Book Title: Kalpasutra
Author(s): Hermann Jacobi
Publisher: Leipzig
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes herausgegeben von der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft unter der verantwortlichen Redaction des Prof. Dr. Otto Loth. Sechster Band, Leipzig, 1878 in Commission bei F. A. Brockhaus. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Inhalt. No. 4. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir No. 1. Chronique de Josue le Stylite, ecrite vers l'an 515. Texte et traduction par M. l'abbe Paulin Martin. No. 2. Indische Hausregeln. Sanskrit und Deutsch herausgegeben von Adolf Friedrich Stenzler. II. Paraskara. Erstes Heft. Text. No. 3. Polemische und apologetische Literatur in arabischer Sprache, zwischen Muslimen, Christen und Juden, nebst Anhangen verwandten Inhalts. Mit Benutzung handschriftlicher Quellen von Moritz Steinschneider. Indische Hausregeln. Sanskrit und Deutsch herausgegeben von Adolf Friedrich Stenzler. II. Paraskara. Zweites Heft. Uebersetzung. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir The Kalpasutra of Bhadrabahu. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes herausgegeben von der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. VII. Band. No. 1. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir The Kalpasutra of Bhadrabahu edited with an Introduction, Notes and a Prakrit - Samskrit Glossar y by Hermann Jacobi. Leipzig 1879. In Commission bei F. A. Brockhaus. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THIS EDITION OF THE KALPASUTRA IS INSCRIBED TO GEORG BUHLER C. I. E. EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF BOMBAY ETC. ETC. AS A TOKEN OF SINCERE ADMIRATION AND GRATITUDE. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Preface. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Though Professor A. Weber's excellent treatise: "Ueber ein Fragment der Bhagavati" which contains a rather large specimen of the original text based on a single Manuscript, appeared more than ten years ago, this edition of the Kalpasutra is the first attempt to critically edit a complete Jaina work. Hence I hope that due allowance will be made for the difficulty of my task, when it will be found that I have but imperfectly reached the end aimed at. The Introduction contains besides the information on the Kalpasutra a discussion of the general questions connected with Jainism. In that part of my work I have refrained from largely entering on a criticism of the opinions of former scholars because they were derived from scant and insufficient materials and not because I was wanting in respect due to my predecessors. The Notes contain chiefly extracts from the Commentaries, and though they may occasionally furnish not all the information required, still they give all that is offered by native writers for the elucidation of the text. For easier passages the Glossary which contains the Samskrit translation of the Prakrit words adopted by the commentators, will be sufficient. - Dr. Buhler advised to write my Introduction and Notes in English in order to make my book at once accessible to Indian readers. It seems to me that the Hindu scholars who are willing to take into account the researches of their European colleagues, deserve some consideration, and that it also is the interest of the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir VIII latter to use, if possible, that language which at present is the lingua franca of India. I am aware that in electing to write in English, I have not escaped the lot of those who in a foreign country write in a foreign language. But I trust that in spite of my mistakes my meaning will be intelligible. My thanks are due to Dr. Buhler for the assistence he has given me, as well as to the lamented Dr. Paul Goldschmidt and to Dr. Eduard Muller, who both, one after the other, abandoned in my favour their undertaking to edit the Kalpasutra. Finally I have to acknowledge with best thanks the liberality and readiness with which Dr. R. Rost, Librarian of the India Office Library, K. M. Chatfield Esq., Director of Public Instruction, Bombay, and Professor Lepsius, Chief Librarian of the Royal Library at Berlin, have complied with my applications for the loan of Manuscripts. Munster, Westphalia 20th November 1878. Hermann Jacobi. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Introduction. Before entering upon an inquiry about the date of Mahavira's Nirvana, we must first discuss the question whether Jainism and Buddhism had each its separate and independent origin, or the one was a division of the other. European scholars who have written on the subject, have been generally inclined to take the latter view. Colebrooke believed Mahavira to have been the teacher of GautamaBuddha because one of Mahavira's disciples, Indrabhuti, is often called Gotamasvamin or simply Gotama. Prinsep and Stevenson have adopted his opinion, and, lately, Mr. Ed. Thomas has repeated it. Prof. Weber, in his book "Ueber das Catrunjayamahatrnyam" has proved how weak the argument is, on which Colebrooke's theory is based. For Indrabhuti was a Brahmana, and not a Kshattriya like Gautama-Buddha, and his belonging to the gotra of Gotama is insufficient to prove his identity with the latter. If Indrabhati had forsaken the religion of Vardhamana in order to found a rival sect, the Jaina sutras, which have been composed some time after the Nirvana, would, most certainly, speak not favourably of him as they continually do; but they would abuse him to their heart's content. though he was a favourite of Mahavira '). For the sutras plainly state that Jamali, the sister's son of Mahavira, caused the first schism, and the Bhagavati (saya 17) sneers at another disciple of Mahavira, Gosale Makkhaliputte -- who, by the by, is evidently identical with the Mainkhali-Gosalo mentioned in the Pali satras as one of the "six heretical teachers' and opponents of Buddha. Prof. H. Wilson, in his essay on the Religious sects of the Hindus, starts a theory entirely opposed to that of Colebrooke. 1) There is a legend about Indrabhati which shows how much he was attached to his teacher. At the time of Mahavira's death he was absent. On his return, hearing of his beloved teacher's sudden decease, he was overcome with grief. He then became aware that the last remaining bond which tied him to the samsara, was the feeling of love he still entertained for his teacher. Therefore he cut asunder that bond, and thus, chinnapiyabamdhane, he reached the state of a kevalin. He died a inonth after Mahavira's Nirvana. Abhandl. d. DMG. VII. 1. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Kalpasutra. He makes the Jainas a division of the Bauddhas, which grew out of the downfall of Buddhism about the tenth century A.D. Prof. A. Weber, in the work mentioned above, concedes a higher antiquity to the sect, but he agrees with H. Wilson as to the priority of Buddhism. Prof. Lassen, upon the whole, has followed Weber's opinion (Ind. Alterth. IV 755 sqq.). Some reasons seem, at first sight, to speak in favour of Prof. Wilson's theory. For the Jaina sutras represent Mahavira not only as a native of Behar, the country which was the scene of Buddha's life and preaching, but also as a contemporary who was patronised by the same kings as Buddha. Though the names Crenika and Kunika (or Konika) are not those which are commonly used in Buddhist writings, still Grenya or Crenika is known as a biruda of Bimbisara; and his son Kunika, also called Bibbhisaraputte '), is evidently identical with Bimbisara's son, Ajatacatru, because either of them is stated by the Jainas and Bauddhas respectively to have caused his father's death. Kunika's son Udayin who, according to Jaina tradition, founded Pataliputra, will be readily identified with Udayibhaddako, son of Ajatacatru, about whom the Bauddhas relate the same. Thus no doubt remains that the contemporaries of Buddha, Bimbisara and Ajatacatru, recur, hidden under other names (Crenika and Kunika), in the Jaina angas as those of Mahavira. This holds good even of minor personages, such as Gosala, the son of Mamkhali (or Makkhali as the Jainas have it; Mamkhali :Makkhali: :Bimbisara: Bibbhisara), and the Licchavi kings (the Lecchai of the Jainas). As a further argument in favour of Prof. Wilson's theory, it has been said that both Cakyasimha and Vardhamana have the same epithets, Buddha, Jina, and Mahavira, and the wife of either was named Yacoda. But here all analogy ceases. None of the particulars which are related of Buddha, agree with those given regarding Vardhamana. Thus the names of the relatives of either and their native towns, their disciples, the length and remarkable events of their lives, the characters of both men, as far as they are revealed by their teaching, totally differ. I shall enlarge upon the last mentioned point only, because the former ones need no further comment. Mahavira was, as far as I can judge, of an ascetic turn of mind; his doctrines are chiefly concerned with metaphysics and religious practices. His philosophy or theology is not remarkable for its logical consistency, for it substitutes minute and elaborate distinctions for a deep and exhaustive inquiry, and avoids the danger of the doctrine of Nihilism, which Buddhism does face, by the theory of the syadvada, which possesses some reseinblance to. but not the depth of, the Heraclitic oai td nuvra. Mahavira shares the common belief in the existence of a permanent soul Hemacandra gives the form Bambhasara.. 1) e. g. in the Aupapatikasutra. Petersburgh Dictionary s. v. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Introduction. and the efficacy of religious penances, two doctrines which are opposed by the Bauddhas. His ethics went scarcely beyond rules for monks, as the ethics of most religious sects of the Hindus do. In short, Mahavira was rather of the ordinary cast of religious men in India; he may be allowed a talent for religious matters, but he possessed not the genius Buddha undoubtedly had. Buddhi followed up his philosophical ideas to the very brink of Nihilism, striving throughout for clearness in argumentation rather than for ingeniousness in scholastic distinctions. Therefore, his philosophy forms a system based on a few fundamental ideas, whilst that of Mahavira scarcely forms a system, but is merely a sum of opinions (pannattis) on various subjects, no fundamental ideas being there to uphold the mass of metaphysical matter. Besides his consistency in speculation, there is another still more obvious mark of superiority in Buddha, viz. his deep moral sense and his compassionate feeling for the miseries of men which he vented in so many admirable aphorisms and apologues. It is the ethical element that gives to the Buddhist writings their superiority over those of the Jainas. Mahavira treated, as I have stated, ethics as corollary and subordinate to his metaphysics, with which he was chiefly concerned. This outline of Buddha's and Mahavira's teaching leads to the belief that they were two distinct persons. The differences between the doctrines of the one and those of the other are also very considerable, and even the technical terms in which their fundamental ideas are conveyed, do not agree. Finding thus the difficulties multiply, if we try to identify Mahavira and Buddha, we feel inclined to give credence to the traditions of the Bauddhas and Jainas that Buddha and Mahavira were two distinct personages, but contemporaries. On that supposition, the general resemblance between the two sects will at once appear natural. For two founders of religious sects, living at the same time and in the same country, had of course to draw on the same stock of general ideas, philosophical and ethical, which were common to the whole generation. And that generation seems to have had a tendency to oppose Brahminical orthodoxy. For if we read the account of the doctrines of the six heretical teachers at the time of Buddha, given in the Samannaphalasutta of the Bauddhas, we find that they were all, more or less, reformers, and that Buddha differed from them only by the superiority of his genius. Therefore it is not against reason and probability that another reformer of Buddha's time succeeded likewise in founding an independent sect. Before I bring forward such arguments as are, in my opinion, sufficient to establish that theory as an historical truth, we must meet two counter-arguments which have been adduced by the defenders of the priority of Buddhism. First, it has been believed, on the authority of Hamilton Buchanan, if I am not mistaken, that the Jainas acknowledge the system of caste, and on 1* For Private and Personal Use Only Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Kalpasutra, that belief the following theory of the origin of Jainism was based. The Bauddhas being persecuted by the Brahmins adopted the system of caste by way of accommodation to their fanatical rivals, who would have entirely suppressed heterodoxy, but for that concession. Thus, it was imagined, declining Buddhism changed into Jainism. I will not discuss the theory, but I deny the fact. The Jaina community is only divided into yatis and cravakus, and if in any part of India the Jainas practically recognise the distinctions of caste, it is just the same with the Christians and Mahomedans of Southern India, and even with the Bauddhas of Ceylon. This has nothing to do with the religion, it is only the adoption of social distinctions, which are rooted too deeply in the mind of the Indian nation as to be abolished by the word of a religious reformer. The Buddhist writings speak frequently of Brahmanas, but nobody would for that reason accuse the Bauddhas of an adoption of the religious system of cast. Secondly, it has been considered as a proof of the priority of Buddhism that Pali is a more archaic language than the Prakrit of the Jainas. The fact is true, but it proves nothing. For I shall show in the sequel that the form of the Jaina sutras as we have them now, was fixed only one thousand years after Mahavira's death. It is but reasonable that during the preceding millennium the language of the sutras underwent great alterations in consequence of the natural tendency of those v handed down the sutras by oral tradition or writing, to substitute current idioms for antiquated forms; just as the works of German authors of the middle ages were transcribed into the dialect of the scribe's country and time. In one instance, however, a trace of the original language is left, sufficient to show that it differed from the written language in one of its most characteristic features. Words like agani, acariya, suhuma etc. as they are written in the sutras, must according to the evidence of the metres, have been pronounced: agni acarya suhma etc. But the authors of the sutras could not have spoken thus, if their language had followed the phonetic rules common to all Prakrits, to which the written language of the sutras avowedly belongs. For a fuller discussion of the point in question I refer the reader to the "Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprachforschung" v. XXIII, p. 594 sqy. The few facts quoted above will suffice to show that the form of the language cannot be adduced as an argument against the antiquity of the Jaina literature; it is even less valid as a proof against the antiquity of Jainism. Finally, we know that a part of now that a part of the Jaina literature, the fourteen purvas, has been lost, but we know not in what language the purvas were composed. We have seen that the holy books of the Jainas point to the age of Bimbisara and Ajatacatru as the time of Mahavira's life. It will now be necessary to trace the Jaina sect back, if possible, to that early period. The most general term for Jaina monks in For Private and Personal Use Only Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Introduction. the sutras is Niggamtha, and for the nuns Niggamthe; Varahamihira and Hemacandra call them Nirgranthas, whilst other writers substitute synonyms such as Vivasana, Muktambara etc. (Petersburgh Dictionary s. vv. Camkara and Anandagiri to Vedanta Darcana II, 2, 33.) It should be noticed that the older word Arhata and the more modern one Jaina apply as well to the lay community as to the monks. The name nirgrantha for religious men different from the Cramanas of the Bauddhas occurs under the form Nigantha in the Acoka inscriptions (Lassen. Ind. Alt. vol. II, p. 468., 2nd ed.), and has already been identified by Dr. Buhler (Three new edicts of Acoka p. 6) with the Jaina Nirgranthas. The Pitakas of the Bauddhas often mention the Niganthas as opponents of Buddha and his followers (see Childers. Pali Dictionary s. v. nigantha). These facts prove that, as far as the Buddhist writings reach, the Jainas and Bauddhas were rivals; and the early existence of this rivalry may perhaps be inferred from some of their ancient historical legends. Thus, whilst the Bauddhas expressly state that Ajatacatru killed his father, and that he was of a cruel and wicked disposition previous to his conversion to the true faith, the Jainas try to white-wash Kunika, whom we have already identified with Ajatacatru, from the stain of intentional parricide. For the Nirayavalisutra tells a long story how Kunika fancied himself unjustly treated by his father, and for that reason put his father into prison. But his mother told him that his father had always been kind to him, and that by no deeds of his he had merited such a treatment at the hand of his son. Kunika, being convinced by his mother, took up an axe to cut asunder his father's fetters. On seeing his son approach with an axe in his hand, Crenika believed that he was to be killed. To save his family from such a crime, he committed suicide. Kunika of course was very much afflicted when he found his father dead etc. etc. This story, told with an amusing naivete, shows that the Jainas had reason to speak with less candour of their patron's sins than the Bauddhas; and that reason probably was, that the monarch had received the Jainas into his favour long before he extended it to the Bauddhas. In the same manner, an early date for the distinct personality of Mahavira, who may either be considered as the founder of the sect, or as a reformer of an already existing creed, which latter view of the matter I am inclined to adopt, can be established. First, an inscription found in the Kankali mound at Mathura by General Cunningham, begins with a salutation to the Arhat Mahavira Devanasa. (Archeol. Survey of India vol. III, p. 35., Ed. Thomas. Jainism or the early creed of Acoka p. 82.) As the inscription is appended to a "Naked standing figure", it is apparent that Mahavira is intended for Vardhamana, and not for Buddha. The inscription is dated samvatsare 98, and though it has not yet been For Private and Personal Use Only Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Kalpasutra. settled to what Era the dates of the inscriptions found at Mathura refer, the occurrence of Huvishka's and Kanishka's names proves that they belong to the beginning of our era. Secondly, in Buddhist writings the founder of the Jaina faith is mentioned, though not under one of his common names, but as Niganthanatha or Nigantha Nataputta. Nigantha we know already as a term for Jaina monks. Nataputta I identify with Nayaputta, a biruda of Mahavira, used in the Kalpasutra and the Uttaradhyayanasutra. The Buddhist books of Nepal call Niganthanatha the son of Djnati (Burnouf. Lotus de lit bonne loi p. 450) and the Jainas call him Joataputra (see Petersburgh Dictionary s. v. jnataputra), cf. also the following cloka from Hemacandra's Paricishtaparvan I, 3. Kalyanapadaparamam crutagangahimacalam | vicvambhojaravim devain vande cri-Joatanandanam || That name is given to Mahavira because of his father's being a jnatakshattriya cf. Kalpasutra SS 110. --- Nigantha Nataputta is, in the Samannaphalasutta, called an Agnivaicyayana. That must be a mistake of the Bauddha tradition, for Mahavira was a Gautama. But we can account for this mistake by supposing that the Bauddhas confounded the founder of the sect with his chief disciple Sudharman, who is so very often' mentioned in the sutras as the propounder of Mahavira's doctrines to Jambusvamin, and who was an Agnivaicyayana. Unfortunately the passage of the Samannaphalasutta which gives the doctrines of Nigantha Nataputta, is not explicit and clear; but the conjectural translation of it, I may state, contains nothing to preclude the identification of Nigantha Nataputta with Mahavira. That is born out to full evidence by a legend which first led Dr. Buhler to identify the Niganthanatha with Mahavira. It is told in the Atmavatara (Hardy. Manual of Buddhism p. 271), the Vaicyantara, and other Buddhist books, that the Niganthanatha died in Pava, after having had a dispute with his former disciple Upali, who had embraced the doctrines of Buddha. As the death of Mahavira did take place in Pava (Kalpasutra SS 122), and as the Jaina inonks were called Niganthas, it is beyond doubt that by Niyanthanatha the same person as Mahavira is intended. The result of the preceding inquiry, that Buddha and Mahavira were two distinct persons but contemporaries, furnishes us with a clue to the Jaina chronology. It is obvious that the Nirvanas of both teachers can be separated by a few years only. Therefore the Nirvana of Mahavira must fall somewhere within 490 and 460 B.C., because the adjusted date of Buddha's Nirvanal, 477 B.C., has, since the discovery of the three new edicts of Acoka by General Cunningham, and their historical and philological interpretation by Dr. Buhler, been proved to be correct between very narrow limits. The traditional date of Mahavira's Nirvana is 470 years before Vikrama according to the Cvetambaras, and 605 according to the Digambaras. The interval of 135 years between the dates of the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Introduction. Nirvana as recorded by the two sects, being equal to that between the Saivat and Caka Eras, makes it probable that the Vikrama of the Digambaras is intended for Calivahana, who is always confounded with the older Vikrama. That the Cvetambaras date from 57 B.C. will be proved in the sequel. The tradition that 470 years elapsed between the Nirvana and the beginning of Vikramaditya's Era is embodied in many books of the Cvetambaras. The oldest evidence for it are those versus memoriales which form the basis of Merutunga's Vicaracreni, and specify the interval between Vikramaditya and the Nirvana by the number of years which are allotted to the intervening dynasties. I subjoin them here, and add the remarks of Dr. Buhler, who has first published them (Indian Antiquary II. 362). jam rayanim kalagao ariha tittharkaro Mahavira! tam rayanim Avamti-vai ahisitto Palago raya || 1 || satthi Palaga-ranno panavanna-sayam tu hoi Naindana | attha-sayam Muriyanam lisam cia Pusamittassa || 2 || Balamitta-Bhanumitta satthi varisani catta Nahavahane taha Gaddabhilla-rajjam terasa varisa Sagassa cau | 3 | 1. Palaka, the Lord of Avanti, was anointed in that night in which the Arhat and Tirthamkara Mahavira entered Nirvana. 2. Sixty are (the years) of king Palaka, but one hundred and fifty five are (the years) of the Nandas; one hundred and eight those of the Mauryas, and thirty those of Pusamitta [Pushyamitra]. 3. Sixty (years) ruled Balamitra and Bhanumitra, forty Nabhovahana. Thirteen years likewise lasted the rule of Gardabhilla, and four are the years of Caka. "These verses, which are quoted in a very large number of commentaries and chronological works, but the origin of which is by no means clear, give the adjustement between the eras of Vira and Vikrama, and form the basis of the earlier Jaina chronology". The sum of years elapsed between the commencement of the Era of Vikrama and the reign of the Mauryas as stated in the verses just quoted, is 255=4+13 +40 + 60 + 30 + 108. By adding 57, the number of years expired between the commencements of the Sarnvat and the Christian Eras, we arrive at 312 B.C. as the date of Candragupta's abhisheka. The near coincidence of this date with the date derived from Greek sources, proves that the Vikramit of the third verse is intended for the founder of the Samvat era (57 B.C.), and not for the founder of the Caka Era (78 A.D.), because on the latter premiss Candragupta's abhisheka For Private and Personal Use Only Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 8 Kalpasutra. would date 177 B.C. 1). The reigns of Palaka (60) and of the nine Nandas (155), in sum 215 years, make up the interval between Candragupta and the Nirvana; adding 215 to 312 B.C., we arrive at 527 B.C. as the epoch of Mahavira's Nirvana, differing by sixteen years from the Nirvana of Buddha, according to the chronology of Ceylon, or 543 B.C. There is also a different statement of the interval between the Nirvana and Candragupta's coronation. For Hemacandra says in the Paricishtaparvan VIII, 341 evam ca cri Mahavire mukte. varshacate gate | pancapancacadadhike Candragupto 'bhavan nripah || "And thus 155 years after the liberation of Mahavira, Candragupta became king". Adding 155 to 312 B.C. we find that the Nirvana of Mahavira would fall 467 B.C. The gathas assign just as many years to the reign of the Nandas, as Hemacandra allots to the whole interval between Candragupta and the Nirvana. Hence it would appear that he has taken no account of the 60 years of Palaka's reign. It is difficult to believe that Hemacandra should have made such a gross blunder. I, therefore, think it more probable that the tradition he followed, differed from that incorporated in the chronological gathas, which latter deserves, in my opinion, less credit. Not only is the number of years (155) allotted in the gathas to the reign of the Nandas unduly great, but also the introduction of Palaka, lord of Avanti, in the chronology of the Magadha kings looks very suspicious. Neither the Bauddhas nor the Brahimins mention a prince of that name. There is a Palaka amongst the kings of Magadha, but he belongs to the Pradyota line which preceded the Caicunagas, princes of which dynasty were the contemporaries of Mahavira. There is another Palaka mentioned in the Mricchakatika, who was king of Ujjayini or Avanti, and is said to have been dethroned by Aryaka. This Palaka is perhaps the same as the Palaka, mentioned, in the Kathasaritsagara, as brother-in-law of Udayana, the fabulous king of Vatsa. That king was, perhaps, mistaken for Udayin, son of Kunika, and thus Palaka, king of Avanti, came, perhaps, to be mistaken for the Pradyota of the same name, and was then made the contemporary of Mahavira. However this may have been, Palaka had, most 1) I call attention to the fact that this date of Candragupta's abhisheka coincides with the beginning of the Seleucidan Era. Mr. Ed. Thomas (Records of the Gupta Dynasty in India p. 17, 18) believes that the Seleucidan Era maintained for a long time its ground in Upper India and exerted much influence upon the chronological records of the succeeding dynasties. If the correctness of Mr. Thomas' theory could be demonstrated by direct proof, it would be easy to account for the rather puzzling fact that the Jaina date of Candragupta's abhisheka comes so near the truth. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Introduction. probably, no place in the original chronology of the Jainas. He is, I am inclined to believe, a mere chronological fiction of the Jainas introduced into their history in order to make it better agree with the Buddhist chronology of Ceylon. For the discrepancy of sixty years between the traditional date of Mahavira's Nirvana and the one inferred from Hemacandra's statement, reminds us too strongly of a similar discrepancy of 66 years incorporated in the chronology of the Bauddhas, to think of an independent origin of both. We know that the Jainas were once numerous and powerful amongst the Tamulians. For a strong influence of Jainism can be traced in the early Tamil literature as noticed by Graul and Caldwell?). It was perhaps then and there, that the Jainas, living on the tinent opposite to Ceylon, were influenced by the Bauddhas, and altered their own chronology after the model of that of the rival sect. But this is, of course, a mere conjecture, and I will not lessen its value by urging it too far. To return to our discussion of the date of the Nirvana, it is obvious that the year 467 B.C. which we inferred from Hemacandra's record, can not be far wrong, because it agrees so very well with the adjusted date of Buddha's Nirvana 477 B.C., a synchronism which by our previous research has been established as necessary. The greater value of the adjusted date of the Nirvana as compared with the traditional one can, moreover, be established by collateral proofs adduced from Jaina history. For the Avacyakasutra, one of the agamas or sacred books of the Jainas, gives, in the chapter called uvaghaya nijjutti, details of the six nihnavas or schisms; they are repeated at greater length in the Tika of the Uttaradhyayana by Devendraganin sam 1179 (navakarahara)2). The third nihnava , the avyaktamatam, was, according to both authorities, originated 214 A.V. by the disciples of Ashadha. The Mauryaking of Rajagriha, Balabhadra, (Muriya Balabhadda A.S., Moriyavainsapasuo U.T.) brought the heretics back to the right faith. If the gathas were right in dating the Maurya dynasty from 215 A.V., a branch of that family could hardly have reigned at Rajagliha 214 A.V. But there is no improbability in the statement if we accept Hemacandra's date according to which the Maurya dynasty begins 155 years after the Nirvana; this involves, of course, the correctness of the adjusted date of the Nirvana. To the same result we are led by the following consideration. Mahagiri and Suhastin were, according to all Theravalis, disciples of Sthulabhadra, who is unanimously said by all writers to have 1) See Caldwell, compar. Gram, of Dravioian languages intr. p. 129 note. 2) This Tika has been extracted from the vritti of Cantyacarya. The explanation of the text is his own work; the numerous legends told in his commentary are verbally copied from that of Cantyacarya. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 10 Kalpasutra. died 215 A.V. After the demise of Mahagiri, which event is placed by Merutunga 245 years after the Nirvana, Suhastin became yugapradhana. He won over Samprati, grandson and successor of Asoka, to the Jaina creed. As Acoka died 94 years after Candragupta's abhisheka (256 A.B.--162), Samprati's reign would date from 309 A.V. (215 +94) according to the chronological gathas, or from 249 A.V. (155 +94) according to Hemacandra's account. The latter date is the only one possible, because Samprati and Suhastin (245) were contemporaries, and as it is based on the same record, from which we deduced the adjusted date of the Nirvana, it is valid as an auxiliary proof for the correctness of the latter ). I shall now pass to the statement of the Jainas regarding Bhadrabahu, the reputed author of the Kalpasutra. The few facts known of that Thera are mixed up with a good deal of what is clearly legendary; but it is impossible to separate throughout truth from fiction. Nevertheless, we must try to find out the historical basis in the legends of Bhadrabahu.. For this purpose, a chronological arrangement of the authorities consulted will be indispensible. I divide them into three classes. The first of them contains 1) the two Theravalis embodied in the Kalpasutra, and that placed at the head of the Avacyaka and Nandi Sutras; 2) the Rishimandalasutra by Dharmaghosha. These works are later than 980 A.V. Many centuries younger than the works just mentioned is the 1) Having concluded our chronological investigation, I must add a few words about the attempts made by former writers to fix the initial date of the Jainas. The want of sufficient information which proved fatal to them in the attempt to form a correct idea of the origin of Jainism, was, of course, a still greater obstacle in chronological researchos. Prof. Weber combining the legendary traditions that the Kalpasutra was read to a king Dhruvasena 980 A.V., and that a Ciladitya reigned 947 A.V., assigned the year 349 B.C. to the death of Mahavira. Even if the dates which form thu basis of Prof. Weber's calculation were correct - which however is open to grave douhts - we should still be at a loss to ascertain which of the three Dhruvasenas, and which of the six Ciladityas known as yet, are the persons intended in the above mentioned records. Besides this incertitude, the chronology of the Valabhi dynasty on which the calculations of Prof. Weber are based, is as yot an unsolved problein. As Prof. Lassen's arguments in criticising Prof. Weber's result (Ind. Alt. IV. p. 762. sqq.) are founded on the same unsafe ground, we can pass them over without further remarks. The Catrunjayamahatmyam, that "wretched forgery hy some yati of the 12th or 14th century" as Dr. Buhler calls it (Threo new odicts of Acoka, p. 21. note), contains at least the common tradition that Mahavira died 470 years before Vikrama. But neither Weber nor Lassen could see the importance of this statement, because at the time they wrote, it appeared a settled point that Jainism was of a comparatively modern origin. This prejudico had, of course, to disappear before a more extensive kuowledge of the Jaina literature than could be had twenty years ago. Thanks to the endeavours of Dr. Buhler, the whole of the Jaina literature has been made accessible to European scholars, and we are no more obliged to draw our information of Jainism from fragmentary and dubious sources. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Introduction, 11 Paricishtaparvan by Hemacandra. To the third class belong the legends incorporated in the more modern commentaries of the Kalpasutra, the vritti of the Rishimandalasutra by Padmamandiraganin (finished sam 1513 at Jesulmer), and similar works. According to the Theravalis, Bhadrabahu was the sixth Thera (or Sthavira in Samskrit) after Mahavira. The name of his Gotra is Pracina, which means, probably, only "an old gotra", because a gotra of that name does not occur elsewhere in Indian books. Bhadrabahu was the disciple of Yacobhadra, and had, as stated in the more detailed Theravali of the Kalpasutra, four disciples, Godasa, Agnidatta, Janadatta and Somadatta, the first of whom founded the Godasagana. In the Rishimandalasutra only one verse (167) is devoted to Bhadrabahu, whilst his successor Sthulabhadra is praised in a score of stanzas. It runs thus: dasa-kappa-yvavahara nijjudha jena navama-puvvao | vamdami Bhaddabahuim tam apacchima-sayala-suya-nani || "I adore Bhadrabahu, the last of those who were possessed of the whole sacred lore, who extracted the ten kalpas and the vyavahara from to the ninth purva." Apacchima might be translated: "not the last", but as it has usually the sense of "the very last", I have thus rendered it in our verse, though the common tradition makes Bhadrabahu the last but one of the crutakevalins, Sthulabhadra being the last who knew all the fourteen purvas. Sthulabhadra's successors down to Vajra possessed only ten purvas, and are for that reason called dacapurvins. After Vajra the knowledge of the purvas was entirely lost, see Hemacandra's Abhidhanacintamani 33, 34. The same author relates in the ninth sarga of the Paricishtaparvan, how it happened that the last four purvas became extinct with Sthulabhadra. The sangha of Pataliputra, having collected the 11 angas, sent, in order to procure the twelfth, the drishtivada, Sthulabhadra and 499 other sadhus to Bhadrabahu, who was then staying in Nepal. In consequence of his having undertaken the inahapranavrata, he could teach his pupils at such a slow rate only, that after some time all were wearied and fell away, except Sthulabhadra. He learned from the mouth of Bhadrabahu ten purvas in as many years. Then Bhadrabahu found fault with him, and refused to teach him the rest of the purvas. But on Sthulabhadra's entreaty, he continued his teaching on the condition that he should teach nobody else the last four purvas. Dharmaghosha's words can be reconciled to this legend on the supposition that he regarded Sthulabhadra's knowledge as imperfect, because he could not impart the whole of it to others. Therefore, Bhadrabahu's knowledge was superior, and he could be called apacchima-sayala-suya-nani. But this inter For Private and Personal Use Only Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Kalpastra, pretation is rather laboured, and I should, therefore, prefer to believe that the older tradition made Bhadrabahu the last crutakevalin, and that in later times Sthulabhadra, of whom so many stories are told, was included in the number of those priviledged sages. By the first half of Dharmagosha's stanza we are informed that Bhadrabahu extracted the dacakalpas and the Vyavahara (satra) from the ninth purva. In the introduction of most commentaries of the Kalpasutra ten kalpas are spoken of (Stevenson, Kalpasutra p. 3 sqq.). Therefore, by Dasakappa the Kalpasutra is most probably intended. The Vyavaharasutra is one of the chedas, a class of the agamas. (Buhler, Report on Sanscrit MSS. 18721873, p. 12.) In the vzitti of the Rishimandalasutra a longer list of Bhadrabahu's works is given. Dacavaikalikasy' Acaranga-Sutraksitangayoh | Uttaradhyayana-Suryaprajnaptyoh Kalakasya ca || Vyavahara-Rshibhashit-Avacyakanam ivah (?) kramat Dacacrutakhyaskandhasya niryuktir daca so 'tanot || tatha 'nyam bhagavainc cakre samhitam Bhadrabahavim. "He composed the ten niryuktis, namely the (niryuktis) of the Dacavaikalika, Acaraiga, Sutraksitanga , Uttaradhyayana, Suryaprajnapti, Kalaka (?), Vyavahara, Rishibhashita, Avacyaka, and then (itah kramat) that of the Dacacrutaskandha; the venerable (Bhadrabahu) also composed an other samhita, the Bhadrabahavi." Dr. Buhler has already noticed that the Niryuktis of the angas are attributed to Bhadrabahu (1. C. p. 6.), and he has succeeded in procuring copies of the Acaranganiryukti and the Oghaniryukti. In the sequel it will appear probable that Bhadrahihu did not compose the Nirvakti of, but the Dacacrutaskandha itself. That work is sometimes mistaken for the Kalpasutra. Of the Samhita we shall speak below. Besides these works, the Uvasaggaharastotra is attributed to Bhadrabahu in a gatha found in the kathanakas of the Kalpasutra: uvasaggahara thuttam kainam jena saingha-kallanam | karuna-parena vihiam sa Bhaddabahu guru jayau || "Victory to Bhadrabahusvamin who by composing the Uvasaggahara-stotra bestowed, out of pity, happiness on the sangha". I subjoin, in the note, the text and translation of that stotra which, if really of Bhadrabahu's composition, is the oldest specimen of the now extensive literature of Jaina hymns "). uvasaggaharam Pasam Pasam vamdami kamma-ghana-mukkam | visahara-visa-ninnasam mamgala-kallana-avasam ||1| visahara-phulimga-mamtam kamthe dharei jo saya manuo tassa, gaha-roga-mari-duttha-jara jamti uvasamam |2 || citthau dure mamto tujjha panamo vi bahuphalo hoi | For Private and Personal Use Only Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Introduction. 13 The date of Bhadrabahu's death is placed identically by all Jaina authors, from Hemacandra down to the most modern scholiast, in the year 170 A.V. Hem. Paricishtaparvan IX, 112: Vira-mokshad varsha-cate saptaty-agre gate sati | Bhadrabahur api svami yayau svargam samadhina || "After hundred and seventy years from the liberation of Mahavira had elapsed, Bhadrabahusvamin also reached svarga (siddhi) by profound meditation". It may be remarked that the dates of the Crutakevalins only are given; I dare not decide whether they may be relied on. A legendary story about the rivalry between Bhadrabahu and Varahamihira, is told by a great many modern Jaina writers, but not by Hemacandra. It seems to have grown out of the fact that Bhadrabahu was regarded as the author of two astronomical works, a commentary on the Suryaprajnapti and the Bhadrabahavi Samhita, and of the Uvasaggahara stotra, and that Jaina astronomy was scornfully treated by other astronomers (see Siddhantaciromani III, 10). For these motives will be recognized in the legend which I shall now briefly relate. Bhadrabahu and Varahamihira, two brothers living in Pratishthana, had become Jaina monks. Before his death, Yacobhadra appointed Sambhutivijaya and Bhadrabahu his successors to the dignity of acarya. Varahamihira who had expected for himself that distinction, forsook the Jaina religion, furious with disappointment. By his learning in astronomy, he won a great reputation which he strengthened by spreading a fabricated story. He told the easily deceived people that by his zeal he had propitiated the Sun, who had taken him into his car, and shown him the movements of the celestial bodies. By such means he succeeded in gaining the favour of the king and in ousting the nara-tiriesu vi jiva pavamti na dukkha-dohaggam || 3 || Tuha sammatte laddhe cimtamani-kappapayav'-abbhahie | pavamti avigghenam jiva ayara'-marai thauam || 4 || ia samthuo mahayasa bhatti-bbhara-nibbharena hiaena | ta deva desu bohim bhave bhave Pasa jinacamda || 5 || 1. I adore Parcva, the expeller of evil spirits, Parcva, who is free from all (or the eight) karmas, who destroys the poison of the poisonous (snakes), the abode of prosperity and happiness. 2. Whatever man knows always by heart (this) charm against snakes and fire (?), for him disaster, disease, pestilence, and decrepit age, will go to destruction. 3. Not to speak of a hymn, a mere obeisance paid to Thee will richly be rewarded: living beings, amongst men and animals do not fall into misfortune and unhappiness. 4. Living beings having attained a correct comprehension of Thee which surpasses (in value) the Kalpadruma and the philosopher's stone reach, without obstacle, a station free from decrepitude and death. 5. Thus praised, Glorious one! with a heart full of mighty devotion, Parcva! mayest thou, o God! therefore, give perfect wisdom in every birth, Moon of the Jinas"! For Private and Personal Use Only Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 14 Kalpasutra. Jainas from it. At last, Bhadrabahu came to the help of his correligionists and defeated his brother by his superior knowledge of astronomy. Humiliation and anger caused the death of Varahamihira, who became an evil spirit (dushtavyantara). As such he brought diseases in the houses of the Jainas, until Bhadrabahu drove him away by means of the Uvasaygahara stotra. Bhadrabahu then composed a Samhita named after him. The story just related is apparently of no historical interest, and of modern origin, because Hemacandra does not relate it. It, therefore, need not longer detain us; but the Bhadrabahayi Samhita calls for further remark. A work of that name has been found by Dr. Buhler (Report on Sanskrit Mss. 1874--1875. p. 20). He informs me that it is of the same character as the other Samhitas, whereby its comparatively modern origin is proved. It is not cited by Varahamihira, who names amongst his numerous authorities another Jaina astronomer, Siddhasena ) (Kern, Btihat Samhita, preface. p. 29). The Bhadraba havi Samhita is, consequently, more modern than Varamihira; at any rate, its author can not be the same Bhadrabahu who composed the Kalpasutra, because its last redaction, the date of which (980 A.V. = 454 A.D. or 514 A.D.) is mentioned in it, was already earlier than, or at east contemporaneous with, Varahamihira - not to speak of its composition. These are the statements of the Jainas about Bhadrabahu, arranged chronologically. Whatever their historical value may be, they all show that he was unanimously looked upon by the Jainas as one of their oldest and most able authors. His works making part of, and having shared the fate common to, the whole Jaina literature, it will now be incumbent on us to discuss the questions concerning the Jaina literature in general. As its most eminent and sacred part are regarded the 45 Agamas ). Some of them are attributed to authors, for instance the Dacavaikalika to Cayyambhava, the Dacacrutaskandha and Vyavaharasutra to Bhadrabahu, the Prajnapana to Cyamarya; but most of the agamas 1) Siddhasena is a reputed Jaina author, who is said to have made the arrangement of the Samvat Era for king Vikramaditya. The Kalyanaunandira stotra is attributed to him. (Ind. Stud. XIV, 376 sqq.) 2) The following list of the agarnas has been kindly furnished to me by Dr. Buhler. I Angas: Acaranga, Sutrakridanga, Sthananga, Samavayaiga, Bhagavati, Juatadharmakatha, Upasakadaca, Antakriddaca, Anuttaraupapatika, Pracnavyakarana. Vipakasutra: II U pa ji gas: Anpapatika, Rajaprayna, Jivabhigama, Prajnapana, Jambudvipaprajnapti, Candraprajnapti, Suryaprajnapti, Nirayavali, which includes the following upangas, Kalpavatamsa, Pushpika, Pushpacitlika, and Vahnidaca. III Prakirnakas: Catuhcarana, Aturapratyakhyana, Bhakta, Samstara Tandulavaiyali, Candavija, Devendrastava, Ganivija, Mahapratyakhyana, Virastava. IV Chedas: Nicitha, Mahanicitha, Vyavabara, Dacacrutaskandla, Brihatkalpa, Pancakalpa. V Nandisatra, Anuyogadvara. VI Malasutras: Uttaradhyayana, Avacyaka, Dacavaikalika, Pindaniryukti. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Introduction. 15 are said to have proceeded from the mouth of Mahavira. This statement is not to be understood as if Mahavira had actually composed the angas, upangas, etc.; but as they record what had been taught by him, he is regarded as their author. For authorship in India depended chiefly on the matter, the words being rather irrelevant, provided the sense be the same. That Mahavira was not the author of the Sutras in our sense of "author", can easily be proved by those works themselves. For many Suti commerce by relating that they were declared to Jambu by Sudharman. Most probably, the doctrines and words of Mahavira were, originally, not arranged into distinct works. But at Bhadrabahu's time the eleven angas existed already, for he explained them in separate works of his own; compare also the legend of Bhadrabahu and Sthulabhadra related above, where it is said that the sangha of Pataliputra had collected the eleven angas. Since that time the Sutras must have undergone many alterations. That can be proved by the Sthanangasutra, which classes under sthana 7 the seven nihnavas or schisms. They are also mentioned together with some details in the Avacyakasutra. As the seventh nihnaya happened in 584 A.V., it follows that even in the sixth or seventh century after Mahavira the Sutras were liable to material additions ?). * The ultimate redaction of the Jaina books was, according to the common and old tradition (see notes to K. S. SS 148), made 980 A.V. by Devarddhiganin Kshamacramana 2). The date 980 A.V. corresponds with 454 of our Era, on the supposition that at that time the Nirvana was placed 470 before Vikrama. But if at that time the older tradition by means of which we have adjusted the date of the Nirvana, was still in use, the corresponding year of our Era would be 514 A.D. Jinaprabhamuni and Padmamandiraganin relate that when Devarddhiganin saw the Siddhanta i. e. 45 Agamas on the verge of dying out, he caused it to be written in books by the sangha of Valabhi. Formerly, they say, teachers instructed their pupils pustakanapekshaya, without having recourse to written books; but afterwards they used books, and so they do now when delivering their lessons in the upacrayas. This vriddhasampradaya does not imply that Devarddhiganin was the first who reduced the sacred lore of the Jainas to writing, but it states only that ancient teachers relied 1) More modern works, such as the Tika of the Uttaradhyayana, add to these alpataravisumvadinah nilinavuh another bahutaravisamvadi nihnavak, that of the Diganbaras 605 AV. The Digammras say that the "Cvetambara utpatti" happened under Guptigupta, who was Thera samvat 36-46. 2) With this record agrees very well the fact that the Thoravals of the Kalpasatra and of the Rishimandalasutra name as the last Thera Devarddhiganin, and the Theravals of the Avacyaka and Nandi Sutras carry the list of the Theras down to him, but name him not; he is, therefore, supposed to have placed the Theravali at the head of the Nandi and Avacyaka Sutras. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 16 Kalpasutra more on their memory than on written books') as was generally the case in India. Devarddhiganin, the Buddhaghosha of the Jainas, has most probably arranged the whole of the traditional Jaina Literature, which he gathered in the Agamas from books and from the mouth of living theologians. He was nearly too late for his task. For in many cases, fragments only of books were left, and he put them together to make up a book as he thought best. Under that supposition only can it be understood, why so many books consist of incoherent parts ?). To the editor of the Jaina books their present arrangement is, most probably, due; he divided them into chapters, and introduced the method of counting ranthas (or clokas i. e. 32 aksharas), the number of which, from hundred to hundred, or thousand to thousand, is inserted in the text at nearly the same places in all MSS. Those "milestones" were invented to guard the text against additions, for which purpose, however, they proved insufficient. Even after Devarddhiganin the Jaina books were liable to many alterations. The various readings found in our MSS. are, it must be conceded, neither very important nor very numerous, except those which are caused by different systems of orthography. But it must have been different in a former period. For the commentaries mention a great number of pathas which are not confirmed by our MSS. of the text. I am, therefore, inclined to believe that the text, which was adopted by most commentators of the work, and which is exhibited in the MSS. of the text only, is the recension of the oldest scholiasts. As far as the Kalpasutra is concerned, I am convinced that such is the fact. The commentaries we have, are, directly or indirectly, based on the old curnis or vrittis written in Prakrit, which are now either lost or extant in very few copies only. Those oldest commentators must have found the text in great disorder, for they had to note down numerous pathas many of which are mentioned by the later scholiasts. Some of them remark that they comment on one patha only, for instance Devendraganin, who wrote a commentary on the Uttaradhyayana. Others say that for all the pathas one should have recourse to the curni, e. g. Jinaprabhamuni, the oldest commentator of the 1) About 30 years earlier, between 410 and 432 A.D., Buddhaghosha caused the Buddhist pitakas and arthakathas to be written down in books for the more lasting stability of faith". As the redaction of the Buddhist works in Ceylon and that of the Jaina works in Guzerat occurred about the saine tiine, it may be inferred either that the Jainas adopted that measure from the Bauddhas, or that it was in the 5th century that writing was more generally made use of in India for literary purposes. 2) Down to Devardhiganin's time the Jainas must have handed down their sacred knowledge very carelessly indeed. For, eight generations after Mahavira, a part of the ,,old" works was already forgotten, and less than ten generations later the whole of the purvas was lost. At least, such is the tradition. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Introduction. 17 Kalpasutra whose work I have been able to procure. All that criticism can reasonably hope to achieve at present is, the reconstruction of the text which the first commentators have adopted. The text of Devarddhiganin's recension is, probably, beyond our reach. From the unsettled state of the Jaina literature down to Devarddhiganin's times it may be concluded that the language also in which it was handed down, underwent a gradual alteration. The language which Mahavira and his immediate disciples, the Ganadharas, spoke, was, of course, the vernacular dialect of Magadha. For it is not likely that Mahavira used Samskrit. But the Jaina Prakrit has very little affinity to the Magadhi either of Acoka's inscriptions or of the Prakrit Grammarians. Nevertheless it is called Magadhi by the Jainas themselves. In a half-stanza quoted by Hemacandra (l'rukrit Grammar IV 287) it is said that the old sutra was, exclusively, composed in the language called Ardhamagadhi". poranam addhamagahabhasa-niayam havai sutta | Hemacandra appends the remark that notwithstanding such is the old tradition, the Jaina Prakrit is not of the same description as the Magadhi, the peculiarities of which he is going to expound. Before we proceed in our inquiry about the nature of the sacred language of the Jainas, it must be noticed that there are two varieties of language observable in their Praksit. The older prose works are written in a language which considerably differs from the language of the commentators and poets. The latter entirely conforms to the rules which Hemacandra gives in the first part of his Prakrit Grammar for the Maharashtri. But the Maharashtri of Hemacandra is not identical with the Maharashtri of Hala, of the Setubandha, and of the dramas. Two of the most conspicuous differences are the use of dental n if initial or doubled, and of the yacruti. The Jaina Maharashtri, as it may be appropriately called, has been accurately described by Hemacandra, as ll be evident to every one who reads one of the modern Jaina compositions, e. g. the Kalikacaryakatha.) The language of the older Sutras, which I shall call Jaina Prakrit, differs from the Jaina Maharashtri in many points. Thus the Jaina Maharashtri generally forms the nominative of the masc. in o and the locative in mmi, while the Jaina Prakrit has e and msi, e. g. J. M. Sakko, J. P. Sakke, Samskrit Calcrah; J. M. varammi, molimmi, sahummi, J. P. varumsi, kucchimsi, sahumsi. The indeclinable past participle in J. M. commonly ends in unam, unu or um, while in the older language it ends in itta or ittu 1) I hope soon to publish the text ot this curious legend, which seems to contain traces of genuino historical tradition. Abhandl. d. DMG. VII, 1. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 18 Kalpasutra. nam, e. g. J. M. kaunam, naunam, gamtunam, kauna, kaum, etc., J. P. karitta janitta, gacchitta or karitta nam, etc. The Jaina Prakrit has preserved the aorist, while the Jaina Maharashtri usually substitutes the past participle for it. Besides these more general differences, there are in Jaina Prakrit many archaic words, forms, and phrases which are discarded in Jaina Maharashtri. The About the nature of Jaina Maharashtra there can be little doubt, as we have the express statement of Hemacandra. It is, on the whole, the same language as the Maharashtri of Hala. differences can be accounted for by the supposition of a difference in the local origin. I believe that the Jaina Maharashtri nearest approached the language of Surashtra, because the edition of the Jaina scriptures, according to tradition, took place in Valabhi, as related above. It might therefore more appropriately be called Jaina Saurashtri. But as it shares the general character of the Prakrit commonly called Maharahshtri, and as it is thus called by Hemacandra, I dare not introduce a new name. The nature of the Jaina Prakrit is also not difficult to make out. Seeing that it is on the whole the same language as the Jaina Maharashtri, from which it differs merely by the retention of archaic forms, we may justly look upon it as an older or archaic Maharashtri. Hemacandra calls it arsham, the language of the Rishis, and treats it together with the Jaina Maharashtri, noting forms peculiar to it as exceptions from the general rules, and saying that, in general, rules which are binding for the common Prakrit, may optionally be followed in the language of the Rishis (1, 3). Thereby he shows his belief, that the Jaina Prakrit more closely resembles the Maharashtri than any of the other Prakrits. His testimony is of great weight, because it is given in opposition to the popular opinion by one who knew Prakrit thoroughly. The only Magadhism which Hemacandra discovered in Jaina Prakrit is, the nominative singular in e formed from masculine bases in a; and I have not been able to discover any other 1). 