Book Title: Note on Hemchandras Abhidhanchintamani and Sanskrit Karmavati
Author(s): Nalini Balbir
Publisher: ZZ_Anusandhan

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Page 16
________________ १८२ अनुसन्धान - ५४ श्रीहेमचन्द्राचार्यविशेषांक भाग - २ rtavo - loka-prasiddhā vasantādayaḥ tad-vyavahārahetuḥ samvatsarah rtusamvatsarah. granthantare casya nāma sāvana-samvatsaraḥ karma-samvatsaras ceti (p. 484). "Other source" means here JK. In the definition of this year, which consists of 12 months, 24 fortnights and 360 days and nights, its three alternate names are given: samvaccharo u bārasa māsā, pakkha ya te cauvvisam tinn 'eva ya saṭṭha-saya havamti räimdiyāṇam tu iya esa kamo bhanio niyama" samvaccharassa kammassa kammo tti savano tti ya uḍu tti vi ya tassa ṇāmāņi (JK 38-39). The phrase samvacchara- kamma- (adjective) is abridged into kammo. In Malayagiri's commentary on SP where these verses are quoted, the phrase is rendered as a Sanskrit compound. The explanation underlines, the practical relevance of this type of year in connection with the daily activities of the people: karma-samvatsarah savana-samvatsarah, tatra karma laukiko vyvavahāras tatpradhanaḥ samvatsaraḥ karma-samvatsarah loko hi prayaḥ sarvo 'py anenaiva samvatsarena vyavaharati (p. 179). The phrase kamma- samvacchara- occurs again when the number of days of each type of year is defined: tinni saya puna saṭṭhā kammo samvaccharo havati (JK 44cd). "Three hundred and sixty days are a 'practical (= civil) year"". In another verse of The JK, which deals with the number of muhurtas in each type of year, the "practical year", which has 10800 of them, is designated by the synonym kammavāsa:25 24. The reading adopted in the Jaina Agama Series edition is: eso u kamo bhanito uḍussa.


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