as Apara-vidya must have secured intellectual peace and harmony only for some time. Because in the letter Upa nisadic literature while accepting the new doctrine of Atmavidya they surreptitiously smuggled into the Upanisadic cult the doctrine of sacrifice as a specially exempted one. Thus we find in Upanisadic literature an open recognition of the doctrine of Ahimsa and at the same time introducing a clause except in the case of religious sacrifice. This ingenius method of smuggling into the new thought, the old objected doctrine of sacrificial ceremony was evidently virulently protested by the rival schools. The struggle continued with increased strength, because by that time, the old Vrsabha thought of Ahinsa gained additional strength by the rise of Buddhism and also from the cooperation of the Samkhya and Yoga schools which crystalised out of the Upanisadic cult itself. Strange to say there was the unexpected co-operation from free thinking school of Carvakas, when they joined the struggle-a school of thought identical with school of modern materialistic philosophy. Though the Carvakas did not believe in the existence of Atma, or in the future world, they were opposed to the Vedic culture as an ineffectual waste. In this renewed struggle abounding in destructive criticisms against Vedic sacrifice there must have been a distinct damage caused to the traditional edifice. Hence the orthodox thinkers were bound to reconstruct the cultural Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 66 SAMAYASARA edifices and re-habilitate the same from the destruction caused by the rival intellectual bombardment. They had to re-examine the notion of Dharma as well as the notion of Atma. As a result we have the two schools of thought the Purvamsmamsa and Uttaramimarsa or Vedanta. The Purvamimamsa school concodes many of the points of the rival schools in order to safeguard its main doctrine of Vedic sacrifice. They openly reject the doctrine of creation and the existence of Isvara or Sarvajta. They do not recognise anything higher than the human personality itself, the point emphasised by the Jainas, Samkhyas and the Bauddhas. In spite of this concession they try to maintain with elaborate arguments that Dharma means the Vedic Dharma in the sense of sacrificial ritual. Thus it is an enquiry into the nature of Dharma and hence the work begins with the satra Athato Dharmajijnasa. Uttara Mimamsa or Vedanta : Who are qualified to Brahma Vidya--Surprisingly in conflict with the Upanisadic tendencies the Brahma-satras take the attitude that only the Dvijas are eligible. As a matter of fact about the period of the Satras, caste conservatism was rampant. That is the reason which explains the retrograde tendency herein implied. The critical examination and representation of Samkhya is again taken up. Pradhana as the basic principle of the Universe is rejected. The scriptural terms Aja- "nongenerated"-cannot refer to Avyakta pradhana. It must imply Brahman who is the author of all. He is the only Aja. Brahman is not only the guiding intelligence of cosmic evolution but also is the constituting substance of the cosmos. Brahman is not only the Nimittakarana but also the Upadanakarana, the material cause of the universe. Brahman is the stuff of which the world is made. All that exists partakes of the nature of Brahman. It is the beginning as well as the end of things. It is the origin as well as the goal of individual souls. Here ends the first book. The second book also begins with the same topic, Yoga is taken up for criticism. According to Yoga there is a controlling Isvara superintending the cosmic evolution proceeding from Pradhana. This Isvara of Yoga is said to be identical with Brahman. It is said to represent only an inappropriate and imperfect aspect of Truth. Consequently Yoga Isvara is taken to be an incomplete description of ultimate reality which is Brahman, Incidently there is an attempt to answer several Samkhyan objections against Isvara. The author formulates his own doctrine of causation. Vedantic view of causation does not recognise any cause or effect. Karapakaryabheda is their characteristic doctrine. The Samkhya concept of causation is therefore rejected as unreal. According to Vedanta cause and effect are identical. This is corroborated both by Vedic authority and concrete experience. The cause of cloth is thread. There could be no quarrel about this that yarn in a particular arrangement constitutes cloth. Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION Responsibility of the Creator-Samkhya emphasises the fact that an Isvara being an intelligent cause of the universe must be responsible for the whole of the cosmos including the faults thereof. The defence put in the Brahma-sutras is something obscure. Here the author takes his stand on the separateness of Brahman from Jivatma. According to the Samkhya view activity implies desire and motive. Creation as an act must therefore imply a desire and motive in the agent. The desire of Brahma to bring about the world, cannot be a desire to help various beings, for they are still uncreated and non-existent. If there is a motive for the activity the motive must imply some sort of want in the creator. The answer is that there is no genuipe motive for the creator. According to the Vedantic defence Brahma creates the universe merely out of sport or Lila. But the next is the more important objection. It relates to the responsibility of the creator for uneven distribution of pleasure and pains. The answer offered by Vedanta is a bit strange. The act of creation is not said to be quite arbitrary but takes into consideration the merit and the demerit of the individual soul. This defence naturally implies that the individual souls should have their separate and independent existence and that they are not really created though they are destined to undergo a periodic cosmic slumber from which they get awakened at the beginning of creation. How such a doctrine of individual selves could be reconciled to Vedantic monism is not clarly shown. Neither the saetras nor the great commentary of Samkara is helpful. The latter part of the second book is devoted to the refutation of the other theories such as Vaisesika, Bauddha, and Jaina. The author again and again returns to the criticism of Samkhya. There is an inte. resting point to be noticed before we take leave of this. Buddhism is condemned to be unreal. We shall be surprised to see both the Sutrakara and the commentator Samkara reject the Bauddha conception for this reason that according to Buddhistic view the world of external reality is purely mental and unreal. This reason offered for rejecting the Buddhistic view is certainly perplexing. The Bauddhas are found fault with because they annihilate the fundamental distinction between the concrete world of reality and the dream world of unreality and they believe that the world is made of such stuff as dreams are made of. And yet this is the very conclusion to which Vedanta is striving. This surprising philosophical attitude has a parallel in western thought. Kant establishing the phenomenality of the external world to his satisfaction gives vent to righteous indignation at Berkleyan idealism to refute which he devotes one full chapter. Berkley would be much more akin to the ordinary view and yet Kant in the west and Samkara-in the East claim the privilege of protesting against their own conclusions, when they are heard from alien quarters. To us it is interesting in this way. Idealism which is considered to be the claim of philosophic thought even in its Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 68 SAMAYASARA most triumphant existence has an unconscious desire to hide its true identity from the ordinary world and attempts to appear as some thing different. The latter part of II Adhyaya again takes up the discussion of the doctrine of creation. According to Vedantism, there is no process of creation at all. The evolution and involution of the world during periodic kalpas is but an appearance. If creation is a real process of evolution then they cannot reasonable object to Samkhya evolution. The Avyakta unmanifest of Kapila is the primeval matter. But the Vedanta takes this Avyakta to be his intelligent Brahma. From Avyakta proceeds Akasa or ether. From this proceeds Vayu, then Agni, and then water and then the earth. This description of creation occurs both in the Vedic texts of the Mantras and the Upanisads. The elements created out of the Brahma get reabsorbed by him in the reverse order. Thus describing the process of creation the scriptural texts demand an explanation from the Brahma-Sutras. According to the Vaisesika view Akasa or space is eternal or uncreated. It is the substratum of Sabda or sound. This Vaisesika doctrine will conflict with the ultimate concept of Brahma. There would be two eternals Akasa and Brahma. Hence the Vendanta school is constrained to show that the Vaisesika doctrine of infinite space is unique and they must show that space is created by Brahma. According to Samkhya the starting point of evolution is Acetana Prakrti. The Vedanta school emphasises the psychical nature of Buddhi and Ahamkara. But these according to Samkhya' are derived from Acetana Prakrti. Brahma-sutras therefore rightly criticise that Samkhya view of deriving Cetana entities from Acetana Prakrti. Buddhi and ahamkara are therefore considered as the manifestation of Brahma or Sat. Simi larly the Nyaya and Vaisesika view of Self is rejected by Brahma-Satras. Nyaya-sutras maintain that the individual souls are uncreated. In this res pect the Vedantic doctrine conflicts with Nyaya and Vaisesika view. Though the Vedantin accepts the uncreated and eternal nature of individual selves in a way still he does not recognise the substantiality thereof. Individuality is an illusion for him. Birth and death, creation and destruction of the individual souls are all due to the body. The self in itself is beyond birth and death. Its essence is Cetana. Hence the view of the Brahamasutras is different from that of the Vaisesika school according to which consciousness is an accidental quality of the Self brought about by its contact with manas or mind. The doctrine of the size of the Atman is next critised in the Brahmasutras. The atomic size of Atman is as old as the Udanisad. This doctrine is accepted by the Vaisesikas. The Brahma-sutras reject this view in spite of the Upanisadic authority. To speak of the size of soul or atman is to confound its nature with body. The categories of spatial magnitude are inadequate to describe the soul which is intrinsically of the nature of Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 69 thought and the spiritual entity may be spoken of either as an atom or as an infinite. It may be both infinitesimal as well as infinite. The individual self is also a karta or agent. He is able to act and thus he is able to produce karma. Being the author of karma he is obliged to enjoy the fruits thereof. Karta must be bhokta also. In this respect the Vedantic view is different from the Samkhyan system where Purusa is merely the enjoyer and not an actor. But when we examine more closely the Vedantic view the prima facis objection disappears. Activity is not the intrinsic quality of the soul. Activity is due to its accidental conjunction with the body. In the technical language of Vedanta Atma becomes a karta only because of the Physical conditions or Upadhi. On account of the same upadhi it becomes a bhokta. Thus action and enjoyment are both due to extraneous conditions. The so-called upadhis are constituted by the several indriyas or sense-orga ns. In this respect many doctrines are common to Samkhya and the Vedanta. The activity of the individual self though appearing as a difference between the two schools does not constitute a real difference. The activity is explained away ultimately in the satras. Activity in the individual is really due to Brahma himself or the Antaryami. Hence the individual soul is not a free agent. He acts because of the Isvara in him. But this control exercised by Isvara is assumed to be entirely consistent with the karmas of the individual. The inference of an Isvara is not an instance of an arbitrary act. He is himself determined by the karmas of the individual self. The third chapter of Brahma-sutras contains the same topic about the soul. Transmigration is taken up. The soul retains its manas and suksma sarfra after death. Hence it is not Free from Upadhi. It is still subject to decay and death. It is still tied to the wheel of Samsara. After death it may have its sojourn in different lokas. But nevertheless the individual must come back to the world because it is from here that it has to obtain final liberation. A Discussion of Dreams and Hallucinations - The doctrine of the four stages of the Self mentioned in the Upanisads finds a place here. The two kinds of knowledge; absolute and relative Paravidya and Aparavidya. The lower knowledge or aparavidya refers to the sacrifice and it is supposed to be related to Saguna Brahma whereas the higher knowledge leads to Nirguna Brahma. The last and fourth chapter leads to Moksa. The two Vidyas lead to two different paths. The lower associated with worship of Isvara leads to Svarga whereas the higher resting upon the contemplation of Nirguna Brahma leads to Self Realisation and identification with Brahma. There is no distinction between the individual and the absolute. The upadhis being eliminated, the conditions being destroyed, the individual self finds the absolute This is known as Mukti. It is direct of immediate "realisation of the Self, whereas the former path through lower knowledge may ultimately lead to Mukti though not directly and immediately. The realisation of the Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA 70 self and the consequent liberation is brought about by Samyagdarsana, the true path. There is true knowledge of the self. It is the state of perfect Nirvana. All qualities have withered away from Brahma. It is nirguna, nirvisesa. Thus qualityless and formless He is beyond description-anirva canfya. Thus ends the Brahma-sutras indicating the true nature of ultimate reality-the un-conditioned Brahma. Sankara and Vedantism-Sankara represents a stage in the development of Vedantism. He lived about the 8th century, a contemporary of Kumarila Bhatta, a student of Govinda, who was a disciple of Gaudapada. Sankara's Vedantism is expressed in his great commentaries on the Upanisads as well as Brahma-Sutras. His advaita is the logical outcome of Gaudapada's advaitism. It is most influential among the current schools of Indian thought. In his introduction to the great Bhasya on the Brahma-Sutras he says 'It is a matter not requiring any proof that the object and subject whose respective spheres are the notions of Thou and Ego and which are opposed to each other as light and darkness. The two cannot be identified. Hence it follows that it is wrong to superimpose on the subject the attributes of object and vice versa." Thus he starts with a sufficient warning that the subject and object are quite distinct and they should not be confounded with each other. He warns against the superimposition of attributesAdhyasa. The subject should not be associated with the attributes of the object nor the object with those of subject. The two are distinct in kind. One is a cetana entity and the other an acetana thing. Sankara starts just where Sankhya started. There also Cetana Purusa is different from acetana Prakrti. Again the starting point of modern thought in Europe was the same. Descartes started with the distinction between the thinking thing and the extended thing. Yet by an inscrutable logic adopted by both Descartes and Sankara the goal reached by them is fundamentally different from the starting point. Cartesianism ends in Spinozistic monism where the ultimate substance engulfs all things Cetana and Acetana within itself. And similarly Sankara ends with an all-devouring absolute which could not brook by its side any other entity. Sankara in the same introductory passage suggests that this Adhyasa is a common vice of our experience and is due to our ignorance or avidya. The only way to get rid of it is by Vidya or knowledge. Thus Adhyasa or mutual confusion of self and nonself is the result of ignorance. It is on ignorance that all the duties enjoined in the scriptures are based. Hence the doctrine of Pramanas includes perception and inference. Several vedic texts enjoining various religious duties all have for their objects world which is the resultant of the avidya or ignorance. The world of objective reality is thus due to ignorance and even the vedic rites and injunctions are not excepted. These have no value for one who possesses real knowledge. Distinctions of caste, status in society, etc. are all due to adhyasa. The conception of Vedic Dharma has meaning only with reference to Adhyasa, accidental conjunction of the true self with the 10 Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION extraneous conditions of caste, birth, etc. But for this false conception Vedic Dharma could have no meaning and no validity for Dharma pertains to Varna, which in turn depends upon the body and not upon the soul. Because of the false identity between soul and body we speak of one as a Brahmin or a Ksatriya. These attributes are true only of the body and yet are falsely associated with the self. Thus Sankara not only indicates the truth that the self and the environment are distinct but also suggests that the confusion and false identity is due to avidya. From a thinker who emphasised the danger of this philosophical error we should naturally expect consistently a system of philosophy strictly maintaining the opposites. On the other hand, Sankara offers just the reverse. He dismisses the distinction between self and non-self as unreal and unphilosophical. What is the nature of the external world according to Sankara? Gaudapada already compared it to a dream. Sankara accepts the same without question. The diversity and objectivity of the world of things and persons are all illusory. The objective world around is but the maya of the juggler, the juggler in this case being Atman himself. Since the juggler himself is not a victim to his own illusion so the highest self is not affected by the world-illusion, The whole of the external world is but the manifestation of Brahma or Atman. The substance of which this world is constituted being Cetana is genuine ly akin to dreams. That it is a dream will not be evident to us so long as we are dreaming, so long as there is avidya. When we wake from this dream to another world then the dream-world will vanish. When the individual wakes up into highest selfhood then he will understand the dreamlike illusory nature of his former experience. When he rids himself of overpowering avidya the multiplicity and objectivity will automatically disappear. 71 Is the individual atman real according to Sankara? The individual self shares the same fate as the objective world. All the other Indian systems of thought recognised individual atman to be eternal and uncreated. But in the hands of Sankara the individual soul dwindles into a shadow of a higher reality. In the passages emphasising his own advaita view he rejects the panthetistic view according to which the objective world and the individual self can be real and yet subsisting in the same universal. Several passages in the Upanisads compares the Brahma to a tree and the individuals to various branches thereof. Unity and multiplicity are both real in organic life. So is the ocean one though the waves are many. So the clay is the same though the pots are many. These Upanisadic passages do not and need not necessarily imply the doctrine of the illusoriness of the world and individual selves. But such an interpretation Sankara does not want. He sternly rejects that as erroneous. He emphasises the unity as absolute. If the phenomenal world and individual souls are unreal then it would be against the practical notions of ordinary life. Such consequences are not disconcerting to Sankara. Such objections do not damage his position, Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 72 SAMAYASARA because the entire complex of phenomenal existence is still true to a person who has not reached the true knowledge and realised his true self. As long as one is in ignorance the reality of the world and self is vouchsafed for him. He may behave as if these were true and his life not affected by the higher philosophical doctrine. Sankara's self is thus an absolute-a sort of Parmenidean absolute-eternal and unchanging. What has Sarikara to say about the several passages in the Vedic scriptures which speak of the creation and evolution of the world ? If the world of concrete reality is illussory the Vedic doctrines of creation would have no meaning. This objection he wards off with the remark that the creating qualities of Brahma depends on the evolution of the germical principles Nama and Rapa. The fundamental truth that we maintain is that the creation, destruction and sustenance of the world all proceed from an omniscient and omnipotent principle and not from an unintelligent Pradhana. While maintaining absolute unity or Advaita of self how can the above be maintained ? The longing of the self-the name and form are the figments of Nescience. These are not to be either as being the same or different from it. The germs of the entire phenomenal world is called in the Sruti, Maya or Illusion, Sakti or Power, Praksti or Nature. Different from these is the omniscient world. Hence the Lord depends upon the limiting adjuncts of Maya and Rupa the products of the avidya out of which Isvara creates the world. His being a creator, His omniscience and omnipotence all depend on the limitations due to those very adjuncts whose nature is avidya. From these passages extracted from Saikara Bhasya we have an idea of Sankara's philosophy. Ultimate reality is undivided and undivisible unity same as Upanisadic Brahma. The several vedic gods are but fractional aspects of this. Saukara wants the reader not to confound his system with the Vedic theology. He clears away adhyasa or error. His system is a streneous attempt at an accurate definition of atman. Through a very skilful dialectic all the qualities of the external world are shown to be alien to Brahma. Spatiality, objectivity, colour, sound, etc. all are with a psychological insight shown to be pon-spiritual. By this process of elimination the essential nature of atman is clearly defined as Atman. It is the only thinking thing Cetanadravya. Thinking is not merely an attribute of the Self. Self is thought. Atman is Cit. Having gone thus far Sarkara is tied down to a philosophical doctrine which appears to be inconsistent with his own standpoint and also with thought and general tradition. Such a result is probably due to the following reasons. The Upanisadic writers spoke of the Brahma as the spiritual essence the leaven which leavens all things. In these passages the doctrine of atman exactly corresponds to Cartesian thinking substance. The Upanisadic passages did not negate the reality of the phenomenal world. When Sankara took up the doctrine he was confronted with a difficulty. Sankara could not accept the naive Upanisadic pantheism. He wants a clear definition of Atman. This naturally widened the gulf between subject Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 73 and object. While these according to Upanisadic writers had vague common substratum. Not satisfied with this philosophic vagueness Sankara wanted to shift reality to the side of the subject or Cit. Hence Sankara not only finds atman identical with Cit but it is also identical with existence or Sat. If the Brahma is the soul and if the soul is the Brahma then the Sat must be Cit-existence and thought must be identical. If existence and thought are absolutely identical then anything other than thought will be unreal or Asat. The objective world is not cit or thought. Hence it cannot be real or Sat. Sankara is compelled to propound the doctrine of the unreality of the objective world. What is the justification for such a conclusion. There is no doubt he is supported by certain Upanisadic passages as well as by some of his predecessors like Gaudapada. But we have to remember that many Upanisadic passages that declare the external world as unreal do so only metaphorically and comparatively. The Upanisadic doctrine compares with the Cartesian doctrine of gradation. The ultimate substance has the maximum of reality whereas man has less of that. But with sankara it is otherwise. For him a thing must be Sat or an Asat. To be real, a thing must be Cit and what is not Cit must necessarily be Asat. Thus after establishing the reality of atman and the illusoriness of the rest Sankara is confronted with an extraordinary difficulty to reconcile his philosophy with the {common-sense view on the one hand and the traditional Vedic religion on the other. He manages this by his distinction between Vyavaharika and Paramarthika points of view. For all practical purposes and for the ordinary affairs of religion the world may be taken as real though philosophically it is no more than the phantom of a deluded personality. Many Vedantins bring in the parallel of Kant who also has a duality. The world is empirically real but transcendentally ideal. But we should protest against such a comparison For Kant recognises the so-called thing-in-itself which is the ultimate source. The phenomenal world is the resultant of the interaction between thing-in-itself and Ego-in-itself-the one supplies the stuff and the other the form. That is one of the reasons why Kant protests against Berkley and wanted to keep his philosophy entirely different from that. Sankara's advaitism is fundamentally different from Kant's phenomenalism. He is more akin to Fichte's. Even this resemblance is superficial for the monistic idealism of Fichte is only a metaphysical explanation of moral value. According to Fichte the world of objective reality is a stage or an arena created by the Ego for its own moral exercise. Moral value is the pivot on which Fichte's monism revolves. But for Sankara all these values have reference to human life and human personality and therefore must be relegated to the realm of illusions from the higher point of view. In his own words "The external world as well as individual personality are maya, asat, nothing else." Sankara and the Doctrine of Maya-Speaking of the External world Sankara says it is all maya or illusion and yet he with other vedantins Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 74 SAMAYASARA repudiates the doctrine of Buddhism that the external world is purely psychical and as such has no substantiality of its own. What is the significance of this paradoxical attitude? According to the Sankhyan doctrine as to the origin and nature of the world the External world is evolved out of Prakrti which being opposed to Purusa is Acetana. It is more or less similar to the modern scientific "Matter" Besides this Praksti Sankhya postulates the existence of the Purusas. Now for the Vedantin everything existing is the manifestation of Brahma, The Brahma being Cetana entity it is not difficult to derive individual souls therefrom. But the Vadantin derives the external world also from the same. But the external world is acetana entity and is therefore opposed to thought. Hence it cannot be easily derived from Brahma. Sankara certainly has recognised the fundamental difference between the two Cetana and Acetana and warns the reader against confusion. Yet he wants to logically maintain that every thing living and non-living is derived from the same Brahma. He tries to reconcile the two irreconcilable doctrines. First he maintains that the subject is quite independent of the object and the two have nothing in common and that all ills of life are due to confusion between the two. Secondly he wants to show that there is only one existence ultimate and real and that all else is purely derivative. If he is successful in establishing the former doctrine (the distinction between the subject and object) he cannot at the same time maintain the latter. The actual result is he introduces a sort of make-believe reconciliation. The objective world is something derived from maya. Maya is the substantial and constitutive of the external world. The stuff of which objective world is made is variously described as Maya Praksti and Pradhana. He thus introduces Sankhyan terminology in order to emphasise its distinction from Purusa. Pursuing this line of thought he ought to have got the conclusion that the external world is constituted by a substance fundamentally distinct from and incompatible with Self or Brahma. This would have landed him in a dualism which he streneously tries to avoid. Thus the problem with him was to retain the Sankhyan dualism just to emphasise the distinction between the subject and object and at the same time to maintain Vedantic monisin. In this attempt at a compromise his language becomes ambiguous and his own attitude wavers between Dualism and Monism. He satisfied himself by introducing two kinds of existence or Sat corresponding to Purusa and Praksti and yet these two kinds of Sat he wants to derive from the Cetana Brahma. Beyond the Brahma there could be no existence, he being the only Sat as well as the only Cit. Hence the Praksti which Sankara requisition to explain the external world is not only acit, non-thought, but also asat--non-real. Being asat inasmuch as it is distinct from Brahma, it must be identical with mere nothing and yet it must be substantial enough to be the basis of objective world. It is such an impossible function assigned to Maya by Sankara. He cannot condemn it altogether to be nothing for he expects real work out of it and so far it must have some causal potency. Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 75 Buise. But on this account he dare not recognise its reality lest it should set up an imperium in imperio a rival claimant to the throne of Brahma. Therefore Sankara relegates Maya to the metaphysical purgatory where it is expected to live the life of something midway between absolute being and absolute nothing. What he further means by this curious amalgam of something. nothing we do not clearly appreciate. It is because of this precarious reality of Maya that he is able to make his readers believe that in his monism the objective reality maintains a greater dignity than assigned to it by the Buddhists. In short to avoid the sunyavada Sankara invents the impossible doctrine of Maya which lends plausibility to his system which would otherwise be untenable and also indistinguishable from Buddhistic nihilism. It was because of this indistinguishability between Buddhism and advaitism that Indian critics condemned advaita as Buddhistic nihilism in camouflage and called Sankara a Pracchanna Bauddha, a bauddha in disguise. Brahma : Sat as well as Cit, Existence and Intelligence, but for Vedantin it is something more. It is not merely the substratum of the concrete world, it also stands for the transcendental goal of life. It stands for the other world to which every Indian thinker looks forward. It is that higher reality which the Indian aspires to as a haven from the ocean of Samsara, a place of rest from the toils of transmigration. It corresponds to Buddistic Nirvana, the Samadhi of the Yogin, the Liberated Purusa of the Sankhyas and the God Isvara of Nyaya Vaibesikas. If it is to be the negation of the ennui of Samsara to be the end of the misery of concrete life, to be the place from where there is no return, it must embody in itself something unique and that is absent in the world of Samsara, an unalloyed and unchanging Bliss which knows not its opposite. The Brahma therefore besides Sat and Cit is Ananda as well. It represents that transcendental bliss which no man has tasted here and which everyone is entitled to have if he walketh the path of liberation. Such a transcendental bliss is entirely different from the ephemeral pleasure of the world. Else it would not be sought after by the wise. Hence the Brahma must also be Ananda, Bliss or Joy. This absolute reality Sat Cit Ananda is the ultimate concept of Vedantism. It not only serves as the metaphysical cause of things existing, but also stands for the light shining in individual souls. It also represents the goal to which the whole creation moves. It is not only the beginning but also the end of things. Climbing the pinnacle of Metaphysical monism Sankara finds it hard to recognise the claims of ordinary mortals in his system. He cuts the Gordian Knot by invoking the aid once again of the doctrine of the distinction between the relative and the absolute points of view. There is no justification for the demands of either religion or morality in an absolute monism. In the ratified atmosphere of morism neither morality nor religion can breath and live. The inevitable conclusion of his logic may not be realised by the ordinary man nor accepted by the orthodox scholar, The Vedic scholars have faith in the injunctions of the Vedas and may still believe in the beneficial effect of Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 76 SAMAYASARA sacrifice. The unsophistical man of the religion associates with absolute reality, the object of his religious adoration and worship and maintains that to be the fountain head of all good and valuable. The metaphorical conception of Brahma, therefore, must live side by side with popular religion and must live in accordance with Vedic ritualis m. Sankara manages to satisfy all these demands by postulating the fictitious deity of a lower Brahma who may be considered real from the practical and relative point of view though he cannot hide his real inanity from the vision of the enlightened. The ordinary man may continue his traditional worship, the orthodox vaidika may perform his usual sacrifices quite unper turbed on the assumption that there is an object of devotion and worship in his Isvara. In this matter, Sankara seems to take a lesson from the Mimarsakas who repudiate the conception of a God at the same time insisting upon the efficacy of worship and sacrifices which they hold are intrinsically efficacious not depending upon I svara. Sankara agrees with Kumarila the great Mimarsaka teacher and lets alone the traditional ritualism unhampered by metaphysical speculation. It is a peculiar mentality the like of which we have in Hume. After proving the unsubstantiality of human personality and the external world Hume exclaims that the world will go on, nevertheless, as if these things were quite real. This kind of estrangement between life and metaphysics life getting on in spite of metaphysics would only establish the undeniable truth that life is more than logic. To allow concrete life to exist by sufference, to recognise its reality from the vyavaharika point of view, may instead of proving the reality of the concrete world, really establish the bankruptcy of the underlying Metaphysics. JAINISM, ITS AGE AND ITS TENETS The term Jainism which means faith of a Jaina is derived from the word Jina which means the conqueror or the victorious. Jina means who conquers the five senses, destroys all the karmas, and attains of Omniscience or Sarvajniahood. The person who performs tapas or yoga attains such a self-realisation and omniscient knowledge or kevala jnana. After attaining self-realisation and after acquiring Omniscience, the Jina spends the rest of his time in Dharmaprabhavana or preaching the Dharma to the mass of human beings. Not satisfied with his own self-realisation, he engages himself in the noble task of helping his fellowbeings with his message of Dharma which would enable the ordinary mortals to reach the summum bonum of life and attain the same spiritual status of perfection which he himself has acquired. Because of this noble task of showing the path of spiritual realisation or Moksamarga, Jina is also called Tirtharkara. This term Tirthankara means one who helps human beings to cross the ocean of Samsara by providing them with a vessel to sail with in the form of Dharma. Jinadharma is the boat which is provided for the human beings for the purpose of crossing the ocean Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION of Samsara and because of this noble task of helping the mankind Jina is also called Tirthankara. The divine personality Jina, who by his act of benevolence is called Tirtharikara is therefore called Arhanta which means one worthy of adoration and worship. Arhat Paramesthi is therefore the Lord worshipped by all the Jains. He is represented by a pratibimba or image which is installed in a Caityalaya or a Jain temple built for the purpose. The pratibimba is always of the form of a human being because it represents the Jina or the Tirthankara who spent the last portion of his life on earth in the noble task of proclaiming to the world Moksamarga or the path to salvation. The idol will be either in a standing posture or Kayotsarga or in the posture of Padmasana-sitting-technically called Palyankasana. Whether standing or sitting it represents the Divine Lord absorbed in the self-realisation as a result of Tapas or Yoga. Therefore the facial expression would reveal the intrinsic spiritual bliss as a result of selfrealisation. People who worship the Jina in this form installed in Jinalaya or the Jain temple and who follow the religious tenets proclaimed by the Jina are called the Jainas and their religion is Jainism. The same faith is also designated by the term Arhatamata, which means religion followed by Arhatas or Jainas, since the term Arhata means one who follows the religion of the Arhat Paramesti. The terms Jina, Tirtharkara and Arhat Paramesthi all refer to the divine person or Sarvajna who lived in the world with his body, and it refers to the period after attaining Sarvajna hood or Omniscience and the last period of the parinirvapa, when the body is cast away and the self resumes its own intrinsic pure spiritual nature and it becomes Paramatma or Siddha. This is the last stage of spiritual development and is identical with the Self completely liberated or Muktajiva or the Self which attained Moksa. This Siddhaparamesthi is identical with the Vedantic conception of Parabrahma or Paramatma which terms are also used by the Jaina thinkers. This Siddhasvarupa or Paramatma Svarupa is without body-Asarira, and with. out form-Arupa. Hence its nature can be understood only by yogic contemplation for which the individual must be fit and highly qualified. Ordinary people who are not endowed with the capacity of realising the nature of the pure self Paramatma or Siddha Paramesthi whose pratibimba! is installed in Jaina temples for the worship by the ordinary householder. This practice prescribed a mode of worship for the ordinary people who were expected to concentrate their attention on the image of Jina or Arhat Paramesthi corresponds to the Vedantic attitude, which while recognising that the highest state of spiritual development is represented by the Parabrabma, provides for the ordinary man something lower than this as the object of worship, or what is called the popular or vyavaharika point of view. As a matter of fact, it may be said without contradiction that this distinction between vyavaharika and paramarthika peints of view was adopted by the great commentator Sankara who took the suggestion from the earlier Jaina thinkers, especially Sri Kunda Kunda. This term Siddha, Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 78 SAMAYASARA since it implies the complete destruction of all the karmas which enshrowds the intrinsic purity of the self is also called Nirgrantha, who is devoid of all attachment. The term Kandazhi which occurs in the Tamil work Tholkpya means the same thing as Siddha or the self which is completely liberated from all the shackles of karmas. Though the temple-worship is associated with Arhat Paramestht or Tirthankars, Jainas have not forgotten the fact that the Siddha represents the highest spiritual development. Hence the practice of silent salutation, Namah Siddhebhyah or Siddhan Namah is a common practice among Jains whenever they begin any good work either literary or of ordinary kind. Probably this practice of beginning with adoration of Siddhan Namah or Namah Siddebhyah was prevalent among the non-Jainas also especially in South India where the people when they begin their daily work in school are taught to start with this salutation Siddhan Namah. The Age of Jainism:-There is a good deal of incorrect views prevalent among even educated people as to the age of Jainism. It is an unfortunate fact that Indians had to learn their history from foreign scholars. Foreign writers with incorrect and insufficient knowledge of the Indian historical background wrote textbooks on Indian history which provided the historic information to Indian student in schools. These history text-books were mainly responsible for a good deal of erroneous views prevalent among the educated Indians as to the past history of their land. One of these deplorable errors is the view that Jainism is an off-shoot of Buddhism and Hinduism. This error we are glad to say is no more prevalent among the oriental scholars both in the West and East though the error persists among the educated Indians whose knowledge of history is not uptodate. The origin of this error is to be found in the fact that the founder of Buddhism Gautama Sakyamuni and Mahavira Vardhamana the last of the Jaina Tirthankaras were contemporaries. Buddhistic literature contains references to Mahavira and his followers, and similarly Jaina literature composed at the time of Mahavira contains cross references to the Buddha and his religion. Persons who studied first the Buddhist literature and who had no knowledge of Jaina scripture come to the hasty conclusion that Jainism must have been a branch of Buddhism. Later on when oriental scholars came to study the subject they corrected their erroneous views and were constrained to call that Jainism must have been earlier than Buddhism. As a matter of fact, the Buddha was a younger contemporary of Lord Mahavira. The Buddha himself in his conversation with his friend and disciple Sariputta, narrates the fact that he himself in his earlier days was adopting Jaina practice of austerity which he had to give up because of the rigorous discipline which he did not like. The date of Mahavira's parinirvana, 527 B.C. is accepted as a land-mark in the history of India. According to Cambridge History of India, the 23rd Tirthankara, Lord Parsva who lived 220 years prior to Lord Mahavira is also considered a historical personage. According to the view 11 Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 79 Jainist must have been prevalent in India nearly three centuries prior to Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Though writers of Cambridge History of India did not go beyond Lord Parsva, we may point out the fact that Jainism was in existence even prior to this period. The Tirthakkara prior to Lord Parsva, the 22nd Tirthankara, according to the Jaina tradition is Lord Aristanemi, who is said to have attained his Nirvana on the Mount Girnar in Junagadha State, which is a place for pilgrimage for the presentday Jainas. This Aristanemi was a cousin of Sri Krspa of Mahabharata fame and the name Aristanemi occurs in Vedic literature as one of the great Rsis. This Jaina tradition circumstantially supported by non-Jaina Vedic literature may also be accepted as having some historical basis. If Sri Kripa of Mahabharata war is accepted as having some historical basis then we have to accept the history of Aristanemi also. According to the Jaina tradition, there were twenty-four Tirtharkaras beginning with Lord Vrsabha and ending with Mahavira Vardhamana. Of these the last three may be taken to be personalities of the historic period. The rest are persons of prehistoric age and we need not trouble ourselves about their history till we know something more than merely tradition. The first of these Tirthankara Lord Vrsabha who is considered by the Jainas to be responsible for revealing Ahimsa Dharma for the first time to the world seems to be a very interesting personality. According to the Jaina tradition, he was a hero of the Iksyaku family. His father was Nabi Maharaja, the last of the Manus and his mother Marudevi. Vrsabha's period represents a complete change of World conditions. Prior to this the country was called Bhoga Bhumi where the people were satisfied with all their wants by the mere wish through the help of the traditional kalpakavsksa. During the time of Lord Rsabha these happy conditions completely disappeared and the people were in a perplexity as to the way of life which they were expected to carry. Then they all went to Lord Rsabha praying for help. He is said to have consoled them by showing the way of life. He taught them how they could obtain food by tilling the soil, that they should take upto agriculture for the production of food, which they could obtain in plenty by their own toil in spite of the fact that the Kalpakavsksas disappeared. He taught some other people to carry his agriculture-produce to different peoples and supply to those that were in need. He again set apart a number of able-bodied men for the purpose of defence. Thus the first social organisation owes its existence to Lord Vrsabha who divided the society according to its functions into three groups, agriculturists, traders, and soldiers. After ruling over his kingdom for several years, he abdicated his throne in favour of his son, Lord Bharata and went into the forests to perform tapas. After the practice of tapas for several years he attained Kaivalyajnana or. Omniscience : then he went about from place to place preaching his Ahimsa dharma to the people of the land, so that they may also have spiritual relief. Thus Lord Rsabha is known among the Jainas as Adijina, Adi Bhagavan and so on, Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 80 SAMAYASARA This first Tirtharkara's life is repeated verbatim also in non-Jaina Puranas, for example the Bhagavatapurana (V. skandha). The same story is repeated in the Visnupurana and the Vayupurapa also. All these Hindu puranas maintain that Lord Rsabha preached the doctrine of Ahimsa after performing xoga for several years. He went about from place to place completely discarding all ornaments and clothes, and hence he was misunderstood by the people to have gone mad. The repetition of this life history of Lord Rsabha in nonJaina puranas can only be explained by the fact that at one time when the story was a common property to both Jainas and nan-Jainas the hero must have been considered as worthy of worship by all. According to Jaina tradition when Lord Rsabha attained his Nirvana in Mount Kailash, his son and the ruling emperor of the land, Lord Bharata built a temple in the place of Nirvana and installed an image of Lord Rsabha for the purpose of worship for himself as well as for the general public. This worship of Lord Rsabha's idol must have been prevalent throughout India from far-off ancient period of the Indian history. That it was so prevalent in ancient India we may infer from certain facts available in the Vedic literature. The Vedas constitute the earliest record available. They form three distinct groups, the Samhilas, the Brahmapas and the Upanigads. The Sambitas are four in number. The Rg Veda, "Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharvana Veda. The Rg Veda mantras are uttered for the purpose of invoking the aid of the Vedic Gods. Indra is the most important of the Vedic deities. The religious life of the Aryans in the Rg Vedic period centred round the personality of Indra, the Vedic God. His aid is invoked by the Aryans of the Rg Vedic period to obtain prosperity in their agriculture and also in their cattle wealth. His aid is also invoked for the purpose of destroying the enemies, the people of the land, who resisted their advance. Thus the Aryans had to encounter opposition from among the people of the land whom they considered their enemies, who strongly resisted the invading Aryans. The Rg Vedic hymns composed with such a back.ground of racial conflict furnishes us with certain interesting facts as to the life and characteristics of the people of the land who violently opposed the incoming Aryans. These hymns referred to a section of the Iksvakus or Purusa who were in existence in the land long long before the Aryans of the Rgvedic period came into the scene. These Iksvakus are recognised to be of the Aryan race and they are referred to in terms of respect and adoration. This Iksvakuvarsa otherwise called the Raghuvamsa, evidently was an important and a famous ruling dynasty of ancient India, which must have been in existence even prior to the Aryans of the Rgvedic period. That this Iksvakuvarsa was famous is borne out by the fact that most of the ancient Ksatriya families traced their origin to these Iksvakus and even the .Sakya clan to which Gautama Buddha belonged claimed its origin from the Iksvakus. The heroes of this family are celebrated in Kalidasa's Raghuvamsa. According to Kalidasa, these heroes began their life in early childhood as students, then Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION they lived their household lives, after which they completely renounced their worldly attachment and roamed about in the forests performing Tapas or Yoga and then finally discarded their bodies after realisation. This description in full corresponds with the life history of Lord Rsabha, the greatest hero of Iksvakus and the first revealer of Ahimsa to the world and the importance of tapas or yoga for the purpose of self-realisation. We suggest that this Rsabha cult must have been prevalent even before the advent of the Aryans and the Rg-vedic tradition. In support of this thesis we note the following facts revealed by the Vedic literature. The Aryans of the Rg Vedic period it is stated, were resisted by the people of the land who are called Dasy us. The term Dasyu is interpreted sometimes as enemy and sometimes as a slave. These two interpretations represent two different stages. First when the people of the land resisted they were called the enemies, and when the enemies were subjected after a military conquest and taken as prisoners and made to work as slaves, the same Dasyus became slaves. Facts that deserve emphasis in this connection are the descriptive terms used by the Aryans to describe these enemies, the people of the land. These Dasyus are described as Ayajna, Anindra, Avrata, Anyavrata and so on. These terms respectively mean those that are opposed to Yajna, Indraworship, those that observe a different religious practice, and those that do not practise the religions of the Aryans. From these descriptive terms it is quite clear that the people of the land were dead against the Vedic institution of Yajna or animal sacrifice. Their opposition to the invading Aryans must therefore be due to two factors. The people of the land politically resisted the invading foreigner, and secondly because the people of the land were afraid of the fact that their culture would be destroyed by the invaders whose culture and religion were entirely different from their own. These Dasyus the people of the land, are also described to have been of dark skin and to have been speaking a different tongue. Therefore they must have been the early Dravidians who were present all over India at the time of the Aryan invasion. After describing the practice of these Dasyus in negative terms, the Vedic literature uses a very significant term to describe their religion. The early Dasyus, the enemies of the Aryans, who were opposed to Yajnas and Indra worship were worshippers of Sisnadeva. This is a very interesting revelation. European oriental scholars translate this term Sisnadeva as worshippers of Linga. The Sanskrit term Sisna is not identical with the Linga which is now worshipped by the Saivites. Sisna represents the male sex organ whereas the Linga designates both Sisna and Yoni. Hence the term Sisna cannot be interpreted in any way to mean the Linga which is a combination of Sisna and Yoni of phallic worshippers. Therefore the only interpretation that we could have is our theory that the ancient Dasyus who were the people of the land and who resisted the invading Aryans were in the habit of worshipping a nude idol as their God, which can be called consistently as Sisnadeva. If the prergvedic people of the land 81 Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 82 SAMAYASARA had for their worship a nude male image called Sisnadeva by the Aryans all the other descriptive terms may fit in with this theory if you take that this Sisnadeva worship must have been the characteristic of the Rsabha cult introduced by Lord Rsabha, the first Tirthaikara, and encouraged by his son Bharata in the form of a temple-worship. The excavations of Harappa and Mohenjodaro circumstantially corroborate our theory, because among the discoveries resulting from the excavations we have nude images of a yogi considered to be idols used for worship by the people of the Indus Valley civilisation and the symbol of the bull is found in abundance in coins and seals belonging to that period Hence it will be consistent to maintain that the religious life of the people of the Indus Valley civilisation must have been associated with the Rsabha cult which must have been prevalent throughout the land from Himalayas down to Cape Comorin and further south in Larika After some time when the invading Aryans completely conquered the whole of Northern India, the people of the land who are called Dasyus must have withdrawn to the south, viz., to this side of the Vindhya hills. That there must have been such a withdrawal by the people of the land to the south is corroborated by the traditional account both in Jaina purapas, and Hindu puranas. According to the Jaina tradition the Northern India was completely occupied by five Ksatriya dynasties, namely, the Iksvakuvarsa, Harivamsa, Kuruvamsa. Ugravarsa and the Nathavamsa. These five Ksatriya groups completely occupied he whole of Northern India and the people of the land who are called Vidyadharas by the Jaina tradition had to be satisfied with the peninsula to the South of the Vindhyas. These Vidyadharas are represented by two important dynasties of ruling families, one of which was more powerful to which Ravana the emperor of Lanka belonged. The other group was represented by Vali, Sugriva and Hanuman. According to Jaina tradition, these Vidyadharas were highly cultured people, in fact more cultured than the rest and they were specially skilful in applied science, or Vidyas, on account of which they were called Vidyadharas. They had the privilege of travelling in air by some sort of aerial vehicles or vimanas which they were skilful enough to build for themselves. Since they were skilful people of very high culture, the ruling chiefs of the Iksvaku family very often entered into matrimonial alliances with these Vidyadhara families, in fact, the Jaina tradition mentions that Lord Rsabha himself married a Vidyadhara princess by whom he had his son Bharata, the first ruler of the land and who gave his name to the land, Bharatavarsa. These Vidyadhara rulers who were designated as Raksasas by their political enem. ies, Aryans, are recognised to be highly cultured by the Aryans themselves. The Jaina tradition makes these Vidyadharas followers of Rsabha cult, strictly practising Ahimsa Dhrama and sternly opposed to Vedic Yajna. There is an interesting chapter in Jaina Ramayana Padmapurapa of the Jainas, which narrates the life story of Sri Rama. The chapter refers to the elaborate Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 83 preparations made by one Ksatriya prince called Marutha for the purpose of vedic sacrifice. The chapter is called Maruthayajnadhvarsa sarga. These preprations for the performance of yajna are made in the borders of Ravana's territory. Narada who happens to pass by that way observes these elaborate preparations. According the Jainas, Narada is considered to be a champion of Ahimsa. He advised the Ksatriya prince Marutha not to perform the sacrifice. Narada's advice was rejected. He then goes to Ravana straight and informs him of the vast preparations made by a Ksatriya prince quite in violation of Ahimsa. Ravana sends a few officers to stop these preparations. These officers were sent away unceremoniously by the prince Marutha. But Ravana himself appears in person officially with his soldiers. Then Marutha confessed that he was instructed by the Vedic priests to perform this yaga though he was not very well informed about this. Then Ravana rebukes him, stops the preparations, releases all the animals intended for sacrifice and threatens the priests. Then Marutha was initiated to the practice of Ahimsa Dharma and he was made to give a solemn proinise that he would be no more a party to animal sacrifice or yajna. This story found in Jaina Ramayana clearly indicates that the Vidyadharas since they were followers of Ahimsa cult were sternly opposed to any performance of yaga within their borders. Perhaps that explains why according to the Valmiki Ramayana, the Raksasas were always bent upon preventing the performance of yagas and whenever an attempt is made to perform yaga the parties had to seek the aid of military protection before they could carry on the ceremony. This is illustrated in the Ramayana where Visvamitra takes the military aid of the royal princes, Rama and Laksmana before he starts the rituals. Thus the circumstantial evidence goes to support the theory that the people of the land were all followers of Rsabha cult and they were staunchly defending their cult of Ahimsa whenever there was an interference from outside. This theory implies that even before the advent of the Rgvedic Aryans, the people of the land had a higher form of religion. The Rsabha cult of Ahimsa is further borne out by an evidence supplied by the later Brahmapas and the Upanisads. When the Aryans of the Rgvedic period prominently settled in Northern India, their vedic culture of Yagas, must have been prevalent side by side with the religious practice associa ted with the earlier Rsabha cult. The royal families representing the Iksavakus clan and other clans must have been driven towards the East by the conquering hoards of the Rgvedic Aryans who came and settled in the Punjab. The earlier Aryan families who adopted the Ahimsa cult of Lord Rsabha must have been opposed to this new cult of the Aryans. Therefore we have a reference to the Pracyadesa, the Eastern countries in the Brahmapas. The most important of these the Satapathabrahmana refers to the poeple of these Pracyadesas which include, Kasi, Kosala, Videha and Magadha as Aryabhrastas. The orthodox Brahmins of Kurupancaladesa are advised not to Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 84 SAMAYASARA travel in the Eastern countries. Because the corrupt Aryans completely gave up the performance of yaga; they adopted an opposite Dharma altogether. They hold that not performing yaga is their Dharma and performing yaga is a contradiction to Dharma, or Adharma. Further these people of the Eastern countries do not recognise social eminence of the priests. Socially the Ksatriyas claim to be superior to the Brahmana priests. Hence the orthodox priests, if they travel in the Eastern countries will not be respected according to their social status. These reasons given in the Satapathabrahmana clearly indicate that the people of the Eastern countries of Gangetic valley were all opposed to the Vedic culture of the yaga, and were followers of Ahimsa Dharma. Here we have to note the fact that the followers of Ahimsa Dharma the intellectual leaders of the Eastern countries of the Gangetic valley were all Ksatriyas. All the twentyfour Tirtharkaras of the Jainas and the founder of Buddhism Gautama Buddha all claimed to be Ksatriyas; that the Ksatriyas were champions of Ahimsa Dharma that they were opposed to vedic sacrifice, yaga championed by the priests of the Kurupancala country is further corroborated by the Upanisadic literature which forms the Vedanta or last form of vedic literature. When we turn to Upanisadic literature we observe a complete change in the intellectual attitude towards life and problems. Prior to that the whole of Vedic culture is Syargakama Yajetavyah-if you want happiness in Svarga you must perform sacrifice. But when we turn to the Upanisadic period the idea is entirely different. We notice that the intellectual leaders of the Upanisa dic period do not attach any importance to the utilitarian idea. Prosperity here and Svarga happiness hereafter are considered both as worthless acquisitions. One is advised to look to something far more valuable than this. That Naciketas rejects the blessings of prosperity offered by Yama, that Maitreyi, the wife of Yajnavalkya refused the offer by her husband of all his riches show clearly that the ideal of the Upanisadic principle is far higher than that presented by the previous age of the vedic culture. Spiritual yaga is considered to be inferior. The Upanisads emphasise a metaphorical yaga of kindling the spiritual fire by yoga in which all the inpurities associated with the self are to be burnt for the purpose of self purification and spiritual realisation. The priests of Kurupanncala countries throng to the royal courts of the Pracyadesa with a request to be initiated into this new culture of Atmavidya which is championed by the Ksatriya scholars of the land. What is the origin of the new change of the attitude in the Upanisadic culture. The only answer that we can think of is the Ksatriya intellectuals of the Eastern countries of the Gangetic valley staunchly defended their Ahimsa cult given to them by Lord Rsabha till they were able to convince the priest of Kurupancala that their sacrifice was distinctly inferior to this cult of Ahimsa or Atmavidya. Thus we have the Jaina tradition fully corroborated by non-Jaina Vedic literature in these three distinct historic groups of the Samhitas, the Brahmanas, and the Upanisads Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 85 These facts supplied by the Vedic literature taken in conjunction with the evidence supplied by the excavations of the Indus valley civilisation will constrain us to believe that the Rsabha cult of Ahimsa and the practice of tapas or yoga must have been the ancient cult of the Indians throughout the land prevalent even before the advent of the Aryans who sang the hymns of the Rgveda. Thus the Ahinsa cult revealed by Lord Rsabha was the most ancient of religious cults which must have been prevalent in the Nothern India and which must have been the practice in religion of the people of the land at the time of Aryan invasion. Moksa Marga:- What is the Moksamarga which is peculiar to Jainism ? What are its special feature ? How is it different from the religious principle associated with the other Indian Dharisanas. Moksamarga is defined by Umasvami thus : Samyak Darsana Jnana Caritrani Moksamargah : Right faith, right knowledge and Right conduct, these three constitute the path to salvation. This the first Sutra of Umasvami's monumental work called Tatt. vartha Satra. The emphasis is laid on all the three only when all the three characteristics are combined they can constitute to Moksamarga. Each by itself is imperfect and therefore insufficient. To depend entirely on faith as is maintained by some Hindu Darsana will not lead one to happiness or Moksa. Similarly Jnana or knowledge alone cannot lead one to happiness. Nor can Caritra by itself however admirable the conduct be, is sufficient to lead to the desired goal. Hence faith, knowledge, and conduct must be presented together by an individual if he is to walk the path of righteousness. Further it is emphasised that these three-faith, knowledge and conduct must be of the right type. Hence it is called right faith, right knowledge and right conduct alone when combined together would constitute the Moksamarga. Mere faith which is not of the right type will not be founded upon the ultimate nature of reality. Similarly right knowledge and not any other knowledge will constitute the Moksamarga. Right knowledge will therefore exclude all incorrect attitude and disruption of the nature of reality. Hence that prefix Samyak is used in each of the terms. The Commentator of the Sutras gives an interesting metaphor to bring out the force of the sutra. A person suffering from a disease, say fever, if he desires to cure himself of the disease must have faith in the capacity of the doctor and must know the exact nature of the medicine prescribed by him for his disease and must drink the madicine according to the instructions of the doctor. Mere faith in the doctor will be of no use. Faith in the capacity of the doctor and the knowledge of the nature of the medicine would equally be useless unless the patient takes the medicine. The person who expects to be cured of his disease must not only have faith in the doctor's capacity, and full knowledge of the nature of the medicine but also take the medicine according to the prescription. In this case beings in the world of Sathsara are assumed to be patients suffering from a spiritual disqualification or disease who desire to get rid of this disease and to attain perfect spiritual health. Thus for the Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA 86 purpose of helping such persons this Moksamarga is prescribed as a spiritual remedy and the spiritual remedy therefore must be associated with all three characteristics of right faith, right knowledge and right conduct in order to be effective. These three constituent elements of the path to salvation are called Ratnatraya or the three jewels. These Ratnatraya or the three jewels of the Jaina Dharma should not be confounded with the three jewels or the Ratnatraya of the Bauddhas, where they mean three different thingsThe Buddha, founder of Buddhism and Dharma, the message revealed by Buddha, and the Sangha, the social federation organised by him. Therefore the three jewels of the Bauddhas are Buddha, Dharma and Sangha which are quite different from the Ratnatraya of the Jainas, which constitute the Moksamarga. What is Samyak Darsana or Right faith? Samyak Darsana is defined in the following sutra : Tattvartha Sraddhanam, Samyak Darsanam: Faith or belief in the nature of the reality is right faith or Samyak Darsana. Belief in the Tattvas or the reals as they exist forms the foundation of Jaina faith. What are these Tattvas ? Belief in it is emphasised as the important foundation of Jainism. These tattvas or the reals are said to be seven in number. Jiva the living entity, Ajiva non-living entity, Asrava, Bandha, Samvara, Nirjara and Moksa. Asrava means flow of karmic matter into the nature of self or soul. Bandha implies the mixture of the karmic matter with nature of the sole on account of which the soul looses its intrinsic purity and brilliance. Samvara represents the act of preventing the inflow of the karmic matter and hence it is the blocking of Asrava. Nirjara represents the act of destroying the karmic matter which may adhere to the soul. As a result of blocking up the flow of fresh karmic matter and destruction of the old karmic matter clinging to the soul you have the emergence of the soul in its pure form, free from karmic upadhis, whose state is represented by the term Moksa. These are the several fundamental realities proclaimed by the Jaina Darsana, which every Jaina is expected to believe. Of these the first two Jiva and Ajiva the living and the non-living, form the primary categories and the others are only secondary. The third and fourth represent the association of the first and the second. The fifth and the sixth represent partial dissociation of the first (JIva) from the second Ajiva or matter. The seventh represents the complete dissociation of the first. Before examining these categories in detail let us explain some of the fundamental philosophical doctrines associated with Jaina Darsana. Let us take first the doctrine of Sat or Reality. The definition of Sat given in Jaina Metaphysics is that it is a permanent reality in the midst of change of appearance and disappearance. Utpada-vyaya-dhrauvya-yuktam Sat. This conception of reality is peculiar to Jainism. The only parallel that we can think of. is the Hegelian conception of reality in Western thought. The real 12 Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 'INTRODUCTION existence is not merely the state of static and permanent existence. An existing reality in order to maintain its permanent and continued existence must necessarily undergo change in the form of appearance and disappearance. This may appear to be apparently a paradox. But when we appreciate the significance of this description of reality, it may be found that it is the most accurate description of reality of the actual state of things. Everywhere we find growth and development and this is manifest in the organic world. Whether we look to the world of plants or of animals, the field of botany or biology, this description of reality is clearly borne out. Let us confine ourselves to the life history of a plant. It begins itself in the form of a seed. The seed which is planted in the soil must necessarily break the shell and sprout out. That is the first step in its attempt to grow, If the seed remains as a seed without this change there will be no growth and no plant; the seed will be condemned as a lifeless one. Hence it is necessary that it should change its own form and assume a new form which is the necessary stepping stone for the growth of the plant. This sprouting seed must further undergo change and some portion of it must come out seeking the sunlight and another portion of it must go down into the earth in order to obtain nourishment from the soil. That portion of the sprouting which goes down into the soil will undergo enormous changes into the root system, all engaged in acquiring nourishment for the mother plant. Similarly the portion that shoots up into the air and sunlight will undergo enormous change, of sprouting out in tendrils and leaves finally resulting in branches and stem of the plant all engaged in the task of procuring nourishment with the help of sunlight, from among the chemicals available in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide. At every stage thus we find change, the old leaves being shed off and the new sprouts coming in. This seems to be the general law of Nature by which life maintains its identity and permanence because without this change life will cease to be life and organism will die. What is true of a plant is equally true with the life history of an animal. The life history of a mammal or a man may be of the same principle with similar process of growth starting with a single cell organism with fecundated ovam in passing through the multiplicity of cells constituting a mass undergoing elaborate anatomical change within the uterus of the mother till the time of the birth when it comes out as fully constituted body waiting to grow further in the outer environment. Here also the same principle is maintained, i.e., identity in the midst of change appearance and disappearance the old disappearing and the new appearing in the organism. Every part of the physiological system of the body of the child will thus undergo change till the child grows into an adult and full-grown individual. It is this Law of nature that is observed to be prevalent in the world of reality. That is implied in the definition of reality given above. The apparent paradox thus reveals the intrinsic nature of reality and we find it illustrated everywhere in the world of nature. It is this very same principle that is associated with the great Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA German Philosopher Hegel, who spoke of the dialectical nature of reality, dialectic implying thesis passing to its opposite, the antithesis, and the both opposites being comprehended under the general principle synthesis. What are apparent contradictions are but two essential aspects of the same higher reality which comprehends within itself two conflicting principles. The general biological conception of life in the form of metabolism may be taken to be a fit illustration of this Hegelian dialectic, as well as the Jain conception of Reality, -Sat. Life activity or what is called Metabolism implies conflicting process of anabolism and catabolism which are the two mecessary aspects of life-activity and the healthy balance between these two conflicting activities is the general characteristic of metabolism. In this respect Jaina conception of reality is different from the other Indian Darsanas, because the other Darsanas some of them would emphasise perma nency alone as the nature of reality while some others would emphasise change alone as the characteristic of reality. Vedantism may be taken to be an example of a philosophical system which emphasise permanency as the characteristic of reality and dismisses change as sheer illusion. Similarly Buddhistic Ksapikavada-momentary change over-emphasises change to the utter neglect of the underlying permanency. The one sided emphasis either of permanency or change is rejected by Jaina thinkers who condemn such systems as Ekantavada, a system which clings to a partial aspect of the reality. It neglects to note the other aspects which are also necessarily present in the system of reality. After rejecting the non-Jaina systems as a group of Ekantavadins, the Jaina thinkers call their own system as Anekantavada, a system of philosophy which maintains that Reality has multifarious aspects and that a complete comprehension of such a nature must necessarily take into consideration all the different aspects through which reality manifests. Emphasis on one particular aspect of reality and building up the system of philosophy on that alone would be similar to a fable of blind men attempting to describe the nature of an elephant. A clear and correct description of the animal, elephant, would be accurate only when you take into consideration all the descriptions which the blind men make by their partial contact with the real animal. Hence the Jaina Darsana is technically called Anekantavada as it attempts to apprehend fully the whole of reality by taking into consideration the defferent aspects through which this reality manifests. The Concept of Dravya-This conception of Sat or the existing reality that is a permanency in the midst of change leads us to another philosophical concept associated with the Jaina Darsana, the Concept of Dravya. The term Dravya is generally applied to different classes of objects that constitute the whole of reality. The term Dravya itself is derived from a root which means the flow. Any object of reality which persists to exist in the midst of continuous disappearance and appearance may be described to be a flow of reality just like a stream of water. This autonomic fluidity of an object of reality is what is implied by the technical term Dravya which is applied 88 Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 89 to any class of objects constituting the Reality. This Dravya is defined thus : Gupa-paryayavat Daravyah-that which has characteristic qualities and that which is undergoing constant modifications is what is called Dravya. The general illustration of a dravya given in textbooks is the substance, gold. This dravya-gold-has got its characteristic quality of yellowness, brilliance, malleability, etc., and it may be made into several ornaments. One ornament of gold may be changed into another ornament if the owner 80 desires. The changing form in to which this substance, gold, shall be constituted is its mode. The substance, gold, out of which these ornaments are made is the Dravya and the characteristic attributes of yellowness, etc., constitute its Guna. Here also the conception of Dravya is peculiar to the Jaina Darsana, and to a very large extent differs from the conception of Dravya found in the other Non-Jaina Darsanas. The substance and qualities cannot be separated. Dravya and Gupa are inseparable and yet the substance is not the same as its attributes nor the attributes same as the substance, though it is a fact it is the substance that manifests this nature through its attributes. Substance without attributes and attributes dissociated from the underlying substance would all be meaningless abstractions. Gupa cannot exist apart from the Dravya nor the Dravya apart from the gupas. A real Dravya is that which manifests through its Gupas and real gupas are those that have their roots in the underlying Dravya. Gupas which are not based upon the underlying Dravya, whose manifestations they are, would be merely sensory illusions having no claim to the status of reality. Hence in the world of reality there can be no separate existence either of Dravya or Guna from each other. It may be clearly seen that according to Jaina Darsana, the systems which speak of a real existence without Gunas, Nirgupa or of Gunas existing separately from the substance till they are brought together by a third entity called Samavaya, are erroneous philosophical views not corroborated by facts of reality. As we shall see later on, according to this conception even Cetana or Soul or Atma cannot separate its quality of Cetana or consciousness but some other philosophical systems do maintain that the Cetana quality and Atamadravya are two different entities occasionally brought together by extraneous circumstances. These two doctrines as to the nature pertaining to reality-Sat, and Dravya lead us to the consideration of fundamental and logical doctrine which is also peculiar to Jainism. Asti-Nasti Vada--According to this logical doctrine every fact of reality is capable of being described in two logical propositions-one affirmative and the other negative. This paradoxical logical doctrine of Asti-Nasti Vada has perplexed many non-Jaina thinkers including even the great philosopher Sankara. Apparently this conception will be meaningless. How could the same fact be described by two contradictory logical propositions ? How can we say that it is and at the same time it is not? Because Asti-Nasti literally means the thing is and is not. If we remember the two previous Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 90 SAMAYASARA philosophical doctrines of Sat and Dravya and if we remember that the ultimate reality is a permanent and changing entity manifesting through constant change of appearance and disappearance, then we can understand that a fact of reality when looked at from the underlying permanent substance may be described to be unchanging and permanent, where from the point of view of the modes which appear and disappear, the thing may be described to be non-permanent and changing. This difference of aspect is called Naya technically by the Jaina thinkers. Describing a thing from the aspect of the underlying substance or Dravya is called Dravyarthikanaya whereas the description based upon the modifications or changes is called Paryayarthikanaya. Thus the same fact of reality may be apprehended and described from the Paryayarthikanaya or from Dravyarthikanaya. From the point of view of the former it may be called an ever-changing fact whereas from the latter point of view it may be said to be an unchanging permanent entity. Hence these two apparently contradictory logical propositions though applicable to the same fact of reality are predicated from two distinct aspects, one emphasising the underlying substance, the other emphasising the changing modes. If we recognise that the conflicting predications are logically possible and fully significant since they refer to two different aspects of view, the logical doctrine of Asti-Nasti Vada looses much of its mystery and apparent contradictory nature. This Asti-Nasti Vada doctrine is further elaborated by Jaina Logicians. Take the case of a piece of furniture, the chair or the table before us. If we enquire into the nature of the material, the timber, the same piece of furniture admits of two different logical propositions, one affirmative and the other negative. If the chair is made of Rosewood then it is capable of being described as furniture made of rosewood. Can we describe the same chair as made of teakwood? Certainly Not. We have to say emphatically that it is not made of teakwood. The same piece of furniture therefore admits an affirmative proposition that it is made of rosewood, when you take into consideration the actual timber out of which it is made and a negative proposition that is it not made of teakwood when you take into consideration some other timber alien to its own nature. Similarly when we want to know whether a piece of furniture is in the drawing room or in the verandah of your house, and if it actually exists in the drawing room we have to say that is in the drawing room and it is not in the verandah. It is according to this doctrine of Asti-Nasti Vada as elaborated by the Jaina logicians every fact of reality may be described according to four different conditions-Dravya, Ksetra, Kala and Bhava-Nature of the substance, the place where it is, the time when it exists, and the characteristics intrinsically presented in it. Every object from its own Dravya or substance admits of an affirmative predication and looked at from the paradravya, alien substance, admits of a negative predication. Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION The example of a chair given above from swadravya rosewood admits of affirmative predication, it is made of rosewood; and from the point of view of paradravya, alien substance, negative predication. Similarly from svaksetra it is said to be in the drawing room and from paraksetra it is said it is not found in the verandah. This principle of predications. may be extended to any object of reality. When we say an animal Cow, and one question arises what kind of animal it is, we have to say affirmatively it is a cow and negatively it is not a horse. If the question is where is the cow and if it is actually grazing in the compound we have to answer the cow is in the compound and it is not in the cattleshed. Affirmative predication from the svaksetra and negative predication from paraksetra where it is not. Similarly historical proposition may be said to be true in its own period, and not true in another historical period. Alexander's invasion of India is an event which took place before the beginning of the Christian era and therefore cannot be associated with the historical period of the Christian era. Hence we have to say that the invasion took place in B.C. and not in A.D. from the point of view of kala. So this doctrine becomes an obvious statement according to common sense point of view and need not be considered to be an extremely intricate philosophical doctrine. Yes, in spite of its obvious nature based upon commonsense point of view it has been misunderstood by many non-Jaina thinkers and even the great Sankara dismisses the doctrine as a prattlings of a mad man. With this short account of philosophical background of Jaina darsana, we may go to examine some of the important categories in detail. 91 Jiva or Soul :-The term Jiva represents a living being. It denotes a spiritual entity. Its essential nature is Cetana or thought. Jiva is defined by the Jaina thinkers as an entity which lived in the past, which continues to live in the present and which will certainly live in the future also. From this definition it is clear that the term Jiva or soul is an entity which had no beginning and which will have no end. It is beginningless and unending continuous existence of a spiritual nature. This Jiva or soul is mainly of two kinds-Samsara Jiva and Moksa Jiva. The soul that is embodied, life in the concrete world of biological kingdom associated with the karmic bondage is the Samsara Jiva; the soul that is free from such karmic bondage and which transcended the cycle of Samsara and which had attained its nature of intrinsic purity as a result of liberation from karmic bondage is Moksa Jiva. This conception of Jiva may be said to be the central doctrine of Jaina philosophy, all the other categories being merely secondary and subsidiary to the central entity. The Samsara Jiva itself is divided into four main classes, or Gatis as they are technically called Catur Gatis. These Gatis are Devagati, Manusyagati, Tiryaggati and Narakagati. The first represents the class of devas living in what are called Devalokas. The second term Manusyagati refers to the human being living in this world. The third term refers to the sub-human creatures or Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 92 SAMAYASARA lower animals of the zoological and botanical kingdoms which are found with mankind in this world. The fourth term refers to the beings in the hell or the Naraka-Netherworld. The Devaloka or the upper world and Narakaloka the world of hell are recognised in Jaina cosmology, according to which the concrete world of living beings men and lower animals is called the Majhyama loka, the middle world. All beings of these four different groups are called Samsara Jivas, that is a Jiva which is subject to the cycle of birth and death, which cycle is denoted by the term Samsara. All Samsarajsvas are embodied according to their individual spiritual status. Each Samsaric soul is born with a body and continues to live as embodied soul subject to growth, old age, decay and death; when it has to quit its body in search of another body it acquires another body consistent with and determined by its own karmic conditions. Throughout the series of births and deaths thus associated with the appearance and disappearance of the corresponding body the underlying Jiva or the soul is a perpetual entity serving as a connecting thread of unifying the various births and deaths associated with that particular Jiva. This Samsara Jiva associated with its own karmic bondage and its own corporeal existence is considered to be uncreated and therefore beginningless. For the Jaina metaphysician the question when did the soul get associated with material body is a meaningless question, because they say Samsara is anadi. The cycle of births and deaths has no beginning. Whatever may be the difference of opinion between Jaina metaphysics and the other schools of Indian thought, in this particular point all agree. All maintain that the Samsara is Anadi. Hence no school of Indian thought would allow the question when did Samsara begin to be a sensible question. While all the systems maintain that Samsara is beginninglessAnadi, all of them do maintain that this series of Samsara will come to an end. At the time of liberation of the soul from material and karmic bondage it is said to attain Moksa or liberation. In this respect also they are at one with the Jaina thinkers that the Samsara Jiva is capable of liberating itself ultimately from the samsaric cycle of births and deaths and of obtaining its form of intrinsic purity when the soul is called Mukta Jiva or Paramatma. Fundamentally therefore there is no distinction between the soul that lives in Samsara and the soul that attains liberation or Moksa. The Jivatma of the embodied soul in Samsara is identical with the would be Paramatma. The two are one and the same. The doctrine that maintains that the Jivatma and Paramatma are intrinsically identical is the fundamental Jaina doctrine of Advaitism, which is also the fundamental doctrine of Advaitism of Saukara of latter days. In fact Sarkara dismissed all the other systems which do not accept this doctrine as erroneous ones to be discarded and emphasises this doctrine of identity between the Jivatma and Paramatma as his own Siddhanta. The nature of Jiva is Cetana or thought and is therefore quite different from all the other categories which are not $o characterised by Cetana or thought. The other Acetana categories are Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 93 called Ajiva in Jaina metaphysics. This term Ajiva includes Pudgala or matter, Akasa or space and two other principles called Dharma and Adharma. Principles of equilibrium and motion which are peculiar to Jaina Physics. The four categories which are grouped in the Ajiva class are distinctly non-spiritual and hence incapable of consciousness or thought. They are grouped under Acetana. All Ajiva categories are called Acetana. It is only the Cetana entity, Jiva, that is associated with the consciousness. This consciousness or thought which is the characteristic of Jiva may manifest in three distinct psychological activities of cognition. The process of knowing, emotion-the process of feeling pleasure or pains, and conation--the process of activity culminating in voluntary activity. All Jivas therefore are associated with these three different forms of psychic activity of consciousness and are technically called Cetana Paryayas-awareness of the environment, hedonic reaction to the objects so cognised and the characteristic activity manifesting as a result of this feeling of pleasure or pain. This Jiva is intrinsically the Knower, the Enjoyer and the Actor. Every soul according to its own status in the course of evolution is thus capable of being in its own way the knower, the enjoyer and the actor-Jnata, Bhokta and Karta.' This process of knowing may be limited a ccording to the biological conditions of the individual being. Knowledge may be wider or narrower according to the scale of evolution. The environment and knowledge expected of a lower animal will be much narrower than that of a human being and the environ ment and knowledge of a cultured individual will be very insignificant when compared to the knowledge of a person who by yoga or tapas acquired supersensual knowledge whose extensity would be very great. Thus the growth of knowledge is conditioned by the spiritual growth of the individual soul or Jiva. In the case of Moksa Jiva the knowledge becomes infinite comprising within itself all the three worlds, when he becomes the knower par-excellence who acquires the nomenclature of Sattvajna, the Omniscient and whose extensity is limitless in space and powers. This Paramatma is Jnani, par-excellence. This Jain a conception of Jiva though fundamentally identical with the concept of Jiva in other Indian systems of thought, still differs from the other view in certain respects. For example, Sankhya Purusa which corresponds with the Jiva of the Jaina metaphysics is slightly different from the Jaina concept of Jiva. The Sankhyas thought that Purusa is a Cetana entity, but Purusa is the knower and the enjoyer, Jnata and Bhokta but he is not active. He is not a Karta. All activities in the concrete world according to Sankhya school is associated with body, the material entity which is called Prakrti in the Saukhya school and which is called Pudgala in the Jaina school of thought. Since all activities associated with nonthinking Prakstis in Sankhya system, the Cetana entity Purusa is not connected with any kind of activity. Then why should he be responsible for the Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 94 SAMAYASARA activity carried out by some other entity? He is really non-active Akarta. The Jaina thinkers object to this Sankhya view. They say that if the Purusa is Akarta or non-active and merely a spectator of an activity carried out by another agency there is no moral justification in maintaining that he is the Bhokta or the enjoyer of the fruits of such an activity. The fruits of activity are either pleasurable or painful, and why should an entity which is not responsible for the activity be destined to enjoy the result of pain or pleasure. Similarly the other schools of thought such as the Mimamsakas and the Vaisesikas maintain that Jnana or the knowing capacity gets associated with the soul which is by nature intrinsically devoid of this guna or quality. The knowing capacity or Jnana which is a distinct entity from the soul is brought in association with the soul or Jivatma by combination; then the soul becomes the knower. This doctrine also is rejected by the Jaina thinkers as most contradictory, because it would reduce the Atma or the soul to a non-thinking entity before it has the good fortune to be combined with Guna or quality of knowledge or Jnana. The knowing capacity or Jnana is intrinsic manifestation of the spiritual entity Cetana dravya or Jiva. To imagine that the quality of guna can exist separately from the Jiva or the Atma is according to Jaina metaphysics quite impossible and meaningless, because according to this central doctrine of Jainism Guna and Dravya cannot be separated and when so separated each becomes meaningless abstractions incapable of existence in reality. Hence the triple psychic characteristics of knowing, feeling and action are considered inalienable qualities of the Cetana entity, Atma or Jiva, and they should not be considered to be of independent existence brought together by combination or association. Each quality may vary in intensity or in extensity. But all the three characteristics must be present in any Jiva however high or low it be in the scale of development. The process of Jnana being an intrinsic quality of the Cetana entity or Atma introduces a peculiar attitude in the matter of epistemology according to Taina thinkers. The basic principle of knowing process of the Jiva or the Atma, and the variations in the knowing process of a particular Jiva are due to associated conditions. An ordinary living being has access to the environmental objects through sense-perception. Sense perception is through the medium of sense-organs of the body. Since they are parts of the body, physical and physiological the sensory-organs are distinctly material in nature and thus distinct from the nature of Jiva or the Atma. Sense-perception therefore according to Jaina epistemology is the knowledge which the Atman acquires of the environment through the intermediary of material sense-organs. Since it is through the intermediary of physiological organs of sense, perceptual knowledge cannot be considered to be immediate access of the soul to the environment objects. Hence senseperception becomes mediate and not immediate. Direct contact of Jiva with the object is what is called pratyaksa by the Jaina thinkers. Since the sense-perception is conditioned by physical sense-organs, it is not immediate. 13 Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 95 Sense-perception becomes Paroksa, mediate knowledge, according to Jaina epistemology. In this respect the terms Pratyaksa and Paroksa are completely reversed in Jaina epistemology. What is directly in contact with the soul is pratyaksa and what the soul acquires through intermediary agent is paroksa. Hence the sense-perception is a paroksa knowledge and not pratyaksa as described by the other Indian systems. But Jaina epistemology recognises two kinds of supersensory knowledge, (1) awareness of objects in distant places and times and (2) contact with thought present in other individual beings. The former is called Avadhijnana which may be translated as clairvoyant knowledge and the latter is called Manahparyaya Jnana which means telepathy in the language of modern psychology. These two features of supersensory knowledge, Avadhi and Manahparyayajnana, clairvoyance and telepathy are recognised to be knowledge of immediate type or pratyaksa since they do not depend upon any intermediary of sensoryorgans. Of course, the real pratyaksa knowledge is the supreme knowledge of Paramatma when he gets rid of karmic bondage and when he attains Kevalajnana the knowledge par excellence. This knowledge is infinite in nature and unlimited by spatial and temporal conditions. In this belief that the Jivatma is capable of becoming Paramatma or the Sarvajna, we find similarities and divulgence between the various other Indian systems. The Mimarsakas whose fundamental doctrine is that the Vedas are eternal and apauruseya not revealed by any individual person, do not believe in any Sarvajna or Omniscient being. In this respect the Mimarsaka system is wholly opposed to Jaina system of metaphysics and also the Vedantic school of thought. The Mimarsakas who deny the reality of the Sarvajna also go to reject the doctrine of a creator and the doctrine of creation-Isvara as the Srstikarta. In this respect the Mima isakas entirely agree with the Jaina and Sankhya systems in rejecting the creation theory. The Sarvajna of Parmatma in Jaina system is not a Sristikarta or the creator. As a matter of fact, the doctrine of creation may be said to have been completely rejected by all the Indian systems and not merely by the Jaina school of thought. No Indian system, not even the Vaisesikas and Naiyayikas who speak of an isvara as the Ssstikaria accept the doctrine of creation as bringing into existence of non-existing entity. That form of creation is entirely foreign to Indian thought. This doctrine is vehemently opposed and rejected by the Mimarsakas as most ridiculous contradiction. All systerns begin with the uncreated Atmas or soul and the uncreated world of physical objects. Transformation in these objects, conjunction and separation between the living and the non-living in various forms are accepted and described by the Indian thinkers as the primary entities so combined or so undergoing transformations are all postulated to be uncreated and indestructible having a permanent existence of their own. In this respect also the Jaina philosophy Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA 96 agrees with the other Indian systems in mainiaining that the Jiva and Ajiva categories are permanent and uncreated and indestructible. SELF IN MODERN SCIENCE Even the biological developments of lower organism may be said to be a preparation for building up a vehicle for the self to express itself. From the lowest mono-cellular organism and ameaba right to man, the process of evolution is a process of building up the body enabling the self to express its nature and characteristics fuller and fuller. Psychological development of man illustrates the same point of view. Further cultural development involving socio-political organisations and metaphysical evolution all point to the same end. It is now a recognised fact that the character and behaviour of living organisms are entirely distinct from that of the inorganic things. Life's activity is characterised by an underlying purpose. Purposive behaviour of organism marks the distinguishing characteristic of the biological kingdom. No biologist nowadays has faith in famous Belfast declaration by Professor Tyndall that matter contains the promise and potency of life and consciousness. The (mechanical aspect of the physical realm is recognised to be different from the teleological aspect of the kingdom of life. Even the case of ameaba which consists of protoplasmic matter covered by the cellular wall containing inside it a nucleus behaves characteristically in a purposive manner. This monocellular organism is able to recognise in a mysterious way the difference between friend and foe. It is able to run away from a powerful enemy. It is able to attack and defeat an enemy of modest intensity and power. It is able to stretch out pseudo-podia from the cell-wall to capture food-stuff and assimilate it. Thus it has in its own way the glimpse of sensitive awareness to help its behaviour. It exhibits the main functions of life such as motion and locomotion, digestion and assimilation and even reproduction by a process of gemmation. This acquatic mono-cellular organism does not carry on with this mode of life and character for long. Nature seems to be dissatisfied with this process of evolution. Then begins the process of building up a colony of cells clinging together with a sort of co-operative purpose of common life. Thus arises the beginning of multi-cellular organism. The mother cell separates into two cells which is brought about by a process of gemmation. These clinging together resulting in the consitution of the colony of cells, form the multi-cellular organism. The change naturally brings about a change in the characteristics of the behaviour of the organism. The cells in the outer periphery of the organism have the chance of coming in contact with the environment whereas the cells inside the mass have no such chance. This necessarily brings about a division of labour in order to promote the common life of the colony of cells. The outer cells are practically specialised to perform the function of awareness of the environment Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 97 and also the function of motion and locomotion whereas the cells inside the mass specialise in the function of digestion and assimilation. In order to facilitate this functional differentiation the colony of cells provides a central channel through which food is shoved in which is assimilated by the inner cells and circulated to the cells in periphery also. This central channel is a representative of the future digestive system of the major organisms and also the circulatory systems. The cells in the periphery get on specialised further into sensory-motor systems of the higher organism. The front opening of this colony of cells represents the primitive mouth of the organism. It is this side of the colony that approaches and catches foodstuff which are shoved into the central channel for purpose of digestion and assimilation, Hence the multi-cellular organism develops tentacles at the frontal orifice for the purpose of capturing food-stuff and shoving them in. Some cells at the frontal orifice further specialise into different types of sensory awareness while the ameaba had the privilege of contact awareness only, the multicellular organism develops in addition the sense of taste and the sense of smell, the former to distinguish food from the non-edible object and the latter to recognise the approach of an object whether it is friend or foe through scent. Thus the cells of the periphery near the central orifice must further specialise another functional structure some devoted to the awareness of taste and others to smell. Thus form the beginnings of the sensory systems in the organism. Even an organism of this type which is merely a mass of cells with the central orifice with the tentacles near the orifice is able to express its characteristics in a significantly purposive manner. Professor Loeb conducted certain experiments to determine the behaviour of such primitive organisms. He introduced pieces of bread near the mouth, the tentacles caught these pieces and examined these and shoved them in. When the experiment was repeated the tentacles were eagerly awaiting for small bits of bread and the inoment these pieces were introduced without further examination they were pushed in When this behaviour was fully developed, he introduced pieces of card-board, the first piece of cardboard was eagerly caught and shoved in. After a little while this was brought out without being digested and kicked away by the tentacles. Afterwards this primitive organism was able to recognise the difference between the piece of bread and piece of cardboard. The latter when introduced would be kicked away without ceremony a characteristic behaviour fully illustrative of the purposive nature of life-activity. The next stage in the sensory development consists in the appearance of the beginnings of eye which will be sensitive to light. Certain other cells about the frontal orifice develop a sensitiveness to light which is the primitive representative of future-Eye of the higher organism. The differentiation of cells thus responding to different sensory stimuli constitutes the origin of the Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA 98 different sense-organs, which naturally must get coordinated by interconnections if they are to subserve the general purpost. Such interconnections of these sensory regions from the primitive nervous system form the brain of the higher organism. Let us pursue the development of the sensory organism and the other systems in the higher organisms. All this development in the multi-cellular organism is associated with acquatic organisms. When these animals become amphibians partly living on earth and water, then there is the scope of further sensory development of hearing. The latter evolution branches off in two directions one towards the fowls of the air and the other towards the beasts of the earth. Confining ourselves to the career of the quadrupeds we find a wonder. ful development of the nervous system and specially the brain. Examination of the brain of the lowest types of quadruped, say the rabbit, we find that the whole mass of the brain consists of the sensory centres connecting with the peripheral sensory organs, such as taste. smell, touch, sight and sound. Besides these central sensory organs and the brain, there are what are called motor regions of the body, some controlling the movements of the hind legs, some controlling the movements of the front legs and so on. When we follow the development of this brain in the mammals, we find the appearance of some brain regions which are not characterised either by sensory functions or motor functions. These areas of the brains were called silent areas, because the physiologists were not able to determine their function accurately by experiment. Later on it was discovered that these silent areas perform a very important function of coordinating the different elements of sensory awareness with appropriate mascular reactions controlling the general behaviour of the animal and these serve as the fundamental basis of the origin and development of consciousness. This hypothesis is fully corroborated when we watch the development of these silent areas in the brain surface of the mammals. When we come to the simian type of quadrupeds, we find a critical and interesting turn in the brain development. Probably frightened by the pre-historic giants, certain quadrupeds had to take up to arboreal life by climbing up the trees and living there the major part of the time in order to preserve themselves, from the danger of the enemies below. This necessarily resulted in the liberation of the front legs which were converted ,,nto hands capable of grasping at things with the flexible fingers and so on. This liberation of the front leg led to immense possibilities of future developments found in man. Beginnings of the human culture and civilisation may be traced to this critical turn in the evolution of life where the front legs changed into hands and which again led to an erect posture of the animal standing on the hind legs alone, thus assuring in the advent of man in the world. Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 99 We now perceive the subordination of the sensory areas of the brain and the major portion of the surface of the brain assigned to motor functions to the functions of the association of different centres. Thereafter we find that the so-called silent centres otherwise called association centres of the brain becoming the dominant area of the brain, and they are at the maximum in the human brain, thus indicating that they form the functional basis of consciousness which is the fundamental characteristic of man. Thus the process of building up the body for the purpose of serving as a vehicle for the expression of consciousness, which seems to be the guiding principle in the whole process of evolution. This principle is generally recognised by modern biologists who refute the inadequacy of Darwinian theory of natural selection based upon mere mechanical environment. Let us confine ourselves to human brain. Here you have the centres representing the various sense-organs of the periphery, the motor centres controlling the various systems of the body and besides these large tracks of association centres which cover the major portion of the brain area. Modern physiologists recognise the importance of their association areas and they believe that the same form the physiological basis of conscious activity. But the psychological development and especially the study of abnormal psy. chology brought to the forefront certain important facts, which necessitate the modification of the theory postulating that conscious activity is generally based upon physiological functions of the different centres of the brain, sensory and motor. Since these facts indicate that sometimes consciousness functioning in a mysterious way completely transcends the activity of the brain this result is obtained from two independent sources. Mental disorders brought about by violent shock or accident are observed in cases where the medical men were not able to detect any injury to the brain. A person falling from his dogcart, was found to be completely devoid of his past memory. He was not even able to speak. His condition was just like that of a baby incapable of uttering coherent words and incapable of recognising familiar objects. In this case, the medical men were not able to find any damage to the brain and they were in a fix to account for this tragic wiping out of past memories. The case was finally taken up by a psychologist. He began to teach this patient a few words and made him understand few objects in the environment. Thus he was equipped with a few words to carry on conversation. Then he was subjected to hypnotic treatment and to the great surprise of the psychologist the patient when in hypnotic sleep remembered all his past experince vaguely as if in a dream. Feeling glad that the past memory is not altogether wiped off, the treatment was continued for some time, the patient was given the post-hypnotic suggestion that he would remember all the past experiences which he vaguely recognised as dreams in the hypnotic trance. When the patient woke up to normal consciousness from the hypnotic sleep, to his great joy, he remembered the whole of his past Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 100 SAMAYASARA experience which was temporarily wiped out and became his former self once again. Such cases were numerous during the last war, when men in the front through shellshock suffered such mental aberation. All such cases were treated by the psychologist and restored to normal life to the joy of the patient. It is clear that verdict of modern psychology is that the human personality is distinct from the material body with which it is associated and that it survives even after death. SANKARA AND KUNDAKUNDA Sankara's Introduction to his Bhasya is a philosophical masterpiece by itself. There he gives his own personal opinion without being constrained to follow the text of the sutras Hence he freely expresses his views on life and things. First he maintains that the Self and the Non-Self are two entirely distinct entities. He begins his introduction with the following words: "It is a matter not requiring any proof that the object and the subject whose respective spheres are the notion of the Thou' (the Non-Ego) and the 'Ego' and which are opposed to each other as much as darkness and light are, cannot be identified All the less can their respective attributes be identified. Hence it follows that it is wrong to superimpose upon the subject-whose Self is intelligence, and which has for its sphere the notion of the Ego--the object whose sphere is the notion of the Non Ego and the attributes of the object and vice versa to superimpose the subject and the attributes of the subject on the object." From this it is clear that these two distinct entities the Self and the Non-Self, have no common nature and no common attributes. One is Cetana and the other Acetana. The attributes of the one cannot be superimposed upon the other. Such a confusion is a distinct philosophical error and correct knowledge necessarily demands complete escape from such an error. Otherwise it is not possible to realise the true nature of the Self which is the ultimate object of all philosophical and religious discipline. "In spite of this it is on the part of man a natural procedure which has its cause in wrong knowledge--not to distinguish the two entities (object and subject) and their respective attributes, although they are absolutely distinct, but to superimpose upon each the characteristic nature and the attributes of the other, and thus coupling the Real and Unreal, to inake use of the expressions such as "That I am.' 'That is mine'." The second point which he brings out in the introduction is the distinction between the two points of view, Vyavahara and Paramarthic, practical point of view and the absolute point of view. The confusion of attributes referred to above is brought about by Nescience or Avidya. The discriminating knowledge of the true nature of the Self is therefore to be obtained by the opposite Vidya or knowledge. He maintains that the Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION concrete life in this world is vitiated by Nescience and is real only from the practical point of view. "The mutual superimposition of the Self and the Non-Self, which is termed Nescience, is the presupposition on which there base all practial distinction--those made in ordinary life as well as those laid down by the Veda-between means of knowledge, objects of knowledge and all scriptural texts, whether they are concerned with injunctions and prohibition (of meritorious and non-meritorious actions) or with final release." Thus he points out that in ordinary life, every individual has to operate only through his body and sense without which life itself would be impossible in the concrete world. Even the cognitive process of knowledge depends upon sense-perception and intellectual activity which naturally presupposes the organic body. Even when the individual is looked upon as an agent carrying out the injunctions religious and ethical an organic body must be presupposed for carrying out all those injunctions. His conduct as the social being in the world is therefore inextricably mixed up with bodily behaviour, without which he can neither discharge his duties as a social being nor as a religious devotee. In this respect he is of common nature with other animals, who also behave in an identical manner in reacting to the environment. In the presence of an enemy, the animal tries to run away and escape and in the presence of a friendly environment it feels happy. Thus this concrete world of natural experience which is common to both men and animals though philosophically supposed to be the result of Nescience, is to be considered real and important from the practical point of view. In this concrete world which is real in its own way, the social distinctions based upon rank and birth hold good. That one is a Brahmin and another is a Ksatriya, one is a master and another is a servant, are all distinctions based upon the body and hold good only in the empirical world. 101 The third point which he emphasises is that this empirical world resulting from the non-distinction between the Self and the Non-Self exists without beginning and without end. This natural world which is without beginning and without end is produced by the Nescience or wrong conception which is the cause of individual souls appearing as agents and enjoyers in the empirical world which is eternal and uncreated. The individual self in the empirical world or Samsara is influenced by this wrong knowledge and identifies himself with external objects. "Extra-personal attributes are superimposed on the Self, if a man considers himself sound and entire, or the contrary, as long as his wife, children and so on are sound and entire or not. Attributes of the body are superimposed on the Self, if a man thinks of himself (his Self) as a stout, lean, fair as standing, walking or jumping, Attributes of the sense-organs, if he thinks I am mute or deaf or one eyed or blind. Attributes of the internal organs when he considers himself subject to desire, intention, doubt, determination, and so on." Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 102 SAMAYASARA Lastly he indicates the true nature of the Self which should be discriminated from the Non-Cetana bodily attributes as free from all wants and raised above all social distinction as Brahmin and Ksatriya and so on, and entirely transcended the empirical samsarika existence to whom even Vedic injunctions will cease to be operative, because he is placed in a region from where he does not want to achieve anything more, because he is completely self-sufficient. This introduction of Sarkara may be taken to be an introduction to Sri Kundakunda's Samayasara also. The philosophical work of Samayasara deals with all these points and practically adopts indentically the same attitude. Sri Kundakunda begins his work with the distinction between the two points of view Vyavaharika and Niscaya, practical and real. He describes the empirical world where the individual identifies himself with the characteristics of the external objects as a result of the absence of true knowledge. The course of conduct prescribed by practical ethics is said to have only a secondary value as a probation for the higher class. Bodily characteristics, instincts, and emotions and the various psychic states of the individual Self are all dismissed to be the result of the operation of the erroneous identification of the Self or Paramatma. Thus without changing the words, Sankara's introduction may be considered to be a fitting introduction to Sri Kundakunda's Samayasara. We shall later on point out the various points of similarity between the two, Sankara and Sri Kundakunda, which would constrain the reader to accept the suggestion that Sankara was well acquainted with Kundakunda's philosophy either in the original or in the Samsksta commentary by Amstacandra. SANKARA AND HIS POINTS OF VIEW The distinction between Vyavaharika and Paramarthika points of view which Sankara makes throughout his commentary is said to have been copied from the Buddhistic philosophy. A writer in the Journal called "Achata" referring to this says, that Sankara must have copied this from the Buddhistic metaphysics because the distinction is not found anywhere else. This writer evidently is not acquainted with Jaina philosophy. If he were acquainted with the Jaina philosophy, he would not have made such a sweeping statement that the distinction is not found anywhere else. In fact the doctrine of Naya or the points of view is peculiar to Jaina metaphysics, which maintains that knowledge is to be obtained from pramapas and nayas. Pramapa-Nayadhigamah-is the fundamental Jaina doctrine of knowledge. Following this Jaina tradition Kundakunda starts his work Samaya sara by mentioning this distinction between Vyavaharic and Paramarthic points of view in his study of the nature of the real Self or Samayasara. He justifies the adoption of the vyavaharic point of view even in the approach of a student towards the ultimate reality of the Self, as a Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 103 preparatory method of his adopting the Niscaya or the Paramarthic point of view. According to him all persons are not capable of understanding the real nature of the ultimate Self. Therefore the information must be conveyed according to the capacity of the student; just as it is necessary to adopt as a means of communication the language with which the student is acquainted so also it is necessary to adopt a method of instruction which will be within the reach of the individual student. When a guru teaches an individual not acquainted with Samsksta language through the medium of Sanskrta it would not be intelligible to the person concerned and the instructor would defeat his purpose. Hence it is absolutely necessary to speak to him in the language which is his mother tongue and which may be some vernacular other than Sarhsksta. Similarly it is necessary to adopt vyavaharic point of view in communicating metaphysical truths to ordinary people. With this justification Sri Kundakunda examines every problem from these two points of view, practical and real, the practical point of view in dealing with problems of an empirical life and the real point of view in dealing with supreme reality transcending limitations of the empirical life. In this respect as was pointed above. Sarikara closely follows Kundakunda's methods, with which obviously he was familiar when he began his Bhasya. s of view, Preempirical memitations of THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE SAMSARA Both Sankara and Kundakunda adopt identically the same attitude as to the nature of the individual self. Both maintain that the individual soul is identical with the ultimate reality, the Supreme Self. Sankara following the traditional language of Jaina metaphysics calls this ultimate reality Paramatman, or the Supreme Self. Jiven according to Sankara the Brahma and Paramatma are synonymous and interchangeable. Both the thinkers maintain that the individual self in the concrete world is ultimately identical with this absolute reality or Paramatma. The nature of the individual self in concrete experience is the result of limitations imposed upon the ultimate reality, Paramatma. The limiting conditions are very often spoken of as Upadhi, which is responsible for clouding the true nature of the ultimate reality. Kundakunda compares the ultimate reality with the shining sun in all his brilliance and the individual self is compared to the sun hidden by a dense layer of clouds which hides the sunshine. According to the variation in the density of the cloud, the rays of the sun will permeate through the clouds and make the sun visible in varying intensity. These variations in the appearance of the sun correspord to the various stages of spiritual developments of the individual soul. When the clouds completely get dispersed the sun begins to shine in all his glory withcut any intervening interruption. Exactly in a similar manner, Karmic upadhis of different density obstruct the self-shining Supreme. Atman where the Self will shine in his pristine Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 104 SAMAYASARA purity and glory when all the karmic upadhis are destroyed and got rid of. The doctrine of identifying Jivatma and Paramatma is 'common to both Sankara and Kundakunda. In this connection it is worth pointing out that both Kundakunda and Sankara in their commentaries used the word "Advaita" the indication of the oneness of Jivatma and Paramatma, a term which becomes the central doctrine of Sankara's philosophy. It only means that the doctrine is common to both the Upanisadic thought and the Jaina thought. This individual self which is merely the Paramatma limited by Upadhic conditions is subject to transmigration, the cycle of births and deaths This career of births and deaths which is the peculiar property of the individual self is a result of the ultimate self-forgetting its own nature and identify in itself with the external objects of the non-Self. This confusion between the nature of the Self and the non-Self is pointed out as the ultimate cause of transmigratory existence of the individual soul both in the Jaina system as well as in the Vedantic systems. The initial error or Adhyasa or Mithya is recognised to be the cause of Sarsaric existence by both the thinkers. Both maintain that this Samsaric existence is without beginning-Anadi. Moksa or Liberation consists in getting rid of this transmigratory existence through the discriminating knowledge of the self as distinct from the external objects. The individual self in this transmigratory existence or Samsara is determined by its own karmic activity at every stage. If his conduct is good he is destined to have happiness as the fruit of karma, if otherwise misery. The variation in the individual hedonic experience is thus attributed to the individual's own action good or bad. Even here both the thinkers are at one. Sankara in spite of his enthusiastic advocacy of unqualified ionism concedes this point that the individual souls are determined by their respective karmas, good or bad, and that the ultimate Brahma is not responsible for such individual conduct. Answering to the objection that the creative Brahina must be responsible for the inequalities among the individual souls, Sarkara writes: "The Lord, we reply, cannot be reproached with inequality of dispensation and cruelty because he is bound by regards.' If the Lord on his own account, without any extraneous regards, produced this unequal creation, he would expose himself to blame; but the fact is, that in creating he is bound by certain regards, i.e., he has to look to merit and demerit. Hence the circumstances of the creation being unequal is due to the merit and demerit of the living creatures created, and is not a fault for which the Lord is to blame. The position of the Lord is to be looked as analogous to that of Parjanya, the Giver of rain. For as Parjanya is the common cause of the production of rice, barley and other plants, while the difference between the various species is due to the various potentialities lying hidden in the respective seeds, so the Lord is the common cause of the creation of gods, Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 105 men, etc., while the difference between these classes of being are due to the different merit belonging to the individual souls." In this passage Sankara appears to drop out the Advaitic doctrine that the Brahma is the material cause or the Upadana Karana of the individual souls. The individual souls are assumed to subsist with all their individual merits and demerits irrespective of the occurrence of Pralaya and fresh creation. By bringing in the analogy of Parjanya, he converts the first cause of Brahma to Nimitta Karta like the potter making a pot out of clay. This attitude is in conflict with the general advaitic attitude. In order to save the Brahma from the responsibility of being the author of inequality existing in the world, he has to assume the independent reality of the individual souls. So far Sankara entirely agrees with the Jaina attitude represented by Kundakunda While maintaining that the confusion of the Self with the Non-Self constitutes the initial mithya or the error, both the thinkers part company in further elaborations of their systems. It is certainly an error to identify the Self with the sense-characteristics which are peculiar to the physical body because the sense qualities of colour, taste and smell have nothing to do with the nature of the Self. Birth, old age, decay and death are all characteristics alien to the conscious Self. Social and economic distinction in the individual also pertain to the body and cannot be transferred to the Self. In short the Self is a Cetana entity and the non-Self is an Acetana entity, which is the object of sense perception. Both Sankara and Kundakunda therefore maintain, one following the tradition of Vedantism and the other following the tradition of Jainism, that it is mithya to speak of the body as Self. Kundakunda stops with this statement and Saakara goes beyond this. For the latter it is not only an error to confuse Self with the body, the body itself becomes mithya or illusion. Therefore Kundak unda has to call, Halt! It is only the false identification that is error. The nonSelf is not mithya or illusion. This is the fundamental difference between the two systems of metaphysics, Saukara's Advaitism and Sri Kundakunda's Jaina metaphysics. Sarkara seems to forget his own statement in the introduction of the fundamental distinction between the Self and the Non-Self when he comes to propound his theory of unqualified monism, by denying the reality of external world itself. NATURE AND THE EXTERNAL WORLD The reality of the external world is admitted by the Jaina metaphysics as in the case of Sankhya philosophy. The Upanisadic thought also maintains the reality of the external world in spite of its pantheistic monism. The other commentators of Vedanta Sutras, besides Sankara also maintain the reality of the external world. Sankara himself while contradicting the Buddhistic school of Vijnanavada accepts the doctrine of the reality of the external world in refuting the Buddhistic school. The Vijaanavada school of the Buddhistic philosophy which maintains that the external reality is Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 106 SAMAYASARA merely a manifestation of consciousness is condemned by Sarkara by pointing out the difference between the purely imaginary world of dream and the concrete world of sense-perception. There he maintains that the difference in the psychic ideas are intelligible only on the supposition that the psychic images are direct effects of a permanent object in reality. This faith in the reality of the external world which he employs in refuting the Buddhistic metaphysics, he drops out completely when he tries to propound his own theory of Maya according to which the whole of the external reality is converted into a dream-world of unreality. This particular doctrine of Sankara is incompatible with the Jaina metaphysics. The Origin of the concrete world--The popular view as to the origin of the concrete world that it is due to the creative activity of an Isvara is rejected by Jaina philosophy. It is also rejected by Sankhya, Yoga and Mimarsa systems of thought. Sankara also rejects this theory when he criticises the Vaisesika system and the Pasu pata system. The concrete world from the creator or an Isvara as a result of his creative Will is thus completely discarded by Sankara also. He maintains that it is a result of the manifestation of the ultimate reality, Brahma. In order to establish this doctrine that the world is the result of the manifestation of the Brahma he elaborately discusses the Sankhya view of deriving cosmos from Prakrti, the Acetana root cause of the concrete world according to the Saukhya school. Sankhyas and the Jainas staunchly maintain the difference between the Cetana Self and the Acetana Non-Self. Praksti of the Sankhyas exactly corresponds to Pudgala or matter of the Jains. Since this is contradictory to the nature and attributes of the Self both the systems maintain that it is impossible to obtain one from the other. Therefore they regard both the Cetana and Acetana entities as not only distinct and independent of each other, but both are utlimate realities existing permanently uncreated and indestructible. But Sankara in order to defend the Vedantic doctrine of the Brahma has somehow to derive the Acetana entity also from the same first cause, Brahma. Kundakunda clearly points out that this is impossible. If the doctrine of the identity of the cause and effect is accepted-Sankara also does accept this doctrine-these two contradictory effects, the Aceta na Non-Self and the Cetana Self, cannot be produced by the same cause, the Brahma, which is taken to be a Cetana entity according to the Upanisa dic thought. How can the Cetana Brahma produce Acetana effect-matter, is the objection raised by the Sankhyas as well as the Jainas. Sankara himself concedes to the fundamental difference between the two in his introduction when he speaks about the Adhyasa which is the root cause of Samsara and yet since he has to defend the Vedantic pantheism he seems to forget his own doctrine and uses his ingenuity to prove that it is possible to derive Acetana non-Self from the Cetana Brahma. How far he succeeds in his attempt is certainly an open question to be decided by the readers of his commentary, Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 107 THE DOCTRINE OF CAUSATION Kundakunda following the tradition of Jaina metaphysics speaks of two different causes, Upadana karapa and Nimitta karapa, material cause and instrumental cause. For example, clay is the material out of which the jar is made. In this case the material out of which the thing is made is the Upadana karana. For transforming the clay into the Jar you require the operating agent, the potter, the potter's wheel on which the clay is moulded, and the stick with which he turns the wheel and so on. All these come under the Nimitta karapa or the instrumental cause. This distinction is considered very important in Jaina metaphysics. The Upadana karapa or the material cause must be identical with its effect. There can be no difference in nature and attributes between the material cause and its effect. From clay we can only obtain a mud-pot. Out of gold you can only obtain a golden ornament. Out of gold you cannot obtain a mud-pot nor out of clay can you obtain a golden ornament. The relation between the material cause and its effect is exactly corresponding to the modern conception of Causation, that wherever the cause is present the effect would be present and wherever the effect would be present the cause must have been present. Again negatively, if the cause is absent the effect must also be absent and conversely if the effect is absent the cause must also be absent. Following this doctrine of identity between the cause and effect, Kundak unda maintains consistent with the Jaina metaphysics, that the Cetana cause can only produce Cetana effects, and that non-Cetana cause can only produce non-Cetana effects. Accordingly he has to reject the Vedantic doctrine of deriving both Cetana and non-Cetana effect from the real causes of Brahma which cannot contain in himself, the contradictory causal potencies to produce two contradictory effects. Strangely the Vedantic doctrine which maintains the Brahma to be the ultimate cause of all reality also maintains the non-difference in cause and effect. Commenting on these sutras, Sankara writes, "For the following reason also the effect is non-different from the cause, because only when the cause exists the effect is observed to exist and not when it does not exist. For instance, only when the clay exists, the jar is observed to exist. That it is not a general rule when one thing exists, another also is observed to exist, appears for instance, from the fact that a horse which is other or different from a cow is not observed to exist only when a cow exists. Nor is the jar observed to exist only when the potter exists. For in that case the nondifference does not exist although the relation between the two is that of an operating cause and its effect." Again he writes "Ordinary experience teaches us that those who wish to produce certain effect such as curds, or earthern jars, or golden ornaments employ such as milk, clay and gold. Those who wish to produce sour-milk do not employ clay, nor do those who intend to make jars employ Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 108 SAMAYASARA milk and so on. But according to that doctrine which teaches that the effect is non-existent (before its actual production) all this should be possible. For if before their actual origination all effects are equally non-existent in any causal substance, why then should curds be produced from milk only and not from clay also and jar from clay only and not from milk as well. Again he writes, "As the ideas of cause and effect on the one hand and of the qualities on the other are not separate ones, as for instance the ideas of a horse and a buffalo, it follows that the identity of the cause and the leffect as well as of the substance and its qualities has to be admitted. From these quotations it is quite clear that Sankara's conception of cause and effect is the same as Kundakunda's. The former following the traditions of Vedantism and the latter the tradition of Jaina metaphysics. Both maintain that the cause and effect are identical and that particular cause can produce an effect entirely identical in nature with the cause. They both maintain that the cause and effect are identical in nature. Hence they both reject the view that the effect is non-existent in the cause and occurs as a new thing just after the cause. And therefore they both maintain that the effect is present in the cause though only in the latent form. Clay is shaped into a jar and gold is transformed into an ornament. The jar as such is not present in clay already, nor is the ornament as such present in gold. Therefore the effect is the result of causal manifestation. Thus according to Jaina Metaphysics, the effect is identical with the cause and yet the effect is slightly different from the cause. From the point of view of the underlying substance the effect and cause are identical. From the point of view of manifested form and change, the effect is different from the cause. Thus ca use and effect may be said to be identical in one sense and different from another point of view. In the last quoted paragraph Sankara applies the same doctrine of identity and difference also to the relation between substance and its qualities. The substance and its qualities are inherently identical though they are different in another aspect. This attitude of Sankara is identical with the Jaina attitude as to the relation between Dravya and Guna, substance and attributes. Both Sankara's Vedantism and Kundakunda's metaphysics are at one in rejecting the Vaisesika doctrine that substance and qualities are two different distinct categories brought together by a third category Samavaya which conjoins the two. Rejecting this Vaisesika view of the difference between substance and qualities it is maintained by both Sankara and Kundakunda that they are identical in nature. ONE AND THE MANY To speak of a thing as one or many is entirely dependent upon the point of view you adopt. The same material clay may be transformed into various clay vessels and the same material substance gold may be transformed into various kinds of ornaments. If you emphasise Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INTRODUCTION 109 the underlying substance the mud-pots and jars will be identical in the same nature. They all belong to one class and similarly orna. ments may be said to be golden since they belong to one class. But if you emphasise the ornaments or the pots, they are many in number. Or take the case of a tree. It may be spoken of as one or many. It is one when taken in its complex as a whole and it will be many when you emphasise the number of branches in it. "We point out that one and the same thing may be the subject of several names and ideas if it is considered in its relations to what lies without it. Devadatta although being one only form the object of many different names and notions according as he is considered in himself or in his relations to other; thus he is thought and spoken of as man, Brahmin, learned in the Veda, generous, boy, young man, old man, father, son, grandson, brother-son-in-law, etc. etc." This last passage from Sankara completely coincides with the Jaina point of view that any assertion about a thing would take different forms according to the relations of the thing to other things. A person is said to be father when he is taken in relation to his son, as the son when the same is taken in relation to his father. Therefore the question how can the same man be father and son would entirely be meaningless and it will only exhibit the ignorance of the logical theory of predication. The same principle is extended by the Jaina metaphysics to other relations, such as space, time, substance and modes. This obvious truth forms the basis of the Jaina logical doctrine of predicationAstinastivada. That you can have two assertions about a thing positive and negative according to the relation of the thing to other things. Strangely this principle thus accepted by Sarkara is forgotten by him when he goes to criticise the Satra relating to Jainism, that two contra. dictory things cannot exist in the same. This inconsistency is probably due to the fact that he was only a commentator of an already existing work. Sankara commenting on the first satra 'Atbato Brahma-jijnasa.' Let us then enquire into the nature of the Brahma or the Self. "Where is the reason why such an enquiry should be taken up ? says, Since there are various erroneous things as to the nature of the self held by different schools of thought it is necessary to clear up the errors and to establish the correct notion of the self." He enumerates various schools he considers to be erroneous as Buddha, Sankhya, Yoga, Vaisesika and Pasupata etc., etc. It is strange that he does not mention the Jaina account of Self as one of the erroneous views. Probably the reason why he omits this is his own siddhanta is identical with the Jaina concept of self that the Jivatma and Paramatma are identical. This exactly is Sankara's considered view. Hence he cannot condemn this as one of Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA 110 the erroneous views for this forms the foundation of Advaita, which forms the central doctrine of his commentary. We refer tc Sankara and Amgticandra: We mentioned above that Sankara wa acquainted with Sri Kundakunda and Amrtacandra. this fact in connection with Sankara's distinction between the Vyavaharika and Paramarthika point of view. We have here to mention the fact that the doctrine of Adhyasa is also peculiar to Sankara. Adhyasa is the technical term he used to denote the confusion between self and non-self, a confusion due to Avidya or Ajnana. This term Adhyasa is not found in any of the philosophical writings prior to Sankara. Probably Sankara took a hint from Amrtacandra who freely uses this concept in his commentary called Atmakhyati on Sri Kundakunda's Samayasara. Probably Amrtacandra and Sankara must have lived in the same century, Amrtacandra being slightly older than Sankara. The language of Atmakhyati is very similar to Sankara's Sariraka Bhasya. This suggestion is made because Sankara himself speaks on one occasion that he is influenced by one Dravida Acarya. Probably this refers to Amrtacandra-the great Commentator on Samayasara. The following quotations from Atmakhyati will clearly bear out our suggestion that Sankara and Amrtacandra were of the same age and that the former was acquainted with the writings of Amrtacandra especially in his commentary Atmakhyati. "Ajnana or ignorance causes Adhyasa or confusion of the intellect. On account of this, thirsty animals run towards mirage to quench their thirst thinking it is a lake full of water. Again the same Adhyasa or confusion caused by ignorance frighten men is dusk at the sight of a rope and make them run away from it thinking it is a snake. "Similarly on account of this confusion caused by ignorance men falsely identify their pure and unruffled nature of the Soul with the body and imagine that they are the author of the various psycho-physical activities caused by impure karmas, just as the numerous waves in the ocean are caused by atmospheric pressure while the ocean itself remains calm and unruffled But Jnana or knowledge produces discrimination between the self and the non-self just like the hamsa bird is able to separate water from milk Unruffled self firm in its pure nature is able to understand that it is not the author of the various impure psycho-physical changes caused by an alien agency." ATMAKHYATI. Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA CHAPTER 1. vaMdittu savvasiddhe dhuvama' calamaNovamaM rgAda patte / vocchAmi samayapAhuDamiNamo suyakevalIbhaNiyaM // 1 // vamdittu savvasiddhe dhuvamacalamanovamam gadim patte, vocchami samayapahudaminamo suyakevalibhaniyam (1) afazar adfuzia yanasagani nfa arala, I vakSyAmi saMmayaprAbhRtamidam aho zrutakevalibhaNitam // 1 // 1. Bowing to all the Siddhas who have attained a state of existence, permanent, immutable and incomparable, I will speak of this Samaya Pahuda which has been uttered by the allknowing Masters of Scripture. Oh, Bhavyas, listen to this. COMMENTARY The author begins the work with the worship of the Siddhas. The term Siddha implies the Supreme Self which has realised its true nature. He uses the word savvasiddhe all the Siddhas, probably to distinguish the Jaina conception of Moksa from the non-Jaina conceptions. Jainism recognises plurality of selves not merely in the world of Samsara but also in the liberated state or Siddhahood which is a sort of divine republic of Perfect Souls, where each Self retains its individual personality and does not empty its contents into the cauldron of the Absolute as is maintained by some other systems of philosophy. It is but proper that the work should begin with the worship of the Siddhas, since the author is going to discuss the true nature of the Self in this treatise. In the first line of the Gatha, he mentions the various attributes of the Siddha, the Perfect Self. The attribute dhuvam implies an unchanging permanency because, the Self, after achieving its true nature on the destruction of all karmic shackles, is not subject to any further manifestation and hence is characterised by unchanging permanency. 1. Other Reading dhruvamamala ! Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA The term acalai implies the complete cessation of transmigratory existence. The Self in the world of Samsara, determined by its own Karmic conditions, roams about in the empirical world, being born in any one of the four gatis, or major organic classes as determined by one's own Karma. When Karmas are completely destroyed, when the Self achieves his true nature and becomes a Siddha, this roaming about in the transmigratory world comes to a full stop. This is what is implied by the attribute acala. If the other reading, amala, is accepted then the attribute would refer to complete absence of Karmic impurity which is the sine qua non for achieving Siddhahood. The next attribute is anupama, having no parallel or comparison. This characteristic naturally follows a corollary because the excellence of the Siddhahood far transcends the excellent things of the concrete world. Hence Siddhahood cannot be indica ted by comparison with any concrete object of the empirical world, however great and good it may be. After offering his obeisance to Siddha of such characteristics, the author addresses the faithful ones, for whose sake he composes the work called Samayapahuda. The first part of the word Samaya means the Self, the knower, the latter part of the word Pahuda is interpreted to mean the essence or Sara. Further, he declares that the treatise which he is going to compose is in conforrnity with what is taught by the Sruta Kevalis, the omniscient masters of the scriptures. The author mentions this fact not merely to defend his own work as is consistent with the revealed Word of the Lord, but also to imply that what is not so based upon such divine revelation is neither worthy of speaking about nor worthy of listening to. In the next gatha, the author takes up for discussion the two kinds of Self, the Pure One which is termed as sva-samaya, and the Impure One which is designated as para-samaya. The latter refers to the empirical ego and the former to the pure ego which tsanscends the empirical conditions, Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I jIvo carittadaMsaNaNANadvido taM hi sasamayaM jANa / poggalakammuvadesaTThiyaM ca taM jANa parasamayaM // 2 // jivo carittadansanananatthido tam hi sasamayam jana, poggalakammuvadesatthiyam ca tam jana parasamayam (2) jIvazcAritradarzanajJAnasthitaH taM hi svasamayaM jAnIhi / pudgalakarmopadezasthitaM ca taM jAnIhi parasamayam // 2 // 2. Know ye that the Jiva which (in its intrinsic purity) rests on Right Conduct, Faith and Knowledge is the real Self. But that which is conditioned by Karmic materials is other than the real COMMENTARY This gatha states the fundamental problem of philosophy which is discussed by all the systems of thought, both in the East and in the West. The term Svasamaya, the Ego-in-itself is the pure and ultimate reality which is considered to be the ideal aimed at by all the Indian Darsanas and also by some of the western schools of thought. This Ego-in-itself is characterised by the three qualities of Darsana, Jnana, and Caritra-Belief, Knowledge and Conduct. These three attributes are also associated with the ordinary human personality in the empirical world. In the latter case the terms have quite intelligible significance in as much as the activity of the ordinary human personality manifests through his own body. The threefold characteristics of Darsana-Jnana-Caritra are to be understood in relation to the body. But in the case of the Ego-in-itself, which is entirely free from upadhic conditions, the ordinary significance associated with the terms will not hold good. Here we have only to consider the nature of the Pure Self and hence these terms must be interpreted consistent with the state of the Self which is free and pure from upadhic conditions. Caritra cannot therefore mean the same thing as conduct associated with an ordinary man. It must imply the pure and intrinsic activity of the spiritual entity which goes by the name of Paramatma or the Ego-in-itself. Similarly the other two characteristics must imply the intrinsic vision and knowledge which are associated Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA with the Pure Self which has destroyed all the upadhic conditions constituted by karmic matter. After stating the characteristics of sva-samaya the author indicates the nature of the empirical ego by stating that it is in association with the very upadhic conditions of karmic matter which are absent in the case of the Pure Self. The Self in association with the upadhic conditions is not an entirely different entity from the Pure Self which is designated as Svasamaya. If the two are identical in nature, the question naturally arises, how does the Ego-in-itself which is pure in nature and which is free from extraneous contamination of Karmic material, become degraded to an empirical ego entirely enmeshed in Karmic upadhis. Here is a distinct deterioration in the nature of the Self which may be termed as the Fall of Man. This Fall of Man, as is already stated, is the central theme of religious philosophy all over the world. The self in its pure nature is recognised to be entirely free from Karmic shackles and yet in the concrete world he is found always in chains. He is by nature free and yet he is everywhere found in chains. What * is the explanation of this great spiritual degradation? The Semetic religions, Judaism and Christianity, conveniently answer the question of the Fall of Man by the hypothesis of the original sin. But the Indian systems of thought do not adopt such a cheap and convenient hypothesis. The explanation offered by the Jaina system of metaphysics, places the association of the Self with extraneous matter in the beginningless past. The empirical Self in samsara is assumed to be in association with upadhic conditions and it is said to struggle to extricate itself from the shackles of Karmic conditions in its attempt to realise the ideal and goal--the Liberated Self. The problem therefore for the Jaina metaphysician is not the problem of the Fall of Man and the Lost Paradise. On the other hand, it is the reverse of this. It is a grand pilgrimage to the spiritual goal, a noble excelsior towards the hilltop of the Region of Peace and Purity towards which the whole creation moves. This conception in some form or other is accepted by the other Indian systems also. Sankara in Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I the very beginning of his Bhasya enumerates the various hypotheses as to the nature of the Self which he rejects as incorrect and finally states his own position which is the identification of Brahma or Atma, the Ultimate Reality, with the empirical ego in the concrete world. In describing the nature of the latter, empirical ego in Samsara, he also speaks of Samsara being anadi without a beginning and that the career of the empirical Self is also anadi without a beginning. Why is the Self found in association with upadhis in its empirical form? Sankara distinctly mentions that the Self builds a tabernacle of upadhis by its own Karmas. The building up of the Karmic upadhis takes the form of its corporeal existence where the Self, through its own body as its vehicle, is able to enjoy the fruits of its own Karma, good or bad, in the form of happiness and misery. This association of the Self with the extraneous material upadhis is thus explained to be the result of avidya or ignorance which is present in the empirical self from time immemorial. The attempt to get itself liberated from the bondage of upadhis or Karmic shackles must begin with getting rid of the avidya. When once this avidya is got rid of, the Karmas, good or bad, are got rid of and the individual soul realises its own pure nature in the form of Paramatma or Brahma, as it is generally designated by the Vedantic writers. This career of the individual Self sketched by Sankara is exactly parallel to the sketch given by Jaina metaphysics and the theory is quite unaffected by the other Vedanta theory, that the Brahma is the ultimate cause of things and persons. The similarity is much more marked when we turn to the Mimamsa conception of the Self. This is not encumbered with the Vedantic hypothesis of Brahma as the original cause. It freely assumes the Self to be eternal and uncreated. It postulates a plurality of Selves each having its own individual career. This individual Self is present in the beginningless Samsara in association with Karmic upadhis which are material in nature. This association with material upadhis is determined by the Self's own conduct according to Dharma or Adharma. Hence, liberation from the upadhis, must be obtained through discarding both Dharma and Adharma. Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA Thus the association of the Self with Karmic upadhis, its liberation from the same, are both explained without bringing in the aid of any extraneous causal agency. In fact both the Mimamsakas and the Vedantins stoutly repudiate the hypothesis of a creator or an Isvara put forward by the Nyaya-Vaisesika systems in order to explain the association of the Self with material Karinic upadhis resulting in the corporeal existence of the empirical self. Our author therefore starts with the central theme of the association of Self with karmic material, and his work is an elaborate explanation of the problems of why the individual Self is found in Karmic chains and how it can break the shackles and assume its own true nature, pure and free. This is the aim of Samayasara. eyattaNicchayagado samao savvatya suMdaro loe| baMdhakahA eyatte teNa visaMvAdiNI hoi||3|| eyattanicchayagado samao savvattha sundaro loe bandhakaha eyatte tena visamvadini hoi (3) ekatvanizcayagataH samaya: sarvatrasundaro loke| bandhakathA ekatve tena visaMvAdinI bhavati // 3 // 3. The Self which has realised its oneness (uncontaminated by alien conditions) is the beautiful ideal in the whole Universe. To associate bondage with this unity is therefore self-contradictory. COMMENTARY The author further emphasises the greatness and sublimity of the Ego-in-itself or sva-samaya. This is said to be the sublime and the beautiful in the whole world. The whole of the organic world from the one-sensed organism right up to man is viewed from this angle of vision. It is this sublime and beautiful Egoin-itself that constitutes the inner reality of every organism. That being the ultimate goal, recognition of this Ego-in-itself as the object to be aimed at is therefore the most desirable thing. This ultimate ideal is so far removed from the concrete world of the empirical reality that it would be erroneous to associate upadhic shackles with the sublime and beautiful entity of the Ultimate Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I Self. It is difficult to understand what the author has exactly in his mind, when he says that it is erroneous to predicate bondage of this reality. Neither of the commentators is of any help to us. When he says that it is erroneous to associate bondage with Paramatma, the author must be thinking about some rival theory which in his opinion makes that mistake. To predicate a further career for the Paramatma leading to a further manifestation would certainly be considered by our author as an erroneous hypothesis. Probably he is thinking of the Upanisadic system which not only presupposes that Atma or Brahma is the original cause of the world but also postulates the periodic evolution and involution in the life-career of the ultimate Brahma which our author evidently thinks reduces the Brahma to a Samsaric entity and therefore amounts to predicating bondage to the Paramatma Svarupa. It would probably be more plausible to suggest that he was thinking of the popular deities of the Puranic Hinduism. But such a suggestion would be an anachronism, because Puranic Hinduism and Puranic deities were not fully developed about the Ist century B. C., which is the date of our author. Internal evidence clearly shows that he was fully acquainted with Upanisadic literature; hence our suggestion that the author was having in his mind the Brahma's periodic career of manifestation and dissolution, an idea prominently present in the Upanisadic thought. This Upanisadic Brahma, which is also designated as Paramatma, is the same as our author's SvaSamaya-the Ego-in-itself; but the Vedantic Brahma or Paramatma is credited with periodic manifestation and dissolution, a characteristic entirely foreign to our author's concept of Sva-Samaya. This is only offered as a suggestion of a probable implication of the author's intention and we cannot assert anything dogmatically about that. 7 Next, the author goes to show that of these two Egos, the empirical Ego and the metempirical Ego, the former is easily apprehended whereas the latter is very difficult to realise. sudaparicidANubhUdA savvassa vi kAmabhogabaMdha kahA / eyattassuvalaMbho Navari Na sulabho vibhattassa // 4 // Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8 SAMAYASARA sudaparicidanubhuda savvassa vi kamabhogabamdhakaha eyattassuvalambho navari na sulabho vibhattassa (4) zruta paricitAnubhUtA sarvasyApi kAmabhogabandhakathA | ekatvasyopalambhaH kevalaM na sulabho vibhaktasya // 4 // 4. The proposition that all living beings are characterised by desire, for worldly things, enjoyment of the same and consequential bondage has been heard, observed and personally experienced by all. But the realisation of the unity of the Higher Self which is free from all such empirical conditions, by our own personal experience, is not easy of achievement. COMMENTARY Here the author frankly states in the beginning that it is extremely difficult to apprehend the nature of the metempirical Self or the Ego-in-itself. He contrasts it with our knowledge of the empirical Ego. The nature of the empirical Self can be easily apprehended from the concrete world of living beings. The behaviour of a living organism is a clear indication of its nature. The instinct of self-preservation in an organism is the main motive force of its behaviour. Every animal has to seek its food from the environment to appease its hunger, to search for water to quench its thirst, and to roam about in search of a mate to satisfy its sex desire. This tendency to seek objects from the environment, to acquire them and to enjoy them is a common characteristic of the behaviour of all living beings from the lowest to the highest. This knowledge we obtain from our observation of other animals and by the study of books on natural history describing the behaviour of animals in general. The information so gathered by observation and study is further corroborated by our own personal experience since our own behaviour as an organic being is no exception to the general law of animal behaviour. The information thus obtained from different sources gives us a fairly accurate knowledge of the nature of the empirical Ego. But when we begin to talk about the metempirical Ego we feel extremely helpless. None of the above sources of information is available to us. The reality which we try to apprehend has nothing in Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I common with our empirical reality. That is why the Upanisadic thinker frankly states that it can be described only by negative attributes. We can only speak of it as neti neti, not this, not this. That is exactly why Gautama Buddha kept silent whenever he was asked by his disciples to give some information about the Self or Atma. Again, that is exactly the reason why the founder of Christianity always emphasised that the Path leading to the Kingdom of God is extremely narrow and steep. It is this very same truth that is communicated to us by our author in this gatha. Instead of taking refuge in a cheap agnosticism that the Ultimate Reality is unknowable, he merely states that it is extremely difficult to apprehend. Then he promises that one * who has the courage and conviction to plod along the steep and narrow path can, however, reach the Summits the spiritual illtop, and thus have a complete view of the sublime reality, a privilege not available to the ordinary mortals roaming about in the valley below. taM eyattavibhattaM dAehaM apaNo savihaveNa / jadi dAejja pamANaM cukkijja chalaM Na ghettavvaM // 5 // tan eyattavibhattam dayeham appano savihavena jadi dayejja pamanai cukkijja chalam na ghettavvam (5) tamekatvavibhaktaM darzaye'hamAtmanaH svavibhavena / yadi darzayeyaM pramANaM cyuto bhavAmi chalaM na gRhItavyaM // 5 // 5. That Higher Unity differentiated from alien conditions, I will try to reveal as far as I can. Accept it if it satisfies the condition of Truth or Pramanas. But if I fail in my description, you may reject it. COMMENTARY It is a general belief among Indian thinkers that the metempirical Self or the Ego-in-itself is to be approached only through undergoing a special kind of spiritual discipline called yoga or tapas. This discipline opens up a new door-way to approach the Ultimate Reality which cannot be apprehended through ordinary sense-perception. Such a super-sensuous faculty of apprehending the Inner Self is the privilege of those few who by the practice of yoga successfully obtain it. Such a supersensuous experience of metempirical Reality must have Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 been obtained by our author through the practice of the spiritual discipline or Yoga which is the necessary condition for such an acquisition. Otherwise he would not make bold to promise. that he would reveal the nature of that Ultimate Reality-the Metempirical Self. But when he begins to translate this spiritual intention in terms of ordinary vocabulary for the benefit of his readers, he is not sure about the adequacy of language to express the complete implication of his inner vision. Therefore he cautions the reader to test the message offered to him according to the canons of pramana or correct knowledge before accepting If it does not stand the test, then it need not be accepted. That would only prove the inadequacy of language to express accurately the knowledge obtained by supersensuous experience. The term pramana is to be interpreted in this context not in the ordinary sense of sense-perception, inference, As a matter of fact, the Jaina thinkers, when they speak of pratyaksa, do not mean sense-perception, which is the meaning given to the term by the other Indian systems. Sense-perception or pratyaksa according to the ordinary meaning is called paroksa by the Jaina thinker because such knowledge is obtained through an intermediate instrument of sense-organ and not directly by the Self. It is the latter that is called pratyaksa, what is directly present before the Self without the mediation of any external instrumentality. It is such a pramana, the supersenuous perception of the Self, that the author must be thinking of when he enjoins the reader to test his message before accepting it. etc. it. SAMAYASARA One other point we have to notice is this. Though he says that he is going to follow the footsteps of the Masters of the scripture who went before him, and who themselves had the information directly from the Omniscient Lord, the Sarvajna, still he does not want to impose this on the reader on the authority of the Revealed Word of the Lord. His frank advice to the reader to submit this message to the touch-stone of pramana clearly implies two things. He does not want to adopt the method adopted by those thinkers whose systems of thought are based upon the authority of the Vedas. These philosophers, Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I To whenever they are confronted with intellectual difficulties incompatible with the Vedic traditions, reject these, even though they are ordinarily in conformity with the usual pramanas them, the pramana of the Veda is the most important and, before that, the other pramanas become inadequate and hence lose their value of authority. The attitude adopted by our author is entirely different from the Vedic tradition. The other point to be noticed here is the implication that such an inconvenient situation will not arise here, that is the conflict between what is revealed by the Divine Word and the value of the pramanas. The bold suggestion that his information should be tested before acceptance expresses his complete confidence that what is revealed by the Sarvajna and what is also experienced by his own supersensuous method will stand the severest test when critically examined by the canons of Truth. He is sure that his message will certainly pass through the ordeal of critical examination and he will not need to take refuge in some kind of authority, superhuman and unchallengeable. Thus in short the author expresses the nature of Truth as he understands. it, and how it is different from Truth resting upon the authority of the Vedas which is alleged to be superhuman and therefore above criticism. Next the author describes the nature of the Pure Self which is free from the impure psychic states such as desire, etc. vi hodi appamatto Na pamatto jANago du jo bhAvo / evaM bhaNati suddhA NAdA jo so du so ceva // 6 // navi hodi appamatto na pamatto janago du jo bhavo evam bhanamti suddha nada jo so du so ceva (6) nApi bhavatyapramatto na pramatto jJAyakastu yo bhAvaH / ga Hofa yer: arar: q: a ga3/4a 11 || ii 6. That real being who is of the nature of the Knower, is neither identical with Apramatta nor Pramatta beings. His nature as the Knower is unique and self-identical. Thus declare the thinkers who adopt the pure (absolute) point of view. COMMENTARY The terms apramatta and pramatta, (vigilant of duties and non-vigilant of duties) are used as representative terms to denote Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 SAMAYASARA the various shapes of spiritual development which are implied by the technical term, gunasthanas, which are gradations based upon ethico-spiritual development. Human beings are classified according to the principle of such a development and arranged according to various classes of ascending gradation beginning with mithyadisti upto ayogakevali, from the one in whom right faith is absent upto one who has attained spiritual perfection through liberation from Karmic upadhis. Apramatta, which is the seventh stage in the gradation, stands for the eighi upper stages, whereas pramatta, which is the sixth in the gradation, represents the six lower stages. Thus the author emphasises the fact that the characteristics brought about by the association of the Self with upadhic conditions,-the gunasthana being based upon such qualities-must be understood to be entirely alien to the nature of the Pure Self. The author, who proposes to investigate the nature of the True Self, thus starts with the thesis that his nature is distinct from modes and characteristics resulting from its combination with the upadhic material condition whose nature is entirely distinct from that of the Ego-in-itself. The intellectual at mosphere about the time of our author was pregnant with certain fundamental truths accepted by the various systems of thought then prevalent. There were thinkers paying allegiance to the Upanisadic movement, there were the Bauddhas and the Sankhyas, besides the Jainas. There were also the materialistic free-thinkers about that time. All these different systems accepted certain principles in common. All started with the concrete world of experience as the point of departure for their investigations. In this concrete world they recognised the proud distinus tion between the organic and the inorganic, the living and the non-living, jiva and ajiva. They also noticed the fundamental difference between the behaviour of the living thing and that of the non-living thing. The behaviour of a living organism however rudimentary in development always indicates a purposive activity capable of spontaneous manifestation, whereas such a purposive spontaneous activity is entirely absent in the inorganic world. The physical object inert and incapable of Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I spontaneous movement will only move when hit by a moving object-the speed and direction of motion being determined by the original impact. Besides the purposive behaviour of the living organism they possess also certain other characteteristics which are altogether absent in the inorganic world. The characteristics are birth and growth, decay and death. Every living being must be born from living parentage, must have development upto a certain stage and then decay and end in death. These characteristics were carefully noticed by the Indian thinkers who postulated a life-principle which was supposed to be present in all organic bodies capable of purposive activity. The behaviour of organic bodies as contrasted with other nonliving physical bodies was thus explained by the presence of this life-principle which operated through the living body which is also constituted by various inorganic elements. Thus as far as the organic body is concerned, they recognised two distinct entities. The constitution of the organic body is explained by the combination of various inorganic elements, and its purposive intelligent behaviour being credited to the operative life-principle called atma or Soul. After recognising the duality of the nature of organic beings, the various systems of thought attempted to probe into the secrets of the nature of this life-principle called atma or Soul. The materialist saved himself from the trouble of metaphysical investigation by a summary disposal of the problem. For him there was no entity called Atma which is postulated by others in order to explain this purposive intelligent nature of animal behaviour. The organic body is constituted by the inorganic elements and there is nothing more in it. Its behaviour is due to the peculiar mode of combination of the inorganic elements, and the presence of consciousness in man and some other higher animals is merely a by-product resulting from the combination of the inorganic elements constituting the organic body. The other systems rightly rejected this view as erroneous because of its inadequacy to explain satisfactorily the purposive and intelligent behaviour of animals. Hence the other systems are at one in postulating a separate entity besides the body which is constituted by inorganic elements, in order to explain 13 Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA the purposive behaviour of the organism. This entity which is so postulated is assumed to be a cetana, being of the nature of intelligence as contrasted with inorganic bodies which are said to be acetana and non-intelligent. Thus all the systems recuced the organic beings, including man, to a combination of two distinct entities cetana and acetana, intelligent and non-intelligent. Their whole philosophical attempt is directed to a clear determination of the nature of this intelligent principle which is supposed to be present in all living beings. Again, all these systenis, minus the materialistic, agree in maintaining that this life-principle or atma should not be identified with the body or any organ of the body though it is the operative principle responsible for the activity of the organic body as a whole or of the various organs, sensorial and motor. Thus the philosophical investigation as to the nature of the life-principle of atma or Self, by a careful elimination of all that pertains to the body as alien to its nature. So far the systems agree in their ultimate aim as well as their method of investigation though the conclusion reached is differnt in each case thus resulting in different philosophical systems. Thus we see our author stating the nature of the Pure Self by a process of elimination of all those characteristics which result from its association with inorganic material elements which are designated technically upadhis. The author goes to point out next, that even in the case of the Self free from upadhic conditions, certain diverse qualities ordinarily associated with it such as Darsana, etc., when viewed from the absolute point, can be differentiated only verbally and not really. vavahAreNuvadissadi gANissa carittadaMsaNaM NANaM / Navi NANaM Na carittaM Na saNaM jANago suddho // 7 // vavaharenuvadissadi nanissa carittadinsanai runam, navi nanas na carittan na 'dansanam janago suddho (7) vyavahAreNopadizyate jJAninazcAritra darzanaM jJAnaM / nApi jJAna na cAritraM na darzanaM jJAyakaH zuddhaH // 7 // 7. . From ehe vyavahara point of view, conduct, belief and knowledge are attributed (as different characteristics) of the Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I 15 Knower, the Self. But from the real point of view there is no (differentiation of) knowledge, conduct and belief, in Pure Self. COMMENTARY Jaina metaphysics always emphas ses the nature of reality to be identity-in-difference and unity in the midst of multiplicity. This characteristic which is assund to be present in reality in general is associated in an arked degree with the Self. The Self in association with matrial upadhic conditions is said to be born in the world of saisark with various organic bodies in various places and various times. The various births associated with a particular Self will be practically infinite in number when the beginningless samsaric career is taken into consideration. All these various forms are considered to be paryayas or modifications of the self-same unitary cyo. The Self is one and its modifications determined by upadhic conditions are infinite in number. It is in this sense that the saying that the atma is one and the rsis call it many is interpreted by the Jaina metaphysician. Another point which is generally noticed by Jaina metaphysics is the relation between the substance and its qualities. The complex nature of ihe substance with its qualities also interpreted to be identity-in-difference. The qualities cannot be considered as entirely distinct from the substance. It is the same identical substance that expresses its nature through qualities. No doubt the qualities may be spoken of as different from one another and all from the underlying substance. Such consideration of the quality in abstract is only verbal differentiation. But really the qualities cannot exist independent of the substance nor the substance independent of its qualities as is maintained by the Vaisesika school of thought. It is this latter point that is emphasised in this gatha. The self in its pure nature, which is entirely free from upadhic conditions, must be considered as an indivisible unity in spite of the different attributes associated with it ordinarily. The characteristics, Darsana, Jflana, and Caritra are only verbal differentiations employed to explain the complex nature of the unitary self. This point that the qualities can only be differentiated : Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16. SAMAYASARA verbally from the substance is illustrated by Jayasena in the following manner. We may speak of fire that it burns, that it cooks or that it shines, when we consider the various purposes for which it is employed. Burning, cooking and shining are spoken of as the various properties of fire, because of its relation to other things, based upon different purposes. In spite of the various descriptions of its properties, fire is one and the same. Similarly the Self is one indivisible identity and unity in spite of the various descriptions of its nature in terms of Darsana, Jnana, and Caritra. The same point is illustrated by Amrtacandra in the following manner. When an able teacher wants to inform his student about the nature of an extremely complex reality possessing innumerable properties, he will proceed cautiously in choosing one property after another in order to instruct the student accurately. Confronting him with the whole complex reality at the same time will only confound the student and the teacher's aim will be defeated. This process of selecting one characteristic after another in order to produce a clear understanding in the mind of the student of the extremely complex nature of the reality which is the object of study will not in any way really tamper with the identical unity of that object. In the same way the self which is a complex reality may for the purpose of instruction be described in different terms but in spite of the variety of these descriptions it does not lose its ultimate identity and unity. These two gathas (6 and 7) may be taken to be an implied refutation of the Upanisadic pantheism, Buddhist Ksanikavada or momentariness of the Self, and the Vaisesika theory of the distinction between dravya and guna, as distinct categories. 1. Though the Jaina view recognises the identical unity of the Self throughout its career of transmigratory existence, still it does not reduce all the concrete personalities and organisms as the modifications of one and the same atma as is maintained by Upanisadic pantheism and later Vedantism. 2. The Ksanikavada of the Bauddhas is also rejected by the Jaina metaphysics. The Bauddhas, like the western philosopher Hume, rejected a permanent objective reality as well as Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I the permanent identity of the Self. This goes by the name of K sanikavada or momentariness which is also designated by the term Anatmavada. While the Bauddhas do not accept any individual identity of the Self besides and beyond the series of psychic states, Jaina metaphysics emphasises that these series of psychic states cannot be adequately explained without the postulate of a permanent atma. 3. We have indicated before, the Jaina conception of the relation between dravya and its gunas and how this account is different from the Vaisesika one. Hence there is implicit refutation of the Vaisesika theory also. If the real nature of the Self is obtained only by adopting the paramarthika point of view, what is the use of adopting the inferior vyavahara point which is able to give only a partial and incomplete account of the ultimate reality. The answer is given in the next gatha. jaha Navi sakkamaNajjo aNajjabhAsaM viNA u gAhedUM / taha vavahAreNa viNA paramatthuvadesaNamasakkaM // 8 // jaha navi sakkamanajjo anajjabhasam vina u gahedum taha vavaharena vina paramatthuvadesanamasakkai (8) yathA na zakyo'nAryo'nAryabhASAM vinA tu grAhayitum / / tathA vyavahAreNa vinA paramArthopadezanamazakyam / / 8 // 8. Just as a non-Aryan (foreigner) cannot be made to understand anything except through the medium of his nonAryan language, so the knowledge of the Absolute cannot be communicated to the ordinary people except through the vyavahara point of view. COMMENTARY Here the author enunciates an important principle of education which must be adopted by every teacher in instructing his pupils. The teacher must take into consideration the understanding capacity of the pupil and he must adopt a method of instruction suitable to the situation and present the matter of instruction so as to be easily understood by the pupil. He illustrates this by pointing out how it is absolutely necessary Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA when talking to a foreigner to converse' with him only through his own foreign language, in order to make him understand what he wishes to communicate to him. This is given as a justification for adopting the vyavahara point of view which is recognised to be different from and inferior to the paramarthika point of view. This distinction between the Paramarthika Naya and the Vyavahara Naya, the two intellectual methods of approach towards the comprehension of reality, is adopted by the Jaina metaphysicians as a very important one. Our author adopts these two methods throughout the work as the occasion demands. Since Jaina metaphysics assumes the reality to be a complex entity it is bound to adopt both these points of view. The ultimate reality must be subjected to an intellectual analysis and the constituent elements so obtained inust be selected and emphasised according to the interest of the student and also consistent with the purpose of the discussion. The variations in the context and the intellectual aim will naturally determine the nature of the descriptions adopted with reference to the reality studied. The method of selective description to suit the purpose of the context is the method adopted by the ordinary man who is engaged in his pursuit in life. Since the method is determined by a purpose of practical interest, the investigation will be relevant only to that purpose and the conclusion obtained must be therefore partial since it is not concerned with other aspects of the reality which are left out as of no concern, being irrelevant to the purpose on hand. This process of investigation goes by the name of the Vya vahara Naya or the practical point of view as contrasted with the other method, Paramarthika Naya. The term Paramartha refers to the ultimate and implies a philosophical attempt to probe into the inner core of reality with the object of comprehending the intrinsic nature of reality, whole and complete. It is also called Niscaya Naya, real point of view, since it is not concerned with the various aspects, partial and purposive, relevant only to the practical man and not to the philosopher. This distinction between the paramrarthika view and the vyavahara is also adopted by Sankara in his Bhasya on the Vedanta Sutras. Since Sankara came several centuries after Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHEPTER I 19 Kunda Kunda, since he was also of South India, probably he was acquainted with Kunda Kunda's writings and adopted the method of distinction between the practical and the real point of view as suitable to his own purpose. Since our author has used the word anarya in the sense of the foreigner it must be noted that there is no race-superiority implied by term as is ordinarily assumed. In Vedic literature the term arya is used exclusively to denote the immigrant clan of Aryans as contrasted with the people of the land who are described with the sinister name of Dasas. This racial distinction ultimately led to the Hindu social organisation of four varnas in which the Dasas were assigned the fourth name or the Sudra caste. The Jaina conception of social organisation is different from this Hindu conception. Here the distinction is based more upon profession and qualification than upon birth, as is clearly evident from the Jaina tradition that such a social organisation was originally established by Lord Rsabha. Commenting upon the Sutra ara mlecchasca 36. II of Tattvartha Sutra, the commentators both Pujyapada and Akalanka speak of five different classes of Aryas, Ksetra Aryas, Jati-Aryas, Karma Aryas, Caritra Aryas, and Darsana Aryas. The first class includes all those who live in the countries Kasi, Kosala, etc.; the second class includes those who belong to the Iksvaku clan; the third class includes all those who are engaged in the six kinds of professions such as defence, agriculture, trade, art, etc.; the fourth class refers to all those persons who ennoble themselves by moral conduct and spiritual discipline, and the fifth class to all those who adopt the right faith as the basis of their religious discipline. In speaking about the anaryas or mlecchas they refer to two classes of mlecchas, antardvipaja, and karma-bhumija, those that are born in foreign continents and those that are born in Bharatakhanda, called Karma bhumi. The Sakas, Yavanas, Sabaras, and Pulindas, etc. are anaryas living in the land. This description of Aryas and Anaryas is quite clear. All the people of the land irrespective of their birth and profession are included under the class arya. The Sudras engaged in agriculture, the blacksmith, the goldsmith Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 SAMAYASARA and the sculptor are all designated by the honorific term of aryas. The illustration given of non-Aryans, such as Sakas, and Yavanas clearly indicate that the term is used to designate foreigners. It is in this sense that our author uses the term in the above gatha, when he says that when you talk to an anarya you must talk to him in his language, that is in his anarya language, the foreigner's tongue. jo hi sudeNabhigacchai appANamiNaM tu kevalaM suddhaM / a gudafafafa vifa siq<Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER 1 21 10. The Jinas call him a (Vyavahara) Srutakevali whe has full knowledge of the scripture; as all scriptural knowledge ultimately leads to the knowledge of the Self, therefore the (knower of the Self) is called Srutakevali. The person who masters completely the scripture comprising the twelve angas, is referred to as Vyavahara-srutakevali, since he distinguishes himself by his study of the scripture, the dravya sruta or the different works constituting the angas or the agamas. Even with the complete study of the scripture he has not reached that stage of realising the Itma as the Pure Self, though he may reach that stage ultimately. Hence he is designated as Vyavahara-sruta kevali, as contrasted with the other who, through the acquisition of bhava sruta, is able to realise the real Self for which reason he is designated as Niscayasrutakevali. The former has knowledge of all the reals, for which he is called Kevali and, since his knowledge of all the reals is through the scriptures, he is called Srutakevali. And since his knowledge is obtained through the description of the reals given in the scripture, he is called Vyavaharasrutakeyali. The latter, through his knowledge obtained through the scripture, is able to immediately realise the true nature of the Self and the whole reality is called the Niscayasrutakevali. These two are contrasted with the Omniscient, par ercellence, one who obtains kevala-jnana, through tapas. vavahAro'bhUdattho bhUdattho desido du suddhaNao / bhUdatthamassido khalu sammAdiTThI havadi jIvo // 11 // vavaharo abhudattho bhudattho desido du suddhanayo, bhudatthamassido khalu sammaditthi havadi jivo (II) vyavahAro'bhUtArtho bhUtArtho dezitastu shuddhnyH| bhUtArthamAzritaH khalu samyagdRSTirbhavati bovaH // 11 // II. The practical stand-point does not reveal the reals; the pure point of view is said (to relate to) the real; verily, the soul that takes refuge in the real is one of right vision. COMMENTARY The vyavahara point of view, since it is based upon practical interest, need not and does not take into consideration the Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 SAMAYASARA reality as it is. Only that aspect of reality which is ccdered useful by the practical view in the context is taken into consideration by the vyav ahara point of view. Both the commentators explain this first through an illustration. An ordinary illiterate person, when he feels thirsty, may freely drink muddy water if it is immediately available to him. He wants water to quench his thirst and does not wait to enquire whether it is pure or impure. But in the case of an enlightened person the behaviour will be slightly different. If he is thirsty and if he can't get pure water he would try to purify the muddy water by the application of the cleaning nut, thus separating the pure water from the muddy deposit before using it. Exactly similar is the attitude of man towards the nature of reality. The ordinary unenlightened person goaded on by practical interest may behave with the assumption that what is called Self is that which is in association with karmic impurities and thus get on in life trying to obtain as much satisfaction as possible; but an enlightened individual will not thus be satisfied. He will try to distinguish between the Self as a pure entity and the various impurities ordinarily associated with it. With this discriminative knowledge, he will try to guide his life as far as possible, thus basing his whole conduct on the true knowledge of reality as it is. It is the latter class of person that deserves to be called Samyagdssti or right believer. suddho suddhAdeso NAdavo paramabhAvadarisohi / vavahAradesido puNa je du aparame dvidA bhAve // 12 // suddho suddhadeso nadavvo paramabhavadarisihin, vavaharadesido puna je du aparame tthida bhave (12) zuddhaH zuddhAdezo jJAtavyaH paramabhAvadarzibhiH / vyavahAradezitaH punarye tvaparame sthitA bhAve // 12 // 12. The pure stand-point which reveals the pure substance should be adopted by (those whose object is to be) the seers of the supreme state of the soul; but the practical one by those who are satisfied with a lower status. COMMENTARY Thus it is emphasised that the point of view adopted depends upon the object of the investigator. The commentators Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I again elucidate this point with an illustration. A person whose aim is to obtain pure gold without any impurities will go on melting it a number of times till all the impurities completely disappear; but in the case of a person who does not want gold of such purity for making certain ornaments will not bother himself with such repeated processes of purifying it in the fire. He may be satisfied with two or three times of fire-purification since his aim is not to obtain gold of the sixteen-touch purity. Thus the object of the person determines the process of purification in the matter of gold. The analogy is applied in the context to the purification of the Self. Whether he adopts the pure point of view or the practical point of view depends upon the purpose in life adopted by the individual. Here ends the pithika or Introduction. The author then proceeds to describe the nine padarthas or categories according to Jaina metaphysics. bhUdatyeNAbhigadA jIvAjIvA ya puNNapAvaM ca / AsavasaMvara NijjarabaMdho mokkho ya sammattaM // 13 // bhudatthenabhigada jivajiva ya punnapavam ca, asavasamvaranijjarabamdho mokkho ya sammattam (13) bhUtArthenAbhigatA jIvAjIvau ca puNyapApaM ca / AzravasaMvaranirjarA bangho mokSazca samyaktvam // 13 // 23 13. Right belief is constituted by a clear comprehension, from the real point of view of the nature of the following categories:-Jiva (soul), Ajiva (non-soul), Punya (virtue), Papa (vice), Asrava (inflow of karmas), Samvara (stoppage of karmas), Nirjara (shedding of karmas), Bandha (bondage), and Moksa (emancipation). COMMENTARY The nine padarthas or categories are important because of their relevancy for understanding the life-history of the soul. Of these, the first two, jiva and ajiva, the soul and the non-soul, are fundamental categories and associated with each other from beginningless. time. The other seven categories, though they are enumerated on a par with the first two, according to the doctrine of nava-padarthas, must be recognised as resultant Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24 SAMAYASARA categories due to the interaction of the first two. In spite of the subsidiary nature of these seven categories, they are equally important as the first two inasmuch as their knowledge is quite essential to the process of self-development leading to the selfliberation which is the last of these nine categories and which is also the goal aimed at by spiritual development. Every one of these categories has a dual aspect. Externally it implies the material operative condition constituting the Karmic upadhi. Internally it also implies the psychic modification in the self caused by the corresponding Karmic upadhi. Thus each one of these seven categories has a two-fold nature, material and psychical, which are designated respectively by the terms dravya and bhava. Thus we have in each case, dravya punya, and bhova punya, dravya asrava and bhava asrava, etc. These various categories in the life-history of the soul are objects apprehended by right belief. These various categories which are objects of right belief are identified by our author with right belief itself because there is really no fundamental distinction between belief and objects of belief. As has been pointed out above, these categories though considered as real entities because of their importance in the life-career of the soul, it must not be forgotten, are but the various aspects resulting from the interaction of the fundamental reals, jiva. and ajiva. Recognition of this fact would naturally imply that it is the same unitary Self that is present through these categories which are but the modifications of the same Self caused by the operation of the non-self upadhis. Thus it is possible to eliminate the modifications caused by external conditions since they do not form part of the real nature of the Self. Thus after eliminating all those modifications alien to the nature of the self caused by external conditions, it is possible to contemplate upon the nature of the pure Self. Such a realisation of the Self brought about by the discriminative knowledge of the true nature of the Self, as distinct from the operating external conditions, would ultimately reduce the categories which are considered real and important to a status of unreality and unimportance. Such a knowledge of the true Self present throughout these categories and yet transcending all these modifications Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I 25 is called atmakhyati, knowledge of the Self par excellence, a name introduced by Amotacandra in his commentary on this gatha. This term, atmakhyati or Self-knowledge, is also used by him to designate the whole of his commentary on Samayasara. jo passadi appANaM abaddhapuDhe aNaNNayaM NiyadaM / avisesamasaMjuttaM taM suddhaNayaM viyANIhi / / 14 // jo passadi appanam abaddhaputthar anannayai niyadain avisesamasarjuttan tani suddhanayam viyanihi (14) yaH pazyati AtmAnaM abaddhaspRSTamananyakaM niyatam / avizeSamasaMyuktaM taM zuddhanayaM vijAnIhi // 14 // 14. He who perceives the Atma as not bound, not touched, not other than itself; steady, without any difference and notcombined, know ye him, as suddha-naya or the pure point of view. COMMENTARY The person who has the pure point of view is himself called the pure point of view according to this gatha, as it is not altogether incorrect to equate the person with his intellectual attitude. Not bound, not touched: though the Atma is associated with matter, Karmic and non-Karmic, it is neither thound by that inatter nor contaminated by it. Really it retains its pristine purity just as a lotus leaf in water remains untouched by it. Karmic matter means the subtle particles of matter suitable to constitute the subtle Karmic body which continues to be in association with the soul throughout its transmigratory existence of births and deaths till the Self obtains liberation by the destruction of Karma when the Karmic body vanishes. Non-Karmic matter refers to the material molecules constituting the organic body of each individual being, the body which appears at birth and disintegrates after death. Not other than itself: though the soul is subject to different modifications in its roaming about in different gatis as a man or a deva, etc., the soul throughout retains its identity just as clay remains clay while it is shaped into different forms over the potter's wheel. Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 SAMAYASARA Steady: the soul in spite of its several psychic modifications remains steady in itself, unperturbed just as the sea which remains steady in spite of the disturbance caused on its surface by the waves. Without any difference : the different qualities such as weight, colour, and malleability do not in any way interfere with the nature of gold. Similarly the possession of the psychic qualities like knowledge, perception, etc., does not in any way differentiate the Atma. It remains undifferentiated in spite of the qualities. Not combined: this quality refers to the impossibility of the accidental emotional characteristics such as desire and aversion. combining with the true nature of the soul. This implies that the Self cannot be identified with the various emotions which are accidental characteristics. jo passadi appANaM abaddhapuDhe aNaNNamavisesam / apadesasuttamajha passadi jiNasAsaNaM savvaM // 15 // jo passadi appanam abaddhaputthai ananNGamavisesam apadesasuttamajjham passadi jinasasanam savva (15) yaH pazyati AtmAnaM abaddhaspRSTamananyamavizeSam / apadezasUtramadhyaM pazyati jinazAsanaM sarvam // 15 // 15. He who perceives the Self as not bound, not touched, not other than self, steady and without any difference, understands the whole Jaina doctrine which is the kernal of the Scripture. COMMENTARY The author emphasises the fact that complete realisation of the full Self is identical with the perception of the whole reality, which is the topic discussed in the Jaina Scripture. Knowledge of the Knower is also the Knowledge of the Known. dasaNaNANacarittANi sevidanvANi sAhaNA NicaM / tANi puNa jANa tiNi vi appANaM ceva Nicchayado // 16 // damsanananacarittani sevidavvuni sahuna niccam tami puna jana tinni vi appanam ceva nicchayado (16) darzanajJAnacAritrANi sevitavyAni sAdhunA nityam / tAni punarjAnIhi trINyapi AtmAnaM caiva nizcayataH // 16 // TN Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER 1 16. Faith, knowledge, and conduct should always be cherished by saints from the vyavahara point of view. Know that, in reality, these three are the Self. COMMENTARY Just as knowledge, belief, and conduct of a person called Devadatta, cannot have separate and independent existence apart from that person, so also knowledge, belief, and conduct relating to the Pure Self cannot have any independent existence apart from it and hence may be identifica with its true nature. The three jewels above referred to, when cherished as the ideal to be aimed at, constitute vyavahara-ratna-traya. But when they are realised as identical with the Self, they constitute the niscaya-ratna-traya. Thus the niscaya and vyavahara points of view in the case stand in the relation of sadhya and sadhana, the ideal achieved and the method of achievement. jaha NAma kovi puriso rAyANaM jANiUNa saddahadi / to taM aNucaradi puNo atthatthIo payatteNa // 17 // jaha nama kovi puriso rayanam janiuna saddahadi to tam anucaradi puno atthatthio payaitena (17) yathA nAma ko'pi puruSo rAjAnaM jJAtvA zraddadhAti / tatastamanucarati punarArthikaH prayatnena // 17 // evaM hi jIvarAyA NAdavvo taha ya sddhedvyo| aNucaridavvo ya pRNo so ceva du mokkhakAmeNa // 18 // evan hi jivaraya nadavvo taha ya saddahedavvo anucaridavvo ya puno so ceva du mokkhakamena (18) evaM hi jIvarAjA jJAtavyastathaiva zraddhAtavyaH / anucaritavyazca punaH sa caiva tu mokSakAmena // 18 // 17 and 18. As a man knowing the king believes in him and with the object of gain serves him with resourcefulness, even so should the king, the soul, be known, believed in and attended to with the object of emancipation. COMMENTARY The nature of ratna-traya is explained by a simile. Any person who is desirous of obtaining presents from the king Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28 SAMAYASARA must first of all find out who the king is through the royal paraphernalia of the royal umbrella, camara, etc. Then he must have faith in the benevolent nature of the king; then he must approach him and serve him whole-heartedly in order to attain his end. Similarly one who desires moksa or libera tion should obtain the knowledge of the true Self, should have faith in the possibility of realisation and finally make an effort to reach the goal. The approach towards the spiritual sovereign is compared to the approach towards a temporal king. Thus it is emphasised that right knowledge is the indispensable condition of the attempt to successfully achieve liberation or moksa Next, the author points out that the view which identifies the Self with the body, etc. is the mark of ajnana or wrong knowledge. kamme Nokammamhi ya ahamidi ayaM ca kammaNokamma / jA esA khalu buddho appaDibuddho hadi tAva // 19 // kamme nokammamhi ya ahamidi ahayan ca kanmanokammam ja esa khalu buddhi appadibuddho havadi tava (19) karmaNi nokarmaNi ca ahamiti ahakaM ca karma nokarma / yAvadeSA khala buddhirapratibuddho bhavati tAvat / / 19 / / 19. Karmic matter and non-Karmic body-matter constitute the I and (conversely) I am identical with Karmic matter and non-Karmic matter. So long as this belief persists in the Self, it is said to be aprati-buddha, one lacking in discriminative knowledge. COMMENTARY This gatha emphasises the fact that it is sheer ajnana or ignorance to identify the Self with the various types of non-self. Karma, here, refers to the subtle matter constituting the various kinds of Karma, such as jnanavaraniya, etc., and therefore implies the various psychic states such as delusion, desire, etc. NonKarma refers to the physical molecules constituting the organic body. One who recognises that the Self is by nature entirely distinct from the internal impure psychic states such as delusion, desire, and the external body, is said to be prati-buddha or one with discriminative knowledge. Therefore, one who believes that Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I 29 the Atma is identical with the various impure psychic states caused by the subtle Karmic matter or with the gross organic body is called aprati-buddha, one devoid of discriminative knowledge. Such an aprati-buddha, is called bahir-atma or one who identifies himself with external objects. ahamedaM edamahaM ahamedassa hi atti mama edaM / aNNaM jaM paradavvaM sacittAcittamissaM vA // 20 // ahamedam edamaham ahamedassa hi alti mama edam annai jain paradavvam sacittacittamissan va ( 20 ) ahametadetadaha mahametasya hyasti mamaitat / anyadyatparadravyaM sacittAcittamizraM vA // 20 // Asi mama pugvamedaM edassa ahaM pi Asi puvvaM hi / hohi puNo vi mamaedaM ahamedaM cApi hossAmi // 21 // asi mama puvvamedam edassa aham pi asi puvvam hi hohi puno vi mam edain ahamedein capi hossami (21) AsInmama pUrvametadahametat cApi pUrvaM hi / bhaviSyati punarapi mamaitat ahametat cApi bhaviSyAmi // 21 // edaM tu asambhUdaM bhAdaviyappaM karedi sammUDho / bhUdatthaM jANaMto Na karedi du taM asammUDho // 22 // eadm tu asambhudam adaviyappam karedi sammudo bhudattham jananto na karedi du tam asammudo etatvasadbhUtamAtmavikalpaM karoti saMmUDhaH / bhUtArthaM jAnan na karoti tu tamasaMmUDhaH // 23 // 20 to 22. "I am other substance, animate, inanimate, or mixed; it is myself; I am its and it is mine; it was mine in past time and I was its; even again it shall be mine and I shall be its." Such erroneous notions about the Self (as identifying it with alien objects such as body, etc. (only the deluded one) bahir-atma entertains. But one who knows the real nature of the Self, non-deluded ( antar-atma ) never entertains ( such erroneous notions about the Self). (22) Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 30 SAMAYASARA COMMENTARY These gathas refer to the erroneous belief of identifying oneself with one's own body as well as the environmental objects. These alien objects such as wife and children, cattle and gold and land constitute one's home and property. Wife and children and cattle are designated as sacitta-paradravya, living objects in the environment. Gold ornaments, house and landed property constitute a-citta-paradravya, inanimate objects in the environment. Wife and children wearing ornaments and costly dress would be misra-paradravya, combined animate and inanimate objects of the environment. There is a tendency in the householder to identify himself with his wife and children and other properties. The identification may be as intimate as his relation to his own body. Just as he is interested in maintaining his own body free from injury or disease, so also he is interested in maintaining his property and possession free from damage by promoting the integrity and welfare of his relatives and property. Such an identification of one's self with the environmental objects is considered as an impediment to the realisation of the true Self. Such an illusory feeling of one-ness with the environmental objects, feeling elated when they increase and grow, feeling dejected when they decrease and decay, are all characteristics of self-delusion which must be got rid of by one who pursues the path of self-realisation. Such a self-delusion, may also be present in an ascetic. Though he renounces his house and property, still he retains a few things such as piccha and kamandalu which constitute the insignia of an ascetic. For him these constitute the environmental objects and he shall not entertain the feeling that they are his personal property, lest he should be troubled by the characteristic tions of joy in possessing them and sorrow in getting then damaged or lost. When the householder or the ascetic is enjoined not to identify himself even with his own body it is much more important that he should be entirely uninfluenced by environmental objects-by the dear and near ones and by wealth and property. ( aNNA mohidamadI majjhamiNaM bhaNadi puggalaM davvaM / baddhamabaddhaM ca tahA jIve bahubhAvasaMjutte // 23 // Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I annanamohidamadi majjhaminam bhanadi puggalam davvam baddhamabaddham ca taha jive bahubhavasamjutte (23) ajJAna mohitamatirmamedaM bhaNati pudgaladravyam / baddhamabaddhaM ca tathA nIve bahubhAvasaMyukte // 23 // 23. In the case of the soul that is characterised by various emotions (such as desire, etc.), there are physical objects some (of which are) intimately bound to it (like the body) and some not so intimately bound (such as wealth). "These material objects are mine " so declares one (the bahir-atma ) whose intellect is deluded by wrong knowledge. savvaNhuNANadiTTho jIvo uvaogalakkhaNo Nam / kiha so poggaladavvI bhUdo ki bhaNasi majjhamiNaM // 24 // savvanhunanadittho jivo uvaogalakkhano niccam kiha so poggaladavvibhudo kim bhanasi majjhaminam (24) sarvajJajJAnadRSTo nIva upayogalakSaNo nityam / kathaM sa pudgaladravyabhUto yadbhaNasi mamedam ||24|| 24. The nature of the soul as seen by the Omniscient, is permanently associated with its quality called upayoga (which comprises knowledge and perception, par excellence). How can such a spiritual entity become a physical object? Then how can you say, "this physical object is mine ? jadi so puggaladavvIbhUdo jIvattamAgadaM idaraM / to sakko vuttuM jaM majjhamiNaM puggalaM davvaM // 25 // jadi so puggaladavvibhudo jivattamagadam idaram to sakko vuttum jam majjhaminam buggalam davvam (25) yadi sa pudgaladravyIbhUto jIvatvamAgatamitarat / tacchato vaktuM yaHmamedaM pudgalaM dravyaM // 25 // 31 25. If the soul becomes matter and if the matter becomes the soul then it is, possible for you, Oh! bahir-atma, to say "this physical object is mine." COMMENTARY ( 23 to 25 ) These gathas also deal with the illusion of identifying the Self with the physical objects. The physical object may be intimately related to the soul as its own body or indirectly related to the soul as one's own wealth and property. Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32 SAMAYASARA In any case, identifying one's Self with these material objects is but a mark of the lack of knowledge as to the real nature of things. But if you say that the soul and the physical objects are not so very different in nature as to exclude all possible relations between the two, then you have to remember that your view would be in conflict with the Divine Word of the Sarvajna, or the Omniscient. According to the pravacana, the soul is fundamentally different in nature from pudgala (matter). Its nature is characterised by perfect knowledge and perfect perception, whereas matter is non-living, acetana, a characteristic which is contradictory to that of the soul. With such an incompatability of nature, how can they be reasonably identified with cach other? If your predication, "This is mine" is maintainable, it must be only on this condition, which is impossible, viz., that the soul can be transmuted into matter and matter into the soul. It is clear that the author addresses a deluded person, (bahir-atma) who is incapable of discriminating between soul and matter, and points out to him the fundamental differences between the two. It is the clear perception of this difference, vivekajnana that forms the foundation of Right Faith. Next the author states the possible defects which may be pointed out against the view that the Self and the body are absolutely distinct from each other. jadi jIvo Na sarIraM titthayarAyariyasaMthudI ceva / savvAvi havadi micchA teNa du AdA havadi deho // 26 // jadi jivo na sariram titthayarayariya-samthudi ceva savvavi havadi miccha tena du ada havadi deho (26) yadi jIvo na zarIraM tIrtharAcAryasaMstutizcaiva / sarvApi bhavati mithyA tena tu AtmA bhavati dehaH // 26 // 26. If the soul is not the body then the hymns praising (the bodily excellence, rupastava, of) the Tirthamkara or the Acarya will all be false. Therefore the soul must indeed be the body. COMMENTARY The Tertharkara as distinguished from Siddha has a body. Siddha is described as asariri, without a body, arupi, not perceivable, and so on; whereas the Tirthamkara or Arhat Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I 33 Paramesti has still a body even after attaining Omniscience or Kevala-Jnana. It is with the help of this body that He is able to preach the dharma (Truth) to the people, because His main function is dharma-prabhavana or proclaiming the Dharma. His worshippers both human and divine praise His body in their adoration. The adoration of an Arhat consists in the enunciation of the marvellous characteristics of His body-such as its beauty and excellence, its freedom from natural impurities and defects, and that it is the cynosure of attraction and grace, that it is the fountain source of peace and harmony, that it is the physical embodiment of the eternal values of Truth, Goodness and Beauty. The term Acarya implies the master of a Samgha who in his turn transmits the divine message to his disciples and through them to the whole world. It is not necessary to emphasise the fact that in his case also adoration very often implies praising the beauty of his body as the embodiment of a great soul. The bewildered and the doubting disciple naturally asks his master: "If the soul is of supreme importance and if the body being acetana is without any spiritual grace and hence to be discarded as worthless, how can we justify the various songs of devotion of Arhanta and Acarya, songs which are but the praise of their physical beauty and grace. If the songs in adoration are valid, would it not be proper to infer that after all, the soul and the body are not so fundamentally different ?" The author clears the doubt expressed above by explaining the doctrine of naya or points of view. vavahAraNabho bhAsadi jIvo deho ya havadi khalu ekko / Nadu Nicchayassa jIvo deho ya kadAvi ekkaTTho // 27 // vavaharanao bhasadi jivo deho ya havadi khalu ekko hadu nicchayassa jivo deho ya kadavi ekkattho (27) vyavahAranayo bhASate bIvo dehazva bhavati khalvekaH / na tu nizcayasya jIvo dehazca kadApyekArthaH // 27 // 27. The vyavahara point of view indeed declares that body and soul are one, but according to the niscaya point of view, the soul and body are never identical, 5 Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34 SAMAYASARA COMMENTARY Thus the devotional songs in praise of the bodily beauty of the Lord are justified from the vyavahara point of view, because the beauty of the body is but the expression of the inner beauty of the soul with which it is found in union. Though considered as one from the vyavahara point, because of their association, still soul and body do not lose their intrinsic characteristics. They are really distinct in nature. The soul has its intrinsic characteristic of upayoga (darsana and jnana) which characteristic is not present in matter. This fact clearly brings out their intrinsic difference. The commentators explain this combination of different things to constitute a unitary whole by a practical illustration. Gold and silver, both being precious metals, may be used in combination for certain purposes such as ornament-making, etc. Though they go together to constitute the whole so manufactured, still they do not lose their respective qualities. Gold is gold and silver is silver. One is yellow and the other is white. Hence the two can never become one in nature really. In the same way, soul and body, though found together in an embodied individual, the unity must be taken to be true from the practical point of view and not from the absolute point of view. iNamaNNaM jIvAdo dehaM poggalamayaM thuNittu muNI / maNNadi hu saMthudo vaMdido mae kevalI bhayavaM // 28 // inamannam jivado dehan poggalamayain Thunittu muni mannadi hu samthudo vandido mae kevali bhayavani (28) idamanyat jIvAdehaM pudgalamayaM stutvA muniH / manyate khala saMstuto vandito mayA kevalI bhagavAn // 28 // 28. By adoring the body which is different from the soul and which is constituted of matter, the saint believes, "The Omniscient Lord is thus adored and worshipped by me." COMMENTARY His assumption is justified from the vyavahara point of view because the praise of the body is but the praise of the personality. But in reality, the bodily characteristics, however beautiful and adorable, connot be the genuine characteristics of the Paramatma. Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER 1 95 taM Nicchaye Na jujjadi Na sarIraguNA hi hoMti kevlinno| kevaliguNo thuNadi jo so taccaM kevali thuNadi // 26 // tam nicchaye ia jujjadi na sariraguna hi hooti kevalino kevaliguno thunadi jo so taccam kevalin thunadi (29) tannizcaye na yujjate na zarIraguNA hi bhavanti kevalinaH / kevaliguNAn stauti yaH sa tattvaM kevalinaM stauti // 29 // 29. That (body adoration is adoration of the Paramatma) is not right from the niscaya point of view for the properties of the body are not the properties of the Omniscient Lord. One who worships the hevalin, the Omniscient Lord, must do so by adoring His genuine characteristics Nayaramma vaNNide jaha Na vi raNNo vaNNaNA kadA hodi / dehaguNo thuvvaMte Na kevaliguNA thudA hoti // 30 // nayarammi vannide jaha na vi ranno van nana kada hodi dehaguno thuvvain!e na kevaliguna thuda hoiti (30) nagare varNite yathA nApi rAjJo varNanA kRtA bhavati / dehaguNe stUyamAne na kevaliguNAH stutA bhavanti // 30 // ___30. As the description of a city does not constitute the description of its ruler, in the same way, the adoration of His body is not the adoration of the attributes of the Omniscient Lord. COMMENTARY The same point that adoring the body can by no means amount to the adoration of the Paramatma is emphasised by the example of a king and his capital. Next the author describes the nature of adoration from the real point of view. jo iMdie jiNittA NANasahAvAdhi muNadi AdaM / taM khalu jididiyaM te bhaNaMti je NicchidA sAhU // 31 // jo imdiye jinitla nanasahavadhiam munadi adan tam khalu jidindiyam te bhanamti je nicchida sahu (31) yaH indriyANi nittvA jJAnasvabhAvAdhika manute AtmAnam / taM khalu jitendriyaM te bhaNanti ye nizcitAH sAdhavaH // 31 // 31. He who, subjugating the senses, realises that the Self is of the nature of real knowledge is verily called a conqueror of the senses by the saints who know reality. Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 36 SAMAYASARA COMMENTARY This is given as an illustration of the true worship of the Jina through praising His qualities. Control of the senses implies three things. Control of the sense-organs or dravyaindriyas; control of sense-perception which is bhava-indriya and, finally, the control of the perceived environmental objects or indriya-visaya. The sense-organs and sense-perception, though serving as instruments of knowledge to the soul, do only present the world of environmental objects and thus divert the attention of the soul to a world other than itself. Conquest of these senses therefore implies the acquisition of freedom from the influence of environmental objects. When such an intellectual attitude is secured through yoga or tapas, the attention thus liberated is directed inwards leading to the contemplation of the Pure Self. Contemplation of the Pure Self leads to becoming one with it. One who reaches this goal of self-realisation is known as Jina. This is the summum bonum of life to be achieved according to the Jaina faith. jo mohaM tu jiNittA NANasahAvAdhiyaM muNadi bhadaM / taM jidamohaM sAhuM paramaTThaviyANayA viti // 32 // jo moham tu jinitta nanasahavadhiyam munadi adam tam jidamoham sahum paramatthaviyanaya vimti yo mohaM tu nittvA jJAnasvabhAvAdhikaM manute AtmAnam / a faamte eng qzmufasizmi gafa 113 211 32. The saints who know the, nature of absolute reality, call him Jita-moha or conqueror of delusion who, by subjugating the delusion, realises that the self is intrinsically of the nature of knowledge. (32) COMMENTARY This is given as an illustration of the second type of adoration through the praise of quality. Conquest of delusion is the quality praised in this gatha. The term moha implies the various gross emotions such as anger, pride, deceitfulness, avarice, etc. These emotions naturally create undesirable excitement in the consciousness. These various emotional disturbances and the consciousness which is so disturbed are all unwarrantedly identified with the real Self. This identification Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I 32 of the higher Self with the empirical consciousness characterised by baser emotions is certainly an evil to be got rid of. One who is able to realise this higher Self as distinct from the empirical Self and to concentrate upon one's higher Self by the conquest of the baser emotions constituting what is called moha or delusion, is called Jita-moha, the Conqueror of Delusion. jidamohassa du jaiyA khINo moho havijja sAhussa / taiyA du khINamoho bhaNNadi so Nicchayavihi // 33 // jidamohassa du jaiya khino moho havijja sahussa taiya du khinamoho bhannadi so nicchayavidahim (33) jitamohasya tu yadA kSINo moho bhavetsAdhoH / tadA khalu kSINamoho bhaNyate sa nizcayavidbhiH // 33 // 33. The Rsi who, after conquering moha or delusion, further completely eradicates moha (the root cause of base remotions), is called by the Seers of Reality, the Destroyer of Delusion. COMMENTARY This is the third example of worshipping the Lord by praising His qualities. Conquest of moha implies merely the suppression of the baser emotions and pushing aside the empirical consciousness from the focus of attention in order to obtain the undisturbed contemplation of the higher self. But in the case of ksinamoha, the destruction of delusion, the baser emotions, and the association of the empirical Self, are completely eliminated leaving the higher Self as the unchallenged undisturbed sovereign of the spiritual realm. NANaM sabve bhAve paccakkhAdi ya paretti NAdUNa / tamhA paccakkhANaM gANaM NiyamA muNedavvaM // 34 // nanam savve bhave paccakkhadi ya paretti naduna tamha paccakkhanas nanam niyama munedavvam (34) jJAnaM sarvAn bhAvAn yasmAt pratyAkhyAti ca parAniti jJAtvA / tasmAt pratyAkhyAnaM jJAnaM niyamAt mantavyam // 34 // 34. The discriminative knowledge of the Self leads to discarding all alien dispositions, knowing them to be entirely foreign to the nature of the Self; therefore in reality, this discri Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 38 SAMAYASARA minative knowledge of the Self shall be known as pratyakhyana or repulsion. COMMENTARY The alien charactcristics of the empirical Self, since they are foreign to the nature of the Self, get rejected by one who knows the true nature of the Self. This knowledge of the true nature of the Self in its isolation from all alien characteristics forms the indispensable condition of self-purification by the process of discarding all the foreign elements present in the Self. This process known as pratyakhyana is the great renu nciation or rejection of foreign encuinbrances. Since the discriminative knowledge of the Self is the real and indispensible condition for pralyakhyana which is the process of self-purification, such knowledge of Self is called the pratyakhyana, renunciation itself, according to the principle of justifiable identification of cause and effect. jaha NAma kovi puriso paradavvamiNaM ti jANidaM cayadi / taha savve parabhAve pAUNa vimuMcade NANI // 35 // jaha nama kovi puriso paradavvaminam ti janidum cayadi taha savve parabhave nauna vimumcade nani (35) yathA nAma ko'pi puruSaH paradanyamidamiti jJAtvA tyajati / tathA sarvAn parabhAvAn jJAtvA vimuJcati jJAnI // 35 // 35. As a person rejects a thing brought to him as his own, when he realises through certain marks that it belongs to somebody else, so also, does the sage discard all alien dispositions, as they are foreign to himn. COMMENTARY The author explains this fact with a practical illustration which is well brought out by the commentators. For example, a person may accept as his own a cloth brought by his washerman which might really belong to somebody else. Due to the ignorance of the real fact, he may put on the cloth. But when the real owner claims it as his own pointing to his proper washerman's mark, the mistake may be recognised and the cloth may be given up as not his own. Similarly a person due norance inay call as his own the various emotional features Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER I 39 of the empirical Self. But when his attention is drawn to the error of such false identification by his spiritual master, he certainly realises his mistake and is bound to discard the alien features as not his own patthi mama ko vi moho bujjhadi uvabhoga eva ahmekko| taM mohaNimmamattaM samayassa viyANayA viti // 36 // natthi mama ko vi moho bujjhadi uvao ga eva ahamekko tam mohanimmamattan samayassa viyanaya vinti. (36) nAsti mama kopi moho budhyate upayoga evAhamekaH / taM mohanirmamatvaM samayasya vijJAyakAH avanti // 36 // 36. I am unique inasmuch as I am of the nature of upayoga; hence no delusion whatsoever is related to me. He who thinks like this the knowers of the true Self call one free from delusion." COMMENTARY Nirmamatva: without any personal interest, emphasises the former characteristic of nir-mohaiva, freedom from delusion. This gatha reiterates the necessity for discarding all alien feautres of the empirical consciousness. "These are not mine. I am but the light that illuminates the inner Self as well as the outer cosmos, being all-illuminating pure consciousness. I certainly have no personal interest in things resulting from self-delusion." One who thinks like that is said to be free from delusion. Natthi mama dhamma AdI bujjhadi uvaoga eva ahmekko| taM dhammaNimmamattaM samayassa viyANayA viti // 37 // natthi mama dhamma adi bujjhadi uvao ga eva ahamekko tan dhammanimmamattan samayassa viyanaya vinti (37) nAsti mama dharmAdirbudhyate upayoga evAhamekaH / te dharmanirmamatvaM samayasya vijJAyakAH bruvanti // 37 // 37. I am unique inasmuch as I am of the nature of upayoga. Hence dharma etc., are not related to me... Hence, he who thinks like this, the knowers of the true Self call, "one unrelated to dharma, etc." COMMENTARY Previously the author has emphasised the fact that it is erroneous to identify the true Self with the empirical Self Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 40 SAMAYASTRA characterised by various emotions. Here he turns his attention to the outer cosmos.consisting of dharma, adharma, pudgala, akasa, kala, and other jivas--the principle of motion, the principle of rest, matter, space, time, and other souls-respectively. Hence he wants to emphasise the fact that it is equally erroneous to identify oneself with these objects of the external world. The constituent objects of the cosmos have their own intrinsic nature and can by no means be derived from the nature of the Self. No doubt the upayoga nature of the Self in its twin aspect of knowledge and perception can completely comprehend the cosmos so that the various objects of the external world, living and non-living, may get immersed in the ocean of light that proceeds from the Perfect Knowledge of the Self. But this fact of being comprehended does not in any way interfere with the intrinsic individual reality of the objects themselves which are related to knowledge. As was already explained in a previous gatha, the physical body and the Self have each an immutable and independent nature of their own, non-trasmutable one into the other. This assertion relating to matter and soul is applied to the whole of the cosmos consisting of the various objective rcals such as dharma, adharma, etc. Here we have to note one important point that one's Self is not only distinct from the various non-living objects of the environment but also from the various personalities which are present in the outside world in the human society and the various living organisms of the biological kingdom. To talk of a mass consciousness or world-consciousness, offering only a subsidiary existence to the personalities which are but chips of the particular adjectives of the Whole would be incompatible with Jaina metaphysics. ahamekko khalu suddho daMsaNaNANamaio sdaaruuvii| Navi asthi majjha kiMcivi aNNaM paramANumittaM pi // 38 // ahamekko khalu suddho dansanananamaio sadaravi navi atthi majjha kimcivi annam paramanumiitam pi (38) ahamekaH khalu zuddho darzanajJAnamayaH sadArUpI / - Apreffer ha fafaqamla Rauhana II C II Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPERI 41 38. Absolutely pure, having the nature of perception and knowledge, always non-corporeal, I am indeed unique. Hence not even an atom of alien things whatsoever (whether living or non-living) is related to me as mine. COMMENTARY Aham: the Self implies this: The soul from beginningless eternity associated with ignorance and delusion forgets its true nature, gets identified with alien features and characteristics till he is roused from slumber by a benevolent spiritual master who repeatedly strives to wake him up to his true nature. Just as a person who has lost his jewel feels a joy and surprise when it is brought and placed in his hands, so also the jiva wakes up as a result of the master's effort to realise that his Self is the Paramesvara, that his nature is pure and unsullied by alien features, shedding the pure light of pure consciousness all around. Ekah: the undivided unity implies that in spite of the several psychic states, emotional, cognitive and conative, experienced by the Self, it is an indivisible unity. Suddhah: pure. The Self, in spite of its gati, modification, such as human and divine and in spite of the nine types of psycho-physical modifications called nava-padarthas, never loses its intrinsic pure nature and hence he is suddha. Arupi: non-corporeal. Since the pure soul has no other nature except upayoga, the pure knowledge and perception, and since it transcends the sense-perception of vision, taste, touch, etc., it is always non-corporeal. The Self having this nature and illuminating all things around through its light of knowledge remains absolutely uninfluenced by alien psychic states and physical objects so that not even an iota of the alien things it can call its own. Thus ends the jiva-padartha or category of Soul. The author takes up next the ajida-padartha for discussion. The Samskrit commentators use the term ranga. Here ends the first Scene, purva-rangah samaptah, thereby suggesting that the whole work is a Cosmic Drama in which the chief hero is the Self who appears on the stage in different characters and in association with different actors-certainly a beautiful metaphor in depicting the career of the Atma. Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA CHAPTER II AJIVA OR NON-SOUL. Thus after describing the category of jiva, the author takes up now the category of ajiva or non-soul for discussion. First he states the purvapaksa or the prima facie argument of those (bahiratmavadins) who believe that there is no soul besides and beyond the various psychic activities characteristic of the empirical Self. AppANamayANaMtA mUDhA du parappavAdiNo keI / jIvaM ajjhavasANaM kammaM ca tahA paviti // 39 // appanamayanamta mudha du parappavadino kei. jivam ajjhavasanam kammam ca taha par vinti (39) AtmAnamanAnanto mUDhAstu paramAtmavAdinaH kecit / jIvamadhyavasAnaM karma ca tathA prarUpayanti // 39 // 39. Some of those ignorant people who maintain that the Self is but the non-Self, not knowing the true nature of the Self, assert that the Self is identical with such psychic states as desire, etc. In the same way some others state that the Self is indentical with Karmic matter. bhavare ajjhavasANesu tinvamaMdANubhAvayaM jIvaM / maNNaMti tahA avare NokammaM cAvi jIvo tti // 40 // avare ajjhavasanosu tivvamamdanubhavayai jivan mannamti taha avare nokammam cavi jivotti (40) apare'dhyavasAneSu tIvramandAnubhAgakaM jIvaM / manyante tathApare nokarma cApi bIva iti // 40 // 40. Others believe the psychic potency which determines the intensity or mildness of conscious states to be the soul. Still others identify the soul with non-karma matter which forms the constituent elements of the various kinds of organic bodies, kammassudayaM jIvaM bhavare kammANubhAyamicchati / tibvattaNamaMdattaNaguNehi jo so havadi jIvo // 41 // / kammasudayan jivan avare kammanubhuyamicchanti tivvattanamandattanagunehim jo so havadi jivo (41) Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER II karmaNa udayaM jIvamapare karmAnubhAgamicchanti / tIvratvamandatvaguNAbhyAM yaH sa bhavati jIvaH // 41 // 41. Some consider the manifestation of karma ( resulting in pleasure or pain) to be the Self; some others believe that what determines the intensity or mildness of the edonic state (which is the fruit of karma) is the Self. jIva kammaM uha doNNivi khalu kevi jIvamicchati / avare saMjogeNa du kammANaM jIvamicchati // 42 // jivo kammam uhayam donnivi khalu kevi jivamicchamti avare samjogena du kammanam jivamicchamti (42) ataract dve api khalu ke'pijIvamicchanti / apare saMyogena tu karmaNAM jIvamicchanti // 42 // 42. Some others state the Self to be jiva and karma taken variously or together; still others consider the self to be the product of the combination of the various karmas. evaMvihA bahuvihA paramappANaM vadaMti dummehA | te Na du parampavAdI NicchayavAdIhi NiddiTThA // 43 // evamviha bahuviha paramappanam vadamti dummeha te na du parappavadi nicchayavadihine niddittha (43) evaMvidhA bahuvidhAH paramAtmAnaM vadanti durmedhasaH / te na tu parAtmavAdinaH nizvayavAdibhiH nirdiSTAH // 43 // 43 43. Thus in many ways perverse-minded people identify the Self with the non-Self ; therefore, by believers in reality, they are declared to be not paratmavadins (those who do not believe in the identity of jiva and paramatma). COMMENTARY Discussing the nature of ajiva-padartha or the non-living substance the author introduces first that type of ajiva-padartha or non-living substance which is intimately associated with jiva or soul. This type of non-living substance which is associated with life is of two kinds, Karmic matter and matter called nonKarma which constitutes the various types of body associated with jiva other than the Karmic body. Karmic matter constitutes the Karmic body and is inseparable from the soul throughout its samsaric pilgrimage from one birth to another, till the soul Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 44 SAMAYASARA liberates itself in the pure state by breaking all shackles of Karma. Besides this Karmic body which is extremely minute and imperceptible, there are other types of organic bodies in association with the jiva or Soul. Birth, growth, decay, and death characteristic of organic beings, man and animals, are all characteristics of grosser bodies which forin the physical associates of the Self. The Self in association with these material vehicles, to which it is bound has to undergo corresponding changes in its conscious nature. These changes may mar.ifest in three different forms of experience: cognitive, pertaining to perception and knowledge; conative; pertaining to voluntary activity; and affective, pertaining to the various affective states of emotions, pleasant and unpleasant. All these conscious characteristics of the empirical Self are in reality * unconnected with the real nature of the Self. These characteristics of the empirical Self in the embodied form, are the result of the Self with the various material tabernacles in which it resides. Hence there is the possibility of mistaking these characteristics to be the real nature of the Self. These gathas refer to the various errors of identifying the Self with the various types of material bodies and with the consequential changes in his consciousness due to his association with such bodies. ede savve bhAvA poggaladavvapariNAmaNippaNNA / kevalijiNehi bhaNiyA kiha te jIvo tti uccati // 44 // ede savve bhava poggaladavvaparinamanippanna kevalijinehin bhaniya kiha te jivo tti uccanti (44) ete sarva bhAvAH pudgaladravyapariNAmaniSpannAH / kevalijinaiNitAH kathaM te jIvA ityucyante // 44 // 44, It is said by Jina, the All-knowing, that the various characteristics referred to above are all the result of the manifestation of Karmic matter. How can they be then attributed to the Pure Self ? COMMENTARY This gatha refutes the various erroneous positions stated in the previous gathas as belived by the various Ekantavadins. No doubt it is true that the embodied Self is associated with attributes such as desire, and aversion; so also gold, as found Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER II 45 in nature in the form of mineral ore, is found in association with various mineral impurities. Similarly fire is usually found in association with smoke. Nevertheless fire in itself is not smoke, nor gold is the same as the impure mineral ore. In the same way the Self cannot be identified with various psychic inanifestations to which it is subject because of its association with impurities. In spite of the forms in which they are found in nature, gold in its pure condition is distinct from the impure ore, and the pure self is distinct and different from the embodied jiva. No doubt the Self is found always in association with its body throughout the cycle of births and deaths, but on that score it cannot be identified with the body since the Self as distinct and different from the body is realised in its pure form. No doubt the Karmic body may be an inevitable condition of the transmigration of the Self in this samsaric cycle; nevertheless this non-cetana material condition because of its invarible association with the Self cannot be identified with it, as they are different in nature and hence distinct from each other. In short, what is found in association with a thing need not necessarily be identical with its true nature. The realisation of the true Self will obviously expose the alien nature of the various attributes, physical and psychical, with which it is associated in its impure state, an association which leads the uninstructed to erroneous conclusions. aTTavihaM pi ya kammaM savvaM puggalamayaM jiNA viti / jassa phalaM taM vuccai dukkhaM ti vipaccamANassa // 45 / / atthaviham pi ya kammam savvam puggalamayam jina vinti jassa phalan tam vuccai* dukkham ti vipaccamanassa. (45) aSTavidhamapi ca karma sarva pudgalamayaM jinA bruvanti / yasya phalaM taducyate duHkhamiti vipacyamAnasya // 45 // 45. The Jinas declare that all the eight kinds of Karmas are material in nature; and also suffering which is the effect of Karmic fruition (is said) to be material: COMMENTARY According to Jaina metaphysics the various Karmas are intrinsically material though of subtle form. Since they are material Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA in nature they are quite distinct from jiva whose characteristic is cetana. The Karmic matter which is acetana in nature while operating, interferes with the pure consciousness of the jiva. On account of this interference the various psychic states present in the empirical Sell are really the effect of the operative cause of the karmic matter. These psychic states constitute the suffering associated with sansari jiva. These unpleasant psychic states, as they are the effects of harmic matter, are considered to be material, since the cause and the effect are ultimately identical. If these psychic states, since they are produced by Karmic matter, are also to be considered material in nature, what is the justification for referring these states of consciouiness as the attributetes of the jiva ? The answer is given in the next gatha. vavahArassa darisaNamuvadeso vaNNido jiNavarehi / jovA ede savve ajjhavasANAdao bhAvA // 46 // vavaharassa darisanamuvadeso vannido jinavarehim jiva ede savie ajjhavasanadav bhava (46) vyavahArasya darzanamupadezo varNito jinavaraiH / jIvA ete sarve'dhyavasAnAdayo bhAvAH // 46 // 47. It is only from the vyavahara point of view that these. various psychic states are declared by the Jinas to be of the nature of the Self. COMMENTARY Though these mental states have nothing to do with the real Self, the attention of the ordinary man must be drawn to the fact that from the practical point of view, they are characteristic of the empirical ego. The practical point of view is an important method of instructing the unenlightened ordinary man. Otherwise there will be an extremely disastrous effeci on his conduct. Waiving the practical point of view and presenting only the absolute and real nature of the Self, may result in the perverse conduct of the ordinary man. Directing his attention to the ultimate nature of the jiva, he may forget altogether the difference between the vegetable kingdom and the animal kingdom, the difference between the sthavara jiva and trasa jiva. Man has Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER II to live on cereals and fruits, products of the vegetable kingdom. Since the product of the vegetable kingdom is indispensable for his life, the ordinary man may' unwillingly adopt a similar attitude to the animal kingdom and hence he may not care to appreciate the importance of Ahimsa Dharma. If you can eat with impurity the products of the vegetable kingdom, you may also eat meat, the product of the animal kingdom. This undesirable result in the conduct of the ordinary man is the result of not emphasising the vyavahara point of view and the intrinsic difference between the vegetable and the animal kingdoms, though the ultimate nature of jiva in both is the same. Similarly if the ultimate and real nature of the Self is emphasised without describing the nature of the empirical ego, the Self as a samsari jiva, it will create an undesirable attitude in the ordinary man's life. If the ultimate nature of the Self is pure and unsullied, if it is identical with the liberated Self or Mukta jiva, then the ordinary man may argue, why should I unnecessarily worry myself about moksa-marga, or the path to Salvation, when my soul is already pure and liberated in nature. Both ethics and religion would appear to him superfluous and unnecessary. Presenting an ultimate ideal and prescribing a course of conduct for realising the same would all be vain and useless, because the ideal is already there. This pervers moral attitude is also to be avoided and this could be achieved only by emphasising the vyavahara point. The ordinary man must be made to realise that though he has the element of divinity in him, still it is found in association with impurity while he is in the concrete world of experience. It is not enough to realise that his ultimate nature is pure. He must also realise that this pure nature is clouded and contaminated by Karmas. This latter knowledge is possible only when his attention is directed to the vyavahara point of view. Only when he realises that he has fallen from a high stage, he will make a genuine effort to regain his lost glory and eminence. Hence is the need for and the importance of the vyavahara point of view. Therefore it would be unwise to come to the hasty conclusion that vyavahara naya and niscaya naya, the practical point of view and the real point of view, are mutually contradictory and hence incompatible with each other. Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA rAyA hu Niggado tti ya eso balasamuvayassa Aveso / vavahAreNa du uccadi tatthekko Niggado rAyA // 47 // raya hu niggado tti ya eso balasamudayassa adeso vavaharena du uccadi tatthekko niggado raya (47) rAnA khala nirgata ityeSa balasamudayasyAdezaH / vyavahAreNa tUcyate tatraiko nirgataH rAnA // 47 // 47. At the sight of the military procession, one may exclaim: "The king has started." This statement is made from the vyavahara point of view, because only one person is the king in the whole procession. emeva ya vavahAro ajjhavasANAdiaNNabhAvANaM / jIvo tti kado sutte tatthekko Nicchido jIvo // 48 // emeva ya vavaharo ajjhavasanadi annabhavanam jivotti kado sutte tatthekko picchido jivo (48) evameva ca vyavahAro'dhyavasAnAdyanyabhAvAnAm / jIva iti kRtaH sUtre tatraiko nizcito bIvaH // 48 // 48. In the same way, from the vyavahara' point of view, the various psychic states such as desire, aversion, etc., may be said to be the ego. But the real Self is none of these states but remains as the unitary substratum of which these are empirical modifications. COMMENTARY Ordinary people, when they see the military pro cession marching along, speak of the king going out. The military procession may be really very long, but really the whole of it is not the king however important; he is only one person in the whole procession. Similarly the series of psychic states and modifications may be spoken of as the Self. The whole series is not the Self. Really the Self is the underlying unitary existence whose manifestation appears in the various conscious states from which the Self is distinct and independent. The author employs a popular example to illustrate the relation between the everchanging series of conscious states and the permanent unitary real self, Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER II bharasamarUvamagaMdhaM avvattaM vedaNAguNamasaI / jANa bhaliMgaggahaNaM jIvamaNihiTThasaThANa // 46 // arasamarlvamagandham avvattan cedanagunamasaddam jana alimgaggahanam jtvamaniddiffhasamthanam (49) PRE 4E44T-Thouant haarguration ! jAnIhi aliGgagrahaNaM bIvamanirdiSTasaMsthAnam // 49 // 49. Know ye that the pure Self is without taste, colour, without smell, imperceptible to touch, without sound, not an object of anumana or inferential knowledge, without any definite bodily shape and is characterised by cetana (consciousness). COMMENTARY Taste is a distinct quality of matter or pudgala. This attribute is not found anywhere else. Since the nature of the Pure Self or suddha jiva is entirely distinct from that of matter, it is described tasteless, in order to distinguish Self from matter. Similarly colour is an intrinsic attribute of matter. It is not found as an attribute of anything else. So the Pure Self which is distinct from acetana matter, is described as colourless. Again smell is an attribute of physical objects and it cannot be associated with anything else. The Self being distinct from matter is therefore said to be smell-less. Similarly being perceptible to touch is a characteristic of material objects and cannot be attributed to anything else. Since the nature of the Self is transcending sense-perception it cannot be an object of contact sensation. Hence it is described as beyond touch. In the same way, sound, since it is the effect of concussion between material particles, is associated with inatter alone and with nothing else. That which sounds must be a material object as a non-material entity cannot produce sound. Hence the Self also is soundless because it is non-material in nature. Thus the Self is entirely beyond the scope of sense-perception. Can it be approached by inference or anumana? No, because anumana or inference entirely depends upon what must necessarily be obtained by sense-perception. Perception of smoke may lead to the inference that there is fire. But smoke must be obtained by senseperception and then only it is possible to infer that there is fire. An entity which is quite beyond the scope of sense-perception Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA cannot be approached by inferential knowledge either. Hence suddha-jiva is said to be alimga-grahana, not approached by inference. In the organic world jiva is always found in association with its characteristic body. These characteristic bodies are classified according to their various shapes which are called sansthanas. Since these shapes of the organic body are entirely determined by the physical structure, they are purely bodily qualities and cannot be transferred to the Self associated with body. Hence the Self is without definite shape or structure. In short the pure Self whose intrinsic nature is cetana is entirely different from the whole external world and hence the characteristics of the external world cannot be predicated of the Self. It is entirely devoid of the physical qualities of colour, taste, etc., it is also devoid of the characteristics of the other external entities such as space, time, etc. Resting on its own intrinsic nature, infinite knowledge, infinite vision, and infinite bliss, the pure Self is not to be associated with the various varnasrama distinctions such as Brahmana, Ksatriya, etc., since these distinctions rest on the birth of the body. It is not only distinct from the characteristics of the external world, it also remains distinct from the various inner psychic qualities which are produced by its association with acetana material environment. Neither the characteristics of the material world nor the indirect effect of the same can rightly be associated with the Pure Self. jIvassa patthi vaNNo Navi gaMdho Navi raso vi ya phaaso| Navi rUvaM Na sarIraM vi saMThANaM Na saMhaNaNaM // 50 // jivassa natthi vanno navi gand ho navi raso navi ya phaso navi ruvam na sariran navi samthanan na samhananam (50) jIvasya nAsti varNoM nApi gandho nApi raso nApi ca sparzaH / nApi rUpaM na zarIraM nApi saMsthAnaM na saMhananam // 50 // 50. In the (pure) soul there is no colour, no smell, no taste, no touch, no visible form, no body, no bodily shape and no skeletal structure. jIvassa Natthi rAgo Navi doso va vijjade moho| No paccayA Na kammaM NokammaM cAvi se tthi // 51 // Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER II jivassa nat thi rago navi doso neva vijjade moho no paccaya na kammam nokammam cavi se natthi (51) jIvasya nAsti rAgo nApi dveSo naiva vidyate mohaH / go pratyayaH na karma nokarma cApi tasya nAsti // 51 // 51. In the (pure) soul there is neither desire nor aversion. No delusion is found therein. There is no Karmic condition, nor Karmic matter, nor non-Karmic matter in it. jIvasya Natthi vaggo Na vaggaNA va phaDDhayA keI / No ajjhappaTTANA va ya aNubhAyaThANA vA // 52 // jivassa natthi vaggo na vaggana neva phaddhaya kei mo ajjhappatthana neva ya anubhayathana va (52) jIvasya nAsti vargoM na vargaNA naiva sparddhakAni kAnicit / no adhyavasAnAni naiva cAnubhAgasthAnAni vA // 52 // 52. In the (pure) soul there is no varga (atomic potency), no vargana (molecules or group of atoms), no spar dhaka (aggregates of molecules). There is no ego-consciousness of different types and no (karmic) manifestations (resulting in pleasure-pain experience). jIvassa Natthi keI joggaTTANA | baMdhaThANA vaa| Neva ya udayaTThANA No maggaNaTThANayA keI // 53 // jivassa natthi kei jogatthana na bamdhathana va neva ya udayatthand. no maggaratthanaya ket (53) jIvasya na santi kAnicidyogasthAnAni na bandhasthAnAni vA / naiva codayasthAnAni na mArgaNAsthAnAni kAnicit // 53 // 53. In the (pure) soul there is no activity of yoga (through manas, vacana, kaya), no Karmic bondage, no effective manifestation of Karma, and no variations according to method of inquiry into the nature of the soul (based upon the principle of classification). No ThidibaMdhaTThANA jIvassa Na saMkilesaTThANA vA / Neva visohiTThANA No saMjamaladdhiThANA vA // 54 // no thidi bamdhatthana jivassa na samkilesathana va peva visohitthana no sanjamaladdhithana va (54) Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 52 SAMAYASARA a feufaqygiaifa staru a dadqrqraifa ai | naiva vizuddhisthAnAni no saMyamalabdhisthAnAni vA // 54 // 54. In the (pure) soul there is no stage of the duration of bondage, or of emotional excitement or of self-purification or of the acquisition of self-control. va ya jIvadvANA Na guNaTThANA ya asthi jIvassa / jeNa du ede savve poggaladavvassa pariNAmA // 55 // neva ya jivatthana na gunatthana ya atthi jivassa jena du ede savve poggaladavvassa parinama (55) Ha a alaeuraifa a goturaifi ar afa safu | yena tu ete sarve pudgaladravyasya pariNAmAH || 55 // 55. The classification of the organic beings (according to the principle of biological development) and the classification of man (according to the principle of ethico-spiritual development) are not applicable to the pure soul, since all the abovementioned differences are the result of the manifestation of the material conditions. COMMENTARY Varna or colour, such as black, green, yellow, red and white, are qualities of physical objects and physical objects alone, and hence they cannot be predicated of jiva which is entirely non-physical and spiritual in nature. Gandha or smell is of two kinds. Pleasant odour and unpleasant odour. These are also characteristics of physical objects and hence cannot be predicated of the soul. Rasa or Taste, is as follows:-Sweet, bitter, acid, pungent, and astringent. These tastes are also associated with material things and hence cannot be transferred to the soul because of the intrinsic difference between the two. Sparsa or contact sensation consists of smooth or rough, cold, hot, heavy or light, and hard or soft sensations. These different contact sensations are all again associated with physical objects. Hence these physical qualities cannot be predicated of jiva or soul. Sarira or body. The body associated with jiva is of five different, kinds: audarika sarira body given birth by the mother; Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER IT 53 vaiktiyaka sarira, various bodily forms, magical and hallucinatory in nature assumed by a yogi because of his yogic powers aharaka sarira is the body drawn out of the pliysical body in the form of plasma by the magic powers of the yogi with the object of carrying out something which is beyond the reach of the physical body. Taijasa sarira refers to the brilliant form of halo which shines forth from the physical body under certain spiritual conditions. Lastly, karmana sarira is the body constituted by Karmic matter, which is extremely subtle and which is inseparable from the soul throughout its samsaric career. Since all these different bodies are constituted by matter either gross or subtle, these cannot be identified with jiva or soul. Samsthana refers to the different shapes of the organic bodies. These are samacatura samsthana, body that is symmetrically developed; nyagrodha parimandala saisthana, body that is top-heavy like the ba nyan-tree; swati sansthanu, body that is long and thin like a sword, kubja samsthana, hunch-backed body, vamana sainsthana, dwarfish body, and hunda samsthana, an ugly mass of flesh. All these shapes of organic bodies are nothing but the different manifestations of matter in the organic world. Hence these physical forms which are of material origin cannot be attributed to the soul. Samhanana, the assemblage of bones of the skeletal structure. This refers to six types of bony joints which pertain to vertibrate animals. It is obvious that these varieties of bone-joints cannot be applicable to jiva which is asarira by nature, a bodiless spiritual entity Raga, the pleasant feeling of desire, and dvesa the unpleasant experience of aversion, all these being products of Karmic matter cannot be attributed to the soul. Moha or delusion which clouds the knowing faculty and prevents its apprehension of reality, is also an effect of Karmic matter and hence cannot be attributed to the soul. The different kinds of pratyaya or Karmic condition such as mithyatva false faith, avirati, absence of moral discipline, kasaya soul-soiling gross emotions, and yoga, activity of thought, speech and body, all being effects of matter either direct or indirec have no relation to the soul. Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA Karmas are of eight different kinds, such as jnanavaraniya, darsanavaraniya, etc. These are also mainly material in nature. Hence these karmas cannot be spoken of as belonging to the soul. Non-karma refers to the various physical molecules that build up the three types of grosser bodies of fully developed biological species. Since these body-building molecules are material they have nothing to do with jiva or Soul. Varga refers to the bundle of potencies incorporated in a single indivisible atom which forms the basis of Karmic' matter. Vargana refers to the type of Karmic molecules constituted by a number of vargas or Karmic atoms. Spardhaka refers to aggregates of varganas or Karmic molecules All these three refer to the development of Karmic matter from the subtle type to the grosser type. These types of Karmic matter cannot be predicated of jiva. Adyatmasthana. On account of the ignorance of its true nature, the ego may identify itself with the various objects and persons of the external world. This false feeling of one-ness with external things has nothing to do with the Pure Self since the confusion is due to the interference of the physical objects. Similarly anubhagasthanas, the various types of pleasure-pain consciousness resulting from the manifestation of corresponding Karmas, cannot be spoken of as belonging to the soul. Yogasthanas, the different grades of activity relating to thought, speech, and body which form the condition for attracting Karmic molecules towards the soul are also mainly physical in nature and hence cannot be spoken of as of the soul. Similarly bandhasthana, various kinds of Karmic bondage and udayasthana, fruit-yielding manifestation of Karmas are also not of the soul. Marganasthana, an inquiry into the nature of jida, is based upon the method of classification according to various principles which are fourteen in number, such as gati, indriya, etc. These different principles of classification are distinctly material, since they pertain to the nature of the organic bodies, and hence they are not of the soul. Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER II 55 Similarly the different classifications of jivas or jtvasthana and the classification of man according to spiritual development or gunasthana, are all ultimately traceable to the different manifestations of matter. The nature of the Pure Self must therefore be understood to be entirely diflerent from the above-mentioned various physical modes. If the material characteristics, physical and psycho physical, are thus summarily disposed of either as qualities and modes of matter or as psychical effects produced thereby, then how can it be justified that the jiva is described in the scripture in terms of the very same attributes which are dismissed as being alien to its nature. The answer to this apparent self- contradiction is given in the next gatha. vavahAreNa du ede jovassa havaMti vnnnnmaadiiyaa| guNaThANatA bhAvA Na du keI NicchayaNayassa // 56 // vavaharena du ede jivassa havanti vannamadiya gunathanaita bhava na du kei nicchayanayassa (56) vyavahAreNa tvete jIvasya bhavanti varNAdyAH guNasthAnAntA bhAvA na tu kecinizcayanayasya // 56 // 56. These characteristics beginning from varna (colour) and ending with gunasthana or stages of spiritual development are (predicated) of the soul from the vyavahara point of view; but from the point of view of reality, not one of these can be predicated of the soul. COMMENTARY Vyavahara or the practical point of view is taken for emphasising the jiva-paryaya or modifications of the soul, Emphasis of paryaya or modification naturally implies diversion of attention from dravya, the real substance. These jiva-paryayas or modifications of the soul are the results of immemorial association of the soul with matter. Just as cotton cloth puts on the colour of the dyeing substance, so also the jiva puts on the characteristics of the associated matter. Since the empirical Self is so co loured in ordinary life, it is described in those terms though in reality it is alien to those characteristics. The next gatha explains why from the real point of view the characteristics of colour, etc., cannot be predicated of the jiva, Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA edehi ya saMbaMdho jaheva khIrodayaM muNedavvo / Naya haMti tassa tANi du uvaogaguNAdhigo jamhA // 57 // edehi ya sambamdho jaheva khirodayam munedavvo naya humti tassa tani du uvaogagunadhigo jamha (57) etaizca saMbandho yathaiva kSIrodakaM mantavyaH / na ca bhavanti tasya tAni tUpayogaguNAdhiko yasmAt // 57 // 57. The association of these characteristics with soul must be understood to be like the mixture of milk and water. They are not certainly present in the soul since it is mainly characterrised by upayoga (cognitive activity of knowledge and perception.) COMMENTARY The relation of one thing to another may be in the form either of a mixture or in the form of substance and its qualities. Milk-cum-water is given as an example of mixture. Fire-cum -heat is given as an example of substance and its quality. The different things constituting the mixture can be separated from each other. But the substance and its quality cannot be separated at any time. Quality without substance and susbtance without quality will be empty abstractions incapable of independent existence. But a mixture is not so, because the intermixing substances can be separated when necessary. The predominating substance in the mixture will give its colour to the mixture. Thus in the case of milk and water which is compared to tl intermixture of soul and its material upadhis, the doininant substance being milk it is still called milk, when diluted with water. Exactly similar is the relation between jiva and its upadhis. Though their intermixture is from time immemorial, they can be separated from each other, as when the jiva attains moksa or liberation. Since the dominant factor in this mixture is jiva, the characteristics of the mixture from colour onwards to stages of spiritual development are considered as the attributes of the soul from the vyavahara point of view. From the real point of view, the soul must be described in terms of upayoga (cognitive activity of knowledge and perception) which quality is inseparable from jiva. Even when the jiva becomes perfect through self-realisation this quality of upayoga will be inseparably Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER II present in it, in its complete form as Kevala-jnana and Kevaladarsana. The reconciliation between the vyavahara point of view and the real point of view is effected by bringing in a popular illustration. paMthe mustaM parisadRNa logA bhaNati vavahArI / mussadi eso paMtho Na ya paMtho mussade koI // 58 // pamthe mussamtam passiduna loga bhanamti vavahari mussadi eso pamtho na ya pamtho mussade koi (58) pathi muSyamANaM dRSTvA lokA bhaNanti vyavahAriNaH / mudhyate eSaH panthA na ca panthA muSyate kazcit // 58 // 58. Seeing some one robbed on a road, ordinary people adopting the vyavahara point of view, say "this road is robbed." But really what is robbed is not the road. taha jIve kammANaM NokammANaM ca passiduM vaNNaM / jIvassa esa vaNNo jiNehi vavahArado utto // 59 // 57 taha jive kammanam nokammanam ca passidum vannam jtvassa esa vapno jinehi vavaharado utto (59) tathA jIve karmaNAM nokarmaNAM ca dRSTvA varNam / jIvasyaiSa varNo ninairvyavahArata uktaH // 59 // 59. Similarly perceiving the colour which belongs to the material entities of karma and non-karma, which are found in association with jiva, the all-knowing Jina describes it from the vyavahara point of view, as the quality of the soul. evaM gaMdharasaphAsarUvA deho saMThANamAiyA je ya / savve vavahArassa ya NicchayadaNhU vavadisaMti // 60 // evam gandharasaphasaruva deho samthanamaiya je ya savve vavaharassa ya nicchayadanhu vavadisamti (60) evaM gandharasasparzarUpANi dehaH saMsthAnAdayo ye ca / sarve vyavahArasya ca nizvayadRSTAro vyapadizanti // 60 // 60. Thus are smell, taste, touch, figure etc, predicated (of the soul) from the yyavahara point of view by the All-knowing. Why there is no intrinsic identity between jiva and varna, soul and colour, is explained next. 8 Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 58 SAMAYASARA tatthabhave jIvANaM saMsAratthANa hoMti vaNNAdI | saMsArapamukkANaM Natthi du vaNNAdabha keI // 61 // tatthabhave jivanam samsaratthana homti vannadi samsarapamukkanam natthi du vannadao kei (61) aa ya marai danceurai xafa aufgu: 1 saMsArapramuktAnAM na santi khalu varNAdayaH kecit // 61 // 61. So long as jivas have embodied existence in the world of samsara, attributes of colour etc., are present in them. The moment they liberate themselves from the samsaric bondage, these characteristics such as colour, etc., have absolutely no relation to them. COMMENTARY This gatha emphasises the act that the relation between soul and colour is one of mere assoc.ation and not of identity. If in spite of this, it is obstinately maintained that there is an intrinsic identity between jiva and varna it will lead to an erroneous attitude as is indicated next. jIvo caiva hi ede savve bhAva tti maNNase jadi hi / jIvassAjIvassa ya Natthi viseso du de koI // 62 // jivo ceva hi ede savve bhava tti mannase jadi hi jivassajivassa ya natthi viseso du de koi (62) nIvazcaiva hyete sarve bhAvA iti manyase yadi hi / jIvasya jIvasya ca nAsti vizeSastu te ko'pi // 62 // 62. If you maintain that all these modes pertain to the soul itself then according to you there would be no difference whatsoever between soul and non-soul. COMMENTARY Dravya and guna, substance and quality, have been described to be inseparable from each other and intrinsically identical. What differentiates one substance from another is the difference of qualities. Colour, taste, smell, etc. are the intrinsic qualities of matter, just as cognitive qualities are the intrinsic qualities of jiva or soul. If it is perversely maintained that the qualities of colour, taste, etc., are also the qualities of jiva, then there will Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER IT 59 be no fundamental difference between jiva and pudgala, a soul and matter. Since the qualities are identical in both, the underlying substance will become the same in nature, that is jiva having identical physical qualities and hepce becoming identical with matter will cease to be an independent category as a jiva or soul. The whole scheme of things will then become all-devouring materialistic monism. But if it is maintained that the identity between colour, taste, etc., and jiva or soul is true only in the case of the samsari jiva or empirical Self, even then it will lead to an erroneous position which is pointed out next. bhaha saMsAratthANaM jIvANaM tujjha hoMti vnnnnaadii| tamhA saMsAratthA jIvA rUvittamAvaNNA // 63 // aha samsaratthanam jivanam tujjha homti vannadi tamha samsarattha jiva ruvittamavanna (63) atha saMsArasthAnAM jIvAnAM tava bhavanti varNAdayaH / tasmAt saMsArasthA jIvA rUpitvamApannAH // 63 // 63. If, as you maintain, the samsarl-jivas, the empirical egos, are identical with the characteristics of colour, etc., then these empirical souls will be endowed with physical forms. evaM poggaladava jIvo taha lakkhaNeNa muuddhmdii| NivvANamuvagado vi ya jovatta poggalo patto // 64 // evan poggaladavvam jivo taha lakkhanena madhamadi nitvanamuvagado vi ya jivattam poggalo patto (64) evaM pudgaladravyaM jIvastathA lakSaNena mUDhamateH / nirvANamupagato'pi ca jIvatvapudgalaH prAptaH // 6 // 64. If, according to thy philosophy, O Thou deluded one, (soul gets physical form) then it is matter that assumes the form of jiva in samsara and it is again the very same matter that figures in nirvana, the state of liberation of the soul. COMMENTARY Thus it is maintained that even in the samsaric state, there is no identity between the soul and the physical qualities of colour, etc. Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 60 SAMAYASARA If there is no identity between jiva and the qualities of colour etc., then how is it possible to describe jiva according to the different stages of sense-development as ekendriya-jiva or onesensed organism, etc. The point is cleared up in the next two gathas. ekkaM ca doNNi tiNNi ya cattAri ya paMca iMdiyA jIvA / bAdarapajattidarA payaDIo NAmakammassa // 65 // ekkari ca donni tinni ya cattari ya parca indiya jiva badarapaj jattidara payadio namakammassa (65) ekaM vA dve trINi ca catvAri ca paJcendriyANi jIvAH / bAdaraparyAptetarAH prakRtayo nAmakarmaNaH // 65 // 65. Living beings with one, two, three, four, and five senses, gross and fully developed and their opposites (minute and undeveloped) are all determined by the nature of nama karma or body-building karma. edehi ya NivattA jIvaTThANA dukaraNabhUdAhi / payaDIhiM poggalamahahiM tAhi kaha bhaNNade jIvo // 66 // edehi ya nivvatta jivatthana du karanabhudahin payadihin poggalamathim tahim kaha bhannade jivo (66) etAbhizca nivRttAni jIvasthAnAni karaNabhUtAbhiH / prakRtibhiH pudgalamayIbhistAbhiH kathaM bhavyate jIvaH // 66 // 66. These classes of living beings are the result of Karmic matter which constitute their operative cause. How can these physical products be identified with soul ? COMMENTARY In reality there is no fundamental difference between cause and effect; for example, gold-leaf which is made of gold is of the nature of gold and nothing else. Similarly the various jivasthana or classes of living beings are the result of nama karmas, the physical conditions which determine the building up of the body. Since the causal conditions are physical in nature, their products must also be physical. Hence they cannot be really identified with the nature of the soul. pannattApajjattA je suhumA bAdarA ya je ceva / dehassa jIvasaNNA sutte vavahArado uttA // 67 // Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER II pajjattapajjatta je suhuma badara ya je ceva dehassa jivasanna sutte vavaharado ulta (67) paryApta paryAptA ye sUkSmA bAdarAzca ye caiva / dehasya jIvasaMjJAH sUtre vyavahArataH uktAH // 67 // developed, 67. Completely developed, incompletely minute and gross, all these modifications pertaining only to the body are given the appellation of jiva in the scripture from the vyavahara point of view. COMMENTARY Paryapta and aparyapta are terms applied to organisms, fully developed or incompletely developed. These attributes apply to all organisms in general. Suksma and badara, minute and gross, are attributes applicable only to ekendriya jivas or one-sensed organisms. Suksma ekendriya jivas are the microscopic organisms present in earth, water, air, etc. Budara ekendriya jivas are the plants and trees of the whole botanical world. These two types of ekendriya jivas are also called sthavara jivas, living organism incapable of locomotion or stationary beings. The types of organisms beginning with the two-sensed organisms are called trasa jivas, organisms capable of locomotion. All these are various terms describing the bodily differences and yet they are used as names of jivas. The commentators explain this practical point of view with a popular illustration. Ordinarily, a vessel containing ghee is called a ghee-pot. The pot is made of clay and it is called a ghee-pot because it is used to keep ghee in it. The name of the contained article is transferred to the container, the pot of, clay from the practical point of view in order to distinguish it from a water jug or a milk jug. In the same practical way, the various organic bodies get the name of the jivas, which are associated with them. This transfer of nomenclature of the jiva to the body is only from the vyavahara point of view. mohammadayA du vaNNidA je ime guNaTThANA / te kaha havaMti jIvA je NicamacedaNA uttA // 68 // mohanakammassudaya du vannida je ime gunatthana te kaha havamti java je niccamacedana utta (68) 61 Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA Ale pot gaara afuraifa arataifa jottaraifa tAni kathaM bhavanti jIvA yAni nityamacetanAnyuktAni // 68 // 68. The stages of spiritual growth are stated to be due to the (mohaniya) deluding karmas which are permanently (acetana, non-intelligent. How can they be identified with soul? COMMENTARY The various stages of spiritual development called gunasthanas are based upon the varying influence of mohaniya karma which manifests in two different ways. One method of its influence is to interfere with the correct perception of reality on account of which it is called darsana mohaniya, deluding the right perception. The other way of its influence is perverse conduct on account of which it is called caritra mohaniya. The various gunasthanas which are the results of the varying operations of this mohaniya karma, must maintain the relation of cause and effect. As already mentioned, cause and effect must be identical in nature. Wheat when sown will produce wheat alone and not paddy. In the same manner, the operative cause being material, the effect it produces must also be material. Hence the gunasthanas must be recognised to be distinctly material in nature. Hence these cannot be taken as attributes of the soul. Neither the characteristics of the body nor the emotions and feelings of inner consciousness of the empirical Self can really be attributes of suddha jiva or Pure Self. Thus ends the Chapter on Ajiva Padartha The two previous chapters constitute the two different scenes of the First Act of the great Cosmic Drama, in which the two actors Jiva and Ajiva appear on the stage. The Ego, the living and intelligent, and the non-Ego, non-living and non-intelligent, first appear on the stage forgetting their self-identity, clasp each other as infatuated lovers and behave as if they were identical with each other. But after recognising their distinctness and difference in nature, they become chastened from their delusion of false identity and depart from the stage. Thus ends the First Act of the Drama. Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III KARTA AND KARMA-THE DOER AND THE DEED Dealing with the remaining seven padarthas such as (punya, papa, etc.) virtue, vice, etc., the author wants to emphasise once again that these seven padarthas are but the resultant secondary padarthas of the interaction of the two primary padarthas, jiva and ajiva, which are dealt with already. These two reappear again on the stage in different forms as agent and his action, Karta and Karma. jAva Na vedi visesaMtaraM tu AdAsavANa dohuNaMpi / aNNANI tAvadu so kohAdisu vaTTade jIvo // 66 // java na vedi visesamtaram tu adasavana dohunampi annani tava du so kohadisu vattade jivo (69) graza afa fadPrat zarzajazdigglefq | ajJAnI tAvatsa krodhAdiSu varttate nIvaH // 66 // 69. As long as the jiva or soul does not recognise that the entities, atma and Asrava-Self and Karmic inflow-are absolutely different from each other, so long will he remain devoid of knowledge and will identify himself with baser emotions of anger, etc. kohAdisu vaTTaMtassa tassa kammassa saMcao hodi / jIvassevaM baMdho bhaNido khalu savvadarasIhi ||70 // kohadisu vattamtassa tassa kammassa samcao hodi jivassevam bamdho bhanido khalu savvadarasihim (70) krodhAdiSu varttamAnasya tasya karmaNaH saMcayo bhavati / jIvasyaivaM bandho bhaNitaH khalu sarvadarzibhiH // 70 // 70. That jiva which thus indulges in anger, etc., will only have an increased inflow of Karmas and finally end with Karmic bondage. Thus was it truly declared by the All-knowing. COMMENTARY Ignorance of the distinction of the true nature of the Self and of the other alien entities is the root-cause of the trouble. The Self forgetting its pure nature imagines himself to be other than what he really is. He identifies himself with baser emotional experiences such as, "I am angry." This vitiated state of Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 64 SAMAYASARA experience leads to the attraction and deposit of Karmic molecules in the Self. The Self behaves like a person besmeared with oil all over the body walking through a cloud of dust. Dust particles get easily deposited all over the oily surface of his body. So the Self, ignorant of his own nature, provides the necessary condition for attracting the Karmic particles which, when accumulated, permeate the whole nature of the soul thus clouding the intrinsic spiritual luminosity of the Self. This means Karmic bondage. This Karmic bondage in its turn produces the samsaric cycle of births and deaths, which is the inevitable carere of the unenlightened Ego. Thus the unenlightened Ego imagines himself to be the agent of all disturbances which take place in the inner series of consciousness and outer scheme of things. Thus appears the drama of the deluded Self in the form of Karta and his Karma, agent and his action. jaiyA imeNa jIveNa appaNo AsavANa ya taheva / NAdaM hodi visesaMtaraM tu taiyA Na baMdho se // 71 // jaiya imena jivena appano asavana ya taheva nadam hodi visesamtaram tu taiya na bandho se yadAnena jIvenAtmanaH AsravANAM ca tathaiva / jJAtaM bhavati vizeSAntaraM tu tadA na bandhastasya // 71 // 71. As soon as the absolute difference between Atma and asrava is appreciated by jiva, bondage ceases to be. COMMENTARY (71) Just as the absence of discriminative knowledge is the root-cause of bondage in samsara, the appearance of true knowledge has the opposite result of dissolution of bondage and disappearance of samsara. jAdUNa bhAsavANaM asucittaM ca vivarIyabhAvaM ca / grata mzoi fa a adi foufa gufa oftat 110211 naduna asavanam asucittam ca vivariyabhavam ca dukkhassa karanam ti ya tado niyattim kunadi jivo. (72) jJAtvA AsavANAmazucitvaM ca viparItabhAvaM ca / duHkhasya kAraNa | noti ca tato nivRttiM karoti jIvaH // 72 // 72. Knowing that the asravas are impure, of contray nature to Self, and the cause of misery, the soul abstains from them. Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III COMMENTARY Just as water gets muddy through association with clay, the asravas, because of association with impurities, are impure. But the Bhagavan Atma, because of his eterna! association with the absolutely clear nature of cit or intelligence, is perfectly pure. Asravas being physical modes are non-intelligent and hence of contrary nature. But the Lord Atma is eternally of the nature of knowledge and hence uncontaminated by an alien characteristic. Asravas, because they always are productive of unpleasant experience, cause misery. But Bhagavan Atma, in his state of eternal bliss, cannot be the causal agent of any thing else and much less be the cause of misery. Hence asrava is impure, acetana and the cause of misery, whereas the Atma, is always, pure, cetana and the cause of eternal bliss. Their natures thus being fundamentally different, the jiva that possesses the discriminative knowledge naturally abstains from the asravas, such as anger, etc. The discriminative knowledge thus leading to abstention from the impure asravas is emphasised here, for otherwise, the Jaina point of view would be indistinguishable from that of the Samkhyas. According to the Samkhyas, vivekajnana, the discriminative knowledge, constitutes the summum bonum of life. But according to the Jaina thought, right knowledge must necessarily lead to right conduct and only then it will lead to moksa or Liberation. ahamekko khalu suddho Nimmamao NANadaMsaNasamaggo / affget af at aa ya a? afa 11031|| ahamekko khalu suddho nimmamao nanadamsanasamaggo tamhitthido taccitto savve, ede khayam nemi (73) ahamekaH khalu zuddhanirmamazcaH jJAnadarzanasamagraH / tasmin sthitastacittaH sarvAnetAn kSayaM nayAmi // 73 // 65 73. I am really one, pure, without the sense of ownership or "mine-ness" and full of complete knowledge and perception. Firmly resting in the true consciousness of such a Self, I shall lead all these asravas such as anger, etc, to destruction. COMMENTARY The Pure Self provided with discriminative knowledge resting on its own innate perfection of consciousness is able to 9 Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 66 SAMAYASARA destroy all those asravas, alien psycho-physical characteristics with which he identified himself in the empirical state. Next it is stated that the asravas which are intrinsically and are the products of evil should be abstained from. jIvaNibaddhA ede adhuva aNiccA tahA asaraNA ya / dukkhA dukkhaphalANi ya NAdUNa Nivattade tehiM // 74 // jivanibaddha ede adhuva anicca taha asarana ya dukkha dukkhaphalani ya naduna nivattade tehin (74) jIvanibaddhA ete adhruvA anityAstathA azaraNAzca / duHkhAni duHkhaphalAni ca jJAtvA nivartate tebhyaH // 74 // 74. Knowing them, bound as they are to the soul, to be impermanent, evanescent, unprotected and misery in their nature and also to be misery as their fruit in future, (the Self) abstains from them. COMMENTARY The realisation of the Self and the disa ppearance of the astavas are inter-dependent and simultaneous. The moment the Self realises its true nature, the cloud of usarvas gets dispersed. The moment this cloud of asravas gets dispersed, the Self shines in all its glory. Thus both are causally inter-dependent and the events occur simultaneously. Adhruva means impermanent and extremely momentary like a flash of lightening. The asravas may appear at one moment and disappear at the next. This characteristic is indicated by the word adhruva, non-persisting. The term anitya implies the quality of vanishing like temperature in a fever patient which may vary and finally disappear altogether. As against these attributes of asravas, the suddha jiva or the Pure Self is dhruva constant and permanent, and nitya, unchanging and eternal. Similarly the asravas, since they are produced in the soul by alien conditions, are really asarana or unprotected, since they are dependent upon something other than themselves. Not so is the suddha jiva or Pure Self, since it is self-conditioned and hence undisturbed by anything else. The asyavas such as desire and hatred, constitute the misery in life. They are no: only misery by nature, they carry with them the misery-producing potency through their association Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III 67 with samsaric jiva which has to experienee the same misery even in its future birth. But the suddha jiva, the Pure Self, not only shines with its intrinsic brilliance of knowledge but also rests in its own inalienable state of eternal bliss. Certainly the Self who knows his greatness and glory will never think of identifying himself with the impure and misery-producing asravas. kammassa ya pariNAmaM Nokammassa ya taheva pariNAmaM / Na karedi edamAdA jo jANai so havadi NANI // 7 // kammassa ya parinamam nokammassa ya taheva parinamam na karedi edamada jo janai so havadi nani (75) karmaNazca pariNAmaM no karmaNazca tathaiva pariNAma na karotyenamAtmA yo jAnAti sa bhavati jJAnI // 75 // 75. The Self does not produce any modification in Karmic matter nor is the non-Karmic matter. He who realises his is the real knower. COMMENTARY Cause or karana is mainly of two kinds: upadana karana substantive cause, and nimitta karana external causal agency. Thus in the making of a pot, clay is the upadana karana and the potter is the nimitta karana. In the same manner modification in karma and modifications in non-karma have both, as their upadana karana, causal substance, the material particles. These modifications are built by material particles like the pot which is made of clay. This gatha therefore emphasises the fact that the various modifications of the Karmic and non-Karmic matter, cannot be explained as the result of the causal agency, of Atma, which by its cetana nature cannot be the upadana karana of the acetana material modifications. Next the author points out that though the Atma perceives matter, it does not become identical with the object. Navi pariNamadi Na girhadi uppajjadi Na paradavvapajjAe / NANI jANato vi ha poggalakamma aNeyavihaM / / 76 / / navi parinamadi na ginhadi uppaj jadi na paradavvapajjae nani jananto vi hu poggalakammain aneyaviham (76) nApi pariNamati na gRhNAtyutpadyate na paradravyaparyAye / jJAnI nAnannapi khalu pudgalakarmAnekavidham // 76 // Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 68 SAMAYASARA 76. Material karmas are of various kinds. While in the process of knowing these, the knower neither manifests in, nor identifies with, nor causes the appearance of inodifications of alien substance. COMMENTARY The Karmic modifications which are of various kinds are really the result of the manifestations of Karmic matter. Atma or Self because of its cetana nature cannot in any way be responsible for the Karmic modifications. These cannot be described as the result of manifestations of the Self. Nor can they be identified with Self; nor their appearances be taken to be the result of this causal agency of the Atma. In short, the Self cannot be the causal agent or karta of the various karmas. Thus the author emphasises that the relation between the knower and the object known is quite analogous to the relation between the light and the object illuminated. That is, the knower in the process of knowing the object does not transform himself into the nature of the object known. This refutes the idealistic theory of knowledge which maintains that the process of knowing creates the object known. Navi pariNamadi Na girhadi uppanadi Na prdvpjjaae| NANI jANaMto vi hu sagapariNAmaM aNeyavihaM // 77 // navi parinamadi na gishadi uppajjadi na paradavvapajjaye nani janasto vi hu sagaparinaman aneyaviham (77) nApi pariNamati na gRhmAtyutpadyate na paradravyaparyAye / jJAnI jAnannapi khalu svakapariNAmamanekavidham // 77 // 77. Modifications in the Self (as the result of Karmic influence) are of various kinds. While in the process of knowing these the knower neither manifests in, nor identifies with, nor causes the appearance of modifications of alien substance. COMMENTARY The changes appearing in the consciousness of the empirical Self though different from the Karmic materials, are really produced by the Karmic influences, though indirectly. Hence the Pure Self cannot consider these psychical modes to be the direct manifestations of his own nature. They must be traced to alien influence and hence cannot be identified with the nature of the Pure Self, though he is aware of them as objects of knowledge. Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III Navi pariNamadi Na gihadi uppanadi Na paradagba panAe / NANI jANato vi hu poggalakammaphalamaNaMtaM // 7 // navi parinamadi na ginhadi uppajjadi na paradavva pajiae nani janamto vi hu poggalakanmuphalaranamtam (78) nApi pariNamati na gRhAsyutpadyate na paradravyaparyAye / jJAnI jAnannapi khalu pudgalakarmaphalamanantam // 78 // 78. The (pleasant and the unpleasant) fruits of Karmic materials are really infinite While in the process of knowing these, the knower neither manifests in, nor is identified with, nor causes the appearance of these inodifications of alien substance. COMMENTARY Pleassant and unpleasant experiences of the empirical Self are really the fruits of Karmic influence which is material in nature. Thus realising the true origin of the fruits of Karma, the Pure Self cannot call these his own. Nor can he identify himself with these. Here also it is emphasised that the knower is in no way causally related to the objects known. Thus after rejecting the doctrine from the real standpoint that the Atma or the Self is the causal agent in relation to modification of alien things as well as of the various impure psychic states, the author goes to establish a similar relation with reference to the matter that it also cannot stand as causal agent in relation to modification in the cetana entity, Self. Navi pariNamadi giladi uppajadi Na paradazvapanAe / poggaladavvaM pi tahA pariNamadi saehiM bhAvehiM // 79 // navi barinamadi na ginhadi ubbajjadi na baradavvabajine poggaladavvam pi taha parina madi saehim bhavehiin (79) nApi pariNamati na gRhNAtyutpadyate na paradravyaparyAye / pudgaladravyamapi tathA pariNamati svakai vaiH // 79 // 79. In the same way, matter also manisests in characteristic material modifications. In reality it neither manifests in, nor is identical with, nor causes the appearance of modifications in (jiva) which substance is of alien nature. COMMENTARY Just as the Self cannot be related to physical modifications as the upadana karana or substantial cause, so also matter cannot Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 70 SAMAYASARA be related to psychical changes as their upadana karana. Neither jiva is the Karta of Karmas, nor matter is the Karta of changes in the jiva. Thus there can be no identity between Self and matter, cetana dravya and acetana dravya. Next it is pointed out that though Self and matter cannot be related to each other as material cause, still both may be related to each other as instrumental cause. jIva pariNAmahetuM kammattaM pogalA pariNamati / poggalakammaNimittaM taheva jIvo vi pariNamadi // 80 // jivaparinamahedum kammattam poggala parinamamti poggalakammanimittant taheva jivo vi parinamadi (80) pariNAmahetuM karmatvaM pudgalAH pariNamanti / pudgalakarmanimittaM tathaiva jIvo'pi pariNamati // 80 // 80. As conditioned by the modifications of jiva, the material particles get modified into karmas. Similarly, conditioned by the Karmic materials, jiva also undergoes modifications. vi kuvvadi kammaguNe jIvo kammaM taheva jIvaguNe / aNNoSNanimitteNa du pariNAmaM jANa donhaM pi // 81 // . navi kuvvadi kammagune jivo kammam taheva jivagune annonnanimittena du parinamam jana donham pi (81) nApi karoti karmaguNAn jIvaH karma tathaiva jIvaguNAn / anyonyanimittena tu pariNAmaM jAnIhi dvayorapi // 81 // 81. jiva does not produce changes in the qualities of karma nor does karma similarly in the qualities of jiva. The modifications of those two, know ye, are the result of one conditioning the other as nimitta karana or instrumental cause. edeNa kAraNeNa du kattA bhAdA saeNa bhAveNa / poggalakammakadANaM Na du kattA savvabhAvANaM // 82 // edena karnena du katta ada saena bhavena poggalakammakadanam na du katta savvabhavanam (82) etena kAraNena tu kartA AtmA svakena bhAvena / pudgalakarmakRtAnAM na tu karttA sarvabhAvAnAm // 82 // 82. For this very reason the Self is the substantial cause of his own modifications (both pure and impure); but is not the substantial cause of any of the modifications of Karmic matter. Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III . COMMENTARY As the modifications of jiva operate as the instrumental cause, material particles get modified as Karmic molecules. Similarly when the material particles operate as instrumental cause, jiva undergoes modifications. Thus the modifications of jiva and the modifications of matter indirectly condition each other. The relation between the two groups cannot be interpreted as a sort of causal identity that holds good between an immanent ca use and its corresponding effect. Hence the relation between the two groups of modifications is not one of Karta and Karma, agent and action, for instrumental cause is quite different from substaniive cause. Just as clay is the cause of a pot and cannot be the cause of a cloth, so jiva is the causal agent of all his modifications and matter is the causal agent of all its modifications. Next it is pointed out that from the real point of view the Self is the Karta (agent) producing its own modifications and bhokta (enjoyer) of its own states. NicchayaNayassa evaM AdA appANameva hi karedi / vedayadi puNo taM ceva jANa attA du attANaM // 3 // nicchayanayassa evam ada appanameva hi karedi vedayadi puno tam ceva jana atta du attanai (83) nizcayanayasyaivamAtmAtmAnameva hi karoti / vedayate punastaM caiva jAnIhi AtmA tvAtmAnam // 83 // 83. Thus from the real point of view the Self produces only his own Self. Again, know ye, that the Self enjoys his own Self. COMMENTARY When wind blows over the surface of water in sea, it will produce waves on its surface, waves constituted by the rise and fall of water on the surface. These waves on the surface of water, though caused by the blow of wind are really modifications of the water surface and certainly are not of the air which produces it. Air is only the nimitta karana of the waves, while water is the upadana karana. Hence it is the ocean surface that undergoes modifications in the form of waves though indirectly determined by the blow of wind. Similarly Karmic matter may Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1224 SAMAYASARA operate as the instrumental cause and produce modifications in the Self. These modifications, though indirectly conditioned by Karmic materials, are really the result of the manifestation of the Self either pure or empirical. The empirical Self as an embodied entity in the world of samsara may undergo modifications of experience, pleasant or unpleasant, accordingly as the Karmic conditions are good or bad. Since experience-changes are confined to the nature of consciousness, though indirectly determined by Karmic materials, they are really the result of the manifestations of the Self. In other words, the Self is the agent who produces all these changes in his own nature. Even when the determining Karmic materials completely disappear leaving the Self free to realise his true glory and brilliance, it is the Self alone again that is the causal antecedent of the liberated Self. The consequential experience of pleasure-pain in the empirical state and his eternal bliss in the liberated state are also the manifestations of the Self. Thus it is the Self that makes his own nature whether empirical or pure, as an agent or Karta and it is again his own Self either empirical or pure that is enjoyed by the Self as bhokta or enjoyer. Next from the vyavahara point of view the Self is described as Karta and Bhokta. 72 vavahArassa du AdA poggalakammaM karedi aNeyavihaM / taM caiva ya vedayade poggalakammaM aNeyavihaM // 84 // vavaharassa du ada paggalakammam karedi aneyaviham tam ceva ya vedayade poggalakammam aneyaviham (84) vyavahArasya tvAtmA pudgalakarma karoti anekavidham / taccaiva punarvedayate pudgalakarmAnekavidham // 84 // 84. But from the vyavahara point of view, the Self produces various types of Karmic modifications in matter. Similarly the various fruits of Karmic materials, the Self enjoys. COMMENTARY .water. Though the pot is really made of clay, in ordinary parlance it is made by the potter and is used for the purpose of bringing Thus the potter figures as the agent in making the pot and enjoyer by making use of it for different purposes. Similarly from the vyavahara point of view, the Self is the agent who Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III 73 produces the various modifications of Karmas out of the available material atoms. Having produced the Karmir modification in the matter, the hedonic consequences of these Karmic materials are enjoyed by the Self as Bhokla. Thus the relationship to Karmic materials of Karta and Bhokia, the Agent and the Enjoyer, which was denied of the Self from the real point of view, is reasserted from the vyavahara point of view, Next the author refutes dvikriyavada, the doctrine that the same cause can produce two distinct effects, jadi poggalakammamiNaM kumvadi taM ceva vedayadi AdA / dokiriyAvAdittaM pasajadi so jiNAvamadaM // 8 // jadi poggalakammaminai kuvvadi tai ceva vedayadi ada dokiriyavadittain pasajadi so jinavamadain (85) yadi pudagalakarmedaM karoti taccaiva vedayate AtmA / dvikriyAvAditvaM prasanati tat sa ninAvamatam // 85 // 85. If the Atma or Self produces these Karmic materials (operating as upadana karta or substantive cause) and enjoys the consequer.ces thereof in the same manner, it will lead to the doctrine of a single cause producing two different effects, which will be in conflict with the Jaina faith. COMMENTARY If what is taken to be true from the vyavahara point of view, that the Atma is the agent and enjoyer of his own karmas, is also taken to be true from the absolute point of view, it will lead to a metaphysical error. Atma is a celana dravya or thinking substance, karma-pudgala, karmic materials, are as acetana dravya, -- -non-thinking substance. The Jaina faith is distinctly a dualistic one. Jiva and pudgala, thinking thing and non-thinking thing, are entirely distinct from each other, intransmutable one to the other and completely self-subsistent. If the Self, as an agent, is capable of producing modification not only in himself but also in Karmic materials, operating identically in the same manner as upadana karta, then this causal agent must be credited with a potency to produce entirely two different effects and this doctrine of causation is what is called dvikriyavada--the doctrine which is rejected by the Jaina philosophy. According to Jaina metaphysics, two distinct and conflicting effects cannot be 10 Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 74 SAMAYASARA produced by identically the same cause nor, conversely, can the identically same effect be produced by two entirely distinct causes. The attempts to derive both cetana and acetana entities from the same cause would result in making the original cause in itself to be either cetana or acetana. If it is identified with the acetana effect, the cetana Self will cease to be. If it is identified with the cetana entity, then matter acetana will cease to be. In either case it would be a metaphysical error. The Vedanta doctrine which tries to derive both the Self and the external objects from the same source of cetana dravya, Atma or Brahma, must end in mayarada, which condemns objective reality as unreal and illusory, Conversely the attempt to derive the Self from the operation of the acetana matter as the Carvakas do, must enthrone the physical world in the sovereignty of reality and dismiss the Atma, cetana dravya, as fictitious and unreal. Neither of the conclusions is acceptable to the Jainas. The same doctrine of dvikriyavada is again condemned with reasons. jahmA du attabhAvaM poggalabhAvaM ca dovi kuvvaMti / teNa du micchAdiTThI dokiriyAvAdiNo hoti // 86 // jamha du attabhavas poggalabhavai ca dovi kuvvasti tena du micchadithi dokiriyavadino homti. (86) yasmAttvAtmabhAvaM pudgalabhAvaM ca dvAvapi kurvanti / tena tu mithyAdRSTayo dvikriyAvAdino bhavanti // 86 // 86. Because they make the modifications of Self as well as modifications of matter to be effects of the same identical Atma or the Self (operating as upadana cause) the believers in that doctrine of causation (which derives the conflicting effects from the same source), are said to be of erroneous faith. Next the author describes the two-fold nature of Karma. 1. Dravya-karma of which material Karmic particles form the upadana cause. 2. Bhava karma of which Self is the upadana cause. micchattaM puNa duvihaM jIvamajIvaM taheva aNNANaM / aviradi jogo moho kohAdIyA ime bhAvA // 87 // micchattan puna duviham jivamajivam taheva annanan aviradi jogo moho kohadiya ime bhava (87) Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III favara gafafasi anai sciacadaiziii | aviratiryogo mohaH krodhAdyA ime bhAvAH // 87 // 87. Erroneous faith is of two kinds. One pertaining to jiva or Soul and the other pertaining to ajiva or non-soul. Similarly the following modes are also of two kinds. Nescience, non-discipline, yoga (of thought, word and deed) delusion, anger, etc. 75 COMMENTARY The doctrine of Karma according to Jaina philosophy implies two different aspects. The various modifications of Karmic materials cloud the nature of the soul by getting entangled with it. Consequently upon this Karmic entanglement, the soul gets vitiated and thus manifests itself in various impure psychic modes corresponding to the Karmic materials. The Karmic materials are called dravya Karmas and the consequent psychic changes, bhava Karmas. Since the Karmas are constituted by material particles, they are ajiva and acetana, non-living and non-thinking. Since the bhava Karmas are modifications in the consciousness of the Self, they pertain to jiva and cetana, and hence living and thinking. This distinction between dravya and bhava is considered very important and it is applied to the various forms of experiences narrated in this gatha. Thus mithyatva, which means erroneous belief, not merely implies the psy chic activity which results in erroneous thought but also the physical Karmic conditions of a particular type capable of producing erroneous belief in consciousness. This two-fold nature is present in other modes also. Thus we have dravya ajnana and bhava ajnana, the former referring to the Karmic materials of a particular kind capable of interfering with the process of right cognition, and the latter the consequential effect produced in the consciousness. This distinction of dravya Karma and bhava Karma is to be applied similarly in the other cases also. This two-fold nature of Karma should not be confounded with the doctrine of dvikriyavada which has been rejected though there is an apparent similarity betwee the two. Karma in the forms of dravya Karma and bhava Karma, the material and psychical respectively, may be erroneously assumed to be two different effects of the same causal substance, Karma. But in reality there Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 76 SAMAYASARA is no such common substance called Karma capable of producing the two kinds of Karmic effect. As a matter of fact dravya Karma has matter as its upadana cause, and bhava Karma has the Self as the upadana cause. Hence the two K armas have two different causes. Hence this doctrine of Karma is distinct from the dvikriyavada. In relation to the duality of Karma the author explains next what is related to jiva and what is related to ajiva. poggalakamma miccha jogo aviradi aNNANamajjIvaM / uvaogo aNNANaM aviradi micchaM ca jIvo du // 8 // poggalakammai micchum jogo aviradi annanamajjivan uvaogo annanai aviradi micchar ca jivo du (88) pudgalakarma mithyAtvaM yogo'viratirajJAnamajIvaH / upayogo'jJAnamaviratimithyAtvaM ca jovastu // 88 // 88. Being of the nature of Karmic matter, erroneous faith, yoga (of thought, word and deed), non-discipline, and nescience, pertain to ajiva-non-soul. Being of the nature of Self (upayoga) nescience, non-discipline, erroneous faith, pertain to soul. COMMENTARY Because of this two-fold aspect of the Karmas, each must be called by different names, jiva-mithyatva when the bhava aspect is emphasised, and the ajiva-mithyatva when the drawya aspect is emphasised. Similarly such different names are to be applied to the rest of the modes from the different aspects. upabhogassa aNAI pariNAmA tiNNi mohajuttassa / micchattaM aNNANaM aviradi bhAvo ya NAdavvo / / 89 // uvaogassa anai parinama tinni mohajuttassa micchattam annanam aviradi bhavo ya nadavvo (89) upayogasyAnAdayaH pariNAmAstrayo mohayuktasya / mithyAtvamajJAnamaviratibhAvazca jJAtavyaH / / 89 / / 89. The Self of the nature of upayoga (pure thought and perception) associated with delusion from beginningless eternity undergoes three different kinds of (corrupt) modifications. Let it be understood that these three are wrong faith, wrong knowledge, and wrong conduct. Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III 97 COMMENTARY The Self by itself is perfectly pure and flawless like a clear crystal. But this clear crystat will put on the colour of the object which is attached to its surface. Its surface will appear blue or green or yellow accordingly as a betal leaf, a plantain leaf, or a golden leaf is tacked on to it. The clear crystal appears coloured ia different ways because of the associated objects. Similarly the Self in itself pure and clear puts on the characteristic of the associated objects in this case, mohaniya karma. The Karmic association is throughout the beginningless infinity of time. On account of this association, the nature of the Self is corrupted and this corrupt nature appears in three forms, wrong faith, wrong knowledge, and wrong conduct. This must go on so long as the association of the alien matter persists; when the tie to the alien characteristics is broken, when the corrupt modifications disappear, the Self will regain its flawless nature and shine in its pristine purity and glory. edesu ya uvaogo tiviho suddho NiraMjaNo bhAvo / jaM so karedi bhAvaM uvaogo tassa so kattA // 10 // edesu ya uvaogo tiviho suddho niramjano bhavo jam so karedi bhavam uvao go tassa so katta (90) eteSu copayogastrividhaH zuddho niraJjano bhAvaH / / yaM sa karoti bhAvamupayogastasya sa kartA i90 // 90. The Self of the nature of upayoga, in himself, pure and flawless, when influenced by these three different forms of Karmic materials, operating as nimitta cause, undergoes correspondingly three different impure modifications for which the Self in impure form figures as upadana (or substantive cause). COMMENTARY The Self as influenced by foreign Karmic materials has corresponding psychic modifications, for which he maintains the relationship of agent or Karta. The relationship of Karta and Karma, thus holds good between the empirical Self and the impure experience associated with it. Thus once again the author emphasises that the three-fold corrupt modifications, though started by the operation of Karmic materials as nimitta karana, are still due to the empirical Self as upadana karana. Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA jaM kuNadi bhAvamAdA kattA so hodi tassa bhAvassa / kammattaM pariNamade tamhi sayaM poggalaM davvaM // 11 // jam kunadi bhavamada katta so hodi tassa bhavassa kammattam parinamade tamhi sayam poggalam davvam (91) yaM karoti bhAvamAtmA kartA sa bhavati tasya bhAvasya / karmatvaM pariNamate tasmin svayaM pudgalaM dravyam // 11 // 91. Whatever impure modifications the Self engenders (by relinquishing his own pure nature) to those modifications he becomes the Karta or the agent. These impure psychic modifications operating as instrumental cause, matter assumes of its own accord the corresponding Karmic modifications. COMMENTARY Thus it is emphasised that Atma or Self is only an instrumental cause, nimitta Karana and not substantive cause, upadana Karana, of the various material Karmas. paramappANaM kumvadi appANaM piya paraM karaMto so| aNNANamao jIvo kammANaM kArago hodi / / 12 // paramappanani kuvvadi appanan piya param karantoso Annanamao jivo kammanam karago hodi (92) paramAtmAnaM kurvannAtmAnamapi ca paraM kurvan saH / ajJAnamayo jIvaH karmaNAM kArako bhavati // 92 // 92. That ignorant Self which makes non-self, Self, and the Self non-self, becomes Karta or causal agent of those various Karmas. COMMENTARY The Self ignorant of his true nature is incapable of differentiating himself from the external objects. He readily assumes the qualities of the external objects and equally transfers his own attributes to the external objects. On account of this transposition of attributes or adhyasa, the Self puts on the qualities which really belong to matter. For example the temperature variation of the environment of being hot and cold is transferred to himself by an ordinary man who will say I am hot or I am cold. Similarly the feelings of affection and hatred are attributes relating to Karmic matter and yet the ignorant ego will feel identical with these attributes and say, "I desire," "I Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III 79 hate," "I am angry, etc." Thus vitiated by ignorance the Self figures as the Karta or the agent in relation to the various alien characteristics. paramappANamakuvvI appANaM piya paraM akunvNto| so NANamao jIvo kammANamakArago hodi // 93 // paramappanamakuvvi appanam piya param akuvvanto so nanamao jivo kammanamakarago hodi (93) paramAtmAnamakurvannAtmAnamapi ca paramakurvan / sa jJAnamayo jIvaH karmaNAmakArako bhavati // 93 // 93. That knowing Self, which does not make non-self, Self and the Self, non-self, does not become the Karta or causal agent of those various Karmas. COMMENTARY This gatha emphasises the importance of discriminative knowledge. Realisation of the true characteristics of the Self as different from those of non-self, results from the disappearance of ajnana. That is identical with samyak jnana or Right knowledge, and this samyak jnana or Right knowledge leads to moksa or liberation of the Self. In short ajnana, is said to be the cause of bondage, and samyak jnana, the cause of moksa. tiviho esuvaogo appaviyappaM karedi kodhohaM / kattA tassuvaogassa hodi so ataMbhAvassa // 14 // tiviho esuvaogo appaviyappam karedi kodhohar katta tassuvao gassa hodi so attabhavassa (94) trividha eSa upayoga AtmavikalpaM karoti krodho'haM / __ kartA tasyopayogasya bhavati sa AtmabhAvasya // 94 // 94. Thus the Self whose nature is upayoga, manifests (as conditioned by corresponding Karmic pratyayas) in three different impure forms (of wrong faith, wrong knowledge, and wrong conduct) produces false identity (of Self with impure emotions) such as 'I am angry'. He becomes the upaduna karta or the causal agency for those impure experiences of that empirical ego. COMMENTARY This statement is equally applicable to the other grosser emotions as pride, delusion, etc, Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 80 SAMAYASARA tiviho esuvaogo appaviyappaM karedi dhmmaadii| kattA tassuvaogassa hodi so attabhAvassa // 15 // tiviho esuvao go appaviyappam karedi dhammadi katta tassuvaogassa hodi so attabhavassa (95) trividha eSa upayoga AtmavikalpaM karoti dharmAdika / kartA tasyopayogasya bhavati sa AtmabhAvasya // 95 // 95. Thus the Self whose nature is upayoga, manifests (as conditioned by corresponding Karmic pratyayas) in three different impure froms (of wrong faith, wrong knowledge, and wrong conduct) produces false identity (of Self with external objects) such as 'I am dharmastikayk (principle of motion)" He becomes the upadana karta or the causal agency for those impure experiences of that empirical ego. COMMENTARY The Self, on account of ignorance, imagines himself to be identical with alien characteristics which may be of two kinds, 1. internal relating to empirical consciousness, 2. external relating to the objective world. The Self, forgetting his pure nature may identify himself with either of these groups. The previous gatha describes the false identity of the Self with the inner impure and other psychic states relating to the empirical consciousness. This gatha refers to the relation of the Self to the external world of things and persons. The external world according to Jaina metaphysics consists of other jivas, pudgala, dharma, adharma, akasa, and kala Jiva and pudgala, Soul and Matter, being the chief actors in the drama, their various alliances have been already dealt with in their different aspects. Hence the author uses the word dharmadi, dharma, etc., merely to indicate the objective world as distinguished from the subjeca or the ego. A glance at the Upanisadic literature will provide a sufficiently large number of illustrations of identifying the Self erroneously with the external (objects and persons. There the Atma and the Brahma are used synonymously and this Atma or Brahma is identified with akasa or space, kala or time. Sometimes it may be identified with the Sun and the Moon and the rest of the bhutas such as Earth, Air, Fire" and Water. Such false identifications of Atma with non-Atma was prevalent and in Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 81 abundance in the Upanisadic period. Evidently the author is thinking of such metaphysical doctrines when he speaks of the Self identifying with dharmadi. Sankara who appears in the field several centuries later adopts exactly a similar attitude and condemns such identification as examples of adhyasa* or erroneous transposition of attributes. CHAPTER III One other point we have to note here which is of epistemological interest is the relation of the Knower to the object of knowledge. According to Jaina theory, though the object known is related to the Knower, still it is entirely independent and self-subsistent. Its nature can by no means be interfered with. The idealistic systems both in India and Europe maintain that the object of knowledge is not only known by the agent, but is also constructed by the knowing agent in the act of knowing. Thus the object of knowledge is practically derived from the creative activity of the knowing agent. The knowing Self or ego is thus credited with the capacity of producing the external world out of itself in the process of knowing. Such an idealistic monism is incompatible with Jaina metaphysics, Probably the author was thinking of this erroneous metaphysical doctrine when he condemned the false Identity of the Self with the external objects. evaM parANi davvANi appayaM kuNadi maMdabuddhIo / appANaM avi ya paraM karedi aNNANabhAveNa // 96 // evam parani davvani appayam kunadi mamdabuddhio appanam avi ya param karedi annanabhavena (96) evaM parANi dravyANi AtmAnaM karoti mandabuddhistu + AtmAnamapi ca paraM karoti ajJAnabhAvena // 96 // 96. Thus a person of dull intellect (bahiratman) takes alien things to be Self and through sheer ignorance takes the Self also to be alien things. *The tern Adhyasa is first used by Amrtacandra, the Comentator of Samaysara. This term is not found in the upanisads but is adopted by Sankara in his Bhasya. zrajJAnAnmRgatRSNikAM jaladhiyA ghAbaMti pAtu mRgA ajJAnAttamasi dravaMti bhujagAdhyAsena rajjo janAH / 11 Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA COMMENTARY The Self out of ignorance, not realising its own pure nature, may identify itself either with the impure emotions and ideas of inner consciousness or with the external objects of knowledge. In both these cases the ignorant Self figures as the agent. It may either imagine that anger, love, fear, etc., are its own attributes or that the external things such as dharma, etc. are of its own nature. The commentators explain both these erroneous beliefs through illustrations. A possessed person identifies himself with the spirit possessing him and behaves exactly as if that spirit is acting. He is able to carry out certain extraordinary deeds such as carrying a heavy stone or a heavy log of timber through the influence of the spirit and yet he thinks that he performs all these deeds. Anger, fear, affection, etc. are all emotions due to alien influence and yet an ignora person takes these to be his own just as a possesses individual imagines himself to be the agent of the extraordinary feats of strength exhibited by him. Secondly a person concentrating his attention upon an object of thought very intensely may end in identifying himself with that object. On account of the intensity of concentration on the object, he may forget to notice the difference between the Self attending to and the object attended to. He may cry in illusory joy, 'I am that object' 'I am Mahanahisa; the great and powerful animal (Buffalo) 'I am Garuda, the king of Birds; I am Kamadeva, the god of Love; I am Agni, the fire (evidently taken from Vedic mantras).' This false identification of the Knower and the object known as the result of intense concentration is given as an illustration for the ignorant identification of the Self with the external categories such as space, time, dharma, adharma, etc. Both these notions of identity are condemned as erroneous, since they are alien to the pure nature of the Self. edeNa du so kattA AdA Nicchayavihi prikhido| evaM khalu jo jANadi so muMcadi savvakattittaM // 9 // edena du so katta ada nicchayavidahim parikahido qvam khalu jo janadi so muscadi savvakattittan (97) Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . CHAPTER III 83 etena tu sa karttAtmA nizcayavidbhiH parikathitaH / evaM khalu yo jAnAti saH muJcati sarvakartRttvam // 97 // ___97. The Self on account of ignorance, figures as the agent of the various karmas. Thus it is declared by the knowers of reality. Whoever realises this truth gives up all causal agency (relating to alien things). COMMENTARY This gatha emphasises that it is ignorance which is the cause of making the Self karta, an agent causing all alien characteristics and, conversely, it is knowledge that leads to complete severance of the Self from alien activities and attributes. Thus from the real point of view after denying that the Self is the karta of alien states, the author next asserts that it can be so from the vyavahara point of view. vavahAreNa dU AdA karedi ghaDapaTarahAdidavvANi / karaNANi ya kammANi ya NokammANIha vivihANi // 98 // vavaharena du ada karedi ghadapadarahadidavvani karanani ya kammani ya nokammaniha vivihani vyavahAreNa tvAtmA karoti ghaTapaTarathAdidravyANi / karaNAni ca karmANi ca nokarmANIha vividhAni // 98 // 98. From the vyavahara point of view, the Self constructs external objects such as a pot, a cloth, and a chariot. In the same manner he builds within himself the various types of senseorgans, karmic materials and (body-building) non-karmic materials. COMMENTARY The Self in reality neither constructs any external objects nor produces internal modifications. The belief that he does so is associated with the ordinary man who thinks so from the vyavahara point of view. jadi so paradavvANi ya karina NiyameNa tammao hobba / jamhA Na tammao teNa so Na tesi havadi kattA // 66 // (98) Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 84 SAMAYASARA jadi so paradavvani ya karijja niyamena tammao hojja jamha na tammao tena so na tesim havadi katta (99) yadi sa paradravyANi ca kuryAnniyamena tanmayo bhavet / yasmAnna tanmayastena sa na teSAM bhavati karttA // 99 // 99 If the Self were in reality the producer (as upadana karta or substantive cause) of those alien substances, then he must be of the same nature; as it is not so, he cannot be their author. COMMENTARY Jiva and pudgala, Self and matter are two distinct substances, so different in nature that one cannot be derived from the other as a result of manifestations. If the karmic matter could be obtained as a result of the manifestations of jiva, then there must be complete identity between the evolving entity and the evolved product. Since it is not so in this case, the relation of causal manifestations cannot be predicated between jiva and pudgala. Thus it is denied that the Self can be the upadana karta or substantive cause of material things. In the next gatha it is pointed out that he cannot be even the immediate instrumental cause of material things. jIvo Na karedi ghaDaM Theva paDaM Neva sesage davve | joguvabhogA uppAdagA ya so tesi havadi kattA // 100 // jivo na karedi ghadam neva padam neva sesage davve joguvaoga uppadaga ya so tesim havadi katta jIvo na karoti ghaTaM naiva paraM naiva zeSakAni dravyANi / yogopayogAtpAdakau ca tayorbhavati karttA // 100 // (100) 100. The Self (even as an instrumental cause or nimitta karta) does not directly make a pot, nor cloth, nor other things; they are produced by yoga and upayoga (operating as nimitta karta or instrumental cause) of which he is the cause. COMMENTARY The term yoga is used to denote bodily activity and upayoga mental activity. In a former gatha the Self was described as the maker of a pot, cloth, etc. from the vyavahara point of view. Even this position is rejected here. The Self has no direct Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 85 CHAPTER tit reation to the pot or the cloth. The potter or the weaver or the carpenter must use his hands for making a pot, a cloth, or a chariot and must make use of his mind for constructing designs before executing them. Thus the external objects are the direct result of the bodily and mental activity of the inaker. Hence what makes the pot or the cloth is not the spiritual entity, the Self. The Self is directly related to the bodily and inental activities, yoga and upayoga, which in their turn are able to make external objects operating as nimitta karta, instrumental cause. Thus it is pointed out that the Self cannot even be the nimitta karta of external objects except through the instrumentality of his own body and mind. je poggaladavvANaM pariNAmA hoti NANaAvaraNA / Na karedi tANi AdA jo jANadi so havadi NANI // 101 / / je poggaladavranam parinama horti nana avarana na karedi tani ada jo janadi so havadi nani (101) gg715e5910i 0191 hafa graratonfall na karoti tAnyAtmA yo jAnAti sa bhavati jJAno // 101 // 101. Those material modifications which become nandvarana, knowledge-obscuring karma, the Self does not make. He who knows this is the Knower. COMMENTARY Fnanavarana, the knowledge-obscuring karma, is here taken as a type of karma. What is true of this karma, must be taken as true in the case of the remaining karmas also. What is asserted here is that the knowledge-obscuring karma, jnanavarana karma, is but iodification of the material particles which are suitable to build up the structure of karma. Such particles of matter are called karma-prayogya-pudgala-paramanus--the primary atoms fit to make the karmic particles. Thus the various karmas are but the modifications of matter of which the Self, the Knower, Cannot in any way be the substantive cause. For example milk may get transformed into curd, butter etc. The person who supervises the dairy operations is only the spectator of the various modifications of milk. Similarly, the Self is only Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 86 SAMAYASARA a spectator of the various processes by which the material particles get transformed into karmic particles. One who knows these material changes and the nature of the pure Self, who is only a spectator of these changes is the real Jnani, the Knower par excellence. jaM bhAvaM suhamasuhaM karedi AdA sa tassa khalu kttaa| taM tassa hodi kamma so tassa du vedago appA / / 102 // jam bhavan suhamasuhan karedi ada sa tassa khalu katta tam tassa hodi kammain so tassa du vedago appa (102) yaM bhAvaM zubhamazubhaM karotyAtmA sa tasya khalu kartA / tattasya bhavati karma sa tasya tu vedaka jAtmA // 102 // 102. Of whatever psychic disposition, good or bad, the Self is produced he is certainly the (substantive) cause. That disposition becomes his karma or action and the Self enjoys the fruits thereof. COMMENTARY Psychic disposition or bhava is of three kinds. subha bhava, asubha bhava, and suddha bhava, good disposition, bad disposition, and pure desposition beyond good and evil. The first two are the characteristics of the empirical Self which is subject to karmic bondage, and the third refers to the Self in his pristine purity. Subha bhava is associated with virtuous conduct or punya, and asubha bhava is associated with evil or papa. The former may lead to happiness and the latter to misery. The third being beyond good and evil, transcends the worldly pleasure or pain and implies eternal bliss, characteristic of the transcendental Self. The psychic disposition both good and evil are modifications in the empirical Self, according to its ethical nature. Whether the Self be good or bad, it can only manifest in corresponding psychic dispositions and have nothing to do with karmic material modifications. The author next explains the reasons why the Self can not be the causal agent producing modifications in alien things. jo jahmi guNo dave so aNNamhi duNa saMkamadi dave / so aNNamasaMketo kaha taM pariNAmae dagvaM // 1.3 // Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 87 CHAPTER III jo jamhi guno davve so annamhi du na samkamadi davve so annamasamkamto kaha tam parinamae davvam (103) yo yasmin guNo dravye so'nyasmiMstu na saMkrAmati dravye / so'nyadasaMkrAntaH kathaM tatpariNAmayati dravyam // 103 // 103. Whatever be the essential quality of a particular substance it cannot be transported to another substance of a different nature. Thus being non-transportable, how can the quality of one substance manifest as the quality of another substance ? COMMENTARY Jaina metaphysics recognises various dravyas or substances each with its own proper gunas or qualities. Thus jiva, the Self has its peculiar quality of cetana, and pudgala or matter its own quality acetana. The former is conscious and the latter is nonconscious. Similarly with the other dravyas. Since the quality of a substance is the result of the manifestations of the intrinsic nature of that substance neither the quality nor the substance can be separated from each other. Since the dravya and its guna are so inseparably united the guna of one dravya cannot be transferred to another dravya. Thus the gunas are nontransferrable, and the dravyas are non-transmutable. Thus the cetana dravya, the Self, cannot manifestas acetana dravya or matter. Conversely matter cannot manifest as Self. davvaguNassa ya AdA Na kuNadi poggalamayamhi kammamhi / taM ubhayamakuvvaMto tamhi kahaM tassa so kattA // 104 // dawvagunassa ya ada nu kunadi poggalamayamhi kammamhi tam ubhayamakuvvasto tamhi kaham tassa so katta (104) dravyaguNasya ca AtmA na karoti pudgalamayAni karmANi / tadubhayamakurvastasmin kathaM tasya sa kartA // 104 // 104. The Self does not influence the substance or the attributes of karma which are of material nature. Thus being incapable of influencing these two (aspects) of karmas, how can he be their upadana karta (substantive causal agent). COMMENTARY The clay out of which a pot is made has its distinct quality. The potter in making the pot, makes use of this substance with Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 88 SAMAYASARA its own quality. In making the pot, he cannot be said to manifest in the form of pot. He is not the karta in that sense, though he makes the pot. He being a conscious spiritual entity, can in no way become acetana material pot. Similary the Self, being a cetana entity cannot manifest into karmic forms of material nature. He is not the karta nor the causal agent producing those karmas. This indirectly refutes the metaphysical doctrine which derives the whole of the physical universe, as a manifestation of Paramatma or Brahma, who is by nature a pure cetana dravya. jIvamhi hedubhUde baMdhassa ya passidUNa pariNAma / jIveNa kadaM kamma bhaNNadi uvayAramatteNa // 10 // jivamhi hedubhade bamdhassa ya passiduna parinamai jivena kadan kamman bhannadi uvayaramattena (105) jIve hetubhUte bandhasya ca dRSTvA pariNAmam / jIvena kRtaM karma bhaNyate upacAramAtreNa // 105 // 105. When it is perceived that while the Self remains as the ground, the modification of karmic bondage appears (as consequence), it is figuratively said that the karmas are produced by the Self. COMMENTARY The presence of the Self is merely a nimitta condition which produces in the karmic materials the various modifications of karma such as jnanavaraniya, darsanavaniya, etc. Noticing this relation, the popular mind describes by a figure of speech that the Self is the karta or the agent of those karmic modifications. The commentators give an illustration. The presence of the sun in a particular position with reference to clouds may result in the formation of rainbow. This rainbow is associated with the clouds, though its appearance is consequent upon the sun remaining in a particular position. Similarly the presence of the Self results in modification of several karmas out of karmic materials present therein. In both the cases the causal agency is only figuratively true. Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III 89 The author emphasises the same point by citing a popular illustration, jodhehi kade juddhe rAeNa kadaM ti jappade logo| taha vavahAreNa kadaM NANAvaraNAdi jIveNa // 106 // jodehim kade juddhe raena kadam ti jappade logo taha vavaharena kadam nanavaranadi jivena (106) yodhaiH kRte yuddhe rAjJA kRtamiti jalpate lokaH / tathA vyavahAreNa kRtaM jJAnAvaraNAdi jIvena // 106 // 106. When a war is waged by warriors, ordinary people say that the king is engaged in war, from the practical point of view Similarly jnanavaraniya, etc., is said to be produced by the jiva or Self. COMMENTARY Karmas like jnanavaranzya are the result of the operations of karmic materials. The Self or atma is not directly responsible for these operations and yet he is spoken of as the causal agent producing these karmas. This statement is purely from the practical standpoint, and hence it should not be taken to be true from the absolute point of view. The practical point of view is explained by a simile which is obvious. uppAdedi karedi ya baMdhadi pariNAmaedi giNhadi ya / AdA poggala davvaM vavahAraNayassa vattavvaM // 107 // uppadedi karedi ya bandhadi parinamaedi ginhadi ya ada poggaladavvam vavaharanayassa vattavvam (107) utpAdayati karoti ca badhnAti pariNamayati gRhNAti ca / AtmA pudgaladravyaM vyavahAranayasya vaktavyam // 107 // 107. It is stated from the practical point of view that the Self produces, shapes, binds, causes to modify, and assimilates (karmic) matter. COMMENTARY Utpadayati implies the different formations of the different types of karmic matter out of the material particles suitable to such formations. 12 Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASTRA Karoti implies the shaping of these types in different intensity. Badhnati implies determining the duration of bondage and their capacity to produce pleasure-pain experience. Parinamayti implies modifications in their nature on account of which they may appear and produce effects or get withered after having produced the results. Gyhnati implies the process of attraction through which the karmic materials are assimilated so as to fill the whole of the Self. The Self himself being pure is not responsible for any of these operations and yet he is credited with these activities only from the practical point of view. jaha rAyA vavahArA dosaguNuppAdago tti aalvido| taha jIvo vavahArA davvaguNuppAdago bhaNido // 10 // jaha raya vavahara do sagunuppadago tti olavido taha jivo vavahara davvagunuppudago bhaaido (108) yathA rAjA vyavahArAdoSaguNotpAdaka ityAlapitaH / / tathA jIvo vyavahArAd dravyaguNotpAdako bhaNitaH // 108 // 108. As a king is said to be, from the practical point of view, the producer of vice or virtue (in his subjects), so also from the practical point of view, the Self is said to be the producer of karmic material and their properties. COMMENTARY Punya or papa, virtue or vice, are considered to be different material modifications of karmic matter. Though they correspond to the normal characteristics of the individual still they cannot be considered to be produced by the Self, since the Self being a cetana entity connot produce acetana karmic material forms. If he is spoken of as a causal agent it is only metaphorically true. sAmaNNapazcayA khalu cauro bhaNNaMti bNdhkttaaro| micchattaM aviramaNaM kasAyajogA ya boddhavvA // 106 // samannapaccaya khalu cauro bhannanti bamdhakattaro micchattam aviramanan kasayajoga ya boddhavva (109) sAmAnyapatyayAH khalu catvAro bhaNyante bndhkaarH| mithyAtvamaviramaNaM kaSAyayogau ca boddhavyAH // 10 // Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III 109. The general karmic conditions, pratyayas are primarily four in number. They are said to be the immediate agents bringing about karmic bondage. These must be understood to be wrong belief, non-discipline, gross emotions, and yoga or psycho-physical structure, conditioning the activity of thought, word, and deed. si puNovi ya imo bhaNido bhedo du terasaviyappo / micchAdiTThI AdI jAva sajogissa caramaMtaM // 110 // tesim punovi ya imo bhanido bhedo du terasaviyappo micchaditthi adr java sajogissa caramaritam (110) teSAM punarapi cAyaM bhaNito bhedastu trayodazavikalpaH / mithyAdRSTyAdiryAvatsayoginazcaramAntaH // 110 // 110. Of these pratyayas, thirteen further subdivisions of secondary conditions (based upon asravas) are mentioned, which are the various gunasthanas (stages of spiritual development) beginning from mithyadrsti or wrong believer, and ending with sayogi kevali (the perfect being still with yoga or psycho-physical structure) conditioning the activity of thought, word and deed. ede bhavedaNA khalu poggalakammudayasaMbhavA jamhA / te jadi kati kammaM Navi tesi vedago AdA // 111 // 91 ede acedana khalu poggalakammudayasambhava jamha te jadi karamti kammam navi tesim vedago ada (111) ete acetanAH khalu pudgalakarmodayasaMbhavA yasmAt / yadi kurvanti karma nApi teSAM vedaka AtmA // 111 // 111. These stages (brought about by uttara pratyayas or subsidiary conditions) are really acetana, non-conscious, because they are brought about by the manifestation of material karmas; if really they are the immediate causal conditions producing the karmas, then the Self cannot enjoy their fruits. guNAdu ede kammaM kuvvaMti paccayA jamhA / 'tamhA jIvoskattA guNA ya kuvvaMti kammANi // 112 // gunasannida du ede kammam kuvvamti paccaya jamha tamha jivoakatta guna ya kuvvanti kammani (112) guNasaMjJitAstu te karma kurvanti pratyayA yasmAt / tasmAjjIvo'karttA guNAzca kurvanti karmANi // 112 // Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA 112. Because these conditions called gunasthanas produce karmas, therefore the Self is not their author. Only the conditions called gunasthanas produce the karmas. COMMENTARY The conditions which bring about bondage are of two kinds: malapratyaya or primary conditions, and uttarapratyaya or secondary conditions. The former is of four sorts and the latter of thirteen as enumerated above. The pratyayas or conditions are material in nature, and hence acetana, non-conscious. They are mainly responsible for the various karmic modifications. Hence they constitute the karta of the various karmas, and not the Self. Thus the Self, being in no way the causal agent of the karmas, cannot be spoken of as the bhokta or the enjoyer of the fruits thereof. Thus these pratyayas are said to be the immediate cause of the karmic modifications. Though the pure Self is not in any way responsible for these karmic modifications, the impure Self in samsara may be said to be the remote causal agent of these karmas. Thus from the absolute point of view, the pure Self is neither karta nor bhokta, neither the actor nor the-enjoyer, whereas the impure empirical Self is both karta and bhokta, doer and the enjoyer. Thus the Sarnkhya conception of purusa, that he is only the enjoyer and not the doer of karmas, is rejected here. He who enjoys the karmas must also be its agent. If he is not the one, he cannot be the other. In his pure nature, the Self has neither aspects but in his impure form he has both the aspects. Next the author states that jiva and pratyayas, the Self and karmic conditions are not absolutely identical. 'jaha jIvassa aNaNNuvaogo koho vi taha jadi aNaNNo / jIvassAjIvassa ya evamaNaNNattamAvaNNaM // 113 / / jaha jivassa anannuvaogo koho vi taha jadi ananno jivassajivassa ya evamanaanattamavannam (113) yathA jIvasyAnanya upayogaH krodho'pi tathA yadyananyaH / novasthAjIvasya caivamananyatvamApannam // 113 / / 113. If anger is non-different from the Self, just as upayoga, then it must result in the identity of the Self with the non-self. Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III evamiha jodu jIvo so ceva duNiyamado tahA jIvo / ayameyatte doso paJcayaNokammakammANaM // 114 // evamiha jodu jivo so ceva du niyamado taha jivo ayameyatte doso paccaraaokammanam (114) evamiha yastu jIvaH sa caiva tu niyamatastathAjIvaH / ayamekarave doSaH pratyayanokarmakarmaNAm // 114 // 114. If the pratyayas or the karmic conditions, karmas (karmic modifications) and non-karmas (body building material particles) are identified with the Self (in an unqualified form) it will lead to the erroneous conclusion that whatever is Self is in reality non-self. aha puNa aNNo koho aNNuvaogappago havadi cedA / jaha koho taha paJcaya kammaM Nokammamavi aNNaM // 115 // aha puna anno koho annuvaogappago havadi ceda jaha koho taha paccaya kammam nokammamavi annam (115) atha punaH anyaH krodho'nya upayogAtmako bhavati cetayitA / yathA krodhastathA pratyayAH karma nokarmApyanyat // 115 // 115. And if (you agree that) anger is one thing and the conscious Self is entirely a different one, then like anger, the pratyayas (or conditions), karmas (karmic modifications), and non-karmas (body-building material particles) nust also be admitted to be different (from the conscious Self). COMMENTARY The intrinsic attribute of the Self is upayoga, cognitive activity. This intrinsic quality is therefore inseparable from the atma or the Self. But this Self loses its nature when it is in association with the acetana matter in samsara. As a result of this combination, several psycho-physical modifications appear. Anger is one such modification. Since it is the result of association with matter, it is said to retain the attributes of its origin of being non-conscious. This non-conscious experience of the emotion of anger must be entirely distinct from the pure Self characterised by upayoga. Without noticing this fundamental difference, if anger or krodha is elevated to the privileged position of upayoga and is considered as an intrinsic attribute of Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 94 SAMAYASARA the Self, then the Self will be endowed with an acetana attribute and fundamental distinction between jiva and ajiva will vanish and with that jiva itself will disappear. In order to avoid such an inconvenient conclusion of denying the existence of the Self altogether if you hold that krodha or anger is entirely distinct from jiva, then you must consistently maintain a similar attitude with regard to the other material modifications such as pratyayas, karmas and non-karmas, since there is no difference in nature between these and krodha. If krodha. and pratyaya are absolutely different from the Self then there could be no possibility of association of the Self with upadhis. Therefore the author emphasises here that the karmic upadhis and the impure psychic states generated thereby are only partially different from the Self (and not absolutely). Next the author points out what absurdity would result from maintaining that pratyayas, etc. are absolutely different from jiva. jIve Na sayaM baddhaM Na sayaM pariNamadi kammabhAveNa / jadi poggaladavvamiNaM appariNAmI tadA hodi // 116 // jive na sayam baddhan na sayam parinamadi kammabhavena jadi poggaladavvaminam apparinami tada hodi (116) jIve na svayaM baddhaM na svayaM pariNamate karmabhAvena / yadi pudgaladravyamidamapariNAmi tadA bhavati // 116 // 116. If matter, in the form of karmas, is not of its own accord bound with the Self, nor of itself evolves into modes of karma, then it becomes immutable, kammaiyavaggaNAsu ya apariNamaMtIsu kammabhAveNa / saMsArassa abhAvo pasajjade saMkhasamao vA // 117 // kammaiyavagganasu ya aparinamamtisu kammabhavena samsarassa abhavo pasajjade samkhasamao va (117) kArmaNavargaNAsu cApariNamamAnAsu karmabhAvena / saMsArasyAbhAvaH prasanati sAMkhyasamayo vA // 117 // 117. If the primary karmic molecules do not transform themselves into various karmic modes (associated with jiva) then Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III 95 it will lead to the non-existence of samsara as in the case of the Samkhya system. jIvo pariNAmayade poggaladavvANi kammabhAveNa / te samayapariNamaMte kahaM pariNAmayadi cedA // 11 // jivo parinamayade poggaladavvani kammabhavena te samayaparinamamte kaham nu parinamayadi ceda (118) jIvaH pariNAmayati pudgaladravyANi karmabhAvena / tAni svayamapariNamamAnAni kathaM nu pariNAmayati cetayitA // 118 // 118. If you maintain that it is the Self that transforms the primary karmic molecules into various karmic modes, then how is it possible for the Self who is a cetana entity to cause transformation in a thing which is by nature non-transformable. aha sayameva hi pariNamadi kammabhAveNa poggala davvaM / jIvo pariNAmayade kammaM kammatamidi micchA // 116 / / aha sayameva hi parinamadi kammabhavena poggalam davvan jivo parinamayade kamman kammamtamidi miccha (119) atha svayameva hi pariNamate karmabhAvena pudgalatvadravyam / jIvaH pariNAmayati karma karmatvamiti mithyA // 119 // 119. Then it follows that matter of its own accord transforms itself into various modes of karmas. Hence it is false to maintain that jiva causes this transformation into karmic modes. NiyamA kammapariNadaM kammaM ci ya hodi poggalaM davvaM / taha taM NANAvaraNAipariNadaM muNatu tacceva // 120 // niyama kammaparinadam kammam ci pa hodi poggalam davvam taha tam nanavaranaiparinadan monatu taccera (120) niyamAta karmapariNataM karma caiva bhavati pudagalaM dravyam / tathA tajjJAnAvaraNAdipariNataM nAnIta taccaiva / / 120 // 120. The primary karmic molecules which undergo transformation as various karmic modes are in reality material in nature. Know ye, then that the karmic modifications such as jnanavaraniya knowledge-obscuring karmas, etc, are also of similar nature, Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 96. SAMAYASARA COMMENTARY Samsara or concrete life implies embodied nature of the Self. This embodied existence of the empirical Self is primarily due to the association with karmic matter. This association with karmic matter is present through the career of the empirical Self. This karmic material which is associated with the Self throughout its samsaric life is made up of minute material particles. These minute material particles must constitute various types of material aggregates or types of karma. These various types or modes of karma get inextricably bound with the nature of the Self and this intimate association of Self with matter is called karmic bondage. These two processes of forming karmic aggregates from primary karmic molecules, and these aggregates binding themselves with the Self, are entirely the result of the manifestation of karmic molecules. If this tendency of matter to manifest itself into karmic modes is denied then there will be no karmas. When there are no karmas there is no karmic bondage and when there is no karmic bondage, the Self must remain pure and unsullied as in the case of the purusa in the Samkhya philosophy. If the Self remains perfectly pure in himself, there is no chance for his embodied existence and no scope for samsara. This is absurd as it is contrary to Our experience. If in order to avoid this inconvenient conclusion, it is maintained that the Self by his own intrinsic potency, produces the transformation of karma types from primary material molecules and ties himself to these types of his own accord, then this leads to an equally impossible position. Matter itself being incapable of transformation cannot be forcibly made to undergo transformation by any alien influence. Hence it must be maintained that matter by nature is capable of transformation and it is this process of transformation which matter undergoes that results in the formation of various types of karmas such as jnanavaraniya. Thus in order to refute the Samkhya point of view, the tendency to manifest is predicated of matter. Similarly the same attribute is said to be true of the Self in the following gathas, Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III 97 Na sayaM baddho kamme Na sayaM pariNamadi kohamAdIhiM / / jadi esa tujha jIvo appariNAmI tadA hodi // 121 // ina sayam baddho kamme na sayam parinamcdi kohamadihim jadi esa tujjha jivo apparinami tada hodi (121) na svayaM baddhaH karmaNi na svayaM pariNamate krodhAdibhiH / yadyeSaH tava jIvo'pariNAmI tadA bhavati // 121 // 121. If according to your view the Self by himself is not bound by karmas and does not have emotional modifications such as anger, etc., then he must by nature remain non-manifesting. The next gatha says what is wrong if the Self remains incapable of manifestation. apariNamaMtehi sayaM jIve kohAdiehi bhAvehi / saMsArassa abhAvo pasajjade saMkhasamao vA / / 122 // aparinamamtehi sayain jive kohadiehi bhavehim samsarassa abhavo pasajjade samkhasamao va (122) apariNamamAne hi svayaM jIve krodhAdibhiH bhAvaiH / saMsArasyAbhAvaH prasanati sAMkhyasamayo vA // 122 // 122. If the Self does not of his own accord undergo emotional modifications such as anger, then empirical life or samsara will cease to be. This would result in the Samkhya view. poggalakammaM koho jIvaM pariNAmaedi kohattaM / taM sayamapariNamaMtaM kahaM Nu pariNAmayadi koho // 123 // poggalakammam koho jivam parinamaedi kohattam tam sayamaparinamamtam kaham nu parinamayadi koho (123) pudgalakarma krodho nIvaM pariNAmayati krodhatvam / / taM svayamapariNamantaM kathaM nu pariNAmayati krodhaH // 123 // 123. If you maintain that it is karmic matter, by its own potency, that causes in the Self emotional modifications such as anger, then how is it possible for matter to produce any modification in the Self which is by nature incapable of manifestation. - aha sayamappA pariNamadi kohabhAveNa esa de buddhii| koho pariNAmayade jIvaM koho tamidi micchA // 124 // 13 Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 98 SAMAYASARA aha sayamappa parinamadi kohabhavena esa de buddhi koho parinamayade jivan koho tamidi miccha (124) atha svayamAtmA pariNamate krodhabhAvena eSA tava buddhiH| koSaH pariNAmayati jIvaM koSatvamiti mithyA // 124 // 124. If it is your belief that the Self, without any extraneous influence, undergoes emotional modifications such as anger, then Oh disciple! your statement, "karmic matter of anger produces in the Self the emotion of anger," becomes false. kohuvajutto koho mANuvajatto ya maannmevaadaa| mAuvajutto mAyA lohuvajutto havadi loho // 125 // kohuvajutto koho manuvajutto ya manamevada mauvajutto maya lohuvajutto havadi loho (125) krodhopayuktaH krodho mAnopayuktazca mAna evAtmA / mAyopayukto mAyA lobhopayukto bhavati lobhaH // 125 // 125. The Self in association with karmic material condition of anger, has the emotion of anger, of pride, has the emotion of pride; of deceipt, has the emotion of deceipt; of greed, has the emotion of greed. COMMENTARY The argument employed in the case of matter that it is capable of modification is repeated in the case of jiva. If the Self is by himself incapable of karmic bondage and is incapable of emotional modification of anger, he must remain pure and unchanging like the Samkhya purusa. Hence there is no scope for sansara. In order to avoid this conclusion, if matter is credited with potency to cause emotional modification in the Self, then this problem will remain unanswered. How can matter in any way produce changes in an alien entity, the Self, which is taken to be unchangeable in nature. Hence it must be accepted that the Self is capable of undergoing emotional modifications when influenced by karmic materials operating as nimitta condition. jaM kuNadi bhAvamAdA kattA so hodi tassa bhAvassa / NANissa du NANamao aNNANamayo aNANissa // 126 // jam kunadi bhavamada katta so hodi tassa bhavassa nanissa du nanamao annanamao ananissa (126) Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III yaM karoti bhAvamAtmA karttA sa bhavati tasya bhAvasya / jJAninastu jJAnamayo'jJAnamayo'jJAninaH // 126 // 126. Into whatever mode the Self manifests himself, he is the upadana karta substantial agent of that mode.. If the manifesting agent is the Self with the right knowledge, then the corresponding mode will also be of the same nature, i. e. right knowledge. If the manifesting Self is of wrong knowledge, the corresponding mode in this case will be wrong knowledge. COMMENTARY If the Self is incapable of manifestation, then it is not possible to speak of psychic modifications either pure or impure. aNNANamao bhAvo bhaNANijo kuNadi teja kammANi / nANamao NANissa du Na karNAdi tamhA du kammANi // 127 // annanamao bhavo, ananino kunadi tena kammani nanamao nanissa du na kunadi tamha du kammani (127) ajJAnamayoM bhAvo'jJAninaH karoti tenakarmANi / jJAnamayo jJAninastu na karoti tasmAttu karmANi // 127 // 127. The Self ignorant of his true nature, manifests in the form of wrong knowledge and through this wrong knowledge, he makes karmas. But the Self aware of his true nature has the manifestation of right knowledge and because of this right knowledge he does not make any karmas. COMMENTARY Thus it is made evident that the Self, who is ignorant of his true nature, identifies himself with alien objects and characteristics. Because of this erroneous identification or adhyasa, he develops various impure dispositions which finally end in karmic bondage. But the Self with right knowledge realises his nature to be entirely distinct from alien things and attributes and hence never has any impure psychic experience. Thus remaining pure in himself, karmas do not approach him and hence no karmic bondage for him. He remains pure and perfect untouched by karmas. In short, wrong knowledge nakes the Self wander in samsara whereas right knowledge leads to moksa Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - 100 SAMAYASARA NANamayA bhAvAo NANamao ceva jAyade bhaavo| jamhA tamhA NANissa savve bhAvA du NANamayA // 128 // nanamaya bhavao nanamao ceva jayade bhavo jamha tamha nanissa savve bhava du nanamaya (128) jJAnamayAd bhAvAd jJAnamayazcaiva jAyate bhAvaH / yasmAttasmAjjJAninaH sarve bhAvAH khalu jJAnamayAH // 128 // 128. If right knowledge alone can produce the mode or dispopition of right knowledge, then it follows that every manifestation of the Self knowing his true nature must be of the nature of right knowledge. aNNANa mayA bhAvA aNNANo ceva jAyade bhAvo / jamhA tamhA savve bhAvA aNNANamayA aNANissa // 126 / / annanamaya bhava annano ceva jayade bhavo jamha tamha savve bhava annanamaya ananissa (129). ajJAnamayAd bhAvAdajJAnamayazcaiva jAyate bhAvaH / yasmAttasmAtsarve bhAvA ajJAnamayA ajJAninaH // 129 // 129. If wrong knowledge alone can produce the mode or disposition of wrong knowledge, then it follows that every manifestation of the Self ignorant of his true nature, must be of the nature of wrong knowledge. The same point is einphasised through an illustration. kaNayamayA bhAvAdo jAyate kuMDalAdayo bhAvA / ayamayayAbhAvAdo jaha jAgate du kaDayAdi / / 130 // kanayamaya bhavado jayate kumdaladayo bhava ayamayaya bhavado jaha jayante du kudayadi (130) kanakamayAd bhAvAjjAyante kuNDalAdayo bhAvAH / / ayomayAbhAvAdyathA jAyante tu kaTakAdayaH / / 130 // aNNANamayA bhAvA aNANiNo bahu vihAvi jaayte| NANissa duNANamayA savve bhAvA tahA hoti // 131 // annanamaya bhava annanino bahuvihavi jayamte nanissa du nanamaya savve bhava taha homti (131) ajJAnamayA bhAvA ajJAnino bahuvidhA api jAyante / jJAninastu jJAnamayAH sarve bhAvAstathA bhavanti // 131 // Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III 101 130 and 131: From gold only golden ornaments like earrings etc., can be produced and from iron only iron chains etc., can be produced. In the same manner, all modifications of the knowing Self, must be of the nature of right knowledge, whereas the various modifications of the Self ignorant of his true nature would be of the nature of wrong knowledge. The various modifications of the impure Self are described next. aNNANassa sa udao jA jIvANaM ataJcauvaladdhI / micchattassa du udao jaM jIvassa asaddahANattaM // 132 // jo du kalusovaogo jIvANaM so ksaaudo| udao asaMjamassadu jaM jIvANaM haveiaviramaNaM // 133 // annanassa sa udao ja jivunai alaccauvaladdhi micchattassa du udao jam jivassa asaddahanattam (132) jo du kalusovaogo jivanam so kasaudao udao asamjamassadu jam jivanain havei aviramanam (133) ajJAnasya sa udayo yA jIvAnAmatattvopalabdhiH / mithyAtvasya tUdayo yaM jIvasyAzraddadhAnatvaM // 132 // yastu kaluSopayogo jIvAnAM sa kaSAyodayaH / asaMyamasya tu udayo yajjIvAnAM bhavedaviramaNaM // 133 // taM jANa jogaudayaM jo jIvANaM tu ciTThaucchAho / sohaNamasohaNaM vA kAyavvo viradi bhAvo vA // 134 // tam jana jogaudayam jo jivanam tu citthaucchaho sohanamasohanam va kayavvo viradibhavo va (134) taM bAnIhi yogodayaM yo jIvAnAM tu ceSTotsAhaH / zobhano'zobhano vA kartavyo viratibhAvo vA // 134 // edesu hedubhUdesu kammaiyavaggaNAgayaM jaM tu / pariNamade aTTavihaM NANAvaraNAdibhAvehiM // 135 // edesu hedubhudesu kammaiyavagganagayam jam tu parinomade atthaviham nanavaranadibhavehim (135) eteSu hetubhUteSu kArmaNavargaNAgataM yattu / pariNamate'STavidhaM jJAnAvaraNAdibhAvaiH // 135 // Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 102 SAMAYASARA taM khalu jIvaNibaddhaM kammaiyavaggaNAgayaM jaiyA / taiyA du hodi hedU jIvo pariNAmabhAvANaM // 136 // tam khalu jivanibaddha kammaiyavagganagayam jaiya taiya du hodi hedu jivo parinamabhavanam (136) tatkhalu jIvanibaddha kArmaNavargaNAgataM ydaa| tadA tu bhavati hetu vaH pariNAmabhAvAnAm // 136 // 132 to 136. Know ye, that if there is in the Self knowledge of things that are not real, it is due to the operation of nescience (karmic materials interfering with right knowledge); absence of belief in the reals is due to the operation of mithyatva karma; impure cognitive activity in the Self is due to the rise of kasaya (soul-soiling karmas), non-discipline in the Self is due to the rise of conduct perverting karma; the tendency to act through thought, word, and deed is due to the rise of yoga (or the psycho-physical structure). Know ye, that everything that ought to be done is good and everything that ought to be discarded is bad. Thus conditioned by the primary karmic materials, are produced the eight types of karmic psychic dispositions such as jnanavaraniya (knowledge-obscuring). And thus when the eight types of karmic materials bound to the Self begin to operate, there arise in the Self corresponding psychic dispositions of which the Self is the causal agent. COMMENTARY Thus it is emphasised once again that the various psychic modifications in the Self are caused by nescience and that these impure modifications can be got rid of only by true knowledge. Next it is said from the real point of view that the various manifestations of the Self are entirely different from those of material karmas. jIvassa du kammeNa ya saha pariNAmA hu hoti raagaadii| evaM jIvo kammaM ca dovi rAgAdimAvaNNA // 137 / / jivassa du kammena ya saha parinama hu homti ragadi evan jivo kammam ca dovi ragadimavanna (137) Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III 103 bIvasya tu karmaNA ca saha pariNAmAH khalu.bhavanti rAgAdayaH / evaM jIvaH karma ca dve api rAgAditvamApanne // 137 // ekassa du pariNAmo jAyadi jIvassa rAgamAdIhiM / tA kammodayahedUhi viNA jIvassa pariNAmo // 138 // ekassa du parinamo jayadi jivassa ragamadihim ta kammodayheduhi vina jivassa parinamo (138) ekasya tu pariNAmo jAyate bIvasya rAgAdibhiH / tatkarmodayahetubhivinA jIvasya pariNAmaH // 138 // 137 and 138, If attachment and other emotions are really produced by the Self and the karmas co-operating together as upadana causal conditions, then both the Self and the karmic matter will be able to appear in the form of the psychic mode of attachment. If the Self manifesting by himself is capable of producing attachment and other psychic modifications, then it must follow that even the pure Self without the influence of karmic materials must be able to manifest into impure forms of psychic modes such as attachment. COMMENTARY In the first case when both jiva and karma co-operate to produce the psychic mode of attachment, both operating as upadana karana, then according to the principle of the identity of cause and effect, even karmic matter which cooperates with jiva must be assumed to be psychical in nature, because the result produced, attachment, is psychical. Thus matter will become a cetana entity which is untrue. If in erder to get over this difficulty, the Self is assumed to produce the psychic modifications of an impure nature without any alien influence, then this tendency must be present even in the pure Self. That is. since the nature of the Self contains in a latent from the tendency to produce impure psychic modifications. there can be no such thing called pure Self. This means complete denial of the possibility of moksa. jai jIveNa saha ciya poggaladavvassa kammapariNAmo / evaM poggalajIvA hu dovi kammattamAvaNNA // 136 // jai jivena sahacciya paggaladavassa kammaparinamo evain paggalajiva hu dovi kammattamavanna (139) Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 104 SAMAYASARA yadi jIvena saha ceva pudgaladravyasya karmapariNAmaH / evaM pudgalanIvau khalu dvAvapi karmatvamApannau // 139 // ekkassa du pariNAmo poggaladavvassa kammabhAveNa / tA jIvabhAvadUhi viNA kammassa pariNAmo // 140 // ekkassa du parinama poggaladavvassa kammabhavena ta jivabhava hedahinn vina kammassa parinamo (140) ekasya tu pariNAmaH pudgaladravyasya karmabhAvena / tajjIvabhAvahetubhirvinA karmaNaH pariNAmaH || 140 // 139, and 140. If dravya karmic modes are really produced by matter in co-operation with jiva, as upadana condition. then matter and Self will both become dravya karmas (matter). If matter manifesting by itself is capable of producing karmic modes without the influence of self, then all matter as such must be able to manifest as karmic modes. COMMENTARY Here in the first case jiva (one of the co-operating causes) will become acetana dravya, because the effect (dravyo karma) is acetana In the second case all matter as such must be capable of manifesting as karmic modes. Both the conclusions are im possible. jIve kammaM baddhaM puDhaM cedi vavahAraNayabhaNidaM / suddhaNayassa du jIve abaddhapuTThe havai kammaM // 141 // jive kammam baddham puttham cedi vavaharanayabhanidam suddhanayassa du jive avaddhaputtham havai kammam (141) Mata karma baddhaM spRSTaM ceti vyavahAranayena bhaNitaM / zuddhayasya tu jIve aspRSTaM bhavati karma // 141 // 141. From the vyavahara point of view, it is said that karmas bind and are in contact with the Self; but from the pure (absolute) point of view, karmas neither bind nor are in contact with the Self. Thus from the different points of view the Self is said to be either bound or free according as it is associated with upadhis or free from them, Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER III 105 After stating that bondage and freedom are predicated of the Self according to differen' points of view the author next points out that samayasara, or Ego-in-itself, is beyond the view points. kammaM baddhamabaddhaM jIve evaM tu jANa NayapakkhaM / pakkhAtikkato puNa bhaNNadi jo so samayasAro // 142 // kammam baddhamabaddham jide edam tu jana nayapakkham pakkhatikkamto puna bhannadi jo so samayasuro (142) karma baddhamabaddhaM jIve evaM tu nAnIhi nayapakSam / pakSAtikAntaH punarbhaNyate yaH sa samayasAraH // 142 // 142. That the Self is bound with"karmas and that it is not bound with karmas are statements made from different points of view. But the essence of the Self transcends these aspects. So it is said. Next the author describes the nature of the transcendental Self. dohavi NayANa bhaNidaM jANai Nari tu samayapaDibaddho / Na du NayapakkhaM giNhadi kicivi NayapakkhaparihINo // 143 // donhavi nayana bhanidam janai navarim tu samayapadibaddho na du nayapakkham ginhadi kimcivi nayapakkhaparihino (143) dvayorapi nayayorbhaNitaM jAnAti kevalaM tu samayapratibaddhaH / na tu nayapakSaM gRhNAti kiMcidapi nayapakSaparihona: // 143 // 143. It is the Self whose attention is inwardly directed on himself that really knows the two natures, pure and impure, which are described by the two points of view (real and practical). But the transcendental Self who is beyond these points of view does not apprehend them. COMMENTARY Jaina metaphysics recognises three kinds of Self--bahiratma, antaratma, and paramatma- the outer Self, the inner Self, and the transcendental Self respectively. The first kind of Self on account of ignorance identifies himself with the body and other external objects; certainly an attitude which ought to be discarded; the second kind certainly recognises that his nature is quite different from material objects, including the body. This 14 Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 106 SAMAYASARA discriminative knowledge leads to the further investigation of the nature of the Self. Research into the nature of any reality, according to Jaina philosophy, is undertaken from different nayas or points of view. Thus the study of the true nature of the Self is undertaken by the antaratman, the inner Self whose attention is concentrated upon his own nature. The nature of the Self so investigated appears either in bondage or free 'from bondage. Both these descriptions are from the relative points of view of antaratman whose sole aim is to discover the nature of the Self through srutajnana or scriptural knowledge. In the third case these two relational aspects have no relevancy. Paramatma svarupa refers to the Perfect Self, which state is the result of selfrealisation through tapas or yoga. Naturally therefore this absolute transcendental Self is quite beyond the relational aspects and represents the highest nature of reality which ought to be the goal of all. sammaddaMsaNaNANaM eso lahadi tti Navari vavadesaM / savvaNaya pakkhara hido bhaNido jo so samayasAro // 144 // sammaddamsanananam eso lahadi tti navari vavudesam savvanaya pakkharahido bhanido jo so samayasaro (144) samyagdarzanajJAnameSa labhata iti kevalaM vyapadezam / sarvanayapakSarahito bhaNito yaH sa samayasAraH // 144 // 144. That the Self is really characterised by Right Perception and Right knowledge is an assertion (made by those who adopt the different points of view) and what transcends all points of view is said to be samayasara. COMMENTARY The term samayasara means the essential nature of the Self. This Absolute Ultimate Unity is transcendental in nature. Hence the various appellation based upon different points of view really have no relevancy in that state. The two characters, jiva and ajiva, which appeared on the stage as Karta and Karmo, sach realising its true nature exit from the stage. Thus ends the Second Act, Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER IV PUNYA AND PAPA-VIRTUE AND VICE. The single actor Karma enters the stage putting on the garb of two different characters, Punya and Papa, Virtue and Vice. kammamasuhaM kusIlaM suhakammaM cAvi jANaha susIlaM / kaha taM hodi susIlaM jaM saMsAraM pavesedi // 145 / / kammamasuhan kusilam suhakammam civi janaha susilam kaha tam hodi susilam jam samsaram pavesedi (145) karmAzubhaM kuzIlaM zubhakarma cApi jAnIhi suzIlaM / kathaM tada bhavati suzIlaM yatsaMsAraM pravezayati // 145 // 145. Know ye, that the karma leading to wrong .conduct is bad and that leading to right conduct is good. How can that be right conduct which pushes jiva into samsara (cycle of births and deaths). COMMENTARY The distinction of karma into good and bad is based upon practical morality. What is good may lead one to the pleasures of svarga and what is evil may lead one to the miseries of Hell. Even the life of a deva in svarga, is only a life in samsara. Svarga or naraka is merely a branch of samsara, the cycle of births and deaths. The ultimate ideal set up transcends both good and evil and is beyond samsara. Hence whatever leads to samsara is undesirable from this ultimate point of view. Hence the interrogation, "How can that be right conduct, which pushes jiva into samsara ?" Next the same point is elucidated by an example. sovaNiyaM pi NiyalaM baMdhadi kAlAyasaM ca jaha purisaM / baMdhadi evaM jIvaM suhamasuhaM vA kadaM kammaM // 146 / / sovanniyam pi niyala bandhadi kalayasam ca jaha purisan baindhadi evam jivam suhamasuhain va kadam kammam (146) sauvarNikamapi nigalaM badhnAti kAlAyasaM ca yathA puruSam / badhnAtyevaM jIvaM zubhamazubhaM vA kRtaM karma // 146 // Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 108 SAMAYASARA 146. A shackle made of gold is as good as one made of iron for the purpose of chaining a man. Similarly karma whether good or bad equally binds the jiva. COMMENTARY The distinction between good karma and bad karma is meaningless since the effect in both is identically the same. tamhA du kusIlehi ya rAyaM mA kAhi mA va saMsaggaM / sAhINo hi viNAso kusIlasaMsaggarAyeNa / / 147 / / tahma du kusilehi ya rayam ma kahi ma va samsaggam sahino hi vanaso 'kusilasamsaggarayena (147) tasmAttu kuzIlaiH rAga mA kuru mA vA saMsargam / svAdhIno hi vinAzaH kuzIlasaMsargarAgeNa // 147 // 147. Therefore do not have attachment for or association with undesirable karmas whether good or bad; by such attachment for or association with undesirable karmas the destruction will be inevitable. COMMENTARY Both the karmas are to be avoided as they lead to the same undesirable result. The author emphasises the same point through an analogy. jaha NAma kovi puriso kucchiyasIlaM jaNaM viyaannittaa| vajjedi teNa samayaM saMsagaM rAyakaraNaM ca // 148 / / jaha nama kovi puriso kucchiyasilam janam viyanitta vajjedi tena samayam samsaggam rayakaranam ca (148) yathA nAma kazcitpuruSaH kutsitazIlaM janaM vijJAya / varjayati tena samakaM saMsarga rAgakaraNaM ca // 148 // emeva kammapayaDI sIlasahAvaM ca kucchidaM nnaaeN| vajjati pariharaMti ya taM saMsaggaM sahAvaradA // 146 / / emeva kammapayadi silasahavan ca kucchidam nadum vajjamti pariharamtiya taic samsaggam sahavarada (149) evameva karmaprakRtizIlasvabhAvaM ca kutsitaM jJAtvA / varnayanti pariharanti ca tatsaMsarga svabhAvaratAH // 149 // 148 and 149. As a person knowing certain people to be of Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER IV 109 bad character gives up association with and attachment for them, even so, those desiring to realise the Pure Self and knowing the nature and character of karmic prakyatis to be evil, prevent the approach of karmic particles (samvara) and root out the already existing ones. (nirjara). COMMENTARY The Commentator, Amstacandra, gives an additional illustration. A clever wild male elephant, sees a decoy-female elephant-with pleasant looks or otherwise approaching him with flattering gestures with the object of chaining him. Learning her evil purpose, he does not evince any affection towards her nor does he associate with her. In the same manner an enlightened Self, knowing that the approach of karmas, whether pleasant or unpleasant, is for the purpose of binding him, avoids them and gives up any association with them. That the two karinas should be rejected is further emphasised on the authority, of agama or Scripture. ratto baMdhadi kammaM muMcadi jIvo viraagsNpnnnno| eso jiNovadeso tamhA kammesu mA ranna // 150 // ratto bandhadi kamman muocadi jivo viragasampanno eso jinovadeso tamha kammesu ma rajja (150) rakto badhnAti karma mucyate jIvo virAgasaMpannaH / eSa ninopadezaH tasmAt karmasu mA rajyasva // 150 // 150. The self with attachment gets bound by karmas but the one with detachment remains free from karmas. So has the Jina declared. Therefore do not evince attraction towards karmas. COMMENTARY Thus attachment and detachment are shown to be the causes of bondage and liberation respectively. paramaTTo khalu samabho suddho jo kevalI muNI nnaannii| tamhiTidA sahAve muNiNo pAvaMti NivvANaM // 151 // paramattho khalu samao suddho jo kevalt muni nani tahmitthida sahave munino pavamti nivvanam (151) Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 110 SAMAYASARA paramArthaH khalu samayaH zuddho yaH kevalI muni nI / tasmin sthitAH svabhAve munayaH prApnuvanti nirvANam // 151 // 151. Verily, the supreme real, the Self, the Pure, the Omniscient, the Seer, and the Knower (all mean the paramatma). Thus with the contemplation fixed on the Pure Self, the Rsis attain Nirvana. COMMENTARY Paramatma is described in the following terms for the corresponding reasons. He is said to be paramartha because he is the highest reality; he is samaya as he is the Self manifesting in pure qualities and modes; he is suddha the pure, as he is free from karmas both material and psychical; he is kevali because his nature of omniscience is unaided by any extraneous means such as sense-perception; he is muni because of the intuitive perception of reality; and he is jnani because he is of the nature of jnana or knowledge. Though these are different names, they all refer to the same reality. paramammiya bhaThido jo kudi tavaM vadaM ca dhArayadi / taM savvaM bAlatavaM bAlavadaM viti savvallu // 152 // paramatthammiya athido jo kunadi tavam vadan ca dharayadi tam savvain balatavan balavadam vimti savvahnu (152) paramArthe cAsthitaH karoti yaH tapo vrataM ca dhArayati / tatsarva bAlatapo bAlavrataM viMdanti sarvajJAH // 152 // 152. If one performs austerities (tapas) or observes vows (vratas) without fixed contemplation on the Supreme Self, the all-knowing call all that childish austerity (balatapa) and childish vow (balavrata). COMMENTARY jnana is the ultimate cause of moksa or Liberation. Whatever is done without the background of right knowledge will not achieve its ends. Imitation is a characteristic of the child. Whatever is done through imitation is certainly lacking in the inner background of knowledge. Hence Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER IV imitative behaviour in the child cannot have the same effect as in the case of an adult individual. Such an imitative behaviour may be an amusing play and cannot have any real significance. Similarly the performance of tapas and observance of vratas without the necessary background of correct knowledge will be merely imitative behaviour on the part of an ignorant person; hence would not produce the desired goal or ideal. In order to exi ose the futility of imitative behaviour without the background of correct knowledge, the author calls them balatapas and balavratas. vadaNiyamANi dharaMtA sIlANi tahA tavaM ca kunvNtaa| 'paramaTTabAhirA jeNa teNa te hoMti aNNANI // 153 // vadaniyamani dharamta silani taha tavam ca kuvvanta paramatthabahira jena tena te homti annani (153) vrataniyamAn dhArayantaH zIlAni tathA tapazca kurvANAH / Roeraren da aa a aasifaa: 1184211 153. The who are outside the presence of paramartha or Supreme Self even though they observe vows, restraints, and rules of conduct and practice austerities are devoid of right knowledge. COMMENTARY True knowledge is the condition for moksa or Liberation. When that is absent, mere external activities such as strict observance of rules of conduct and performance of severe austerities will be of no avail. They by themselves cannot lead to Nirvana. Absence of true knowledge will certainly lead to karmic bondage. paramaTTabAhirA je te aNNANeNa puNNamicchati / saMsAragamaNahetuM vimokkhahe, ayANaMtA // 154 // paramatphabahira je te annanena punnamicchamti samsaragamanahedum vimokkhahedum ayanamta (154) paramArthabAyA ye te ajJAnena puNyamicchanti / saMsAragamanahetuM vimokSahetumajAnantaH // 15 // 1 NivvANaM ne Na vidati Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA 154. Those who are outside the presence of paramartha or Supreme Self, through their ignorance-not knowing that -virtue leads to samsara, desire the same with the belief that it will lead to moksa. 112 COMMENTARY Those who observe all the rules of conduct imagining that they are walking the path which leads to moksa are entirely mistaken. Even good conduct leads to karmic bondage. An ignorant person who is not aware of this truth and who boastingly exclaims, "I have kept up all the commandments, what more shall I do to enter into kingdom of Good', will soon be disillusioned. Thus ends the Chapter on Punya, Next the author takes up the discussion of papa or Vice. He indirectly implies that Vice is the cause of samsara by stating the opposite-moksa and its cause, jIvAdIddaNaM sammatta tesimadhigamo NANaM / rAgAdIpariharaNaM caraNaM eso du mokkhapaho / 155 // jivadisaddahanam sammattam tesimadhigamo nanam ragadi pariharanam caranam eso du mokkhapaho (155) jIvAdizraddhAnaM samyaktvaM teSAmadhigamo jJAnam / rAgAdipariharaNaM caraNaM eSaH tu mokSapathaH // 155 // 155. Belief in the padarthas such as soul; etc., is right faith, and knowing their true nature is right knowledge; then rooting out attachment, etc., is right conduct. These together constitute the path to moksa. COMMENTARY These are the well-known three jewels or the ratnatraya which constitute the moksa marga, according to Jainism. Ratnatraya or the three jewels are considered from two points of view, vyavahara and niscaya. Vyavahara ratnatraya gradually leads to moksa, and niscaya ratnatraya directly leads to moksa. Of these two the Rsi must choose the direct and the immediate path to moksa, that is real or higher ratnatraya. But the other one which operates gradually in producing the fruit ought to be accepted by the ordinary mortals. Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 113 CHAPTER IV mottUNaNicchayaLaM vavahAre Na vidusA pavaTuMti / paramaTThamassidANaM du jadINa kammakkhao vihio // 156 // mottunanicchayattham vavahare na vidusa pavatthasti paramatthamassidanam du jadina. kammakkhao vihio (156) muktvA nizcayArthaM vyavahAre na vidvAMsaH pravartante / paramArthamAzritAnAM tu yatInAM karmakSayo vihitaH // 156 // 156. Since it is declared that destruction of karmas is possible only to those yatis who adopt the absolute point of view, the wise ones will not walk through (vyavaharamarga) the practical path leaving aside the (niscayamarga) absolute one. COMMENTARY When there are two courses of action open to a person, the superior and the inferior, the wise will always choose the superior one. Next it is pointed out how this path to salvation is obstructed by the operation of evil karmic conditions such as mithyatva or wrong belief, etc. vatthassa sedabhAvo jaha NAsedi malavilaNAcchA! micchattamalocyUparNa taha sammattaM khu NAdavvaM // 157 // voithassa sedathai o jaha nasedi malavimelanacchanno micchattamalocchennam taha sammatlam khu nadavvam (157) vastrasya zvetabhAvo yathA nazyati mlvimelnaacchnnH| mithyAtvamalAvacchannaM tathA ca samyaktvaM khalu jJAtavyam // 157 // vasthassa sedabhAvo jaha NAsedi mlvimelnnaacchnnnno| aNNANamalocchaNNaM taha NANaM hodi NAdavvaM // 158 / / vatthassa sedabhavo jaha nasedi malavimelanacchanno annanamalocchannam taha nanam hodi nadavvam (158) vastrasya zvetabhAvo yathA nazyati malavimelanAcchannaH / ajJAnamalAvacchannaM tathA jJAnaM bhavati jJAtavyam // 158 // vatthassa sedabhAvo jaha NAsedi malavimelaNAcchaNNo / taha du kasAyAcchaNNaM cAritaM hodi NAdavvaM // 15 // 2 mlvimelnnaastto| 15 Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 114 SAMAYASARA vatthassa sedabhavo jaha nasedi malavimelanacchanno taha du kasayacchannam carittam hodi nadavvan (159) vastrasya zvetabhAvo yathA nazyati mlvimelnaacchnnH| tathA tu kaSAyAvacchannaM cAritraM bhavati jJAtavyam // 159 // 157, 158 and 159. As the whiteness of cloth is destroyed by its being covered with dirt, so let it be known that right faith is blurred by wrong belief. As the whiteness of cloth is destroyed by its being covered with dirt, so let it be known that right knowledge is destroyed, when clouded by nescience. As the whiteness of cloth is destroyed by its being covered with dirt. so let it be known that right conduct becomes perverted when vitiated by soul-soiling passions. COMMENTARY Faith. knowledge and conduct, so long as they are true constitute the path to moksa. But when they are perverted by the influence of corresponding karmic materials, they get deflected from the right path dragging the Self to samsara. Thus the pure manifestations of the Self get destroyed by the influence of karmas jusi as a white cloth gets soiled by impurities. so sadhaNANadarisI kammarayeNa NieNa occhaNNo / saMsArasamAvaNNo vijANadi savvado savvaM // 160 // so savvananadarist kammarayena niena occhanpo samsarasamavanno pa vijanadi savvado savvam (160) sa sarvajJAnadarzI karmaraksA nijenAvacchannaH / saMsArasamApano na vijAnAti sarvataH sarve // 160 // 160. The Self who is by nature all-knowing and allperceiving when soiled by his own karmas is dragged on towards sannsara the cycle of births and deaths, and becomes incapable of knowing all things completely. sammattapaDiNibadaM micchattaM jiNavarehi parikahiyaM / tassodayaNa jIvo minyAdhiTThitti NAdavvo // 161 // sammattapadinibaddham micchattam jinavarehi parikahiyam tassodayena jivo micchaditthitti, nadavpo (161) Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER IV 115 samyaktvapratinibaddhaM mithyAtvaM jinavaraiH parikathitam / tasyodayena bIvo mithyAdRSTiriti jJAtavyaH // 161 // NANassa paDiNibaddhaM aNNANaM jiNavarehi parikahiyaM / tassodayeNa jIvo aNNANI hodi NAdavvo // 162 // ianassa padinibaddham annanam jinavarehi parikahiyam tassodayena jivo annant hodi nadavvo (162) jJAnasya pratinibaddhamajJAnaM jinavaraiH parikathitam / tasyodayena jIvo'jJAnI bhavati jJAtavyaH // 162 // cArittapaDiNibaddhaM kasAyaM jiNavarehi parikahiyaM / tassodayeNa jIvo acaritto hodi NAdavo // 163 // carittapadinibaddhan kasayam jinavarehi parikahiyan tassodayena jivo acharitto hodi nadavvo (163) __ cAritrapratinibaddha kaSAyo jinavaraiH parikathitaH / tasyodayena jIvo'cAritro bhavati jJAtavyaH // 163 / / 161, 162, and 163. It is declared by Jina that mithyatya karna is adverse to Right Belief; 'when that begins to operate, the Self becomes a wrong believer; so let it be known. It is declared by Jina that nescience is adverse to Right Knowledge; when that begins to operate; the Self becomes ajnani (one devoid of knowledge), so let it be known. It is declared by Jina that kasaya (soul-soiling gross emotions) is adverse . to Right Conduct; when this begins to operate, the Self becomes acaritra (devoid of Right Conduct); so let it be known. COMMENTARY Just as a colourless crystal, puts on the colour of the associated object, so the pure Self undergoes various impure modifications as determined by the various karmas. Thus from all points of view, all karmas are to be destroyed. Thus ends the chapter on papa padartha, the category of Vice. The karma which acted the role of two characters, punya and papa, Virtue and Vice, exits from the stage. Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER V ASRAVA OR INFLOW OF KARMA Then Asraava enters the stage. micchattaM aviramaNaM kasAyajogA ya saNNasaNNA du / 1. bahuvihabheyA jIve tasseva bhaNaNNapariNAmA // 164 / / micchattam aviramanain kasayajoga ya sannasanna du bahuvihabheya jive tasseva anannaparinama (164) mithyAtvamaviramaNaM kaSAyayogau ca saMjJAsaMjJAstu | bahuvidhabhedA jIve tasyaivAnanyapariNAmAH // 164 // 164. Karmas in the empirical Self, such as wrong belief, non-discipline, soul-soiling gross emotion, and psycho-physical structure, with their various sub-species are mainly of two classes, material (acetana) and psychical (cetana), (dravya karma and bhava karma). The psychical karmic modifications are inseparable from the Self. NANAvaraNAdIyassa te du kammassa kAraNaM hoMti / sa pa hodi jIvo rAgadosAdibhAva karo // 165 // nanavaranadiyass te dv kammassa karanam homti tesim pi hodi jivo ragadosadibhavakaro (165) jJAnAvaraNAdyasya te tu karmaNaH kAraNaM bhavanti / teSAmapi bhavati jIvaH rAgadveSAdibhAvakaraH // 165 // 165. Those impure psychic modifications cause the material karmas such jnanavaraniya (knowledge-obscuring), etc. To them (those psychic karmic modifications) the empirical Self with the characteristics of attachment and aversion is the cause. COMMENTARY The inflow of karma is of two kinds, material and psychical (dravyasrava and bhavasrava) corresponding to the two kinds of karmas, material and psychical. These two mutually determine each other in the form of nimitta karana, instrumental cause. The various psychic modifications of impure nature cause the inflow of material karmas towards the Self. This is dravyasrava. When the material karmas, so flowing in, influence the Self they give rise to fresh emotional modifications which constitute the Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER V 117 bhavasrava. To these psychic modifications of bhavasrava, the self is the upadana ka rana, substantial cause. Next it is pointed out that in the case of the Right Believer, there is neither asrava, the inflow of karma, nor the consequential karmic bondage (bandha). Natthi du AsavabaMdho sammAdihissa aasvnniroho| saMte puvvaNibaddhe jANadi so te abaMdhato // 166 // natthi du asavabamdhi sammaditthissa asavaniroho samte puvvanibaddhe janadi so te abandhamto (166) nAsti tvAsavo bandhaH samyagdRSTerAsravanirodhaH / santi pUrvanibaddhAni jAnAti sa tAnyabadhnan // 166 // 166. To the Right Believer, since he blocks the inflow of karmas, there is neither the incoming of karmas nor the consequential bondage thereby. Thus remaining free from new karmic bondage, he understands the previously bound karmas (to be different from the Self). COMMENTARY Thus it is pointed out that the right believer is capable of preventing the inflow of karmas. Next it is pointed out that desire, a version, and delusion constitute the main cause of asrava, the inflow of karmas.' bhAvo rAgAdijudo jIveNa kado du baMdhago hodi| rAgAdivippamukko abaMdhago jANago Navari // 167 // bhavo ragadi judo jivena kado du bamdhago hodi ragadivippamukko abamdago janago navari (167). bhAvo rAgAdiyutaH jIvena kRtastu bandhako bhavati / rAgAdivipramukto'bandhako jJAyakaH kevalam // 167 // 167. The psychic states associated with desire, etc., which are the modifications of jiva constitute the cause of bondage; but when completely free from desire, etc., the psychic state is of 1. bhaNido Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 116 SAMAYASARA the nature of pure knowledge which indeed is the cause of the destruction of karmas. COMMENTARY The emotional states such as attachment, aversions and delusion completely disfigure the nature of the Self and thus he becomes associated with nescience. In this impure state, the Self attracts karmic particles which get bound with the Self just as a magnet attracts iron needles to itself. When those emotional states are absent, the Self undisturbed in his nature does not attract karmic particles. Hence there is no chance of bondage in his cause. Thus knowledge secures freedom from bondage and the absence of it inevitably brings about bondage pakke phalammi paDide jaha Na phalaM bajjhade puNo viTe / jIvassa kammabhAve paDide Na puNodayamuvei // 168 // pakke phalammi padide jaha na phalam bajjhade puno vinte jivassa kammabhave padide na punodayamuvei (168) pakce phale patite yathA na phalaM badhyate punavRntaiH / bIvasya karmabhAve patite na punaradayamupaiti // 168 // 168. As a ripe fruit fallen (from a tree) cannot be attached again to the stalk, so when the psychic karmic modifications in the Self drop off, they can no more bind the Self again nor operate. COMMENTARY Thus it is emphasised that to the Self, with right knowledge, there is no bhavasrava (inflow of psychic karmas). Next it is stated that to the knowing Self there is no dravyasrava or material karmic inflow either. puDhavIpiMDasamANA puvaNibadA du paJcayA tassa / kammasarIreNa dute bar3hA savvevi NANissa // 166 // pudhavipimdasamana puvvanibaddha du paccaya tassa kammasarirena du te baddha savvevi nanissa (169) pRthvIpiNDasamAnAH pUrvanivadAstu pratyayAstasya / karmazarIreNa tu te baddhAH sarve'pi jJAninaH // 169 // 169. In the Self with right knowledge, the old karmas Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER V 119 remain incorporated only with the karmic body, like a clod of earth-without any effect on the Self. COMMENTARY The previous karmic bondage was caused by nescience, absence of correct knowledge in the Self. Presence of nescience produces impure psychic states which facilitate the inflow of karmic materials. Thus in this case there are both the bhavastava and dravyasrava. But when nescience disappears the Self regains his true nature of pure knowledge, and the impure psychic states have no chance to occur; when these do not occur there is no chance for fresh karmic materials to flow in. Thus the Self is left with only the previous karmic materials which goc in when favourable psychic states were present. Hence they remain only part and parcel of the karmana sarira, absolutely incapable of producing any corresponding impure psychic state. Thus in the case of the knowing Self, the Self with pure knowledge, both the asranas, psychic and material, are absent. caviha aNeyabheyaM baMdhate NANadasaNagugahi / samaye samaye jamhA teNa abaMdhutti pANI du||17|| cauviha aneyabhayan vandhante nandanisanagunchin samaye samaye jahma tena avandhutti nani du (170) aglater and abrana zragstagarang 1 samaye samaye yasmAt tenAbandha iti jJAnI tu // 170 // 170. The four primary karmic conditions, with their multifarious subdivisions bind the soul every moment as determined by suitable impure qualities of knowledge and perception. Hence the Self with right knowledg is not bound by them. jamhA du jahaNNAdo gANaguNAdo puNovi prinnmdi| aNNataNANaguNo teNa du so baMdhago bhaNido // 17 // jamha du jahannado nanagunado punovi parinamadi annattam nanaguno tena du so bandago bharido (171) yasmAtu badhanyAt jJAnaguNAt punarapi prissmte|| anyatvaM jJAnaguNaH tena tu sa bandhako bhaNitaH // 171 // Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120 SAMAYASARA 171. When the Self's cognitive quality is at its lowest stage it is liable to alternative alien modifications whether good or bad. Therefore in either case the Self is called the binder of karmas. COMMENTARY Knowledge is the essential quality of the Self. So long as this quality is strong and intense, the Self is unassailable by external influences, but when this quality is at its weakest point, the Self becomes easily influenced by alien conditions. In that case the Self will get modified from its own intrinsic nature according to the nature of the influence, good or bad. In either case the result will be bondage, though it is emphasised that both subhabhava and asubha-bhava respectively lead to punya and papa which both lead to asrava and bandha. But suddha-bhava alone avoids astava and bandha. dasaNaNANacaritaM je pariNamade jahaNNabhAveNa / NANI teNa du bajjhadi poggalakammeNa viviheNa // 172 // damsanananacarittam jam parinamade jahannbhavena nani tena du bajjhadi poggala kammena vivihena (172) darzanajJAnacAritraM yatpariNamate jaghanyabhAvena / jJAnI tena tu badhyate pudgalakarmaNA vividhena // 172 // 172. When the manifestation of Right Belief, Right Knowledge, and Right Conduct is at its lowest, the Self, the Knower, is bound by various types of (good) karmic materials. COMMENTARY The Self here is in passession of ratnatraya the three jewels. Since the three jewels are in a very low degree of efficiency, bondage is predicated of the Self and yet the karmas that will bind him are only the punya karmas, karmic materials of the good type capable of producing happiness. savve punvaNibaddhA du paccayA saMti smmaadihiss| uvabhogappAogaM baMdhate kammabhAveNa // 173 // savve puvvaaibaddha du paccaya samti sammaditthissa uvaogappaogam bamdhamte kammabhavena (173) sarve pUrvanibaddhAstu pratyayAH santi samyagdRSTeH / upayogaprAyogyaM badhnanti karmabhAvena // 173 // Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER V 121 saMtivi niruvabhonA bAlA itthI jaheva purusassa / baMdhadi te uvabhojne taruNI itthI jaha Narassa // 174 / / santivi niruvabhojja bala itthi jaheva purusassa bandhadi te uvabhajje taruni itthi jaha narassa (174) santyaSi nirupabhogyAni bAlA strI yathaiva puruSasya / badhnAti tAni upabhogyAni taruNI strI yathA narasya // 17 // 173 and 174. Just as to a person, his child-wife is unfit for enjoyment, but when having become mature, she is fit for enjoyment and attracts his attention, so also in the case of a right believer: all the previously bound karmic conditions, though present, begin to operate only when they become mature and then they produce corresponding psychic states through which they bind the Self. hodUga NiruvabhojA taha baMdhadi jaha havaMti uvabholA / sattaTTavihA bhUdA NANAvaraNAdibhAvahiM // 17 // hoduna niruvabhojja taha bamdhadi jaha havamti uvabhojja sattatthaviha bhuda nanavaranadibhavehim (175) bhUtvA nirupabhogyAni tathA badhnAti yathA bhavantyupabhogyAni / saptASTavidhAni bhUtAni jJAnAvaraNAdibhAvaiH // 10 // 175. In the case of the right believer, the previously bound karmas such as jna navaraniya, remain ineffective so long as they are latent, but when they become efficient and operative, through the instrumentality of psychic states such as attachment, they bind the Self in seven ways, (exclusive of age-karma) or in eight ways. edeNa kAraNeNa du sammAdiTTI abaMdhago bhnnido| AsavabhAvAbhAve Na paccayA baMdhagA bhaNidA // 176 // edena karanena du sammaditthi abamdhago bhanido asavabhavabhave na paccaya hamdhaga bhanida (176) etena kAraNena tu samyagdRSTirabandhako bhaNitaH / / AsavabhAvAbhAve na pratyayA bandhakA bhaNitAH // 176 // 176. In the case of the right believer the karmic inflow of the opposite psychic state is absent. (When this is absent) the remaining karmic conditions, (since they are incapable of 16 Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122 SAMAYASARA producing bondage leading to saisara) are declared to be nonbinders. On account of these reasons, the right believer is said to be non-binder. COMMENTARY As a general principle it is maintained that the material karmic condition, even though present about the Self, are incapable of binding him, unless there is facilitating opportunity, .which opportunity is provided by the appearnce of psychic states such as attachment. Thus it is the psychic state that is the sine quo non of karmic bondage. In the case of the right believer this necessary condition is absent; when this is absent even the previously bound karmas, become ineffective. When these karmic conditions become ineffective and when there is no chane of fresh inflow of karmic particles, the Self may very well be declared to be without bondage. (In the case of vitaraga samyakdrsti) since he is absolutely free from karmic states of attachment, etc., he is necessarily called unbound but in the case of saraga-samyakdrsti, since the impure psychic conditions have not been completely rooted out, the name is still applicable in a figurative sense. rAgo doso moho ya AsavA patthi sammadiTThissa / tamhA bhAsavabhAveNa viNA hedU Na paccayA hoMti // 177 // rago doso moho ya asava natthi sammaditthissa tamha asavabhavena vina heda na paccaya homti (177) rAgo dveSo mohazca AsavA na santi samyagdRSTeH / tasmAdAsavabhAvena vinA hetavo na pratyayA bhavanti // 177 // . 