Book Title: Jain Digest 2007 11 1
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 48
________________ JAIN DIGEST. Winter 2007 Ahimsa Center, California State Polytechnic and make the main stream America aware of how Jainism can University, Pomona, CA contribute to solving their problems at all levels. After 9/11, there is a marked shift in the attitude of Americans. Many of them are The Ahimsa Center in the College of Lerters, Arts, and Social more receptive to the ideas and concepts offered by cultures and Sciences at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona is religions other than their own. Timing is just perfect. focused on interdisciplinary teaching and learning about nonviolence and its practical applications at various levels: An important point worth noting is that we could become a very personal, familial, communal, national and international. visible community in North America and show.. a way to resolve Educational and outreach initiatives of the Center facilitate conflicts through Jain teachings. an understanding of ahimsa as a positive force informing the - Anop R. Vora ways of thinking as well as living. Jainism is a beautiful religion originating in India over two The Center's perspective on nonviolence encompasses both millennia ago, built on the principles of nonviolence, working on the domain of "thought"-drawing upon philosophical, the self, and realization of multiplicity of truth through our varying religious and cultural traditions from around the world, and perspectives of life. Lord Mahavir worked tirelessly all his life the domain of "action"-drawing upon the history of political until he reached Nirvana, and then embarked barefoot to spread and social movements spearheaded by leaders such as Mahatma his message of truth across the great nation of India. Gandhi, Badshah Khan, Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Lord Mahavir practiced and preached environmental protection Chavez, the Dalai Lama, and Aung San Suu Kyi. to safeguard trees, plants and animals for the living. The The Center holds Biannual Conferences on nonviolence, Public observation of the nonviolent practices of the Jains was a major Lectures and dialogues, Workshops, Symposiums etc. influence on the philosophy of the great Indian leader Mahatma Nonviolence Curriculum at Cal Poly Pomona Gandhi. The same principles of nonviolence and respect for life were practiced more recently by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in Two New Courses Launched. Nonviolence in the Modern the United States, as he led the struggle for civil rights for all World (HST 433) and War and Peace in Literature (ENG Americans. 235) Mahavir's principles are extremely important today as well. Minor in Nonviolence Studies. Proposal for this Mahavir or the great soul taught us liberation of soul by right interdisciplinary minor developed collaboratively by faculty knowledge, right faith and right conduct. We must all bring this members from several departments is currently under into our lives to make this world a better place for our children review by the University and grand children." New initiatives to be launched in the near future Honorable Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. addressing the include: 107th congress, First session on the commemorate the 2600th Birth Anniversary of Lord Mahavir in April 2001. Undergraduate Scholarships to encourage and enable college students to pursue serious work on nonviolence and its practical applications. Educating Jainism – Main Street, USA Workshops for faculty from universities and junior colleges -Naresh Jain to promote the inclusion of Ahimsa related themes in college curricula. If there is a village of 1,000 people representing the world Interdisciplinary applied research projects to explore the population in proportion to the religions practiced, there would effectiveness of nonviolent approaches and strategies in be only one Jain. No wonder that most of the people are not addressing the roots of violence in contemporary life. even aware of the existence of Jainism as a religion. In the post 911 era, people are eager to learn about other religions in a Study Circles to engage interested individuals from campus hope for a better future. Message of Ahimsa is very relevant and the community to read, reflect upon, and discuss works and Jains must catch this opportunity. of, or about, leading exemplars of Ahimsa. Educating others is a challenge and to be noticed, approaches will have to be smarter, creative and demonstrable. On many InterFaith occasions Jains have discussed principles and rituals with - Compiled by Guest Editorial Team participants of other faiths. Jainism described at first in simple language was well received, but over time more meaningful Jain community should take pro-active steps to spread the message of Lord Mahavir in this part of the world. Each Jain Center in exchange is required. This kind of interaction requires training North America should participate in the local interfaith activities of willing people, experience, confidence and motivation to 1 91.LANT Jain Education Intemational For Private & Personal Use Only


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