Book Title: Report On Search For Sanskrit MSS Year 1880 1881
Author(s): F Kielhorn
Publisher: Government Central Book Depot
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir By order of Government. REPORT ON THE SEARCH FOR SANSKRIT MSS. IN THE BOMBAY PRESIDENCY, DURING THE YEAR 1880-81. BY F. KIELHORN, PH.D., PROFESSOR OF ORIENTAL LANGUAGES, DECCAN COLLEGE Bomba: GOVERNMENT CENTRAL BOOK DEPOT 1881. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra By order of Government. REPORT ON THE SEARCH FOR SANSKRIT MSS. IN THE BOMBAY PRESIDENCY, DURING THE YEAR 1880-81. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir BY F. KIELHORN, PH. D., PROFESSOR OF ORIENTAL LANGUAGES, DECCAN COLLEGE. Bombay: GOVERNMENT CENTRAL BOOK DEPOT. 1881. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir BOMBAY : PRINTED AT THE EDUCATION SOCIETY'S PRESS, BYCULLA. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No. 17 of 1881. MS. From Dr. F. KIELHORN, Professor of Oriental Languages, To K. M. CHATFIELD, Esq., 2. Deccan College, Director of Public Instruction, Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Bombay. Deccan College, 2nd May 1881. SIR, I have the honour to submit my report on the search for Sanskrit Manuscripts during the year 1880-81. 2. Up to the middle of September the work in connection with the search for MSS. was divided between Dr. Bühler and myself; after Dr. Bühler's departure the whole work in both the Northern and the Southern Circles of the Presidency and the territories attached to it was entrusted to me. I have also had charge of all the MSS., collected by order of the Government of India since 1868, which are deposited in the Library of the Deccan College. 3. The work done during the year may be considered under the following heads: I. The collection of information regarding the existence of ancient Libraries, and the search for particular books. The preparation of rough lists, or of detailed catalogues, of Libraries likely to contain old or rare MSS. 3. The purchase of MSS. for the Government collec tion. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir To this may be added :4. A statement of the total number of MSS. hitherto collected, and of the use made of them by different scholars. 4. The first part of the work has been chiefly entrusted to native agency. Dr. Bühler left 1. Collection of information India before the commencement regarding Libraries. of the travelling season; and I have been prevented by my duties in the College and by the work of cataloguing the numerous MSS. acquired during the year, from leaving Poona during the cold weather. The main result of such inquiries as I was able to make by letter has been the discovery, in the Southern Circle, of four ancient Jain Libraries which contain a large number of paper and palm-leaf MSS. In the Northern Circle the native agents employed have made six tours. They were specially directed to acquire ancient palm-leaf MSS., and to search for works of the Maitrậyanîya Sakhà of the Yajurveda and of the Paippalâda Sâkhân of the Atharvaveda. For the former purpose they again went to Cambay and Pathan (Aṇhilwad), where this time their labours were very successful, and in carrying out the orders for the search of Vedic books they travelled through the districts of Surat, Broach, Kaira, the Gaikwari territory and Kathiawar. Their endeavours to procure MSS. of the Paippalâda Sâkhâ were fruitless, but they succeeded in procuring a considerable number of works of the Saunaka Sakhâ of the Atharvaveda and of the Maitrayaņiya Sâkhâ. 5. With the assistance of a former pupil, Mr. Paranjpe, who is now a Professor in the 2. Preparation of lists and Kolapur College, I have obtained catalogues. rough lists of the MSS. in two of the Jain Libraries mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Of works which would interest Sanskrit scholars generally these lists mention hardly any besides the sakațâyana and Jainendra-vyakaranas, but they give the titles of many Jain For Private and Personal Use Only Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir works which have not yet been met with elsewhere, and it has therefore been considered advisable to arrange for the preparation of accurate catalogues of the contents of these two as well as of the two other libraries which have been discovered. The palm-leaf MSS. in these Southern collections and some of their paper MSS. are written in the Canarese character 6. In the Northern Circle catalogues were prepared, under the supervision of Dr. Bühler, of a small private Library and of the large Samghavi Bhandàr at Pathan. Both these Libraries contain only palm-leaf MSS., the former 89, and the latter 527. Of the MSS. of the smaller Library 26 are dated, the oldest Samvat 1186, and the latest Samvat 1456; 22 of the dated MSS. were written between A.D. 1150 and 1300, one before, and three later. Of the 527 MSS. of the Samghavi Bhandâr 143 are dated; of these the oldest bears the date Samvat 1120, and the latest the date Samvat 1505. The number of those written during the 14th century of the Christian era (more accurately between A.D. 1290 and 1390) is surprisingly small, a fact which probably may be accounted for by the unsettled state of the country after the fall of Anhilwâd in A.D. 1297. 7. However valuable these two collections may be for researches regarding the Jain religion and literature and for the history of Gujarât, it is a matter for regret that among the old MSS. which they contain only the following (the titles of which are given from the MS. list) are likely to interest Sanskrit scholars generally :1. Anekarthasamuchchaya by SÂśVATA; 93 II. ; Samvat 1240 (copied for Government). 2. Alamkaravritti; 305 11.; incomplete. 3. Uņádisútravritti by HEMACHANDRA; 155 11. 4. Kátantravrittivivarana by TRILOCHANADÂSA; 288 II. 5. Kavyâdarśa by DAŅDIN; 49 11., incomplete ; Samvat 1190. 6. Kávyálamkâra by VÂMANA; 36 11. 7. Gaudavadha kâvya ; 110 II.; Samvat 1286. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir vi 8. Chhandânuśásanavritti by VÂGBHATTA ; 78 II. 9. Chhandovritti by HALÂYUDHA ; 191 11. 10. Tâtparyaparisuddhi by UDAYANA; 215 II. 11. Naishadhakâvya ; 125 11. 12. The same ; 166 11. ; Samvat 1304. 13. The same; 197 II. ; Samvat 1395. 14. Nyâyavárttika ; 64 11. ; Samyat 1492. 15. The same ; 317 11. ; Samvat 1484. 16. Nyâyavárttikatâtparyaţika by VÂCHASPATIMIŚRA ; 422 ll. ; Samvat 1487. 17. Panjikoddyote 'nushangapâdaḥ by TRIVIKRAMA ; 81 ll ; Samvat 1221. 18. Prabodhachandrodayanâțaka ; 57 11. 19. Ramanataka; 186 ll. 20. Vasantarûjaśá kuna ; 130 II. 21. Vatsiyanyâyabhâshya; 98 11. 22. Vârâhi Samhita; 58 11., Samvat 1313. 23. The same; 224 11. 24. Šisupâlavadha kávya; 201 II. 25. The same; 184 11 ; Samvat 1296. 26. Śiếupâlavadhasaravritti by VALLABHA; 178 11. 27. Sálamkára Saptaśatichháyá by JALHAŅADEVA; 304 11. 28. Súktaratnákaramahâkávya ; 297 11 ; Samvat 1347. 8. The catalogue of the palm-leaf MSS. in Śântináth's, Bhandâr at Cambay, mentioned in last year's report, has, owing to objections raised by the proprietors, not yet been completed. 9. The total number of MSS. purchased during the year is 413; of these 336 are paper, 3. Purchase of MSS. and 77 palm-leaf MSS. Of the paper MSS. 229 were collected by Dr. Bühler, and 107 by myself. Of the 77 palm-leaf MSS. two (Nos. 26 and For Private and Personal Use Only Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir vii 72) were obtained for Dr. Bühler at Cambay; the remaining 75 come from Pathan (Anhilwâd), and were purchased by me for Government between December and March last. 10. A description of the palm-leaf MSS., as accurate and full as I could make it in the short time at my disposal, is appended to this report. Here I have only to add a few general remarks. The first point which will strike any one who may examine this collection is the great age of the MSS. which it contains. It is well known that few Sanskrit MSS. in public Libraries are older than two or three hundred years. The oldest of these palm-leaf MSS.. the date of which is absolutely certain,* was written exactly 800 years ago. and I may state in general that all the MSS. collected were written during the nith, 12th and 13th centuries. 20 of the MSS. are dated, and the dates given by the writers are: No. 57. Samvat 1138 = A.D. 1081. Nos. 35 and 36. Samvat 1145 and 46 = A.D. 1088 and 89; during the reign of Karnadeva. No. 53. Saivat 1176 = A.D. 1119. Nos. 41–43. Samvat 1179 = A.D. 1122 ; during the reign of Jayasingha. No. 58. Samvat 119-(?) = between A.D. 1133 and 42. No. 13. Samvat 1218 = A.D. 1161; during the reign of Kumârapala. No. 8. Samvat 1264 (?) = A.D. 1207 (?); during the reign of Bhîmadeva II. No. 38. Samvat 1294 = A.D. 1237. No. 47. Samvat 1300 = A.D. 1243. No. 28. Samvat 1304 = A.D. 1247. No. 62. Samvat 1315 = A.D. 1258. No. 3. Saravat 1332 = A.D. 1275. * The MS. No. 7 seems to have been written in Sarvat (?) 962; but I cannot be perfectly certain about this, because the last leaf of the MS. is much damaged and the writing on it effaced. (See below page 9.). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir viii No. 60. Samvat 1340 = A.D. 1283. Nos. 2 and 5: Sauvat 1342 = A.D. 1285. No. 34. Kaliyuga 4398 = A.D. 1297; during the reign of Ramachandradeva. No. 37. Samvat 1359 = A.D. 1302. 11. But the age of the palm-leaf MSS. is proved, not merely by these dates, but also by the interesting fact that in nearly all of them the leaves, in addition to being numbered on the right hand side with the ordinary numeral figures now in use, are also numbered, on the left hand side, with the more ancient numerals which have been described by Pandit Bhagvânlal Indraji in the Indian Antiquary, vol. VI page 42. The principal of this more ancient system of numeration is this, that separate signs are used for the numerals from i to 9, separate signs for 10, 20, 30, &c., up to 90, and separate signs again for the numerals 100, 200, 300, &c., and that in combining these signs those for 10, 20, 30, &c. are placed above those for 1, 2, 3, &c., and those for 100, 200, 300, &c., above those for 10, 20, 30, &c. E. g. 281 is denoted by , where & is the sign for 200, the sign for 80, and 9 the sign for 1; 199 by 8, where g is 100, 83 90, and § 9; 140 by where g is 40 ; 101 by &c. To my knowledge, this system of numeration by means of letters or syllables is never employed in any paper MSS., and there are indications that it had ceased to be understood even when these palm-leaf MSS. were being written. 12. In the MSS. examined by me the forms of some of these ancient numerals slightly differ from those copied by Pandit Bhagvânlâl from two Jain MSS. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ix The numerals 1, 2, and 3 are denoted by the ordinary numeral figures 9, 2, and 3. The sign for 4 is us, or 15, or (in Nos. 20 and 21) . As T has been supposed to be the Jihvâ múliya plus ka, I may state that in No. 61 where that sign is used for 4, the Fihvámúliya + ka are denoted by the ordinary sign . The sign for 5 is everywhere like the ordinary Devanagari , or (very rarely) . The sign for 6 corresponds generally to ; sometimes we find , or , or (very rarely) # or . The sign for 7 is either of or a. The sign for 8 is either sit or 5T, or very rarely The sign for 9 is generally the old sign for it, but in one or two MSS. the Anusvâra is omitted. The principal forms occurring in the MSS. examined are: 3, FL, and EU. That the sign for 9 is nothing but the syllable sit, is clear also from the fact that many Sanskrit MSS. begin with what looks like yo, but is really the word 319. In most MSS. sff is repeated after the sign o, because the meaning of the latter had ceased to be understood. The sign for to is one or, more rarely, . The sign for 20 is & or u, or rarely vf or YT. The sign for 30 is ei or AT. The sign for 40 is for, rarely, or pr or af. The numeral so is denoted by the sign & or 6. The signs for 60 and 70 are for y, and for y. The sign for 80 is e or w, or, very rarely, 3; in No. 61, where the first sign is used, the same sign is used for the Upadhmâniya. · The sign for 90 is , or, very rarely, E3. The sign for 100 is y, for 200 , for 300 fat, and for 400 Ft. 13. Some variations from the above are owing to the ignorance or carelessness of the writers. In No. 66 the sign e is used for 50, and 6 for 80. In No. 3 the three first leaves For Private and Personal Use Only Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir are numbered F7, fet, and sft; in No. 7, 20, and 32, simply FT, FF, and xít, without the addition of 9, 2, and 8; in No. 24 the numerals 1, 2, and 3 are throughout denoted by FT, E, and eft, e.g. y is 21, 2 22, and y 23. In No. 19 the leaves स्वस्ति श्री 4 to 9 are correctly marked with the signs given in the preceding paragraph, but on the later leaves the same numerals are denoted by the ordinary numeral figures 8,4, $ etc.; e. g. 67 is , 109, 138 ? &c. Finally, it deserves to be stated that in some cases those leaves of a MS. which happen to be more modern than the rest of the MS. are numbered only with the ordinary numerals. For details see the list of the MSS. Nos. 4, 26, 38, &c. 14. Notwithstanding their great age many of these palm-leaf MSS. are exceedingly well preserved, and I feel no hesitation in saying that, with reasonable precautions, they will last as long again as they have lasted already. The state in which the MSS. were made over to me did certainly not indicate that any particular care had been bestowed on their preservation ; yet in most cases the material of which they consist shows no signs of decay, and the writing is as clear and distinct as in the best modern paper MSS. These facts tend to disprove the generally prevailing notion that MSS. in India will not last beyond a few centuries, and give rise to the hope that we may yet discover in the old libraries of this country MSS. far more ancient than those which have been obtained already. When the MSS. were first brought to me they formed huge bundles of palm-leaves, in which frequently the leaves of one MS. were mixed up with those of one or more other MSS. I have myself examined every single leaf, have with the help of my assistants put together what belongs together, and have had the leaves of each MS. put between wooden boards, so as to ensure their preservation and to facilitate their being used by other scholars. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 15. As I have read portions of every MS., I am able to state that nearly all of them have been written with care and are very correct. From the remarks which occur at the end of some MSS. it may be inferred that the copyists were well paid, and that as long as four or five hundred years ago palm-leaf MSS. were valuable possessions. Of the MSS. in this collection Nos. 2 and 5 were purchased in A.D. 1344 for a large sum of money by a certain Mohana, and presented by him for the spiritual welfare of his mother to the sage Jinalabdhisûri; and No. 58 was copied at the expense of a lady, and presented by her to the sage Devabhadra. A similar story appears to be told at the end of No. 60. 16. The short account of the palm-leaf MSS. given below will, I trust, enable others to judge for themselves of their value. I am aware that the collection will chiefly interest those who specially devote themselves to the elucidation of the history of the Jain religion and literature; at the same time I believe that Sanskrit scholars generally will find in it some interesting works which hitherto were either altogether unknown, or of which only very modern or incorrect, or imperfect copies were accessible. 17. The 336 paper MSS. acquired during the year may be classified thus:-- 1. Veda: Samhitâ, Brāhmaṇa, and Sûtra... 31 MSS. 2. Vedânga, Upanishads, Prayogas, and similar tracts .............. .. 117 » 3. Purâna and Mâhâtmya ..... 4. Poems, Plays, and Fables ...... 5. Grammars and Glossaries........ 6. Poetics and Metrics ............ 7. Philosophy ...................... 8. Dharma ........... 9. Astronomy and Astrology ............. 10. Medicine.......... 11. Technical books. 12. Mantra-tantra works ... 13. Jaina works, not included in the pre ceding ............. . .. ... . . .. .. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir xii The titles of the works which these MSS. contain and the names of their authors, the number of leaves of each MS. and its extent in Slokas, and the dates of those MSS. which are dated, are given below. 18. The number of MSS. belonging to the Government collection which are now under 4. Total number of MSS. hitherto collected. my charge amounts to 2,904. 35 of these contain works in Kaśmîrî, Hindî, and Persian ; about one thousand are Jain, and the rest Brahminical MSS. 81 are palm-leaf MSS., 68 on Bhûrjapattra, and the rest on paper. 19. In addition to the MSS. used by myself, 99 MSS. are on loan with different scholars in Europe and in India. The scholars in Europe to whom MSS. have been lent are: Professor Aufrecht, Bonn. Mons. Barth, Paris. Professor Bühler, Vienna. Professor Delbrück, Jena. Professor Eggeling, Edinburgh. Professor Goldschmidt, Strassburg. Professor Jacobi, Münster. Professor Jolly, Würzburg. Dr. Klatt, Berlin. Professor Müller, Oxford. Professor Roth, Tübingen. Dr. von Schröder, Jena. Dr. Zachariae, Greifswald. The scholars in India are: Professor Bhandarkar, Bombay. Dr. Hoernle, Calcutta. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir xiii Dr. Kunte, Bombay. The Hon'ble V. N. Mandlik, Bombay. Rûo Saheb S. P. Pandit, Bombay. Professor Paranjpe, Kolapur. Professor Peterson, Bombay. Dr. Rajendralâl Mitra, Calcutta. Dr. Thibaut, Benares. Mr. Vâmanâchârya, Poona. 