Book Title: Hell for Me I Dare Not even Think of Author(s): Vimalprabhvijay Publisher: Vimalprabhvijayji View full book textPage 3
________________ : References from the Scriptures * Many sins committed in the past birth, such as- dreadful & wicked acts, brutal violence, telling lies, theft affluence for wealth, killing, abortion, indulging in sexual relation with other's wife, lead the soul to the Hell. * The life in Hell experiences 3 types of pain i.e pains of Kshetra, pains given by each other,and the pains given by the diety who give punishment in the Hell.i.e. by Paramadhamee deities.Pains of Kshetra (area) are of 10 categories in the Hell. The sufferings of the tremendous and innumerable times more pains of coldclimate condition as also that of hot condition climate prevail in the Hell and such conditions go on increasing and becoming worse in each & every further/next Hell. * There are Samyagdrishti & Mithyadrishti in Hell. Samyagdrishti :- Such type of the soul in Hell thinks "this is the result of various sins committed by me in my previous past life. Hence, I better suffer or bear the fruits of my own sins ? with patience. What is the fault of others ?" Mithyadrishti:- This category of live/soul, get angry on the people who are apparently cause of pains to them, and thus further accumulates the new sinful Karmas. * There are 7 different types of Hell which are beneath the earth, i. e. In the Pãtãl Lok. It is spreaded over a distance of innumerable Yojans [ 1 Yojan = 6 miles ] Those who commit severe and great Sin take birth in the Hell. Heaven is a place of Luxury but Hell is a place where the life has to suffer only the hardship, tremendous pains, and sorrows. If in the previous life somebody has died due to fire burns or due to some heavy cuts in the body and in the state of bad and ill thoughts than such soul after death, gets born/ birth in Hell, at that point of time the life soul experience relief in Hell, or if soul of some friend deity arrive to consolate, sympathise and give relief, or during the occasion of the Kalyanak of God [there are 5 kalyanak of God as per the Jainism, Viz 1) transmission of soul in womb, 2) birth, 3) Initiation, 4) State of omniscient and 5) Salvation (moksh)] on such occassions, the lives in Hell experience some what relief, otherwise the Hell - lives always suffer hardship, pains and tortures. *Achinimilan Mitam Nithi Suham. During the life span period in Hell, every sinner in Hell remains always in the state of sorrow, hardship and pains. It does not have even a single moment of joy or happiness. So to be saved from falling or degenerating into Hell, one should not commit sin in the life time but follow the path of Religion and practice good moral deeds and be restraintful in the life. * How wide is the Dhanodadhi, Dhanavat & Tanavãt [ a kind of circle ] which is circled around the four corners of the upper layer of the Ratnaprabhã Earth? Area of Dhanodadhi is 6 Yojans [ Measure of Distance] Area of dhanavat is 4.50 Yojan Area of Tanavãt is 1.50 Yojan Area of Alok is 12 Yojan far from the above mentioned area. * There is no need for a security like that in fortress, there is nothing worth that could be stolen away, but only pains & sorrows are to be suffered in the Hell. Lives in Hell are dependant. * There is nothing which is owned by any one there, also nothing which can be divided or distributed. Everything (in Hell) is,inauspicious.Page Navigation
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