Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 57
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 272
________________ 246 INDEX .. 138 . . . . . . . 189 • 237 cient India .. .. 'PEW. 229 demons (evil spirits) worship of .. .. 58n.. 59n. | Dorsett, Capt. .. . P.E.W. 211 Denha, (Mar Danahå), Bishop .. .. 165, 213 Dosadhs, the .. des, Deccan plateau .. Downoe, Capt. J... .. P.E.W. 209 deta, meaning of .. .. 174 Drake, H.M.S. .. P.E.W. 235 Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts in Mithild, Draupadi's bath at Mahabalipuram .. S.P. 4, 13 vol. I, (book-notice) .. .. .. 240 Draupadi's ratha, at Mahabalipuram .. S.P. il de Souza (on Quilon) .. .. 46n., 47 &n. Dråvidika .. .. .. S.M.S.R. 35, 37, 38 Dousson, on the meaning of Upanişad, 202, 204, duḥkha (and sukha), meaning "unrest,' and 206, 207, 223n., 224n. "rest' .. .. .. .. .. .. 207 Devgad, and Devagiri .. .. .. 23 Dukhrana Feast (of St. Thomas) .. .. 8 Devagiri (Mountain), in Kalidasa's Meghadata, Dumas (and Manucci) .. .. .69 a possible identification of .. .. 23, 24 Duncan, Capt. .. .. ..P.E.W. 212, Devagurada, in Indoro, a possible identification Duperron, Anquetil, French Orientalist, 48n. 121, with Mount Devagiri .. .. .. .. 23 124, 201, 202, 204 Dovapala, (Pala Dyn.), Hilsa inscription of .. 153 durga, meaning of .. 35 Devapala of Kanauj .. .. .... .. 184 Durga, at the Seven Pagodas .. . S.P. 3 Dovapala (Hayapati) suggested identification Durga, at Mahabalipuram ... S.P. 11-13 of .. .. .. .. 230—234 Darvis .. .. .. . . Devaraja, linga .. .. .. .. 134, 135 Duryodbans .. .. .. .. 189 Deva Raya I .. .. .. .. .. 77 Dutch, the, in Mughal India, 115; and piracy, Deva Raya II .. 77–85, 235, 236—238 P.E.W. 215 Devárkonda, battle Dutt, Binode Behari, Town Planning in Andevayonayah .. .. " .. .. 57 Devi .. .. .. 20 Duvol, Capt. .. .. .. P.E.W. 229 devil-dancers, song of the .. .. 21 dolpo .. . .. .. 178 Dow, Com. .. .. P.E.W. 231 Dwidabaung, (Duttabaung) k. of Prome .. 38 dhamma . . .. Dyaks .. .. .. .. P.E.W. 208, 216 Dhamma, famous Buddhist woman . .. 68 Dyce, David Ochterlony, heir to Begam Samru, 76 Dhammadinna, famous Buddhist woman, 49, 54, 67 Dyoe, Col. G. A., in the service of Begam Samru, 76 Dhangadeva, Chandela k., inscription of, 231, 232 Dyoo Sombre. Soe Dyoo, David Ochterlony. Dhanurkoti .. .. .. .. .. 167 Dhariyaikal. See Dareoygul. Dharmakirti Dharmaraja, the "Lion-Throne" of ; at Maha balipuram .. .. .. .. 8.P. 13 Dharmaraja ratha at Mahabalipuram, S.P. 10 Dhruvaraja, (Dhörd) Raptrakta k... .. 181 Dhyanas, meaning of .. .. .. .. 36 Dhyani Buddhas, names of .. .. .. 36 Diamond .. .. .. .. P.E.W. 209 Eagle .. .. .. Diamper, Synod, decress of, 7, 28, 46, 47, 122, 214 .. P.E.W. 233 Eaglet .. .. .. P.E.W. 228 Diana P.E.W. 214, 215 East India Company, date of the, 116; and Port Dicey, Capt. W... .. .. P.E.W. 220 Blair, P.E.W. 220; (New).. .. Dido, H. M. S. .. .. P.E.W. 217 Eclipse .. .. . P.E.W. 915 DidwAna, (Dendevanaka) .. .. .. 182 Edessa, 7, 8, 0, 105n., 118; (Urfa) 119, 120Didymus, St. Thomas .. .. .. .. 118 122, 165, 209–211 Dighwa Dubauli plate of Mahendrapala .. Edward I, coins of .. .. :. .. 152 Dignaga .. .. .. .. .. 133 Edwards, Capt. ..... .. P.E.W. 238 Dikshitar, V.R.R. La Theorie de La Connais. Edgerton, Franklin, Bhagavad Gita .. .. 75 sance et La Logique Chez Les Bouddhistes Eggeling, J. on the Brálmanas .. .. .. 170 Tardifs .. .. .. 133 Elias, Greek Patriarch of Antioch Dindime, Arunagirinatha .. .. 83, 84 Eliza both-4.; letter of, to Akbar 116 dingga, dinga, (coin) .. .. Elliot, Liout. .. .. .. P.E.W. 214 Dinna, famous Buddhist woman .. 65, 88 Embassy of Sir Thomas Roe to India, 1615- - Divali, festival .. .. 137, 139 1619; Edited by Sir William Foster, C.I.E., do Couto, on the St. Thomas Christians, 213, 214 (book-notice) .. .. .. .. .. 116 Dodda Vasanta Nayaka .. .. .. .. 79 Emily .. .. .. .. P.E.W. 220 Dokthåpara. Soe Peikthådomyo. enamol, as money .. .. 96 Dolotsava mantapam, at Mahabalipuram, S.P. 4, 6,14 Endicott, Capt. c. M. .. Dolphin .. .. P.E.W. 214, 236 English, the, and Begam Samru, 76; early, in Dom ville, Lieut.-Commr. .. P.E.W. 234 India .. .. .. .. .. 115, 116 Doris .. .. .. .. P.E.W. 217 Enterprise .. .. .. .. P.E.W. 216 . 118 von Ol Annoch .. 39 .. " P.E.W. 200


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