Book Title: ISJS Jainism Study Notes E5 Vol 02
Author(s): International School for Jain Studies
Publisher: International School for Jain Studies
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realization of the self, the recognition of true God Arihantas, true scripture (His divine discourses) and true monks is absolutely necessary for the achievement of right faith.
Omniscience is the basic foundation of Jaina philosophy, so we need to know its nature and the process of achieving it. Without faith of true God, true scriptures and true monks is not possible because the difference of true faith of true God, true scripture and true monks is not possible because differentiate of the true God is omniscience and passionlessness (complete detachment). The origin of scriptures lies in the divine voice of the omniscient Arihantas. The true monks are followers of the path shown by the omniscient God.
One who is going on wrong path cannot reach his destination. Likewise one who is having wrong concept about the self and non-self, yet thinks that he is on right path of liberation, he will never attain liberation. Samantabhadra in his 'Ratnakaranda-śrāvakācāra (a sacred book on householder's religion) has written the following verses:
The belief in the true God, scripture and preceptor (monk) by fulfilling the eight requirements of true belief and without three kinds of follies* and eight kinds of pride** is called Right Faith.
The belief that the Jaina Tīrthamkaras are the true Gods, the Jaina canons are the true scriptures and the Jaina saints the true preceptors is called 'Right Faith'. The three kinds of follies are:
Folly of senseless deeds in the name of religion, viz. bathing in so called scared rivers & oceans; setting up heaps of sand & stones, immolating oneself by falling from a precipice or being burned up in fire etc.
Folly of devotion, viz. worshipping with desire to obtain favour, of worldly false deities who themselves are full of passions, likes-dislikes etc.
Folly of devotion of hypocrites consists in the worshipping of false ascetics who have attachment-aversion with worldly things. The eight types of pride boasting for:
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