Shri Ratan Lal Doshi has compiled and edited the biographies of Tirthankars, based on Trishashtishalaka Purush Charitra, in Hindi in three volumes. Acharya Shri Hastimal ji M., a recognised Jain historian himself, has compiled these biographies with authentic references and his comments, in the first volume of the voluminous Jain Dharma ka Maulik Itihas. It is a unique effort.
In this context other important reference works are "Bhagavan Mahavir" by Upadhyaya Shri Kewal Muni ji and four research works on four Tirthankars by Acharya Shri Devendra Muni ji.
With the help of all these works we have selected and compiled this book; a brief but attractive presentation.
A useful and informative part of the book is its Appendix. All these datas are rarely available at one place. 'Vitaraga Vandana' has been very useful in compiling the appendices.
I am grateful to all those authors, editors and publishers whose knowledge, hard work, and experience has been conveniently available through their works listed above. This Edition
Although it is based on information available in ancient scriptures, this book has some unique features
1. The most important feature of this book are 52 multicoloured illustrations on incidents from the lives of Tirthankars made in attractive style. Acharya Shri Vijay Yashodev Suri had published a set of illustrations based on Bhagavan Mahavir's life, it become very popular. There have been some other illustrated publications also, but this is the first attempt to present a neat and organized compilation of text and illustrations.
2. The biographical sketches have been compiled after a study of relevant literature from Digambar and Shvetambar traditions. Care has been taken to select only the incidents that are useful and inspiring and without any sectarian controversy.
3. Common man looks for a variety of specific data about Tirthankars and fails to find it in some commonly available book. This work attempts to fulfil that want with its functionally compiled appendices.
4. The combination of Hindi and English versions makes it useful for non-Hindi speaking readers, thus expanding its scope from Hindi speaking belt to the whole world.
We are sure, with these unique features, this Tirthankar Charitra will prove to be very useful for all and sundry.
The inspiration from U. B. Pravartak Gurudev Shri Bhandari Shri Padma Chandra ji M., and guidance from Up-pravartak Shri Amar Muni ji and the collection of his articles and books have been vitally useful in compiling this work. My close friend and associate Shri Surendra ji Bothara has added to the importance and usefulness of this work by preparing the English version besides sharing the editing work. I convey my heart felt regards to all these. I hope that the readers will like this work and that this will be frequently used it as a reference book.
-Srichand Surana Saras
( 80 )
Jain Education International 2010/03
For Private & Personal Use Only