Book Title: Spiritual Discipline and Practices in Jainism
Author(s): Bhagchandra Jain
Publisher: Z_Vijyanandsuri_Swargarohan_Shatabdi_Granth_012023.pdf

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________________ without excluding any of its elements), 19. yathavad (diligent in succouring the ascetics, the righteous, and the needy, 20. sadanavihivista (always devoid of evil motives), 21. gunesu paksapatin (favourably inclined to virtues), 22. adesakalayoscaryam tyajan (avoiding action which is inappropriate to time and place), 23. balabalam janan (aware of one's own strength and weaknesses), 24. vrattasthajnanavrddnanam pujaka (venerating persons of high morality and discernment), 25. posyaposaka (supporting one's dependants), 26. dirgnadarsin (far-sighted), 27. visesajna (discriminating), 28. krtajna (grateful), 29. lokavallabha (well-liked), 30. salajja (actuted by a sense of humility), 31. sadaya (compassionate), 32. paropakrti karmatha (ready to render service to others), 33. Saumya (gentle in disposition), 34. antarangarisadvargapariharaparayana (intent on avoiding the six adversaries of the soul), and 35. vasikrtendriyagrama (victorious over the organs of sense). These qualities of the householders are summarised into 21 types in the Sraddhavidhi:- aksudra, rupavat, prakritisaumya, lokapriya, akrura, bhiru, asatha, sudaksinya, lajjalu, dayalu, madhyastha saumyadrsti, gunaragin, satkatha, supaksayukta, sudirghadarsin, visesajna, vaddhanuga, vinita, krtajna, parahitarthakarin, and labdhalaksa. Asadhara concised them further and prescribed the fourteen characteristics for a householder, 18 and Amitagati made them out to be eleven. 18 Classification of Sravakas The sravakas are classified and categorized into various ways in Jaina literature. They may be grouped in seven/ways. 1. On the basis of eleven Pratimas made by Kundakunda (caritra Prabhrta 22), Kavtikeya, Vasunandi etc. 2. On the basis of twelve vratas led by Umasvami, Samantabhadra, Haribhadra etc. 3. Vratas and Pratimas are combined in the Up adasanga 4. They are classified into three catogories viz, Paksika, Naisthika and Sadhaka made by Jinasena, Somadeva, Asadhara etc. 5. Four categories made by Camundaraya in the Caritrasara - 41.3) viz. Paksika, carya, naisthika, and sadhaka. Following Jinasena he also divided the householder into four asramas, viz. brahmacarin, grahastha, vanaprastha, and bhiksu. The brahmacarin is further divided into five, viz. i, 68 Shri Vijyanand Suri Swargarohan Shatabdi Granth Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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