Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 57
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 271
________________ INDEX 245 .. 161 wa .. .. 43 Cira, famous Buddhist woman .. Cox, Capt., (author of Burmhan Empire) British Citta, famous Buddhist woman .. 49. Envoy to Ava Envoy to A . . . . . . . 13-16, 37 Cleopatra, H.M.S. P.E.W. 237 Cramer, Capt. . .. .. P.E.W. 213 Cleverly, Mr. O... .. P.E.W. 229 Cranganore, 27, 30, 103n.-106n., 117; (Andrano. Clown, H.M.S. .. . P.E.W. 232 polis) 118, 119-121, 161, 164 & 1., 211n.--213 Cochin .. .. 119, 121 Crawford, Capt. L. .. .. P.Ey. 235 Cochin harbour .. .. .. Crawfurd, (author of Sian) or currency in 105n. Cochin Jewish plate inscription .. .. 26n.. Cochin-China .. .. 18 .. Cochin China, currency in .. .. 18 Crocodile, H. M. S. .. .. P.E.W. 209 Cochrano, Admiral Sir J.C. ..P.E.W. 221, 222 crosses, (in Malabar) logend of the sotting up of, 9 Codungalore, (Cranganore) .. Crowdy, Liout. .. .. .. P.E.W. 235 Coffin, Capt. P.E.W. 213 Cruz, Juan da, Nair Envoy to Portugal, 157-159 Coertzan, Capt. J.T. .. P.E.W. 218 Cumja P.E.W. 232 coin, of the realm, in Burma, 13; definition of, 90 cupangs . . . . . . . . . . . Cupid .. . coinage and currency. Soe currency and coinago .. .. 108 coins - Currency and coinage among the Burmese, of ancient Britain .. .. Notes on (contd. from vol. LVI, p. 213), 10 of Deva Raya II 149-153 .. 82, 83 11-18, 37-45, 90-96, 125-131, found near Taxila .. 219 E. I. Co's. old cash .. .. . S.P. 7 Coins, Burmese : symbolical .. 37 39, 41 historical (including kings of Arakan), 39, 43 of Mindôn Min .. 43, 45, 90, 92, 125n. gold silver copper .. iron Dacca University, progross of the collection of lead MSS. at (1926-27) .. of Bodop'aya, 13-18, 37, 38, 41, 43, 94. See dacoite, talismans of .. .. .. .. 127 also Currency and Coinage. d'Aire, M. .. .. .. .. P.E.W. 224 coins, copper, of the Sultans of Gujarât, new Daksinapatha .. .. . 174, 175 types of . . . . . . .. .. 215–219 DAkßinátya, meaning of .. S.M.8.R. 28, 34, 35 Co jee-Baba. Seo Khawja Baba. Dalton, Sir C., on Sir Wm. Norris . .. 4 Cole, W., commander of the Spee, P.E.W. 2:25 Dance, the, and the Nico bars, P.E.W. 220, 221 Colobrooke, on the Kathaka Upanişad.. .. 204 Daniel, son of Qison .. .. .. .. 120 College of Fort William .. .. .. Dantika, famous Buddhist woman . .. 54 Colquhoun, author of Across Chryse, on metal Dara Shikoh, (Princo), and the Upanipacis, 201, 202n. charins .. .. . . . . . . . 126, 127 Dâre, Bakuda marriage ceremony .. .. 22 P.E.W. 215, 225, 226n. Dareoygul, (converts etc.) .. .. 161, 211 Conancode, (Kannankote) .. .. 164 Darwaz, the mulberry tree in .. .. .. 127 Congloton, Capt... P.E.W. 214 & n., 215, 221 Daiapura ... .. conjugation .. .. .. S.M.S.R.21 Dasor (Dasepura).. .. Conti, Nicolo, and the St. Thomas logond .. 9 Datha-Razs, (Dat'aráza), k. of Arakan Cooke, Mr. Wingrove, on Chinose piracy, Datoe Subandhar, of Borneo . P.E.W. 205 P.E.W. 230, 231 Dauistábad and Devagiri .. .. .. 23 copper, as curroncy, 17, 18, 44. Soe also coins, David, Bishop .. .. .. .. .. 213 copper. Dawn of A New India, by Kedarnath Banerjee copper-plate inscriptions. See inscriptions, (book-notice) .. .. .. .. 55, 56 copper plate. dead, disposal of the, in the Vodic period .. 35 Cornelis, Capt. .. ... P.E.W. 217 Death, in the Kathaka Upanisad, 203, 205—207, Cornwallis, Lord, 55 ; and Bogam Samru .. 76, 114 222-225, 228, 229 Coromandel, Christians at. .. . 118, 209 de Barros .. .. .. .. .. .. 121 Coromandel, H.M.S. .. .. P.E.W. 220 Decoan, the .. .. .. 174, 175 Correa (on Quilon) de Groots, Cornet.. .. P.E.W. 213, 215, 221 Corvino John de Monte, (on Christians).. 211n. Delafosse, Moufle, (friend to Manucci).. .. 71 Coulão. See Quilon. de la Vaupolier, Elyer, (friend to Manucci) .. 71 Coulon. See Quilon. Delhi, Sultans of, and Jaitrasimha, 31-34; countors, gambling .. .. .. .. 125 Slave kings of, 198—200 ; sack of .. .. 200 Couto. See do Couto. Delorme, (friend to Manucci) .. .. .. 71 Cowasjec Family .. P.E.W. 216 do Monzes, Alexio, Archbishop, 46-48, 123, cowries, as currency ... 17, 18, 92, 06 de Miraculis de Miraculis .. .. .. .. .. 9 23 46n.


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