human existence is that indicated by Jiva,. Ajeeva, Ashrva, Bandha, Samvara, Nirjara, and Moksha. The Jeeva is the speck of conscionsness which embarks on the voyage of life in the frail boat of body on this vast and illimitable: ocean of Nascience. Egoism, selfishness, will to live and will to power are caused by the infhix of the inert matter of Nascience into. the consciousness through the apertures of the senses. The striving of the sailor ought therefore, to be to clear the boat of all this influx and save it from drowning. This is the descipline meant to train the individual mind and Is different from the trend of the modern social thought which ignores the individual in seeking to build up a new social order.
It is a tribute to the Jain thinkers that they neverclaimed monopoly of truth for their own teachings, under the guise of revela tion. They, thereby, kept away the evils of dogmatism and fanaticism which are responsible for the sharp conflicts and bloodsheds, which disfigure the history of man. The Anekanta-Vada or the SyadVada stands unique in the world's thought. It is criticised as being self-contradictory and
vague. It can be understood if one recognises - that the reality eludes the grasp of the blind