1) Prof. Weber maintains that the changes of ry rj dy to yy, and of ksh to hk prove that Jaina Prakrit is Magadhi. But the graphical signs which he has interpreted as yy and khk, viz. and TM, are the signs for jj and kkh. They are used in the Jaina Maharashtri as well as in the Jaina Prakrit, and as they have decidedly the value of jj and kkh in the former, they must have the same in the latter. For if Hemacandra had read them differently in the Jaina Prakrit, he would have stated it as an exception to the rules I, 89 and 90. Again, when he lays down the rules that the Cauraseni may change ry to yy (IV, 266), and that Magadhi substitutes y for j, dy, y (IV, 292) and XK for ksh between vowels (IV, 296), he would certainly have remarked that the arsham had the same peculiarities, if he had read the signs in question in the same manner as Prof. Weber proposes. For the palaeographical explanation of the ignss For Private and Personal Use Only Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Introduction. 19 In nearly all cases where the Cauraseni and the Magadhi differ from the common Prakrit, the Jaina Prakrit conforms to the latter, except in the instance quoted above, and two more. Hemacandra (IV, 264, 265. IV, 278) prescribes for the Cauraseni (and Magadhi) the nominatives and vocatives bhayavam and maghavam for bhagavan, bhagavan and maghavan, maghavan, and the form ta for tasmot. These forms occur also in the Jaina Prakrit. These instances of coincidence of the Jaina Prakrit with other Prakrits than Maharashtri are few and unimportant, compared with those in which it conforms to the common dialect. I, therefore, do not hesitate to declare the Jaina Prakrit to be Maharashtri. as has already been done by Chr. Lassen in his Institutiones linguae Pracriticae p. 42. In those cases in which Jaina Prakrit differs from the Maharashtri, it has usually retained the older forms. A trace of a still older phase of the language has been noticed above p. 4., it is the optional insertion of a vowel which is always inserted in the written language between two consonants incapable of assimilation. This freedom which is required for the scanning of Praksit verses in the old sutras, and which has some resemblance to the practice of the Vedic poets, is no more allowed by the later Prakrit poets. In their compositions, every vowel must necessarily be pronounced as one syllable. The difference between the practice observed in works like the Setubandha, the Saptacataka, the later Prakrit stotras, etc., and that in the older metrical sutras, can only be explained by a change of the language similar to that of the Vedic idiom to classical Samskrit ). As yet we have only traced the gradual development of the language in the sacred writings of the Jainas. But some of its irregularities are of a different kind. They seem to show that the dialect was originally different from that in which the sutras are written. Thus the e of the nominative masculine is, most probably, preserved from the original Magadhi, which was, as I have pointed out above, the language of Mahavira and his Ganadharas. To sum up, the language of the Jaina writings has not Tah (older forms of which aro ah and Toh) and 3, it should be kept in mind, as Dr. Buhler tells me, that the Jainas, in combining their letters, usually place the second letter below, and not behind, the first. The former signs will readily be recognised as gradual simplifications of and in the latter the old form of j, E, catches the eye. In the text of the Kalpasatra, I have, accordingly, transcribed the groups in question by kkh and jj. 1) The optional insertion of a vowel, chiefly before y and v, in the Vedas, was entirely rejected in the later Samskrit, while the insertion of the vowel which is optional in the Jaina Prakrit, became the rule in the later Prakrit, provided the group of consonants was not assimilated. 2* For Private and Personal Use Only Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 20 Kalpasutra. been fixed before the final rearrangement of the Jaina books. Originally a popular dialect, it was naturally adapted by those who handed down orally the sacred lore, to the dialect current at their time and in their country. As the idiom. of Maharashtra seems to have ranked, during the early centuries of our Era, foremost amongst the vernacular dialects of India, because the Grammarians treat it as the standard of all Prakrits, and because it possessed a large literature, of which considerable specimens are still extant, it will not be astonishing that the Jainas yielded to its influence, and when reducing their sacred books to writing, shaped their language according to it. Such a change of language, even in written books, is not without a parallel in the history of literature, for I have already adduced above p. 4. a similar change of the German language, due to the copists, in the compositions of the middle ages. The editor of the Jaina scriptures did not choose to adopt the Maharashtri with all its peculiarities, but he retained many archaic forms which were, probably, sanctified by long tradition. For an archaic language has always been considered peculiarly fitted for a serious style. The Jaina Maharashtri, being once fixed as a sacred language, continued to be the literary language of the Jainas until it was replaced by Samskrit. All the old commentaries, the curnis and erittis, and a great many independent compositions, were written in Prakrit. Between 1000 and 1100 A.D., the Jainas adopted Samskrit as their literary language. But the change was neither a sudden, nor a complete one. For Samskrit poems by Jaina authors previous to that period, such as the Bhaktamara stotra, the Kalyanamandira stotra, the Cobhanastutayas, are still extant, and Prakrit works were composed later than the twelfth century, e. g. the Paryushanakalpaniryuktivyakhyana by Jinaprabhamuni (samvat 1364) and a great many Prakrit stotras. Before I leave the present topic, I must call attention to the orthography of the Jaina books. In general, all manuscripts follow the same system, but in the following points they are at variance with each other. 1) The yagruti is used in some manuscripts only after a and a, in other MSS. also after i, i; u, u; e, o. Hemacandra prescribes, in his Grammar I, 180, the yagruti after a and a, but in the commentary, he says that it is occasionally seen elsewhere also. His rule is partly confirmed by our MSS. For the ya and ya always occur after the a and a. But many MSS. write the ya and ya after all vowels. Both ways of spelling are found in very old and very good MSS. It is, therefore, impossible to decide which is the more correct one. From an etymological point of view, it is more self-consistent that the yagruti should be written after all vowels, because it is the remnant of a lost For Private and Personal Use Only Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Introduction. 21 consonant'). I have, therefore, retained it in the present edition of the Kalpasutra. 2) Some MSS. change e and o before two consonants to i and u. This is due to the absence of signs for the short e and o in the Devanagari alphabet, whence the following dilemma arose. If e or o was written, the quantity of the vowel was neglected, for a vowel preceding two consonants is always shortened, and e and o are signs of long vowels. If, on the contrary, i oru was written, the quality of the sounds e or 7 was insufficiently rendered. I have written e and o when the Samskrit prototype has the diphthong. 3) Some MSS. write nn, while others prefer nn (see Hem. I, 228.). I have usually adopted the spelling of the majority of the best MSS. in each case. 4) Occasionally, initial s is written in some MSS., compare Hem. I, 229. 5) Whether a consonant between two vowels should be retained, or be replaced by its substitute, or be dropped, seems to have been left to the choice of the transcriber of the Jaina books. 6) One MS. of the Kalpasutra (India Office Library 1599.) writes bb for vv, and b for v initial in single and compound words, e. g. bibaddhana for vivaddhana, Mahabira, etc. This perculiarity is probably due to the fact that the MS. was written in Eastern India. 7) The letters 3 and 3 (u and o) are frequently interchanged. But this has no reference to the sound, because u and o are never interchanged when preceded by a consonant, except, of course, in the case under 2). The MSS. A and B of the Kalpasutra very seldom make mistakes about the signs in question. The diversity of orthography just described is, perhaps, due to different grammatical schools. I have carefully noted, below the text of my edition, all various readings, except those which fall under heads 6 and 7. But I have, nevertheless, not been able to decide which are the oldest and most authentical spellings. Having examined a good many paper MSS., I am convinced that they will not give us the clue to the correct orthography of Jaina Prakrit; an examination of the oldest MSS., written on palm leaves. will, perhaps, lead to a more satisfactory result. But I think it more probable that there never was one fixed system of orthography adhered to by all Jaina writers of any time. For other Prakrits also, e. &. that of the cave inscriptions and the vernacular dialects of modern India, frequently spell the same words in different ways. 1) In the Prakrit inscriptions of the caves in Western India, y is the substitute of j boforo i also, e. g. pavayitila and pavaitika = pravrajitiko. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 22 Kalpasutra. After having given such information about the general questions connected with Jainism and its literature, as I was izble to gather, I shall now discuss the Kalpasutra in particular. That work does not belong to the Agamas or sacred books of the Jainas. It is even pronounced by the Digambaras te be a forgery (see Indian Antiquary) because it contains the account of Mahavira's having entered the womb of Devananda before he was placed in that of Tricala, which the Digambaras deny to have been the case. But as the same story is also related in the Acaraign and Avacyaka Satras, it seems to be very old, and consequently the criticism of the Digambaras falls to the ground. With the vetambaras the Kalpasutra is a great authority, and is alw:lys read publicly during the varshavasa or l'ajjusan. The Kalpasutra is supposed to be the work of Bhadrabahu. He is said to have found the materials for it in the ninth purva, called Pratyakhyanapravada, as we learn from the following passage of its commentary called Kiranavali. praneta tavat sarvaksharasamnipatavicakshanac caturdacapurvavid yugapradhanah criBhadrabahusvami dacacrutaskandhasya 'shtamadhyayanarupataya pratyakhyanaprava dabhidhananavamapurvat Kalpasutram idam satritavan. "But the author was the yugapradhana Bhadrabahusvamin, who was well versed in the combination of all letters (see note to SS 138), and knew the fourteen purvas. He composed this Kalpasutra as the eighth chapter of the Dacacrutaskandha, by extracting it from the ninth purva called Pratyakhyanaprava da". The statement of the Kiranavali, which is repeated by other commentators, that the Kalpasutra is called Paryushanakalpa, and forms the eighth chapter of the Dacacrutaskandha, is erroneous and has been caused by a wrong interpretation of the last words of the Kalpasutra itself. Rightly understood, they prove that it applies only to the last part, the Samacaris, or rules for yatis. For at the end of the Kalpasutra it is said that Mahavira "thus pronounced, thus enunciated, thus declared, thus explained the (eighth) chapter called Paryushanakalpa". These words can only have reference to the Sama caris, because the Jinacaritra and the Sthaviravali cannot be expected to have been related by Mahavira. For the former mentions events which happened after his death, and the second part exclusively refers to the history of Jainism after Mahavira. Besides, those parts have no relation to the Paryushana or varshavasa. They have, therefore, no claim to the title Paryushanakalpa, and cannot, consequently, be regarded as having, originally, made part of the eighth chapter of the Dacacrutaskandha. The naiural consequence of the preceding deduction is, the Samacaris only, being comprised by the name Paryushana kalpa, and forming the eighth chapter of the Dacaciutaskandha, can be looked upon as the work of Bhadrabahu. It is self-evident For Private and Personal Use Only Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Introduction. 23 that the Sthaviravali, which extends to many generations beyond Bhadrabahu, was not composed by him. Nor is the Sthaviravali the work of one author only. For the samkshiptavacana and the vistaravacana of the Sthaviravali, i. e. the short, and the more detailed list of Theras, must, originally, have been independent from each other, because of their stylistic and material differences. At the end of these Sthaviravalis, which, originally, I presume included the last Dacakevalin, Vajra and his pupils, only, a number of gathas are added which give the names of the Theras from Phalgumitra down to Devarddhiganin. In some copies of the Kalpasutra, a prose version of these gathas has been inserted before them. It is ipparently a modern addition, because it is omitted in many MSS., and because the oldest commentator already notices this variation of the text. Besides, the eleventh "century" (grantha 1000-1100) excedes, decidedly, the prescribed extent, to which it will be reduced by the rejection of the chapter in question. Finally, the first two paragraphs of the Sthaviravali are independent of the rest, and once formed, I believe, a part of the Jinacaritra. We can, therefore, recognise in the Sthaviravali four or five distinct treatises. The Jinacaritra, possibly, may be the work of one author, though I believe Dr. Stevenson to be right in his conjecture, that the original ended with the life of Mahavira (Kalpasutra p. 99). But this part has most probably been enlarged by other additions besides those pointed out by Dr. Stevenson. I mention only the description of the fourteen dreams, which differs entirely from the archaic style of the bulk of the work, by its many long and complicate compounds peculiar to a comparatively modern phase of Indian poetry. It needs hardly be remarked that the passages containing the dates 980 and 993 A.V. do not refer to the author, but to Devarddhiganin, the editor of the Kalpasutra. The archaic style in which the Jinacaritra is composed, and which it has in common with the old sutras written in prose, does not speak against Bhadrabahu's authorship. But this question must be left undecided for want of direct proof. The Jainas seem to have been perfectly aware of the disparity of the subjects treated in the Kalpasutra. But they account for it hy saying that the first two parts are prefixed to the Paryushanasamacaris mangalarthuni, i. e. for the sake of auspiciousness. Thus we read in the Paryushanakulpaniryukti, purima-carimaina kappo u mamgalam Vaddhamana-titthammi to parikahiya Jina-parikahi ya theravali c'ettha[in). 11 61 l And the religious practice of the first and the last (Jinas) is auspicious during the tirtha of Vardhamana. Hence the stories of the Jinas, and the list of the Theras, have been told here". For Private and Personal Use Only Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 24 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Kalpasutra. The later scholiasts have converted this gatha into a metrical table of contents (adhikaratrayam) by altering the last hemistich. purima-carimana kappo mamgalam Vaddhamana-titthammi | to parikahiya Jina-ganaharai-theravali-carittam || "The religious practice of the first and the last (Jinas) is auspicious during the tirtha of Vardhamana. Hence the Jina (caritra), the list of the Theras beginning with the Ganadharas, and the caritra, i. e. paryshanasamacaris, have been told". Two The Jinacaritra, the Sthaviravali, and the Samacaris, united in one book under the title of Kalpasutra, were, according to the tradition, included in Devarddhiganin's recension of the Jaina scriptures, though it is not contained in the Siddhanta. arguments speak for the correctness of the tradition: firstly the date of that event is incorporated in the Kalpasutra; secondly the whole of the Kalpasutra is divided into "centuries" of one hundred granthas (32 aksharas) each, a measure adopted, probably, by the editor in order to guard the text against additions. These centuries are marked in the text as graM 100, maM 200 etc., and are to be found in all MSS. at the identical places. The Kalpasutra is said to contain 1216 granthas, e. g. in the following verse taken from the colophon of MS. A. ekah sahacro (1) dvicati-sametah clishtas tatah shodacabhir vidantu | Kalpasya samkhya kathita vicishta vicaradaih paryushanabhidhasya || In the present day it is commonly known as the "Bar sem sutra" i. e. the sutra of twelve hundreds. Our present text contains, according to my calculation, more than 100 granthas above the fixed number, and the extent of the several centuries varies between 100 and 135 granthas. It is rather tempting to reduce the text to its original extent by rejecting suspicious passages. But I have refrained from doing so, because the loose style of the Kalpasutra with its many repetitions which are peculiar to the Sutra style, render it impossible to point out exactly those passages which are spurious. Formerly, it is said, the whole Kalpasutra was read on the first night of the Pajjusan. But since it was read in the sabha of Dhruvasena, king of Anandapura, to console him after the death of his beloved son Senangaja,) the Kalpasutra was explained in nine vacanas. These nine vacanas or vyakhyanas are marked in some MSS. and in some commentaries. But as there is no agree 1) There is no agreement about the date of this event; some place it in 980 A.V., others in 993, and others again in 1080, see notes to SS 148. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Introduction. 25 ment on this head, I have not introduced the division into vacanas in my edition. Usually, the live of Mahavira is divided into six vacanas, whilst the rest of the Jinacaritra makes up the seventh vacana; or the life of Mahavira contains five vacanas, and the rest of the Jinacaritra two. The Therevali and the Samacaris are reckoned as one vacana each '). An other subdivision of the text is that into sutras or paragraphs, which is exhibited in most MSS. in the Jinacaritra and the Samacaris. It is most probably due to the scholiasts, who always use it; for the Theravali, being not commented upon, is not divided into satras. This arrangement is not exactly the same in all MSS. and commentaries. But they differ not very much so that it will be easy to identify a satra of our text in the MSS. The division of the Theravali into 13 paragraphs is of my own making, as the MSS. do not subdivide it. The oldest commentary on the Kalpasutra, which, however, I have not seen, seems to have been the Curni. It was, like all Curnis, written in Prakrit, as is proved by occasional quotations from it in the commentaries. The name of its author is not mentioned. But he is always spoken of as the Curnikara. All later commentaries are, directly or indirectly, based on the Curni, and are, most probably, for the greater part translations of it into Sasksit. For they agree, nearly verbally, in most of their explanations, a fact which can only be accounted for by our assuming that all commentators drew from the same source. And as all of them mention the Curni as their highest authority, we must, naturally, look upon that work as the basis, nay the original, of all commentaries. The more modern commentators have inserted legends from the s'ikas of the Uttaradhyayana and Avacyaka Sutras, and, occasionally, add lengthy digressions. The oldest commentary I have used is the Panjika, called Saindehavishaushadhi. It was written by Jinaprabhamuni, who completed his work in Ayodhya, Acvina su. di. 8, samvat 1364 or 1307 A.D. 2). The author has commented in the same work on the Paryushanakalpaniryukti also, a small treatise on the Paryu 1) The distribution of the vyakhyanakas in MS. E is given thore as follows, purima-carima-gatha cakrastavam yavat, cakrastavagarbhavatarasamcarah, svapnavicaragarbhasthabhigraho, janmotsavakridacriVirakutuinbavicarah, dikshajnanaparivaramokshah, criParcvanathacriNemicaritantarani, criA dinathacaritraSthaviravalyah, samacarimicha (?), cri Kalikacaryakatha. -- The Kalikacaryakatha is an independent leyond, its addition to the Kalpasutra is, therefore, quite modern. In the enuncration of the vacanas, given above, the life of Adinatha or Rishabha, and the Theravali, are contracted into one vacana. By counting both parts as one vacana each, and by omitting the Kalikacaryakatha, we arrive at the usual distribution of tho vacanas. 2) I subjoin his own words. Vaikrame strikala vicvodevasamkhye tu vatsare | mahashtamyam ayam puryam Ayodhyayam samarthitah For Private and Personal Use Only Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 26 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Kalpasutra. shana, in 66 Prakrit gathas. The commentary on this work has been compiled from the Nicithacurni, as the author states, and it is written in Prakrit, except a few short passages in Samskrit. This curious fact illustrates best how much of their own Jaina authors added to the work of their predecessors. Had there been already a Samskrit commentary on the Paryushananiryukti, our author would certainly have copied it. But being left to his own resources, he made extracts from the Nicithacurni, without even taking the trouble of translating them into Samskrit. We may be convinced that a Samskrit commentary on the Kalpasutra existed in Jinaprabhamuni's time, because he explains that work in Samskrit, and does not give an abstract of the Curni. My manuscript of this commentary, for which I am indebted to the liberality of Dr. Buhler, was finished samvat 1674. Extracts from it, and various readings mentioned in it, are marked in the notes by S. The next three commentaries differ very little from the preceding one in the explanation of the text. But they contain. besides an introduction, a good many legends and extracts from other works. They do not comment upon the Paryushanakalpaniryukti. These are, 1) The Subodhika by Vinayavijaya, samvat 1616. This commentary contains 5400 granthas. The MS. I used belongs to the Bombay collection. 2) The Kiranavali, or Vyakhanapaddhati, by Dharmasagara, samvat 1628, granthas 7000. Bombay. 3) The Kalpalata by Samayasundara. The date is not given, but it may be inferred from the author's statement, that Jinacandra, the guru of his own guru Sakalacandra, lived under Akbar. This commentary is perhaps not the Kalpalata the introduction of which Dr. Stevenson pretends to translate. A MS. of the Kalpalata has kindly been lent to me by Dr. Buhler. It contains 7700 granthas, text and commentary, and bears the date, samvat 1699. More modern works, and of less value, are, 4) The Kalpadruma by Lakshmivallabha. Each sutra is followed by a Samskrit translation. The legends found in other commentaries make up the greater part of the work. At the end of the commentary on the Kalpasutra is added the story of the Kalikacaryas. A MS. of the Kalpadruma is in my possession, it is very bad and modern, samvat 1903. 5) An interlineary version, or Taba, of the Kalpasutra by an anonymous writer. The legends, and a Guzerati explanation of the dreams, are inserted at their proper places. This commentary is contained in my MS. marked C. It was written by Abhayasundaramuni (perhaps the author?) samvat 1761. 6) An interlineary version, or Taba, without legends etc. It is found in the MS. belonging to the India Office library, No. 1599. This is the MS. which Colebrooke used in making his abstracts. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Introduction. 27 Besides these works, which I have examined and, occasionally, used, the following should be mentioned. 7) The Kalpapradipika by Vijayatilaka, samvat 1681, granthas 4500. I have seen a MS. of this commentary belonging to Dr. Buhler. 8) The Cakhabadha by Yacovijaya. It is mentioned by Dr. Stevenson, the Kalpasutra, preface, p. IX. 9) The Kalpasutratika. See Dr. Buhler, Report on Sanskrit MSS. 1872--1873. 10) An anonymous commentary contained in a MS. of the Berlin collection (Ms. or. fol. 638). It is a very carelessly written MS., and proved of no use. Samvat 1759. In the notes, I have given chiefly extracts from the Samdehavishausluadhi. I had first made extracts from the Kiranavali and the Subodhika, but on receiving the Saindehavishaushadhi, I preferred to give the explanations in the words of the oldest commentator. A translation of the Kalpasutra has been published by the Rev. Dr. Stevenson ). This work, which for a long time has been almost the only, and the standard, publication on Jainism, is, I regret to say it, neither accurate nor trustworthy. In the first instance, it is not what it pretends to be, a translation of the text, but, for the greater part, a carelessly made abstract. The first part has, on the whole, been rendered more faithfully than the more difficult Samacari portion. In the former chapter, Dr. Stevenson does not leave out any considerable portion, but wherever the text presents difficulties, he paraphrases instead of translating. In the Samacaris, the case is, however, different. There large portions have been left out, or given in a condensed form, and the meaning has rarely fully been made out?). 1) The Kalpa Sutra and Nava-Tatva (sic), two works illustrative of the Jain Religion and Philosophy. Translated from the Magadhi. With an appendix containing remarks on tho languago of the original. By the Rev. J. Stevenson, D.D., V.P.R.A.S. Bombay. London etc. 1848. 2) I put sido hy side the translation of the sixth samacari, as made by me, and as given by Dr. Stevenson. My translation. Dr. Stevenson's translation. During the Paijusan a collector of Certain sages having asked for direcalms might ask (tho acarya), "Sir, is tion in the matter, it was laid down anything required for the sick man? as a rule that in feeding a sick man and he (tho acarya) Inight say, "Yos" you are only to take what food ho may Ho (the sick man) should then be asked, not require, if you have the Superior's Hou much do you require ?' And ho permission. (the acarya) will say, "Thus much should be given to the sick man. You must take no more than to the sick) has demanded". And he (the collector of alms) should beg, and begging he should accept (the required food.) Having For Private and Personal Use Only Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 28 Kalpasutra. It would be unjust to judge Dr. Stevenson by the standard which must now be applied to editions and translations of Samskrit and Prakrit works, as thirty years ago Oriental studies were in their earliest infancy, and philological accuracy was not so much thought of as nowadays. Dr. Stevenson was a pioneer on his field of research, who worked with great enthusiasm and indefatigable zeal. It is to be regretted that his want of philological training, ") and his theological turn of mind, have prevented that his results should be proportionate to the labour expended. As the case stands, I can only warn all Orientalists against using his Kalpasutra. The present edition of the Kalpasutra is based on the following MSS. A. An excellent MS. in my collection. It is written with silver on 113 leaves, most of which are painted alternatively black and red. Each page contains six lines. There are many pictures in the text, and arabesques on the margin. (MSS. of this kind are not unfrequent with the Jainas.) The date, Vikrama 1484 (1427 A.D.) is given in the somewhat lengthy colophon. No subdivisions, neither sutras nor vacanas, are marked in this MS. The description of the dreams given in it differs from the common one, and is evidently not the original one, as is proved by the absence of the obtained the quantity ordered, he should say: 'No more! Perchance, (tho giver of food might ask), "Why do you say so, Sir?" (then he should answer), ('Thus much) is required for the sick man'. Perchance, after that answer, another might say, "Take it, Sir! You may after the sick man has been fed) eat it or drink it". Thus a man is allowed to collect alms, but he is not allowed to collect alms by pretending that it is for a sick man. 1) That Dr. Stevenson's knowledge of Prakrit was very limited can easily be proved by the remarks ho makes on tho Magadhi. He allodges (p. 141) that TAAOTT and ATEUR are nominative forms; p. 142 he spells locativo forms, kucchimxi and samanumsi Cristo (sic) and THUTH and the indoclinable past participle pasitta nam uTTITATU. His proficiency in Samskrit may be judged by comparing his translation of a passage from the Kalpalata (p. 13) with that given above p. 22. I subjoin Dr. Stevenson's translation. I am now to mention the author of the Kalpa-Sutra. He was Sri Bhadra Bahu Svami, an accomplished teacher who was well acquainted with the fourteen branches of his subject, (note; In the original and an accomplished teacher. Taking for his guide the works hore named - the Dabasrutaskandha, Ashtamadhyayana, and the discourse called Pratyakhyana, in which he found nine branches - ho composed tho Kalpasutra'. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Introduction. 29 mark D Roo which ought to stand in the beginning of the part in question. B. A very good MS. in my collection, fols. 80 of 9 lines. It contains many pictures illustrating the text. The date of its completion is given at the end, samvat 1521, Acvina su. di. 11, on a Tuesday. The sutras are sometimes numbered, but not throughout C. A fair MS. in my collection, samvat 1761. It contains the Taba mentioned above. (5.) E. A rather carelessly written MS. in the Berlin collection, MSS. or. fol. 647. It contains, besides the text, the Kalpantarvacyas i. e. legends. H. A modern MS. in the India Office Library, No. 1599. It contains the Taba mentioned above. (6.) No date. M. A modern MS, in the Bombay collection. It contains the commentary called Kiranavali. Besides these MSS., I have examined, but not collated, the following, --- 1) A MS. of the text and the Kalpalata by Samayasundara. In Dr. Buhler's collection. 2) A carelessly written but not very incorrect MS. in the Bombay collection. No date, perhaps 150 or 200 years old. 3) and 4). Two modern MSS. in the Bombay collection, containing the text of the Jinacaritra and the Sthaviravali only. 5) A MS. in my collection, containing the text and the Kalpadruma. Very inaccurate, samvat 1903. 6) A modern and very inaccurate MS. in the Berlin collection, MSS. or. fol. 638. It contains an anonymous commentary. Samvat 1759. The MSS. 2-0, being rather carelessly executed, have proved of no value. I have, therefore, not given the various readings found in them, in the already numerous footnotes. As regards the system of transcription, it should be kept in mind that each vowel forms it separate syllable. As the Jaina Prakrit has no diphthongs, diacritic signs employed by other scholars are not required. The interpretation of Prakrit texts presenting numerous difficulties, I have thought it expedient to separate the parts of compounds. As in some Jaina MSS. the signs | and I are used for punctuation, to a far greater extent than, but with as little consistency as, in Brahminical MSS., I have made a moderate use of our system of punctuation. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 30 Kalpasutra. Supplementary note. I have, throughout the introduction, taken account of the tradition of the (vetambaras only. The Digambaras have a tradition of their own, which differs considerably from that of the other sect. I know it from a modern Gurvavali lent to me by Dr. Buhler. It is written in Jepur, in the dialect of that town, and explains a number of gathas the Prakrit of which shows remarkable affinity to the Sauraseni. In this Gurvavali, two Bhadrabahus are mentioned. Bhadrabahu I. died 162 A.V., he was the last of the crutakevalins. Bhadrabahu II. was Thera 492-515 A.V. He was the disciple of Yacobhadra, who was the disciple of Subhadra (468 -- 474 A.V.). In Subhadra's second year, i. e. 470 A.V., Vikrama was born. This is confirmed by the following bemistich quoted in the Gurvavali. sattari-cadu-sada-jutto tina kala Vikkamo havai jammo The Samvat Era, however, does not date from the janman, but from the rajya of Vikrama, or from the 18th year after his birth'). Thus the year 492 A.V. is made to correspond with samvat 4, the date of Bhadrabahu. From Bhadrabahu II. down to samvat 1840, a continuous list of Theras is given, which looks as if based on genuine tradition. According to the Gurvavali, the whole of the angas was lost after Pushpadanta (633--683 A.V.). He reduced the sacred lore to writing. The year of his death (683 A.V.) is also given for the birth of Vikrama. 1) According to the statements made above, the Eras of Mahavira and Vikrama would be separated by 488 years; hence the Nirvana would fall in 545 AD. This date is separated from that of Buddha's Nirvana, according to the chronology of Coylon, by two years only. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir KALPASUTRA (Jinacaritra, Sthaviravali, Samacari). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Jinacaritra. Namol aribamtana namo' siddhanam namo' ayariyanam namo? uvajjhayanam namoj loe savva2-sabunam. eso pamca-namokkaro3 savva2-pava-ppanasano | mamgalamin ca savvesinpadhamam havai mamgalam. 1 Tenam kilenam tenam samaenain samane bhagavai Mahavires pamca-hatth'uttare bottha; taip jaha: hatth'uttarahim cue caitta gabbham vakkamte, hatth'uttarahim gabbliao? galbha saharies, hatth'uttarahim jie, batth'uttarahim mumde bhavitta agarao7 anagariyan pilvvaie, hattb'uttarahim anamte anuttare nivvaybae niravarane kisine puuvipuune kevala-vara-nana-dainsane'o samuppanne; saima parinivvue lilayavam. (1.) tenam kaleuam teman samaenan' samane blagavam Maliavire, je se gimbanam cauttle inase atthame pakkhe asadha-suddhe, tassa nam asadha-suddhassa" chatthi-pakkhenamnmaliavijaya-pupph'uttaralavall-putiluriyao* 1mila vinamio visull-siguovaniu-tthitiyoo (aukkhaenam bhava-kkhaenam thikkhaenam) anamtaram cayam? caitta il' eva Juubuddives dive Bharale vase' imise osappinie10 susamasusamke samne viikkamtaeli susamke samaie viikkamtaell susamadussamic 12 siunae viikkantke11 dussama1.susamae samae bahu 13. viikkamtid:11 [sigarovama- kulikodic bayalisael4 vasa-sahasselim uniyue151o pianica-lattarie'7 vasehiin addha-navamehi ya18 masehim sesehim 19 ekkin20-viske titthayarelim Ikklaga21-kula-samuppannelim Kasava-gottebin 22 dolii ya 23 Harivamsa-kula- samuppannehin 24 Goyama5-sagottellim? 'i tevisie titthayatrehiin viikkaintehiin 27 samane 1. the inangalam is wanting in M. 1) "II. 2) bb Il. See Introd. p. 21. 3) namu" CEIL 4) "aye" 11. 5) Malab". II. nce Introd. 6) 'ott" M7) au M. see Introd. y. 21. 8) "iye 11. 9) "iano EM. 10) damsanadhare C. 2. 1) yo' ll. 2) cu I. 3) divasenam ACII. 4) "ao M. 5) tthiyao B. tthijao M. tthiyao II. 6) (-) not in A; S kvacit. 7) caim B. 8) Jambu" E. 9) dahinaddha-bharahe added in II.; B in the margin. 10) usa' CE., uvasi' H. 11) vai" c. 12) dusa" CII. 13) not in II. 14) Cisa E. 15) "ine BM. 16) -- not in AC; B in the inargin. 17) "ri II. 18) a CHM 1 9) not in II. 20) ikka BEHIM. 21) Wyn BCI 92) gul BCEM. 23) a EM. 24) un H. 25) Gotama B, (oama M. 26) sayu" BEM. Jou H, gu" C. 27) vii C. Abhaudi d. DMG. VIL 1. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 34 Kalpasutra. 2-7. bhagavam28 Mahavire carime 29 titthayare 30 puvva-titthayara 30. nidditthe mahana-Kumdaggame nayare 31 Usabhadattassa mahanassa Kodala-sagottassa 32 bhariyae33 Devanamdae mahanie 34 Jalamdharasagottae 35 puvva 36- rattavaratta - kala - samayamsi hatth'uttarahim nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam ahara-vakkamtie 37 bhava-vakkamtie sarira-vakkaintie kucchimsi gabbhattae vakkamte. (2.). samane bhagayam Mahavire tin-nanovagae avil hottha?. 'caissami' tti janai, cayamane na janai", cue "mi'tti janai. jam rayanim ca nam samane bhagavam Mahavire Devanamdae mahanie JalamdharaSagottaet kucchimsi gabbhattae vakkamte, tam rayanims ca nain sa Devanamda mahani sayanijjamsi sutta - jagara ohiraman16 ime? eyaruves orale kallaae sive dhanne mamgalle sassirie coddasa! mahasumine pasitta nam padibuddha. (3.) tai jaha, gaya vasaha siha abhiseya? dama sasi dinayaram jhayaina kumbham | paumasara sagara vimana bhavana rayan'-uccaya sihiin ca. || (4.) tae nam sa Devanamda mahani (te sumine pasati', te sumine)? pasitta nam3 padibuddha3 samani: hattha-tuttha-citta-m-anamdiya 4 pii-mana5 parama-somanasiye 4 harisa-vasa-visappamana-hiyaya4 dharahaya-kayambuyam 6 piva samussasiya4-roma-kuya sumin-oggaham? karei, karitta sayanijjao abbhutthei, abbhutthitta aturiyam4 acavalam [avilambiyae] 8 rayahamsa-sarisie gaie 10, jen' eva Usabhadatte mahane, ten' eva uvagacchai, uvagacchitta Usabhadattam mahanam jaenam vijaenam vaddhavei, vaddhavitta!? bhaddasana-vara-gaya asattha visattha suhasana-vara-gaya 12 kara-yala-pariggahiyain4 sirasa vattam13 dasa-naham matthae ainjalim kattul4 evam vayasi: (5.) 'evam khalu aham?, Devanuppiya?! ajja sayanijjamsi sutta-jagara ohiramanis 2 ime eyaruve4 orales java sassirie coddasa mahasumine pasitta nam padibuddha; tam jaha?: gaya java sihim ca. (6.) eesi nam, Devan. uppiya?! oralanam java coddasanham3 mahasuminanam ke", mannes, kallane phala-vitti-visese bhavissaio?" (7.) 2. 28) bhayo A. 29) carame C, carama HM. 30) "kao B. 31) nago B. 32) saguo BEM, guo c. 33) iae HM. 34) oni H. 35) ssa go' CII, sagu EM. 36) addha kvacit S. 37) bakko C, I always see Intr. 3. 1) not in A, yavi B. 2) huo M. 3) yadeg CM. 4) ssa goo C, ssa guo E, saguo M. 5) C adds nam. 6) uho H. 7) im B. 8) ca' EM. 9) cauo HM. 4. 1) ea EM. 2) jjh AB. 3) kumdam A. 4) bhuo CH. 5. 1) pasai B. 2) all MSS. except A and B repeat the ond of $ 3 ime eyaruve etc. 3) not in B. 4) no y in EM. 5) pii' A. piio B. "mane EHM. 6) kalambayam first hand B, kayambapupphagam CEUM. 7) uggdeg CEM. 8) not in ABE. kvacit S. iae EHM. 9) not in A. 10) gatie AE. 11) 2 A. 12) not in CH. Usabhadattam as far as gaya supplied in the margin of B by a 2 hd. 13) Ottham C. das before sirM, the same indicated in B by 2 hd. 14) Usabhadattamaha (nam) added in B. 6. 1) CH add sami. 2) not in H. "ia M. 3) uh BCHM. 4) ea M ya C. 5) ur CHM. 6) cau" EHM. 7) not in H. 7. 1) Cia EM. 2) url BCH. 3) cauo CHEM. nh H. 4) kiin B. 5) nn E. 6) Oai H. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 8-12. Jinacaritra. 35 taenam se? Usabhadatte mahane Devanamdae mahanie amties eyam attham socca' nisamma hattha-tuttha java hiyae) dhara-hayakalambuyam6 piva samusasiya?-roma-kuve sumin'-oggahame karei, karetta ihai anupavisai, 2 tta 10 appano sabhavienam11 maipuvvaenam buddhi-vinnanenam12 tesim suminanam atth'-oggaham8 karei, karetta 13 Devanamda 14 mahanim 15 evam vayasi : (8.) "orala nam tume, Devanuppie! sumina dittha, kallana nain siva dhanna mamgalla sassiriya? arogga 3 - tutthi - dihau 14 . kallanamangalla-karaga nam tume, Devanuppie! sumina dittha ; tai jaha5: attha6-labho, Devanuppie! bhoga-labho, sukkha7-labho, Devanuppie! putta 8-labbo. evam khalu tumam, Devanuppie! navanham 10 masanam bahu-padipunnanam addh'-atthamanam 12 raimdiyanam 13 viikkamtanam sukumala-pani-payain ahina-padipunna14-painc'-imdiya 15-sariram lakkhana - vaajana - gunovaveyam man'- ummana - ppamana 16 - panipunna 17-sujaya-savv'-amga-sumdar'-amgain sasi-somakaram 18 kamtam piya 15.damsanam suruvam darayam payahisi. (9.) se vi ya? nam darae ummukka-bala-bhave vinnaya-parinaya-mitte jovvanagam 3 anuppattel riuvveya-jauvveya -samaveya-athavvanaveya itihasa-pamcamanain nigghamta"-chatthanam s'-amgovamganam sa-rahassanam caunham? veyanam sarae paraes dharae' sad-amga-vi satthi-tamtavisarae samkhane (sikkhane]10 sikkha kappe vagaranell chande nirutte joisam ayane annesu12 ya! bahusu 13 bambhannaesu 14 (parivvayaesu]15 naesu 16 suparinitthie avi 17 bhavissai. (10.) tam orala nai tume, Devanuppiel! javu arogga3.tutthit . dihauya5. mamgalla-kallana-karaga nam tume, Devanuppie! sumina dittha?" tti? kattu$ bhujjo 2 anuvuhai". (11.) tae nain sau Devanainda mahani Usabhadattassa mahanassa amtie eyam atthai soccanisamma3 hattha-tuttha* java haya-hiyaya! kara-yala-pariggahiyai' dasa-naham5 sirasa vattam matthae amjalim 8. 1) tate CH. 2) not in A. 3) e c. 4) su BEM. 5) hiae EM. 6) kayambayam CH, kayabu pupphagam EM. 7) Pusso EHM, ia EM. 8) ugg EHM. 9) ka 2 tta B, 2 tta C, 2 karitta H, karitta M. 10) anupavisitta M, iham down to tta not in A. 11) saha CEHM. 12) un EH, n M. 13) attho | tta B. 2 karitta H. fully repeated in M. 14) "da M. 15) Inim H, ni M. 9. 1) ur BCII. 2) A EM. 3) krudeg EM. 4) Pao BCEH. 5) not in CM. 6) tth M. 7) so B. 8) in BCHM inserted before sukkha, in M after bhoo suo pu' Devano BC after bho. 9) tume A, tummam II.10) na A. 11) nn EM. 12) mana * BCM, "mana ya E. 13) "ia" EM. 14) nn BEH, M. 15) Ciao M. 16) pa" BCHM. 17) nn CH. 18) agaram E 10. 1) y only after a EM. 2) nn BEM, kvacit vinnaya. S. 3) juo EM. 4) jaju" A. 5) ati" B. 6) ou EM. 7) nh H. 8) varae added in EM. 9) not in BE. 10) not in A see notes. 11) vak" A. 12) na CEHM, n A. 13) "huo BEM, ABC, add ya. 14) nn BCIM, 15) not in A see notes. B i, marg. parinio C, paribbaesu H. 16) not in A. 17) yavi CH. 11. 1) uo ACH. 2) sumina dittha added in CM. 3) aru M. 4) buddhi B. 5) vua M, Mao C. 6) java down to devau not in E. 7) ditt ha AB. itti B, tti and the rest not in A. 8) not in H. 9) "buho CH. 12. 1) y only after a in EM. 2) su" EM. 3) mi" B. 4) "a A. 5) unaham A. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 36 Kalpasutra. kattu Usabhadattam mahanam evam vayasi: (12.) 'evam eyani', Devanuppiya! taham eyam Devanuppiya! avitaham eyam, Devanuppiya asamdittham eyam Devanuppiya! icchiyam2 eyam, Devanuppiya! padicchiyam2 eyam, Devanuppiya! saccenam esam atthe, jah' eyam tubbhe vayaha' tti kattu te sumine sammam padicchai", te sumine sammam padicchitta Usabhadattenam mahanenam saddhim oralaim manussagaim bhoga-bhogaim' bhumjamani viharai. (13.) tenam kalenam tenam samaenam Sakke dev'-imde deva-raya vajja-pani puramdare sata-kkatu sahass'-akkhe maghavam paka 2sasane dahin'-addha3-logahivai battisa - vimana - saya-sahassahivai5 eravana-vahane5 sur'-imde aray'-ambara-vattha-dhare alaiya7-malamaude nava-hema- caru-citta-camcala-kumdala-vilihijjamana-gamde [mahaddhie10 mahajjuie 10 mahabbale mahayase mahanubhave mahasukkhe] bhasura-bomdi 12 palanbamana-vanamale 13 sohamme kappe sohamma-vadimsage 14 vimane suhammae sabhae sakkamsi sihasanamsi15, se nam tattha battisae 16 vimana - vasa17-saya-sahassinam caurasie samaniya 18-sahassinam tayattisae tayattisaganam caunhain 19 loga-palanam atthanham 19 agga-mahisinam sa-parivaranam, tinham 20 parisanam sattanham aniyanam21 sattanham aniyahivainam 22 caunham 19 caurasitie 23 aya-rakkha-deva-sahassinam annesim24 ca bahunam sohamma-kappa-vasinam vemaniyanam25 devanam devina ya ahevaccam 26 porevaccam samittam bhattittam mahattaragattam ana-isarasenavaccam karemane palemane mahaya "haya-natta 27-giya 28-vaiya 29. tamti-talatala - tudiya 29-ghanamuimga-padu - padaha-vaiya 29-ravenam divvaim bhoga-bhogaim bhumjamane viharai. (14.) imam ca nam kevala-kappam Jambuddivam divam1 viulenam ohina abhoemane 2 viharai2. tatthal nam1 samanam bhagavam Mahaviram Jambuddive dive Bharahe vase dahin'-addha- bharahe mahana-Kumdaggame nagares Usabhadattassa mahanassa Kodalasagottassa bhariyae Devanamdae mahanie Jalamdhara-sagottae kucchimsi gabbhattae vakkamtam' pasai, pasitta hattha-tuttha-cittam-anamdie namdies pii"-mane parama -somanassie 10 harisa11- vasavisappamana 12-hiyae 13 dhara-haya-niva 14-surabhi 15-kusuma-camcuma 4) ati A. 5) in 13. 1) eam devanuppia EM, throughout. 2) via 4) etam A. 5) "ati CH. 6) ur BCH. 7) bhungaim C. 14. 1) sayakkau EM. 2) paga CEHM. 3) ddh B. serted before battisa in EM. 6) sure" C. 7) "iya C, ia EM. 8) vila" M. 9) galle HM. 10) ie M. 11) [] not in A, B i marg. by 2 hd. found in S. V. 0. 12) bodi A, bumdi CE, bamdi H. 13) maladhare EM. 14) "sae BCEM. 15) nisanne added in B. 16) "ate B. 17) "navasi B, navasa M. 18) iya B, ia EM. 19) nh H. 20) ta' E. 21) ia EM. 22) ia M, iahivai E. 23) 'sie B, site CH, sinam EM. 24) nn EM. 25) "ia" EM. 26) aho C. 27) n A. 28) gia EM. 29) via EM. 15. 1) not in H. 2) pasai II, pasai ya C. 3) nay CHM. 4) sagu" EM, guo C. 5) ate B, 'iae EM. 6) sagu EM, ssagu C, ssago" H. 7) vai" A, "te C. 8) not in B, "diya-namdie AM, add paramanamdie. 9) piti A, piya H. 10) "asie BM. 11) harasa B. 12) ppamana C. 13) only after a in EM. 14) kayamba EM. 15) hi CH, "ha M. For Private and Personal Use Only 12--15. EM. 8) na M. 3) not in M. Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 15-16. Jinacaritra. 37 laiya16 . usaviya 17-roma-kuve vikasiya 18. vara - kamala 19 - nayana 19. vayane19 payaliya 20-vara - kadaga - tudiya 13 - kellra? 1- mauda-kumdalahara-virayaznta 22-vacche palamba - palambamana-gholamta - bhusanadhare sasambhamam turiyam13 cavalam sur'-imde sihasanao 23 abbhutthei, abbhutthitta paya-padhao 24 paccoruhai25, paccoruhitta 26 veruliya 13.varittha-rittha-amjana - niun-oviya27 - misimisimta 28-manirayana-mamdiydo 29 pauyao 30 omuyai 31, omuitta 31 ega-sadiyam 13 uttarasamgam karei, karitta 32 amjali-mauliy'13-agga-hatthe titthagarabhimuhe 33 satt'attha payaim anugacchai, anugacchitta 34 vamam janum amcei, amcitta 35 dahinam janum dharani-talamsi sahattu tikkhutto muddhanam dharani-talamsi nivesei 3", nivesitta 37 isim paccunnamai 38, paccunnamitta 39 kadaga - tudiya 13 - thambhiyao 13 bhuya040 saharai, saharitta 41 karayala-pariggahiyam 13 sirasa vattam+2 dasa-naham matthae amjalim kattu43 evam vayasi: (15.) 'namot 'tthu nam arahaitanam2 bhagavamtanam [1]* adigaranam* titthagaranam. sayam-sambuddhanam [2] purisottamanam purisa - sihanam purisa - vara-pumdariyanam? purisa - vara - gamdhahatthinam (3] log`-uttamanam loga - nahanam loga-hiyanam logapaivanam loga - pajjoyagaranam [4] abhaya- dayanam cakkhudayanam 10 magga-dayanam sarana-dayanam jiva-dayanam 11 12bohidayanam [5] dhamma - dayanam dhamma - desayanam13 dhammanayaganam dhamma-sarahinam dhamma-vara-cauramta-cakkavattinam [6] divo tanam 14 saranam 15 gai16 paitpha 17 appadihaya-vara-nanadamsana-dharanam viyatta 18-chaumanam1' [7] jinanam 20 javayanam tinnanamai tarayanam buddhanam bohayanam 22 muttanam moyaganam8 [8] savvannunam savva-darisinam 23 sivam ayalam aruyam 24 anamtam akkhayam avvabaham 25 apunaravatti - siddhi - gai - namadheyam: thanam sampattanam namo jinanam jiya 26.bhayanam 27 [9] muddha nyamam jamun, sattattha anu zivam u 2 tta B. 15. 16) "iya C, "ia EM. 17) uss H, "ia EM, usasiya A. 18) viga" BC, viasia EM. 19) kamalagananayane E, kamalanananay' M, ko vay nay" B. 20) pac! CM, in EM, palambiya A. 21) keyura B. 22) yaraiyanta , 23) tiet in BEHAI. 24) "au H. 25) ati C. 26) 2 tta CII, 2 B, 27) ovaciya A, ocia E, ovia M. 28) "tta CII. 29) iao AEM. 30) Muao AEM. 31) un BH, sco18 32) 2 tta A, ogasadiyam u 2 tta B. 33) titthago A. 34) C adds sattattha payaim. sattattha anu 2 tta A, anu 2 tta B. 35) 2 tta ABC. A adds vainam jarum, B adds vamam. 36) "ai H. 37) A(BC add tikkhutto muddhanam, blotted out in B. 38) m M. 39) nn M, isim added in H, 2 tta AC. 40) uao CEM. 41) 2 tta ABC, AB add kada. 42) not in E 43) not in II. 16. 1) "U EM. 2) ari' EM. 3) the nunbers in brackets are found in ABC, they indicato tho sampads. 4) ai" BEHM. 5) tittham A, "yar" EHM. 6) utt" EM. 7)'riy B), orianam EM. 8) y only after a in EM. 9) Coa AEM. 10) H adds jivadayanam. 11) not in AH. 12) not in M. 13) not in A, "si" H. 14) ttanam H. 15) na EH. 16) gai E. 17) patio A, nam added in H. 18) viutta CE, via' M. 19) chanmm' CM. 20) 11. 21) in CM. 22) bohiyo C, vobiyu B, bohaanam M. 23) damsinam B. 24) aruam CE, argam M, aruvam II. 25) "vah" B. 26) jia EUM. 27) the following gatha is inserted in C: je dia (!) siddha je (a) bhavissaint' angae kale sampai l vattamana, savve ti-vihe pa vaindami | For Private and Personal Use Only Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 38 Kalpasutra. 16-21. Ta namo 28 'tthu nam samanassa bhagavao 29 Mahavirassa adigarassa 30 carama31-titthagarassa puvva-titthayara-nidditthassa java sampaviukamassa; vamdami nam bhagavamtam tattha-gayam32 iha-gae32; pasau 33 me bhagavam tattha-gae 34 iha-gayam' ti 35 kattu samanam bhagavam Mahaviram vamdai 36 namamsai36, 2 tta 37 sihasana-varamsi puratthabhimuhe38 sannisanne39 tae nam tassa Sakkassa dev'. imdassa deva-ranno 40 ayam eyaruve ajjhatthie41 cimtie patthie mano. gae samkappe samuppajjittha: (16.) 'nal evam? bhuyam2, na eyam? bhayyam, na evam? bhavissam3. jan nam arahamta va cakkavatiti va baladeva va vasudeva va amta-kulesu va pamta-kulesu va tuccha-kulesu va daridda-kulesu va kivinas - kulesu Va bhikkhaga 6-kulesu va mahana - kulesu va ayaimsu va ayaimti? va ayaissamti va (17.) evam khalu arahamta 1 va cakkavatti va baladeva va vasudeva va ugga-kulesu va bhogakulesu varainna? - kulesu va3 Ikkhaga-kulesu va khattiya" - kulesu va Harivamsa-kulesu va annayaresu5 va tahappagaresu va visuddha-jai6-kula-vamsesu va ayaimsu va 37 (18.) atthi puna ese vi bhave log'-accheraya-bhue. anamtahim osappinil- ussappinihim? viikkamtahim3 samuppajjait 900 nama-gottassa5 va 6 kammassa akkhinassa aveiyassa? anijjinnassa: udaenam, jan nam arahamta va cakkavatti va baladeva va vasudeva va arta 10-kulesu va pamta 10. kulesu va tuccha-daridda-bhikkhaga-kivina-(mahana-kulesu va)11 ayaimsu19 va 3, kucchimsi gabbhattae 13 vakkaminsu va 14 vakkamamti va vakkamissamti va ; no ceva nam joni - jammana 15. nikkhamanenam nikkhamimsu va nikkhamamti va nikkhamissamti va! (19.) ayam ca nam samane bhagavam Mahavire Jambuddivel dive? Bharahel vase mahana-Kumdaggame nayare Usabhadattassa mahanassa Ko dala - sagottassa? bhariyae3 Devanamdae mahanie Jalamdhara-sagottae kucchimsi gabbhattae vakkamte. (20.) tam jiyam eyami tiyal-paccuppanna 2-m-anagayanam sakkanam dev'-imdanam3 deva-rainam, arahamte5 bhagavamte tahappagarehimto amta6. 16, 28) Du E. 29) Cau M. 30) ai E, adi M, kar? A. 31) carin B. 32) gat" CH. 33) Cai B, kvacit S. 34) gao B. 35) tti M. 36) Pati CH. 37) not in ABM. 38) Oritth' C. 39) Osame CH, nisanne M, samnisamne B. 40) in CH. 41) abbho H. 17. 1) no khalu CH, na kha M. 2) see 168 3) bhavissai C. 4) nn EHM, jam nam BC. 5) kivana BC. 6) "ayara ABE. 7) ayamnti B. 18. 1) ari' EM. 2) nn CHM, rayanna E. 3) AE, add naya-kulesu va. 4) ia E. 5) in A annato B. 6) jati C. 7) fully repoated in M. 19. 1) usao B, ussa" EM, uva" H. 2) osa' BE, usa M, ava" CH. 3) viti! C, vai E, CH add. kayaim. 4) B adds tti. 5) gu' BEM. 6) not in AE. 7) aved. S. 8) in CEHM, aniji! C. 9) jam nam C, janam EHM. 10) Otta B. 11) not in AB. 12) aimsu B, ay" M. 13) down to no not in A. 14) C abbreviates in 3. 15) jamma C. 20. 1) not in ACH. 2) go" C, sagu EM. 3) iao EM. 4) ssago H, sagu EM. 21. 1) see 16%. 2) n CHM. 3) amdeg C. 4) rai" A. 5) ario E, down to tuccha not in H. 6) atta B. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 21-25. Jinacaritra. A 39 kulehimto pamta - kulehimpto? tuccha - daridda - bhikkhaga - kivinas. kulehimto? tahappagaresu 10 va ugga-kulesu va bhoga- kulesu va rainna11 - kulesu12 va12 Naya13 - khattiya - Harivamsa - kulesu 14 va 14 annayaresu 15 va tahappagaresu visuddha - jai 16. kula-vamsesu va [rajja-sirim karemanesu palemanesu]17 saharavittae, tam seyam khalu mama18 vi 13, samanam bhagavam Mahaviram carama 19-titthayaram puyva-titthayara-niddittham mahana-Kumdaggamao 20 nayarao 20 Usabhadattassa mahanassa 21Kodala-sagottassa 22 bhariyaeDevanamdae mahanie Jalaindhara - sagottae 23 kucchio 20 khattiyal - Kumdaggame nayare 24 Nayanam khattiyanamSiddhatthassa khattiyassa? Kasavagottassa 25 bhariyae 1 Tisalae khattiyanieVasittha-sagottae 29 kucchimsi gabbhattae saharavittae; je vi ya' nam se Tisalae khattiyaniel gabbhe, tam pi yalnam Devanamdae mahanie Jalamdhara-sagottae 26 kucchimsi gabbhattae saharavittae' ti 27 kattu evam sampehei, evam 21 sampehitta Harinegamesim payattaniyahivaim28 devam saddavei, Harinegamesim devam 29 saddavitta evam vayasi: (21.) 'evam khalu, Devanuppiya! na' eyam bhuyam, naleyam bhavvam, nal eyam bhavissam: jan nam arahamta va cakkavattia va baladeva 2 va vasudeva va amta6- pamta? - kivina 3- daridda - tuccha- bhikkhagamahana"-kulesu5 va5 ayainsu va 3. evam * khalu arahamta va cakka6 balae vasudeva va ugga - kulesu va bhoga- rainnas - khattiya-Ikkhaga-Harivamsa - kulesu va annayaresu va tahappagaresu visuddha-jai - kula 8- yamsesus ayaimsu va 3. (22.) atthi puna esa bhave log'-accheraya-bhue. anamtahim ussappini-osappinihim viikkamtahim samuppajjai? nama-gottassa kammassa akkhinassa avei assa 2 anijjinnassa udaenam, jan nam arahamta va cakkavatti va baladevi va visudev va anta-kulesu va painta-kulesu va tucchadaridda-kivina3-bhikkhaga-kulesu' va ayaimsu va 3, nos ceva *nai joni-jammana-nikkhamanenam nikkhamissu va 3. (23.) ayam ca nam samane bhagavam Mahavire Jambuddive dive Bharahe vase mahana-Kumdaggame nayarel Usabhadattassa mahanassa Kodalasagottassa bhariyae Devanaindae mahanie Jalaindhara - sagottae kucehimsi gabbhattae vakkamte. (24.) tam jiyam eyain tiya-paccu 21. 7) not in A, down to taha' not in H. 8) kivana AE, EM add inahana. 9) not in A, M adds va mahattakulehimto ve. 10) Khip to A. 11) ni A, rayanna M. 12) not in BCEHM. 13) not in C. 14) not in AB. 15) anna A, annat B, nn CEM, annesu 11. 16) jati B. 17) not in ABCE. 18) mama A, not in C. 19) carima B. 20) o and u initial in a syllable henceforth not discriminated in M. 21) not in M. 22) sagu' E. 23) sagu EM. 24) nag A. 25) guo EM. 26) sagu EM, gu' B. 27) tti EM. 28) pay" B, "niao E, nia M, 'vai BH, 29) not in EM 22. I have given only tho more importaut v. r. of the SS 2226, for the rest see 17-21. 1) na A. 2) AM as below. 3) kivana AH. 4) only in M. 5) not in M. 6) atta B. 7) pamtta B. 8) M adds naya. kulesu A. 23. 1) "anti AB, Otti H. 2) aved' A. 3) kivana A. 4) not in A. 5) no A. 6) nio A. 24. 1) nag" A. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 40 Kalpasutra. 25.-28. ppanna1-m-anagayanam sakkanam dev'-imdanam deva-rainam, arahamte bhagavamate tahappagarehisto amta2-kulehimto 3 pamta?