Book Title: Hell for Me I Dare Not even Think of Author(s): Vimalprabhvijay Publisher: Vimalprabhvijayji View full book textPage 7
________________ In Hell, not a single breath of relief can be experienced by the sinners. Day & night they are destined with sufferings, and sufferings alone. Sinners in Hell are smashed, they are cut, roasted, broken, melted, pierced, burnt, even then the body of sinners; get joined or united like mercury, due to existence of inauspicious second body substance, even if they wish to die being fedup, they cannot die before completing their life span period. They have to suffer Against their wish. extremely great tortures for a very long prolonged period crying and weeping Anonyakrit pain:- Just like a dog from particular area barks, bites and fights with dog from another area in this world of human beings, in the same way sinners in Hell quarrel, fight, pierce and give tortures to each other, they pierce each other with extreme anger because they are born with sense of revenge. They cut each other's limbs and organs with swords, knifes, arrows, hands, legs, and teeth ; and they pitiably suffer like the animals whose limbs are cut off in a slaughter house. The lower the position of Hell, the greater is the pain and longer is the life span. i. e. in the 1st Hell -there are pains and tortures, there are higher pains and much tortures in 2nd Hell, (as compared to those in 1st Hell much more higher pains and tortures in the 3rd Hell and so on, respectively. (The Hells are situated as 1st Hell to 7th Hell downward fom the earth level.) A GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PAINS TO SINNERS IN HELL. There are various quotes of Hell, of lives of Hell and that of pains to the sinners in Hell given in the religious scriptures of [even] other than Jain Philosophy. Garud Puran is one of the religious scripture which has given a unique narration and important quotes on the subject. A few quote from it is given here. The soul with various types of unstable thoughts, fascinated and bewitched and engrossed in lustful sexual activities, fall in the unholy Hell. Srimad Bhagvat Gita. Kings, members of royal families, ministers, other high level personalities, celebrities, false preachers who disregard religion and disobey the bonds/ Orders, break the barriers of religion- are born in the Vaitarni lake in Hell. (7) They, being characterless, are eaten up by the fishes in Vaitarni river. Even if they wish to die they cannot die. Due to their sins committed in previous life and by remembering the same, they suffer great tortures and pains in this river, which is full of deadly impurities like urine, pus, blood, hairs, fingernails, bones, flesh and fat. Srimad Bhagvat Skand P. A. 26. Oh! Emperor those who eat oil, flesh, meat and indulge in sexual activities on chaudas [the 14th day of lunar calender], atham [ the 8th day], amas [ no moon day], poonam [ full moon day], surya kranti and other days, after their death in this life, they are born in the land of Hell where stool and urine is the food. Shri Vishnu Purãn. Those who kill animals for profit and those who give money for it [ i.e. purchasing or financing for meat and flesh] are considered sinners and are born in Hell and such other places and suffer extreme and endless pains. Therefore, eating non-vegetarian [ meat, flesh etc.] should be avoided. Shri Lankavatar Sutra [Bauddh]. 6 categories of people get Hell to suffer the tortures and pains after their death, i.e. [1] Atheist [2] immodest and Irreverance [3] Greedy [4] Addicted [5] Touts [6] Faithless people. Those soul / lives, who are addicted to 1) gambling. 2) eating non vegetarian, 3) intoxicants, 4) prostitution, 5) hunting, 6) theft, 7) sexual relations with other's wife, such souls are dragged into the Hell. Sinners who are suffering extreme hunger and thirst in Hell have to drink liquid containing foamed blood in the Vaitarni river! Sinners in Hell are beaten up by the extremely dangerous and cruel Yamdoots( deities of death) with weapons like Gadda, and those lives in Hell drink blood which flow from their own wounds! Oh! Garud ! Pains of sinners are of various types! What if the detailed description of the suffering, which is narrated in all the scriptures is made? Means, one may describe it to any maximum extent, even then the same is less, it is not complete, and lacking something! - Shree Garuda PuranPage Navigation
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