of the soul under the influence of the deluding karma. (Page 305)
In this context the notes of mrdanga (musical instrument) buzzes:
dha.. dhin... dhin.. dha
dha... dhin.... dhin... dha..
vetana-bhinna cetan-bhinna (pay is different and conscious is different)
ta... tina... tina... ta...
ta... tina... tina... ta...
ka tana.. cinta, ka tana... cinta? (what to worry for the body, what....) (Page 306)
In this section the process of food giving to ascetics has been manifested descriptively. The wish of devotees, joy or sorrow on giving or on unable to give, the view of the ascetic, the gist of the preaching and the return of the Seth indisposed after food-giving, probably because the Seth has had the sight of the destination of life, but he cannot get free at present
"This is the significance of the company of saints that the end of the samsara becomes visible. The person may or may not become
saint, restraint at once
there is no rule in that
but he does become a man of contentment. The blessing of the right direction
is the palace of the right condition/state. (Page 355)
This fourth section is a queer photo house of contexts, of the rise of subtle inferences one after