capacities of the five indriyas (sense organs), three balas (strengths mental, vocal, and physical), respiration and lifespan are the ten prānas. Of these ten prānas, one-sensed beings possess four (life-span, respiration, physical strength, one sense, i.e. that of touch), two-sensed beings have six (add the sense organ of taste and vocal strength), three-sensed beings have seven (further add sense organ of smell), four sensed beings have eight (further add sense organ of seeing), five-sensed non-sentient beings have nine (further add sense organ of hearing) and sentient five-sensed beings have all ten (further add mental strength). Atipāta means violation. Thus prānātipāta includes violation of any or all of these ten prānas or life forces. Jains try to damage as few as possible prānas in their food habits. That is why the consumption of plants is considered a lesser sin than eating the flesh of animals.
Bhava prāna (mental or spiritual life force) the bhava prānas are basically attributes of the soul manifesting through the body or otherwise. They are four knowledge, perception, conduct and potency (vīrya). Every being has these spiritual forces in variable quantity, not in terms of numbers as in the case of physical prānas, but in terms of intensity or degree. In general the dormant one-sensed beings (nigodas, "microorganisms") have the minimum intensity of knowledge etc. and other one-sensed beings have a little more, and so on. Violence is not just physical harming but also harming on the mental level. Also it is not just harm to others, but harm to oneself as well (Brihatsangrahniratna, Hindi translation, p. 232).
Jain Education International
In conclusion Achārānga states "He who has properly understood the violence related to six life forms is a parijñāta-karma muni (a discerning sage or an ascetic who with a discerning attitude abandons violence)" (Āchārānga 1.7.56).
After proscribing violence starts the detailed discussion of the disciplined life-style designed to avoid such violent and anti-environment activities. When we resolve not to harm two or more sensed living beings we will avoid
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