Book Title: Jain Digest 2007 11 1
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 37
________________ SAN UNI TOS E JAIN DIGEST - Winter 2007 काka Contd. from Page 24 debates and exploration of ideas. Similar discussions with lay people also aid learning and clarifying their thinking. ...Spiritual Leaders Terapanth tradition has established a more formal training Like any other field, to be a Jain Sadhu or Sadhvi, an aspirant process by paying attention to the need of the global Jain has to undergo training to learn about the Jain philosophy, the community and the modes of modern day instruction, using Jain scriptures, and the special code of conduct for monks and the internet, scientific exploration and the collaboration of the nuns. They need to learn to detach themselves from all their ancient with the modern. In the Terapanth tradition, one who worldly ties, give up their families, businesses and social aspects. aspires initiation in this sect first joins, Parmarthik Shikshan They must also learn to live without any money. Once they Sanstha (a spiritual training center). After completing the get used to this life of detachment, only then can they decide training here, that person (mumukshu) is initiated by Acharya. to become Sadhu or Sadhvi. They should not be and are not For nuns there are two wings of initiation: samani and sadhvi. under any pressure to make this decision. They have to listen First the mumukshu is initiated as samani and then from samani to their self. This decision gives them the inner strength they to sadhvi. Sometimes mumukshu can become sadhvi without need to be initiated as a true Sadhu or Sadhvi. being a samani, depending on the Acharya's discretion. The Jain order of Sadhus and Sadhvis is migratory in nature. The person who wishes to be initiated in Terapanth and joins They do not stay in the same place, hence they have devised Parmarthik Shikshan Sanstha (PSS) is entitled as Mumukshu. special mechanisms of educating the spiritual leaders of By permission of parents and Acharya one comes here. After tomorrow. joining this center, for one year, mumukshu is given special The learning of an aspirant typically starts with a Pathshala. spiritual training pertaining to austerity, meditation, yoga, There are several Pathshalas throughout the country -- like Shri fundamental knowledge of Jainism and the like. From second Yashovijayji Jain Sanskrit Pathshala in Mehsana Gujarat, Shri year their education continues according to their choice up to Hemchandracharya Jain Sanskrit Pathshala in Amdavad, ones graduation, post graduation or Ph.D. in Karnataka, which train young aspirants as well as Jain scholars They study in Jain Vishwa Bharati Institute (JVBI), Ladnunof tomorrow. There are special pandits who teach the Sadhus the first Jain University of the world. For advance specific and Sadhvis at these schools - e.g. Pandit Dhirubhai Mehta. subject education they may enroll and attend classes in other Beyond that, the aspirant starts spending time with Sadhus Universities. Here they study Sanskrit, Prakrit, English, Science, and Sadhvis, at times following their migration in order to Computer Science, Indian and Western Philosophy. Along with learn from the learned. Once an Acharya decides to accept these studies they acquire knowledge of meditation, yoga, and them as a Sadhu or Sadhvi, the ceremonial initiation (Diksha) pranayam. They have a balanced and restrained life style. takes place. This is the time when they renounce their worldly Mumukshus are trained not only in informative knowledge life, and break their social and economic ties forever. but in various forms of arts as well, like singing, drawing, After Diksha too, the learning continues even during migration, painting, speech, writing etc. typically from more learned Sadhu/Sadhvis of the group. The Saman/Samani order is the innovation of Acharya Tulsi, the Acharyas form smaller groups of Sadhu/Sadhvis with a senior ninth successor of Terapanth, invented in 1980. The chief aim member which migrate together, and the junior members learn of this order is intensive comparative study of Jain and other from the senior members. Once they reach a certain stage in philosophies and to spread the light of knowledge. This mission their training, they get assigned to different group. During the is moving ahead with studies and teaching in India and abroad 4 months (chaumasi) when they stay in a single location, the as well. Taking the education of Jainism outside the country, local sanghs at times arrange for organized studies with Jain JVB centers have been established in Orlando, Houston, New scholars that are trained in formal institutions or have learnt Jersey and London where Samanis organize camps and on their own. workshops on health, Yoga, Meditation etc. They are also involved in translating books, writing literature, and paring A very good example of this training is the one followed by Digambar Acharya Vidyasagar Maharaj. He has a very large Jain Dictionary (in Sanskrit and English). group of Sadhu Sadhvis. He has divided them in 30 to 50 The third wing is known as Sadhvi. Besides of having several smaller groups which travel as a unit and the junior members differences regarding life style there is apparent difference of the unit learn from the seniors. In addition, sometime they between samani and sadhvi (Jain nun): sadhvis move on foot gather together in one place to study together and learn from i.e. they do not use vehicle whereas a samani can. A samani is each other. promoted to sadhvi. Sadhvis travel in India and Nepal. They Jain tradition also encourages discussion based learning. are also well educated in Jain scriptures and other philosophy. They play an important role in translating ancient Jain scriptures Founded on the principle of anekantwad, discussion provides written in Sanskrit and Prakrit. an excellent forum to exchange ideas and learnings via healthy Jain Education Intemational For Private & Personal Use Only


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