20. I append to this report (A) a description of the palmleaf MSS., and (B) a classified list of the paper MSS. acquired during the year. As Government desire this report to be submitted at an early date, my remarks on the MSS. are necessarily short, but they will, I trust, suffice to enable other scholars to identify the works contained in the collection. As I consider the palm-leaf MSS. to be of very great value, I have endeavoured to describe the state each MS. is in as accurately as possible. I have also copied all statements regarding the authors of the different works and the writers by whom the MSS. were written, and any other interesting details concerning the history or former possessors of particular MSS. In reproducing these remarks I have strictly adhered to the readings of the originals before me, and have abstained from correcting even the most palpable blunders. -In an Appendix I give a list of the MSS. collected during the year 1873-74, which has not yet been submitted to Government. A catalogue of the MSS. purchased by Dr. Bühler in 1879-80 is in preparation, and will be published together with the report for the current year. 21. The total expenditure on account of the search for MSS. during the year 1880-81 is Rs. 6,728-7-9. Dr. Bühler's as well my own accounts have been rendered to the Accountant General. 22. In concluding this report I venture to express my hope that the results attained during the year will be consi For Private and Personal Use Only Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir xiv dered to compare favourably with those of former years. That many old and valuable works have been added to the Government collection, is a piece of good fortune; but I may say for myself that during the last five months I have devoted all my spare time to the task of properly arranging and cataloguing the MSS. collected so as to render them easy of access and useful to my fellow-students. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient servant, F. KIELHORN, Professor of Oriental Languages. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. COLLECTED DURING 1880-81. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 1. Anekarthasamgraha (waardge:] by HEMACHANDRA. 99 leaves, a few of which are slightly worm-eaten ; numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 121 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 8. Aksharas in a line 50. Fol. 2b Ferreteriaaasah TaifTIS: TA: (16 ślokas); 326 FFTTargt fedtet: (590 ślokas); 726 FTFTFlugretz: (766 ślokas) ; 926 7:27M yge: (343 ślokas); 950 477FTTORIUS [:] 1714: (48 ślokas); 956 EFTFiT": 48: (5 ślokas); 996 Tartła: (60 ślokas). Acharaniryukti; see below No. 11. 2. Uttaradhyayanasutra [5TNTIT4], in Prakrit. 64 leaves, numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Each page is divided into three columns. Size of leaves 323 X 24 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 6. Aksharas in a line 125 to 130. Date: The MS. was written by the same writer who wrote the MS. of the Uttarâdhyayanasûtravritti (No. 5 below). Begins : 37 77: Fare il संजोगाविप्पमुक्कस्स अणगारस्स भिक्खुणो। विणयं पाउकरिस्सामि आणुपुट्विं सुणेह मे ॥ १॥ 3. The same. 175 leaves, with the exception of the last leaf which is slightly broken, well preserved. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on For Private and Personal Use Only Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. the left hand side. The number of Granthas is stated to be 2,300. Size of leaves 141 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 3 to 5. Aksharas in a line 45 to 50. Date : Sanvat 1332. (संवत् १३३२ वर्षे वैशाख वदि ३ शनौ). 4. The same; incomplete. 134 leaves; after 103 the leaves are somewhat broken and the writing is much effaced. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures and with letters, except 47, 63, 75, 79, and 83, which are more modern than the rest, and are marked only with numeral figures. Size of leaves 131 x 2 inches. Lines on a page 5. Aksharas in a line 45 to 50. 6. Uttaradhyayanasutravritti sukhabodha (571TTध्ययनसूत्रवृत्तिः सुखबोधा]; stated to contain 12,000 Granthas. 394 leaves, numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Each page is divided into three columns. Size of leaves 32 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 3 to 6. Aksharas in a line 125 to 130. Date: Samvat 1342. Begins : ओं नमः सर्वज्ञाय ।। प्रणम्य विनसंघातघातिनस्तीर्थनायकान् । सिद्धांध सर्वसाधूंश्च स्तुत्वा च श्रुतदेवतां ।। आत्मस्मृतये वक्ष्ये जडमतिसंक्षेपरुचिहितार्थं च । । एकैकार्थनिवद्धां वृत्तिं सूत्रस्य सुखवोधां ॥ Ends: अनुष्टुभां सहस्राणि गणितप्रक्रियाभवत् । द्वादश ग्रंथमानं तु वृत्ति (!) रस्या विनिश्चितं ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. ग्रंथायं १२०००॥ ॥ संवत् १३४२ का वर्षे वैशाष वदि...दिने उत्तराध्ययनपुस्तं...चंद्रेण लिखितं ।। A story added in a different handwriting on the back of the last leaf relates that in Samvat 1401 this MS. as well as that of the Uttaradhya yanasútra (No. 2) were purchased by a certain MOHANA and presented by him for the spiritual welfare of his mother DHÂNDHALADEVI to the sage JiNALABDHISORI. संवत् १४०१ वर्षे माघमासे शुक्लत्रयोदशीदिने सा० धींधासुत सा० मोहणसुश्रावकेण स्वमातु(धलदेविसुश्राविकापुण्यार्थं श्रीउत्तराध्ययनसूत्रवृत्तिपुस्तकं मूल्येन गृहीत्वा श्रीखरतरगछे श्रीजिनपद्मसूरिपट्टालंकारश्रीजिनलब्धिसूरिसुगुरुभ्यः प्रादायि । प्रतिदिनं च वाच्यमानं मुनिभिश्चिरं नंदतात् ।। गोत्रे कांकरिकाभिधे भुवि वभूवोदाभिधानः सुधीः श्राद्धः शुद्धनयस्तदीयतनयो धींधाभिधः श्रीलयः । कांता धांधलदेविकास्य तनुजास्तत्का जयंति त्रयः पुण्या मोहणकृष्णकांकुण इति ख्याताः सुता मुक्तिका ।। १॥ मोहणेन निजमातृसुपुण्यश्रीनिमित्तमिदमुत्तमपुस्तं । . युत्तराध्ययनसूत्रसुवृत्त्योः संप्रगृह्य घनमूल्यधनेन ।। २॥ श्रीजिनलब्धियतीश्वरगुरवे प्रादायि वाचनाविधये । यावजिनमतमेतदतु मुनिवाच्यमानमिह ॥ ३ ॥ युग्मम् ।। 6. 'Upadesakandalivritti [उपदेशकन्दलीवृत्तिः] by BALACHANDRA. Fragments of about 250 leaves. 7. Upamitabhavaprapancha Katha. [उपमितभवप्रपञ्चा कथा] ; stated to contain I6,000 Granthas. (In a Catalogue of a collection of palm-leaf MSS. prepared by a Shâstrî, this work is stated to have been composed by DEVACHANDRASÛRI or DEVENDRASORI). 355 leaves, towards the end of the MS. much damaged. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Each page is divided into three columns. Size of leaves 31 X 24 inches. Lines on a page 5 to 7. Aksharas in a line 120 to 130. Date ? See below. Begins : ओं नमः सर्वज्ञाय ॥ ओं नमः परमात्मने ॥ ओं नमः श्रुतदेवतायै ।। नमो निर्नासिताशेषमहामोहहिमातये । लोकालोकामलालोकभास्वते परमात्मने । Fol. 26 कथासरीरमेतस्या नानैव प्रतिपादितं । भवप्रपंचो व्याजेन यतोस्यामुपमीयते ।। यतोनुभूयमानोपि परोक्ष इव लक्ष्यते । अयं संसारविस्तारस्ततो व्याख्यानमर्हति ।। अथवा ॥ भ्रांतिव्यामोहनाशाय स्मृतिवीजप्रवोधनं । कथार्थसंग्रहं कृत्वा शरीरमिदमुच्यते ॥ द्विविधेयं कथा तावदंतरंगा तथेतरा । शरीरमंतरंगायास्तत्रेदमभिधीयते ॥ प्रस्तावास्तावदष्टात्र विधास्यते परिस्फुटाः । प्रत्येकं तेषु वक्तव्यो योर्थस्तं मे निवोधत ।। प्रस्तावे प्रथमे तावनिवद्धा येन हेतुना | इयं कथा मयेदृक्षा स हेतुः प्रतिपाद्यते ।। द्वितीये भव्यपुरुषो मानुष्यं प्राप्य सुंदरं । यथात्महितजिज्ञासुः समासाद्य सदागमं ॥ तदंतिकस्थस्संसारिजीवस्य चरितं यथा । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. श्रुत्वागृहीतसंकेताव्याजात्तेनैव सूचितं ।। तिर्यवक्त(?)व्यतावद्धं सार्द्ध प्रज्ञाविशालया । विचारयति निःशेषं तदिदं प्रतिपाद्यते ॥ तथा तृतीयप्रस्तावे हिंसाक्रोधवशानुगः । स्पर्शनेंद्रियमूढश्च यथा दुःखैर्विवाधितः ।। संसारिजीवः संसारे भ्रष्टो मानुष्यजन्मतः । इदं संसारिजीवस्य मुखेनैव निवेद्यते ॥ पुनश्चतुर्थप्रस्तावे मानजिह्वानृतेषु भो । रक्तः संसारिजीवोसौ यथा दुःखैः प्रपीडितः ॥ भूयश्थानन्तसंसारमपारं दुःखपूरितः । यथा भ्रांत इदं सव्वं सविशेष निगद्यते ।। प्रस्तावे पंचमे त्वत्र विपाक स्तेयमाययोः । उक्तः संसारिजीवेन तथा प्राणेंद्रियस्य च ॥ तथात्र षष्ठप्रस्तावे लोभमैथुनचक्षुषां । विपाको वर्ण्यते तेन योनुभूतः पुरात्मना ।। प्रस्तावे सप्तमे सर्व महामोहविजूंभितं । परिग्रहस्य श्रोत्रेण सहितस्येह वर्णितं ।। . किंतु ॥ तृतीयात्सप्तमं यावदत्र प्रस्तावपंचके । • तस्य संसारिजीवस्य यवृत्तान्तकदम्वकं ॥ तत्किंचित्तस्य संपन्नं किंचिदन्यैर्निवेदितं । तथापि तत्प्रतीतत्वात्सर्वं तस्येति वर्णितं । अष्टमे मिलितं सर्व प्रस्तावे पूर्वसूचितं । तेन संसारिजीवेन विहितं चात्मने हितं ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 8 PALM-LEAF MSS. तच्च संसारिजीवस्य वृत्तं भवविरंजनं । आकर्ण्य भव्य पुरुषः प्रबुद्ध इति कथ्यते || तथा संसारिजीवेन भूयो भूयः प्रचोदिता । प्रबुद्धा गृहीतसंकेता कृच्छ्रेणेति निवेद्यते || इह च ॥ आसाद्य निर्मलाचाय्यें केवलालोकभास्करं । समस्तोप्यात्मवृत्तान्तः पृष्टः शिष्टावधारितः ॥ तथा सदागमादुच्चैर्भूयो भूयः स्थिरीकृतः । संजातावधिना तेन ततोयं प्रतिपादितः || अन्यच्च || इहान्तरं गलोकानां ज्ञानं जल्पो गमागमः । विवाहो बंधुतेत्यादिः सर्व्वा लोकस्थितिः कृता || सा च दुष्टा न विज्ञेया यतोपेक्ष्य गुणांतरं । उपमाद्वारतः सर्व्वा वोधार्थं सा निवेदिता | तः ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir प्रत्यक्षानुभवात्सिद्धं युक्तितो यन्न दुष्यति । सत्कल्पितोपमानं तत्सिद्धांतेप्युपलभ्यते || : : तदेतदंतरंगायाः शरीरं प्रतिपादितं । वहिरंगकथायास्तु शरीरमिदमुच्यते ॥ पूर्व्वविदेहे सन्मेरोः सुकछविजयप्रभुः । क्षेमपुर्यां समुद्भूतश्चक्रवर्त्यनुसुंदरः || स च स्वायुष्कपर्यंते निजदेशदिदृक्षया । विनिर्गतो त्रिलासेन प्राप्तः शंखपुरे न्यदेत्यादि ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. The last leaf of the MS. is much damaged, and the writing on it effaced. What I make of the last line is this: • श्रीभिल्लमालनगरे गदिता गि ----- न ||----- लिखिसाव्या श्रुतदेवतानुकारिण्या | दुर्गस्वामिगुरूणां शिष्यिकयेयं गणाभिधया ।। संवत्सरशतनवके द्विषष्टिसहितेतिलंधिते चास्याः । ज्येष्ठे शितपंचम्यां पुनर्वसौ गुरुदिने--- 8. Rishidattacharita [ऋषिदत्ताचरितम्] by GUNAPALA ; in Prakrit. 155 leaves, numbered 1-154; two leaves are numbered 126. On a few leaves the writing is somewhat effaced. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves I3XI inches. Lines on a page 3 to 4. Aksharas in a line 45 to 50. After 154 there is a fragment of one more leaf on which there is this date : संवत् १२४८ वर्षे अद्येह श्रीमरणहिलपाटके श्रीभीमदेवराज्ये प्रवर्त्तमाने || The figure १२८८ is in a modern hand-writing. The original figure appears to have been १२६४. Begins : नमिऊण चलणजुयलं पढमजिणिंदस्स भुवणनाहस्स । अवसप्पिणीए धम्मो पयासिओ जेण इह पढमं ॥ Parvan I ends on Fol. 53a, II on Fol. 83a, III on Fol. 1106, IV on Fol. 141b, and V on Fol. 154a. 9. Ohasamayari [ओहसमायारी], in Prakrit; II62 Gathas. To leaves, numbered 57-166. Leaf 59 is slightly broken. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 13X2 inches.. Lines on a page 4 to 5. . Aksharas in a line 50. 10. Pindaniryukti [ण्डिनियुक्तिः], in Prakrit. 61 leaves, numbered 167-228 ; leaf 178 is missing. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 10 PALM-LEAF MSS. Writing, size of leaves, etc. the same as of the preceding MS. 11. Acharaniryukti [आचारनिर्युक्तिः ], in Prakrit. 32 leaves, numbered 229-260. Writing, size of leaves, etc. the same as of the preceding MS. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Aupapatika ; see below No. 72. Aupapatikavritti ; see below No. 72. 12. Kandalitippana [ कन्दलीटिप्पनम् ]. Fragments of about 150 leaves. Karmastavatika ; see below No. 42. 13. Kalpachurni [ कल्पचूर्णि: ], a commentary in Prakrit and Sanskrit on the Brihatkalpasutra; stated to contain 16,000 Granthas. 281 leaves, numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Each page is divided into three columns. Size of leaves 29 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 5 to 7. Aksharas in a line 125 to 130. Date : Savat 1218. Begins: ओं नमो वीतरागाय || मंगलादीणि सत्थाणि | मंगलमज्झाणि | मंगलावसाणाणि | मंगलपरिग्गहियाय सिस्सा सत्थाणं अवग्गहे हावाय समत्था भवंति । तानि चादिमध्यावसान मंगलात्मकानि सर्व्वाणि लोगे विराजति । विस्तारं च गर्छति । अनेन कारनादौ मंगलं | मध्ये मंगलं | अवसाने मंगलमिति | Ends : कल्पचूर्णी समाप्ताः ।। ६ ।। ग्रंथ १६००० अंकतोपि ॥ ६ ॥ संवत् १२१८ वर्षे द्वि० आषाढ शुदि ५ गुराव - येह श्रीमदणहिलपाटके समस्तराजावलीविराजितसमलंकृतमहाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वर परमभट्टारकउमापतिवरलब्धप्रसाद महाहवसंग्रामनिर्वृढप्रतिज्ञाप्रौढनिजभुजरणांगण विनिर्जित शाकंभरीभूपाल श्रीमत्कु For Private and Personal Use Only Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra PALM-LEAF MSS. मारपालदेवकल्याणविजयराज्ये तत्पादपद्मोपजीवितमहामात्यश्री य - शोधवले श्रीश्रीकरणादौ समस्तमुद्राव्यापारान् परिपंथयति सतीत्येवं काले प्रवर्द्धमाने || गंभूताचतुश्चत्वारिंशछतपथके देवश्रीभोपलेश्वरशासनारूढभुज्यमानराजश्रीवैजलदेवेन पट्टितचाहरपल्लिग्रामे तद्वास्तव्यश्रे...साउकउव्यव० शोभनदेवेन कल्पचूणिपुस्तकं पुस्तकसवलकद्रव्यं वृद्धिं नीत्वा तेनैव श्रीमज्जिनभद्राचार्याणामर्थे लेखकसोहडपार्श्वल्लिखापितेति || 11 Lines on a page 4 to 5.. Aksharas in a line 45 to 50. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 14. Kalpasutra [ कल्पसूत्रम् ], in Prakrit. 130 leaves, the first 33 of which are broken on the left hand side. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 14 1 X 2 4 inches. II 15. Kavidarpanavritti [कविदर्पणवृत्तिः ], incomplete. Uddesa V ends on Fol. 85a. Leaves 2-86, numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 122 X 1 inches. Lines on a page 4. Aksharas in a line 45. Size of leaves 13 X 1 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 5. Aksharas in a line 55 to 60.1 16. Kshetrasamasa [क्षेत्रसमासः] of JINABHADRAGANIKSHAMÁŚRAMANA, with Commentary by MALAYAGIRI. ( On Fol. 2816 the Kshetrasamúsaprakarana is stated to contain 637 Gathas.) 283 leaves. The last leaf is numbered 282, but two leaves are numbered 11. All leaves except 181-230 are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. 181-230 are numbered only with numeral figures. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 12. PALM-LEAF MSS. Begins: संप्रति मेरुवक्तव्यनामाह || लोगस्स नाभिभूओ नवनउ सहस्स जोयणुव्विद्धो | मेरुगिरी रयणमओ अवगाढो जोयणसहस्सं || Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Fol. 1246 इति श्रीमलयगिरिविरचितायां क्षेत्रसमासटीकायां जंबूदीपनामाधिकारप्रथमप्रकाशः ॥ Fol. 193a इति मलयगिरिविरचितायां क्षेत्रसमासटीकायां द्वितीयो लवणोदधिनामाधिकार समाप्तः ॥ Fol. 2340 इति . . . तृतीयो धातकीषंडद्दीपनामा अधिकार : समाप्तः || तदेवमुक्ता धातकीषंडवक्तव्यता सांप्रतमेतदनंतर कालोद - वक्तव्यतामाह । Fol. 282a. जिनवचनगतं विषमं भावार्थं यो विवेच्य शिष्येभ्य इत्थमुपादिशदमलं परोपकारैककृतचेताः | तं नमत वोधजलधिं गुणमंदिरमखिलवाग्मिनां श्रेष्ठ चरणश्रियोपगूढं जिनभद्रगणिक्षमाश्रमणं । Fol. 2826. इममतिगंभीरतरं क्षेत्रसमासं विवृण्वता कुशलं यदवापि मलगिरिणा सिद्धिं तेनाश्रुतां लोकः || Ends : इति श्रीमलयगिरिविरचिता क्षेत्रसमासटीका पारमुपागतेति || मंगलं महाश्री : || शुभं भवतु लेखकपाठकयोः || 17. Gaudavaha [ गउडवह ] of VÁKPATIRĀJA (Kairáyalamchhanassa Vappaïrâyassa). III leaves. Two leaves are numbered 69, and of them 69, I appears more modern than the rest of the MS. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 131⁄2 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 5. Aksharas in a line 50 to 55. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 13 Begins : || ओं नमः सरस्वत्यै ।। पढम चिय धवलकओववीअमवुरुहगोअरं नमह । हरिजढरनिग्गमुक्वित्तनालसुत्तंपिव सयंभु ।। तं पणमह 'तिंगिछिछलेण निवसइ निवेसकमलम्मि | जस्स परमाणुनिवहोव्व भुवणनिम्माणपरिवण्णो । सो जयइ कणियावलयगव्भपरिगूढवियडवीअम्मि । जो वसइ निहाणीकयवहुवंभंडेव्व कमलम्मि || Ends: जस्स विअयाहिसेए विवक्खदेवीहिं कयणिओयाहिं । पीयाई तक्वणुप्पियचमरंतरियाई अंसूई ।। तस्स इमं पावणमहिणवं च चित्तं च विम्हयकरं च । सीसइ चरियमचरमं णराहिवइणो निसामेह ॥ कइरायलंछणस्स व वप्पइरायस्स गउडवहं । नामेण कहावीढं रइयं चिय तह समत्तं च ।। The number of verses in this MS. appears to be about the same as in the MS. of the Gaudavadhasara procured for Government in 1873 (viz. about 1,100), but their order sometimes differs. The MS. probably contains a slightly different recension from that given in the previously known MSS. 18. Chaturthopangatritiyapadasamgrahani [चतयोंपाङ्गततीयपदसंग्रहणी] by ABHAYADEVASORt; in Prakrit. ' 17 leaves, numbered with the numeral figures on the left hand side. Size of leaves I3XT inches. Lines on a page 3 to 4. Aksharas in a line 45 to 50. 19. Chaityavandanakulavritti [चैत्यवन्दनकुलवृत्तिः] by JINAKUSALASTRI ; incomplete. Leaves 2-170. Leaf 152 is missing; one leaf is numbered 97-98, and two leaves are numbered 163. The writing on 2a 1 In marg. केसर, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 14 PALM-LEAF MSS. is totally effaced, and that on 26 partially. Fol. 2a contains a coloured drawing of Mahâvîra. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters and numeral figures combined on the left hand side. Size of leaves 131X21 inches. Lines on a page 5 to 6. Aksharas in a line 45. The first Gâthâ (on Fol. 26 ) is : नमिऊणमणंतगुणं चउवयणं जिणवरं महावीरं । पडिवन्नदंसणाणं सरूवमिह कित्तयिस्सामि ।। १॥ Fol. 1266. इति जिनयुगप्रवरागमश्रीजिनचंद्रसूरिशिष्यलेशश्रीजिनकुशलसूरिविरचितायां चैत्यवंदनकुलवृत्तौ भाववासप्रतिपालनाख्यानकं श्रीश्रेणिकमहाराजकथानकं समाप्तमिति || 20. Chaityavandanasutrasya Vrittir lalitavistara [चैत्यवन्दनसूत्रस्य वृत्तिललितविस्तरा] by HARIBHADRA ; incomplete. ___Leaves 60-143 and fragments of about 40. more leaves. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 124 X 11 inches. Lines on a page 2 to 4. Aksharas in a line 45. 21. Lalitavistarapanjika [ललितविस्तरापञ्जिका] by SRIMUNICHANDRASORI. 249 leaves, numbered 144-392 ; writing, size of leaves, etc. the same as of the preceding MS. Begins : || ओं॥ नमो वीतरागाय ॥ नत्वानुयोगवृद्धेभ्यश्चैत्यवंदनगोचरां । व्याख्याम्यहं क्वचित्किंचिवृत्तिं ललितविस्तरां ।। Ends : इति श्रीमुनिचंद्रसूरिविरचितायां ललितविस्तरापंजिकायां सिद्धमहावीरादिस्तवः समाप्तः ।। तत्समाप्तौ च समाप्तेयं ललितविस्तरापंजिका ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. कष्टो ग्रंथो मतिरनिपुणा संप्रदायो न तादृक् ' शास्त्रं तंत्रांतरमतगतं सन्निधौ नो तथापि । स्वस्य स्मृत्यै परहितकृते चात्मवोधानुरूपं मा गामागःपदमहमिह व्यापृतश्चित्तशुद्ध्या ।। 22. Chaulukyavamsa Dvyasrayamahakavya [चालुक्यवंशद्वयाश्रयमहाकाव्यम्] by HEMACHANDRA, in 20 Sargas; with marginal notes. Stated to contain 2,828 Granthas. The last leaf is numbered 183, but the actual number of leaves is 189, three leaves having been numbered 93, and two each 94, 95, 96 and 97. The leaves in the beginning are broken and are sticking together. All the leaves are numbered only with the ordinary numeral figures on the left hand side. Size of leaves 16 X 24 inches. Lines on a page 5 to 6. Aksharas in a line 55 to 6o. No date. The writing on the first 65 leaves appears older than that on the following leaves. Sarga I (201 verses) ends on Fol. 140; II (110 vv.) on 24a ; III (160 vv.) on 35a ; IV (94 vv.) on 430; V (142 vv.) on 55a3; VI (107 vv.) on 65b: VII (142 vv.) on 74a; VIII (125 vv.) on 84a; IX (172 vv.) on 94, 2b; X (9o vv.) on Ioob ; XI (118 vv.) on 109b; XIE (81 vv.) on 1176; XIII (110 vv.) on 1246; XIV (74 vv.) on I30b; XV (124 vv.) on 139a; XVI (97 vv.) on 147b ; XVII (138 vv.) on 1556; XVIII (1o6 vv.) on 1656; XIX (137 vv.) on 1746; XX (102 vv.) on 183a. Begins : अहमित्यक्षरं ब्रह्म वाचकं परमेष्ठिनः । Ends : आयुष्मान्भव भूपता३इ अजय३: शान्त्या३ सुवुद्धा३दृषी३न् जिष्णा३वूर्जतादें ४दवे जय चिरं चौ४लुक्यचूडामणे । आ (?)