alone it will be clean. There is purification for human beings only through the Five Vows and the other forms of Discipline that my religion has prescribed." Sudarsana clearly saw sense in whatever the monk had said. He expressed his delight to learn it from the reverend teacher and accepted the prescribed discipline as a lay devotee.
The other ascetic Suka who came to know of Sudarsana deserting the religion based on purity and accepting the other faith decided that he must go to him and convince him of the ultimate validity of his own religious principles and wean him from the one that he had now accepted. Accordingly, he went to Saugandhika where Sudarsana lived and called on him. When Sudarsana saw the ascetic coming towards him, he did not get up to receive him nor did he show any signs of respect or regard for him. Suka demanded an explanation for this piece of misbehaviour and Sudarsana explained how he met a disciple of Revered Aristanemi and felt impressed by whatever he had preached. Suka thought it best to discuss the issue with Sudarsana's guru. So he proposed that both of them visit him. Sudarsana could listen to the debate that would take place between the two propounders of the two religions and Suka promised that if he was defeated he would bow down to Sthapatyaputra.
They both went to the park Niläsoka where Sthapatyaputra had up his camp. On seeing the monk Suka asked "O revered Sir, are you getting on well with your yatra and yapani ya and are your movements unobstructed and pure?" When the monk said everything was fine with him, Suka asked what was meant by yātrā.
"To make efforts for the acquisition of knowledge, faith, good conduct and self-control."
Suka's next question was about yapani ya.
"Yapaniya (control) is twofold. indriya-yapani ya (control over the senses) and no-indriya-yapani ya (control over the mind)".
He further explained that "when the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch are subdued, that is termed as indriya-yapani ya. When anger, conceit, deceit and greed become powerless and do not raise their heads, it is 'no-indriya-yapani ya".
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