The journey of sadhana (ascetic practices) from difference to unity, from sex to sexlessness proceeds continuously, must proceed. (Page 267)
Fire test: silver like ashes The potter has given shape to the pitcher. Now there is readiness to heat it in the kiln. The whole process is poetic. In the middle of many types of processes, the acacia stick tells its pain. Sticks burn, get extinguished in the kiln, the potter ignites them constantly. The unbaked pitcher says to the fire:
Burning my faults is restoring me to life; burning the faults in oneself and others, the saints have accepted as the highest religion. The faults are inanimate, are naimittika (caused efficiently), in a way they have come from outside; virtues belong to the jiva, they are welcome. By this act you will get the highest good, this life will gain meaning from you. Thave the power to hold water which is waiting for you, for its full effectiveness your help is necessary. (Page 277)