S. B. DEO ( 8 ) 75 - FETTATT90 -- re-consecration. (9) Suratgom (3TETTFTTT) THT daretqu -- temporary
expulsion. (10) fsan (9721f577) - fos FTCHCĘ - expulsion.
The last one has been explained by the Ovavõiya commentary as itfastautai TITTAT (p. 79), i.e., the overcoming of transgression by means of the practising of a peculiar kind of penance.
This list of the ten prāyaścittas is the same in practically all the svetāmbara canonical texts.
The list as given in the Digambara text Mülācāra differs a bit from that cited above. For instance, the first eight prāyaścittas are the same, but the ninth is substituted by 'parihāra' and the tenth by 'saddhāna'. (Mül. 5, 165).
The former has been divided by the commentator as 'gancpratibaddha' and 'apratibaddha', and explained as being the transgressions committed by a monk while leading the corporate life in a gana, or the transgressions committed by him when he was alone in a region foreign to him, respectively. The tenth prāyaścitta 'sraddhāna' has been explained to mean the determination on the part of the transgressor to give up transgressions and his reaffirmation of faith in the true religion.
III Some details about these Jaina monastic life laid the utmost emphasis on mental purity which rested on self-control and the courage to admit one's mistake. This being the case, the first two of the ten i.e., āloyaņā and padikkamaņa formed the most important items of daily routine of the monks of all ranks.
Whatever be the reasons for the mental, vocal or physical transgressions committed by a monk, he had to confess and condemn them before his senior. Whether a transgression was committed deliberately or otherwise, out of pride or carelessness or illness or fear or hatred or bad
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