Book Title: Note on Hemchandras Abhidhanchintamani and Sanskrit Karmavati
Author(s): Nalini Balbir
Publisher: ZZ_Anusandhan

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Page 26
________________ १९२ अनुसन्धान-५४ श्रीहेमचन्द्राचार्यविशेषांक भाग-२ pamcami 5 kramavāțyām (sic) prthivitanaya-vāre Bharanināmni nakșatre Harṣaṇa-yoge ... Sūracandranagare ... (Punyavijaya No. 1231; Vivekavilāsa). – Harṣaṇa is the 14th of the 27 yogas (S.R. Sarma). VS 1539: samvat 1539 varșe Kārttika-māsāsita-caturthikarmmavātyām śani-rohiņi-yoge srimati srijesalamerumahādurge ...(Weber No. 2021; commentary of the Praśnottararatnamālā). - Sani-rohiņi-yoga is not one of the 27 yogas, but the compound is attested Jaina inscriptions or manuscript colophons. VS 1642: samvat 1642 Bāhulānjanetara-dvitiyā-karmmavāțyām (read so; Schubring, wrongly: karma-cāļyām) .... Kiskindhānagaryām (Schubring No. 639; Rşimaņdalavrtti). – The month is Bāhula, a synonym of Kārtika recorded in AC II. 69 and in the Amarakoșa. Anjanetara = bahuletara = asitetara = bright fortnight. VS 16xx: ājāneyābja-șaștha-dvija-sadỊśa-same karmmavātyām daśamyām Veșe māse subhāse vimalatara-dine mamju-pakşe valakṣe (Punyavijaya No. 1363; Sthānāngasūtravrtti). - Some elements are unclear, e.g., the understanding of the last two digits of the year and the identity of the month: could it have something to do with işa = Āśvina (AC II.69)? VS 1681: ... samvat 1681 varșe Aśvina-māse bhauma-vāsare trayodasi-karmmavāțyām likhitā śriViramapuri-nagare (PrS No. 756 p. 189; Hemacandra's Abhidhānacintāmaņi!) VS 1716: samvat 1716 varṣe Madhu-māse asita-pakşe bhūtestākarmmavāțyām guru-vāsare ... Seșapure ... (Ahmedabad, L.D., vol. I, No. 627; Kalpasūtra). - Bhūtestā is recorded as a synonym of the fourteenth lunar day of a fortnight (caturdaši) in AC (II.65), but not in Amarakoșa. VS 1720: samvat 1720 varṣe Māgha sudi dvitiyā-karmavātyām budha-vāsare ‘lekhi ... Stambhatirtha-madhye (PrS No. 853


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