-kulehimto 3 tuccha-kivina4-daridda-vanimaga-[java-mahana) - kulehimto tahappagaresu ugga-kulesu va bhoga - rainna'. [Naya) - khattiya - IkkhagaHarivamsa-kulesu5 va annayaresu tahappagaresu visuddha-jai-kulavamsesu va saharavittae. (25.) tam gaccha nam tumam samanain bhagavam Mahaviram mahana-Kumdaggamao nayarko 1 Usabhadattassa mahanassa Koaala-sagottassa bhariyae Devanamdae mahanie Jalamdhara-sagottae kucchio khattiya - Kumdaggame nayare Nayanam kbattiyanam Siddhatthassa khattiyassa Kasava - guttassa bhariyae Tisalae khattiyanie Vasittha-sagottae kucchimsi gabhattae saharahi ; je vi ya nam se Tisalae khattiyanie gabbhe, tam pi ya nam Devanamdae mahanie Jalamdhara - sagottae kucchimsi gabbhattae saharahi, saharitta mama eyam anattiyam khippam eva paccappinahi'. (26.) tae nam se Harinegamesil payattaniyahivai? deve? Sakkenam dev'-imdenam deva-ranna evam vutte samaae hatthe+ java hiyae5 kara-yala java tti kattu: "evam jam devo anavei" tti?; anae vinaenam vayanam padisuneis, evam padisunitta Sakkassa' dev'-imdassa devaranno in amtiao 11 parinikkhamai?, uttara-puratthimam disi-bhagam avalkkamai, avakkamitta veuvviya-samugghaenam samohanai 13, 2 tta samkhijjaim joyanaim damdam nissarail4; tam jaha15: rayananam Vayaranam 16 veruliyanam'? lohiy'akkhanam 17 masaragallanam hamsagabbhanam pulayanam sogamdhiyanam17 joirasanam 18 amjananam amjanapulayanam [rayananam]6 jayaravanam subhaganam amkanam phalihanam ritthanam 16 ahabayare19 poggale20 parisadei, 2 tta6 ahasuhume poggalexi pariyadiyati22, (27.) 2 ttat duccam2 pi veuvviyas-samugghaenam samohanai", samohaaitta uttara - veuvviyam ruvam viuvvai, viuvvitta tae ukkitthae turiyae3 cavalae cheae5 camdae jayanae 6 uddhuyae 3 sigghae divvae deva-gale? vitivayamanes 2 tiriyam asamkhejjanam diva-samuddanam majjham majjhenam, jen'eva Jambuddive dive, jen'eva9 Bharahe vase, jen'eva mahana Kumdaggare nayare?", jen'evali Usabhadattassa mahanassa gihe 1%, jen'eva Devanamda mahani, teneva uvagacchai, uvagacchitta aloe samanassa bhagavao Mahavirassa panamam karei, 2 tta Devanamdae mahanie saparijanae 13 osovanimn14 dalai'5, 2 tta asubhe 16 poggale17 25. 1) un A. 2) Otta B. 3) BCM om. 4) "ava" AM. 26. 1) nag A; BCH java, instead of Usabhadattassa down to je vi. 27. 1) "shi H. 2) aggan" A, pa' B, "niyao B, nia E, "unia M. 3) not in R. 4) oa EH. 5) hiae EM, not in BH. 6) not in M. 7) not in BH. 8) eti C. Samti H. 9) down to uttara" not in BEM. 10) nn c. 11) iyao CH. 12) padi' CH, "ei A, 2 tta added in H, 13) "nati C, mai B, kvacit s. 14) "ir" E. 15) not in E. 16) vairo BCEH. 17) see 16% 18) "saranam A. 19) aha B. 20) pu all except B. 21) pu" all excopt AB. 22) "ai A, pariaci EM. 28. 1) pariaitta M. 2) doccain BHS. 3) seo 168. 4) Bati C, nnai B. 5) not in ABM, H after camdae. 6) jaino E. 7) gaie E, "io C. 8) vii" EH, viio M, "vaimo H. 9) om. HM: 10) na" H, nag" E. 11) not in H. 12) gehe M. 13) E adds a. 14) as' E, us' II. 15) dalayai A. 16) "he BCH. 17) puo CEHM. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 28-31. Jinacaritra. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 11 avaharai, subhe 16 poggale 17 pakkhivai, 2tta "anujanau me11 bhagavam" tti kattu samanam bhagavan Mahaviram avvabaham 18 avvabahenam 18 kara-yala-sampudenam ginhai19, 2 tta jen'eva khattiya-Kumdaggame nayare 20, jen'eva Siddhatthassa khattiyassa3 gihe 21, jen'eva Tisala khattiyani3, ten'eva uvagacchai, 2 tta Tisalae khattiyanie3 saparijanae 22 osovanim 14 dalai 15, 2tta asubhe 23 poggale17 avaharai, 2 tta subhe 23 poggale 17 pakkhivai, 2 tta samanam bhagavam Mahaviram 24 avvabaham 25 avvabahenam 25 Tisalae khattiyanies kucchimsi gabbhattae saharai26; je vi ya 27 nam se Tisalae khattiyanie gabbhe, tam pi ya 27 nam Devanamdae mahanie Jalamdhara - sagottae 28 kucchimsi29 gabbhattaeli saharai30, 2than1 jam eva disim3' paubhue, tam eva disim 31 padigae (28.) tae' ukkitthae turiyae cavalae camdae cheyae3 jayanae uddhuyae2 sigghae divvae deva - gaie5 tiriyam2 asamkhejjanam diva- samuddanam majjham majjhenam joyana-sahassiehim viggahehim uppayamane 2, jenam eva sohamme kappe sohamma-vadimsae vimane sakkamsi sihasanamsi Sakke dev'imde deva-raya, tenam eva uvagacchai, 2 tta Sakkassa dev'-imdassa deva-ranno eyam9 anattiyam2 khippam eva paccappinai. (tenam kalenam tenam samaenam samane bhagavam Mahavire tin-nanovagae 10 yavi hottha: 'saharijjissami' tti janai, saharijjamane no1 janai, 'saharie 'mi' tti janai)12 (29.) 41 1 tenam kalenam tenam samaenam samane bhagavam Mahavire, je se vasanam tacce mase pamcame pakkhe asoya1-bahule, tassa nam asoya1-bahulassa terasi - pakkhenam basiim2 raimdiehim viikkamtehim3 testimassa raimdiyassa amtara vattamane5 hiyanukampaenam devenam Harinegamesina Sakka-vayana-samditthenam mahana-Kumdaggamao nagarao Usabhadattassa mahanassa Kodalasagottassa bhariyae1 Devanamdae mahanie Jalamdhara - sagottae kucchjo khattiya1-Kumdaggame nagare Siddhatthassa khattiyassa1 Kasava-gottassa 10 bhariyae1 Tisalae khattiyanie Vasittha-sagottae? puvva-rattavaratta - kala-samayamsi hatth'uttarahim nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam avvabaham11 avvabahenam12 kucchimsi gabbhattae saharie 13. (30.) jam rayanim ca nam samane bhagavam Mahavire Devanamdae 21) gehe C. 22) paria" EM. 26) "ati C. 27) a BEM. 31) sam BE. 28. 18) EM add divvenam pahenam, B i. marg. 19) nh EH. 23) "he CEHM. 24) "re C. 25) 28) sagu BCEHM. 29) "echa" H. For Private and Personal Use Only 20) nag" E. vah B. 30) "ati H. 29. 1) not in AB. viivayamane add. in C. 9) evam E, eam M. in EM, they have this 2) see 168. 3) not in ABM. 4) jain" B. 6) khi BCEHM. 7) Ossihim B, vie(r) E. 10) tinn BC, ga C. 11) not in A, na C. passage at the end of 30. 30. 1) see 16*. 2) "si B, "sii C, sii EM. 3) vii A, vai C, bai H. B. 5) "nassa CH. 6) nayo B, nag C, nayo H. 7) sagu EM. 8) iu 9) nay BM, nay H. 10) gu" CEHM. 11) vah" AB. 12) "vah" B. 13) see 2912, B repeats the same passage. 31. 1) bhay" H. 5) gaie E, 8) nn ACEM. 12) not 4) tess B, io H. Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 42 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 'Kalpasutra. mahanie Jalamdhara-sagottae2 kucchio3 Tisalae khattiyanie 5Vasitthasagottae kucchimsi gabbhattae saharic, tam rayanim ca nam sa Devanamda mahani sayanijjamsi sutta-jagara ohiramani8 2 ime eyaruve9 orales kallane sive dhanne sassirie coddassa 10 mahasumine Tisalae khattiyanie hade pasitta nam padibuddha; (tam jaha12: gaya-usabha 14-gaha) 13 (31.) 6 jam rayanim ca nam samane bhagavam Mahavire Devanamdae mahanie Jalamdhara-sagottae' kucchio2 Tisalae khattiyanie3 Vasitthasagottae kucchimsi gabbhattae saharie, tam rayanim ca nam sa Tisala khattiyanis tamsi tarisagamsi vasa-gharamsi abbhimtarao sacitta-kamme bahirao dumiya*-ghattha-matthe vicitta-ulloya-cittiya8tale mani-rayana-panasiy'4-amdhayare bahu-sama-suvibhatta-bhumibhage pamca-vanna-sarasa-surabhi 10-mukka-puppha 11-pumjovayarakalie 12 kalagaru 13- pavara - kumdurukka11 - turukka 15 - dajjhamta 16. dhuva-maghamaghamta17-gamdh'- uddhuyabhirame sugamdha-varagamdhie 16 gamdha - vatti - bhue 18 tamsi tarisagamsi sayanijjamsi salimgana vattie ubhao vivvoyane 19 ubhao unnae majjhenam 20 gambhire gamga-pulina-valua 21-uddala-salisae oyaviya22-khomiya 23. dugulla patta - padicchanne suviraiya 23 - raya - ttane ratt'-amsuya 24sambue 25 suramme ainaga 26-ruya 27-bura 28-navaniya 29-tula 30-phase sugamdha-vara-kusuma-cunna-sayanovayara-kalie puvva-rattavarattakala - samayamsi sutta - jagara ohiramani31 im' eyaruve 32 orale 31 kallane 33 sive34 dhanne mamgalle sassirie coddasa35 mahasumine pasitta nam padibuddha. tam jaha: gaya-vasaha 36-siha37 abhiseya1 dama sasi dinayaram jhayam 38 kumbham | paumasara sagara vimana 31-33. bhavana39 rayan'-uccaya sihim ca || (32.) 1. tae nam sa Tisala khattiyani' tap-padhamayae taoya2-cauddamtam usiya3-galia1-vipula-jalahara-hara4-nikara - khira - sagara-sasamkakirana-daga-raya-rayaya5-mahasela - pamdurataram samagaya-mahuyara-sugamdha-dana-vasiya-kapola'-mulam deva-raya-kumjara-vara 31. 2) sagu EM. 3) Yo BH. 4) only after a in M. 5) A om. 6) ssa BC. see2. 7) sah. H. 8) uo H. 9) ear" M, ar" E. 10) cauo BEHM. 11) hadhe A; CE add me. 12) HM om. 13) not in C. 14) "ha B, vasaha M. 32. 1) ssa B, sagu EM. 2) io H. 3) see 168. 4) ssao CE, "gu" EM, go H. 5) tarisi B. 6) ato A, au BM. 7) oga B, oa EM. 8) not in A, cilliya H, cillia eorr. in cittia B, cittia EM, see notes. 9) nn AEM. 10) "hi BEHM. 11) shph AB. 12) ie M. 13) guru CE. "garu H. 14) "da HM, Ora B. 15) "ra" B, not in H. 16) not in B. 17) ghemta B. 18) "te C. 19) "bbo" CEH, ppo B, bo M, sees. 20) "ena ya BE, "ena i C. 21) valu A, ua CEM. 22) oavia BEM, ubhaoyaviya A, uvaciya C. 23) ia BEM. 24) ua BEM. 25) samvude M. 26) ai EM. 27) rua BEM. 28) pura A. 29) nava A. 30) tulla C, tulatulla EM. 31) udeg CH. 32) imea B, ime ea EM. C. 34) down to codd.deg not in ACHEM, EM add java. 35) cau BEM. gaha om. cet. 37) siham M. 38) jjh ACH. 39) bhu" H. For Private and Personal Use Only 33) not in 36) B 33. 1) BEM no y. 2) not in HM, inserted in the margin of B by 2 hd. see1. 3) ussia B. 4) nihara M. 5) E om. 6) see1, kvacit mahuyara tti padam na dricyate. S. 7) kav EM. Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 33_-36, Jinacaritra. 43 ppamanam picchai sajala-ghana-vipula -jalahara-gajjiyal.gambhiracaru-ghosam ibham subham savva-lakkhana-kayambiyami varorum. (33.) 2. taol puno dhavala-kamala-patta-payaraireya-ruva-ppabham paha-samudaovaharehim savvao ceva divayamtam aisiribhara-pillana 3. visappamta-kamta-sohamta-caru-kakuham tanu-suddhat-sukumalaloma-niddha5.cchavim thira-subaddha-mamsalovaciya - lattha - suvibhatta-sumdar-amgam picchai ghana - vasta -lattha-ukkittha?- tupp'agga-tikkha-simgam damtam sivam samana-sohamtao-suddha-damtam vasaham amiya-guna-mamgala-muham. (34.) 3. tao puno hara-nikara-khira-sagara-sasamka-kirana-daga-rayarayaya-mahasela-pamdur'amgam1200 ramanijja-picchanijjam? thiralattha-pauttha-vatta3-pivara-susilittha 5-tikkha-daoha - vinambiyat-muham parikammiya"-jacca-kamala 6-komala?-pamana 8-sohamta-latthauttham ratt'-uppala-patta - mauyat-sukumala-talu 10-nillaliy'11-aggajiham musagaya12. pavara - kanaga-taviya4-avattayamta - vatta-taoi13. vimala-sarisa-nayanam visala-pivara - varorum 14 padipunna- vimalakhamdham miu-visaya-suhuma-lakkhana - pasattha-vitthinna-kesaradova-sohiyam* usiyat.sunimmiyat-sujaya-apphoaiya 15-lamgular 16 somam somakaram17 lilayamtam 18 naha-yalao 19 uvayamanam niyaga4vayanam aivayamtam picchai sau gadha- tikkh'-agga-nahai siham vayana-sira 20-pallaval-patta-caru-jiham. (35.) 4. tito puno punna'-camda-vayana uccagaya-thana2-lattha-samnthiyam3 pasattha-ruvam supaitthiya3-kanagamaya4-kumma-sarisovamana-calanam accunnaya-pina-raiya5 - mamsala - unnaya-tamu-tambaniddha-naham kamala-palasa-sukumala-kara - carana - komala - var'amgulim kuruvindavatta - vattanupuvva6-jamgham nigudha-janum gaya-vara-kara-sarisa-pivarorum camikara-raiya -mehala-jutta-kamtavitthinna-soni-cakkam jacc'-ainjana-bhamara -jalaya-payara?-ujjuya:sama-samhiya) - tanuyas-aijja'-laqaha - sukumala- mauyas - ramanijjaroma-raim nabhi-mandala-sumdara-visala-pasattha-jaghanamkara-yalamaiya8 - pasattha- tivaliya 8- maijham nana - mani - kanaga 10-rayana 10. vimala-mahatavanijjabharanall.bhusana-viraiya 8-m-amg'-uvamgim12 hara-virayamta-kumda-mala 13-parinaddha-jalajalimta14- thana -juyala 8. 34. 1) 1 has always tau. 2) "dauo CEH, "ddau' M. 3) pello CH, ppillo E. 4) sui H. 5) nio CH. 6) "ia BEM. 7) visittha added in CH. 8) kvacit tuppapushpaggatikkhasimgam ili pathas S. 9) sobh. M. 35. 1) agarain CH, Cataram M. 2) pe" CH. 3) ghatta E, patta E. 4) y only after in BEM. 5) visittha added in HM. S. 6) jaccha H. 7) om. E. 8) maiya II. S. 9) sobh M. 10) tala B. 11) nilio M, seet. 12) mio H. 13) tadiya CH. 14) pivarorum (M. 15) "lia B, seo4. 16) lao HM. 17) "gar E.18) jambhayamtam added in CH. 19) "ate CH. 20) siri H. 21) palamba B kvacit. S. 36. 1) un CHI 2) tth CH. 3) soe 354 4) kanaga CH. 5) rayaya H, see? 6) anuvu" M. 7) pamkar-H. 8) y omitted in BCEM. 9) aejja H. 10) rayana-kanaga CM. 11) Charana CEH. 12) "gam C, biraiyamgamamgam H. 13) mala H, 14) jalajalajalimta B, S. kvacit. jalajalamta CH. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 44 Kalpasutra. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir vimala - kalasam aia 15-pattiya- vibhusiena16 subhaga - jal' - ujjalena mutta-kalavenam urattha-dinara - malaya17-viraiena 18 kamtha - manisuttaena ya kumdala-juyal's-ullasamta-amsovasatta-sobhamta-sappabhenam sobha-guna-samudaenam anana-kudumbienam 19 kamalamalavisala - ramanijja-loyanam kamala-pajjalamta-kara-gahiya3-mukkatoyam3 lila-vaya-kaya-pakkhaenam suvisada2"-kasina-ghana-sanha 21lambhamta-kesa-hattham pauma-ddaha-kamala-vasinim Sirim bhagavaim 22 picchai Himavamta-sela-sihare disa-ga'imdoru-pivara-karabhisiccamanim. (36.) 5. tao puno sarasa-kusuma-mamdara-dama-ramanijja-bhuyam1 36-39. campagasoga-punnaga-naga-piyamgu'-sirisa-muggaraga 2-malliya3-jaijuhiy's-amkolla-kojja5-korimta-patta-damanaya - navamaliya-vaulaRtilaya - vasamtiya1-paum' - uppala - padala - kumdaimutta sahakarasurabhi-gamdhim 10 anuvama-manoharenam gamdhenam dasa-disao11 vi vasayamtam savvouya12-surabhi-kusuma-malla - dhavala - vilasamtakamta-bahu-vanna-bhatti-cittam chappaya-mahuyari1-bhamara-ganagumagumayamta- nilimta 13-gumjamta-desa-bhagam damam picchai nabh'-amgana-talao uvayamtam 14. (37.) 6. sasim ca. go-khira '-phena-daga-raya-rayaya-kalasa-pamduram2 subham hiyaya-mayana-kamtam padipunnam timira-nikara-ghanaguhira-vitimira-karam pamana-pakkh'-amta-raya-leham kumuya5vana-vibohagam nisa-sobhagam suparimattha-dappana-talovamam hamsa-padu-vannam joisa-muha-mamdagam tama-ripum mayanasarapuram 10 samudda - daga-puragam 10 dummanam janam daiya3vajjiyam11 payaehim sosayamtam puno soma-caru-ruvam picchai 13 sa gagana-mamdala- visala - soma - camkammamana-tilagam rohinimana-hiyaya-vallaham devi punna-camdam samullasamtam. (38.) 7. tao puno1. tama-padala-paripphudam ceva teyasa2 pajjalamtaruvam rattasoga - pagasa3-kimsuya2-suya1-muha5-gumj'addha-rayasarisam kamala - vanalamkaranam amkanam joisassa ambara - talapaivam hima - padala - galaggaham gaha7-ganoru - nayagam rattivinasam uday'-atthamanesu muhutta-suha-damsanam dunnirikkha9ruvam ratti-m-uddhamta1-duppayara-ppamaddanam 11 siya12-vegamahanam picchai13 meru-giri-sayaya-pariyattayam 12 visalam suram rassi 14-sahassa-payaliya 12-ditta-soham. (39.) 36. 15) aia H. 16) am M, CH add ya. 17) mal EM, maliya H. 18) enam CEH, "rao H. 19) "dam C. 20) "dda C, "ya H. 21) h CM. 22) vayam H. 37. 1) see 354. 2) muggara CH. 3) see 36. 5) not in C. 6) koram" H. 7) nao CH, see1. 8) not in B. 9) pat B. 10) Nam CH. 11) au H. 12) ooya C, see1. 13) nilam" C. 14) ov. B. 38. 1) kkh H. 2) pum CE. 3) see 351. 4) gao B. 5) "maya, C, "muda H. 6) "yam H. 7) soho C, after the following compound in E. 9) kvacit tama-ridum S. 10) "rakam C. 11) pariva C, sco3. CEH. 13) peo S. 39. 1) not in B. 2) see 36. 3) pp C. 4) suga EM, sco2. 6) pp CH. 7) not in M. 8) vivanasam kvacit. S. 9) duni" B. CEM, kvacit S. 11) pa". B. 12) see 354. 13) peo H. 14) "ssi H. For Private and Personal Use Only 8) pam" M. 12) paehim 5) "ham B. 10) suddhanta Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 40.43 Jinacaritra 45 8. tao punot jacca-kanaga-latthi-paitthiyama samuha-nila-rattapiya2-sukkila 3 - sukumal- ullasiya+ . mora - piccha - kaya - muddhayam dhayam ahiyal-sassiriyam2 phaliya-samkh'6-amka-kumda-daga-rayarayaya-kalasa-pamdurena? matthaya- tthenas sihena rayamanena rayamanam bhittum gagana - tala - mamdalam ceva vavasienam 10 picchai'1 siva-mauya3-maruya3-layahaya-kampamanam aippamanam 12 jana-picchanijja 13-ruvam. (40.) 9. tao puno jacca-kamcan-ujjalamta-ruyam nimmala-jala-punnam' uttamam dippamana-soham kamala- kalav, 2. parirayamanam padipunnaya-savva-mamgala-bheya 3-samagamam puvara-rayana-parayamta4-kamala-tthiyamnayana-bhusana-karam pabhasamanain savvao ceva divayamtam soma-lacchi-nibhelanam? savva-pava-parivajjiyam subham bhasuram siri - varam savvouya'-surabhi - kusuma-asatta 10. malla-damam picchai sa rayaya-punna-kalasam. (41.) 10. taol puna? 3ravi-kirana4-taruna-bohiya5-sahassapatta-surabhitara-pimjara 6-jalam jalacara-pahakara - parihatthaga?- maccha-paribhujjamana-jala-samcayam mahamtam jalamtam iva kamala-kuvalaya - uppalas - tamarasa - pundarioru"-sappamana - siri-samudaenai10 ramanijja-ruva-sohamil pamuiy'12-amta-bhamara-gana-matta - mahuyari13.gan'-ukkar'-oliijhamana 14-kamalam (40) kayambaga 15.balahaya 16-cakka-kalalamsa-sarasa-gavviya 12- sauna?i-gana- mihuna - sevijjamana - salilam paumini-pattovalagga -jala - bindu - nicaya 18-cittam picchai 19 sa biyaya20-nayana-kamtam paumasaram nama saram sararuhabhiramam. (42.) 11. tao puno camda-kirana-rasi-sarisa-siri-vaccha-soham caugamana-pavaddhamana2-jala-samcayam cavala 3.camcal'-uccaya-pamanat. kallola - lolanta - toyam5 padu - pavanghaya - caliya' - cavala - pagadataramga - ramgamta - bhamga - klokhubbhamana - sobhamta - nimmalaukkada 7-ummi - saha - sambamdha - dhavamanonivatta 8 - bhasuratarabhiramamo mahamagara - maccha-timi-timimgila 10-niruddha-tilitiliyabhighayal1-kappura-phiena-pasaram mahanai-turiya12-vega-m -agaya 40. 1) B adds canda-kirana-rasi-sarisa-siri-vaccha-soham. 2) see 35+. 3) 'Ila CH. 4) see 30%. 5) C adds ca. 6) "kha C. 7) Vam M. 8) Cain B. 9) not in M. 10) vasienam BC. 11) poo C, pao H. 12) not in H. 13) pe H. 41. 1) in CH 2) kalapim E, kvacit kala-mayura (!) kalava s kvacit padibujjhamta-savva-mangalalaya-samo s. 3) bhea BEM. 4) pasaramta kvacit S. 5) thiam BCEM. 6) na H. 7) niho S. 8) "iam BEM, janam C. 9) 'oua BEM, ooa C, Waoya H. 10) Ar C. 42. 1) not in BCEH. 2) B adds vi; punar avi C. 3) taruna-ravi-kirana-C. 4) kara M. 5) sco 354. 6) la B. 7) tham CS. Otthagam. 8) tatha ca pathanti: uppaladalasukumalo jassa ghare ullio hattho. S. 9) uru HM. 10) Caehim H. 11) bh IIM. 12) no y BCEM. 13) "ukari E, "uari BCM. 14) 'rovalo , U EH. 15) "ya M. 16) "ka C. 17) Oni E. 18) mutta CH kvacit s. 19) pe II. 20) hiya BC, hiaya EM. 43. 1) B adds kamta. 2) doh B. tt M, (parivuriamana vu S), canggunapavaduhamana' iti pathas S. 3) capo M. 4) ppa EHM. 5) toam BE. 6) 'ia BCE. 7) ukkittha B 8 ) dhayamanoniatta B see notes. 9) bhasurabho B. 10) Ugala CII. 11) tiliabh B, tilitiliabh E 12) ia BE. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 46 Kalpasutra. 43--47. bhama - gamgavatta - guppaman' - uccalamta 13 - pacconiyatta 14 - bhamamana-lola - salilar picchai khiroya 15 - sayaram saraya 16. rayanikarasoma-vayana. (43. 12. tao puno taruna-sura-mamdala-sama-ppabham dippamanasoham1 uttama - kamcana - mahamani - samuha - pavara - teya*-atthasahassa-dippamta-naha-ppaivam kanaga - payara - lambamana- muttasamujjalam3 jalamta - divva - damam ihamiga - usabha - turaga - naramagara4-vihaga 5-valaga-kinnara6-ruru-sarabha:camara-samsatta-kumjara-vanalaya-paumalaya-bhatti-cittam gamdhavvopavajjamana'-sampunnas-ghosam niccam sajala-ghana-viula-jalahara-gajjiya'-saddanunaina deva-dumduhi-maharavenam sayalam avi jiva-loyam 10 nurayamtam kalaguru-payara - kumdurukka-turukka11- dajjhamta - dhuvavas'- amga 12-uttama - maghamaghamta 13 - gamdh'- uddhuyabhiramam niccaloyam seyam seya-ppabham sura-varabhiramam picchai14 sa saovabhogam15 vara 16-vimana-pumdariyam 10. (44.) 13. tao puna pulaga-ver'- imdanila - sasaga - kakkeyanal-lohiy'akkhal-maragaya- pavala 3-sogamdhiya4-phaliha5- hamsagabbha-amjana-camdappaha - vara - rayanehim mahi-yala 6-paitthiyam* gaganamamdal-amtam pabhasayamtam tumgam meru - giri - sannikasam? picchai sa rayana-nikara8-rasiin. (45.) 14. sihimca. sa viul'-ujjala-pimgala-mahu-ghaya2-parisiccamananiddhuma-dhagadhagaiya"-jalamta-jal'-ujjalabhiramam taratama-joga 4. juttehim4 jala-payarehim annumannam iva anuppainnam picchai jal'. ujjalanaga ambaram va katthai payamtam aivegas-camcalam sihim.(46.) ime eyarisel subhe some piyal - damsane suruve? suvine3 datthuna" sayana - majjhe padibuddha aravimda - loyanai harisapulaiy'l-amgi. ee cau-dasa) suvine6 savvan? pasci titthayara-maya 1 jam rayanim vakkamais kucchimsi" mahayaso arih 20 || (46".) tae nam sa Tisala khattiyanii imeeyaruve3 orale4 coddasa5 43. 13) cch CH, ucshalat s. 14) paccovaliyatta (9) C, see!? 15) 'oa BEM. 16) saraya CH. 44. 1) bh CEH. 2) tea BCE, taiya H. 3) samujjalamtam jalamtam iva C. 4) mako C. 5) "ham B. 6) mn BC. 7) ganadhavvovajjhamana kvacit S. 8) mn B. 9) "ia BE. 10) BCE om. y. 11) turakka C. 12) kvacit sarasamga S. 13) "imta B. 14) pe H. 15) sato M, savaogabhogam C. 16) not in H. 45. 1) y om in BE. 2) M adds masaragalla, B i, marg. by 2 hd. 3) E adds phalihimda. M phaliha. 4) ia BCE. 5) EM om. 6) Ohio H, see'. 7) nm B. 8) nigo H. 46. 1) kh H. 2) ggh M. 3) ia BCE. 4) jogehim H. 5) annamannam CH, annamannam E, annunnam M. 6) pe" H; M adds sa. 7) not in H. 8) atio C. 466. 1) see 451. 2) sao B. 3) sumo CEH. 4) Mom. 5) codddeg C, cauddo H. 6) sumo E, mahasumine CH. 7) savve CH. 8) Com. 9) amsi H. 10) araha EHM. 47. 1) see 45! 2) im' CH, ee cauddasa suvine B. 3) ea EM. 4) ' CHM. 5) cau BEM. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 47-51. Jinacaritra, 47 mahasumine pasitta nam padibuddha samani hattha-tuttha-javahaya-hiyayai dhara-haya-kalambu[pupphalyam8 piva samusasiya'roma-kuva sumin.oggaham10 karei, 2 tta sayanijjao abbhutthei, 2 tta paya-padhao paccoruhai, 2 tta aturiyarn11 acavalam 12 asambhamtae avilambiyael rayahamsa-sarisie gase13 jen'eva sayanijje, jen'eva Siddhatthe khattie 14, ten'eva uvagacchai, 2 tta Siddhattham khattiyam! tahim itthahim kamtabim manunnahim15 manamahim oralahimo kallanahim sivahim dhannahim 16 mamgallahim sassiriyahim 17hiyaya18 - gamanijjahim Phiyaya18 . palhayanijjahim 20 miya 21-mahura-mamjulahim girahim samlavamani 2 paoibohei. (47.) taei nam sa Tisala khattiyani2 Siddhatthenam ranna: abbhanunnayasamnani nana - mani - rayana - bhatti - cittamsi bhaddasanamsi nisiyai, 2 tta 6 asattha visattha suhasana - vara - gaya Siddhattham khattiyan2 tahim itthahim? java samlavamani 2 evam vayasi: (48.) 'evam khalu aham, sami! ajja tamsi tarisagamsi! sayanijjamsi vannao? juva padibuddha, tam jaha: gaya usabha3.gaha. tam eesimo, samil oralanam5 coddasanham6 mahasuminanam ke, manne?, kallane phala-vitti-visese bhavissai?" (49.) tael nam se Siddhatthe raya Tisalae khattiyanieamties eyam attham socca4 nisamma hattha - tutthay. citte anamdie pii 6 - mane parama-somanassie? harisa-vasa-visappamana-hiyae' dhara-haya-nivasurahi 8-kusuma-camcumalaiya'-roma-kuve te sumine ogiahai10, 2 tta iham pavisaill, 2 tta appano sahavienam mail 2-puvvaenam 13 buddhivinnanenam!4 tesim suminanam atth'-oggaham 15 karei 16, 2 tta Tisalam khattiyarim tahim itthahim jiva mamgallahim miya2 - mahurasassiriyahim? vagyuhim'? samlavamane 2 evam vayasi: (50.) "orala 1 nam tume, Devanuppie! sumina dittha, *kallana nam tume, Devanuppie! sumina dittha, evam siva dhanna mamgalla sassiriya: arogga?-tutthi-dihau5-kallana-300-mamgalla - karaga nam tume, Devanuppie! sumina dittha6, attha-labho, Devanuppie! bhogalabho, Devanuppie! putta-labho, Devanuppie! sokkha ?-labho, Devanuppie8! rajja-labho, Devanuppie8! evam khalu tumam. Devan 47. 6) not in ACH. 7) not in BCH. 8) kayamba EHM, kalamba BC, pupphagam BCEHM. 9) "uss CEIM, see! 10) u EHM. 11) m ACH, see! 12) im C. 13) gaie E. 14) ite A. 15) nn H. 16) mn A, S. 17) not in A. 18) biaya BEM. 19) AE om. 20) in CH before1%. 21) miu CH. see! 48. 1) tate AE. 2) seo 45' 3) un II. 4)m CM, n H. 5) "iai B, "iyai CHM, "iai E. 6) not in E, nisiitta A, nisiitta H. 7) H adds piyahim. 49. 1) 'yansi. 2) nn BEM, not in CII, they add sutta. 3) vasaha CM, om. B. 4) tesim II. 5) u HM. 6) cau BEM, nh M. 7) nn BM. 50. 1) tate II. 2) see 451. 3) "amti C. 4) su" EM. 5) down to hiyao excl. om. in M, indicated by java. 6) piti AC. 7) "ite A. 8) "bhi A. 9) iya C, seo? 10) u' JIM, uh BEM, ati M. 11) anupao CEHM, S. 12) mati A. 13) "atenam A. 14) un A. 15) u" BEHM. 16) Heti C. 17) vaguhim H. 51. 1) u CHM. 2) A omits the following passage. BC: kallana nam tu'. 3) ja BE, "iya H. 4) ruo E. 5) ao El, aoya M. 6) tam add. in E 7 ) su BCEHM. 8) not in AB. 9) tume CHM. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 48 Kalpasutra. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 51-57. 11 22 uppie 10 navanham1 masanam bahu-padipunnanam addh'-atthamanam raimdiyanam 12 viikkamtanam 13 amham kula-keum 14 amham kula-divam kula-pavvayam kula-vadimsayam kula-tilayam kula-kittikaram 15 kula-dinakaram 16 kula-adharam17 18kula-namdi-karam 18kulajasa-karam 18kula-payavam kula-vivaddhana-karam sukumala-panipayam ahina-sampunna 19-pamc'-imdiya 12-sariram lakkhana-vamjanagunovaveyam 12 man'-ummana-ppamana 20-padipunna 21-sujaya-savv'amga-sumdar'-amgam sasi-somakaram kamtam piya-damsanam 25 suruvam darayam payahisi. (51.) se vi ya1 nam darae ummukkabala-bhave vinnaya2-parinaya-mitte3 jovvanagam anuppatte sure vire vikkamte vitthinna 6-viula 7-bala-vahane rajja-vai8 raya bhavissai 9". (52.) tam orala1 nam tume java doccam2 pi taccam pi anuvuhai3. tate1 nam sa Tisala khattiyani5 Siddhatthassa ranno amtie eyam5 attham socca nisamma hattha- tuttha java haya-hiyaya kara-yala8- pariggahiyam dasa-naham matthae amjalim kattu evam vayasi: (53.) 'evam eyam1, sami! avitaham eyam1, sami! asamdittham eyam', sami! icchiyam1 eyam1, sami3! padicchiyam1 eyam1, sami3! icchiya1padicchiyam1 eyam1, sami3! saccenam esam atthe se, jah' etam5 tubbhe vadaha" tti kattu te sumine sammam padicchai, 2 tta Siddhatthenam ranna abbhanunnaya samani nana-mani-rayana-bhatticittao bhaddasanao abbhutthei, 2tta aturiyam acavalam1 asambhamtae avilambiyae rayahamsa-sarisie gates, jen'eva sae sayanijje, ten'eva uvagacchai, 2 tta evam vayasi: (54.) 10 'ma me te uttama pahana mamgalla sumina annehim2 pavasuminehim padihammissamti' ttis kattu devaya - gurujana - sambaddhahim pasatthahim mamgallahim dhammiyahim latthahim kahahim sumina-jagariyam padijagaramani 2 viharai. (55.) tate1 nam Siddhatthe khattie paccusa-kala-samayamsi kodumbiya2-purise saddavei, 2 tta evam vayasi: (56.) 'khippam eva bho, Devanuppiya! ajja savisesam bahiriyam1 uvatthana-salam gamdhodaya2-sittam suiya 8-sammajjiovalittam1 sugamdha-vara-pamca-vanna5pupphovayara-kaliyam kalaguru - pavara - kumdurukka - turukka -da 51. 10) sumina dittha add. in H. 13) vitio A. 14) houm pathantara S. api dricyate S. 16) yaram EHM. 17) AB. 19) nn BHM, padip" H. 20) pa E. AB, see12 11) na A, nh M. 12) see 451. 15) kula-vitti-karam CEHM, kvacd "ladh" BE, ah CH. 18) not in 21) nn A. 22) piyam sudamsanam 4) juo BEM. 5) vii M. 6) nn A. 52. 1) a BE. 2) nn AH. 3) mao A. 7) vipula BEM. 8) vati A. 9) ai HM. 53. 1) u HM. 2) du" BEM. 3) anubo H. 4) tao BEM. 6) suo BEM. 7) "ttha AB. 8) "talam A. 9) nna A. 5) see 451. 54. 1) see 45'. 2) M adds taham eyam sami. 3) om. in C. esa B. 5) eyam BCHM, see'. 6) vay" BEM. add sayanijjam duruhai, 2 tta. 4) "am A. 7) oato CH. 8) gatie A. 9) CH 11) not in AB. 10) not in A. 3) ti A, om. 55. 1) om. BC. 2) nn A. 56. 1) tae BCEM. 2) "ia BE. in B. 4) "bamdh" C. 57. 1) see 451. 2) "ga M. 3) suia CM, not in AH. 4) iu HM, ito A. 5) nn A. 6) "garu A. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 57-60. Jinacaritra. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir sugam jjhamta-dhuva-maghamaghamta-gamdh'-uddhuyabhiramam dha-vara-gamdhiyam1 gamdhavatti-bhuyam1 kareha karaveha, karitta ya karavitta ya7 sihasanam rayaveha, 2 tta mam'9 eyam 10 anattiyam khippam 11 eval1 paccappinaha.' (57.) 1 tate nam te kodumbiya2-purisa Siddhatthenam ranna evam vutta samana hattha-tuttha java haya-hiyaya' karayala java kattu: 'evam sami!' tti anae vinaenam vayanam padisunamti", 2 tta Siddhatthassa khattiyassa2 amtiao" padinikkhamamti, 2 tta jen' eva bahiriya uvatthana-sala, ten' eva uvagacchamti, 2 tta khippam eva savisesam bahiriyam uvatthana-salam gamdhodaya7-sittam suis java sihasanam rayavimti, 2 tta jen'eva Siddhatthe khattie 10, ten'eva uvagacchamti, 2 tta karayala-pariggahiyam2 dasa-naham 11 sirasa vattam amjalim kattu Siddhatthassa khattiyassa2 tam anattiyam2 paccappinamti. (58.) tate nam Siddhatthe khattie kallam pau-ppabhayae rayanie phull'-uppala-kamala-komal'-ummilliyammi2 aha3 - pamdure pabhae* rattasoga"-ppagasa-kimsuya - suya - muha - gumj'addha - raga-sarises (bandhujivaga - paravana - calana - nayana10 - parahuya11 - suratta - loyana 12-jasuyana 13-kusuma - rasi - himgulaya 14 - niyaraireya15-rehamtasarise 16) 17kamalayara-samda-bohae utthiyammi' sure sahassa-rassimmi dinayare teyasa jalamte (ahakkamena 18 uie 18 divayare 18 tassa ya kara-paharaparaddhammi amdhayare balayava-kumkumenam khaciya vva jiva-loe) 19 sayanijjao 20 abbhutthei, (59.) 2tta1 paya-pidhao paccoruhai, 2 tta jen' eva attana-sala, ten' eva uvagacchai, 2 tta attana-salam anupavisai, 2tta anega - vayama-jogga 2-vaggana-vamaddana-malla-juddha-karanehim samte3 parissamte saya-paga-sahassapagehim sugamdha1-tilla5-m-aiehim" pinanijjehim divanijjehim8 mayanijjehim vimhanijjehim 10 dappanijjehim10 savv'-imdiya11. gaya-palhayanijjehim 12 abbhamgie 13 tilla14-cammamsi15 niunehim1 padipunna17 - pani - paya - sukumala - komala3 - talehim purisehim1 abbhamgana 13-parimaddan'-uvvalana-karana-guna- nimmaehim cheehim19 dakkhehim patthehim kusalehim mehavihim jiya11- parissamehim 20 atthi 21-suhae mamsa - suhae taya- suhae roma - suhae For Private and Personal Use Only 49 1 57. 7) not in H. 8) "veo A. 9) mama EM. 10) eam E. in ABM. 58. 1) tae BEM. 2) see 451. 3) "ttha AB. 4) not in AB. "imti A. 6) iyao A, 'iato CH. 7) "ya EM. 8) suci A, suia EM. E, itti H. 10) "ite A. 11) not in AB. 59. 1) tae BEM. 2) ili HM, "ia BE. 3) aha CEM. 5) oya H. 6) se B. 7) see 451. 8) not in BEM, S kvacit. 9) "aya CHM, S. 10) II om. 11) ua BCEM. 12) loa" BEM. 13) ua BCEM, "ana H. 14) luya S, "lua B. 15) "ati HS, "ga EM. 16) sassirie H. 17) not in A, kvacit S.; in CH this compound and 19 after bohae. 18) not in BEM. 19) not in A. 20) "ato H. 4) paho H. 60. 1) sayanijjao abbhutthitta M. 2) joga BCE, joggana M. 3) not in AB. 4) dhi A. 5) tillaga A, tella C. 6) aio BC. 8) AB add dappanijjehim. 9) mayanani BCHM. 12) pall E, adds abbhamgehim. 13) abbhi A. 16) not in AB, niuna-sippovagaehim kvacit S. 19) chamdehim A. 20) M adds purisehim. 21) tth A. 7) AB add jimthanijjehim. 10) not in A. 14) teo A. 17) nn A. Abhandl. d. DMG. VII. 1. 4 16 11) not 5) suo E. 9) "amti 11) "ia BE. 15) "mmi M. 18) not in M. Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 50 Kalpasutra. 60-63 cauvvihae 22 suha-parikammanae 23 samyahanke 24 samvahie 24 samane avagaya 25-parissame attana-salao padinikkhamai, (60.) Atta jen' eva majjana-ghare, ten' eva uvagacchai, 2 tta majjana-gharam anupavisai, 2 tta 1 sa-mutta-jalakulabhirame: vicitta-mani-rayana-kottima4 - tale ramanijje nhana5 - mamdavamsi nana - mani - rayana - bhatti - cittaisi nhana"-pidhamsi suha-nisanne7 pupphodaehi yao gamdhoda ehi yas usinodaehi' ya 10 suddhodaehi yas kallana-karanall-pavara-majjanavihie 12 majjie tattha 13 kouya-saehim14 bahu-vihehin kallanagapavara-majjanavasane pamhala-sukumala - gamdha - kasaiya 15 - luhiy8. amge16 ahaya 17. sumah'agghu - dusa - rayana - susainvude 18 sarasasurabhi 19-gosisa - camdananulitta - gatte sui - mala - vannaga?-vilevane aviddha-mani-suvanne? kappiyas - har' - addhahara - tisaraya- palambapalambamane 20 kadi-suttaya21. kaya 22 - sobhe 23 pisiddhazi - yevijje amgulijjaga-laliya8 - kayabharane vara 25 - kadaga - tudiyas- thambhiyabhue 26 ahiya 8-ruva-sassirie kumdala-ujjoviyananemauda-ditta-sirie har'-otthaya 28-sukaya-raiya 8-vacche 29 muddiya 8-pimgal' - amgulie 30 palamba - palambamana31 - sukaya- pada - uttarijje nana-mani-kanagarayana-vimala-mah'ariha-niunoviya-misimisimta 32-viraiyas.susilitthavisittha-naddha47-aviddha-vira - Valae; kim bahuna: kappa-rukkhae33 ceva 34 alamkiya 35-vibhusie 36 nar'imde sa-korimta- malla - damenam chattenam dharijjamanenam seya8-vara-camarahim uddhuvvamanihim mamgala -jaya-sadda - kayaloe asega -gananayaga 37 - damdanayagara'-isara-talavara-madambiya-kodumbiya8-mamti-mahamainti-ganagadovariyas-amacca-ceda-pidhamadda 38-nagara-nigama-sitthi39-senavai satthavaha-duya 8-sadhipala 40 saddhim samparivude dhavala-mahameha' l-niggae iya gaha-gana-dippamta-rikkha-tara-ganana majjhet sasi vva piya-damsane nara-vai 43nar'imde nara-vasahe nara-sihe abbhahiya44-raya-teya44-lacchie dippamane majjanu-gharko 45 paninikkhamaise, (61.) 2 tta jen'ova bahiriya 1 uvatthana-sala, ten eva uvagacchai, 2 tta sihasanamsi puratthabhimuhe nisiyati?, (62.) 2 tita 60. 22) "ato A. 23) kk C, pareyammanae A. 24) "balo IIM. 25) S. adds kheya kvacit. 61. 1) S samamta-jalablirame kvacit. 2) mutti M. 3) "jalakalavabhirame A. 4) ku" EHM. 5) nh AB. 6) nh A. 7) A. 8) seo 45'. 9) not in BH, unhou M, unho C placed before kallana. 10) soe* EM add subhodaehi a. 11) kara A. 12) "hio E. 13) not in A. 14) sateliim H. 15) "ia EM, kasati A, kasabhi B, kasahiya H. 16) S lovacit nasi-liisasa-Vayavujjbat?)-cakkhu-hara-vanna-pharisa-jutta -haya-lala - pelavairoga - dhavala-kanagakhaciy' - amta - kamma-dusa-rayana-susamvue. 17) Pam A. 18) "buo AR, 19) "li CEH. 20) ona EHM. 21) sutta CEIM. 22) sukaya CEUM. 23) "he EHM. 24) ona C, s kvacit pinaddha-govijjaga-amguliijaga-laliy-amgaya-laliyakayabharane. 25) nana-mani-kanaga-rayana-vara CH. 26) bhuto A, bliuve H. 27) "otito H, 'oio E, see" 28) u BM, ao E. 29) "ccha A. 30) "io A, 31) 'na A. 32) misamisamta H. 33) au C, Cae M. 34) viva BEM. 35) 'ia E, ie B. 36) bhusite A. 37) anao A 38) Vai E. 39) se A. 40) "vala M. 41) "gha B. 42) majje A, (adyah!) 43) down to dippamane not in AH. 44) no y in E. 45) 0au EHM. 46) Qati A. 62. 1) "a BE. 2) visiai BE. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 63-68. Jinacaritra. 51 appano uttara - puratthime disi - bhae attha bhaddasanaim seya. vattha-paccutthuyaim-siddh'atthaya3-kaya-mamgalovayaraim rayaveti", 2 tta appano a-dura-samamte nana-mani-rayana-mamdiyama ahiya". pecchanijjamo mah'aggha-vara-pattan'-uggayam sanha'-patta - bhattisaya8-citta-tanam ihamiyab-usabha10-turayall-nara - magara - vihagavalaga 12 - kimnara 13 - ruru-sarabha-camara-kumjara-vanalaya 14-paumalaya 14-bhatti-cittam abbhimtariyam 15 jayaniyamamchavei, 2 tta nanamani-rayana bhatti-cittam attharaya 16-miu-masurag'-otthayam 17 seya?vattha-paccutthuyam 18 sumauyam 19 amga-suha-pharisagam 20 visittham Tisalae khattiyanies bhaddasanam rayavei21, 2 tta kodumbiya)-purise saddavei, 2 tta evam vayasi: (63.) khippam eva, bho Devanuppiya'! atth'-amgaa-mahanimitta-sutt'-attha - dharae3 vivihasattha-kusale suvina 5-lakkhana - padhae saddaveha 6.' tate? nam te kodumbiyas-purisa Siddhatthenam ranna eyam vutta samana hattha"tuttha 10 java hayall.hiyaya 8 karayala java padisunamti12 (64.) 2 tta Siddhatthassa khattiyassal amtiao 2 paninikkhamamti, 2 tta Kumdapuram3 nagaram majjham majjhenam, jen' eva suvina 5lakkhana-padhaganam gehaim, ten' eva uvagacchamti, 2 tta suvina 6. lakkhana-padhae saddavinti? (65.) tael nam te suvina-lakkhanapadhaga ? Siddhatthassa khattiyassa kodumbiya-purisehim saddaviyas samana hattha-tuttha+ javu haya-hiyaya 3 nhaya5 kaya-bali(r)-kamma kaya-kouya?- mamgala - payacchitta suddha-ppavesaim mamgallaim vatthaim pavaraimo parihiyas appa-mah'agghabharanalamkiya"-sarira siddh'atthaya-hariyaliya 10-kaya-mamgala-muddhana saehim 2 gehehimto niggacchamti, 2 tta khattiya3-Kumdaggamam nagaram majjham majjhenam, jen eva Siddhatthassa ranno 11 bhavana-vara-vadimsagapadiduvare, ten' eva uvagacchamti, (66.) 2 ttai bhavana-vara-vadimsaga-padiduvare egaoo milamti, jen' eva bahiriya 3 uvatthana - sala, jen' eva Siddhatthe khattie, ten' eva uvagacchamti', karayala-pariggahiyam" java kattu Siddhattham khattiyam3 jaenam vijaenam vaddha vemtio. (67.) taer nam te suvina 2-lakkhana - padhaga Siddha 63. 1) sea E. 2) Occa A, Otthao CHM, see5. 3) 'ga HC. 4) Mei BEM, 5) see 451. 6) pio BCE, kvacit a"-po-ruyam S. 7) nh H. 8) sata A, B om. 9) manain A, cittanam C, lovacit saya-samuvaciya-manam, kvacit sanha-bahubhatti-saya-citta-thanam S.Omuvaciamanam B. 10) Cha C. 11) Uga CIIM. 12) bao EH. 13) ni , mnn C. 14) "lata A. 15) Qaram B, vian E. 16) atthuriya A. 17) udeg BE, otthuo c. 18) seo5, otthao ACM. 19) "ua BEM, sao B. 20) orisan B, "samgam A. 21) eti A. 64. 1) "ia E. 2) A adds mamgala. 3) parae AH, C adds parao padhae. 4) suttattha B. 5) sumdeg C. 6) "viha M. 7) tae B. 8) "ia" BE. 9) a AB. 10) not in AB. 11) not in M. 12) "imti A, "emti M. 65. 1) "ia" BE. 2) "iyao CHIM. 3) khattiyakumdagamam II, kumdaggamam M. 4) nay". C. 5) sumo ACEH. 6) sumo BCH 7) "emti H, "eti C. | 66. 1) tate A. 2) ya A. 3) see 45, 4) va ABE. 5) nh FH. 6) vali A. 7) kou B, koua E, kouya A. 8) or suddh'appa-vesaim, suddhappadeg E. 9) baraim 11. 10) seo', "iys A. 11) on CII. 67. 1) not in C. 2) egayao All. 3) not in BE. 4) Vai CH. 5) not in EH, "iam B. 6) "imti M, Pamti B. 68. 1) tato A. 2) sumo ABE. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 52. Kalpasutra. 68-78. tthenam ranna vamdiya3 - puiyat - sakkariya - sammaniya3 samana 4 patt'eyam 2 puvva-nnatthesus bhaddasanesu nisiyamtic. (68.) tae? nam Siddhatthe khattie Tisalam khattiyanim? javaniy'2-amtariyam2 thaveis, 2 tta puppha-phala-padipunna-hatthe parenam4 vinaenam te sumina5-lakkhana-padhae evam vayasi: (69.) 'evam khalu Devanuppiya'! ajja Tisala khattiyanil tamsi tarisagamsi? java sutta - jagara4 ohiraman15 2 imel eyaruvel orale5 coddasa? mahasumine pasitta nam padibuddha. (70.) tam jaha: gaya-usabha l-gala. (71.) tam tesim coddasanham? mahasuminanam, Devanupriya3! oralanam* ke, manne", kallane phala-vitti-visese bhayissai?' tae6 nam te sumina. lakkhana-padhaga Siddhatthassa khattiyassa3 eyam3 attham socca S nisamma hattha-tuttha' java haya-hiyaya te sumine? ogiNGhamtio, 2 tta iham11 anupavisamti+2, 2 tta annamannenam13 saddhim samlayimti 14, (72.) 2 tta tesim suminanam laddh'l-attha gahiy'?. attha pucchiy'2-attha vinicchiyo?-atthan abhigay'3-atthan Siddhatthassa ranno4 purao5 sumina-satthaim uccaremana 2 Siddhattham khattiyama evam vayasi: (73.) "evam khalu Devanupriya'! amham? suvina3-satthe4 bayalisam suminas, tisam mahasumina, bavattarimo savva-sumina dittha; tattha nam Devanuppiya?! arahamta-mayaro va cakkavatti-mayaro va arahamtamsi va cakkaharamsi va 800 gabbham yakkamamanamsi8 eesim9 tisae mahasuminanam ime10 cauddasa mahasumine pasitta nam padibujjhamti; (74.) tam jaha: gayal-gaha. (75.) vasudevamsi gabbham vakkamamanamsii eesim2 cauddasanham mahasuminanam annayare4 satta mahasumine pasitta nam padibujjhamti. (76.) baladeva-mayaro va baladevamsi gabbham vakkamamanamsi eesim2 coddasanham? mahasuminanam annayare3 cattari mahasumine pasitta nam padibujjhamti. (77.) mamdaliya'. mayaro va mamdaliyamsil gabbham vakkamte2 samane? eesim3 68. 3) see 451. 4) not in B, tahim itthahim vagguhim uvaggahiya samana CH. 5) p A, n H. 6) see, nisio C. | 69. 1) tato AC. 2) seo 45'. 3) thao CM. 4) na M. 5) suyo , (com. sumo). 70. 1) see 451. 2) C adds sayanijjamsi. 3) not in EH. 4) not in E. 5) udeg CHM. 6) im' H. 7) cau BEM. 71. 1) "ha EM, va' M, not in BHI. 72. 1) eesiin CEIIM. 2) cauo BEM, nh II. 3) see 451. 4) udeg CHM. 5) in HM. 6) tate AC. 7) suv M. 8) suo EM. 9) Ottha ABII. 10) udegEM. 11) ihim E. 12) pavio ABE. 13) nn CEHM. 14) "enti CH, "ainti E, samcalemti M, S kvacit. 73. 1) lahiy' A. 2) soo 45'. 3) alio CEMII, S. 4) a A, CI. 5) purato H. 74. 1) "ia BE, "io CH. 2) amhanam c. 3) sumo BEM. 4) vaim H. 5) suv M. 6) baho A. 7) "ia BE. 8) vakkamanamsi BII. !) Ilom. 10) Com. 75. 1) CM add vasaha. 76. 1) bakkamanamsi II, 2) tesim H. 3) codeg C, nh E. 4) m A. 77. 1) etesim C. 2) cano BM, nh CM. 3) A. 78. 1) "ia" BE. 2) vakkamamanamsi CM. 3) ctosiin H. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 78--83. Jinacaritra. 53 cauddasanham4 mahasuminanam annayaram mahasuminam egam5 pasitta nam padibujjhamti. (78.) ime'yanim Devanuppiya?! Tisalae khattiyanie? cauddasa' mahasumina dittha ; tam orala4 nam Devanuppiya?! Tisalae khattiyanie? sumina dittha javas mamgalla 6-karaga narn, Devanuppiya ?! Tisalae khattiyanie sumina ditthan; tam jaha?: attha-labho, Devanuppiya8! bhoga-labho, Devanuppiyas! putta-labho, Devanuppiyas! sukkha-labho8 Devanuppiya8! rajja-labho, Devanuppiya8! evam khalu, Devanuppiya?! Tisala khattiyani? nayanham 10 masanam bahu-patipunnanamil addh'-atthamanam raimdiyanam viikkamtanam 12 tumham 13 kula-keum 14kula-divam kula-pavvayam kula-vadinsagam 15 kula-tilayam 16 kula-kitti-karami7 18kula-dinayaram kula-adharam19 kula-namdi-karam kula-jasa-karam kula-payayain kula 20-vivaddhanakaram sukumala-pani-payam ahina-padipunna-painc'-imdiya 2-sariram lakkhana-vamjana-gunoveyai21 man-ummana-ppamana-paaipunnasujaya-savv'-amga-sudar-amgam sasi-somakaram 22 kamtam piyadamsanai suruvam darayam payahiti23. (79.) se vi yal nam darae vinnaya2-parinaya-mitte ummukka-bala-bhave jovvanagam? anuppatte sure vire vikkamte4 vitthinnas - bala-vahane cauramta - cakkavatti rajja-vatic raya bhavissai, Jine va telokka?-nayage8 dhamma-varacauramta!-cakkavatti. (80.) tam orala ? nam, Devanuppiya 2! Tisalae khattiyanie? sunina ditthan, java aroggas - tutthi - dihaut - kallanamamgallia-karaga nam", Devanuppiya6! Tisalae khattiyanie? sumina ditthi." (81.) tatel se? Siddhatthe rayau tesim sumina:-lakkhana4-paahaganam eyam) attham socca6 nisamma hattha-tuttha? java haya-hiyae8 karayala java te sumina'-lakkhana-padhage evam vayasi: (82.) 'evam eyam?, Devanuppiya'! 2taham Peyami *Devanuppiyal! 3avitaham Beyam, Devanuppiyal! icchiyameyam, padicchiyami eyam, icchiyal-padicchiyam! eyam, Devanuppiya 1! saccenam esam atthe se, jah' eyam5 tubbhe vayaha' tti kattu te sumine samma padi 78. 4) co AB, nh CIM. 5) before mahadeg CEHM. 79. 1) incanam B, ime ya? nam CEHM, CH add tume. 2) seo 45'. 3) co A. 4) 1o HM, C adds tumo. 5) down to dittha not in H. 6) mamgala A. 7) BEIM om. 8) "ia E, B om. 9) so A, B om. 10) nh M. 11) nn BCEM, II. 12) viti A, vaio C. 13) tubbham A. 14) tumham kuladivayatn C. 15) "yam CEM. 16) "kam A. 17) BEM add kulavittikaram. 18) not in A, karam 11. 19) "adho B, All after kulajasakaram. 20) H adds samtana, M adds taintusaintana. 21) gunovaveyam HM see?. 22) Ogao E. 23) Hisi BCEHM. 80: 1) soo 45.. 2 m BM, 3) juo BEH. 4) viio CHM. 5) viccho BCEH, nn BCM, M adds vipula. 6) vai BEHM. 7) telu BM, tiluo C. 8) nayae A. 9) not in BCEH. 81. 1) u HM. 2) seo 454. 3) Uru" BCEM. 4) ao CEH, auya M. 5) M adds tumo. 6) "io II Sco*, the rest omitted in H. 82. 1) tac BEM. Cadds nam. 2) not in BEM. 3) su HIM. 4) all down to padhago in the margin of B by 20. hd. 5) eam E. 6) suo EM. 7) otthe A. 8) liaya. EIL. 9) Stivo M. 83. 1) sco 45! 2) not in BCH 3) not in CH. 4) esa AB. 5) etam A see! anda um. N ote de rencontre ..) do CEH, duya. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 54 Kalpasutra. 83-90. cchais, 2 tta te sumina-lakkhana-padhae viulenam asanenam pupphavattha-gamdha-mallalamkarenam sakkareti' sammaneti", 10sakkaritta sammanitta viulam11 jiviyarihaml pii12 - danam dalayati13, 2 tta padivisajjei 14. (83.) tatel nam se Sitthatthe khattie sihasanao abbhutthei?, 2 tta jen' eva Tisala khattiyanis javaniy's-amtariya?, ten' eva uvagacchai", 2 tta Tisalam khattiyanin3 evan yayasi: (84.) 'evam khalu, Devanuppie?! sumina2-satthamsi bayalisam suvina3 java egam mahasuminam4 pasitta nam padibujjhamti. (85.) ime 'yanimi tume, Devanuppie! coddasamahasumina dittha; tam oralas nam tumet java Jine va5 telokka 6-nayage? dhamma-vara-cakkavatti.' (86.) tatel nam sa Tisala khattiyania eyama attham socca onisamma hattha-tuttha4 java haya-hiyaya? karayala java te sumine sammam padicchai, (87.) 2 tta Siddhatthenain ranna abbhanunnayad samani nana-mani-rayanabhatti-cittao bhaddasanao abbhutthai, 2 tta aturiyam? acavalam? asambhamtae avilambhiyae 3 rayahamsa-sarisie gase" jen' eva sae bhavane, ten' eva uvagacchatis, 2 tta sayam bhavanam anupavittha. (88.) jap-pabhiim ca nam samane bhagavam? Mahavire tam3 Nayah. kulam5 saharie, tap-pabhiim ca nam bahave Vesamana-kumdadharino tiriya6-jambhaya deva Sakka-vayanenam se jaim imaim pura-poranaim mahanihanaim bhavamti ---- tam jaha: pahina-samiyaim pahinaseuyaim? pahina - gottagaraim8 ucchinna" - samiyaino ucchinna". seuyaim? ucchinna?-gottagaraim8 gamagara-nagara-kheda 10-kabbadamadamba-donamuha-pattan'-asama-sambaha 11-sannivesesu?? simghadaesu va tiesu va caukkesu va caccaresu va caumuhesu 13 va mahapahesu va gama-tthanesu va nagara-tthanesu va gama-niddhamanesu va nagara-niddhamanesu va avanesu va devakulesi ve sabhasu va pavasu va aramesu va ujjanesu va 14vanesu va 14vana-samdesu va susana - sunnagara 15 - giri - kamdara - samti 16 - samdhi17-selovatthanabhavana18-gihesu 19 va samnikkhittaim 20 citthamti --- taim Siddhattharaya-bhavanamsi saharamti. (89.) jam rayanim ca nam samane bhagavam Mahavire Naya-kulamsi saharie tam rayanim ca nam Naya-kulam hirannonam vaddhittha, OF 83. 6) 'ati c. 7) suyu M. 8) not in AB. 9) "ei BEM. 10) 2 tta ABH. 11) vip A. 12) piti A. 13) Wai B. dalai EM, "lati II. 14) Poti all. 84. 1) tae BEM. 2) "eti AII. 3) sce 451. 4) i A. 85. 1) Ciya A, "a B. 2) suv IIM. 3) sumo BEM, M adds tisam mahasumina. 4) One AB. 86. 1) imoanam B, ime ya nam CEHM. 2) can BEM. 3) 1" CH. 4) adds Devanuppie. 5) only in M. 6) teluo BM, tiluo CHI, "gga H, 7) "ate A, 87. 1) tae BEM. 2) see 451 3) su' BEM, 4) ttha BEM. 88. 1) nn A. 2) m ABII, iq BE. 3) "iao BE. 4) gatio A, gaie E. 5) Sai BHM 89. 1) "bhii B. 2) bhayo H. 3) I om. 4) nnaya A, raya BII. 5) Camsi IIM. 6) see 451. 7) scuo C sec. 8) yu" BE, "kar A. 9) nn A, "echa" BE. 10) not in H. 11) Chana B, Ovaho c. 12 S kvacit this compound before susana'; sannivesa-ghosesu lovacit. 13) caummo HM. 14) not in A. 15) nn A. 16) Hom. 17) not in ABCM, kvacit s. 18) not in BCE, kvacit S. 19) geu M. 20) nio H, kvucit sannikkhittaim sannihiyaim guttaim S. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 90-94. Jinacaritra. 55 suvannenam vaddhitta, "dhanenam dhannenam rajjenam ratthenam vaddhittha, balenam vahanenam kosenam kotthagarenam purenam anteurenam janavaenam jasa-vaenam vaddhittha, vipula-dhana-kanagarayana-mani - mottiya - samkha - sila - ppavala - ratta - rayana-m-aienam samta-sara-savaijjenam Paiva 2 pii-sakkara-samudaenam abhivaddhittha. tatet nam samarassa bhagavao5 Mahavirassa amma-piunam ayam eyaruve6 ajjhatthie? cimtie patthie manogao samkappe samuppajjittha: (90.) 'jap-pabhiimt ca nam amham esa darae kucchimsi gabbhattae vakkamte, tap-pabhiim3 ca nam amhe hirannenam vaddhamo, suvannesams vaddhamo, Idhanenam dhannenam rajjenam ratthenam balenam vahanenam kosenam kotthagarenam 8 purenam amteurenam janavaenamo vaddhamoc, vipula10-dhana-kanaga-rayanamani-mottiya11-samkha-sila-ppavala - rattarayana - m -aienam 12 samtasara-savaeijenam 13 pii' 4-sakkarenam aiva 15 2 abhivaddhamo 16, tam jaya nam anham esa darae jue bhavissai, taya nam amhe eyassa 17 daragassa qyanuruvam gonnam18 guna-nipphannam 19 namadhijjam 20 karissamo Vaddhamanu21 tti.' (91.) | tae nan samane bhagavam Mahavire mau?-anukampan-atthae niccale nipphamde nireyane3 allina4-pallina-gutte yavi5 hottha6. tae nam tise Tisalac khattiyanie? ayam eyaruve? java samuppajjitthan: 'hade8 me se gabbhe, made me se gabbhe, cue me se gabbhe, galie me se gabbhe, esa me gabbhe puvvim eyai", iyanin10 no eyai" tti kattu ohay:'1-mama-samkappa cimta-soga-sagaram1pavittha karayala-palhattha-muhi atta-jjhanovagaya bhumi-gaya-ditthiya? jhiyai 13. tam pi ya? Siddhattha-raya 14-bhavanam uvaraya-muimga-tamti-talatala-na daijja-janam anujjam 15 dina-vimanam viharai. (92.) tae nam samanc bhagavam Mahivire maue eyam? eyaruyam3 ajjhatthiyam4 patthiyammanogayam samkappam samuppanname vijanitta? ega-desenam eyais (93.) tae nam su Tisala khattiyani! 2tam gabbham eyamanam vevamanam3 calamanam phamdamanam janitta hatthatuttha* java haya-hiyayal evam vayasi: 'no khalu me gabbhe hades 90. the whole passage jam rayaniin down to tate omitted in ABE, down to jappabhiim S. 1) Ci havo only java-rayana-m-aionam. 2) kvacit S. 3) M after samu' . 4) tao BEIM. 5) 'vam II. 6) ca BE. 7) ajjo A. 191. 1) iam B. 2) vaya M. 3) "iyam A. 4) m B. 5) nn CHM. 6) H. om. 7) dhanonam java samtasarao M. 8) kuo BE, boforo kosenam B. 9) E adds jasava enam. 10) viula CH. 11) mu' BEH, "ia BE: 12) addeg C, ainam B. 13) "ijo BEM. 14) piti C. 15) ativa C. 16) ahio AE. 17) see 454. 18) guo BEIM, nn E. 19) pp C. 20) "ii" c. 21) no CM. 92. 1) tato H. 2) maue A. 3) OcaE niramjane A. 4) we c. 5) avi AB. 6) hu" BEM. 7) seo 45'. 8) dhe A. 9) Wati CH, seo? 10) eyani CH, sce? 11) udeg EM. 12) say H. 13) "ati CH, jjh all except A. soe?. 14) C adds vara. 15) or jana-mamujam. 93. 1) B adds so. 2) oam E, ayam ABH, ayam M. 3) seo 451 4) aijo A. see? 5) not in CH, sool. 6) nn A. 7) viao BE, bijaniya H. 8) "ati CH, soco. 94) 1) seo 45' 2) down to janitta not in BEHM. 3) veyo A. 4) ttha ABHM. 5) not in H. 6) hadhe A. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 56 Kalpasutra. 94-97 java no gali' esa me gabbhe?, puvvim no eyais, iyanimo eyai8' 10tti kattu hattha-tuttha java haya-hiyayu evam va5 viharai. taeli nam samane bhagavam Mahavire gabbhatthe im' eyaruvam abhiggaham abhiginhai12: "no khalu me kappai amma-piihim 13 jivamtehim mumde bhavitta agara-vasao 14 anagariyam15 pavvaittae 16." (94.) tae! nam sa Tisala khattiyani? shaya3 kaya-bali-kamma kaya-kouyat. mamgala 5 - payacchitta6 savvalamkara - vibhusiya naisiehim? naiunhehim naitittehim naikaduehim naikasaehim naiambilehim naimahurehim nainiddhehim nailukkhehim naiullehim naisukkehimo savva`ttu 10.bhayamana-suhehim bhoyan 2 - acchayana 11.gamdha-mallehim vavagaya-roga 12-soga12-moha-bhaya 13.parissama 14 sa 15, jam tassa gabbhassa hiyam2 miyam? paccham gabbha-posanam, tam dese ya? kale ya? aharam aharemani vivitta 16-mauehim sayanasanehim pairikka-suhae mananukulae 'vihara-bhumie pasattha-dohala 17sampunna 18.dohala sammaniya?-dohala avimaniya?-dohala vocchinna 19. dohala vivaniya20-dohala suham suhenam asayai21 sayai 22 citthai nisiyai? tuyattaia3, suham suhenam tam gabbham parivahai. (95.) tenam kalenam tenam samaenam samane bhagavam Mahavire, je se gimhanam padhame mase doccet pakkhe citta 2-suddhe, tassa nam citta-suddhassa terasi-divasenam navanham3 masanam bahupadipunnanamo addh'- atthamanam raimdiyanam" viikkamtanam [ucca-tthana - gaesu gahesu, padhame camda-joge, somasu disasu vitimirasu visuddhasu, jaiesu? savva-saunesu, payahinanukulamsi bhumi-sappimsis maruyamsi' pavayamsi 10, nipphannall-meyaniyamsi 5 kalamsina, pamuiyab-pakkiliesu 18 savva 14. janavaesu 15j16 puyvarattavaratta-kala-samayamsi hatth'uttarahim nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam arogg"17 aroggam 18 darayam payaya. (96.) [Jam rayanim ca nam samane bhagavam Mahavire jae, tam rayanim ca nam bahuhim devehim devihi ya' uvayamtehi ya? uppayamtehi ya' ujjoviya? vi hottha.3]4 jam rayanim ca nam samane bhagavam Mahavire jae, tam5 rayanimo ca nam buhuhim devehim? 94. 7) sa me gabbhe not in C, me not in M. 8) Pati CH, sce! 9) eyanim CH, see? 10) tti - viharai not in ABE. 11) tate H. 12) Wati H. 13) "uhim CM. 14) agarao BEHM. 15) "iam BEM. 16) pavvaie AII. 95. 1) tate H. 2) seo 451. 3) nh BE. 4) kouya A, kou B, see? 5) CH add java. 6) M adds java. 7) nnai A, naya B, nati always in C. 8) naiabilambiehim H. 9) after naimahurehim CH. 10) Ottuga C, "tuu B, Ottugau A. 11) Paao E. 12) soga-roga AB. 13) C adds parittasa. 14) paricatta B, parittasa H. 15) EH om. 16) vicitta Mss. vivatta C, comm.: viviktani. 17) not in B. 18) in CM. 19) vu BEH, in A. 20) vavao CEM, see?. 21) asai BM, ayati H. 22) sai M. 23) Oati H, sco, tuttai C. 96. 1) duo BEM. 2) ce M. 3) nh II. 4) nn A. 5) sec 45' 6) gio B. 7) jao B, gai M. 8) "amsi MC. 9) not in C, see". 10) CM om. 11) pp C. 12) not in EH. 13) pakio B. 14) BEM om. 15) javanaesu B. 16) A omits - bahutra uccatthane'tyadi na dricyote S. 17) Ogga CE, seols 18) Oru' BE. 97. 1) a B. 2) via B. 3) huo B. 4) only in AB. 5) sa HS. 6) "ni HS. 7) Chia E. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 97--101. Jinacaritra, 57 devihi ya uvayamtehim uppayamtehim 10 (dev'-ujjoe egaloe loe deva-sannivaya)11 uppimjalamana 12-bhuya 13 kahakahaga 14 - bhuya 15 yenvi 16 hottha 17. (97.) jam rayanin ca nam samane bhagavam Mahavire jae, tam rayanim ca nam bahave Vesamana-kumdadhari tiriyal-jambhaga deva Siddhattha-raya-bhavanamsi hiranna 2-vasam ca 3suvanna2-vasam ca vaira4-vasam ca vattha-vasam ca abharana"vasam ca patta-vasam ca puppha-vasam ca 6phala-vasam ca biya?vasam ca malla-vasam ca gamdha-vasam ca 8vanna9-vasam ca 8cunna 10-vasam ca vasuhara11-vasam ca vasimsu. [`piy-atthayae piyam niveemo, piyam te bhavau mauda-vajjam jaha maliyam umoyam matthae dhoyai."]12 (98.) tae nam se Siddhatthe khattie bhavanavai-vana-mamtara-joisavemaniehim? devehim titthayara-jammana-abhiseya3-mahimae kayae4 samanie paccusa-kala-samayamsi nagara-guttie5 saddavei, 2 tta evam vayasi : (99.) 'khippam eva, bho Devanuppiyal! Kumdapure? nagare 3 caraga-sohanam kareha4, 2 tta man-ummana-vaddhanam kareha, 2 tta Kumdapuram nagaram: s'abbhimtara-bahiriyam asiya5- sammajji'. uvaleviyam? samghadaga 8-tiya'-caukka-caccara 10-caummuhall-mahapaha12 - pahesu sitta-sui13. sammattha - racch'amtar'-avana-vihiyami mamcaimamca-kaliyam? nanaviha-raga-bhusiya-jjhaya14-padaga-mamdiyami la -ulloiya 15-mahiyam gosisa-sarasa-ratta-camdana-daddaradinna-pamc'-imguli16-talain uvaciya 17-vamdana 18-kalasam vamdana 18. ghada 19-sukaya-torana-padiduvara-desa-bhagam asatt-osatta - vipulavatta - vagghariyal- malla - dama - kalavam pamca - vanna20 - sarasasurabhi21-mukka-puppha - pumjovayara - kaliyam kalaguru - payara kumdurukka 22-durukka23.dajjhamta-dhuva-maghamaghamta - gamdh'uddhuyabhiramam' sugamdha-vara-gamdhiyam.gamdhavatti-bhuyami nada-nattaga -jalla - malla - mutthiyal - velambaga - kahaga - padhaga 24. lasaga-arakkhaga-lamkha-mamkha - tunailla - tumbaviniya - amega - tallayaranucariyam 25 kareha ya 26 karaveha ya 26, karitta ya karavitta ya juya'-sahassam ca musala-sahassam ca ussaveha ussavitta 27 mama eyam anattiyami paccappinaha.' (100.) tae nam te kodumbiyal. 97. 8) a BCE. 9) ovayo A. 10) Chi M, HMS., add. ya C. a 11) not in ABM, Icvacid Irishtam S. 12) uppimjala-mala kvacit S. 13) bhua BE. 14) kaha 2, AEH. 15) bhua BCE. 16) avi II, vi BC. 17) huo BEM. 98. 1) "ia BE. 2) nn BE. 3) down to abharana not in H. 4) vayara M. 5) aho H. 6) Aom. 7) bia E, via B. 8) inverted in BEM. 9) dhanna kvacit s. 10) un CH. 11) Ora c. 12) not in the Mss. see notes. 99. 1) tate CH. 2) vasivimanavasi E. 3) ca BE. 4) Cate A. 5) mu' A. 100. 1) sce 451. 2) Oggame CH. 3) nayo H. 4) "ei B. 5) 'ia BEM. 6) "iya A. 7) ovao CH, "littam BM. 8) simo M. 9) tiya BE, tiyaga H. 10) B om. 11) "umuo BCH. 12) maba A. 13) suti A, 14) dhaya BH. 15) 'oya C. 16) i CEM. 17) "hiya A, seet 18) camo BCE. 19) ghana kvacit S. 20) nn H. 21) Ohi CEHM. 22) "dao BC. - 23) Orao BC. 24) pavage AH, s kvacit. pavaga-padhaga CE, pathaya M. 25) talacaro CHM, seo! 26) H om. 27) us" AB, etta A. 101. 1) see 451. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 58 Kalpasutra. purisa Siddhatthenam ranna evam vutta samana hattha2-tuttha3 java hayat-hiyaya1 karayala java padisunitta2, khippam eva Kumdapure nagare caraga-sohanam java ussavittas, jen'eva Siddhatthe raya, ten' eva uvagacchamti, 2 tta karayala java kattu Siddhatthassa ranno eyam1 anattiyam1 paccappinamti: (101.) tae nam1 Siddhatthe raya jen' eva attana-sala, ten' eva uvagacchai2, 2 tta java savv'-orohenam3 savva-puppha - gamdha-vattha-mallalamkara-vibhusae savva-tudiya-sadda-ninaenam mahaya iddhie mahaya juie mahaya balenam mahaya vahanenam mahaya samudaenam mahaya tudiya-jamaga-samaga-ppavaienam samkha-panava-bheri8jhallari-kharamuhi-hudukka-muraja 10-muimga11-dumduhi12-nigghosanaiya 13-ravenam ussukkam 14 ukkaram ukkittham 15 adijjam 16 amijjam 16 abhada-ppavesam adamda-kodamdimam 17 adharimam 18 ganiya 19-varanadaijja - kaliyam anega - talayaranucariyam anuddhuya -muimgam 400 amilaya-malla - damam pamuiya1- pakkiliya 20-sa-purajanajanavayam dasa-divasam thii-padiyam21 karei. (102.) tae1 nam se Siddhatthe raya dasahiyae 2 thii-padiyae vattamanie saie5 ya2 sahassie ya2 saya6-sahassie ya2 jae ya2 dae ya2 bhae ya2 dalamane ya2 davavemane ya2 saie7 ya2 sahassie ya2 saya-sahassie ya lambhoes padicchamane ya padicchavemane ya evam viharai10. (103.) tae nam samanassa bhagavao Mahavirassa amma-piyaro padhame divase thii2-padiyam karemti4, taie divase camda-sura-damsaniyam' karemti", chatthe divase dhamma-jagariyam1 karemti, ikkarasame divase viikkamtes, nivvattie asui-jamma10-kamma-karane, sampatte barasahadivase viulam asana11-pana 11-khaima 11-saimam uvakkhadavimti12, 2tta mitta-nai 13-niyaga 14-sayana-sambamdhi-parijanam Nayae ya1 khattie ya1 amamtitta, tao paccha phaya 15 kaya-bali-kamma kaya-kouya16mangala - payacchitta (suddha - ppavesaim) 17 mangallaim pavaraim vatthaim parihiya appa-mah'agghabharanalamkiya1-sarira bhoyanavelae bhoyana-mamdavamsi suhasana-vara-gaya tenam mitta-nai 18 101. 