Book Title: Jain Digest 2007 11 1
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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________________ JAIN DIGEST Winter 2007 About International Summer School for Jain will have a lasting effect on my future research and teaching, Studies Prof. Jeff Kripal and I have decided to teach Asian Religions l e s in America in the spring; thus, I'll be teaching a section on ISSJS is a sponsored concept by the Academic Studies of the Jain Diaspora" Jainism in North America ASJNA', World Council of Jain Pankaj Jain: of the University of Iowa taught a course in Academies WCJA, Jain Academic Foundation of North Jainism at lowa Community College in Iowa City. Currently, America (JAFNA) and Mahavir Vision INC 'MVT' from after returning from India, Pankaj is busy with his PhD the USA. dissertation. Its initial goal is to facilitate the creation of a body of faculty • The hard work of Prof. Cromwell Crawford, Dr. Shugan and students in the universities of the United States and Jain, Prof. Hope Fitz, Prof. Anne Vallely and many other United Kingdom. The program goes about carefully selecting volunteers is seen by the progress and preparation made individuals deeply interested in South Asian religions, eager b y ISSJS 2007 as indicated below: to learn Jain philosophy and Jain way of life, and then be Number of participants is expected to be 30 almost double willing to promote Jain studies in their universities and other of last year academic institutions. • A two day Indian teachers/Scholars workshop on "how The ISSJS makes India a "classroom for carefully selected to teach" was organized in Delhi Dec 10 and 11, 2006 by graduate students and professors from universities, and Dr. Shugan Jain and Prof. Christopher Chapple of Loyola enables them to get an insider's view of Jainism, which never M arymount Univ. of California. This was attended by could be replicated in North America or in any country about 25 leading Jain Scholars in India. outside India. What they learn, how they learn, and where they learn makes the Indian experience unforgettable for At least four past scholars are returning to India at their students and professors alike. The program involves an own expense to continue further studies and research on intensive 8-week summer school for these individuals. Jainism. Highly qualified recognized experts, scholars and This time, ISSJS we will have the participation of a Jain academicians in Jain Studies in India teach in this program. Scholar from Moscow. Natalya has already written books While the lectures deal with the Jain philosophy, the rest on Acharya Kunda Kunda. include an immersion in Jain way of life by visits to Jain Several Professors from North American Universities are temples, monks, nuns, festivals, celebrations, worship and planning to go to ISSJS to see its work first hand and also also meetings with and lectures by practicing Jain deliver lectures in the process. professionals such as medical doctors, engineers, scientists, educationists, businessmen and administrators. A The Dean, George Lang and Prof. Anne Vallely of the Dept. participant will become familiar with the principal issues in of Religion at the University of Ottawa in Canada Jain research, and be able to identify the philosophy, rituals announced to send a class of 18 undergraduate and PhD and organizational features of the main Jain sects, and the students to the next International Summer School for Jain Academic Studies( ISSJS) in India This Class will be role of syncretic imports from other religious and cultural coming to India to Study Jainism. Fourteen undergraduate traditions. Students and four PhD students have chosen Jainism as the Recent Progress/Update of ISSJS subject of their study and research. For this, the students will earn 3 or 6 credits from U of Ottawa. In the two years since the beginning ISSJS, a total of 21 Scholars have been exposed to ISSJS. This includes five university Professors from 5 universities and 14 graduate A Reasearcher of a Different Type Students from 12 Universities; thus a total from 17 Universities. - Compiled by Guest Editorial Team After her return from ISSJS Prof. Andrea Jain of Rice JAINA is very proud to recognize the accomplishments and University, Houston, Texas wrote: contributions of Sri Hira Ratan Manek, HRM, in the area "I'm now home in Houston. Wow, what a trip. I am forever of Sun gazing. In this issue of Jain Digest that is dedicated to changed. Please allow me to offer my greatest thanks to you Education, JAINA applauds the efforts of HRM to do for introducing me to the ISSJS. This was one of the most research, experimentation and bring this ancient Jain practice fulfilling experiences of my life, both professionally and of Bhagwan Mahavir's atap and atapna principles to light personally. The people were amazing, and the curriculum and teach others. He is one of the most reported Jains in the world, by his own claims. Jain Education Intemational For Private & Personal Use Only


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