Samkāsya) on the Ganges the distance of Northern Madhurā is said to have been four yojanas only. According to the Ghata Jātaka, once upon a time king Mahāsāgara reigned in Uttaramadhurā. He had two sons, Sāgara and Upasāgara of whom the former succeeded his father to the throne and the latter became the uparājā or viceroy. Mahāsāgara's contemporary was king Mahākamga of Kaņsabhoga & in Uttarāpatha with his capital at Asitañjana, * a place which has not as yet been identified. Mahākamsa was succeeded to the throne by his elder son, Kamga, whose younger brother Upakamsa became his viceroy. There was a matrimonial alliance between the royal houses of Uttaramadhurā and Kamsabhoga, Prince Upasāgara marrying Kamsa brothers' sister Devagabbhā (Sk. Devaki) who became the mother of Vasudeva, his nine brothers and one sister. Among the contemporaries of Sāgara and Kamsa, the Ghata Jātaka mentions the name of Kālasena who was at that time reigning in the city of Ayojjhà (Sk. Ayodhyā), which was undoubtedly the earlier capital of Kosala. The village of Gováşdhana (Sk. Govardhana) in the
1 Kacpāyana's Pali Grammar, edited by 8. o. Vidyābhūmapa, Book, III, Ch. I, p. 167. A Jataka, iv, p. 81.
. It is diffioult to agree with Malalasekera in thinking that Kansabhoge or Kampsabhoja was probably the same country as Kamboja."