Story of Roma in Jain Literature
account of Vánara-lore-on one side and the Rakşasas - haughty with their own Raksasa lores - on the other. The mighty Vānara heroes overthrew Prahasta, Kumbhakarna and Megha-Ninádas now Ravana began a single combat with Laksmana, which was fierce, dreadfui and in comparable. Ravana (as a last resort) hurled his disc at Laksmana. Approaching Lakşmaņa it settled on his hand. Then with that disc Laksmana cut off the head of Ravana (lit. the ten headed one) who was wicked and cruel. On the death of Ravana, Rama and Laksmana, who got back Sita, placed Vibhisana on the throne of Lankā. Vasudeva, who obtained the jewel of the disc, conquered the earth and Rama acquired merit. Having practised self-control, and destroyed the accumulated Karman he attained to liberation, Laksmana, however, went to hell. Both of them had a span of life, as long as 12000 years; they had a height of 16 dhanus'. Thus is narrated in brief the lifehistory of Rama and Laksmana, which is described at length in works like 'Paumacariya'. Now let us undertake a comparison of the three versions of Silácārya, Valmiki and Vimala with a view to setting the relation of the first with the second and the third :
silácārya Valmiki
Vimala Parentage of Satrughna : He is the son of Kaikeyi and He is the son of Sumitrā and He is the son of Kaikeys and Dasaratha. Dasaratha.
Dasaratha. Circumstances that lead to Rāma's exile : Not mentioned.
The Court-intrigue culmina- Kaikeyl with a view to holting in Rāma's exile - fully ding Bharata back from taking described.
to the path of renunciation and without any ill-will towards Rama demands throne for Bharata; Rāma voluntarily chose to lead
a forest-life. The name of Rāvana's sister : is surpanakha. is Surpanakha
is Candranakha. The golden deer incident : is common to the versions of Silācārya and Valmiki.
Vimala omits it. The overthrow of Kharadusana's army : It occurs after the abduction Khara and Dusana are two It occurs after the abduction of of Sita by Rāvana. We are told separate personalities - slain Sita. But it is Laksmana aided Rāma and Laksmana do the feat. by Rāma before the golden deer by Viradhita, who does the
incident. Vali-episode : According to both Silācārya and Valmiki it is Rama who killed Vālin was a noble Vidyādhara; he Välin.
makes a gift of his kingdom to his brother Sugrīva and himself takes to "pravrajya'; in the end he at
tains 'Nirvāna.' 5. Le. Indrajit