Book Title: Jain Digest 2007 11 1
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 45
________________ . JAIN DIGEST. Winter 2007 professionally qualified teachers) and volunteers. The Pathshala vegetarianism have been outstanding. Several of the former is now operated as a regular school with a structured registration graduates now serve as Pathshala teachers at JCSC-completing process, attendance discipline, and graduation ceremonies. The the full cycle. new 60,000 sq-ft facility effectively serves the need of the Swadhyay growing Pathshala. What began as a marginal activity for parents who used to There are a total of 13 levels of Pathshala, starting with bring their kids for the Pathshala program, has now evolved 'Mommy-and-Me' class for toddlers, to an advanced class for into a highly organized and structured study program. JCSC student above 16, in addition to Gujarati and Hindi classes. is blessed with the presence of Girishbhai Shah, a highly spiritual Every class has a unique goal and a separate curriculum. For and learned scholar, who leads very well attended Swadhyay example the class at the 2A level has the goal of "To learn Jain classes. The attendees are expected to complete periodic tests way of thinking and be a better human being", the 4B class in order to gauge their understanding of the topic being studied. has a goal of "Getting a deep understanding of Navtatva", and the level 7 class has a goal of "To help solidify Jain identity by There is a Swadhyay scheduled every day of the week, catering reviewing the Jain practices and values; and by facilitating an to slightly different interests. Close to 300 people attend these open dialogue amongst students about the application of Jain sessions. In addition the Swadhyays led by Girishbhai, there principles and values in everyday life." While, discussion is are Swadhyay for young adults, Swadhyays based Shrimadji's encouraged at all levels, it becomes more formal and involved writing, Swadhyays based on Sunandaben Vohora's writing, as the level increases. and regular video presentation of Pujya Rakeshbhai Jhavari. All the children who attend the Pathshala are members of the A host of Jain dignitaries and scholars visiting ICSC have Jain Center Youth Council (JCYC), an umbrella organization motivated and inspired JCSC members to study the Jain of JCSC. JCYC provides the children lessons in democracy granths and embark on the path of spirituality. and leadership as they elect their own committee, and plan In addition to the regular Swadhyay classes, special one or two and manage the affairs of JCYC. In addition to the structured day Shibirs are organized to address and learn a specific topic Pathshala classes, JCYC members also participate in: in detail. A first adult Swadhyay camp led by Girishbhai Shah 1. Youth/Parent Forums - to address the challenges of growing was organized 12-14 May, 2006 at Cedar Camp in Yucaipa, up in dual culture environment and to bridge the CA and was attended by approximately 60 adults. Plans are communication gap. being formulated to arrange a similar camp in 2007. Interfaith Dialogs -to foster an understanding and respect Ouotes from School students S ERIE for different religions by visiting places of worship (Church, Synagogue, Gurudwara, Buddhist Temple, Hindu Temple) "Pathshala is important because it teaches us the rules that we and engaging in discussion with their counterparts. should follow to be a good Jain. It also teaches us the meanings of Students and visitors are also invited to visit JCSC. our Jain prayers so that we know what we are saying when we pray. I would like to study Jainism so much so that when I grow Career Counseling Seminars - to learn about the multitude up, I can teach other students about Jainism"-Aarushi H. Shah of career opportunities; an eye-opener for the youths and (age 6 1/2), JCMC, Chicago more particularly for the parents. "Pathshala classes are very meaningful for their ability to spread 4. Informative seminars -- to understand and learn about life knowledge of Jainism to the Jain community, especially the youth. skills. They explain the purpose and concept behind the Jain practices 5. Annual Winter Camp - to learn and have fun while and rituals, and explain Jain philosophy to all ages. From all the spending time in the mountains with teachers and past years I've attended, I've learned a lot about Jain philosophy volunteers. The next camp scheduled for 27-30 December and it has dispelled a lot of misconceptions I had. The teachers 2006 will focus on Jain festivals. really put a lot of effort into bringing this to our community, and 6. Annual picnic, fun-and-game day, and presenting skits and everyone should be encouraged to attend Pathshala." - Khushbu plays during Paryushan and other important Jain festivals Shah- 17, JCMC, Chicago 7. Outreach activities - to serve as volunteers at the annual medical camp, JCSC functions, and temple cleanup day Quotes from Adults It is encouraging to note that the graduates of the Pathshala program have done exceptionally well in their educational "In my opinion, the importance of Pathshala is extremely crucial pursuits, career paths, and involvement in local and in life. Pathshala is the base and foundation in our life because it international humanitarian projects. Their contributions in provides us with knowledge about Jainism. More importantly, not promoting the Jain principles of compassion, non-violence and only does it allow us to gain knowledge, but gives us the option Jain Education Intemational For Private & Personal Use Only


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