13. Gabuda.-The devourer of serpents, hence the
devourer or the craving of hund. 14. RASAS.-l'hings which impart" relish to food.
These are six, namely, milk, curds, ghee ; (clarified butter', oil, sugar, and salt. The rasas are also used at times in the sense of
flavour, pungent, sour, acid, and the like. 13. ARGBYAN.-Offering composed of all the eight · articles, water, sandal-tood paste, and the
like. 16. JEWELS THREE.- Right Faith, Right Knowledge,
and Right Conduct, are termed triple jewels
in the Jaina literature. 17. Tag FOOR KAIMAS.-The reference is to the four
inimical kinds of karmas that obstruct and interfere with the soul's natural functions of
Knowledge, Perception, and the like. 19. FORTY-SIX. --The number of the principal attri
butes of the God Arhanta, which are describ
ed in Jaina Scriptures. 19. SAMAVASARANA.- The Divine Pavilion or Assem
bly Hall vbere the Arhanta preaches the
doctrines of the Faith. 20. Indra. -The King of the Devas (residents of
the Celestial regions), 21. AUMKATA, -Having the sound resembling the .
sound of aum. 22. GanadaaRAS, -The inmediate principal immedi.
ate or direct disciples of the Arhanta, and therefore the heads of the entire community
of Saints. 23. ANGAS.-The Jaina Literature compriseu
twelve principal departments of knowledge which were termed Angas,