Book Title: Jain Digest 2007 11 1
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 28
________________ - learnt. SALAS AN JAIN DIGEST • Winter 2007 Swadhyay (Study of Self) Parävartanä: Repeating the texts and its meanings. - Compiled by Guest Editorial Team Anuprekshä: Contemplating on the meaning of the sacred books. The word Swadhyay consists of two words, Sva and Adhyaya. Dharma-kathä: Listening and engaging in spiritual Sva means self, and soul is the self. Adhyaya means to study; discussions, inquiries, teaching, etc. therefore, Swadhyay means a study of one's own self. Reading, Every day, one should find some time to carry out Swadhyay listening to and reflecting on the teachings inspires one to peep or study the scriptures. We must study, learn and reflect deeply into the innermost recesses of the self for spiritual quest. upon those books, which can help us be virtuous. When the Study of self involves looking into one's own nature to discover guidance of a Guru is not available, consider some of the any weaknesses like anger, ego, greed, attachments, jealousy important points to do Swadhyay. etc. He puts in great deal of effort and gradually eliminares them from his nature. He remains vigilant so that no new • Get guidance from a learned person and set up structure weaknesses enter in his nature. He also observes his strengths and frequency. like nonviolence, detachment, forgiveness, equanimity etc. He • Select topics and books in advance. Develop fundamental tries to acquire the qualities he lacks and strengthen the qualities concepts of Jainism he possesses. • Set up objectives and rules. No criticism, keep an open The knowledge that brings these changes is Samyag Gnän (right mind and maintain active listening. knowledge). Man's journey on the path of progress and • Avoid simply reading books. Encourage practicing what is enlightenment becomes easy with Samyag Gnän. Swadhyay is a form of austerity. Looking from an absolute point of view, Include current issues and topics like Jainism & ecology, the fruit of engaging in self-studying is self-realization. To obtain comparative study with other religions. the benefits of self-study, association with another self-realized soul, or following of his or her spiritual teachings, is necessary. Every participant should have the feeling of learning, Wherever possible, one should obtain the guidance of a true involvement and contribution. Guru or read the scriptures dealing with the existence of soul . Encourage everyone to read, write, think, memorize, ponder etc. in absence of a true guru. and discuss. Spiritual vigilance, i.e. awakening of the consciousness and its A group Swadhyay fosters healthy debate and discussion. It constant alertness is an essential constituent of Swadhyay. Only encourages the group to study carefully in advance the proposed he who is alert can be vigilant, can concentrate and practice topics and share the knowledge amongst each other. One Swadhyay. The great Jain saint Amitagati once said that one should make continuous and zealous effort with the mind, could not be free of the inner darkness of ignorance without body and speech to study spiritual scriptures, ponder over them, the bright light of Swadhyay. Jainism considers it as one of contemplate on Soul and then discuss and teach others. It is the six daily essentials. Swadhyay, like humility and impossible to rid oneself of the darkness of ignorance without meditation, is one of the internal Tapas (austerities) to shed the light of Swadhyay karmas and purify the consciousness. Swadhyay is one of the least painful and the most rewarding Tapa. Swadhyay is for Educating the Educators ... all human beings regardless of their level of knowledge, - Compiled by Guest Editorial Team spiritual progress, intelligence, grasping power or memory power. It is incomparable and indispensable. It yields The self-less and dedicated Pathshala teachers and Swadhyay immediate rewards. leaders have taken on the responsibility of imparting the Ego, anger, ignorance, laziness and an unhealthy body are the principles and philosophy of Jainism to us, the Shravaks and five obstacles in the process of acquiring knowledge (Vidhya) Shravikas and our children. Just like most everything in life, there is training and practice that goes on behind the scenes through Swadhyay. Determination, making self-improvement for them to be able to teach; some of it formal, and some of it a top priority, an open mind, a strong desire to learn, to ser informal, with years of self-driven discipline. JAINA organized aside time on a regular basis, strong desire to practice after formal education for the Pathshala teachers is a commendable knowledge is acquired, and firm faith in Tirthankar's teachings example of educating the educators of Jainism. can be considered essential elements to start Swadhyay. Swadhyay and meditation are necessary to keep our mind and The education of the spiritual leaders - the Sadhus, Sadhvis emotions healthy. and the Saman, Samanis - is an even more interesting aspect, mainly because it happens outside our line of vision and Traditionally, there are five aspects of Swadhyay. knowledge. But the tradition that started with Mahavir passing Vachana: Studying and explaining the sacred texts and its the baton of knowledge to his Gandhars, then to the Shrut the baton meanings. Kevalis, to the Acharyas that followed, continues to this day. Pruchchhanä : Asking questions to clarify doubts. Contd. in Page 33 Jain Education Intemational For Private & Personal Use Only


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