MEDIEVAL JAINISM others' wives, a necklace to Sarasvatī, of well known pure fame, of a celebrated noble form, and worshipper of the feet of Jinendra.1 His military achievements, however, are not known to us.
Under king Vişnuvardhana were two famous brothers, one of whom continued to guide the affairs of the Hoysala Empire in the reign of king Vişnuvardhana's son and successor king Narasimha I. These were Mariyāne Dançanāyaka and Bharateśvara Dandanāyaka, descended from Dākarasa of the Bharadvāja gotra. They were connected by marriage with the family of Ganga Rāja as well as with the royal Hoysala House itself. For the Aļēsandra stone inscription of A.D. 1184 contains the interesting information that Ganga Rāja was the brother-in-law of the senior Mariyāne Dandanāyaka, whom we shall style the I of that name. Further, according to the same lithic record Ganga Rāja's son Boppadeva alias Ēca's brothers-in-law were Mariyāne Dandanāyaka (II) and Bharateśvara (I).2 Now Mariyāne Danďanāyaka II's three beautiful daughters Padmaladevi, Cāvaladevi, and Boppadevī,“ skilled in art, singing, and dancing ", according to the Brahmeśvara temple stone inscription at Sindhagiri dated about A.D. 1103, had been married in one pavilion in Śaka 1025 (A.D. 1103) to king Ballāļa 1.4 It may have been the same Senior Mariyāne Dandanāyaka, as the late Mr. Narasimhacarya suggested, who may have set up the image of
1. E. C. II, 221, p. 95 ; ibid., Intr., p. 58, and r.. (1) for other Baladevas.
2. Ibid., IV, Ng. 32, p. 120.
3. E. C. VI. Cm., 160, 56-57. The date circa A.D. 1103 is to be found in the earlier part of the record, the concluding portions of which are built into the ground. Ibid., p. 56, (n. 1).
4. Ibid., Cm. 160.