177. In the case of the right believer of the higher or (oltaraga) type there is no inflow of psychic 'states relating to desire, aversion, and delusion. Hence apart from the psychic karmic inflow, the material karmic conditions cannot produce bondage. hedU caduviyappo aviyappassa kAraNaM hodi / tesi pi ya rAgAdI tesimabhAve Na bajjhati // 17 // hedt caduviyappo asfhviyappassa karanam hodi tesim pi pa ragadi tesimabhave na bajjhanti (178) Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER V hetuzcaturvikalpaH aSTavikalpasya kAraNaM bhavati / teSAmapi ca rAgAdayasteSAmabhAve na badhyante // 178 // 178. The four primary karmic conditions are said to be the cause of eight karmas such as jnanavaraniya. To these karmas conditions the psychic states such as desire, etc. form the cause. When these psychic states are absent, the karmic material conditions cannot bind the Self, jaha puriseNAhAro gahido pariNamadi so bhaNeyavihaM / savasAruhirAdIbhAve udaraggisaMjutto // 176 // jaha purisenaharo gahido parinamadi so aneyaviham mamsavasaruhiradi bhave udaraggisamjutto (179) yathA puruSeNAhAro gRhItaH pariNamadi so'nekavidham / mAMsavasArudhirAdIn bhAvAn, udarAgnisaMyuktaH // 179 // taha NANissa du puSvaM je baddhA paccayA bahuviyappaM / bhaMte kammaM te NayaparihINA du te jIbA // 180 // taha nanissa du puvvam je baddha paccaya bahuviyappam vajjhamte kammam te nayaparihina du te jive (180) tathA jJAninastu pUrva ye baddhAH pratyayA bahuvikalpam / badhnanti karma te nayaparihInAstu te jIvAH // 180 // 123 179 and 180. Just as food eaten by a person in association with gastric heat (digestive and assimilative function) is trans formed into various kinds such as flesh, fat, blood, etc., so also in the case of the Self, the previously bound karmic condition (though of uniform material type in the beginning) get transformed into various karmic modifications at the time of bondage. This is true in the case of Self devoid of the pure point of view. COMMENTARY Thus it is pointed out that the giving up of the pure point of view or suddhanaya causes asrava or karmic inflow, whereas the adoption of it causes nir-asrava, the cessation of the inflow. Thus ends the chapter on asrava. Thus asrava quits the stage. Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VI SAMVARA-BLOCKING THE INFLOW Now Samvara enters the stage. While describing the nature of samvara padarth, the author first praises its ultimate condition, discriminative knowledge. uvaoge uvaogo kohAdisu Natthi kovi uvogo| koho kohe ceva hi uvaoge Natthi khalu koho // 181 // uvaoge uvaoge kohadisu natthi kovi uvaogo koho kohe ceva hi uvao ge natthi khalu koho (181) upayoge upayogaH krodhAdiSu nAsti ko'pyupayogaH / krodhaH krodhe caiva hi upayoge nAsti khalu krodhaH // 181 // 181. The pure cognitive attributes of perception and knowledge rest upon upayoga or the intrinsic nature of the pure Self. The impure emotions such as anger have no relation whatsoever with upayoga. Anger subsists on anger itself. Certainly there is no anger in the pure cognitive attributes of perception and knowledge. COMMENTARY What is predicated of anger must be teken to be equally true in the case of other emotions such as pride, etc. Next the author deals with other facts 'which are also distinct from upayoga or the nature of the pure Self. aTTaviyappe kamme Nokamme cAvi Natthi uvabhogo / uvabhogamhi ya kamma NokammaM cAvi No asthi // 182 // atthaviyappe kamme nokamme cavi natthi uvao go uvao gamhi ya kammam nokammam cavi no atthi (182) aSTavikalpe karmaNi nokarmaNi cApi nAstyupayogaH / upayoge ca karma nokarma cApi no asti // 182 // 182. There is no upayoga either in the eight type of karmas or in the nokarma material particles (which go to build up the various kinds of bodies). Conversely there are neither karmas nor nokurmas in upayoga. Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VI 125 evaM tu avivarIdaM NANaM jaiyA du hodi jIvassa / taiyA Na kici kunvadi bhAvaM uvaogasuddhappA // 183 // edam tu avivaridam nanai jaiya du hodi jivassa taiya na kimci kuvvadi bhavam uvrogasuddhappa (183) etattvaviparItaM jJAnaM yadA tu bhavati jIvasya / tadAna kiMcitkaroti bhAvamupayogazuddhAtmA // 183 // 183. When this discriminative knowledge, free from error, arises in the Self, then the nature of the Self, manifests in the form of pure upayoga and he does not cause any kind of impure psychie states. COMMENTARY. Two things which are spatially distinct and which have no relation to a common cause cannot maintain the relation of substance and substratum. Substance and substratuin will be applicable to a particular manifestation and the intrinsic nature which so manifests. Thus knowing activity is related to knowledge in the form of substratum, an entity and its manifestation. An entity and its manifestation are inseparably united with each other and there is intrinsic identity between the two. So viewed, the pure cognitive activity or upayoga, since it is based on the intrinsic nature of the Self, is inalienably identical with it. Various impure emotional states have no such intrinsic relation to the nature of the Self, because they are accidental states of the Self and as such can disappear without in any way affecting the nature of the Self. Essential attributes are based upon the real nature of a thing whereas the accidental attributes are not so based. It is this truth that is emphasised in the above gathas. Cognitive attributes of perception and knowledge technically called upayoga are the essential attributes of the Self, where as anger, pride, etc., are only accidental attributes. That is why it is said that upayoga is in the self and conversely Self is in upayoga and negatively, anger, etc., are not in the Sel is the Self in anger, etc. So also karmas and nokarmas being accidental adjuncts to the Self have no basis in the nature of e Self. This recognition of the Self to be distinct from the various accidental attributes, psychical and physical, enables Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 126 SAMAYASTRA it to shut out the impure psychical states of desire, aversion. and delusion. When these are shut out there in no inflow of karmas and that is just samvara. Next it is explained how the Self, even though associated with impure karmas, is through discriminative knowledge, able to recognise his pure nature. jahakaNayamaggitaviyaM pi kaNayabhAvaM Na taM pariccayadi / taha kammodayatavido Na jahadi NANI du NANittaM // 184 // jaha kanayamaggitaviyam pi kanayabhavain na tam pariccayadi taha kammodaya tavido na jahadi nani du nanittan (184) yathA kanakamagnitaptamapi kanakabhAvaM na ta parityajati / tathA pharmodayatapto na jahAti jJAni tu jJAnitvam // 184 // 184. Just as gold, however much it is heated, never loses its intrinsic nature, so also the right knowing Self, however much it is burnt by the associated karmas, does not lose his intrinsic nature of pure knowledge. evaM jANadi NANI aNNANI muNadi rAgamevAda / aNNANatamocchaNNo AdasahAvaM ayANaMto // 185|| evam janudi nani annani munadi ragamevadam annanatamocchanno adasahavan ayanahto (185) evaM jAnAti jJAnI ajJAnI manute rAgamevAramAnam / ajJAnatamo'vacchanna AtmasvabhAvamanAnan // 185 // 185. Thus the Self with discriminative knowledge knows 'his true nature. But one lacking in this knowledgs, blinded by his own nescience unable to perceive his true nature, thinks that the nature of the Self is identical with the impure psychic states such as attachment. Next it is pointed out how this apprehension of the pure nature is itself samvara. sukha tu viyANato surva cevappayaM lahadi jiivo| jANato du bhasudaM bhasukhamevappayaM lahadi // 18 // suddham tu viyanamto suddham cevappayam lahadi jido jayanto du asuddhath asuddhamevap payam lahadi (186) Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VI 127 zuddhaM tu vijAnana zuddhamevAtmAnaM labhate jIvaH / jAnastvazuddhamazuddhamevAtmAnaM labhate // 186 // 186. The Self with the discriminative knowledge, by contemplating upon the rure Self, becomes himself pure. But the Self which contemplates upon the impure nature of the Self becomes himself impure. COMMENTARY Thus it is pointed out that the nature of the contemplating Self is determined by the nature of the contemplated ideal. Hence apprehension of the pure nature of the Self means samvara. Next the method of apprehending in the pure Self is described. appANaM appaNo rubhidUNa dosu puNNapAvajogesu / dasaNaNANamhiTThido icchAvirado ya aNNamhi // 187 // appanam appano rumbhiduna dosu purnapavajogesu damsandnamhitthido icchavirado ya annamhi (187) AtmAnamAtmanA rundhvA dvayoH puNyapApayogayoH / darzanajJAne sthitaH icchAviratazcAnyasmin // 18 // jo savvasaMgamukko jhAyadi appANamappaNo appA / Navi. kammaM NokammaM cedA citedi eyattaM // 188 // jo savvasamgamukko jhayadi appanamapparo appa navi kammam nokammam ceda cimtedi eyattam (188) yaH sarvasAmukto dhyAyatyAsmAnamAtmanAtmA / nApi karma nokarma cetayitA cintayatyekatvam // 188 // appANaM jhAyaMto dasaNaNANamao annnnnnmbho| lahadi acireNa appANameva so kammaNimmukkaM // 18 // appaanam jhayanto damhsanananamao anannamao lahadi acirena appanameva so kammanimmukkah (189) AtmAnaM dhyAyan darzanajJAnamayo'nanyamayaH / labhate'cireNAtmAnameva sa karmanirmuktam // 189 // 187,188, and 189. Who so restrains, through his own effort, the Self that is immersed in the activity, whether good Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 128 SAMAYASARA or bad, of yoga (thought, word, and deed), rests on pure perception and knowledge, has no desire whatsoever for alien objects and is free from all attachments, that Self contemplates on his own unity. Such a Self never thinks that karmas are of the nature of the Self, nor the nokarmas. Such a right knowing Self, of the nature of perception and knowledge entirely different from alian nature, contemplates upon his pure Self and very soon becomes identical with that Pure Self who is free from all karmas. COMMENTARY Thus it is pointed out that discriminative knowledge will ultimately lead to the attainment of the pure Seif by destroying all the impure karmic shackles. tesiM hedU bhaNidA ajjhavasANANi savvadarasIhi / micchattaM aNNANaM aviradibhAvo ya jogo ya // 10 // tesim hedu bhaaida ajjhavsanani savvadarasihim micchattai annanan aviradibhavo ya jogo ya (130) teSAM hetavo bhaNitA adhyavasAnAni sarvadarzibhiH / mithyAtvamajJAnamaviratabhAvazca yogazca // 190 // heabhAve NiyamA jAyadi NANissa aasvnniroho| AsavabhAveNa viNA jAyadi kammassa vi Niroho // 16 // hedu abhave niyama jayadi nanissa asavaniroho asava bhavena vina jayadi kammassa vi niroho (191) hetvabhAve niyamAjjAyate jJAninaH AsravanirodhaH / / AsravabhAvena vinA jAyate karmaNo'pi nirodhaH // 191 // kammassAbhAveNa ya NokammANaM pi jAyadi Niroho / NokammaNiroheNa ya saMsAraNirohaNaM hoi // 162 // kammassabhavena ya nokammanan pi jayadi niroho nokammanirohena ya samsaranirohanam hoi (192) karmaNo'bhAvena ca nokarmaNAmapi jAyate nirodhaH / nokarmanirodhena ca saMsAra nirodhanaM bhavati // 192 // Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VI 190, 191 and 192. It is declared by the Ommiscient that the psychic states corresponding to wrong belief, wrong knowledge, non-discipline, and psycho-physical activity are the causes of karma such as jnanavaraniya. On account of the psychic states relating to pure perception, etc., the karmic conditions are absent. This absence of conditions in one who has discriminative knowledge causes the blocking up of psychic inflow (bhavasrava). If the psychic inflow is blocked up, the blocking of the karmic inflow (dravyasrava) necessarily follows. When there is no inflow of material karmas, the inflow of nokarmic materials is also stopped. When there is no inflow of nokarmic body-building materials the process of body-building will completely disappear which means the cessation of samsara. COMMENTARY So long as the root cause, identification of the Self with karmas persists, psychic activity to wrong belief, wrong knowledge, wrong conduct, and yoga persists. These form the cause of the bhavasrava relating to desire, averson, and dulusion. Bhavasrava forms the cause of dravyasrava or material karmas Material karamas in their turn form the cause of body-building nokarmas. Nokarma is the cause of samsara. This is the causal sequence. But when discriminative knowledge appears, the Self recognises its own pure cetana nature. This knowledge leads to the absence of psychic activity relating to wrong belief, wrong knowledge etc. Absence of such psychic activities leads to the disappearance of bhavasrava. When that is absent karma naturally disappears. Disappearance of karmas means cessation of samsara. This is the order of samvara. 129 Thus ends the Chapter on samvara Thus Samvara quits the stage. Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VII NIRJARA- SHEDDING OF KARMAS Then Nirjara appears on the stage. uvabhogamidiyahi ya davvANamacedaNANamidarANaM / jaM kuNadi sammadiTThI taM savvaM NijjaraNimittaM // 193 // uvabhogamimdiyehi ya davvanamacedananamidaranam jam kunadi sammaditthi tam savvam nijjaranimittam (193) upabhogamindriyaiH dravyANAmacetanAnAmitareSAm / yatkaroti samyagdRSTi tatsarva nirnarAnimittam // 193 // 193. Whatever affective experiences the right believer (with a neutral attitude) has in relation to sense-perceived objects, conscious and nonconscious, they only lead to the shedding of karmas or nirjara. COMMENTARY Ordinarily the enjoyment of sense-perceived objects whether animate or inanimate is said to be the cause of karmic bondage. But in the case of a right believer, this is supposed to lead to the very opposite result of nirjara or wearing down of karmas. What is the meaning of this paradox ? Enjoyment of sense-perceived objects in the case of the right believer is quite different from the experience present in the wrong believer. The latter, because of the lack of discriminative knowledge identifies himself with the external objects and indulges in the enjoyment of those objects carried away by the full force of desire, aversion and delusion. In this case the enjoyment brings about asrava which leads to fresh bondage of karmas. But in the case of the right believer who is equipped with discriminative knowledge and who is thus able to adopt a detached view of things external, these conditions of karmic bondage are altogether absent. No doubt he has relations with useful and enjoyable objects of the external world such as his wife, children, wealth and property. Toward these he adopts a neutral attitude. Because of this neutral attitude, he is unaffected either by their Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VII 131 increase or decrease. Hence there is no chance for the incoming of new karmas. The experiences he has therefore all relate to the previous karmas which are present in him already. When they begin to operate they produce corresponding psychic in the right believer who, in spite of his neutral, attitude, must necessarily experience the fruits of his previous karmas. Thus the previously acquired karmas after producing their inevitable result exhaust themselves and cease to be. This is nirjara or wearing down of karmas. After describing the wearing down of material karmas the author next describes the consequential bhavanirjara, the corresponding psychic result. davve uvabhujjate NiyamA jAyadi suhaM ca dukkhaM vaa| taM suhadukkhamudiNNaM vedadi aha NijjaraM jAdi // 164 // davve uvabhujjamte niyama jayadi suham ca dukkham va tam suhadukkhamudinnam vedadi aha nijjaram jadi (194) dravye upabhujyamAne niyamAjjAyate sukhaM ca duHkhaM vaa| taM sukhaduHkhamudIrNaM vedayate atha nirjarAM yAti // 194 // 194. Useful and enjoyable objects of the perceptual world when they are enjoyed by the right believer, inevitably produce pleasure or pain as determined by good or bad karma. Since these pleasant or painful feelings are indifferently experienced by the right believer, they wear themselves down and this is nirjara. Next the power of knowicdge is extolled. jaha visamuvabhujaMtA vijApurisA Na maraNamuvayaMti / poggalakammassudayaM taha bhuMjadi Neva vajjhade NANI // 195 // jaha visamuvabhujjamta vijjapurisa na maranomuvayamti poggalakammassudayam taha bhuojadi neva vajjhade nana (195) yathA viSamupabhujAnAH vidyApuruSA na maraNamupayAnti / pudgalakarmaNa udayaM tathA bhuGkte naiva badhyate jJAnI // 195 // 195. Just as a person who is an expert in anti-poison lore, even though he takes poison, does not meet with death, even so when the karmic materials become mature and produce their inevitable results of pain and pleasure, the knowing Self with a neutral attitude experiences these but remains unbound. Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 132 SAMAYASARA COMMENTARY The very conditions which lead the unenlightened towards bondage are counteracted by the power of knowledge become defunct and disappear, in the case of the enlightened one. jaha maja pivamANo aradibhAvaNa majadi Na puriso| davvuvabhoge arado NANI vi Na bajjhadi taheva // 196 / / jaha majjam pivamano aradibhavena majjadi na puriso davvuvabhoge arado nani vi na bajj hadi taheva (196) yathA madyaM piban aratibhAvena mAdyati na puruSaH / dravyopabhoge arato jJAnyapi na badhyate tathaiva // 196 // 196. Just as a person who takes wine (as medicine) without ,any special longing for it, does not get intoxicated, so also the enlightened Self, while he enjoys external objects without any special longing towards them, does not get bound. COMMENTARY Thus is explained the extraordinary potency of the attitude of non-attachment in keeping the enlightened Self free from karmic bondage, even while he enjoys the objects of the external world. sevaMto vi Na sevai asevamANo vi sevago kovi / pagaraNaceTTA kassavi Naya pAyaraNotti so hodi // 197 // sevasto vi na sevai asevamano vi sevago kovi pagaranacettha kassavi naya payaranotti so hodi" (197) sevamAno'pi na sevate, asevamAno'pi sevakaH kazcit / prakaraNaceSTA kasyApi na ca prAkaraNa iti sa bhavati // 197 // 197. While one actually enjoys, does not really enjoy; whereas another while not enjoying does really enjoy. Just as one who plays a part does not really become that character. COMMENTARY An actor on a stage may represent a particuiar character in a drama which may be either tragic or comic. The actor may very successfully play his part without actually suffering any emotional experience corresponding to the part. But a man in the audience who is merely a spectator may experience all the emotions because he identifies himself mentally with the Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VII 133 character. In the former case such emotional experience is absent in spite of perfect dramatic action because the actor maintains complete isolation mentally from the dramatic situation. Isolation is the cause of the absence of emotion even while external action is present. Whereas in the latter even though there is no action, there is emotional experience corresponding to the situation because of the mental identification with the situation. Exactly similar is the case with a person who enjoys the objects of the external world. The determining factor here also is the mental attitude and not action. A person may make use of external objects as a matter of duty without having corresponding emotional fervour. Here action is present and not the corresponding emotion. But in the case of another person who is incapable of having the attitude of mental isolation and who has a hankering after external objects, may have all the characteristic emotions even though he does not actually enjoy them either because of lack of opportunity or of external restraint. Thus it is true that one who enjoys may not really enjoy, whereas another who does not enjoy may really enjoy according to the mental attitude of each. udayavivAgo viviho kammANaM vaNNido jiNavarehi / du te majjha sahAvA jANagabhAvo du ahamekko // 168 // udayavivago viviho kammanam vannido jinavarehim na du te majjha sahava janagabhavo du ahamekko (198) udayavipAko vividhaH karmaNAM varNito jinavaraiH / na tu te mama svabhAvAH jJAyakabhAvastvahamekaH // 198 // 198. It has been declared by the great Jinas that the rise and fruition of karmas are of various kinds. But they are not I am certainly the (non-varying) (related to) my pure nature. one, the Knower by nature. poggalakammaM rAgo tassa vivAgodao havadi eso / Na du esa majbhabhAvo jANagabhAvo hu ahamekko // 199 // poggalakammam rago tassa vivagodao havadi eso na du esa majjha bhavo janagabhavo hu ahamekko (199) pudgalakarma rAgastasya vipAkodayA bhavati eSaH / natveSa mama bhAvaH jJAyakabhAvaH khalvahamekaH // 199 // Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 134 SAMAYASARA 199. Desire is karmic matter (previously bound). When this manifests after maturity there is the emotion of desire. This psychic state is not of my nature. Certainly, I am the unruffled one, the Knower. COMMENTARY This statement about desire must be taken to be true in the case of other emotions such as aversion, delusion, anger, pride deceit, greed, etc. evaM sammAiTThI appANaM muNadi jANagasahAvaM / udayaM kammavivAgaM ca muadi taccaM viyANaMto // 20 // evai sammaitthi appanam munadi janagasahavam udayam kammavivagam ca muadi taccam viyanamto (200) evaM samyagdRSTiH AtmAnaM nAnAti jJAyakasvabhAvam / udayaM karmavipAkaM ca muzcati tattvaM vijAnan // 20 // 200. Thus the right believer having a clear knowledge of reality apprehends his own Self to be of the nature as the knower and rejects emotional states because they are the result of the manifestation of karmic matter. COMMENTARY A clear understanding of the nature of reality thus enables one to accept what ought to be accepted and to reject what ought to be rejected. paramANumittiyaM pi hu rAgAdINaM tu vijjade jassa / Navi so jANadi appANayaM tu savvAgamadharovi // 201 // paramanumittiyam pi hu ragadinam tu vijjade jassa navi so janadi appanayam tu savvagamadharo vi (201) paramANumAtramapi khalu rAgAdInAM tu vidyate yasya / nApi sa jAnAtyAtmAnaM tu sarvAgamadharo'pi // 201 // 201. Verily one in whom attachment. etc., even to the extent of an atom, is present, cannot know the Self even if one be a master of all scriptures. appANamayANaMto aNappayaM ceva so ayaannNto| kaha hodi sammadiTThI jIvAjIve ayANaMto // 202 // appanamayanamto anappayam ceva so ayanasto kaha hodi sammaditthi jivajive ayanamto (202) Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 135 CHAPTER VII AtmAnamajAnan anAtmAnaM cApi so'jAnan / kathaM bhavati samyagdRSTi vAnIvAvanAnan // 202 // 202. He who does not know the real Self cannot know the non-Self. Thus being devoid of the knowledge of jiva and ajiva, Soul and non-soul, how can he be one of right faith ? Adamhi davvabhAve 'athire mottUNa giNha tava NiyadaM / thiramekamimaM bhAvaM uvalabbhaMtaM sahAveNa // 203 // adamhi davvabhave athire mottuna ginka tava niyadan thiramekamimam bhavam uvalabbhamtam sahavena (203) Atmani dravyabhAvAnyasthirANi muktvA gRhANa tava niyatam / sthiramekamimaM bhAvaM upalabhyamAnaM svabhAvena // 203 // 203. Giving up the impermanent physical and psychical states in the Self (which are due to dravya karmas and bhava karmas respectively) makes one grasp this state resulting from the realisation of the true nature of the Self which is eternal, unchanging, and indivisible unity. COMMENTARY In the experience of the empirical ego, there are several psycho-physical states, brought about by the erroneous apprehension of the reals. These states are indeterminate, varying. momentary and erroneous in nature. Hence these do not represent the true nature of the Self. Therefore they must be discarded. But that psychical state resting upon the nature of the transcendental ego is characterised by qualities contrary to the above. This is determinate, permanent, one and free from error. Hence this is the ideal to be sought after. AbhiNisudohimaNakevalaM ca taM hodi ekameva padaM / so eso paramaTTo jaM lahi, Nivudi jAdi // 204 // abhini sudohimanakevalan ca tam hodi ekkameva padam so eso paramattho jam lahidum nivvudim jadi (204) AbhinibodhikazrutAvadhimana:paryayakevalaM ca tadbhavatyekameva padam / sa eSa paramArthaH yaM labdhvA nivRti yAti // 20 // 204. Knowledge through sense-perception, knowledge from scriptures, knowledge from clairvoyance, knowledge from 1. apade mokkUNa Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 136 SAMAYASARA telepathy, and supreme knowledge of reality-all these refer to one and the same state. That is the absolute. Realisation of that absolute is moksa. COMMENTARY Atma, the Self is the absolute. That itself is jnana or knowledge. The Self is one prime category. Hence knowledge is therefore the same as that absolute. Hence it is the means of Nirvana or moksa. Various kinds of knowledge, such as mati-jnana, sruta jnana, etc. do not in any way differentiate this unitary state of knowledge. These various kinds of knowledge refer only to this unitary state of knowledge. When the sun is hidden by clouds its light is not seen and when the clouds gradually disperse, the sunlight gradually reappears in varying degrees till it regains its full luminosity when all the clouds completely disappear. So also the Self in the form of knowledge, remains hidden shrouded by the layer of karmas. When the karma cloud gradually gets dispersed, then the Self-knowledge begins to shine in varying brilliancy. This variation in knowledge which is due to the variation in the density of the karmic cloud does not in any way imply any differentiation in the nature of the underlying Self. That remains the same one. non-varying and permanent. That remains without any differentiation. It is identical with supreme knowledge. When that knowledge is obtained, it is Self-realisation. Then nescience gets destroyed, then the Self is obtained; all that pertains to non-Self disappears; no more desire, hatred, or delusion; no more inflow of fresh karmas; no more karmic bondage; the previously bound karmas automatically wear out; thus when all karmas completely disappear, that state itself is moksa. Hence it follows that the absolute is equal to the Self which is equal to pure knowledge, and attaining this ought to be the aim of life since that is the door-way to moksa. NANaguNeNa vihINA evaM tu padaM bahUvi Na lahaMte / taM giNha supadamedaM jadi icchasi kammaparimokkhaM // 205 // nanagunena vihina edam tu pada bahuvi na lahamte tam ginha supadamedan jadi icchasi kammaparimakkhara. Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VII Mayoifdgtai gag qa agaisfa a anza | tadgRhANasu padamidaM yadIcchasi karmaparimokSam // 205 205. Those who are devoid of this attribute of knowledge even though their efforts be several, do not attain this state. If you desire complete liberation from bondage, you must contemplate upon this pure state of knowledge. COMMENTARY What is contemplated is the ideal. One who contemplates is the person who desires the ideal. By constant contemplation of the ideal, a person aiming at the goal comes nearer and nearer to it till he finds himself identified with that very ideal. This psychic effort of aiming at the ideal through the act of contemplation is here pointed out as the necessary means of realising the true nature of the Self. Further it is implied that the nature of the ideal contemplated upon is of great importance. The popular view that one who contemplates with devotion upon an ideal whose nature may be anything is really contemplating upon the supreme paramatma is incompatible with the Jaina Siddhanta. gaftg zat food eggi aife forsanafte i edeNa hohi titto to hohadi tuha uttamaM sokkhaM // 206 // edamhi rado niccam samtuttho hohi niccamedamhi edena hohi titto to hohadi tuha uttamam sokkham, (206) gaftng cat fazi eiget na fazaHaftxa | etena bhava tRptaH tarhi bhaviSyati tavottamaM saukhyam // 206 // sense 206. Oh! Good Soul, (Turning away from the pleasures and fixing your attention always on the pure nature of the Self), always be in love with it and hence be happy and satisfied, for surely that will lead you to the future everlasting supreme bliss of moksa. 18 137 ko nAma bhaNijja buho paradavvaM mamamidaM havadi davvaM / appANamappaNI pariggahaM tu NiyadaM viyAgaMto // 207 // ko nama bhanijja baho paradavvam mamamidam havadi davvam appanamappano pariggaham tu niyadam viyanamto (20Z) Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 138 SAMAYASARA ko nAma bhaNed buddhaH paradravyaM mamedaM bhavati dravyam / AtmAnamAtmanaH parigrahaM tu niyataM vijAnan // 207 // 207. How can the wise man who realises that the Self alone is the property of the Self, really maintain these alien objects, such as his body, as genuinely his own property ? COMMENTARY Even an ignoramus cannot make the mistake of identifying his self with the external objects. Thus it is quite obvious that a wise man can never make such a mistake. He will always be able to discern the difference between his Self and non-Self. majjhaM pariggaho jai tado ahamajIvadaM tu gacchejja / NAdeva ahaM jamhA tamhA Na pariggaho majjha / / 208 // majjham pariggaho jai tado ahamajivadom tu gacchejja nadeva ahan jamha tamha na pariggaho majjha (208) mama parigraho yadi tato'hamajIvatAM tu gaccheyaM / jJAtaivAhaM yasmAttasmAnna parigraho mama // 208 // 208. External things owned by me, if they are absolutely of my nature, then I must become non-living (like them). Because I am a Knowing Self, therefore the objects possessed by me are not of my nature. chijjadu vA bhijjadu vA Nijjadu vA ahava jAdu vippalayaM / jamhA tamhA gacchadu tahAvi Na pariggaho majjha // 206 // chijjadu va bhijjadu va nijjadu va ahava jadu vippalayam jamha tamha gacchadu tahavi na pariggaho majjha (209) chidyatAM vA bhidyatAM vA nIyatAM vA athavA yAtu vipralayam / yasmAttasmAd gacchatu tathApi na parigraho mama // 209 // 209. It may be cut, it may be split, it may be dragged or it may be destroyed, whatever manner of deformity it undergoes even then it (the body or any other external object) does not cancern me as it is not really mine. COMMENTARY The various ways of maiming the body or other external Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VII 139 objects and the consequent suffering will not affect the Self which has realised its true nature to be distinct from that of the alien objects. apariggaho aNiccho bhaNido NANI ya Nicchade dhammaM / apariggaho du dhammassa jANago teNa so hodi // 210|| apariggaho aniccho bhanido nani ya nicchade dhammam apariggaho du dhammassa janago tena so hodi (210) aparigraho 'niccho bhaNito jJAnI ca necchati dharmam / aparigrahastu dharmasya jJAyakastena sa bhavati // 210 // For 210. Non-possession is said to be non-attachment, that reason the knower does not desire even merit. Thus being free from attachment towards merit, he thereby becomes merely the Knower (of merit). COMMENTARY Dharma or virtuous conduct is the same as what punya is. Punya also is considered to be a form of karma in spite of the fact that it is able to produce pleasurable results. Hence it must also be avoided by one who is bent upon realising the Pure Self. The Pure Self is of the form of suddho payoga. This is its real nature, whereas punya or Dharma is said to be the subha-upayoga. Since the latter is different from the real nature of the Self, it ought to be discarded by the knower, even though it is ordinarily a desirable course of conduct. apariggaho aNiccho bhaNido NANI ya Nicchadi bhadhammaM / apariggaho adhammassa jANago teNa so hodi // 211 // apariggaho aniccho bhanido nani ya nicchadi adhamam apariggaho adhammassa janago tena so hodi (211) aparigraho'niccho bhaNito jJAnI tu necchati adharmaM / aparigraho'dharmasya jJAyakastena sa bhavati // 211 // Thus being 211. Non- possession is said to be non-attachment. For that reason the knower does not desire de-merit. free from attachment towards demerit, he thereby becomes merely the knower (of demerit). Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 140 SAMAYASARA COMMENTARY Possession and attachment are identical. Where there is no desire, there is no possession. Desire is the psychic state born of nescience. This psychic state of the nature of nescience, therefore cannot happen in tne knower. The knower must therefore have the psychic state of true knowledge. Hence he cannot have desire which is of the nature of nescience. Therefore he does not even desire that which is of the nature of nescience. Therefore he does not even desire merit or demerit, good or evil. Hence in the case of the knower there is no relation of possession of merit or demerit, dharma or adharma since real nature is beyond good and evil. What is asserted of. adharma (demerit) is equally true of raga (desire), dvesa(aversion) krodha (anger), etc. apariggaho aNiccho bhaNidoM' NANI ya Nicchade asaNaM / apariggaho du bhasaNassa jANago teNa so hodi // 212 // apariggaho aniccho bhaaido nani ya nicchade asanam apariggaho du asanassa janago tena so hodi (212) aparigraho'niccho bhaNito jJAnI ca necchatyazanam / aparigrahastvazanasya jJAyakastena sa bhavati // 212 // 212. Non-possession is said to be non-attachment. For that reason the Knower does not desire food. Thus being free from attachment for food, he thereby becomes merely the Knower (of food). apariggaho aNicchoM bhaNido pANaM ca Nicchade pANi / apariggaho du pANassa jANago teNa so hodi // 213 // apariggaho aniccho bhaaido panan ca nicchade pani apariggaho du panassa janago tena so hodi (213) aparigraho aniccho bhaNitaH pAnaM ca necchati pAnI / aparigrahastu pAnasya jJAyakastena sa bhavati // 213 // 213. Non-possession is said to be non-attachment. For that reason the Knower does not desire drink. Thus being free from attachment for drink, he thereby becomes merely the knower (of drink). 1. bhaNido NANI duNicchade asnnN| 2. bhariNado gANI duNicchade pANaM / Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VII evamAdu edu vivi savve bhAve ya Nicchade NANI / jAgabhAvoNiyado NIrAlaMbo du savvattha // 214 // evamadu edu vivihe savve bhave ya nicchade nani janagabhavo niyado niralambo du sarvattha (214) evamAdikAMstu vividhAn sarvAn bhAvAn ca necchati jJAnI / jJAyakabhAvo niyato nirAlambastu sarvatra // 294 // 214. The Knower has no hankering after all these various psychic states (such as desire and appetite for external objects). Since he is really of the nature of the Knower he remains everywhere independent (of alien influences). upobhoge vibhogabuddhIya tassa so NiccaM / kaMkhAmaNAgadassa ya udayassa Na kuvvade NANI // 215 // uppannodayabhoge viogabuddhiya tassa so niccam kamkhamanagadassa ya udayassa na kuvvade nani (215) utpannodaya bhogo viyogabuddhyA tasya sa nityam / kAGkSAmanAgatasya ca udayasya na karoti jJAnI // 215 // 215. Thus the Knower having always an attitude of renunciation towards the enjoyable environmental objects arising from the operation of karmas, he exhibits neither a desire for the present changes nor a longing for the future ones. jo vedadivedidi samae samae viNassade uhayaM / taM jANago dra NANI ubhayamavi Na kakhai kayAvi // 216 // jo vedadi vedijjadi samae samae uinassade uhavam tain janago dunani ubhayamavi na kamkhai kayavi (216) yo vedayate vedyate samaye samaye vinazyatyubhayaM / tad jJAyakastu jJAnI, ubhayamapi na kAMkSati kadApi // 216 // 141 216. Psychic activities corresponding to what feels and what is felt, both get destroyed every moment. One who knows this is the Knower. Never does he long for these. COMMENTARY The series of conscious states consist of rapidly moving sensation, perception and idea. These elements form parts of the cognitive aspect of consciousness. Besides this cognitive Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 142 SAMAYASTRA aspect of series of consciousness, there is also the hedonic aspect associated with each item of the series. A sensation or a perception besides giving information about an external object, may also produce pleasurable or painful feeling, This pleasurepain aspect is present in association with each item of the series. This again has two aspects, subjective and objective, the former indicated by the direction of attention, the latter indicated by the perception and idea attended to. These are technically called vedaka and vedya bhavas. If the pleasure-pain aspect is negative, it produces an automatic reaction whether in man or in animals to turn away from the painful perception and idea. But if the hedonic aspect is positive and pleasurable it produces a contrary reaction in the individual. The individual strives to get at it and possess it because it is pleasurable. This behaviour which man has in common with lower animals, as the manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation, is not present in the case of an enlightened individual. He recognises the momentariness of these series rapidly passing in front of the real Self whose nature is entirely distinct from the characteristics of the passing series of conscious states. Resting upon this permanent reality, he is able to realise that even the pleasurable elements of consciousness are entirely ephemeral and fleeting in nature and hence incapable of producing any real satisfaction. Further he realises that there is no fundamental difference between the pleasurable and painful hedonic aspects of consciousness, since both are due to karmic upadhic conditions entirely alien to the nature of the Self. Hence his behaviour is different. He does not run after the pleasurable elements of consciousness, nor does he desire to possess them. The ordinary behaviour of avioding the painful and pursuing the pleasurable is transformed in his case to an attitude of neutrality in which he remains merely a spectator of the panorama without in any way being affected by the hedonic elements even when they are pleasurable. baMdhuvabhogaNimittaM ajjhavasANodaesu NANissa / saMsAradehavisaesu Neva uppajjade rAgo // 217 // bamdhuvabhogaaimittam ajjhavasano daesu nanissa sansaradehavisaesu neva uppajjade rago (217) Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VII 143 baMdhopabhoganimitteSu adhyavasAnodayeSu jJAninaH / saMsAradehaviSayeSu naivotpadyate rAgaH // 217 // 217. The psychic states conditioned by samsara lead to bondage while the psychic states conditioned by the body lead to enjoyment. Hence in the true knower, no desire for these is produced. COMMENTARY Psychic states are of two kinds, one pertaining to samsara that is the empirical world of things and persons, and the other pertaining to one's own body. The former results in bondage since it is conditioned by the emotions like desire, aversion and delusion. The latter leads to enjoyment either pleasurable or painful. The knowing Self is therefore without any attachment to any of these. NoNI rAgappajaho savvadanvesu kammamajjhagado / No lippadi kammaraeNa du kaddamamajjhe jahA kaNayaM // 218 // nani ragappajaho savvadavvesu kammamajjhagado no lippadi kammaraena du kaddamamajjhe jaha kanayam (218) jJAnI rAgaprahAyaH sarvadravyeSu karmamadhyagataH / no lipyate karmaranasA tu kardamamadhye yathA kanakam // 218 // aNNANI puNa ratto savvasadavvesu kmmmjjhgdo| lippadi kammaraeNa du kaddamamajjhe jahA lohaM // 21 // annani puna ratto savvadavvesu kammamajjhgado lippadi kammaraena du kaddamamajjhe jaha lohan (219) ajJAnI punaH raktaH sarvadravyeSu karmamadhyagataH / lipyate karmarajasA tu kardamamadhye yathA loham // 219 // 218. and 219. Just as gold in the midst of mire remains uncontaminated because of its non-adhesive property, so also the enlightened one, because of his complete non-attachment to the environment remains unaffected even when immersed in a cloud of karmas; whereas the unenlightened one because of his attachment to external objects gets affected when in the midst of karmas just as a piece of iron gets contaminated when dipped in mire because of its adhesive property. Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 144 SAMAYASARA bhujjaMtassa vi vivihe saccittAcittamissie davve / saMkhassa sedabhAvo Na vi sakkadi kiNhago kAuM // 220 // bhumjjartassa vi vivihe saccittacittamissie davve samkhassa sedabhavo na vi sakkadi kinhago kaum (220) bhuJAnasyApi vividhAni sacittAcittamizritAni dravyANi / zaMkhasya zvetabhAvo nApi zakyate kRSNakaH kartum // 220 // taha gANissa du vivihe saccittAcittamissie davve / bhujjaMtassa vi NANaM Na sakkamaNNANadaM Ne, // 221 // taha nanissa du vivihe saccittacittamissie davve bhujjamtassa vi ndnam na sakkamnnanadam nedum (221) tathA jJAnino'pi vividhAni sacittacittamizritAni dravyANi / bhujAnasyApi jJAnaM na zakyamajJAnatAM netum // 211 // 220 and 221. The conch-fish may eat and assimilate various things, animate, inanimate, and mixed, and yet the white colour of its shell cannot be changed into black by the things assimilated. In the same way the enlightened Knower may enjoy various objects, animate, inanmiate, and mixed, and yet his nature of knowledge cannot be converted into nescience by the things so enjoyed. jaiyA sa eva saMkho sedasahAvaM tayaM pajAhidUNa / gacchejja kiNhabhAvaM taiyA sukkataNaM pajahe // 222 // jaiya sa eva sarakho sedasahavam tayan pajahiduna gacchejja kinhabavam taiya sukkattanam pajahe (222) yadA sa eva zaMkhaH zvetasvabhAvaM prahAya / gacchet kRSNabhAvaM tadA zuklatvaM prajahyAt // 222 // taha NANI vihu jaiyA NANasavAvaM tayaM pajahidUNa / aNNANeNa pariNado taiyA aNNANadaM gacche // 223 // taha nani vihu jaiya nanasahavam tayan pajahiduna annanena parinado taiya annanadam gacche (223) tathA jJAnyapi khalu yadA jJAnasvabhAvaM taka prahAya / ajJAnena pariNatastadA ajJAnatAM gacchet // 223 // 222 and 223. The very same conch-fish (irrespective of the fact whether it eats other things or not) may intrinsically Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VII 145 undergo a change of colour, when the white-shell will be changed into black one. Similarly the enlightened Knower (who remained uninfluenced by the things enjoyed) may undergo deterioration in himself by which he may lose his nature of knowledge and assume one of nescience. COMMENTARY Thus it is clear that whether the Self retains its true form as the knower or deteriorates into its opposite is entirely determined by itself. Next the author explains through an illustration taken from ordinary life the difference between the operation of the karma in the case of the wrong believer and that in the case of the right believer. puriso jaha kovi ihaM vittiNimittaM tu sevae rAyaM / to sovi dedi rAyA vivihe bhoge suhuppAe // 224 // puriso jaha kovi iham vittinimittam tu sevae rayani to sovi dedi raya vivihe bhoge suhuppae (224) puruSo yathA kopIha vRttinimittaM tu sevate rAjAnam / satso'pi dadAti rAjA vividhAn bhogAn sukhotpAdakAn // 224 // emeva jIvapuriso kammarAyaM sevae suhaNimittaM / to sovi dei kammo vivihe bhoe suhuppAe // 225 // emeva jivapuriso kammarayam sevae suhaaimittam to sovi dei kammo vivihe bhoe suhuppae (225) evameva jIvapuruSaH karmarajaH sevate sukhanimittam / / tattadapi dadAti karmarAnA vividhAn sukhotpAdakAn bhogAn // 225 // jaha puNa so ciya puriso vittiNimittaM Na sevae rAyaM / to so Na dei rAyA vivihe bhoe suhuppAe // 226 // jaha puna so ciya puriso vittinimittam na sev ae rayam to so na dei raya vivihe bhoe suhuppae (226) yathA punaH sa eva puruSo vRttinimittaM na sevate rAjAnam / satso'pi na dadAti rAjA vividhAn bhogAn sukhotpAdakAn // 226 // Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 146 SAMAYASARA evameva sammadiTThI visayattaM sevae Na kammarayaM / to so Na dei kammaM vivihe bhoe suhuppAe // 227 // evameva sammaditthi visayattam sevaye na kammarayam to so na dei kammam vivihe bhoe suhuppae (227) evameva samyagdRSTi: viSayArtha sevate na karmarajaH / tattanna dadAti karma vividhAn bhogAn sukhotpAdakAn // 227 // 224 to 227. Just as whenever a person in this world, with the object of gaining his livelihood, serves his king and the king gives him by way of remuneration various pleasure-producing objects, so also the Self, in the form of an unenlightened personality with the object of securing pleasures, devotes himself in the service of karmas and the karma-raja accordingly offers him pleasure-producing things. Whenever that very person does not serve the king for his livelihood, the king does not give him various pleasure-producing object by way of remuneration. Similarly the right-believer, for the sake of sense-pleasures does not devote himself to the service of karmas and, consequently, the karma does not yield various objects as a source of enjoyment. COMMENTARY Thus it is clear that in the case of the right-believer the karma is incapable of producing any effect. While proceeding to describe the nature of right belief and its constituent elements, the author first states in general nissanka or doubtlessness. sammAdiTThI jIvA NissaMkA hoti NinbhayA teNa / sattabhayavippamukkA jamhA tamhA du NissaMkA // 228 // sammadithi jiva nissanka horti nibbhaya tena sattabhayavippamukka jamha tamha du nissainka (328) * samyagdRSTayo jIvA nizzahAH bhavanti nirbhayAstena / saptabhayaviSamuktA yasmAttasmAttu nizzakAH // 228 // 228. Souls with right belief are free from doubt and therefore they are free from fear. Because they are free from seven kinds of fear, they are free from doubt, COMMENTARY The seven fears are (1) fear relating to this life, (2) fear Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VII 147 relating to future life, (3) fear of being without protection, ( 4 ) fear of the disclosure of what is kept in secret (5) fear of pain, (6) fear of accident and (7) fear of death. The author further explains the characteristics of nissanka or doubtlessness (one of the constituents of right belief). jo cattAri vi pAe chidadi te 'kammamohabAdhakare / so siMko cedA sammAdiTThI muNeyavvo // 226 // jo cattari vi pae chimdadi te kammamohabadhakare so nissamko ceda sammaditthi muneyavvo (229) yazcaturo'pi pAdAn chinatti tAn karmamohabAdhakarAn / sa nizzaGkazcetayitA samyagdRSTirmantavyaH // 229 // 229. He who cuts the four feet (wrong-belief, discipline, soul-soiling groos emotions, and psycho-physical activity) of what produces karma, delusion, and suffering is the non-doubting right beliver. COMMENTARY Hence the Self which is non-doubting is free from bondage resulting from doubt. He has only to shed the karmas previously acquired. non Next the quality of niskanksa or desirelessness is described. jo du Na karedi kakhaM kammaphalesu tayI savvadhammesu / so Nikkakho cedA sammAdiTThI muNeyavvo / / 230 // jo du na karedi kamkham kammaphalesu tahayi savvadhammesu so nikkamkho ceda sammaditth muneyavvo (230) yastu na karoti kAGakSAM karmaphaleSu tathA ca sarvadharmeSu / sa niSkAGakSazcetayitA samyagdRSTirmantavyaH // 230 // 230. He who evinces no desire for pleasures resulting from karmas or for all qualities of things must be understood to be a desire-free right believer. COMMENTARY The Self which is free from desire is ipso facto free from 1. kammabaMdha mohakare Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 148 SAMAYASARA desire produced by bondage. He has only to do nirjara, the shedding of the karmas previously acquired. Next the characteristic of nirvicikitsa is mentioned. jo Na karedi juguMchaM cedA savvesimeva dhammANaM / so khalu NinvidigiMcho sammAdiTThI muNeyavvo // 231 // jo na karedi jugumchan ceda savvesimeva dhammanam so khalu nivvidigimcho sammaditthi muneyavvo (231) yo na karoti jugupsAM cetayitA sarveSAmeva dharmANAm / sa khalu nirvicikitsaH samyagdRSTimantavyaH // 231 // 231. He who does not exhibit any abhorrence or disgust towards all the (obnoxious) qualities of things, is said to be the right believer without any abhorrence. COMMENTARY The characteristics in one's own body or in the environment which produce disgust or abhorrence in an ordinary man are without any influence in the case of the right believer who is aware of the nature of the things in themselves. This attitude of absolute indifference even in the midst of disgusting things is what is known as the quality of nirvicikitsa. This attitude of indifference does not produce any feeling of disgust or abhorrence. His attention is not diverted to the unpleasant situation in the environment. His attention is therefore fixed on the true nature of the Self. Hence there is no karmic bondage resulting from the emotions of disgust or abhorrence. He has only to achieve nirjara or the shedding of the past karmas. Next the author describes the quality of non-delusion (amadadistitvam) jo havai asammUDho cedA saddiTThI savva bhAvesu / so khalu amUDhadiTTI sammAdiTThI muNeyavvo // 232 // jo havai asammudo ceda sadditthi savva bhavesu so khalu amudaditthi sammaditthi muneyavvo (232) 1. ceva bhAvezu sAmagge Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (149 CHAPTER VII yo bhavati asaMmUDhaM cetayitA sadRSTi sarvabhAveSu / sa khalu amUDhadRSTiH samyagdRSTimantavyaH // 232 // 232. He who is completely devoid of delusian as to the nature of things is certainly understood to be the non-deluded right-believer. COMMENTARY In this case also freedom from delusion as to the nature of things prevents the appearance of karmas arising from delusion. Hence the right believer has only nirjara to achieve. Next the author describes upaguhana or the charitable concealment of defects in others. jo siddhabhattijutto uvagRhaNago du savvadhammANaM / so uvagRhaNakArI sammAdiTThI muNeyavvo // 233 // jo siddhabhattijutto uvaguhanago du savvadhammanan so uvaguhanakari sammaditthi muneyavvo * (233) yaH siddhabhaktiyuktaH upagUhanakastu sarvadharmANam / sa upagRhanakArI samyagdRSTimantavyaH // 233 // 233. He who is filled with devotion to Siddha and who forbears in every way all kinds of defects in others is considered to be the right-believer endowed with the quality of forbearance. COMMENTARY The important word in this gatha is upagahana which means the attitude of forbearance and charity through which the defects of helpless persons such as children and invalids are overlooked and concealed. This is the usual meaning given by the various Jaina writers for that word upagahana. That is also the definition given by Samantabhadra in his Ratnakarandka. Sravakacara (I.I 5) where he explains the constituent element of upaguhana. Prabhachandra's commentary on the same verse maintains the same point of view. "Children because of ignorance, and invalids because of their incapacity, may go wrong in their course of conduct prescribed for them by the religion. When they commit mistakes in that way these defects Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 150 SAMAYASARA must not be made much of, but must be over-looked and concealed, and that is upaguhana." One of the commentators on Samayasara, Amritacandra, evidently had before him the word upabrmhana and not upaguhana. The word upabrithana means growing or increasing. With this reading evidently he explains the term as one who increases the powers of the Sell, or atma-sakti and that a right-believer is called one who lias the soul-power in fullness. Hence in his case there is no karmic bandha produced by lack of soul-power or the weakness of Self. This same word upabrinhana is included by both Pujyapada and Tkalanka when they enumerate the eight constituent clements or astangas of right belief. In commenting upon the Sutra 24 of Chapter VI of Tattvarthasutra, "Uttamaksa madi-bhavamaya-atmano dharma-pari-vriddhi-karanam upabtmhanarn", increasing the true characteristics of the Self through the attitude of supreme forbearance, etc., means upabimhanam or increase in soul-power. Jayasena, the other commentator on Samayasara, evidently tries to combine the meaning of both the words upabimhana and upaguhana. "Mithyatva-ragadi- vibhava-dharmanam - upa-guhaka - pracchada ka-vinasakah." Thus he takes the word upaguhana to mean vinasa or destruction and what must be destroyed are the impure psychic states produced by wrong belief, attachment to sense-pleasures, etc. It is extremely difficult on our part to explain how this constituent element upabtihana was supplanted by the element upa-guhana, from increasing to fullness the soul-power to charitably forbearing the defects in others. Akalanka's Rajavartika gives us a clue to understanding this transformation. The increasing of the soul-power is effected by means of uttamaksama, supreme forbearance, etc. One who practises uttamksama, etc., not only increases his own soul's potency to fulness, but also by the same process developes the supreme quality of love and forbearance towards others. Persons who go astray either through ignorance or incapacity are forgiven by those great personalities who realise themselves in fulness and thereby evince love and forbearance towards others. They are able to discern the element of goodness in things evil. Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VII 151 They may condemn evil but they sympathise with and forgive the evil-doer. This attitude is beautifully illustrated in Christ's words addressed to the woman taken in the act of adultery, "Neither de I condemn thee. Go and sin no more." Thus upaguhana is in short the result of upabrihana, the fulness of power manifesting itself in forgiving and forbearance towards the weak. In this case there is no karmic bondage, resulting from non-forbearance; nirjara, or shedding of past karmas alone remains to be effected. In the next gatha the author gives a description of sthitikarana, non-wavering firmness in faith. ummaggaM gacchaMtaM sagamapi magge Thavedi jo cedA / so ThidikaraNa jutto sammAdiTThI muNeyavvo // 234 // ummagggi gacchamtar sagamapi magge thavedi jo ceda so thidikarana jutto sammaditthi muneyavvo (234) unmArga gacchantaM svakamapi mArge yaH sthApayati yshcedyitaa| sa sthitikaraNayuktaH samyagdRSTimantavyaH // 234 // 234. He who, instead of going astray, establishes himself firmly in the path of emancipation must be considered to be the right-believer who is endowed with steadfastness. COMMENTARY In this case also since the right believer is firmly established in the path leading to moksa, there is no wavering in him. Hence there is no bondage due to the lack of firmness. Hence there is only nirjara to be effected here also. Next the author describes the constituent element vatsalya, the attitude of love and devotion. jo kuNadi vacchalattaM tiNhe sAdhUNa mokkhamaggammi / so vacchalabhAvajudo sammAdiTThI muNeyavvo // 235 // jo kunadi vacchalattam tinhe sadhuna mokkhamaggammi so vacchalabhavajudo sammaditthi muneyavvo (235) yaH karoti vatsalatvaM trayANAM sAdhUnAM mokSamArge / saH vAtsalyabhAvayuktaH samyagdRSTimantavyaH // 235 // Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 152 SAMAYASARA 235. Whoever develops love and devotion to the three jewels which constitute the right path to moksa, that person is considered to be the right believer endowed with love and devotion to the true path. COMMENTARY Love and devotion sustain him in the right path. Hence there is no lack of devotion and love and hence there is no karmic bondage, consequent thereupon. There is only nirjara to be achieved. Next is described the eighth constituent element of prabhavana or proclaiming the truth (of pravacana or Divine Word). vinArahamArUDho maNorahapahesu bhamai jo cedA / so jiNaNANapahAvI sammAdiTTI muNeyavvo // 236 // vijjarahamarudo manorahapahesu bhamai jo ceda so jinananapahavi sammaditthi muneyavvo (236) vidyArathamArUDhaH manorathapatheSu bhramati yshcetyitaa| sa jinajJAnaprabhAvI samyagdRSTimantavyaH // 236 // 236. The Self, which mounted on the Chariot of knowledge roams about as it pleases (shedding the light of wisdom), is to be considered a right-believer who is engaged in propounding the Jaina faith. COMMENTARY This emphasises the social aspect of religious faith. A person who is equipped with knowledge of reality and who is therefore engaged in self-realisation should not be satisfied with his own personal acquisition of the sublime wisdom. He must place the benefit of his achievement at the disposal of the other members of the society. There is no such thing as isolated personal salvation. He is bound to share the wisdom with others and he must take with him as many as are willing to walk the path with him. This necessarily implies that the enlightened person should not be confined to any particular place. He must go about from place to place carrying the torch of light and wisdom thus spreading the true knowledge and true faith in all Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHATER VIII 153 parts of the country. This roaming about from place to place, spreading hope, wisdom and charity for the benefit of the whole society is called dharma probhavana, one of the essential characteristics of the right believer. This characteristic was present at its maximum in the life of every Tirthankara. The Lord after attaining kevala-jnana or Omniscience, spends the remaining portion of his life-time in going about from place to place and preaching the dharma for the benefit of mankind. Thus the right-believer endowed with the above eight characteristics is free from new karmic bondage but has only to achieve.nirjara or the shedding of the past karmas. Thus ends the chapter on Nirjara. Nirjara quits the stage like a character cured of its infatuous nature and filled with santa-rasa or peace. CHAPTER VIII BANDHA OR BONDAGE OF KARMAS. Then Bandha enters the stage. jaha NAma kovi puriso gehabhatto du reNubahulammi / ThANammi ThAidUNa ya karei satthehi vAyAma // 237 // jaha nama kovi puriso nehabhatto du renubahulammi thanammi thaiduna ya karei satthehim vayamam (237) yathA nAma ko'pi puruSaH snehAbhyaktastu reNubahule / sthAne sthitvA ca karoti zastrairvyAyAmam // 237 // chiMdadi bhidadi ya tahA taaliitlkylivNspiddiio| sacittAcittANaM karei davvANamuvaghAyaM // 238 // chimdadi bhimdadi ya taha talitalakayalivansapimdio sacittacittanam karei davvanamuvaghayam (238) chinatti bhinatti ca tathA tAlItalakadalIvaMzapiNDIH / sacittAcittAnAM karoti dravyANAmupaghAtam // 238 // ughAyaM kuvvaMtassa tassa gANAvihehi karaNehi / Nicchayado citibadu kiM pacayago du rayabaMdho // 236 // 20 Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 154 SAMAYASARA uvaghayam kuvvamtassa tassa nanavihehin karanehim nicchayado cimtijjadu kim paccayago du rayabamdho (239) upaghAtaM kurvatastasya nAnAvidhaiH karaNaiH / nizcayatazcintyatAM tu kiM pratyayakastu rajovadhaH // 239 // jo so du NehabhAvo tamhi gare teNa tassa rybNdho| Nicchayado viSNeyaM Na kAyaceDhAhiM sesAhi // 240 // jo so du rehabhavo tamhi nare tena tassa rayabamdho nicchavado winneyam na kayacetthahim sesahim (240) yaH sa tu snehabhAvastasminnare tena tasya rajobandhaH / nizcayato vijJeyaM na kAyaceSTAbhiH zeSAbhiH // 24 // evaM micchAdiTThI varseto bahuvihAsu ceTTAsu / rAyAI uvaoge kumvaMto lippai rayeNa // 241 // evam micchaditthi vattamto bahuvihasu cetthasu rayai uvaoge kuvvamto lippai rayena (241) evaM mithyAdRSTivartamAno bahuvidhAsu ceSTAsu / rAgAdInupayoge kurvANo lipyate rajasA // 241 // 237 to 241: For instance, a man smeared with oil standing in a place full of dust, performs exercises with a sword, cuts or breaks trees such as palm, tamala, plantain, bamboo, and asoka and thus causes destruction to objects, anirnate and inanimate. In the case of this person who is engaged in the destructive activity by assuming various bodily postures, what is the real condition causing dust deposit on his person ? Certainly it is the oil smeared on his body that must be considered to be the real cause of the dust-deposit and certainly not his various bodily activities. In the same way a wrong believor even while he is engaged in various activities, only if he performs those activities with feeling of attachment then certainly he gets covered with karmic dust. COMMENTARY Here is a person, smeared with oil all over the body, standing in a place which is naturally full of dust. He is engaged in sword exercise. He assumes various postures of his body in Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VIII 155 his rapid movement engaged in the destruction of objects animate and inanimate. Certainly his body is covered with dust. What is the real cause of the dust deposit on him? Certainly it is not the ground which is naturlly full of dust. If that were so, another person without oil-smear on the body standing in the same place must also have the dust-deposit on his body. Is it the sword exercise ? Certainly not. For, another person without the oily body performing the same exercise must get the dust deposit. Is it the destruction of objects animate and inanimate ? This cannot be. For a person similarly engaged without the oily body must also get dust-deposit. In all these cases it is clear that the dust-deposit does not occur when the oily surface is not present and the dust-deposit occurs only when the oily surface is present. This one common factor in the antecedent circumstances must be taken to be the real cause of the dust-deposit. In the same way a wrong believer, who, having the feeling of attachment in himself and remaining in the world which is naturally full of karmic particles is engaged in various activities of thought, word and deed, directed to the destruction of animate and inanimate objects, gets covered with karmic dust. What is the real cause of this karmic bondage ? Certainly it is not the world which is filled with karmic particles. If that were the cause, then even the Siddhas, the Perfect Souls, because of their existence in the same world must also be subjected to karmic bondage. Can it be the action involving thought, word and deed ? Such activity is present even in the case of the Omniscient Arhat and in Him there must occur the karmic bondage. Then is it due to destruction of objects animate and inanimate? Certainly not. For such a destruction may happen even in the case of careful activities which go under the name of five samitis. Here also the only common factor is the antecedent circumstances; the feeling of attachment, must be taken to be the causal condition of the karmic bondage. Thus it is established through a practical illustration that the feeling of attachment towards objects in the environment is the real cause of karmic bondage. jaha puNa so ceva jaro gehe savvamhi avaNiye saMte / reNubahulammi ThANe karei satthehi vAyAma // 242 // Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 156 SAMAYASARA jaha puna so ceva naro nehe savvamhi avaniye saste renubahulammi thane karei satthehi vayamain (242) yathA punaH sa caiva naraH snehe sarvasminnapanIte sati / reNubahule sthAne karoti zastrAyAmam // 242 // chidadi bhidadi ya tahA taaliitlkylivNspiddiio| sazcittAcittANaM karei davANamuvaghAyaM // 243 // chimdadi bhimdadi ya taha talitalakayalivamsapindio saccittacittanam karei davvanamuvaghayam (243) chinatti bhinatti ca tathA tAlItalakadalIvaMzapiMDIH / sacittAcittAnAM karoti dravyANAmupaghAtam // 243 // uvaghAyaM kanvaMtassa tassa gANAvihehi karaNehi / Nicchayado citijadu kiM paJcayago Na rayabaMdho // 244 // uvaghayam kuvvastassa tassa nanavihehim karanehim nicchayado cimtijjadu kim paccayago na rayabandho (244) upaghAtaM kurvatastasya nAnAvidhaiH karaNaH / nizcayatazcintyatAM khalu kiM pratyayako na rajobandhaH // 244 // jo sodu NehabhAvo tamhi Nare teNa tassa rybNdho| Nicchayado viNNeyaM Na kAyaceTTAhi sesAhiM // 245 // ja sodu nehabhavo tamhi nare tena tassa rayabamdho nicchayado vinneyam na kayacetthahim sesahim (245) yaH sa tu snehabhAvastasminnare tena tasya rajobandhaH / nizcayato vijJeyaM na kAyaceSTAbhiH zeSAbhiH // 245 // evaM sammAdiTThI vaTTato bahuvihesu jogesu / akaraMto uvaoge rAgAI Na lippai rayeNa // 246 / / evam sammaditthi vattamto bahavihesu jogesu akaramto uvao ge ragai na lippai rayena (246) evaM samyagdRSTirvartamAno bahuvidheSu yogeSu / akurvannupayoge rAgAdon na lipyate rajasA // 246 // * 242 to 246. On the other hand a person entirely free from oily smear on the body, standing in a place full of dust, performs exercises with a sword, cuts or breaks trees such as palm, tamala, plantain, bamboo and asoka and thus causes destruction to Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VIII 157 objects, animate and inanimate. In the case of this person who is engaged in the destructive activity by assuming various bodily postures, what is the real explanation for the absence of dustdeposit on his person ? Certainly it is the absence of oily surface that must account for the absence of dust-deposit on his person and not his various bodily activities. In the same way a right believer even while he is engaged in various activities of thought, word, and deed merely because of the absence of feeling of attachment in them, is not bound by karmic particles. COMMENTARY In the above gathas the causal relation between the feeling of attachment and karmic bondage is established by citing positive instances on the one hand by which the presence of the cause necessarily implies the presence of the effect and also by citing negative instances on the other hand where the absence of the cause implies the absence of the effect, thus adopting the principle which is known in Logic as the Joint Method of Agreement and Difference. Next the author describes the thoughts characteristic of the nescient and the knowing Self. jo maNNadi hiMsAmi ya hisinAmi ya parehi sattehi / so mUDho aNNANI gANI etto du vivarIdo // 247 // jo mannadi himsami ya himsijjami ya parehim sattehim so mudho annani nani etto du vivarido (247) yo manyate hinasmi ca hiMsye ca paraiH sattvaiH / sa mUDho'jJAnI jJAnyatastu viparItaH // 247 // 247. He who thinks, "I kill other beings or I am killed by other beings", is a deluded one, devoid of knowledge. But one who thinks otherwise is the Knower. COMMENTARY The above-mentioned thought arises from lack of true knowledge which is the characteristic of wrong belief. But such thoughts are absent in the case of one who knows the true Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 158 SAMAYASARA nature of things and hence he is a right believer. The same idea occurs in the Bhagavad Gita. "He who thinks of him as slayer, he who deems him slain-these both are void of judgment; he doth not slay nor is he slain." 11.19. Next the author explains why such thoughts imply ajnana or lack of true knowledge. AukkhayeNa maraNaM jIvANaM jiNavarehi paNNattaM / A Na haresi tumaM kaha te maraNaM kathaM tesi // 248 // aukkhayena maranam jivanam jinavarehim pannattam aum na haresi tumam kaha te maranam kayam tesim (248) AyuH kSayeNa maraNaM jIvAnAM jinavaraiH prajJaptam / Ayurna harasi tvaM kathaM tvayA maraNaM kRtaM teSAm // 248 // 248. It is declared by the Jinas that the death of living beings is caused by the disappearance of their age-determining karma. (Since) thou doth not destroy their age-determining karma, how is their death caused by thee? AukkhayeNa maraNaM jIvANaM jiNavarehi paNNattaM / AuM Na haraMti tuha kaha te maraNaM kathaM tehi // 249 // aukkhayena maranam jivanam jinavarehim pannattam aum na haramti tuha kaha te maranam kayam tehim (249) AyuH kSayeNa maraNaM jIvAnAM jinavaraiH prajJaptam / Ayurna haranti tava kathaM te maraNaM kRtaM taiH // 246 // 249. It is declared by the Jinas that the death of living beings is caused by the disappearance of their age-determining karma. (Since) they do not destroy thine age-determining karma how can thy death be caused by them.. COMMENTARY Death of living beings results only when their age-determin ing karmas wear out. This wearing out of one's own age karma will be caused by its running its full course of duration and not by any other means. When that causal condition is absent, the result cannot be produced by any other means. Hence no one can think of causing the death of another. Therefore the thought, "I kill or I am killed" is certainly the mark of ajnana or absence of knowledge of things real. Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VIII 159 Next the author examines the statements expressing thoughts relating to life, from the same two aspects. jo maNNadi jIvemi ya jIvighnAmi ya parehi sattehiM / so mUDho aNNANI NANI etto du vivarIdo // 250 / / jo mannadi jivemi ya jivijjami ya parehim sattehim so mudho annani noni etto du vivarido (250) yo manyate jIvayAmi ca jIvye ca paraiH sattvaiH / sa mUDho'jJAnI jJAnyatastu viparItaH // 250 / / 250. He who thinks, "I live (as caused by other beings) and I cause other beings to live" is a deluded one, devoid of knowledge. But one who thinks otherwise is the Knower. Next the author points out how this thought is the result of ajnana. AUdayaNa jIvadi jIvo evaM bhaNaMti savvaNha / AuM ca Na desi tumaM kahaM tae jIviyaM kayaM tesi / / 251 // audayena jivadi jivo evam bhanamti savvanhu aum ca na desi tumam kahan tae jiviyan kayam tesin (251) Ayurudayena bIvati jIva evaM bhaNanti sarvajJAH / Ayuzca na dadAsi tvaM kathaM tvayA jIvitaM kRtaM teSAm // 251 // 251. The Omniscient Ones declare that an organic being lives because of the operation of (its) age-karma. (Since) thou giveth not age-karma (to living beings) how is their life caused by thee... AUdayeNa jIvadi jIvo evaM bhaNaMti savvaNhU / AuM ca Na ditti tuhaM kahaM Nu te jIviyaM kayaM tehiM // 252 // aadayena javadi jivo evam bhamanti savvanha aum ca na ditti tuham kaham nu te jiviyam kayam tehinn (252) Ayurudayena jIvati bIva evaM bhaNanti sarvajJAH / Ayuzca na dadAti tava kathaM tu te jIvitaM kRtaM taiH // 252 // 252. The Omniscient Ones declare that an organic being lives because of the operation of (its) age-karma. (Since) they do not give thee thine age-karma, how can thy life be caused by them ? Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 160 SAMAYASARA COMMENTARY The life of an organic being depends upon the operation of its age-karma. So long as the age-karma persists to operate, the organic being continues to live. When that ceases to be, life also ceases to be. Since the age-karma is entirely self-determined in its operation, it cannot be given by anybody else. Therefore. by no means can one make another live. Hence the thought, "I am caused by others to live or I cause others to live," is certainly due to ajnana or absence of the knowledge of the reals. Next it is pointed out that the thought of causing happiness or misery has the same significance. jo appaNA du maNNadi duhidasuhide karemi satteti / so mUDho aNNANI NANo eto du vivarodo // 253 // jo appana du mannadi duhidasuhide karemi satteti so mudho annani nani etto du vivarido (253) ya AtmanA tu manyate duHkhitasukhitAn karomi sattvAniti / sa mUDho'jJAnI jJAnyatastu viparItaH // 253 // 253. He who thinks, "I cause happiness or misery to other beings and I am made happy or miserable by others," is a deluded one, devoid of knowledge. The Knower thinks otherwise. Next the author points out how this thought is the result of ajnana. kammodayeNa jIvA dukkhidasuhidA havaMti jadi samve / kammaM ca Na desi tumaM dukkhidasuhidA kahaM kayA te // 254 // kammo,dayena jiva dukkhidasuhida havati jadi savve kammam ca na desi tumam dukkhidasuhida kaham kaya te ( 254) karmodayena jIvA duHkhitasukhitA bhavanti yadi sarve / karma ca na dadAsi tvaM duHkhitasukhitAH kathaM kRtAste // 254 // 254. If all living beings become miserable or happy only when their karmas begin to operate and since thou dost not give them their karmas, how are they made miserable or happy by thee, Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VIII kammodayeNa jIvA dukkhabasuhidA havaMdi jadi sabve / kammaM ca Na diti tuhaM kadosi kahaM dukkhido tehi // 255 // 21 kammodayena jiva dukkhidasuhida havamdi jadi sarve kammam ca na diti tuham kadosi kaham dukkhido tehim (255) karmodayena jIvA duHkhitasukhitA bhavanti yadi sarve / karma ca na dadati tava kRto'si kathaM duHkhitastaiH // 255 // 255. If all living beings become miserable or happy only when their karmas begin to operate and since they do not give thee thy karmas, how art thou made miserable by them. kammodayeNa jIvA dukkhidasuhidA havaMti jadi santre / kammaM ca Na diti tuhaM kaha taM suhido kado tehi // 256 // kammodayena jiva dukkhidasuhida havamti jadi savve kamman ca na diti tuham kaha tai suhido kado tehim (256) karmodayena jIvA duHkhita sukhitA bhavanti yadi sarve / karma ca na dadati tava kathaM tvaM sukhitaH kRtastaiH // 256 // 256. If all living beings become miserable or happy only when their karmas begin to operate and since they do not give thee thy karmas, how art thou made happy by them. COMMENTARY 161 Whether a living being is happy or miserable, is entirely determined by the operation of its karmas. If the causal condition is absent, the resultant experience will also cease to be. One's karma cannot be got as a gift from another. It is acquired only by one's own conduct in life. Hence one cannot make another happy or miserable. Hence the thought, "I make others happy or miserable or I am made happy or miserable by others' is certainly the mark of ajnana. Thus through these gathas the author emphasises that death and life, misery and happiness are all the result of the operation of one's own karma. jo maradi jo ya duhido jAyadi kammodameja so sabbo / tamhA du mArivodre duhAbido vedi gahu micchA // 257 // ja maradi jo ya duhido jayadi kammodayena so savvo tamha du maridode duhavido cedi rahu miccha (257) Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 162 SAMAYASARA yo mriyate yazca duHkhito jAyate karmodayena sa sarvaH / tasmA mAritaste duHkhitazceti na khalu mithyA // 257 // 257. One dies or one becomes miserable while alive; all these happen as a result of the operation of one's own karmas. Therefore, "He is killed by me and he is made miserable by me" -- is not this view of yours entirely false ? jo Na maradi Na ya duhido sovi ya kammodayeNa ceva khalu / tamhA Na mArido Na duhAvido cedi gahu micchA // 258 // jo na maradi na ya duhido sovi ya kammodayena ceva khalu tamha na marido na duhavido cedi nahu miccha (258) yo na mriyate na ca duHkhito so'Si ca karmodayena caiva khalu / tasmAna mArito na duHkhitazceti na khalu miyA // 258 / / 258. One does not die or one does not become miserable while alive, this also is certainly the result of the operation of one's own karmas. Therefore, "He is not killed by me and he is not made miserable by me"-is not this view of yours entirely false? Next the author points out that this erroneous belief is the cause of bondage. esA dujA maMdI de duHkhidasuhide karemi satteti / esA de mUDhamaI suhAsuhaM baMdhaye kammaM // 256 // esa du ja madt de dukkhidasuhide karemi satteti esa de mithamat suhasuham bamdhaye kammar (259) eSA tu yA matiste duHkhitasukhitAn karomi sattvAniti / eSA te mUDhamatiH zubhAzubhaM badhnAti karma // 259 // 259, This false notion of thine, "I make other beings miserable or happy" is illusory. This leads to the bondage of karmas good or bad. dukkhabahide sase karemi jaM evamajbhavasidaM de / taM pAvatra vA puNNassa va baMdhanaM hoti // 260 // dukkhidasuhide satte karemi jam evamajjkavasidam te tai pavabandhagah va punnassa va bandhagain hodi (260) Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VIII duHkhitasukhitAn sattvAn karomi yadevamadhyavasitaM te / tatpApabandhakaM vA puNyasya vA bandhakaM bhavati // 260 // 260. "I make other beings miserable or happy". This thought of thine cause karmic bondage of the nature of vice or virtue. mAremi jIvAsiya satte jaM evamajbhavasidaM te / taM pAvabaMdhagaM vA puNNassa va baMdhagaM hodi // 261 // maremi jivavemi ya satte jam evamajjhavasidam te tam pavabamdhagam va punnassa va bamdhagam hodi (261) mArayAmi jIvayAmi ca sattvAn yadevamadhyavasitaM te / tatvabandhakaM vA puNyasya vA bandhakaM bhavati // 261 // 261. "I kill other beings or I make them live." This thought of thine causes karmic bondage of the nature of vice or virtue. 