between the mother and the daughter moment to moment suddenly takes a new turn like the current of a river and the philosophical thinking gets voiced. Every fact gets its meaningfulness in the idea of tattva-darsana (realization of supreme truth). The highest speciality of the 'Silent-soil is that in this process life-philosophy goes on being defined. The second thing is that this philosophy does not seem posed, it gets uncovered by the context and circumstance.
Aspects other than the natural environment required in an epic have got incorporated in the creation of 'Silent-soil'. If we ponder in this context, then the question rises who is the hero and who the heroine of the 'Silent-soil'? It is a very interesting question because its answer is possible by the Anekanta (many sided) view. The soil is the heroine, the potter may be taken as the hero; but this view does not fit in the worldly meaning. Here if the romance is, it is of the spiritual type. How much the soil waited for the potter for the ages that he would release the auspicious idol of the pitcher from its imperceptible existence. The meaningfulness of the auspicious pitcher is in the washing of the feet of the Guru (preceptor) who is the basis of faith of the devotee Seth, the character of the poem.
'Oh compassionate Guru-raja! Your feet are our shelter, you are a ship take us across to the coast of the ocean of transmigration!' (Page 326)