यो म्रियते यश्च दुःखितो जायते कर्मोदयेन स सर्वः ।
तस्मा मारितस्ते दुःखितश्चेति न खलु मिथ्या ॥ २५७॥
257. One dies or one becomes miserable while alive; all these happen as a result of the operation of one's own karmas. Therefore, "He is killed by me and he is made miserable by me" — is not this view of yours entirely false ?
जो ण मरदि ण य दुहिदो सोवि य कम्मोदयेण चेव खलु । तम्हा ण मारिदो ण दुहाविदो चेदि गहु मिच्छा ॥ २५८ ॥
jo na maradi na ya duhido sovi ya kammodayena ceva khalu tamha na mārido na duhāvido cedi nahu miccha (258)
यो न म्रियते न च दुःखितो सोऽषि च कर्मोदयेन चैव खलु । तस्मान मारितो न दुःखितश्चेति न खलु मिया ॥ २५८।।
258. One does not die or one does not become miserable while alive, this also is certainly the result of the operation of one's own karmas. Therefore, "He is not killed by me and he is not made miserable by me"-is not this view of yours entirely false?
Next the author points out that this erroneous belief is the cause of bondage.
एसा दुजा मंदी दे दुःखिदसुहिदे करेमि सत्तेति ।
एसा दे मूढमई सुहासुहं बंधये कम्मं ॥ २५६ ॥
esa du ja madt de dukkhidasuhide karemi satteti
esa de mithamat suhasuham bamdhaye kammar (259)
एषा तु या मतिस्ते दुःखितसुखितान् करोमि सत्त्वानिति । एषा ते मूढमतिः शुभाशुभं बध्नाति कर्म ॥ २५९ ॥
This false notion of thine, "I make other beings miserable or happy" is illusory. This leads to the bondage of karmas good or bad.
दुक्खबहिदे ससे करेमि जं एवमज्भवसिदं दे ।
तं पावत्र वा पुण्णस्स व बंधनं होति ॥ २६०॥
dukkhidasuhide satte karemi jam evamajjkavasidam te tai pāvabandhagah va punņassa va bandhagain hodi (260)
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