163 Next it is pointed out that the thought to kill is the same as killing. avasideNa baMdho satte mAreu mA va mAreu / eso baMghasamAso jIvANaM NicchayaNayassa // 262 // ajjhavasidena bandho satte mareu ma va mareu eso bamdhasamaso jivanam nicchayanayassa (262) adhyavasitena bandhaH sattvAn mArayatu mA vA mArayatu / eSa bandhasamAso jIvAnAM nizcayanayasya // 26 // 262. The will to kill is enough to bring bandage irrespective of the fact whether animals are killed or are not killed. From the real point of view this in short is the mode of bondage in the case of jivas (or empirical selves). Again the auther points out how thought is the cause of bondage and of papa or punya, vice or virtue. evamaliye adatte bhabrahmacere pariggahe ceva / kIrai bhabhavasANaM jaM teNa du bajjhae pAvaM // 263 // evamaliye adatte abramhacere pariggahe ceva kirai ajjhavasanam jam tena du bajjhae pavain (263) evamalIke datte'brahmacaryaM parigrahe caiva / kiyate 'dhyavasAnaM yattena tu badhyate pApam // 263 // Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 164 SAMAYASARA 263. Thus (the will to kill), the will to lie, to steal, to be unchaste and to acquire property (inordinately) leads to bondage of evil karmas. tahavi ya sacce datte baMbhe aparigahattaNe ceva / kIrai ajjhavasANaM jaM teNa du bajjhae puNNaM // 264 // tahavi ya sacce datte bambhe aparigahattane ceva kirai ajjhavasanam jam tena du bajjhae punnam (264) tathApi ca satye datte brahmaNi aparigrahatve caiva / kriyate'dhyavasAnaM yattena tu badhyate puNyam // 26 // 264. Whereas (the will not to kill), the will not to lie, not to steal, not to be unchaste and not to acquire property (inordi. nately) leads to the bondage of good karmas. CAMMENTARY The same truth is conveyed by Christ through His teachings when he emphasises the inner purity of heart, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." This clearly implies that the relisation of the divinity in man is necessarily conditioned by the purity of heart; whereas when the heart is impure, it brings about sin. The following words of Christ make this clear. "Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shall not commit adultery, But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." St. Matthew V. 27 & 28. Next it is pointed out that the objects in the external world can neither be the cause of karmic bondage vatthu paDucca jaM puNa ajjhavasANaM tu hodi jIvANaM / Na ya vatthudo du baMdho ajjhavasANeNa baMdhotti // 265 / vatthun paducca jam puna ajjhavasanam iu hodi jivanam na ya vatthudo du bamdho aj jhavasarena bandhotti (265) vastu pratItya yatpunaradhyavasAnaM tu bhavati jIvAnAm / na ca vastutastu bandho'dhyavasAnena bandho'sti // 265 // 265. Through in an empirical Self is always conditioned by an object in the external world. Nevertheless it is not that exter 'avahe sacce datte baMmhe / Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VIII 165 nal object that is the cause of bondage. It is by thought that bondage is caused. COMMENTARY "The direct cause of bondage is thought and not any external object, though this is the cause of thought itself. Then why should external object be tabooed? It is for the purpose of condemning the thought based upon the external objects. Thought without the basis of an external object never occurs in the consciousness of Self. If it is possible to have thought without the basis of an external object, then thought corresponding to non-existing object must also appear. In the case of a person born of a real mother, you can entertain the thought, "I am going to kill her son". But in the case of a barren woman, the thought, "I am going to kill her son", would be meaningless because there can be no son born to a barren woman. Hence it is certain that there can be no thought without a basis in reality. Hence it necessarily follows that condemnation of evil thoughts leads to the condemnation of corresponding objects of reality. For it is only by preventing the cause that the effect can be prevented from occurring. Could it not be maintained that. because the external object is the cause of that cause which produces bondage, therefore, the external object is itself the cause of bondage? No. Fox, the real causal condition of bondage, the conative idea is lacking. If the external object were by itself capable of producing karmic bondage, then it would have identical effect in the case of a saint who moves about with gentleneess and caution actuated by the ideal of love and mercy and of a hypocrite in the garb of a saint who roams about rough and tough without any care. That is, both of them must have the same reaction in the environment which is common to both. It is not so as a matter of fact. The saint pure in heart is untouched by sin though he lives in the same environment as the false and hypocritical ascetic who, because of the absence of the purity of thought, is still attached to sensual pleasures and is thus subject to karmic bondage. Hence it is not the environmental object but it is the inner thought that is the cause of bondage. Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 166 SAMAYASARA Next the author points out that the thought which is said to be the cause of bondage is false because of the absence of objecttive evidence to carroborate it. duvikhadasuhide jIve karemi baMdhemi taha vimocemi / nA esA bhUDhamaI NiracchayA sAhu de micchA // 266 // dukkhidasuhide zive karemi bandhemi taha vimocemi ja esa mughami miracchaya sa ku de miccha (266) duHkhitasukhitAn jIvAn karomi badhnAmi tathA vimocayAni / yA eSA mUDhamatiH nirathikA sA khalu te mithyA // 266 / / 266. "I make living beings miserable or happy; I bind or release them." Such thought in you is meaningless. Verily it is COMMENTARY Happiness or misery of a person is entirely dependent upon that person's nature and it cannot be due to any external influence. Hence the proposition, "I make him happy or ! make him miserable" is false, because it is uncorroborated by objective reality. More assertion of a proposition cannot make it real. It cannot create its own objective evidence of corrolforation. If it is possible for the asserted proposition to carry within itself the corroborative evidence of objecuive reality, then such statements must become real by the mere fact of assertion as, "I am gathering skyflowers." Hence no assertion by itself can carry its own truth-value with it. Next it is explained how such a thought is without corroborative evidence. ajjhavasANaNimittaM jIvA bajhaMti kammaNA jadihi / bhuccaMti mokkhamagge ThidA ya te kiM karosi tumaM // 267 // ajjhavasananimittan jiva bajjhamti kammana jadihi muccanti mokkhamagge thida ya te kim karosi tuman (267) adhyavasAnanimittaM jIvA badhyante karmaNA yadi hi / mucyante mokSamArga sthitAzca tat kiM karoSi tvam // 26 // 267. If their own thoughts are the real condition by which souls are bound by karmas or get released from them while standing on the path of salvation, then what is there that thou canst achieve ? Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VIII COMMENTARY The proposition in thought, "I bind or I release" in order to be true must have as its objective meaning, actual bondage or release of jivas, as corroborative evidence. But as a matter of fact jivas are bound or released according to their own thought conditions. Another person's thought would be entirely ineffective, therefore, to bind or release other jivas. Hence) your thought, "I bind or I release other jivas" is entirely false since it is not corroborated by objective evidence. Hence your claim, "I bind or release other jivas" is only illusory. Next the author describes the behaviour of one who is deluded by such ineffectual and fruitless thought. save kare jIvo ajjhavasANeNa tiriyaNeraie / devamaNuve yasa puNNaM pAvaM ca aNeyavihaM // 268 // savve karei jiva ajjhavasanena tiriyaneraie avamanuve ya savve punnam pavam ca aneyaviham (268) sarvAn karoti jIvo'dhyavasAnena tiryaGa nairayikAn |deymnunshc sarvAn puNyaM pApaM ca naikaviSam // 268 // 167 268. The Self, by its own thought activity creates for itself the form of beings-sub-human, hellish, human and also various types of virtue and vice. celestial, and bammAdhammaM ca tahA jIvAjIve aloyaloya ca / Tants aret avasANeNa appANaM // 266 // dhammadhammam ca taha jivajive aloyalayam ca savve karei jivo ajjhavasanena appanam (269) dharma ca tathA bIvAjIvau alokalokaM ca / sarvAn karoti jIvaH adhyavasAnena AtmAnam // 269 // 269. Similarly, the Self through its own thought-activity may identify itself with the categories of dharma or adharma, soul, non-soul, the Universe and the Beyond. COMMENTARY The will to do a thing makes a person the doer of that act. Thus the will to kill makes him a killer, the will to steal makes him a thief and so on. Thus a particular conative tendency in the Self makes that Self the agent of the corresponding action. Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 168 SAMAYASARA Similarly thought condition determining birth as a hell inhabitant, when ripe will lead to the birth as a hellish being. Similarly appropriate and efficient thought conditions will make the Self, a celestial or human being. The same appropriate thought activity will cause him to do virtuous deeds or vicious deeds and enjoy happiness or misery. The very same thought activity as a process of knowledge, may bring in the categories of dharma, adharma, the world including animate and inanimate objects, and space beyond as objects of knowledge related to Self. But this very same thought vitiated by absence of right knowledge may lead the Self to erroneously identify itself with the various external objects. In all these cases the Self deviates from its own intrinsic nature of purity and gets vitiated by alien influences on account of which the Self through its vitiated thought activity goes astray from his own nature assuming various forms unreal, ephemeral, and impure. Thus the real rsis are entirely free from such vicious and erroneous thought activity. Next it is pointed out that those who are free from such thought activity are not subject to karmic bondage. gafu ofer fer cartonfor gamafor | te asuheNa suheNa va kammeNa muNI Na lippati // 270 // edani natthi jesim ajjhavasanani evamadini te asuhena suhena va kammena muni na lippamti (270) etAni na santi yeSAmadhyavasAnAnyevamAdIni / te'zubhena zubhena vA karmaNA munayo na lipyanti // 270 // 270. The saints, in whom such thought activities are not present, are not contaminated by karmas. good or bad. COMMENTARY The thought activities mentioned above, occur when the intrinsic nature of the Self is not realised. The realisation of the true Self implies the three aspects. Faith in the ultimate purity of the self, knowledge of the ultimate self, and being identified with that ultimate self-these three aspects constitute the niscaya ratatraya, the three jewels from the higher point of view, The Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VIII 169 thought activities referred to in the preceding two gathas are not based upon the experience of that Absolute Self. Therefore they are associated with the empirical Self. Empirical Self implies the opposite of the Transcendental Real Self. Therefore the activities of belief, knowledge and conduct of the empirical Self are from the real point of view, erroneous belief, erroneous knowledge and erroneous conduct. Therefore karmic bondage results from them. Hence it follows that in the case of a saint equipped with true knowledge of Self, these psychic activities are absent and hence there is no karmic bondage. Next the term Adhyavasana is explained. buddhI vavasAovi ya ajjhavasANaM madIya viNNANaM / eya?meva savvaM cittaM bhAvo ya prinnaamo.||271|| buddhi vavasaovi ya ajjhavasanam madiya vinnanan eyatthameva savian cittam bhavo ya parinamo (271). buddhirvyavasAyo'pi ca adhyavasAnaM matizca vijJAnaM / ekArthameva sarva citta bhAvazca pariNAmaH // 27 // 271. Buddhi (understanding), vyavasaya (resolving), adhyavasana (conative activity), mali (thinking), vijnana (knowing), citta (consciousness), bhava (conscious mode), and parinama (conscious manifestations--all these words have the same meaning. Next the vyavaharanaya is denied by the niscayanaya. evaM vavahAraNao paDisiddho jANa NicchayaNayeNa / NicchayaNayAssidA puNa muNiNo pAvaMti NivvANaM // 272 // evan vavaharanao padisiddho jana nicchayanayena nicchayanayassida puna munino pavamti nivvanam (272) evaM vyavahAranayaH pratiSiddho jAnIhi nizcayanayena / nizcayanayAzritAH punarmunayaH prApnuvanti nirvANam // 272 // 272. Thus know ye that the practical point of view is contradicted by the real point of view. It is by adopting the real point of view that the saints attain Nirvana or Liberation. COMMENTARY The (niscaya) real point of view is based upon the Self. The (vyavahara) practical point of view is based upon external things. 22 Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 170 SAMAYASARA Thus from the real point of view, all the externally conditioned thought activities because they constitute the causal condition for karmic bondage have to be rejected by the saints who have renounced all. To renounce such thought activities, they have to reject the practical point of view itself since that is based upon external things. Spiritual liberation from karmic bondage is possible only by adopting the real point of view. Hence one who wants to reach the goal of Nirvana has to adopt the real point of view and reject the practical point of view. vadasamidIguttIo sIlatavaM jiNavarehi paNNattaM / godt fa afat payt firsgifagt g 11RORI vadasamidiguttio silatavam jinavarehim pannattam kuvvamto vi abhavio annani micchaditthi du (273) vratasamitiguptayaH zIlaMtaSo jinavaraiH prajJaptam / kurvannapyabhavyo'jJAnI mithyAdRSTistu // 273 // 273. Persons incapable of spiritual liberation even though they observe vows, carefulness, restraints, rules of conduct, and penance as described by the Jinas do remain without trac knowledge and of false faith. COMMENTARY man. Various kinds of religious discipline prescribed by the Jina are from the vyavahara point of view, Hence they constitute vyavahara caritra, course of conduct prescribed for the ordinary These rules of conduct may be observed even by abhavyas -persons innately unfit for spiritual salvation. Even though such an abhavya practises those rules of conduct, he cannot be considered to be equipped with the three jewels of the higher order which are based upon the nature of the pure Self. Hence his conduct is only of the lower order belonging to the three jewels of the lower order. Hence from the absolute point of view, since the abhavya is endowed with the inferior jewels, his faith and knowledge cannot be considered to be of the right kind. Therefore even the successful observance of the rules of conduct does not entitle him to be classed among those of right 'knowledge and right faith. Hence he must remain ajnant and mithyadrsti. Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VIII 171 Even when he is well-versed in the Scriptures, is he still to be called an ajnani ? The answer is given in the next gatha. mokkhaM asaddahaMto abhaviyasatto du jo adhIejja / pATho Na karedi guNaM asaddahaMtassa NANaM tu // 274 // mokkham asaddakamto abhaviyasatio du jo adhiejja patio na karedi gunan asaddahartassa nanan tit (274) *angan superar asta i pATho na karoti guNamazraddadhAnasya jJAnaM tu // 27 // 274. An abhavya, one unfit for spiritual salvation, has no faith in moksa, hence though well-versed in all the scriptures, such a study does not endow him with right knowledge or qualification because of the lack of faith. COMMENTARY The reality of m@k;a is not believed in by the abhavya because he is devoid of the right knowledge of the pure nature of the Self. Therefore he has no belief even in knowledge. Thus devoid of right knowledge and right faith, his mastery of the scriptures cannot make him the real Knower and it does no good to him. Thus in spite of his learning, he remains devoid of knowledge. Has he not by his observance of the rules of conduct, faith at least in dharma? The answer is given in the gatha below. saddahadi ya pattedi ya rocedi ya taha puNo ya phAsedi / dhamma bhogaNimittaM gahu so kammakkhayaNimittaM // 27 // saddahadi ya pattedi ya rocedi ya taha puno ya phased: dhammam bhoganimittam nahu so kammakkhayamimitian (275) zraddadhAti ca pratyeti ca rocayati ca tathA punazca spRzati / dharma bhoganimitta na khalu sa karmakSayanimittam // 275 // 275. No doubt he has faith in (a kind ot) dharma, .he acquires it, he delights in it and practises it. But it is ali with the. object of future enjoyment. Certainly not (that dharma which leads to the) destruction of karmas. Next moksa marga, path of salvation is described from the vyavahara and niscaya points of view, the former to be rejected and the latter to be adopted. Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 172 SAMAYASARA AyArAdINANaM jIvAdIdasaNaM ca viNNeyaM / 'chajjIvaNikAyaM ca tahA bhaNai carittaM tu vavahAro // 276 / / ayaradinanam jivadidansanam ca vinneyam chajjivanikayam ca taha bhanai carittam tu vavaharo (276) AcArAdijJAnaM jIvAdidarzanaM ca vijJeyam / SaT jIvanikAyaM ca tadA bhaNati caritraM tu vyavahAraH // 276 / / 276. Let it be known that (knowledge of the scriptures such as) Acaranga is right knowledge. (Faith in the categories of) jiva etc., is right faith. (Protection of) the six kinds of organisms is right conduct. These, it is said, constitute vyavahara (moksamarga)--the path of salvation from the practical point of view). AdA khu majjha NANaM AdA me dasaNaM carittaM c| AdA paccakkhANaM AdA me saMvaro jogo // 277 // ada khu majjha nanam ada me damsanas carittam ca ada paccakkhanam ada me samvaro jogo (277. AtmA khalu mama jJAnamAtmA me darzanaM caritraM ca / AsmA pratyAkhyAnaM AtmA me saMvaro yogaH // 277 // 277. Whereas the Self is my right knowledge, the Self is my right faith, the Self again is my right conduct. The Self is renunciation, the Self is the stoppage of karmas and yogic meditation. (These constitute the nisaya moksa marga, or Path of Salvation from the real point of view). Emotional states such as attachment are the cause of bondage. They are alien to the nature of the pure Self. Then how do they occur in the consciousness of the Self ? Do they result from direct manifestation of the Self or are they caused by alien influences ? This question is answered in the succeeding gathas. jaha phaliyamaNi suddho Na sayaM pariNamai rAyamAIhiM / raMgijjadi aNNehi du so rattAdIhi davvehiM // 278 // 'chajjIvANaM ca nhaa| Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VIII 173 jaha phaliyamani suddho na saya parinamai rayamaihin ramgijjadi anmehim du so rattadihim davvehim (278) yathA sphaTikamaNiH zuddho na svayaM pariNamate rAgAyaH / rajyate'nyaistu sa raktAdibhirdranyaiH // 278 // evaM gANI suddho Na sayaM pariNamai rAyamAIhiM / rAijjadi aNNehiM du so rAgAdIhiM dosehiM // 27 // evam nani suddho na sayam parinamai rayamaihim raijjadi annehim du so ragadihim dosehim (279) evaM jJAnI zuddho na svayaM pariNamate rAgAdyaiH / rajyate'nyaistu sa rAgAdibhirdoSaiH // 279 // 278-279. As a piece of crystal, itself being pure and colourless, cannot appear red-coloured of its own accord, but in association with another red-coloured object, it appears coloured-red; in the same way the Self, himself being pure cannot have emotional activities such as attachment, etc., of his own accord. But when influenced by alien impurities, he gets tainted by such impure emotions of attachrnents, etc. It is next pointed out that one who knows the real nature of things realises that the Self, the Knower, is not the cause of the impure psychic states such as attachment, etc. Na ya rAyadosamohaM kuvvadi gANI kasAyabhAvaM vA / sayamappaNo Na so teNa kArago tesiM bhAvANaM // 280 // na ya rayadosamoham kuvdadi nani kasayabhavath va sayamapparo na so tena karago tesim bhavanam (280) na ca rAgadveSamohaM karoti jJAnI kaSAyabhAvaM vA / svayamevAtmano na sa tena kArakasteSAM bhAvAnAm // 28 // 280. The Knower does not of his own accord produce in himself attachment, aversion, delusion and such other grosser emotions. Hence he is not the causal agent for those psychic states. Next it is pointed out that the ego devoid of the knowledge of the reals and immersed in nescience is causally responsible for such impure psychic states. rAgamhiya dosamhiya kasAyakammesu ceva je bhAvA / tehiM du pariNamaMto rAgAdI baMdhadi puNovi // 281 // Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 174 SAMAYASARA ragamhiya dosamhiya kasayakammesu ceva je bhava tehiin du parinamainto ragadi bandhadi punovi 1281 ) rAge ca dveSe ca kaSAyakarmasu caiva ye bhAvAH / taistu pariNamamAno rAgAdIn badhnAti punarapi // 281 // 281 When the material karmas pertaining to attachment, aversion, and grosser emotions begin to operate, the empirical ego begins to have corresponding psychic states. These psychic manifestations of attachment. etc., of which he is the causal agent do produce in their turn fresh armic bondage. rAhiya dosamhi kasAyakammesu ceva je bhAvA / 'te hiMdu pariNamaMto rAgAdI baMghade cedA // 282 // ragamhiya dosamhiya kasayakammesu ceva je bhava tehim du parinamainto ragadi bamdhade ceda (282) rAge ca doSe ca kaSAyakarmasu caiva ye bhAvAH / taistu pariNamamAno rAgAdIn badhnAti cetayitA // 282 // 282. The empirical ego which is manifesting in the psychic states of attachment, aversion, and grosser emotions and which identifies itself with those psychic states gets bound by corresponding fresh karmic matter. Next the author points out that the Self is not the causal agent for the emotion of attachment, etc. apakkimaNaM duvihaM apaccakkhANaM taheva viSNeyaM / eevaeseNa ya bhakArao vaNNio ceyA // 283 // apadikkamanam duviham apaccakkhanam taheva vinneyam eenuvaesena ya akarao vannio ceya (283) apratikramaNaM dvividhamapratyAkhAnaM tathaiva vijJeyam / etenopadezena tu akArako vaNitazcetayitA // 283 // 283. Non-repentance is of two kinds and non-renunciation also should be known to be similar. By such teaching the Self of the nature of consciousness is said to be not their causal agent. apakkimaNaM duvihaM davve bhAve tahA bhapaccakkhANaM / eva seNa ya bhakArabha vaNNio ceyA // 284 // 1. tehi va pariNamamANo / Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VIII apadikkamanam duviham davve bhave taha apaccakkha nam eenuvaesena ya akarao vannio ceya (285) atikramaNaM dvividhaM dravye bhAve tathApratyAkhyAnam / etenopadezena tu akArako varNitazcetayitA // 284 // 284. Non-repentance is of two kinds, physical and psychical and so also non-renunciation; by such teaching the Self of the nature of consciousness is said to be not their causal agent. jAvaM bhapaDikkamaNaM apaccakkhaNaM ca davvabhAvANaM / kuvva AdA tAvaM kattA so hoi NAyavvo // 285 // javam apadikkamanam apaccakkhanam ca davvabhavanam knvvai ada tavam katta so hoi nayavvo (285) yAvadapratikramaNamapratyAkhyAnaM ca dravyabhAvayoH / karotyAtmA tAvatkarttA sa bhavati jJAtavyaH || 285|| 175 285. So long as the Self does not practise renunciation and repentance, both physical and psychical, it should be understood that he is the causal agent of karmas. COMMENTARY Pratikramana implies confession and repentance for past misdeeds. Apratikramana, therefore, means instead of confession and repentance, recalling to memory the past experiences with implicit approval. This recalling to memory the past impure experience is of two kinds, psychical and physical. Pratyakhyana implies restraining or abstaining from a desire for future sensual enjoyment. Apratyakhyana is its opposite. It means the absence of that restraint and hence an uninhibited longing for future pleasures. This is also of two kinds material and psychical. The material karmic condition produces the corresponding psychic states of emotion either approving the past experience or longing for future pleasures. The causal relation therefore exists between the material aspect and the psychical aspect and these two aspects of apratikramana. and apratyakhyana since they imply the operation of material karmas and the appearance of psychic karma have no relation to the pure Self of the nature of consciousness. Hence the pure Self cannot be considered as the causal agent of these two types of Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 176 SAMAYASARA karmas. This is the Message of the Scriptures. But when the pure Self forgets its own real nature and identifies itself with the grosser emotions of the empiricai ego, he is not able to repent for the past experiences, nor refrain from the future ones. So long as he is thus spiritually incapacitated to wipe out the past and to reject the future, he feels himself responsible for all those impure emotions caused by karmic materials and thus he becomes the karta or the causal agent of those experiences. How the material condition can produce psychic states operating as nimitta and how the Self is concerned or related to this causal process is elucidated by an example taken from ordinary life. AdhAkammAdIyA poggaladavvassa je ime dosaa| kaha te kuvvai NANI paradavvaguNAu je NiccaM // 286 // adhakammadiya poggaladavvassa je ime dosa kaha te kuvvi nani paradavvagunau je niccan (286) 274:Sufent: & negoTFT a FA 291:1 kathaM tAnkaroti jJAnI paradravyaguNA~stu ye nityam // 286 // 286. How can the Self, the Knower, cause these defects in the material things used in the preparation of food since those are the attributes of external objects. AghAkammaM uddesiyaM ca poggalamayaM imaM davvaM / kaha taM mama ho kayaM jaM NiccamaceyarNa vuttaM // 287|| adhakammar uddesiyam ca poggalamayan iman davran kaha tam mama ho kayam jam niccamaceya nain vuttam (287) adhaHkarmIdezikaM ca pudgalamayamidam dravyam / kathaM tanmama bhavati kRtaM yannityamacetanamuktam // 287 // 287. Even when food is prepared by others for me, the things used are material in nature. How can these defects be considered to be caused by me when they really pertain to inanimate objects. COMMENTARY In the case of the householder as well as the ascetic there are important principles prescribed in the matter of food. Only Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER VIII 177 what is called pavitra-ahara or pure food is fit to be eaten by them. But in the matter of preparing food there are various possibilities of defects occuring therein. The articles used may be defective and may vitiate the quality of food prepared thereform. The necessary things used for preparing food such as water, fire, etc., because of careless selection may also vitiate the food prepared. Whether the preparation is made by yourself or by a cook under your instructions, the defects which may be present in the food prepared and which make it unfit for consumption are all defects of matterial articles utilised in the preparation of food. The articles used for the preparation together with the person engaged in cooking are all external condition to you. Food prepared forms the effect of all these external causal conditions and this is also external, --the whole process of causal condition resulting in the form of effect. The prepared food is completely external to the person who is going to consume the food. He is not concerned in the series of operating causes and the resulting effect. Therefore he is neither concerned in the production of the defects present in the food nor is he responsible for the same. They all pertain to material inanimate objects in the external world. But if he accepts that food which is defective and unfit for consumption with the full knowledge of the fact that defective articles were used and there was carelessness in preparation thereof, he becomes responsible for those defects, and he is therefore subject to demerit thereof. But if he rejects that food, he is not responsible for the defect and therefore he will remain uninfluenced by the demerits thereof. This illustration is quite parallel to the previous case where the material karmic conditions produce corresponding psychic states of an impure nature. These impure psychic states, since they are produced by material karmic conditions which are different in nature from the Self and also external to it, both the cause and effect remain external and alien to the Self. Therfore the pure Self is not directly concerned in this causal series and hence is not responsible for the defects and impurities present in the result. He can maintain this unconcernedness and indifference only by the practice of pratikramana and pratyakhyana, disowning the past 23 Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 178 SAMAYASARA and rejecting the future occurrence of those impure psychic states. If on the other hand, the Self by abandoning the spiritual discipline imposed by pratikramana and pratyakhyana, identifies itself with the past impure emotions and readily commits himself to future similar indulgences, he becomes fully responsible for the defects thereof, and therefore gets bound by corresponding karmas. This case, is therefore analogous to the case where the person accepts the defective and impure food though he is not concerned with the preparation thereof. Thus ends the chapter on bandha or Bondage. Thus bandha quits the stage. CHAPTER IX MOKSA OR LIBERATION Then Moksa enters the stage. jaha NAma kovi puriso baMdhaNayammi cirkaalpddibddho| tivvaM maMdasahAvaM kAlaM ca viyANae tassa // 28 // jaha nama kovi puriso bandhanayammi cirakalapadibaddho tivam mandasahavan kalam ca viyanae tassa (288) yathA nAma kazcitpuruSo bandhanake cirakAlapratibaddhaH / tIvra mandasvabhAvaM kAlaM ca vijAnAti tasya // 288 // jai Navi kuNai chedaM Na muccae teNa baMdhaNavaso saM / kAleNa u bahueNavi ga so Naro pAvai vimokkhaM // 28 // jai navi kunai chedam na muccaye tena bamdhanavaso san kalena u bahuenavina so naro pavai vimokkham (289) yadi nApi karoti chedaM na mucyate tena bandhenAvazaH san / kAlena tu bahukenApi na sa naraH prApnoti vimokSam // 289 // iya kammabaMdhaNANaM payesapayaDiTThidIyaaNubhAga / jANaMto vi Na muMcai so ceva jai suddho // 260 // Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER IX 179 iya kammabandhananam payesapayaditthidiyaanubhagan janam to vi na mumcai muocai so ceva jai suddho (290) iti karmabandhAnAM pradezaprakRtisthityanubhAgam / jAnannapi na muJcati muJcati sa caiva yadi zuddhaH // 290 // 288-290. As a person, who has been in shackles for a long time may be aware of the nature of his bondage, intense or feeble, and also its duration still so long as he does not make any effort to break them, he does not get himself free from the chains, and may have to remain so, for a long time without obtaining freedom. Similarly a person with karmic bondage, even if he has the knowledge of the extent, the nature, the duration, and the strength of the karmic bondage, does not get liberation (by this mere knowledge) but he gets complete liberation if pure in heart. COMMENTARY Separating the Self and bondage from each other is called moksa. Some maintain that mere knowledge of the nature of this bondage is able to produce moksa; or Liberation. But this is wrong. Just as in the case of a person in chains, mere knowledge of the chain is ineffectual in securing his freedom, so also the mere knowledge of the nature of karmic bondage is ineffectual in securing his spiritual liberation. Next it is pointed out that mere thinking about the process and development of karmic bondage does not lead to the liberation of the Self. jaha baMdhe ciMtaMto baMdhaNabaddho Na pAvai vimokkhaM / taha baMdhe citaMto jIvo vi Na pAvai vimokkhaM // 29 // jaha bandhe cimtamto bandhanabaddho na pavai vimokkhan taha bandhe cimtamto jivo vi na pavai vimokkham (291) yathA bandhaM ciMtayan bandhanabaddho na prApnoti vimokSam / sasthA bandhaM citayan jIvo'pi na prApnoti vimokSam // 291 // 291. As by (merely) thinking of bondage one bound in shackles does not get release, so also the Self by merely thinking of (karmic) bondage does not attain moksha. Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 180 SAMAYASARA COMMENTARY Others maintain that the concentration of mind on the idea of bondage is itself the cause of moksa or spiritual liberation. This view also is wrong. By mere concentration of thought on bondage one cannot obtain liberation, just as concentrated attention on the shackles cannot get freedom for the person in chains. What then is the cause of liberation? The answer is given below. jaha baMdhe chittUNa ya baMdhaNabaddho u pAvai vimokkhaM / taha baMdhe chittaNa ya jIvo saMpAvai vimokkhaM // 262 / / jaha bamdhe chittuna ya bandhanabaddho u pavai vimokkham taha bandhe chittuna ya jivo sampavai vimokkham (292) yathA bandhachittvA ca bandhanabaddhastu prApnoti vimokSam / tathA bandhachitvA ca jIvaH saMprApnoti vimokSam // 292 // 292. As one bound in shackles gets release only on breaking the shackles, so also the Self attains emancipation only by breaking (karmic) bondage. How is this to be effected? The method is shown below. baMdhANaM ca sahAvaM viyANio appaNo sahAvaM ca / baMdhesu jo viranadi so kammavimokkhaNaM kuNai // 263 // bardhanam ca sahavan viyanio appano sahavam ca bamdhesu jo virajjadi so kammavimokkhanam kunai (293) bandhAnAM ca svabhAvaM vijJAyAtmanaH svabhAvaM ca / bandheSu yo virajyate sa karmavimokSaNaM karoti // 293 // 293. Whoever with a clear knowledge of the nature of karmic bondage as well as the nature of the Self, does not get attracted by bondage--that person obtains liberation from karmas. COMMENTARY Thus the direct cause of liberation is determined to be the separation of the Self and the bondage from each other. jIvo baMdhoya tahA chibbati salakkhaNehiM NiyaehiM / paNNAchedaNaeNa u chiNNA NANattamAvaNNA // 264 // Page #309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER IX [81 jivo bandhoya taha chijjahti salakkhanehii niyaehim pannachedanaena u chinna nanattamavanna (294) jIvo bandhazca tathA chidyate svalakSaNAbhyAM niyatAbhyAm / prajJAchedanakena tu chinnau nAnAtvamApannau // 29 // 294. The Self and bondage are differentiated by their intrinsic and distinctive features; cut through by the instrument of discriminative wisdom, they fall apart." COMMENTARY The attribute of the Self is pure consciousness and the attribute of bondage is the impure emotions of anger, etc., based upon wrong belief. These two by association get identified with each other. This identification of the Self with impure emotions due to karmic bondage is the foundation of the empirical Self in samsara. These two entities, the Self and karmic bondage, characterised by their own intrinsic properties are linked together from time immemorial. This unholy alliance must be broken up. What is the effective instrument to cut these two apart ? Such an instrument is said to be the discriminative wisdom. This discriminative wisdom fully realises the pure nature of the Self and its intrinsic difference from the impure emotions due to bondage, and aids the Self to reject the latter and to extricate itself. This process of isolating the Self karmic emotions, when once effected through discriminative wisdom, keeps the two entities permanently apart. What ought to be done, after the separation of Self and bondage is effected, is indicated below. jIvo baMdhoya tahA chijjati salakkhaNehiM NiyaehiM / baMdho cheyayanvo sudo appAya pittavyo / // 29 // jivo bandhoya taha chijjainti salakkhanehim niyaehim basdho cheyayavvo suddho appaya ghittavvo (295) jIvo bandhazca tathA chiyete svalakSaNAbhyAM niyatAbhyAm / bandhazchetavyaH zuddha AtmA ca gRhItavyaH // 295 // 295. When the Self and bondage which are differentiated by their intrinsic and distinctive attributes, are thus separated then by. completely casting away all bondage, the pure Self ought to be realised. Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 182 SAMAYASARA Thus it is emphasised that the very object of separating the two is to realise the pure Self by shaking of all bondage. Next it is pointed out how this object of self-realisation is to be achieved. kaha so ghippai appA paNNAe so u ghippae appA / jaha paNNAe vibhatto taha paNNA eva cittavvo // 266 // kaha so ghippai appa pannae so u ghippae appa jaha pannae vibhatto taha panna eva ghittavvo (296) kathaM sa gRhyate AtmA prajJayA sa tu gRhyate AtmA / yathA prajJayA vibhaktastathA prajJayaiva gRhItavyaH // 296 // 296. How is the Self realised ? The Self is realised by discriminative wisdom. Just as he is separated by discriminative wisdom so also by the very same discriminative wisdom he is realised. How is the Self realised through discriminative wisdom ? The answer is given below. paNNAe pittanvo jo cedA so ahaM tu nnicchydo| avasesA je bhAvA te majjha pare ti NAyavvA // 27 // pannae ghittavvo jo ceda so ahan tu nicchayado avasesa je bhava te majjha pare tti nayavva (297) prajJayA gRhItavyo yazcetayitA so'haM tu nizcayataH / avazeSA ye bhAvAste mama parA iti jJAtavyAH // 297 // 297. That (pure) conscious being which is apprehended by discriminative wisdom is in reality the "I". Whatever mental states remain (besides) are all to be known to be other than "mine". Just like pure consciousness, pure perception and pure knowledge are described to be the intrinsic attributes of the pure Self. paNNAe cittavo jo davA so ahaM tu nnicchydo| avasesA je bhAvA te majjha pare tti NAyavvA // 268 // pannae ghittavvo jo dattha so ahai tu nicchayado avasesa je bhava te majjha pare tti nayavva (298) prajJayA gRhItanyo yo dRSTA so'haM tu nizcayataH / avazeSA ye bhAvAste mama parA iti jJAtavyAH // 298 // Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER IX 189 298. That seer who is apprehended by discriminative wisdom is in reality the "I." Whatever mental states there are (besides) are all to be known to be other than "mine". paNNAe cittavvo jo NAdA so ahaM tu nnicchydo| avasesA je bhAvA te majjha paretti NAyavvA // 266 // pannae ghittavvo jo nada so aham tu nicchayado avasesa je bhava te majjha paretti nayavva (299) prajJayA gRhItavyo yo jJAtA so'haM tu nizcayataH / avazeSA ye bhAvAste mama parA iti jJAtavyAH // 299 // 299. That knower, who is apprehended by discriminative wisdom is in reality the "I." Whatever mental states remain (besides) are all to be known to he other than "mine." COMMENTARY If the pure Self is of the nature of conscious unity, how can he be the seer and the knower ? Is not his nature transcending these two aspects ? No. perception and knowledge are not attributes to be transcended by the supreme consciousness, because they are the attributes of the supreme consciousness itself. If the supreme consciousness is to transcend these attributes, it will become an empty abstraction, for there can be no reality without attributes. This universal postulate, no reality without its attributes, is applicable to the supreme reality also. Hence an attributeless reality is mere nothing. Again if it is assumed for arguments' sake, that a general substratum can exist even after the elimination of its attributes, even then, the position would be untenable. For consciousness devoid of the attributes of perception and knowledge will become practically a non-conscious entity which cannot be the nature of the Supreme Self. Hence perception and knowledge inasmuch as they are attributes resulting from the manifestation of pure consciousness must be considered to be the intrinsic properties of the pure Self, since manifesting entity cannot be different from the manifestation, Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 184 SAMAYASARA Thus, though the pure Self is to be considered apart from the characteristics of empirical consciousness, it should not be abstracted from all attributes as is done by the Vedantin. The Vedantin relying upon the fact that the characteristics and attributes of the empirical ego are entirely alien to the nature of the Supreme Self, justifiably places the Supreme Self quite beyond the empirical properties. Swami Kunda Kunda also emphasises the same fact when he says that all other mental attributes are entirely alien to "me." This justifiable denial of the empirical impure attributes to the Supreme Self is immediately followed by the predication of the attributes of pure perception and knowledge which are present in the Supreme Self even after transcending the empirical nature. Of course it should not be misunderstood that these properties of perception and knowledge are the same as the process of perceiving and knowing associated with the empirical ego. In the latter case though the properties are called by the same names, they are entirely limited by physical conditions. Whereas the pure perception and pure knowledge associated with the Supreme Self are the unconditioned and unlimited manifestation of the Supreme Self. Thus it should be noted that the Advaitin, though he keeps company with Bhagavan Kunda Kunda to a considerable distance in the path of metaphysical investigation, ultimately parts company and walks to a different goal. Thus in short the Supreme Self of Sri Kunda Kunda is not the same as the Supreme Self of the other schools. Next it is pointed out that a person who is equipped with this kind of discriminative wisdom, will not consider alien mental states to be his own. ko NAma bhaNijja buho jAuM sabve 'paroyaye bhAve / majjhamiNaM ti ya vayaNaM jANaMto appayaM suddhaM // 30 // ko nama bhaaijja buho naum savve paroyaye bhave majjhaminas ti ya vayanam janainto appayam suddham (300) ko nAma bhaNet budhaH jJAtvA sarvAn parodayAn bhAvAn / mamedamiti ca vacanaM jAnanAtmAnaM zuddham // 30 // f. 1759 HT Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER IX 185 300. What wiseman knowing the nature of the pure Self and understanding all the mental states caused by alien conditions would utter the words, "These are mine ?" That the Self which identifies itself with the external object, is subject to karmic bondage is explained by an illustration from ordinary life teyAI avarAhe jo kuvvai so u saMkido bhamai / mA vajjhehaM keNavi corotti jaNammi viyaraMto // 301 // teyat avarahe jo kuvvai so u samkido bhamai ma vajjhehan kenavi corotti janammi viyaramto (301) steyAdInaparAdhAn yaH karoti sa tu zaGkito bhramati / mA badhye kenApi caura iti jane vicaran // 30 // 301. He who commits crimes such as theft, while moving among the people, is troubled by anxiety and fear, "I may be arrested at any moment as a thief." jo Na kuNai avarAhe so NissaMko u jaNavae bhamai / Navi tassa vajjhi, je cintA upabbai kayAvi // 302 // jo na kunai avarahe so nissamko u janavae bhamai navi tassa vajjhidun je cinta uppajji kayavi (302) yo na karotyaparAdhAn sa niHzahastu janapade bhramati / nApi tasya barbu yaH cintotpadyate kadAcit // 302 // 302. But one who commits no such crime freely moves among the people without any such anxiety. Because in his case no thought of arrest ever occurs. evaM hi sAvarAho vajjhAmi ahaM tu saMkido ceyA / jai puNa NiravarAho NissaMkohaM Na vajjhAmi // 303 // evan hi savaraho vajjhami aham tu samkido ceya jai puna niravaraho nissankohan na vajjhami (302) evaM asmi sAparAdho badhye'haM tu zaGkitazcetayitA / yadi punarniraparAdho niHzaGko'haM na badhye // 303 // 303. Similarly the Self which is guilty always has the fear, "I may be bound," whereas if guiltless the Self feels, "I am fearless and hence-I may not be bound." ... 24 Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 186 SAMAYASARA COMMENTARY It is the law of the State that the criminal should be detected and punished, Hence the criminal who commits theft always moves in society with a guilty conscience and ultimately he may get arrested, punished and imprisoned. Whereas a person who lives in society honourably without coveting others property always moves about freely without fear of being arrested. The same analogy holds good in the case of Self. The Self which commits the mistake of claiming alien characteristics as his own is bound to face the consequences thereof-that is, karmic bondage. Whereas the Self that disowns all such impure states as alien has the privilege of remaining free from bondage. Next the author explains the term aparadha or guilt. saMsiddhidharAsiddha sAdhiyamArAdhiyaM ca eyttuN| avagayarAdho jo khalu ceyA so hoi avarAho // 304 // samsiddhidharasiddham sadhiyamaradhiyam ca eyatham avagayaradho jo khalu ceya so hoi avaraho (304) saMsiddhirAdhasiddha sAdhitamArAdhitaM caikArtham / apagatarAdho yaH khalu cetayitA sa bhavatyaparAdhaH // 304 // 304. Samsiddhi (attainment), radhe (devotion to Self) sidhi (fuifilment), sadbitam (achievement), aradhitam (adoration), are synonymous. When the soul is devoid of devotion to Pure Self, then he is certainly guilty. jo puNa NiravarAho ceyA Nisakio u so hoi / ArAhaNAe NicaM vaTTai ahamidi jANato // 30 // jo puna niravara ho ceya nissamkio u so hoi. arahanae niccam vastai ahamidi janamto (305) yaH punarniraparAdhazcetayitA nizzaMkitastu sa bhavati / enteraani farci ana hefufa 21a17 11 0 X 11 305. When the soul is free from guilt, he is also free from fear. Thus realising the ego, he is ever engaged in adoration of the Self. How is the pure spotless state of Self to be realised ? Is it by concentrated adoration of the Pure Self or by the practice of Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER IX 187 various kinds of moral discipline such as pratikramana, etc.? The answer is given below. paDikamaNaM paDisaraNaM parihAro dhAraNA NiyattI ya / jiMdA gAhA sohI aTTaviho hoi visakuMbho // 306 / / padikamanam padisaranam pariharo dharana niyatti ya ninda garuha sohi atthaviho hoi visakuinbho (306) pratikramaNaM pratisaraNaM parihAro dhAraNA nivRttizca / nindA gardA zuddhiraSTavidho bhavati viSakumbhaH // 306 // 306. Pratikramana (repentence for past misconduct), Pratisaranam (pursuit of the good), parihara (rejecting the evil), dharana (concentration) nivritti (abstinence from attachment to external objects) ninda (self-censure), garha (confessing before the master) and suddhi (purification by expiation), these eight kinds constitute the pot of poison. apaDikkamaNaM apaDisaraNaM aparihAro adhAraNA ceva / maNiyattI ya aNiMdA agaruhAsohI amayakuMbho // 307 // apadikkamanam apadisaranam a pariharo adharana ceva aniyatti ya animda agaruhasohi amayakurabho (307) apratikramaNamapratisaraNamaparihAro'dhAraNA caiva / anivRttizcAnindAgardAzuddhiramRtakumbhaH // 307 // 307. Non-repentance for past misconduct, non-pursuit of the good, non-rejecting the evil, non-concentration, nonobstinence from attachment to external objects, non-selfcensure, nan-confessing before the master, and non-parification by expiation, these eight kinds constitute the pot of nectar. COMMENTARY These two gathas by their paradoxical statement, will be a shock from the ordinary point of view. In the case of an empirical Self, the uncontrolled rush of emotions must be kept under restraint. For achieving this purpose, the eight kinds of 1. parihArA dhAraNA NiyanIya / Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 188 SAMAYASARA discipline, pra tikramana, etc., become necessary and desirable. Since they promote the achievement of the good they must be said to constitute the pot of nectar. Whereas the lack of the eight-fold discipline must constitute the opposites that is the pot of poison since there is a free vent to evil. This ordinary description is reversed in the two gathas by Sri Kunda Kunda. He is thinking of the transcendental Self which is quite beyond the region of good and evil. Hence the question of discipline or non-discipline is meaningless. And hence in the case of the supremely pure state of the Self, to talk of pratikramana, etc., is to drag it down to the empirical level and to postulate the possibility of occurrence of impure emotions which ought to be disciplined and controlled. Hence to talk of pratikramana, etc. in this state will be a positive evil. Hence the revered author considers the various kinds of moral discipline to be things to be avoided and calls them poison pot. Then what is the significance of the opposite, apratikramana, etc. which are described to constitute the pot of nectar? Here the term aparatikramana implies not the mere opposite of pratikramana. The mere opposite of pratikramana would imply removing the disciplinary act and giving free access to the impure emotions towards the focus of attention. That would be positive degradation of the Self. Hence this interpretation of the term would be inapplicable to the pure Self in the transcendental region. Therefore the negative prefix in the words apratikramana, etc. must be taken to signify the absence of necessity to practise the discipline. When the self is absorbed in its own pure nature by attaining the yogic samadhi, there is a full stop to the series of impure psychic states characteristic of the empirical Self. Hence there is no necessity to practise the various kinds of discipline. The very absence of those disciplinary practises produces spiritual peace that passes understanding. It is in that stage there is the pot of nectar. Such a spiritual peace necessarily implies spiritual bliss which is the characteristic of the Supreme Self. Thus ends the chapter on moksa. Here moksa quits the stage. Page #317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X ALL-PURE KNOWLEDGE NOW ENTERS ALL PURE KNOWLEDGE That the Self, from the real point of view, is not the doer of karmas, is explained below. daviyaM jaM uppannai guNehiM taM tehiM jANasu aNaNNaM / jaha kaDayAdIhiM du pajjaehiM kaNayaM aNaNNamiha // 308 / / daviyam jam uppajjai gunehim tan tehim janasu anannam jaha kadayadihim du pajjaehim kanayam ananmamiha (308) dravyaM yadutpadyate guNaistattai nIjhananyat / yathA kaTakAdibhistu paryAyaiH kanakamananyadiha // 308 // 308. Whatever is produced from a substance, has the same attributes as those of the substance. Know ye: certainly they cannot be different, just as bangles, etc. made of gold cannot be other than gold. jIvassAjIvassa du je pariNAmA du desiyA sutte| taM jIvamajIvaM vA tehimaNaNNaM viyANAhi / / 306 // jivassa jivassa du je parinama du desiya sutte tam jivamajivam va tehimanarnam riyanahi (309) . jIvasyAnIvasya tu ye pariNAmAstu darzitAH sUtre / taM jIvamanIvaM vA tairananya vijAnIhi // 309 // 309. Whatever modifications of the Self and the non-Self are described in the Scriptures, know ye:- that ..these modifications are identical in nature with the Self and non-Self respectively and not different. Na kudovi viuppaNNo jamhA kaba Na teNa so aadaa| uppAdedi Na kiMcivi kAraNamavi teNa Na sa hoi. // 310 // na kudovi viuppanno jamha kajjam na tena so add uppadedi ma kirtictot karanamavt tena na sa hot (310) na kutazcidapyutpano yasmAtkArya na tena sa AtmA / utpAdayati na kiMcidapi kAraNamapi tena na sa bhavati // 310n . Page #318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 190 SAMAYASARA 310. The Self is not an effect because it is not produced by anything whatever, nor is it a cause because it does not produce anything whatever. kammaM paDucca kattA kattAraM taha pahuca kammANi / uppatiya niyamA siddhI du Na dIsae aNNA // 311 // kammam paducca katta kattaram taha paducca kammani uppajjamtiya niyama siddhi du na disae anna (311) karma pratItya karttA karttAraM tathA pratItya karmANi / utpadyante ca niyamAt siddhistu na dRzyate'nyA // 311 // 311. The manifested effect conditions the nature of the manifesting agent and similarly the manifesting agent determines the nature of effects. This is the principle. of causation that is observed to operate in the world of reality and no other principle is evident. COMMENTARY Whatever is produced by the direct self-manifestation of jtva, the living, being, is also of the nature of the living being and cannot be a non-living thing. In the same manner whatever is produced by the direct manifestation of the non-living material must also be of the nature of non-living material and cannot certainly be of the nature of the living being. Thus all things whether animate or inanimate and their manifested products must be identical in nature just as gold and the ornaments made thereof. Thus no substance can be really responsible as a causal agent for the appearance of objects of entirely different nature. When this principle is admitted, then it necessarily follows that the inanimate effect cannot be caused by the living jiva. Hence it follows that jiva or the self is akarta, that is, he is not a causal agent influencing non-living karmic matter. It is only from the un-enlightened point of view that the Self is described as the causal agent, whereas the real and enlightened view takes him to be otherwise. Next it is pointed out that the bondage of the Self by karmic materials is brought about by the wonderful potency of nescience or ajnana. Page #319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X 191 ceyAu payaDiyaTuM uppabai viNassai / payaDI vi ceyayaTuM uppabai viNassai // 312 // ceyau payadiyattham uppajjai vinassai payadi vi ceyayattnam uppajjai vinassai (312) cetayitA tu prakRtyarthamutpadyate vinazyati / prakRtirapi cetakArthamutpadyate vinazyati // 312 // 312. The Self is born and dies because of the operation of karmic praksti. Similarly the karmic praksti as conditioned by the Self appears and disappears. evaM baMdho u duNhaMpi aNNoNNapaccayA have / appaNo payaDIe ya saMsAro teNa jAyae // 313 // evam bamdho u dunhampi annonnapaccaya have appano payadie ya samsaro tena jayae (313) evaM bandhastu dvayorapi anyonyapratyayayorbhavet / AtmanaH prakRtezca saMsArastena jAyate // 313 // 313. Thus the association of the two, the Self and karmic praksti is brought about by their mutual determination as the instrumental cause. Thus by them, sansara or the cycle of births and deaths, is produced. COMMENTARY Birth and death are the intrinsic characteristics of organic beings. An organic being which is subject to birth and death, has two different aspects of existence, bodily and mental. The physical body of the organism is constituted by physical molecules, The other aspect of the organic being, consciousness, which may be present in varying degrees of development, is entirely different from the matter of which its body is made. Hence this element of consciousness is postulated to be the characteristic of a different entity altogether. It is called jiva or Soul. Thus an organism in the empirical world is brought about by the combination of two different entities-matter and soul, inanimate and animate categories. How are these two brought together; and how is the behaviour of the organism to be explained? This is the crucial problem facing pyschology and metaphysics. Very often an easy solution is attempted by reducing the two categories as derived from the manifestation Page #320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 192 SAMAYASARA of one and the same principle. This method of cutting the gordian knot by the monistic metaphysician is not considered to be the correct solution by the Jaina thinkers. The thinking entity, Self, and the inanimate matter are kept distinctly apart and yet they are mutually related in the case of an organic being in the ordinary world. Psychologists in the West who accept the difference between mind and matter, have adopted the psychophysical parallelism to explain the relation between the two. The changes in the body are entirely according to the law of causation which is observed to hold good in the physical realm. Similarly the series of successive mental states, according to the operation of the law of causation pertain to the realm of consciousness. Changes physical and chemical in the material body do not directly produce changes in consciousness and yet physical change and conscious change mysteriously determine each other, each functioning as the external determining condition of the other. An attitude similar to the modern hypothesis of parallelism is adopted by the Jaina thinkers. The body is subject to its own causal law of operation. Consciousness has also its own law of operation and yet one determines the other, operating in the form of external nimitta condition. Conscious changes constitute the nimitta condition for physical changes. Thus the two causal series, though not directly inter-related are indirectly related to each other; each determining the other only as an external nimitta condition. Thus the two series are brought together in the case of an embodied empirical ego who can be said to be born or to have died. The conscious Self, taken by itself in its pure nature, apart from the association of the body is not subject to birth or death. It becomes subject to birth and death only when it gets embodied, when it becoines samsari jiva. How does it get embodied? The building up of the body of an organic being is supposed to be due to its own mental activity. In the environment there are subtle material particles suitable for building the body. When the Self forgetting its own pure nature manifests in the form of impure psychic states, it causes the building of a body to itself out of the suitable particles in the environment. When once the building up of ne body is completed, then begins the career of the empirical Self or samsari jiva having a series of births and deaths. Page #321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X jAesa payaDiyaTThe ceyA Neva vimuMcai / ayANaoM have tAva micchAdiTThI bhasaMjabho // 314 // jaesa payadiyattham ceya neva vimumcai ayanao have tava micchaditthi asamjao (314) yAvadeSa prakRtyarthaM cetayitA naiva vimuJcati / ajJako bhavettAvanmithyAdRSTirasaMyataH // 314 // 314. So long as the conscious Self does not break this relation to karmic prakrti, he remains without enlightenment, without right belief and without discipline. jayA vimuMcas ceyA kammaphphalamaNaMtayaM / tayA vimutto havai jANao pAsao muNI ||315 // jaya vimumcai ceya kammapphalamanamtayam taya vimutto havai janao pasao muni (315) yadA vimuJcati cetayitA karmaphalamanantakam / tadA vimukto bhavati jJAyako darzako muniH // 315 // 315. But when the conscious Self breaks up this relation to the infinitely various fruits of karma, then the saint becomes endowed with right knowledge and right belief and freedom from karmas. But the enlightened one, when the fruits of karma begin to appear, does not enjoy them but remains merely a spectator. Next it is pointed out that just as the real Self is not the producer of karmas, he is not the enjoyer of the fruits thereof. aNNANI kammaphalaM payaDisahAvaTThao du vedei | NANI puNa kammaphalaM jANai udidaM Na vedei // 316 // annani kammaphalam payadisahavatthio du vedei nani puna kammaphalam janai udidam na vedei (316) ajJAnI karmaphalaM prakRtisvabhAvasthitastu vedayate / jJAnI punaH karmaphalaM nAnAti uditaM na vedayate // 316 // 193 316. The unenlightened Self conditioned by and identifying himself with the nature of the karmic prakrti, enjoys the fruits of karmas. But the enlightened one, when the fruits of karma begin to appear, does not enjoy them but remains merely a spectator. 25 Page #322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 194 SAMAYASARA COMMENTARY The ajnani or the unenlightened Self devoid of the knowledge of the pure nature of the Self misunderstands the Self and the non-Self as being identical, believes them to be the same and also behaves as if they were identical. Thus with the thought, "I am the same as the Karmic Praksti" he enjoys the fruits of the karma. But the enlightened one realising the pure nature of the Self, understands the Self and the non-Self to be distinct, believes them to be different and correspondingly behaves unconcerned with the other. Thus being uninfluenced by external karmic conditions, he does not enjoy the fruits thereof but remains merely aware of their occurrence. Next it is further emphasised that it is the ajnani, the Self vithout right knowledge, that is the enjoyer. Na muNai payaDimabhanvo suvi ajjhAiUNa satyANi guDaduddhapi pivaMto Na paNNayA NinvisA hoti // 317 // na munai payadimabh.vvo sutthuvi ajjhai una satthani gusadudhampi pivamto na pannaya nivvisa hointi (317) na muJcati prakRtimabhavyaH suSThvapyadhItya zAstrANi / guDadugdhamapi pivanto na pannagA nirviSA bhavanti // 317 // 317. The abhavya or the unfit Self, even though wellversed in the Scriptures, does not give up his attachment to karmic prakrti just as a snake by drinking sweetened milk does not become non-poisonous. Next ait is declared that the enlightened Self is not an enjoyer NinveyasamAvaSNo NANI kammaphalaM viyANei / mahuraM kaDuvaM bahuvihamaveyao teNa so hoi // 318 / / nivreyasamavanno nani kammaphalan viyanei mahurat kaduvam bahuvihamavezao tena so hoyi (318) nirvedasamApanno jJAnI karmaphalaM vijAnAti / madhuraM kaTukaM bahuvidhamavedakastena sa bhavati // 318 // Page #323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X 195 318. The enlightened Self equipped with complete nonattachment (merely) knows the fruits of various karmas, sweet or bitter. He therefore remains the non-enjoyer. COMMENTARY The knower, because he realises is own true nature, is uninfluenced by the environment, his own body or other enjoyable objects. Thus uninfluenced by these alien things and fully absorbed in the transcendental bliss of his own pure nature, he is not affected by the inferior type of pleasure-pain experience derived from sense-presented objects. Since he is unaffected by the objects of the perceptual world, he remains the abhokta or the on-enjoyer, though he is fully aware of the fact that good produces pleasure and evil produces pain. vifor fans of age out #FATE TE CITTS I jANai puNa kammaphalaM baMdha pugNaM ca pAvaM ca // 319 // navi kuvvai navi vedai nani kammai bahu payarai janai puna kammaphalam bandhan punran ca pavain on (319) nApi karoti nApi vedayate jJAnI karmANi bahumakArANi / jAnAti punaH karmaphalaM bandhaM puNyaM ca pAeM ca // 319 // 319. The knower neither produces the various kinds of karmas nor enjoys the fruits thereof, nevertheless he knows the nature of karmas and their results, either good or bad as well as the bondage. diTThI sayaMpi NANaM akArayaM taha avedayaM ceva / jANai ya baMdhamokkhaM kammudayaM NijaraM ceva // 320 // ditthi sayampi nanam akarayan taha avedayam ceva janai ya bandhamokkham kammudayam nijjarari ceva (320) dRSTiH svayamapi jJAnamakAraka tathAvedakaM caiva / bAnAti ca bandhamokSau karmodayaM nirAM caiva // 320 // 320. Knowledge, too, like sight is neither the doer nor the enjoyer (of karmas); but only knows the bondage, the release, the operation of karmas and the shedding of karmas. Page #324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 196 SAMAYASARA COMMENTARY It is a well-known fact in our experience that visual perception and the perceived object are not causally related to each other. Hence we cannot say that the act of perception: produces the object perceived. Hence the relation of perception to perceived object is such that the perceived object is uninfluenced by the act of perception. If the two are causally related to each other then the perceiving agent, say in the case of fire perceived, must himself be combustible and burst into flame in order to produce the flame perceived and similarly he must feel the heat of it in his own body. No such thing happens in the perceiving agent. This visual perception merely is aware of the object without in any way producing it. The behaviour of knowledge is said to be identical with that of the visual perception. The relation between knowledge and the object known is exactly identical Knowledge is not in any way causally related to the objects known. Knowledge therefore cannot be said to produce the objects known. Hence jnana is said to be akaraka not a carsal agent and also avedaka, non-enjoyer in relation to bandha (bondage), moksa (release), etc. which as objects of knowledge are merely known and not produced. Those who see in the atma a creator, like ordinary people, are not sages desiring emancipation. loyassa kuNai viNhU suraNArayatiriyamANuse stte| samaNANaMpi ya appA jai kuvvai chanvihe kAe // 321 // loyassa kunai vinhu suranarayatiriyamanuse satte samananampi ya appa jai kuvvai chavvihe kae (321) lokasya karoti viSNuH suranArakatiryaGmAnuSAn sattvAn / zramaNAnAmapi ca AtmA yadi karoti SaDvidhAna kAyAn // 321 // loyasamaNANa mevaM siddhataM paDi Na dIsai viseso| loyassa kuNai viNhU samaNANaM pi appao kaNai // 322 // loyasamanana mevam siddhamtam padi na disai viseso loyassa kunai vinha samananam pi appao. kunai (322) lokazramaNAnAmevaM siddhAntaM prati na dRzyate vizeSaH / lokasya karoti viSNuH zramaNAnAmapyAtmA karoti // 322n Page #325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X 197 evaM Na kovi mokkho dIsai loyasamaNANa doNhaMpi / Nicca kuvvaMtANaM sadevamaNuAsure loye // 323 // evas na kovi mokkho disai loyasamanana domhampi niccam kovvastanam sadevamanuasure loye (323) evaM na ko'pi mokSo dRzyate lokazramaNAnAM dvayeSAmapi / nityaM kurvatAM sadeva manujAn surAn lokAn // 323 // 321 to 323; According to the ordinary people Visnu creates all creatures celestial, hellish, sub-human and human; if according to the Sramanas, the soul creates his six kinds of organic bodies, then between the popular doctrine and the Sramana doctrine, both being identical, no difference can be perceived. For the people it is Visnu that creates and for the Sramanas it is the Self that creates. Thus if the ordinary people and the Sramanas both believe in the doctrine of perpetual creation of worlds, human and divine, then there is no such thing as moksa or liberation discernible in their doctrine. COMMENTARY Creative activity also implies desire to achieve something. The moment a desire to achieve an ideal appears, there comes a train of emotions such as attachinent, aversion, delusion, etc, Hence continuous creative activity implies perpetuation of sar sara and hence there is no chance for liberation or mukti. . Next, when the Self and non-Self are so entirely distinct and when there is no chance of association of any kind between the two, much less the causal relatation, how does the feeling of doer occur in the Self? The following gathas offer an explanation. vavahArabhAsieNa u paradavvaM mama bhaNaMti vidiyatthA / jANaMti NicchayeNa u Naya mama paramANumettamavi kiMci // 324 // vavaharabhasiena u paradavvam mama bhanamti vidijattha... janamti nicchayena u raya mama paramanumettamavi kidici vyavahArabhASitena tu paradravyaM mama bhaNanti viditArthAH / jAnanti nizcayena tu na ca mama paramANumAtramapi kiMcit // 324 // Page #326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 198 SAMAYASARA jaha kovi garo jappai amhA gAmavisayaNayararaTuM / Naya hoMti tassa tANi u bhaNai ya moheNa so appA // 325 // jaha kovi naro jampai amha gamavisayanayararatthan naya honii lassa tani u bhanai ya moheni so appa (325) yathA ko'pi naro jalpati ammAkaM mAmavipayanagararASTrANi / / na ca bhavanti tasya tAni tu mapati ca mohena sa AtmA // 325 // emeva micchadiTTI mApI pissaMsaya havai eso / jo paradabvaM mama idi jANato appayaM kAi // 326 // e mera mi ciaditjhi nani nissarsapai harai eso o para:lucran mama idi jana ilio appayan kunai (326) ekameva mithyASTiAnI nissaMzayaM bhavatyepaH / yaH paradravyaM mameti jAnannAtmAnaM karoti // 326 // tamhA Na meti NicA doNhaM vi eyANa katti vavasAyaM / paradanve jANato jANijjo diddhirahiyANaM // 327 // tamha na meti niccha donhan vi eyupa katti vavassajam paradarve janasto janijjo ditthirahipanan (327) tasmAnna me iti jJAtvA dvayeSAmapyeteSAM kartRvyavasAyam / paradravye nAnan jAnIyAd dRSTirahitAnAm // 327 / / 324 to 327. Those who know the nature of reality speak of non-Self as "mine" using the language of the ordinary people, while they know really there is not even an atom of non-Self which is "mine". Just when a person speaks of my village, my country, my town or my kingdom, those are not really his. That. person so speaks through self-delusion. In the same way, a person who (deluded by vyavahara point of view) understands non-Self as his and identifies himself with it, certainly becomes one of erroneous belief. There is no doubt about this. Among these two (ordinary people and Sramanas) if a person knowing the truth that no object of non-Self is his still persists in thinking of the existence of a creative will producing the external reality, he does so being devoid of right belief. Let it be understood to be the truth. micchattaM jai payaDI micchAdiTTI karei appaannN| tamhA aceyaNA de payaDI jaNu kArago pattA // 32 // Page #327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X micchattam jai payadi micchaditthi karei appanam tamha aceyana de payadi nanu karago patta (328) mithyAtvaM yadi prakRtirmithyAdRSTi karotyAtmAnam / tasmAdacetanA te prakRtirnanu kArakAH prAptAH // 328 // 328, If the karmic material, responsible for wrong belief (by its own potency) makes the Self a wrong believer, then does not your non-intelligent prakrti assume the role of an intelligent doer? ahavA eso jIvo poggaladavvassa kuNai micchataM / tamhA poggaladavvaM micchAdiTTI Na puNa jIvo // 326 // ahava eso ji poggaladavcassa kunai micchattam tamhi poggalvdevram miccizditgha ya puna jivo (329) avaiSa: bIvaH puSyasya karoti mithyAtvam / tasmAtpudgaladravyaM mithyAdRSTi punarjIvaH // 329 // 329. If, on the other hand, the soul causes wrong belief in matter then it is matter that becomes a non-believer and not the soul. yaha jIvo padahIvaDa pola kuNati micchataM / sArika jati saphala // 330 // aha jloc pupaditcha bigga udarom kupamti micchattam tamha wohl kagum tam doggiri bhumjamti tassa phalam (330) atha cokara pudgadravyaM kurute mithyAtvam / tasmAdAnAM kRtaM dvAvapi nAte tasya phalam // 330 // 199 330. Again if soul and (inanimate) prakyti together create wrong belief out of karmic materials, then they both must enjoy the fruit of their actions. aha Na payaDI Na jIvo poggaladavvaM kuNaMti micchattaM / tamhA poggaladavvaM micchataM tattu Nahu micchA // 331 // aha na payadi na jivo poggaladavvam kunamti micchattam tamha poggaladavvam micchattam tattu nahu miccha (331) atha na prakRtirna jIvaH pudgaladravyaM kurute mithyAtvam / tasmAtpudgaladravyaM mithyAtvaM tattu na khalla mithyA // 331 // Page #328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 2001 SAMAYASARA 331. Further neither karmic prakrti nor jiva. is able to produce wrong belief out of karmic matter. Therefore it is not karmic materials that become wrong-belief. Snch a view is entirely erroneous. COMMENTARY Thus it is established that the Self is the causal agent of the karma which is the effect. Next it is pointed out that nescience, etc. are all produced by karma. kammehi du aNNANI kijjai gANI taheva kammehi / kammehi suvAvijjai jaggAvijjai taheva kammehi // 332 // kammehim du annani kijjai nani taheva kammehim kammehim suvavijjai jaggavijjai taheva kammehim (332) karmabhistu ajJAnI kriyate jJAnI tathaiva karmabhiH / karmabhiH svApyate jAgaryate tathaiva karmabhiH // 332 // kammehi suhAvibbai dukkhAvinai taheva kammehiM / kammehi ya micchattaM Nibai Ninai asaMjamaM ceva // 333 // kammehim suhavijjai dukkhavijjai taheva kammehim kammehim ya micc hattar nijjai nijjai asamjamam ceva (333) karmabhiH sukhIkriyate duHkhIkriyate tathaiva karmabhiH / karmabhizca mithyAtvaM nIyate nIyate'sayamaM caiva // 333 // kammehi bhamADibbai uDDhamaho cAvi tiriyaloyaM ca / kammehi ceva kibai suhAsuhaM jettiyaM kiMci // 334 // kammehir bhamadijjai uddhmaho cavi tiriyaloyam ca kammehim ceva kijjai suhasuhain jettiyam kimci (334) karmamimyite UrdhvamadhazcApi tiryagalokaM ca / karmabhizcaiva kriyate zubhAzubha yAvakiMcit // 33 // jamhA kammaM kuvvai kammaM deheM haraitti jaM kiMci / tamhA u savvajIvA akArayA huMti AvaNNA // 335 // jamha kamman kuvvai kammam dei haraitti jam kimci tamha y savvajiva akaraya humti avanna (335) Page #329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X 201 yasmAt karma karoti karma dadAti haratIti yat kiMcit / tasmAttu sarvajIvA akArakA bhavantyApannAH // 335 // 332 to 335. It is by karma that the soul is nescient; it is by karma that he is made the Knower; it is by karma that he is asleep and it is by karma that he is awake; it is by karma that he is happy and it is by karma that he is miserable; it is by karma that he is led to wrong belief; and by the same he is led to nondiscipline; it is by karma that he is made to wander in the upper, middle and nether worlds; and whatever good and evil is done, is also by karma; because it is karma that does, karma that gives and it is karma that destroys, therefore all jivas must become akaraka or non-doer.. purusicchiyAhilAsI icchIkammaM ca purismhilsi| esA Airiya paraMparAgayA erisI du suI // 336 // purusicchiyahilast icchikammam ca purisamahilasai esa diriya paramparagaya erist. du suit (336) puruSaH svyabhilASI strIkarma ca puruSamabhilaSati / eSAcAryaparamparAgatedRzI tu zrutiH // 336 // tamhA Na kovi jIvo abamhacArI u tumhamuvaese / jamhA kammaM ceva hi kammaM ahilasai naM bhaNiyaM // 337 // tamha nu kovi jivo abamhacari u tumhamuvayese jamha kammam ceva hi kammam ahilasai jam bhaniyam (337) tasmAnna ko'pi bIvo'brahmacArI yussmaakmupdeshe| yasmAtkameva hi karmAbhilapatI yad bhaNitam // 337 // 336 to 337. The karmic material determining the male sex creates a longing for woman, and the karmic material determining the female sex creates a longing for inan. If this is the teaching of the scripture handed down traditionally by the Acaryas, then according to your gospel sex-desire is merely a matter of one material karma desiring another material karma as mentioned before. jamhA ghAedi para pareNa ghAijjae ya sA pyddii| eeNastheNa du kira bhaNNai paraghAyaNAmeti // 338 // 26 Page #330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 202 SAMAYASARA jamha ghaedi param parena ghyijjae ya sa payadi eyenatthena du kira bhannai paraghayanametti (338) yasmAddhanti varaM pareNa hanyate ca sA prakRtiH / etenArthena kila bhaNyate paraghAtanAmeti // 338 // tamhA Na kovi jIvo uvadhAyo atthi tumha uvese| jamhA kammaM ceva hi kammaM ghAedi idi bhaNiyaM // 339 / / tamha na kovi jivo uvaghayao atthi tumha uvaese jamha kammam ceva hi kammar ghaedi idi bhanivars. (339) tasmAnna ko'pi jIva upaghAtako'sti yuSmAkamupadeze / yasmAtkarma caiva hi karma hantIti bhaNita 1339 // 338 to 339. One class of koyma (praksli) destroys another or is destroyed by another; that class in this sense is called "Paraghata" (killing another being). Therefore no soul according to your teaching (can be considered) guilty of killing, because killing is merely a matter of one material karma destroying another material karma, as said above. evaM saMkhuvaesaM jeu paviti erisaM samaNA / tesi payaDI kuvvai appA ya akArayA savve // 340 // eva samkhuvaesan jeu paruvimti erisam samana tesim payadi kuvvai appa ya akaraya savve (340) evaM sAMkhyopadeze ye tu prarUpayantIdRzaM zramaNAH / teSAM prakRtiH karotyAtmAnazvAkArakAH sarve // 34 // ahavA maNNasi majjhaM appA appANamappaNo kuNai / eso micchasahAvo tumhaM eyaM muNaMtassa // 341 // ahava mannasi majjham appa appanamappano kunai eso micchasahavo tumhameyam munarntassa (341) athavA manyase mamAtmAtmAnamAtmanA karoti / eSa mithyAsvabhAvastavaitanmanyamAnasya // 34 // 340-341. If any Sramanas thus preach approving such a Samkhya doctrine, then according to them praksti (karmic material) becomes the agent and all the souls would be inactive. On the other hand, if