In the meantime Mlecchas, led by Mätaranga", started attacking his country. He sought his friend Dasaratha's help. Ráma volunteered to go to Mithila. He chased away the enemy. Janaka, pleased at Rama's performance, intends to offer Sitä in marriage to him. Now Narada arrived there, Sita ran away at his frightening appearance. Her maid-servants man-handled him. Narada, who was enraged, drew her picture on a piece of cloth, showed it to Bhamandala, who fell in love with Sita - not knowing that she was his sister. Janaka was brought to Ratha-nüpura through a Vidyadhara. He agreed to give Sità to him (in marriage) who would bend the Vajrävarta bow, presided over by deity. In the Svayarhvara Räma bending the bow won Sitä. Lakṣmaṇa too bent the other divine bow called Arnavävarta" and obtained 18 Vidyadhara damsels. After the wedding Dasaratha and party returned to Ayodhya."
Then we are told as in the Pc. how Daśaratha was inclined to accept Samyama (Self restraint i.e. Asceticism) hearing the words of his Kaňcukin about old-age; and of the union of Bhamandala with his sister and parents." (vv. 99-162)
Now, Dasaratha, eager to accept Dikså, sent for his sons. On that occasion, Kaikey! the "Kuta-peta' (Craftiness incarnate) requested of the king to grant her two wishes which she had till then kept pending: her two requests are: the king should appoint Bharata (her son) as heir to the throne and that Rama and Laksmana should be sent away into banishment in the forests for a period of 14 years. 14 Dasaratha was overwhelmed by this unexpected crisis. Now Rama and Lakṣmaṇa, with exemplary filial devotion, made preparations to go into exile at once, without a murmur. The people lamented this loss of Rama. Lakṣmaṇa (and Sita). The city appeared almost dead in the absence of Rama and party. The king put Bharata on the throne and himself accepted Dikṣà. Rāma and party reached a forest. At Räma's behest Laksmana conquered Simhodara King and put Simhakarna, a devotee of the Jinas on the throne. 15 Now Sitä once offered alms to two
Story of Rama in Jain Literature
Pe. : Ayaranga.
The Pc. speaks of Vajrävarta bow only.
The account of the birth of Bhamandala and Sita and the Sita-Svayarhvara is in agreement with the corresponding portion of the Pc. -with this difference that the Satruñjaya-Māhātmya does not speak of Bharata's marriage with Subhadra, Janaka's niece.
After the union, Dasaratha and party go out on a pilgrimage to Satrunjaya and other sacred places, restore old dilalpidated Jain shrines, erect new ones and they return to Ayodhya. This is an addition by Dhanesvara, quite expected in a work like this. The places, the party visited, are Candra-prabhasa, Raivata-giri, Barata-giri, Ṭhankā, Valabhī, Kampilya and Vamanapura.
This is a departure from the Pc. Kaikeyi is called here 'Küța-peta' and she expressly says that she wants the king to banish Rama and Lakṣmaṇa for fourteen years. Pc. portrays Kalkeyi in favourable light. We may remark here that even the Valmiki-Rāmāyaṇa tells us that Kaikeyi asks for the banishment of Rama only and not of Laksmana as well.
Vajra-karna of the Pc. is called here Sinha-karna.