नृण्यीकरणात् प्रवर्त्तय निज संवत्सरं चेत्यृषिप्वाघोषत्सु सदा नृपः पदविधिर्यहृत्समर्थोऽभवत् ।। १०२॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 16 PALM-LEAF MSS. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir इत्याचार्य श्री हेमचंद्रकृतौ चौलुक्यवंशे व्याश्रयमहाकाव्ये विंशः सर्गः || ६ || ग्रंथसंख्यायां श्लोक २८२८ ।। Leaf 183 is followed by two leaves in a different handwriting which give the contents of the several Sargas. This poem, composed by Hemachandra in honour of his patron Kumarapala, is also called Sabdánuśásana-dvyâśrayamahākāvya, or simply Dayäsraya-mahikavya. Its primary object is to illustrate the rules of Hemachandra's own Sanskrit grammar, and some MSS. indicate therefore not merely the end of each Sarga, but also that of each Pâda of the Sabdânusâsana. The Palm-leaf MS. does this, so far as I have observed only occasionally. Other MSS. give names to each Sarga ; e.g. अणहिलपत्तनश्रीमूलराजयोर्वर्णनो नाम प्रथमः सर्गः, प्रभातमन्त्रवर्णनो नाम द्वितीयः सर्गः etc. The following are the first five verses of the poem, taken from a paper MS: अर्हत्यिक्षरं ब्रह्म वाचकं परमेष्ठिनः | सिद्धचक्रस्य सद्दीजं सर्वतः प्रणिदध्महे ॥ १ ॥ भीमकान्तोद्धृतोदात्तहिंस्रशान्तगुणात्मने | भद्रं चौलुक्यवंशाय कॢप्तस्याद्वादसिद्धये || २ || -लोकात्सालातुरीयादेः शब्दसिद्धिरियानघा | चौलुक्यवंशाज्जयति नयधर्मव्यवस्थितिः || ३ || अस्ति स्वस्तिकवद्भूमेर्धर्मागारं नयास्पदम् | पुरं सदा श्रियाश्लिष्टं नाम्नाणहिलपाटकम् || ४ || सपत्नीर्ष्याविधीहाभिः श्रानुपतिष्यते । मधूत्तमं वधूढाभिः सभ्रूक्षेपं मृदूरुभिः || ५ || 3 1, 1, 2 सिद्धिः स्याद्वादात. 2 śabdānuśâsana I, I, I अर्हम्. ★ I, I, 3 लोकात् ; the remaining rules of the first Pada define the Samjnás Srara, Hrasva, Dirgha, Pluta, etc. s 1, 2, 1 समानानां तेन दीर्घः. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 23. Jitakalpachurni [fefattaro:] by SIDDHASENA ; in Prâkrit. 85 leaves ; leaf 64 is missing : two leaves are numbered 21. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 13) X 2 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 5. Aksharas in a line 40 to 45. 24. Jitavyavaharasutra (FGTEELTER=] with Vivarana; in Prakrit. 79 leaves, 3 or 4 of which are slightly damaged; on two pages the writing is effaced. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 13 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 3 to 6. Aksharas in a line 50 to 55. Begins: 34 11 सिद्धत्थसिद्धसासणसिद्धत्थसुयं सुयं च सिद्धत्थस्स | वीरवरं वरवरदं वरवरएहिं महियं नमह जीवहियं ॥१॥ 25. Jainendravyakarana-Sabdarnavachandrika [ TFTTTraari] by SOMADEVA ; incomplete. 280 leaves, more or less damaged. I have shown elsewhere that the Sabda ravachandrika was composed in A.D. 1205, and feel no hesitation in stating that this MS. of it has been written in the 13th century. 26. Jnatadharmakatha (TTTH Fr] in Prakrit (Foll. 1-165), and Jnatadharmakathapradesatika ( TTET] by ABHAYADEVASÛRI (Foll. 166-302). 302 leaves, a few of which are broken and damaged. The MS. appears to have been written at different times and by two different writers. In what I consider to be the older portion, the writing is smaller and the leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right and with letters on the left hand side ; the leaves also are slightly narrower; in the more For Private and Personal Use Only Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 18 PALM-LEAF MSS. modern portion the writing is bigger and the leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on both the right and left hand sides. Each page is divided into three columns. Size of leaves 31 X 2 or 24 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 5. Aksharas in a line 115 to 130. Date? The writing on the last page is much effaced, but it appears that some date in the 12th century of Vikrama and the town Anahilapataka are mentioned. The Tika begins (on Fol. 1668) : ओं ॥ नमो वीतरागाय ॥ नत्वा श्रीमन्महावीरं प्रायोन्यग्रंथवीक्षितः । ज्ञाताधर्मकथांगस्यानुयोगः कश्चिदुच्यते ॥ 27. Jyotisharatnakosa [ज्योतिषरत्नकोशः] by LALLA, the son of Bhatta Trivikrama ; (e.g. Fol. 50 इति भहत्रिविक्रमसुतलल्लविरचिते ज्योतिषरत्नकोशे तिथिगुणप्रकरणं समाप्तं ॥). 200 leaves, generally well preserved. Two leaves are numbered 138 ; leaves 50-56 are on paper and in a different handwriting; the writing on the palm-leaves 9, 103, 137, and 159 having somewhat faded, their contents have been re-written on paper. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 171 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 5. Aksharas in a line 55. Begins : ओं नमो विनायकाय ॥ नैशांधकारौघविघातदक्षः स्फुरत्प्रभोद्भासितदिनखाजः । शं नः स दैवं दिनकृत्पदिस्यादतितैलो जगदेकदीपः ।। प्रणम्य देवं जनकं च भक्त्या त्रिविक्रमं दैवविदां विभूत्यै । क्रमेण शास्त्रांवुनिधेरुदस्य करोम्यहं ज्योतिषरत्नकोशं । The last chapter is called मंगलमालिका. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 19 28. Tatparyaparisuddhi [तात्पर्यपरिशुद्धिः] by UDAYANA ; incomplete. About 240 leaves, broken away on the right hand side ; the earliest leaf is numbered 62, and the last 335. On the left hand side the leaves are numbered with letters. Size of leaves, as they appear now, 15 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 6 to 7. Aksharas in a line 70. Date : Samvat I304. Fol. 335 ends with न्यायाचार्यपंडितश्रीउदयनकृतौ तात्पर्यपरिशुद्धौ तृतीयोध्यायः. Fol. 335 is followed by another leaf, not numbered, which contains the year in which the MS. was written, संवत् १३०४, and in a more modern handwriting the remark संवत् १४७१ वर्षे । श्रीरतरगछे श्रीजिनराजसूरिपहे। श्रीजिनवर्द्धनसूरीणां पुस्तकं॥ 29. The same; in the same handwriting. Fragments of about Ioo leaves. 30. Damayantikatha. [दमयन्तीकथा] by TRIVIKRAMA - B HATTA ; with marginal notes. 179 leaves, generally well preserved. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 124 X 1 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 5. Aksharas in a line 55. Begins : ओं नमः सरस्वत्यै॥ जयवि गिरिसुतायाः कामसंतापवाहि न्युरसि रसनिषेकश्चांदनश्चंद्रमौलिः । तदनु च विजयते कीर्तिभाजां कवीना मसकृदमृतविंदुस्यंदिनो वाग्विलासाः ।। Ends : इति विविधवितळवेशविध्वस्तनिद्रः सजलजडिममीलत्पक्ष्म चक्षुर्दधानः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. हरचरणसरोजइंदमाधाय चित्ते नृपतिरुभयसंगी स त्रियामामनैषीत् ।। इति श्रीत्रिविक्रमभट्टविरचितायां दमयंतीकथायां सप्तम उच्छासः समाप्तः ॥ 31. The same; last leaf missing. 76 leaves, some of which are slightly worm-eaten. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 144 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 7. Aksharas in a line go. Ends : भवति हृदयहारी क्वापि कस्यापि कश्चि न खलु गुणविशेषः प्रेमवंधप्रयोगी । किसलयति वनांते कोकिलारावरम्ये विकसति न वसंते 32. Dvatrimsaddvatrimsika [द्वात्रिंशद्वात्रिंशिका]; so the title is given, but the MS. contains only 20 Chapters. Stated to contain 830 Granthas. 9o leaves, up to 81 well preserved. From 81 to go the leaves are slightly broken on the right hand side. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 12 X 14 inches. Lines on a page 4. Aksharas in a line 40 to 45. Begins : ओं ॥ नमोर्हयः ॥ स्वयंभुवं भूतसहस्रनेत्रमनेकमेकाक्षरभावलिंगं । अव्यक्तमव्याहतविश्वलोकमनादिमध्यांतमपुण्यपापं ।। १ ।। समंतसाक्षगुणं निरक्षं स्वयंप्रभं सर्वगतावभासं । अतीतसंख्यानमनंतकल्पमचिंत्यमाहात्म्यमलोकलोकं ॥२॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 21 कुहेतुतऊपरतप्रपंचसद्भावशुद्धाप्रतिवादवादं । प्रणम्य सछासनवर्द्धमान स्तोष्ये यतींद्रं जिनवर्द्धमानं ।।३।। Fol. 6a प्रथमा द्वाशिका; 110 द्वितीया; 18a तृतीया; 23a चतुर्थी; 27b स्ततिद्वात्रिंशिका पंचमी; 33a षष्ठी; 39 वादोपनिषद्वात्रिंशिका सप्तमी; 42b वादद्वात्रिंशिका अष्टमी (only 26 verses); 470 वेदवादद्वात्रिंशिका नवमी; 5 Ia दशमी (34 verses); 57a गुणवचनद्वातशिका एकादशी; 61a न्यायद्वात्रिंशिका द्वादशमी: 65 सांख्यप्रवोधद्वात्रिंशिका: 686 वैशेषिकद्वात्रिंशिकाः 72 वौद्धसंताना नाम पंचदशी; 76a नियतिद्वात्रिंशका षोडशमी; 80a सप्तदशमी; 836 अष्टादशमी; 87a द्वेष्यश्वेतपटसिद्धसेनाचार्यस्य कृतिः । निश्चयद्वात्रिशिका; 9oa दृष्टिप्रवोधद्वात्रिंशिका विंशतितमी ।। 38. Narapatijayacharya [नरपतिजयचर्या]. 111 leaves, numbered 1-68 and 1-43. The first 17 leaves are somewhat broken on the left hand side. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves I5 X It inches. Lines on a page 4. Aksharas in a line 50 to 55. On the back of the last leaf there is the date संवत् १४७१, but it was not written by the writer of the MS, which appears to be older. 34. Namalinganusasana [नामलिङ्गानुशासनम्] by AMARASIMHA. __ II8 leaves, with the exception of two or three, well preserved. The leaves are numbered with the ordinary numeral figures. Size of leaves 14 X 1 inches. Lines on a page 4. Aksharas in a line 50 to 55. Date : 4398 of Kaliyuga (1297 A.D.). . Begins : ओं नमः शिवाय । यस्य ज्ञानदयासिंधोरगाधस्यानघा गुणाः । सेव्यतामक्षयो धीराः स श्रिये चामृताय च ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 22 PALM-LEAF MSS. Ends : इत्यमरसिंहकृतौ नामलिंगानुशासने । सामान्यकांडस्त्रितीयः सांग एवं समर्थितः ॥ श्रीमद्रामचंद्रदेवविजयराज्ये कुंकुणविषये गतकलि ४३९८ हेमलंब्बसंवत्सरे ज्येष्ठ वदि अष्टम्यायां वृहस्पतिदिने । सुवर्ण गिरिपर्व । 35. Nisithasutra [निशोथसूत्रम्], in Prakrit. 15 leaves, numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Each page is divided into three columns. Size of leaves 252 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 7. Aksharas in a line 120 to 130. Date: The MS. was written by the same writer who wrote the MS. of the Churņi and Bhashya (No. 36). 36. Nisithasutrachurni Viseshanamni [निशीथसूत्रचूर्णिविशेषनाम्नी], Uddesakas XIV-XX, by JINADĀSAGANI, and Bhâshya. 415 leaves, numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Each page is divided into three columns. Size of leaves 251 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 7. Aksharas in a line 120 to 130. Date : Samvat 1145 and 1146. Fol. 235a ......विसेसणामा णिसीहस्स ॥ छ ॥ नमो सुयदेवयाए भगवतीए । जिणदासगणिमहत्तरेण रइया ।। ७ ॥ नमस्तीर्थकृयः ।। संवत् ११४५ ज्येष्ठ वदि १४ लिखितमिदं ।। ॥ छ । कूरीजाग्रामे मुंधयसायेन श्रीतलवाटावस्थितेन | महाराजाधिराजश्रीकर्नदेवराज्ये ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 23 Fol. 4156 इति निशीथभाष्ये विंशतिमोद्देशकः परिसमाप्तः ।। ॥ ७॥ समाप्तं चैतन्निषीथभाष्यमिति ।। संवत् ११४६ श्रावण शुदि ६ सोमे । एकैकाक्षरगणनया || ८४०० ।। 37. Nisithasutrachurni Viseshanamni [निशीथसूत्रचूर्णि. विशेषनाम्नी], Uddesakas I-X, by JINADASAGANI. 326 leaves, some of which are slightly damaged. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Each page is divided into three columns. Size of leaves 301 X 24 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 7. Aksharas in a line 120 to 140. Date : Samvat 1359. Ends : इति विसेसनिसीहचुण्णीए दसमो उद्देसओ सम्मत्तो ।।।। मंगलं महाश्रीः ॥ ॥ शुभं भवतु श्रीसंघस्य ॥ ॥ संवत् १३५९ वर्षे मार्ग वदि ५ सोमवारे वाचनाचार्यकनकचंद्रेण बाहुदं सु (?) पुस्तकं लिखितं ।।। 38. The same%3; Uddesakas XI-XX. 353 leaves. The following are on paper and in a more modern handwriting : I-3, 140-149, 189-200, 214-224, 252-271, 273-275. The palm-leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side ; the others only with the ordinary numeral figures. Each page is divided into three columns. Size of leaves 32 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 6 to 7. Aksharas in a line 120 to 130. Date: Samvat 1294. The name of the author (JIŅADÂSA) is concealed in the following lines (Fol. 334a): तिचउपणअहमवग्गे तिपणतिअक्खरावहे तेसिं पढमततिएहिं तिदुसरजुएहिं णामं कयं जस्स । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. Take the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 8th Vargas (T-I--T); substi. tute the 3rd, 5th and 3rd Aksharas (51-0-2-a); and for the vowels of the ist and 3rd syllables substitute the 3rd and 2nd vowels of the alphabet (TFUTTIA). Ends Fol. 334a : quoît Farhaarat foretager 11 11 897 १२९४ वर्षे वैशाख शुदि ३ रवावद्येह स्तंभतीर्थनिवासिना श्रीश्रीमालवंशोद्भवेन ठ° साढासुतेन उ• कुमरसीहेन निसीथचूर्णिणद्वितीयखंडपुस्तक लेखयांचक्रे ॥ From Fol. 335 to 353 the MS. contains a gloss (arti - put) on the 20th Uddeśaka of the Chürni. 39. Naishadhacharita (aquat74] by ŚrîHARSHA; Sargas I-XII. Last leaf missing. 179 leaves, generally well preserved. The first leaf is broken, and a few leaves are slightly worm-eaten. The leaves are numbered with the ordinary numeral figures. Size of leaves 12} x by 24 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 5. Aksharas in a line 45 to 50. Sarga I (145 verses) ends on Fol. 176; II (110 vv.) on 29b; III (135 vv.) on 456; IV (123 vv.) on 596; V (138 vv.) on 746; VI (113 vv.) on 875; VII (108 vv.) on 986; VIII (109 vv.) on ma; IX (159 vv.) on 1286; X (138 vv.) on 145a ; XI (127 vv.) on 163a ; the last leaf of Sarga XII is missing. 40. Nyayapravesatika (Ferrazzial] by HARIBHADRA : incomplete. Fragments of 51 leaves, numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves it Xit inches. Lines on a page 4 . Aksharas in a line 50. Ends: FATAT F414 ta aretail Il fat: faiatarFHद्रसेवकस्याचार्यहरिभद्रस्येति ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 41. Panchavastuka (957967*4], in Prakrit ; incomplete. The number of Gâthâs is stated to be 1,700, and the number of Granthas 2,125. 97 leaves, numbered 2-98. About half the number of leaves are broken. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. The last page contains a drawing of Mahâvira. Size of leaves 13 X 24 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 7. Aksharas in a line 55 to 60. Ends: haa...(?) (Tot ar 37 Târ || FACETTET - वलीविराजितमहाराजाधिराजश्रीमत्रिभुवनगंडश्रीजयसिंघदेवक - - विजयराज्ये तत्पादप्रसादावाप्न - - - - - संतुकप्रतिपत्तौ ललाटदेशमडलमनुशासयतीत्येतस्मिन्का - - - - - मोखदेवेन पंचवस्तुकं लिखिarafat al 42. Karmastavatika [FETTIFI] by Svetapatâchârya GOVINDAGAŅI. The number of Granthas is stated to be 1,090. 47 leaves, numbered 99-145. The MS. is a continuation of the preceding, and was written by the same writer. Date : Samvat 1179, (FTT 9999 #7 qię 9 # SHE TE Heat greatait fereafira 11). 43. Sravakapratikramanayritti [3177#6Hf:], incomplete. 32 leaves, partly broken; numbered 146-177. The MS. is a continuation of the preceding, and was written by the same writer. The end is missing. 44. Panjikadurga padaprabodha [915377|gfa Tia:], a commentary on Trilochanadâsa's Kâtantravrittivivaranapanjiká, by JINAPRABODHASÛRI. 232 leaves, numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 143 X 1 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 6. Aksharas in a line 70. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 26 PALM-LEAF MSS. Fol. 486 इति पंजिकादर्गपदप्रवोधे नानि समासप्रकरणं संपूर्ण । Fol. 786 इति श्रीजिनेश्वरसूरिशिष्यश्रीजिनप्रबोधसूरिविरचिते पंजिकादुर्गपदप्रवोधे तद्धितप्रकरणं समाप्तं । ___Fol. I086 इति पंजिकादुर्गपदप्रवोधे आख्याते प्रथमः पादः समाप्तः ; [42a द्वितीयः; 165a तृतीयः; 1846 चतुर्थः; I96a पञ्चमः; 2156 षष्ठः ; 2200 सप्तमः ; 232a अष्टमः. 45. Pakshikasutravritti [पाक्षिकसूत्रवृत्तिः] by YASODEVASORI ; incomplete. Stated to contain 2,700 Granthas. ___Leaves I-157 and I70-189; some leaves are slightly broken. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 14 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 5 to 6. Aksharas in a line 45. Begins : ओं ॥ नमो वीतरागाय ।। शिवशम्मैकनिमित्तं विघ्नौघविघातिनं जिनं नत्वा । वक्ष्यामि सुखविवोधां पाक्षिकसूत्रस्य वृत्तिमहं ।। Fol. 1886 समाप्ता चेयं शास्त्रानुसारिणी पक्षपतिक्रमणवृत्तिरिति ।। This is followed by 11 verses, the writing of which is somewhat effaced. From what I can make out, Yaśodevasûri was a pupil of Chandrasûri, the pupil of Vîraganimiśra, and composed his work at Aşahilapâţaka during the reign of Jayasimha, अणहिलपाटकनगरे सौर्णिणकनेमिचंद्रसक्तायां । वरपोषथशालायां राज्ये जयसिंहभूपस्य ।। when 1180 years had passed since Vikrama. एकादशशतैरधिकैरशीत्या विक्रमाद्गतैः । Pindaniryukti; see above No. 10. 46. Pindaniryuktivritti Sishyahita [पिण्डनियुक्तिवृत्तिः शिष्यहिता] by ViRAGANI ; stated to contain 7,671 Granthas. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra PALM-LEAF MSS. Size of leaves 292 X 1 inches. Lines on a page 4. Aksharas in a line 135 to 140. Begins: ओं नमः प्रवचनाय || Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 226 leaves, numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Each page is divided into three columns. 27 नम्रामरेश्वरकिरीटनिविष्ट शोणरत्नप्रभापटलपाटलितांड्रिपीठाः । तीर्थेश्वराः शिवपुरीपथसार्थवाहा निःशेषवस्तु परमार्थविदो जयंति।।१। लोकायभागभवना भवभीतिमुक्ता ज्ञानावलोकितसमस्तपदार्थसार्थाः । स्वाभाविकस्थिरविशिष्टसुखैः समृद्धाः सिद्धा विलीनघनकमला जयंति ।। २ ।। आचारपंचकसमाचरणप्रवीणाः सर्वज्ञशासनभरैकधुरंधरा ये । ते सूरयो दमितदुर्दमवादिवृंदा विश्वोपकारकरणप्रवणा जयंति || ३ || सूत्रं यतीनतिपटुस्फुटयुक्तियुक्तं युक्तिप्रमाणनयभंगगमैर्गभीरं । ये पाठयंति वरसूरिपदस्य योग्यास्ते वाचकाश्चतुरचारुगिरो जयंति || 8 || For Private and Personal Use Only सिद्ध्यंगनासमसमागमवद्धवांछाः संसारसागरसमुत्तरणैकचित्ताः । ज्ञानादिभूषणविभूषितदेहभागा रागादिघातरतयो यतयो जयंति || ५ || इति विहितपंचपरमेष्ठिसंस्तवो गुरुजनोपदेशेन | वक्ष्ये शिष्यहिताख्यां वृत्तिमिमां पिंडनिर्युक्तेः ॥ ६ ॥ पंचाशकादिशास्त्रव्यूहप्रविधायका विवृतिमस्याः । आरेभिरे विधातुं पूर्वं हरिभद्रसूरिवराः || ते स्थापनाख्यदोषं यावद्विवृतिं विधाय दिवमगमन् । तदुपरितनी तु कैश्विद्वीराचार्यै समाप्येषा || तत्रामीभिरमुष्याः सुगमा गाथा इमा इति विभाव्य । काश्विन व्याख्याता या विवृतास्ता अपि स्तोकं ॥ Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 28 PALM-LEAF MSS. L ताः संप्रति मंदधियां दुर्योधा इति मया समस्तानां | तासां व्यक्तव्याख्याहेतोः क्रियते प्रयासोयम् || Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir इह हि जिनशा 'चूलायुगकलितदशाध्ययनमानो दशकालिकाख्यः श्रुतस्कंधोस्ति तस्य च भद्रबाहुस्वामिसूरिणा निर्युक्तिरकारि तत्र च पिंडैषणाभिधपंचमाध्ययनस्य सक्ता वृहद्र्थत्वात् पिंडनिर्युक्तिरिति नाम दत्वेयं तेनैव पृथक्कृता शेषा तु सा दशकालिकनिर्युक्तिर्जातेत्यनेन संबंधेनायाताया आदाविमां द्वारगाथामाह || पिंडे Fol. 226a इति वीरगणिविरचितायां शिष्यहितायां पिंडनियुक्तिवृत्ती कारणाख्यमष्टमं द्वारं समाप्तमिति || तत्समाप्तौ च समाप्ता पिंडनियुक्तिवृत्तिरिति || Ends : श्रीलाटदेशतिलकश्रीबटपद्रकविशालपुरगतयोः | श्रीभिल्लवालध धर्क टया तिव्यो में दुनिर्मलयोः ॥ १ ॥ श्रेष्ठिवरवर्द्धमानश्रमित्योस्तीर्थनाथमुनिनमने | रतयोर्वसंतनाम्ना जन्मोत्पत्तिं समानृत्य || २ || प्रव्रज्याग्रहणं पुनरानृत्य विशुद्धसाधुगुणधानां | वसतिविहारिश्रीचंद्रगछगगनेंदुकल्पानां ॥ ३ ॥ सत्यापितनाम्नां श्रीसमुद्रघोषाभिधानसूरीणां । वीर इति प्राप्तापरनाम्नात्यंतं विमुग्धधिया || ४॥ दीक्षायाः परिपालनमानृत्य तु सकलवसतितिलकानां । श्रीसरवालकगछस्थवाचनाचार्यवर्याणां ॥ ५ ॥ अधिश्वरगणिनाम्नां सुतेन संप्राप्तवीरगणिनाम्ना | एकादशशतोपरि षष्ठिक संवत्सरे दधिपद्रग्रामे कर्करोणिकापार्श्ववर्त्तिनि प्रवरे | बोधानुसारतोकारि पिंडनियुक्तिवृत्तिरियं ||७|| II 11 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 29 तेषामेवाधिश्वरगणिनां श्रीमन्महेंद्रसूरिवराः । सकलागमपारगता धर्मकथाकथननिरताश्च ॥८॥ अपरेपि पार्श्वदेवाभिधानगणिनः प्रधानमंत्रज्ञाः । उचितन्या(?)अभ्यर्थितसूराः संग्रहपराश्च दृढं ।। ९ ।। अन्येपि देवचंद्राभिधाख्या गणिनः क्रियापराः सरलाः । क्षांत्यादिधर्मनिधयः परहितनिरतयो विनीताश्च ॥ १० ॥ एते त्रयोपि शिष्याः सकलजनानंददायिनोत्यर्थं । देवानामपि बंद्या नंदंतु चिरंतना वलये ।। ११ ॥ येषां भक्तप्रदानमुख्योपष्टंभप्रसादेन । नितरां निराकुलेनाकारि मयैषा स्फुटा वृत्तिः ।। १२ ।। श्रीनेमिचंद्रसूरिश्रीजिनदत्ताभिधानसूर्याद्यैः । श्रीमत्यणहिल्लपाटकपुरे व्यशोधीयमुपयुक्तैः ॥ १३ ॥ पश्यति तथापि यदि कोपि दूषणं किंचिदल्पमितरद्वा । तन्मयि कृतानुकंपः स शुद्धधीः शोधयेद्विवुधः ॥ १४ ॥ कस्य न छद्मस्थस्यानाभोगः स्यादतीव विदुषोपे । नितरां विमुग्धवुद्धेः किं पुनरस्मादृशजनस्य ॥ १५ ॥ यावच्चंद्रो यावञ्च भास्करो यावदमरगिरिमुख्याः ।। निष्ठंति जगति तावन्नंदतु सुतरामियं वृत्तिः ।। १६ ॥ इति वृत्तिमिमां कृत्वा यत्किंचिदुपार्जितं मया पुण्यं । तेनैतस्याः पाठे समुद्यतो भवतु साधुजनः ॥ १७ ।। एवं सप्तसहस्रा शतषटुं चैकसप्ततिधास्याः । द्वात्रिंशदक्षरमितैः श्लोकैः सर्व प्रमाणमिति ॥ ग्रंथाग्रं श्लोकसंख्यायां ।। ७६७१ ॥ इति वीरगणिविरचिता या शिष्यहिता नाम पिंडनियुक्तिवृत्तिः समाप्तेति || शिवमस्तु सर्वजगतः ॥ ॥ मंगलं महाश्रीः ।।।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 30 PALM-LEAF MSS. 47. Pindavisuddhi [पिण्डविशुद्धिः], in Prakrit, by JINA - VALLABHAGAŅI; with Commentary composed by YAŚODEVASÛRI in Samvat 1176. Stated to contain 2,800 Granthas. 142 leaves, numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Each page is divided into three columns. Size of leaves 18} '2 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 5. Aksharas in a line 65 to 70. Date : Samvat 1300. Begins : ओं॥ नमो जिनाय ।। यदुदितलवयोगादेहिनः स्युः कृतार्था स्तमिह शुभनिधानं वर्द्धमानं प्रणम्य । स्वपरजनहितार्थ पिंडशुद्धविधास्ये जिनपतिमतनीत्या वृत्तिमल्पां सुवोधां ॥ १ ॥ तत्र चाहत्मणीतसमयसंपर्कावदातमतिजलधिर्भगवान् जिनवल्लभगणिः दुःखमाकालदोषादत्यंत हीयमानायुर्वृद्ध्यादीन् संप्रतिकालसाध्वादीनवलोक्य तदनुग्रहार्थं विस्तरवत् । पिंडैषणाध्ययनसारमादाय संक्षिप्ततरं पिंडविशुद्ध्याख्यप्रकरणं चिकीर्षुरादावेव विघ्नवातनिरासार्थ सिष्टसमयपरिपालनार्थं च इष्टदेवतास्तुतिरूपमत्यंताव्यभिचारि भावमंगलं श्रोतृजनप्रवृत्त्यर्थमभिधेयादि च प्रतिपादयन्निमां गाथामाह ॥ देविंदविंदवंदिय०. Ends: समाप्ता चेयं पिंडविशुद्धिप्रकरणवृत्तिः॥ ॥ ॥ ॥ २९०० ग्रंथागं प्रतिवर्णतो गणनया न्यूनं सहस्रत्रयं शतकयेनेति ॥ ॥ Here follow two verses, a great portion of which is effaced. - - - - - - - - - - श्रीमद्वीरगणिप्रभुः ॥ २॥ श्रीचंद्रसूरिनामा शिष्योभूत्तस्य भारतीमधुरः। आनंदितभव्यजनः संशितसंशुद्धसिद्धांतः ॥ ३॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 31 तस्यांतेवासिना भूत्वा श्रीयशोदेवसूरिणा । सुशिष्यपार्श्वदेवस्य साहाय्यात्प्रस्तुता मया ॥ ४ ॥ श्रुतोपयोगोऽशुभकर्मनाशनो विपक्षभावप्रतिवंधसाधनः । परोपकारश्च महाफलावहो विचिंत्य चैतद्विहितोयमुद्यमः॥५॥ पिंडविशुद्धिप्रकरणवृत्तिं कृत्वा यदवाप्नं मया कुशलं । तेनाभवमपि भूयाद् भगवद्वचने ममाभ्यासः ॥ ६ ॥ श्रुतहेमनिकषपट्टैः श्रीमन्मुनिचंद्रसूरिभिः पूज्यैः । संशोधितेयमखिला प्रयत्नतः शेषविवुधैश्च ॥७॥ ।। ।। ग्रंथागं २८०० ॥ षटाजींदुहिमांशुभिः परिमिते वर्षे गते विक्रमानिष्पन्नेयमिति || संवत् विक्रम १३ वर्षशतेषु पुस्तिकेयं लिखिता ॥ 48. Prajnapanapradesavyakhya. [प्रज्ञापनाप्रदेशव्याख्या] by HARIBHADRA. . 97 leaves, the first two of which are broken. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Each page is divided into three columns. Size of leaves 22 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 5 to 6. Aksharas in a line 120. Ends : समाप्ता चेयं प्रज्ञापनाप्रदेशव्याख्यति ॥ आचार्यजिनभटस्य हि सुसाधुजनसेवितस्य शिष्येण । जिनवचनभावितमतेर्वृत्तवतस्तत्प्रसादेन ॥ किंचित्प्रक्षेपसंस्कारद्वारेणैवं कृता स्फुटा । आचार्यहरिभद्रेण टीका प्रज्ञापनाश्रया ॥ 49. Pramananayatattvalokalamkara [प्रमाणनयतत्त्वालोकालंकारः]. ___Fragments of about 100 leaves, numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. Size of leaves, as they appear now, IL X 2 inches. Lines on a page, 5 to 7. Aksharas in a line so to 55. 50. Moharajaparajaya [मोहराजपराजयः], an allegorical play in five acts, celebrating the support given by Kumarapala to the Jain religion; composed by YASAHPALA, the son of the minister Dhanadeva and of Rukmini, of the Modha family, and himself minister of king Ajayadeva. The play is represented as having been first acted at Thârâpadrapura, the capital of Marwar. The last leaf of the MS. is numbered 105, but the leaves 65, 67-69, 73, 75, 80, and 83-91 are missing. The existing leaves are well preserved; they are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 12 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 6. Aksharas in a line 45 to 50. Begins : ओं ।। नमः सर्वज्ञाय || अमरविसरशीर्षक्रीडदापीडरत्न प्रचुररुचिररोचिधामरैयुब्यपादं । रमयति शिवलक्ष्मीनिर्मलं चिन्मयं यं स जयति वृषलक्ष्मा नाभिजन्मा जिनेंद्रः ॥ १॥ उत्तंसयति मुक्तिं यः सूक्तिमर्थ इवोज्वलः । नतोस्मि तस्मै श्रीपार्श्वस्वामिने परमात्मने ।। २॥ अपि च ॥ यः संरंभभवद्वलिस्थपुटितं चक्रे न भालस्थल भ्रूभंग न मुहुर्बबंध नयने निन्ये न ताम्रद्युतिं । नोचैर्वाचमुवाच वर्म न दधे दधे न चास्त्रं करे व्यामोह नृपमेवमेव जितवान् वीरः स वस्त्रायतां ॥ ३ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 33 Fol. 26 आर्ये ।। श्रूयतामिदमादिशति स्म तत्रभवान् श्रीसंघः। यदद्य मरुमंडलकमलामुखमंडनकर्पूरपत्रांकुरथारापद्रपुरपरिष्कारकुमारविहारक्रोडालंकारश्रीवीरजिनेश्वरयात्रामहोत्सवप्रसंगसंगतं । अस्तोकं सामाजिकलोकं कस्यापि निस्तुषरसोपनिषन्निस्यंदिनी रूपकस्याभिनयदर्शनेन परमप्रमोदसंपदं संप्रापयेति || ............ ___ आर्ये अस्त्येव श्रीमोढवंशावतंसेन श्रीअजयदेवचक्रवर्तिचरणराजीवराजहंसेन मंत्रिधनदेवतनुजन्मना रुक्मिणीकुक्षिलालितेन ... परमाहतेन यशःपालकविना विनिम्मितं मोहराजपराजयो नाम नाटकं ॥ नटी ।। साकूतं ॥ अज्य मोहराजपराजउत्ति नाम पि दाव सुंदरं । ता किमित्थवनीयदित्ति सोदुभिछामि ।। सूत्र ।। सोत्साहं ॥ आर्ये समासतः श्रोत्रे श्रोतुमवधेहि तावत् ।। इह हि ॥ पद्मासन कुमारपालनृपतिर्जज्ञे सचंद्रान्वयी जैन धर्ममवाप्य पापशमनं श्रीहेमचंद्राद्गुरोः । निर्वीराधनमुज्झता विदधता द्यूतादिनिर्वासनं .. येनैकेन भटेन मोहनृपतिर्जिग्ये जगत्कंटकः ॥ ४ ॥ नटी ।। अज्य जदि एवं ता एदस्स राएसिणो परमवोधिसत्तस्स अचम्भुदचरिदेण विछाइदाई चिरंदणमहानरिंदललिदाई ॥ सूत्र ।। आर्य एवमेवैतत् । कः संदेहः ।। किंच ॥ अपरमपि किमत्र न प्रवेकमाकलयामः ।। यतः ।। थारापद्रपुरं निसर्गचतुरं चैत्येषु सर्वोत्तम किंवैतन्जिनमंदिरं रसमयं चौलुक्यवृत्तं स्वयं । जंघालः कविराजवर्त्मसु यशःपालः प्रवीणः कविमगृह्याः कुशलाः कलासु तदहो दिष्द्या प्रसन्नो विधिः ॥५॥ कर For Private and Personal Use Only Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 34 PALM-LEAF MSS. Fol. 146 Kumarapala, एको यः सकलं कुतूहलितया वभ्राम भूमंडलं प्रीत्या यत्र पतिवरा समभवत्साम्राज्यलक्ष्मीः स्वयं । श्रीसिद्धाधिपविप्रयोगविधुरामीणयद्यः प्रजां कस्यासो विदितो न गूर्जरपतिश्चौलुक्यवंशध्वजः ॥२८॥ Ends: श्रीश्वेतांवरहेमचंद्र वचसा पात्रे मम श्रोतसी श्रीसर्वज्ञपदारविंदयुगले भृगायितं चेतसः । त्वत्पुच्या कृपया समं परि वयो योगस्त्वया सर्वदा भूयान्मे भुवने यशः शशिसखं मोहांधकारछिदे ।। इति निष्क्रांताः सर्वे । पंवमोऽकः समाप्तः ।। ७ ।। इति श्रीमंत्रियशःपालविरचितं मोहराजपराजयो नाम नाटकं ।। ॥ ७॥ कल्याणमस्तु ।। २।। मंगलं महाश्रीः ।। ५।। 51. Yogarastravritti [योगशास्त्रवृत्तिः]. Fraginents of about 150 leaves. 52. The same. Fragments of about 300 leaves. Rajaprasniya; see below No. 72. Rajaprasniyopangavrittika; see below No. 72. 53. Rudratakavyalamkaratippanaka [रुद्रटकाव्यालंकाTOT7 by NAMI; stated to contain 3,coo Granthas. Fol. 86 इति स्वेलभिक्षुनमिविरचितं रुद्रटकाव्यालंकारप्रथमाध्यायप्पिन समाप्तम् ॥ 276 इति ग्धेतांवरनमिविरचिते रुद्रटालंकाराटिप्पनके द्वितीयोध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ 456 ...... टिप्पनके यमकाध्यायस्तृतीयः ।। 65a स्वेतांवरपंडितनभिविचिते रुद्रटालंकारपिनके श्लेषाध्यायश्चतुर्थः।। 812 ...... पप्पनके चिमाध्यायः पंचमः समाप्तः ॥ 986 इति स्वेतांवरनमिविरचिते रुद्रनालंकारटिप्पनके षष्ठोध्यायःसमाप्तः।। 125b इति नमिसावविरचिते रुद्रदालंकारदिपनके वास्तवाध्यायः सप्तमः समाप्तः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 151a साधुन मिविरचिते रुद्रटालंकारटिप्पनके औपम्याध्यायोऽष्टमः स माप्तः ॥ 16oa इति नमिसाधविरचिते रुद्रटालंकारटिप्पनके अतिशयालंकाराध्या यो नवमः समाप्तः ॥ 171a ......टिप्पनके श्लेषाध्यायो दशमः समाप्तः ॥ 184a .....टिप्पनके अर्थदोषाध्यायः एकादशमः समाप्तः ॥ 187b ......विप्पनके द्वादशोध्यायः समाप्तः ॥ 1886 इति पंडितनमिविरचिते रुद्रदालंकारविष्पनके त्रयोदशोध्यायः स माप्तः।। Igrb इति नमिसाईविरचिते रुद्रटालंकाररिप्पन के चतुर्दशोध्यायःसमाप्तः॥ 1936 इति नमिसाधुकृते रुद्रटालंकारटिप्पनके पंचदशोऽध्यायः समाप्तः॥ End of Adhy. XVI on Fol. 1986. 199 leaves; with the exception of a few slightly worm-eaten leaves, well preserved; numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 13 X iš inches. Lines on a page 4. Aksharas in a line 60 to 65. Date: Samvat 1176. Begins : निःशेषापि त्रिलोकी विनयपरतया संनमन्ती पुरस्ता यस्यांदिवसक्तांगुलिविमलनखादर्शसक्रांतदेहा । निर्रतिस्थानलीना भयदभवमहारातिभीत्येव भाति । श्रीमन्नाभेयदेवः स भवतु भवतां शर्मणे कर्ममुक्तः।।१॥ पूर्वमहामतिविरचितवृत्त्यनुसारेण किमपि रचयामि । संक्षिप्ततरं रुद्रटकाव्यालंकारटिप्पनकं ॥ २॥ इह शास्त्रकारः शिष्टस्थितिपालनार्थमविनेन शास्त्रसमाप्त्यर्थं च प्रथममेव तावत् गणनायकस्य स्तुतिमाह ॥ अविरलेत्यादि ।। Ends: एवं रुटकाव्यालंकारटिप्पनकविरचनात्पुण्यं । यदवापि मया तस्मान्मनः परोपकृतिरति भूयात् ॥ ७॥ थारापद्रपुरीयगछतिलकः पांडित्यसीमाभव त्सरिभूरिगुणैकमंदिरमिह श्रीशालिभद्राभिधः । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 36 PALM-LEAF MSS. तत्पादांवुजषट्पदेन नमिना संक्षेपसंप्रेक्षिणः पुंसो मुग्धधियोधिकृत्य रचितं सट्टिप्पन लघ्वदः ॥ ------ द्वितथं विवृतं किमपीह तन्महामतिभिः । संशोधनीयमखिलं रचितांजलिरेष याचेहं ।। ३ ।। सहन त्रयमन्यून मं(?)थो(?)यं(?)पं(?)डितोखिलः द्वात्रिंशदक्षरश्लोकप्रमाणेन सुनिश्चितं ॥ ४ ॥ ७ ॥ षट्सप्ततिसंयुक्तैरेकादशसमासतैः । विक्रमात्ममतिकातैः प्रावृषीदं समर्थितं ।। ७ ॥छ ॥ ७ ॥ माघमासे तथा कृष्णे सुप्तम्यां शुक्रवारये । चित्रकूटास्थितेनेदं शिवदेवेन सूनुना । नैगामान्वयकायस्थलेखितं जल्लणेन तु ।। ७ ॥ मंगलमस्तु ॥ On the back of the last leaf, in a different hand-writing': संवत् १४७१ वर्षे श्रीपरतरगछे श्रीजिनराजसूरिपट्टे श्रीजिनवर्द्धनसूरीणां सषि उदयशीलगणि. Lalitavistarapanjika; see above No. 21. 54. Varttikatippana. [वार्तिकटिप्पनम्]. Fragments of about 150 leaves. 55. Vicharasara [विचारसारः] by JINAVALLABHAGANI, in Prakrit; with a gloss in Prakrit and Sanskrit. 128 leaves, generally well preserved. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 13 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 5. Aksharas in a line 65. 56. Viseshavasyakabhashya [विशेषावश्यकभाष्यम्] ; stated to contain 4,822 Granthas. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 37 . I31 leaves, some of which are much damaged. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Each page is divided into three columns. Size of leaves 251 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 5 to 6. Aksharas in a line ilo to 115. 57. Viseshavasvakabhashyatika [विशेषावश्यकभाष्यटीका) by KOTYACHARYA, on the Bhashya of Jinabhadragani-kshanaśramana; stated to contain 13,700 Granthas. The MS. was once the property of Jinavallabhagaại, the pupil of Jinesvarasturi. 341 leaves, some of which are broken, and others slightly damaged. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Each page is divided into three columns. Size of leaves 254.X 2 inches. ... Lines on a page 5 to 7. Aksharas in a line 120 to 140. Date: Samvat 1138. Ends : समाप्तमिदं विशेषावश्यकम् ॥ ७ ॥ कृतिर्जिनभद्रगणिक्षमाश्रमणपूज्यपादानां ।। ७ ॥ भाष्यं सामायिकस्य स्फुटविकटपदार्थोपगूढं यदेत च्छीमत्पूज्यैरकारि क्षतकलुषधियां भूरिसंस्कारकारि । तस्य व्याख्यानमात्रं किमपि विदधता यन्मया पुण्यमाप्त प्रेत्याहं द्राग्लभेयं परमपरिमितां प्रीतिमत्रैव तेन ॥॥ लिखित पुस्तकं चेदं नेमिकमारसंज्ञिना । प्राग्वाटकुलजातेन शुद्धाक्षरविलेखिना ॥ सं ११३८ पौष वदि ७ ॥ कोद्याचार्यकृता टीका समाप्नति ।। ग्रंथागमस्यां त्रयोदश सहस्राणि सप्तशताधिकानि ॥ १३७०० ।। पुस्तकं चेदं विश्रुतश्रीजिनेश्वरसूरिशिष्यस्य जिनवल्लभगणेरिति ॥ . For Private and Personal Use Only Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 38 58. Viseshavasyakavritti Sishyahita [विशेषावश्यवृत्तिः शिष्यहिता ]. The name of the writer of this MS and of the lady at whose expense it was written for the Muni Devabhadra at Vadhvân are given below. PALM-LEAF MSS. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 345 leaves, some of which are broken. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Each page is divided into three columns. Size of leaves 28 x 24 inches. Lines on a page 5 to 7. Aksharas in a line 120 to 125. Date: Samvat 119-(?). Ends: : इत्येषा शिष्यहिता नाम विशेषावश्यकवृत्तिः परिसमाप्ता ॥६॥ यस्याघपूगः क्षयमेत्यशेषो ध्यानादपीहान्यभवेपि जातः । रवेरिव ध्वांतभरः प्रतापात्स वः प्रदेयादृषभो जिनः शं ॥ १ ॥ अस्तीह सद्रत्ननिवासधिष्ण्यमुरुप्रपंचावृतभूमिपीठः । श्रीमानने कांगिगणाश्रयश्च सन्मोढवंशः सरिदीशतुल्यः || २ || तस्मिन्वंशे प्रसृतसुयशः पूरिताशाचतुष्को दक्षत्वाद्यैर्वरगुणगणैरन्वितः श्रावकोभूत् । सम्यक्त्वाद्यो वरगुरुगिरापास्तमिथ्यात्व मोहः शांत्याह्वानो जिनपतिपदांभोजयुग्मद्विरेफः || ३ | शीलालंकृतकाया दानदयोद्युक्तमानसा सततं । जिन पूजारतचित्ता यशोमतिस्तस्य वरपत्नी ॥ ४ ॥ ताभ्यामादिजिनेंद्र पूजनविधावासक्तचित्तोनिशं सूनुः सर्वजनोपकारकरणप्रह्वः कृपामंदिरं । नित्यं सहूतिवर्गदाननिरतो मानादिदोषोज्झितो गांभीर्यादिगुणौघलब्धमहिमा प्रद्युम्नसंज्ञोऽजनि ॥ ५ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 39 इतश्च ॥ इहैव वंशे जिनपादभक्तः सुश्रावको वोसकसंज्ञको ऽभूत् । सुधर्मकर्मोद्यतमानसा च तस्याय्यभार्याऽजनि सेसिकाख्या ।। ६॥ तस्याः साहडसंज्ञकः सुचरितः सूनुर्महात्माऽभव____च्छेष्ठा चारुचरित्रलक्षणवती पुत्री च लक्ष्मीगिता । या लक्ष्मीरिव केशवस्य दयिता प्रद्युम्ननामो गृहे विख्यातात्मगुणोत्करेण जनताचेतश्वमुत्कारिणा ॥ ७ ॥ अपत्यसप्तकं तस्या वभूव गुणमंदिरं ।। मुतास्त्रयो महात्मानश्चतस्रः पुत्रिकास्तथा ।। ८ ।। ज्येष्ठः सूनुरुदारतादिभिरिह प्राप्तप्रसिद्धिर्गुणै- . रत्र्यैराम्रयशोभिधो जिनमहव्यासंगतनिष्ठधीः । स्वछंदं विचरन्वरेण्यकरिवद्यः कीर्तिगंधाहतै : __ . सदानासवलिप्सयार्थिमधुपवातैः सदा सेव्यते ॥ ९ ॥ वोढुं नियुक्तोऽखिलकार्यभारधुरं सुधौरेय इव स्वपित्रा । . दम्योपि यस्तां वहति स्म धीमान् विश्रब्धचेताः पर कार्यहेतोः ॥१०॥ जिनमानरतो नित्यं द्वितीयो धवलाभिधः । सद्गुणाकर चक्षुष्यस्तृतीयो जेसलाह्वयः ॥ ११॥ यशोमतिज्येष्ठसुता वरेण्या तथापरा श्रीरिति चारुपुत्री । सुशीलयुक्ताऽथ च रुक्मिणीति राजीमती तुर्यसुता वभूव ।। १२॥ ततश्च ॥ . .. . श्रीवर्द्धमानाख्यपुरे वरिष्ठे संतिष्ठमाना सदयाऽन्यदाथ ।। श्रीदेवभद्राख्यमुनींद्र मूले शुभाव लक्ष्मीर्वरदानधर्म ॥ १३ ॥ तद्यथा ॥ विज्ञाय प्रवलप्रभंजनचलदीपांकुरालीसमं लोके जीवितयौवनार्थविषयप्रेमाद्यशेष सदा । For Private and Personal Use Only Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 40 PALM-LEAF MSS. धीमद्भिर्धवपुण्यसंग्रहकृते कर्मक्षयकार्थिभिः कर्त्तव्यः सुनयाजितात्मविभवैः सहानधर्मोद्यमः ॥ १४ ।। ज्ञानोपष्टंभाभयविभेदतस्त्रिविधमुक्तमिह दान । जिनमतजलधावाद्यं गृहिणां तत्रापि बहुफलदं ॥ १५ ॥ यतः ।। मोहांधकारावृतचित्तदृष्टेनिप्रदीपो वृषवर्त्मदर्शी । भवार्णवाज्ञानजले निमज्जनृणां भवेज्ज्ञानमिहाय्यपोतः ॥ १६ ॥ ज्ञानं मुक्तिपुरीप्रतोलिपरिघप्रध्वंसनानेकपो ज्ञानं नाकगिरींद्ररम्यशिखरप्रारोहसोपानकं । ज्ञानं दुर्गतिदुर्गकूपपततामालंवनं देहिनां ज्ञानं संशयपादपोरुविपिनछेदे कुठारः पटुः ॥ १७ ॥ तस्यैवमाद्यैर्यतिपुंगवेदोश्चंचइचश्वारुमरीचिभिः सा । संबोधिता कैरविणीव पश्चादुज्जृभमाणास्यसरोरुहेह ॥ १८ ॥ लेखयित्वात्मसारेण विशेषावश्यकस्य हि ।। वृत्तेरिदं द्वितीयाद्धं तस्मै सद्गुरवे ददौ ।। १९ ।। अपनयति तमिरं यावदर्केदुविवं दिनरजनिनिलीनं तीव्रशीतांशुसंधैः । इह जगति वरिष्ठं पुस्तकं तावदेत द्विबुधमुनिजनौधैः पद्यमानं प्रनंद्यात् ॥ २० ॥ श्रीविक्रमाद ----- धिग्रहरुद्रसंख्यका - - - - - - तस्यां (?) समर्थितं प्रवरगुरुदिवसे ॥ २१ ॥ तद्गतात्मा विलिख्येदमाशादित्याभिधो द्विजः ॥ निजप्रज्ञानुसारेण प्रशस्तिमकरोदिमाम् ।। २२ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra PALM-LEAF MSS. Size of leaves 18 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 7. Aksharas in a line 65 to 70. Begins: ओं || नमः सर्वज्ञाय || 59. Satakavritti Vineyahita [ शतक वृत्तिर्विनेयाहता ] by HEMACHANDRA ; stated to contain nearly 3,700 Granthas. 198 leaves, numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Each page is divided into three columns. 6 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir जयत्यभिप्रेतसमृद्धिहेतुः शमी समाधिक्षतकर्मवीजः । सुरेंद्रवंद्यः स्फुटवस्तुवादी मुनीश्वरः श्रीजिनवर्द्धमानः || मतिसरितां जलनिधयो निखिलविनिर्दिष्टकर्मपरिणतयः | श्रुतसागरपारदृशो जयंति गणधारिणः सर्वे | एकैकमपि श्रुत्वा वाक्यं यस्यास्तकर्ममलपटलैः । शिवपदमनन्तजीवैर्लेभे तज्जयति जिनवचनम् || 41 इहानंतभवभ्रमणनिबंधनमहामोह संततिसलिलगहने विविधाधिव्याधिनचक्रातिरौद्रे जातिजरामरणप्रवंधमहोर्मिभीमे गंभीरापार संसारवारान्निधौ निमज्जता पुरुषेण प्रवणयानपात्रमिव संप्राप्य श्रीसर्वज्ञ - धर्मान्वितं मनुष्यजन्म परोपकारे यतितव्यं तस्यैव सकलधर्मसार - त्वेन यथोक्तमनुष्यजन्मफलत्वादुक्तं च । संक्षेपात्कथ्यते धर्मो जनाः किं विस्तरेण नः | परोपकारः पुण्याय पापाय परपीडनं || स चोपकारः परमार्थतो जिनवचनोपदेश एव तस्यैवानंतभवो - पचितक्लेशविछेदहेतुत्वादिति जिनवचनोपदेशेनैवोपकर्त्तव्याः प्राणिनः । स च जिनवचनोपदेशो यद्यप्युपदेष्टव्यभेदादनेकधा तथापि कर्मणः सकलदुःखमूलत्वात्स्वरूपमेव यत्नतो ज्ञापनीयं | ज्ञापिते हि सकलदुः For Private and Personal Use Only Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. खमूले कर्मण्यवगततत्स्वरूपाः प्राणिनस्तदपगमार्थ यत्नमाधाय परमनिर्वृतिमधिगच्छंतीति निश्चित्य वहुविस्तरातिगंभीरकर्मप्रकृतिप्राभृतादिग्रंथोक्तकर्मस्वरूपावगाहनाऽसमर्थानां तथाविधायुर्वलमेधादिसामग्रीविकलानां सांप्रतसाधूनामनुग्रहकाम्यया समधिगतश्रुतजलधितत्वैरनेकवादसमरविजयिभिः श्रीशिवशर्मसूरिभिः संक्षिप्ततरं सुखाववोधं च गाथाशतपरिमाणनिष्पन्नयथार्थनामकं शतकाख्यं प्रकरणमभ्यधायीति । इदं च यद्यपि पूर्वचूर्णिणकारैरपि व्याख्यातं तथापि तचूर्णानामतिगंभीरत्वादस्मादृशां दुरधिगमत्वाच्च गुरुभ्यः समधिगतार्थस्यात्मसंस्मृतयेऽल्पधियामनुग्रहार्थं च मंदमतिनापि मया व्याख्यायते ॥ ७ ॥ अत्र चेयमादिगाथा सुणह इहेत्यादि ।। Ends : विनेयहिता नाम शतकवृत्तिः समाप्ता ॥ ७॥ प्रायोन्यशास्त्रदृष्टः सर्वोप्यर्थो मयात्र संरचितः । न पुनः स्वमनीषिकया तथापि यत्किंचिदिह वितथं ।। १ ।। सूत्रमतिलंव्य लिखितं तच्छोध्यं मय्यनुग्रहं कृत्वा । परकीयदोषगुणयोस्त्यागोपादानविधिकुशलैः ।। २ ।। छद्मस्थस्य हि बुद्धिः स्खलति न कस्येह कर्मवशगस्य । सदुद्धिविरहितानां विशेषतो मद्विधासुमतां ।। ३ ॥ कृत्वा यवृत्तिमिमां पुण्यं समुपार्जितं मया तेन । मुक्तिमचिरेण लभतां क्षपितरजाः सर्वभव्यजनः ॥ ४ ॥ श्रीप्रश्नवाहनकुलांवुनिधिप्रसूतः क्षोणीतलप्रथितकीतिरुदीर्णशाखः । विश्वप्रसाधितविकल्पितवस्तुरुच्चैश्छायाश्रितप्रचुरनिर्वृतभव्यजंतुः॥१॥ ज्ञानादिकुसुमनिचितः फलितः श्रीमन्मुनींद्रफलवृंदैः । कल्पद्रुम इव गछः श्रीहर्षपुरीयनामास्ति ।। २।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 43 एतस्मिन् गुणरत्नरोहणगिरिर्गाभीर्यपाथोनिधि स्तुंगत्वानुकृतक्षमाधरपतिः सौम्यत्वतारापतिः । सम्यग्ज्ञानविशुद्धसंयमतपःस्वाचारचर्यानिधिः शांतः श्रीजयसिंहसूरिरभवन्निःसंगचूडामणिः ॥ ३ ॥ रत्नाकरादिवैतस्माच्छिष्यरत्नं वभूव तत् । स वागीशोपि नो मन्ये यद्गुणग्रहणे प्रभुः ।। ४ ॥ श्रीवीरदेवविवुधैः सन्मंत्राद्यतिशयप्रवरतोयैः । द्रुम इव यः संसिक्तः कस्तद्गुणकीर्त्तने विवुधः ॥ ५॥ तथा हि ॥ आज्ञा यस्य नरेश्वरैरपि शिरस्यारोप्यते सादरं यं दृष्ट्वापि मुदं व्रजति परमां प्रायोतिदुष्टा अपि । यइक्रांधिनियंदुज्वलवचःपीयूषपानोद्यतै___ गीर्वाणैरिव दुग्धसिंधुमथने तृप्तिन लेभे जनैः ॥ ६ ॥ कृत्वा येन तपः सुदुःकरतरं विश्वं प्रवोध्य प्रभो स्तीर्थ सर्वविदः प्रभावितमिदं तैस्तैः स्वकीयैर्गुणैः ।। शुक्लीकुर्वदशेषविश्वकुहरं भव्यैर्निवद्धस्पृहं यस्याशास्वनिवारितं विचरति श्वेतांशुगौरं यशः ।। ७ ।। यमुनाप्रवाहविमलश्रीमन्मुनिचंद्रसूरिसंपर्कात् । अमरसरितैव सकलं पवित्रितं येन भुवनतलं ॥ ८ ॥ विस्फूर्जत्कलिकालदुस्तरतमःसंतानलुप्तस्थितिः ___ सूर्येणेव विवेकभूधरशिरस्यासाद्य येनोदयं । सम्यग्ज्ञानकरैश्चिरंतनमुनिक्षुण्णः समुद्योतितो मार्गः सोभयदेवसूरिरभवत्तेभ्यः प्रसिद्धो भुवि ॥ ९ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 44 PALM-LEAF MSS. तच्छिष्यलवप्रायैरवगीतार्थोपि शिष्टजनतुष्टयै ।। श्रीहेमचंद्रसूरिभिरियमनुरचिता शतकवृत्तिः ॥ १० ॥ ग्रंथाग्रमनुष्टुभां किंचिन्यूनसप्तत्रिशच्छतान्यंकतोपि ।। ३७०० ॥ ___80. Sabdasiddhi [शब्दसिद्धिः], a gloss in Sanskrit and Prakrit on Durgasiinha's commentary on the Katantra, by PANDITA MAHADEVA, the son of Dhundhuka. ___177 leaves ; two leaves are numbered 32. Up to 30, the leaves are numbered both with numeral figures and with letters; from 31 only with numeral figures. Size of leaves 15 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 7. Aksharas in a line so. Date : Samvat 1340. Begins : नमः श्रीसर्वज्ञाय । प्रणम्य भारती देवीं गणेशं सर्वकामदं । दौर्गसिंह्यामिमां वृत्तौ शब्दव्युत्पत्तिमारभे ।। १ ॥ सटी--- कां सम्यक् बुद्ध्वा शास्त्रकृदाशयं । अवेक्ष्य बहुशास्त्राणि व्युत्पत्तिबोधकानि च ॥ २ ॥ धात्वर्थमूलं बालानां व्युत्पत्तये समासतः । शब्दसिद्ध्याभिधा वृत्तिर्महादेवेन रच्यते ।। ३ ॥ अन्यशास्त्रेषु यदृष्टं लिखितं यन्मयाखिलं | संतव्यं तद्भुधैः सर्वं यद्यपि स्यादपेशलं ॥ ४ ॥ तथा च । नत्वा श्रीशारदां देवीं दिव्यज्ञानामृतप्रपां । वक्ष्ये शैष्येषु शिक्षायै रूपसिद्धिक्रम क्रमात् ॥ १॥ तत्रादौ नमस्कारभणनं ॥ देवदेवामित्यादि । Ends : इति श्रीधंधुकात्मजपंडितमहादेवविरचितायां शब्दव्युत्पादनायां वृत्तौ स्तोकरूपसिद्धिसहितायां वृत्तौ तद्धितप्रकरणं समाप्त For Private and Personal Use Only Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. मिति ॥ ॥ शुभं भवतु ।। ।। सं १३४० वर्षे ज्येष्ठ शुदि ५ रवी श्रीदर्भावत्यां परीक्षिंधीणाकेन दत्तोपाध्याय पं॰पद्मचंद्रेण पुस्तिका लिखिता ॥ ४ ॥ ७॥ After this, on a separate leaf, in a different handwriting : __संवत् १३९३ श्रीजिनकुशलसूरिशिष्यश्रीजिनपद्मसूरिसुगुरूपदेशेन सा• केला-वकपुत्ररत्नेन सा• किरता सुश्रावकेण सत्पुत्र सा. विजमल सा० कर्मसिंहपौत्रजयसिंहप्रमुखसारपरिवारेण अनेकपुस्तिकामूल्येन गृह्नता स्वभगिनीनायकसुश्राविकापुण्यार्थ चतुष्कवृत्तिसाधनिका पुस्तिका मूल्येन गृहीता ।। वाच्यमाना नंदतात् आचंद्राकै ॥ 61. Sabdanusasana. [शब्दानुशासनम्], with Vritti, by MALAYAGIRI; incomplete. 282 leaves. The leaves from 20 to 288 are well preserved ; 8-19 are somewhat broken; there are fragments of 8 more leaves. Two leaves are numbered 273. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 141 X 24 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 6. Aksharas in a line so. Fol. 86 इति श्रीमलयगिरिविरचिते शब्दानशासने वृत्तौ द्वितीयः संधिः समाप्तः; 136 तृतीयः संधिः; I86 चतुर्थः संधिः; 266 पञ्चमः संधिः. __Fol. 34a इति श्रीमलयगिरिविरचिते शब्दानुशासने नाम्नि प्रथमः पादः स. माप्तः; 470 इति श्रीमलयगिरिविरचिते शब्दानुशासने वृत्तौ नाम्नि द्वितीयः पादः समाप्तः; 556 नाम्नि तृतीयः पादः; 696 चतुर्थः; 82a पञ्चमः; 926 षष्ठः; 107a सप्तमः; 123a अष्टमः; 1406 नवमः. ___Fol. 147a इति श्रीमलयगिरिविरचिते शब्दानुशासने वृत्ती आख्याते प्रथमः पादः समाप्त:; 1596 द्वितीयः; 1666 तृतीयः; 176a चतुर्थः; I91a पञ्चमः; 2016 षष्ठः; 210a सप्तमः; 2186 अष्टमः; 2266 नवमः; 2334 दशमः. Fol. 241b इति श्रीमलयगिरिविरचिते शब्दानुशासने वृत्तौ कृति प्रथमः पादः समाप्तः; 25la द्वितीयः; 2596 तृतीयः; 275a चतुर्थः. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 46 PALM-LEAF MSS. Want of time has hitherto prevented me from examining this work as carefully as I should wish to do. Besides I am in hopes of obtaining additional MSS. of it, for which a search is being made. The instances अनु शाकटायनं वैयाकरणाः and इतिशाकटायनम् on Foll. 96b and II8b, as well as certain technical terms, would seem to show that the work is closely related to the grammar of Sâkatâyana. The instance अदहदरातीन्कुमारपाल: on Fol. 255b proves that the work was composed in the reign of Kumârapâla, between 1143 and II74 A.D. 62. Sabdanusasanalaghuvritti [शब्दानुशासनलघुवृत्तिः] by HEMACHANDRA. Adhyayas I, I-III, 2. (Fol. 56 इत्याचार्यश्रीहेमचंद्रविरचितायां सिद्धहेमचंद्राभिधानस्वोपज्ञशब्दानुशासनलघुवृत्तौ प्रथमस्याध्यायस्य प्रथमः पादः). Stated to contain I,665 Granthas. ... 137 leaves, numbered with the numeral figures on the right hand side. Size of leaves 141 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 4. Aksharas in a line 45 to 50. Date : Samvat 1315. Begins : || अहं ॥ प्रणम्य परमात्मानं श्रेयः शब्दानुशासन । आचार्यहेमचंद्रेण स्मृत्वा किंचित् प्रकाश्यते ।। अहँ ॥ अहमित्येतदक्षरं परमेश्वरस्य परमेष्ठिनो वाचकं मंगलार्थ शास्त्रस्यादौ प्रणिदध्महे ॥ ७॥ सिद्धिः स्याहादात् ।। __Ends: वावाप्योस्तनिक्रीधामहोर्वपीअवाप्योपसर्गस्य तन्क्रियोरपेश्च धामहोः परयो यथासंख्यं वपी वा स्यात् । वतंसः । अवतंसः । वक्रयः । अवक्रयः । पिहितं अपिहितं । पिनद्धं । अपिनद्धं ॥ ७ ॥ तृतीयस्याध्यायस्य द्वितीयः पादः समाप्तः ॥ ॥ ग्रंथायं १६६५॥ संवत् १३१५ वर्षे चैत्र वदि चतुर्थीदिने वुधवारे । स्तंभतीर्थे । पं० शीलभद्रेण । दशार्णभद्रस्य योग्या । व्याकरणचतुष्कपुस्तिका लिखिता ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 63. The same; Adhyâyas 1,1-III, 2. 141 leaves ; leaf 105 is missing. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 143 X 1 inches. Lines on a page 4. Aksharas in a line 55 to 6o. 64. Sabdanusasanavritti (37527TATA-TIT:] by HEMACHANDRA; Adhyâyas I, I-II, 1. 178 leaves, eaten away on the right hand side. The leaves are numbered with letters on the left hand side. 65. Santinathacharita [ISTATYT||74], a Mahâkâvya by MÂNIKYACHANDRA ; incomplete. Fragments of about 300 leaves ; numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves, as they appear now, 16 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 5. Aksharas in a line 55 to 60. Sravakapratikramanavritti; see above No. 43. 66. Saptatika (anghi] in Prakrit, with commentary in Sanskrit by MALAYAGIRI, The last leaf is numbered 205, but the following leaves are missing: 58-61, 64, 67, 68, 71, 79, 87-89, 91-95, 98, 99, 122158, 194, and 202. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 173 X 21 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 6. Aksharas in a line 60. The commentary begins: Th: Hoang I अशेषकांशतमःसमूहक्षयाय भास्वानिव दीप्ततेजाः । TATTTETET69: 47: # HITTASHA: 11 The Prâksit text begins: सिद्धपएहिं महत्थं वंधोदयसंतपयडिठाणानं । वोछं सुण संखेवं नीसंदं दिविवायस्स ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 67. Sarasvatikanthabharana [atu FETHTT] by Mahârâjâdhiraja SRIBHOJADEVA; incomplete. 353 leaves, more or less damaged. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right and left hand sides. Size of leaves, as they appear now, 134 X 1 inches. Line on a page 4 to 5. Aksharas in a line 55. 68. Siddhahemachandrasabdanusasanarahasyavritti [ SHTEGTETJETHETETLEFT:], Adhyâyas III, 3-IV, 4. (This is the same as the Laghuvritti.) 62 leaves; the first leaf is broken; after 35 the leaves are very slightly damaged on the left hand side; and the last leaves are somewhat worm-eaten. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 12} x 1} inches. Lines on a page 4. Aksharas in a line 45 to 50. Begins : अहं ॥ वृद्धिारैदौत् ।। आ आर् ऐ औ एते प्रत्येक are : 1 Arte: / Fiel Fre: 1 afra: 11 Ends : इत्याचार्यश्रीहेमचंद्रविरचितायां स्वोपज्ञसिद्धहेमचंद्रा भिधानशब्दानुशासनरहस्यवृत्तौ चतुर्थस्य चतुर्थः ॥ ७ ॥ चतुर्थोऽध्यायः ॥ ॥ मंडलीमधिवसता यशोदेवांगभूयशो धवलेन लिखितेयमिति ॥ 69. Suryasataka (ayama ], with a Commentary; incomplete. (Verse 97 ends on Fol. 476.) 47 leaves, and fragments of another leaf; a few leaves in the middle of the MS. are broken. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 141 X 14 inches. Lines on a page 6. Aksharas in a line 75 to 80. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra PALM-LEAF MSS. Size of leaves 132 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 6. Aksharas in a line 55. Begins: ओं नमः सूर्याय || जंभारातीभकुंभोद्भवमिव दधतः सांद्रसिंदूररेणुं रक्ताः सक्तैरिवैौधैरुदयगिरितटीधातुधाराद्रवस्य । आयांत्या तुल्यकालं कमलवनरुचेवारुणा वो विभूत्यै भूयासुर्भासयंतो भुवनमभिनवा भानवो मानवीयाः ॥ १ ॥ 70. Sthanangasutra [स्थानाङ्गसूत्रम् ], in Prakrit. 21o leaves, about 30 of which are in fragments. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Begins: Size of leaves 272 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 7. Aksharas in a line 130. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 71. A work in Prákrit, incomplete. The MS. contains 7,540 Gâthâs, but as the end is missing I have not as yet been able to discover whether the proper title is Upadesaprásáda, or Aradhanásástra, or any other. 214 leaves, numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Each page is divided into three columns. 49 For Private and Personal Use Only ओं || नमो भगवते श्रीमहावीराय | रेहइ जेसिं पयमहपरंपरा उग्गमंतरविरुइरा । नमिरसुरमउडसंघदूखुडियवररयणराइव || अहवसिव पहलोयणाणिजणहत्थपईवपतिव्व । तिहुणमहिए उसभपमुहतित्याहिवे नमः || 72. 226 leaves, numbered with the numeral figures on the Each page is right, and with letters on the left hand side. divided into three columns. 7 Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. Size of leaves 34 x 21 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 7. Aksharas in a line 140. (a) Foll. I-50 Rajaprasniya [राजप्रश्नीयम्], in Prakrit; 2,079 Granthas. (6) Foll. 51-128 Rajaprasniyopangavrittika [thyefritपाङ्गवृत्तिका] by MALAYAGIRI. ___(c) Foll. 129-153 Aupapatika [ोपपातिकम्], Uvaiyasutta, in Prâk it; 1,167 Granthas. (d) Foll. 154-226 Aupapatikavritti [ोपपातिकवृत्तिः] by ABHAYADEVASŪRI; 3,135 Granthas. Ends : औपपातिकवृत्तिः समाप्तेति ॥ ॥ चंद्रकुलविपुलभूतलमुनिपुंगववर्द्धमानकल्पतरोः । कुसुमोपमगस्य सूरेर्गुणसौरभसरितभुवनस्य ।। निःसंबंधविहारस्य सर्वदा श्रीजिनेश्वराहस्य | शिष्येणाभयदेवाख्यसूरिणेयं कृता वृत्तिः ॥ २॥ अणहिलपाटकनगरे श्रीमद्रोणाख्यसूरि मुख्येन । पंदितगुणेन गुणवप्रियेण संशोधिता चेयमिति ।। ।। ग्रंथायं ३१३५ अक्षरगणनया स्थापितमिति ॥ ॥ 73. 186 leaves, of which the two leaves 72 and III are missing. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 121 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 4 to 6. Aksharas in a line 40 to 45. (a) Foll. 1-56 Upadeśamálá, in Prâkrit. Begins : ओं नमो वीतरागाय || नमिऊण जिणवरिंदे इंदनरिंदच्चिए तिलोयगुरू । उवएसमालमिणमो वोछामि गुरूवएसेणं ।। १ ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PALM-LEAF MSS. 51 जगचूडामणिभूओ उसभो वीरो तिलोयसिरितिलओ। एगो लोगाइचो एगो चक्खू तिहुयणस्स ॥ २॥ (6) Fol. 64a ends Bhaktámarastotra. (c) Fol. 67a ends Thirávali, in Prakrit. (d) Fol. 70a ends DHANAPALAvirachitah Srávakavidhiḥ. (e) Fol. 84a ends DHANAPÂLakritâ Rishabhapanchâśiká, in Prakrit. (f) Fol. 90a ends Gotamaprichhá, in Prâkrit. (g) Fol. 93a ends Ratnamålika. (h) Fol. 110a ends Vivekamanjari, in Prakrit. (i) Fol. 128b ends Ajitaśántistavana, in Prakrit. (k) Fol. 1866 ends HEMACHANDRA's Yogaśástra. 74. 203 leaves, the first 60 of which are slightly broken on the right hand side. Some of the leaves are sticking together. 'The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 14 X 1 inches. Lines on a page 3 to 5. Aksharas in a line 50 to 55. (a) Fol. 52a ends Upadeśamáláprakarana, in Prakrit. (6) Fol. 106a Srihemachandrasûrivirachitâ Bhavabhávaná · samatta, in Prakrit. (c) Fol. 1446 HEMACHANDRA's Yogaśästra. (d) Fol. 1546 Dharmopadeśamálâ, in Prâkrit. (e) Fol. 165a Fivadayaprakarana, in Prâkrit. f) Fol. 1786 Navapadasútra, in Prakrit. (g) Fol. 1846 A work by SIDDHASENA, in Prâkrit. 75. 18 leaves, numbered with the ordinary numeral figures on the right and left hand sides. Size of leaves 131 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 5. Aksharas in a line 40 to 45. (a) Foll. 1-12a Fitakalpasútra, in Prâkṣit. (6) Foll. 12a-136 Srâvakaprůyaśchitta. (c) Foll. 136-186 Siddhatthetyadigâthâchatushtayavivara nam. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 52 PALM-LEAF MSS. 76. 189 leaves, numbered 2-190; after 146 slightly broken on the right hand side. The leaves are numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 14 X 2 inches. Lines on a page 3 to 6. Aksharas in a line 40 to 45. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir The MS. contains about 20 short Jain works, such as Dasavaikálikaniryukti (Fol. 426), Navatattvavicharasâroddhâra (556), Parigrahapramana (66b), Yatistuti (716), etc. 77. 189 leaves, numbered with the numeral figures on the right, and with letters on the left hand side. Size of leaves 10 X 1 inches. Lines on a page 3 to 5. Aksharas in a line 45 to 50. The MS. contains about 25 short Jain works, such as Ágamikavastuvicharasûra (Fol. 10b), Avasyakaprakarana (Fol. 176), Karmâdivicharasâra, Kalavicharaśataka, etc. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir B. PAPER MSS. COLLECTED DURING 1880-81. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PAPER MSS. 1. VEDA. SAMHITÂ, BRAHMANA, AND SÚTRA. 78. Atharvaveda-samhita ( 372 Hear], complete. 518 ll. ; 7 lines on a page ; 6,800 Gr. Samvat 1748. The accents are marked with red lines, the Syarita by means of a horizontal stroke in the middle of the letter. 73. The same, Kândas XI-XX. 206 ll. ; 7 lines on a page ; 3,400 Gr. The accents are marked with red dots, the Svarita by means of a dot in the middle of the letter, 80. The same, Kâşda XX. 54 ll. ; 10 lines on a page; 800 Gr. Savat 1574. 81. The same, different portions. 190 II.; 11 lines on a page; 2,000 Gr. Samvat 1541. In various parts of this MS, the accents are marked with red dots as follows: the Udâtta by a dot over the letter, the Svarita by a dot in the middle of the letter, and the Anudatta before Udâtta by a dot under the letter; the so-called independent Svarita is marked in the middle of the letter by a curved line turned towards the left. 82. The same, Padani [TCIT], complete. 346 II. ; II lines on a page; 7,000 Gr. Saṁvat 1720. 83. The same, Jataprakarapatha [GZTYFITAT:), Kanda XVII. 12 11. : 7 lines on a page ; 200 Gr. Samvat 1727. 84. Arsheya-brahmana ( B AIET]. 22 11. ; 7 lines on a page; 275 Gr. Samvat 1840. 85. Katiyagrihya-bhashya [ TITETHISTL) entitled Sajjanavallabha, by JAYARÂMA. 75 11.1 lines on a page; 2,000 Gr. Samvat 1872. 86. Kausika-grihyasutra (ATSTATUTz].126 11.; 8 lines on a page; 1,750 Gr. Samvat 1708. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 56 PAPER MSS. 87. The same (incomplete), Pratisakhya[hilarantera] and Chhandaschitti (56f2T:]. 75 II.; 8 lines on a page; 1,050 Gr. Samvat 1753. 88. Gopatha-brahmana (1ĪTYTENTE]. 96 11. ; 11 lines on a page; 2,500 Gr. Samvat 1654. 89. The same. 88 and 91 11. ; 8 lines on a page ; 2,500 Gr. Samvat 1718. 90. The same. 183 11.; 8 lines on a page ; 2,500 Gr. 91. Paraskara-grihyasutra [91T*TUITE)31 ll. ; 11 lines on a page; 650 Gr 92. Mantrabhashya (242), a Commentary on the Vâjasaneyisamhitâ, by UAȚA (UAȚA:) Last leaf missing. 232 ll. ; 10 lines on a page ; 9,000 Gr. The writing on leaves 1-6, and 231 and 232 is somewhat faded; otherwise an excellent MS. Old. Begins : frot TR4 TH: || 11 ofert Ill हहयं दक्षिणं चाक्षि मंडलं चाधिरुह्य यः । चेष्टते तमहं नौमि ऋग्यजुःसामविग्रहं ॥ १ ॥ Fol. 18a, 276, and elsewhere : आनंदपुरवास्तव्यवज्रटाख्यस्य सनुना । मंत्रभाष्यमिदं लप्नं पदवाक्यैः सुनिश्चितैः ॥ Adhyâya XXXIX ends on fol. 2305. 93. The same, fragments. 93 11. ; 16 lines on a page; 400 Gr. Samvat 1779. 94. Maitrayaniya-grihyasutra [haigouTEA], Purusha I. 19 11.; 9 lines on a page; 200 Gr. Samvat 1831. he same. 18 II. ; 1o lines on a page. Samvat 1824. 96. The same, Purusha II. 15 II.; 10 lines on a page; 250 Gr. Samvat 1828. 97. Maitrayaniya-srautasutra [#FrToTTitan), incomplete. 28 11. ; 11 lines on a page ; 500 Gr. 98. Maitrayaniya-samhita [#FOTOTEHT], Kâņda I. 94 11. ; 8 lines on a page ; 1,250 Gr. 99. The same. 49 II. ; 7 lines on a pagc; 750 Gr. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PAPER MSS. 57 100. Vaitanasutra [177]. 38 11.; 11 lines on a page; 750 Gr. Samvat 1676. 101. The same. 40 11.; 8 lines on a page; 750 Gr. Samvat 1753. 102. The same. 49 11. ; 8 lines on a page ; 750 Gr. Samvat 1753. 103. Satapatha-brahmana [TTTTTTTTT), incomplete. 420 11.; 11 lines on a page; 13,000 Gr. 104. Samaveda (HHTZ:], a portion of the Purvarchika gaffel. 48 II. ; 7 lines on a page ; 700 Gr. Samvat 1660. 105. The same, Uttararchika [GCIP]. 70 11. ; 8 lines on a page; 1,120 Gr. 106. The same, Uhagana [57194]. 347 ll. ; 7 lines on a page; 5,000 Gr. Samvat 1680. 107. The same, incomplete. 83 11.; 10 lines on a page; 1,200 Gr. 108. The same, Veyagana [2017]. 151 II. ; 8 lines on a page; 2,200 Gr. 2. VEDÂNGA, UPANISHADS, PRAYOGAS, AND SIMILAR TRACTS. 109. Atharvarahasye Narayanahridaya [aritat TITTITUTETUT]. 2 II. ; 7 lines on a page ; 25 Gr. 110. The same, Lakshmihridayastotra [whicTtTh]. 7 11.; ti lines on a page; 150 Gr. Samvat 1797. lll. Atharvayede Mantrasirvadasamhita [aturi Farafraichizat). 7 11. ; 10 lines on a page; 105 Gr. Samvat 1737. 112, Atharvavedanukramanika [377aaarin Hot], Patala I. 13 11. ; 9 lines on a page; 150 Gr. 113. Agrayaneshti (317[TTTT:]. 11 Il.; 7 lines on a page; 225 Gr. 114. Ajyatantra [67779). 9 11.; 9 lines on a page ; 125 Gr. 115. The same, and Upanayanakarma [59877*]. 34 ll. ; 12 lines on a page ; 726 Gr. 116. Atharvanatarpana [Beravagna]. 5 11. ; 10 lines on a page ; 75 Gr, Saiyat 1794. 8 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 58 PAPER MSS. 117. Atharvanapramitakshara (Petar PEFTATU), explanation of some Mantras by VÂSUDEVA, youngest son of Dviveda-śrîpati. 