2) (than AB. 7) maydeg C. 8) us M. 6) "ggame C. 3) ABH om. 4) Hom. 5) "neitta A. 9) nn A. 102. 1) CHM add se. 2) Pati E. 3) aro B, ovaro A. 4) see 451. 5) juie C, juie E, juie H. 6) C adds vara. 7) AM om. 8) ia B. 9) hao B. 10) "ru" C, "va AB. 11) mua B, muya H. 12) "bhi H. 13) nad A, nadita H. see1. 14) ussumkam S, ussamkam A. 15) idam H. 16) "cjj" A. 17) "iyam A, iam B, kod H, kodimam E, see notes. 18) kvacit dharimam; or adharanijjam S. 19) kvacit aganiya S, sec. 20) paki" AB, seo p"-pakkiliyabhiramam kvacit S. 21) vad" HM, see1. 103. 1) tato CH, ta 500 e A. A, see2. 5) saie C. 6) saya A. 10) "ati AC. 104. 1) see 45'. 2) thiti H, vad" M, see1. 5) imti BE. 6) jagaremti EM, see5. 7) ekko AB, "vvio B. 10) jaya A, jai B. 11) am M. A. 14) niyaya A, nia B, see'. 15) nh BCEH. to bhoyana not in AB. 18) naya A. 101-104. 2) see 451. 3) thiti II. 4) vad IIM, "ate 7) sayao A. 8) labho H. 9) C adds va. 3) iam BE. 4) "amti E, "imti B. AM, "rase E. 8) vitio A. 12) "emti HC, amti B. 16) kouya A, sce1. 9) "tte 13) naya 17) down For Private and Personal Use Only Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 104--109. Jinacaritra. 59 niyaga 14-sambamdhi-parijanenam Nayaehin19 saddhim tam viulam asana-pana-khaima-sanimam asaemana visaemana paribhaemana 20 paribhumjemana 20 viharamti21. (104.) jimiya1-bhutt'-uttaragaya vi yal nam samana ayamta cokkha? parama-sui-bhuyai tam mitta-nais. niyaga4-sayana-sambamdhi-parijanam Nayae yal khattie ya5 viulenam puppha-vattha gamdha-mallalamkarenam sakkarimti' sammanimti?, sakkaritta sammaoitta tass'8 eva mitta-nai-niyaga 10-sayana-sambamdhi-parijanassa11 Nayana ya 12 khattiyana ya purao evam vayasi: (105.) 'puvvim pi nam, Devanuppiya ?! amham eyamsi daragamsi2 gabbham vakkamtamsio samanamsi ime4 eyaruvel ajjhatthies cimtie patthie? javas samuppajjittha: jap-pabhiim ca nam amham esa darae kucchimsi gabbhattane vakkamte, 10tap-pabhiim ca nam amhe hirannenam11 vaddhamo, suvannenam 12 vadahamo 13, dhanenam 14 dhannenam java savaijjenam 15 pii 16.sakkarenam aiva17 2 abhivadahamo, samamtarayano18 vasam agaya ya13. (106.) tam jaya nam amham esa darae jae bhavissai, taya nam eyassal daragassa imamo eyanuruvam? gunnam" guna-nipphannam3 namadhijjam5 karissamo 6: "Vaddhamanu tti; ta ajja amham manoraha-sampatti jaya: tam hou nam amham kumare Vaddhamane namenam 10. (107.) Samane bhagavam Mahivire Kasave gottenam tassa nam tao 3 namadhijja cvam ahijjamli, tam jaha: amma - piu - samtie* Vaddhamane, sahasammuiyae Samane, ayale bhaya-bheravanam parisahovasagganam khamti- khame paqimanam? palage? dhimam arai 8-raio-sahe10 davie viriya-sampanne devehim se namam kayam: Samane Bhagavam11 Mahavire. (108.) samanassat bhagavao Mahavirassa piya 2 Kasave gottenam; tassa nam tao5 namadhijja evam ahijjamti, tam jaha: Siddhatthe 'i va, Sijjamse 'i va, Jasamse i va. samanassa nam bhagavao Mahavirassa maya Vasittha6 gottenam4; tise? tao5 namadhijja evam ahijjamti, tam jaha: Tisala 'i va, Videhadinna 'i va Piyakarinis 'i va. samanassa nam bhagavao Mahivirassa pittijje Supase, jetthe' bhaya Naindivaddhane, 104. 19) "hi ya II, "hi a E, M adds khattiohim. 20) inverted B 21) AB om. 105. 1) seo 45! 2) cu BE. 3) mnati A. 4) niaya B, sce! BE om. sayana. 5) a BEM. 6) AB om. 7) 'anti CE, "emti HM. 8) tassa CH. 9) OH om. 10) Oya AB, see!. 11) pariyanassa A. 12) M om. 106. 1) see 451. 2) E adds kucehimsi. 3) vakkamamanamsi B. 4) im' BE. 5) abbho CH. 6) Mom. 7) ABEM om. 8) Bom. 9) Camsi H. 10) down to piio not in B. 11) nn E. 12) un M. 13) AM om. 14) CH om. 15) "eijo A. 16) pi A, piti C. 17) ato CH, aiva E. 18) raino A, vayano c. 107. 1) sec 451, 2) goo A. 3) pp C, shp M 4 ) AB om. 5) "ejjo AC. 6) "esso A. 7) down to tam hou not in A. 8) po' C. 9) "ha B. 10) CH add tae nam samanassa bhagavao Mahavirassa amma-piyaro namadhijjam5 karemti Vaddhamanus tti. 108. 1) "va BCEHM. 2) gu" BECM. 3) tau CHM. 4) "tie c. 5) see 451. 6) khamte A. 7) A om. 8) "ti M. 9) seo and 10) same C. 11) bhay" E. 109. 1) BH add nam. 2) sce 45' 3) "vi A, vao BCEHM. 4) guo BCE. 5) tau HM. 6) tthi A, ttha CEHM, 7) tie E. 8) piio EH, pia B. 9) jio BE, Ottho M. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 60 Kalpasutra. 109-113. bhagini Sudamsana; bhariya ? Jasoya ?, Kodinna 10 gottenam'l samamassa nam bhagavao Mahavirassa dhuyen? Kasavi: gottenam11; tise do namadhijja 12 evam ahijjamti, tam jaha: Anojja 13 'i va, Piyadamsanat 'i va. samanassa nam bhagavao Mahavirassa nattui Kosiya 14 gottenam11; tise nam do namadhijja evam a hijjamti, tain jaha Sesavai va 15. Jasavai va15. (109.) samane bhagavam Mahavire dakkhe dakkhal-painne? padiruye aline3 bhaddae vinie Nae4 Nayaputte Naya-kula-camde videhe Videhadinne Videhaj'acce videha-sumale tisam vasaim videhamsi kattu ammapiihim devatta?-gaehim guru-mahattaraehimabbhanunnae samatta 10. painnea punar avi loy'll.amtiehim jiya12-kappiehim devehim tahin itthahim 13 kamtahim piyahim 14 manunnahim manamahim oralahim 1.5 kallanahim sivahim dhannahim mamgallahim 16miya14 - mahurasassiriyahim14 15hiyaya 14 - gamanijjahim biyaya 14 - palhuyanijjahim gambhirahim apunaruttahim vagguhim anavarayam abhinandamana ya abhitthunamana 17 ya evam vayasi: (110.) jaya 2 namda! jaya 2 bhadda! bhaddam te khattiyal-vara-vasabhan?! bujjhahi bhagavam loga-naha, 3sayala-jagaj-jiva-hiyam pavattehit dhamma-tittham, para5. hiya'-suha-nisseyasal-karam savvaloe sayva-jiyanam bhavissai!' tti kattu jaya-jaya-saddam paumjamti. (111.) puvvim pi nam samanassa bhagavao Mahavirassa manussao 1 gibattha-dhammao anuttare abhoie" appadivai: nana-damsahe hottha". tae5 nam samane bhagavain Mahavire tenam anuttarenum a hohienam nana?-damsanenam appano nikkhamana-kalam abhoei, 2 tta cicca hirannam, cicca suvannamo, cicca 10 dhanam10, cicca 11 dhannam11, cicca12 rajjam, cicca rattham, evam balam vahanam kosam kotthagaram14 cicca, puram cicca , amteuram cicca, jasavayam cicca 15 dhana-kanagarayana-mani-mottiya "v-samkha-sila-ppavala-rattalo.rayana-m-aiyam"? samta-sara-savaejjam 18 vicchaddaitta viggoyaitta 19 20danam dayarehim paribhaitta, danam 21 daiyanam 22 paribhaitta 21, (112.) tenam kalenamtenam? samaenami je se hemamtanam padhame 109. 10) kumdo A, ona M. 11) gu" BE. 12) "ojo A. 13) Oujj" BE. 14) "ia B, "iya CH, Kasava M. 15) iva EHM. 110. 1) A om. 2) m A. 3) allo CII, al' E. 4) nayao BC. 5) suo II, so M. 6) piibiin E, pitiehim C. pitiehim H. 7) "tto A. 8) 'rehim A, Oragehim B. 9) "nae H, Cate M. 10) sammo AM. 11) lo' E, loy BC. 12) jia BE, jiya HM. 13) java vagguhim M, the rest omitted. 14) sco 451. 15) ur" CH. 16) miya-mahura-gambhira-gahiyahim kvacit S, attba-saiyahiin kvacit S. down to vagguhim not in ACH. 17) abhithuvvamana CEIM. 111. 1) see 45', 2) "ha BCE. 3) ABHI em. 4) la B. 5) ABEM om. 6) Mss. 2. 112. 1) Ossagao CEH. 2) not in A, 'oei B, 'ooi E, ahoto CM. 3) AB add ahohie, ahohie kvacil s, ahoio II. 4) hu" BEM. 5) tato M. 6) ahoienam M. 7) nanenam A. 8) un B. 9) ACIIM. 10) not in II. 11) not in BCHM, nn E. 12) cejja A, not in B. 13) not in B. 14) ku" BEM. 15) EM add viula. 16) mu" ABE, 'ia BE. 17) aiam , a diyam C, aienam M. 18) 'ijj" BE. 19) vigo" BEH, Ovitta EH. 20) down to danam not in BH. 21) AE om. 22) AE om., "iao B. 113. 1) Hom. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 113--115. Jinacaritra. 61 mase padhame pakkhe maggasira - bahule, tassa nam maggasirabahulassa dasami-pakkhenam paina-gaminie chayae porisie2 abhinivvattae: pamana-pattae suvvaenam divasenam, vijaenam muhuttenam camdappabhae siyae* sa-deva-manuyasurae4 parisae samanugammamana - magge samkhiyat.cakkiya*.namgaliya) - muha- mamgaliya. vaddhamanao-pusamana-ghamtiya?-ganehim tahim8 itthahim kamtahim piyahim* manunnahim manamahim oralahim kallanahim sivahim dhannahim mamgallahim miya--mahura-sassiriyahimo [hiyaya- paThayanijjahim attha-saiyahim 10 apunaruttahim]11 vagguhim abhinamdamana abhisamthunamana12 ya 13 evam vayasi: (113.) jaya 2 namda, jaya 2 bhadda?, bhaddam tea, 3abhaggehim nana-dansanacarittehim ajiyaimu jinahim imdiyaimo, jiyam* ca palehi samanadhammam, jiya 4-viggho6 vi? yat vasahimtam, deva! siddhi-majjhe, nihanahim raga-dosa-malle tavenam, dhii-dhaniya 10-baddha-kacche11 maddahi attha - kamma - sattu jhanenan12 uttamenam sukkenam, appamatto harahi arahana-padagam ca, vira! telukka13.ramga-majjhe pava ya vitimiram anuttaram kevala-vara-nanam, gaccha ya mukkham 14 param payam 15 jina-varovaisthena16 maggenam17 akulilenam18, hamta parisaha-camum! jaya 2 khattiya4-vara-vasabha 19! 21bahuim 20 21divasaim bahuim pakkhaim bahuim masaim bahuim uuim bahuim ayanaim bahuim 20 samvaccharaim abhie parisahovasagganam, khamtikhame bhaya-bheravanam22, dhamme te aviggham bhavaul tti kattu jaya-jaya 25-saddam paumjamti. (114.) tae nam samane bhagavam Mahavire nayana-mala-sahassehin picchijjamane 2, vayana-mala -sahassehim abhithuvvamane 2, hiyaya). mala - sahasselim unnamdijjamane? 2, manoraha-mala - sahassehim vicchippamane3 2, kamti'-ruva-gunehim pacchijjamanes 2, amgulimala-sahassehim daijjamane 2, dahina-hatthenam bahunam naranari-sahassanam amjali-mala-sahassanim padicchamane 2, bhavanapamti-sahassaim samaicchamaneli 2, tamti-tala-tala-tudiya?-ghanamuimga8-giya?-vaiya-ravenam mahurena ya manaharenam jayasadda-ghosa - misienainio mamju - mainjuna ghosena ya padibu 113. 2) Ora" I, Osao M. 3) Uvvio AB. Otthao A 4) see 451. 5) la* CH. seet. 6) "naga L. 7) khandiya kvacit S. see". 8) talim java vagguhim M. 9) u" CH. 10) sayahiin c. 11) ABEM om. sayahim c. 12) ablithuvvamana CEM. 13) B om. 114. 1) "dda M. 2) Cadds java 2 khattiyavaravasaha. 3) down to jaya 2 not in A. 4) see 45'. 5) Cani B, vahim CH, sec ) vao B. 7) ci B. 8) vasahahim B. 9) "ain BH. 10) "ia E. 11) kacche down to kevala not in M. 12) jjh B. 13) telo' C. 14) mo' CII. 15) pad" H. 16) Ovadio CH. 17) Ona H. 18) na E. 19) "ha HM. 20) bahuhim B always, H the first, E the first and second, the last timo. 21) M om 22) kovacit abhibhaviya gama. kaintage. 23) Mss. 2, thus also in 115. 115. 1) hiayn BEM. 2) ona" A, uvana B, una' H, unna C, unnaiijamane kvacit S. 3) viccha' A, vittliu" 1. 4) "ta B. 5) pio B, pattho A. 6) samati" CEII, ttl c. 7) sce 45'. 8) only in B. 9) ghosenam A. 10) A om., 'saenam B. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 62 Kalpasutra. jjhamane11 2, savv'-iddhie 12savva-juie 13 savva - balenam savvavahanenam savva-samudaenam savvayarenam savva-vibhuie 14 savvavibhusae 15savva-sambhamenam 16savva-samgamenam savva-pagaiehim savva-nadaenam savva-talayarehim savv'-orohenam savva-pupphamallalamkara-vibhusae savva-tudiya-sadda-samninaenam17 mahaya iddhie mahaya juie13 mahaya balenam mahaya vahanenam mahaya vara-tudiya-jamaga-samaga-ppavaienam samkha-panava18-padahabheri-jhallari - kharamuhi-dumduhi - nigghosa - naiya - ravenam [java ravenam]19 Kumdapuram nagaram majjham majjhenam niggacchai, 2 tta jen' eva naya20-samda-vane ujjane, jen' eva asoga-vara-payave, ten'eva uvagacchai, (115.) 2tta asoga-vara-payavassa ahe siyam1 thavei, 2 tta siyao1 paccoruhai, 2tta sayam eva abharana-mallalamkaram omuyai2, 2tta sayam eva pamca-mutthiyam1 loyam1 karei, 2 tta chatthenam bhattenam apanaenam hatth'uttarahim nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam egam deva-dusam adaya ege abie mumde bhavitta agarao anagariyam pavvaie. (116.) samane bhagavam Mahavire samvaccharam sahiya1-masam java2 civara-dhari hottha". tena param acele pani - padiggahie samane bhagavam Mahavire sairegaim5 duvalasa vasaim niccam vosattha-kae ciyatta1-dehe, je kei uvasagga uppajjamti tam jaha: divva va manusa va tirikkha-joniya1 va anuloma va padiloma va te uppanne sammam sahai khamai titikkhai ahiyasei. (117.) tae nam samane bhagavam Mahavire anagare jae iriya1-samie bhasa-samie esana-samie ayana-bhamdamatta-nikkhevana-samie uccara-pasavana-khela - simghana-jalla - paritthavaniya1-samie 2mana-samie vaya3-samie kaya-samie mana-gutte vaya-gutte kaya-gutte gutt'-imdie gutta-bambhayari akohe amane amae alohe1 samte pasamte uvasamte parinivvude anasave amame akimcane chinna-ggamthe5 niruvaleve: kamsa-pai 'va mukka-toe, samkho iva niramjane, jive iva appadihaya-gai, gaganam iva niralambane, vayur iva appadibaddhe saraya-salilam va suddhahiyae, pukkhara-pattam piva niruvaleve, kummo iva gutt'-imdie, khaggi 10-visanam va ega-jae, vihaga iva vippamukke, bharumda11. pakkhi 'va appamatte, kumjaro iva sodire 12, vasabho 13 iva jayathame, siho iva duddharise 14, mamdaro iva appakampe, sagaro iva gambhire 15, camdo iva soma-lese, suro iva ditta-tee, jacca-kanagam 16 11 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 115. 11) "vujjo A kvacit padipucchamano S. 12) down to java not in H. 13) juie BE. 14) AE om. 15) BC A om. juvu the rest is wanting. 16) B om. all down to savva-tudiya. 17) nina CE. 18) M om. 20) nn A, n H. 19) CEM om. 2) ati M, amui B, umuia E. 116. 1) see 45. 117. 1) see 451. 2) E om. 3) hu BEM. 4) lao CEH. 6) nn A. 7) "ati C. 8) "siti C, sei II, sai M. 118. 1) see 451. 2) E om. kvacit chinna-soe S. 6) o B. 10) khatti A. 11) "ra" BCEH. 15) sug A. 16) kamcana II. 3) vai A. 4) "ble CM. 5) 7) vaur E, vau M. 12) sound" CEHM. 8) vva M. 13) "ho BE. 115-118. For Private and Personal Use Only 5) satio CH. gamthe BH, 9) hiae E. 14) "sse CH. Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 118-120. Jinacaritra. 63 va jaya-ruve, vasumdhara iva savva-phasa-visahe, suhuya17-huyasano 18 iva teyasa 19 jalamte. [imesim payanam donni sumyahana-gahao: kainse samkhe jive gagane vau ya saraya-salile ya pukkhara-patte kummo vihage khagge ya bharumde || kumjara vasabhe sihe naga-rayi ceva sagaram akhobhe | camde sure kanage vasumdhara ceva suhuya-huyavahe | 120 n'atthi nain tassa bhagavamtassa katthai padibamdhe 21. se ya 22 cauvvihe pannatte 23, tam jaha: davvao, khittao 24, kalao, bhavao. davvao 25: Sacittacitta-misaesu' davvesu; khittao27: game va nagare va aranne23 va khitte28 va khale va amgane va; kalao25: samae va avaliyae 29 Va ana-panue va thove va khane ya lave va pakkhe va muhutte va 3 alioratte va pakkhe va mise va ue31 va ayale va samvacchare va annayare32 va diha-kala-samjoe 33; bhavao: kohe 34 va mine34 va mayae va lobhe va thue va hase va 35pijje va dose va 36kalahe va abbhakkhane vu pesunne va para-parivae va araira137 va maya-mose va java miccha-damsana-salle va. 800 tassa nam bhagavamtassa no evam bhavai. (118.) se nain bhagavain vasa - vasa - vajjam attha gimha-hemamtie mase, game ega-raiel, nagare pamca-raiet, vasi-camdana-samanakappe sama-tina-mani-letthua-kamcane sama-dukkha-suhe ihaloga 3. paraloga - appaaibaddhe jiviyat - marane5 niravakamkhe samsaraparagami kamma-samga 6-nigghayan'-atthae abbhutthie evam ca nam viharai. (119.) tassa mam bhagavamtassa anuttarenam nanenam anuttarenam damsanenam anuttarenam carittenam anuttarenam alaenain? aputtarenam viharenam 'anuttarenam virienam anuttarenam ajjavenam anuttarenam maddavenam anuttarenam laghavenam anuttarae khamtie3 anuttarae muttie3 4anuttarae guttie anuttarae tutthie 5anuttarlle "buddhie3 anuttarenam sacca-samjama - tavasucariyasovaciya -phala-parinivyana-maggenam appanam bhavemanassa duyalasa samvaccharaim viikkamtaim terasamassa8 amtara vattamanassa, je se gimhanam docce mase cautthe pakkhe vaisahasuddhe, tissil nain vaisaha-suddhassa dasami-pakkhenam paina 118. 17) . E, "uta A. 18) "uko E, ne C. 19) teasa E. 20) only in EM, the text is given according to S. kvucit adarceshu drugyute. 21) "dho B, CE add bhavai. 22)E. 23) A. 24) khel A. 25) BE add pam. 26) "sesu A, 'siesu II. 27) see 24 and 25 28) khu BCH. 29) lie A, see! 30) B om. 31) uu BM, uu Ell. 32) un M. 33) joge CH, ACH add va. 34) "cna C. 35) down to juvu not in A. 36) the same in II. 37) rai EM. 119. 1) raiyam AM. 2) lio BEII. 3) Uge A. 4) "ia BE. 5) B adds ya. G) sattu BM. 120. 1) alavonam EM. 2) in CII after bhagavamtassa. 3) 'ie II. 4) A om. kvacit S. 5) only in A. 6) sec 454 7) Via E, soyavvuiyanivvanaphala A. 8) C adds namn. 9) du BCEM. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 64 Kalpasutra. 120-124. gaminie chayae porisie abhiniyvattae 10 pamana-pattae suvvaenam divasenam vijaenam muhuttenam Jambhiyagamassa nagarassa bahiya11 Ujuvaliyae 12 nai- tire viyavattassa 11 ceiyassa11 a-durasamamte Samagassa gaha vaissa kattha-karanamsi sala-payavassa ahe godohiyiellukkudaya13-nisijjae ayavanao aayemnassa 2 chatthenam bhattenam apanaenam 14 hatth'uttarahim nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam jhan'amtariyae vattamanassa anamte anuttare nivvaghae niravarane kasino padipunne kevala-vara-nana-damsane samuppanne. (120.) tae nam samane bhagavam Mahavire araha? jaejine kevali savvannus savva-darisi, sa-deva-manuyasurassa4 logassa5 pariyayamo janai 6 pasais, savva-loe savva-jivanam agaim gaim? thiim8 cavanam uvavayam takkam mano manasiyamo bhuttam kadam paniseviyam* avi-kammam raho-kammam a-raha 10 a-rahassa-bhagi tam tam kalam mana-vayana-kaya-joge 11 vattamananam savva-loe savva- jivanam savva-bhave janamane pasamane viharai. (121.) tenam kalenain tenam samaenam samane bhagavam Mahavire Atthiyaggamal-nisae padhamam amtaravasam vasauvasam uvagae, Campam ca Pitthicampam ca nisae tao amtaravase vasa-vasam uvagae, Vesalim nagarim Vaniyaggamama ca nisae duvalasa amtaravase vasa-vasam uvagae, Rayagiham nagaram? Nalamdam4 ca bahiriyam5 nisae coddasa6 amtaravase vasa-vasam uvagae, cha? Mahiliyae, do Bhaddiyae, egam Alabhiyae, egam Paniyabhumieo, egam Savatthie, egam Pavae majjhimae Hatthipalassa 10 ranno rajjusabhae apacchimam11 amtaravasam11 vasa-vasam uvagae. (122.) [tattha nam je se Pavae majjhimae Hatthipalassa ranno rajjusabhae apacchime amtaravase vasa-vasam uvagae, (123.)] tassa nam amtaravasassa, je se vasanam cautthe mase sattame pakkhe khattiya1-bahule, tassa nam kattiya 1-bahulassa pannarasiapakkhenam ja san carima3 rayani, tam rayanin ca nam samane bhagavam Mahavire kala-gae viikkamte samujjae4 chinna-jai-jaramarana-bamdhane siddhe buddhe mutte amtagade parinivvude savva-dukkha-ppahineb; camde namam se doccer samvacchare, piivaddhane8 mase, namdivaddhane pakkhe, suvvay'aggio namam se divase uvasami 10 tti11 pavuccai 12, devanamdu numam sau rayani niriti 13 tti pavuccai12, 14acce lave, mutte 15 pana, thove siddhe, 120. 10) tth A, Ovittho B. 11) no y in E. 12) "ya A, see11 Ujjuo CHM. 13) "ado AH, "utto B. 14) PP CEM. 121. 1) arihamte E, arih a lovacit s. 2) kvacit janae S. 3) un A, H adds nam. 4) see 120115) loyo A. 6) Cati CH. 7) gayam A. 8) thiyam II. 9) "iam BE. 10) ariha M. 11) joe II. 122. 1) atthiaga BE, atthigg C. 2) "iyaga B, "caga E. 3) nayo B. 4) io 5) Ciam BE. 6) cau' BEHM. 7) not in BE. 8) Mihiliae E, not in B. 9) see 12011, 10) Uvalo AB, Plagassa A. 11) " CEH. 123. not in ABCH. 124. 1) see 12011. 2) nn AM. 3) carao CE. 4) samugyhae com. of M. 5) H om. 6) padeg E. 7) duo BCE. 8) pi" A. 9) aggivese BM |coacit S. 10) (r)me BCEH, upasama S. 11) itti BCS. 12) Cai BCM. 13) niri B, nirati CM, nira E. 14) down to savvattha not in H. 15) S supto kvacit mutte. muhutte CEH. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 124--132 Jinacaritra, 65 nage karane, savvatthasiddhe muhutte, saina 16 nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam kala-gae viikkamte java savva-dukkha-ppahine. (124.) jam rayanim ca nam samane bhagavami Mahavire kalagae? juva savva-dukkha-ppahine, sa nam rayani bahuhim devehim devihi ya4 uvayamanehi ya* uppayamanehi ya4 ujjoviya5 yavi hottha? (125.) jam rayanim ca nam samane bhagavami Mahavire kala-gae java savva - dukkha - ppahine, sa nam rayani bahuhim devehim2 devihi ya? uvayamanehi ya3 uppayamaneli yauppimjalaga+-bhuya5 kahakahaga-bhuyao yavi? hottha8 (126.) jam rayanim ca nam samane bhagavam Mahavire kala-gael java savva-dukkha-ppahine, tam rayaaim ca nam jetthassa? Goyamassa 3 Imdabhuissa4 anagarassa amtevasissa Nayae pijja-badhane vocchinne5 anamte anuttare6 java kevala-vara-nana-damsane samuppanne. (127.) jam rayanim ca nam samane bhagavam Mahavire? java savvadukkha-ppahine, tam rayanin ca nam nava Mallai nava Lecchai3 Kasi-Kosalaga attharasa vi gana-rayano amavasae parabhoyam4 posahovavasan patthavaimsus: 'gae se bhav'- ujjoe, davv'-ujjoyam karissamo. (128.) jam rayanim ca nam samane 31 java savvadukkha-ppahine, tam rayaniin ca nam khuddae nama2 bhasa-rasi maha-ggahe do-vasa-sahassa-tthiis samanassa bhagavao Mahavirassa jamma - nakkhattam samkamte. (129.) 'jap-pabhiim ca nam se khuddae 3 bhasa-rasi maha-ggahe do-vasa-sahassa-tthiit samanassa bhagavao Mahavirassa jamma-nakkhattam samkamte, tap-pabhiim ca nam samananam niggarthanain niggamthina ya no udies 2 puye "sakkare pavattai? (130.) jaya nam se8 khuddae java jammanakkhattao viikkamte' bhavissai, taya nam niggamthanam niggamthina ya udie5 puya 6sakkare bhavissai. (131.) jain rayanim ca main samane bhagavam Mahavire kala-gael java? savva-dukkha-ppahine, tam rayanim ca nain kumthu anuddhari nanmam samuppannas: ja thiya* acalamana chaumatthanam niggamthanam5 niggamthina ya no cakkhu-phasam hayyam agacchai"; ja atthiya? calamana chaumatthanam niggamthanam niggamthina ya cakkhu-phasam hayvan 124. 16) sato C. 125. 1) omitted in HI, bhayo B. 2) A adds viikkamto. 3) not in AC. 4) a E. 5) "E. 6) avi E, vi AB. 7) huo BEM. 126. 1) bhayu B. 2) "hi a E. 3) a E. 4) "gamana M. 5) bhoa BE. 6) bha E. 7) Avi E. 8) huo AEM. 127. 1) A om. 2) jiO BE. 3) goa. E. 4) "tissa A, "yassa c. 5) vu" BEM. 6) E adds nivvaghao, niravarauc. 128. 1) bhayo B, see? 2) not in ACE, 3 H. 3) oai E. 4) varao A, varau B; "bhoo AE, "bhoam B. 5) "vimsu EMS. 129. 1) not in ABE; M Bhagavam Mahavire. 2) BEM after rasi, namam CH. 3) th BCE, thai A. 130 and 131. 1) clown to tap not in B. 2) jam rayanim H. 3) A adds nama. 4) soo 1299. 5) uio B. 6) pai BEM. 7) ai CHM, bhavissai A. 8) not in H. 9) viio A. 132. 1) not in II. 2) not in CE. 3) nn c. 4) thia BEH. 5) 'na ya E. 6) "amti BEM. 7) thiya BC, thiya H, athia EM. Abhandl. d. DMG. VII. 1. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 66 Kalpasutra. 132-145. agacchai6; (132.) jam pasitta bahuhim niggamthebim niggamthihi yal bhattaim paccakkhayaim. se? kim ahu bhamte: 'ajja-ppabhiim3 durarahaesamjames bhavissai. (133.) tenam kalenam tenam samaenam samanassa bhagavao Mahavirassa Imdabhui-pamokkhao 2 coddassas samana-sahassio ukkosiya samana-sampayau hottha5. (134.) samanassal bhagavao Mahavirassa AjjaCamdana - pamokkhao a chattisain ajjiyaC/-sa hassio ukkosiya 4 ajjiya4-sampaya hottha6. (135.) samanassa bhagavao Mahavirassa Samkhasayaga-pamokkhanam? samanovasaganam ega saya-sahassic aunatthim? ca sahassa ukkosiya8 samanovasaganamo sampaya hottha5. (136.) samanassa bhagavao Mahavirassa Sulasa-Revail-pamokkhanam samanovasiyanain3 tinni saya-sahassio attharasa sahassaC/ ukkosiya; samanovasiyanam sampaya hottha5. (137.) samanassa nami bhagavao Mahavirassa tinni saya cauddasapuvvinam ajinanam jina - samkasanam savv'-akklara-sannivainam3 Jino viva avitaham vagaramananain ukkosiya4 coddasapuvvinam5 sampaya hottha6. (138.) samanassa nami bhagavao Mahavirassa terasa saya ohi-naninam aisesa -pattanam ukkosiya 4 ohi-naninam? sampaya hottha6. (139.) samanassa nami bhagavao Mahavirassa satta saya kevala-nanin sambhinna-vara-nana-damsana-dharanam ukkosiya" kevala - nanio. sampaya hotthaC/. (140.) samanassa nam bhagavao Mahavirassa satta saya veuvvinam adevanam dev'-iddhi 2-pattanam ukkosiya3 veuvvit-sampaya hottha5. (141.) samanassa nami bhagavao Mahavirassa pamca saya viula-mainam 6 addhaijjesu? divesu dosu ya 8 samuddesu sanninam pamc'-imdiyanam pajjattaganamo manogae bhave janamtanam ukkosiya viula-mainam 11 sampaya hottha5. (142.) samanassa nami bhagavao Mahavirassa cattari saya vainam? sadeva-manuyasurae3 parisae vaet aparajiyanam5 ukkosiva 5 vai-sampaya hottha6. (143.) samanassa bhagavao Mahavirassa satta amtevasi?. sayaim siddhaim java savva-dukkha-ppahinaim cauddasa ajjiya5. sayaim siddhaim. (144.)8 samanassa nami bhagavao Mahavirassa attha saya anuttarovavaiyanam" gais-kallananam thii 4-kallananam 133. 1) a E. 2) only in EM. 3) bhii A. 4) "heo M aftor bhavissai. 5) samyame M. 134. 1) 'bhui BCM. 2) "mu" BCEH, Canam II. 3) caudeg BEIM. 4) "ia BE. 5) "huo BEM, thus always. 135 and 136. 1) H adds main. 2) "mu" BEH, always. 3) Osa c. 4) ia E. 5) see 134'. 6) "iu EM. 7) aunasatthiin B. 8) ia BE. 9) Usayo B, Usiyo H. 137. 1) 'ai BE. 2) see 135%. 3) Qia E. 4) oao A. 5) see 1345. 138-140. 1) not in BE. 2) coo A. 3) 'enam H. 4) 'a E. 5) see 1343, puvvi M. 6) see 1345. 7) nani B. 8) oli A, H adds vara. 9) naninan M. 141 and 142. 1) not in BE. 2) ado CETT. 3) "ia E. 4) veuvviya C, veuvvia E. 5) seo 1345. 6) maio E. 7) Otto BM. 8) a El. 9) "yanam A. 10) janamanana BCEM. 11) sees, mai H. 143 and 144. 1) not in BE. 2) vado A. 3) Puadeg EH. 4) vad" H. 5) see 12011. 6) see 1345. 7) CY C. 8) sutra 144 is wanting in A. 145 and 146. 1) BE om. 2) vainam E, vainain H. 3) "ti C. 4) this AM. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 145--150. Jinacaritra. 67 Sagamesi bbaddanam ukkosiya6 anuttarovavaiyanam sampaya hottha?. (145.) samanassa nam bhagavao Mahavirassa duviha amtagada-bhumi hottha?; tam jahan: jug'-amtakada 8-bhumi ya' pariyay'-amtakala Sbhumi yao; java taccao purisa-jugao jug'-amtakalas-bhumi10, cauvasa-pariyaet amtam akasi. (146.) tenam kalenam tenam samaenam samane bhagavam Mahavire tisam vasaim agara-vasa-majjho vasitta, sairegaim duvalasa vasaim chaumattha-pariyayampaunitta, des'-unaim tisam vasaim kevalipariyayam' paunitta, bayalisam? vasaim samanna-pariyayam' paunitta, bavattarim vasaim savv'-auyampalaitta, khine veyanijj'-auya5-namagotte6 imise osappinie? dusama 8-susamae samae bahu-viikkamtae 10 tihim vasehim addhanavamehi ya 11 masehin sesehim Pavae majjhimae Hatthipalagassa 12 ranno rajju 13-sabhae ege abie chatthenam bhattenam apanaenam14 saina nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam paccusa-kalasamayamsi sampaliyamka 15-nisanne panapannam 16 ajjhayanaim pavaphala - vivagaim chattisam ca?? aputtha - vagaranaim vagaritta 18 pahanam 19 nama 20 ajjhayanam vibhavemane 2 kala-gae viikkamto 2 samujjae 22 chinna-jai-jara-marana-bamdhane siddhe buddhe mutte amtakade 23 parinivvude savva-dukkha- ppahine. (147.) samanassa bhagavao Mahavirassa java savva - dukkha - ppahinassa nava vasasayaim viikkamtaim, dasamassa ya vasa - sayassa ayam asiime! samvacchare kale gacchai. vayan'-amtare puna: ayam tenaue samvacchare? kale gacchai iti". (148.) Tenam kalenam tenam samaenam Pase araha purisadanie pamca-visahe hottha'; tam jaha: visahahim cue2 caitta gabbham vakkamte. visahahim jae. visahahim mumde bhavitta agarao anagariyam pavvaie, visahahim anamte anuttare nivvaghae niravarane kasine padipunne kevala-vara-nana-damsane samuppanne, visahahim parinivvue. (149.) tenam kalenam tenam samaenam Pasel araha purisadanie, je se gimhanam padhame mase padhame pakkhe cittabahule, tassa nam citta2-bahulassa cautthi-pakkhenam panayao3 kappao visam-sagarovama-tthiiyao 4 anamtaram cayam) caitta(r), ih'eva Jambuddive dive Bhurahe vase Banarasie? nayarie Asasenassa8 ranno Vammae' devie puvvarattavaratta-kala-samayamsi visahahim nakkla 145 and 146. 5) down to sampaya not in A. 6) see 12011. 7) see 134 8) "gada CEH. 9) a BE. 10) A adds ya. 147. 1) Ciao E, Ogam CHM. 2) bao c. 3) Quam CE, "oyam H. 4) paunitta E. 5) vea" E, 'ua BE, "oya CH. 6) gu" BE. 7) uss M. 8) du M. 9) sudeg BE. 10) vitio A, via B, viya' c. 11) a E. 12) palassa E, "valassa BM. 13) u M. 14) pp H. 15) Via E. 16) panna A. 17) not in H. 18) Detta CH. 19) pavayanam A. 20) nam' E. 21) vitio A. 22) Ogghae H. 23) Ogade BEM. 148. 1) asime E. 2) Ora B. 3) not in A. 4) Bii, BM add disai. 149. 1) huo BEM. 2) cae C. 150, 1) C adds nam. 2) ced A. 3) degau B, nanau H, 4) tthito A, tthijo M, tthiyao BII, ttliiao E. 5) cain M. 6) cayitta A. 7) Vao C. 8) A Ssao H. 9) Vamae c. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 68 Kalpasutra. ttenam jogam uvagaenam ahara-vakkamtie bhava-vakkamtie 900 sarira-vakkamtie kucchimsi 10 gabbhattae vakkamte. (150.) Pase nam araha puris danie tin-nanovagael yavi hottha3; tam jaha: 'caissami tti janai, cayamane na janai, 'cue 'mi' tti janai. tenam c'eva abhilavenam suvina-damsana-vihanenam savvam java niyaga-giham anupavittha java suham suhenam tam gabbham parivahai. (151.) tenam kalenam tenam samaenam Pase araha purisadanie, je se hemantanam1 docce2 mase tacce pakkhe posa-bahule, tassa nam posa-bahulassa dasami-pakkhenam navanham masanam bahu-padipunnanam addh'atthamanam raimdiyanam viikkamtanam puvvarattavaratta-kala-samayamsi visahahim nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam arogg" aroggam darayam payaya. (152.) 3 [jam rayanim ca nam Pase araha purisadanie jae, tam rayanim ca nam bahuhim devehim devihi a java uppimjalaga-bhua kahakahagabhua yavi huttha.] (153.) jammanam1 savvam1 Pasabhilavenam bhaniyavvam java tam hou nam kumare Pase namenam3. (154.) Pase nam araha purisadanie dakkhe dakkha1-painne padiruve2 alline bhaddae vinie tisam vasaim agara-vasa-majjhe vasitta punar avi log'-amtiehim jiya4-kappiehim5 devehim" tahim itthahim java evam vayasi: (155.) jaya 2 namda! jaya 2 bhadda! bhaddam te java jaya 2 saddam paumjamti. (156.) puvvim pi nam Pasassa arahao purisadaniyassa3 manussagao gihattha-dhammao anuttare ahohie2, tam c'eva savvam java danam daiyanam3 paribhaitta, je se hemamtanam ducce mase tacce pakkhe posa-bahule, tassa nam posa-bahulassa ikkarasi". divasenam puvv'anha - kala - samayamsi visalae siviyae3 sa-devamanuyasuraes parisae, tam c'eva savvam navaram, Banarasim nagarim majjham majjhenam niggacchai, 2 tta jen' eva asama-pae ujjane jen' eva asoga-vara-payave, ten' eva uvagacchai, 2tta asogavara-payavassa ahe siyami thavei, 2 tta siyao11 paccoruhai, 2tta sayam eva abharana - mallalamkaram omuyai12, 2tta sayam pamca - mutthiyam loyams karei, 2tta atthamenam bhattenam apanaenam visahahim nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam egam devadusam adaya tihim purisa-saehim saddhim mumde bhavitta agarao anagariyam13 pavvaie. (157.) Pase nam araha purisadanie testim1 eva Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir BM. 5) kappehim B. 157. 1) M adds 4) etta A. 5) dodeg C. 10) siam CE 11) 158. 1) tesii BM. BE. 150. 10) "amsi H. 151. 1) AM. 2) avi EH. 3) hu" BEM. 4) yanai B. 5) cuo AC. 6) nin BE, "gam BCH. 152. 1) gimha-he" A. 2) duo BEEM. 3) nh M. 4) na ya BE. AC. 6) "ru" BEH, arogga arogam A. 5) vitio 153. only in M. 154. 1) M: sesam tali'eva navaram. 2) nia BE. 3) A adds hou 2. 155 and 156. 1) not in A. 2) padipunnaruve A. 3) ali" E. 4) jia E, jiya 6) after log B. 7) BE add jaya 2 khattiyavaravasaha. nam. 2) A adds nam, bhoie E. 3) see 12011. 6) ekadeg A, ekkao C. 7) nh BM. siao CE. 12) umuyai EHM, see3. 8) see 451. 9) nayo 13) "iam EH. 150-158. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 158-167. Jinacaritra. 158. 2) "iaim E, 159. 1) tate CH. B, ii M. 6) oia CE. 11) dhaiya CE, seo3. raimdiyaim2 niccam vosattha-kae ciyatta3-dehe, je kei uvasagga uppajjamti, tam jaha: divva va manussa va tirikkhajoniya va anuloma va padiloma va te uppanne samman sahai titikkhai khamai ahiyasei". (158.) tae1 nam se l'ase bhagavam2 anagare jae iriya-samie 4bhasa-samie java appanam bhavemanassa tesiim5 raimdiyaim viikkamtaim7 caurasiimassa raimdiyassa amtara vattamanassa, je se gimhanam padhame mase, padhame pakkhe citta - bahule, tassa nam citta - bahulassa cautthi pakkhenam puvv'anha 10-kala-samayamsi dhayai11 payavassa ahe chatthenam 12 bhattenam apanaenam visahahim nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam jhan'amtariyaes vattamanassa anamte anuttare13 nivvaghae niravarane java kevala-vara-nana-damsane samuppanne java janamane pasamane viharai. (159.) Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Pasassa nam arahao purisadaniyassa1 attha gana attha ganahara hottha, tam jaha: Subhe ya Ajjaghose ya1 Vasitthe Bambhayari ya1 | Some Sirihare c'eva Virabhadde Jasevis ya1 || (160.) Pasassa nam arahao purisadaniyassa Ajjadinna 2-pamukkhao3 solasa samana-sahassio ukkosiya1 samana-sampaya hottha4. (161.) Pasassa nam arahao purisadaniyassal Pupphacula - pamukkhao atthattisam ajjiya1-sahassio ukkosiya1 ajjiya1-sampaya hottha4. (162.) Pasassa1 n. a. p. Suvvaya"-pamukkhanam2 samanovasaganam ega saya-sahassi causatthim ca sahassa u. samanovasaganam s. h. (163.) Pasassa n. a. p. Sunamda-pamukkhanam samanovasiyanam tinni saya-sahassio satta7-visam ca sahassa u. samanovasiyanam8 s. h. (164.) Pasassa n. a. p. addhuttha-saya cauddasapuvvinam ajinanam jinasamkasanam savv'-akkhara java cauddasapuvvinam s. h. (165.) Pasassa n. a. p. cauddasa1 saya ohi-naninam, dasa saya kevalananinam, ekkarasa saya veuvviyanam3, chas-saya riu-mainam5, dasa saya siddha, visam ajjiya6-saya siddha, addh'atthama-saya viulamainam, chas-saya vainam, barasa saya anuttarovavaiyanam7. (166.) Pasassa n. a. p. duviha amtagada-bhumi hottha1, tam jaha: jugamtakada2-bhumi ya3 pariyay'1-amtakada2-bhumi ya3; java cautthao purisa-jugao jug'-amtakada2-bhumi, tivasa-pariyae5 amtam akasi. (167.) 2) ekao H, oga chasaya C. 5) 69 - E, ikkdeg B. inam E. "anam CII. 3) see 451. 4) keva C, ke M. 5) see 12011. 2) bhay" H. 3) see 12011. 4) not in ACHM. 5) ti" 7) vitio AC. 8) "ne BH. 9) ce AC. 10) nh H. 12) atthamonam kvacit S. 13) Bom. 160. 1) see 120". 2) huo BEM. 161 and 162. 1) seo 12011. 2) mm B. 3) "mo" A. 4) hu" BEM. 5) ati" BM. 163165. 1) in the following SSSS I have adopted, the custom of the Mss. and not written out the always recurring words; for v. r. see 161, 162. 2) "mo 3) Sunamda ACH. 4) io BE. 5) i C. 6) see 12011, 7) satta BHM. 3) "eva C. AM. 8) "iya M, "ia" E. 9) co" A. 166. 1) coo AC. to addh" not in A, vainam E. 167. 1) hu BEM. 2) gada BE. 3) a BE.. 4) pariy' H, pari' E. 5) oiao E. For Private and Personal Use Only 3) "vvinam EM. 4) down 6) oia CE. 7) vainam CM, Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 70 Kalpasutra. 168-172 tenam kalenam tenam samaenam Pase a. p. tisam vasaim agaravasa-majjhe vasitta, tessim raimdiyaim caumattha-pariyayam 1 paunitta, des'-unaim sattari vasaim kevali-pariyayami paunitta, padipunnaim? sattari vasaim samanna-pariyayam paunitta, ekkam3 vasa-sayam savv'-auyam4 palaitta", khise veyanijj'-auya*-nama-gotteo imise osappinie? dusama-susamaes bahu-viikkamtae, je se vasanam padhame mase docce pakkhe10 savana-suddhe, tassa nam savana-suddhassa atthami-pakkhenam uppim sammeya1-sela-siharamsiappa-cauttisaime 11 masienam bhattenam apanaenam visahahim nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam puvv'anha 12-kala-samayamsi vagghariyal-pani kala-gae 13 java savva-dukkha-ppahine. (168.) Pasassa nam arahao java savvadukkha-prahinassa duvalasa vasa-sayaim viikkamtaim, terasamassa ya14 15vasa-sayassa ayam tisaime samvacchare16 kale gacchai. (169.) tenam kalenam tenam samaenam araha1 Aritthanemi pamcacitte hottha?, tam jaha: cittahim cue caitta gabbham vakkamte, java cittahim parinivvue. (170.) tenam kalenam tenam samaenam arahaAritthanemi, je se vasanam cautthe mase sattame pakkhe kattiya? - bahule, tassa na kattiya 2-bahulassa barasis-pakkhenar aparajiyao4 mahavimanao chattisam5.sagarovama-tthiiyao anamtaram cayam? caitta, ih'eva Jambuddive dive Bharahe vase Soriyapure ? nayare8 Samuddavijayassa ranno bhariyael Sivae' devie puvvarattavaratta - kala-samayamsi java cittahim gabbhattae vakkamte savvam tah'eva10 suvinall-damsana-davina - samharan'- Qiyam12 etthal3 bhaniyavvam14. (171.) tenam kalenam tenam samaenam araha Aritthanemi, je se vasanam padhame mase doccel pakkhe savanasuddhe, tassa nam savana-suddhassa pamcami-pakkhenam navan ham 2 masanam java cittahim nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam arogg"3 aroggamdarayam5 payaya. jammanam Samuddavijayabhilavenam neyuvvamo java tam hou? kumare Aritthanemi namena 2. araha Aritthanemi dakkhe java tinni vasa-sayaim kumare agaravasa-majjhe vasitta nam punar avi log'-amtiehim jiya"-kappiehim10 devehin tam ceva savvam bhaniyavvam11 java danam daiyanam 168 and 169. 1) see 12011. 2) babupo M, nn H. 3) ikko B, ekam H, egam E. 4) ao' H, scel. 5) paunitta CH. 6) gu" BE. 7) usao BCEILM. 8) suo B. 9) viti" AC. 10) duo BCEM. 11) codeg A. 12) nh H; puvvarattavaratta BEM. S lekhakadoshan matabhedad va. 13) E adds viikkamto. 14) nam BEM, not in CH. 15) not in BCHM. 16) Ora B. 170. 1) ariha E. 2) huo BEM. 3) BE add tah'ova ukkhovao com. M. S. 171. 1) ariha E. 2) see 12011. 3) duvalasi CH. 4) "iao AE. 5) tittisam. A, kvacit com. M. S. 6) see', tthit A, tthiyao CII. 7) caiin M. 8) nago A. 9) Siva CM, 10) CH add navaram. 11) sumo B. 12) ai B, aim EM. 13) iu B, ittham EM. 14) bhao CH, see 172. 1) duo BEM. 2) nh CHM. 3) Orudeg BE, Oyga AC. 4) "ru" BE, aru M. 5) A om. 6) nea" EH, netao M. 7) lou CHM. 8) loy' AM. 9) see 12011. 10) "ie' C. 11) see, CH om. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 172-182. Jinacaritra. 71 paribhaitta 12, (172.) je se vasanam padhame mase docce1 pakkhe savana - suddhe, tassa nam savana - suddhassa chatthi-pakkhenai puvv'anha 2-kala-samayamsi uttarakurae siyae3 sa-deva-manuyasura e parisae anugammamana - magge java Baravaiet nayaries majjhamn majjhenam niggacchai, 2 tta jeneva revaie6 ujjane, ten' eva uvagacchai, 2 tta asoga-vara-payavassa ahe siyam thavei, 2 tta siyao 3 paccoruhai, 2 tta sayam eva abharana-mallalamkaram omuyai?, 2 tta sayam eva pamca - mutthiyam3 loyam3 karei, 2 tta chatthenam bhattenam apanaenam cittahim nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam egam deva-dusam adaya egenam purisa-sahassenam saddhin mumde bhavitta agarao anagariyam pavvaie. (173.) sel araha nam Aritthanemi caupannam? raimdiyaim 3 niccam vosattha-kae ciyatta3. dehe iam c'evu savvam java panapannaimassa4 raimdiyassaj amtara vattamanassas, je se vasanam tacce mase pamcame pakkhe asoyas. bahule, tassa nam asoya3-bahulassa pannarasi 2-pakkhenam divasassa pacchime bhage6 ujjimta-sela-sihare vedasa -payavassa ahe atthamenam 8 bhattenam apanaenam cittahim nakkhattenam jogam uvag kkhattenam jogam uvagaenam jhan'amtariyae: vattamanassa javalo anamte llanuttare 12 nivvaghae java kevala-nane samuppanne java savva-loe savva-jivanam bhave janamane pasamane viharai. (174.) arahao nam Aritthanemissa lattharasa gana attharasa ganahara hottha 2. (175.) arahao n. A. Varadatta - pamokkhao Battharasa samana-sa hassio ukkosiya 4 samana-sampaya hottha?. (176.) irahao n. A. AjjaJakkhini- pamokkhao: cattalisam ajjiya* -sahassio u. ajjiya- sampaya h. (177.) arahao n. A. Namda - pamokkhanam3 samanovasaganam ega saya - sahassi aunattarim ca sahassa u. samanovasagas. sampaya h. (178.) arahao n. A. Mahasuvvayapamokkhanam tinni saya - sahassio aunattarim ca sahassa u. samanovasiyanam s. h. (179.) arahao n. A. cattari saya cauddasapuvvinam lajinanam jina-samkasanam savv'-akkhara java s. h. (180.) pannarasa' saya ohi-naninam, pannarasal saya veuvviyanama, dasa saya viula-mainam", attha saya vainam, solasa saya anuttarovavaiyanams, pannarasat samana-saya siddha, tisam ajjiya -sayaim siddhaim. arahao nam Aritthanemissa duviha amtagada 6 - bhumi hottha?, tam jaha: jug'-amtagada 6-bhumi ya8 pariyay'-Zaintakada 9. bhumi ya'; java atthamao purisa - jugao jug'- amtakadao-bhumi, duvalasa-pariyae amtam akasi. (181.) tenam kalenam tenam samaenam 172. 12) Vetta A. 173. 1) duo BEM. 2) ,,h AC. 3) see 120". 4) tie c. 5) nagu AE. 6) revayae BEM. 7) "ti C, udeg EHM, see 174. 1) only in A. 2) nn A. 3) sec 1733 4) nn A. magassa CEHM. 5) One BE 6) bhae A. 7) vada CH. 8) chatthenain CEH kvacit s. 9) pp H. 10) not in CH. 11) down to janamane not in H. 12) AB om. all down to java savvaloe. 175--180. 1) attharasa ganahara gana ya A. 2) huo BEM. 3) mudeg BEH 4) see 12011. 5) Panam HM, savaga A. 6) coo A. 7) down to s. h. not in CH. 181. 1) nn A. 2) sce 12011. 3) iman E. 4) vat" A, Seed. 5) degvai an H. vainam E. 6) "kada A. 7) huo BEM. 8) & E, not in C. 9) "gada BE. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 72 Kalpasitra. 182-191. araha? Aritthanemi tinni vasa-sayaiin kumara-vasa-majjhe vasitta caupannam2 raindiyain3 chaumattha-pariyayam* paunitta, des'unaim satta vasa-sayaim kevali-pariyayampaunitta, padipunnaim satta vasa-sayai samanna5-pariyayam paunitta, egam vasa - sahassam savv'-auyams palaitta, khine veyanijj'auya 6-nama-gotte? imise osappinles dusama-susamnae' samae bahu-viikkamtae 10, je se gimhanam cautthe mase atthame pakkhe asaaha-suddhe, tassa nam asadhasuddhassa atthami-pakkhenar uppim11 ujjimta-sela-siharamsi pamcahim chattisehim anagara-saehim saddhim masienain bhattenam apanaenam12 citta-nakkhattenam jogam uvagaonain puvva-rattavaratta-kala-samayamsi nesajjie 13 kala-gae 14 too java savva-dukkhappahine. (182.) arahao nam Aritthanemissa kala-gayassa java savvadukkha-ppahinassa caurasiin vasa-sahassaim viikkamtaim, pamcasiimassa vasa-sahassassa? nava vasa-sayaim viikkamtaim, dasamassa ya vasa-sayassa ayam asiime sanvacchare3 kalet gacchai5. (183.) Namissa nam arahao kala-gayassa java savva-dukkha-ppahinassa pamca-vasa-saya-sahassaim caurasiim calvasa-sahassain viikkamtaim", naya ya? vasa-sayaim viikkamtaimo, dasamassa ya vasa-sayassa ayam asiime sanvacchare5 kale3 gacchai. (184.) Munisuvvayassa nam arahao kala-gayassar ekkarasa? Vasa-saya-sahassaim caurasiim va vasa-sahassaim nava ya vasa-sayaim viikkamtaimo, dnsamassa ya vasa-sayassa ayam asiime samvacchare5 kale gacchai. (185.) Malissa nam arahao java ppahinassa pannatthim8 vasa-saya - sahassaim caurasiim ca vasa-sahassaim nava ya vasao-sayaim, d. y. v. S. a. a. S. k. g. (186.) Arassa nam arahao java ppahinassa ege vasa-kodisahasse viikkamte, sesam jaha Malissa; tam ca eyam 10: pamcasatthim 11 lakkha caurasiim sahassa viikkamta, tammi samae Mahaviro nivvuo12; tao param nava ya13 viikkamta4 d. y. v. S. d. d. S. k. g: evam aggao java Seyamso tava datthavvam. (187.) Kumthussa nam java ppahinassa ege caubhaga-paliovame 14 viikkamte 14 pamcasatthim ca saya-sahassa , sesam jaha Malissa. (188.) Samtissa nam arahao java ppahinassa ege caubhag'15.une paliovame viikkamte pannatthim16 ca saya17-sahassa 18, sesam jaha Malissa. (189.) Dhammassa nam arahao java ppahinassa tinni sagarovamaim viikkamntaim4 pannatthim8 ca, sesam jaha Malissa. (190.) Anamtassa nain arahao 182. 1) ariha BE. 2) i A. 3) soe 12011. 4) Ogam C, sees. 5) nn M. 6) sco", aua B, ao E. 7) guo BCE. 8) udeg CEH. 9) suo A. 10) vitio A. 11) Hom. 12) pp H. 13) nisiijao C, nisijjio H. 14) gate C. 183. 1) vitio A. 2) sahassa BCH. 3) "ra B. 4) A om. 5) H adds gacchitta. 184-203. 1) not in II. 2) vitio A not in BCEM. 3) not in A. 4) vitio A. 5) Pra BE. 6) B adds java savvao 7) ikk' BE, ikao M, ckao H. 8) nn A. 9) not in AB. 10) see 12011. 11) pamcatthim c. 12) "uo C, Puu HM. 13) BH add vasa. 14) paliuvame EHM. 15) Oga BM. 16) A, n CII. 17) ABCH om. 18) sahassaim B, A om. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 191-206. Jinacaritra. 73 java ppahinassa satta sagarovamaim viikkamtaimo pannatthim8 ca, sesam jaha Malissa. (191.) Vimalassa nam arahao java ppahinassa solasa sagarovamaim viikkamtaim4 pannatthim8 ca, sesam jaha Malissa. (192.) Vasupujjassa nam arahao java ppahimassa chayalisam sagarovamaim viikkamtaim4 pannatthim ca, sesam jaha Malissa. (193.) Sejjamsassa19 arahao java ppahinassa ege sagarovama-sae viikkamte4 pannatthim 8 ca, sesam jaha Malissa. (194.) Siyalassa 10 nam arahao java ppahinassa ega sagarovama-kodi tiiasa-addhanavamasahiya10-bayalisa-vasa-sahasse him uniya 10 viikkamta", eyammi 10 samae Vire 20 nivvue21, tao vi ya 10 nam param nava-vasa-sayaim viikkamtaimd. y. v. s. d. a. s. k. g. (195.) Suvihissa 22 nam arahao Pupphadamtassa java ppahinassa dasa sagarovama-kodio viikkamtao 4, sesam jaha Siyalassa 10, tam ce'mam 23: tivasa-addhanava-masahiya10. bayalisa-vasa-sahassehim uniya10 icc'ai. (196.) Cardappahassa nam arahao java ppahinassa egam sagarovama-koai-sayam viikkamtam, sesam jaha Siyalassa 10; tam ca imam; tiyasa-addhanava-masahiyabayilisa-visa - sahassehim unagum acc8. (1972) Supasassa nam arahao java prahinassa ege sagarovama-kodi-sahassam viikkamte4, sesam jaha Siyalassa 10, tam ca imam: 24tivasa-addhanava-masahiya 10. bayalisa-sahassehin uniya viikkamta icc'ai. (198.) Paumappabhassa 25 nam arahao java ppahinassa dasa sagarovama-kodi-sahassa viikkamta 4 tivasa-addhanava-masahiya-bayalisa-sahassehim icc'aiyam, 26sesam jaha Siyalassa 10. (199.) Sumaissa nam arahao javu ppahinassa ege sagarovama-kodi-saya-sahasse viikkamte*, sesam jaha Siyalassa 10 tivasa-addhanaya-masahiya- bayalisa - sahassehim iccaiyam27. (200.) Abhinamdanassa nam arahao java ppahinassa dasa sagarovamakodi-saya-sahassa viikkamta 4, sesam jaha Siyalassa 10: tivasa-addhanavamasahiya 10-bayalisa - sahassehim icc'aiyam2? (201.) Sambhavassa nam arahao java ppahinassa visam 28 sagarovama-koai-saya-sahassa viikkamtaC/, sesam jaha Siyalassa: tivasa-addhanava-masahiya-bayalisasahassehim icc'aiyam. (202.) Ajiyassalo nam arahao java ppahinassa panna sam8 sagarovama-kodi-saya-sahassa viikkamtaEUR , sesam jaha Siyalassa 10: tivasa-addhanava-masahiya 10. bayalisa-sahassehim ice'aiyam27. (203.) Tenam kalenam tenam samaenam Usabhe araha Kosaliel cauuttar'asadhe abhii-parcame hottha2. (204.) tam jaha: uttarasadhahim cue caittau gabbham vakkaite java abhiina parinivvue. (205.) tenam kalenam tenam samaenam Usabhe nam araha Kosaliel, je se gimhanam cautthe mase sattame pakkhe asadha-bahule, tassa nam asadhabahulassa cautthi-pakkhenam savvatthasiddhao mahavimanao tittisam3. 184--203. 19) Sio BE, Seassa H. 20) Mahadeg CHM. 21) "uu M. 22) Chassa BC. 23) cimain B, ca imam E, cevam H. 24) abbr. in the Mss. 25) "hassa BCE. 26) H before tivasa. 27) Ciam BE. 28) tisam BE. 204-206. 1) 'ie H. 2) huo BEM. 3) tott A, teti" CH. . For Private and Personal Use Only Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 74 Kalpasutra. 206--211. sagarovama-tthiiyao4 anamtaram cayam caitta ih'eva Jaipbuddive dive Bharahe vase Ikkhaga-bhumie Nabhissa kulagarassa Marudevie bhariyaes puvva-rattavaratta-kala-samayaisi ahara-vakkamtieo java gabbhattae vakkamte. (206.) Usabhe nam' araha Kosalie tin-nanovagae hottha?, tam jaha: "caissami'tti janai java sumine3 pasai, tam jaha: gaya vasaha4 gaha, savvam tah'eva navaram; 5padhamam usahame muhena aimtam? pasai, sesao gayam; Nabhis-kulagarassa sahai: suvina-padhaga n'atthi, Nabhio-kulagaro sayam1o eva10 vagarei. (207.) tenam kalenam tenam samaenam Usabhe nam", je se gimhanam padhame mase padhame pakkhe citta 2-bahule, tassa nam citta2. bahulassa atthami - pakkhenam navanham masanain bahu - patipunnanam addh'atthamanam raimdiyanamo java asadhahim nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam arogga5 aroggam daragam' payaya. (208.) tam c'eva1 java deva devio ya? vasuhara-vasam vasimsu; sesam tah'eva caraga-sohanam man-ummana-vaddhanam ussumka3-m-aiyam4 thiz5-padiyas juva-vajjam savvam bhaniyavvam? (209.) Usabhe nam araha Kosalie Kasava - guttenam, tassa nam pamca namadhejja2 evam ahijjamti, tam jaha : Usabhe 'i va, padhama-raya 'i va, padhamabhikkhacare3 i vaC/, padhama-jine 'i va, padhama-titthayare5 fi va. (210.) Usabhe nam' araha Kosalie dakkhe dakkha- painne3 paairuve allinc4 bhaddae vinie visam puvva-saya-sahassaim kumara-vasamajjhe vasais, 2 tta6 tevatthiin puvva-saya-sahassaim rajja-vasa?majjhe vasais, tevatthim puvva-saya-sahassaim rajja-vasa-majjhe vasamane lehaiyao' ganiya'-ppahanao sauna - l'uya 10-pajjavasanao bavattarim11 kalao causatthim12 ca13 mahila-gune, sippa-sayam ca, kammanam 14 tinni vi paya-hiyae uvadisai(r), 2 tta putta-sayam rajja-sae abhisimcai 15, 2tta punaraviloy`9-amtiehim jiya 16-kappiehim17sesamtum c'eva bhaniyavvamo java danam daiyanam paribhaitta 18, jo se gimhanam padhame mase padhame pakkhe citta 19-bahule, tassanain citta-bahulassa atthami-pakkhenam divasassa pacchime bhage sudamsanae sibiyae 20 sadeva-manuyasura e' pariske samanugammamana-magge java Viniyamo rayahanim majjham majjhenam niggacchai 2 tta, jeneva siddhattha21. 204-206. 4) thitiyao A, tthisyau M, tthiyao BCEH, seos. 5) see 12011, 6) the whole passage in c. 207. 1) not in ABC. 2) huo BEM. 3) suv M. 4) uo AC, Obha A. 5) down to sahai not in A. 6) 'bham C. 7) ayatam C. 8) Nabhissa CH. 9) Obhi AM. 10) A om. 208. 1) ABM om. 2) cel A. 3) nh CHM. 4) sce 120115) rudeg BE. 6) 'roo II, sees 7) 'yam BE. 209. 1) M adds savvam. 2) a BE. 3) ussao H, Pukka BE. 4) aiain BE. 5) thiya CH. 6) va' BM, 'ia E, not in CH. 7) "ia" E. 210. 1) 've-A, go H. 2) ijja BEM. 3) "yaro BEM. 4) tiva C. 5) titthamkare CHM. 211. 1) AHM om. 2) not in A. 3) nn A. 4) alio E. 5) 'ati CH, vasitta M. 6) not in AHM. 7) maliaraya H. 8) "ati CH. 9) soc 12011. 10) ruva AE. 11) E adds ca. 12) cova A, cauvo E, Otthi HM. 13) not in CHM. 14) kamo A, kammam H. 15) "ati ACH. 16) ja E. 17) CEM add dovehim tahim itthahim java vagguhim. 18) Oetta A. 19) Coll A. 20) soo", sivu H. 21) otthe E. 11. 1970 CHM 800 HT E, n M. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 211-225. Jinacaritra. 211. 22) ahe M adds. 212. 1) see 12011. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 75 vane ujjane, jen'eva asoga-vara-payave, ten'eva uvagacchai, 2tta asoga-vara-payavassa 22 java sayam eva cau-mutthiyam9 loyam9 karei, 2tta chatthenam bhattenam apanaenam 23 asadhahim nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam ugganam bhoganam rainnanam ca 24 khattiyanam ca 25 cauhim sahassehim saddhim egam deva-dusam adaya mumde bhavitta agarao anagariyam pavvaie. (211.) Usabhe nam araha Kosalie egam vasa-sahassam niccam vosattha-kae ciyatta1 java appanam bhavemanassa ekkain2 vasa-sahassam viikkamtam. tao nam, je se hemamtanam cautthe mase sattame pakkhe phaggunabahule, tassa nam phagguna-bahulassa egarasi3-pakkhenam puvv'anha1-kala-samayansi Purimatalassa nagarassa bahiya1 sagadamuhamsi ujjanamsi niggoha5 - vara - payavassa ahe atthamenam bhattenam apanaenam asadhahim nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam jhan'amtariyae vattamanassa anamte anuttare? java janamane pasamane viharais. (212.) 17 Usabhassa nam arahao Kosaliyassa1 caurasii2 gana caurasii3 ganahara ya hottha5. (213.) Usabhassa nam arahao Kosaliyassa1 Usabhasena - pamokkhao caurasii? samana sahassjo ukkosiya1 samana - sampaya hottha5. (214.) Usabhassa n. a. K. Bambhisumdari8-pamokkhanam ajjiyanam tinni saya-sahassio u. ajjiya1s. h. (215.) Usabhassa nam 10 Sejjamsa11-pamokkhanam samangvasayanam 12 tinni saya-sahassio pamca sahassa u. samanovasaga 13. s. h. (216.) Usabhassa nam 10 Subhadda-pamokkhanam 14 samanovasiyanam15 16pamca saya-sahassio caupannam ca sahassa u. samanovasiyanam1 s. h. (217.) Usabhassa nam 10 cattari sahassa satta saya pannasa cauddasapuvvinam 18 ajinanam Jina - samkasanam19 u. cauddasapuvvi 18-s. h. (218.) Usabhassa nam nava sahassa ohinaninam u. s. h. (219.) Usabhassa nam 10 visa sahassa kevalananinam u. s. h. (220.) Usabhassa nam visa sahassa chac-ca saya veuvviyanam 20 u. s. h. (221.) Usabhassa nam barasa sahassa chacca saya pannasa 21 viula-mainam addhaijjesu 22diva-samuddesu sanninam 23 pame' - imdiyanam 24 pajjattaganam manogae bhave janamananam u. s. h. (222.) Usabhassa nam barasa sahassa chacca saya pannasa 23 vainam 25 u. s. h. (223.) Usabhassa nam visam amtevasi-sahassa siddha, cattalisam ajjiya1-sahassio siddhao. (224.)26 Usabhassa nam bavisa sahassa nava saya anuttarovavaiyanam 25 - 25) BM om. 3) ekao H, ekkao CM. 4) nh BCHM. 8) "ati AC. 5) na BM. 6) pp H. 23) pp H. 24) not in BCE. 2) ideg B, egam E. 7) not in BCEH. 212-225. 1) see 12011. 2) "siim A, si C. 3) siti C, not in A. 4) not in BCH. 5) hu" BEM. 6) "mudeg BEHM. 7) "sii A, Osiim H, siu M. 8) "bhio BM. 9) not in AB, see'. 10) E adds arahao, 3 M. 11) Si" BEM. 12) "ganam BCM. 13) ganam M, "yanam C; savaga A. 14) "mu" BEH. 15) see1, "ganam M. 16) down to u. not in A. 17) see15, "iya A. 18) coo AC. 19) M adds java. 20) viudeg C, veuvvinam E. 21) pauasa A. 22) divesu dosu ya samuddesa HM, divesu doo C, down to 222 not in C. 23) nn A. 24) see1, iya B, down to 222 not in B. 25) vainam E. 26) sutra 224 not in A. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Kalpasutra. 226. 1) see 12011. 2) 5) not in C, see". 6) a BE. 10) "iae AE. 76 gai 27-kallananam 28 u. s. h. (225.) Usabhassa nam arahao Kosaliyassa1 duviha amtagada2-bhumi hottha3, tam jaha: jug'-amtakada1-bhumi ya5 pariyay'1-amtakada1-bhumi ya; java asamkhijjao purisa-jugao jug'-amtakada-bhumi, amto 9-muhutta-pariyae 10 amtam akasi. (226.) tenam kalenam tenam samaenam Usabhe araha Kosalie visam1 puvva-saya2-sahassaim kumara-vasa-majjhe vasitta nam, tevatthim puvva-saya-sahassaim3 rajja1-vasa-majjhe vasitta nam, tesiim5 puvvasaya-sahassaim agara-vasa-majjhe vasitta nam, egam vasa-sahassam chaumattha-pariyayam5 paunitta, egam puvva-saya-sahassam vasasahass'-unam kevali-pariyayam6 paunitta, padipunnam puvva-sayasahassam samanna-pariyayam paunitta, caurasiim puvva-sayasahassaim savv'-auyam9 palaitta, khine veyanijj'9-auya9-nama-gotte 10 imise osappinie 11 susama-dusamae samae viikkamtae12 tihim vasehim addhanavamehi ya masehim sesehim, je se hemamtanam tacce mase pamcame pakkhe maha-bahule, tassa nam maha-bahulassa (COO) terasi-pakkhenam uppim atthavaya-sela-siharamsi dasahim anagara-sahassehim saddhim cauddasamenam 13 bhattenam apanaenam abhiina nakkhattenam jogam uvagaenam puvv'anha15-kalasamayamsi sampaliyamka-nisanne kala-gae viikkamte12 java savvadukkha-ppahine. (227.) Usabhassa nam1 kala-gayassa java savvadukkha-ppahinassa tinni vasa addhanava masa viikkamta, tao vi param ega ya3 sagarovama-kodakodi tivasa-addhanava - masahiya1bayalisae vasa-sahassehim uniya viikkamta5. eyammi samae samane bhagavam Mahavire parinivvue', tao vi param nava vasa-saya viikkamta, dasamassa ya vasa-sayassa ayam asiime samvacchares kale gacchai. (228.) 11 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 212-225. 27) gati A. 28) add CH java agamesu bhaddanam. kada A, not in B. 7) "kha A. 227. 1) sa C. 2) not in C. 6) see ia E, "aim H, "gam M. "gam C. 9) see 12011. 10) gu' AM. 14) pp HM. 15) nh CH. 228. 1) CEH add a. K. 120". 5) viti" A. 6) bhay 225-228. 3) hu BEM. 4) gada BE. 8) gada BCE. 9) amta B. 3) "ssa C. 4) maharaya CH. 5) sii BE. 7) sampunnam HM, A adds egam. 8) see5, BE. 11) u EHM. 12) viti" A. 13) co 2) "vamaya A, vamasa B. 3) not in B. 4) see B. 7) de CH. 8) "ra BE. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Sthaviravali. Tenam kalenam tenam samaenam samanassa bhagavao Mahavirassa nava gana ikkarasa? ganahara bottha? 'se ken' atthenam bhamtes evam vuccait: samanassa bhagavao Mahavirassa nava gana ikkarasa ganahara hottha?" "samanassa bhagavao Mahavirassa jetthe5 Imdabhui anagare Goyama-gottenam pamca samana-sayaim vaei; majjhimae Aggibhui anagare Goyama-gottenam pamca samanasayaim vaei; kaniyaso anagare Vaubhui namenam Goyama-gottenain5 pamca samana-sayaim vaei; there ajja-Viyatte? Bharaddae gottenam6 pamca samana-sayiim vaei; there ajja-Suhamme Aggivesayanagottenam pamca samana-sayaim vaei; there Mamdiyaputte? Vasitthagottenam addhutthaim samana-sayaim vaei, there Moriyaputte? Kasava-gottenaiaddhutthaim samana-sayaim vaei; there Akampie Goyama7-gottenamthere 10 Ayalabhaya Hariyayana 11-gottenam1o, te dunni vi thera tinni 2 samana-sayaim vaemti13, there 10 Meyajje? there'o Pabhasel4, eels dunni 16 vi thera Kolinna-gottenam 17 tinni 2 samana-sayaim vaemti 18. se tenai19 atthenam, ajjo! evam vuccai : samanassa bhagayao Maha virassa naya gana ikkarasa 20 ganahara hottha?." (1.) savve eel samanassa bhagayao Mahavirassa ikkarasa 2 vi ganahara Sduyalas'amgino cauddasapuvvino samatta-gai-pinagadharaga * Rayagihe nagare masienam bhattenam apanaenam kala-gaya juva savva-dukkha-ppahina. there Imdabhui there ajja-Suhamme siddhis-gae Mahavire paccha dunni6 vi thera parinivvuya?; je ime 8 ajjattae samana niggamtha, ee' savve ajja-Suhammassa anagarassa avaccejja10, avasesa ganahara niravacca vocchinna11. (2.) samane bhagavami Mahavire Kasava-gottenam samanassa bhagavao Mahavirassa 3Kasaya-gottassa? ajja-Suhamme there amte 1. 1) o A. 2) lu BEM. 3) H adds nam. 4) "ti C. 5) jio BEM. * 6) guo BE. 7) y only after i, a in E. 8) sagu" BM, guo E. 9) sagoo M, seo. 10) A adds ya. 11) seo?, One A. 12) BE add patteyam, see? 13) vaeimti E, Vaimti HM, vayamti BC. 14) Pp C. 15) ete C, not in M. 16) doo A. - 17) gudeg BEM. 18) vaimti BEM, vayamti c. 19) ton' BM. 20) ekk" A, eka C. 2. 1) ete II. 2) see 119. 3) down to Rayagihe not in A. 4) dhara CH. 5) "im CHM. 6) doo A. 7) "ua E. 8) 'me AB. 9) ete CH. 10) "jja BEM. 11) vuo BEM. 3. 1) bhayo B. 2) 'guo BE. 3) not in A. