Can the potter's hand take pitcher shape without the pitcher shape having come in the upayoga (attention) of the potter?
Can the potter give his upayoga pitcher shape without desiring?
Is the desire to make pitcher aimless?
Which else except the word 'no' answers all these questions?
Seeing this inevitability of nimitta, maintaining the God the creator of the world too is to negate the independent ability of the substance and puts a question mark on the venerability of Godhood.
Not only in the class exploring and absorbed in tattva (truth), even in the right worshipper of the God this doubt gets born that where was the God's abode before the creation of the world? Was he without body or with body? Without body the creation of the boundless world is a distant thing, even the small worldly actions cannot be done. Yes! the God leaving the liberated state and having the body again does the worldly works is not also proper to say, because having the body depends on karmas, and bondage of karmas depends on auspicious- inauspicious thoughts/feelings. That the God is above all these is accepted by all.
He who has done atma-sadhana (spiritual performance/endeavour) with full faith, winning senses, passions and mind, leaving sense objects and has obtained indestructible bliss within himself uncovering the hidden Godly powers within himself,