Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 57
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 156
________________ 134 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY * JULY, 1928 of being misunderstood. The synonyms given are both pandits of the orthodox type and men trained the commonest in use, where many words or ex. on western lines of criticism and collation, has been pressions have the same meaning. It may be sitting at the work for a number of years, assisted mentioned, that in a number of instances the by a supervising committeo containing a large English meanings given are not as accurate in their element of oxperts in linguistics, philology and the connotation as they might have been made. For different literatures. The output in its quality may illustration we may quote Oppaçáram (p. 594) not be regarded as being commensurate with the which bears different meanings, and all of which labour, talents and expense absorbed in the work. have not been fully explained ; also the word The rate of progress, noticed frequently in the Karru-rakka (p. 909) which is not es clearly ex. public press and elsewhere as being inordinately plained as it might have been. Brief Tamil meanings slow, may be a subject of secondary importance. if or equivalents are given following the detailed the output should be very valuable and above English renderinge ; but in the latter parts of those criticism : for their quality will make up for lack under review more space has been given to the of quantity. Within the limits set for the work, Tamil explanations of the different meanings of each tho stendards set up and the work turned out word discussed. In the Tamil meanings given, AB should be judged on their own merits as well as by is usual, the best known among synonyms are usod. relation to methods and quality, in comparison The apparatus of reference, which ought to have with the great loxicons like those of other Rottler, ccompanied the first part of the first volume, was Winslow, Brown and Kittel. published along with the next part. It contains a C. S. SRINIVASACHARI. key to the abbreviations of the authorities used BULLETIN DE L'ECOLE FRANÇAISE D'EXTRÊME and cited and to the words and terms abbreviated, ORIENT, vol. XXV, Nos. 3-4, July December, a transliteration table, a list of the meanings of the | 1925. Hanoi, 1926. signs usod, particulars of works quoted in the Among several papers of outstanding interest in Lexicon and the methods adopted in citing quota. this issue the first is a detailed description, with tions. The abbreviations of quotations used denote text and translation, by Monsieur Louis Finot of further details of parts, chapter and verse with twelve inscriptions found at Aäkor, mostly dating rogard to the work or edition used. The one from the 9th to the 13th century A.D., thus supple. foature that is most valuable in the work is the menting the work started by Barth in 1885 and con. practice of supporting meanings by appropriate tinued by Bergaigne and Coedès. As might be ex. quotations from standard and accepted works-the pected of this eminent orientalist, the work of edit. exact method of citing quotations being given in ing has been done in a thorough and scholarly man. item No. VIII of the Reference Apparatus. ner; moreover it has been prefaced by an admirable One may very well doubt the utility of mere Introduction in which are discussed the main feaEnglish transliterations of the Tamil words, without tures of the history of the period as ascertainable the various phonetic pronunciations also given. from the available epigraphical and other evidence. But the diversity of such propunciations is a great Unfortunately the inscriptions discovered in this obstacle to their being included in all completeness. locality hitherto, numbering some fifty in all, leave Foreign words like those absorbed from English, us still in the dark as to the foundation of this won. Portuguese, Urdu, Persian, etc., have also been derful old capital. The only definite record on included, particularly those which have become this subject yet found is the important inscription Tamilised '--the fact of Tamilisation being judged of Sdok Kak Thom, found about 80 miles from by the Editors and the Committee. Words with Ankor (BEFEO, XV, ii, 89), which tells us that two forms appear in one or both the forms. Names Yasodharapura (the ancient name of Aukor Thom) of gods and persone, authors and works, which have was founded by King Yasovarman (889 , 910 A.D.) become famous in history and literature have also a devotee of siva, who erected in the centre of the been included. Proverbs in general currency, the city. the temple then called Yasodharagiri (the peculiar meanings attached to compound words, present Bayon) dedicated to the cult of the linga botanical and technical, Latin and other terms are Devoraja. The investigations of M. Finot, it may also given; italicised transliteration is given of be noted, have already necessitated a completo reSanskrit and other foreign words. consideration of the views proviously entertained as The work, the first large part of which has thus to the religious history of this celebrated shrine. been published, is a monument of patient and Upon a fresh examination of the sculptures and sur. aborious, though very expensive, industry. It is, roundings he was led to the conclusion formulated though not to the extent expected by optimistic in an article published in 1925, not only that the minds, an improvement upon the comprehensive Bayon was originally a Buddhist temple, but that the Tamil and English Dictionary of Miron Winslow city itself was placed under the protection of the published sixty-five years back, which contained Bodhisattva Lokesvara. It appears to him to be upwards of 30,000 words and included the principal established that when the Bayon becamo transfer astronomical, mythological, botanical, scientific and red from the cult of Buddhism to that of Siva, the official torms, besides the names of famous authors, great bulk at all events of the structuro had been poots, heroes and gods. A gyndicato of scholars, completed, including even the central massit, which


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