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 78 Kalpasutra, 3-5. vasi Aggivesayana-sagottet; therassa nam ajja-Suhammassa Aggivesayana-sagottassa ajja-Jambuname5 there amtevasi Kasava-gotte?; therassa nam ajja-Jambunamassa Kasava-gottassa 2 ajja-Ppabhave there amtevasi Kaccayana-sagotte?; therassa nam ajja-Sijjambhave there amtevasi Managa-piya Vaccha-sagotte"; therassa nam ajjaSijjambhavassa 6 Managa-piuno Vaccha-sagottassa2 there amtevasi ajja-Jasabhadde Tumgiyayana'-sagotte8. (3.) samkhitta - vayanael ajja - Jasabhaddao aggao evam theravali bhaniya, tam jaha: therassa nam ajja-Jasabhaddao Tumgiyayana 2. sagottassa3 amtevasi duve thera: there ajja - Sambhuyavijae 4 Madhara-sagottes, there ajja-Bhaddabaha Paina-sagotte3; therassa nam ajja-Sambhuyavijayassat Madhara-sagottassa 3 amtevasi there ajja - Thulabhadde Goyama2-sagotte3; therassa nam ajja - Thulabhaddassa Goyama? - sagottassa) amtevasi duve thera: there ajjaMahagiri Elavaccha-sagottes, there ajja-Suhatthi Vasittha-sagotte?; therassa nam ajja-Suhatthissa Vasittha-sagottassa 6 amtevasi duve thera Sutthiyaa - Suppaaibuddha kodiya 2 - kakamdaga VagghavaccasagottaEUR; theranam Sutthiya2-Suppadibuddhanam kodiya2-kakamdaganam Vagghavacca - sagottanam amtevasi there ajja - Imdadinne Kosiya 2-sagotte?; therassa nam ajja-Imdadinnassa Kosiya-sagottassa? amtevasi ajja-Dinne Goyama-sagotte'; therassa nam ajja-Dinnassa Goyama2-sagottassa' amtevasi there ajja-Sihagiri Jaisare10 Kosiya 2. sagotte12; therassa nam ajja-Sihagirissa Jaisarassa 11 Kosiya-sagottassa 12 amtevasi there ajja-Vaire 13 Goyama-sagottes; therassa nam ajja-Vairassa 14 Goyama2-sagottassa: (amtevasi there ajja-Vairasene! Ukkosiya?-gotte3; therassa nam ajja Vairasenassa ukkosiya--gottassa 3) 16 amteyasi cattari thera: there ajja-Naile, there ajja-Vomile 17, there ajja-Jayamte, there ajja-Tavase; therao ajja-Nailao Ajjanaila saha niggaya, therau ajja-Vomilao 17 Ajjavomila 17 saha niggaya, therao ajja-Jayamtao Ajjajayamti saha niggaya, therao ajja-Tavasao Ajjatavasi saha niggaya tti. (4.) vitthara-vayanke puna ajja-Jasabhaddao paraol theravali evam paloijjai?, tam jaha: therassa nam ajja-Jasabhaddassas ime do thera amtevasi abavacca abhinnaya bottha. tam jaha: there aija-Bhaddabahu Paina-sagottes, there Sambhuyavijae6 Madhara-sagotte 5. therassa nam ajja-Bhaddabahussa Paina-sagottassa ime cattari thera amtevasi ahavacca abhinnaya hottha", tarp jaha: there Godase, 3. 4) -go(r) CH, -gu" BE. 5) 'am B. 6) Se" A. 7) Ciao E. 8) seo?, gotte H. 4. 1) "ato A. 2) see 1?. 3) Oguo BE. 4) seo bhuio M. 5) go C, see? 6) Oguo BEM 7) go II, guo BEM. 8) oao EM. 9) guo B, saguo EM. 10) 'isso, E "iss M, "isao C, not in H. 11) Jat" C, Visa CEM. 12) -goo HM, -gudeg BE. 13) Vayare CM, Vere H. 14) Vayara' M. 15) Vayara! E. 16) not in ACH. 17) POU CHM. 5. 1) ato H, pu" E. 2) vilaijjai M. 3) BEM add Tumgiyayana-guttassa. 4) huo BEM. 5) Ogu" BE. 6) "ua E, "di CM. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 5-6. Sthaviravali. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir there Aggidatte, there Janadatte7, there Somadatte Kasava-gottenam5. therehimto nams Godasehimto Kasava-gottehimto5 ettha9 nam Godasagane10 namam gane niggae; tassa nam imao11 cattari sahao evam ahijjamti, tam jaha: Tamalittiya 12, Kodivarisiya13, Pomdavaddhaniya 14, Dasikhabbadiya15. therassa nam ajja-Sambhuyavijayassa' Madharasagottassa ime duvalasa thera amtevasi ahavacca abhinnaya hottha*, tam jaha: Namdanabhadde there Uvanamde1 Tisabhadda 18 Jasabhadde | there ya19 Sumanabhadde Manibhadde 20 Punnabhadde ya 21 || 1 || there ya 21 Thulabhadde Ujjumai22 Jambunamadhijje 23 ya21 | there ya 21 Dihabhadde there taha Pamdubhadde 24 ya 21 || 2 || therassa nam ajja-Sambhuyavijayassa 16 Madhara-sagottassa imao satta amtevasinio ahavaccao 25 abhinnayao 25 hottha, tam jaha: Jakkha ya Jakkhadinna Bhuya 26 taha c'eva27 Bhuyadinna 28 Sena 29 Vena Rena 79 ya | bhaginio Thulabhaddassa | 3 || (5.) therassa pam ajja-Thulabhaddassa Goyama1-sagottassa ime do thera ahavacca abhinnaya hottha3, tam jaha: there ajja-Mahagiri Elavacca-sagotte1, there ajja-Suhatthi Vasittha-sagotte1. therassa nam ajja-Mahagirissa Elavacca-sagottassa ime attha thera amtevasi ahavacca abhinnaya5 hottha3, tam jaha: there Uttare, there" Balissahe, there Dhanaddhe, there Siriddhe, there Kodinne, Nage, "Nagamitte, there Chalue Rohagutte Kosiya 10-gottenam. therehimto nam Chaluehimto Rohaguttehimto Kosiya1-gottehimto tattha nam Terasiya1 saha niggaya. therehimto nam Uttara-Balissehimto tattha nam Uttarabalissahagane 2 namam gane niggae. tassa nam imao cattari sahao evam ahijjamti, tam jaha: Kosambiya13, Soittiya 14, Koddavani15, Camdanagari. therassa nam ajja-Suhatthissa Vasitthasagottassa ime duvalasa thera amtevasi ahavacca abhinnaya 16 hottha3, tam jaha: 5. 7) Janna BEM, Jina H. 8) M om. 9) ittha BEM. 10) Godase M. 11) "ato A. 12) y only after a, a in EM. 13) Kodiya" B, see 12. 14) Pu" B, sec12 15) not in E. 16) "bhui HM, see13. 17) A: Namdabhadde Uvanamdabhaddo B Namdanabhadde Uvanamdanabhadde taha. 19) a AEM. 20) Gani EM. 21) a EM. 22) Ujjamati CH. 24) Punna B. 25) a HM. 26) bhua AEM, 29) Ena kvacit S. 27) hoi EM. For Private and Personal Use Only 18) "de ABEH. 23) dhe C. 28) see12, nn C. 6. 1) see 17. 2) seo, -godeg H, gudeg M. 3) hudeg BEM. 4) "guo BEM. 5) nn AM. 6) M om. 7) Risibhadde B. 8) H adds there. 9) Chulie E. 10) see1, vie A. 11) see2, sago" A. 12) "sahe M. 13) see 512 14) Somittiya B, Suttimittia B, Suttivattia M. 15) Kodambani EM, Kodumbini CH Kodavani S, Kumdhari kwacit S. 16) nn M. Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 80 Kalpasutra. 6-7. ther'17 ajja-Rohane Bhaddajase Mehe gani yaKamidahi18 || Sutthiya13-Suppadibuddhe Rakkhiya 13 taha Rohagutte ya? | 4 || Isigutte Sirigutte gani yal Bambhe gani yai taha Some | dasa do yaganahara khalu ee 19 sisa Suhatthissa | 5 || (6.) therehimto nam ajja-Rohanehimto Kasava-gottehimto? tattha nam Uddehagane? namam gane niggae, tass' imao 3 cattari sahaos niggayao4 chac- ca kulaim evam ahijjamti. se kim tam - sahao ? sahao5 evam ahijjamti, tam jaha: Udumbarijjiye", Masapuriya", Maipattiya?, Sunnapattiyar se tam-sahao. Se kim tam-kulaim? kulaim5 evam ahijjamti, tai jaha: padhamam ca Nagabluyam6 biyama puna Somabhuiyam hoi | aha Ullagaccha taiyam cautthayam Hatthilijjam tu || 6 || pamcamagam Namdijjam chattham puna Parihasayam10 hoi | Uddehaganass'11 ee12 chac-ea kula homti13 nayav va || 7 | therehimto nam Siriguttehimto Hariya 14-sagottehimto 15 ettha 16 nam Caranagane? namam game niggae; tassa nam imao 17 cattari sahao3 satta ya kulaim evam ahijjamti. se kim tam-sahao3 ? sahao5 evam ahijjamti, tam jaha: Hariyamalagari18, Samkasiyao, Gavedhuya(r), Vajjanagari19. se tam-sahao 3. se kim tam-kulaim? kulaim evam ahijjamti, tam jaha: padham' ettha 20 Vacchalijjain 21 biyam puna Piidhammiyam 22 hoi || taiyamo puna Halijjam cautthayam 23 Pusamittijjam | 8 | pamcamagam Malijjam chattham puna Ajjacedayam 24 hoi | sattamagam 23 Kanhasaham 25 satta kula Caranaganassa | 9 | (7.) 6. 17) there Mss. 18) 'ma' E. 19) ete CH. 7, 1) guo EM. 2) Qua B. 3) Qato C, dau CHM. 4) 0ato CM. 5) the Mss. always write: se kim tam sahao (or kulaiun) 2 evam. 6) sco 5127) see, Mati CH. 8) see, Punnadeg CIIS, Panna" M, Suvannapattiya kvacit s. 9) Ottho Colao B. 10) "hama A, anyatra S, "hamio B, lasio C, Lhasio kvacit S, "hayasam ES. 11) 'ssa BC. 12) ete B. 13) huo EHM. 14) "ia E. 15) Ogu AM. 16) io M. 17) Pato A. 18) Oriya BC, Oriya EH see 19) Vio EM, S kvacit. 20) io CEHM. 21) otthao A. 22) ommagam CEM, Vicidhammakaham B, 'iam M. 23) "yam A. 24) Ajjavayam M, Ajjasedayam kvacit S. 25) nh B, suham CH. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 8-9. Sthaviravali, 81 therehimto Bhaddajasehimto Bharaddaya-sagottebimtoi ettha? nam Uduvadiyagane3 namam gane niggae. tassa nai imao4 cattari sahao tinni ya5 kulaim evam ahijjamti. se kim tam-sahao? sahao evam ahijjamti, tam jaha: Campijjiya6, Bhaddijjiya?, Kakamdiyao, Mehalijjiya; se tam - sahao. se kim tam - kulaim? kulaim evam ahijjamti, tam jaha: Bhaddajasiyam taha Bhaddaguttiya' taiyam ca hoi10 Jasabhaddam | eyaim11 Uduvadiya3. gamassa tinn' eva ya 12 kulaim || 10 | thereliimto nam Kamiddhihimto 19 Kumdala-sagottehimto 14 ettha 15 nam Vesavadiyaganec namam gane niggae. tassa nam imao4 cattari sahao cattari kulaim evam ahijjamti. se kim tam - sabao ? sahao evam ahijjamti, tam jaha: Savatthiya 10, Rajjapaliya ??, Amtarijjiyao, Khemalijjiya 6; se tam-sahao. se kim tam - kulaim? kulaim evam ahijjamti, tam jaha: Ganiyamo Mehiya 18 Kamiddhiyam ca taha hoi Imdapuragam ca ! eyai 19 Vesavadiya - gunassa cattari yal2 kulaim || 11 || (8.) therehinto nam Isiguttehimto Kakamdiehimto? Vasittha-sagottehimtoa etthas nam Manavagane namam gane niggae. tassa nam imao cattari sahao tinni yao kulaim evam ahijjamti. se kim tamsahao ? sahao evam ahijjamti, tam jaha: Kasavijjiya5, Goyamejjiya", Vasitthiya?, Soratthiya 7; se tam-sahao. se kim tam-kulaim? kulaim evam ahijjamti, tam jaha: Isiguttiyo? attha8 padhamam biiyam Isidattiyam? muneyavyam10 | taiyam ca Abhijasam1i tarp tinni kula Manavaganassa | 12 || therehimto Sutthiya? - Suppadibuddhehimto kodiya?, kakamdaehimto12 Vagghavacca 13-sagottehimtoettha3 nam Kodiyagane? namam gane niggae. tassa nam imao cattari sahao cattari kulaim 14 evam ahijjamti. se kim tam - sahao ? sahao evam ahijjamti, tam jaha: 8. 1) 'guo M. 2) io E. 3) Uttu A (), "ia EM. 4) Pato A. 5) not in CEHM. 6) see 512 7) see, Bhaddiya B, oddadeg C. 8) Ciam BEM, "iya C. 9) see, Viyam Mss. 10) not in CH. 11) eaim E. 12) u A. 13) AH add nain. 14) 'li 1, Kodinna A, sagu B. 15) i" BL. 16) seos, Soo B, down to v. 13 wanting in H. 17) "a BEM. 18) sees, 'iyam C. 19) oyaim Mss. seel 9. 1) dae BE. 2) Ogu' B. 3) io BEM. 4) u BM, not in E. 5) 'ia E. 6) seo?, mi" BE, "mao CM, 7) see 5 12. 8) ittha M. 9) seo?, biyam A. 10) neao E. 11) Abhijayam BEM. 12) "dago BM. 13) "ccha B. 14) M adds ca. Abhandl. d. DMG. VII. 1. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 82 Kalpasutra. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Uccanagari15 Vijja hari ya Vairi16 ya7 Majjhimilla ya Kodiyaganassa eya7 havamti cattari sahao || 13 || se tam-sahao. se kim tam-kulaim? kulaim evam ahijjamti, tam jaha: padham' ittha17 Bambhalijjam biiyam 18 namena Vacchalijjam 19 tu | taiyam puna Vanijjam 20 cautthayam Panhavahanayam 21 || 14 || (9.) 9-11. theranam Sutthiya-Suppadibuddhanam kodiya1-kakamdaganam Vagghavacca - sagottanam ime pamca thera amtevasi ahavacca abhinnaya hottha3, tam jaha: there ajja-Imdadinne, there1 Piyagamthe", there Vijjaharagovale Kasava gottenam, there Isidatte, there Arihadatte". therehimto nam Piyagamthehimto etthas nam Majjhima saha niggaya; therehimto nam Vijjaharagovalehimto tattha9 nam Vijjahari saha niggaya. therassa nam ajja-Imdadinnassa Kasavagottassa1 ajja-Dinne there amtevasi Goyama 11-sagotte 10. therassa nam ajja-Dinnassa Goyama-sagottassa10 ime do thera amtevasi ahavacca abhinnaya hottha3: there ajja-Samtisenie Madhara-sagotte 10, there ajja-Sihagiri Jaisare11 Kosiya5-gotte 12. therehimto nam ajjaSamtiseniehimto Madhara-sagottehimto 10 etthas nam Uccanagarins saha niggaya. (10.) therassa nam ajja-Samtiseniyassa1 Madhara - sagottassa ime cattari thera amtevasi ahavacca abhinnaya hottha3, 9000 tam jaha there ajja - Senie, there' ajja - Tavase, there ajja - Kubere, there5 ajja-Isipalie. therehimto nam ajja-Seniehimto ettha nam Ajjaseniya1 saha niggaya; therehimto nam ajja - Tavasehimto ettha6 nam Ajjatavasi saha niggaya; therehimto nam ajja-Kuberehimto ettha nam Ajjakubera saha niggaya; therehimto nam ajjaIsipaliehimto ettha nam Ajjaisipaliya1 saha niggaya. therassa nam ajja-Sihagirissa Jaisarassa Kosiya-gottassa ime cattari thera amtevasi ahavacca abhinnaya hottha3, tam jaha: there Dhanagiri, there ajjaVaire, there ajja-Samie, there Arihadinne". therehimto nam ajjaSamiehimto' Goyama1-saguttehimto ettha nam Bambhadiviya 10 10 saha niggaya. therehimto nam ajja-Vairehimto " Goyama 1%-sagottehimto 13 etthal nam Ajjavaira15 saha niggaya. therassa nam ajja-Vairassa 11 9. 15) Uccao C. AC. 20) Vali" CH. 16) Vayari CM. 17) "e" A. 18) see', bi" AEM. 19) Vatth 21) nh CE, nn A, "vanijjam M. 10. 1) see 512. 2) gudeg BCHM. 3) hu" BEM. 4) only in A. 5) y only after a, a E. 6) gudeg BM. 7) ajjarahadatto B, Arao II. 8) io BEM. 9) ittha EM. 10) gudeg B. 11) "iss AB, "is" CH. 12) soo1", sago A. 13) Uccao A. 11. 1) see 10". 2) godeg M, sagu" B. 3) hu" BM. 4) not in ACEII. 5) not in E. 6) io BEM. 7) sago" A, gu" BM. 8) Ara" BCH. 9) not in ACH. 10) vi C, vieu EM. 11) AC add nam. 12) Goama BE. H, -gu' M, sagu B. 14) ideg BCEM. 13) -godeg 15) ri C, "bayari H. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 11--13. Sthaviravali. 83 Goyama 12-sagottassa 16 ime tinni thera amtevasi ahavacca abhinnaya hottha, tam jaha: there ajja-Vairasenie, there ajja-Paume, there ajja-Rahe. therehimto nam ajja-Vairaseniehimto 17 etthao nam Ajjanaili saha niggaya; therehimto nam ajja-Paumehimto etthao nam Ajjapauma saha niggaya; therehimto ajja-Rahehimto ettha6 nam Ajjajayamti saha niggaya. therassa nam ajja - Rahassa Vacchasagottassa 18 ajja-Pusagiri there amtevasi Kosiya-sagotte?!. therassa nam ajja-Pusagirissa Kosiyal-sagottassa? ajja-Phaggumitte there amtevasi Goyama-sagotte %0. (11.) [therassa nam ajja-Phaggumittassa Goyamal-saguttassa? ajjaDhanagiri there amtevasi Vasittha-sagutte. therassa nam ajjaDhanagirissa Vasittha - saguttassa2 ajja - Sivabhui there amtevasi Kuccha-sagutte. therassa nam ajja-Sivabhuissa Kuccha-saguttassa ajja-Bhadde there amtevasi Kasava-gutte?. therassa nam ajjaBhaddassa Kasava-guttassa ajja-Nakkhatte there amtevasi Kasavagutte. therassa nam ajja-Nakkhattassa Kasava-guttassa ajja-Rakkhe there amtevasi Kasava-gutte?. therassa nam ajja-Rakkhassa Kasavaguttassa ajja-Nage there amtevasi Goyamal-sagutte. therassa nam ajja-Nagassa Goyama'-saguttassa ajja-Jehile there amtevasi Vasitthasagutte. therassa nam ajja - Jehilassa Vasittha-saguttassa ajjaVinhu3 there amtevasi Maahara-sagutte. therassa nam ajja-Vinhussa Madhara-saguttassa2 ajja - Kalae there amtevasi Goyama'-sagutte?. therassa nam ajja-Kalagayassa Goyama-saguttassaime do thera amtevasi Goyama-sagutta: there ajja-Sampalie, there ajja-Bhadde. eesim dunha4 vi" theranam Goyamal-saguttanam ajja-Vuddhe there amtevasi Goyamal-sagutte?. therassa nam ajja-Vuddhassa Goyama'-saguttassa ajja-Samghapalie there amtevasi Goyamal-sagutte. therassa nam ajja Samghapaliyassal Goyama'-saguttassa? ajja-Hatthio there amtevasi Kasava-gutte". therassa nam ajja-Hatthissa Kasava-guttassa? ajja-Dhamme there aintevasi Suvvaya?-gutte. therassa nam ajjaDhammassa Suvvaya?-guttassa2 ajja-Sihes there amtevasi Kasavagutte. therassa nam ajja-Sihassa Kasava-guttassa? ajja?-Dhamme there amtevasi Kasava-gutte" therassa nam ajja :-Dhammassa Kasavaguttassa ajja-Samdille there amtevasi. (12.)] vamdami Phaggumittam cal Goyamam? Dhanagiris ca Vasittham | Kuccha Siyabhuim* pi ya Kosiya? Dujjintac-kanhe? ya 1 1 1 11. 16) saguo ABE, -gou C. 17) Vayara" E, Oniyaeho c. 18) sageio BM. 19) -go HM, saguo B. 20) saguo B -gu M. 12. wanting in ACII, seo notes. 1) sco 105. 2) Ogo M. 3) "um M. 4) dunham B. 5) not in B. 6) Suhatthi M. 7) Savaya M. 8) Sehe E. 9) E adds maha. 13. v. 1. 1) not in BCHM. 2) seo 105. 3) Ko" CH, "cchim A. 4) Sipao A. 5) a EM. 6) doo CH, Cija BCH. 7) ph B, mth A, kamte kvucit S. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 84 Kalpasutra. vy. 2--9. tam vamdiuna sirasa Bhaddam' vamdami Kasavam2 gottams | Nakkham 4 Kasava-gottam5 Rakkham pi ya6 Kasavam varde || 2 || vaidami ajja-Nagam ca Goyamam? Jehilam3 ca Vasittham | Vinhum* Maahara-gottam" Kalagam avi Goyamam? vaide || 3 || Goyamal-gutta-kumaram Sampaliyama taha3 yat Bhaddayam5 vamde theram ca ajja-Vudaham Goyama-guttam namamsamie || 4 || tam vandiuna sirasa thira-satta-caritta-nana-sampannam? | theram ca Samghavaliyas Kasava-gottaio panivayami | 5 || vamdami ajja-Hatthim ca1 Kasavam khainti-sagaram dhiram | gimhana padhama-mase kalagayam cotta2-suddhassa || 6 || vaindami ajja-Dhammam ca' Suyvayam sila 2-laddhi-sampannam jassanikkhamane devo4 chattam varam uttamam vahai || 7 ||| Hattham Kasava-gottam Dhammam siva-sahagam panivayami Siham Kasava-gottam? Dhammam pi yas Kasavam vamde | 8 | [tam vamdiana sirasa thira-satta-caritta-nana-sampannam | theram ca ajja-Jambum? Goyama 2-guttam namamsami || 9 || v. 2. 1) Vattam A, Cittain CH. 2) "va BE. 3) sagu" BE. 4) Nakkhattam c. 5) gudeg BE. 6) a EM. v. 3. 1) Gamgain kvacit S. 2) Goao E. 3) Jetthilam kvacit S. 4) na CEHM. 5) gudeg BE. v. 4. and 5. A om, the last hemistich of v. 4 and the first one of v. 5. 1) Goa E. 2) "puli CII, "iam E, Sampannayam A, Appaliyam kvacit S. 3) tam A. 4) not in ACM. 5) Bhaddavayam M. 6) panivayami E. 7) "puo C. 8) palo B, "laya M, 'lia E. 9) guo BCE. v. 6. 1) CHM om. 2) cio BCH. v. 7. 1) E om. 2) sisa A. 3) read jasa or nikhamane? 4) deva C. v. 8. 1) gudeg BE. 2) gu" BEM. 3) a BEM, v. 9-13. incl. are wanting in A; they aro not commented upon in the commentaries. 1) "pu CH. 2) "bu B, "bu HM. 3) Goa" EM. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir vy. 10-14. Sthaviravali. 85 miu-maddava-sampannain' uvauttam? nana-dainsana-carittel theram ca Namdiyam3 pi ya* Kasava-guttam panivayami || 10 | tatto a thira-carittam uttama-sammatta1-satta 2-samjuttam | Desigani-khamasamanam Kasava 3-guttain4 namamsami || 11 || tatto anuoga-dharam dhiram' mai-sagaram mahasattam Thiragutta-khamasamanam Vaccha-saguttampanivayimi 3 || 12 || tatto al nana-damsanacaritta-taya-sutthiyam? guna-mahamtam | theram kumara-Dhamman vamdami ganim gunoveyains || 13 || ] sutt-attha-rayana-bharie khama-dama-maddava-gunehi1 sampanne Deviddhi-khamasamane Kasava-gotte? panivayami | 14 || (13.) v. 10. 1)" B. 2) ovalanam B. 3) "iam CEHM. 4) a BEM. v. 11. 1) samatta c. 2) not in H. 3) Madhara CE. 4) goo H. v. 12. 1) viram CH. 2) Kasavaguttam C, Madharagottam H. mamsaini H. v. 13, 1) ya B. 2) Ciam CEHM. 3) "eam CEH, Covave M. v. 14. 1) "him ABE. 2) gu" BEM. 3) na For Private and Personal Use Only Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Samacari. Tenam kalenam tenam samaenam samane bhagavam1 Mahavire vasanam sa-visai-rae mase viikkamte? vasa-vasain pajjosavei. 'se ken' atthenam bhamte evam vuccai: samane bhagavam1 Mahavire vasanam sa-visai-rae mase viikkamte2 vasa-vasam pajjosavei?' (1.) "jao1 nam paenam2 agarinam agaraim kadiyaim3 ukkampiyaim3 channaim4 littaim ghatthaim matthaim sampadhumiyaim3 khaodagaim khaya5niddhamanaim appano atthae kadaim paribhuttaim parinamiyaim3 bhavamti, se ten' atthenam evam vuccais: samane bhagavam Mahavire vasanam sa-visai-rae mase viikkamte 10 vasa-vasam pajjosavei". (2.) jaha nam samane bhagavam1 Mahavire vasanam savisai-rae mase viikkamte2 vasa-vasam pajjosavei, taha nam ganahara vi vasanam sa-visai-rae mase viikkamte vasa-vasam pajjosavimti. (3.) jaha nam ganahara vi vasanam java3 pajjosavimti, taha nam ganahara-sisa vi vasanam java pajjosavimti. (4.) jaha nam ganahara-sisa vi5 vasanam java pajjosavimti, taha nam thera vi vasa-vasam pajjosavimti. (5.) jaha nam thera vis vasanam java pajjosavimti, taha nam je ajjattae samana niggamtha viharamti, ee vi ya10 nam vasanam java11 pajjosavimtill. (6.) jaha nam je ajjattae samana niggamtha viharamti vasanam java 12 pajjosavimti', taha nam amham pi ayariya13 uvajjhaya java pajjosavimti', (7.) jaha nam amham pi ayariya13 vasanam java pajjosavimti, taha nam amhe vi vasanam sa-visai-rae mase viikkante2 vasa-vasam pajjosavemo. amtara vi ya14 se kappai pajjosavittae, no se kappai tam rayanim uvayanavittae 15. (8.) I. 1. 1) bhay B. 2) viti A, vaideg C. 3) konam A. 2. 1) jan BCEH. 2) paio C. E item after littaim. 5) khai C. C. 9) bhay B. 10) 10) a BE, 14) a EM. 3) y only after a, a in E. 4) B adds guttaim, 6) CH add sa atthaim. 7) tonam A. 8) "ati 3) EM fully repeated. viti" A. 3-8. 1) bhay" B. 2) vitio A. 4) vasavasam C om. java. 5) not in CEM. 6) ABM om. 7) "emti A. 8) EIIM om. not in AM. 11) A om. 12) AIIM, fully repeated. 15) uvain" BCE; M commentary. 9) to AM. 13) ia E. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 9-19. Samacari. 87 vasa- vasam pajjosaviyanam 1 kappai niggamthana va niggamthina vay savvao samamta sa-kosam joyanam' uggaham oginhitta? nam citthium), aha-larndam avi uggahe. (9.) II. vasa-vasam pajjosaviyanamo kappai niggamthana va niggamthina va savvao samamta sa-kosam joyanambhikkhayariyae garntum padiniyattae". (10.) jattha nan5 nai niccoyaga5 nicca-samdana, no se kappai savvao samamta sa-kosam joyanamn2 bhikkhayariyae? gamtum padiniyattae*. (11.) Eravais Kunalae jattha cakkiya? siya 2 egam payam jale kicca egam payam thale kicca evamo cakkiya 10, eva nham11 kappai sayvao samamta sa-kosam12 joyanam? bhikkhayariyaeo gamtum padiniyattae4. (12.) evam no cakkiya?, evam se13 no kappai savvao samamta sa-kosam 12 joyanam 2 bhikkhayariyae 9 gamtum padiniyattae. (13.) III. vasa-vasam pajjosaviyanami atthegaiyanam? evam vutta-puyvam bhavai: dave, bhamte! evam se kappai davittae, no se kappai padigahittae. (14.) vasa-vasam pajjosaviyanam? atthegaiyanam1 evam vutta-puvvam bhavai": padigahe, bhamte! evam se kappai padigahittae, no se kappai davittae. (15.) vasa-vasam pajjosaviyanam atthegaiyanam evam vutta-puvvam bhavai*: dave, bhamte! padigahes, bhamte! evam se kappai davittae padigahittae va. (16.) IV. visa-visa pujosariyana no kappai niggamthan va niggamthina va hatthanam arogganama baliya3-sariranam imao nava rasavigaio abhikkhanam 2 aharittae", tai jaha: khirain, dahim, navaniyam, sappiin, tellain, gudam, mahum, majjam, mainsam. (17.) V. vasa-vasam pajjosaviyanam1 atthegaiyanam" evam vutta-puvvam bhavai: 'attho, bhamte! gilanassa?' se yaz vaejjat: "attho" - se ya3 puccheyavve: 'kevaienam attho ?' se yaz vaejja* : "evaienain atyho gilanassa; jam se pamanam vayai?, se pamanes oghettavve". se ya3 vinnavejja", se yavinnavemane labhejja", se ya3 pamanapatte: 'hou! alahi!' ij 10 vattavvam. siya: 'se kim ahu bhamte? "evaienamil attho gilanassa". siya? nam enam vayamtam paro vaejja 4.: padigahehi ajjo! tumam paccha 12 bhokkhasi13 va, pahisi 14 va' - ovam se kappai padigahittae15, no 18 se kappai gilanassa17 nisae 18 padigahittae. (18.) VI. vasa - vasam pajjosaviyanami atthinam" theranam taha-ppa 9. 1) seo 29. 2) uo CEM, nh EM, gio A. 3) citthaum c. 10-13. 1) "itanam A, "anam E. 2) y only after a, a in EM. 3) oiao E. 4) padiyu A. 5) ABM om. 6) 'oda' A, oa E. 7) Wirio A, see. 8) Cati C. 9) not in A. 10) not in A, seo; M adds sia. 11) nh EM. 12) kk B. 13) nham A. 14-16. 1) see 28. 2) sco", "gayanam C. 3) ett" A. 4) hao A, "ti H. 5) hehi M. 17. 1) abbroviatod in EM. 2) aru" BEM. S kvacit s aroganain. 3) sce 10%. 4) "io 1. 5) oreo c. 6) tio BCEM. 18. 1) pa EM, not in AC. 2) seo 29. 3) a BEM. 4) "ijo BEM. 5) "oa" EM, pucche s kvacit. 6) kovatitenam CH, "ieno M. 7) vadati H. 8) "na EM, DA H. 9) u' CIIM, ghio B, "itt" BCEM. 10) iti CH, ia BEM. 11) 'aio' CHM. 12) pittha A 13) bhu" BEM, "osi A. 14) dahisi kvacit s. 15) Vetto A. 16) no A. 17) gilana M. 18) Inisao A. 19. 1) soe 23. 2) aetthogayanam A. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 88 Kalpasutra. 19-25. garaiin kulaim kadaim pattiyaimi thejjaim3 vesasiyaim sammayaim bahumayaim anumayaim bhavamti, jattha4 se noo kappai adakkhu 6 vaittae: atthi te, ausoo! imam va 2? -- kim ahu phante ? "saddhi gihi ginhais va, teniyam' pi kujja." (19.) vasa-vasam pajjosaviyassat nicca-bhattiyassa? bhikkhussa kappais egam goyara"-kalam gaha vai-kulam bhattae va panae va nikkhamittae va pavisittae va. onannattha ayariya* - veyavaccena? va8, evam uvajjhaya 6-tavassi-gilana-veyavaccena?vas, khudda 9-khuddiyae4 evam8 avamjana 8-jayaenaq?". (20.) VII. vasa - vasam p. cauttha-bhattiyassal bhikkhussa ayam evaie visese, jam se pao2 nikkhamma puvvam eva viyadagam3 bhocca 4 paccha5 padiggahagam6 samlihiya? sampamajjiya? se ya samtharijjas; kappai se tad-divasam ten' eva bhatt-atthenam pajjosavittae; se yao no samtharijja, evam se kappai doccami, pi gahavai-kulam bhattae va panae va nikkhamittae va payisittae va. (21.) vasa-vasam p. chattha-bhattiyassa1 bhikkhussa kappamti do goyara 11.kala gahavaik. bh. v. p. v. n. v. p. v. (22.) vasa-vasam p. atthama-bhattiyassa? bhikkhussa kappamti tao goyara11-kala gahavai-k. bh. v. p. v. n. v. p. v. (23.) vasa-vasam p. vigittha12-bhattiyassa 13 bhikkhussa kappamti savve vi goyara 11.kala gahavai-k. bh. v. p. v. n. v. p. y. (24.) VIII. vasa-vasam p. nicca-bhattiyassat bhikkhussa kappamti savvaim panagaim padigahittae. vasa-vasam p. cauttha-bhattiyassa - kappamti tao panagaim padigahittae, tam jaha: usseimam va, samseimam va3, caulodagam va4. vasa-vasam p. chattha-bhattiyassa' bhikkhussa kappamti tao panagaim padigahittae, tam jaha: tilodagam va5, tusodagam vas, javodagam va5. vasa-vasam p. atthama-bhattiyassa bhikkhussa kappamti tao panagaim padigahittae, tam jaha: ayamam va?, soviram va?, suddha-viyadam Va. vasa-vasam p. vigitthabhattiyassa' bhikkhussa kappai ege usina-viyade' padigahittae, se vi yao nam a-sitthe, no vi yao nam sa-sitthe. vasi - vasam p. bhatta 10-padiyaikkhiyassa11 bhikkhussa kappai ege usina-viyade 12 padigahittae, se vi ya6 nam a-sitthe, no vi ya6 nam sa-sitthe, se vi yao nam paripue13, no c'eva nam a-paripue13, se vi yao nam parinimie, no c'eva nam a-parinimie, 14se ya6 nam bahu-sampunne, no c'eva nam a-bahu-sampunne. (25.) IX. 19. 3) thio BEM. 4) tattha CH. 5) npo A. 6) Otthu CH, aditham A. 7) ause M. 8) nh BC. 9) via EM. 20. 1) Ciao E, pa M; C om. 2) Ciassa EM. 3) Vamti C, 'ati M. 4) see 28. 5) na S, anno B; all down to 21 se a na samthariija wanting in M. 6) E adds veavaccena va. 7) see and 8. 8) not in A. 9) khudlaena va BE. 10) jaenam jaena H, jayaena E, not in A, H adds va. 21-24. 1) Ciassa BE. 2) pau CEH. 3) via E, md 1. 4) bhu' BE. 5) picca B. 6) "hain BE. 7) 'ia E, "iya A. 8) ejjadeg CH. 9) a EM. 10) duo BEM. 11) goara E. 12) viko CEH. 13) "iassa BEM 25. 1) "iassa BEM. 2) not in AHM. 3) not in ACIM. 4) not in HM. 5) Podae CEH, om. va. 6) y only after a, a in BE. 7) EM om. va, E', M 'a. 8) via E, "de AE, EM om. va. 9) Ciao E. 10) A adds pane. 11) seo 102. 12) see, usinodae A. 13) "puae BC, paie E. 14) the rest wanting in ACH, kvacit S. 13 D, M 9a. 10) A adds pane: nodae A. 13) "puae BC, paio For Private and Personal Use Only Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 26-34. Samacari. 26. 1) see 256. 27. 1) "thassa C. * vasa-vasam p. samkha-dattiyassa' bhikkhussa kappamti panca dattjo bhoyanassa1 padigahittae, pamca panagassa; ahava cattari bhoyanassa1, pamca panagassa; ahava pamca bhoyanassa1, cattari panagassa. tattha ega datti lona sayana-mittam2 avi3 padigahiya1 siya1. kappai se tad-divasam ten' eva bhatt'-atthenam pajjosavittae, no se kappai doccam pi gahavai-kulam bh. v. p. v. n. v. p. v. (26.) X. vasa-vasam p. no kappai nigga thanal va niggamthina? va java uvassayao satta-ghar'-amtaram samkhadim samniyatta3-carissa ittae. ege5 evam ahamsu: no kappai java uvassayao parenam7 samkhadim samniyatta8-carissa ittae; ege puna evam ahamsu: no kappai java uvassayao paramparenam samkhadim samniyatta9carissa ittae. (27.) vasa-vasam p. no kappai pani-padiggahiyassa1 bhikkhussa kanaga-phusiya-mittam2 avi vutthi - kayamsi nivayamanamsi gahavai-kulam java pavisittae va. (28.) vasa - vasam p. pani-padiggahiyassa' bhikkhussa no kappai agihamsi pimdavayam padigahitta pajjosavittae: pajjosavemanassa sahasa vutthi - kae nivaejja. desam bhocca desam adaya se7 panina panim paripihitta, uramsi va na nilijjijja, kakkhamsi va nam samahadijja", ahachannani 10 va lenani va uvagacchijja, rukkha-mulani va uvagacchijja, jaha se panimsil dae va, daga-rae va, daga-phusiya12 va no13 pariyavajjai 14. (29.) XI. 7 vasa-vasam p. pani - padiggahiyassa1 bhikkhussa jam kimci2 kanaga-phusiya-mittam pi nivadai, no se kappai bhattae v. p. v. n. v. p. v. (30.) XII. vasa-vasam p. padiggaha-dharissa bhikkhussa no kappai vagghariya-vutthi-kayamsi gahavai-k. bh. v. p. v. n. v. p. v; kappai se appa-vutthi-kayamsi s'-amtar'-uttaramsi2 gahavai-k. bh. v. p. v. n. v. p. v. (31.) 9900 vasa-vasam p. niggamthassa ya3 gahavai-kulam pimdavaya-padiyae1 anupavitthassa nigijjhiya 2 vutthi-kae nivaijja5, kappai se ahe aramamsi va, ahe uvassayamsi va, ahe viyadagihamsi va, ahe rukkha-mulamsi va uvagacchittae. (32.) tattha se puvvagamanenam puvvautte caulodane pacchautte bhilimga-suve8, kappai9 se caulodane padigahittae 10, no se kappai bhilimga7suve padigahittae. (33.) tattha se puvvagamanenam puvvautte Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 2) me" A. 3) iva B. 4) duo BEM. 2) not in CH, 2 AM. 3) nideg H, 0ia" BE. 4) e0 AS, ie C. 5) CHM add puna. 6) down to ege not in A. 7) CH add sattagharamtaram. 8) ni" C, "ia" EM. 9) "ia" BEM. 28 and 29. 1) only after a, a in BEM. 2) meo A. 3) down to nivagjja not in A. 4) ijja BEM. 5) bhu BEHM. 6) ay" A. 7) AC om. 8) "peh" A, parivitta II. 9) ojja A. 10) nn A. 11) imsu A. 12) sia E, si A. 13) no A. 14) paria" AE, "vijai B. 30. 1) ia EM. 2) keci M. 31-35. 1) see 281. 2) "rassa B. 3) not in 4) niggo CEM, "jiya A, "ia EM. 5) ijja A. bhilamga E. 8) suce B, ruve C. 9) "ati CH. 89 BEM, M adds niggamthi va. 6) via" E. 7) bhilamgu A, 10) "ettae A. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 90 Kalpasutra. bhilimga-suve pacchautte caulodane, kappai se bhilimga - suve padigahittae, no sell kappai caulodane padigahittae. (34.) tattha se puvvagamanenam do vi puvvauttaim vattamti12, kappamti se do vi padigahittae. 13tattha se puvvagamanenam do vi pacchauttaim, no sell kappamti do vi padigahittae. je se tattha puvvagamanenam puvvautte, se kappai padigahittae; je se tattha puvvagamanenam pacchautte, no se kappai padigahittae. (35.) vasa-vasam p. niggamthassa gahavai-kulam pidavaya-padiyae" pavitthassas nigijjhiya 2 vutthi - kae nivaijja5, kappai se ahe aramamsi va ahe uvassayamsi va, ahe viyada-gihamsi va, ahe rukkha-mulamsi va uvagacchittae, no se kappai puvva-gahienam bhatta-panenam velam uvayanavittae; kappai se puvvam" eva viyadagam 10 bhocca11 paccha12 padiggahagam 13 samlihiya2 2 sampamajjiya2 2 egayayam14 bhamdagam kattu savasese surie 15, jen' eva uvassae, ten' eva uvagacchittae, no se kappai tam rayanim tatth' eva uvayanavittae 16. (36.) vasa-vasam p. niggamthassa gahavaikulam pimdavaya-padiyae2 anupavitthassa nigijjhiya 2 vutthi-kae nivaijja, kappai se ahe aramamsi va java1 uvagacchittae. (37.) tattha no kappai egassa1 niggamthassa egae niggamthie egayao2 citthittae; tattha no kappai egassa niggamthassa dunha1 ya3 niggamthinam egayao5 citthittae; tattha no kappai dunham niggamthanam egae niggamthie egayao5 citthittae; tattha no kappai dunham1 niggamthanam dunha ya niggamthinam egayao" citthittae. atthi ya ittha kei pamcame", khuddae va khuddiya10 va, annesim va samloe sa-padiduvare, eva nham1 kappail egayao13 citthittae. (38.) vasa-vasam p. niggamthassa1 gahavai-kulam pimdavaya-paddiyae2 anupavitthassa nigijjhiya 2 vutthi-kae nivaijja, kappai se ahe aramamsi va java uvagacchittae. tattha no kappai egassa niggamthassa egae agarie egayao citthittae; evam cau-bhamgo. atthi ya ittha kei pamcame", there va theriya2 va, annesim 10 va, samloe sa-padiduvare, evam 11 kappai egayao12 citthittae. 13evam c'eva niggamthie agarassa ya bhaniyavvam14. (39.) XIII. vasa-vasamp. no kappai niggamthana va niggamthina va aparinnaenam1 aparinnayassa atthae asanam va, 3panam va, khaimam Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir " 12) not in CH. 31-35. 11) AE om. 13) down to je so not in BEM. 36 and 37. 1) A adds va. 2) see 28'. 3) anupa" C. 4) nigg BCEM, see2. 5) "eija A. 6) java uvagacchittae M. 7) B adds tam. 8) uvain" ABCEH. 9) degagam E. 10) via EB. 11) bhu BEM. 12) picca BE. 13) "ham B. 14) egao BM, egaya. E. 15) sure M. 16) uvain" BE. 17) full phrase C. 38. 1) A adds ya. 2) egao BCM. 3) CEHM om. 4) CEHM. 5) egao CEM. 6) am BE, om. ya. 7) na ya BE. EM, yaimtha kei kvacit S. 9) "mao A. 10) "ia BEM. 12) B adds se. 13) egao HM. donha ya A, "am 8) not in AB, a 11) nham AS. 39. 1) A adds ya. 2) see 281. 3) nigg" BCM. 4) ojja A. 5) AM add ya. 6) A adds ya, E a. 7) egau M, egaya H. 8) ACEH. 10) nn A. 11) evanham B. 12) egao CHIM. in ACH. 14) "ia E. a EM, nain B. 9) "mao 13) the rest is wanting 40 and 41. 1) degnnattenam A. 2) 'nnattassa A. 3) Mss: 4 java padigahittae. 34-40. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 40---45. Samacari. 91 ya, saimam va padigahittae. (40.) se kim ahu bhamte? iccha-paro aparinnae4 bhumjijja", iccha-paro na bhumjijja5. (41.) XIV. vasa-vasam p. no kappai niggamthana va niggamthina va udu-ullena va sa-siniddhena va kienan asana va 4 sharittae (42) se kim ahu bhamte ? satta sinehayayana pannatta ?, tam jaha: pani, pani-leha, naha, naha-siha, bhamuha, ahar'-ottha, uttar'-ottha 4. aha puna evam janijja: vigaodae5 sec kae, chinna-sinehe; evam se kappai asana va 4 sharittae. (43.) XV. . vasa - vasam p. iha khalu niggamthana va niggamthina va imaiin attha suhumaim, jaim chaumatthenam niggamthena va niggaznthiel va abhikkhanam 2 janiyavvaimo pasiyavvaima padilehiyavvaim? bhavamti, tam jaha: pana-suhumams, panaga-suhumain., biya4-suhumam", hariyat - suhumama, puppha -suhumams, amdasuhumam3, lena-suhumams, sineha-suhumam? se kim tam panasuhume? pana-suhume pamca-vihe pannatte4 tam jaha: ki nile, lohie, halidde, sukkile. atthi kumthu anuddhari namams, ja thiya aealanina chaumatthanam niggamthana va 2 no kakkhuphasam? havvam agacchai8, 9ja atthiya calamana chaumatthanam cakkhu-phasam havvam agacchai; ja chaumatthenam niggamthena va niggamthic10 va abhikkhanam 2 janiyavvali pasiyavva 11 padilehiyavva11 bhavai 12. se tam pana-suhume3. (44.) se ki tam panaga-suhume?? ?panaga-suhume pamca-vihe pannatte: kinhet javu5 sukkile. atthi panaga-suhume tad-davva?-samana-vannae8 namam ptunnatteo, jeo chuumatthenum niggamthena va 2 coca padilehiyavve10 bhavaill. se tam panaga-suhume. se kim tam biya 12-suhume??biya-suhume pamca - vihe pannatte3; taip jaha: kinhe4 javas sukkile13. atthi biya 12-suhume kaniya 14-samana-vannae namam pannatte3, je9 chaumatthenam niggamthena Va 2 java padilehiyavve12 bhavai. se tam biya 12-suhume se kim tam hariya12. suhume ? 2hariya-suhume pamca-vihe pannatte3. kinhe java sukkile15 atthi hariya12-suhume pudhayi-samana-vannae namam pannatte3, je9 niggamthena va 2 java5 padilehiyavve12 bhavai. se tam hariya 12-suhume. se kim tam puppha-suhume ? ?puppha-suhume pamca-vihe pannatte", tam jaha : kinhe4 java sukkile. atthi puppasuhume rukkha 16-samana-vannae8 namam pannatte3, je9 chaumatthenam niggathena vu 2 java padilehiyavvel 2 bhavai. se taim 40 and 41. 4) apadinnate A. 5) eija A. . 42 and 43. 1) fully repeated in B. 2) not in AB, nn c. 3) mnaha A. 4) utthan BEM. 5) Poyao CH. 6) me EM. 44. 1) "thina BCH, 2 M. 2) "ia" E. 3) Cha M, Mss. write always @suhume 2 pamca'. 4) nn A. 5) M adds samuppana. 6) seo 281. 7) pao H. 8) Pamti M. 9) down to agacchai only in CH. 10) "ina CH. 11) Ciao EM. 12) "amti CII. 45. 1) suhamo M. 2) Mss. 2. 3) nn A. S. 4) ph BC. 5) some Mss. have the full phrase. 6) le CM. 7) dava BEH. 8) vanne AB. 9) jam A. 10) Ciao BE. 11) Camti CH. 12) see 281. 13) "lle CHM. 14) "ia E. 15) "le CEHM. 16) rukkhena A. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 92 Kalpasutra. 45-51. puppha-suhume. se kim tam amda-suhume ? amda-suhume pamcavihe pannatte3: 17uddams'-amde, ukkaliy'12-amde pipiliy'12-amde haliy'12-amde, hallohaliy'12-amde, je niggamthena va 2 java padilehiyavveli bhavai. se tam amda-suhume. se kim tam lenasuhume ? ena-suhume pamca-vihe pannattel. tam jaha: uttimgalene, bhimgu-lene, ujjuels, tala-mulue, sambukkavatte namam pamcame, jei niggamthena va 2 java paoilehiyavvel2 bhavai. se tam lena-suhume. se kim tam sineha-suhume ? sineha-suhume pamcavihe pannattes, tam jaha: ussa 19, himae, mahiya 11, karae, haratanue, je niggamthena va 2 javu padilehiyavvell bhavai. se tam sinehasuhume. (45.) XVI. vasa-vasam pajjosaviel bhikkhu ya? icchijja gahavai-kulam bh. v. p. v. n. v. p. V., no se kappai anapucchitta ayariyam3 va, uvaijhayam va, theram*, pavattim, gaaim, ganaharam, ganavaccheyayam", jam va purao-kaum viharai; kappai se apucchium? ayariyam: va java jam va purao-kaum viharai: 'icchami nam tubbhehim abbhanunnae 8 samane gahavai-k. bh. v. p. V. n. V. p. v.'; te ya' se viyarejja 10, evam se kappai gahayai-k. bh. v. p. v. n. v. p. v.; te ya' se no viyarejja 10, evam se no kappai gahanvai-k. bh. v. p. v. n. v. p. v. se kim ahu bhamte? ayariya 11 paccavayam janamti. (46.) evam vihara - bhumim va, viyara 11.bhumim ya, annam 19 va jam kimci 13 paoyanam11, evam gamanugamam duijjattae14 (47.) vasavasam p. bhikkhu yal icchijja annayarim 2 vigaim aharittae), no se kappai tapucchitta Gyariyamo va java gan vacchayuyuno va, jam va purao-kaui viharai; kappai se apucchitta nam, tam c'eva?: 'icchami nam, bhamte! tubbhehim abbhanunnae samane annayarim vigaim aharittae3, tam jaha: evaiyam* va eyaikhutto 10 va. te ya11 se viyarejja 12, evam se kappai annayarim vigaim aharittae3; te ya11 se no viyarejja 12, evam se no kappai annayarim vigaim aharittae. se kim ahu bhamte? ayariya paccavayam janamti. (48.) vasa-vasam p. bhikkhu yal icchijja annayarim2 teicchim3 auttittao, tam c'eva savvam bhaniyavvam. (49.) vasa-vasam p. bhikkhu ya' icchijja annayarain4 oralar5 tavo-kammam uvasampajjitta nam viharittae, tam c'eva savvam bhaniyavvum6 (50.) vasa-vasam p. bhikkhu ya? 45. 17) A: udayamde, akkaliyamdo, uddainsamde, pipiliyamde, hallohaliyamde. 18) ujjae M. S. 19) osa S. 46 and 17. 1) ABCH abbroviated. 2) CEHM om. 3) Ciam E. 4) B adds va. 5) 'oao E, "eiyam B. 6) 'kao B, kaom C. 7) "itta H. 8) anu A, in ACM. 9) a BE. 10) via BE, 'ijja BEM. 11) see 256 12) nn A. 13) kimpi B, kimbi H. 14) Cittae BEM, S. 48. 1) not in CEHM. 2) nn A. 3) "ettae A. 4) see 281. 5) Peyam ACH, seo*, not in M. 6) not in H. 7) ayariam java aharittae BM. 8) nn CM. 9) nn M. 10) evam tikkhutto ACH. 11) a BE. 12) viarijja BE. 13) "ia BE. 49-51. 1) a B, not in CEHM. 2) ram H. 3) "iam BM, tego E, 'am CE. 4) oragam BE. 5) uo HM., BEM add kallanam sivam dhannam mamgallam sassiriyam mahanubhavam. 6) BCE om. 7) CEHM om. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 51-56. Samacari. 93 icchijja apacchima - maran'-amtiya 8-sailehana-jusana-jusie bhattapana-padiyaikkhie paovagae' kalam anavakamkhamane viharittae va, nikkhamittae va, payisittae va, asanam 4 aharittae 10 va, uccaram va pasavanan va paritthuvittae, sajjhayam va karittae11, dhammajagariyami? va jagarittae, no se kappai anapucchitta, tam c'eva. (51.) XVII. vasa-vasam p. bhikkhu ya? icchijja vattham va padiggaham va kambalam va paya-pumchanam? va annayaram3 vau uyahim ayavittae4 va payavitte va, no se kappai begam va anegam va apadinnavitta gaha vai-kulam bh. v. p. v. n. v. p. V., asanam va aharittaes, bahiya? Sviyara-bhumin9 va, vihara - bhumimo va, sajjhayam va karittae, ka-ussaggan va $ nam va thaittae. atthi ya19 ittha koi11 aha 12. sannihie ege13 va anegu va, kappai se evam vadittae 14: 'imam ta, ajjo! muhuttagam janahi15 java taya 16 aham gaha vai-kulam java | ka-ussigan va thinam va thaittae se ya se padisuniija, evam se kappai gahavai-kulam, tam c'eva; se ya18 se no 19 padisunijja, evam se no kappai gahavai-kulam java ka-ussaggam va thanam va thaittae. (52) XVIII, visa visam p. no kappai niggamthana va niggamthima va anabhiggabiya 2-sejjasanienam? hottae", ayanam eyam: anabhiggahiya5. sejjosaniyassa6 anucca-kuiyassa? anattha-bamdhissa8 amiyasaniyassa5 anataviyassa' asamiyassa5 abhikkhanam 2 apadilehana 10 - silassa apamajjana 11-silassa taha taha nam samjame durara hae bhavai. (53.) anayanam 12 eyam 13: abhiggahiya - sejjasaniyassa 6 ucca - kuiyassa? attha - bamdhissa miyasaniyassa5 ayaviyassa5 samiyassa 14 abhikkhanam 2 padilehana-silassa pamajjana-silassa taha 2 nam samjame suarahaeis bhavai. (54.) XIX. vasa-vasam p. kappai niggamthana va niggamthina va tao uccara-pasavana-bhumio padilehittael; na taha hemamta-gim hasu?, jaha nam yasasu. se kim Ahu phamte? visasu nam osannam3 pana ya tani ya biyau ya 5panaga ya shariyanio ya bhavamti. (55.) XX. vasa-vasam p. niggamthana va niggamthina va tao mattagaim 49-51. 8) seo 102. 9) pan' BE, paugae C, ovam uvagao E. 10) 'ettae A. 11) Pettae c. 12) fiam E. 52. 1) a B, CEIM om, 2) pucch' HM, nam M. 3) "rim AC. 4) "ettae A. 5) down to gaha" not in ACH. 6) 'attae C. 7) see 10% 8) not in BM, E after vil va, seo?, 9) Umi A. 10) yaittha CH. 11) ke CH, abhisamanpagao (nt?) added in AM. 12) aha A. 13) ego A 14) vaittae BEM. 15) Onehi M, viyan" CH. 16) not in c. 17) a BE, se ya not in M. 18) a BE. 19) o A. 53 and 54. 1) B adds sc. 2) see 10% 3) si Mss. "iyanam AB. 4) huo BEM. 5) seo 28" 6) sio BEM, see". 7) kdo A, sees. 8) "iyassa CH, Oiassa M. 9) anayadeg CH, seeb. 10) app' B. 11) app" EH. 12) anad' AB. 13) eam M. 14) "iaE, A om. the three preceding words and adds java. 15) suhao CHI, M before sain. 55. 1) Wettae A, 'attae c. 2) "esu C. 3) nn BEMS. 4) bia EM, biyani CH, om. ya. 5) pana ya tana ya kvacit S. 6) see 28'. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 94 Kalpasutra. 56--62. ginhittae?, tam jaha: uccara-mattae, pasavana-mattae, khela-mattae. (56.) XXI. visa-visam D. no kappai niggamthana va niggamthong va param pajjosavanao go-loma-ppamanal-mittavi kesa tam rayanin uvayanavittae, ajjenam khura-mumdena va lukka-siraena va hoyavvamo siya5; pakkhiya5 arovana, masie khura-mumde, addha-masie kattari - mumde, cham-masie loe, samvaccharie va6 thera-kappe?. (57.) XXII. vasa-vasam p. no kappai niggamthana Va niggamthina va param pajjosavanao ahigaranam vaittae1; je nam niggan tho va 2 param pajjosavanao ahigaranam vayai3, se nam: 'akappenam, ajjo! vayasi ti vattavve siya. je nam niggantho2 va 2 param pajjosavanao ahigaranam vayai", se nam nijjuhiyayve siya5. (58.) XXIII. vasa-vasam p. iha khalu niggamthana va niggamthina va ajj' eva kakkhade kadue viggahel samuppajjijja, sehe rainiyam3 khamijja, rainie; vi seham khamijja?. 98oo khamiyavvam", khamaviyavvam, uvasamiyavvam, uvasamaviyavvam, sammui G-sampucchana-bahulena hoyavvam: jo uvasamai, tassa atthi arahana; jo 8 na uvasamai, tassa n'atthi arahana, tamhi appana c'eva uvasamiyavvam se kim khu bhamte? uvasama-saram khu samannam. (59.) XXIV. | visa-visam p. kappai niggamthan va nigga than va tao1 uvassayagiahittaes; tam veuvviya5 paailehu suijjiyao pamajjana? (60.) XXV. visa-visam p. kappai nigganthana va niggantlina va Annayarim disim va anulisim va avagijjhiyao 2 bhatta-parseIII givesittaeo. se kim ahu bhamte ? osanname samana bhagavamto vasasu tavasampautta bhavamti. tavassi dubbale5 kilamte mucchijja va pavadijja6 va, tam eva disim va anudisim ya samana bhagavamto padijagaramti. (61.) XXVI. vasan-vasam p. kappai niggamthana vi niggamthina va java cattari pamca joyanaimi gamtum padiniyattae, amtara vi yaz se kappai vatthae, no se kappai tam rayanim tatth'eva uvayanavittaes. (62.) XXVII. 56. 1) nh BEM, gihio H, Wattae HE. 57. 1) pao A. 2) meu A. 3) uvaino ABE. 4) hoa" BE, hoio A, hovavvam H. 5) "ia BE. 6) not in AB. 7) A adds thoranam ukkosena chammasite, tarunanam caumasite loo. 58. i) vado CH. 2) Pana CM. 3) vati CH. 4) i A. 5) soo 256. 59. 1) vuggo BCEH. 2) 'ejja C. 3) rayano B, seo4. 4) sco 256. 5) 'voao E, see?, "amiyavvam A. 6) sumai CH, samman A. 7) hoao BE, hoi" A. 8) M inserts u. 60. 1) BCH om. 2) Oggatau H, Oggatau C, Ogga ES, "yato A. 3) nh M. 4) BC ada jaha. 5) 'ia E, veutto A S. kvacit. 6) "ia E, tajjaiya A. 7) padi leha Sko osam A. ?) avio 6 padiija A, pavajiwa 4) uvaino ABE. * 61. 1) Osam A. 2) avio B, 'ia E. 3) uginhittao C, ginhittae II. 4) abhikkhanam A. 5) duvvile A. 6) padijja A, pavajjijja B. 62. 1) joao E. 2) padiyo A, nia E. 3) a M. 4) uvaino ABE. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 63-64 Samacari. 95 icc'eyam? samvacchariyam? thera-kappam ahau - suttam ahakappam aha-maggam aha-taccam sammam kaena phasitta palitta sobhitta tiritta kittitta arahitta anae 3 anupalitta, atthegaiya 2 samananiggamtha teneva bhava-ggahanenam sijjhamti bujjhamti muccamti pariniyvaimti5 savva-dukkhanamo amtam karemti?, atthegaiya doccenam bhaya-ggahanenam sijjhamti java' savva-dukkhanam amtam karemti?, atthegaiya taccenam bhava-ggahanenam java amtam karemti?, 10satt-attha bhava-ggahanaim11 n'aikkamamti. (63.) tenam kalenam tenam samaenam samane bhagavam Mahavire Rayagihe nagare? gunasilae ceie? bahunam samananam bahunam samaninam bahunam savayanam bahunam saviyanam bahunam devanam bahunam devinam3 majjha-gae c'eva evam iikkhai, evam bhasai, evam pannavei", evam paruvei, pajjosavana-kappam namams ajjhayanam sa-attham sa-heuyam sa-karanam sa-suttam sa-attham sa-ubhayam sa-vagaranam bhujjo bhujjo uvadamsei. tti bemi. (64.) pajjosavana-kappo 6 samatto?. 63. 1) eam B, oiyam C, eiam E, aiam M. 2) see 266. 3) anao M. 4) not in A. 5) Cayamti A. 6) 'am A. 7) "imti B, "amti CE. 8) duo BEM. 9) fully repeatod in BE. 10) satta B. 11) B adds puna. 64. 1) nay" CH. 2) ceio CM. 3) samanuyasurae parisao maijhagae iti pathas S. 4) nn BE. 5) A adds atthanam. 6) CHM add dasa-suyakkhamdhassa atthamam ajjhnyanam, A after samo 7) ottam CHM. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Appendix. A has the following passage instead of Jinacaritra 33-46. tae nam sa Tisala khattiyani ikkam ca nam maham pamdaram dhavalam seyam samkhaula-vimala-dadhi-ghana-go-khira-phena-rayanikara-payasam thira-lattha-pauttha-pivara-susilittha-visittha-tikkhadadha-vidambiya-muham rattoppala-patta-pauma-nillaliy-agga-jiham vatta-padipunna-pasattha-niddha-mahu-guliya-pimgal-akkham padipunna-viula-sujaya-khamdham nimmala-vara-kesara-dharam sosiyasunimmiya-sujaya-apphodiya-lamgulam somam somakaram lilayamtam jambhayamtam gagana-talao uvayamanam siham abhimuham muhe pavisamanam pasitta nam padibuddha. (1.) ekkam ca nam maham pamdaram dhavalam seyam samkhaula - vimala - sannikasam vattapaoipunna - kannam pasattha - niddha-mahu-guliya - pimgal-akkham abbhuggaya-malliya-dhayala-damtam kamcana-kosi-pavittha-damtam anamiya - cava - ruila - samvilliy'-agga - somdam allina - pamana-juttalpuccham seyam cauddamtam hatthi-rayanam sumine pasitta nam paaibuddha. (2.) ekkam ca nam mahai pamauram dhavalam seyam samkhaula - viula - sannika sam vatta- padipunna - kamtham velliyakakkal. accham visam'- unnaya - vasah'- ottham cala - cavala - pinakakuham allina-pamana-jutta- puccham seyain dhavalam vasaham sumine pasitta nam paaibuddha. (3.) ekkam ca nam maham siriyabhiseyam sumine pasitta nam padibuddha. (4.) ekkam ca nam maham malla-damam viviha-kusumovasohiyam pasitta nam panibuddha. (5.) ekkam ca nam camdima-surimaganam (?) ubhao pase uggayam suvine pasitta nam padibuddha. (6 and 7.) ekkam ca nam maham mah'-imda-jjhayam aneka - kudabhi - sahassa - parimamdiyabhiramam suvine pasitta nam padibuddha. (8.) ekkam ca nam maham mah'-imda-kumbham vara-kamala-paitthanam surahi-vara-v paum'-uppala*-pihanam aviddha-kamtha - gunam java padibuddha. (9.) ekkam ca nam maham pauma-saram bah'-uppala-kumuya-nalinasayavatta - sahassavatta-kesara-phullovaciyam sumine pasitta nam padibuddha. (10.) ekkam ca nam sagaram vici-taramga-ummi-pauram sumine pasitta nam padibuddha. (11.) ekkam ca nam maham vimanam divvam tudiya-sadda-sampanaddiyam sumine pasitta nam padibuddha. (12.) ekkam cx nam mahai rayan'-uccayam savvarayanamayam sumine pasitta nam padibuddha. (13.) ekkam ca nam maham jalana-sihim niddhumam sumine pasitta nam padibuddha. (14.) *) Ms. paumappala. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir NOTES Abhandl. d. DMG. VII. 1. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir I. Jinacaritra. 1) paryushanakalpasya ca "dau keshucid adarceshu mangalartham pancanamaskaro dricyate (Samdehavishaushadhi). This maigala is found in a good many Jaina works besides the Kalpasutra. atra ca adhyayane trayam vacyam: jinanam caritani, sthaviravali, paryushanasamacari. S. Sutras 1 and 2 down to: cue 'mi tti janai are copied almost literally, from the A carangasatra. pamcahatthuttare. I take this word to be a madhyamapadalopi bahuvrihi compound: panca kalyanakani uttaraphalgunyam yasya sa. anamte ityadi: anantam anantarthavishayatvat; anuttaram sarvottamatvat; nirvyaghatam katakutyadibhir apratihatatvat; niravaranam kshayikatvat; kritsnam sakalarthagrahakatvat; pratipurnam sakalasvamcasahitatvat paurnamasicandramandalavat; kevalavarananadamsane tti. kevalam asahayam ata eva varai jnanam darcanam ca, tatah prakpadabh yam karmadharayah. tatra jnanam viceshayabodharupam darcanam samanyavabodharupam. S. 2) The year of the Jainas is divided into the old triple seasons, grishma, varsha and hemanta , each of which contains four lunar months. The year commenced on Caitra su. di. 1, as is proved by SS 208. mahavijaye 'tyadi mahan vijayo yatra tathavidham ca tat pushpottaram ca pushpottarasamjnakam ca tad eva pravareshu heshu pundarikam vimananam madhye uttamatvat. S. (see Colebrooke Misc. Essays II 199). ayur devayushkam, bhavo devagatih, sthitir aharo vaikriyacarire 'vasthanam, tesham kshayena. S. 3) cayamane na junai. the Acaraigasutra adds: suhume nam se kale pannatte. Only Tirthamkaras and Gods know about their 'fall. There is apparently a contradiction in the words tinnana and na janai which the commentators have not remarked. suttajagara tii suptajagara na 'tisupta na 'tijagrati, ata eva "ha uharamune 2 varam varam ishan nidram gacchanti. S. The sandhi rulos aro frequently neglected in the commentaries. I have not changed their orthography except as regards the anusvara which stands for all nasals before consonants and for m at the end of a sentence, and the doubling of consonants before 1. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 100 Kalpasutra. 4) This gatha is taken from the Avacyakasutra (II 276). The metre is Capala or that modification of Arya the first and the third padas of which consist of three feet and the first syllable of the fourth foot. vimanabhavana. yo devalokad avatarati, tanmata vimanam pacyati; yas tu narakad udvrityo 'tpadyate, tanmata bhavanam; iti caturdacai 'vai 'te svapna vimanabhavanayor ekataradarcanad iti. S. 5) cittamanamdiya. makarah prakritatvat ..... anamdiya namdiya tti pathe tu a ishan sukbasaumyatadibhavaih, nandita samriddhim upagata, tatac ca nandita samriddhataratam upagata. S. cirasyavartta avarttanam pradakshinyena paribhramanam yasya sa cirasyavarttas tam. cirasa 'praptam ity anye. S. - The former explanation is not a probable one, because the Prakrit equivalent of cirasyavartta would most likely be sirassavatta, a form never met with. It is true that saumanasyita may become either somanassiya or somanasiya; but there is no form of sirasavatta with two s. The second explanation sirasa vatla = virusa 'prapta is also very doubtful, because the change of u in af is anomalous. There is only one instance of this phonetic change, viz. vahutta = prabhata Kem. I. 233. Dr. Ed. Muller proposes another one by explaining vadimsaya as an equivalent of praticraya (Beitrage zur Grammatik des Jainaprakrit p. 15). The Jainas explain it by avatamsaka. That they are right, is proved not only by the existence of the form vadimsaga, but also by its original meaning which it seems to have in $ 51, whence originated the secondary meaning 'splendid mansion'. I think vattu is the equivalent of vyapta. piva is according to Vararuci X 4 a Paicaci word, but according to Hemacandra II 182, it is also found in Maharashtri. It is an enclitic, and, as in the enclitics pi (= api) and ca, its initial letter depends on the nature of the final letter of the preceding word. When an anusvara precedes, the enclitics in question are to be written piva, pi, ca; witness: kayambuyam piva, pattam piva 118, tam pi, tam ca (chac-ca) etc. But after a vowel they take the forms viva, vi, ya (or a in those Mss. which exhibit the yacruti only after a, a); witness: Jino viva 138, rukkhae viva 61 v.l.; se vi; se ya (or se a) etc. The reason of this phonetic rule is obvious. For the enclitics were considered as making part of, and not as being separate from, the word to which they are appended. The enclitics ca and va sometimes cause the elision of a preceding anusvara, e. g. devehi ya devihi ya; niggamthana va niggamthana va. --- It need hardly be remarked that piva is composed of the two particles pi - api and va -- iva. 6) devanuppiya tti, devanam priya, athava devan apy anurupam prinati 'ti devanupriyas tasya sambodhanam. S. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Notes I. Jinacaritra. . 101 8) ihau tadarthaparyalocanalakshanam .... buddhih sampratadarcini, vijnanam purvapararthavibhavakam atitanagatavishayam. S. I believe iha not to be a tatsama but the derivate from iksha. 9) lakshanani svastikacakradini vyanjanani mashatilakadini. S. .... mana means volume; unmana, weight; pramana, length. The normal measures of the human body are given in the following gatha, quoted in the Samdehavishaushadhi: jala-donam addha-bharam sa-muhai samusio u jo navao 1 man-ummana-pamanam tiviham Khalu lakkhanam neyam || . "A drona of water, a half bhara, and who has the length of nine times the length of his own head; that is to be known as the threefold definition of mana, unmana, and pramanci". The volume is found in the following way: jalasya 'tibhrite kunde pramatavyapurushe nivecite yaj jalam nihsarati tad yadi dronamanam syat tada sa purusho manaprapta ucyate. S. The human head measures, according to S., 12 angulas, the whole body 108, but that of a Tirthamkara, 120 angulas, for his ushnisha takes up 12 angulas more. vinnayuparinayamitta tti vijnatam vijnanam parinatamatram yasya sa tatha, kvacid vinnaya-parinaya-mitta tti pathas, tatra vijna eva vijnakah sit ca 'sat parinatamatrac ca buddhyadiparinamavan eva vijnakaparinatamatrah; iha matracabdo buddhyadiparinamasya 'bhinavatvakhyapanaparah. - Regarding the old enumeration of the sciences compare Weber, Fragment der Bhagavati II 246. One would expect athavvanaveyanam itihasapamcamanam. In Prakrit the case-affixes are occasionally dropped, f. i. in SS 4, ujjalanaga in SS 14, before saddhim $ 61 etc. samkhyane samkalita vyavakalitadigaaitaskandhe suparinishthita iti yogah, kvacit samkhame ity anantaram sikkhane iti dricyate, tatra ciksham anati pratipadayati cikshanam, acaropadecacastram ....... nirutte tti padabhanjane na cabdaniruktipratipadake; joisam ayane tti: aya-vaya-damndaka-dhatuh (!) sarve gatyartha jnanartha iti, jyotisham grahidinam ayane jnane jyotihcastre ity arthah. S. shashtitantram kapiliyacastram. the 60 padarthas are enumerated in S., where the following verses of the Rajavartika, a Digambara Agama, are quoted: pradhanastitvam ekatvam arthavattvam atha 'nyata pararthyam ca tatha 'nyaikyam viyogo yoga eva ca|| ceshavrittir akartritvam calikartha daca smritah viparyayah pancavidhas tatho 'kta nava tushtayah || karananam asamarthyarn ashtavimcatidha matam iti shashtih padarthanam ashtabhih saha siddhibhih || 13) bhogarha lyhoga bogabhogistinpeakritatvannapumsakatvam. 14) compare Avacyaka II 332: alaiya-mala-maudo bhasurabumdi-palamba-vana-mala samanaya indratulyaya riddhya caranti'ti For Private and Personal Use Only Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 102 Kalpasutra. samanika indrasamanayushkadibhavah. S. about the lokapalas see Weber 1 c. 223--226. agramahish yah.... tatha ca "rsham: Pauma, Siva, Sai, Amju Amala Acchara, Navamiya, Rohini. tisrah parishado bahyamadhyabhyantara, jaghanyamadhyamotkrishtaviceshaparivarabhutah, sapta 'nikani hasty-acva - ratha-padati-vrishabhanartaka-gathaka-jana-rupani sainyani. S. ahaya tti akhyanakapratibaddham ahatam va 'vyavacchinnam yan natyam natakam tatra yad gitai ca geyam yani ca vaditani tantritalatalatrutitani tatra tantri vina, talatalac ca hastasphotaravah, tala va hastah, talah kamsikah; tudiya tti ceshataryani yac ca ghanamridajgo meghadhvanimardalo yac ca patupatahavaditam iti karmadharuyagarbho dvandvas tatac ca tesham yo ravas tena. kvacit punar mahaya 'haya - natta - geya-vaiya - ahaya - samlha-samkhiya-kharamuhiyapoya-piripiriya-panava-padaha-bhambha-horambha-bheri-jhallaridumduhi-tatu-vitata-ghana-jhusira - tamti-talatala-tudiya-ghanamuimga-padu-ppavaiya-ravenam ti dricyate tatra ahatany avyahatani natyagitayaditani tatha ahatebhyo mukhahastadan dadibhir akutyamanebhyah cankhadibhyo yo ravas tena mahata vipulena, tatra cankhah pratitah, cankhika hrasvacankhah, kharamukhika kahala, poya mahati kahala, piripiriya kolikaputakavanaddhamukho vadyaviceshah, panavo bhandapataho laghupataho va tadanyas tu pataha iti, bhambha tti dhakka, horambha tti rudhigamya, bheri mahaahakka, jhallari valayakaro vadyaviceshah, dundubhir devavadyaviceshah; atho'ktanuktasamgrahadvarena "ha: tate 'tyadi tatani vinadikani tajjanitacabda api tatah, evam anyad api padatrayam navaram, ayam viceshas tatadinam: tatam vinadikam jneyam, vitatam patahadikam | ghanam tu kainsyataladi vamcadi cushiram matam! tatha tantri 'tyadi pragvat; patuna dakshapurushena pravadyata iti patupravaditah, sa ca 'sau ghanamsidangac ca praktitatvad viceshanasya paranipatas tata etesham ravas tene 'ti vyakhyeyam. S. SS 15-16 are almost verbally repeated from the beginning of the Rajapracniyasutra; the only difference is that there they refer to Suryabhadeva. 