Book Title: ISJS Jainism Study Notes E5 Vol 02
Author(s): International School for Jain Studies
Publisher: International School for Jain Studies
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confine to each other. When they are correlated to each other a perfect conduct is followed and this will lead to the development of a refined character.
Likewise one who does the arādhana of samyak-caritra, Tapa automatically follows it. But it may not be the case the one who does tapa, caritra follows it.
Even though shortly two types of ārādhanās are mentioned but yet there is in detailed discussion of the four types of arādhanās.
1) Samyak Darśana. Amongst the four, this one is the most important and is worth acquiring first and foremost. Šivarya says; try to acquire this one first. It is so because even if one dies while acquiring this it is fruitful because only with Samyak Darśana mokṣa is achievable. Once Samyak Darśana is achieved Samyak jñāna, Caritra, tapa is correctly grasped.
Without Samyak Darśana, the Jīva is ignorant and not restrained. Without Samyak Darśana, the knowledge of 11 Arigas is fruitless.
The one who has faith in the six dravyas; Dharma, Adharma, Akāśa, Pudgala, Kāla, and Jiva is one who is follower of Samyak Darśana. (Gāthā No: 35)
STUDY NOTES version 5.0
A detailed discussion of the flaws, the qualities, the degrees of Samyak Darśana, classifications etc are discussed in detailed.
2) Samyak jñāna. That knowledge which has confined to the development of soul is right Knowledge. (Gathā No: 99) With the right knowledge the knowledge of the tattvas (Jiva, ajiva, asrava, etc) is grasped properly. (Gatha No 100) To know the subject of these tattvas one needs to read the scriptures continuously. What is the type of knowledge that one has to acquire? Šivārya answers that, 1) which has in its base the nayas and Pramāņas. 2) Free from the contradictions and free from 32 defaults, 3) which are based on niksepas, anuyogdvāras, nayas, 4) that which has in it the deeper meaning, 5) that which is the highest, 6) which is useful for all Jīvas, 7) that which destroys the bad karmas.
One has to such agamas and acquires such knowledge, is what Sivārya tends to say. (Gatha No: 98) That which is conducive to the development of the soul is necessarily worth acquiring from the scriptures or from the discourses. A person who is without right knowledge takes lacs of years to free from karmic bondages than a person who has this
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