Book Title: Jaina Puja
Author(s): Champat Rai Jain
Publisher: Vira Office Bijnor
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE JAINA PUJA EDITED AND TRANSLATED BY CHAMFAT RAI JAIN, VIDYA VARIDHI BARRISTER-AT-LAW LONDON " देवेन्द्र चक्रमहिमान ममेयमानं । राजेन्द्र चमामवनींद्र शिरोर्चनीयम् । धर्मेन्द्र चक्रमधरी कृत सर्व लोकं, लन्धवा शिवंच जिनभक्तिरुपैति भव्यः॥" Allahnbnd: PRINTED AT THE BELVEDERK PRESS, BY F. HAT.L PUBLISHED BY THE VIRA' OFFICE BIJNOR. 1926. Page #2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE Publishers record their sense of deep gratitude to RAI BAHADUR LALA DWARKA PRASADAJI SAHIB, RETIRED ENGINEER, of NAHATOR ( BIJNOR), who has magnanimously defrayed all the expenses incurred in the publication of this"JAINA PUJA," and by enabling it to be distributed free has contributed greatly towards the propagation of the Religion of JINAS. Hail! Victory to Jainism. Page #4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Puja. A SODS00OOSOS 46305 UL : w O, ** .. . DODO-- - _JODOGO . wengi 12 DES . 21 & EN LEDS 500D ... H " BHAGWAN SRI MAHAVIRA. From a Painting by Mr. D. Maniayya Heggede, N.LC. SDIDOSODODDO बेलवेडियर प्रेस, प्रयाग। Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FOREWORD THE VÕRSÁIPPER is presumed to understand, and he should clearly anderstand, that the Jaina_worship is not intended to please or propitiate any real or imaginary gods and goddesses to obtain boons of them. In the iconoclastíc Jaina Faith there is no roöña for idolatry of this or any other type. It is ideal-atry which is tocómmended by Jainism, not idolatry! The Jaina Góds are never unpleased, so as to be influenced by devotion or praige. They have no boons to grant; rather, on the contrary, they enjoin a renunciation of all the good things of the world that can be the subjects of a devotee's prayers. The Gods are never in need of food, or unguents and scents, which the devotees may offer. The true idea underlying, the Jaina worship-ritual is that of the adoratiun; of the attributes of Divinity, which the devotee wishes to express in his own self. : He, therefore takes Those Holy Ones mlio haye already attained to the high Ideal as Models of Perfection for himself, to copy and imitate and to follotr. Hence, while offering different articles in the course of the ritual, he is never, for a moment, under the fatal delasion that he is offering them to the Deity, the Scripture, or the Saint, but believes that he is either mentally renouncing such things as cooling scents, the delicacies that tickle the palate, and the like, or that the offering lias a symbolical significance, e.g.s the emblematic rice (akehatár) that are referable to the indestructible seat (akshaya pada). The poetical ferrour of devotional compositions bas, indeed, þeen at times characterised by an overmastering enthusiasm that seelis to overstep the bonödary of precision of expression,.bat reflection reveals it to consist purely in a delightful weaving of a pattern: of thought which retains its native elegance even in the midst of a partly foreign setting. .. · The Hindi text biás been adopted in preference to the Sanskrt one, by reason of its usefulness for a larger number of men. Nevertheless the Sapskrit text will. be found embodied in the Appendix for the ûge of those who are conversant with that language. The English translation of the one is almost that of the other, the difference being slight and negligible. ; is The půjā selected for this little pamphlet is the one which, with slight modifications, is-in-yogae-generally arñong-the, Jainas of all sésts; . It is the one-thich is actually emplosed by the Tera. Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ panthi sect of the Digambara community in their daily worship. The Svetambara sect use ornaments and clothes also in their ritual, for the decoration of the Images of the Tirthamkaras ; but this is not the practice of the other sect, the ,Digambaras, The Bisa-panthis, among the. Digambaras, apply saffron or sandal. wood paste to the toes of the Images, and also decorate then with fresh flowers, but the Tera-panthis regard this as an act of inter. ference with the Divine Forn, which is Nirgrantha (Nude) and anadorned. The nse of fresh flowers also involves avoidable himsa (injury). The merit of the Jaina prtjů is great; it enables each devotee - there are no priests aniong the Jainas to obtain mercenary merit for their employers--- to directly place himself (or herself] in actual contact with the Form Divine, as long as he is cngaged in its performance. It fills his leart also with faith in the practical realizability of lis Ideal, inasmuch as he has before him the Image of a man who actually realized it in his own Self. Further it enables the mind to be concentrated in holy meditation with the greatest ease, since all the time spent in the worship of the Deity is time actually spent in the contemplation of soul's diqinity, and on allied subjects, meditation on which constitutes what is known as the Dharma Dhyana (meritorious or religious meditation), There are several other forms of puja, but they are not obligatory. Even with the form here given, it is possible for the devotee to perform only the arghya portion of it, if he he unable to recite the whole ritual. The " Adoration" again is not compulsory if there be no time for its recitation. But the prakshala is compulsory, as there can be no pajů, properly so called, without it. There must also be at least the arghya to follow the prakshalu, unless the material has been defiled, or rendered unfit for the purposes of the púja for some other reason. Those who have leisure, spend hours in their morning worship, performing every part of the holy ritual, with great enthusiasm, and thereby earning accumulated merit which is, indeed, not easy to be acquired by the householder outside the precincts of the Temple itself. It only remains to be said that there are two aspects of the Jaina ritual, namely, (i) the material (dravya), and (ii) the mental (bhápa). The dravya půja consists in the ceremonious ritual that is accompanied, by the offering. of different kinds of things, tater scents, and others, to be described in the following pages. The Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bhava púja is the mental roverence that precedes, accompanies and follotrs the external ceremonious ritual. It is the second class of půjir that is, in reality, from the point of view of merit, the most valuable. It is more valuable by far of the two. But, as stated before, the great merit of the dravya půjū is that it effectively prevents the mind from andering away, and furnishes easy occupation to remain engaged in the meritorious Dharma Dhyann as long as one likes to do so. : O. R. JAIN, HYGEIA BLOUSE, LONDON: ist June 1926. idyd Paridhi. Page #10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ THE JAINA PUJA. The following articles are used in the Jaina Puja : 1. Sterilised water (i.e., boiled water), 2. Sandal-wood or saffron paste, or merely dry saffron, 3. Rice, 4. Flowers (coloured rice, dyed with saffron or sandal wood paste), 5. Sweets (square cocoanut pieces), 6. Camphor for Light, 7. Incense, and 8. Fruits (e.g., almonds). The combination of all the eight articles is called arghya. Of these, rice and cocoanut bits and almonds are to be washed and then all the artirles are to be placed in a plate side by side, excepting water which is to be kept in a small pot separately. There should be provided a bowl for the pouring of water, another for the burning of incense, and a receptacle for lighting camphor. Now take another plate and draw the mark of a &WASTIKA in its centre, with red powder, and as you recite the ' first verse of the Puja recitation, place three heaps of rice over the Swastika to represent the three objects of worship, namely, the DEVA, SHASTRA, and the GURU. At the conclusion of the Mantras offer appropriate articles, placing them at the foot of the Swastika in the plate. The Arghya is to be offered at the proper time by mixing all the articles, except camphor. At the conclusion of the Puju: offer up whatever is lett of the eight articles as a maha-arghya. Then recite the Shanti and Visarjana Pathas and conclude the ceremony with the recital of the Namokara Mantram. Page #12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------  Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ श्री देव, शास्त्र, गुरु पुजा । The Worship of the Deity, the Scripture, and the Saint, AUM I. Chhanda Adilla. प्रथम देव अरहंत सुश्रुत सिद्धान्त जू । गुरु निर्ग्रन्थ महन्त मुकति पुर पन्थजू ॥ तीन रतन जग माहि सुये भवि ध्याइये । तिनकी भक्ति प्रसाद, परम पद पाइये ॥१॥ Prathama Deva Arbanta Suśruta Siddhânta jû, Gura Nirgrantha, Mahanta, Muktipura Pantha jo: Tina ratana jaga mahiņ, su eh bhavi dhyāyiye; Tinakî bhakti prasāda parama pada payiye | Tr.-Firstly, the God Arhants, (then) the Noble Scripture of Truth, (Then) the Worshipful Nirgrantha Gura1, that points out the Path to the City of Mukti: Three Jewels these in the world: which ye should meditate on, ye bhavyas"! And obtain the highest Status as the endowment of Their Devotion ! . Doha. पूजूं पद अरहंत के, पूजों गुरुपद सार । पूजूं देवी सरसुती, नित प्रति श्रष्ट प्रकार ॥२॥ Pûjûn pada Arhanta ke, pûjûn Guru pada săra, Pojan Devi Sarasutî, nita prati aşta prakāra ! Tr.-May worship, the Feet of the Arhants, the Feet of the Garû Divine, May I worship the Goddess of Knowledge (SarasutÎ*, always, daily, in the eight-fold way! • Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mantram. ॐ ह्रीं देवशास्त्र गुरु समूह ! श्रत्र श्रवतर श्रुतवर । संवौषट् । ॐ ह्रीं देवशास्त्र गुरु समूह ! अत्र तिष्ठ तिष्ठ । ठः ठः । ॐ ह्री देवशास्त्र गुरु समूह ! श्रत्र मम सन्निहितो भव भव । बषद् । Aum Rhim : Deva, Sastra, Guru samuh ! atra, svatara • avatara, banaugata! Aum Rhim : Deva, Sastra, Guru samtih atra, tisttha, tisttha, ttha ! ttha ! Aum Rhim: Deva, Sāstra, Guru samdh! atra, mama sannihito bhava bhava vaşată! Tr.-Abm Rhim: the Deity, the Scripture, and the Saint, all hail! hail ! Aum Rhim : the Deity, Scripture ; and the Saint, all stny ! stay! Aum Rhim: the Deity, Scripture, and the Saint, all! come near me, near me! [ i ] Chhanda. . सुरपति उरगं.नंर नांथ तिनकर, वन्दनीक सुपद प्रभा । अति शोभनीक सुवरण उज्जल, देख छवि मोहित सभा ॥ वर नीर क्षीर समुद्र घट भरि, अग्र तसु वहु विधि नचू । अरहंत श्रुत सिद्धांत गुरु निर्ग्रन्थ नित पूजा रचूं ॥१॥ Surapati, uraga, naranatha, tinakara vandanika supada prabha ; Ati sobhanika svaraga ujjala dekhi chhabi mohita sabha ! T Vara ntra Kshira Samudra ghata, bhari, agra tasu bahu bidhi nachun; ܕ܂ " 3 "} Arhanta, Sruta Siddhāņta, Guru Nirgrantha nita : pūjā rachan! Tr. The lord of gods, the lord of Asuras, emperork of men,~~by these, worshipable the Grace of Those Auspicions Feet: Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Exceeding lustrous, of gold-bright hue, the entire Assemblage enthralled by their Grace ! Fetching pure water from the Kshfra Samudra," in pitchers full, I dance in front of Thee in many ways, Constantly worshipping the Arlianta, the Scripture of Irath, and the Nirgrantha Saint ! Doha मलिन वस्तु हरलेत सब, जल सुभाव मलछीन । जासों पूजं परमपद, देव शास्त्र गुरु तोन ॥१॥ Malina vasti hara leta saha, jala svabhāva roala chhina: · Jāsaûn půjūņ parama pada Deva, Sastra, Guru, tina; Tr..All kinds of filth it taketh away: filth-removing is water by nature : With it I worship the Supremo Ideal, the 'Criad of the Deity, the Scriptore, and the Saint ! Mantram. ॐ ह्री देवशास्त्रगुरुभ्यो जन्म जरा मृत्यु विनाशनाय जलं निर्वपा. मोति स्वाहा। Aum Rhim : Deva, Sastra, Gürubbyc, janma jarā mrityu vidāsánāya jalam dirvapāmiti, svāhā ! Tr.-Aam Rhim: In the name of the Deity, the Scripture, and the Saint, for the destrnction of birth, old age and death, I offer water : Accomplished ! INSTRUCTIONS. -The worshipper should place the image or the soulptured Foot.prints of the Deity on a high seat, and shonld place in a tray, ovor the fignre of a sivastika, drawn with soffron or sandalwood pasto, olended rice grains in three beaps, side by side, to represont tite threo Adorably. Objects of his worship If there be no Imngos or Foot-prints, bat there be available some form of written Scripture, lo słonld place it on a high sout, placing the tray in front of it. The ceremony begins with the performance of what is known as parkshala of the Divine Imaga nr the Font-prints, as the case may be. In Their absonen, water is simply poured into a bowl kept for that purpose, by the side of the tray nfore-mer tioned Tho prakshala consists iu the ponring of water over the image or the Foot-prints, and in the wasting thereof with ot. The object is then died with a piece of clean cloil, and the ceremony, piooceds, Tho snbsequont stngos of the ritunl will be described in connection with the employment of the different articles used in Jaina worship, as the cereinony proceeds. Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [i] Chhanda. जे त्रिजग, उदर मंझार प्रानी , तपत अतिदुद्धर खरे । तिन अहित हरन सुवचन जिनके, परम शीतलता भरे ॥ तसु भ्रमर लोभित घाण पावन, सरस चन्दन घसि सचूं.! अरहंत श्रुत सिद्धान्त गुरु निरग्रन्थ नित पूजा रचूं ॥२॥ Je trijaga udara manjbāra prāņi, tapata ati duddhara khare, Tina abita harana suvaohana jiraké, parama sitalata bhare: Tasu bhramara lobhita glråņa pāvana, sarasa cha». dana. ghasi sachon; Arhanta, Srnta Siddbāṇta, Guru Nirgrantha nita půjā rachin ! Tr.-Ever exceeding sore-afflicted are the living beings within the belly of the three worlds, for the remoral of their pain, whose sweet words are in the greatest degree cooling, Vith fragrant sandalwood Him I worship, the scent that allareth the bee : Thus may I constantly worship the Deity, the Scripture of Truth, and the Nirgrantha Saint! ___Doha. चन्दन शोतलता करै,तपत वस्तु परवीन । जासों पुजं परम पद, देव शास्त्र गुरु तीन ॥२॥ Chandana sítalatā karé topata vastu paravina, Jasaun pujan parama pada, Déva, Sastra, Guru, tina !. Ir.-Excellent is sandalwood in cooling heated natares : With it I worship the Sapreme Ideal, the Triad of the Deity, the Scriptare, and the Saint ! Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Maniram. . ॐ हों देव शास्त्र गुरूभ्यः संसार ताप विनाशनाय चन्दनं निर्वंपामोति स्वाहा । Aum Rhim: Deva, Sastra, Gurtbbyo, samsāra tāpa vināśpāya chandapan nirvapāmiti, svahů ! Trom-Aum Rhim : in the name of the Deity, the Scripture, and the Saint, I offor sandalwood : Accomplished I* [ij] Chhanda. यह भव समुद्र अपार तारण के निमित्त सुविधि ठई। अति दृढ़ परम पावन जथारथ, भक्ति वर नौका सही ॥ उजल अखंडित सालि तंदुल, पुस धरि त्रयगुण जचं । अरहंत श्रुत सिद्धांत गुरु निरग्रन्थ नित पूजा र ॥३|| Iba bhava samudra apâra tūrana kè nimitta suvidhi tghayi, Ati driờba parama pāvana jathāratha bhakti vara naukā sali; Ujjala akbandita Sáli tandula, punja dhara triyagura jachdì, Arbanta, Sruta Siddhāpta, Guru Nirgraạtha vita půjā rachun! Tr.-Ibis Ocean of Births and Deaths10, uncrossablu other. wiso, for crossing it, the excellent method is determined : With the aid of the good boat of deep and appropriate dovotion; Placing, in three heaps, glistening, unbroken Sali rice : Thus may I constantly worship the Deity, the Scripture, and the Nirgrantha Saint! *INSTRUCTIOXS.-Snfron pasto is splashed with tho singor tips of the right hand over the bowl which is used for tho purpos0 of pourios wntor for prakshala wbon thero is no linggo or Footprint to be prakrhaled. Somo pooplo actanlly begmonr tho toog of tho Image with the paslo. But this is objootionable, because of the comploto abgonca of all decorations and oinbellishments from the Divine Form, Tho pasto in prepared beforohnnd by rubbing somo Buliron with water on a stone slnb Snifron is gonernlly substituted for annanlwood, n8 it is tho puror articlo of tho two. It can also bo offorod without eing made into a pasto; and aftor all aandalwood is only indicative of the ola88 Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Doha. तंदुल सालि सुगंधं श्रति परम अखंडित चौन । " जासों पूजूं परम पद, देव शास्त्र गुरु तीन ॥ ३ ॥ Tandula sali sugandha ati parama akhandita bina, Jāssun pljón parama pada, Deva, Sāstra, Guru, tina ! Tr.—Exceeding fragrant Sáli grains, selected, unbroken, whole, Therewith I worship the Supreme Ideal, the triad of the Deity, the Scripture, and the Saint ! Mantram. ह्रीं देव शास्त्र गुरुभ्यो : अक्षयपद प्राप्तये अक्षतान् निर्वपामीत स्वाहा ।' ** Anu Rhim : Deva, Sāstra, Gurubhyo, akshaya pada prāptayé, akshatān nirvapāmiti, svāhā! 'Tr.—Aum Rhim : in the name of the Deity, the Scripture, and the Saiut, for the attainment of the akshaya pada (Immutable Status', I offer akshatān (rice) : Accomplished ! (iv) Chhanda.s 1 जे विनयवंत सुभव्य उर अंबुज प्रकाशन भान हैं । जे एक मुखचारित्र भाषत, त्रिजगमाहिं प्रधान हैं ॥ लहि कुंद कमलादिक पहुप, भत्र भत्र कुवेइन सों बच् अहतश्रुत सिद्धान्त गुरु निरग्रन्थ नित पूजा रचूं ॥४॥ Je vilayavanta subhavya ura ambuja prakāśana bhāna hain, Je eka mukha charitra bhāṣata trijaga mahin pradbāņa baip : * INSTRUCTIONS -Place some rice in a small salver or plate and offer before the three Henps thereof in the tray, as the mantram terminates in the mystic soutra, This procedure is to be observed with respect to all offerings in the ritual. The quantity of rice should be about half an ounce in weight, which should be gently and reverently dropped from the salver into the tray. 6 Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Lahi kunda kamaladik pabupa, bhava bhava kuvédana saun bachân, Arbanta, Sruta, Siddhānta, Guru Nirgrantha nita půjā rachûn! Tr.--Wbat act, like the San, to make the hearts of good bhavyas endoted to hearts, And conjointly proclaim the course of excellent conduct, and are the foremost in the three Worlds, Taking blossoms and lotuses and buds and other kinds of floral offerings, for Thoir worship, I escape from the' undesirable pain of repeated births and deaths, Constantly worshipping the Deity, the Scripture of Trath, and the Nirgrantha Saint ! Dohū. विविध भांति परिमल सुमन, भ्रमर जासु प्राधीन । जासों पूजू परम पद, देव शास्त्र गुरु तीन ॥ ४॥ Vividua buanti parimala sununla blirainarajāsu ādhina, Jāsaún pujúp parama pada, Deva, Sāstra, Guru, tina! Tr. With‘inany kinds of fragrant flowors, the bee loves 10 hover over which, Therewith I worship the Suprome Ideal," the triad of the Deity, the Scriptaro, and the Saint! Maniram. . ॐ ह्रीं देव शास्त्र गुरुभ्यो काम वाण fertajeak gooi fateigratia FITET I * Aum Khima : Dera, Sãstra, Gurubhyo, kama vāna vilhvaņģanāya puşpam nirvapāmiti, svībā! Tr. m ui Rhim : in the name of the Deity, the Scripture, and the Saint, for the destruction of Capid's darts, I offer flowers : Acoamplished ! IXBTRUCTIONS.- Fresh flowers are not actually need in the ritun, as that would mean himsū burting a living being needlessly. Colonred rico (dyer yellowish red with guffron) is substitnted for fresh flowers. These nre drop). ped into the tray from tho enlvur nc the moment when the word sand is proronnccd. Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Chhanda. . अति सवल मंदकंदर्प जाको, तुधा उरग अमान है। • दुस्सह भयानक तासु नाशन को, सु गरुड़ समान है ॥ उत्तम छहों रस युक्त नित नैवेद्य करि घृत में पचूं । अरहंत श्रुत सिद्धान्त गुरुं निरग्रन्थ नित पूजा रचूं ॥५॥ Ati sabala mada kaņdarpa jāko kşhudå uraga amāna hai, Dussa ha bhayānaka tāsu nāšana ko su garuda samāna hai; Uttama chhabóņ rasa yukta nita naivedya kara ghrita maiņ pachůņ; Arhanta, Sruta, Siddhanta, Guru Nirgrantha. nita půjā rachan ! Tr.-Terrible is the serpent Hunger, whose sting is overpowering, For its destruction that which acts like'an eagle, 13 Excellent, combined with the six rasas, fried in clarified butter, and made into sweetmeats,-therewith, Constantly may I worship the Deity, the Scripture and the Nirgrantha Saint ! Dohā. नाना विधि संयुक्तरस, व्यंजन सरस नवीन । जासों पूजू परम पद, देव शास्त्र गुरु तीन ॥५॥ Nānā vidhi samyukta rasa vyanjana sarasa nawin, Jasaun pujan parama. pada, Deva, Sastra, Guru, tina. Tr.-In which are combined, in various ways, the rasas 14such toothsome, dainty delicacies. Therewith I worship the Supreme Ideal, the triad of the Deity, the Scripture, and the Saint !' 8. Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mantram. ॐ ह्री देव शास्त्र गुरुभ्यो नधा रोग विनाशनाय चरू निर्वपामोति स्वाहा Aum Rhim : Deva, Sastra, Gurubbyo, kshudbā roga vināšanāya, charuņ piryapāmiti, svāhā! Tr..Aum Rbim : in the naine of the Deity, the Scripture, and the Saint, for the destruction of the pain of hunger, 5 offer sweetmeats : Accomplished ! (vi) Chhandu. जे त्रिजग उद्यम, नाश कीने मोहतिमिर महावली । तिहि कर्म घातो ज्ञान दीप प्रकाश जोति प्रभावली ।। इह भाँति दीप प्रजाल कंचन के सुभाजन में खचूं। अरहंत श्रुत सिद्धान्त गुरु निरग्रन्थ नित पूजा रचूं ॥६॥ Je trijnga udyama nāśa kine moba timira mahābali, Tiba karma glāti jņāna dfpa prakāsa joti prabhāvali, Iha bhāņti dipa prajā la kanchana kó subhājana main kbachan; Arhanta, Sruta Siddhānta, Guru Nirgrantha nita pajā rachan ! Tr-Tbat overmastering deluding darkness which has destroyed the functioning energy of the living beings in the three Worlds, The destroger of which, ioimigal karms, is the lustre of the luminous light of the Lamp of Jņāna; In this way, lighting a lanp, in a resplendent vessel of gold I place it, Constantly worshipping the Deity, the Scripture of Truth, and the Nirgrantha Saint ! • INSTRUCTIOXs.-Ustinliy smail COCONDnt squares ar. snbstituted for sweetmeats, for the sake of convenience. The rind should be removed frst with a knife, and the white pulp shonlil bo.cut into small square bits. About a dozen or half-a-dozen of these shonld be offered at a time The procedure kas been described before Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Loha. स्त्रपर प्रकाशक जोति ऋति, दीपक तमकरि होन । जासों पूजूं परम पद, देव शास्त्र गुरु तीन | ६ || Sva-para-prakāśaka joti ati, dipaka tama kari htna, Jāsaun phjón parama pada, Deva, Sāstra, Guru, tina ! Tr-What is transcendentally illuminative of itself and others, and devoid of smoke With such a Light I worship the Supreme Ideal, the triad of the Deity, the Scripture, and the Saint ! Mantram. ॐ ह्रीं देव शास्त्र गुरुभ्यो मोहान्धकार विनाशनाय दीपं निर्वपा मोति स्वाहा । Aum Rhim; Deva, Sāstra, Gurubhyo, mohāndhikāra vināšanāya dipam nirvapāmiti, svāhā ! Tr.-Aum Rhim: in the name of the Deity, the Scripture, and the Saint, for the destruction of the darkness of delusion, I offer a light: Accomplished! (vii) Chhanda. जो कर्म ईंधन दहन अग्नि समूह सम उद्धत लसै । वर धूप तासु सुगन्धिता करि सकल परिमलता हंसै ॥ इह भांति धूप चढ़ाय नित, भव नल माहिं नहीं पचूं । । अरहंत श्रुत सिद्धान्त गुरु निरग्रंथ नित पूजा रचूं ॥७॥ Jo karma îndhana dahana agni samûha sama uddhata lasé, Vara dhupa tasu sngandhita kara sakala parimalatā hansé; Iha bhagti dhupa chaṛhaya nita bhava anala mahiṇ nahin pachún ; /* INSTRUCTIONS.-Camphor is lighted in a separate receptacle or simply placed in the tray, for a light, with the utterance of svåhä 10 Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Arbanta, Sruta Siddbāņta, Gurb Nirgrantha nita půjā rachun, Tr. --That which consuming the karma-fael blazes ap bril liantly, like a congregation of flames, Whose fragrance enables all fragrant things to smile with aroma all round, Offering sooh inconse, may I not fall into the fire of re-births, Constantly worshipping the Deity, the Scripture of. Trath, and the Nirgrantha Saint ! Doha. अग्नि माहिं परिमल दहन, चंदनादि गुण लीन । . TSITCH ga me te ata 10lt Agni māhiņ parimala dahana chandanādi güpa lipa, Jasun půjûn parama pada, Deva, Sāstra, Guru, tina ! Tr...Throwing into the fire,- incense whose fawes surpass the excellence of sandalwood and the like, Thus may I worship the Supreme Ideal, the triad of the Deity, the Scripture of Truth, and the Nirgrantha Saint! Mantram. ॐ ह्रीं देवशास्त्र गुरुभ्यो अष्ट कर्म विध्वंसनाय धूपं निर्वपामीति' FAIETI * Aum Rhim, Deva, Sastra, Gurubhy.o, asta karma vidh vansanāya dhủpam nirvapāmiti, svāhā ! Tr.--dom Rhim : in the name of the Deity, the Scripture, and the Saint, for the destruction of the eight kinds of karmas, I offer incense : Accomplished ! INSTRUCTIOX8. ppcense is burned in an incense burber. If thi bo imporsiblo, place it in the tray in the manner described. Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (vii) Chhanda. लोचन सुरसना धान उर, उत्साह के करतार हैं। मोपै न उपमा जाय वरणी, सकल फल गुणलार हैं। सो फल चढ़ावत अर्थ पूरन, परम अमृतरस सचं । अरहंत श्रुत सिद्धान्त गुरु निरग्रन्थ नित पूजा र ॥८॥ Lochana surasanā ghrāna ura utasāha ke karatāra haiņ, Mo pe na upamā jāya varņi sakala phala gunasāra hain ; So phala charāwata artha parana, parana, amrita rasa sacbûn, Arhanta, Sruta, Siddhāņta, Guru Nirgrantha nita pājā rachun! Tr.-Which excite the enthusiasm of siglt, taste, swell, and of the heart, I am unable to find a parallel, they are the repositories of all excellences, Offering such fruit, for the accomplishment of the Great Ideal, may I enjoy the most excellent of ambrosias, Constantly worshipping the Deity, the Scripture of Truth, and the Nirgrantha Saint ! Doha. जे प्रधान फल फल विष, पंचकरण रस लीन । जासों पूजू परम पद, देव शास्त्र गुरु तीन ॥८॥ Je pradhāna phala phala vişaya, panchakarana rasa lina, Jāsuņ půjūņ parama pada, Deva, Sāstra, Guru, tina! Ir.The fruits that are best of their kind, that are the cause of delight to the five sensesTherewith I worship the Supreme Ideal, the triad of the Deity, the Scripture, and Saint ! 12 Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Mantram ॐ ह्रीं देवशास्त्र गुरुभ्यो मातफल प्राप्तये फलं निर्वपामीति स्वाहा । Aum Rhim: Deva, Sastra, Gurubhyo,, moksha phala prāptaye phalum nirvapāmiti, svābā! Tr. ---Aum Rhim : in the name of the Deity, the Scripture, and the Saint, for the attainment of the mokshi phala (fruit), 1 offer fruit : scoomplished ! (ARGHYAM). Chhandn. जल परम उज्ज्वल गंध अक्षत, पुष्प चरु दीपक धरूं । • वर धूप निरमल फल विविध, बहुजनम के पातक हरूं । इह भांति अर्घ चढ़ाय नित भवि, करत शिव पंकति मनू।' अरहंतश्रुत सिद्धान्त गुरु निरग्रन्थं नित पूजा रचूं ॥ . Jala parama ujjvala, gumuha, akşbata puşpa, charu, dipaka dharūņ, Vara dhûpa nirmala, phala vividha, bahu janama ké pātaka haruņ, Iha blāņti argha charhāya nita, bhavi, karata shiva paņkati machun; Arhanta, Sruta Siddâhạta, Guru Nirgrantha niti pojā l'achân ! Tr. - Water that is supremely lustrous, sandalwood, rice, flowers, sweetineats, light, I place And incense of pure fragrance, and fruits of various Borts--thus sins of many a life I eradicate : In this manner, offering arghyandaily, may I ascend the stops that lead to the heights of Joksba, Coastantly worshipping the Deity, the Scripture of Truth, and the Nirgrantha Saint ! INSTRUCTIONS.- Substituts dry fruit, e g., almonds, a whole cocnannt, and the like, for fresh frait, to avoid himsd. Place it rororently in the tray, meditating on the glory of the Liberated Soul in moksha, which is the dovotes'a (doal. Appropriate similar thonghts are to be entertained in tte mind when offering other articles, 13 Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Inha. वसुविधि अर्ध संजोयकै, अति उछाह मनकीन । जासों पूजू परमपद, देव शास्त्र गुरु तीन ॥६॥ Vasu vidhi arghya sanjoya ke, ati uchhāh mana kina, Jāsaun pûjûn parama pada, Deva, Sãstra, Guru, tiau! Tri-Combining the arghya in various ways, foll of enthusiasm, onbonnded, Thus I worship the Supreme Ideal, the triad of the Deity, the Scripture, and the Saint! Mantram. ॐ ह्रीं देव शास्त्र गुरुभ्यो अनर्धपद प्राप्तये अध्यंनिपामोति FELTET I Aum Rhim: Deva, Sāstra, Gurubhyo, anarghya pada prāptayé, arghyam nirvapāmíti, Evābā!' Tr.-Aum Rhim : in the name of the Deity, the Scrip. ture, and the Saint, for the attainment of the indestructible Status, I offer Arghyam : Accomplished ! THE JAYAMĀLĀ (GARLAND OF VICTORY). Doha, देव शास्त्र गुरु रतन शुभ, तीन रतन करतार। भिन्न भिन्न कहुं आरतो, अल्प सुगुण विस्तार ॥१॥ Deva, Sāstra, Guru, ratana śubha, tina ratana karatāra: Bhinna bhinna kahun ārati, alpa suguộa vistāra! Tr.-The Deity, the Scripture, and the Saint, Auspic. ious Gems, the Source of Jewels threelo: Separately, shall I chant Their praises briefly; (for otherwise) Their Divine attributes are very many! UN . INSTRUCTIONS All the eight articles combined constitute an arghya, Thoy are to be mixed in the small snlver and then offerod. Water is used in very very small quantities in mixing anarghya, and generally omitted altogether, 14 Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Chhanda Paddhaḍi. चकर्म की प्रेसठ प्रकृति नाशि, जीते श्रष्टादश दोषराशि | 1. Chau karma ki trèsath prakriti nñśi; jitè aṣtādasa dosa rāśi! Tr.-Who has destroyed sixty-three energies of the four"? karmas : Who has overcome the class of eighteen defects! जे परम सुगुण हैं अनन्त धीर, कहवत के छयालिस गुण गंम्भीर | 2. Je parama suguna hain ananta dhira: kahawata kè chhayalisa guna gambhira! Tr.-Who is endowed with what are the most excellent of virtues: whose number is infinite: Though only forty-six of the Supreme attributos are referred to ordinarily ! शुभ समवशरण शोभा अपार । शत इन्द्र नमत कर सीस धार । 3. Subha samavasarana sobha apara: sala Indra namata kara sisa dhara: Tr.-Seated in the auspicious Samavasarana, with glory indescribable: One hundred Indras worshipping, bowing their heads! देवाधिदेव अरहंत देव, चंदों मन वचतन करि सुसेव ॥ 4. Devadhi-Deva Arhanta Deva: vandaun mana, vacha, tana kara su-seva! Tr.-The God of gods, the God Arhapta: Him I worship with purity of the mind, speech, and the body! जिनकी ध्वनि है कार रूप, निर अक्षर मय महिमा अनूप / 2 5. Jinkt dhvani hai aumkāra rûpa; nira-akṣhara-maya mahima anûpa! Tr.-Whose Speech is possessed of the form of the aumkara: Devoid of letters, full of wonder, unparalleled ! 15 Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ दशष्ट महाभाषा समेत, लघु भाषा सात शतक सुचेत ॥ 6.-Dasa-aşta maha-bhāṣa sameta; laghu bhag a sāta dataka sucheta! Art Tr. Comprising eighteen principal languages, Seven hundred smaller tongues embracing. सोस्याद्वाद मय सप्त भङ्ग, गणधर गूंथे बारह सुत्रङ्ग । 7.-So Syadavada-maya sapta bhanga: Ganadhara gunthain barah so Anga! Tr. That has the form of the seven-branched Syāda vāda, Which the Gaṇadharas weave into twelve Angas! रवि शशि न हरै सो तम हराय, सो शास्त्र नमूं बहु प्रीति ल्याय ॥ 8.-Ravi Sasi na haré so tama harāya: so Sastara namûů, bahu prîti lyāya ! Tr.-The Scripture destroys the darkness that the Sun and the Moon are powerless to disperse : To that Scripture I bow with great veneration! गुरु श्राचारज उवभाय साधु, तन नगन रतनत्रयनिधि श्रगाध | 9.-Guru, Âchāraja, Uvajhāya, Sādhu; tana nagana, ratnatraya-nidhi agādha ! Tr.-The Guru, the Acharya 24, the Upadhyaya 5, or the Muui 20 - The body undraped, treasures of triple jewels, immeasurable! संसार देह वैरागधार, निरवांछि त शिवपद निहार ॥ 10.- Sanṣāra deha vairāga dhāra ; niravāṇchhi tapain Shivapada nihara i Tr.-Detached from the world and the (physical) body: Practising asceticism, expecting no reward, with the eye on the Supreme Status ! 36 Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ गुण छत्तीस पश्चिस आठ वौस, भवं तारन तरन जिहाज ईस। 11.Gana chhatisa, paclichisa, átha-risa ; bhava tarana tarana jibāja isa ! Tr.-Endowed with special virtues, numbering thirty-six, twenty and twenty.eight (respectively): They are like a ship to ennble souls to cross the Sea of Re-births! गुरु की महिमा वरनी न जाय, गुरु नाम जपुं मन वचन काय॥ Guru kt mabimü rarani na jûye : Guru nūna jupuu mana, vachana, kāya ! Ts, -The Glory of the Guru cannot be describor! I reoite the name of the Garn, wirl tho purity of the wind, speech, and the body ! Soraitha. कीजे शक्ति प्रमान, शक्ति बिना सरचा धरै। SENFIAT, FC-TIET, AT THE OTHM II Ktjé sakti pramana, sukti bina sradha dhare : Dyānata ! sradhāvāna ajara anaru pula blogató! Tr.- Perform worship to the fullest of your ability : those anable to do so, should fill their hearts with Faith! O Dyannta ! the faithful even onjoy the anaying, dentis less Status Jlantram. ॐ ह्रीं देव शास्त्रगुरुभ्यो महाध्य निर्वपामीति स्वाहा! Aum Rhim : Dera, Sastra, Gurubhyo, inahārghyan nirvapāmiti, svībā! Tr.m-Aum Ebim : in the name of the Deity, the soripturc, and the Saint, offer the maha .arghyam ! Accomplished !! INSTRUCTIONS --The mpha-arghyam consists of all that is left of the right articios. All this is offered up at once at the end, 17 Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Sri Santi Patha. Chaupai. शान्तिनाथ मुख शशि उनहारी, शील गुणवृत संयम धारी। लखन एक सौ आठ बिराजै, निरखत नैन कमल दल लाजै ॥, पंचम चक्रवर्ती पदधारी, सोलम तीर्थंकर सुखकारी। इन्द्र नरेन्द्र पूजे जिन नायक, नमूं शान्ति हित, शान्ति विधायक ॥ दिव्य विटप पहुपन की वरसा, दुन्दमि आसन वाणी सरसा। छत्र चमर भामंडल भारी, एह तव प्रातिहार्य मनहारी ॥ शान्ति जिनेस शान्ति सुखदायी, जगत पूज्य पूजो सिरनायो । परम शान्ति दीजे हम सबको, पढ़े तिन्हें पुनि चार संघ को ॥ Sāntinātha mukha sasi unahāri, silagunavrata saņ. yama dhāri ! Lakhana ek sau ātha birājaiņ; nirakbata naina kamala dala lajain ! Panchama chakravarti padadbārf ; solama Tirtham kara sukhakārt ! . Indra Narendra pujain Jina-nayaka ; namaun Santi ___hita, Santi Vidhayaka! Divya vitapa pahupana ki baraşā ; dundabli, āsana, . vant sarasa ! Chhatara. chamara bhāmandala bhārt ; eha tava prati harya manahart ! Sāņti Jineśa, śāņti sukhadāyt; jagata pujya, pujauị siranayt! Parama santi dtjé hama sabako : parhain tinhen, puni chara. sangha ko : Translation, O Śant iNatha 10 Thou with a face radiant like the Moon's. Thou Support of Virtues, Restraints and Dispassionate nessI . : 18 Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Endowed with one hundred and eight uuspicious bodily marks Lotuses blash on beholding Thine eyes! - Fifth Chakravarti art Thon ; the Source of Joy, Tirthamakura sixteenth ! Worshipped by Kings of Devas and men ; O foremost of Jinas! To śānti's Fountain, Santi Jinendra, I bow for mine own Säuti 29! The Miraculous Tree, the showering of heavenly Flowers, Celestial Drūms, the Throne Divine, and Speech that is mellifnent ? The Chhatars, Chamars, and the precious Halo of Light? These insignia of Thine are heart alluring ! o Šanti, King of Jinas, the Bestower of Sinti! I Forship Thee, Worshipped of the World, bowing the head! Grant Sinti. Supreme to us all ! . To those who recite this patha, and to the four kinds of the singha so ! Vasanta Tilaki. पूजें जिन्हें मुकट हार किरीट लाके, इन्द्रादि देव अरु पूज्य पदाज जाके ! सो शान्तिनाथ वर वंशजगत् प्रदीप,. : मेरे लिये करें शान्ति सदा अनूप! :. Panjain jinhen mukata, hāra, kirita laké Indrādi dova aru pljya padīvaja jāké ! So Sântipātb vara vaņsajagatpradipa, Méré liye kāro-hiņ sāņti sadā anapa! .. Translation... With crown, wreath and chaplet, echom Indrae and other decas porship-That. Śánti Nátha, :of Noble Descent, the Light of the World, may ever grant me Sinti unexcelled! :: 19 Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Indravajrã. . संपूजकों को प्रति पालकों को । यतीन को और यतिनायकों को ॥ राजा प्रजाराष्ट्र सुदेश को ले । कीजै सुखी हे जिन शांति को दे॥ Sampajakon ko pratipālakon ko : Yatina ko atra Yatināyakon ko : Rājā prajā rāştra sudeśa ko le : kije sukhi hé Jina ! santi ko de! Translation. Worshippers, protectors, saints, acharyas, The king, the kingdom : the populace the empire and (country)On these O Jina ! bestow Thine Santi ! . Sāragdharū. होवै सारी प्रजा को सुख बलयुत हो धर्म धारी नरेशा। होवै वर्षा समय पै तिलभर न रहे व्याधियों का अंदेशा ।। होवै चोरी न जारो सुसमय वर्ते, हो न दुष्काल भारी। सारेही देश धारै जिनवर वृष को, जो सदा सौष्यकारी ॥ Howai sārt prajā ko sukha, balayuta ho dharmadhārt ___naresa! Howè varsā samaya pé, tila bhara na rahé vyādhiyon ___ka andesa! Howe chort, na jāri, susamaya. varatai, ho na duskala bhāri ! Sare hi deśa dharaiņ Jina warı vrisa ko, jo. sadā saukhya-kāri! . Translation, . May the whole of the populace be happy ! Imbued with Dharma, may the king grow strong! May rains fall in proper seasons ! May the fear of disease disappear! . May there be no thefts, nor abductions! Plentifal may the harpests be, no droughts calamitous ! Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ May the whole world follow the Jina vara's Faith, the Eternal Fount of Joy ! . . . . . Doha. . . . amat Trio fora arg eft, qeyr TETI शान्ति करो सर्व जगत में, ऋषभादिक जिन राज ॥ Gbūti karma jída nāśa kari payo kovala rāja,. Sāņti karo saba jagat main, Rishabhädika Jiparāja ! : . Translation. By destroying Their ghātiyal karmas, who attained to the Empire (Glory) of Omniscience. May sach Jina-Kings, Rishabha and others, grant that ihore be Peace in the whole world I Mandakranta. शास्त्रों का हो पठन सुखदा, लाभ सत्संगति का। सदवृतो का सुजस कहके, दोप ढाकं सभी का॥ बोलौ प्यारे वचन हितकें, आपका रूप ध्याऊँ। । तौलों सेॐ चरण जिनके, मौन जौलों न पाऊँ । Sastron kā bo pathada sukhadā, labba satsangat kā: Sadyritton kā sujaga kala kć, doşa dhakan sabhi kā ! Bolon pyāre vachana bita ke, āpakā rupa dhyāyun ! Taulauņ ser un chrana jioa ké, moksla jaulau» na payun! • Translation. May I remain engaged in the study, delightful, of the Sacred Lore; the Satsanga32 of the virtuous obtain May I chant the virtues of saints, not montioning the foults of men! May I atter only helpful speech : contemplate iny rool Self! The Feet of the Jina may I worship, till moksha I do obtain ! , 21 Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Arvyā.i. da ga # PET #, #A fer a gaita stemt 1 तव लों लीन रहो प्रभू ! जबलों पाया न मुक्ति पद मैंने ॥ अक्षर पद मात्रा से दुषित जो कुछ कहा गया मुझसे । क्षमा करौ प्रभू ! सो सब करुणा कर पुनि छुड़ावो भव दुःख ले ॥ era ata fragart I The ATT DET. armant मरण समाधि सुदुर्लभ, कर्मों का क्षय, सुबोध सुखकारी ॥ . . Tava pada méré hiya inaiņ, mama biya téré punita charanon main : Lavalaun lina raho Prabhu l jabalaún pāyā na muktı . .: pada maiņ ne!. Akşhara, pada, mātrā se důşita jo kuchba kabā gayā mujhsé, Kșhamā karau Prabhů! so saba, karuņā kara puni chhurāyu blava dukha se ! Hé Jagabāņdhu Jineśvara ! pāyun taga charaṇa sarana balihārt! Maraṇa samādbi, suduralabha, karmon kā kşhai, subodha sukhakā ri! Translation. Thine Feet (be engraven) in mine Eleart, mine Heart be at Thine Holy feet ! Thas may I remain absorbed, so long 'O Master! as I attain not to Mukti Pada the Moksha Status ! Whatever has been recited by me in a defective manner, in regard to a letter, a word, or a syllable, O Master! Forgive all that, and grant me release from the pain of repeated births and deaths! O Friend of the World 1 O Jineśvara ! may [ obtain the protection of thine. Feet, -I pray The The Death in the Samadhi form so very difficult to obtain,' the destruction of karmas, and the joyous Self-realization ! INSTRUCTION -[Aero moditate, reciting Namokāra Mantra nine times.] 22 Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Visarjana : Patha. विन जाने-वा जानके रही चूक जो कोई । तत्र प्रसाद ते परम गुरु ! सो सव पूरण होइ॥ पूजन विधि जानी नहीं, नहिं जानों ाहान । और विसर्जन हू नहीं, क्षमा करो.भगवान ॥ . मंत्रहीन धनहीन हूँ. क्रियाहीन जिन देव । क्षमा करौ राखौ मुझे, देउ चरण की सेव॥ • पाए जो जो देवगण, पूजों भक्ति प्रमान। . . सो अव जाबहु कृपा कर, अपने अपने थान ॥ , Bina jāné tâ jānake rabf chaka jo koge: Tava prasāda tain Parama Guru! so saba purana hoye ! Pajana vidli jānādņ nahiņ, Dubiņ jānādn āhrana, Aura visarjana lů nahiņ, kshimā karau Bbaga van! Afantrahina, dhanahina hun, kriyahina Jina Diva! Kshimā karar.rākhan mujbe, dehu Charana ki sera!. Ayé jo jo Deva gaña, pajauņ bhakti pramâna: So aba javobu kripa kars, apane apane thūria! Translation. Consciously or unconscionsly, whatever doficioncies have occurred (in Thine worship)! · By thine Grnce O Great Master! may these all bo acconi. plished! Ignorant am I of the cereiponions ritual, ignorant of invocation, too, .. Ignorant I also am of visarajana (proper method of dispor. sal): forgive me o Bhagawân Lord)! Jinadeva! I am lacking in the knowledge of Mantras, the worldly pelf, and also in respect of energy ! : Do Thou forgive me, protect ine and grant me the privi. lege of worshipping Thine Feet ! The Devas all thatarrived : Ye have I worshipped, according to the measure of my devotion : May you now retire auch to Ilis Place! 28 Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Adoration. (१) तुम तरन तारन भव निवारन, भविक मन श्रानंदनो । श्रीनाभिनन्दन जगत वन्दन, आदिनाथ निरञ्जनो ॥ Tuma tarana tarana bhava nivarana bhavika mana anandano; Sri Nābhinandana jagata bandana. Âdi Nātha niraṇj ano ! Tr.-Thou who enablest the souls to cross the Ocean of Death, art the destroyer of rebirths, and the cause of delight to the hearts of the bhavyas, Rājā Nabhiraya's Son, the worshipped of the World; 0, Adi Natha thou art devoid of impurity! (२). तुम आदिनाथ अनादि सेऊ, सेय पद पूजा करूं । कैलास गिरि पर रिषभजिनवर, पद कमल हिरदै धरूं ॥ Tuma  di Natha anadi seyttṇ, seya Pada pûja karûn ; Kailasagiri para Rishabha jinawara, pada kamala 'bridaya dharûn ! Tr.-I worship Thee, Adi Natha, the Beginningless! worshipping Thee, I worship the Worshipful Status! On the top of the Kailasagiri abided Risabaha, the best of the Jinas I instal His Feet in my heart! (३) तुम अजितनाथ अजीत जीते श्रष्ट कर्म महाबली । यह विरद सुनकर सरन आयो, कृपा कीजे नाथजी ॥ Tuma Ajita Natha ajita, jite aşta karama mahabali ; Eha virada sunkara sarana āyo, kripā kije Nāthajt! Tr.-Thou Ajita Nätha, unconquerable! Thou hast conquered the eight karmas, warriors great : Hearing thine Fame, I have sought thine Protection, be Thou gracious unto me! Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (४) तुम चन्द्र वदन सुचन्द्र लच्छन, चन्द्रपुरि परमेश्वरो । महासेन नन्दन, जगत वंदन, चन्द्रनाथ जिनेश्वरो ॥ Tuma chandra badana, suchandra lakshana, Chandrapuri parameśvaro ; Maba Saina nandana, jagata vandana, Chandra Natha, Jineśvaro ! • 1 Tr.O Thou with body like the Moon, endowed with Moon-like Excellences, the Lord of Chandrapuri ! O Chandra Natha, Maha Saina's Son, the worshipped of the World ! (५) तुम शांति पांच कल्याण पूजों, सुद्ध मन वंचकाय जू । दुर्भिक्ष, चोरी पाप नाशन, त्रिवन जाय पलाय जू ॥ Tuma Santi pancha kalyāna pujauḥ śuddha, mana, vacha, koya jt : Durabhiksha, chort, pāpa nāśāna, bighna jāye palāye jû! Tr.-O Śānti Nātha! I worship Thine five kalynakas ",' with the purity of the mind, speech, and the body; Thou art the warder of drought, theft, and evil, and the remover of trouble ! (६७) तुम बालब्रह्म विवेक सागर, भव्य कमल विकाशनो । श्री नेमिनाथ पवित्र दिनकर, पाप तिमिर विनाशनी ॥ 'जिन तजी राजुल राजकन्या, काम सेन्या वश करी । चारित्र रथ चढ़ि भए दूलह, जाय शिवरमणी वरी ॥ · Tuma bālabrahma viveka-sūgara bhavya kamala vikāśano : Sri Nemi Natha pawitra dinkara, pāpa timira vināśano ! Jina taji Rajula rāja-kanyā, kāma-sainā vaśa kart; Charitra ratha chaṛhi bhaye dûlaha, jaye Shivarament vari ! Tr. --O Thou Child-Celibate, the Ocean of Wisdom, the Light that opens out the lotus of the Bhavya's heart 25 Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ O Nemi. Nātha, the Sun Divine, Destroyer of sin.! Who gave op Rājula, Princess Fair, Cupid's hosts destroyed ! Then, inointing on the chnriot of (Right] Action, Shivaramani si subjugated 1 (5-8) et au TP MATT, FHS gra fata lor . . अश्वसेन नन्दन जगत वन्दन, सकल संघ मंगल कियो । जिन धरी बालकपणे दीक्षा, कमठ मान विदार के। .. eft argenter i starter 97, Å TA RECEITOR II Kaņdarpa darpa susarpa lachchband, Kamaçba satha nirmada kiyo ; Asya-Saina-nandana jagata-Fandana, sakala, saņgha mangala kiyo! Jina dhari bālaka panai dikshā, Kamatha māna vidāra . ke; Sri Pārsva Natha Jinendra kepada maiņ · namađộ sira dhāra ke! Tr. -The Destroyer of failings and pride, distinguished with the beautiful mark of a serpent, Thou bumbledst the pride of the vile Kamaţthu 36 ! O Thou, Aśva Saina's Son, the worshipped of the World, Thou then delightest the hearts of the whole community ! Who in childhood entered sannyāsa, having brought losy the pride of Kamaţtha ! I worship the feet of Parsva Jinendra, tonching the ground with the forehead ! (१०) तुम कर्मधाता मोखदाता, दोन जानि दया करो। सिद्धार्थनन्दन जगतवन्दन, महावीर जिनेश्वरो॥ Tuma karma-gbātā, mokeha-dātā, dtoa jāna dayā karó: Siddbārthanandan jagata-vandana, Mabāvina Jines. yaro! : . 26 · Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ir.. Thou, Destroyot of Karmas, Grantor of Moksha! be gracious unto thy lowly devotee ! 0,- Diddlārtha's Son, the Worshipped of the World, Mahāvira Iinesvara ! (११) त्रय छत्र सोहै सुर नर मोहै, वीनती अब धारिये। . of the Fataa ny, StarThe Forest Traya chhatra aobai, sura nara mohai, vtoatt aba dbāriye ! Kara jora sevaka vinave Prabhu:-avāgamana niväriye! Tr.---Triple chhatras revolve gracefully over Thine head, alloring devas and men ! Do Thou now accept mine prayer! . With folded hands, thy devotee prayeth: Lord I break. ap the chain of re-births 1 .. . . (१२) श्रव होउ भव भव स्वामि मेरे, मैं सदा सेवक रहों। . __ कर जोड़ यो वरदान मांगों, मोक्षफल जावत लहों ॥ Aba hovo bhava bhava stāmi mere, main sadā sevaka rahaun ! Kara jori Yo barađāoa mangan, ruoksha .phala jāwata lehaun! Tr.---Be now mine Blaster, life after life: may I. over a worshipper be! With folded hands, I beseech this boon, till moksha is attained by me! (83) STT CSF HTET 15 Tišt, DF PET S इक अनेक को नहीं संख्या, नमो सिद्ध निरंजनो। Jo ek mābin eka rājai, eka māhin anekano : . Ika aneka ki nahin sankbya, narao Sidaba'niranjano! Tr. What is one in one; many in one 36 as well ! There is no counting of the one or the many: salutation freed Siddhas! or Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Chirupai. .: मैं तुम चरण कमल गुण गाय । बहु बिधि भक्ति करी मन लाय ॥" जनम जनम प्रभु पाऊ तोहि । यह सेवा फल दीजे मोहि! .. Main tuma charana kamala guņa gāye ; Baliu ridhi bhakti kari mana lāye ! Janama janama Prabhu !. pawûn tohi! eha sevā : pbala dije mobi! : : : Tr.- I have praised the virtues of Thine Lotus Feet! i. With mind concentrated, have I worshipped Thee in various ways ! :, May I obtain Thee (i e., be Thy devotee), life after life! Grant this reward of worship to me! . कृपा तिहारी ऐसी होय । जामन मरन मिटावो मोय । बार बार मैं विनती करूं । तुम सेवत भवसागर तरूं ॥ Kripā tehāri aisi hoye! Jāmana marana witāwo moye ! Bara bāra maiņ viniti Karûn : Tuma sevata bhava sāgara tarûn ! Tr.--May thus Thino graciousness extend : 5. Mine cycle of births and deaths cut short ! Again and again I utter the prayer, . Worshipping Thee, I shall reach the other Shore ! FA da Emagre fHE FIFT I Thazia Set ay FRII .. तुम हो प्रभु देवन के देव । मैं तो करूं चरण तव सेव ॥ Nāma leta saba dukba mița jāye: Tuma darśana dékhyo Prabhul ãye! Tuma ho Prabhu ! devana ke deva ! Maiņ tau karaun charana tava seva ! ,, Tr. The merest utterance of "Thine name, puts an end to all kinds of pain ! 0, Master ! I have beholden Thine Grace this day! Thou art the God of Gods, O Master! Thine Feet I worship, therefore ! i 28 Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मैं आयो पूजन के काज । मेरो जन्म सफल भयो श्राज ॥ पूजा करकै नवाऊ शीस । मो अपराध क्षमहु जगदीश ॥ Main ayo ptjans ke kāja : Mero janama saphala bhayo ____aja!' Pajā karake navīyun siša! Mo aparādha obhamabu Jagdisa ! . Ir. -That this day I have worshipped Thée, wow.' Mine life's purpose is thus fulfilled! . I bow mine hend, venerating Thee : fine sirs be cancelled, 0, Jagadisa ! . . Final Adoration. .. सुख देना दुख मेटना, यही तुम्हारी वान । मो गरीव की वीनती, सुन लीजे भगवान ॥ . जैसी महिमा तुम विषै, और धरै नहिं कोय ।। सुरज में जो ज्योति है, तारन में नहिं सोय । नाथ तिहारे नामते, अघ छिन मांहिं पलाय । ज्यों दिनकर परकाश ते, अंधकार मिट जाय ॥ बहुत प्रशंसा क्या करूं, मैं प्रभु बहुत अजान । पूजा विधि जानूं नहीं, सरन राखि भगवान ॥. Sukha dena, dukha metana, eht tumhart bāna: Mo gariba ki riniti, suna lijé Bhagavāni Jaisi mahima tumpa vişni, aura dharai nahin koye, Soraja main jo joti hai, tårana maiņ nahin soge, Nátha tilāre nāma taiņ aglia chhina māhiņ palāya, Jyop dinkara prakāsha tain andhakāra wita jāye! Bebuta prasaņsā kyā karun, main Prabhu ! babuta ajana; Puja bidlii Janan nahty, saran rakhi Bhagwan ! 29 . Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Translation. The conferring of happiness, the taking away of pain- this ... (these) is Thine habit i The prayer of this lovly me; may Thou hear O'Lord ! The Glory, that appertains to Thee, none else is endowed therewith 1 (For naturally) the Light that is in the Sun is not to be found in the stars! O, Master! troubles are dispersed in a moment, by the mere mention of Thine Name ! As derkness is dispersed by the Light of the Sun! What more can I say, for I am very ignorant O Lord! My prayer only is that not knowing the method of Thine Worship: let me a bide in Thine Protection ! THE END. 30 Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . Mantra su • Notes 1. GORO - Literally, the preceptor, here the Saint, inasmuch as the Jaina preceptor is really the Sniot. 2. MOKTIPOR. Literally, the city of Salvation, the . Abode of the Liberated Souls. 3. Beatras.. Those that have the realizable poten tiality of Divinity, as distinguished from those that have the polentiality of Divinity, but of the unrenlizable type. 4. Sarasoti.—The Goddess of Knowledge, meta phorically ; in reality, the Teaching of the Omniscient Arhanta. 5. SAUVAOSAT, VAşat RAIN.--Speciệc terms of the Mantra Sāstra which are untranslatable. .. AUM. Also written Om, an abbreviation for the names of fire kinds of Eos Snints, including the God Arhanta, and the Liberated Soul, that is, Siddha. . 7. SORAPATI.-The King of the Deras (residents of . the heaven-worlds). 8. URAGA.-The King of the lower Doras of the nether worlds (Pātāla Loka). 9. Konira SANODRA.-Åu ultra.geographical ocean, Those water is like milk. 10. Ooean of BIRTIS AND DeathS.--The cycle of transmigration '11. JATHARATAĄ.Literally, true to nature.. 12, Parana PADA--Literally the Supreme Status, . Hence the Supreme Ideal. [1] Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 13. Gabuda.-The devourer of serpents, hence the devourer or the craving of hund. 14. RASAS.-l'hings which impart" relish to food. These are six, namely, milk, curds, ghee ; (clarified butter', oil, sugar, and salt. The rasas are also used at times in the sense of flavour, pungent, sour, acid, and the like. 13. ARGBYAN.-Offering composed of all the eight · articles, water, sandal-tood paste, and the like. 16. JEWELS THREE.- Right Faith, Right Knowledge, and Right Conduct, are termed triple jewels in the Jaina literature. 17. Tag FOOR KAIMAS.