19 ll. ; 11 lines on a page; 400 Gr. 118. Arani Samhita (Beoff HITAT). 6 11.; 6 lines on a page ; 60 Gr. Samvat 1669. 119. Avasathyadhana (TTT20142/72] and Pakshahoma (THTH:). 5 ll. ; 9 lines on a page; 50 Gr. Samvat 1751. 120. Asurikalpa [31771769:]. 18 ll. ; 9 lines on a page; 200 Gr. Upanishad 121. Amritavindu, Tejavindu, and Dhyanavindu [277aargo, agrics:", and t917975°). 9 II.; 8 lines on a page; 50 Gr. Samvat 1846. 122. Uttaratapaniya [E77CF9- 1°]. 20 II. ; 9 lines on a page ; 260 Gr. Samvat 1707. 123. Kathakabhashya (7737475774] by SANKARA. 25 11.; 15 lines on a page; 1,000 Gr. Samyat 1833. 124. Kaivalya (964°). 4.11. ; 7 lines on a page; 30 Gr. 125. Krishna (sumo]. 3 ll. ; 7 lines on a page; 25 Gr. Samvat 1853. 126. Ganapati (Tao]. 3 II. ; 8 lines on a page; 25 Gr. 127. Gopichandana [siai 9747°). 5 11. ; 8 lines on a page; 50 Gr. Samvat 1846. 128. Devi (]. 6 ll. ; 7 lines on a page ; 40 Gr. Samvat 1888. 129. Devi, Narayana, and Yogatattva (781,9 TTT 1987°, and ao]. 15 11.; 8 lines on a page ; 100 Gr. 130. Brahmavindu (6 7°), incomplete. 3 Il.; 9 lines on a page ; 40 Gr. 131. Maitrayaniyopanishadbhashya cartofitaf7457577], incomplete. 44 II. ; 15 lines on a page; 230 Gr. 132. Yogasikha [HTTSTET°). and five others. 13 II. ; 7 lines on a page; 100 Gr. Samvat 1853. 133. 59 Upanishads. 185 ll. ; 11 lines on a page; 2,500. Gr. Sarvat 1757 134. 52 Upanishads. 284 II. ; 7 lines on a page ; 2,500 Gr. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PAPER MSS. 59 135. Rishitarpana [#faraitu). 39 ll. ; 8 lines on a page ; 475 Gr. Sarivat 1672. 138. The same (Maitrây.); first leaf missing. 21 ll. ; ii lines on a page; 200 Gr. Samvat 1779. 137. Katyayanasutravyakhyana HTGETETTU), Adhyâya XII, by SriDEVA. 52 ll. ; 11 lines on a page; 1,100 Gr. Samvat 1651. 138. Kraturatnamala (FTTHAT] by HARIHARA. 92 ll. ; Io lines on a page; 2,700 Gr. 139. Grihyakarikah [TAT #r:] or Samskaravidhi [#tattfara:] by REŅUKA. 22 1 ll.; 8 lines on a page ; 2,200 Gr. Samvat 1581. The work was composed in Saka 1188. 140. Charanavyuha (752x:] and Somotpatti [HA1967:]. 10 ll. ; 9 lines on a page ; 100 Gr. Samvat 1836. 141. Chaturmasyakaumudi (qafengar] by BALABHADRAŚUKLA. 17 11.; 11 lines on a page; 250 Gr. Samvat 1813. 142. Chaturmasyahautra (Fiqhit174]. 25 ll. ; 9 lines on a page ; 300 Gr. 143. Chaturmasyani (Trqafter]. 80 ll. ; 8 lines on a page; 1,100 Gr. Samvat 1748. 144. Chhandaschitti (3-:). 3 ll. ; 7 lines on a page ; 20 Gr. Samvat 1653. 145. Darsapurnamasau (TZITUATËT]. 43 11.; 9 lines on a page; 774 Gr. 146. Navagrahayaga (FTUETTTT:). 16 ll. ; 9 lines on a page; 200 Gr. Samvat 1795. 147. Nagadevahnika (Fideala], damaged. 7 11.; 15 lines on a page; 300 Gr. 148. Nityapuja (farzagl). 14. 11.; 9 lines on a page; 200 Gr. Saivat 1869. 149. Nirukta, Uttarardha [FE TORTTTTTTHÆ]. 89 II. ; 10 lines on a page; 1,300 Gr. Samvat 1707 150. Nilodvaha (fiatar:] (Ath. veda). 17.11. ; 12 lines on a page; 450 Gr. Samvat 1733. Paddhati 151. Upanayanap. [59747967:]. 14 ll. ; 12 lines. on a page; 275 Gr. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 60 PAPER MSS. 152. Aurdhvadehikap. [+ To]. 20 11. ; 10 lines on a page: 400 Gr. 153. Karmap. [m o]. 14. 11. ; 12 lines on a page ; 200 Gr. 154. The same. 15 11. ; 8 lines on a page; 255 Gr. Samvat 1555. 155. Kausikoktakarmanushthanap. [RICETTA FATTET990]. Il.; ni lines on a page; 12 Gr. 156. Kriyap. [ro] (Maitrây.). 7111. ; 9 lines on a page; 1,000 Gr. Samvat 1831. 157. Dattatreyap. [77 990), entitled Dattârchanakaumudî, by CHAITANYAGIRI. 102 ll. ; 10 lines on a page ; 1,100 Gr. 158. Paraskaragrihyap. [YTTEFTTTTTT0] by HARIHARA. 159 ll. ; 10 lines on a page ; 4,250 Gr. Saivat 1720. 159. Maharudrap. [#15710]. First leaf missing. 19 II. ; 8 lines on a page; 200 Gr. 160. Rudrap. or Maharudrap. (ESTO HTE690 ar] by KÂSÎDÎKSHITA, son of Srîyájnika-Sadasivadikshita. 105 11.; 8 lines on a page ; 1,700 Gr. Samvat 1788. 161. Vinayakasantip. [7146 alfaTo]. 34 11. ; 9 lines on a page ; 450 Gr. Samvat 1712. . 162. Sankhaynasyutrap. ( 1977T0] by NÂRÂYAŅA. 140 II. ; 11 lines on a page; 3,100 Gr. 163. Srautap. [*17990]. 203 11.; 7 lines on a page; 2,900 Gr. 164. Srautasmartakriya-paddhatayah [eita cantT T:]. 279 II. ; 12 lines on a page; 5,600 Gr. 165. Parisishta [offsteyl. 6 ll. ; Il lines on a page ; 125 Gr. Samvat 1724. 166. Pitrisamhita (razvital] (Maitrậy.). 9 II.; 10 lines on a page; 150 Gr. Samvat 1811. 167. Punyahavachana [Tota74), incomplete ; II. 5-12; 7 lines on a page; 100 Gr. Samvat 1768. Prayoga 168. Utsarjanapr. (FFHOSTITUT:]. 1511.; 9 lines on a page; 175 Gr. 169. Udakasantipr. [ 9 TTO). 44 11. ; 7 lines on a page; 550 Gr. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PAPER MSS. 170. Sribalatripurasundaripujanapr. [xfrarestare115.]. 45 II. ; 5 lines on a page; 400 Gr. 171. Hiranyak esichaturmasyapr. [ferozhra=rqAITYfo]. First leaf missing. 38.11.; 12 lines on a page; 1,100 Gr. 172. Hiranyakesiprayaschittapr. [RTOTTITYT 12710]. 11. 16-72; 8 lines on a page; 1,000 Gr. Sake 1711. 173. Pravaradhyaya (1977:44:]. 11 ll. ; 11 lines on a page ; 200 Gr. Samvat 1574. 174. Pratisakhya (TIC ] (Vâjasaneyi). 18 II. ; 9 lines on a page; 200 Gr. Sarn vat 1607. 175. Pratisakhyamulasutra [ PRIETY "). (Ath. veda). 4 11.; 12 lines on a page; 90 Gr. Samvat 1676. 176. Mahanamnyah (HEAT4:] (Sama-veda). 56 11.; 8 lines on a page; 800 Gr. Samvat 164—(?) 177. Manduki Siksha (Augat CETAT). 15 11. ; 9 lines on a page; 200 Gr. 178. Manduki Siksha, Jyotisha, Mahasanti, Panchapatalika, Dantyoshthavidhi, Kalatitaprayaschitta, Fruga fatar, spiaT, HETZT27, 429fect, cigaret, ofratatzarent] and Pratisakhya (Tisatie] (Ath. veda). 64 ll. ; 8 lines on a page ; 1,000 Gr. 179. The same, and Chhandaschitti [grcft:1, incomplete; ll. 28-71; 8 lines on a page; 800 Gr. Samvat 1717. 180. Rakshoghna [ 97]. 12 ll. ; 9 lines on a page; 96 Gr. Samvat 1733. 181. Rudrajapaviniyoga (Estimah #2:]. 5 11. ; 8 lines on a page; 50 Gr. Samvat 1907. 182. Rudradhyaya [E7977:], incomplete ; 11. 4-42 ; 5 lines on a page; 200 Gr. Samvat 1709. 183. Laghukarika [P T] ; first leaf missing. 23 11. ; io lines on a page ; 300 Gr. Samvat 1679. Vidhana 184. Asurimantrav. [metarararaq]. 5 ll. ; 9 lines on a page ; 90 Gr. Samvat 1789, 185. Rigvedoktarudrav. [#racina alo]. 8 11. ; 11 lines on a page; 50 Gr. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 62 PAPER MSS. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 188. Chaturguniyasantyuda kav.[¶¶gento], much damaged. 16 ll.; 9 lines on a page; 320 Gr. 187. Panchakav. []. 5 II.; 10 lines on a page; 60 Gr. 188. Rudrav. []. 15 11. ; 7 lines on a page; 165 Gr. Samvat 1720. 189. The same. Io ll. ; 8 lines on a page; 100 Gr. 9 ll. ; 8 lines on a page; 150 Gr. 190. The same. Vidhi 191. Uttara parisishte Sandhyopasanav. [frìa:] (Ath. veda). 5 II.; 7 lines on a page; 50 Gr. 192. Upanayanav. [], incomplete; 11. 6-29; 7 lines on a page; 150 Gr. 193. Ekavastrasnanav. [o]. 5 II.; 10 lines on a page; 50 Gr. Samvat 1666. 194. Garbhadhanadisamskarav. [citaã•]. 3 ll.; 12 lines on a page; 40 Gr. 195. Chudakaranav. []. 26 11.; 9 lines on a page; 200 Gr. 196. Nyasav. []. 14 11.; 7 lines on a page; 85 Gr. 197. Panchangarudranam nyasapurvakam japahomarchanav. [ पञ्चाङ्गरुद्राणां न्यासपूर्वकं जपहोमार्चनवि० ]. 9 ll. ; 10 lines on a page; 180 Gr. 198. The same; 6 ll. ; 10 lines on a page; 100 Gr. 199. Brahmakurchav. []. 3 1.; 6 lines on a page; 20 Gr. 200. Sraddhav. []. 12 ll.; 11 lines on a page; 132 Gr. 201. The same (Ath. veda). 18 ll.; 8 lines on a page; 216 Gr. 202. Sannyasav. []. 9 ll.; 8 lines on a page; 135 Gr. 203. Vivahakarma []. 6 11.; 11 lines on a page; 120 Gr. 204. Visvamitrakalpa []; first leaf missing. 57 11.; 12 lines on a page; 2,500 Gr. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PAPER MSS. 63 Santi 205. Jyeshthanakshatras. [5989amea:). 6 11.; 7 lines on a page ; 50 Gr. 206. Navagrahas. [714EDO]. (Ath. veda). 57 11. : :1 lines on a page; 900 Gr. 207. The same (Så ma-veda) by GOBHILA. 11 Il.; 10 lines on a page; 200 Gr. 208. Mahas. (HETETTO). 27 11. ; 9 lines on a page ; 700 Gr. Samvat 1685 209. The same. 12 ll. ; 10 lines on a page ; 210 Gr. 210. Vastus. Caregamo]. 12 ll. ; 1 1 lines on a page ; 220 Gr. 211. Vinayakas. [faaluhaO]. 12 11.; 14 lines on a page; 300 Gr. 212. Sulvabhashya [TAHISTA], incomplete. 14 ll. ; 9 lines on a page; 250 Gr. 213. Sraddhakalpa [216FT:] (Maitrây.). 6 ll. ; 11 lines on a page; 75 Gr. 214. The same (Vasishthokta). 7 ll. ; 10 lines on a page; 94 Gr. 215. Sraddhakalpadipa [871679ato:] by TRIPÂȚhỉ HoRILA. 66 ll. ; 10 lines on a page ; 1,300 Gr. 216. Sraddhakalpabhashya (2478 79THISTH] (Gobhiliya) three leaves missing. 58 11.; 8 lines on a page; 500 Gr. 217. The same, by KARKOPADHYAYA. 12 ll.; 10 lines on a page ; 300 Gr. Samvat 1663. 218. Sraddhadipa (11627:] (by Nâ rada). 20 11.; 10 lines on a page ; 400 Gr. Samvat 1757. 219. Srisukta [xframa]. 3 ll. ; 9 lines on a page ; 15 Gr. 220. Sandhya (#371] (Sâma-veda). 4 ll. ; 7 lines on a page; 40 Gr. 221. The same (Śân khâyanoktà). 10 II. ; 17 lines on a page ; 144 Gr. 222. Samavartanakarma (parada ]. 11 ll. ; 12 lines on a page; 200 Gr. 223. Sarvanukramani [FaiTh Hoft] by KÂTYAYANA. 38 11. ; 9 lines on a page; 450 Gr. 224. Somotpatti (AFFETT:). 4 ll. ; 9 lines on a page; 35 Gr. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PAPER MSS. 225. Smartadhana (EHTai4779). 8 II.; 13 lines on a page ; 250 Gr. 3. PURÂNA AND MÂHÂTMYA. 226. Karmavipaka (nar@gra:], incomplete. 35 II. ; 12 lines on a page; 840 Gr. Purana 227. Kalikap. [FT FTITITĄ]. 252 ll. ; '13 lines on a page; 6,700 Gr. 228. Ganesap. (TTOTITTO?. 631 II. ; 10 lines on a page; 12,000 Gr. Samvat 1890. 229. Bhagavatap. [477777T0]; first leaf missing. 156 11.; 21 lines on a page; 18,000 Gr. 230. Bhagavatasubodhini (HTTana aireraft] by VALLABHADÎKSHITA, son of Lakshmanabhatta; incomplete. 116 ll. 16 lines on a page; 4,500 Gr. Samvat 1610. 231. Sarasvatip. (# 315o]. 143 ll. ; 11 lines on a page; 2,000 Gr. Mahatmya 232. Dvarakam. [ETT OTHTETEPTĄ]. 144 11. ; 9 lines on a page; 2,000 Gr. Samvat 1839. 233. Mathuram. [ATTATO]. 66 ll.; 15 lines on a page; 1,500 Gr. Samvat 1895. 234. Srimalam. [efrHTATO]. 222 11. ; 9 lines on a page; 3,700 Gr. 235. Sristhalam. [frysao). 42 11. ; 15 lines on a page ; 1,360 Gr. 236. Sristhalaprakasa (afretag12:], incomplete ; 11. 43-268; 7 lines on a page; 2,700 Gr. 237. Sutasamhitatatparyadipika [HaTaTTTTT] by MÂDHAVÂCHÂRYA, incomplete; 11. 39-62; 14 lines on a page; 690 Gr. 4. POEMS, PLAYS, AND FABLES. 238. Anarghyaraghava (347762TTTTĄ] by MURÂRI, with Tippanaka by NARACHANDRASÛRI. 64. 11. ; 10-13 lines of text on a page. The commentary is written on the margin. 4,200 Gr. Samvat 1526. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra PAPER MSS. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 65 239. Anarghyaraghavatippanaka [ft] by NARACHANDRASÛRI. 38 I.; 17 lines on a page; 2,450 Gr. Samvat 1523. 240. Anusmriti [:]. 18 l.; 6 lines on a page; 108 Gr. 241. Karnamrita [] in three Satakas, by a pupil of Somagiri, with Vyâkhyâ by PAPAYALLA (or Pâpapallaya, or Pâpalla)-SURI. 163 I.; 9 lines on a page; 3,140 Gr. 242. Karpuramanjarichhaya]. 22 11.; 11 lines on a page; 200 Gr. 243. Kiratarjuniya [] by BHARAVI, with Vyakhya by KâsîNATHA. 73 ll. ; 20 lines on a page; 4,500 Gr. Samvat 1799. 244. Kumarasambhavatika [], Kumaratât paryadipika śiśuhitaishini, by Srivâchanâchârya CHARITRAVARDHANA; Sargas I-VII. 86 II.; 9 lines on a page; 2,100 Gr. For Private and Personal Use Only entitled 245. Gathakosa [] by HALA, with Commentary by BHUVANAPALA. 71 ll.; 17 lines on a page; 3,500 Gr. 246. Chandikadandakastotra [] by KALIDASA. 5 11.; 7 lines on a page; 30 Gr. Samvat 1677. 247. Damayantichamputika [at] by GUNAVIJAYA. 369 ll.; 13 lines on a page; 10,0co Gr. 248. Dharmavijayanataka] by BнÔ DEVA. 31 ll. ; 14 lines on a page; 650 Gr. 249. Dharmavijayanatakatika [] by SANKARA. 26 ll.; 17 lines on a page; 500 Gr. 250. Padyamritatarangini [qqafft] by BHASKARA. 5 11.; 9 lines on a page; 50 Gr. 251. Panchatantra [], incomplete; ll. 71-139; 11 lines on a page; 1,500 Gr. 252. The same, incomplete; II. 57-92; 14 lines on a page; 340 Gr: 253. The same, incomplete; ll. 67-90; 12 lines on a page; 1,100 Gr. 254. Parasivamahimnah Stotra [ga:tifaq ] by DURVASAS. 13 ll.; 10 lines on a page: 350 Gr. Sake 1701. 9 Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 66 PAPER MSS. 255. Prabodhachandrodayanataka Ta T Ei by KRISHNAMIŚRA, with Prakasa by DîKSHITARÂMADASA. 70 ll. ; 11 lines on a page; 2,500 Gr. Samvat 1753. 258. Balashtottarasatanamastotra [FESTËT FIT STATA ]. 6 ll. ; 5 lines on a page ; 25 Gr. 257. Moharajaparajavanataka CHETITYTTGTTERAT by YaśAHPALA; a few leaves slightly damaged. 44. 11. ; 13 lines on a page; 1,500 Gr. Samvat 1579. (See above No. 50.) 258. Yatirajavimsati (UGTIGT: in praise of Râmånuja. 6 ll. ; 1 lines on a page; 110 Gr 259. Rukminiharana [E HTET 77) in Prâkrit; first leaf missing. 10 II. ; 17 lines on a page; 500 Gr. Samvat 1811. 260. Vallabhakhyana (TEHT67174] in Prâksit, by Go DĀSA, with Commentary by VRAJARAJA. 26 ll. ; 18 lines on a page; 1,300 Gr. 261. Vishnubhaktikalpalata [fcophiqar] by Pu. RUSHOTTAMA. 39 ll. ; 9 lines on a page ; 600 Gr. Samvat 1818. 262. Vishnubhaktichandrodaya [farsotuit T-124:] by NỘISINHÂRANYAMUNI. 163 ll. ; 9 lines on a page ; 3,500 Gr. 263. Satasai (ata] in Prâkřit, by VIHÂRÎ, with Commentary. 67 ll. ; 15 lines on a page ; 2,900 Gr. Samvat 1852. 264. Saptasati [Hz] by GOVARDHANA. 37 II. ; 14 lines on a page ; 1,150 Gr. 265. Saptasatitika (Hazrairerat] by NÂRÂYAŅA. 69 11.; 12 lines on a page ; 1,800 Gr. 266. Simhasanadyatrimsaka [FAETATEIZTA1), incomplete. 145 ll. ; 13 lines on a page ; 5,000 Gr. 267. Saundaryalaharitika[htatzatear]by KAIVALYAŚRAMAPATI. 8o ll. ; 13 lines on a page ; 1,400 Gr. Samvat 1844. 268. Hastamalaka (EFT1T:] with Commentary. 7 ll. ; u lines on a page ; 210 Gr. 269. Hasyachudamaniprahasana [ETTETETAFOTIERT) by VATSARAJA. 13 ll. ; 13 lines on a page; 370 Gr. 5. GRAMMAR AND GLOSSARIES. 270. Anekarthadhvanimanjari (3a Araftaf745517 ]. 10 ll. ; 11 lines on a page ; 200 Gr. Samvat 1568. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PAPER MSS. 21. Anekarthasamuchchaya [अनेकार्थसमुच्चयः] by SASVATA. 37 ll. ; 10 lines on a page ; 791 Gr. Copied from a palm-leaf MS. written in Samvat I248. 272. Abhidhanachintamani [अभिधानचिन्तामणिः] by HEMACHANDRA, with Commentary, entitled Namnâm sâroddhârah, by VALLABHAGAŅI. 160 II. ; 18 lines on a page ; 9,500 Gr. The last leaf gives the Guru-paramparâ of the author beginning with Sûrîndra (Saṁvat 1080), Abhayadevasûri, Jinavallabha, etc. 273. Amarakosodghatana [अमरकोशोद्धाटनम्] by KSHIRASVAMIN. 312 11. ; I3 lines on a page ; 9,000 Gr. Samvat I812. .274. Kavikalpadruma Dhatupatha [कविकल्पदुमो धातुपाठ:] by BOPADEVA. 7 ll. ; I7 lines on a page ; 350 Gr. 275. The same ; incomplete. 4 ll.; 9 lines on a page; 50 Gr. 276. Katantra [कातन्त्रम्], fragments. 42 ll. ; 7 lines on a page ; 500 Gr. 277. Katantrarupamala [कातन्त्ररूपमाला] by BHAVASENA, with marginal notes. 124 leaves ; 12 lines on a page; 3,000 Gr. Samvat 1612. Begins : श्री अच्युताय नमः || गणपतये नमः ॥ वीरं प्रणम्य सर्वज्ञं विनष्टाशेषदोषकं । कातंत्ररूपमालेयं वालवोधाय कथ्यते ॥ १ ॥ नमस्तस्यै सरस्वत्यै विमलज्ञानमूर्तये । विचिना लोकयात्रेयं यत्प्रसादात्पवर्त्तते ।। २ ॥ सिद्धो वर्णसमानायः ।। Ends : भावसेनत्रिविद्येन वादिपर्वतवज्रिणा । कृतायां रूपमालायां कृदंतः परिपूर्यते[:] ।। १ ॥ मंदबुद्धिप्रबोधार्थ भावसेनमुनीश्वरः ।। कातंत्ररूपमालायां वृत्तिं व्यररचत्सुधीः ॥ २॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 68 PAPER MSS. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir क्षीणेनुग्रहकारिता समज [ ने] सौजन्यमात्माधिके सन्मानं नुतनावसेनमुनि वैविद्यदेवे मयि । सिद्धांतोयमथापि यः स्वधिषणागर्वोद्धतः केवलं संस्पर्द्धत तदीयगर्व्वकुधरे वज्रायते मद्वचः || ३ | श्रीरूपमालाप्रक्रिया समाप्ता || संपूर्ण || कल्याणमस्तु || In Gov. Coll. No. 4 of 1877-78 this work is called Katantrasambandhini Rúpamálá Vyakaranam. In other MSS. which I have seen in native libraries the same work bears the title Kaumáravyakarana. 278. Katantravistara [कातन्त्र विस्तरः ] by VARDHAMÁNA ; incomplete. This MS. originally consisted of 122 leaves, of which the following are now missing 1, 3-7, 13-17, 33, 34, 47, 60, 69, 120. Two leaves are numbered 24. Lines on a 1,200 Gr. Sarvat 1599. : page 7. Begins (on leaf 2 ) : वा तृतीयासप्तम्योः || अव्ययीभावसमासादकारान्ता तृतीयासप्तम्योः स्थाने ऽम्भवति वा । Ends : इति श्रीमत्कर्ण देवोपाध्यायश्री वर्द्धमाणविरचिते कातंत्रविस्तरे कारके चतुर्थः पादः समाप्तः || 279. Katantre Daurgasimhi Vrittih [कातन्त्रे दोर्गसिंही वृत्तिः ], with marginal notes. 65 ll. ; 10 lines on a page ; 2,500 Gr. Sarvat 1512. Eggeling's edition pp. 1-151. 280. Katantre Paribhashavritti [कातन्त्रे परिभाषावृत्तिः ], by BHĀVAŚARMAN. 6 ll. ; 14 lines on a page ; 230 Gr. Begins: श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः || अथ परिभाषासूत्राणि ॥ प्रकीर्णके विद्यानंदेन कारिकया संज्ञा च परिभाषा च विधिर्नियम एव च प्रतिषेधोऽधिकारश्च षड्विधं सूत्रलक्षणमिति For Private and Personal Use Only Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PAPER MSS. 69 भाष्यते परितो यस्मात्परिभाषास्ततः स्मृताः तासामर्था प्रयोगाश्च लिष्यंते भावशर्मणा अर्थवद्हणे नानर्थकस्य ग्रहणम्. 281. Desinamamala [agitanHatar] by HEMACHANDRA, incomplete ; 11. 2-20 ; 15 lines on a page ; 850 Gr. 282. Dhatupatha [ur7918:] for Hemachandra's grammar. 11 ll. 13 lines on a page ; 350 Gr. Samvat 1667. 283. Prakriyakaumudi (oriaget] by RÂMACHANDRA. 177 II. ; 10 lines on a page ; 4,400 Gr. 284. Prakriyakaumudiprasada [archiattarc:] by VITTHALÂCHÂRYA. 396 ll. ; 10 lines on a page ; 10,000 Gr. 285. Bijanighantu (aiga gus:]. 18 II. ; 7 lines on a page : 200 Gr. Sauvat 1787. 288. Lingavritti [F ], on the gender of nouns, ascribed to VARARUCHI. 13 II.; 15 lines on a page ; 480 Gr. Saivat 1796. Begins : forTUT TH: लिङ्ग जिज्ञासुनाचार्यः पृष्टः शिष्येण केनचित् इदं वररुग्चिस्तस्मै प्रोवाच हितकाम्यया १. 287. Sabdanusasanavritti (3771TEMATIÈ:] by HEMA. CHANDRA ; Adhyâya VIII. 51 ll. ; 15 lines on a page ; 2,400 Gr. Old. 288. Samasasobha (AIHTÌHI], on compounds, by YAśAHSÂGARA. 9 ll. ; 13 lines on a page ; 250 Gr. Samvat 1765. 289. Sarasvatatika (AITEET#1] by PUNJARAJA. 82 11.; 15 lines on a page ; 3,690 Gr. 290. Sarasvatatika (HITETTII), entitled Siddhantaratnâvali, by BHATTAMADHAVA, son of Srikâhna, and grandson of Vatsarâja. 