15) imam ca nam ti kevalah paripurnah sa cu 'sau kalpac ca karyakaranasamartha iti kevalakalpah, kevala eva va kevalakalpah samagrah, athava paripurnatasadharmyat kevalakalpah kevalajnanasadricas tam. S. ohi avadhi is one of the five divisions of samyagjnana; compare The Pandit IX 286 (Sarvadarc. Sam.) .... egasadiyam ti ekakhandacatakamayam uttarasangam vaikakshikam. S. 16) arahamtanam. sarvatra prakrite caturthyah shashthi. tato devadibhyo 'ticayapajavandanady-arhatvad arhadbhyo namah, bahuvacanam advaitocchedad arhadbahutvakhyapanartham namaskartuh phalaticayajnapanartham ca. tatha karma-'ri-hananat arihamtanam. karmabijabhave bhave 'prarohad aruhamtanam. iti pathatrayam. S. dharmavaracaturantacakravartibhyah. trayah samudrac caturtho For Private and Personal Use Only Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Notes 1. Jinacaritra. 103 himavan ete catvarah prithivya antah, teshu bhavah svamitaye 'ti caturantah, te ca cakravartinah, dharmeshu varah creshtho dharmavarah, tatra vishaye caturantacakravartina iva dharmavaracaturantacakravartinah S. Compare Hem. Prak. Gram. I 44. vyavrittachadmabhyah. ghatikarmani samsaro va chadma tad vyavrittam kshinam yebhyas te. S. sampaviukamassa tti yady api bhagavatah siddhigatau kamo na 'sti mokshe bhave ca sarvanihspriho munisattama iti vacanat, tada'pi tadanurupaceshtanat sampraptukama iva sampraptukamas tatra 'samprapta ity arthas tasya. S. 17) Compare Fausboll, Jataka vol. I, part. 1, p. 49: Buddha nama vessakule va suddakule va na nibbattanti, lokasammate pana khattiyakule va brahmanakule va ti dvisu yeva kulesu nibbattanti. A shorter account of the exchange of the embryos is given in the Acarangasutra. ... 18) ugra Adidevena "rakshakatve ye niyuktas tesham kulcshu, tadvamcajeshu; bhoga ye tenai 'va gurutvena vyavahritas tadvamcajeshu etc. S. jatir matrikah pakshah, kulam pitrisamuttham. S. 19) jonijammana tti yonya janmartham nishkramanena. S. 21) jiyam eyam ti jitam acaritam kalpa ity ekarthah. S. gabbhe tti garbhah putrikalakshanah. S. Harer Indrasya naigameshi adecapratichaka iti vyutpattya 'nvarthanamanam. S. SSSS 26 and 27) A similar passage is found in the Rajapracniyasutra not far from that alluded to above. There, Suryabhadeva sends Abhiyogikadeva to Mahavira in Amalakalpaka. 27) veuvviyasamugghaenam ti uttaravaikriyakaranaya prayatnaviceshena, samohanai thi samuddhanti pradecan vikshipati, samohannai thi pathe samuddhanyate samudghatavan; tatsvarupam aha: samkhijjaim ti danda iva danda urdhvadhaayatah carirabahulyo jivapradecakarmapudgalasamuhas tam iha ca yady api ratnadipudgala audarika vaikriyasamudghate ca vaikriya eva grahya bhavanti, tatha 'pi 'ha tesham ratnadipudgalanam iva saratapratipadanaya ratnanam ityady uktam tac ca ratnanam ive 'tyadi vyakhyeyam. anye tv ahur: audarika api te grihitah santo vaikriyataya parinamanti 'ti tena ca dandena ratnadinain yathabadaran asaran dandanisargagrihitan pudgalan paricatya yathasukshman saran paryadatte dandanisargagrihitan samastyena "datte ity arthah. S. 28) The forms: docca (or ducca) and tacca are derived from the presamskritic *dvitya *tritya, compare Zend bitya, thritya, Lit. trecza. By insertion of an i before the y, the forms dvitiya and tritiya, were produced which occur in the dialect of the Gathas; compare old Persian: duvitiya, tritiya, and old Slavonian tretij. The equivalents of dvitiya, tritiya in Pali are dutiya tatiya; in Jaina Prakrit: vittiya (tt for the same reason as Ik in sukkila cukla); vitiya, tatiya; biiya, taiya, (compare caitya cetiya, ceiya) biya. By For Private and Personal Use Only Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 104 Kalpasutra. lengthening the inserted i, the Samskrit words dvitiya , tritiya were produced, just as the affix iya frequently stands in Samskrit words for the original affix ya.. 30) Kasavagotta is generally written, and not Kasavasagotta, as might be expected. 32) vieitram accaryakrit, ullocasya vitanasya, citritam vividhacitrayuktam, talam adhobhago yasmims tat tathi. vicitta-ulloyacilliya-tale tri pathe tu vicitro vividhacitrayukta ulloka uparibhago yatra, cilliyam dipyamanam talam adhobhago yatra ... tatha bahu atyartham samo nimnonnatah pancavarnakuttimakalitah, suvibhaktah kritasvastikah .... tatha sushtu gandhavaranam pradhanavasanam gandho yasminn asti tat sugandhavaragandhikam tatra, kvacit sugamdha-vara-gamdha-gamdhie tti pathas ..... gandhavarttir gandhadravyagutika .... salimgaae 'tyadi: saha "linganavarttya carirapramanagandopadhanena yat tat salingavarttikam tasmin, ubhayata ubhau sirontapadantay acritya, vivvoyane tti upadhane ganduke yatra tat tatha ...... kvacit pannattaga-vivvoyani tti dricyate tatra ca suparikarmitagandopadhane ity arthah ...... (uddala) avadalo 'vadalanam padanyase 'dhogamanam ity arthah. S. maghamaghamta comp. panjabi: maghnu to burn, hindi: maghan redolent. Similarly forms of intensive verbs are jalajalimta gumagumayamta, misimisimta, tadatadamta, kidilcidiyabhue...... ruya --- ruta cotton mah. and guz.: 2u, hind.: rue, panj.: rum. S. reads tulla = tulya); tula iti pathe tu talam arkatulam etesham iva sparco yasya. s. 33) atha prathamam ibhadarcanam samanyavrittim acrityo 'ktam; anyatha prathamajinajanani vrishabham eva, criViramata prathamam simham adrakshid iti vsiddhah. S. This dogma, which has caused the different description of the dreams in Ms. A, is not universally acknowledged. For the Avacyaka Sutra takes no heed of it, but gives the same gatha, gaya vasaha etc. as enumeration of the dreams of Devananda and Tricala, just like the Kalpasutra. 33) cauddamtam caturdantamusalam; kvacit taoyacauddamtam iti pathas, tatra tatac ca iti yojyamane tae nam iti paunaruktyam syat tasmat tataujaso mahabalac .... usiyam ti ucchritam, nirvibhaktikapathe tu galiye 'tyadi viceshanena saha karmadharayah. S. nam iva preranam tene 'va visarpad ullasat ... kila kakudam svabhavad evo 'llasad asti tatro 'tprekshyate, ne'dam svayam evo 'llasaty api tu sahajacobhasambhareneva preryate ulla sayati. S. 35) mushagatam yat pravarakanakam tad api tapitam ata eva "vartamanain tadvad vuitte vimalataaitsadrice nayane yasya sa tatha. arshatvad viceshanaviceshyayoh purvaparanipataniyamah. S. In Prakrit, the members of compounds are frequently not connected in the same order in which they ought to stand according to Samskrit grammar. ucchritam udagram sunirmitam kundalikritam sujatam sam For Private and Personal Use Only Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Notes I. Jinacaritra. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 105 purnam asphotitam acchotitam langulam pucchacchata yena sa. tatha. S. Kalpaduma: kundalakarakritam asti, pucchagram dvayoh karnayor antarale anitam asti. Stevenson ties a knot in the tail of the lion, and depicts it carefully in a footnote. = uvayamanam is rendered by the commentators: avapatat avatarat. I think it stands for *uvavayamana Skrit. upapatat. Of two successive syllables which are identical or nearly so, is frequently dropped; comp. Ed. Muller, Beitrage, p. 24. 36) uccam agatam praptam, athava ucca unnato 'gah parvato himavams tatra jatam uccagajam yat sthanam kamalam tatra lashtam yatha bhavaty evan samsthitam. S. Cri is described from the toes upwards, as is the rule for the descriptions of gods; Mallinatha on Kumarasambhava I, 33: devatanam padangushthaprabhriti varnyate, manushanam kecad arabhye 'ti dharmikah. (ujjuya) rijvi sarala, sama 'vishama, samhita nirantara, tanuka sukshma, adeya subhaga, latabha suvicala. S. kvacit atiyapattiyd tti dricyate tatra trikam prishthavamcasya 'dhas tatsamipopalakshito 'grabhago 'pi trikam tat, a trikat trikam yavat praptir avakaco yasya tad atrikapraptikam. S. The occurrence of the word dinara betrays the late composition of the description of the dreams; comp. note to 46 and Introduction P. 23. yatha kila raja kautumbikaih cobhate, evam ananam api cobhasamudayene 'ti. S. one gumagumayamana. Mallinatha on Kiratarjuniya VI, 4 exhibits a word ghumaghumayamana which means sounding. comp. hindi: ghumaghumana to revolve, to prevaricate; panjabi: ghummna to turn round, roll. But see Hem. IV 117 and 161. 38) ghanagambhirasya vanakunjader vitimirakaram pramanapakshayor varshadipramananibandhanayoh cuklakrishnapakshayor antar madhye rajanti lekha yasya sa tatha tam, athava candramasapekshaya pramanapakshayor ante paurnamasyam, ragada harshadayinyo lekhah kala yasya sa tam. S. 39) ankanam jyotishasya: jyotisham samuho jyotisham jyoticcakram tasya ankanam meshadiracisamkramanadina lakshakam jnapakam. S. ratrau, makarasya 'lakshanikatvat, uddhavatah ucchrinkhalan duhpracaran suddhamta iti pathe tu cuddhanto 'ntahpuram tatra duhkhena yo 'sau pracaras tatpramardanam, yatha hi rajnam antahpure pracaro dushkaras tatha ratrav api tamoviluptacakshusham pathikanam, suryodaye tu sukarah pracarah pathishv iti. S. 40) sukkila. Two consonants, which resist assimilation, are usually separated in Prakrit by an inserted vowel, which in old verses is often not reckoned as a syllable; comp. Zeitschrift fur vergl. Sprachf. XXIII p. 594 sqq. Sometimes the process of assimilation of two consonants had just begun when it was stopped by the insertion of a vowel. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 106 Kalpasutra. Thus we have ambila = ambla = amla; sumina = *sumna (comp. somnus) = *supna (comp. Unvos) == svapna. Sometimes, the second consonant was doubled by the influence of the first, and vice versa: 1) puruvva (Mricchakatika 39, 23) = *purvva = purva; murukkha (Hem. II, 112.) -- *murkkha - murkha. 2) sukkila = *sukkla = cuklu, (in sukkilla both consonants are doubled); abhikkhanam = *abhikkhnam == *abhikhnam --- abhikshnam (an offshoot of the supposed form abhilchnam is the Pali abhikhanam, which would be in Praksit *abhihanam comp. suhuma = Pali sukhuma === Samskrit sukshma). Sometimes the two consonants are assimilated, nevertheless the second is not totally absorbed in the assimilated group, but appears after an inserted vowel: duttiya == *dvitya (tt = ty comp. patteya = pratyeka, pattiya = pratyayita); ajjiya = *ajya (comp. jyotsna = *dyotsna, dosina in Prakrit and Pali) = arya. (The commentators derive ajjiya from aryika, but that" word is of rare occurence in Samskrit.) avagijjhiya = *avagijhya = avagrihya; sassiriya = sacrika. 42) tarunacabdasye'ha sambandhat tarunaravikiranair bodhitani ......... athava punar-avi tti punar api kiranah suryas tena tarunena 'bhinavena bodhitani. , .. S. pahakara and nihelana are pronounced to be decya in S. pamuiyamtabhamara pramuditam antaccittam yesham te pramuditantaras te ca bhramaraganac ca. S. I believe that pamuiyamta is the present participle of pra-mud; the d of mud seems to have been changed in i, comp. sammui. saruruhabhiramam ti sarassu sarovareshu arham pujyam ata eya 'bhiramam sarorhabhiramam. uc ca 'rhati 'ti (Hem. II 111) hakarat purva ukarah. S. This explanation is obviously wrong; for sararuha : saroruha :: manahara : manohara, comp. Hem. I 156. 43) kvacit punah: ukkada- umme - sahassam ti pathah sa ca subodha eva; tatah param: pabamdhayamananiyamtubhasuratadabhiramam ti pathas, tatra ce 'ttham vyakhya: prabandhena nairantaryena 'yamano gacchan, ayamano va pratyagacchan prabandhayamanah; na vidyate niyamtu tti pacyan drashta yasya tat aniyatyam (!) kena 'py adrisyamanam duratvad ata eva bhasuram bhayamkaram yat tatam paraparam tena 'bhiramam. S. 44) vasangani vasanam Gandham alin i granthoktasurabhikaranopayabhutataddravyani ca tesham uttamena maghamaghayamanena gandheno 'ddhutena itas tato prassitena 'bhiramam yat tat tatha. S. 46) jvalojvalanaka arshatvad vibhaktilope tena katthai etc. S. ete ca svapnavarnaka bahushu adarveshu na dricyanta eva; yeshv api santi, teshv api bahavo vacanabhedah. ata eva bahuChih paryushanakalpopanibandhakarair svapna na vyacacakshire, maya tu yathamnayam yathabodham kimcid vyalchyatam. S. 56) kautumbikapurushan adecakarinah. S. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Notes 1. Jinacaritra.. 107 59) pahara tti ghanvriddher ve 'ti (Hem. I 68) prakritalakshanena hrasvah. S. 60) attanacala vyayamacala ..... karanani ca mallacastraprasiddhani taih crantah samanyena paricranto 'ngapratyangapekshaya sarvatah. S. prinaniyaih rasarudhiradidhatusamata karibhih, dipaniyair agnijananaih, madaniyaih manmathavardhaniyaih, vsihaniyair mamsopacayakaribhih, darpaniyair balakaraih. S. (viravalayani). subhato hi yadi kvacid anyo 'sti viravratadhari tada 'sau mam vijitya mocayatv etani valayani 'ti spardhayan yani katakani paridadhati tani viravalayani 'ty ucyante ... S. 61) dharijjamanenam dhriyamancna, vacanantare Suryabhavad alamkaravarnakah sa cai 'vam: egavalim pi nim dhei (!) ityadi Rajapracniyasutram. - I have not been able to verify in my copies the passage of the Rajapracniyasutra which Jinaprabhamuni proceeds to explain after the words just quoted. At the end of his comment on the passage in question, he says: camarau tti yady api camaracabdo napumsakalinge rudhas, tatha 'pi 'ha strilingataya nirdishtas, tathai 'va gaudamate rudhatvad iti. According to Bharata Malla's commentary on the Amarakosha, the forms camara and camari were also used. (Comp. Petersburgh Dictionary. s. v. camara.) That commentary, in which the etymologies are given conformably with Vopadeva's system of grammar, is the favorite authority of the Bengal school; its author flourished in the middlo of last century (see Colebrooke: Misc. Ess. II 51. Wilson: Works V 206). He is therefore much later than Jinaprabhamuni, who most probably used one of Bharata Malla's authorities. - aneke ye gananayakah praksitimahattara, dandanayakas tantrapala, rajano mandalikah, icvara yuvarajah, animadyaicvaryayukta ity aniye, talavarah paritushtanarapatipradattapattabandhavibhushita rajasthaniyah, mandalikac (!) chinnamadambadhipah, kautumbikah katirayakutumbaprabhavo 'yalagakah (? avalagakah Kir.) gramamahattara va, mantrinah sacivah, mahamantrino mahamatya mantrimandalapradhana hastisadhanadhyaksha va, ganaka jyotishika bhandagarika va, dauvarikah pratihara rajadvarika va, amatya rajyadhishthayakah, cetah padamulika dasa va, pithamarda asthane asannasevaka vayasya ity arthah, vecyacarya va, nagara nagaravasipraksitayo rajadeyavibhagah, nigamah karaaika vanijo va, creshthinah cridevata dhyasitasauvarnapattabhushitottamangah, senapatayo nripanirupitac caturangasainyanayakah, sarthavahah sarthanayakah, duta anyesham gatva rajadecavedakah, sandhipala rajyasandhirakshakah; esham dvandvas tatas tair iha tritiyabahuvacanalopo drashtavyah. S. 63) ksitah siddharthakapradhano mangalaya mangalanimittam upacarah paja yeshu tani tatha, prakritatvat kritacabdasya madhye nipatah. S. varapattane varavastrotpattisthane udgata vyuta ca tam, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 108 Kalpasutra. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir varapattanad va pradhanaveshtanakad udgata nirgata ya sa tatha tam. S. 64) atthamge tti ashtangam ashtavayavam divyo-'tpata-"ntariksha-bhauma-"nga-svara-lakshana-vyanjana-bhedad. S. 66) kritabalikarma yaih svagrihadevatanam te tatha prayaccittani duhsvapnadivighatartham tatra kautukani mashatilakadini, mangalani tu siddharthakadadhyakshatadurvankuradini; anye tv ahuh: payacchitta padena pade va chuptac cakshurdoshapariharartham padachuptah, kritakautukamangalac ca te padachuptac ce 'ti vigrahah. tatha cuddhatmanah snanena cucikritadehah, vesaim ti vastrani 'ti yogah, veshe sadhuni veshyani, athava cuddhani ca tani pravecyani ca rajasabhaprave cocitani. 89) Vesamanakumdadharino tti Vaicramanasya kundam ayattatam dharayanti ye te tatha. tiryaglokavasino jrimbhaka devas tiryagjrimbhakah prahina alpibhutah sektarah secakah dhanaksheptaro yesham tani prahinasektrikani prahinasetukani va setur margah. S. gamagara down to simghadaesu kvacic ca dricyate. This reading seems, therefore, to have not been adopted by the Curnikara. tatra karadigamya gramah, akara lohadyutpattibhumayah nai'teshu karo 'sti 'ti nakarani, khetani dhuliprakaropetani, karvatani kunagarani, madambani sarvato 'rdhayojanat parato 'vasthitagramani, dronamukhani yatra jalasthalapathav ubhav api stah, pattanani yeshu jalasthalapathayor anyatarena paryaharapravecah, acramas tirthasthanani munisthanani va, samvahah samabhumau krishim kritva yeshu durgabhumishu dhanyani krishivalah samvahanti rakshartham, sannivecah sarthacakatades tato dvandvas teshu. kvacit sannivesaghosesu iti pathas, tatra ghosha gokulani teshu. S. The commentator states that griha must be understood with (or after) each of the words samti. etc. sandhigriham bhittyor antarale pracchannasthanam. S. 90-91) samta sad vidyamanam na punar indrajaladav iva 'vastavam yat sarasvapateyam pradhanadravyam. S. 95) uktam ca Vagbhate: vatilaic ca bhaved garbhah kubjandhajadavamanah | pittalaih khalatih pingac citri panduh kaphatmabhih || 96) The passage in brackets is wanting in Ms. A; and S declares: bahutra uccatthane 'tyadi na drigyate. It is decidedly spurious, because it contains the word ucca, a technical term of the graeco-indian astrology, which science was not developed in India before the fourth century A. D. After having sent the Introduction to press, I find the following passage in the Kalpalata: Skandapurane punar viceshac ca 'yam: gatakaliyugasam. 2691 varshe caitra su di trayodacyam mangalavare uttaraphalguninakshatre ghati 60 ratrigataghati 15 pala 21 samaye makaralagne candrahorayam criVirajanme 'ti. As Mahavira lived 72 years, his death would fall in 2763 KY or 339 A.D. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Notes 1. Jinacaritra. 109 It will be agreed that the statement of the Skandapurana has no weight at all, because its name is used to make modern compositions, such as the Mahatmyas, pass for ancient works. I cannot decide whether this chronological notice of the "Skandapurana", which obviously has an astrological purport, is based on an older tradition or not; I can only assert that I have found it nowhere except in the Kalpalata. It may be noticed that the birth of Mahavira, according to the passage just quoted, falls in 411 B.C, or just 100 years before the beginning of the Seleucidan Era. 97) utpinjalo bhoicam akulah sa iva "carati 'ty acarakvipi catari ca: catranasa (Hem. III 181) iti praksitalakshanena manadece uppimjalamaini tte siddham tadbhutabhatacabdasyo 'pamarthatvad utpinjalanti 'va S. 98) The passage in brackets is found only in CE and the Samdehavishaushadhi and Kiranayali. The former commentary gives the following explanation : tac ca bahushy adarceshu na drishtam. tasya api vacanaya upari kaccid vya cashte iti tatra 'pi kimcid vivriyate. piyatthayae prityartham; piyam niveemo priyam ishtam vastu putrajanmalakshanam nivedayamah; piyam te bhavau etac ca priyanivedanam priyam bhavatv iti (these are the words of the dasis who announce the birth of Mahavira to the king) tasya danam maudavajjam ti mukutasya rajacihnatvat strinain ca 'nucitatvat tasye 'ti tadvarjanam; jaha maliyam yatha dharitam, mala-malla dharaae iti yatha parihitam ity arthah umoyam ayamucyate paridhiyate yah so 'vamocakah abharanam tam matthae dhoya () angapraticarikunam mastakani kshalayati dasatvapanayanartham, svamina dhautamastakasya hi dasatvam apagacchati 'ti lokavyavaharah. S. A similar passage is found in the Tika of the Uttaradhyayana 18,51, where king Bala, on receiving the news that a son is born to him, tesim padicariyanam muudavajjam sariralamkaram daluyai, matthae dhovati, viulum paidanam dalayati. 100) manca malakah prekshanakadrashtrijanopavecananimittam atimancas tesham api upari ye ..... laiyam chaganadina bhumau lepanam; ulloiyam satikadina kutyadishu dhavalanam tabhyam mahitarni pujitam, tair eva va mahitam pujanam yatra tat tatha; anye tu: liptam ullocitam ullocayuktam mahitam ce iti vyacakshate. S. Dardara is sandal brought from Dardara. -- It is the custom in India, up to this day, to decorate walls with impressions of a painted hand with the fingers stretched out. uvaciya-vamdana-ghada-sukaya - torana - padiduvara-desabhagam ti pathah. tatro 'pacita nivecita vandanaghatac ca mazigalyakalacah sushtu kritatoranani ca dvaradecabhagan prati yasmins tat tatha. S. jalla varatrakhelakah, rajnah stotrapathaka ity anye, .... vidambaka vidushaka vailambaka va ye samukhavikaram utplutyo'tplutya nrityanti .... lasaka ye rasakan dadati jayacabdaprayoktaro va bhanda ity arthah .... lankha vamcagrakhelaka, mankhac citra For Private and Personal Use Only Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 110 Kalpasutra. phalakahasta , bhikshaka gauriputraka iti prasiddhah, tunailla bhastrakavittas tunabhidhanavadyaviceshavanto va. S. 102) utkrishtam karshanam krishtam unmuktam krishtam yasyam so 'tkrishta tam, labhye 'pi akarshananishedhat, adeyam vikrayanishedhanena na kena 'pi kasya 'pi deyam, ameyam krayavikrayanishedhad eva 'vidyamano bhatanam rajajnadayinam bhattaputradipurushanam prave;ah kutumbigrikeshu yasyam sa tatha tam. tatha dandena nirvrittam dandimam, kudandena nirvrittam kudandimam rajadeyadravyam tan na'sti yasyam sa tatha tam; adamdimakudamdimam tatra dando paradhanusarena rajagrahyam dravyam kudandas tu karanikanam prajnaparadhan mahaty apy aparadhino 'paradhe "lpam rajagrahyam dravyam; kvacit adamdukudamdimam iti pathas, tatra dandalabhyam dravyam dandah cesham uktavat. adharimam avidyamanam dharimam rinadravyam yasyam sa tatha tam; kvacit aharimam iti drishtam, tatra aharimam kasya 'pi vastunah kena 'py aharanat; kvacit adhuranijjam ity api dricyate, tatra avidyamano dharaniyo dhamarno yasyam sa tatha ....... sthitau kulamaryadayam patita "ntarbhuta ya putrajanmotsavasambandhini vardhapanadika prakriya. S. 104) matapitarau prathame divase sthitipatitam kulakramantarbhatam putrajanmocitam anusthanam karayatah sma ...... jagariyam ti shashthijagaranam, kvacit dhammajagariyam dricyate, tatra dharmena kuladharmena lokadharmena va shashthyam ratrau jagaranam dharmajagaranam dharmajagarika tam ...... mitrani suhridah, jnatayah sajatiyamatapitribhratradayah, nijakah svakiyah putradayah, svajanah pitsivyadayah, sambandhinah svacuradayah, parijano dasidasa dih, Nayakhattiya Usabhasamisayanijjaga. S. The last words being Praksit are most probably taken from the Curni. The Kiranayali has: Jnatakshattriya Rishabhasvamisajatiyah; but the Kalpalata: Naikhattie tti Usabhasanisayanijjaga. 105) jimitau bhuktavantau bhuttuttaragaya tti bhuktottaram bhojanottarakalam agatav upavecanasthane iti gamyate. S. 108) sammudita ragadveshabhavah, saha iti sahabhayini sammudita sahasammudita, yac curni": sammui ragaddosarahiyaya ..... parishahopasarganam kshutpipasadidivyadibheda dvavimcatishodacavidhanam kshantikshamah kshantya kshamate na tv asamarthataya yah sa kshantikshamah, pratimanam bhadradinam ekaratrikyadinam va tattadabigrahaviceshan am va. S.. 110) dakshah kalasu dakshah, pratijnatasiddhiparagamitaya patvi pratijna yasya sa tatha; pratirupah tattadgunasamkramanadarpanatvat vicishtarupo va; alinah sarvagunair aclishtah, guptendriyo va; bhadrakah saralah, bhadraga iti va bhadravad voishabhavad gacchati, bhadrado va kalyanadayitvat ..... tatha jnatah prakhyatah, Jnato va Jnatavamcyatvat ata eva "ha Nayaputte Jnataputrah Jnatah Siddharthanripas tasya putro Jnataputrah, na ca putramatrenai 'va kacit siddhir ity aha Jnatakulacandrah; videha iti vicishtadehah, vajrarshabhanaracasamhananasamacaturasratsam For Private and Personal Use Only Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ww Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Notes 1. Jinacaritra. 111 sthanopetatvat; athava: dihimk lope, vigato deho lepo 'smad iti vide ho nirlepah ..... videhadinne tti Videhadinna Tricala devi tasya apatyam Vaidehadinnah samskritapekshaya Videhadatta Tricala tasya ayam Vaidehadatta iti jneyam, tasya eva aurasaputratvakhyapanartham viceshanam aha videhajacce Videha Bhimo Bhimasena iti nyayad Videhadinna Tricala tasyam jata vidchaja arca cariram yasya 'sau Videhajarcah, athava videho vigatadeho ananga ity arthah sa yatyah pidayitavyo yasya 'sau videhayatyah; tatha videha sumale viceshena dihyate lipyate tattatparigraharambhasambhtitaih papapankair jivo 'sminn iti videhe grihavasah tatrai 'va sukumarah cabdadivishayasukhalalitah .... etesham cabdanam kva 'pi vivsitir na drishta, ato vriddhamnayad anyatha 'pi bhavaniyani. S. There is some confusion in the grammatical construction of this paragraph, as well as of $ 113; for Mahavire .. devehim .. abhitthunamana . . vayasi must be interpreted, as if the text had: Mahaviram .. deva . . abhitthunamana vayasi (Mahaviram.. devah . . abhishtuvantah .. avadishuh). It is generally known that in modern dialects of India a similar confusion of the active and passive construction has become the rule in the construction of the perfect. Compare the following examples taken from Etherington's Hindi grammar p. 94: larkhene ghora dekcha the boy saw the horse'. larkhene ghore dekhi 'the boy saw the mare'. gurune celeko sikhaya the teacher taught the pupil' kisanne bailomko beca hai, the peasant has sold the bullocks'. ranine apne ek saheleko bulaya 'the queen called one of her attendants'. Perhaps the earliest trace of this curious construction may be recognised in that of our passage. 111) E. Muller (Beitrage zur Grammatik des Jainaprakrit p. 50) asserts that in the Kalpasutra bhaddante is always written instead of bhadanta, and that, consequently, Childers must be wrong in maintaining the identity of bhadante and bhante. He concurs with Prof. E. Kuhn in deriving this word from bhonto, bhavantas, or bhagavantas. Dr. Muller's argument is wrong, because, wherever bhaddamte occurs in the Kalpasutra and in any other Jaina work I have consulted, it does not stand for bhamte, but for bhaddam te, and it is rendered bhadram te by the commentators. They render bhamte by bhadantas, and I consider their explanation preferable to that of Prof. E. Kuhn, because *bhonto could only be changed in *bhunto. The change of the Samskrit diphthong o to a is nearly unheard of in Pali and Prakrit. 112) neraiya devatitthamkara ya ohissa bahira homti, pasamti sarvao khalu, sesa desena pasamti, iti vacanat sarvotkrishtam abhogikam abhogaprayojanam apratipaty akevalotpatterjnanadarcanamn, avadhijnanami avadhidarcanam ca "sit, tac ca paramayadheh nyunam. ahohie iti kvacit pathas, tatra adhovadhir adhahparicchedabahulo 'bhyantaravadhir ity arthali; tatha ca curnih: ahohiya tti abbhimtarodhi, ata evo 'ktam neraie 'ty adi. S. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 112 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Kalpasutra. vicchardya viceshena tyaktva, nishkramanamahimakaranato vicchardavad va kritva, vicchardo vistarah. S. The form viggovaitta instead of vigovaitta (vigopya prakatikritya), is proved to be correct by the majority of the manuscripts. The commentary S suggests another explanation of vigopya: gupi gopanakutsanayoh; tato vigopya kutsaniyam etad asthiratvad ity uktva diyata iti. dayika gotrikas tebhyo danam dhanavibhagam paribhajya vibhagaco dattva. S. S. 113) purvadiggaminyam chayayam, porisie paccatyapaurushyam pramanapraptayam kotipraptayam abhinivrittayam jatayam. C and H explain paurushyam by paccatyapraharamanayam. cankhikac candanagarbhacankhahasta mangalakarinah cankhavadaka va, cakrikac cakrapraharanah kumbhakaratailikadayo va, langalika galavalambitasuvarnadimayalangalakaradharino bhattaviceshah karshaka va, mukhamangalika mukhe mangalam yesham te tatha catukarina ity arthah, vardhamanah skandharopitapurushah, pusamana tti pushyamana magadha manya va, ghantaya caranti 'ti ghantikah rauliga iti rudhah, tesham ganas taih; kvacit khamdiyaganehim ti pathas, tatra khan dikaganac chatrasamudayas taih. S. 114) atra siddhicabdena cramanadharmasya vacikarah, tasya madhyam lakshanaya prakarshas tatra tvam nirantarayam tishthe 'ty arthah. S. uttamenam ti ut-tamasa tamo 'titena tatra 'pi karmacatrumardane pradhanam sadhanam cuklena cuklakhyena apramattah pramadarahitah san. S. and Kiranavali; but in the Subodhika: dhyanena kene 'ty aha uttamena cuklena. 116) bahuim divasaim comp. Lassen Inst. p. 309. pamcamutthiyam ti ekaya mushtya kurcasya locam catasribhih cirasah. devadusam ti indrena vamaskandhe 'rpitam divyavastravicesham. S. vosatthakde vyutsrishtakayah parikarmavarjanat tyaktadehah parishahadisahanat. S. 118) iryayam gamanagamanadau samitah samyak pravrittah adane grahane upakaranasye 'ti gamyate bhandamatraya vastradyupakaranarupaparicchadasya bhandamatrasya co 'pakaranasyai 'va, athava bhandasya vastrader mrinmayabhajanasya va, matrasya ca patraviceshasya; nikshepanayam vimocane yah samitah supratyupekshitadikramena samyak pravrittah. S. S. 119) vasicandanayoh pratitayor athava vasicandane iva vasicandane apakarakopakarakau tayoh samano nirdvesharagatvat etc. vasi sutradharasya kashtacchadanopakaranam. Subodhika. 120) (sovaciya) upacayanam upacitam saho 'paciteno 'pacayena vartate sopacitam, satyasamyamatapahsucaritena sopacitam sphitam phalam muktilakshanam yasya sa tatha sa ca 'sau nirvanamargac ca vyavrittasya jirnodyanasye 'ty arthah; jirnavyantarayatanasya va vijayavartam va nama caityam katthakaranamsi kshetradhanyotpattisthane. jhanamtariyae iti cukladhyanam caturdha: prithaktvavitarkam savicaram, ekatvavitarkam avicaram, sukshma For Private and Personal Use Only Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Notes 1. Jinacaritra. 113 kriyam apratipati, utsannakriyam anivarti; tesham adyabhedadvaye dhyate 'gretanabhedadvayam apratipannasya kevalajnanam utpannam ity arthah. S. 122) rajjuka lekhakas tesham sabha paribhujyamana karanacala tatra jirnaculkacalayam ity arthah. prak kila tasya nagarya Apape 'ti nama "sit, devais tu Pape 'ty uktam yena tatra bhagavan kalagata iti. S. 124) samsarat samudyatah samyag udyato na sugatadivat, te hi svadarcanadinikarat punarbhave 'vataranti. S. The commentator's statement seems to apply to the Tibetan Buddhism; for the chutuktus and the Lamas of the Northern church punarbhave 'vataranti, but not the saints of Southern church. In the commentaries the names of the years, months, days, nights, and muhurtas are given in accordance with the Suryaprajnapti; see Indische Studien 10 p. 296. 127) Nayae pijjabamdhane vocchinne, jnataje criMahaviravishaye premabandhane vyavacchinne trutite. S. The legend of Indrabhuti's death has been told in the Indroduction p. 1. note. 128) Kacidecasya rajano Mallakijatiya nava, tatra Kocaladecasya rajano Lecchakijatiya nava, te karyavacad ganam melakam kurvanti 'ti ganarajano 'shtadaca ye Cetakamaharajasya bhagavanmatulasya samantah cruyante te, tasyam amavasyayam param paryantam bhavasya abhogayati pacyati yah sa parabhogah, samsarasagaraparaprapanapravanas tam; athava param paryantam yavad abhogo vistaro yasya sa parabhogah, ashtapraharikah prabhatakalam yavat sampurna ity arthah, tathavidham paushadhopavasam paushadhayuktopavasam, patthavimsu tti prasthapitavantah kritavantah; kecic ca: varabhoe iti pathanti, dvaram abhogyate 'valokyate yais te dvar bhogah pradipas tan kritavantah aharatyagapaushadharupam upavasam ca karshur iti ca vyacakshate (iti vriddhavyakhya K), etad arthanupaty eva co 'ttarasutram: gae se ityadi, gatah sa bhavodyoto, nanam bhavujjoo iti vacanat jnanajnaninoh kathamcid abhedac ca sa bhavodyotarupo jnanamayo bhagavan gato nirvanah, atah sampratam dravyodyotam pradipalakshanam karishyama iti hetos taih pradipah pravartitah. tatah prabhriti dipotsavah samvrittah karttikacuklapratipadi ca criGautamasya kevalimahima devaic cakre. S. 129) khuddae ityadi kshudratma krurasvabhavo bhasmaracis trimcattamo graho dvivarshasahasrasthitir ekaracau. S. Comp. Indische Studien 10, 316. kumthu ityadi kur bhumis tasyam tishthati 'ti kunthuh pranijatir no 'ddhartum cakyata ity anuddhari, anum sukshmam deham dharati 'ty anudhari 'ti curnih. S. stritvam ekavacanam ca prakritatvad iti K. kunthvadicabdeshu 134) sahassiu tti arshatvat stritvam. S. 138) ajinanam ti asarvajnanam sarvajnatulyanam. sarve akshara Abhandl. d. DMG. VII. 1. 8 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 114 Ralpasutra. samnipata varnasamyoga joeyataya vidyante yesham te tatha S. comp. Weber, Fragment der Bhagavati p., 319. 146) antakrito bhavantakrito nirvanayayinas tesham bhumih kalo 'ntaksidbhumih. jugamtakadabhumi tti, iha yugani kalamanaviceshas tani ca kramavartini, tatsadharmyad ye kramavartino gurucishyapravishyadirupah purushas te 'pi yugani, taih pramita 'ntakridbhamir ya sa yugantaksidbhamih. pariyayamtakadabhumi ya tti paryayas tirthamkarasya kevalitvakalas tam acritya 'ntakridbhumir ya sa tatha. tatra jave 'ty adi, iha pancami dvitiyarthe drashtavya, tato yavat tritiyam purusha eva yugam purushayuyam tritiyam prati cishyam Jambusvaminam yavad ity arthah; yugantakarabhumir Virajinasya 'bhavat, Virajinad arabhya tattirthe tritiyam purusham yavat sadhavah siddhah criVirah Sudharma Jambusvami 'ti, tatah param siddhigamanavyavacchedo bhud iti hridayam. cauvasapariyae tti caturvarshaparyaye kevaliparyaye kevaliparyayapekshaya bhagavati Jine sati antam akarshid bhavantam akarot tattirthe sadhur na "rat kaccid api 'ti kevalotpattec caturshu varsheshu siddhigamarambhah. tatha ca vsiddhah: Virassa siddhi-gamanau tinni purisao java siddhi tti | esa jug'-amtara-bhume tena param n'atthi nivvanam || Vira-jina-kevalau cau-varisa na koi siddhi-sampatto 1 kevala-jutto vi jai pajjay-'amtakara bhume sa || . S. 147) sampaliyamkanisanne tti samgataparyankah padmasanam tatra nishanna upavishtah; pancapancacatsu kalyanaphalavipakadhyayaneshu ekam Marudevadhyayanam. S. The chattisam ajjhayanam is, according to the Kalpalata, the Uttaradhyayana. This statement is confirmed by the last verse of that work itself: ii paukare buddhe Nayae parinivvue | chattisa uttarajjhae bhava-siddhiya-sammae || 148) nava vasa-sayaim ti criViranirvsiter navasu varshacateshy acityadhikeshu vyatiteshv iyam vacana jate 'tyarthe vyakhyayamune na tatha vicaravaturicaacunam cetasi pritir, asya sutrasya criVardhamananantaram saptatyadhikavarshacateno 'tpannena criBhadrabahusvamipranitatvat tasmad iyati kale gate iyam vacana pustakeshu nyaste 'ti sambhavyate. criDevarddhikshamacramanair hi criViranirvanan navasu varshacateshv acityuttareshu atiteshu granthan vyavacchidyamanan dsishtya sarvagranthanam adime Nandyadhyayane sthaviravalilakshanam namaskaram vidhaya granthah pustakeshu likhita ity ata eva 'tra granthe sthaviravaliprante Devard dhikshamacramanasya namaskaram vakshyate, purvam tu gurucishyanai crutadhyayanadhyapanavyavaharah pustakanirapeksha eva "sit. kecit tv idam ahur, yad iyatkalatikrame Dhruvasenansipasya putramaranartasya samadhim For Private and Personal Use Only Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Notes 1. Jinacaritra. 115 adhatum Anandapure sampratikale Mahasthanakhyaya rudhe sabhasamaksham ayam grantho vacayitum arabdha iti. samanassa nam bhagavao Mahavirassa java savva-dukkha-ppahinassa Dhuvasenaraino putta-marane ege vasa-sahasse asiti-vasahie vatikkamte ity api kvacidadarceshu drishtam, bahucruta va yathavad vidanti. trinavatiyutanavacatapakshe tv iyata kalena pancamyac caturthyam paryushanaparva pravavrite: tenauyu-nava-saehim samaikkamtehi Vaddhamanao | pajjusavana-cautthe Kalayasurihimto thaviya || visahi dinehi kappo pamcaga-hani ya kappa-thavana ya | nava-saya-tenauehim vucchinna samgha-anae || Sala[valhanena ranna samghaesena kario bhayavam | pajjusavana-cautthe caummasam caudasie || caumasaga padikamanam pakkhiya-divasammi cauviho samgho | nava-saya-tenauehim ayaranam tam pamanamti || iti Tirthodgaradishu bhananat. S. I add the remarks of the Kiranavali, Subodhika and Kalpadruma. The comment of the Kalpalata is a mere abstract from the Sandehavishaushadhi. yady api curnikarena kuto 'pi karanan na vyakhyatam, avaptajirnatikaikadece tv asya vacanaya ity evam vyakhatam; tathan 'pi acityadhikanavacate varshatikrame sarvan granthan vyavacchidyamanan drishtva pustakeshu nyasadbhih criDevarddhiganikshamacramanaih criKalpasutrasya 'pi vacana pustake nyaste 'ti kecit sambhavayanti. tatha punar iyatkalatikrame Dhruvasenanripasya putramaranartasya samadhim adhatum Anandapure sabhasamaksham criKalpavacana'py ajani 'ti kecit; tattvam tu bahucrutagamyam iti. trinavatiyutanavacatapakshe tu: tenaua-nava-sachim samaikkamtehi Vaddhamanao | pajjosavana-cautthi Kalagasurihimto thaviya || ityadi sammatim udbhavye 'yatkalatikrame bhadrasitacaturthyam paryushanaparvapravrittir iti kecid vyakhyanayanti. evam vyakhyane kriyamane catrusamcayanirasakaGardabhillocchedakariKalakasurito 'yam bhinna eva sampadyate. na cai' vam, yatah prabhavakacaritraKalakacaryakathaprabhritigrantheshv eka evo 'ktah. tatha KalpacurniNicithacurnyadishu tu BalamitraBhanumitrayor matulena paryushanaparva caturthyam pravartitam; BalamitraBhanu(mitra) Tirthodgaraprakirnadishu criVirajina Vikramadityarajnor anta 8* For Private and Personal Use Only Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 116 Kalpasutra. ralavartinav api Vikramadityapratyasannav uktau; tatra 'pi kiyatkalavartinav api Vikramadityakalabhavinav api sambhavatah, tatha Calavahana Vikramadityaprabandhadishu tayor yuddhasamgatic ca. kim ca, curnikara api: katham idanim aparvarupayar caturthyam paryushane? 'ti cishyanodanayam: yugapradhanaKalikasurivacanad eve 'ty evam uttaram dattavantah, na punah: vayanamtare puna ayam tenaue samvacchare kale gacchai tti pravacanavacanene 'ty adi svayam eva "locyam. tasmad: acitipakshe Dhruvasenantipa (nu). grahat Paryushanakalpah parshadi vacayitum arabdhah, trinavatipakshe tu pancakapekshaya kalanaiyatyena parshadi Kalpasutravacane pravacanamaryadabhanga iti paryalocanaya: 1) abhivardhite varshe vincatya dinair goihijnataparyushana, 2) pancakahanya svabhigrihitaparyushana ce 'ty ubhayam api vyucchedya sanghadecad ekai 'va vacana caramapancake vyavasthapite 'ti vastugatya vyakhyanikriyata iti vastugatya vyakhyane kriyamane parshadvacanatah pancakahanyadivyavacchedenai 'va cararapancake ya vacana san vacanantaram ity arthasamgatir api. kecit tu vicaryamanam yad acitipakshe tad eva vacanantarena trinavatipakshe 'pi yuktisumgatam dricyate. katham anyatha, ii disai tti akathayishyat? tattvam tu crutadharagamyam prashtavya va pravacanarahasyavidah. (Kiranavali.) yady api etasya sutrasya vyaktataya bhavartho na jnayate, tatha 'pi, yatha purvatikakarair vyakhyatam, tatha vyakhyayate. tatha hi: atra kecid vadanti, yat Kalpasutrasya pustakalikhanakalajnapanava (Ms jnananam paya) idam sutram criDevarddhigamikshamacramanair likhitam. tatha ca 'yam artho yatha criViranirvanad acityadhikanavavarshacatatikrame pustakaruahah siddhanto jatas, tada Kalpo 'pi pustakarudho epi jatah iti. tatho 'ktam: Valahi-purammi nayare Devaddhi-ppamuha-sayala-samghehim ! putthe agama lihio nava ya asiyao varao | anye vadanti: navacataacitivarshe Virat Senangajartham Anande sanghasamaksham mamaham (!?) prarabdham vacayitum vijnaih, ityady antarvacyavacanat: criViranirvanad acityadhikanavacatavarshatikrame Kalpasya sabhasamaksham vacana jata, tam jnapayitum idam sutram nyastam iti, tattvam punah kevalino vidanti. vayanamtare pune 'tyadi vacanantare punar ayam trinavatitamah samvatsarah kale gacchati 'ti dricyate. atra kecit vadanti vacanantare ko 'rthah? pratyuttaram (Ms pratyamtare): tenaue tti dricyate; yat Kalpasya pustake likhanam parshadi vacanam va acityadhikanavavarshacatatikrame iti kyacitpustake likhitam, tat pustakantare trinavatyadhikanavavarshacatatikrame iti dricyate, iti bhavah. anye punar vadanti: ayam acititamah samvatsara iti ko 'rthah? pustake Kalpalikhanasya hetubhatah ayam criVirad dacamacatasya acititamasamvatsaralakshanakalo yaochati 'ti. vayanamtare ko`rthah? ekasyah pustakalikhanarupaya vacanaya anyat parshadi vacanarupam yad vacanantaram tasya punar hetubhuto dacama For Private and Personal Use Only Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Notes I. Jinacaritra. 117 catasya ayam trinavatitamah samvatsarah. tathan can 'yam arthah: navacatacititamavarshe Kalpasya pustake likhanam navacatatrinavatitamavarshe ca parshadvacane 'ti tatho'ktam criMunisundarasuribhih svaksitastotraratnakoce: virat trinandankacarady acikarat tvaccaityapute Dhruvasenabhupatih | yasmin mahaih samsadi Kalpavacanam adyam, tad Anandapuram na kah stute? || pustakalikhanakalas tu yatho 'ktah pratita eva: valahipurammi nayare ityadivacanat; tattvam punah kevalino vidanti. (Subodhika.) (Tamanasy bhagavato Mahayfrasya muktigamanat paccat navacataaciti 980 varsheshu gateshu Devarddhiganikshamacramanena kalaviceshasya vuddhihiyamanam (read buddhim hiyamanam) jnatva siddhantavicchedam bhavinam vicintya prathamadvadacavarshakasya (read varshikiyadurbhikshasya)prante sarvasadhunam(supply sangham) sammilya (!) Vallabhinagaryain crisiddhantah pustakeshu kritah pustakeshu likhitah; puryam sarvasiddhantanam pathanam ca mukhapathenai 'va "sit, tatah paccad gurubhih pustakena siddhantah cishyebhyah pathyate, iyam ritir abhut. kecid acarya atra evam ahuh: bhagayato muktigamananantaram namecataaxitivarshair Dhruvasenasya rajnah putracokanivaranaya sabhalokasamaksham Kalpasutram cravitam; punar navacatatrinavativarshaih criViranirvarat criSkandilacaryair dvitiyadvadacavarshikiyadurbhikshaprante Mathurapuryam sadhun sammilya (!) siddhantah pustakeshu likhitah. yato Valabhiva canayatasthaviravali vacyate, eka punar Mathuriyayacanaya sthaviravali procyate; anyo pi yah kaccit parasparam siddhantaih (vi)samvado dricyate, sa sarvo 'pi vacanaya eva bhedah. punar atra purvacaryah kecid evam ahuh: criViranirvanat navacataacitivarshaih siddhantah pustakeshu likhitah, navacatatrinavati-993-varshaih Kalakacaryena pancamitah caturthyain criparyushanaparva kritam. atra bahavo viceshah santi, te gitarthah jananti. criA yacyakasatre pancavidham pratikramanam uktam: 1 devacikam (?) 2 ratrikam, 3 pakshikam, 4 caturmasikam, 5 samvatsarikam. yada caturthyam paryushanaparva sthapitam, tada tu pashi(read pakshi)caturdacidine caturmasikam api ekatrai 'va sthapitam, yatah granthe uktam asti: caumasaga padikamanam pak:khiya divasammi .. evam pathah katham milati? tasmad evam jnayate: pakshikam caturdacyam, caturmasikam purnimayam, etad ubhayam api pakshidine ekatra ktitam. etasya paramarthas tu prathamasamacaryam ca vyakhato 'sti. (Kalpadruma.) Rishimandalaprakarana and its commentary by Padmamandiragiri (samvat 1553) run thus: dubbhilckhammi panatthe punar avi melitta samana-samghao ! Mahurae anuugge pavattio Khamdilena taya | 213 || For Private and Personal Use Only Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 118 Kalpasitra, com. gatharthah sugamo navaram tena 'nuyogas tada pravartito, vacana tu calita 'gratah. bhavarthah suvicishtasampradayabhavan no 'ktah. sutt-'attha-rayana-bharie khama-dama-maddava-gunehi sampanne | Devaddhi-khamasamane Kasava-gutte panivayami || 214 || com. gatha sugamai 'va, viceshac ca, 'yam: criViranirvanat acityadhikanavacatavarsheshu Devarddhikshamacramanair hi kaladoshat sarvagamanam vyavacchittim avalokya te pustakeshu nyastah, purvam pustakanapekshayai 'va gurucishyayoh crutarpanagrahanavyavaharo 'bhud iti vriddhasampradayah. II. Stha vira vali. 1) Manaitac ca 'sau namna putrac ca Dhanadevasye 'ti Manditaputra iti samasah. kecic ca Mandita iti nama vyacakshate, anye ca Mamdiyaputte tti Manditasya putra Manditaputra iti samarthayanti, tatra ca Mandita iti Dhanadevasya namantaram uhyam. ManditaMauryaputrayor ekamatrikatvena bhratror api yad bhinnagotrabhidhanam tat prithagjanakapekshaya. tatra Manditasya pita Dhanadevo, Mauryaputrasya tu Mauryo, mata tu Vijayadevy evai 'ka; avirodhac ca: tatra dece ekasmin patyau mtite dvitiyapatidharanasyeti (!?) vriddhah. . 2) samastagaaipitakadharakah gano 'sti 'ti gani bhavacaryas tasya pitakam iva ratnadikarandakam iva ganipitakam dvadacangi; tad api na decatah Sthulabhadrasye 'va, kim tu samastam sarvaksharasamnipatitvat tad dharayanti sutrato 'rthatac ca ye te tatha. S. 3) In the more modern commentaries the legends of the seven first and some later Theras are told at their proper places. They contain nearly all the (vetambaras know of the early history of their church. As I intend to publish next the Paricishtaparva or Sthaviravalicarita of Hemacandra, and some other historical treatises of the Jainas, I omit the legends here, and restrict my extracts to the explanation of the text. Cayyambhava is said to have composed the Dacavaikalikasutra for the benefit of his son. The following stanza is found identically at the end of that work, and in the Rishimandalaprakarana: Sijjambhavam ganaharam jina-padima-damsanena padibuddham | Managa-piyaram dasakaliyassa nijjuhagam vamde | For Private and Personal Use Only Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Notes II. Sthaviravali. 119 4) Sutthiyasuppadibuddhanam ti. susthitau suvihatakriyanishthau, supratibuddhau sujnatatattvau tato viceshanakarmadharayah, kotikakakandakav iti nama; anye tv ittham acakshate: susthitasupratibuddhav iti nama, kotikakakandakav iti virudaprayam viceshanam: kotyamcasurimantrajapaparijnanadina kautikau, kakandyam nagaryam jatatvat kakandakau, tato viceshanasamasah. ye tu susthitasupratibuddha ity ekam eva nama manyante tadabhiprayam na vidmo dvitvavyaghatat. yadi param: madhukaitanya yena susthitena sahacaritah supratibuddhah susthitasupratibuddha iti pakshah caranam, tatra ca pujyatvad bahuvacanam jneyam. S. 5) bahavo 'tra vacanabheda lekhakavaigunyaj jatah. tattatsthaviranam ca cakhah kulani ca prayah sampratam na 'nuvartante namantaratirohitani va bhavishyanti, ato nirnayah kartum na paryate patheshu. tatha hi cakhasu: kvacid a darce Kodavane (6) 'ti, kvacit Kumdadhari 'ti; tatha hi kvacit Punnapattiya (7) iti, kvacit Suvannapattiya iti. evan kuleshy api, kvacit Ullagaccha taiyam (7,6) ti pathah, kyacit aha Ullagandha taiyam ti. tasmad atra bahucruta eva pramanam, ma 'bhud utsutram iti. tatra kulam ekacaryasamtatih, cakhasu tasyam eva samtatau purushaviceshanam prithak prithag anvaya, ekava canacaryayatisamudayo ganah: tattha Iculam vineyam egayariyassa samtate-jao | donha kulana miho puna saulelehanam gao leo || tti vacanat. athava cukha vivakshitadyapurushasya samtano, yatha Vairasvaminamna Vairacakha, 'smakam kulani tu tacchishyanam prithak prithag anvaya, yatha Candrakulam Nagendrakulam ityadi. S. 6) Chulue Rohagutte tti vipratipattyavasthayam dravya-gunakarma-samanya-vicesha-samayaya-"kya-shat- padartha - prarupakatvat shat, gotrena Ulukatyad Ulakah; shat ca 'say Ulukac ca Shadulakah. Ulukatvam eva vyanakti: Kosie gottenam ti ulukakaucikacabdayor na 'rthabhedah. Terasiya tti Trairacika, jiva="jiva-nojiva-"khyaracitrayaprarupinas tacchishyapracishyah. -- Then follows the legend about Rohagupta (544 A.V.) The Vaiceshika Philosophy is said to have been developed out of the Trairacika-doctrin: kramena Vaiceshikadarcanam tatah prarudham. S. The name Aulukadarcana or Owl-Philosophy is given to the Vaiceshika, perhaps because of the bewildering style of elucidation in which the Naiyayiks glory', or because one of the first doubts raised in Vaiceshika-Nyaya treatises is that about the nature of darkness, whether it be a dravya or not. Thus says criHarsha in the Uttara-Naishadhiya XX, 36: dhyantasya vamoru vicaranayam Vaiceshikam caru matam matam me | Aulukam ahu khalu darcanam tat kshamam tamastattvanirupanaya | For Private and Personal Use Only Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 120 Kalpasutra. Or, as Prof. Weber thinks, the name Aulukya for Kanada had its origin in a quibble on the word kanada, which means either 'follower of Kanada' or 'crow-eater'. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 12) atra 'ntare vamdami Phaggumittam ca ityadi gathavrindam bahushv adarceshu dricyate, katipayapustakeshu ca: therassa nam ajja Phaggumittassa Goyamaguttassa ajja Dhanagiri there amtevasi Vasitthagotte ityadi yavat: therassa nam ajja Sihassa Kasavagottassa ajja Dhamme there amtevasi Kasavagotte, therassa nam ajja Dhammassa Kasavagottassa ajja Samdile there amtevasi iti paryantam dricyate, tadanantaram ca vamdami Phaggumittam ca ityadi gathas; tatra ca gadyoktarthah punah padyaih samgrihita iti na paunaruktyam bhavaniyam. S. Samacari. 1 III. 2) kadiyaim katayuktani; ukkampiyaim dhavalitani; channaim trinadibhih; littaim chaganadyaih, kvacit guttaim ti pathas, tatra guptani vritikaranadvarapidhanadibhih; ghatthaim vishamabhumibhanjanat; matthaim clakshnikritani, kvacit sammatthaim ti pathas tatra samantan mrishtani masrinikritani sammrishtani; sampadhumiydim saugandhyapadanartham dhupanair vasitani; khatodagaim kritapranalirupajalamargani; khayaniddhamanaim niddhamanam khalam grihat salilam yena nirgacchati; appano atthae atmartham grihasthaih kritani; parikarmitani, karoteh kandam karoti 'ty adav iva parikarmarthatvat; paribhuktani svayam paribhujyamanatvat; ata eva parinamitani acittikritani; tatah savimcatiratre mase gate ami adhikaranadosha na bhavanti. yadi punah sadhavah: sthitah sma iti bruyus, tada te pravrajitanam avasthanena subhiksham sambhavya grihinas taptayogolakalpad amtala-(? also in the Kalpalata)-kshetrakarshanagrihacchadanadini kuryuh, tatha ca 'dhikaranadosha; atas tatpariharaya pancacata dinaih sthitah sma iti vacyam iha hi paryushana dvidha: grihijnatajnatabhedat. tatra grihinam ajnata, yasyam varshayogyapithaphalakadau yatne kalpokta dravyakshetrakalabhavasthapana kriyate, sa "shadhapaurnamasyam pancapancadinavriddhya yavad bhadrapadasitapancamyam cai 'kadacasu parvatithishu kriyate. grihijnata tu yasyam samvatsarikaticaralocanam luncanam Paryushanakalpasutrakarshanam caityaparipati ashtamam samvatsarikapratikramanam ca kriyate. yaya vrataparyayavarshani ganyante, sa nabhasyacuklapancamyam Kalakasuryadecac caturthyam api janaprakatam karya. yat punar abhivardhitavarshe dinavimcatya paryushitavyam ity ucyate, tat siddhantatippananam anusarena, tatra hi: yugamadhye pausho yugante ca 'shadha eva vardhate, na 'nye masas; tani ca 'dhuna na samyag jnayante, to dinapancacatai 'va paryushana samgate 'ti vriddhah. tatac ca kalavagraho jaghanyato: nabhasyasitapancamya arabhya ca For Private and Personal Use Only Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir * Notes III. Samacari. 121 karttikacaturmasantah saptatidinamanah; utkarshato varshayogyakshetrantarabhavad ashaahamasakalpena saha vrishtisadbhavat, margacirshena 'pi saha shan masa iti. dravyakshetrakalabhavasthapana cai 'vam. dravyasthapana: trinadagala(?)ksharamallakadinam paribhogah, sacittadinam pariharah tatra sacittadravyam caiksho na pravrajyate aticraddham rajanam rajamatyadikam va yina, acittadravyam vastradi na grihyate, micradravyam caikshah sopadhikah. evam aharavikritisamstarakadidravyeshu paribhogapariharau yojyau. kshetrasthapana: sakrocam yojanam, karane balaglanavaidyaushadhyadau catvari panca va yojanani. kalasthapana : catvaro masi, yac ca tatra kalpate, bhavasthapana: krodhadinam viveka, iryabhashadisamitishu co 'payoga; iti kritam vistarena. S. This exposition is clear on the whole, but some of its details I do not understand. 9) tatro 'dakardrah karo yavata cushyati, tavan kalo jaghanyam dam. utkrishtam panca 'horatras. tavor antaram madhyam. S. 14) atthegaiyanam ityadi: asty etad yad ekesham sadhunam purata evam uktapuryam bhavati, gurubhir iti gamyate. curnau tu: atthegaiya ayariya ity uktam, attham bhasei ayario iti vacanat; artha eva anuyoga eva, ekayita ekagrata , arthaikayitas tesham. athava 'sty etad yad ekesham acaryanam idam uktam bhavati 'ty evam vyakhyeyam; tatra shashthi tritiyarthe tatac ca "caryair idam uktam bhavati. S. atthinam has the same meaning in S 19. padigahittue is rendered pratigrahatum, which would regulary become *paoiggahittae. UfSTITEIT might be a mistake of the transcribers for ufgTTE FT. But the word occurs too frequently for that. Besides, double g is generally written d, which sign, however, is never used in our word. padigahittae (also written padigahettae) is the infinitive of the causative padigahe = pratigrahaya. From the same base are derived the forms padigahe (which I take to be the 2d person of the imperative, though it is rendered by pratigrihniyas, just as dave by dadyas) and padigahehi. The causative bases padigahe and dave are used for the simplex. 18) This paragraph has been translated in the Introd. p. 27 note. kvacit pahisi - sthane dahisi tti dricyate tac ca, 'tihridyam svayam va bhunjitha anyasadhor va dadya iti. evam ukte glihina se tasya sadhoh kalpate etc. S. 19) kadaim ti ktitani tair anyair va cravakatvam dane craddhatvam va giahitani; pattam pratyayitani pritikarani va ; thijjaim ti sthairyam asty eshy iti sthairyani [the neuter abstract instead of the adjective, just as arogga, pamokicha etc.] pritau dane ca sthirani; vesasiyaim ti dhruvam lapsye 'ham tatre 'ti vicvaso yeshu vaicvasikani; sammayaim ti sammatayanti pravecani; bahumayaim ti bahavo 'pi sadhavo nai 'ko dvau va mata yeshu For Private and Personal Use Only Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 122 Kalpasutra. bahonam va grihamanushanam matah sachupravecas , tani bahumatani; anumayaim ti anumatani datum anujnatani, anur api kshullako 'pi mato yeshu sarvasadhusadharanatvan, na punar mukham doishtva tilakam karshayanti 'ty anumatani 'ti va. S. 20) nityam ekacaninah. goyarakalam ti ekasmin gocaracaryakale sutrapaurushyanantaram ity arthah ..... nannatthe ityadi nakaro vakhyadav alamkararthah. anyatra "caryavaiyavrittyat; acaryavaiyavrittyad anyatra tad varjayitve 'ty arthah. acaryavaiyavsittyam hi yady ekabhuktena kartum na parayati, tada dvir api bhuktam; tapaso hi vaiyavsittyam gariyah. evam upadhyayadishy api. avamjanajayaenam ti na vyanjanani bastikurcakakshadiromani jatani yasya 'sau avyanjanajatas, tatah: svarthe kah (Hem. II 164), avyanjanajatakad anyatra, yavad adya 'pi tasya vyanjanani no odbhidyante, tavad dvir api bhojanam na dushyati 'ty arthah. atra ca acaryac ca vaiyavsittyam asya 'sti 'tyabhraditvad apratyaye vaiyavrittyac ca vaiyavsittyakarah. acaryavaiyavsittyam tabhyam anyatra; evam upadhyayadishv api neyam. acaryopadhyayatapasviglanakshullakanam dvirbhuktasya 'py anujnatatvad, evam api vyakhya. S. 21) There being two daily meals, caturthabhojin is called he who partakes of one meal only in two days, etc. caturthabhoji pratar na caramapaurushyam nishkramyo 'pacrayad avacyikya nirgatya purvam eva vikatam udgamadicuddham bhuktva prasukaharam pitva ca takradikam samsrishtakalpam va, patadgraham patram samplikhya nirlepikritya, sampramrijya ca prakshalya. S. 25) tatro 'tsvedimam pishtajalam bhritahastadikshalanajalam va; samsvedimam samsekimam va. [I think samseima to be in Samskrit sasvedima; comp. manamsi = manasvin (Hem. I 26)], yat parnadi utkalya citodakena sicyate, tat. caulodagam tanduladhavanodaka tilodakam maharashtradishu nistvacitatiladhavanajalam; tushodakam vrihyadidhavanam; yavodakam yavadhavanam; ayamako "vacravanam (avasra?); sauvirakam kanjikam; cuddhavikatam ushaodakam, usinaviyade iti ushnajalam; tad api asiktam yatah prayena 'shtamordhvam tapasvino deham devata 'dhitishthati .... paripue tti vastragalitam aparipute trinakashthadi gale laganat; tad api parimitam, anyatha jirnam syat. kvacit: se vi ya nam bahusampunne, no vi ya nam abahusampunne ity api dricyate, tatra ishad aparisamaptam sampurnam bahusampurnam, namnah prag bahur ve 'ti bahupratyayah, atistokatare hi trinmatrasya 'pi no 'pacama iti. S. 26) samkhyayo 'palakshita dattayo yasye 'ti samkhyatadattikas tasya dattiparimanavata ity arthah. S. 27) upacrayac chayyataragrihad arabhya yavat saptagsihantaram saptaglihamadhye samkhadim ettae tti samskriyata iti samsksitir odanapakas tam etum gantun na kalpate, pindapatartham tatra For Private and Personal Use Only Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Notes III. Samacari. 