'Human beings are created by the God only for our food?'
To save or rescue somebody; is as difficult as lifting the Himalaya mountain. But to hit or kill somebody - is indeed very easy. What is so big about it? One could pierce a knife or shoot a bullet and kill a person [ bird or animal] within a second.
How many persons know how to die? And how many know how to kill? The answer would be that lakhs of people know to kill/bit/beat. Daily, we read in the newspapers that a son killed his father, a brother killed his brother, a husband killed his wife, mother - in-law killed her daughter-in-law, likewise, there are thousands of news we read or hear that someone has beaten or killed someone. Hence, every one knows how to beat or kill, but how many know how to die?
committing sin of killing/slaughtering 500 buffaloes at least for that single day. But even in the well, Kālsourika used to draw with his fingers- the picture of the buffaloes on the sand and then used to cut that picture with his hands like stroke of a sword. Thus, Kalsourika, though unable to slaughter buffaloes, physically; slaughtered them mentally.
Sulash son of Kalsourika ) once explained by words :- "Father ! I have heard the sermons/ preachings of God Mahaveer, This business, is of a very great sin and would take us into the painful Hell. We would have to suffer heavy pains, for these sins for lakhs and crores of years in Hell.'
Kalsourika said, " On the contrary to abandon our traditional business is itself a great sin.” Sulash said, "Father ! If I make this sin and suffer pains, who would save me from there? Then what will happen to me?" But his father was of a greatly violent nature. He was highly sinful and with wrong & false notions / ideas, as such how could he understand all these?
Sulash was born in a butcher's house but after hearing God Mahaveer he knew the sins very well, he abandoned the violent tradition of his family and saved himself from going to Hell, while his father Kalsourika the butcher went to the 7 th Hell.
Let all souls too, be saved from the tremendous sins of violence. [13] KING SHRENIK ONCE PIERCED A PREGNANT DEER WITH HIS ARROW WHICH PASSED THROUGH HER STOMACH.
The deer and her child died after struggling in Vain. The King went near and saw them. He was surprised, two lives killed with one arrow !How wonderful? What an aim ? In this manner appreciation of the sin began.
Appreciation of even violence, rendered the bond of Karma strong, very strong, too strong and extremely stronger. Ultimately, heard sermons from God Neminãth with steady mind and faith in religion arose in him, and it got deeply rooted, performed various rites and rituals of the Religion. In the future - Chovishi (i.e. 24 Gods in Jain Religion), he even got destined as one of those 24 Teerthankar i.e. God; despite this, even he had to suffer in the Hell.
Someone jumped from the height and died, somebody took poison and died, What is difficult? Alas! Is it a death, death to die like a dog! [Better] Die with smiling face and by treating the death [time] as festival.
Nowhere in the scriptures too, it is permitted to kill even one's ownself or committ suicide. And who prefers to die by suicide or sumoto? Someone having become helpless by sorrows, and to get freedom from it, even commits suicide, but what would follow? Ever thought of it? One died with unsatisfied and unfulfilled desires, passions. Lust, unfulfilled hopes and wishes in negative and ill thoughts, but thereafter, he would roam by birth in species of ghost, evil-spirit, monster, witch etc. of course in unsatisfied state of soul. His soul would not achieve a better gati, incarnation, but it would only wander for thousands of years.
Thereafter, his several life incarnations would spoil. Instead of it, what is wrong in bearing some pains and sorrows today? Human life incarnation is extremely valuable. From this birth alone one can even get the highest state of salvation. Then why waste the best of births?
What harm the innocent birds and animals have caused to you? They eat grass in forest and drink water from lake or river. How they have offended you? Why such innocent birds and animals be killed? Even today, the worst state in Hell is ready for such violent and brute killers. [14] QUANTUM OF VIOLENCE IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE?
In the present world, unlimited and unmeasurable violence for different purposes continues
Consider fallacy in argument that the world of birds and animals is created by God for food of human beings, then what will be the outcome if tomorrow some animals like Lion, Tiger or Leopard will claim -
Oh God! Hell for me?!... I dare not even think of..