-The reference is to the four inimical kinds of karmas that obstruct and interfere with the soul's natural functions of Knowledge, Perception, and the like. 19. FORTY-SIX. --The number of the principal attri butes of the God Arhanta, which are describ ed in Jaina Scriptures. 19. SAMAVASARANA.- The Divine Pavilion or Assem bly Hall vbere the Arhanta preaches the doctrines of the Faith. 20. Indra. -The King of the Devas (residents of the Celestial regions), 21. AUMKATA, -Having the sound resembling the . sound of aum. 22. GanadaaRAS, -The inmediate principal immedi. ate or direct disciples of the Arhanta, and therefore the heads of the entire community of Saints. 23. ANGAS.-The Jaina Literature compriseu twelve principal departments of knowledge which were termed Angas, [ü'] Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ . . , Saints 1. ACHĀRAJA. --The head of the Community of Saints.; i 'UPĪD"YĀTA. --The saintly Teacher of Saints. 1. Moni.-The ordinary Saint. . 1. Manā.-The great, or final. į SVĀNĀ. This word is generally not translated, but the translation here seems to accord with the principle of self-advancement that apparently · underlie all forms of 'ritual, properly so-called. 1. SANTI.--Happiness ; Bliss ; Peace. ! ). SANGHA.-Community. The Sangha is fourfold as folloys: (i) (ii) Nuns. (ii) Householders. (io) Female householders. 1. GRĀTITA KARU 28. --The four kinds of Karmas which obstruct tbe soul's natural functions in respect of Knowledge, Perception, Proper Beliefs and Freedom of Action, are termed ghātiya (obstructive) Karmas. 2. SATSANGA.-Company, Association. 3. KALYĀNIKAS.--The following five incidents in the { life of a Tirthamkara are called Kalyānakas : ) conception, (ii) birth, (iii) adoption of the saintly life, (iv) acquisition of Omniscience, and (v) Nirvāna. 4 SIVABAMANİ - Moksla (salvation) personified as a lady. [iii] Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 35. KAMATTHA.-An' old relentless -enemy of the 23rd Tirthamkara, vrlo unsuccessfully tried to cause disturbance when the Tirthamkara, while yet only a saint, was engaged in holy self-contemplation. Kamattha was put to flight ultimately by thọ Nāga Kumāri nymph Padmavati, and her consort, who hurriedly came to protect the benefactor of their previous life, who really incurred Kamattha's enmity, in trying to save them from destruction at his bands. 36, Oně AND MANY.-One in respect of their status and many in that of number. Tbis is the case with Liberated Souls. [iv] Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX:: - · The Sanskrit Teol. . • ॐ जय जय जय ! नमोऽस्तु नमोऽस्तु नमोऽस्तु. . . . णमो अरिहंताणं, णमो सिद्धाणं, णमो आयरियाणं - णमो उवज्झायाणं, णमो लोए सबसाहूणं ॥ . ॐ अनादि मूलमंत्रेभ्यो नमः । (पुष्पाञ्जलिं पेति।) चत्तारि मंगलं-अरिहंत मंगलं, सिद्ध मंगलं, साहू मंगलं, केवलि परणत्तो धम्मो मंगलं । चत्तारि लोगुत्तमा अरिहंत लोगुत्तमा, सिद्ध लोगुत्तमा, साहू लोगुत्तमा, केवलिपएणत्तो धम्मो लागुत्तमा। चत्तारि सरणंपवजामि-अरिहंत सरणं पवजामि, सिद्ध सरणं पध्वजामि, साहु सरणं पवजामि, केवलिपरणत्तो धम्मो सरणं पव्वजामि। 'ॐ नमोऽहते स्वाहा । (पुष्पाञ्जलिं पेति ।) अपवित्रः पवित्रो वा सुस्थितो दुःस्थितोऽपिवा।...... ध्यायेत्पञ्चनमस्कारं सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते ॥१॥ . . अपवित्रः पवित्रो वा सर्वावस्थां गतोऽपिवा। यःस्मरेत्परमात्मानं स वाह्याभ्यन्तरेशुचिः ॥२॥ अपराजितमंत्रोऽयं सर्वविघ्नविनाशनः । मङ्गलेषु च सर्वेषु प्रथम मगलं मतः ॥३॥ एसो पंचणमोयारो सचपावप्पणासण। . मंगला णं च सव्वेसिं, पढम होइ मंगलं neu. . अहमित्यतरं ब्रह्म वाचकं परमेष्ठिनः। - - सिद्धचक्रस्य सद्वीजं सर्वतः प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥५॥ कर्माएक विनिर्मुक्तं मोक्षलक्ष्मी निकेतनम् । सम्यक्त्वादि गुणोपेतं सिद्धचक्रं नमाम्यहम्॥६॥ पुष्पाञ्जलिं पेति ॥ Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ उदक चन्दन तन्दुल पुष्पकैश्चरुसुदीप सुधूप फलायकैः । धवल मङ्गलु गानखाकुले जिनगृहे जिननाथ महं यजे ॥७॥ ॐ श्रीभगवजिनसहस्रनामेभ्योऽयं निर्वपामीति स्वाहा।। श्रीमजिनेन्द्रमभित्रन्य जगत्त्रयेशंस्याद्वाद नायकमनन्त चतुष्टयाहम् । . श्रीमूलसंघ सुदृशां सुकृतैकहेतुजैनेन्द्र यज्ञविधिरेषु मयाऽभिधायि ॥८॥ खस्ति त्रिलोक गुरुवे जिनपुङ्गवाय, खस्तिस्वभाव महिमोदय सुस्थिताय । खस्ति प्रकाश सहजोर्जितदृङ्मयाय स्वस्ति प्रसन्न ललिताद्भुत वैभवाय ॥६॥ स्वस्त्युच्छल द्विमल बोधसुधाल्पराय, स्वस्ति स्वभाव परमाव विभासकाय । स्वस्ति त्रिलोक विततेक चिदुद्गमाय, खस्ति त्रिकाल सक- . लायत विस्तूंताय ॥१०॥ द्रव्यस्य शुद्धि मधिगम्य यथानुरूपं भावस्यशुद्धि मधिका मधि गन्तु कामः । आलम्बन्गनि विविधान्यवलम्ब्य वल्गन् भूतार्थयज्ञ पुरुषस्य करोमि यज्ञम् ॥११॥ अर्हत्पुराण पुरुषोत्तम पावनानि वस्तूनि नूनमखिलान्ययमेक एव । अस्मिन् ज्वलद्विमल केवल वोध वन्ही पुण्यं समग्र महमेक मना जुहोमि ॥१२॥ (पुष्पांजलिं क्षति) श्रीवृषभो नःस्वस्ति, स्वस्ति श्री अजितः । श्री.संभवः खस्ति, स्वस्ति श्री अभिनन्दनः, श्रीसुमतिः स्वस्ति, स्वस्ति श्रीपद्मप्रभः । श्री सुपार्श्वः स्वस्ति, स्वस्ति श्रीचन्द्रप्रभः । श्री पुष्पदन्तः स्वस्ति, स्वस्ति श्री शीतलः । श्री श्रेयास्वस्ति, स्वस्ति श्री वासुपूज्यः । श्री विमल' खस्ति, स्वस्ति श्री अनन्तः। श्रीधर्मः स्वस्ति, स्वस्ति श्रीशान्तिः। श्री कुन्थुः खस्ति, स्वस्ति श्री अरनाथः । श्रीमल्लिः स्वस्थि, स्वस्थि श्रीमुनिसुव्रतः । श्रीनमि' खस्ति, स्वस्ति श्रीनेमिनाथः । श्रीपार्श्वः स्वस्ति, स्वस्ति श्रीवर्द्धमानः । • (पुष्पांजलि) 36 । Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ नित्याप्रकम्पाद्भुतकेवलौघाः स्फुरन्मनः पय॑यशुद्धवोधा:। दिव्यावधिज्ञानबलप्रबोधाः स्वस्ति क्रियासुः परमर्षयो नः॥१॥ (पुष्पांजलि क्षेपण) १* कोष्ठस्थधान्योपममेकबोज, संमिनसंश्रोत्रपदानुसारि.. चतुर्विधं बुद्धिबलं दधानाः स्वस्ति क्रियासुः परमर्षयो नः ॥२॥ संस्पर्शनं संश्रवणं च दूरादास्वादनप्राणविलोकनानि । । । । दिव्यान्मतिज्ञानबलाद्वहन्तः स्वस्ति क्रियासुः परमर्षयो नः ॥ ३॥ प्रज्ञाप्रधानाः श्रवणाः समृद्धाः प्रत्येकबुद्धा दशसर्वपूर्वैः। :प्रवादिनोऽष्टाङ्गनिमित्तविज्ञाः स्वस्ति क्रियासुः परमर्षयो नः ॥४॥ जङ्घावलिश्रेणिफलाम्बुतन्तुप्रसूनबीजांकुरचारणाहाः। नभोऽङ्गणस्वैरविहारिणश्च स्वस्ति क्रियासुः परमर्षयो नः ॥५॥ अणिम्नि दक्षाः कुशला महिम्नि लघिम्नि शक्ताः कृतिनो गरिणि । मनोवपुर्वाग्वलिनश्च नित्यं :स्वस्ति क्रियासुः परमर्षयो नः ॥६॥ सकामरूपित्ववशित्वमैश्यं प्रकाम्यमन्तर्द्धिमथाप्तिमाताः । . : तथऽप्रतीघातगुणप्रधानाः स्वस्ति क्रियासुः परमर्षयो नः ॥७॥ दीप्त च तप्तच तथा महोनं घोरं तपो घोरपराक्रमस्था। : ब्रह्मापरं घोरगुणाश्चरन्तः स्वस्ति. क्रियासुः. परमर्षयो न:. ॥ || श्रामपंसी षधयस्तथाशीविषविषा दृष्टिविषंविषाश्च ।... सखिल्लविड्जल्लमलौषधीशाः स्वस्ति क्रियासुः परमर्षयो.नः ॥६॥ क्षीरं सवन्तोऽत्र घृतं सवन्तो मधु स्रवन्तोऽप्यमृत:स्रवन्तः । अक्षीणसंवासमहनसाश्च स्वस्ति . क्रयासुः परमर्षयो नः ॥ १० ॥ - इति स्वस्ति मालविधानं ।.....: "सार्वःसर्वशनाथः सकलतनुभृतां पापसन्तापहा . . . . .. प्रत्येक श्लोक के अमीर में पुष्पांजलि क्षेपणा करना चाहिये। Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ त्रैलोक्याक्रान्तकीर्तिः क्षतमदनरिपुर्घातिकर्मप्रणाशः " श्रीमांनिर्वाणसम्पद्वरयुवतिकरालीढकण्टः सुकंठः देवेन्द्रर्वन्धपादो जयति जिनपतिः प्राप्तकल्याणपूजाः॥ १॥ . जय जय जय श्रीसत्कान्तिप्रभो जगतां पते जय जय भवानेव स्वामी भवाम्भसि मजताम् । .... .' जय जय महामोहध्वान्तप्रभातकृतेऽर्चनं जय जय जिनेश त्वं नाथ प्रसीद करोम्यहम् . ॥ २॥ ॐ ह्रीं भगवजिनेन्द्र ! अत्र अवतर अवतर । संवौषट् । भत्र तिष्ठ तिष्ठ । 36 3: । अत्र मम सन्निहितो भव भव बषट् । देवि श्री श्रुतदेवते भगवति त्वत्पादपंकेरुह द्वन्द्वे यामि शिलीमुखत्वमपरं भक्त्या मया प्रार्थ्यते ॥ . मातश्चेतसि तिष्ठ मे जिनमुखोद्भू ते सदा त्राहि मां इग्दानेन मयि प्रसीद भवतींसम्पूजयामोऽधुना ॥३॥ ॐ ह्रीं जिनमुखोद्भूतद्वादशाङ्गश्रुतज्ञान ! भन्न अवतर अवतर । संवौषट् । ॐ हों जिनमुखोद्भूतद्वादशानश्रुतज्ञान ! अत्र तिष्ठ तिष्ठ । 3. । ॐ ह्रीं जिनमुखोद्भूतद्वादशाङ्गश्रुतज्ञान ! अत्रममसनिहितोभवभव । वषट् । संपूजयामि पूज्यस्य पादपद्मयुगं गुरोः । तपः प्राप्तप्रतिष्ठस्य गरिष्ठस्य महात्मनः ॥ ४॥ ॐ ह्रीं आचार्योपाध्यायसर्वसाधुसमूह ! भन्न अवतर अवतर । संौपट . ॐ ही भाचार्योपाध्यायसर्वसाधुसमूह ! अत्र तिष्ठ तिष्ठ । । ॐ ही आवार्योपाध्य'यसर्वसाधु नमूह ! अन ममसन्निहितोमव भव । वषट् । देवेन्द्र नागेन्द्रनरेन्द्रवन्धान शुम्भत्पदान शोभितसारवर्णान् । दुग्धान्धिसंस्पर्धिगुणैर्जलौधैर्जिनेन्द्रसिद्धान्तयतीन्यजेऽहम् ॥१॥ ॐ ह्रीं परब्रह्मणेऽनन्तानन्तज्ञानशक्तये अष्टादशदोषरहिताय पट्चत्वारिंशद्गुणसंहिताय महत्परमेष्ठिने जन्ममृत्युबिनाशनाय जलं निर्वपामीतिस्वाहा । ॐ ह्रीं जिनमुखोद्भूतस्याद्वादनयगतिद्वादशांगभुतज्ञानाय जन्ममृत्युविनाप , 2 . Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ : माय जलं निर्वपामीति स्वाहा। . . . . . . , , • . ॐ ह्री : सम्यग्दर्शनशानचारित्रादिगुणविराजमानाचार्योपाध्यायसर्वसाधुम्यो जन्ममृत्युविनाशनाय जलं निर्वपामीति स्वाहा । . . . . . ताम्यत्रिलोकोदरमध्यवर्ति समस्तसत्वाऽहितहारिवाश्यान् । श्रीचन्दनैर्गन्धविलुन्धभृङ्ग जिनेन्द्रसिद्धान्तयतीन् यजेऽहम् ॥२॥ ॐ ही संसारतापविनाशनाय चन्दनं समर्पयामीति स्वाहा । अपारसंसारमहासमुद्रप्रोत्तारणे प्राज्यतरीन सुभवत्या। दीर्घाततांगैर्धवलादतौधैर्जिनेन्द्रसिद्धान्तयतीन्यजेऽहम् ॥ ३॥ ॐ ह्रीं अक्षयपदंप्राप्तये अक्षतान् निर्वपामोति स्वाहा। विनीतभव्याजविवोधसूर्यान्चर्यान सुचर्याकथनकधुव्न् । कुन्दारविन्दप्रमुखैः प्रसूनैर्जिनेन्द्रसिद्धान्तयतीन् यजेऽहम् ॥४॥ ॐ ह्रो कामवाणविध्वंसनाय पुष्पं निर्वामीति स्वाहा । । कुदर्पकन्दर्पविसर्पसपत्प्रसहानिर्णाशनवैनतेयान् । प्राज्याज्यसारैश्चरुभी रसाढ्य जिनेन्द्रसिद्धान्तयतीन्यजेऽहम् ॥ ५ ॥ ॐ ह्रीं क्षुधारोगविनाशनाय नैवेद्यं निर्वपामीति स्वाहा। ध्वस्तोद्यमान्धीकृतविश्वमोहान्धकारप्रतिघातिदीपान् । दीपैः कनत्काञ्चनभाजनस्थैर्जिनेन्द्रसिद्धान्तयतीन् यजेऽहम् ॥ ६॥ ॐ ही मोहान्धकारविनाशनाय दीपं निर्वपामीति स्वाहा। दुष्टाष्टकमन्धनपुष्टजालसंधूपनेमासुरधुमकेतूनं। . . धूपैर्विधूतान्यसुगन्धगन्धैर्जिनेन्द्रसिद्धान्तयतीन यजेऽहम् ॥७॥ ॐ ह्री अष्टकर्मदहनाय धूपं निर्वामीति स्वाहा। : तुभ्याद्विलुभ्यन्मनसामगम्यान कुवादिवादा रस्खलितप्रभावान् । फलैरलं मोक्षफलामिसारैर्जिनेन्द्रसिद्धान्तयतीन् यजेऽहम् ॥८॥ ॐ हो मोक्षफलप्राप्तये फलं निर्वपार्माति स्वाहा। सद्वारिगन्धाक्षतपुष्पजातैनैवेद्यदीपामलधूपधूम्रः ।। फलैर्विचित्र धनपुण्ययोग्यान जिनेन्द्रसिद्धान्तयतीन् यजेऽहम् ॥६॥ ॐ ही अनर्मापदमाप्तये अयं निर्वपाभीति स्वाहा। . : Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ये पूजां जिननाथशास्त्रयमिनां भक्त्या सदा कुर्वते, त्रै सन्ध्यं सुविचित्रकाव्यरचनामुञ्चारयन्तो नरा। पुण्याड्या मुनिराजकीर्तिसहिता भूत्वा तपोभूषणां स्तेः भव्या सकलाववोधरुचिरां सिद्धिं लभन्ते. पराम् ॥१०॥ इत्याशीर्वादः (पुष्पांजलि क्षेपण) वृषभोऽजितनामा च संभवश्वाभिनन्दनः । सुमतिः पद्मभासश्च सुपाश्वो जिनसत्तमः ॥१॥ चन्द्राभः पुष्पदन्तश्च शीतलो भगवान्मुनिः। श्रेयांश्च वासुपूज्यश्च विमलो विमलद्युतिः ॥२॥ अनन्तो धर्मनामा च शान्तिः कुन्थुर्जिनोत्तमः। अरश्च मल्लिनाथश्च सुव्रतो नमितीर्थकृत् ॥३॥ हरिवंशसमुद्भू तोरिएनेमिर्जिनेश्वरः । ध्वस्तोपसर्गदैत्यारिः पार्यो नागेन्द्रपूजितः ॥४॥ कम्र्माकृन्तन्महावीरः सिद्धार्थकुलसम्भवः । एते सुरासुरौघेण पूजिता विमलत्विपः ॥ ५॥ पूजिता भरतायैश्च भूपेन्द्र रिभूतिभिः । चतुर्विधस्य सङ्घस्य शान्तिं कुर्वन्त शाश्वतीम् ॥६॥ जिने भक्तिर्जिने भक्तिर्जिने भक्तिः सदाऽस्तु मे। सम्यक्त्वमेव संसारवारणं मोक्षकारणम् । ७ ॥ (पुष्पांजलि क्षेपण करना) श्रुते भक्तिः श्रुते भक्तिः श्रुते भक्तिः सदास्तु मे। सज्ञानमेव संसारवारणं मोक्षकारणम् ॥८॥ (पुष्पांजलि क्षेपण करना) . गुरौ भक्तिगुरौ भक्तिगुरौ भक्तिः सदास्तु मे। चारित्रमेव संसारवारणं मोक्षकारणं ॥६॥ Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (पुष्पांजलि क्षेपण करना) · देवजयमाला (प्राकृत ) : वृत्ता-वत्ताशुटाणे जणधणुदाणे पड़पोसिट तुहु सत्तधरु । . ... . • तुहु चरर्णाबहाणे केवलणाणे तुहु परमप्पर परमपरु ॥ ॥ : जय रिसह रिसोसर गमियपाय | जय अजिय जियंगमरोसराय । . जय संभव संभवक्रयविभौय ! जय अहिणंदण दियपभोय ॥ २ ॥ जय सुमइ सुमइ सम्मयपयास । जय पउमप्पह परमाणिवासः। ' जय जय.हि सुपास सुपासगत्त । जय चंदप्पह चन्दाहवत्त ॥ ३ ॥ जय पुष्फयंत दंततरंग । जव सीयल सीयलययणभंग । जय सेय सेयकिरणोहसुज । जय वासुपुज पुजाण पुज ॥ ४॥ जय विमल विमलगुणसेढिठाण । जय जय हि भणताणतणाण । जय धम्म धम्मतित्ययर संत.। जय सांति सांति विहियायवत्त ॥ ५ ॥ जय कुन्थु कुन्थुपहुभंगिसदय । जय भर भर माहर बिहियसमय । जय मल्लि मल्लिआदामगंध । जय मुणसुजय सुम्बणिबंध ॥ ६ ॥ जय णमि णमियामरणियरसामि ! जय णेमि धम्मरहचक्कणे मे । जय पास पामछिंदणकिवाण । जयं बढढमाण जसबढमाण || ७.॥ धत्ता -इह जाणिय णामहि, दुरियविरामहि, परहिंविणमिय, सुरावहिं। .. अणहहिं अणाहहि, समियकुवाइहिं, पणमिवि अरहन्तावलिहि. ॥ ॐ हीं वृषभादिमहावीरान्तेभ्यो महास्य निर्वपामीति स्वाहा । - शाल जयमाला । संपह सुहकारण, कम्मवियारण, भयसमुहतारणतरणं । जिणवाणि मस्समि, सतपयास्समि, सगमोक्खसंगमकरणं ॥१॥ जिणंदमुहाउ विणिग्गयवार । गणिंदविगुंफियगंथपयार। तिलोयहिमंडण धम्महखाणि । सया पणमामि जिणिदह वाणि ॥ २ ॥ अवग्गाईहभवायएहि । सुधारणमेयहिं तिण्णिसहि।, . Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ मई छत्तीस बहुप्पमुहाणि 1 मया पणमामि जिणिवह वाणि ॥ ३ ॥ सुदं पुण दोणि भणेयपयार ! सुवारहभेय जगत्तयसार । सुरिन्दरिन्दसमच्चिय जाणि । सया पणमामि जिणिंदह वाणि ॥ ४ ॥ जिणिंदगर्णिदणरिन्दह रिद्धि । पयासइ पुण्णपुराकिउलद्धि । - णिउग्गु पहिल्लउं पहु वियाणि । सया पणमामि जिकिदह वाणि ॥ ५ ॥ जु लोयमलोयह जुत्ति जणेइ । जु तिण्णविकालसरूंव मणेयं । । चउग्गइलक्षण दुज्जउ जाणि । सया पणमामि जिणिन्दहं वाणि ॥ ६ ॥ जिणिन्दचरित्तविचित्त मुणेइ । सुसावयधम्महिं जुत्ति जणेई । । णिउग्गवितिजउ इत्थु वियाणि । सया पणमामि जिणिन्दह वाणि ॥ ७ ॥ सुजीवमजीवह तच्चह चक्खु । सुपुण्ण विपाव विबंध विमुक्खु । चठत्यणिउगग विभासिय णाणि । सया पणमामि जिणिन्दह,वाणि ॥ ८ ॥ तिभेयहिं ओहि विणाण विचित्त । चउत्थ रिजोविउलंमइ उत्त । सुखाइय केवलणाण वियाणि । सया पणमामि निणिन्दह वाणि ॥ ९ ॥ जिणिन्दह गाणु जगत्तयभाणु । महातमणासिय सुक्खणिहाणु । पयच्वहु भत्तिभरण वियाणि । सया पणमामि जिणिन्दह वाणि ॥ १० ॥ पयाणि सुबारहकोडिसयेण । सुलक्वतिरासिय जुत्ति भरेण । ' सहस्स अठावण पंच वियाणि । सया पणमामि जिणिन्दह वाणि ॥११॥ इकावण कोडिव लक्ख भठेव । सहस चुलसी दसया छक्केव । सढाइगवीसह ग्रंथ पयाणि । सया पणमामि जिणिन्दह वाणि ॥ १२ ॥ इह जिणवरवाणि विसुद्धमई । जो भवियण णियमण धरई । सो सुरणरिन्दसंपय लहइ । केवलणाण विउत्तरई ॥ १३ ॥ ॐ ह्रीं जिनमुखोद्भूतस्याद्वादनयगर्भितद्वाशांग श्रुतज्ञानाय मार्य निर्वपामीति स्वाहा। गुरु जयमाला। भवियहभवतारण, सोलह कारण, भजवित्थियरत्तणहं । तब कम्म असंगइ दयधम्मंगइ पालवि पंच महावयहं ॥१॥ Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ बंदामि महारिसि सीलवंत । पंचिंदियसंजमजोगजुत्त । जे ग्यारह अंगह अणुसरन्ति । जे चउदहपुबह मुणि थुणन्ति ॥ २ ॥ पादाणुसार वर कुठबुद्धि । उप्पणजोह मायासरिदि। जे पाणाहारी तोरणीय । जे रुक्तमूल भातावणीय ॥३॥ . . जे माणिधाय चन्दाहणीय । जे जत्यस्यवणि णिवासणीय । 'जे पंचमहन्वय धरणधीर । जे समिवि गुत्ति पालणहि वीर ॥ ४ ॥ जे वाढहि देहविरत्तचित्त । जे गयरोस भएमाहवित्त । जे कुगइहि संवरु विगयलाह । जे दुरियविणासण कामकोह ॥ ५ ॥ जे जलमल्ल तिणलित्तगत्त । भारम्भ परिगह जे विरत। जे तिण्णिकाल बाहिर गर्मति । उद्यम दसम तड चरन्ति ॥६॥ जे इक्कगास दुइगास लिंति । जे जीरसभोयण रइ करति । ते मुणिवर वन्दिउ ठियमसाण । जे काम दहई वरसुक्कसाण ॥ ७ ॥ बारह बिह संजम जे धरन्ति । जे चारिउ विकहा परिहरन्ति । बावीस परीसह जे सहन्ति । संसारमहणव ते तरन्ति ॥ ८॥ जे धम्मबुद्ध महियल धुणंति । जे काउस्सगो णिस गमन्ति । जे सिद्धिविलासिणि भडिलसन्ति । जे पक्समास आहार लिंति ॥ ९॥ गोदूहण जे वीरासणीय । जे धणुह सेज बजासणीय । . . जे तबबलेण आयास जन्ति । जे गिरिगुहकंदर विवर यन्ति ।। ..॥ जे सत्तुमित्त समभावचित्त । ते मुणिवरवंदिठ दिवचरित । चठवीसह गंथह जे विरत। ते मुणिवरवंदिठ जगपवित्त ॥1॥ जे सुल्झाणिज्झा एकचित । वदामि महारिसि मोबपत्त । । - रयणत्तयरंजियसुबमाव । ते मुणिवर वंदिर सिदिसहाय ॥१५॥ पत्ता-जे तपसूरा, संजमधीरा, सिक्वधूमणुराईया।. रयणत्तयरंजिय, कामह गंजिय, ते रिसिवर मउ झाईया ॥॥ , * ही सम्यग्दर्शनज्ञानचारित्रादिगुणविराजमानाचार्योपाध्यायसर्व साधुभ्यो महाय। Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 'शान्तिपाठः । [शान्तिपाठ पढ़ते समय दोनों हाथोंसे पुष्पवृष्टि करते रहना चाहिये। शान्तिजिनं शशिनिर्मलवक्त्रं शीलगुणप्रतसंयमपानम् । अष्टशताचितलक्षणगान नौमि जिनोत्तममम्बुजनेत्रम् ॥३॥ पञ्चममीप्सितचक्रधराणा पूजितिमिन्द्रनरेन्द्रगणैश्च ।। शान्तिकरं गणशान्तिममीप्सुः पोदातीर्थकरं प्रणमामि ॥२॥ दिव्यतासुरपुष्पसुवृष्टिर्दुन्दुभिरासनयोजनघोषौ । आतपवारणचामरयुग्मे यस्य विभाति च मण्डलसेजः ॥३॥ तं जगदर्चितशान्तिजिनेन्द्र शान्तिकरं शिरसा प्रणमामि । सर्वगणाय तु यच्छतु शान्तिं मलमरं पठते परमां च ॥४॥ वसन्तिलका । येऽभ्यचिंता मुकुटकुण्डलहाररस्नैः शक्रादिभिः सुरगणैः स्तुतपादपद्मः । ते मे जिनाप्रवरवंशजगप्रदीपास्तीर्थक्षराः सततशान्तिकरा भवन्तु ॥ ५॥ इन्द्रवज्जा। संपूजकानां प्रतिपालकानां यतीन्द्र सामान्यतपोधनानाम् . देशस्य राष्ट्रस्य पुरस्य राज्ञः करोतु शांति भगवान् जिनेन्मः ॥ ६ ॥ स्रग्धरावृतम् । क्षेमं सर्वप्रजानां प्रभवतु बलवान् धार्मिको भूमिपालः ।. . काले काले च सय्यग्वर्षतु मघवा व्याधयो यान्तु नाशम् ॥ दुर्भिक्षं चौरमारी क्षणमपि जगतां मास्मभूज्जीवलोके । जैनेन्द्र धर्मचक्र प्रभवतु सततं सर्वसौख्यप्रदायि ॥ ७ ॥ अनुष्टुप-प्रध्वस्तधातिकमर्माणः केवलज्ञानभास्कराः। . कुर्वन्तु जगतः शान्ति वृषभाधा जिनेश्वराः ॥ ८॥ प्रथमं करणं चरणं द्रव्यं नमः । G Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ शास्त्राभ्यासी जिनपतिनुतिः सहतिः सर्वदायैः __ सद्वृत्तानां गुणगणकथा दोषवादे च मौनम् // 6 // सर्वस्यापि प्रियहितषची भावना वात्मतत्त्वे / सम्पयन्तां मम भवभवे यावदेतेऽपवर्गः // 10 // आर्यावृतम् / तव पादौ मम हदये मम हृदयं तव पद्धये लीमम् / विष्ठतु जिनेन्द्र तापद्यावनिर्धारणसम्माप्तिः // 11 // आर्या / अक्सरपयत्थहीणं मत्ताहीणं च जंमए भणियं। तं खमउ माणदेव य मज्झवि दुःक्वक्वयं दिन्तु // 12 // दुक्खखनो कम्मखत्री समाहिमरणं च वोहिलाहोय / मम होउ जगतबंधव तव जिणवर चरणसरणेण // 13 // (परिपुष्पांजलिं क्षिपेत् ) विसर्जन। जानतोऽज्ञानतो चापि शालोन स्तंभषा। तत्सर्व पूर्णमेवास्तु त्वत्प्रसावाजिनेश्वर // 6 // आहानं नैव जानामि नैष जानामि पूजनम् / विसर्जनं न जानामि क्षमस्व परमेश्वर // 2 // मंत्रहीन क्रियाहीनं द्रव्यहीनं तयैव / तत्सर्व शम्यतां देव रक्ष रक्ष जिनेश्वर // 3 // आहता ये पुरा देवा लब्धभागा यथाक्रमम् / ते मयाभ्यर्चिता भक्त्या सर्वे यान्तु यथास्थितिम् // 4 // नित्यपूजाविधानं समाप्तम् /