123 na gacched ity arthah. tesham grihanam sannibitataya sadhugunahritahridayatveno 'dgamadidoshasambhavat. etavata cayyataragriham anyani ca shad asannagnihani varjayed ity uktam. kasya na kalpata ity aha: samniyattacarissa nishiddhagsihebhyah samnivsittah samc carati viharati 'ti samnivsittacari pratishiddhavarjakah sadhus. tasya bahavas tv evam vyacakshate saptagrihantaram samkhadim ca janasamkulajemanavaralakshanam gantum na kalpate. yat uktam pratibhati, tad vyakhyanam pramanikartavyam. dvitiyamate cayyataragriham anyani ca sapta grihani varjayed ity uktam. tritiyamate cayyataragriham anantaragriham sapta ca 'nyani varjayed ity uktam. uvassayassa parenam ti upacrayat paratah saptagribantaram etum na kalpate. paramparenam ti paramparaya vyavadhanena saptagrihantaram etum na kalpate. Cayyataragrihad anantaram ekam griham, tatah saptagliha(ni), iti paramparata. S. 28) panipadiggahiyassa (he who uses his hand instead of an alms bowl) jinakalpikadeh; kanagaphusiya phusaramatram; avacyayo mihila varsham va; vrishtikayo 'pkayavsishtih. S. 29) agihamsi tti anachadite akace. S. dakam bahavo bindavo, dakarajo bindumatram, dakaphusiya phusaram avacyaya ity arthah. S. 31) vagghariyavutthikao ti acchinnadharavrishtir ..... samtaruttaramsi antarah sautrakalpa, uttara aurnikas, tabhyam pravritasya 'lpavrishtau gantum kalpate. athava: antara iti kalpah; uttara iti varshakalpah kambalyadih. Curnikaras ty aha: amtaram rayaharanam padiggaho va uttaram pauranakappo, tehim saha tti. s. 32) nigijjhiya 2. sthitva sthitva varshati. S. vikatagrihe asthanamandapikayam yatra gramyaparshad upavicati. S. 33) agamanat puryakalam; athava purvam sadhur agatah paccad dayako raddhum pravritta iti purvagamanena hetuna purvayuktas tandulodanah kalpate paccadayukto bhilingasupo na kalpate. tatra purvayuktah sadhvagamanat purvam eva svartham goihasthaih paktum arabdhah. S. This is, according to the commentator, the orthodox interpretation of purvayukta; two others are rejected as anadecau; viz., 1) purvayukta = yac cullyam aropitam, 2) purvayuktam yat samihitam i. e. yat pakartham upalhaukitam. 36) ekatrayatam subaddham bhandakam patrakady upakaranam ca kritva vapusha saha pravritya. S. 38) atthi ya ittha keya tti asti ca 'tra kaccit pancamah; atthi yaim tha iti pathe tu tha iti vakhyalamkare atthi yaim ti bhashamatram asti ce 'ty arthah .... nham vakhyalamkare. 41) icche 'tyadi, iccha ced asti tada etc. S. 44) cakshusha jnatva drishtya Ca pratilekhitavyani parihartavyataya vicaraniyani ..... panaka ulli sa ca prayah pravrishi bhumikashthabhankadishu jayate, yatro 'tpadyate, taddravyasamavarnac ca. nomam pannatte iti nama iti prasiddhau. 2. bijasu For Private and Personal Use Only Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 124 Kalpastra. kshmam: kanikacalyadibijanam nahi 'ti rudha nakhika. 3. haritasukshmam: navodbhinnam prithivisamavarnam haritam tac ca 'lpasainhananatvat stokena 'pi vinacyate. 4. pushpasukshmam: vatodumbaradinam tatsamavarnatvad alakshyam tacco 'cchyasena 'pi viradhyate. 5. andasukshmam: uddamca madhumakshikamatkunadyas, tesham andam uddamcandam; utkalikandam lutaputandam; pipi. likandam kitikandam; halika grihakokila vrahmani va tasya andain halikannam; hallohaliya ahilodi sarade Icalclcindi 'ty ekarthah, tasya andam; etani hi sukshmani syuh. 6. layanam : acray ttvanam, yatra kitikadyanekasukshmasattva bhavanti 'ti. layanasukshmam yatha: attingah bhuyaka gardab hakritayo jivas tesham layanam bhumav utkirnagriham uttingalayanam. bhrigu cushkabhuraji jalacoshanantaram kedaradisphutita dalir ity arthah. ujjae tti bilam (rijubilam, Subodhika); talamulakam talamulakaram adhah prithu upari sukshmam vivaram; cambukavarttam bhramaragriham. 7. snehasukshmam: osa tti avacyayo yah khat patati himastyanodabinduh; mihika dhusari; karaka ghanopalah; haratanur bhunihstitatrinagrabindurupo yo yavankuradau dricyate. 8. S. 46) acaryah sutrarthavyakhyata digacaryo va; upadhyayah sutradhyapakah; sthaviro joanadishu sidatam sthirikarta udyatanam upavrimhakac ca, pravartako jnanadishu pravartayita ..... gani yasya parcve acaryah satrady abhyasyanti, gamino va 'nye acaryah satradyartham upasampannah, ganadharas tirthakricchishyadih, ganavacchedako yah sadhun grihitva bahih kshetre aste gacchartham kshetropadhimarganadau pradhavanakarta satrarthobhayavit; yam va spardhakadhipatitvena samanyasadhum api puraskritya viharati ...... S. pratyapayam apayam apayapariharam ca jananti. pratikulo *payasya pratyapaya iti vigrahena payaparihare 'pi pratyapayacabdo vartate. S. 47) viharabhamic caityagamanam vicarabhumih cariracintadyartham gamanam. S. The scholiasts explain duizjattae by hinditum. It is, I think, a denominative verb from the base duta., Skrt.: *dutiyati in the sense of: he runs as messenger, though that word would become in Prakrit *duijjai. Or is duijjai derived from the base duia = dvitiya? 51) apaccimamaranantas tatrabhava, arshatvad uttarapadavsiddhau, apavcimamaranantiki sa ca 'sau samlekhana tasya jusana tti seva, taya jusie iti kshapitacariro 'ta eva pratyakhyatabhaktapanah; padapopagatah kritapadapopagamanah. S. 52) atapayitum ekavaram atape datum; pratapayitum punah punah .... sthanam urdhvasthanam tac ca kayotsargalakshanam. S. i have not been able to make out the exact meaning of kayotsarga. I suppose kayotsarga means the remaining of the body in a posture adopted for penance, devotion, etc. 53) anuccakucikasya, kunca parispande, akucika 'parispanda For Private and Personal Use Only Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Notes 111. Samacari. 125 niccala yasya kambika na calati, adridhabandhane hi samgharshan matkunakunthyadivadhah syat. ucca hastadi yavat, yena pipilikadivadho na syat, sarpadir va na dacet; ucca ca 'sav akuca co 'ccakuca kambadimayi cayya sa vidyate yasya 'sav uccakuciko, na uccakuciko nicasaparispandacayyakas tasya. anarthakabandhinah pakshamadhye 'narthakam nihprayojanam ekayaro 'pari dvau trimc caturo va varan kambasu bandhan dadati, catur upari bahuni va 'ddakani (?) badhnati, tatha ca svadhyayapalimanthadayo doshah. yadi cai 'kangikam campakadipattam labhyate, tada tad eva grahyam bandhanadiprakriyapariharat. amitasanikasya abaddhasanasya sthanat sthanantarai hi muhur muhuh samkraman sattvavadhah pravartate; anekani va asanani sevamanasya anatapinah samstarakapatradinam atape 'datus, tatra ca panakasamsaktyadayo dosha upabhoge ca' jivavadhah. upabhogabhave co 'pakaranam adhikaranam eve 'ti. asamitasye "ryadishu etc. S. 55) tau uccarapasavanabhumio iti. anadhisahishnos tisro 'ntah, adhisahishnoc ca bahis tisrah. duravyaghate madhya tadvyaghate asanna ity asannamadhyadurabhedat tisrah .... osannam ti prayena bahulyene 'ty arthah. s. 56) tao mattaya (!) tti trini matrakani tadabhave hi velatikramanavegadharase atmavira dhana, varshati ca bahirgamane samyamaviradhana. atra curnih: bahim tassa gummiyadigahanam tena mattae vosiritta bahim nitla paritthavei, pasavane vi abhiggahito dhurei tassa sai jo jahe vosirai sotahe dharei, na nikkhivai. suvamta va ucshamge thitayam ceva uvarim damdae va dorena bumdhati gose asamsattiyae bhumie paritthavei tti. S. The Kiranavali and Kalpalata give the same quotation, but offer no explanation. 57) The reason for shaving the head, or tearing out the hair, is: keceshu hi apkayo lagati sa ca viradhyate, tatsangac ca shatpadikah sammurchanti, tamc ca kanduyamanah khandayati nakhakshatam va cirasi karoti. S. The loca is preferred to the cutting of the hair because by the latter process 'shatpadikac chidyante'. pakkhiyarovana tti pakshikam bandhadanam samstarakadavarakanam pakshe pakshe bandha moktavyah pratilekhitavyac ce 'ty arthah; athava aropana prayaccittam pakshe pakshe grahyam sarvakalam viceshato varshasu. S. 59) iha pravacane 'dyai 'va paryushanadine, kakkhata: uccaihcabdah, katuko: jakaramakararupo, vigrahah kalahah samutpadyate. S. I do not know, which words are indicated by the initials m and j. 60) varshasan 'pacrayas trayo grahyah samsaktijalaplavanadibhayat. tam iti padam tatre 'ty arthe sambhavyate. veuvviya padilehan kvacic ca veuttiya padileha iti dricyate, ubhayatra 'pi punah punar ity arthah. suijjiya pamajjana iti, arshe: je bhikkhu hatthakamnam karei karimtam va saijjai tii vacanat, saijji dhatur asvadane vartate. tata upabhujyamano ya upacrayah sa, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 126 Kalpasutra. kayamane kade tti nyayat saijjiu tti bhanyate. tatsambandhini pramarjana soijjiya. yasminn upacraye sthitas tam pratah pramarjayanti, bhikshagateshu sadhushu, punar madhyahne, punah pratilekhanakale tritiyapraharante, iti varacatushtayam pramarjayanti varshasu, ritumadhve trih. avam ca vidhir asamsakte, sa samsakte tu punah punah pramarjayanti, ceshopacrayadvayam tu pratidinam pratilikhanti pratyavekshante: ma ko 'pi tatra sthasyati, mamatvan va karishyati 'ti. tritiyadivase padapronchanakena pramarjayanti. ata uktam: veuvviya paaileha tti kvacit saijjiya padileha tti dricyate, tatra 'pi pratilekhanapramarjanayor aikyavivakshaya sa eva 'rthah, s. 61) avagrihyo 'ddicya 'ham amukam dicam anudicam va yasyami 'ty anyasadhubhyah kathayitva. S.. pratijagrati praticaranti gaveshayanti. S. 62) varshakalpaushadhavaidyartham glanasarakaranartham va yavac catvari panca va yojanani gatva pratinivarteta. S. 63) etam purvoktaia samvatsarikam varsharatrikam sthavirakalpam; yady api kimcij jinakalpikanam api samanyam, tatha 'pi bhumna sthaviranam eva 'tra samacari 'ti sthavirakalpakamaryadam yathasatram yatha satre bhanitam, na sutravyapetam, tatha kurvatah kalpo bhavati, anyatha tv akalpa iti yathakalpam; evam kurvatac ca jnanaditrayalakshano marga iti yathamargam; yatha tathyam yathai 'va satyam upadishtam bhagavadbhis tatha samyag yatba sthitam. kaena tti upalakshanatvat kayavanmanobhih ....... sprishtva asevya; palayitva aticarebhyo rakshayitva; codhayitva cobhayitva va vidhivatkaranena; tirayitva yavajjivam aradhya. S. 64) iti bravimi 'ti criBhadrabahusvami svacishyan prati brute: ne dam svamanishikaya bravimi, kim tu tirthakaraganadharopadecene 'ti. anena ca guruparatantryam abhihitam. S. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir GLOSSARY. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Th. refers to the Sthaviravali, S. to the Samacariparyushana, T. to the Appendix. n. pr. = nomen proprium, v. l. = variae lectiones, id. indicates that the Prakrit word is identical with the Samsktit prototype. aikka ma mti atikramanti S. 63. akk hara akshara . sayy! 138. aimta part. praes. act. Vi 207. ak kh ina a-kshina 19, 23. aip p a mana atipramana 40. aga r a id. 1, 89, 116, S. 2. = aimam ca atimanca 100 seenotes. agarin S. 39; vasa 94, 147. aimutta atimukta 37. | a gari agarin S. 2.=agarini .39. airega ("ya) atireka 34, 59; ! agihainsi na grihe S. 29. sai" 117, 147. agga agra 14, 15, 35 T. etc. aiva y amta atipatat (ativrajat) aggao agratas 187, Th. 4. 35. agganiya agrani? 27 v. I. aiveg a ativega 46. Aggidatta n. pr. Th. 5. aisirib hara aticribhara 34. Aggib hui Agnibhuti Th. 1. aisesa aticesha 139. Aggives a y a na n. pr. Th. 1, 3. a iya ativa 90, 91. aggha argha maho61, 63, 66,104. aunatthi = ekonashashti 136. a m ka id. 27, 40. aunattarim ekonasaptati 178.a mkan a ankana 39. aunas att hi ekonashashti 136 | a mkolla ankotha 37. v. l. a mga id. 9, 34, 35, 36, 61, a insa id. 36. 63 etc. =- vedanga 10;attho 64. am suya amcuka 32. a mga na id. 37, 118. a kappa a-kalpa (ana cara) S. 58. la mgi angin duyalaso Th. 2. A kampiya n. pr. Th. 1. a mgulijjaga anguliya(ka) 61. a kasi akarshit 146. Va m guliya anguli(ka) 61. akimcana a-kincana 118. am guli(li) id. 36, 100, 115. a kuiya akucika S. 53, 54. acala mana a - calamana 132, akudila a-kutila 114. S. 44. akoha a-krodha 118. a cavala a-capala 5, 47, 88. la kkha Daksha 14. T. a citta id. 118. akkhaya a-kshata 16. a cela (Oya) id. 117. Abhandl. d. DMG. VII. 1. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 130 Kalpasutra. a cca arcya; name of a lava 124. | Atthiyagga ma Asthikagrama accunna y a atyunnata 36. 122. a c ch a y an a achdana 95. addha ardha 14, 15. a ccheraya accarya(ka) 19. ad dhaijja ardhatritiya 142,222. ajina a-jina (asarvajna) 138. ana gara an-agara 118,127, Th.1. ajiya a-jita 114. ana gariya anagarita 1, 94,116. Ajiya n. pr. 203. anamta an-anta 1, 16, 19, 127. ajja adya 6, 49, 57, 70, 106, Anamta n. pr. 191. S. 59. ana mtara an-antara 2. ajja arya, prefixed to the names ana vaka mk ha mana an-ava of Theras and cakhas; Voc. kankshamana S. 51. ajjo Th. 1, S. 18, 52. anavaraya an-avarata 110. Ajjaghosa n. pr. 160. anagaya an-agata 21, 25. Ajja candan a n. pr. 135. an a pucchitta an-apricchya S. Ajiace dava name of a kula 46-51. Th. 7. ana sa va an-acrava 118. Ajjajakk hini n. pr. 176. a nijjinna a-nirjirna 19, 23. ajjattae adyatyaya (or arya- aniya anika 14, 21. taya.) Th. 2; S. 6, 7. anu oga anuyoga Th. 13. ajjava arjaya 120. anu kampana anukampana 92. ajjiya arya 135, 176. anuka mpaya anukampa(ka) 30. ajjhatthiya adhyatmika 19, anu kula anukula 95, 96, 90, 93, 106. anugac chai anugacchati 15; ajjh a yana adhyayana 147, S.64. | 2 tta 15. a mcei akuncayati 15; 2 tta 15, anu cariya anucarita 100, 102. am chavei akarshayati 63; a n u cca anucca S. 53. 2 tta 63. anuja nau anujanatu 28. amjana id. 15, 27, 45. anujja an-urja or an-ojaska 92. a mjali id. 5, 12, 15, 53, 115. anuttara an-uttara 1, 112, a t t a arta 92 114, 120, 127. attana sala vyayamacala or a nuttarovava iy a anuttarauparicramacala 60, 102. papatika (anuttareshu vijayadiat t h a artha (prayojana H 2, 33.) vimaneshu upapato yesbum te) 8, 12, 13, 50, 73, 83, 92, 119; 145, 166, 181, 225. Th, 1, S. 1, 2, 18, 40, 64. | anu dici vidic S. 61. att ha ashtan 4, 63, 64, 114, ! anuddhari an-uddharin 132, 119, 145, S. 44. Onham 14.1 S. 44. att ha mga ashtanga 64. a nuda huya an-uddhuta (apari- . atthattisam ashtatrimcat 162. tyakta) 102. a t thama ashtama 2, S. 23. anu nai anunadin 44. att ha saya ashtadhikam catam anu painna anuprakirna 46. 113. anupa visai anupravicati 8 attha rasa ashtadacan 128, 137, 60, 61. 2 tta 8, 60, 61, 72. 175. Ovittha anupravishta 87, S. 32. at tha vaya ashtapada 227. anu palitt a anupalya S. 63. atthi asthi 60. anu puvya anupurva 36. atthiya a-sthita 132, S. 44. !anuppatta anuprapta 10,52,80 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Glossary. 131 anubhav a anubhava 14. a mtara id. S. 27. anumaya anumata S. 19. am tara antara: s' S. 31. a nur u va anurupa eyanu"91,106. a mtara arvak S. 8, 62. a Nulitta anulipta 61. a mtara antar (madhye) 30, 120. a nuloma anuloma 117. a mtara vasa varsharatri 122, anu vam a an-upama 37. 124. a n uv u hai(buh) anuvsimhati 11, a mtariya antarita 70. 53. Amtarijjiya name of a cakha a nega an-eka T, 60, 61, 100, Th. 8. 102, S. 52. amtiya antika 8, 12, 27, 50, Anojja n. pr. 109. 53, 65, S. 51. a mda id. S. 44, 45. amteura antahpura 90, 91, 112. anna see anna. a mtevasi antevasin 127,144, Th. a nna mannena in anyonyam 72. amte vasini antevasini Th. 5. an n ayar a see annayara. am tomu hutta antarmuharta? a turiya a-tvarita 5,4 226. attha atra Th. 9. a mdhay a ra andhakara 32, 59. attha artha 9, 50, 79, S. 64. anna (anna) anya 10, 14, 55; atthamana astamana 39. S. 39, 47. attharay a astaraka 63. annay ara (annayara) anyatara atthi asti 19, S. 19, 38, 39,52,59. 18, 76, 118, S. 50. atthi asthi 60 v. l. annayari fem. of the preceding atthina in S. 19, = atthegai- S. 48, 49, 52, 61. yanam see atthegaiya. annumannam anyonyam 46. atthu astu; tthu 16. a pacchima a-paccima 122, S.51. atthegaiya see notes S. 14, ap a dinnavitta a-pratijnapya S. 14--19, 63. S. 52. a thavvana veya atharvaveda a paraddha aparaddha 59. 10. a parajiya a-parajita 143; n. ada kk h u adrishtva S. 19. pr. 171. ada t thu adrishtva S. 19 v. 1. a parinnaya (otta) a-parijnapta a dijja (adejja) a-deya 102. S. 40. a dittha adrishta S. 19 v. l. a panaya a-pana(ka) 116, 120, adeva a-deva 142. 147 etc. a daha ardha 39, S. 57. "nava a put tha a-prishta 147. 195---203, 228. Onavama 2, 147 a punara vatti a-punar-avri etc. "atthama 9, 51, 79, 96,152. add huttha ardhatritiya 165, apunarutta a-punar-ukta 110. Th. 1. ap pa alpa 66, 104, S. 31. addh a hara ardhahara (nava- a p p akampa a-prakampa 118. sarika) 61. appad i bad dha a-pratibaddha adharima id. see notes 102. 118, 119. amta anta 45, 146, S. 63. appadiva i a-pratipatin 112. a in ta antar 38; = antaccitta 42. | appadih aya a-pratihata 118.' a intag ada or amtakada anta- appan. atman 8, 50, 63, 112, krit 124, 146, 147 etc. 120, 168, S. 2, S. 59. a mta kula anta-kula 17, 19. l ap pamatta a-pramatta 114. g* For Private and Personal Use Only Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 132 Kalpasutra. appho diya ("lia) asphotita 35,T. a biya a-dvitiya 116, 147. abbhakkhana abhyakhyana 118. abbhamgana abhyanjana 60. abbhamgiya abhyakta 60. abbhanunnay a abhyanujnata 47, 86, 110, S. 46. abbhahiya abhyadhika 61. abbhimg" see abbhamg". abbhim tara abhyantara 100. abbhimtara o abhyantaratas 32. abbhimtariy a abhyantarika63. abbhuggaya abhyudgata T. abbhutthiy a abhyutthita 119. abbhutthei abhyuttishthati 5, 15, 2tta 5, 87. abhagga a-bhagna 114. abhaya a-bhaya 16. abhikkhanam abhikshnam S. 17, 44, 53, 54, 61. abhigaya adhigata 73. abhiginhai abhigrihnati 94. abhiggaha abhigraha 94. abhiggahiya abhigrihita S. 54, an S. 55. 0 abhighaya abhighata 43. Abhijas a name of a kula Th. 9. abhitthunamana abhi+Vstu. part. praes. act. 110. abhithuvvam a na abhi+V stu. part. praes. pass. 115 110 v. l., 113 v. 1. Abhinamdana n. pr. 201. abhinamdamana abhi+nand. part. praes. act. 110, 113. abhinivvatta abhinirvritta 113 v. 1. abhinivvittha 113, 120. abhinirvishta abhinna ya abhijnata Th. 5 etc. abhibhaviya abhibhuya114v.l. abhimuha abhimukha 15, 16, T. 62. abhira ma id. 32, 42-44, 46, 57, 61, 100 T. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir abhila va abhilapa 151, 154. abhivaddh. abhi+V vridh. 1 pl. praes. "amo 91; 33. pr. "ittha 91. abhisamthunamana abhi samstuvat 113. abhisamannagae (nt?) ? S. 52 v. 1. abhisiccamani abhishicya mana 36. abhisimcati id. 211. abhise ya abhisheka 4, 33, T. 99. abhii abhijit 204, 205, 227. abhiya a-bhita 114. amacca amatya 61. amama a-mama 118. amala a-mala 36. amana a-mana 118. amaya a-maya 118. a ma vasa amavasya 128. amijja (amejja) a-meya 102. amiya a-mita 34, S. 53. amilaya a-mlana 102. am bara id. 14, 39, 46. ambila amla 95. amma piu matapitri 108 "piyaro 104, "piihim 110. "piunam 90. amham asmat Gen. 51, 74, 91, 106, 107 S. 7, 8. amhe Nom. pl. 91, 106, S. 7. ayam see ima. ayana ayana 10, 114, 118. ayala acala 16. Ayalabhaya Acalabhratri Th. 1. Ara n. pr. 187. arai a-rati 108, 118. aranna (nn) aranya 118. araya a-rajah 14. aravim da id. 46. arahassa a-rahasya 121. araha a-rahas 121. araha arhat Nom. 121, 149160, 170-174, 204-212, Gen. arahao 161-169, 174203. base arahamta Loc. sing. 74. n. pl. 17, 18, Acc. pl. 21. Gen. pl. 16. Aritthanem i n. pr. 170-183. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Glossary. * 133 ariha arha mah'-61 jiviy-83. asura id. 113, 121, 143. A rihadatta n. pr. Th. 10. asoy a acoka 37, 39, 59, 115, Ariha dinna Th. 11. 116, 157, 211. arih a arhat 46 Gen. pl. 1. a ha atha S. 43. aruya a-ruja 16. a ha in aham S. 52. aruha arha in sar'aruha ? 42 ah aya ahata 61. see notes. a hara adhara S. 43. alam kara id. 85, 95, 102, 105, a ha va athaya S. 26. 115, 116. a h a = yatha in ahakkama 59; alam kiya alamkrita 61, 66, ahabayara 27. ahalamda S. 9; 104. ahavacca Th. 5, 6 etc. ahaalahi (nivarane Hem. II 189) | sannihiya S. 52; ahasuhuma S. 18. 27; ahasutta etc. S. 63. alo h a a-lolha 18. a higarana adhikarana S. 58. allina alina 92 T. a hiya adhika 40, 63. sa a va kam kh a mana see ano. 117. a vakkam ai apakramati 27; a hiyasei adhyasayati 117. 2 tta 27. a hivai adhipati 14, 21, 27. a vagaya apagata 60. a hivadahamo see abhi'. a vacca apatya see aha0 and niro. a h ina a-hina 9, 79. a va gijjhiya avagrihya S. 61 a he adhas 116, 120, S. 32, 36. see notes. a horatta ahoratra 118. a vamjan ajay ay a a-vyanjana jata(ka) S. 20. a vara tota apararatra 2, 30, 90. | a i adi icc 196, 197, 198. a vas ana avasana 61. a ikkhai acashte S. 64. a vasesa avacesha Th. 2. Saoaijja adeya 36. S. 36. a iya adika 60, 90, 91, 198- ava harai apaharati 28. 2 tta 28. 203. avi api (after cons.) 21, 44. Th. aiya adsita 36. (or acita see 13, S. 28. aviggha a-vighna 114. a inaga ajina(ka) 32. a vita ha a-vitatha 18, 83, 138. [ au ayus 2, 9, 51. a vila n biya a-vilambita 5, 47. auttitta e karayitum S. 49. aveiya (avediya) a-vedita 19. autta ayukta puvvo paccho S. avva b aha ('vaha) a-vyabadha 33, 34, 35. 16, 28, 30. auya ayus; savv147. a sam khejja a-samkhyeya 28, aus o ayushmat; voc. S. 19. 226. a kara id. 9, 35, T. 79., asana acana 83, 104. S. 40, a kula id. 61. 42, 43. a gai agati 121. a sam did dh a a-samdigdha 13. agac chai agacchati 132, S. 44. a sa m bha mta a-sambhranta 5, ag am a id. 145. 47. agamana agamana S. 33-35. a siima acita 148. a gaya agata 35, 43, 105, 106. a sui see sui. a gara akara 89. a subha a-cubba 28. a dova atopa 35. pattiya). For Private and Personal Use Only Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 134 Kalpasutra. anana anana 36, 61. arah an a aradhana 114, S. 59. anattiya ajnapti(ka) 26, 29, 57, ara haya (aradhaka) aradhya 58, 100, 101. duro S. 53; su" S. 54. anam da ananda 5, 15, 50. ara hitta aradhayya S. 63. anam diya anandita 5, 15, 50. arogga arogya adj. 9,51,96, S.17. a navei ajnapayati 27. a rovana aropana S. 57. a n a ajna 14, 27, 58, S. 63. alaiya alagita (yathasthanam a na panuya anapanaka (ucchva- I sthapita) 14. sanihcvasapramana) 118. Alabhiya n. pr. 121. ana miya anamita T. a lay a id. 120. ata viya atapita an' . 53. alimgana alisigana so 32. adana see ayana. alina alina (guptendriya) 110. a daniya adeya = pradhana see a loy a aloka 28, 61; 44, 97 v. l. puris. a vaccejja apateya Th. 2. a daya id. 116, S. 29. a vana apana 89, 100. a dikara (gara) id. 16. avatta avarta gang'. 43. a dhara id. 51, 79. avattaya mta avartamana 35. a pucch. a+V prach. lium inf. S. a yaliya avali(ka) 118. 46,"itta S. 46, 48. avi (yavi) ca 'pi 92. a pura id. (tunira) 38. a viddha id. (parihita) 61, T. a bhara na id. 36, 61, 66, 98, a vikam ma avihkarma 121. 104, 105, 116. a sa mga see uttarasanga. ab hoiya abhogika 112. a sana asana 5, 48, 95. abhoei abhogayati (vilokayati) Pasaniya adj. from the prece112 2 tta 112. ding S. 53, 54. a bho em ana abhogayat 15. a satta asakta 41, 100. amam titta amantrya 104. a sattha acvasta 5, 48. aya mta acanta 105. a sama acrama 89. ayay ana ayatana S. 43. a sama pa ya n. pr. 157. a ya atma 14, 43. khuddo 129 a sayai (asai) acrayati 95. 130. a sa va see anasava. ayara akara. kamal' 59. Asas ena n. pr. 150. a yara adara 115. a saem ana asvadayat 104. ayariya acarya 1, S. 7, 8, 20, 46. asa dha ashadha 2, 182, 206. aya. a+V ya "imti 3 pl. praes. a siya asikta 100. 17; (imsu 3 pl. pr. 17, 18; a s oy a agvina 30, 174. Cissamti 3 pl. fut. 17. a h. ahu =aha 133, S. 18, 19, ayana adana (karana) 118, S. 40. ahamsu = ahus S. 27. 53, ano S. 54. a haya a hata 5, 8, 15, 43. = a yama id. S. 25. adolita 40. ay ay a adaya S. 29 v. 1. a hara id. 2, 95. a y a van a atapana 120. a harettae (Cittae) S. 17, 42, a yay. a+1 tap. atape datum 43, 48-451, aharemana 95. Dettae S. 52; Cemana 120. "iya inf. and part. of the denomin. part. S. 54, ano S. 53. of ahara. arakkhaga arakshaka 100. a hijja m ti akhyayante 108, 109, arama id. 89, S. 32, 36. . Th. 5, 6 etc. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Glossary. ahevacca adhipatya 14. a hoiya abhogika 112 v. 1. see notes. ahohiya 112 v. l., 157. i. i' iti in va q. v. ii (ia) iti 148 v. l. S. 18. ik karasi ekadaci 157. Ikkhaga Ikshvaku 2, 18. Ikkha gabhumi n. pr. 206. Ikkhagu Ikshvaku 2 v. 1. iccity; "ai 196-203, "eyam S. 63. icch Vish. "ami S. 46, 48. ijja S. 46-52. icc ha id. S. 41. icchiya ipsita 13, 83. ittha ishta 110. iddhi riddhi 102. savvdeg 115. iti id. 148, S. 58. itihasa id. 10. ittae (ettae) etum S. 27. ittha (ettha) atra S. 38, 39, 52. Imda Indra 14, 15. Imdadinna Th. 4, 10. imdanila indranila 45. Indapuraga n. pr. of a kula Th. 8. Th. 1, 2. imdiy a indriya 9, 60, 114, 118. ibha id. 33. ima base of pron. idam. Nom. s. m. ayam 16, 90. neut. imam S. 19. pl. m. ime Th. 5 etc.; f. imao Th. 5 etc. neut. imaim 89, S. 44; Acc. s. m. imam 15; pl. ime 3, 5, 6 etc. 46, 74; Gen. s. f. imise 2. iyanim idanim 92, 94; ime 'yanim 79, 86. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir iriya irya 118. iva id. 42, 46, 118. i va iti va? (ikaro vakyalamkarah K.) 108, 210. Isigutta n. pr. Th. 6, 9. 135 Isiguttiya n. name of a kula Th. 9. Isidatta n. pr. Th. 10. Isipaliya n. pr. Th. 11. Isipaliya ajja" name of a cakha Th. 11. iha id. 2 etc. ihagaya ihagata 16. i. isara icvara 14, 61. isim ishat 15. iha id. 8, 50, 72. ihamiga (ya) ihamriga 44, 63. ukkuduya utkatuka 120. Imdabhai Indrabhuti 127, 134, ukkosa utkarsha S. 57. utkrishta 134 u. u ca Th. 8. uiya udita 59. uuya ritu(ka) 37, 41. nu ritu; nue 118. uuim 114. ukkada utkata 43. ukkampiya (dhavalita) S. 2. ukkara utkara 42. ut-kara 102. ukkaliy'a mda utkalikanda S. 45. ukkittha utkrishta 28, 34, 43 v. 1. ukkosiya 145 etc. Ukkosiya n. pr. Th. 4. ugga ugra 211, "kula 18. uggaya udgata T. uggaha see oggaha. ucca S. 54, an" S. 53. uccatthana uccasthana(vywua) 96. Uccanagari n. of a cakha Th. 9, 10. uccaya id. rayan'- 4, 33, T. uccagaya uccagata or uccagaja 36. see notes. uc caya uccatma 43. uccara id. 118, S. 51, 55, 56. uccaremana uccaryamana 73. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 136 Kalpasutra. ucchalamta ucshalat 43 v. 1. | udd huvvam a ni uddhuyamana ucchinna id. 89. (udvijyamana) 61. Uju baliya (ii) n. pr. 120. unn aijja mana unnatim praujjala ujjvala 36, 46. pyamana 115 v. 1. ujjalanaga ujjvalana(ka) 46: unnaya unnata 32, 36, T. ujjalamta ujjvalat 41. unnam dijja mana unnandyaujjana udyana 89, 211. mana 115. ujjimta n. pr. 174, 183. up a vajjamana upavadyamana Ujju mai n. pr. Th. 5. 44. ujjuya rijuka (sarala) 36; (bila) u pasa ma n. pr. 124 v. l. S. 45. upp ajja mti utpadyante 117. ujjoy a udyota 97 v. 1., 128. uppa y amta utpatat 97. ujjoviya udyotita 61, 97 v. l., uppayaman a utpatat 125, 126. 125. uppim upari 183, 227. ut tha see ottha. uppimjala ga utpinjala (see utthiya utthita 59. notes 97) 126. Udumba rijjiy a name of a uppimjala m a n a utpinjala 97. cakha Th. 7. ubhao ubhayatah 32, T. Uddu ya diy ag ana n. pr. Th. 8. / ubha ya id. S. 64. unha ushna 95. umm a n a unmana 9, 51, 79, uttama id. 16, 41, 44, 55, 100. 114, Th. 13. um milliya unmilita 59. uttara id. 28, 105, S. 43. ummi urini 43. samtaro S. 31 see notes. | ummukka unmukta 10, 52, 80. Uttara n. pr. Th. 6. u ya uda. khiroya 43. uttarakura n. pr. 173. ura uras S. 29. Uttara balissahagana n. pr. urattha urah-stha 36. Th. 6. uru id. 42, nayaga 39. uttara sa inga id. 15. ulla ardra 95, S. 42. uttarasa dha 205, cauo 204. Ullag a ccha n. pr. of a kula uttarijja uttariya 61. Th. 7. uttingalena S. 45 see notes. ullas amta ullasat 36. utthaya see otthaya. ulla siya ullasita 40. udag a udaka; caulodaga tilodaga ulloiya ullocita 100 see notes. tusodaga javodaga S. 25. ulloya ulloka or ulloya 32. uda ya udaka 57, 61, S. 2, 11, uvaittha upadishta 114. 42, vigaqdae S. 43. uvautta upayukta Th. 13. udaya id. 19, 39. uvakk h a da vinti upaskarauda y'a mda S. 45 v. 1. yanti 104. u diya udita 130, 131. u va gay a upagata 3, 29, 92. uddam s'a mda $ 45 see notes. uva mga upanga 10. uddala avadalana 32. u vam gi fem. of the preceding Udde hag a na n. pr. Th. 7. 36. uddhamta uddhavat 39 see uvaciya upacita 34, T. 100; notes. SOVO 112. -- 15 v. l., 32 v. l. uddhuya uddhuta 28, 32, 44, uyajjh a y a upadhyaya 1, S. 7, 57, 100. 1 8, 20, 46. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Glossary. 137 uvatthana upasthana 89. "sala uva gaya upagata 2, 96, 116, 57, 58, 62. 122. uvadam sei upadarcayati S. 64. uvadisai upadicati 211. Uvanamda n. pr. Th. 5. uvanamdijjmana (on") upanandyamana 115 v. 1. uvabhoga upabhoga 44. uvama upama, at the end of a compound 38; see paliovama, sagarovama. uva mana upamana 36. uvayamta (ov") avapatat 97. uvayamana avapatat 35, T. uvaraya uparata 92. uvalagga upalagna 42. uvalitta upalipta 57, 100 v. 1. uvaleviya upalepita 100. uva va ya upapata (devanarakanam janma) 121. uva vasa upavasa 128. uvaveya upaveta 9, 79 v. 1., Th. 13 v. 1. 125, 126. Usabhadatta n. pr. 2, 5, 8, 13, 15. uvayara upakara or upacara Usabha sena n. pr. 214. 32, 57, 63, 100. usina ushna 61, S. 25. ussagga utsarga ka S. 52. ussamka uc-cchulka 102 v. l., 209 v. l. ussappini utsarpini 19. us sav. ut+Vcri. caus. "eha 2 pl. imper. 100. "itta 100 v. 1., 107. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir uvasatta upasakta 36. uvasamta upacanta 118. uvasama upacama S. 57. n. pr. 124. uvasam. upa+ cam. ai S. 59, "iyavva S. 59. aviyavva. caus. S. 59. uvayanavittae (uvain") atikramitum S. 8, 36, 57, 63. uvasaga ("ya) upasaka 136, 163, 179, 216. uvasiya upasika 137, 164, 180, 217. upasampa uvasampajjitta dya S. 50. uvasamiyavva S. 59 v. 1. uvasohiya upacobhita T. uvassa ya upacraya S. 27, 32, 60. uva hara upahara (vistarana) 34. uvahi upadhi S. 52. uvahiya upahita 100 v. 1. uvaina vittae see uvayanavittae. uvagacch. upa+V gam. Dai Pitta 5, 28, 29 etc. ijja opt. S. 29. ittae inf. S. 32, 36. uveya upeta 79, Th. 13. uvvala na udyalana 60. usabha (ha) rishabha 44, 63. Usabha Rishabha 204, 206228. uvasagga upasarga 107, 114, ussukka uc-chulka 102. 117. ussa (osa) avacya S. 45. ussiya ucchrita 33 v. 1. ussumka uc-chulka 209. usseima utsvedima or utsekima S. 25. u. una una 189, 227. uniya unita 195-203, 227. uru id. 33, 35, 36. usatta utsakta (upari lagna) 100. usaviya (= *ucchrapita) ucchrita 15. usasiya ucchvasita 15 v. 1. u siya ucchrita 33. e. ekarasi ekadaci 157 v. l., 212 v. 1. ekka (ikka) eka T. ekkavisae ekavimcati Inst. 2. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 138 Kalpasltra. ekkaras a ekadacan 165, 185, Th. ona m dijja mana avanandya 1. ord. 104 v. l., 157 y. I. mana 115 v. l. ek kara sa ma ekadaca 104. 1 otthaya avastrita 61, 63. ega eka 15, 78, 93, 116, 122, oniya tta avanivritta 43. 136, 147, S. 38, 39; f. ega om u y ai avamuncati 15. 116. S. 38, 39. omuitta 15, 116. egao ekatas S. 38 v. l., 39 v. l. oya ojas see taoya. ega yao S. 38, 39., oyaviya parikarmita 32. egay ay a ekatra "yata = suba- orala (urala) udara 3, 5, 6, 9 etc. ddha S. 36. oro ha avarodha 102, 115. egaras i ekadaci 212. olijjham ana avalihyamana 42. etta e see ittae S. 27 v. l. ovaya mta avapatat 37, 97. ettha (ittha) atra Th. 5 etc. lovala na v. l. uvautta Th. 13. eya etad. base 91, 107. Sing. | oviya parikarmita 15, 61. Nom. ms. ese 19, 23. eso 1. ! osatta ayasakta 100. esa 91, esam 8, 50, neut. 13, os a n nam (nn) prayena S. 55, 61. 17, 22, Acc. ms. eyam 8, 12, 50. osappini avasarpini 2, 19, 147. eyam fem. 26, eyam neut. 13. i osovani avasvapini 28. Gen. ms. eyassa 91. Loc.eyainsi oha ya avahata 92. 106. eyammi 195. Plur. Nom. ohi avadhi 15, nani 139, 166, ms. ee f. eya Th. 13. neut. 181, 219. eyai Th. 8, Acc. ms. ee 46, gen. oh i r am a n a nidrati 3, 6, 31. eesim 74, eesi 7. k. eyai ejati 92, 93, 94. eya man a ejamana 94. ka pron. inter. Nom. sing. m. ke e y an uru y a stadanurupa 91, | 7; n. kim 61, 133, Th. 7, 8 107. etc. Instr. kena Th. 1, s. 1. e yarisa eta drica 46. kains a pa i kamsyapatra 118. eyar u va etadrupa 3, 5, 6 etc. kakuha kakuda 33, T. Erava i n. pr. S. 12. ka k k adaccha karkataksha T. era vana airavana 14. kakke an a karketana 45. Elavacca name of a gotra ka k kha kaksha S. 29. Th. 4, 6. kakkhada kakkhata S. 59. eva id. 2, 26, 116 etc. Kaccayana n. pr. of a gotra Th. 3. ev ai khutto iyatkritvas S. 48. / kaccha kaksha 114. e vaiya evatika (iyat) S. 18, kamcana kancana 40, 41, 44, 21, 48. T. 119. evam id. 5, 6, 9, 12, 18, 21, etc. | kattu kritva 5, 12, 66, S. 36, esan a eshana 118. 111. (uktva) 11, 16, 29, 94. (dhyatva) 21. 0. katthakarana kshetra 120. ogin h. (nh) ava+V grah. Cai 50 kada krita 121, S. 2, (== crava Pamti 72, "itta 50, 72, S. 9. kikrita) s. 19. ogga ha avagraha 5, 8, 50, S. 9. kada ga kataka 15. oghetta v va avagrahitavya S. kadi kati 61. 18. kadiya katita S. 2. ottha (uttha) oshtha S. 43. kaduy a katuka 95; S. 59. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Glossary. 139 kana ga kanaka 35, 36, 40, 44, 28, 57, 100. see kattu, kicca 61, 90 etc. = kana S. 27, 30. kaum; kujja opt. S. 19. akasi kana ga maya kanakamaya 36. 146. kaniya kanika S. 45. "kar a (gara) id. at the end of a kaniya sa kaniyasa Th. 1. compound, see adikara, titthakamtag a kantaka 114 v. l. kara, dina". kitti", jasa", namdio kam tha id. 36, T. vivaddhana 51, 79; nisseyasa katu kratu 14. 111; vitimira" 38. kattari kartari S. 57. kara id. 36, 59. see karayala. kattiya kartika 124, 171. karana id. 60, 61, 104. astrol. katthai kutracit 46, 118. 124. kamta kanta 9, 34, 36-38, ka raya karaka S. 45. 42, 70. karay ala karatala 5, 12, 15, kain ti kanti 115. 28, 36, 67, 92. kam dara id. 89. kala mbu ya 5 y. l., 8, 47. kanna karna T. kala ha id. 118. Kanha n. pr. Th. 13. kalah am sa id. 42. Kan has a ha name of a kula Th. 7. kala va kalapa 36, 41, 61, 100. kapola id. 33. kaliya kalita 32, 57, 100. kappa kalpa - acara 10, 119, kallam kalyam 59. S. 57, 63. kalla na 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 31, 32, kapp ai kalpate 94, S. 8, 9, 10, 49 etc. kappamti S. 21---25. kalla n aga kalyana(ka) 61. kappar u kk haya kalpavri- kallola id. 43. ksha(ka) 61. ka s a y a kashaya 95. kappiya kalpita 61, 110, 155, ka sina klitsna 1, 36, 120. 172. ka haka haga 97. kappur a karpara 43. kahaga kathaka 100. kabbad a karbata 89. kaha katha 55. kama krama in ahakkama 59. ka um kritva S. 46. ka mala id. 15, 34, 35, 36, 39, | kaussagg a kayotsarga S. 52. 41, 42, T. 59. K a kam da ga n. pr. Th. 4, 6, kampa mana kampamana 40. 9, 10. kam bala id. S. 52. Ka kandiya n. pr. Th. 9. kamma karman 19, 32, 104; Kaka mdiya name of a cakha bali" 66, 95, 104. Th. 8. kay a krita 36, 40, 61, 66, 95, | kama karma 211 v. l. 99, 104. kama id. sampaviu 16. kaya kaca 61. Kamiddhi n. pr. Th. 6, 8. kay ambiya kadambita (alam- Kamiddhiya name of a kula krita) 33. Th. 8. kaya mbu ya kadamba(ka) 5. kaya id. 117, 118, 121, S. 42, kar. V kri "ei 5, 8, 15, 28, 102, 43, 63. see kaussagga. 116. "emti S. 63. "eha 2 imp. kay a n baga kadamba(ka) 42. pl. 57, 100. Cissamo 91, 128. karaga karaka 9, 51. Vessamo 106. Sitta 5, 8, 15, | karana id. S. 64. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 140 Kalpasutra. kala 12, 14, 95, 96, 99 etc. Kubera n. pr. Th. 11. gaya 124 sqq. Th. 13. Kubera ajja' name of a cakha Kalaga n. pr. Th. 13; Kala- Th. 11. gaya Th. 12; Kalaya Th. 12. ku mara id. 106, 172, 211, 227, karem ana karayamana 14. Th. 13. kara yo caus. V kri "eha 2 pl. kumala id. suo 9, 34-36, 40, imp. 57, 100; "itta 57, 100.1 60, 61. kalagaru kalaguru 32, 44, 57, kumuya kumuda 38, 42, T. 100. kumbha id. 4, 33, T. Ka sava n. pr. name of a gotra kumma kurma 36, 118. 2, 21, 107, 108, Th. 1, 3, 5, kuru vim da vatta kuruvinda 10, 12, 13. Kasavi fem. 108. varta (bhushanavicesha) 36. Ka savijjiya name of a cakha kula id. 2, 17, 18, 19, 51, 79, Th. 9. 89, 110 = griha S. 19; Th. kasa iya kashayika (rakta cati- 6, 7 etc. plur.-a-aim. ka) 61. kulagara kulakara 206. Kasi Kaci 128. kuvala ya id. 42. kimsuya kimcuka 39, 59. kusala kucala 60, 64. kicca kritya S. 12. kusuma id. 15, 32, 37, 41, T. kinci kimcit S. 30, 47. ku va kupa 5, 8, 47. kittitta kirtayitva S. 63. kei kaccit S. 38, 39, 52; kecit kitti kirti 51, 79. 117. kinnara id, 44, 63. keu ketu 51, 79.. kinha krishna S. 45. ke u ra keyura 15. kirana id. 33, 35, 40, 42, 43.kevaiya kiyat S. 18. kila mta klanta S. 61. ke vala 1, 114, 140. "kappa 15. kivina (kivaina) kripana 17, 19. onani 140. kuiya kucika S. 19. kev ali kevalin 121. kumkuma id. 59. kesa keca S. 57; "hattha = Kuccha n. pr. Th. 12, 13. | kecapaca 36. kucchi kukshi 2, 3, 15, 19, kesara id. 35, T. 21, 46, 91. kouya kautuka 61, 95, 104. kujja kuryat S. 19. kojja (a flower) 37. kudabhi (?) T. kottima kuttima 61. kudumbiya kautumbika 36. Kottuvani name of a cakha Kunala n. pr. S. 12. Th. 6. Kumdaggama n. pr. mahana" kot th agara 90, 91, 112. 2, 15 etc. khattiya" 66. koda mdiya see kodamdiya v. l. kumdadhari (ajoam dharayati) Kodala name of a gotra 2, 15. 89, 98. kod a koai kotikoti 228. Kum dapura n. pr. 65, 100. kodi koti 187, 195--203. kum dala id. 14, 15, 36, 67. Kodin na name of a gotra Th. Kumaala n. pr. Th. 8. 1, fem, a 109. kumthu id. 132, S. 44. Kodinna n. pr. Th. 6. Kumthu n. pr. 188. Kodiya n. pr. Th. 4, 6, 9, kumda id. 36, 37, 40. 10. kumdurukka id. 32,44,57,100. | Kodiyagane n. pr. Th. 9. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra . Glossary. Kodivarisiy a name of a cakha| khitta (khetta) kshetra 118. khippa kshipra adv. khippam eva 26, 29, 57, 64. Th. 5. kodumbiya kautumbika 56, 58-61, 63, 65. kodamdiya (ima) 102 see notes. khina kshina 147. see akkhina. khira kshira 33, 35, 38, 43, T. S. 17. komala id. 35, 59, 60. korimta (a flower) 61. korim tapatta korintapattra37. kosa kosha 90, 91, 112. kosa kroca S. 9-13. Kosambiya name of a cakha Th. 6. Kosalaga Kocala 128. Kosaliya Kaucalika 204, 206 228. == kosi koshi T. koha krodha 118. kh. khaggi khadgin 118. khaciya khacita (pinjarita) 59. khana kshana 118. khattiya kshatriya 18, 21, 2732 etc. kshatra 211. khattiyani kshatriyani 27-32 etc. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Kosiya name of a gotra Th. 4, khemalijjiy a name of a cakha 6, 11, 13 fem. a 100. Th. 8. 21, khamta kshanta 108 v. 1. khamti kshanti 120, Th. 13. "khame 108. khala id. 118. 141 - khudda kshudra cishya S. 20. khuddaya kshudraka or kshullaka (cishya) S. 38. khuddiya fem. of the preceding S. 20, 38. khudda kshudra in khuddaya kshudratma 129, 130. khura kshura S. 57. kheda kheta 89. khetta see khitta. khela cleshman 118, S. 56. khokhubhamana part. praes. intens. of kshubh. 43. khomiya kshaumita 32. g. gai (gaya gati) gati 5, 16, 28, 118, 121, 145. ga'im da gajendra 36. gagana id. 38, 40, 45, T. 118. gamga id. 32. gamgavatta gangavartakhya avarta 43. khamdha skandha 35, T. kham. V ksham. "ai 117. "iyavva S. 59. caus. khamijja S. 59. khamiyavva or khamaviyavva S. 59. gaccha id. 2. imp. Vgam 114. gajjiya garjita 33, 44. gana id. 37, 39, 61, 113, 160, 213, Th. 1, 5 etc. ganaga ganaka 61. gananayaga gana-nayaka 61. kshamacra ganaraya gana-raja 128. ganahara ganadhara 160, 213, Th. 1, S. 3, 4, 5, 46. khama samana mana Th. 13. khaya kshaya 2. kharamuhi kharamukhi a (see ganavaccheyay a ganavacche. note 14) 102, 115. daka S. 46, 48. gani ganin Th. 2, 13, S. 46. khalu id. 6, 8, 18, 21, 49 etc. ganiya ao 102 v. 1.; subst. S. 44, 59. 211. khaima khadiman 104, S. 40. Ganiya name of a kula Th. 8. khaya khata S. 2. ganiya ganika 102. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 142 Kalpasutra. gamda id. 14. | gimha grishma 2, 96, 119, gati see gai. 120 etc., Th. 13. gatta gatra 61. gira gir 47. ga mtum id. S. 10-13, 62. giri id. 39, 45, 89. gamtha grantha 118.. gilana glana S. 18, 20. gamdha id. 32, 33, 37, 44, 57, giha griha 2, 8, 89. 95, 102. gihattha grihastha 112, 157. gam dhavatti gandhavarti 32, gihi goihin S. 19. 57, 100. giya gita 14, 115. ga mdha v va gandharva 44. gumj'add ha gunjardha 39, 59. gamdh a hatthi gandhahastin gumjam ta gunjat 37. 16. guda id. S. 17. gamdhi gandhin 37. guna id. 9, 34, 36, T. 60, 79 etc. 'g am dhiya gandhika 32, 57, Guna silay a name of a caitya 100. S. 64. gabb ha garbha 1, 21, 29, 74, gutta gupta 92, 118. 76, 92, 94, 95. gutta see gotta. gabbhatta garbhatva 2, 3, 15, gutti gupti 120. 19, 21, 91. guttiya guptika (rakshaka) 99. gabbhattha garbhastha 94. gupp a mana gupyat (vyakuligam a nijja gamaniya 47, 110. bhavat) 43. gamb hira id. 32, 33, 110, 118. gumagum a ya mta madhuram gaya gaja 4, 33, 36. dhyanat 37. gaya gata 5, 92, 96, 110 etc., guru id. 110, "yana "jana 55. S. 64. guliya gulika T. gaya see gai. guhira gambhira 38. "gara see "kara. gevijja graiveya 61. galagg a h a galagraha 39. geha geha 65, 66. galiya galita 33, 92, 94. go id. 38, T. Gavedhuy a name of a cakha gonna (gunna) gauna 91, 107. Th. 7. gotta gotra 2, 19, 21, 89, 107, gavesittae gaveshitum S. 61. 108, Th. gavviya garvita 42. Goda sa n. pr. Th. 5. ga ha graha 61, 96, mahag" 129, God a s aga na n. pr. Th. 5. 130. godo hiya godohika 120. gahana grahana S. 63. Goya ma name of a gotra 2, gahiya grihita 36, 73, S. 36. 127, Th. 1, 3, 4, 10, 12, 13. gahira gambhira 38 v. l. Goya mejjiy a name of a cakha ga dha id. 35. Th. 9. gama grama 89, 118, 119. goyara gocara S. 20. ga manu ga mam gramanugra- goloma go-loma S. 57. mam S. 47. | gosisa gocirsha (candanavicesha) gamini gamini 113, 120. 61, 100. ga y a gatra 60. ga h a vai glihapati 120, S. 20 etc. gh. ginh. (nh) V grah, l'ai 28, s. gh atth a ghrishta 32, S. 2. 19, "ittae S. 56, 60. ghada ghata 100. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Glossary. ghana ghana 33, 34, 36, 38, 44, T. ghanamuimga ghanamridanga 14, 115. C. ghamtiya ghamtika 113. ghaya ghrita 46. ghara griha 32, 61, 118, S. 27. gholamta (itas tato bhramat) 15. ghosa ghosha 33, 44, 115. ca ca 1, 3 etc. caitta cyutva 1, 2, 149, 171. caissami fut. Vcyu 3. cau catur "bhamga S. 39, "bhaga 188, 189. "ddamta 33 T. "vviha ("vidha) 60, 118. Gen. pl. caunham 10, 14. caukka catushka 89, 100. caugamana caturgamana (catasro dicah) 43. cauttisaima a catustrimca 168. cauttha caturtha 2, 120 etc. caudas a caturdacan 46. cauddas a caturdacan 74, 'nham 76 see coddasa. caupanna catuhpancacat 174, 182. caumuha (mm) caturmukha 89, 100. caurasiim caturaciti 183185, 213, si 14, "sii 214. caurasiima caturacititama159. causatthim catuhshashti 163, 211. cakka cakra 36; cakravaka 42. cakkavatti cakravartin 16, 74, 80, 86. N. pl. i 17-23. cakkahara cakradhara 74. cakkiya cakrika 113. cakkiya caknuyat (?) S. 12, 13. cakkhu cakshus 16, 132, S. 44. camkammam a n a cankramya mana 38. caccara catvara 89, 100. camcala id. 14, 43, 46. camcumalaiya cancumalita (pulakita) 15, 50. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir camda id. 28, 29, 45. cattari catvari 77, 143, 179, Th. 5, 7 etc. S. 26, 62. cattalisam catvarimcat 177. camda candra 36, 38, 40, 43, 96, 104, 110, 118. Camda name of a year 124. camdana candana 61, 100, 119. Camdana n. pr. ajja 74. Camdanagari name of a cakha Th. 6. camdappabha n. pr. 113. Camdappaha n. pr. 197. camdima candramas T. camara id. 44, 63. camu id. 114. 143 campaga campaka 37. Campa n. pr. 122. Campijjiya name of a cakha Th. 8. camma carman 60. caya cyava 2, 149, 171. cayamana cyavamana 3. carana id. 36. carama id. 16, 21. caritta caritra 114, 120, Th. 13. carima carama 2, 124. cariya carita su 120. cala id. 43, T. calana calana 36, 59. calamana calamana 94, 132, S. 44; a 132. caliya calita 43. cavana cyavana 121. cavala capala 15, 28, 29, T. see acavala. cauramta caturanta 16, 80. see notes. caulodaga tandulodaka S. 25. caulodana tandulodana S. 33-35. camara camara 61. camikara id. 36. caraga caraka 100, 101. Caranagana n. pr. Th. 7 "cari "carin S. 27. caru id. 14, 33-35, 38. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 144 Kalpasutra. ca va capa T. | chappaya shadpada 37. cicca (cecca cejja) tyaktva 112. Chaluy a n. pr. Th. 6. citth. V stha. 'ai 95; Samti 89; | chavi id. 34. Cittae S. 38, 39; 'ium inf. cha y a id. 113, 120. S. 9. chayalis a shatcatvarimcat citta id. 5, 50. 193. citta citra 14, 32, 37, 42, 44, chinna id. 118, 124, 147, S. 43. 48, 61, 63. cheya cheka 28, 29, 60. citta (cetta) caitra 9, 115, 211. citta citra 171, 174, 182; pamca 170. ja yat pron. rel. jap-pabhiim 89. cittiya citrita 32. Nom. sing. ms. je 2, 21; neut. cimta id. 92. jam 17. plur. ms. je Th. 2; cimtiya cintita 16, 90. neut. jaim 89, S. 44. Acc. ciyatta tyakta 117. sing. jam 3; fem. jam eva 28; cilliya dipyamana 32 v. l. * Instr. jen'eva 5, 28 etc.; jenam civara id. 117. eva 29; Gen. jassa Th. 13. cunna (nn) curna 32, 98. jaiya jayika (jayo 'sty eshu) 96. cuya cyuta 3, 92. ja uvveya yajurveda 10. ceiya caitya 120, S. 64. Jak khadinna n. pr. Th. 5. ced a ceta 61. Jak k h a n. pr. Th. 5. cetta caitra 150, 208, 211, jaga(j) jagat 111. Th. 13. jag hana jaghana 36. c'eva cai'va 19, 34, 39, 41, 94, ja mgh a. id. 36. S. 39, 64. ja cca jatya 40, 41, 118; "kamala cokkha coksha 105. 35. videhao 110 see notes. coddasa caturdacan 3, 7, 134, ja cc'ainjana jatyanjana (mar 138, nham 49, 76, puvi ditaujana) 36. purvin 138, Th. 2. jana jana 38, 40, 92. covatthim catuhshashti 211 Jan adatta n. pr. Th. 5. v. 1. jana vaya janapada 90, 91, 112. jattha yatra S. 11, 12, 19. ch. ja maga yamaka 102. cha shash 122, chac-ca Th. 7. Jambu n. pr. Th. 13. cham-masie S. 57. chas-saya Jam buddiva jambudvipa 2, 116. chattisain q. v. 15, 28. chauma chadma 16. Ja mbuna ma n. pr. Th. 3. chaumatth a chadmastha 132, Ja mbuna mad hijja n. pr. 147, 227, S. 44, 45. Th. 5. chatt ha shashtha 10, 104, 116, jam bhag a jrimbhaka 89, 98. 120, 147, Th. 7. jam bhay a m ta jtimbhamana T. cha tth i shashthi 2. Jambhiya g a ma n. pr. 120. chatta chattra 61, Th. 13. jamma janman 104 y. 1., 129, chattisa m shattrimcat 135, 130. 147, 171, 179; "sehim 182. jam mana janman 19, 99, 154. chamda chandas 10. jaya id. 5, 67. channa (nn) id. S. 2, 29. ljaya id. 2 imp. V ji 111, 113. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Glossary. 145 hadda n. priul Th. 8. ji viva 35, T. ja yana (jaina) jayana 28. ja y a yaga 103. Jayainta n. pr. Th. 4. ja y ak a mm a jatakarman 104. Jayamti name of a cakhau jaya ru va jatarupa 27. Th. 4. jala id. 61. jay a (nam) yada corr, to taya jala jvala 36, 46. nam 91, 107, 131. Jalam dhara name of a gotra jara id. 124, 147. 2, 3, 15, 21. jala id. 42, 43, S. 12; sa" java yavat 6, 7, 8 etc. praep. 33, 44. 146, S. 27. postp. 117. jalacara id. 42. ja vay a from the causative of jalajalimta jajvalyamana 36. V jismo conqueror 16. jalana jvalana, T. ja suy a na japa 59. jalamta jvalat 42, 44, 46, 59, jina 16, 80, 114, 121, 138. 118. jinahi 2. imp. of V ji 114. jalaya jalada 36. jimthanijja ? 60 v. 1. jalah ara jaladhara 33, 44. jimiya jimita 105. jalla jalma ? (cariramalla) 118; Ljiya jita 16, 60, 114. (varatrakhelaka) 100. jiya jita (acara) 21. jav a niya yavanika 63, 69. jiy a kappiya jitakalpika 110, javodaga yavodaka S. 25. 155, 172. jasa yacas "kara 51, 79. jiva id. 16, 44, 118, 121; "loya Jasamsa 1. pr. 109. 59. Jasabhadda n. pr. Th. 3, 4. jivamta jivat 94. . 5. name of a kula Th. 8. jiviya jivita 83, 111, 119. Jasa vai 1. pr. 109. jasa vi ya yaco-vada 90. jui dyuti 102, 115. Jasevi n. pr. 160. juga yuya 146. Jaso y a n. pr. 109. jutta yukta 36, 46. T. jah a yatha 13. jaha nam corr.ju yala yugala 36. to tahau nain S. 2-8. tam jalia juya yupa 100. 4 etc. jav v yua 20 9. ja i jati 18, 124,147. (a flower) 37. jusani - ju siya see notes S. 51 Jaisara (Jaissara) n. pr. Th. 4, juliy a yuthika 37. 10, 11. jettha (ji") jyeshtha 109, 127, jagara id, fein. "a 3, 65, 31, 32, 70. Th. 1. ja garittile jagaritum S. 51. Jehila n. pr. Th. 12, 13. ja yariye jayarika 55, 104, joisa jyotis 38, 39, Gen. plur. S. 51. | jois 10. jagaremti jagrati 104 v. l. Toisa jyotishka 99. jan. V jna. "ai 3, 29, 121; "antijoir as a jyotirasa 27. S. 46, 48; 'ija. "ainta part. joga yoga 2, 46, 96, 116, 142; mina 121, 142 v. 1. 121. "itta 94. "yavva S. 44, 45. jogga yogya 60. j a navaya janapada 102. joni yoni 19. ja nu janu 15, 36. joyina yojana 27, 29, S. 9-- ja y a jata 1, T. 91, 107, 118; 13, 62. suo 9, 35, 36, 79, 118. jov vanaga yauvana 10, 52, 80. Abhandll. l. DMG. VII. 1. 10 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 146 Kalpasutra. jh (also written jjh). jhaya dhvaja 4, 33, T. 100. jhallari id. 102, 115. jhana dhyana 92, 114. jhan'amtariya dhyanantarika see notes. 120, 159. jhiyai dhyayate 92. th. thavci sthapayati 69, "itta 69. thai sthayin 129 v. 1., 130 v. l. thaittae sthatum S. 52. thana sthana 16, 36, 89, S. 52. thavei stapayati 116, "itta 116. thii sthiti 2, 121, 129, 130, 145. thiipadiya sthitipatita, see notes. 102-104. thitiya (thiiya etc.) sthiti(ka) 2, 171, 206. thiya sthita 41, 132, S. 45. d. n. dajjhamta dahyamana 32, 44, 57, 100. n' (vakyalamkara) S. 20 v. 1. nam (vakyalamkara) 3 etc. etc. natta, nattha, nayana, nava, nati, naya, no, nham, nhaya see natta, nattha, etc. nhaya (nhaya) snata 66, 95, 104. t. tae tatas 5, 8, 12, 27, 33, 48, 50. tao tatas 34, 35, 36, 37 etc. tao trayas 108, 109, 122; (trini) S. 25, 60; (tisras) S. 55. ta'oya tataujas 33. taiya tritiya 104 Th. 7, 8. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir dhamaya 33; taddivasa S. 9; taddavva S. 45. tam base? tam | sathao, tam-kulaim Th. 7, 8, 9. Nom. se 2, 10, 92; tam 72; sa 3, 5, 11, 35. plur. te S. 46, 48. Ace. tam 3 tam eva 28; te 5, taim 89; Instr. ten' eva 2, 14 etc.; tenam eva 29; fem. tae 28; fem. plur. tahim 49. Abl. ta 106; tamha S. 29; Gen. tassa 16, fem. tise 92, 109; plur. tesim 50, 72, 82; Loc. tamsi 32, 70; tammi 187. tam tatra Th. 9.perhaps in tam kulaim? tam tvam 114. takka tatka (idam) 121. tacca tritiya 30, 53, 146, S. 63. tacca tathya S. 63. tadi (tadiya) tadit 35. tana trina S. 55. tanu tanu 34, 36. tanuya tanu(ka) 36. tate tatas 56, 58, 59, 82, 84. tatto tatas Th. 13. tattha tatra 15, 61, 74, S. 26, 33-35, 38, 39. tatthagaya tatragata 16. tamta tantra 10. tamti tantri 14, 92, 115. tamtu id. 79 v. 1. tappadha may a tatprathamata 33. tappabhiim see pabhiim. tama tamas 38, 39. tamba tamra 36. tay a tada 91, 107, 131. tay a tvac 60. taramga id. 43 T. taratama id. 46. taruna id. 42, 44. tala id. 15, 32, 37-40 T. 60, 61, 100. talatala id. 14, 92, 115. talavara id. 61. ta tad. tappabhiim 89 tappa-tav a tapas 114, 120, Th. 13. tavassi tapasvin S. 20, 61. tavo kam m a tapahkarman S.50. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra taha tatha Th. 5, 8, 13; taham 13, 83. tahappagara tathaprakara 18, 21, S. 19. Glossary. taha tatha S. 2-8, 53-55. ta tavat S. 52. tana trana 16; tana 63. tamarasa id. 42. Tamalittiya name of a cakha Th. 5. tayattisaga trayastrimca(ka) 14. tayattisa trayastrimcat 14. taraya taraka 16. tara id. 61. tarisaga ("ya) tadrica 32, 49, 70. talamulaya talamula(ka) S. 45. talayara talacara 100, 102, 115. talu id. 35. Tavasa n. pr. Th. 4. Tavasa name of a cakha 4, 11. Th. 11. Th. timi id. 43. timimgila timimgala 43. timira id. 38. tiya trika 89. or tina trina 119. tinna (nn) tirna 16. tinnana (nn) tri-jnana 3, 29. titikkhai titikshate 117. titta tikta 95. tittisam trayastrimcat 206. tittha tirtha 111. titthakara 2; titthagara 15, 16, 46; titthayara 21, 99; tirthakara. tinni trini 138, 164, Th. Inst. tihim 227; Gen. tinham 1; 14. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tirikkhajoniya ni(ka) 117. tiriya-jambhaga jrimbhaka 89, 98. tiriyam tiryak 28. tilaga tilaka 38. tilaya tilaka 51, 79 (a flower) 37. tisam trimcat 110, 147, 157, 202; Gen. "ae 74. Tisabhadda n. pr. Th. 5. tumga id. 45. Tumgiyayan a name of a gotra Th. 3. ta viya tapita 35. ti iti (after a long vowel anusvara) 21, 28. tuccha id. "kula 17, 19. tuttha tushta 5, 8, 15, 47, 50. tutthi tushti 9, 51, 120. ti tri tivasa 195-203. tikkha tikshna 34, 35 T. tikkhutto trikritvas 15; S. tudiya turya 14, T, 102, 115. tudiya trutika (bahurakshaka) 15, 61. 48 v. 1. 147 tiryagyo tiryag tilitiliy a tilika (jalajantubheda) 43. tilodaya tilodaka S. 25. tilla taila 60. tivaliya trivalika 36. tisariya trisarika 61. Tisala n. pr. 21 etc. 109. tiya atita 21. tira id. 120. tiritta tirayitva S. 63. tisaima trimca 169. For Private and Personal Use Only tuppa tupya (mrakshita) 34. tubbham yushmat 79 v. 1. tubbhe yuyam 13, 83. tubbhe him Instr. S. 46, 48. tumam tvam 9, 51, S. 18, 52. tume Instr. 9, 86. tumbaviniya daka 100. tumbavinava tumham yushmakam 79. tuyattai tvagvartayati 95. turaga ("ya) id. 44, 63. turiy a tvarita 15, 28, 29, 43. see aturiya. turukka id. 32, 44, 57, 100. tuso daya tushyodaka S. 25. tunailla tunavat 100. 10* Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 148 Kalpasutra. 227. tula (tulla) id. or tulya 32. dag a daka (udaka) 38, S. 29. . teicchi cikitsa S. 49. dag a raya udaka-rajas 33, 35, tenauy a trinavatitama 148. 36, 38, 40, S. 29. teniya stainya S. 19. dat thavva drashtavya 187. teya tejas 61; tee 118; teyasa datt huna deishtva 46. 39, 59, 118. damda id. 27; 'nayaga 61. teya treya (stambha) 44. datti id. S. 26. "dattiya S. 26. teras a trayodacan 139. daddara dardara 100. terasa ma trayodaca 120. da dhi id. T. Terasa y a name of a cakha damta id. cau" 33, T. Th. 6. da mta danta 34. teras i trayodaci 30, 96. dap pana darpana 38. telokka (tio "u") trailokya 80, dap panijja darpaniya (bala86, 114. kara) 60. tella (ti") 60, S. 17. dam a id. Th. 13. te vat thim trayahshashti 211, da man ay a damanaka 37. "da ya at the end of compounds tevis ae trayovimcati Instr. 2. (pitiful or giving) 16. tesiim tryaciti 168, 227. da ya daka S. 29. tesiim a tryacita 30. daridda daridra 17, 19. toya id. 36, 43, 118. darisi darcin 16, 121. torana id. 100. dal. V da. Pai 28, 83 v. l.; "itta tti iti (after a short vowel) 3, 28, 83; 'amana 103; "ayati 29, 91, 107, 124, 151. caus. 83. ottha "stha matthaya" 40. da v a ve mana dapayat 103. da vina dravya 171. th. daviy a dravya (gunacraya) 108. thana stana 36. da v va dravya 118, 128; tad thambiya stambhita 15, 6). S. 45. thala sthala S. 12. dasa dacan 5, 37, 102; "him th 1 m a sthman 18. 1 227. Thulabhadda n. pr. Th. 5, 6. das am i dacami 103, 120. thira sthira 34, 35, T. Th. | da s a hiya dacukhya 103. 13. daha hrada paumad" 36. thejja sthairya adj. S. 19. dahi dadhi S. 17. thora sthavira Th. 1 etc. S. 5, d aijjam a na darcyamana 115. 6, 39, 46. "kappa S. 57, 63. d aiya dayika 112. thera vali sthaviravali Th. 4. d a d h a damshtra 35, T. theriya sthavira S. 39. d a n a dana 83, 112. thova stoka 118, 124. da n a dana (mada) 33. dayarehin datribhis 112. d. da raga ("ya) daraka 9, 10, 51, daiya dayita 38. 79, 80, 91, 96. dansana darcana 1, 16, 111, da v. caus. of y da. "e S. 14,15, 114, 120, 140; 9, 39, 46. i 16. "ettae S. 14, 15, 16. dansaniy a darcanika 104. Dasi kh abbadiya name of a da kk ha daksha 60, 110, 155. 1 cakhu Th. 5. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ditta dipta 39, 61, 118. dinna datta 100. Glossary. dahin a dakshina 14, 15, 115. ditth a drishta 9, 11, 51, 74, 79. ditthiya drishti(ka) 92. dinakara ("yara) dinakara 4, 32, 51, 59, 79. Dinna n. pr. ajja" Th. 4, 10. dippamta dipyamana 44, 61. dippamana dipyamana 41, 44, 61. diya dina in raimdiya q. V. divasa id. 96, 102, 104, 113, 114, 120; tad S. 21, 26. divva divya 28, 29, 44, T, 117. disa dic 36, 37, 96, S. 61. disi dic 27, 29, 63, S. 61. dina dina 92. dinara dinara 36. diva dipa 16, 51, 79. diva dvipa 2, 15, 28, 142. divanijja dipaniya 60. divayamta dipayat 34, 41. diha dirgha 9, 51, 81, 118. Dihabhadda n. pr. Th. 5. dukkha duhkha 119, S. 63. dugulla dukula 32. ducca (docca) dvitiya 28. Dujjimta n. pr. Th. 13. duddharisa durdharsha 118. dumduhi dundubhi 44, 102, 115. dunnirikkha durnirikshya 39. duppayara duhpracara 39. dubbala durbala S. 61. dummana durmanas 38. durarahaya duraradhya 133, S. 53. duvalasa dvadacan 120, 122, 147, 168, 181. amgi Th. 2. duviha dvividha 146, 181. duve see do. dussamasusama duhsamaduijjattae (hinditum) see notes susama 2. S. 47. dumiya (dhavalita) 32. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir duya duta 61. dura id. 63, 120. dusa dushya (vastra) "rayana 61, deva 116, 157. deva id. 14, 21, 44. 89, 97, 98, 110, 113, 114, S. 64. devakula id. 89. 