Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 57
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 280
________________ 254 INDEX .. 133 Migas&i, famous Buddhist woman .. . 88 | Mundari languages .. 176 Mihira [Bhoja I] .. .. .. . 232 Munnur, (St. Aroot district) two inscriptions Milachchri Kára. Soo Shamsud-din Altamsh. from .. . . .. 238, 239 Mildenhall, John, visits Akbar .. .. .. 116 Munro, Capt. .. .. .. .. .. 114 ilon, and Mylapore .. .. .. 209, 210 murder, ceremonial .. .. .. .. 176 Mimarosa Murray, the Hon. J. E... .. .. P.E.W. 219 Mindi, (Mengdi) k. of Arakan .. .. .. 40 Mussulmen, Hobson-Jobson .. .. .. 34 Mindón Min, (and the introduction of coinage Mutaláli, meaning of .. .. ... 48 & n. into Burma), 13, 14; coins of, 43, 45, 90, Mutta, famous Buddhist woman .. .. 54 92, 125n., 127, 151 Muttachira, church at .. . .. .. 28n. Minraza. See Meng-radza. Muzaffar Shah II, of Gujarât, coins of, 216, 217, 219 Minråzaji. See Mengra-dzâgyi. Muziris (Cranganore) .. .. .. 164n. Mintayaji. See Bådop'ays. mwésein, green snake .. .. .. .. 131 minting, eastern niethods of .. .. 129-131 Mylapore, and St. Thomas, 8, 10, 103, 118, 123, mints, eastern .. .. .. 149, 150 156, 165, 209, 210 & n., 214 Miranda, Lieut. .. .. ..P.E.W. 226, 227 Myowun, (Governor) .. .. .. Mithila, 188; MSS. in .. .. .. .. 240 Myth, The Bird and Serpent .. .. .. 197 Mitra, Prof. Kalipada, The Bird and Serpent Myth .. .. " .. 197 of Mitraille .. .. .. . P.E.W. 233 Mittäkälika, famous Buddhist woman .. 64 Mizůthin (Midzutheng) k. of Arakan .. .. 40 Mlechchhas, (Muhammadans), 31 ; abodes of the .. .. Modain. See Babylon. Moens, on Mar Sapor etc. Mogul administrative methods, a Dutch account . . . .. .. 114 Mohenjo-daro, disco veries at .. 35, 219, 220 Molière, by Lakshman Sarup. (book-notice) .. 114 Molucco pirates . . .. P.E.. 205 monasteries, Vajrayâns, destruction of .. 197 Mondego.. ... P.E.W.231 money-changing, as a trade .. .. .. 11 monks, early Christian .. .. 210, 211 monolithic rock-cut shrinos at Mahabalipuram, S.P. 13 Monserrate, Fr. A., S.J., on Malabar customs, 29, 30, 119, 211n. Montague, Capt. J. W. .. .. T.E.W. 209 Moors, (Arab traders) .. .. .. 158, 159 Mooslim bin Rashid, Joasmi pirate, P.E.W. 206, 207 Moraes, George M., Mangalore, A Historical Sketch .. .. .. .. .. .. 240 Moulton, Capt. .. .. .. P.E.W. 223 Mount of India (Little Mount, near Calamina), 210 Mrityu, as the bailiff of Yama .. 206, 222, 225n. Muda Hasan, Raja of Sarawak . P.E.W. 216 Mughal Court, Sir Wm. Norris at the, 4, 5; Sir Thos. Roo at the Mughal Empire, rise of the. 200. Soo also Mogul. Mughals .. . . 69 Muhammadabad, mint town . . 216, 217 Muhammad bin Bakhtyar Khilji .. ... 199 Muhammad Ghori 198, 199 Muḥammad Tugblaq, currency methods of, 17, 198, 200 Muhsinniadans (Mlochclihas), 31: and S. India, 113; and the Vajracharyas, 197; and Hindus, in Mediaval India .. .. 98--200 mulberry plant, in Darwin .. .. 127 Mulikkulam, Church at .. .. .. 27 Nabha, coinage of .. . 149151 Nâciketa fires .. 205, 206, 223, 224, 226–228 Nacikotas .. .. 202n., 205–207, 221-229 Nadol, Chauhans of .. .. .. .. .. 33 Nadir Shik.. .. .. 1.50 Nagabhata I, Pratihara k. 181, 183 Nagabhata 11, of Kanauj .. 184 Nagarjuna .. 196 Näguur (in Jodhpur) .. . 32, 33 Nagavalóka. Soo Nagabhata 11. - Nagdy (in Mowar) Xaghrada. Soo Nagilà. Nahum Abbâji .. .. . . . 16 Naimişûranya . . .. . 188 Vair (Nayro) and Christian 26 11., 2LI & n., 219 Nair, Manoel .. . 157, 159 Nair Envoy to Portugal (Juan da Cruz). 157-159 Vairātmà .. .. .. . Xairs .. . .. 26., 27., 159. Najab Quli Kbán . . . . . .. 76 Nakulamåtå, famous Buddhist woman .. 88 Xâlanda, inonastory . . . náļi (a measure) .. .. .. .. Nalkos. Soe Panaras. . namiók, (old silver coins) . .. . Nânaghât inscription .. .. .. .. 174 Nandâ, famous Buddhist woman .. .. 89 Nandâ the Fair. Soo Abhirupananda.. Nandi (Siva's Bull) at Mahabalipuram, S.P. 12 Nandi-varman, Pallava k. and the Seven Pagodlus .. .. .. .. .. S.P. 11, 16 Narada .. .. . . . .. .. 20 Nara-dráyasa, mouning of .. .. .. 180 Narasimha, Saluva, inscription of the reign of.. 237 Narasimha IV, Eastern Ganga k. .. .. 235


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