189 II.; 17 lines on a page ; 5,000 Gr. Samvat 1591. 291. Sarasvatatika Subodhika [Arc Faetat gairat] by AMRITABHARATi. 28 ll. ; 16 lines on a page; 1,350 Gr. Samvat 1554. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 70 PAPER Mss. __Ends: यन्नरेंद्रनगरीप्रभाषितं यच्च वैमलसरस्वतीरितं । तन्मयत्व लिखितं तथाधिकं किंचिदेव कलितं स्वया धिया ॥१॥ कृता मया वोमृतभारतीति नाना गणेशांहिसरोजभाजा । प्रयोगसिद्ध्या कृतसंशयानां सुबोधिकेयं तनुतात्सुबोधं ।। २॥ इति श्रीसुबोधिकायां सारस्वतटीकायां परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्यश्रीअमृतभारतीश्रीचरणविरचितायां कृत्प्रत्ययविभागः समाप्तः ॥ समाप्तयं सारस्वतटीका || श्रीभारती चिरं जयति ॥ 292. Sarasvatabhashya [सारस्वतभाष्यम्] by KASiNATHA. 75 ll. ; I3 lines on a page ; I,900 Gr. Samvat 1668. Ends: सर्वलोकोपकाराया काशिनाथेन निर्मितं । भाष्यं सारस्वतस्येदं पंडितैः परिसेव्यतां ॥ इति श्रीकाशीनाथकृतौ सारस्वतभाष्ये कृतप्रक्रिया समाप्ता ॥ 298. Sarasvate Sudipika Tika [सारस्वते सुदीपिका टीका] by VISVESVARA. Originally 34 leaves, of which leaves I and 2 are now missing ; 15 lines on a page; 1,600 Gr. Ends : श्रीब्रह्मसागर गुरोश्चरणानुचिंता पोतेन शब्दसरितां पतिरेष तीर्णः । विश्वेश्वरांबुमुनिना मुनिपंडितेन श्रीरामचंद्रचरणांबुजसेवकेन ॥ सारस्वताख्यमुनिबंधसुदीपिकेयं क्षेत्रे भ्यधायि पुरुषोत्तमसंज्ञकेऽत्त । 294. Sphotachandrika स्फोटचन्द्रिका] by KRISHNABHATTA. 14 ll. ; Io lines on a page ; 400 Gr.. 295. Halayudhakosa [हलायुधकोशः], incomplete ; ll. 2-45; 13 lines on a page ; 600 Gr. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PAPER MSS. 296. The same, incomplete ; 11. 57-81; 10 lines on a page ; 300 Gr. 297. Haimalaghuprakriyavritti ( yukarę:) by VINAYAVIJAYA. 25 11.; 15 lines on a page; 1,125 Gr. To the end of Rephasandhi. Ends : यां शिष्योद्भुतकीर्तिकीर्तिविजयश्रीवाचकाहर्मणे ___ राजश्रीतनयो व्यधत्त विनयः श्रीतेजपालात्मजः । तस्यां शासितसाधुशब्दसरणौ स्वोपजसत्यक्रिया वृत्तौ बंधुर एष पूर्तिमभजद्रेफस्य संधिः सुखम् ॥ 298. A short Grammar, called on the margin Sarasvata [सारस्वतम्], and at the end Sadyabodhini Prakriyafसद्यबोधिनी *], by VYASA SADANANDAJÎ of Stambhatîrtha. 13 II. ; 13 lines on a page; 540 Gr. Samvat 1844. 299. A short treatise on Syntax, called Vakyapadi [ar79421], by GANGÂDASA. 19 ll. ; 12 lines on a page ; 470 Gr. 6. POETICS AND METRICS. 300. Alamkaratilaka [PITÍTET:] by VÂGBHATA. 26 ll. ; 17 lines on a page; 1,630 Gr. Samvat 1532. 301. Kavikalpalata (repeat] by DEVEŚVARA. 23 II. ; 15 lines on a page ; 1,000 Gr. 302. Pingalapradipa [gouTT:) by LAKSHMÎNÂTHABHAȚTA, composed in Samvat 1657. First leaf missing. 72 ll. ; 18 lines on a page ; 3,500 Gr. Saṁvat 1716. 303. Rasakaumudi Natyasastre (Theriyat ] by SRÎKANTHAKA ; incomplete ; 11. 60-119; 9 lines on a page ; 630 Gr. Samvat 1652. 304. Sringarahara [-]HITEKT:] by BALADEVA, son of Keśava. 5 ll. ; 13 lines on a page ; 125 Gr. Samvat 1845. 7. PHILOSOPHY. 305. Ashtaslokivivarana [ayawaTaTr] by VaishNAVADÁSA, 19 11.; 10 lines on a page ; 450 Gr. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 72 PAPER MSS. 306. Kiranavali [lettret] by UDAYANA. 16 ll. ; 13 lines on a page ; 755 Gr. Samvat 1574. Ends stagraat tot ARTE II. 307. Khandanakhandakhadya (tugapura Th], on the margin called Khandanasâtra, by SRÎHARSHA. 67 ll. ; 17 lines on a page ; 4,300 Gr. Ends: ... artthroogitoa: AA: 11. 308. Gadyatraya [TUT] by RÂMÂNUJÂCHÂRYA. 6 11. ; 14 lines on a page ; 150 Gr. 309. Jivanmuktiviveka (619yifaqah:]. 82 ll. ; 11 lines on a page ; 2,200 Gr. 310. Tattvachintamanau Alokaparisishta [ayaleFarHTT TTTTTTen) by DEVANATHA. 105 II. ; 13 lines on a page ; 4,000 Gr. 311. Tattvapradipika (gafr] by CHITSUKHAMUNI. 82 ll. ; II lines on a page ; 1,100 Gr. Samvat 1617. 312. Tarkakaumudi Camargat] by BHÂSKARA. 10 11. ; 17 lines on a page ; 325 Gr. 313. Tarkamrita [tag] by JAGADÎśABHATTA, with marginal notes. 15 ll. ; 9 lines on a page ; 425 Gr. Samvat 1889. 314. Nyayasiddhantamanjari [ fag-45477f] by JÂNAKINÂTHAŠARMAN; incomplete. 53 ll. ; 8 lines on a page ; 200 Gr. 315. Padarthatattvanirnaya[9a72fema :),incomplete. 17 11. ; 12 lines on a page ; 380 Gr. 316. Bhedadhikkara (T&TT:] by NRISINHÂŚRAMA. 18 ll.; 1o lines on a page ; 400 Gr. 317. Bhedadhikkarasatkriya ( H EITHEAT] by NÂRAYAŅĀśRAMA. 74 II. ; 10 lines on a page ; 1,850 Gr. 318. Varadaraja (TTTTIG:], incomplete. 87 11. ; 16 lines on a page : 2,400 Gr. 319. Vedantakalpadruma [ 964:], incomplete. The last leaf is numbered 85, but the leaves 1, 72, and 81-84 are missing. 10 lines on a page ; 1,500 Gr. 320. Vedantasara Caratert:] by Nîla (?). 166 ll. ; 12 lines on a page; 5,200 Gr. Samvat 1646. 321. Vedantasara (GTAIT:). with Commentary by NRI. SIMHASARASVATI. 105 11. ; 9 lines on a page ; 1,500 Gr. Sanvat 1910. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PAPER MSS. 73 322. Sribhashya [starsya ]. 20 II. ; 12 lines on a page ; 480 Gr. 323. Sribhashye Charchagrantha (eftarts afgəy:]. 197 11. ; 12 lines on a page ; 5,000 Gr. 324. Saptapadarthi (Antarfi]. 9 ll. ; 11 lines on a page; 150 Gr. 8. DHARMA. 325. Kalanirnaya (Fren lauf:] by ADITYABHATTOPADHYÂYA surnamed Kavivallabha. 190 11. ; 10 lines on a page; 3,000 Gr. Samvat 1581. 326. The same, by MÂDHAVÂCHÂRYA. 193 11. ; 9 lines on a page ; 4,200 Gr. Samvat 1645. 327. Kalanirnayadipikavivarana [atofautiaiTa], a commentary on the Kâlanirņayadipikâ of Ramachandra (the author of the Prakriyâkaumudi), by his son NĶISIÍHA. 119 leaves ; 11 lines on a page ; 3,850 Gr. Fol. 16: fat buah orola hartfat: Et haritat वेदान्तानुमता च वैष्णवमहासिद्धांतसदीपिका । कालज्ञानविधौ व्यधायि विबुधानंदि प्रबंधत्रयं कृष्णाचार्यसुतः स नः सुखयतु श्रीरामचंद्रो गुरुः ।। 328. Ganamala [TOATE]. 5 Il. ; 11 lines on a page ; 60 Gr. Samvat 1644. 329. Chaturasitijnatiprasasti (77TatianaHaT:) by SADÂśIVA. 2 11. ; 9 lines on a page ; 18 Gr. 330. Chaturvargachintamani Danakhanda (afffaraoiareus:) by HemÂDRI. 444 11.; 10 lines on a page; 12,580 Gr. Samvat 1652. 331. The same, Pariseshakhanda atalaag:]. 310 II. ; 12 lines on a page ; 10,300 Gr. Samvat 1610. 332. Danayakyasamuchchaya [ 14THTET:] by YoGiśVARA. 43 11. ; 11 lines on a page; 800 Gr. Samvat 1594. 333. Nirnayasara [faruftarT:) by LÂLAMAŅIBHATTACHÂRYA. 32 ll. ; 13 lines on a page; 720 Gr. 10 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 74 PAPER MSS. 334. Nirnayasiddhanta [FOTTHIAG: 1 by RAGHURAMA. 192 ll. ; 9 lines on a page ; 3,000 Gr. Samvat 1781. 335. Nirnayamrita (faof71477] by ALLÂDA NÄTHA. 189 11. ; 9 lines on a page ; 5,000 Gr. 336. Parasaradharmasastra (TTTTTHRITEZE ). 145 II. ; 10 lines on a page ; 2,880 Gr. 337. Vratarka (tari:] by SANKARABHAȚȚA. 391 11. ; 10 lines on a page ; 9,100 Gr. 338. The same ; 312 II. ; 11 lines on a page. 339. Suddhimayukha [Jicat:) by NÎLAKANTHA. 48 ll. ; 9 lines on a page ; 864 Gr. 340. Smritikaustubha [Faithreqat:) by ANANTADEVA. 401 11. ; 9 lines on a page ; 8,800 Gr. 341. Smritisara graart:7 by YÂINIKADEVA. 18 ll. : 11 lines on a page ; 340 Gr. Samvat 1837. 9. ASTRONOMY AND ASTROLOGY. 342. Jatakabharana [51THTHTTE] by DHUŅDHIRAJA. 130 Il. ; 12 lines on a page ; 2,860 Gr. Samvat 1733. 343. Jyotisharatnamalasara ] by SRPATI, with commentary by MAHADEVA. 193 ll. ; 9 lines on a page; 3,000 Gr. 344. Tajakabhushana [215utą] by GAŅEśA, son of Dhuņdhirâja. 53 ll. ; 11 lines on a page ; 750 Gr. 345. Tajikasara [arch HIT:] by HARIBHATTA. 14 11. ; 16 lines on a page: 500 Gr. 346. Raudri Meghamala [Cicî ÀTHAT]. 21 ll. ; 12 lines on a page; 400 Gr. Samvat 1817. 347. Varahamihirasamhita [TTTELHETHEar], incomplete. 144. ll. ; 1 lines on a page ; 2,800 Gr. 348. Vaishnavasastra [sota Tan] by NÂRÂYAŅA, son of Brahmadása. 10. MEDICINE. 349. Gunasamgraha (TTÄNE:] by SOPHALA, the pupil of Asodha. 95 II. ; 7 lines on a page; 1,300 ślokas. Samvat 1469. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Ends : PAPER MSS. Begins: ओं नमः श्रीधन्वतरये || तमःसमुद्रसंममलोकाकर्षणकर्म्मटं । कराणां निकरं दध्यात्तारणात्तरणिः स्वयं ॥ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 75 आयुर्वेदसुधारहस्यरसिकी साहित्यसौहित्यधीज्र्ज्योतिःशास्त्रविचारसारचतुरो यो लक्षणे दक्षणः । श्रीमान् रायकवालवंशतिलकः स्फारोपकारोद्यतो जीयान्नित्यमसावसोढललितः प्रज्ञोज्वलः सोढलः || इति भिषग्वर श्री सोढलकृते गुणसंग्रहे मिश्रिकाध्यायः समाप्तः ||श्रीः || 11. TECHNICAL BOOKS. 350. Kundatattvapradipa [कुण्डतत्व प्रदीपः ] by BALABHADRA. 30 ll. ; 18 lines on a page 1,000 Gr Samvat 1875. 351. Kundamandapadarpana [ कुण्डमण्डपदर्पण: ] by NA - RAYANA. 2 ll. ; 11 lines on a page ; Samvat 1697. 352. Kundasiddhi [ कुण्डसिद्धिः ] by VITTHALADIKSHITA, with a commentary. 26 ll. ; II lines on a page ; 625 Gr 353. Vastusastra [ वास्तुशास्त्रम् ], incomplete. 12 11.; to lines on a page ; 300 Gr. 354. The same, incomplete. 2611.; to lines on a page ; 450 Gr. 355. The same, entitled Rajavallabhamandana [राजवल्लभमण्डनम् ] by SÚTRADHÁRAMANDANA. 59 ll. ; 12 lines on a page ; 1,500 Gr. Samvat 1887. 356. The same, entitled Samaranganasutradhara [समराङ्गणसूत्रधारः ], by BHOJADEVA, incomplete ; ll. 1-61 and yo ; 12 lines on a page; 1,560 Gr. For Private and Personal Use Only 12. MANTRA-TANTRA. 357. Mantrakosa [मन्त्रकोशः ], or Mantraratnavalikosa [मन्त्ररत्नावलीकोशः ], by AŚADITYA; first leaf missing. 200 ll. ; 1o lines on a page ; 4,400 Gr. Samvat 1630. 358. Yaradevirahasya [यरादेवी रहस्यम् ]. 9311; 8 lines on a page ; 1,400 Gr. Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 76 PAPER MSS. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 359. Rasaratnakara [T], Mantrakhanda, by NITYANATHASIDDHA. 90 ll.; 11 lines on a page; 1,8co Gr. Samvat 1743. 13. JAINA WORKS (not included in the preceding). 360. Anchalamatadalanaprakarana [SAUKby HARSHABHUSHANAGANI. 14 I.; 17 lines on a page; 1,070 Gr.-Composed in Samvat (?) 1480. 361. Adhyatmakalpadruma [] by MUNISUNDARASÛRI, with commentary by RATNACHANDRAGAŅI. 62 ll.; 15 lines on a page; 2,454 Gr. Samvat 1683. 362. Anekantajayapatakakhyaprakaranavyakhya [अनेकान्तजयपताकाख्यप्रकरणव्याख्या ] by MUNICHANDRA ; incomplete. 245 ll.; 10 lines on a page; 5,850 Gr. 363. Acharadinakara [] by VARDHAMANASURI. 170 ll.; 18 lines on a page; 15,500 Gr. 364. Acharanganiryukti [rasta:], in Prâkṛit. 14 ll.; 12 lines on a page; 450 Gr. 365. Atmanusasana [g] by PÂRSVANAGA. 2 ll.; 15 ll. on a page; 70 Gr. 366. Avasyakatika sishyahita [fr] by HARIBHADRA. 213 .; 15 lines on a page; 12,400 Gr. [आवश्यक नियुक्ति चूर्णि: ]. 367. Avasyakaniryuktichurni 372 11.; 17 lines on a page; 18,000 Gr. Samvat 1661. 368. Iryapathikashattrimsika[r] with Vritti, both by DHARMASAGARAGANI. 15 ll. ; 21 lines on a page; 800 Gr. 369. Upadesamalakarnika [ar] by UDA YAPRABHADE VASURI. 174 ll. ; 20 lines on a page; 12,000 Gr. 370. Kalpadrumakalika [4] by LAKSHMIVALLABHA. 147 Il.; 18 lines on a page; 5,500 Gr. 371. Kalpaniryukti [:] by VINAYENDUSÛRI. 16 I.; 13 lines on a page; 400 Gr. Samvat 1590. 372. Kalpasutratika [] by SAMAYASUNDARASURI. 207 II.; 13 lines on a page; 7,500 Gr. 373. Kalikacharyakatha [], in Prâkrit. 13 ll. ; 8 lines on a page; 140 Gr. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra PAPER MSS. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 77 374. Kumarapalacharita Dvyasrayamahakavya [§#c¶safty] by HEMACHANDRA. 36 ll. ; 11 lines on a page; 950 Gr. Samvat 1936. 375. Kumarapalaprabandha [] by JINAMANDANOPADHYAYA; first leaf missing. 72 11.; 20 lines on a page; 3,500 Gr. Samvat 1669. 376. Gautamaprichchha [], with Vritti composed by MATIVARDHANA in Samvat 1738. 30 ll.; 16 lines on a page; 1,683 Gr. Samvat 1794. 377. Chandronmilana [f]. 22 11.; 15 lines on a page; 1,000 Gr. Samvat 1798. 378. Jyotishkarandakatika [f] by MALAYAGIRI. 145 11.; 13 lines on a page; 5,500 Gr. Samvat 1640. 379. Traivaidyagoshthi [], composed by MuNISUNDARA in Samvat 1455. 11 l.; 19 lines on a page; 900 Gr. Samvat 1516. eft:] 380. Dvyasrayamahakavyavritti by ABHAYATILAKAGANI. 473 1.; 17 lines on a page; 21,500 Gr. 381. Dharmaratnasastra [] by SANTISÛRI, with Vritti by DEVENDRASÛRI; a few leaves damaged. 353 II.; II lines on a page; 9,700 Gr. 382. Dharmopadesamala [] by SIMHACHÂRYA, with Vritti by JAYASIMHASÛRI; both in Prâkrit. First two leaves missing. 99 ll.; 17 lines on a page; 5,600 Gr. 383. Narachandratippanaka [] by SA23 I.; 15 lines on a page; 900 Gr. Panchadandachchhattraprabandha GARACHANDRA. 384. [:] by RAMACHANDRASÛRI. 38 11.; 17 lines on a page; 1,800 Gr. Samvat 1530. For Private and Personal Use Only 385. Pramanamanjari [7] by (Târkika) SARVA (or SARVA)-DEVASURI. 6 11.; 15 lines on a page; 315 Gr. 386. Pravachanapariksha or Sahasrakirana [i, rojar] in Prâkrit, with commentary in Sanskrit by DHARMASAGARAGANI, composed during the reign of Akbar. 422 l.; 13 lines on a page; 14,000 Gr. Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 78 PAPER MSS. 387. Pravachanasaroddharavritti (TTTIIGITE:) by SIDDHASENAS@RI. 368 ll. ; 15 lines on a page ; 17,200 Gr. 388. Prasnasata [147] by NARACHANDRA, with Avachûrņi. 5 11. ; 13 lines on a page ; 200 Gr. 389. Priyankaranripakatha [rTinh 42T) (Śrî upasargaharastotraprabhâve). 28 ll. ; 13 lines on a page ; 900 Gr. 390. Brihatkalpasutra (Thechr4875], with commentary. 730 11. ; 13 lines on a page ; 25,000 Gr. 391. Bhuvanadipaka (29579:7by PADMAPRABHASÛRI. 8 II. ; 13 lines on a page; 200 Gr. Samvat 1553. 392. Mahadevoktasarinya Grahanam Vritti (FETC HITOST TETTİ :] by BHUVANARAJAGAŅÎNDRAŠISHYA--- (?). 38 II. ; 16 lines on a page ; 1,300 Gr. 393. Mahaviracharita Cheratrafta] by HEMACHANDRA. 126 ll. ; 12 lines on a page; 5,500 Gr. 394. Yasodharacharita (TSİNTETTH] by KsHAMAKALYÂŅA. 34 ll. ; 16 lines on a page ; 1,350 Gr. 395. Yogadrishtisamuchchaya [irtiengezl, with Vyâkhyâ by (Svetabhikshu Âchârya) HARIBHADRA. 28 11. ; 15 lines on a page; 1,160 Gr. 396. Lagnasastra (santan] by HEMAPRABHASÛRI; incomplete. 18 ll. ; 18 lines on a page ; 1,000 Gr. 397. Laghukshetrasamasayritti (THTHAIHITT:) by HARIBHADRASÛRI (Foll. 99-105), and Karmaprakrititika ( m arraziar], by MALAYAGIRI (Foll. 105–199). 101 II. ; 16 lines on a page ; 8,600 Gr. 398. Vicharasaptatika [arcagfahr] in Prakrit, with Vritti by VINAYAKÔŠALA. 13 II. ; 18 lines on a page ; 500 Gr. Samvat 1683 399. Viseshakalpachurni [ fact@ro:], incomplete. 140 II. ; 17 lines on a page ; 11,000 Gr. 400. Vitaragastotra [fiqtisaTA). 3 11. ; 19 lines on a page ; 150 Gr. Samvat 1479. 401. Vyavaharabhashya (47ETTHISTH], in Prâkrit. First leaf missing. 78 11. ; 17 lines on a page ; 5,100 Gr. Samvat • 1655. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir PAPER MSS. 79 402. Silopadesamalayritti [att ETANETTE:], incomplete. 109 II. ; 20 lines on a page ; 6,000 Gr. 403. Sraddhapratikramanasutravritti [guOFFERT:], with explanation by DEVAKUSALA. 228 11. ; 12 lines on a page ; 6,570 Gr. Samvat 1781. 404, Sripalacharitra [-fitima 175] in Prakrit, with commentary in Sanskrit by KSHAMÂKALYÂŅA. 105 II. ; 15 lines on a page; 4,500 Gr. 405. Shadayasyakayritti [761957:). 42 II. ; 15 lines. on a page ; 2,700 Gr. 406. Shashtisataka (TERT*] by NEMICHANDRA ; with gloss in Gujarâtî. 55 ll. ; 13 lines on a page ; 2,200 Gr. Saṁvat 1515. 407. Shodasakayritti (9 :] by ABHAYADEVAsûri. 25. 11. ; 16 lines on a page ; 1,500 Gr. Samvat 1668. 408. Sammatimahatarkasutra (HACHETTán] in Prâkrit, by SIDDHASENADIVAKARA. 4 ll. ; 17 lines on a page ; 165 Gâthâs; 200 Gr. Samvat 1467. 409. Sammatitarkavritti (åhtaan:] by ABHAYADEVASRI. 233 and 199 II. ; 25,000 Gr. Samvat 1836. 410. Siddhapanchasika [fea r ] in Prakrit, by DEVENDRASÛRI; with Avachûri in Sanskrit. i ll. ; 13 lines on a page : 400 Gr. 411. Sukritakirtanakavya ( 1777777] by ARISIHA. 13 11. ; 17 lines on a page ; 1,000 Gr. Samvat 1510. 412. Sutrakritanga [ 915] with Vụitti by SILÂNGÂCHÂRYA. 224 ll. ; 20 lines on a page ; 14,900 Gr. 413. Syadyadamanjari [Fracht] with Vritti by. MALLISHEŅASRI. First leaf missing. 40 ll. ; 19 lines on a page; 3,000 Gr. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 11 APPENDIX. MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No. 1 Title of Work. Author. Fols. Lines Age. Place where bought. Remarks. A.-Brahminical Literature. I.--VEDICA. .......... 0 2310 Bikâner Complete 1 Atharvavedaprâtisâkhya 2 | Amoghanandinî Šikshâ 3 Âpisali Śiksha ...... 0 14 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. For Private and Personal Use Only 4 Kaushitakibrâhmanabhâshya .. Do. Jodhpur Incomplete Vinayakabhatta 0 171 23 MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. 5 Charaṇavyûhabhâshya ....... Do. Do. Complete 6 Mândûki Siksha. Do. Bikâner Do. Harisvâmin Do. Do. Do. Sâyaņa Do. Do. Do. Satapathabrahmanabhâshya, Kända I... 8 The same, KâŅda IV, Adhyâyas 1-3.... 9 The same, Kâņda V .............. 10 The same, Kanda VI .... The same Do. Do. Do. The same Do. Do. Do. II The same, Kanda VIII Harisvâmin Do. Do. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only 12 13 14 The same, Kânda IX. The same, Kânda XII... The same, Kânda XIII. 15 Kalirâjavarnana, from the Bhavishya purâna. 16 Kûrmapurâņa 17 Panchaparvîmâhâtmya, from the Skanda purâua. Brahmavaivartapurâṇa 18 19 Vâmanapurâņa. 20 Vishnupurâna 21 Antarakathâsamgraha 22 Karpûramanjarî Nâţikâ 23 Karpâramanjarîbhâshya 24 Kalâvilâsa Harisvâmin 61 O 127 42 The same 46 II.-PURANA AND MAHATMYA. 0 O II 4 II 273 I 1 Do. 1622 7 14 1827 266 12 0 203 II 1839 1230 II 1563 12 10 III. KAVYA, NATAKA, ETC. Ratnasekhara 38 16 O 8 Premarâja Kshemendra 21 Do. Do. Do. 15 46 15 13 0 1600 N. C. Do. Do. Dc. Do. Do. Jesalmîr Bikâner Surat Jesalmir Do. Surat Bikâner Jesalmîr Bikaner Do. Do. Do. Do. One leaf missing. Complete Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. 83 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Title of Work. Author. Fols. Lines Age. Place where bought. Remarks. Kalidasa 79 8 Bikâner Complete 1447 1784 N. C. Do. Do. Jayadeva; Naraya. 8 nabhatta ... Upendraharsha pålita Lakshmidhara 124 31 Jesalmir Do. 25 | Kumarasambhava, 8 Sargas.... 26 Gîtagovinda satîka Gaudavadha, Sâråkhyatîkâsahita ..... 28 Chakrapâņikávya ........ 29 Chaņdiśataka ....... Chandiśatakațîkâ ..... The same ..... Do, Do. Do. Banabhatta Do. Bikâner Do. For Private and Personal Use Only Dhanesvara Do. Do. Leaf 52 miss ing. MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. Do. Jesalmîr 32 Dasakumâracharita Dandin Bikaner Incomplete 33 The same ....... The same 1730 Complete | Damayantîkatha savrittika Do. 35 1683 Nalodayatîka, 4 Ullasas Nalodaya satika Pârthaparâkrama. Do. Do. Jesalmîr Bhuj Do. Bikaner Trivikrama; Gun. 324 12 avinayagani Nrisimhåśrama 45 9-12 Ravideva ; Râm- 46 15 arshi Prahlâdana 1 5 18 Do. 1753 0 1 37 Do. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only 38 Purushapariksha 39 Premoktyudaya.. 40 Bhojacharitra... 41 Bhojaprabandha.. Madhuvarnana 43 Meghadûta, with marginal notes 44 Raghuvamsaṭikâ, Sarga I.. The same 46 The same, Sugamânvayâ 124 45 10 47 Raghuvamsadarpana, Sargas V-XIX.. 48 Raghavapândavîyatîkâ 49 Râmaśataka Vikramânkadevacharita 50 51 Sisupâlavadha 52 Sisupâlavadhațîkâ. Vidyapati O Rajavallabha Ballâla Keli Kâlidâsa Vijayagani Châritravardhana 76 Someśvara Bilhana 10 Magha Vallabha 3 26 27 17 35 15 5 26 Sumativijaya 238 ➢ མཻ ཎྜ ྂཚ ༷ R: 。 26 107 Châritravardhana 224 N. C. Do. 0 O N. C. O O 18 1667 II Hemâdri 185 13 39 13 12 14 12 Q 10 ... O O 18 1656 N. C. 0 1273 17 1708 Do. Jesalmîr Surat Bikâner Jesalmîr Surat Vadhvân Bikaner Do. Do. Vadhvân Bikâner Jesalmîr Bikâner Do. Do. Do. Do. Incomplete Complete Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 7th leaf missing. Complete Do. Do. MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. 85 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only No. Title of Work. 53 Sisupâlavadhațîkî.. 54 Simhasanadvâtrimsatî 55 Setubandha 56 Hitopadeśa 57 Unâdivṛitti 58 Kridvṛitti 59 Durgasimhavṛitti 60 Prâkritalakshana 61 Prayogavivekasaṁgraha 62 Sârasvataprasâda 63 Abhidhâvṛittimâțrikâ Author. Fols. Lines Châritravardhana 308 Siddhasenadivákara 32 Kâlidâsa Vishņuśarman 70 IO IV. GRAMMAR. Durgasimha Chandra Vararuchi Vâsudeva ... Ujjvaladatta 25 Moksheśvara 74 133 15 ... 16 17 Age. N. C. O N. C. 1597 0 0 1526 40 13 6 13 23 31 N. C. 116 II O O V.-POETICS. Mukulabhatta | 29 | 26 | N. C. Place where bought. Bhuj Bikâner Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Jesalmir Do. Do. 1 Remarks. Complete Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Incomplete Complete Do. Do. Do. 86 MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 64 Do. Do. 1 Do. Udbhatâlamkâra Laghutikäsahita ....... Bhattodbhata ; Pra- 62 | 26 tíhârenduraja Kavyakalpalatâkaviśikshâyritti ... Amarachandra Bikaner Do. Kâvyâdarśa .... Someśvara Jesalmir Do. 7 Padyâvali ..... o Bikaner Do. 68 Natyaśâstra Bharata Do. Do. The same Do. Do. The same .... Rudratálamkâratippana ... 237 11 231 0 Jesalmîr Do. For Private and Personal Use Only 71 Vamanalamkara Vâmana Delhi Do. MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. VI.-METRICS. 72 Chandalsastra savivșittika...... ... Jayadeva; Harshata 33 Do. Chandovritti, Vșittaratnâkaratîkâ......... Bhatner Do. 74 Prakritachhandahkosha ... Sulhaņa 0 Chandrakîrti ...... 1 123 Bikaner Do. Do. Do. 75 Prakritachhandahkoshatîkâ . Do. Do. VII.-DHARMA. 76 Dravyasuddhi ................... ....... 0 | 25 | 10 | 0 | Jesalmîr | Do. Lo Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only No. Title of Work. 79 The same, Dâyavibhaga 80 Sankhasmriti.. 81. Smritisâra Author. 77 Yajnavalkiyadharmaśâstranibandha (A- Aparâdityadeva 222 chârakânda.) 78 The same, Vyavahârakâṇḍa. The same The same O 29 Yajnavalkya 14 VIII-PHILOSOPHY. 82 Khandana 83 Khandanamandana, a commentary on the Khandanakhandakhadya, Another Tika on the same. 84 85 Tattvachintamani 86 Tarkaparibhâshâţîkâ 87 Nyayakandali 88 Nyâyamanjarîgranthibhanga Fols. Lines F 33 23 32 14 ... 00 10 10 N. C. 8 Bhishmamiśra 13 13 Paramânanda 27 18 O 38 18 Gangeśvara 163 13 Vinnibhatta 42 17 Śridhara 114 32 Chakradhara 61 23 Age. 3 O O 1776 N. C. Place where bought. Delhi Do. Bikâner Do. Do. 0 Do. N. C. Jesalmir Do. Do. 1662 Bikâner 0 Do. N. C. Jesalmîr Do. Do. Remarks. Incomplete Complete Do. 19th leaf miss ing. Complete. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 88 MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Bikâner Do. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra OL Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 89 Nyâyasára ... Bhâsarvasna 1 20 9 Nyâyasâratika ...... Vijayahamsagaņi 97 | 13 Nyâyâvatâra savrittika ...... 0; Sitapatasiddha- 94 vyakhyanaka The same .......... ; The same Brahmasútravritti brahmâm ritavarshiņi. Râmånanda Sarasvati Vedântaparibhasha Do. Do. Do. 1889 Jesasmir Bikaner Do. | The same with a commentary ....... Delhi Do. For Private and Personal Use Only MSS. COLLECTED 1 Do. Incomplete Complete Do. Vivekamârtânda .............. Bikaner Vivekamârtâņda and Garbhopanishad.... Sadguņâchấrya 17 | 8 1459 Jesalmîr 98 Vishnusahasranamadini Vaishṇavasás Do. trâui. 99 Vaiseshikasútra sabhâshya.... Kaņâda ; Chand-20 24 N. C. Do. rânanda 100 Sabdakhanda............... Bikâner 101 Sânkhyakârikâ sabhashya . 1 58 10 18411 Surat IX-ASTRONOMY, ETC. 102 Pavanavijaya ..... 0 1 5115 | O | Bikâner O O Incomplete Complete Do. Do. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Title of Work. Author. Fols. Lines Age. Place where bought. Remarks. 103 Pârâsarasiddhanta, Skandhas I and II... Parâsara 19 N. C. Jesalmîr Complete Incomplete 104 Mînarâjajâtaka ...... Yavanâchârya 12 1659 Bikaner 105 Râjam rigânka ..... Bhojadeva Do. Do. Do. 106 Romakasiddhânta .... Do. Do. Do. 107 Vivahapatala ...... Jesalmîr Complete For Private and Personal Use Only 108 Sârâvalî...... Do. Incomplete MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. 109 Madanavinoda ...... | Śârngadhara 62 0 31 X.-VAIDYAŠASTRA. Madanapala 50 | 150 The same 43 15 1855 Pâlakâpya 412 11! O XI.-MANTRAŚÂSTRA. 0 | 80 | 91 0 Damodara 137 | 17 0 110 | Complete Do. The same ..... Bikâner. Do. Do. 111 Hastyayurveda ...... 174th leaf miss. ing. 112 Jnânârnava ........... Do. Do. Leaves 49.56 missing Complete 113 | Yantrachintamani ....... | Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 114 | Siddhamantra saprakasa ................... Keśava ; Vopadeva | 25 | 15 | 1740 1 Do. 1 Do. XII.-MISCELLANEOUS. 115 Abhilashitachintâmani ......... Do. Do. Incomplete 116 The same .. 117 Ratnadspika Complete For Private and Personal Use Only Someśvara-Bhûlo- 256 | 12 | 1930 kamalla The same 109 10 N. C. 0 161u 1853 B.-Jaina Literature. 1.-DHARMA. 0 131 | 10 Harshavardhana 1770 118 Aksharachủ đầmani .. Do. MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. 119 Adhyâtmabindu savivarana. Do. 120 Adhyâtmavidyopanishad ...... Hemachandra 1468 Rânder 121 | Anuttaraupapâtitadaśâvivarana..... Abhayadeva 1 1561 Bikaner 122 Anuyogadvarasútra sabâlâvabodha 0; Molha 17 Vadhvân Rânder Ashtau pratyakhyânâni (M. G.) sabha. O; Kulamaụdana 3 shyâņi (M. S.) 124 Âurapachchhâkkhấnapainnâvřitti .. ... Bhuvanasundara 27 13 0 125 The same with Tabâ (M. 0 1981 1648 Bikaner Vadhyân Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only No. Title of Work. 126 Achâradinakara. 127 Achârapradipa 128 Atmaprabodha satîka ***** **** 129 Avasyakaniryuktichûrņi (M.) 130 Avasyakavṛittiḥ pradeśâkhyâ 131 Avasyakavṛihadvṛitti.. 132 Avaśyakaśrutaskandha sâvachûri (M, S.) 133 Avaśyakasûtra satîka (M. S.) 134 Avasyakasûtrațîkâ śishyahitâ., 135 Îryâpathikâ (M.) 136 Utsûtrakhandana 137 138 Upadeśasaptati Upadeśamâlâvachûri.. ******** Author. Vardhamânasûri 288 15 Ratnasekhara 114 13 Jinalabha 108 17 O 351 15 Hemachandrasûri 62 17 15 12 26 O O 0 O Fols. Lines O O 545 Age. 1927 0 1833 0 O 124 19 248 15 1511 17 13 O Dharmasâgara 29 15 1606 Dharmanandana ვნ 13 1599 Somadharmagani 58 15 1672 O 1684 ܘ ܀ Place where bought. Bikaner Vadhvân Bikaner Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Jodhpur Surat Bikâner Jesalmir Bikaner Remarks. Complete First two leaves missing. Complete Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Leaves 49-63 and 193-214 missing. Complete Do. Do. Do. 92 MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 0 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra | 10 | 11 0 Rânder Do. 1845 Limdi Do. Padmamandi ragani Abhayadeva 1892 Bikaner Do. Matichandra Do. Jesalmîr Phalodi Do. Bikâner Do, Do. Do. For Private and Personal Use Only 139 Rishimaņdalaprakarana 140 | Rishimaņdalaprakaraṇavritti.... 141 Aupapâtikavritti Karmavipâkabâlâvabodha (G)........... Kalpapradîpa (M. S.) .............. 144 Kshetrasamása (M) ................. 145 Gachchhanâmânukramaņikâ (G)......... 146. Guņasthânavritti ..... 147 Chandraprajnaptivritti .................. 148 | Charcharî savrittikå ................. Jambûdvîpaprajnaptichûrņi (M) 150 Jivavichâraprakaraṇa saţika (M.S.)...... 151 | Jivasamâsavșihadvritti ................ 152 Jîvâbhigamasútraţikâ ................. 153 The same ................ Do. Do. Ratnasekhara Malayagiri Jinapattisûri MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. Limdi Do. Phalodi Do. 1625 Bikâner Do. 0 1 7 1839 Do. Do. 111 1511 Do. Do. Hemachandra Malayagiri 240 17 1718 Do. Do. The same (222 171 01 Do. 93 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Title of Work. Author. Fols. Lines Age Place where bought. Remarks. 154 Complete Rânder Do. Do. 1:55 1.56 Jivâbhigamasútravritti .. Devasûri 43 Tapakulaka dharmamanjâshâvrittisahita 0; Devavijayagaại 47 Daśâśrutaskandhatîka ..... o 162 | 13 Dharmasangrahiņi ..... ......... Malayagiri Nirayâvali savivarana (M. S.) ............ Chandrasûri 1564 1725 o 1828 Bikâner Do. Do. 133rd leaf missing Complete Do. For Private and Personal Use Only The same The same ......... Tharad Do. MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. Nirayâvalyavachûri (Marvadi) .......... 0 Do. Do. Nisithasútra (M.) .... Surat Do. 162 Panchakalpasûtrachûrņi (M.). Âmradevacharya Bikaner Do. 163 | Panchanirgranthisâtra (M) Do. Do. 164 Panchangivritti ... Abhayadeva Do. Do. Yogîndradeva Do. Do. 165 | Paramâtmaprakasa savrittika (M ... 166 | Paryushaņādaśasatakavritti ..............! Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Dharmasagara | 30 Ol Rånder Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only 167 | Parvaratnâvalî 168 Jayasagara 12 15 1546 Yaśodevasûri 78 12 1519 0 85 16 N. C. 16 16 1556 114 15 1588 15 62 13 Pâkshikasûtravṛitti 169 Pindaniryuktyavachûri (M. S.) 170 Pindaviśuddhi with Tabâ (M. G.) 171 Pushpamâlâvṛitti 172 The same..... ... 173 Prabodhachintamani 174 175 176 Bhavabhâvanâvṛitti (M. S.).. 1660 177 Mahachchhalo (M.). O 178 Mahânisîthasûtra (M.).. O 129 13 1594 179 Yogavidhi (M.) O O 180 Ratnakarâvatârika, Pramânanayatattvâ- Ratnaprabhâchârya 176 II O lamkâraţîkâ Lokaprakâśa. 181 Kîrtivijaya Pramânanayatattvâlaṁkâra satîka Bandhasvâmitvâvachûri O; Jinavallabha Somagani The same Jayasekhara Devâchârya; O O Hemachandra O ܘ 104 15 14 9 16 254 14 ཛ 8 8 Ş 17 13 20 15 1655 O O O 572 15 1708 Bikâner Do. Jesalmîr Rânder Bikaner Do. Do. Vadhvân Surat Bombay Bikaner Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. 95 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Title of Work Author Fols. Lines Age. Place where bought. Remarks. 182 Vijjáhelo (M.)...... Surat Complete 183 Vidhikaumudîvritti Ratnasekhara 1516 Do. Do. 184 Vidhiprapâ (M.) Jinabhadra Bikaner Do. 185 Vipâkasrutaskandhatîkâ Abhayadeva Do. Do. Vivekamanjarî (M.) ......... Jyaâsada Rânder Do. For Private and Personal Use Only 187 The same ....... The same Bikaner Do. MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. 188 The same .... The same Surat Do. 189 Vivekavilása ..... Jinadattasûri 5815 Bikaner N.C. Bhatner Do. O Jodhpur Do. 190 | Višeshakalpachûrại (M. S.) Vsihatkalpasůtra with Țabá (M. G. )... Vrihatkshetrasamâsa (M.) 193 Vyavahårasútra with Tabâ (M. G.)..... 194 Vyavahârasûtraţikâ Ol 0 Somatilaka Rânder Do. Do. 0 Malayagiri 1753 1329 / 150 Vadhvân l Bikâner ist leaf missing Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 0; Devendra | 10 | Vadhvân 1 Compiete 195 – 196 Sraddhapratikramaņa sâvachûri ......... Śrâddhapratikramaņavivritti........... Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 0 Bikaner Do. Srâvakadharmavidhi ..... Haribhadra Do. Do. 198 0 Jodhpur Do. Śrâvakadinakritya (M.)................ Śrâvakapratikramaṇachûrņi (M.)..... Srâvakapratikramanavritti.... 21. 1533 Bikâner Do. O Tilakâchârya Do. Do. 201 Shatsthânakavritti ......... Do. Do. For Private and Personal Use Only 1771 Do. Do. MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. 1611 Shaậdravyasaṁgraha vșittisahita ......... O; Brahmadeva Shashțișataka såvachûri (M. S.) ......... 0 Samvegadrumamanjarî ...... Samyamakavi Sangrahinîtîkî ...... Malayagiri Do. Do. 11 9 Rander Da Do. Do. 206 Samgrahiniratna Chandrasûri 1526 Do. Do. 207 Samgrahiņyavachûri ..... Devabhadra Surat Do. 208 Samghapattavritti .. Jinapati Do. N. C. | 15 | 1492 | Jesalmîr Bikaner 209 The same ........ Jinavallabha 97 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Pace where 98 Title of Work. Author. Fols. Lines Age. bought Remarks. 210 Sattaribhâshya (M.) Bikaner Complete 211 Samdehadolávali Do. Do. Prabodhachandra- 105 gaại The same 212 The same Jesalmîr Incomplete 213 Bikaner Complete Vadhvân Do. For Private and Personal Use Only Saptatika ika ... Malayagiri Samadhitantra sabâlâvabodha (S. G.).../ Parvatadharma Samavâyângasútra (M)................. 0 Samavâyângasûtravritti.... Abhayadeva Sâdhupratikramanavřitti. Tilakâchârya Bikaner Do. MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. 216 Do. Do. 217 Jodhpur Do. 218 Sârasamuchchaya ............ Vadhvan Do. Bikâner Do. Do. Do. 219 Siddhasukhaviisakâ (M.) 220 Sûkshmârthavichâra (M.). 221 Sûyadânganiryukti (M.). | The same Do. 15 N. C. 115! O Jesalmîr Do. 1 Do. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 223 Sûyađângavřitti... 224 Sûrapannatti (M.)...... Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Do. Vadhvân 1 Do. 69th leaf miss ing. 225 Atthottaristava sâvachûri (M. S.) 0 197 170 0 85 1 0 11.--POETRY. 0 15 13 0 Vallabhagaņi 15 | 21 o Samantabhadra 8 12 1517 0; Abhayadeva 24 1671 Complete 1. Rânder Vadhvân 226 Aranathajinastavavritti.. Do. Bikâner Do. Do. Do. For Private and Personal Use Only The same Surat Do. Chaturvimsatijînastuti ... Jayatihuyaṇastotra satîka (M. S.) .... | The same ... Jinaśataka ... Jainakumarasambhavatika ............... Thůlibha fraguņotkîrtana (G............. Dvyâśrayamahâkâvya MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. Jambukavi Do. Do. Dharmasekhara Bikaner Do. 0 24 1680 Rânder Do. 233 Jinaprabhasûri N.C. Jesalmîr Do. 234 Praśnaśataka ....... Jinavallabha Bikaner Do. 235 Bhavyâmbhojastuti 0 Do. Do. 236 | Mandharasvâmistuti sávachûri.......... 0; Munisundara I 0 Rânder Do. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only No. 237 Mahaviravijnaptishaṭtrimśikâ Title of Work. 238 Anantanâthacharitrântargatakathânakâni.| 239 Kânhaḍadevaprabandha (G.) 240 Kirtikallolini 241 Gandûrâyakatha (M.) 242 Gunavarmacharitra 243 244 245 246 Trishashtiśalâkâpurushacharita 247 Pattâvali (M. S.). 248 The same (M. S.) Gurvâvali The same The same Author. O 7 8 III.-BIOGRAPHY AND LEGENDS. 32 18 29 17 13 13 IS 13 Fols. Lines O Padmanabha Hemavijayagani O Manikyasundara 60 0 0 Hemachandra 0 24 10 5 15 15 15 24 36 28 13 14 9 Age. 15 O O N. C. O 0 N. C. 1876 N. C. 0 Place where bought. Rânder Do. Tharad Surat Vadhvân Surat Bikaner Do. Bhatner Bikaner Tharad Bikaner Remarks. Complete Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Incomplete Complete Do. Do. Do. Do. 100 MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Merutunga 240 | 15 | N.C. | | Incomplete Bhatner Jesalmîr Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Hemachandra 249 Prabandhachintamani 250 Mahâvîracharita.... 251 Mahâvîracharita (11.) 252 Varnanâsâgara (11.)... Complete Bikaner Do. Surat Do. 253 Vasudevahindi Kanda I (M.) Bikaner Do. 254 The same, Kånda II (NI.) Do. Do. 0 Vardhamana 255 | Vâsupujyacharitra...... Surat Incomplete For Private and Personal Use Only 256 Vikramadityacharitra ..... Ramachandra Bikaner Do. MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. Vîracharitra sâvachûri (M. S.)..... Jinavallabha Do. Complete 258 Vaichanavanakatha ...... O Surat Do. Sripalanarendrakatha Hemachandra 1426 Do. Do. Sthaviravali ..... Devavachaka Vadhvân Do. 261 Tharåd Do, The same (M. S.)......... 0 16 18 .C. | IV.-- MISCELLANEOUS. Anekântajayapatakoddyotadîpikâvritti Munichandra | 29 tippanaka 262 Jodhpur | Do. Do. TOI Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Title of Work. No. 102 Author. Fols. Lines Place where bought. Age. Remarks. 263 Anekârthasangraha Hemachandra 157 | 13 | 1858 | Bikâner Complete 2641 1828 Do. . Do. Abhidhânachintamanimâlâ savyutpat- Hemachandra; O tiratnakara. Alamkârachûqamani..... Hemachandra Do. Do. 0 0 266 Hari Do. Do. Karpûrâbhidhasubhâshitakosha The same, with Laghuvritti.............. 267 Hari ; Jinasagara 48 17 10 15 30 5 15 102 102 15 Phalodi • Do. For Private and Personal Use Only 268 Jyotishkarandatika Malayagiri Jesalmîr Incomplete N. c. | Do. MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74 The same .............. The same Do. Complete 270 Desiśabdasamgraha savrittika. Hemachandra Jodhpur | Incomplete 71 The same ..... The same Bikâner Do. 272 Dhâtupâtha sâvachûri The same Vadhvân Complete 0 419 Rânder Do. 273 Dhâtuprakarana ....... Nyâyamanjûshâvrihadvřitti ............. Hemahamsagani 275 Nyâyasiddhântamanjarî ................ Bhattâchârya Do. Bikâner Do. 18 ! 20 0 list leaf missing Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Complete. 276 | Prakritavřittidhundhikâ..................... Udayasaubhagya. 113 | 17 | 1640 gani 277 Beđâvritti ......... Narachandra 1707 Do. Rânder Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 278 Lingânuśâsana sâvachûri ..... Hemachandra 1499 Bikaner 279 The same with Vțitti ...... The same 1718 Do. 1729 Do. Vâkyaprakasa savachûri Śâradiyakhyanamamâlâ 281 Harshakîrti 1791 Rânder 282 Sabdânusâsana ............ Hemachandra Do. For Private and Personal Use Only The same Jodhpur MSS. COLLECTED IN 1873-74. The same Bikâner 283 The same, Adhy. I-VII....... 284 The same, Adhy. VIII ...... Silonchhatika ... 286 Syâdvâdamanjarîvritti ... 287 Haimî Prakriyâ....... 285 Jodhpur Vallabhagaņi Mallisheñasûri Bikaner O Rânder C.-Buddhistic Literature. | 22 | 26 | N.C. | Jesalmir Rabhasanandin | 17 | 12 ! Do. 1 Do. 0 288 Dharmottarav sitti 289 | Sambandhoddyota Incomplete Do. ......... 5 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir BOMBAY PRINTED AT THE EDUCATION SOCIETY'S PRESS, BYCULLA. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Serving Jinshasan 094546 For Private and Personal Use Only