Book Title: Spiritual Discipline and Practices in Jainism
Author(s): Bhagchandra Jain
Publisher: Z_Vijyanandsuri_Swargarohan_Shatabdi_Granth_012023.pdf

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Page 21
________________ the recipient. The excellence of the reward of gift is proportionate to these qualities, as a rich harvest is proportionate to the fertility of the soil, the quality of the seed and so on. Somadeva classifies the recipient (patra) into five categories, viz. i) ascetics and laymen who are the support of the faith (samyin) ii) astrologers and specialists in other sciences of practical utility (sadhaka), iii) orators, debaters and litterateurs, iv) ascetics and laymen who have accomplished austerities and observe the mulagunas and uttargunas, and v) leaders of the community in the field of religion." The qualiites of giver are: faith, devotion, contententment, zeal, discrimination, disinterestedness and forbearance. Charity is of four types, viz. food, medicaments, knowledge, and shelter to living beings in fear of death (abhayadana). This is called caturvidhadana. These twelve vratas have been also classified into two categories, namely Mulagunas and Uttaragunas or combinedly Silavratas, the term given to Gunavratas and Siksavratas by Pujyapada, Akalanka and other Acrayas." On the other hand, Samantabhadra and his followers termed the Mulagunas to renunciation of pancodambaras and madyamamsa-madhua, and Uttaragunas to twelve vratas. 7. Samayika pratima : It is one of the six Avasyakas. Samayika means meditation on self with the view to attainment of equanimity or tranquillity of mind. It may be performed in one's own house or temple twice or thrice uttering "Karemi bhante samayam savajjam......" which follows the pratikamana and alocana with svadhyaya. It is said that the householder who performs the samayika is like an ascetic. The aticaras of the samayika are: mano-dusparanidhana (misdirection of mind), vag-duspranidhana (misdirection of speech), kaya-duspranidhana (misdirection of body), smrtyakarana (forgetfulness of samayika), and anavasthitakarana (instability in the samayika).Samayika is also a part of Vandanaka. Pratyakhyana is also prescribed. Amitagati prescribed the three mudras for the purpose, i.e. jinamudra, yogamudra and mukti-sukti mudra. 81 Remaining Pratimas The fourth pratima is Posadhopavasa (observing fast on parvan days or astami, caturdasi, purnima and amavasi. On these days one is expected not to decorate his body by garlands, gold, jewels, etc. He should also be engaged in puja, vaiyavrtti etc. The other pratimas are : 5) 80 Shri Vijyanand Suri Swargarohan Shatabdi Granth Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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