Book Title: Uvangsuttani Part 04 - Ovayiam Raipaseniyam Jivajivabhigame
Author(s): Tulsi Acharya, Mahapragna Acharya
Publisher: Jain Vishva Bharati
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The fact regarding the dissimilarity of readings in the manuscripts of Jīvājivabhigama has also been pointed out by Santicandra, the commentator of Jambudvipaprajñapti.
Upadhyāya Santicandra has quoted the text about the description of the Kalpavrksa from Jivājīvābhigama. In describing the fourth Kalpavṛksa he has quoted the reading 'Kanaga-nigarana" which he explains as 'the heap of gold." In the Vriti of Jiväjīvābhigama the term 'Kanaganigaraṇam' has been explained as *Kanakasya nigaraṇam, kanaka-nigaranam, gālitaṁm, kanakamiti bhavaḥ". The change in script has led to change in reading. We find the reading "Kūdāgāraftha" in some manuscripts. In the printed editions as well as the hand-written copy we find the reading 'Kütägärädyāni". It has not been explained in the Vruti of Jiväjlvabhigama. Of course, it has been explained in the Vrtti of "Jambudvipaprajñapti"-"Kājākāreṇa-sikharakṛtyäḍhyäni."
Acarya Malayagiri has himself mentioned the variant readings of the manuscripts. The verses, which the commentator quotes from other sources, have been included in the original text in comparatively recent manuscripts."
In the Vriti we find the mention of the commentary on Jambudvipa-prajñaptl. The commentators of Jambudvipa-prajñapti definitely belong to a period later than that of Malayagiri. Hence it is a matter worthy of investigation whether this mention is an interpolation or whether Malayagiri had really got with him some old commentary of Jambádvipa-prajñapti.
At some places the vṛtti contains a lot of matter worth deliberation. The commentator has explained the term "Siri vaccha as śrivṛkşa. Looking to the context it should be śrivatsa."
1. Jambudvipaprajñapti Vṛtti. p. 108:
atra cadhikare jīvābhigamasutradarse kvacidadhikapadam api dṛśyate tattu vṛttāvatyākhyatam svayam paryalocyamānamapi na narthapradamiti na likhitam, ten tat sampradayāda vagantavyam, tamantarena samyak päthaśuddherapi kartumaśakyatvaditi.
1. Jambudvipa Vr. patra 102: kanakanikaraḥ suvarṇarāśiḥ.
2. Jiväjivabhigama, Vr. p. 267.
3. Jambudvipaprajñapti Vr. p. 107: See the footnote of Jiväjiväbhigama, 3/594.
4. (a) Ibid. Vr. p. 321:
iha bahudhā sūtreşu pāṭhabhedāḥ parametāvāneva sarvatrapyartho nārthabhedantaramityetadvyäkhyānusärena sarvepyanugantavya na mogghavyamiti.
(b) Ibid. Vr. p. 376:
"iha bhūyan pustakeşu vācanābhedo galitani ca sūtrani bahuşu pustakeşu tato yathavasthitavācanābhedapratipattyartham galitasūtroddharaṇārtham caivam sugamanyapi
5. Ibid, Vrtti p. 331, 333, 334, 334; 3/820, 830, 834, 837: The footnotes are worth seeing.
6. jIväbhigama, Vitti p. 382:
kvacit simhādinām varnanam drśyate tad bahuşu pustakeşu na dṛṣṭamityupekşitam, avaśyam cettadvyäkhyanena prayojanam tarhi Jambudvipaprajñapti tīkā paribhavaniyā tatra savistaram tadvyäkhyānasya kṛtatvät.
7. Ibid., vrtti p. 271:
"Śrīvrksapakita-läñchita vгkşɔ yeşim te srtvrksatañchita vaksasab."
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