In the process of digging the pickaxe of the potter falls at the head of a thorn. His head cracks, and he thinks to take revenge. The potter feels remorse at nis carelessness. He expresses it:
"Khammami, Khamantu me... I forgive all and ask forgiveness from all, may my spontaneous friendship remain with all forever!In this whole world here no one is my enemy." (Page 105) This sentiment had its effect: The feeling of anger is getting pacified.-- the feeling of revenge, is being vomitted-... understanding, representing the treasure of punya (merit) is coming. (Page 105-106)
"These word-plants never flourish without being watered by understanding;
on the word plants flowers of understanding never emit smell replete with fragrance and pollenThe ripe fruit in which the flower of understanding gets moulded, gets changed,