MEDIEVAL JAINISM ladies may also be given here. Jakkavve or Jakkale was the wife of Cāvimayya, the Great Minister and Senior Betelbearer of king Narasimhadeva. Hearing that Heragu was praised by all as a good place, she had a basadi built there dedicated to Cenna Pārsvanātha to which she granted land, after having made an application for the same to the Hoysala king Narasimha, in the presence of all the chiefs of that locality. Her guru was the learned Nayakirti Siddhanta deva, who was "skilled in all grammar, in logic, in poetry, in composing verse with purpose, in philosophy. in religious lore, in worldly wisdom, in all arts, (and) in agreeable speech. "1
Māciyakke, the wife of the Commander īśvara, who has already figured in the above pages, was another lady who set a good example. She was the daughter of Sähani Bițiiga, and the disciple of Gandavimuktadeva. She was considered to be the protector of the creeds of the four castes. In the holy place of Māyadavolal she had a Jina mandira made for which she presented a tank called Padmāvatīkere along with specified land in about A. D. 1160.2
To the same reign of king Narasimha is to be assigned the work of Siriyādevī, one of the wives of the feudatory Sāmanta Göva about whom too we have narrated a few details in the preceding pages. From the pedestal of the Vişņu image in the Ranganātha temple at Huļiyūr, Chikamagaļūr tāluka, we leam that she caused a Jina image to be constructed in the basadi at Huļiyūr obviously at the instance of her guru Candrāyaṇadeva.3
1. E. C. V, Hn. 57, p. 16. 2. Ibid., XII, Tm. 38, p. 10.
3. M. A. R. for 1918, p. 45. this Hindu temple.
There is no Jaina image now in