17 मूल में जैन परंपरा को बाह्य दृश्यमान विधि-विधानों का उतना आग्रह नहीं है, जितना कि अंतरंग की शुद्ध भावनात्मक परिणति का आग्रह है ।... साधक, न केवल उत्सर्ग के लिए है और न केवल अपवाद के लिए है। वह दोनों के लिए है, मात्र शर्त है--साधक के ज्ञानादि गुणों की अभिवृद्धि होनी चाहिए।
This, then, is the spirit of Jaina monachism and the rules of discipline that guide it. Therefore, if in the following of such rules, one has to resort to exceptions, one should do it out of extreme necessity of protecting the body which becomes the vehicle in attaining the ideal of self-control. Thus for the proper carrying out of selfcontrol one should resort to exceptions. The resort to exceptions for any other reason than that of self-control amounts to deliberate transgression. Therefore the circumstances under which a person resorts to exception and the aim for which it is done are the main pillars over which the edifice of monastic jurisprudence has been erected by the Jaina church.
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