Book Title: Uvangsuttani Part 04 - Ovayiam Raipaseniyam Jivajivabhigame
Author(s): Tulsi Acharya, Mahapragna Acharya
Publisher: Jain Vishva Bharati
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compiled at that time fell into disorder during this long internal. So a wellorganised council was the need of the hour to revise the Āgamas again. Acārya Tulsī tried his best for a general consensus on Agama-editing but it could not materialise. Lastly it was decided that if our editing of Agamas is research-oriented, unbiased and punctilious, it will be universally accepted. On this consideration we started our work of holding the council for critically editing the Āgamas.
Ācāryasri Tulsi is the chief of this vācana. Vacană means "teaching", that comprises so many activities like search of the ccrrect text, translation, critical and comparative study, and so on. In all these activities the active cooperation, guidance and encouragement from the Ācāryaśri is always available to us. It was our forte for undertaking such onerous task.
Instead of expressing my gratitude to the Acāryaśri and thereby feeling relieved from the burden of his gratefulness, I feel it better to require more energy through his blessings and become heavier for taking up the next assignment.
In editing the texts of Ovāiyam and Rāyapaseniyam of this book Muni Sudarshan, Muni Madhukara, Muni Hiralal and in editing the text of jīvājīvābhigame Muni Sudarshan & Muni Hiralal have worked with diligence and perseverance. Muni Chatramal, Muni Balchand, Muni Hansraj and Muni Manilal have also lent remarkable cooperation is editing the text of Jivājīvābhigame.
Word index of Oväiyam has been prepared by Muni Shrichand and that of Rāyapaseniyam and Jivājīvābhigame by Muni Hiralal. Muni Sudarshan, Muni Hiralal and Sādhvi Siddhaprajñā, and Samaņi Kusumaprajñā actively cooperated in correcting the proofs of the book.
The general get-up of Ovãiyam and Rāyapaseņiyam has been prepared by Muni Mohanlal “Amet". The first two indexes have been prepared by Muni Hiralal. In the revision of the text also he was remarkably helpful.
While evalua ting their cooperation in the accomplishment of this assignment I express my gratefulness to all of them.
The services of Late Madanchand Gauthi, who had a deep insight into the Agamas and who helped me in editing the text of the Āgamas, cannot be forgotten at this stage. If he had been alive, he would have been very happy at this achievemnt,
Shri Shrichand Rampuria, Kulapati, Jain Vishva Bharati and the Managing Editor of Āgama Literature, has been actively involved in the Agama work from the very beginning. He is fully-determined and working hard to reach the Āgama literature to the laymen. Having relieved himself of his well-set Advocate's job he has been devoting most of his time to the Agama programme. Shri
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