Book Title: Spiritual Discipline and Practices in Jainism
Author(s): Bhagchandra Jain
Publisher: Z_Vijyanandsuri_Swargarohan_Shatabdi_Granth_012023.pdf

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________________ controversy over the spiritual goal but the controversy lies in framing the disciplines and practices leading to the goal. Here we shall have a bird's eye view of the concept of Jainism in this regard. Conception of Spirit and other categories The main aim and object of spiritual disciplines and practices is to enable a man to realize spiritual happiness and perennial peace. To obtain this goal of life, one is expected to believe first in the existence of spirit or soul which is said to possess qualities of consciousness, rememberance, desire for knowledge, desire for movement, doubt etc. The other substance is non-soul which is not endowed with consciousness. Matter, motion, station, space and time come under this category of non- soul (ajiva). Of these the soul and non-soul categories are the most important as their interaction results in the origin of the universe. Soul is, according to Jainism, the central point of spiritual disciplines and practices. Its distinctive characteristic is consciousness, the power of congnition (upayoga) which distinguisnes it from body or physical entity. It is infinite in number, is without beginning. It exists within the corporal shape whatsoever it may be. Soul is formless, agent, enjoyer of the fruits of karmas, and exists in the world. Its cognitive operation is generally ded into two types, viz. determinate (sakara) and indeterminate (anakara). Soul apprehends the object concerned first in specific form and then in a generic form. When one attains the state of complete development, one becomes capable of knowing and per-ceiving all at once. This is the highest spiritual point where one finds transcendence in extraordinary experience. Soul is of two types-one is worldly and the other is emancipated. The worldly soul attracts influx of karmic matter and gets mixed together with false notions, negligence and passions. As a result, soul becomes obscured. The state of mutual intermingling of the soul and karmas is the process of bondage which causes birth and rebirth. This transmigratory cycle remains with the soul until it is destroyed by anti-karmic forces. The true nature of soul is thus hidden behind the veil of evil karmas The veil has to be removed and this is done by spiritual disciplines and ractices. This is the core point where from the practical form of Jaina metaphysics commences. By means of observing code of conduct as laid down by Jaina scriptures, the spiritual aspirant gradually effects the cessation of the 62 Shri Vijyanand Suri Swargarohan Shatabdi Granth Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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