Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 37
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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________________ CONTENTS. PAGU PAGK The late Major Raverty'a General Index to hin G. TAMSON, M.A., PH.D. Translations * .. ** ... ... ... 176 TE INSCRIPTION P. ON TIH MATHURA LIONA Ballad of the Haklas of Gujrat in the Panjab... 209 CAPITAL, by A. BARTH (translated into English). 946 The Subahdars of Kabul under the Mughals ... 211 SIR L. C. TEMPLE, BART., O.1.E. - PANDIT DAYA RAM SAHNI: LEGENDE FROM THI PANJAD, No. II. .. 149 REFERENCES TO TAS BHOTTAB OR BEAUTTAB IN THE TRAVELS OF RICHARD BELL (AND JOR TA RAJATABANGINI OT KASHMIR (Translations CAMPBELL) IN THE EAST INDIA, PARSIA, AND and Notes on the Sanskrit Texta) (Notes on the PALESTINE, 1654-1670 .. ... ... .. 156 Tibetan Records by A. H. FRANCKB) ... ... 181 Origin of the Term Oringall Beteelahs ... 148 F. W. THOMAS RICHARD SCHMIDT: Parimala, a Commentary on Madana's Parijata ABOKA NOTES ... ... manjari, by BRI LAKSAMANA SURI. Leipzig Tex LATE Prov. C. P. TIELE:1907. (Bombay: British Ifidis Press, Byoalla). 80 Tas RELIGION OF THE IBANIAN PEOPLES (trans lated by G. K. NARIMAN) .. ... . . 838 VINCENT A. BMITH, M.A., LC.S. (RED.): V. VENKAYYA, M.A., RAI BAHADUR :ABOKA NOTES ... ... .. ... .. 19 TH HIBTORY AND COINAGH OY TH CHANDEL ANCIENT HISTORY OF THW NELLORE D18(CHANDYLLA) DYNASTY OY BUNDYELKHAND TRIOT ... ... ... . . 190, 281, 851 (JWJAKAB HOXTL) FROM 881 to 1203 A. D. ... 114 Prov. SATIS CHANDRA VIDYABHUSANA, Is Tobacco Indigenous to India ? ... .. ... 210 M.A., M.R.A.S.:The Early History of India, 2nd Edition .. ... 871 PesSIAN AFFINITIES OF THE LIORCEAVIS - MISCELLANEA AND CORRESPONDENCE. The Legends of Mohan Bari, by H. A. Rose . 110 Remarks on a Photograph, near Ating, taken by the The Faujdari of Bangash, by H. A. Rose ... 174 Hon. Erie Upton, during a Tour in Zangakar in A Baker's Dozen of Catches from the Jhang Dis 1907, by Rev. A. H. Franoko ... .. .. 932 triot, Panjab, by M. Longworth Dames .. ... 174 The Choda of Chimur, by Hira Lal . .. ... 838 A Ballad of the Haklas of Gujrat in the Panjab, by H. A. Rose .. . ... ... ... ... 209 Tho Antaralles of Malabar, by N. Subbaraya Iyer... 334 Is Tobacco Indigenous to India | By Vincent A. The Early History of India, 2nd Edition, by Vinoont Smith ... .. .. .. ... .. ... 210! A. Smith ... ... .. .. .. . 871 NOTES AND QUERIES. Origin of the Term Oringall Beteelahs, by Sir R.C. | The Subabdars of Kabul under the Mughals, by Temple ... ... ... ... ... ... 148 H. A. Rose .. .. . ... 211 The late Major Ravorty's General Index to his Trans. lations, by H A. Rose ... ... ... ... ... 176 Soleation of Anoestral Names among Hindus, by Asoka Pillar Edict V-Simale- Samdako, by O. M. B. A. Gapte . .. .. .243 Mulvany - . ... . ... 211 BOOK-NOTICES. Indian Historical Series, Vol. 1. Early History of Agvaghopa SatralamkAra. Traduit en Français sur the Solankis, by Gaurishankar Hirachand Ojba, la version Chinoise de Kumirajevs par Edouard Ajmer: 1907. Vaidik Yantralaya. By Sten Haber. Paris : 1900. viii + 493 pp. By Sten Konow" . ... .. .. . 24 Konow .. .. . .. .. .. 211 Parimala, a Commentary on Madana's Parijata Realo Accademia delle scienze dell'Instituto di Bologna. Cla830 di scienze morali. Serio I, manjari, by Sri Lakshmana Suri. Leipzig • 1907 (Bombay: British India Prose, Byoulla). By Tomo 1. Bologna: 1908. By Sten Konow . 212 Devanagar. A Polyglot Magazine. Caloutta College Richard Schmidt... . .. .. .. 80 Square, Bow bazar. By Sten Konow ... ... 213 Maurice Bloomfield. A Vedio Concordanoe, edited by B. Krishnamacharyar. Raghuvamsa Vimarsa (Kav. C. R. Lanman. Cambridge, Mass.: 1906. xxii, 2, yagunadarsa. Series, No. 1). Srirangam: 1908. 1,078 pages, 4to. Harvard Oriental Series, Vol. X, Re. 1. By Sten Konow .. . .. ... 212 By Sten Konow ... ... ... ... .. 111 L. D. Bernett. A Supplementary Catalogue of Kalidasa's Abhijuana Sakuntalam, by Saradaranjan It, Pali, and Prakrit Books Bay. Caloutta: The City Book Society, 1908. of the British Museum, Soquired during the years iv, 376 pages, 3vo. By Sten Konow .. . 112 1802-1903. London: 1908, viii Pp., 1,093 cols. By Sten Konow ... . .. ... ... 276 Vincent A. Brith. The Early History of India Uler Sondersprachen und Ihre Entstehung. Von from 600 B. c. to the Muhammadan Conquest, Dr. Richard Lasch. (Separatabdruck aw Band including the Invasion of Alexander the Great. XXXVII (der dritten Folge Band VII) der MittesSecond Edition, revised and enlarged. lungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Clarendon Press, [March 9), 1908. By Sten Wien). Wien, im Selbstverlago der AnthropoloKonow we * * . .. 178 gischen Gesellschaft: 1907. By C. O. Blagden ... 839


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