you maintain, "my soul transforms itself by itself", the opinion of yours is wrong. Page #331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X 203 appA Nicco asaMkhijjapadeso desiola samayamhi / Navi so sakkai tatto hINo mahio ya kAuM je // 312 appa nicco asamkhijjapadeso desio ut samayamhi savi so sakkai tatio hino ahio ya kaum je (342) AtmA nityo'saMkhyeyapradezo darzitastu smye| nApi sa zakyate tato hIno'dhikaraca kartuM yat // 342 // 342. Ta the Scripture, the soul is described to be eternal and ck immeasurable Cxtension. Hence, of its own accord, it is incapable of increasing or decreasing (its spatial form ). jIvassa jIvarUvaM vittharao jANa loyametaM khuu| tatto so ki hINo ahio ya kahaM kuNai davvaM // 343 / / jivassa jivarunam vittharao jana loyamettani khu latto so kin hin, ahio ya kahan kunai davvam (343) jIvasya jIvarUpaM vistarato nAnIhi lokapAtraM khalu / tataH sa kiM hIno'dhiko vA kathaM karoti dravyam // 343 // 343. Know ye: that the soul, from the point of view of extension, is really co-extensive with the universe. Therefore, how is this eternal substance caused to assume decreased or increased spatial form. aha jANao du bhAvo NANasahAveNa atthi itti mayaM / tamhA vi appA appANaM tu sayamapaNo kuNai // 344 // aha janao du bhavo nanasahavena atthi itti mayam tamha navi appa appanam tu sayamappans kunai (344) atha jJAyakastu bhAvo jJAnasvabhAvena tiSThatIti matam / tasmAnnApyAtmAtmAnaM tu svayamAtmanaH karoti // 344 // 344. It is accepted that the conscious principle remains of the nature of knowledge. Therefore, the Self, of its own accord, does not transform itself by itself. COMMENTARY According to the Sankhya doctrine the Self or Purusa is nitya and akarta, an absolutely unchanging, permanent cetana entity. All change and all activity proceed from acetana prakrti. The Self is only aware of the activity. Thus he is only the Page #332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 204 SAMAYASARA knower, a mere spectator of the various changes physical and psychical which both are due to praksti according to the Sankhya view. Though the Purusa is not responsible for any activity, he is still considered to be enjoying the fruits of the action of the prakyti. Thus the Purusa is also the bhokta. This Sankhya description of the Self, that he is the knower, permanent, actionless, and enjoyer is incompatible with the Jaina conception of the Self. Obviously about the time of Bhagavan Kunda Kunda, some Taina thinkers must have had leanings towards the Sankhya view. According to these Sramanabhasas, or the Jaina heretics, the karmic material played the part of the Sankhyan praksti. Every change and every activity was credited to the operation of karmic material, the Self remaining an active spectator. This attitude is condemned by our anthor by showing the utter untenability of the Sankhya doctrine. If every change and every activity is attributed to prakyti and if the Self is merely an unchanging permanent spectator absolutely uninfluenced by the action of karmas, he must remain for ever a moksa-jiva, a liberated Self. It would mean the absence of samsara. This conclusion is contradicted by actual experience, because in actual experience we have an empirical ego or samsara jiva as a fact of reality which cannot be dismissed as unreal. This empirical state of existence in which samsara jiva lives as a matter of fact certainly demands an explanation. This explanation which is not supplied by the Sankhya view is offered by the Jaina doctrine which is put forth by our author as a corrective to the Sankhya view. The karmic material is no doubt the main operative principle responsible for the physical and psychic changes produced in the being of a person. When the karmic material is operative, the Self does not remain an inactive spectator according to Jaina metaphysics. If the Self were so inactive, he would not be different from the Sankhya Purusa. But the successful operation of the karmic material and the consequent psycho-physical changes are due to the attitude of the Self which has a suitable responsive reaction. Without this responsive reaction on the part of the Self, the karmic material would be impotent and will not be able to produce any change either in the body or Page #333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X 205 in the consciousness. This attitude of responsive reaction on the part of the Self, is responsible for the psycho-physical changes when stimulated by karmic material. The changes in the empirical Self therefore are directly due to the activity of the empirical ego in the form of responsive reaction brought about by the operation of karmic material. Thus for the changes in the consciousness, the ego is responsible. Hence the empirical ego must be considered to be an active agent capable of producing modifications in his own consciousness in response to the operation of karma. Thus the Self must not only be active but must also be liable to change. As against the nature of Sankhya Purusa, who is said to be nitya and akarta, the Jaina doctrine makes him anitya and karta, a changing Self and an active agent. But to leave the position here would be untrue. This description of the Self is applicable only to the empirical ego which is the samsara jiva. Though he is anitya and karta, as an empirical ego, because of the absence of discriminative knowledge between the Self and the non-Self, still when he acquires this discriminative knowledge, when he realises his pure nature, unsullied by karmic influence, he would remain for ever without any change and without any action; at that stage, certainly he is nitya and akarta. The Jaina metaphysics combines both these aspects. From the absolute real point of view, the Self is nitya and akarta, but from the empirical or vyavahara point of view he is anitya and karta. It is because of the combination of such apparently conflicting views, that the Jaina system is said to be the anekanta view. All the other systems which emphasise one aspect of reality or other exclusively are described to be ekanta-vadas and no ekanta-vadi is able to offer a complete and comprehensive solution for the problem of reality. Sankhya is thus as an ekanta system refuted because of its incapacity to explain the nature of concrete reality or samsara. Next another ekanta system is taken up for consideration and refutation. The Bauddha system of metaphysics lays emphasis .upon the changes in reality. This one-sided emphasis converts reality into an impermanent and everchanging stream of existence. This doctrine is also considered to be inadequate as is shown below. Page #334 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 206 SAMAYASARA kehi cidupajjayeha viNassae va kehi cidu jIvo / jamhA tamhA kubvai so vA aNNo va NeyaMto // 345 // kehim cidu pajjayehim vinassaye neva kehim cidu jivo jamha tamha kuvvai so va anno va neyarito ( 345 ) kaizcit paryAyairvinazyati naiva kaizcittu jIvaH / yasmAttasmAtkaroti sa vA anyo vA naikAntaH // 345 // 345. From some point of view (paryayarthika naya ) the soul dies, but from an other point of view (dravyarthika naya) the soul never dies. Because of this nitya- anitya nature of the soul, the one-sided view that the soul (that enjoys) is the same as the doer or entirely different from this would be untenable. kehicidupajjaha viNassae Neva kehicidu jIvo / jamhA tamhA vedadi so vA bhaNNo va NeyaMto // 346 // kehimcidu pajjayehim vinassaye neva kehimcidu jivo jamha tamha vedadi so va anno va neyarito (346) kaizcittu paryAyairvinazyati naiva kaizcittu nIvaH / yasmAttasmAdvedayati sa vA anyo vA naikAntaH // 346 // 346. From some point of view ( paryayarthika naya ) the soul dies, but from an other point of view (dravyarthika naya) the soul never dies. Because of this nitya-anitya nature of the soul, the one-sided view that the soul (that acts) is the same as the enjoyer (of the fruits thereof) or entirely different from him would be untenable. jo caiva kuNai so ceva ya Na veyae jassa esa siddhaMto / so jIvo NAyanvo micchAdiTTI bhaNArihado // 347 // jo ceva kunai so ceva ya na veyae jassa esa siddhamto so jtvo nayavvo micchaditthi anarihado (347) yazcaiva karoti sa caiva na vedayate yasya eSa siddhAntaH / sa jIvo jJAtavyo mithyAdRSTira nAItaH // 347 // 347. Let it be known that the person who holds the doctrine that the soul that acts is absolutely identical with the soul that enjoys (the fruits thereof) is a wrong believer and is not of the Arhata faith. Page #335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 207 CHAPTER X aNNo karei aNNo paribhuMjai jassa esa siddhNto| so jIvo NAyanvo micchAdiTThI aNArihado // 348 // anno karei anno paribhuojai jassa esa siddhamto so jtvo nayavvc micchaditthi anarihado (348) anyaH karotyanyaH paribhuGkte yasya eSa siddhAntaH / sa jIvo jJAtavyo mithyAdRSTiranArhataH // 348 // 348. Let it be known that the person who holds the doctrine that the soul that acts is absolutely different from the soul that enjoys (the fruits thereof) is a wrong believer and is not of the Arhata faith. Next the author explains through a practical illustration how the Self is the actor and the action, the enjoyer and the enjoyed. jaha sippio u kammaM kumvai Na ya so u tammao hoi| taha jIvovi ya kamma kuvvai Na ya tammao hoi // 346 // jaha sippio u kammam kuvvai na ya so u tammao hoi taha jivovi ya kammam kuvvai na ya tammao hoi (349) yathA zilpIkastu karma karoti na ca tanmayo bhavati / tathA jIvo'pi ca karma karoti na ca tanmayo bhavati // 349 // 349. As an artisan performs bis work, but does not become identical with it, so also the Self produces karma but does not become identical with it. jaha sippio u karaNehi kuvvai Na ya so u tammao hoi / taha jIvo karaNehi kubvai Na ya tammao hoi // 350 // jaha sippio u karaachii kumvai na ya so u tammao hovi taha jivo karanehin kuvvui na ya tammao hoi (350) yathA zilpikastu karaNaH karoti na sa tu tanmayo bhavati / tathA jIvaH karaNaiH karoti na ca tanmayo bhavati // 350 // 350. As the artisan works with his tools, but does not become identified with them, so also the Self acts through the instrumentality (of trikarana, thought. word and deed) but does not become identified with them. jaha sippio u karaNANi gilai Na ya so u tammao hoi| taha jIvo karaNANi u gillai Na ya tammao hoi // 351 // Page #336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 208 SAMAYASARA jaha sippio u karanani ginhai na ya so u tammao hoi taha jivo karanani u ginhai na ya tammao hoi (351) yathA zilpikastu karaNAni gRhNAti na ca tu tanmayo bhavati / tathA jIvaH karaNAni tu gRhNAti na ca tanmayo bhavati // 351 // 351. As the artisan holds his tools (while working) but does not become identified with them so also the Self makes use of his organs tri-karana (while acting) but does not become identified with them. jaha sippio kammaphalaM bhuMjai Na ya so u tammao hoi / taha jIvo kammaphalaM bhuMjai Na ya tammao hoi // 352 // jaha sippio kammaphalam bhumjai na ya so u tammo hoi taha jivo kammaphalam bhumjaina ya tammao hoi (852) yathA zilpikaH karmaphalaM na ca sa tu bhuGa kte tanmayo bhavati / tathA jIvaH karmaphalaM bhuGkte na ca tanmayo bhavati / / 352 // 352. As the artisan enjoys the fruit of his labour, but does not become one with it, so also the Self enjoys the fruit of karma but does not become one with it. evaM vavahArassa u vattavvaM darisaNaM samAseNa / suNu Nicchayassa vayaNaM pariNAmakayaM tu jaM hoi // 353 // evam vavaharassa u vattavvam darisanan samasena sunu nicchayassa vayanam parinamakayam tu jam hoi (353) evaM vyavahArasya tu vaktavyaM darzanaM samAsena / zRNu nizcayasya vacanaM pariNAmakRtaM tu yadbhavati // 353 // 353. Thus has the doctrine been stated briefly from the vyavahara point of view; now listen to the statement from the niscaya point of view which refers to changes resulting from modifications (of the soul). jaha sippio u ciTuM kumvai havai ya tahA aNaNNo so| taha jIvovi ya kammaM kuvvai havai ya aNaNNo so // 354 // jaha sippio u cittham kuvvai havai ya taha aranno so taha jivovi ya kammam kuvvai havai ya ananno so (354) yathA zilpikastu ceSTAM karoti bhavati ca tathAnanyastasyAH / tathA jIvo'pi ca karma karoti bhavati cAnanyastasmAt // 35 // Page #337 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X 354. As the artisan starts with the mental image (of the object to be produced) and translates it into physical form by his bodily activity and thus is one with it, so also the Self starts with the mental counterpart of karma and is therefore with it. one jaha ciTThaM kuvvaMto u sippio Niccadukkhio hoi / aat fear art ag fagat gat ftat 1|32|| jaha cittham kuvvamto u sippio niccadukkhio hoi tatto siya ananno taha citthamto duhi jivo (355) aur at gaforeg forfet faug:faat Hafa | tasmAcca syAdananyastathA ceSTamAno duHkhI jIvaH || 355 // 209 355. As the artisan making an effort (to translate the mental image into physical form) always suffers thereby and is therefore one with that suffering, so also the Self that acts as stimulated by impure mental states undergoes suffering and becomes one with it. COMMENTARY A casual observation of an artist at work will give us the following particulars. The metal or marble which he is going to shape, the instruments used therefore, his dexterity in handing those instruments and the final value which he obtains for the finished product, all these facts are external to the nature of the artist who remains distinct from all the external facts. But instead of such a casuai observation if we try to understand the creative activity of the artist then we have a different account of the process. The artist starts with the vision of the object which he is going to make. His creative activity consists in shaping out of the shapeless metal or marble a figure exactly answering to his mental image. With this object in view he sets about to work. Thus looked at from the inner side of the artist's mind, his whole activity is a continuous identical process of expressing in the form of metal or marble what he has in his mind. The method of his work and the instruments employed all become auxiliary and sub-servient to this one process by which the artist transforms his idea into an objective figure. 27 Page #338 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 210 SAMAYASARA Here the artist cannot be differentiated from the continuous process of creative activity resulting in the finished product of art. At every stage of this process we have the progressive manifestation of the artist's mind and hence the process of activity is the artist himself engaged in the art of creation. The artist while thus engaged in translating his idea into an objective figure has to undergoan amount of labour and suffering peculiar to the creative activity of the artist. This feature of the artist in both of the aspects is employed to explain the creative activity of the Self according to the principle of analogy. The Self also has to deal with external karmic matter. To shape this karmic matter into various patterns, various instruments are employed. The Self, like the artist has to manipulate these instruments and after shaping the karmic matter into various patterns he has to experience the hedonic value of the finished product. All these external facts are quite distinct from the nature of the Self who cannot identify himself with any of these. The account corresponds to the casual observation of the artist and hence does not represent the real and true nature of the activity of the Self. When we try to probe into the inner working of the activity of the Self we have a complete parallel to the creative activity of the artist. The Self also starts with an intellectual pattern of the shape of things to be. Starting with such an intellectual pattern, he approaches the karmic material in order to create a material pattern exactly answering to the psychic pattern which he attempts to translate into material shape. When the process of expressing the intellectual pattern in physical form is completed, he experiences the hedonic value thereof. Here also we have an identical and continuous self-expression and the Self that expresses through this process of manifestation is identical with the process itself. The process, the product and the value thereof are but the different stages in the creative activity. Hence the Self cannot be taken to be distinct from the exertion and suffering, characteristic of the creative activity of the Self, Thus these two accounts of the activity of the Self, one from the vyavahara point of view and the other from the niscaya point of view, are parallel and analogical to the activity of the artist described above. Page #339 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X 211 Next it is pointed out that though apparently an object of reality seems to be capable of transferring its own attributes to another object, really it cannot do so. jaha seTiyA du Na parassa seTiyA seTiyA ya sA hoi / taha jANao du Na parassa jANo jANo sodu // 356 // jaha setiya du na parassa setiya setiya ya sa hoi taha janao du na parassa janao janao sodu (356) yathA seTikA tu na parasya seTikA seTikA ca sA bhavati / tathA jJAyakastu na parasya jJAyako jJAyakaH sa tu // 356 // 356. As chalk ( when applied to whiten the surface of another thing ) does not become that thing but remains as chalk (on the surface of that thing), so the Self (while knowing an object) remains as the knower and does not become the object known (which is other than the Self ). jaha seTiyA du Na parassa seTiyA seTiyA ya sA hoi / taha pAsao du Na parassa pAsao pAsao sodu // 357 // jaha setiya du va parassa setiya setiya ya sa hoi taha pasao du na parassa pasao pasao sodu (357) yathA seTikA tu na parasya seTikA seTikA ca sA bhavati / tathA darzakastu na parasya darzako darzakaH sa tu // 357|| 357. As chalk (when applied to whiten the surface of another thing) does not become that thing but remains as chalk (on the surface of that thing), so the Self (while perceiving an object (remains as the perceiver and does not become the object perceived (which is other than the Self). jaha seTiyA du Na parassa seTiyA seTiyA ya sA hoi / taha saMjao du Na parassa saMjao saMjao sodu // 358 // jaha setiya du na parassa setiya setiya ya sa hoi taha samjao du na parassa samjao samjao sodu (358) yathA seTikA tu na parasya seTikA seTikA ca sA bhavati / tathA saMyatastu na parasya saMyataH saMyataH sa tu // 358 // 358. As chalk (when applied to whiten the surface of another thing) does not become that thing but remains as chalk (on the surface of that thing) so the Self (while renouncing the Page #340 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 212 SAMAYASARA external possessions) remains as the disciplined abstainer and does not become one with the renounced possessions ( which are other than the Self ). jaha seTiyA du Na parassa seTiyA seTiyA ya sA hoi / taha daMsaNaM du Na parassa daMsaNaM dasaNaM taM tu // 359 // jaha setiya du na parassa setiya setiya ya sa hoi taha darsanam du na parassa damsanam damsanam tam tu (359) yathA seTikA tu na parasya seTikA seTikA ca sA bhavati / tathA darzanaM tu na parasya darzanaM darzanaM tattu // 35 // 359. As chalk (when applied to whiten the surface of another thing) does not become that thing but remains as chalk (on the surface of that thing), so right faith in the Tattvas remains as right faith and does not become one with the Tattvas. evaM tu NicchayaNayassa bhAsiyaM NANadaMsaNacaritte / suNu vavahAraNayassa ya vattanvaM se samAseNa // 360 // evam tu micchayanayassa bhasiyam nanadansanacaritte sunu vavaharanayassa ya vattavvam se samasena (360) evaM tu nizcayanayasya bhASitaM jJAnadarzanacaritre / zRNu vyavahAranayasya ca vaktavyaM tasya samAsena // 360 // 360. From the stand point of reality, knowledge, faith and conduct have thus been described; now listen to a brief statement of the same from the vyavahara point of view. jaha paradavvaM seTadi hu seTiyA appaNo sahAveNa / taha paradavvaM jANai NAyA visaeNa bhAveNa // 361 // jaha paradavvam setadi hu setiya appano sahavena taha paradavvam janai naya visayena bhavena (361) yathA paradravya seTayati khalu seTikAtmanaH svabhAvena / tathA paradravyaM jAnAti jJAtApi svakena bhAvena // 361 // 361. As chalk whitens another thing because of its intrinsic nature (of whiteness), so also the knower knows other things because of his own intrinsic nature (of knowledge). jaha paradavvaM seTadi hu seTiyA appaNo sahAveNa / taha paradavvaM passaha jIvo vi saeNa bhAveNa // 362 / / Page #341 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X 213 jaha paradavuam setadi hu setiya appano sahavena taha paradavvam passai jivo vi sayena bhavena (362) yathA paradravyaM seTayati khalu seTikAtmanaH svabhAvena / tathA paradravyaM pazyati jIvo'pi svakena bhAvena // 362 // 362. As chalk whitens another thing because of its intrinsic nature (of whiteness) so also the Self perceives other things because of his own intrinsic nature (of perception). jaha paradavvaM seTadi hu seTiyA appaNo sahAveNa / taha paradavvaM vijahai NAyA vi saeNa bhAveNa // 363 // jaha paradavvam setadi hu setiya appano sahavena taha paradavvam vijahai ndya vi saena bhavena (363) yathA paradravyaM seTayati khalu seTikAtmanaH svabhAvena / tathA paradravyaM vinahAti jJAtApi svakena bhAvena // 363 // 363. As chalk whitens another thing because of its intrinsic nature (of whiteness) so also the knowing Self renounces external possessions because of his own intri risic nature (of nonattachment). jaha paradavva seTadi hu seTiyA appaNo sahAveNa / taha paradavvaM saddahai sammAiTThI sahAveNa // 364 // jaha paradavvam setadi hu setiya appano sahavena taha paradavvam saddahai sammaitthi sahavena (364) yathA paradravyaM seTayati khalu seTikAtmanaH svabhAvena / tathA paradravyaM zraddhatte samyagdRSTiH svabhAvena // 364 // 364. As chalk whitens another thing because of its intrin. sic nature (of whitheness), so also a right believer believes in the external reality because of his intrinsic nature (of right belief). evaM vavahArassa du viNicchao nnaanndsnncrite| bhaNio aNNesu vi pajjaesu emeva NAyavvo // 36 // evam vavaharassa du vinicchao nanadamsanacaritte bhanio arnesu vi pajjaesu emeva nayavvo (365) evaM vyavahArassa tu vinizcayo jJAnadarzanacaritre / bhaNito'jyeSvapi paryAyeSu evameva jJAtavyaH // 365 // Page #342 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 214 SAMAYASARA 365. Thus it has been stated the truth about knowledge, faith and conduct from the vyavahara point of view; the other inodes (of consciousness) sliould be understood similarly. COMMENTARY Wher chalk is used to whiten an object, say a mud pot, clough chalk appears to transfer its white colour to the pot, it does not become identical with the mud pot, nor does it lose its intrinsic nature. The relation is only external. The white surface on the pot consists of chalk particles. This illustration of external relation of one thing to another, where two things are related to each other without losing their respective intrinsic nature is used to explain the relation between the knowing Self and the object known. The two are intrinsically different in nature, one is cetana and the other acetana, conscious and nonconcsious, and yet the two are related to each other in the process of knowledge as the knowing Self and the object known. The relation between the knower and the known is merely external. In the process of knowing the knower and the known, both retain their intrinsic nature. Jnana or knowledge is compared by the Jaina metaphysicians to light. Light by illuminating the external objects, make them visible without in any way interfering with their real nature, so also the external object become known through knowledge, they themselves remaining uninfluenced by the process of knowing. This theory of knowledge according to Jainism is incompatible with two other rival doctrines which are refuted in these gathas,-BrahmaAdvaitic doctrine, and the Buddhistic doctrine. Since knowledge implies the relation between two entirely distinct reals, the pantheistic monism of the first school cuts the gordian knot by deriving both the Self and the non-Self from a primeval Brahman. This merely pushes the problem further without offering any real solution. How could the same identical cause produce two contradictory effects, still remains an insoluble mystery. Metaphysical monism offers an easy escape from the problem of knowledge without offering any satisfactory solution. The logical levelopment of such a doctrine must necessarily identify the primeval Brahman with--one of the twothe cetana dravya and must end by condemning the Page #343 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X 215 external acetana worlds as maya or illusory, an extremely inconvenient, and erroneous conclusion. The solution offered by the Buddhistic metaphysics is equally unsatisfactory. The process of knowledge of jnana at any particular moment of its existence manifests in the dual aspect of the knower and the known. The metaphysical categories of Self and matter are treated to be purely hypothetical and unwarranted assumptions. Jnana or knowledge is the only real and it manifests as objects of knowledge in the process of knowing. This solution of the problem of knowledge apparently gets rid of the difficulty of explaining the relation between two contradictory categories, the Self and the non-Self, by reducing both to a simple principle of jnana or knowledge. If the object of knowledge is just the manifestation of knowledge itself, what happens to it when there is no process of knowing. Absence of knowledge must necessarily mean the disappearance of the external world. This nihilistic conclusion or sanyavada that when knowledge ceases to be, then the Self and the external world cease to be is contradicted by our concrete experience. Hence both these theories of knowledge are refuted by our author in the above gathas. Impure emotional states such as attachment and aversion are the results of absence of clear knowledge of the exact nature of the reals. This is explained below. dasaNaNANacarittaM kicivi Natthi du aceyaNe visae / tamhA ki ghAdayade cedayidA tesu visaesu // 366 // damsanananacarittam kiincivi natthi du aceyane visae tamha kim ghadayade cedayida tesu visaesu (366) darzanajJAnacaritraM kiMcidapi nAsti tvacetane viSaye / tasmArika ghAtayati cetayitA teSu viSayeSu // 366 // 366. There is no faith, knowledge, or conduct whatsoever in a non-intelligent object; therefore what does the soul destroy in those objects ? dasaNaNANacaritaM kicivi Nasthi du aceyaNe kamme / tamhA kiM ghAdayade cedayidA tamhi kamammi // 367 // damsananana carittar kimcivi patthi du aceyane kamme tamha kim ghadayade cedayida tamhi kammammi (367) Page #344 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 216 SAMAYASARA darzanajJAnacaritraM kiMcidapi nAsti tvacetane karmaNi / tasmArika ghAtayati cetayitA tatra karmaNi // 367 // 367. There is no faith, knowledge or conduct whatsoever in non-intelligent karmic material; therefore what does the soul destroy in those karmas ? dasaNaNANacarittaM kiMcivi Natthi du aceyaNe kAye / tamhA kiM ghAdayade cedayidA tesu kAyesu // 368 // damsanananacarittam kimcivi natthi du aceyane kaye tamha kim ghadayade cedayida tesu kayesu (368) darzanajJAnacaritraM kiMcidapi nAsti tvacetane kAye / tasmAt kiM ghAtayati cetayitA teSu kAyeSu // 368 // 368. There is no faith, knowledge, or conduct whatsoever in non-intelligent body; therefore what does the soul destroy in those bodies? NANassa daMsaNassa ya bhaNio ghAo tahA carittassa / Navi tamhi poggaladavvassa ko'vi ghAou NiddiTTo // 366 // nanassa damsanassa ya bhanio ghao taka carittassa navi tamhi poggladavvassa kovi ghaou riddittho (369) jJAnasya darzanasya ca bhaNito ghAtastathA cAritrasya / nApi tatra pudgaladravyasya ko'pi ghAtastu nirdiSTaH // 369 // 369. Destruction of knowledge, faith and conduct (of the erroneous kind by the soul) is spoken of; but destruction of matter is never indicated. jIvassa je guNA keI Natthi khalu te paresu davvesu / tamhA sammAdiTThissa patthi rAgo u visaesu // 370 // jivassa je guna kei natthi khalu te paresu davvesu tamha sammaditthissa ratthi rago u visaesu (370) jIvasya ye guNAH kecinna santi khala te pareSu dravyeSu / tasmAtsamyagdRSTarnAsti rAgastu viSayeSu // 370 // 370. Whatever attributes are present in a soul, those are certainly not present in other substances: therefore in a right believer there is no attraction for sense-objects, Page #345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X rAgo doso moho jIvasseva ya aNaNNapariNAmA / eeNa kAraNeNa u saddAdisu Natthi rAgAdi // 371 // rago doso moho jivasseva ya anannaparinama eena karanena u saddadisu natthi ragadi (371) rAgo dveSo moho nIvasyaiva cAnanyapariNAmAH / etena kAraNena tu zabdAdiSu na santi rAgAdayaH // 371 // 371. Attachment, aversion and delusion are the soul's own inalienable modes; for these reasons there is no attachment, etc. in sound, etc. 217 COMMENTARY A substance and its intrinsic property are so intimately related to each other that if the substance is destroyed, the property is also destroyed and, conversely, when the property is destroyed the substance must also be destroyed. For example take a flame and the light proceeding from it. If the flame will be destroyed there will be no light and if the light will be destroyed there will be no flame. But in the case of objects which do not have the intimate relations, the destruction of one need not follow the destruction of the other. For example take the case of lamp placed on a stand. The lamp may be destroyed while the stand may remain intact and conversely the stand may break without destroying the lamp. Faith, knowledge and conduct are the intrinsic properties of the Self. In their impure form, they form the states of the impure Self which blinded by nescience is incapable of realising its pure nature. Realisation of the pure nature of the Self necessarily presupposes the destruction of these impure states of consciousness, wrong faith, wrong knowledge, and wrong conduct. These attributes of the Self are externally related to karmic materials. Since the psychic attributes of the Self have nothing to do with non-conscious matter which is only accidentally and externally related to psychic states, the destruction of the psychic states will not in any way result in the destruction of matter. Otherwise destruction of the properties of the Self must lead to the destruction of matter and, conversely, the destruction of the properties of matter must lead to the destruction of the soul. This is 28 Page #346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 218 SAMAYASARA absurd. Therefore the emotional states of attachment, aversion, and delusion are only properties of the Self brought about by ajnana and they can never be present in their objects. But when ajnana or nescience disappears, the impure emotions depending upon it will also disappear and the Self will regain its pure nature. The presence of impure emotions and their destruction leading to the consequential restoration of the purity of the Self neither of these things can be predicated of external objects since the nature of the physical object cannot accommodate these properties of consciousness. Next the author points out that the property of one thing cannot be produced by an entirely different thing. aNadaviyeNa aNNadaviyassa No kI raha guNuppAbho / tamhA u savvadavvA uSpabbaMte sahAveNa // 372 // annadaviyena annadaviyassa no kirai gunuppao tamha u savvadavva uppajjamte sahavena (372) anyadravyeNAnyadravyasya na kriyate guNotpAdaH / tasmAt sarvadravyANyutpadyante svabhAvena // 372 // 372. By one substance (dravya) the properties of another substance are never produced. Therefore all substances are produced by their own nature. COMMENTARY By this gathas the author once again emphasises the fact that impure conditions such as attachment and aversion being attributes of consciousness are not really produced by external objects. Hence if a person dissatisfied with his impure states of consciousness and actuated by sincere desire for self-reformation proceeds with a righteous indignation to destroy those external objects which he imagines to be the cause of his own impure emotions of attachment and aversion, he merely exhibits his own ignorance of the real nature of things and proceeds in a wrong path to achieve his goal of self-reformation. It is this point that is elaborated in the previous six gathas and further emphasised in the present one. 1. guNappAyo / Page #347 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X 219 NidiyasaMthuyavayaNANi poggalA pariNamaMti bahugANi / tANi suNiUNa rusai tUsai puNo ahaM bhaNibho // 373 // nimdiyasamthuyavayanani poggala parinamanti bahugani tani suniuna rusai tusai puro ahan bhanio (373) ninditasaMstutavacanAni pudgalAH pariNamanti bahukAni / tAni zrutvA rupyati tuSyati ca punarahaM bhaNitaH // 373 // 373. Words of blame or praise are (only) sound produced by material particles modified in various form. On hearing them one gets angry or pleased thinking, "I am addressed thus." poggaladavvaM sahattapariNayaM tassa jai guNo aNNo / tamhA Na tumaM bhaNibho kiMcivi ki rusasi abuho // 374 // poggaladavvam saddattaparinayam tassa jai guno anno tamha na tumam bhanio kimcivi kim rusasi abaho (374) pudgaladravyaM zabdatvapariNataM tasya padi guNo'nyaH / tasmAna tvaM bhaNita: kiMcidapi ki ruSyasyabudhaH // 374 // 374. As words are really produced by modification of material particles, therefore their properties are entirely different from that of yours. Hence you are not in any way addressed by them. Why do you get angry? Oh, ignorant person. asuho suhova saho Na taM bhaNai suNasu ma ti so ceva / Na ya ei viNiggahiuM soyavisayamAgayaM sadaM // 375 / / asuho suhova saddo na tam bhanai sunasu mam ti so ceva naya ei viniggahium soyavisayamagayam saddam (375) azubhaH zubho vA zabdaH na tvAM bhaNati zRNu mAmiti sa eva / na caiti vinigRhItuM bhotraviSayamAgataM zabdam // 375 // 375. A bad or good word does not of its own accord say to thee, "Hear me". Even when the sound reaches the organ of hearing it does not arrive to seize your attention (by force). asuhaM suhaM ca rUvaM Na taM bhaNai peccha meM ti so ceva / Naya ei viNiggahiuM cakkhuvisayamAgayaM evaM // 376 // asuhan suham ca rucam na tam bhanai peccha mam ti so ceva naya ei viniggahiun cakkhuvisayamagayam ravan (376) Page #348 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 220 SAMAYASARA azubhaM zubhaM vA rUpaM na tvAM bhaNati pazya mAmiti sa eva / na caiti vinirgrahItuM cakSurviSayamAgataM rUpam // 376 // 376. An unpleasant or pleasant visual form does not of its own accord say to thee, "See me." Even when the visual stimulus reaches the organ of sight, it does not arrive there to seize your attention (by force). asuho suho va gaMdho Na taM bhaNai jiggha ma ti so ceva Naya ei viNiggahiuM ghANavisayamAgayaM gaMdhaM // 377 // asuho suho va gasdho na tam bhanai jiggha mam ti so ceva naya ki viniggahium ghanavisayamagayam gamdham (377) azubhaH zubho vA gandho na tvAM bhaNati jighra mAmiti sa eva / na caiti vinirgRhItuM ghANaviSayamAgataM gandham // 377 // 377. Disagreeable or agreeable odour does not of its own accord say to thee, "Smell me." Even the smell reaches the organ of smelling, it does not arrive there to seize your attention (by force). asuho suho va raso Na ta bhaNai rasaya meM ti so ceva / Naya ei viNiggahiu~ rasaNavisayamAgayaM tu rasaM // 378 // asuho suho va raso na tam bhanai rasaya mam ti so ceva naya ei viniggahium rasanavisayamagayam tu rasam (378) azubhaH zubho vA raso na tvAM bhaNati rasaya mAmiti sa eva / na caiti vinirgRhItuM rasanaviSayamAgataM tu rasam // 378 // 378. Bad or good taste does not of its own accord say to thee, "Taste me." Even when the taste reaches the organ of tasting (tongue) it does not arrive there to seize your attention (by force). asuho suho va phAso Na taM bhaNai phAsa ma ti so ceva / Naya ei viNiggahiuM kAyavisayamAgayaM phAsaM // 379 // asuho suho va phaso na tam bhanai phasa mam ti so ceva naya ei viniggahium kayavisayamagayan phasan (379) azubha: zubho vA sparzo na tvAM bhaNati spRza mAmiti sa eva / na caiti vinirgRhItuM kAyaviSayamAgataM sparzam // 379 // Page #349 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 221 379. Unpleasant or pleasant touch does not of its own accord say to thee, "Touch me." When the contact stimulus reaches the organ of contact (body) it does not arrive there to seize your attention ( by force). asuho suho va guNo Na taM bhaNai bujjha maM ti so ceva / ya ei viNiggahiraM buddhivisayamAgayaM tu guNaM // 380 // CHAPTER X asuho suho va guno na tam bhanai bujjha mam ti so ceva. naya ei viniggahiyum buddhivisayamagayam tu gunam (380) azubha: zubho vA guNo na tvAM bhaNati budhyasva mAmiti sa eva / na caiti vinirgRhItuM buddhiviSayamAgataM tu guNam // 380 // 380. The bad are good quality (of an object ) does not of its own accord say to thee, "Think of me." Even when the quality reaches the organ of thinking (mind), it does not arrive there to seize your attention (by force ) . asuhaM suhaM va davvaM Na taM bhaNai bujjha maM ti so ceva / rams viNiggahiraM buddhivisayamAgayaM davvaM // 381 // asuham suham va davvam na tam bhanai bujjha mam ti so ceva naya ei viniggahiyum buddhivisayamagayam davvam (381) azubhaM zubha vA dravyaM na tvAM bhaNati budhyasva mAmiti sa eva / na caiti vinirgRhItuM buddhiviSayamAgataM dravyam // 381 // 381. A bad or good substance does not of its own accord say to thee, "Think of me. " Even when the (idea of) substance reaches the organ of thinking (mind) it does not arrive there to seize your attention (by force). evaM tu jANi davvassa uvasamaMNeva gaccha mUDho / NiggahamaNA parassa ya sayaM ca buddhi sivamappatto // 382 // evam tu jani davvassa uvasamamneva gacchai madho niggahamana parassa ya sayam ca buddhim sivamappatto (382) evaM tu jJAtadravyasya upazamanaiva gacchati mUDhaH / vinirbrahamanAH parasya ca svayaM ca buddhi zivAmaprAptaH // 382 // 382. Thus devoid of a clear understanding of the nature of the objects of knowledge and incapable of abstaining from external influence and himself not attaining mental happiness, the ignorant person does not go along the path of peace. Page #350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 222 SAMAYASARA COMMENTARY Here is a beautiful picture of an individual perceiving agent situated in the midst of an environment abounding in sense-stimuli of various kinds. The environment is always full of sense-stimuli pertaining to sound, sight, smell, taste, and touch. These stimuli proceed from physical object situated in the environment and hence they are also of physical nature. These stimuli of physical nature may reach the appropriate sense-organs of the individual person. Sound-stimulus may reach the ear, light may reach the eyes, odour may reach the nose, taste stimulus may reach the tongue, contact stimulus the skin of the body. The mere presence of the stimuli in the environment and even their coming into contact with the respective sense-organs may not be effective enough to produce the psychic reaction in the consciousness of the individual. Many sound stimuli may not even cross the threshold of consciousness. One or two may appear in the field of consciousness and yet may flit away without being noticed. The same in the case with the other sense-stimuli. That particular sense stimulus which is capable of producing the corresponding psychic reaction does so because of the selective attention on the part of the individual. This selective attention on the part of the individual is prompted and directed by his own interest in the thing. It is this interest that he takes in the particular thing towards which his selective attention is directed that is mainly responsible for that particular sense-perception. Whether the sense perception is auditory or visual or of any other kind in each case the individual chooses a particular stimulus, attends to it because of his personal relation to it. Thus the immediate causal condition of the psychic fact of perception is the individual himself. Whatever interests him will be perceived by him and others which are of no interest to him will pass away unnoticed. When one the psychic fact of perception is thus brought about by the selective attention on the part of the individual consciousness, the perception further brings about the hedonic reaction in the individual consciousness of pleasantness or unpleasantness. This feeling of pleasure or Page #351 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 223 pain aissociated with the psychic fact of perception is also determined by the attitude of individual consciousness. When perception and its hedonic reaction in the consciousness are thus entirely determined by the psychological attitude of the individual, it is merely ignorance to take external objects of the perceptual world to be responsible for the hedonic reaction in one's self. The objects in the external world from which the stimuli proceed are entirely physical in nature and hence cannot be directly responsible for the psychic modification, perceptual and hedonic, occurring in the individual consciousness. It is this important psychological truth that is imparted by the author to an unenlightened person who is ignorant of the real nature of perception and the hedonic reaction thereby. If you set your mind in order, if you cease to take interest in the object of the perceptual world, if you direct your attention on your own Self and thus get absorbed in contemplation of the truth and beauty of the Pure Self then the innumerable sense stimuli present in the environment which bombard your sense-organs constantly will be absolutely impotent to disturb you from your selfabsorption, and you will remain enjoying the spiritual bliss which transcends all pleasures derivable from the sense-presented world. CHAPTER X Next it is pointed out that the Self which is free from the impure psychic states of attachment and aversion, which remains the pure Knower, will also be rid of the consciousness of being the agent, enjoyer of karmas and continue to be only the pure consciousness of the Knower. kammaM jaM puvvakayaM suhAsuhamaNeyavittha ravisesaM / tatto Niyattae appayaM tu jo so paDikkamaNaM // 383 // kammam jam puvvakayam suhasuhamaneyavittharavisesam tatto niyattae appaym tu jo so padikkamanam karma yatpUrvakRtaM zubhAzubhamanekavistaravizeSam / tasmAnnivartayatyAtmAnaM tu yaH sa pratikramaNam // 383 // 383. When a person turns his Self away from his previous karmas good or bad and of multifarious kinds, then that Self is certainly the niscaya pratikramana, real repentance, (383) Page #352 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAMAYASARA 224 kammaM jaM suhamasuhaM jamhi ya bhAvehiM bajjhai bhavissaM / tatto Niyattae jo so paccakkhANaM havai ceyA / / 384 // kammam jam suhamasuhan jamhi ya bhavehim bajjhai bhavissam tatto niyattae jo so paccakkhanam havai ceya (384) karma yacchubhamazubhaM yasmiMzca bhAve badhyate bhaviSyat / tasmAnnivartate yaH saH pratyAkhyAnaM bhavati cetayitA // 384 // 384. When a person keeps his Self away from future bondage likely to be caused by impure psychic states resulting from karmas good or bad, then that Self is certainly the niscaya pratyakhyana or real renunciation. jaM suhamasuhamudiNNaM saMpahi ya aNeyavittharavisesaM / taM dosaM jo ceyai so khalu AloyaNaM ceyA // 385 // jan suhamasuhamudinnan sampahi ya aneyavittharavisesam tam dosam jo ceyai so khalu aloyanam ceya (385) yacchubhamazubhamudIrNaM saMprati cAnekavistaravizeSam / taM doSa yaH cetayate sa khalvAlocanaM cetayitA // 385 // 385. That soul which realises as evil all those psychic states of multifarious kinds which arise at present in the consciousness) due to the operation of karmas is certainly the niscaya alocand or real confession. NiccaM paccakkhANaM kuvvA NicvaM jo ya paDikkamadi / NiccaM Aloceyai so hu carittaM havai ceyA // 386 // niccas paccakkhanai kuvvai niccam jo ya padikkamadi siccam aloceyai so hu carittam havai ceya (386) nityaM pratyAkhyAnaM karoti nityaM pratikramati yazca / nityamAlocayati sa khalu caritraM bhavati cetayitA // 386 // 386. That Self which is always engaged in the practice of these-real repentance, renunciation and confession, is certainly the niscaya caritra or real right conduct. COMMENTARY The Self which is thus of real pure conduct is the same as the Self which has realised his own pure nature of jnana or knowledge. Page #353 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X 225 vedaMto kammaphalaM appANaM kuNai jo du kammaphala / so taM puNo vi baMghai bIyaM dukkhassa aTTavihaM // 387 // vedamto kammaphalam appanam kunai jo du kommaphalam so tam puno vi bandhai biyam dukkhassa attkwilam (387) nedayamAnaH karmaphalamAtmAnaM karoti yastu karmaphalam / sa tat punarapi badhnAti bIjaM duHkhasyASTavidham // 387 // 387. One who experiencing the fruit of karmas identifies the Self with the fruit of karmas, again sows the seeds of karmic bondage and misery of eight different kinds. vedaMto kammaphalaM maye kayaM muNai jo du kammaphalaM / so taM puNovi baMdhai bIyaM dukkhassa aTTavihaM // 388 // vedanto kammaphalam maye kayam inunai jo du kammaphalam so tam punovi. bamdhai biyam dukkhassa akthavihain (388) vedayabhAnaH karmaphalaM mayA kRtaM jAnAti yastu karmaphalam / sa tat punarapi badhnAti bInaM duHkhasyASTavidham // 388 // 388. One who experiencing the fruit of karmas thinks that he has brought it about, again sows the seeds of karmic bondage and misery of eight different kinds. vedaMto kammaphalaM suhido duhido ya havadi jo cedaa| so taM puNovi baMdhai bIyaM dukkhassa avihaM // 386 // vedamto kammaphalam suhido duhido ya havadi jo ceda so tam purovi bamdhai bayarn dukkhassa atthavihain ( 389) vedayamAnaH karmaphalaM sukhito duHkhitazca bhavati yn'tyitaa| sa tatpunarapi badhnAti bIjaM duHkhasyASTavidham // 389 // 389. The soul that experiencing the fruit of karmas is made happy or miserable thereby, again sows the seeds of karmic bondage and misery of eight different kinds. COMMENTARY The consciousness that, 'I am other than jnana or pure knowledge' is ajnana cetana or nescient consciousness. That is of two kinds, karma cetana, and karma-phala-cetana.' The feeling that, 'I produce all these things other than jnana' is karma-cetana. The 29 Page #354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 226 SAMAYASARA consciousness that, 'I enjoy the fruits of all things other than jnana' is karma-phala-cetana. These two constitute the seed for samsara, because they form really the cause of the eight kinds of karmas which form the causal condition of samsara. Therefore the person who wants to attain moksa must destroy these two forms of ajnana-cetana, nescient consciousness. In order to achieve this end, he must renounce all karma or action and also renounce all karma-phala or the fruits of his action. It is only by that method he can realise his divine nature of (suddha-jnana cetana) pure consciousness of knowledge which will be his permanent heritage. Next it is pointed out that the nature of knowledge is entirely distinct from that of other objects. 'satthaM gANaM Na havai jamhA satyaM Na yANae kiMci / afer apoi unor aoui et from fafa 1123011 sattham nanam na havai jamha sattham na yanae kimci tamha annam nanam annam sattham jina vimti (390) zAstraM jJAnaM na bhavati yasmAcchAstraM na jAnAti kiMcit / tasmAdanyajjJAnamanyacchAstraM jinA vadanti // 390 // 390. The Scripture is not knowledge, because the Scripture knows not anything. Therefore the Jinas have said that knowledge is entirely different from Scripture. sadda gANaM Na havai jamhA saddo Na yANae kici / arat anoj njoj ooi ar? foron fafa 1132? I saddo nanam na havai jamha saddo na yanae kimci temha annam nanam annam saddam jina vimti (391) zabdo jJAnaM na bhavati yasmAcchabdo na jAnAti kiMcit / tasmAdanyajjJAnamanyaM zabda jinA vadanti // 391 // 391. Sound is not knowledge, because sound knows not anything. Therefore the Jinas have said that knowledge is entirely different from sound. 2. aafafa Page #355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X 227 rUva gANaM Na havai jamhA rUvaM Na yANae kici / tamhA aNNaM NANaM aNNaM rUvaM jiNA viti // 362 // ruvam nanam na havai jamha rivam na yanae kimi tamha annan nanam annam ruvam jind vinti (392) rUpaM jJAnaM na bhavati yasmAdrUpaM na jAnAti kiMcit / tasmAdanyajjJAnamanyadrUpaM jinA vadanti // 392 / / 392. Visual form is not knowledge, because visual form knows not anything. Therefore the Jinas bave said that knowledge is entirely different from visual form. vaNNo NANaM Na havai jamhA vaNNo Na yANae kici / tamhA aNNaM NANaM aNNaM vaNNaM jiNA viti // 363 // vanno nanam na havai jamha vanno pa yanae kimci tamha annam nanam annam vanmam jind vinti (393) varNo jJAnaM na bhavati yasmAdvarNo na jAnAti kiMcit / tasmAdanyajjJAnamanya varNa jinA vadanti // 393 // 393. Colour is not knowledge, because colour knows not anything. Therefore the Jinas have said that knowledge is entirely different from colour. gaMdho NANaM Na havai jamhA gaMdho Na yANae kici / tamhA aNNaM NANaM aNNaM gaMdhaM jiNA viti // 364 // gandho nanan na havai jamha gandho na yanae kimci tamha annam ndnath annam gandham jind vimti (394) gandho jJAnaM na bhavati yasmAdgandhoM na jAnAti kiMcit / tasmAdanyajJAnamanyaM gandhaM jinA vadanti // 394 // 394. Smell is not knowledge, because smell knows not anything. Therefore the Jinas have said that knowledge is entirely different from smell. Na raso du havai NANaM jamhA du raso Na yANae kici / tamhA aNNaM NANaM rasaM ya bhaNNaM jiNA viti // 36 // na raso du havai nanam jamha du raso na yanae kimi tamha annam nanam rasam ya annam jind vimti (395) na rasastu bhavati jJAnaM yasmAttu raso na jAnAti kiMcit / tasmAdanyajjJAnaM rasaM cAnyaM jinA vadanti // 395 // Page #356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 228 SAMAYASARA 395. Taste is not knowledge, because taste knows not any thing. Therefore the Jinas have said that knowledge is entirely different from taste. phAso NANaM Na havai jamhA phAso Na yANae kici / tamhA aNNaM NANaM aNNaM phAsaM jiNA viti // 366 // phaso nanan na havai jumha phaso na yanae kimci tamha annam nanath annam phasam jind vinti (396) spoM jJAnaM na bhavati yasmAtspartho na jAnAti kiMcit / tasmAdanyajjJAnamanyaM sparza jinA vadanti // 396 // 396. Touch is not knowledge, because touch knows not anything. Therefore the Jinas have said that knowledge is entirely different from touch. kamma gANaM Na havai jamhA kammaM Na yANae kici / tamhA aNNaM gANaM aNNaM kammaM jiNA viti // 397 // kammain nanom na havai jamha kammam na yanae kimci tamha annam nanam annam kammam jind vinti (397) karma jJAna na bhavati yasmAtkarma na jAnAti kiMcit / tasmAdapajjJAnAmanyatkarma jinA vadanti // 397 // 397. Karma is not knowledge, because karma knows not anything. Therefore the Jinas have said that knowledge is entirely different from karma. dhammo NANaM Na havai jamhA dhammo Na yANae kiMci / tamhA aNNaM gANaM aNNaM dhamma jiNA viti // 368 / / dhammo qanai na havai jamka dhammo na yanae kimci tamha annam nanam annam dhammam jina vinti (398) dharmoM jJAnaM na bhavati yasmAddharmo na jAnAti kiMcit / tasmAdanyajjAnamanya dharma vinA vadanti // 398 // 398. Principle of motion is not knowledge, because the principle of motion knows not anything. Therefore the Jinas have said that knowledge is entirely different from the principle of motion. NANamadhammo Na havadi jamhAdhammo Na yANae kiMci / tamhA aNNaM NANaM aNNamadhammaM jiNA viti // 36 // Page #357 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAPTER X nanamadhammo na havadi jamha adhammo na yanae kimci tamha annam nanam annamadhammam jina vimti (399) jJAnamadharmo na bhavati yasmAt adharmo nAnAti kiMcit / tasmAdanyajjJAnamanyamadharmaM ninA vadanti // 399 // 399. The principle of Rest is not knowledge, because the principle of Rest knows not anything. Therefore the Jinas have said that knowledge is entirely different from the principle of rest. kAlo NANaM Na havai jamhA kAlo Na yANae kici / tamhA aNNaM gANaM aNNaM kAlaM jiNA viti // 400 // kalo nanam na havai jamka kalo na yanae kimci tamha annarn nanain annain kalam jina vimti (400) kAlo jJAnaM na bhavati yasmAtkAlo na jAnAti kiMcit / tasmAdanyajjJAnamanyaM kAlaM binA vadanti // 400 // 400. Time is not knowledge, because time knows not anything. Therefore the Jinas have said that knowledge is entirely different from time. AyApi Na jAna jamhAyAsaM Na yAgae kici / 229 tavhA AvAsa aNNaM gANaM aNNaM jiNA diti // 401 // ayasami na nanam jamhayasam na yanae kimci tambha ayasansarayanan emain jint vimti (407) AkAzamapi na jJAnaM yasmAdAkAzaM na jAnAti kiMcit / tasmAdanyAkAzamanyajjJAnaM jinA vadanti // 401 // 401. Space is not knowledge, because space knows not anything. Therefore the Jinas have said that knowledge is entirely different from space. NAbhavasANaM gANaM ajjhavasANaM acedaNaM jamhA / tamhA aNNaM gANaM ajjhavasANaM tahA aNNaM // 402 // najjhavasanam nanam ajjhavasanam acedanam jamha tamha annam nanam ajjhavasanam taha annam (402) nAdhyavasAnaM jJAnamadhyavasAnamacetanaM yasmAt / tasmAdanyajjJAnamadhyavasAnaM tathAnyat // 402 // 4C .. Effort is not knowledge, because, effort knows not anything. Therefore knowledge is one thing and effort quite another. Page #358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 230 SAMAYASARA jamhA jANai NiccaM tamhA jIvo du jANao gANI / NANaM ca jANayAdo avvadirittaM muNeyavvaM // 403 // jamha janai niccam tamha jivo du janao nani nanati ca janayado avvadirittam muneyavvam (403) yasmAjjAnAti nityaM tasmAnjIvastu jJAyako jJAnI / jJAnaM ca jJAyakAdavyatiriktaM jJAtavyam / / 403 / / 403. As the characteristic of the soul is to be always knowing, therefore the soul is certainly the subject of knowledge. the Knower, par excellence. It should be understood that knowledge and the knower cannot be differentiated from each other. NANaM sammAdiTThi du saMjamaM suttamaMgapunvagayaM / dhammAdhammaM ca tahA pavvajja abbhuvaMti buhA // 404 // nanam sammaditthi du samjaman suttamangapuvvagayam dhammadhammam ca taha pavvajjan abbhuvamti buha (404) jJAnaM samyagdRSTistu saMyamaM sUtramaMgapUrvagatam / dharmAdharmaM ca tathA pravRjyAmabhyupayanti budhAH // 404 // 404. Knowledge is the same as right belief, discipline, Scripture consisting of angas purvus, merit and demerit and asceticism. So declare the wise. COMMENTARY The investigation into the nature of Self or samayasara has resulted in the above definitions of the atma. The definition is both negative and affirmative. Negatively it states what it is not and affirmatively it states what it is. All the facts which are distinct in nature from that of the Self are excluded from the scope of definition, whereas all the facts which are of the nature of Self are included. Thus the definition is logically accurate inasmuch as it is free from the usual fallacy of definition of either being too wide or too narrow. These two defects according to Indian Logic are called respectively ativyagti and avyapti. The former indicates the defects of including the things which do not come into the concept defined, and the latter refers Page #359 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 231 to the neglect of not including the facts which should come under the scope of definition. The definition in its affirmative form therefore emphasises the intrinsic identity between the thing and its attributes, jiva and jnana-Self and Knowledge. A thing and its attributes are not different categories brought together by a third category called samavaya, a view maintained by other schools of thought. According to Jaina metaphysics dravya and guna are inseparable and indivisible unity-no dravya without guna and no guna without dravya. This leads to the fundamental proposition which states the identity of the Self with knowledge. The Self, the Knower, is identical with knowledge. jnana and jnani are one and the same. The definition further implies as its corrollory that the different aspect and modifications of the Self are also identical with the Self or atma. Thus right belief, right knowledge, and right conduct, which are but different aspects of the same Self become identical with the Self. These three conjointly constitute the moksa marga-the path to spiritual salvation, and the moksa marga also must be located in the nature of the Self as it is identical in nature with that of the Self inasmuch as it represents a stage in the development of the Self. Thus it is clearly pointed out that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you. One who deserves to reach the goal of liberation or moksa has nothing to do with the non-conscious external things since he has within himself everything that is necessary to realise his purpose. The spiritual development therefore consists in the continuous development of the Self to a higher and higher state followed by the progressive widening of knowledge till the Self becomes perfect and knowledge becomes completely co-extensive with the reality. At this stage the Self becomes both sarvajna and paramatma, the Omniscient and the Absolute Self. This is the end of samsara and the goal of life from which there is no return. CHAPTER X If jnana is thus completely different from other things, how can jnana be the eater of food? The answer is given below. bhattA jassa amutto hu so AhArabho havai evaM / AhAro khalu mutto jamhA so pomgalamao u || 405 // Bi Zhe Page #360 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 232 SAMAYASARA . atta jassa amutto mahu so aharao havoi evam aharo khalu muito jamha so poggalamao u (405) AtmA yasyAmUrtI na khalu sa AhArako bhavatyevam / AhAraH khalu mUrto yasmAtsa pudgalamayastu // 405 // 405. Since the Self is non-corporeal, he is certainly not the eater of food, because food being of the nature of matter is corporeal, Na vi sakkai dhita jaMNa' vi mottujaM ya ja paradavvaM / so kovi ya tassa guNo pAuggiya vissaso vAvi // 406 // na vi sakkai ghittum jam na vi mottum jam ya jam paradavvan so kovi ya tassa guno pauggiya vissaso vavi (406) nApi zakyate gRhotuM yanna vimoktuM yatpara dravyam / sa ko'pi ca tasya guNaH prAyogiko vaisaso vApi // 406 / / 406. It has no attribute either acquired or natural to enable it to grasp or give up foreign matter. tamhA u jo visuddho ceyA so va gilae kiMci / va vimuMcai kicivi jIvAjIvANa davvANaM // 407 // tamha u jo visuddho ceya so neva ginhae kimci neva vimumcai kiincivi jivajivana davaram (407) tasmAttu yo vizuddhazcetayitA sa naiva gRhaNAti kiMcit / naiva vimuJcati kiMcidapi jIvAnIkyordravyayoH // 407 // 407. Therefore that Self which is of the nature of pure consciousness neither grasps anything nor relinquishes anything of objects, animate or inanimate. COMMENTARY These gathas are obviously intended to refute the Upanisadic doctrine that atma is anna-maya and kosa-maya for! valid reasons. Next it is pointed out that adopting any bodily insignia or mark as a means for realising moksa is certainly inadequate because the body is shown to be the eater of food and hence corporeal and distinct from the non-corporeal Self. vi motaM paraM dvN| Page #361 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 233 CHAPTER X pAsaMDiya liMgANiva gihaliMgANi va bahuppayArANi / cittuM vadaMti mUDhA liMgamiNaM mokkhamaggotti // 408 // pasamdiya linganiva gihalingani va bahuppayarani ghittun vadamti mndha lingaminath mokkhamaggotti (408) pApaNDiliGgAni vA gRhalijhAni vA bahuprakArANi / / gRhItvA vadanti mUDhA liGgamidaM mokSamArga iti // 408 // 408. Fools put on various types of insignia of false ascetics or householders and maintain that this outer mark constitutes the path to moksa. Nadu hoi mokkhamaggo ligaM jaM dehaNimmamA arihaa| liMga mucittu saNaNANacarittANi sevaMti // 409 // nadu hoi mokkhamaggo limgarh jam dehanimmama ariha limgam mucittu damsanandnacarittani sevanti (409) na tu bhavati mokSamArgo bi yahehanairmamA arhantaH / li muktvA darzanazAnacAriNaNi sevante // 109 // 409. Bodily mark is not cartainly the path of emancipation (as is evident from the fact that) the Arhats discard the bodily mark by disowning the body itself and devote their attention only to right belief, knowledge and conduct. Navi esa mokkhamaggo pAsaMDI gihamayANi liMgANi / dasaNaNANacarittANi mokkhamaggaM jiNA viti // 410 // navi esa mokkhamaggo pasamdi gihamayani lingani dansarayanacarittani mokkhamaggam jina vinti (410) nApyeSa mokSamArgaH pApaNDigRhamayAni libAni / darzanajJAnacaritrANi mokSamArga binA vadanti // 410 // 410. The insignia of false ascetics or householders never (constitute) the path of emancipation. The Jinas declare that faith, knowledge and conduct (together constitute) the path of emancipation. COMMENTARY Thus it is further emphasised that it is not the bodily mark but the spiritual qualities that constitute the path to salvation. 30 7 . Page #362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 234 SAMAYASARA jamhA jahittu lige sAgAraNagAraehi vA gahie / dasaNaNANacarite appANaM juMja mokkhapahe // 411 // jamha jahittu limge sagaranagarashim va gahie damsanananacaritte appanam jumja mokkhapahe (411) yasmAt jahitvA liGgAni sAgArairanagArikairvA gRhItAni / darzanajJAnacAritre AtmAnaM yujhva mokSapathe // 411 // 411. Therefore, giving up the insignia adopted by, householders and the homeless ones, direct the Self to faith, knowledge and conduct, the path of emancipation. COMMENTARY Hence the saint has to discard all bodily marks as they dre useless and concentrate upon the three jewels or Right Belief, Right Knowledge, and Right Conduct which are spiritual in nature and which are therefore the true path. mokkhapahe appANaM Thavehi taM ceva jhAhi taM ceda / tatyeva vihara NicaM mA viharasa aNNadabvesu // 412 // mokkhapahe appanam thavehi tam ceva jhahi tan ceda tattheva vihara niccain ma viharasu annadavvesu (412) mokSapathe AtmAnaM sthApaya taM caiva dhyAyasva taM caitayasva / tatraiva vihara nityaM mA vihArinyadravyeSu // 412 // 412. Keep the Self on the path of emancipation, meditate on him, experience him, always move in Him, do not move among other things. COMMENTARY It has already been shown that the three jewels which constitute the moksa' marga are really of the nature of the Self. Therefore the directions to establish, to experience, to meditate etc., refer to the Self. Thus it is emphasised that you are always to live, move and have your being in the Self and never to look beyond to the outer' world. This is the surest method for self-realisation. Next it is pointed out that those who are devoid of real knowledge and who put their faith on bodily garbs alone, cannot realise the Absolute Self, Page #363 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 235 CHAPTER X pAkhaMDiliMgesu va giligesu va bahuppayAresu / kuvvaMti je mamattaM tehiM Na NAyaM samayasAraM // 413 // pakhandilingesu va gihalingesu va bahuppayaresu kuvvamti je mamatam tehim na nayam samayasaram (413) pApaMNDiliGgeSu vA gRholiGa geSu vA bahuprakAreSu / kurvanti ye mamatvaM tairna jJAta: samayasAraH // 413 // 413. The real Self is not seen by those who put on the garb of ascetics or householders and fancy that therefore they are the real seers. Next it is emphasised that bodily insignia are therefore irrelevant and useless. vavahArio puNa No doNNivi liMgANi bhaNai mokkhapahe / NicchayaNao Na icchai mokkhapahe savaliMgANi // 414 // vavahario puna navo donnivi lisgani bhanai mokkhapahe nicchayanao na icchai mokkhapahe savvalingani (414) vyavahArikaH punarnayo dve api liGge bhagati mokSapathe / nizcayanayA necchati mokSapathe sarvaliGgAni // 41 // 414. Although, the vyavahara point of view declares the two (classes of insignia) to be the path of emancipation, the standpoint of reality does not want any insignia whatsoever for the path of liberation. COMMENTARY Those who maintain that what is obtained from the uyavahara point of view is the real and ultimate truth can never realise the samayasara or the Supreme Self. Realisation of samayasara or True Self is possible only by adopting the niscaya point of view which is the only way to reach the Absolute Reality jo samayapAhuDamiNaM paThiUNa atyavaccao gAuM / atthe ThAhidi ceyA so hohi uttama sokkha // 415 // jo samayapahudaminam pathiuna atthataccao naum atthe thahidi ceya so hohi uttamam sokkham (415) yaH samayamAbhRtamidaM paThitvA arthatattvato jJAtvA / arthe sthAsyati cetayitA sa bhaviSyatyuttamaM saulyam // 415 // Page #364 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 236 SAMAYASARA 415. That person who, having read the Samaya pahuda, and having known its rcal meaning, firmly holds to the truth thereof will attain Supreme Bliss. COMMENTARY In the last gatha the author indicates the benefits that will accrue to one who carefully studies the work dealing with the nature of the Supreme Self. It is a well-known fact that the value of a study depends upon the nature of the book whereas the book itself derives its value from the subject-matter dealt therein. This book by Bhagavan Kunda Kunda has as its contents and investigation into the nature of the Supreme Reality called samayasara, by the author which is synonymous with paramatma or the para brahman or the Supreme Self. The nature of this parama brahman is said to be jnang-maya, knowledge, parexcellence, which illuminates the whole of reality and comprehends it within Itself. This Self is the Light that illuminates the whole of reality since it has transcended completely the toil a turmoil of the world of" samsara, a world full of jarring discord and, since the Self has reached the place of Perfect Harmony and Supreme Bliss, He is also designated to be ananda-maya or of the nature of Supreme Bliss. This parama brahaman characterised by jnanamaya and anandamaya, all-knowledge and all-bliss, constitutes the subject matter of this book. Hence the book itself is therefore described as Sabda Brahman, the Word Divine, the name which it derives from its contents. This Sabda Brahman is therefore the gateway to the Realm of Ultimate Reality, the paramal brahman ! . One who studies this work carefully and who comprehends clearly its meaning has therefore the privilege of entering into the promised Land of Paradise, the Realm of the Real, the place of the Paramatma. This privilege which he acquires - through study leads to the falling off of scales from his eyes. He sees a vision. He is face to face with the light that lights up the whole Universe. His own personality is in tune with the infinite. His whole being throbs in a responsive melody to the divine and perfect harmony. Being in that atmosphere of Supreme Bliss, He himself feels a thrill of joy unsurpassed--verily a great boon for a noble effort. Thus ends Samayasara, Page #365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ GATHANUKRAMA 193 206 348 gA.saM. gA0 saM0 gA. [] vahajANamo du 344 ummaggaM gacchaMtaM ajjJavasANaNibhittaM 267 vaha jIvo payaDItaha uvaogassa aNAI 89 ajvasideNa baMdho 262 vaha Na payaDI Na 331 uvoge uvayogo 181 aTTaviyappe kamme 182 maha.puNa aNNo koho 115 uvabhogamidiyehi maDhavihaM pi ya kamma ahamekko khalu sukho 28,73 aNNavaviyeNa maNava 372 bahamedaM ekamahaM 20 aNNANamano bhAvo 127 bahavA eso jIvo 329 ekassa du pariNAmo 158 aNNANamayA bhAvA 129,131 mahavA maNNasi mAjhaM 341 ekkaM ca doNi 65 aNNANamohidamadI 23 maha saMsArasthANaM 63 ekkassadUpariNAmo 140 aNNANassa sa udo 12 baha sayamappA pari. 124 evaM tu avivarIdaM 183 aNNANI kammaphalaM 316 bahasayameva hi 119 evaM tu asambhUdaM aNNANo puNa ratto 219 edamhi rado NicaM (A] aNNo kare aNNo evANi sthi jesi 270 bhattA jassa amutto AukkhayeNa maraNaM 248,249 405 ede acedaNA khalu bAUdayeNa jIvadi 251,252 baparikkamaNaM apaDi 307 edeNa kAraNeNa du 82,176 aparikkamaNaM duvihaM bapa 283 bAvamhi davyabhAve 203 edeNa du so kattA bAdA khu majma NANaM aparikkamaNaM duvihave 284 277 evaM sambe bhAvA bhASAkamma uddesiyaM apariggaho aNiccho 210, 287 edesu ya ubalogo bAdhAkammAdIyA 211,212,213 286 evesu hetubhUvesu 135 apariNamaMtehi sayaM bAppANamayANaMtA edehi ya NivattA appANaM appaNo 187 AbhiNisudohimaNa 204 edehi ya saMbaMdho AyArAvINANaM appANaM jhAryato 189 emeva kammapayaThI bAyAsapi Na NANaM appANamayANato 202 emeva jIvapuriso 225 appA Nicco basaMvidha42 mAsi mama pujvamedaM .emeva micchaviTTho 326 barasamarUvamagadhaM emeva ya vavahAro avare ajjhavasANesu iNamaNaM jIvAdo eyattaNicchayagado asuhaM suhaM ca rUvaM... 376 iya kammabaMdhaNArNa 29. evaM gaMdharasaphAsarUvA 60 asuhaM suhaM va davaM 381 evaM jANadi gANI 185 asuho suho va gaMdho 377 evaM Na kovi mokkho 323 asuho suho va guNo 380 uvaghArya kuvvaMtassa 239,244 evaM NANI sukho Na 279 asuho suho va phAso 379 udayavivAgo viviho 198 evaM tu jANi dambassa 382 asuho suho va raso 378 uppaNNodayabhoge 215 evaM tu Nicchaya 360 asuho suho va sado 375 uppAdedi karedi ya 107 evaM parANi davyANi 96 .. 57 276 149 21 48 28 Page #366 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 888 SAMAYASARA 17. 179 365 evaM poggaladavvaM jaha puNa so ceva 242 evaM baMdho u duhaMpi pauviha baNeyabheyaM jaha purisegAhAro evaM miThAdiTThI 241 cArittapaDiNibaddha 163 jaha phaliyamaNi 278 evaM bavahAraNao 272 ceyAu paDiyaTraM 312 jaha baMdhe citaMto 291 evaM vavahArassa u jaha baMdhe chittaNa 292 evaM vavahArassa du jaha majjaM pivamANo 196 evaMvihA bahuvihA chidadimidadiya 238,243 jaha rAyA vavahArA 108 evaM saMkhuvaesa - 340 chijadu vA bhijjadu 209 vaha visamuvabhujaMtA 195 jaha sippio u kamma 349 jaha sippiyo u karaNANi 351 kaNayamayA bhAvAdo 13. kuNadi bhAvamAdA 91.126 vaha sippio u karaNehiM 350 kammaM jaM puvakarya 383 jaMbhAvaM suhamasuhaM 102 vaha sippio u ciTuM 354 kammaM jaM suhamasuhaM 384 jaM suhamasuhamudiNNaM 385 jaha sippio kammaphalaM 352 kammaM gANaM pahavAha jai jIveNa sahacciya 19 jaha seTiyAM duNa 356,357, kammaM paDucakattA 311 bANavi kuNA 358,359 kammaM bamabaddha 142 jaiyA imeNa jIveNa jAesa payaDiyaTuM 314 kammaiyavaggaNAsuya jaiyA sa eva saMkho jAvaM apaDikkamaNaM 285 kammamasuhaM kusIla jAva Na vedi vise kammassa ya pariNAma 5 jadipoggalakammamiNaM jidamohassadu kammassAbhAveNa ya adi so paradabbANi jIvaNibaddhA ede kammassukyaM jIvaM 1 adi so puggala jIvapariNAmahedUM kamme pokammamhi 19 jamhA kammaM kubva 335 jIvamhi hedubhUde kammehi du bagNANI 332 jamhA pAedi paraM / 338 jIvassa jIvaharSa 343 kammohiM bhamAriyaDa 334 bamhA jahittu liNge| 411 jIvassa je guNA kammehi suhAvimA 333 jamhA jANA NicvaM 403 jIvassa patyi keI kammodayeNa jIvA 254,255, jamhA duattabhAvaM 86 jIvassa patyi rAgo 256 jamhA dujahaNNAdo 171 jIvassa Natthi vamgo kaha so dhippaDa 296 jayA vimuMcaha ceyA 315 jIvassa patthi vaNo kANo NANaM ga habara 40. bahakaNayamaggitaviyaM 184 jIvassa dukammeNa kehi cidu paramayahiM 145,346 vaha kovi garo 25 bIvassAjIvassa du ko jAma bhaNijja 207,300 baha ciTuM kubbato 55 jIvAdIsahahaNaM kohAdisu baTTatassa, . 7. baha jIvassa amAnuva 113 jIve karma barDa kohabajutto koho 125 baha gavi sakkama 8 jIve Na sarya baha NAma koSi 17,35,148, bIvo kamma uhayaM 237,288 jIvo caritadasaNa jaha paradavaM seTadi 361,362, povo caiva hi gayo gANaM ga habada 363,364 bIvo karedi guNasaNivA du evaM 112 vaha puNa soviya 226 poSo pariNAmayade 105 137 42 394 Page #367 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ jIvo baMdhoya tahA je poggaladavvANaM je apaNA dumaNNadi jo iMdie jiNitA jo kuNadi vacchattaM jo cattAri vi jo ceva kuNaI so jo jahi guNo jo Na karedi jo jo Na maradi Na kuNai avarAhe sooga du jo duNa karedi jodhehi kade juddhe jo passadi appANaM jo puNa NiravarAho jo maNNadi jovemi jo maNadi hiMsAmi 294, 295 101 253 31 235 229 347 103 231 302 258 133 [Na ] kudoviviuppaNNI Natthi dra AsavabaMdho Natthi mama ko vi Natthi mama dhamma jo maradi jo ya jo mohaM tu jo vedadi vedijjadi jo samaya pAhuDami jo savvasaMga mukko jo siddhabhattijutto jo suNANaM savvaM jo so du NehabhAvo 240,245 jo hi sudevabhi jo havai asammUDho du hoI mokkhamaggo Na muNai paryADama 'yarammi vaNide Naya rAya dosamo 230 106 14, 15 305 250 247 257 32 216 415 188 233 10 9 232 310 166 36 37 409 317 30 280 GATHANUKRAMA Na raso duhavai Navi esa mokkhamaggo vikuvva vi vi kuvrvadi kamma Navi pariNamadi Na r. vi sakkai ghittuM vi hodi appamatto Na sayaM baddho kamme NAjhavasANaM gANaM sammAdiTTi NANaM savve bhAve nAguNena vihINA NANamadhammo Na havadi mayA bhAvAo NANassa daMsaNassa ya NANassa paDiNibaddhaM NANAvaraNAdIyassa nANI rAgavajaho NAdUNa AsavANaM NidiyasaMthuyavayaNANi cicaM paJcavakhANaM cchiyaNassa evaM NiyamA kammapariNadaM foodsamAvaNNo va ya jIvadvANA jo ThidibaMdha dvANA [ta] taM eyatavibhattaM taM khalu jIvaNibaddha taM jANa jogaudayaM taM Nicchaye Na tatthabhave jIvANaM 395 410 319 81 76,77, 78,79 406 6 121 402 404 34 205 399 128 369 162 165 218 72 373 387 83 120 318 55 54 5 136 134 29 61 tamhA uju visuddho 407 tamhA Na kovi jIvo337, 339 327 tamhA Na meti NiccA tamhA du kusIle hi taha jIve kammANaM taha pANissa dupuvaM taha gANissa du vivihe taha NANI viha tahavi ya sacce tiviho esuvaogo yAI avarAhe jo si puNoviya tesi hedU bhaNidA [da] daMsaNaNANacaritaM ki daMsaNaNANacaritaM jaM daMsaNaNANacaritANi daviyaM jaM uppajjai davvaguNassa ya AdA da uvabhujjate diTThI sapi NANaM dukkhidahide jIve dukkhidahide sa dohavi NayANa bhaNidaM [gha] dhamAdhammaM ca tahA dhammo NANaM Na havai [T] paMthe mustaM parisa pakke phalammi paDide pajjatApajjatA je paDikamaNaM paDisaraNaM paNNA visavo jo paramaTThabAhirA je paramammiya aThiyo paramaTTho khalu samao paramappANaM kuvvadi 147 paramappANama kubvI 239 59 180 221 223 264 366, 367,368 94, 95 301 110 190 172 16 308 104 194 320 266 260 143 269 398 58 168 67 306 297, 298, 299 154 152 151 92 93 Page #368 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 240 paramANumitiyaM pi pAkhaMDilige va pArsaDiya liMgANiva bIpimANA purisI jaha kovi purusi cchiyA hilAsI polakamma koho poggalakammaM micchaM poggalakammaM rAgo poggaladavaM saddata [pha] phAso gANaM Na hava [ba] baMdhANaM ca sahAvaM baMdhu bhogaNa buddhI vavasAovi [bha] bhAvo rAgAdijudo bhujjatassa vi vivi bhUdatyeNAbhigavA [bha] ma pariggaho mAremi jIvAmi micchataM aviramaNa mitaM jai payaDI micchataM puNa duvihaM moSakhaM asaddahaMto moklapa appANaM 201 413 408 169 2.24 336 123 88 199 374 396 167 220 13 SAMAYASARA 208 261 164 328 87 274 412 mosU jiya mohammadA [ra] ratto baMdhadi kammaM rAgamhi dosa mhi 293 217 271 vaMditu savvasiddhe rAge ca se ca rAgo doso moho jI rAmo doso moho ya rAyA ha Niggado hu rUvaM gANaM Na hava [ la ] loyasamaNANa mevaM loyasa kuNas vihU [ va ] vaNNo NANaM Na havara vatyassa sevabhAvo yU~ pahuca jaM vadaNiyamANi dharatA defferen vavahAraNao bhAsavi bahAra bhAsieNa vavahArassa darisaNa yavahArassa du AdA yavahArio puNa 150 281, 283 281 371 177 47 392 vavahAreNa du AvA vavahAreNa du eve 156 68 322 321 1 393 157,158 159 265 153 273 324 46 84 414 98 56 vavahA reNuvadissadi vavahAro'bhUvattho virahamA [ sa ] saMtivi niruyabhojjA vedaMto kammaphalaM appANaM vedato kammaphalaM maye 388 vedato kammaphalaM suhiyo 389 parAsi satyaM gANaM Na hava sahadi ya padi so gANaM Na hava sa tu viyANaMto sammata paDiNibaddha samma saNaNANaM sammAviTThI jIvA 27: sambe kare jIvo purNimA sAmaNNapaccayA khala suparicidAbhUdA suDo sukhAdeso sevaMtI viNa sevaMtI sovaNNiyaM pi Niyala so sambaNANavarisI [ 6 ] 7 heduabhAve niyamA hedU caduviyappo hoNa Niruva bhojA 11 236 387 174 304 390 275 391 186 16: tr 228 24 268 173 109 4 12 197 146 160 191 178 175 Page #369 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PROF. A. CHAKRAVARTI A Nayanar by caste and a practising Jain by faith Rai Bahadur Prof. A. Chakravarti, 1880-1960, was one of the most prominent Indologists. He was a professor of philosophy in the Govt. College Kumbhakonam where from he retired as principal in 1938. A versatile scholar of Sanskrit, Prakrit and Tamil Prof. Chakravarti was equally well-versed in Western philosophy. He is also known for his comparative and analytical approach to philosphic problems in the light of modern researches. It is abundantly evidence in a number of classical works which he edited and translated with voluminous introductions, viz., Panchasti-kaya-sara of Kundakunda (1920); Nila-kesi of Samayadivakara Muni (1936); Tirukkural of Thevar alongwith its commentary of Kaviraja Panditar (1949); Tirukkural with English translation and commentary, which was described by M.S.H. Thomopson in the J.R.A. Society, London, 1955, as 'an indispensable aid to the study of Tirukkural, the Tamil Bible; Samayasra of Acharya Kundakunda (1950). Apart from a number of essays published in the Cultural Heritage of India, Philosophy of the East and West, Jaina Guzette, Aryan Path, Tamil Academy etc. he authored some unparalleled books like the Jaina Literature in Tamil the Religion of Ahimsa and so on. Page #370 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ open VA bhAratIya jJAnapITha uddezya jJAna kI vilupta, anupalabdha aura aprakAzita sAmagrI kA anusandhAna aura prakAzana tathA loka-hitakArI maulika-sAhitya kA nirmANa saMsthApaka (sva.) sAhU zAntiprasAda jaina / (sva.) zrImatI ramA jaina adhyakSa sAhU.zreyAMsa prasAda jaina mainejiMga TrasTI zrI azoka kumAra jaina