149 devagai deva-gati 28, 29. devatta devatva 110. devaya devata 55. devaraya devaraja 14, 29, 33; ranna 27; ranno 16, 27, 29; rainam 21. Devanamda n. pr. 2, 3, 5, 8 etc. 21. devanamda name of a night 124. Devanuppiy a devanam priya 6, 7, 9, 11, 13 etc. 21, 64. deviddhi devarddhi 141. Deviddhi n. pr. Th. 13. devimda devendra 14, 16, 21, 27, 29. devi id. 14, 38, 97, 125, S. 64. desa deca 37, 93, 95, 100; bhaga 147, S. 29. desaya decaka 16. Desigani n. pr. Th. 13. deha id. 117. do dvau 108, 129, 130; duve Th. 4; donni dunni Th. 1; Instr. dohi 2; Gen. donham, dunham (nh) S. 38, 39; Instr. dosu 142, 222. docca (ducca) dvitiya 53, 96, 120, S. 63. donamuha dronamukha 89. dovariya dauvarika 61. dosa dvesha 114, 118. dohala dohada 95. dh. For Private and Personal Use Only dhagadhagaiya (crackling)46. dhana dhana 90, 91, 106, 112. Dhanagiri n. pr. Th. 11; Th. 12, 13. Dhanaddha n. pr. Th. 6. Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 150 Kalpasutra. dhaniya dhanika (atyartham) | naddha id. 61. 114. nam da 2. imp. of V nand uu. dhanna dhanya 3, 5, 6, 9, Namda n. pr. 178. 31, 33. Namdanabhadda n. pr. Th. 5. dhan na dhanya 90, 91, 100, nam di id. "kara 51, 79 v. l. 112. Namdijja name of a kula Th. 7. dham ma dharma 16, 80. 104, Nam diya n. pr. Th. 13. 111, 114, 157, S. 51. Nam divaddhana n. pr. 109. Dhamma n. pr. 190; -- Th. -- name of a paksha 124. 12, 13; - Th. 13. nabha nabhas 37. dhammiya dharmika 55. namams. V namasy. ami Th. dha ya dhyaja 40. 13, Wi 16, "itta 16. 'd hara at the end of compounds Nami n. pr. 184. 14, 15, 16, T. 140, Th. 13. namo namas 1, 16. dharani id. 15. nam okkara namaskara 1. dharijja mana dharyamana 61. naya id. 10. dhavala id. 34, 37, T. 61. nayana nayana 15, 35, 41, 42, dh a va mana dhavamana 43. 115. dharaga (ya) dharaka 10, 64 | nayara see nagara. v. 1. Th. 2. nara id. 44, 63, 115; "vasaha "dhari "dharin 89, 117, S. 31. 61; "siha 61. dhii dhriti 114. narimda narendra 61. dhim am dhiman 108. nalin a nalina T. dhira id. Th. 13. nava id. 14. dh u ya duhitri Nom. 109. nava navan 128, "nham 9, 79, dhuva dhupa 32, 44, 57, 100. 96. see addha. navaniy a navanita S. 17. navama id. 147, 169. na na 2, 17. nava maliy a (a) navamalika 37. na i nadi 43, 120, S. 11. navaram id. 157. Nakkha n. pr. Th. 13. naha nakha 5, 35, 36, 153. na kk hatta nakshatra 2, 96, S. 43. 116. naha nabhas 35, 44, 118. Nakkhatta n. pr. Th. 12. | 1 di jqati 104. nagara na-kara 89. nai na ati, before adjectives 95. nagara (nayara) id. 15, 16, 89, naiya nadita 102, 115. 100 etc. Naila n. pr. Th. 4, 11. na gara nagara 61. Na ila name of a cakhau Th. 4. nagari id. 122, 157. Naili name of a cukhau ajjan namgaliya langalika 113. Th. 11. natta natya 14. naga id. (a flower) 37. nattaga nartaka 100. naga name of a karana 124. nada nata 100. Naga n. pr. Th. 6. -- Th. 12, 13. nattu i naptrika 109. Nagabh u y a name of a kula nattha nyasta 68. Th. 7. n'atthi na'sti 118, S. 59; = Naga mitta n. pr. Th. 6. na santi 207. na daijja natakiya 92, 102. n. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra nani janin 139, 140. na diya nadita 102 v. 1. nabhi id. 36. Glossary na day a nataka 115. nana jnana 1, 16, 112, 114, 140, Th. 13. nana nana 36, 48, 61, 63; "viha 100. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir nigghamta nighanta 10. nigghayana nirghatana 119. nigghosa nirghosha 102, 115. nicaya id. 42. nicca nitya 44, 117, S. 11, 20. niccala niccala 92. nijjuhiyavva nirvyuhitavya S. 58. niddittha nirdishta 2, 16, 21. niddha snigdha 34, 36, T. 95. niddhamana nirdhamana 89, S. 2. Nabhi n. pr. 206, 207. nama naman 19, 42, 106, 107, 129, 130; am 124, S. 44, 64. namadhijja ("ejja) namadheya 91, 107, 108, 109. na madheya id. 16. niddhuma nirdhuma 46, T. nipphamda nihspanda 92. Naya Jnata 18 v. 1., 21, 90, nipphanna nishpanna 91, 96, 105, 110. 107. nibhelana griha 41. nay a jnati 104 v. 1. nayaga ("ya) nayaka 16, 39, nimitta id. 64. 80, 86. nikkhamma nishkramya S. 8. nikkhevana nihkshepana 118. nigama id. (vanij) 61. nigijjhiya nigrihya (sthitva) S. 32, 36, 37. nigudha id. 36. niggacch. nis+gam. "ai 115; "amti, "itta 66. niggamtha nirgrantha 130132; Th. 2, S. 6, 7, 9 etc. niggamthi nirgranthi 130132, S. 9, 10, 11 etc. niggaya nirgata 61, Th. 5 etc. niggoha nyagrodha 212. 151 nim mala nirmala 41, T. Naya ya Jnata(ka) 104, 105, nim maya nirmata (abhyasta) 60. nimmiya nirmita su" 35. 110. niyaga ("ya) nija(ka) 35, 104, 105. naya ya Jnata-ja 127. na yavva jnatavya Th. 7. nari nari 115. Nalamda n. pr. 122. naha natha 16, 111. niuna nipuna 15, 61. nikara id. 33, 35, 38, 45. nikkham. nis+V kram. "amti, "issamti, imsu 19, "ittae S. 20, 21; see nikkhamma. nikkhamana nishikramana 19, nirutta nirukta 10. 112, Th. 13. niyara nikara 59. niramjana nir-anjana 118. niravakam kha niravakanksha 119. niravacca nir-apatya Th. 2. niralam ban a niralambana 118. niravarana id. 1, 120. niriti name of a night 124. niruddha (matsyabheda) 43. niruvaleva nir-upalepa 118. nireyana nir-ejana 92. nilijjijja niliyeta S. 29. nilimta niliyamana 37. nillaliya nirlalita 35, T. nivaijja (ejja) nipatet S. 29, 32, 36, 37. nivadai nipatati S. 30. nivatta nivritta 104 v. 1. nivattiya nivartita 104. nivayamana nipatat S. 27. nivesei nivecayati 15; nivesitta 15. nivvaghaya nirvyaghata 1,120. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 152 Kalpasutra. niv van a nirvana 120.v. 1. pakkiliya prakridita 96, 102. nivvuya nirvsita 187, 195. pakkha paksha 2, 30, 38, 96, nisanna (nn) nishanna 14 v. l., 113, 114, 118 etc. = tithi 61, 147. 2, 30, 120, 124. nisam ma nicamya 8, 12, 50,53. pakk hay a pakshaka (talavrinka) nis a nica 38. 36. nisijja nishadya (asana) 120. pakkhiya pakshika S. 57. nisiyai nishidati 48 ; nisiitta 48. pakkhivai prakshipati 28. nisiyati nishidati 61, 95; Camti pagai prakriti 115. 68; "itta 6, 2. pagara prakara tahap" 18, 21, nissarai nihsarati 27. S. 19. nissey as a nincreyasa 111. pag a sa prakaca 39, 59. niha n a him 2. imp. ni+V han. paccak kh a ya pratyakhyata 114. 133. nih a na nidhana mahao 89. paccappin. prati+y arp. Pai nila id. 40, S. 44, 45. 29; "amti 58, 101; ahi 2 niva nipa 15, 50. imp. sing. S. 26; "aha 2 imp. nisa e (pali nissaya) com. nicraya avalambya 122, S. 18. 0 0 C c a vay a pratyapaya S. 46. neya v va netavya or jnatavya paccunnam. pratyud+V nam. 172. 'ai, "itta 15. nesajjiya nishanna 182. paccutthuya ("ttha") pratyano id. 19,130,132,5.11,13,15 etc. vastrita 63. nham sma ? (vakyalamkara) S. paccuppanna pratyutpanna 13 v. 1., 38, 39 v. l. 21, 25. nh a y a see phaya. paccu sa pratyusha 56, 99, 147. nh a n a snana 61. pacconiyatta pratyavanivsitta 43. p. paccoruh. pratyava+V ruh. "ai paitlh a pratishtha 16. Oitta 15, 47, 60, 116. pait thana pratishthana T. paccha pathya 95. paitthiya pratishthita 36, 40, pacch a paccad 104, Th. 2, S. 45. i 18, 21. painna (nn) pratijna 110, 155. paccha utta paccada yukta S. pairikka pratirikta 95. 3335. paiva pradipa 16, 39, 44. pacchijjam a n a prarthyamana paumjamti prayunjanti 111, 115. 114. pacchima paccima 174, 211. pauttha prakoshtha 35 T. pajjattaga ("ya) paryapta(ka) Pau ma n. pr. Th. 11. 142, 222. pauma padma 37, T; "ddaha pajjala mta prajvalat 36, 39. "hrada 36; "laya "lata 44, 63; pajjavasa na paryavasana 211. "sara "saras 4, 33, 42, T. pajjoyagara pradyotakara 16. Pau mappabha n. pr. 199. pajjosa v. pari+1 vas. Cei S. 1, pa umini (i) padmini 42. 2; "erno S. 8; "emti (imti) S. paura pracura T. 3---8; lemana S. 29; "ittae S. pa oyana prayojana S. 47. I 8, 21; "iya S. 9, 10, 14, 15 etc. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Glossary. 153 pajjos a vana paryushana . pa dija garam a n i pratijagrati 57, 58. "kappo S. 64. 55. pamca id. 1, 9, 32, 100, S.padijja patet S. 61 v. l. 26, "him 182. at the beginning padidu vara pratidvara 66,100, of comp. pamca - hatthuttara, S. 38, 39. Ocitta, "visaha; "viha, "imdiya pa dinikk ha m. pratinist etc. 1 kram. Pai 60, 61. "amti 58, pam c'a mguli id. 100 see notes. 65. Citta 58, 61, 62. pamcam & id. 10, 30, 204. padiniy attae (padiya) pratipamcam ya pancama(ka) Th. vartitum S. 10---13, 62. 7, S. 38 v. I., 39 v. 1. padinna vitta pratijnaptva S. pamcam i id. 172. 18. pamcamutthiya pancii - mu- padipuccham ana pratiprishtika 116. cchyamana 115 y. l. pain casatthim pancashashti pa dipunna (nn) pratipurna 9, 187, 188. 79; (nn) 1, 35, 38, T. 60, 70, pamca hattarie pancasaptati | 79, 96. Instr. 2. padipunnaya pratipurna 41. pamcasiima pancacita 183. padiba mdha pratibandha 118. pam cimdiya pancendriya 9, padibujjh. prati+V budh. 4 51, 79, 142. cl. "amte 74, 76; bamana 115. patta id. 32, 63. padibuddha pratibuddha 3, pattana pattana 89. 5, 6, 31, 32, 46 T. pattha prashtha 60. padibo hei pratibodhayati 47. pattha vaimsu 3 Pl. aor. caus. i padima pratima 108. pra+V stha. 128. padiya patana S. 32, 36, 37. pathaga see padhaga. padiya ikkhiya pratyakhyayin pada patit 61. S. 25, 51. padala patala 39. padiruva pratirupa 110. padaha pataha 14, 115. padile han a pratilekhana S.54, pa daga pataka 100, 114. a' S. 53. padigay a pratigata 28. padile ha pratilekha S. 60. padigah. prati+V grah. caus. padilehitta e ("he") pratile 2 imp. "e S. 14-16; Vehi s. khitum S. 55. 18; Inf. "ittae S. 14-16, padilehiya vva pratilekhita18, 25 etc. part. "iya S. 26; vya S. 44, 45. Citta S. 29. padiloma pratiloma 117. padiggaha pratigraha (patra) | pa divisajjeti prativisarjayati S. 52. 83. pa diggahiya pratigrahin 117. padivujja mana prativadyapadicch. pratit-Vish. "ai, Citta mana ? 115 v. l. 13, 83, 87, Bamana 103, 115; padisun. prati+V fru. Thei 27; avemana caus. 103. limti 65; Pamti 58; Cijja S. padicchanna praticchanna 32. 52; "itta 27, 101. padicchiya pratipsita 13, 83. padiseviya pratisevita 121. pa dijagara mti pratijagrati padu patu 14, 43. (gaveshayanti) S. 61. padhaga pathaka 100 v. I. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 154 Ralpasitra. padhama prathama 1, 96, 113, | pabh a sam a n a prabhasamana 210, Th. 7. 41. pa dhamay a prathamata tapo33. pa bh a say amta prabhasayat panaga panaka S. 44, 45, 55. 45. pana panna pancapancacat 147. pabhiim prabhtiti jap", tap pana pannaima pancapancaca 89, 91, 130; ajja-pp" 133. 174. pamajjan a pramarjana S. 54, pana va id. 102, 115. 60. a S. 53. pan a ma pranama 28. pam addana pramardana 39. pana sana pranacana 1. pam a n a pramana 9, 33, 35, pana siya pranacita 32. 38, 43, T. 79 etc. Paniy abh u mi n. pr. 122. pamuiy a pramudita 42, 96, 102. paniva y a mi pranipatami Th. | p a mhala pakshmala 61. 13. paya pada 15, 114. pandara paindara T. paya mta pacat 46. Pam dubh adda n. pr. Th. 5. pay ara prakara 34, 36, 46. pamaura panqura 35, 38, 40, payara pratara (pattraka) 44. 59; "tara 33. pay aliy a pradalita 15, pracalita patta patra 34, 35, 42, T. 98, 39. 118 S. 18. paya praja 211. patta pratta (prasarita) 35. pay a y a prajata 96. patta prapta 113, 120, 139, 141. / pay a vittae pratapitum S. 52. pattiya pratyayita 36, 6. 19. payas a prakaca T. (or 36: aiapattiya" acita-pattrika pay a hina pradakshina 96. ! etc. pattrika = marakata- pay a hi. prajanishya. "si 9, "ti 79. pattra). para id. 17, 114 etc. S. 18, pat t'ey am pratyekam 68. 41; param praep. S. 57, 58. patthijja m ana prarthyamana tena param 117. 115 v. l. para o paratas Th. 5. patthiya prarthita 16, 90, 93. paramparenam paramparaya pamta pranta 17, 19. S. 27. pamti pankti 115. param a id. 5, 15, 50, 105. pannat thim (nn) pancashashti para huya parabhrita 59. 186, 189-194. para ya mta prarajat 41. pannatta (an) prajnapta 118, parik ammana parikarman 60. S. 43, 44, 45. parikammiya parikarmita 35. pannara si (nn) pancadaci 124, pariggahiya parigrihita 5, 67. 174, parijana parijana 28, 104, 105. pannavei(nn)prajnapayati S.64. parittha vittae parishthapanna s a (nn) pancacat 218, payitum S. 51. 222, 223. parinaddha id. 36. Panhava hanaya name of a parinaya parinata 10, 52, 80. kula Th. 9. parina miya parinamita S. 2. "pabha id. 34, 44. parittas a paritrasa 95 v. l. Pabhava n. pr. Th. 3. parinikk h amei see padinio pa bh a y a prabhata 59. 27 v. 1. Pabhas a n. pr. Th. 1, I parinitthiya parinishthita 10, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Glossary. 155 pariniv va imti ("yamti) pari- | parissa ma paricrama 60, 95. nirvanti S. 63. I parihatthaga (paripurna) 42. pariniv vana parinirvana 120. parihiya parihita 66, 104. parinivvuda parinirvuita 118, paris a h a parishaha 108, 114. 124, 147. par u vei prarupayati S. 64. parinivvuya parinirvsita 1, parey am mana parikarman 60 170, 205, Th. 2. v. 1. paripihitta (paripi+y dha) pala mba pralamba 35 v. 1. paridhaya S. 29. pala mba mana pralambamana paripu y a pariputa S.25; a'S.25. paripphuda parisphota 39. pala mbiya pralambita 15 v. I. paribh a ei paribhajayati 112; pala sa palaca 36. "itta 112. part. paribhaemana palio vam a palyopama188,189. 104. paloijjai pralokyate (procyate) paribhujjam ana paribhujya- Th. 5 mana 42. | p alla va id. 35. parib humja mana paribhu- pallina pralina 92. njamana 104. palhattha paryasta 92. paribhutta paribhukta S. 2. palh a yanijja prahladaniya 47, parimatt ha parimtishta su"38. 60, 110, 113. parim a m diya parimandita T. pa vaga plavaka 100 v. l. parimad dan a parimardana 60. pavadijja prapatet S. 61. parimiya parimita S. 25; a pa vad dham ana prarvardhaS. 25. mana 43. pariyana parijana 105 v. 1. pavana pavana 43. pariy at ta ya parivartaka 39. pa v att. pra+V vrit. Pai 130; pariyadiyati paryadatte 27; "ehi 2. imp. caus. 111. 2 tta 28. pa vatti pravartaka S. 46. pariyaya ("ga) paryaya 121, pavara pravara 2, 32, 35, 41, 146, 147. 44, 66, 104. pariya vajjai paryapadyate S. p av a prapa 89. pa vaiy a pravadita 102, 115. p arira y a m a n a parirajamana | p a va y a pravata 96. 41. pa vala prabala 45, 90, 91, 112. parivajjiya parivarjita 41. pa vitth a pravishta 92, S. 36, T. parivahai parivahati 95. pavis. pra+V vic. "ai 50; "amti parivay a parivada para 118. | 72 v. l.; "amana T.; "itta 50, pariyar a id. 14. 72 v. l.; "ittae S. 20, 21 etc. pariv vay ay a parivrajaka adj. pavuccai procyate 124. 10. pa ves a praveca 66, or pravecya paris a parishad 14, 113, 143, 102 (see notes.) 157. pa v vaittae pravrajitum 94. paris a dei paricatayati (tyajati) pavvaiya pravrajita 1, 116. 27; 2 tta 27. pa v vaya parvata 51, 79. parisiccam ana parisicyamana pasattha pracasta 35, 36, T. 46. 55, 95. parissa mta paricranta 60. pasa mta pracanta 118. 29. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 156 Kalpasutra. pasara prasara 43. paha pathan maha 89, 100. pahakara prakara 42. pahara prahara 59. paha prabha 34, 45. pahana pradhana 55, 147, 211. pahina prahina 89, 124, 148, 168, 183 etc. paunitta purayitva 147. pauya paduka 15. paenam prayena S. 2. pa o pratas S. 21. paova gaya padapopagata S. 51. paka sasana pakacasana 14. paga paka 60. pa gada prakata 43. padala patala 37. padhaga ("ya) pathaka 6466, 68, 100, 207. pana pana 104, S. 20, 21 etc. pana prana S. 44, 55. panaga panaka S. 25, 26. panaya name of a kalpa 150. pani id. 9, 14, 60, 79, 168, S. 28-30, 43. panu prana 124. pamokkha ("mu") pramukhya 134, 135, 136 etc. paya pada 9, 15, 38 v. l., 47, 60, 79, S. 12, 52. payacchitta prayaccitta 66, 95, 104. paina pracina 113, 120. Paina name of a gotra Th. 4, 5. palitta palayitva S. 63. palemana palayamana 14. palehi palaya 2. imp. 114. pau" pradus" 59; paubbhuya | pava papa 1, 41, 5, 147. pradurbhuta 29. pava prapnuhi 114. Pava n. pr. 122, 147. pavesa pravecya 104. pas. Vpac. ai 5, 15, 121; "ei 46; "au 16; "amana 121; "iyavva S. 44, 45; itta 3, 5, 6 etc., T. 74. see notes. paravana paravata 59. paritthavaniya pana 118. paraya paraga 10, 64 v. 1. paragami paragamin 119. parabhoya (varabhoga) 128 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Parihasaya ("ham") name of a kula Th. 7. parishtha palaga palaka 108. palamba pralamba (jhumbanaka com.) 15, 61. palaitta parayitva (palayitva comm.) 147. payatta padata 21. payaya pada(ka) 38. payava padapa 51, 79, 115, pipiliya pipilika S. 45. 116. 120. pasa parcva T. Pasa n. pr. 149--168. pasavana prasravana 118, S. 51, 55, 56. pahisi pasyasi S. 18. pi api (after anusvara) 21, 28 etc. pimgala id. 46, T. 61. picca pitva S. 36 v. l. piccha id. 40. picch. (pe") pra+Viksh. "ai 33, 3546; "anijja 35, 40. "ijjamana part. pass. 115. pijja preman 118, 127. pimjara id. 42. Pitthicampa n. pr. 122. pidaga pitaka Th. 2. piniddha pinaddha 61. pimdavaya pindapata S. 29, 32, 36, 37. pittijja pitrivya 109. piya priya see Devanuppiya. Piyakarini n. pr. 109. Piyagamtha n. pr. Th. 10. piyamgu priyangu 37. piyadamsana priyadarcana 9, 46, 51, 79. piya pitar Nom. 109, Th. 3, Gen. piuno Th. 3. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Glossary 157 pilla n a prerana 34. puratthima (from the precepiva iva 5, 8, 118. ding) purva 27, 63. pih a na pidhana T. puram dara id. 14. pii (piti) priti 83, 90, 91. pura id. 89. Piidhammiya name of a kula Purimatala n. pr. 212. Th. 7. puris a purusha 16, 56, 58, 60, piima na pritimanas e Mas. 15, 63, 146. 50; a Fem. 5. purisa d a n iya 149 etc. piivaddhana name of a month pulaiya pulakita 46. 124. pulaga (ya) pulaka 27, 45. pidha pitha 15, 47, 60, 61. pulina pulina 32. pid ham add a pithamarda 61. | puvva purva 2, 16, 21, 68, 96, pina pina 36, T. S. 14-16, 33-36. pina nijja prisaniya 60. puvvaya ("ga) purva(ka) 8, 50. piya pita 40. pu v varatta puryaratra 2, 30, pivara id. 35, 36, T. 96. pukk hara pushkara 118. pu v va utta paryayukta S. 33puccha id. T. 35. pucchiya prishta 73. puvvim purvam 92, 94,106,112. pucchey avva prashtavya S. puiya pujita 68. 18. puya paja 130, 131. pum chana pronchana S. 52. pura see bura 32 v. 1. pumja id. 32, 100. purag a puraka 38. pudha vi prithvi S. 45. pura ya mta purayat 44. puna punar 19, 42; punar avi Pu sagiri n. pr. Th. 11. 110; puno 35 etc. pu sam ana pushyamana 113. pumdariya pundarika 2, 16, Pus amittiya name of a kula 42, 44. Th. 7. putta putra 9, 51, 79, 110. pecchanijja (pi") prekshaniya punna (nn) purna 36, 38, 41 T. 63. Punna pattiya (Panna") name pesunna paicunya 118. of a cakha Th. 7 v. 1. poggala (pu") pudgala 27, 28. Punna bhadda n. pr. Th. 5. Pomdavaddhaniya name of pun naga id. 37. a cakha Th. 5, puppha pushpa 32, 57, 61, por a na purana 89. 70, 83, 98 etc. porisi paurushi 113, 120. pupp hag a ("ya) pushpa(ka) 5, pore vacca purovartitva 14. 47. posa pausha 152. Pupphacula n. pr. 162. posadh a(com. paushadha.comp. Puppha da mta n. pr. 196. pali uposatha == upavasatha) pupphuttara name of a vi- 128. mana 2. pura id. 90, 91, 112; 9jana ph. 102. phagguna phalyuna 212. purao puratas 73, 105, "kaum Phaggumitta n. pr. Th. 11, S. 46, 48. 12, 13. purattha purastat 16, 62. pham dam a na spandamana 94. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 158 Kalpasutra, pharis aga sparca(ka) 63. / Bara vai n. pr. (Dvaravati) 173. phala id. 7, 49, 72, 98, 120, | b a rasa dvadacan 166. 147. | b a rasa h a dvadacakhya or "caha phalih a sphatika 27, 45. 1 104. phaliya sphatika (ratnavicesha) | baras i dvadaci 171. 40. bala id. 10, 52, 80. phas a sparca 32, 118; cakkhu bala y a va balatapa 59. 132, S. 44. ba vattarim dvasaptati 74, 147, phasitta sprishtva (asevya) 211. S. 63. bayisa dvavimcati 225. phulla id. T. 59. basiim dvyaciti 30. phusiya phusara (9) S. 28, 30. ba hattarim see bavattarim phena phena 39, 43. T. 74 v. l. bahirao vahyatas 32. b. bahiriya vahya 57, 58, 62, battisa dvatrimcat 14; ae 14. 100, 122. baddha id. suo 34. biiya dvitiya Th. 9. ba mdh a n a bandhana 124, 127, bimdu id. 42. 147. bi y a dvitiya Th. 7. bamdh ujivaga bandhujivaka biya (viya) bija 98, S. 44, 45, 55. 59. bujjh. V budh. "amti S. 63, Cahi Bambha n. pr. Th. 6. 111. bambh a n naya (nn) brahma-buddh a id. 16, 124, 147. nya(ka) 10. buddhi id. 8, 50, 120. Bam bh a diviya name of a bura (pura) badara 32. cakha Th. 11. bemi bravimi S. 64. bambha yari brahmacarin 118. bomdi (vapus, see E. Kuhn BeiBambhalijja name of a kula / trage p. 41) 14. Th. 9. bohaya bodhaka 16, 59. Bambhisum dari n. pr. 215. bohi bodhi 16. bala id. 52, 80, 90, 91, 115. bohiya bodhita 42. Baladeva id. 17, 18, 19, 77. balaha ya valaka 42. bh. balikam ma balikarman 66, 95. bhagavam (bhay") bhagavat baliya balin S. 17. Sing. Nom. "vam 1, 2, 3 etc. Acc. Balissa ha n. pr. Th. 6. Ovam 15, 16, 21; "vamtam 16; bahiy a bahis 120. Gen. Ovao 16, 28, 'vamtassa 118. ba hu id. 2, 9, 10, 37, 61, 79, 96; Pl. Nom. "vamto S. 61; (vamte Nom. pl. bahave 89, 98; Instr. Acc. 21; Gen. "vamtanam 16. bahuhim 133; "hi 97; bahuim bhaga va i bhagavati 36. 114; Gen. bahunam 115, S. 64. bhagin i bhagini 109, Th. 5. b a h u may a bahumata S. 19. b ham ga id. 43, S. 39. ba hula id. 30,113,124. - .59. bhattitta bhartritva 14. Ba n a rasi Varanasi 150, 157. bhaniya bhanita Th. 4. bayara badara 27. bhamdag a bhandaka S. 36. b 4 411s a m dvicatvarimoat 74, Ibh am da m a t t a bhandamatra 147, "a 195, 196; Cae 228.! 118. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Glossary 159 bhatta bhakta neut. 116, 120, ! Bhar add a y a(Bharadvaja) name 133, 147, S. 20, 21 etc. of a gotra Th. 1, 9. bhatti bhakti 37, 44, 48, 61, 63. Bha ra ha bharata 2, 15, 28. "bhattiya bhakti(ka) nicca" s. bhariya bharya 2, 15, 21 etc. 20, 25; cauttha" S. 21, 25; L 109. chattha' S. 22, 25; atthama' bharumda id. 118. S. 23, 25; vigittha' S. 24, 25. bh a va id. 10, 19, 52, 80, 121, bhadd a bhadra 111, 145. "asana 128, 142. 5, 48, 63, 68. bh a vemana bhavayamana 120. Bhad da n. pr. Th. 12, 13; | bhasai bhashate S. 64. Th. 12. bhas a r a si bhasmaraci 129,130. Bhad daguttiya name of a bhas a bhasha 118. kula Th. 8. bhasura id. 14, 41; "tara 43. Bhad dajasa n. pr. Th. 6, 8. bhikkh ag a bhikshuka 17, 19. Bhaddaja siya name of a kula bhikk h a y a ra bhikshacara 17 Th. 8. 1 y. 1. Bhad da bahu n. pr. Th. 4, 5. | bhikkh a y ariya ("iriya) bhibhadday a bhadraka 110. kshacarya S. 10-13. Bhadda ya n. pr. Th. 13. bhikkhu bhikshu S. 10, 25, Bhad dijjiya name of a cakha ! 26, 31, 46-51. Th. 8. bhim gu bhringu S. 45. Bhaddiy a n. pr. 122. bhittum bhettum 40. bha mte bhadanta 133, Th. 1, bhilimga ('amgu) masura S. S. 1, 14-16, 18 etc. 33--35. bha ma bhrama 43. b hujjo bhuyas 11, S. 64. bha m a m a n a bhramamaina 43. bhumj. V bhuj Pejja S. 41; b hamar a bhramara 37, 42. "amana 14, fem. 13. bham u ha bhru S. 43. bhutta bhukta 105, 121. bhay a id. 16,95, 107, 114, 118. bhuy a bhuja 15, 61. bha ya m a n a bhajyamana(sevy') bh u mi id. 32, 92, 96, S. 47, 95. 55; == kala 146, 167, 181. bhaya yam see bhagavam. bhuy a bhata 17, 19, 37, 97, bhariya bharita Th. 13. 105. bhav. V bhu."ai S. 14-16; "amti Bhuyadinna n. pr. Th. 5. 89, S. 44, 55; au 99, 114; Bh uy an. pr. Th. 5. Missai 7,49, 72 etc. "issam part. | b hus a n a bhushana 15, 36, 41. fut. 17; "itta 1, 94, 116. lbhusiya bhushita 61 v. l., bhava id. 2, S. 63. 100. bhavana bhavana 4, 33, 66, bhey a bheda 41. 88, 89, 92, 98, 115; (vai 99. b herav a bhairava 108, 114. bhavya bhavya 17, 22. bheri id. 102, 115. bh ag a id. 27, 32, 37, 100. bho id. 57, 64. bh a gi bhagin 121. bho kk hesi bhokshyasi S. 18. bhaniy avva bhanitavya 154, bhoga id. 9, 13, 14, 79; (guru 171, S. 39, 49, 50, 52. I sthaniya) 18, 22. 5 h ay a bhaga 63, 103. b hocca (bhu") bhuktva S. 29, bhay a bhratri Nom. 109. 36. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 160 Kalpasutra. bho yana bhojana 95, 104, Mana ga n. pr. Th. 3. S. 26. ma na hara manohara 115. man a ma manorama 47,110,113. m. mani id. 15, 32, 36, 44, 48, 61. mai mati, opuyvaya 8,50; "sagara Manib hadda n. pr. Th. 5. Th. 13. viula" 142. manujja manojna 92 y. 1. Maipattiya name of a cakha manunna manojna 47, 110, 113. Th. 7. manu ya manuja 113, 121, 143. mauda mukuta 14, 15, 61, 98. mano manas 121. mau ya msidu(ka) 35, 36, 40, manogay a manogata 16, 90, 95; su 63. 93, 142. mauliya mukulita 15. man ora ha manoratha 107, 115. mansa mamsa 60, S. 17. ma nohara manohara 37. ma msala mamsala 34, 36. mamdaga mandaka 38. magara makara 43, 44. mamdala id. 36, 38, 40, 44, 45. magga marga 16, 113, 114, ma mdaliya mandalika 78. 120, S. 63, ma mdava mandapa 61, 104. maggasira margacirsha 113. mam diya mandita 15, 63, 100. maghama ghamta ("imta) see Ma mdiyaputta n. pr. Th. 1. notes 32, 44, 57, 100. manne (nn) manye 7, 49, 72. maghavam maghavat Nom. 14. m atta id. 42. mam kha id. 100 see notes. mattaga ("ya) matraka S. 56. mam gala id. 1, 34, 41, 61, 63, matthay a mastaka 5, 15, 53; 64, 66, 95. Ottha Ostha 40. mam galla mazgalya 9, 51; madda va mardava 120, Th. 13. adj. 3, 5, 6, 9, 31 etc. m add a hi mardaya, 2. imp. 114. maccha matsya 42, 43. ma itara vyantara 99. majja madya S. 17. ma mti mantrin 61; maha 61 majja n a marjana 61. "ghara 61. | mam dara id. 118. majjiya marjita 61. mam dara id. 37. majjha madhya 36, 46, 61, mama id. 21, 26; mam' 57. 114, 227; "gae S. 64; ma- ma yana madana 38. jjham majjhenam 28, 29, 65. may anijja madanavardhanamajjhim a madhyama(ka) 122, kara 60. 147. maraga ya marakata 45. majjhimaya madhyama Th. 1. marana id. 119, 124, 147. Majjhima name of a cakha Marude vi n. pr. 206. Th. 10. malla id. 100, 114; "juddha Majjhimilla name of a cakha "yuddha 60. Th. 9. malla malya 37, 41, T. 61, 83, manca id. 100. 95, 98, 100 etc. ma mju id. 115. Mallai n. pr. 128. ma mjula id. 47.. Malli n. pr. 186-193. matth a mrishta 32, S. 2. malliy a mallika 37, T. mada mrita 92. m as a ragalla id. (a jewel) 27. mada mba id. 89. ma suraga masura(ka) 63. mana manas, 38, 92, 118, 121.! maha m mahat. Acc. maham T, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Glossary, 161 mahamtain 42, Th. 13; Instr. maya id. 118. mahaya 14, 102, 115; maba ma rana mtiya maranantika S. as first part of a compound, 51; see notes. . maha" before two consonants, maruy a maruta 40, 96. maho before a vowel followed mala ya malika 36. by two consonants. mala id. 61, 115. "a 14, 36. ma hajjuiya mahadyutika 14. Malijja name of a kula Th. 7. m a had a hiya maharddhika 14. i ma sa id. 2, 30, 79, 96 etc., ma hana mathana 39. "aim 114. mahattaragatta mahattara- Mas a puriya name of a cakha katva 14. Th. 7. ma hattaraya ("ga) mahattara- masiya masika 168, S. 57. ka 110. ma ha magha 227. m a h abbala mahabala 14. m a h a na brahmana 2, 5, 8, Mah agiri n. pr. Th. 4, 6. 13 etc. "kula 17, 19. m a h a y asa mahayacas 14, 46. ma han i brahmani 2, 3, 5, 15. mah a vijaya id. 2. ma his i mahishi 14. Ma h a vira n. pr. 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. 'mi asmi 3, 29. Mah a suv va ya n. pr. 179. miu mridu 35, 63, Th. 13. ma himda mahendra T. micch a mithya, "damsana 118. mahim a id. 99. mitta (me") matra 10, 52, 80, mahiya mahita 100. S. 26, 28, 30, 57. mahiyala mahitala 45. mitta mitra 104, 105. mahiya mahika S. 45. miya mita 47, 50, 95, 110, S. ma hila id. "guna (strikalis) 211. 54; see amiya. Ma hiliy a Mithila 122. milam ti id. 67; militta 67. m a hu madhu 46 T. S. 17. misimisimta dedipyamana 15, m a hu y ara madhukara 33. 61. mahu yari madhukara 37, 42. mihuna mithuna 42. mahura madhura 47, 50, 95, mis aya ("sa) micra 118. 115. misiya micrita 115. m a id. 55. muimga mridaniga 92, 102. maiya meya 35 v. I., 36. mukka mukta 32, 36, 100, ma da mbiya malambika 61. 118. Madhara name of a gotra Th. mukkha moksha 114. 4, 5, 10, 12, 13. muggarag a mudgara(ka) 37. man a mana 9, 51, 63 v. l., 79, mucca nti mucyante S. 63. 100; 118. mucchijj a murchet S. 61. Mana vagana name of a gana mutihiya maushtika, painca" Th. 9. 116; cau" 211; mushtika 100. m ana siya manasika 121. Munisuv va ya n. pr. 185. m anu sa manushya 117. muney a v va jnatavya Th. 9. manus saga manushya(ka) 13. mum da id. 1, 94, 116, S. 57. may a matri, Nom. sing. 46, mutta mukta 16, 124, 147. 109; Gen. maue 93; Nom. pl. mutta name of a prana 124. mayaro 74, 77. base mum ut t a multi 36, 44. a 61. 92. mutti mukti 120. Abhandl. d. DMG. VII. 1. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 162 Kalpasutra. muddiya mudrika 61. | racch'a mtara rathya madhya muddhan murdhan, sing. Acc. 100. Panam 15; Nom. pl. lana 66. rajja rajya 51, 79, 90, 91, 227. muddha ya murdhaja 40. Rajja paliy a name of a cakha muraja (uva) id. 102. Th. 8. musala id. 100. rajja vai ("ti) rajya-pati 52, 80. muha mukha 34, 35, 38, 39, rajj u rajjuka (lekhaka, comp. T. 59; fem. i 92. lajuka Acoka Inscr. Delhi II) muhamamgaliya mukhama- 122, 1472 ngalika 113. rattha rashtra 90. muhutta muhurta 39, 113, ratta rakta 32, 35, 39, 40, T. 118, 120. 59, 90, 91. muh uttag a muhurta(ka) S. 52. ratti ratri 39. mula 33, S. 29, 32, 36. ramanijja ramaniya 35-37, musa musha 35. 42, 61. me id. 55, 92, 94. ramma ramya, su" 32. Meyajja n. pr. Th. 1. raya rajas 32, S. 29: meyaniya medinika 96. rayana ratna 4, 15, 27, 32, Meru id. 39, 45." 33 etc. me ha megha 61. ray a n a may a ratnamaya T. Meha n. pr. Th. 6. rayani rajani 3, 31, 32, 46 etc. me hala mekhala 36. ray a nikara rajanikara 43, T. Mehalijjiya name of a cakha rayaya rajata 33, 35, 36, 38, Th. 8. 40, 41. me ha vi medhavin 60. ray a v. caus. of Vrac. Wei 63; Mehiya name of a kula Th. 8. Simti 58; "eha 57, tetta 57, mottiya mauktika 90, 91, 112. 58, 63. moyaga mocaka 16. rava id. 14, 44, 102, 115. mora mayura 40. ravi id. 42. Moriya putta n. pr. Th. 1. rasa id. 32, S. 17. mosa mrisha (or mosha) 118. rassi rasmi 59. 'i 39, mo ha id. 95. Raha n. pr. Th. 11. rahassa rahasya, a" 121; sao 10. y. rahokamma rahahkarman 121. y a(a)ca (after vowels) 9,21,28 etc. rai raji 36. ya vi (after vowels) ca api 92, 97. raindiya ratrindiva 9, 30, 51, 79 etc. rainiy a ratnika (jyeshtha) S. 59. rai rati 108, 118. rainna (nn) rajanya 18, 211. raiya racita or ranjita 36. ra iy a ratri(ka),ega", pamca" 119. raiya ratika (?) 61. ra is ara rajecvara (yuvaraja) 61. ra k k ha raksha 14. raga (raya) id. 59, 100, 114. Rak kh a n. pr. Th. 12, 13. Tay a rajan 61, 89; Nom. sing. Rakkhiya n. pr. Th. 6. 50, 52, 80; Instr. ranna 48, ra mga id. 114. 54, 64, 68; Gen. ranno 53, 66, ramgamta (itas tatah prenkhat) 72; Nom. pl. rayano 106. 43. ra y a rajat 38. r. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Glossary. 163 Or a ya at the end of compounds lamba mta lambamana 36. Oratra S. 1--8. lamba mana lambamana 44. Raya giha Rajagriha 122, Th. lambh a labha 103. 2, S. 64. laya, id. clesha 40. ra ya m a n a rajamana 40. lay a lata, ("a) pauma', vanadeg 44. ra y ah a m s a rajahamsa 5, 54, 1 aliy a lalita 61. 88. lava id. 118, 124. ra y ah a ni rajadhani 211. lahiya labdha 73 v. l. ra si raoi 43, 45, 59. laiya, in laulloiya 100; see riumai rijumati 166. notes. riuvveya tigveda 10. lagh a va id. 120. rikk ha riksha 61. la bha id. 9, 51, 79. ritt ha rishta 15, 27. la saga lasaka 100; see notes. ripu id. 38. litta lipta S. 2. ruila ruci lila id. 36. rukkha vriksha S. 29, 32, lila ya mta denom. from lila 36, 45. 35, T. ruya ruta 211. lukka luncita S. 57. ruru id. 63. luk kha ruksha 95. ruya ruta 32. luhiya lushita 61. ru va rupa 9, 28, 34, 36, 39-1 Lecchai n. pr. (Licchavi) 128. 42 etc. let thu leshtu 119. Rena n. pr. Th. 5. lena layana S. 29, 44, 45. revaiya name of a park 173. lesa Reva i n. pr. 137. le ha lekha 38, 211, S. 43. reham ta rajamana 59. loga loka 14, 16, 19, 111; iha", roga id. 95. para 119. roma roman 36, 60. kuva 5, lona lavana S. 26. 8, 15. lobha id. 118. Rohagutta n. pr. Th.6; Th. 6. loma loman 34. Rohana n. pr. Th. 6. loya loka 1, 44, 97, 111, 121. rohin i id. ("i) 39. loya loca 116, S. 57. loyana locana 36, 46, 59. loya mtiya lokantika 110. lakk hana lakshana 9, 33, 35, lola id. 43. 51, 64--68, 79. lolamta lolat 43. lam kh a laikhya 100; see notes. lohiya lohita S. 44, 45, "akkha lamgula langula 35, T. 27, 45. Lacchi Lakshmi 41, 61. latth a lashta (manohara) 34- 36, 40, T. 55. va iva (after anusvara) 46, 118. latthi yashti 40. 'va 118. lada ha latabha 36. Ovai "pati; gahao nara" sena". laddha labdha 73. vai vac 118. lada hi labdhi Th. 13. vaitta e vaijja see vay. lamda id. S. 9; see notes. vaira vajra 98. labhejja labhet S. 18. | Vaira n. pr. Th. 4, 11. 11* For Private and Personal Use Only Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 164 Kalpasutra. Vairas ena n. pr. Th. 4. vatthae vastum S. 62. Vaira name of a cakha, ajja" Vatthalijja name of two kulas Th. 11. Th. 7, Th. 9. Vairi name of a cakha Th. 9. vad. V vad. "aha 54; "ittae vaisa ha vaicakha 120. S. 52. vaula vakula. 37. vad dhana vardhana 100. vamsa vamca 18. Vad dhamana n. pr. 91, 107, vakk a m. apa+V kram. "ai 46; L 108. amtio 19. Cissamti 19. imsu vaddha man a vardhamana 113; 19. Camana 74, 76, 77. see notes. vakkamta apakranta 1, 2, 3, vadd h a v. caus. of V vuidh. "ei 5; 15, 20, 78, 91. emti 67; "itta 5. vakka mti apakranti 2. va md. V vand. "ami 16 Th. 13; vaggana valgana 60. Wai 16; Me Th. 13. Ciya 68; vagguhim vagbhis 50, 110, ! "iuna Th. 13. 113. vam dana vandana 100. vagghariya vyudgrahita? (pra- vannaga varnaka (candana) 61. lambita) 100, 168, S. 31. vannaya varna(ka) S. 45. Vaggh a vacca name of a gotra Vamma n. pr. 150. Th. 4, 6,.9, 10. vay. V vad. 'asi S. 58; 'ai S. vaccha vakshas 15, 43, 61. 18, 58; "aha 13, 54, 83; "ejja Vaccha Vatsa Th. 3, 11, 13. (ijja) S. 18; lasi 5, 8, 12, 21, vajja vajra 14. 54, 63, 113, 155; "amta S. 18. Ovajja "varja 119, 209. Cittae S. 19, 58. Vajjan a ga ri name of a cakha vayana vadana 15, 35, 36, 43. Th. 7. vayara (vaira) vajra 27. vajjiya varjita 38. vara id. 1, 5, 15, 16, 32, 33, vamjana vyanjana 9, 51, 79. 36, 41, 44, T. 80. vatta vsitta 35, 36, T. 100. Varadatta n. pr. 176. vattam ti vartante S. 35. vara bhoga 128 v. I. vat ta mana vartamana 120,121. | varit t ha varishtha 15. vada vata 174 v. l. valla ha vallabha 38. vadimsaga ('ya) avatamsaka | vavaga ya vyapagata 95. 51; 14, 29, 66, 67. v avasiya vyavasita 40. vadiya see padiya 209 v. l. vas. V vas. 'ai 211; "ahi 114; vad ah. V vridh. 'amo 91, 106. Pamana 211; "itta 147, 227; vittha 90. vatthae S. 62. vana vana 38, 39, 89, 115. vasa vaca 5, 15, 50, 106. vanam ala vanamala 14. vasabha ("ha) vuishabha 4, 33, nala va vanalata la 44, 63. 34, 61, 114, 118. vanna (nn) varna 32, 37, 38, Vasittha n. pr. 160. 57; 98, 100. va siya avasita 40 v. 1. vanna o varnakah 49. vasum dhar a id. 118. vatta vyapta 5, 12, 15 etc. vasu hara vasu-dhara 98. vattavva vaktavya S. 18, 58. va hai vahati Th. 13. vattha vastra 14, 63, 66, 83, va id. 17, 18, 19 etc. 98, 102, 105, S. 52. va i (vadi) vadin 143. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Glossary. 165 vaiya vaditra 14, 115, kranta 2, 9, 19, 96, 104, 120, Vaub hui Vayubhati Th. 1. 1 S. 1-8. va ei vaemti vadayati "anti | viutta see viyatta v. . Th. 1. viula vipula 15, 44, 46, T. 52, vagar ana vyakarana 10, 147, 83, 104; "mai 142. S. 64. viuvvai vikaroti, 2 tta 28. vagara ma na vyakurvat 138. vim hanijja vrimhaniya 60. vagarei vyakaroti 207, "itta 147. vikasiya vikasita 15. van ama mtara vyantara 99. vikka mta vikranta 52, 80 Vanijja name of a kula Th. 9. / vigai vikriti S. 17, 48. Va niyagga in a n. pr. 122. vigaya vigata S. 43. vam a id. 15. vigitth a vikrishta, "bhattiya S. va maddana vyamardana 60. 24, 25. vu y vita 36. vigga ha vigraha 29, S. 59. va y a vida 143. viggovitta (vigovo) vigopya va y a n a vacan 148, Th. 4, 5, 6 1 12. va y a ma vyayama 60. viggh a vighna 114. va yur id. 118. vicitta vicitra 32, 61. vara bhoga 128 v. l. vicchaddaitta vichardya 112. va ri id. T.. vicchippa mana('cha") vispriga vyala(ka) 44, 63. cyamana 115. valu ya valuka 32. vijay a id. 2, 5, 67. v a sa varsha 98; 2, 117, 129, vijay a name of a muhurta 113, 130, 172; 2, 15, 28. 120. vas a id. 14, 32, 172, 211. - 44. vija nitta (vijaniya) vijnaya 93. v a sa mtiya vasantika 37. Vijjha ha rago vala n. pr. Th. vas ay amta vasayat 37. 10. v a s a varsha 30, 171, 172, 174; Vijjh a hari name of a cakha "vasa 119, 122, S. 14-62. Th. 9. vasi vasin 14. vinambiya vidambita 35, T. vasinsu praet. of V varsh. 98. vina ya vinaya 27, 58, 69. Vasigth a name of a gotra 21 etc. vina sa vinaca 39. Th. 1, 4, 6, 9, 12, 13. vinicchiya viniccita 73. Vasilkh a a woman belonging viniy a vinita 110. to the Vacishthagotra 108. Viniya n. pr. 211. Vasitthiya name of a cakha Vinhu (nh) n. pr. Th. 13. Th. 9. vitimira id. 38, 96, 114. vi sini yasini 36. vitti vritti 7, 49, 72, 79 v. l. vasiya vasita 33. vitthara vistara Th. 5. vasi vasa 119. vitthinna (nn) vistirna 35, 36, Vasudeva id. 17, 18, 19, 76. 152, 80. Va s up ujj a ni, p. 193. . videha 110; see notes. va han a vahana 14, 52, 80, 90, vide haja cca 110; see notes. 91, 102, 115. Vide ha dinna n. pr. 109. -- vi api, (after vowels) 10, 19, 28, 110 see notes. 42, 80. vinnav. caus. of V jna. "ejja viikkamta (viti" vai") vyati- S. 18; "emana S. 18. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 166 Kalpasutra. vinnant (nn) vijnana 8, 50. vinnaya (nn) vijnata 10, 52, 80. Vinhu n. pr. Th. 12. .vipula id. 33, 90, 91, 100. vippamukka vipramukta 118. vibohaga vibodhaka 38. vibhatta vibhakta 32, 34. vibhavemana vibhavayat 147. vibhui vibhuti 115. vibhusa vibhusha 102, 115. vibhusiya vibhushita 36, 61, 95. vima na vimanas 92. vimala id. 35, 36, T. 61. Vimala n. pr. 192. vima na vimana 2, 14, 29, 44, T.; bhavana 4, 32; maha" 2, 171, 206. vima niya vimanita a" 95. viyatta (viutta) vyavritta 16. viyada jala S. 25. viyadaga vi-kataka S. 36. viyadagiha sthanamandapika S. 32, 36. viyarejja vitareyus S. 46, 48. viyara vicara, "bhumi S. 47, 52. viyavatta vyavritta 120. viraiya viracita 32. viraiya virajita 36, 61. viraiya virajita 36. virayamta virajat 15, 36. vilambiya vilambita, a 88. vilasamta vilasat 31. vilaijjai Th. 5 v. 1. vilihijjamana vilikhyamana 14. vile vana vilepana 61. viva iva 61 v. 1., 138. vivaniya vyapanita 95. vivaddhana vivardhana, "kara 51, 79. vivaga vipaka 147. vivitta vivikta 95. viviha vividha T. 64. vivvoyana (bb) 32 see note. visada ("ya) vicada 35, 36. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir visappamta visarpat 34. visappa mana visarpamana 5, 15, 50. visama vishama T. visa ha id. 118. visa emana visvadayat 104. visana vishana 118. visaray a vicarada 11. visala vicala 35, 36, 38, 39; 157. visittha vicishta T. 61, 63. visa ha vicakha 149, 157. pameavisaha 149. visuddha vicuddha 18, 96. vises a vicesha 7, 49, 57, 72, S. 21. "yiha at the end of a compound "vidha, cauv" 60, 118; pamca" S. 44, 45; nana" 100; bahu" 61. vihaga id. 44, 63, 118. vihamga id. 44 v. l. vihar. vi + hri. ai 13, 14, 15, 92 etc.; "amti 104, S. 6, 7; "ittae S. 50. vihana vidhana 151. vihara id. 120; "bhumi 95, S. 47, 52. vihi vidhi 61. vici id. T. vitivayaman a vyativrajat 28. viya see biya. vira id. 52, 80, 114, "valaya 61. Virabhadda n. pr. 160. viriya virya 108, 120. visai vimcati sa" S. 1-8. visam vimcati 2, 150. visattha vicvasta 5, 48. vihiya vithi(ka) 100. vuccai ueyate Th. 1, S. 1, 2. vutthikaya vrishtikaya S. 29, 31, 32, 36. Vuddha n. pr. Th. 12, 13. vutta ukta 27, 64, S. 1315, 18. veuttiya (punah punas) S. 60 v. 1. veuvvi (vaikriyalabdhimat) 141. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Glossary. 167 veuvviya vaikriya 27, 28. I sam v a ha id. 89 v. I. veu vviya fem. (punah punas)' sam vahiya samvahita 60. S. 60. sain villiy & samvellita ? T. vega id. 39, 43. samvuda samvrita 61, 32 v. l. vedas a vetasa 174. san satta (qvapadavicesha) 44. Vena n. pr. Th. 5. sam sara id. 119. vemaniya vaimanika 14, 99. samseima sasvedima or samse. vey a veda 10. kima S. 25. vey a nijja vedaniya 147. sam hara na id. 171. veya vacca vaiyavrittya S. 20. sa mhiya samhita 36. vera vaira 45. Sakka Cakra 14, 16, 27, 29, veruliya vaidurya 15, 27. 89; -- 14, 29. vela mbag a vidambaka or vai- sakkaro satkaraya Peti 83; lambaka 100. linti 105; "itta 83. 105, "iya vela id. 104, S. 36. 68. velliya vellita T. i sakkara satkara 90, 91, 130, veya ma na yepamana 94. 131. vesa vesha 66. Sagad a muha n. pr. 212. Vesamana Vaicravana 89. sagotta ('gu") sagotra 2, 15 etc., Vesa v a diyagana name of a 1 Th. 3; fem. a 2 etc. gana Th. 8. sam kam ta samkranta 129, 130. Vesali Vaicali 122. samkappa samkalpa 16, 90, vesa siya vaicvasika S. 19. 92, 93. Vocchinna vyavacchinna 95, samka sa samkaca 138, 165. 127, Th. 2. Sam k a siya name of a cakha Vomila n. pr. Th. 4. i Th. 7. Vomila name of a cakhau Th. 4. sa mkha cankha 40, 90, 91, 102, vosattha vyavasrishta 117. 1 112, 115, 118. vva iva, (after vowels) 59, 61. samkhaula cankhaputa ? T. sam khadi sanskriti (odanapaka) s. S. 29. Sa sa copul. Prefix. Sam kh a s ay a ga n. pr. 136. saiya catika 103. samkh a samkhya S. 26. sauna cakuna 42, 96, 211. Sainkh ana samkhyana 10. samla va mana samlapat 50; samkhiya cankhika 113. i 47, 48. s am kh ejja (jja) samkhyeya sa ila vi inti samlapayanti 72. 27. samlihiya samlihya (vilepani- sainga id. 119. kritya) S. 21, 36. sa mgama id. 115. sainle han a samlekhana S. 51. Samgha y aliya n. pr. Th. 12. sanloy a samloka (drishtipatha) sa mgh a daga (sim") cringataka S. 38, 39. 100. samvac chara samvatsara 114, sacca satya 13, 83, 120. 118, 120, 148. sajjhay a syadhyaya S. 51, 52. sam vacchariya samvatsarika samcaya id. 42, 43. S. 57. sa mjama samyama 120, 133, sam vah a na samvahana 60. I S. 53, 54. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 168 Kalpasutra. Samjutta samyukta Th. 13. samniva i samnipatin 138. samjoy a samyoga 118. | sannives a samniveca 89. satthi shashti 10. s annis anna samnishanna 16. sadamga vi shadangavid 10. sanha (ah) clakshaya 36. saddhi craddha S. 19. sapp a m a n a sarpamana(ullasat) samthiya samsthita 36. 42. samda shanda 59; vana" 89, sappi sarpin 96. 115. sappi sarpis S. 17. Sam dilla n. pr. Th. 13. s'a b bhimtara sabhyantara 100. San ha lashaya 63. sa bh a id. 14, 89, 122, 123, 147. satakkatu catakratu 14. sama id. 32, 36, 44, 119. satta sattva Th. 13. sam aiccha mana samatikrasatta saptan 76, 140, 141, S. mat 115. 43; degnham 14; otha (sapte-samaga samaka 102, 115. shta) 15, S. 63. samana cramana 114, 130, 134, sattama saptama 171, 206. Th. 1. 13, 61, 64, S. 6, 7. satta may a saptama(ka) Th. 7. Samana epithet of Mahavira sattari saptati 168. 1, 2, 3 etc. sattu vatru 114. sa man i cramani S. 64. satth a castra 64, 73, 74, 85. , samanu gammam ana samasattha vaha sarthavaha 61. nugamyamana 113. sadda cabda 44, T. 61, 102, sain a no vas aga cramanopa114, 115. saka 136; fem. "iya 137. sadd a v. cabdaya", "ei 21,56, 63, | Samatta samasta Th. 2. 99; "imti 65; "eha 64; "itta samatta samapta 110. 21, 56, 63 ; "iya 66. sa mamta samantat S. 9-13. saddhim sardham 13, 61, 72, sa mappa bha samaprabha 36, 104. 44. samta canta 118. sama ya id. 2, 4 etc., 118. samta cranta 60. sa ma id. 2, 147 samta sat 90, 91, 112. sa magama id. 41. samtana samtana 79 v. 1. sa mag ay a samagata 33. santi canti, "giha 89. sam a na sat 27, 60, 65, 66, 68, Samti n. pr. 189. 105 ; fem. "i 5, 99. Samtiseniya n. pr. Th. 10, 11. sa m a na samana 34, 119, S. 45. samtiya satka (pradatta) 108. sam a hadijja samaharet S. 29. samtharijja samstaret S. 21. samiya samita (samyak pravritta) sam dana syandana S. 11. i 118, S. 53, 54. sam ditt ha samdishta 30. Samiya n. pr. Th. 11. samdhi id. "giha 89. samuggh a ya samudghata 27, saund hipala id. 61. 28, 124 v. 1. sannika sa samnikaca T. 45. sa mujjala samujjvala 44. sannikkhitta samnikshipta89. sam ujja y a samudyata 124,147. samnina ya samninada 115. samuday a id. 34, 36, 42, 90, samniy a tta samnivsitta, "cari | 102, 115. S. 27. samudda samudra 28, 38, 142, samnivay a samnipata 97. 222. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Glossary. 169 Samudda vijay a n. pr. 171. Sa mb h u ya vijay a n. pr. Th. sa muppajj. samut +V pad. 'ai 4, 5. 19; "jja S.59; Cittha 16, 90, 93. samma m samyak 13, 83, 87, samuppanna samutpanna 1, 117, S. 63. 2, 93, 120, 132. sa mmajjiya sammarjita 57, sa mulla samta samullasat 38. 100. sa mussa siya samucchvasita 5; | samma t t ha sammtishta 100. usa 8. sam matta samyaktva Th. 13. sa muha id. 40, 44. sam maya sammata S. 19. sa mohan a i samuddhati, 2 tta sam ma n" sanmanaya", "eti 83; 27, 28. "imti 105; "itta 83, 105; "iya sam pautta samprayukta S. 61. 68, 95. sampanaddiya samprana. sam muiya samudita 108. dita T. sammui sammud ? (cobhana sampatta samprapta 16, 104. mati) S. 59. sampatti id. or samprapti 107. ! sammey a name of a mountain sam pad humiya sampradhu- 168. mita S. 2. saya cata 14, 61, 63, 103, sam panna id. 108, Th. 13. 136-145 etc., Th. 1. sampamajjiya sampramtijya say a svaka) 66, 88. S. 21, 36. say ai cete 95. sampay a sampad 134-145. saya m svayam 16, 207. sam parivuda sampariveita 61. say a na cayana 32, 46, 95. Sampaliya n. pr. Th. 12, 13. sa y ana svajana 104, 105. sam paliya mka samparyanka sayanijja cayaniya 3, 5, 6, 147, 227. 31, 32, 47. sam paviu ka ma sampraptu- saya ya satatam 39. kama 16. say ala sakala 44, 111. sampuccha n a sampracna S. say a vatta catapattra T. 59. sara cara 38. sampunna (nn) sampurna 44, sara saras, pauma" 4, 32, 42. 95, S. 25. sa rana carana 16. sampe hei samprekshate, 2 tta sa rabh a carabha 44. 21. saraya carad 43, 118. sa mbaddha id. 55. sararuh a saroruha (or sarorha) sa mba mdha id. 43. 42. sambamdhi sambandhin 104, sarasa id. 37, 61, 100. 105. sarisa sadrica 35, 36, 39, 40, sa in b a h a samvaha 89. see notes. 43, 59; "i 5, 87. sa mbuk ka vatta cambuka- sarira carira 2, 9, 51, 66, 79, varta S. 45. 104. sambuddha id. 16. salila id. 42, 43, 118. sam buya samveita 32, 61 v. l. salla calya 118. sambha mta sambhranta a' 88. savva sarva 1, 33, 37, 41, sambham a sambhrama 15, 115. 46 etc. darisi 16, 121. Sambhava n. pr. 202. savvao sarvatas 34, 41, S. sambhinna id. (sampurna) 140. 9--13. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 170 Kalpasutra. savvatthasiddha name of a muhurta 124; name of a vimana 206. savvattu sarva'rtu 95. savvannu (nn) sarvajna 121. 16, sasamka cacanka 33, 35. sasi cacin 4, 9, 32, 38, 61, 79. sasiniddha samsnigdha or sasnigdha S. 42. sassiriya sacrika 3, 6, 9 etc. saha id., sambamdha 43; "sammuiya 108. "saha id. 108. sahai sahate 117. sahakara id. 37. sahasa id. S. 29. sahassa sahasra 14, 39, 44, T. 115 etc.; akkha "aksha 14; "patta "pattra 42 or "vatta T.; "rassi "racmi 59. sai svati 1; 124, 147. saijjiya S. 60; see notes. sa ima svadiman 104. sagara id. 4, 33, 35, T. 92, 118, Th. 13. sagarovama sagaropama 2, 150, 171, 191-203, 206. sa diya cataka, ega 15. sabhaviy a svabhavika 8. samamta id. 63, 106, 120. samanna cramanya 147, 227, S. 59. samaveya samaveda 10. Sam aga n. pr. 120. samaniya samanika 14. sami svamin 49, 58. samitta svamitya 14. 's a miya svami(ka) 89. saya sata 44. saya na svadana S. 26. sayara sagara 43. sara id. 90, 91, 112, S. 59. saraya carada 118. saraya saraka (or smaraka) 10. sarasa id. 42. sarahi sarathi 16. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir sala id. 120. sala cala 60, 62, 102. salim ganavattiya salinganavartaka 32. salisaya sadrica(ka) 32. sa vaijja ("ejja) svapateya 90, 91, 106, 112. Savaitthiya name of a cakha Th. 8 sa vana cravana 168, 172. Savatthi name of a town, Cravasti 122. sa vaya ("ya) cravaka S. 64. saviya cravika S. 64. sa saga sasyaka 45. sa hai sadhayati (kathayati) 207. sa haga sadhaka Th. 13. sahattu samhritya 15. sahar. sam hri. "ai 15, 28; "ahi 26; ijjissami 29, itta 15, 26; jjamana 29; 'iya 1, 29-32, 89, 90; "avittae inf. caus. 21. sahassi sahasri 14, 134 sahassiya sahasrika 103. sahassiya sahasri(ka) 29. saha gakho Th. 4, 5 etc. sa haviya svabhavika 50. sahiya sadhika 117. sahu sadhu 1. sikkha ciksha 10. sikkhana 10 see notes. siggha cighra 28, 29. simga cringa 34. simghadaya cringataka 89. simghana (nasikamala) 118. Sijjamsa n. pr. 109. sijja see sejja. sijjhamti sidhyante S. 63. sitthi (setthi) creshthin 61. siniddha snigdha S. 42, see sa". sine ha sneha S. 43-45. sikta sikta 57, 100. sittha siktha a, sa" S. 25. siddha id. 1, 124, 144, 147. siddha name of a thova 124. 137 etc. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Glossary. 171 Siddhattha Siddhartba 21, sukka cushka 95. 26, 28 etc. 108. sukkila ("illa) cukla 40 S. sidd hatthaya siddharthaka 44, 45. 63, 66. suk kh a (s0') saukhya 9, 14, 79. siddhatthaya na name of a sugam dha id. 60, 100. park 211. su cariya sucarita 120. siddhi id. 16, 114, Th. 2. sutthiya sushthita Th. 13. sippa cilpa 211. Sutthiya n. pr. Th. 4, 6, 9, 10. siy a syat s. 26, 57, 58. = | Sunam da n. pr. 164. kadacit S. 18. sunim miya sunirmita T. siraya ciraska 61; = ciroja sutta supta 3, 6, 31, 32. S. 57. sutta sutra Th. 13, S. 63, 64. siras a Inst. cirasa Th. 13, sutta ya sutraka 36, 61. vattam vyaptam 5, 12, 15 etc. Sudam san a n. pr. 109; name Siri cri 43. of a palanquin 211. siri cri 35, siri 41, 42, 43. suddha cuddha 2, 34, 61, 66, Sirigutta n. pr. Th. 6. 96, 104, 118, 120. Siriadha n. pr. Th. 6. suddhamta cuddhanta 39 v. l. siriya cri(ka) T. suddhappa cuddhatman 66. Sirihara n. pr. 160. suddhaviyada ushnajala, see siris a cirisha 37. notes S. 25. sila cila, "a 90, 91, 112. sumdara id. 9, 34, 36, 79. silittha clishta, su 35, T., 61. sunna cunya 89. siva civa 3, 5, 6, 9, 16, 31, Sunnapattiya name of a cakha 34, 40, Th. 13. Th. 7. Sivab hui n. pr. Th. 12, 13. Supasa n. pr. 109; n. pr. 198. Siva n. pr. 171. Suppadibuddha n. pr. Th. siviya civika 157, ("bi") 211. 4, 6, 9, 10. sihara cikhara 36, 168. subha cubha 28, 33, 38, 41, sih a cikha S. 43. 46. sihi cikhin 4, 32, 46. Subha n. pr. 160. siya cita 39, 95. subhag a cubha 36; (a jewel) 27. Siyala n. pr. 195-203. Subhadd a n. pr. 217. siya civika 113, 116, 157. Sumai n. pr. 200. sila cila Th. 13, S. 53, 54. Sumanab hadda n. pr. Th. 5. sisa cishya Th. 6, S. 4, 5. sumina svapna 3, 5, 9, 13, T. sih a simha 4, 16, 33, 35, 40 T. 47--50 etc. Siha n. pr. Th. 12, 13. suya cuka 59. Sihagiri n. pr. Th. 4, 10, 11. sura id. 14, 15, 44. sih a sana simhasana 14, 15, suratta surakta 59. 16, 29, 57. surabhi ("hi) id. 15, 32, 37, su" Prefix su. T. 61, 100. "tara 42. sui cuci 61, 100, 105; "a 104. Sulasa n. pr. 137. suiya cuci v. l. su vanna (an) suvarna 61, 90, suka ya sukrita 61, 100. 91, 98, 112. suku mala see kumala. su vina svapna 46, T. 64, 65, sukka cukla 114. 66, 68, 74, 207. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ACHA 172 Kalpasutra. suv vay a name of a day 113, 120. soga mdhiya saugandhika 45. Suv vaya n. pr. 163. socca (su") crutva 8, 12, 50, 53. Suv va y a name of a gotra Th. sodira (som) caundira 118. 12, 13. soni croni 36. su v vay agg i name of a day 124. sond u cunda T. su sam a id. 2 dussama" 2, 147. sobhaga cobhaka 38. su sana cmacana 89. sob ha mta cobhamana 36, 43. suha sukha 39, 60, 61, 63, 95, i sobh a cobha 36, 61. 119. suhasana 5, 48, 104. sobhitta cobhayitva S. 63. Suhatthi n. pr. Th. 4, 6. Soma n. pr. 160. n. pr. Th. 6. su hamma name of a vadim- soma saumya 9, 35, 38, 41, saga 14. 43 etc. a mma n. pr. Th. 1, 2, 3. somanasiya (ss) saumanasyita suhu ya suhuta 118. | 5, 15, 50. suhuma sukshma 27, 35, S. Somadatta n. pr. Th. 5. 44, 45. Som a bhuiya name of a kula sum ala sukumara 110. Th. 7. sura cura 52. Soratthiy a name of a cakha sura surya 39, 44,59, 104, 118. Th. 9. surimagan a ? T. Soriyapura n. pr. 171. suriya surya S. 36. solasi shoqacan 161, 181, 192. suva supa S. 33-35. sovaciya sopacita 120. se sa 9, 51, 80, 119; asya S. sovira sauvira S. 25. 33--35 se kappai S. 11 etc.; sosay amta coshayat 38. == atha 133. Th. 6--9. sosiya (sa+usiya ??) T. seuya sektrika (or sevaka) 89. sohana codhana 100, 101. Sejjansa (Si') 1) n. pr. 194, sohamta cobhamana 34, 35, 2) n. pr. 216. sohamma name of a kalpa and Sejja in bhava n. pr. Th. 3. vaaimsaga 14, 29. sejja (si") cayya S. 53, 54. soha cobhau 39, 41-44. Sena n. pr. Th. 5. sohiya cobhita 35. sena vai senapati 61. h. sena vacca senapatya 14. Soniya n. pr. Th. 11. ham sa id. kala" 42; raya" 5. Seniya ajja", name of a cakha ha msag ab bh a hamsagarbha (a Th. 11. jeuwel) 45. seya cveta 44, T. 61, 63. hatth a hoishta 5, 8,15 etc. S. 17. seya m creyas 21. had a hrita 31, 92. sela caila 35, "giha 89; "sihara hattha hasta 36, 115. 36, 168. Hattha n. pr. Th. 13. sevijja mana sevyamana 42. hatthi hastin T. Sesava i n. pr. 109. Hatthilijja nume of a kula sesa 2, 188 sqq. Th. 7. se ha vaiksha S. 59. Hatthivalaga ("pala "vala) Soittiya name of a cakha Th. 6. n. pr. 122, 147. sokk ha saukhya 51. hatth'uttara uttaraphalguni, 1 s'oga coka 92, 95. i 2, 30, 96, 116. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Glossary. 173 ham tu hatva 114. | Halijja name of a kula Th. 7. haya hata 15, 53. see ahaya. halidda haridra S. 44, 45. haratanu ya haratanu S. 45. has a hasya or harsha 118. hara hi hara imp. 114. himguluya bingulaka 59. Harinegamesi Hari-naigamai- , hima id. 39. shin 21, 27, 30. himaya hima(ka) S. 45. hariya harita S. 44, 45, 55. Hima vamta Himavat 36. hariy aliyi haritalika (durva) hiya hita 95, 111, 211. 66. hiya see hiyaya 42 v. 1. Harivamsa Harivamca 2, 18. hiyaya hridaya 5, 8, 38, 47. harisa harsha 5, 15, 46, 50. hiranna (nn) hiranya 90, 91, haliy a halika S. 45. 98, 112. hallo hali ya id. S. 45. huduk ka id. 102. hav. V bhu. 'ai 1, S. 15 v. l., huya sana hutacana 118. 16 y. I. Pamti Th. 9. heuya hetu(ka) S. 64. ha v vam bhavyam? (cighram) hema id. 14. 132, S. 44. hemamta id. 113, 157, 212, hara id. 15, 33, 35, 36, 61. i 227, S. 55. hara dhari, vasuo 98. hema mtiya hemantika 119. Hariya y ana name of a gotra ho. V bhu. "i Th. 8; mti Th. 7; Th. 1. "u 107, S. 18; Ottha 1, 3, 97, Hariyam ala ga ri name of a 112, 134-146; "yavva ("ivva) cakha Th. 7. 1 S. 57, 59; Ottae S. 53. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Druck von G. Kreysing in Leipzig. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Additions and Corrections. page 9 line 27 for Tika read Tika. , 13 in the note v. 4 for thanam read thanam. , 21 add: It should be remarked that I have not aimed at consistency regarding the orthography of the Jaina Prakrit. I thought it preferable in a first edition of a Jaina book to show how the case stands. It would have been easy to adopt one method of spelling throughout the whole book e. g. to write always nn or nn. But instead of doing violence to the instinct of inconstancy which seems to be planted in the Indian breast, I usually have adopted the spelling of the oldest MS. A when confirmed by other MSS. Hence the same word is not always spelt in the same way. , 25 line 34 add: and contains 3040 granthas after 1307 AD. >> 29 line 33 add: The MSS. of the Kalpasutra may be classed into three groups: 1) MS. A. It contains the best text. 2) MSS. BEM. They contain the vulgata. 3) MSS. CH, a mixed text, usually siding with A, but not unfrequently with the second class. , 30 add: For the Digambara legends about Bhadrabahu see Lewis Rice: Bhadra Bahu and Cravana Belgola. Ind. Ant. III p. 153 sqq. In the Diganbara tradition of Kanara Bhadrabahu is made the leader of an omnigration from Northern India. Amongst his disciples is Candragupta, king of Pataliputra, who had reccived dilsha. 34 note 5,8 for EHM read CHM. 36 line 4 add icchiya padicchiyam oyan, Dovanuppiya! after Devanuppiya! 36 * 17 for tayattisaganain read tayattisaganan. 36 1 23 senavaccain read senavaccam. >> 18 and 21 for jan nam read jan nam. > 17 for vinaonam read vinaenam. 40 , 19, parinikkhamai read padinikkhamai. 40 note 27,12 for padi' CII, CiA read parinikkhamei A. 41 line 2 for tti read ti. 12 , bhue read bbhue. , bhumi , bhumi. usiya usiya. >> payaraireya read payarairega, , 28 camikara , camikara. 30 tanuya , tanuya. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir page 44 line 7 for lambhamta read lambamta. >> 14 dasa-disao dasa disko. ,, payaehim , payaehim 1%. , 25 , cara , caru. 23 , anuppainnam read anupainnam and add a note: anu paimtam B. , sassiriyahim read sassiriyahiin. , nana read nana. , naddha 47 read naddha. , rayana bhatti read rayana-bhatti. 16 avilambhiyae read avilambiyae. 21 and 22 for samiyaim read samiyaim. 3 for anteurenain real amteurenain. , 58 9 juie read juie. , 25 , saimam read saimam. 61 note 113,11 dele sayahim C. 62 line 4 add gamdha-vattha after puppha. 62 , 17 for java read java. 63 * 14 * aranno read aranne. ana-panue read ana panue. 64 , 11 , thiim read thiim. note 122,4 add A after olio 70 line 19 for aparejiyao read aparejiyao. , 74 , 2 , Marudevie read Marudovio. , 75 , 4 , rainnanam read rainnanam. ,, 77 , 24 , avaccejja ,, Avaccejja. 79 note 6,15 , Kumdhari * Kumdadhari. 87 line 3 , ahalamdam, ahalamdam. >> 34 parinimie .... aparinimie read parimie.... aparimie. , 21 add Hem. IV, 78. after redolent. 13 rupam after devatanam. 24 , 37) before gumagumayamana. 11 for viravalayani read viravalayani, 41 kashta" read kashtha. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only